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  1. I've created this account just to leave this comment. I'm usually a big fan of well crafted hardcore modifications for S.T.A.L.K.E.R. I've put 14 hours into this mod trying to give it a try, and this is the most broken and nonsensical modification I've ever experienced. This "mod" is manufactured suffering. Just another unbalanced slop from a Modder that is hiding his questionable decisions and overall incompetence behind the "hardcore" term. Hardcore mods are supposed to be difficult, balanced and logical, which yours is not. You just made it hard for the sake of being hard. You are incapable of balancing out all the features in the game, you just cramped a bunch of hardcore features together without zero actual thought. Soldiers are extremely accurate and can spot you immediately in the night, while the player can't. Enemies in general can gun you down in 2-3 shots while for the player it takes more than that. Enemies in general are more accurate and snap onto target immediately, while the player has to suffer trough the bullshit and imbalanced skill system you've implemented which affects the aiming down the sight and adds the worst weapon sway I've experience in any "hardcore" game or mod. The enemies, the progression, the skill tree, everything is unbalanced and made to be hard just for the sake of it.