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  1. Здравствуйте подскажите что за лог вылета Expression : <no expression> Function : CInifile::r_string File : Xr_ini.cpp Line : 1117 Description : fatal error Arguments : Can't find variable inv_name in [tch_loot] stack trace:
  2. Нет, вида [error]Arguments : Can't open section 'ammo_blk_300'. Please attach [*.ini_log] file to your bug report но у меня только про 50 калибр - ща нет текста ошибки под рукой, но она типична и, похожу, касается всех новых добавленных калибров.
  3. Download links: » Download "Lost Alpha DC Extended" with FO: Torrent [8 GB]https://disk.yandex.ru/d/3nnOrcIRAjGccg Repack includes everything you need, install and play. After installation, you need to update the game in the launcher. » Download Launcher for Lost Alpha DC Extended with FO: Google Drive [640 KB]https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fJ50PGSjKRfMlr_N9UezkSmRHrfG2sZT/view When installing the repack, you do not need to update the launcher. Engine update to version 7956: » Download Lost Alpha DC Extended Engine Update from FO: DropBox [29.98 MB]https://www.dropbox.com/home/LADCE_bins_upd Copy files to bins folder with replacement. When installing a repack, you do not need to update. How to install "Lost Alpha DC Extended" via launcher: 1) Install Lost Alpha DC 1.4007. 2) Delete the "appdata and mods" folders from the game folder. 3) Inside the "gamedata" folder: delete the "spawns" folder (if it exists) "spawns.db0", "textures.db6" archives, delete "la21_generators2.db0" in the "levels" folder. 4) Unpack the downloaded archive into the folder with the installed game, confirming the replacement of files. 5) Launch the launcher and in the mods section, install LADC Extended. 6) After installing LADC Extended, you can install mods from the launcher to your liking. Дополнено 2 минуты спустя Кого его? Мод?
  4. Подскажите может кто сталкивался. Обновил до последней версии. Загрузил сейв и такое...Что может быть? --------------------------- Fatal Error --------------------------- Expression : <no expression> Function : CInifile::r_section File : Xr_ini.cpp Line : 1101 Description : fatal error Arguments : Can't open section 'af_oxygen_tank_3'. Please attach [*.ini_log] file to your bug report stack trace: Press OK to abort execution --------------------------- ОК --------------------------- Пробывал чистить хэш, загрузку с прошлых локации, не хочет П.С. Переустановил сборку и всё заработало , но возникла другая проблема. Мне не подойти к деревне новичков, игра просто виснет. Такое ощущение, что на определенном расстоянии до деревни (пробывал с разных сторон подойти), что то начинает грузить и игра виснет
  5. gibe

    Lost Alpha DC Extended

    Hello I'm taking over the French translation of Lost Alpha - v 2.83. The old one is not adapted. I can't launch the game with this translation. I enclose : - the error log + the mdmp file - the French translation - renamed "eng" I'm working alone and I can't test my work, the translation being imperfect I can't distribute it. Thank you for helping me. J-B
  6. Thanks for sharing us this new video. One of the many mods I can't wait to try. Love the village @ 1:40 in.
  7. N42 пытаюсь проспавнить вертолет :( local pos = db.actor:position() local miss = 50 local target = vector():set(pos.x, pos.y + miss, pos.z) alife():create("helicopter", target, 1, db.actor:game_vertex_id()) Получаю вылет: [error]Expression : motion_ID.valid() [error]Function : CKinematicsAnimated::ID_Cycle [error]File : D:\a\OGSR-Engine\OGSR-Engine\ogsr_engine\Layers\xrRender\SkeletonAnimated.cpp [error]Line : 195 [error]Description : ! MODEL: can't find cycle: [error]Arguments : $editor Получилось проспавнить через пакет. Если кому надо будет. Файл закрепил. spawn.heli(pos.x, pos.y + miss, pos.z, db.actor:level_vertex_id(), db.actor:game_vertex_id(), "") Только у вертолета вообще нет звука. Сейчас попробуем сбить. spawn.script
  8. Ребята, возникла проблема с модом, дело в том что не могу начать игру, потому что на экране загрузке зависает. Вот короче лог Expression : fatal error Function : CInifile::r_section File : D:\prog_repository\sources\trunk\xrCore\Xr_ini.cpp Line : 502 Description : <no expression> Arguments : Can't open section 'money_meshochek_5000_6000'. Please attach [*.ini_log] file to your bug report
  9. Мы мирные люди, но наш бронепоезд Стоит на запаном пути. To my great regret, there is no translation into English. I can, of course, translate it with Google Translator. But I'm afraid that many jokes will be lost in translation. In this mod, a couple of characters speak Ukrainian and one is Georgian. Plus the special slang of the bandits. In addition, there are sound inserts in the mod - various talks on the radio. How to translate this adequately - I have no idea. Не нужно путать тёплое с мягким! Это еще неизвестно, кто тут на кого влияет. И в какую сторону ))) Дополнено 4 минуты спустя Рекомендую, конечно, играть в ФОТОГРАФ в обработке Чудика. Меня, то есть. Я там, как обычно, всё улучшил. Начал с текстов, а потом не смог вовремя остановиться и поменял примерно всё. Короч, самому нравиЦЦа.
