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Весь контент doolittle

  1. Thank you ! that worked out. Guess i enabled the fix thinking it was needed lol. All is progressing again!
  2. Hello. i love this modpack. other than some crashes here and there which i believe are mostly due to my laptop. I'm having an issue and I am stuck. During mortal sin endgame once you do the fight in the generators and chernobog runs off into the war lab, i get to him in the room with the pods and get sent to the sarcophagus. After fighting all ten waves i am confused what I'm supposed to do, where is chernobog at this point? i fast traveled back to the war lab and he's not there, i tried to turn of the generators and the handle cant be activated, I've shot the blue glowing things and killed the guys in the pod and still cant activate the switch. id love to continue the story after this but i am lost as to what i am supposed to do. If i can just somehow progress the quest and be done with it, guessing heading back to faction leader would be the next part after killing chernobog that would be fine too but i don't know how to do that or if its possible. Any help would be greatly appreciated