Ребят, вчера играл, все было норм, сегодня захожу и каждый раз выдает такое, в логах нашел вот такое
!!!DLTX ERROR Attemped to override section 'scope_groza_po4x34', which doesn't exist. Ensure that a base section with the same name is loaded first. Check this file and its DLTX mods: d:/anomalyy1\gamedata\configs\system.ltx, mod file mod_system_tiskar_attachment_alignment.ltx
!!!DLTX ERROR Attemped to override section 'scope_groza_po4x34', which doesn't exist. Ensure that a base section with the same name is loaded first. Check this file and its DLTX mods: d:/anomalyy1\gamedata\configs\system.ltx, mod file mod_system_weapons_fixes_gamma.ltx