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Сообщения, опубликованные fupengliu

  1. В 8/12/2020 в 7:56 PM, AmraWolf сказал:

    When using the Scavenger pda, a stable crash, the mod is installed on the Steam version of the game, the patch is installed, what should I do, how to fix it?


    Дополнено 19 минуты спустя
    В 4/18/2021 в 2:23 PM, Stern-13 сказал:

    What description? Where did they download from?

    EXCUSE ME,When using the Scavenger pda, a stable crash, the mod is installed on the Steam version of the game, the patch is installed, what should I do, how to fix it?

  2. 6 часов назад, 4udik сказал:
    • We are peaceful people, but our armored train
    • It's on the side of the road.

    To my great regret, there is no translation into English. I can, of course, translate it with Google Translator. But I'm afraid that many jokes will be lost in translation. In this mod, a couple of characters speak Ukrainian and one is Georgian. Plus the special slang of the bandits.
    In addition, there are sound inserts in the mod - various talks on the radio. How to translate this adequately - I have no idea.


    Do not confuse warm with soft! It is still unknown who influences whom here. And in what direction 

    Updated 4 minutes later

    I recommend, of course, to play the PHOTOGRAPHER in the processing of the Chudik. Me, that is. I improved everything there, as usual. I started with the lyrics, and then I couldn’t stop in time and changed about everything. In short, I like it myself.

    ok,i understood,and tk so much!

  3. В 12/2/2022 в 11:15 PM, Ева Сухая сказал:

    The topic has already been raised above. If you have no friends, then there will be a corresponding topic-channel for finding a partner - the same person who has no one to play with, but wants to. Who knows, maybe thanks to us you will make new friends.

    I wonder who at the present time everything is stable with free time.

    We, Vasyans of "Belarus", like to do something new. Actually, this is the main reason that allowed us to recover without problems from slaps in the face in the form of copyrights twice in a row; the reason we're back for the third time despite the sneer from the stalker community is to do something new. This new thing fascinates us, you know? We spend our time on this new, we spend our lives, because of this new we sometimes do not sleep at night, but we like it. I like it for one reason: we are doing something new. This time, this new idea was for us to make a full-fledged (as long as your strength lasts) cooperative gameplay on X-Ray, where the actions of two players will be tied to each other. Yes, we understand that modification becomes narrowly focused because of this. But this does not stop us, because we do what we want.

    cool!  although i donot know whether i can find a partner to enjoy it

  4. 20 минут назад, 4udik сказал:

    To my great regret, a huge part of the brilliance of this modification lies precisely in the text. And not even in the words that are spoken, but in what is meant by it. The characters speak in very short chopped phrases, because the interlocutor always understands the subtext, understands more than what is said.

    For example:
    at the very beginning of the modification, two people are talking. The Greek and the Dead Man.
    - Hey man! Have a seat, let's have a smoke. Where did you come from? What side of the world did you come from? I missed it.
    -- The south. -- The Greek Answers.
    - M... interesting. What's it like down south?
    -- Probably the same as everywhere else. -- The Greek Answers.

    That's not what they actually said to each other, not what their words sounded like.
    The DeadMan asked:
    -- Where did you come from in this cursed place? No one walks around here. That chimney you just came out of doesn't lead anywhere.
    The Greek answered him:
    -- None of your fucking business.


    I'm not talking about special words. In the following phrases there will be the word "prosohatil", which no translator will be able to translate for you. In English it would be something like "fucked up".

    oh,so  complicated,i remember that dialogue that just at the beginning of the game,although have obstacles ,i will try to enjoy it,cause  its zone,hahah

    • Жму руку 1

  5. 12 часов назад, 4udik сказал:

    As far as I know, this modification has no translation into English. You will have difficulty with the online translation using your phone - there is a lot of slang in this modification. I am not sure if automatic word translation will help in this case. If anything, to the best of my ability, I am willing to help you with your questions. I also use an on-line translator to answer you.

    In my personal ranking, this modification ranks first, the best of what modders have created.

    got it,i also can get some help from the  walkthrough  video at youtube, so kind of you

  6. 10 минут назад, 4udik сказал:

    The first thing to do is to enter the game settings in the main menu and check which keys are assigned to movement and other actions. I don't see any other reasons.

    I can't imagine how you would play modification this. It consists entirely of text clues in Russian, with slang and subtext being used. Plus there is a lot of voiced dialogue in Russian, which is not duplicated by the text.

    sorry,i solved it,so thanks,and 1.3 edition has any eng tran?although i can use my phone to trans...

  7. В 5/16/2023 в 3:18 AM, 4udik сказал:

    Let's start from afar: which version did you download and from where?

    I recommend The Last Stalker 1.3 based on OGSR.

    And install strictly according to the instructions:

      instruction (Show content)

    Сталкер Тень Чернобыля с новым движком OGSR и уже установленным модом Последний Сталкер 1.3 + отдельно авторский патч от Zaurus. 


    Скачать, распаковать в любое место.

    Там папка ALSv13x64, а внутри 9 файлов. Один из них - исполняемый. Setup_als13.exe. Его и нужно запустить. Далее игра с модом сами установятся, куда укажите.

    Русскими буквами папки лучше не называть, во избежание.

    После того, как всё установилось, нужно поставить fix1. Это там же внутри папки ALSv13x64 один из 9 файлов - Fix1.7z

    Раскрыть архив и скопировать папку mods прямо в папку игры.

    На этом установка мода в авторской версии завершена, можно играть.

    Зайти в игру - настроить кнопки управления под себя. Автор мода - левша, там настройки под другую руку, надо перестраивать.

    Настроить разрешение экрана и графику, звук. Выйти из игры.

    И вот теперь можно играть!

    Игра запускается файлом xrEngine.exe из папки BIN_X64.

    Можно в ярлык добавить параметры для скорости: -nointro -noprefetch -noshadows -external

    Игра может быть запущена только на 64-битной версии Windows.

    Any patches, fixes and additions from version 1.2 cannot be installed. Causes the game to crash on loading.

    Download links:

    Download from Google Drive 



    thank u for your efforts,and i install the mod successfully,but  enter the game,i just cant walk....have any advises?