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Сообщения, опубликованные JesonMile

  1. Hi guys! I originally played shadow of chernobyl a long time ago (I think it was correct when it came out) and not very long, because I was too young to understand the complexity and subtleties of the game. all of a sudden I had the urge to return to the show.

    my question for you guys is what mods do you recommend? I'm looking for a complete sandbox, playing in my own way, like what name of chernobyl or anomaly suggests (I need a recom speed test mendation which  b one to c showbox hoose). I'm also looking for new and better weapons and sounds, realistic weapon damage, more clothing and gear. something that will potentially fix the usual AI crap. modernization of graphics.

    If you guys could give me some advice and also explain why I should choose “call of chernobyl” or “anomaly”, I would appreciate it!