  10. cool! although i donot know whether i can find a partner to enjoy it
  11. Босс Zver hud, я на затоне и никакие двери не имеют кнопок итеракции и не реагируют на нажатие кнопки итеракции, странно Дополнено 22 минуты спустя решил начать новую игру, теперь вылет с ошибкой: FATAL ERROR [error]Expression : <no expression> [error]Function : CInifile::r_section [error]File : Xr_ini.cpp [error]Line : 1101 [error]Description : fatal error [error]Arguments : Can't open section 'dog_shepherd_80'. Please attach [*.ini_log] file to your bug report stack trace: хотя я ничего не трогал
  12. Raid если такой вылет наблюдается Expression : <no expression> Function : CInifile::r_section File : Xr_ini.cpp Line : 544 Description : fatal error Arguments : Can't open section 'head_damage_017'. Please attach [*.ini_log] file to your bug report stack trace: то криво установил? Получается, у меня Аномали в отдельной папке, гамма в другой папке, все на одном диске. В МО2 указал пути до папки с Аномали. Но ловлю такое
  13. Web_Root От души браток, реально выручил Дополнено 13 минуты спустя То-ли я дурак, то-ли лыжи не едут. Закинул файл твой по пути, указанному тобой, но всё равно эта ошибка FATAL ERROR [error]Expression : <no expression> [error]Function : inventory::upgrade::Group::can_install [error]File : inventory_upgrade_group.cpp [error]Line : 105 [error]Description : fatal error [error]Arguments : Loading item: Upgrade <up_fourtc_svd_nimble> of inventory item [wpn_svu_pmc_gauss_sight] (id = 65535) can`t be installed! Error = result_e_parents stack trace: Если что, вот лог-файл. xray_user.log
  14. Та же беда этого апгрейда только с вепрь тактический, он же wpn_vepr762x54_gauss_sight Loading item: Upgrade <up_fourtc_svd_nimble> of inventory item [wpn_vepr762x54_gauss_sight] (id = 65535) can`t be installed! Error = result_e_parents Скрипт походу не докрутили в функции inventory::upgrade::Group::can_install. Дополнено 14 минуты спустя Нашел способ исправить эту ошибку чтобы пройти квест, у меня этот вылет был после разговора с Лесником по поводу "неизвестных сталкеров в лесу". После этого спавнится у аномалии "Сверхпроводник" отряд во главе с "карателем". Вот его и модельки нет. В файлах игры по пути "gamedata\meshes\actors" уже есть две папки: newduty и newfreedom, должна быть еще и newsin. Копируешь на выбор любую из этих двух папок, меняешь название папки (на newsin) и названия файлов соответственно... Пример: stalker_dolg_4_seva.ogf --> stalker_sin_2_3.ogf stalker_dolg_4_seva_alt.ogf --> stalker_sin_2_3_atl.ogf Таким образом можно хоть квест пройти уже без вылетов, но эти "каратели" будут спавнится в долговской севе... Как то так ))) Дополнено 7 минуты спустя Сообразил решение как можно пофиксить данный вылет с ошибкой. Беда с прицелом gauss_sight и vepr762x54 (по крайней мере у меня только с этим оружие на Затоне вылеты). Предполагаю что где то спавнится НПС с этим оружием + прицел Ниже файл - w_wepr762x54.ltx закинуть в папку по пути "gamedata\configs\items\weapons" Там закоментирован этот самый прицел в параметре scopes Вылеты прекратились после этого Думаю многим пригодится... w_vepr762x54.ltx
  15. Expression : fatal error Function : CInifile::r_section File : C:\MFS-Team\Advanced-X-Ray\SourcesAXR\xrCore\Xr_ini.cpp Line : 503 Description : <no expression> Arguments : Can't open section 'ammo_5.7x28'. Please attach [*.ini_log] file to your bug report stack trace: Всем привет. Вот такая фигня. Сделал всё, как описано, фикс поставил.
  16. День добрый, при попытке заговорить с петренко ловлю вылет Expression : <no expression> Function : CModelPool::Instance_Load File : ..\xrRender\ModelPool.cpp Line : 120 Description : fatal error Arguments : Can't find model file 'dynamics\weapons\wpn_700black\wpn_700black_world.ogf'. версия 1.24.02 отбой тревоги, версию 24 не накатил.
  17. Добрый день, искал решение по данной проблеме в этой теме, так и не нашел. Кто то уже решил? Expression : <no expression> Function : inventory::upgrade::Group::can_install File : inventory_upgrade_group.cpp Line : 105 Description : fatal error Arguments : Loading item: Upgrade <up_fourtc_svd_nimble> of inventory item [wpn_svu_pmc_gauss_sight] (id = 65535) can`t be installed! Error = result_e_parents stack trace:
  18. Подскажите пожайлуйста, что делать в ситуации с подобной ошибкой: expression : <no expression> function : cmodelpool::instance_load file : .. \xrrender\modelpool.cpp line : 120 description : fatal error arguments : can't find model file 'actors\newsin\stalker_sin_2_3.ogf'. stack trace: P.S. Я так понимаю он не видит модельку / иконку "греховцев". Сам файл и его расположение я видел и знаю, но проблема в том что он открывается в подобном виде: , бAgї ЄљєҐЯ‘ѕBCg?jxу?/ia>ађ »Ч/s?щP Ѕ?E{? F stalker_sin_1_4.ogf blender qОнcunknown \\DESKT Ошибка сюжетного квеста Смертный Грех Лесник.txt
  19. Certainly am looking forward to this release. Every screenshot they have been sharing have all been good. Can't wait for the new video.
  20. Возникла проблема. Вылет на ЧАЭС при подходе к зоне активации выброса. Стабильный, сэйвлоад не помогает. Вот лог: [09.06.23 10:17:56.315] * Detected CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-8100 CPU @ 3.60GHz [GenuineIntel], F6/M158/S11 [09.06.23 10:17:56.315] * CPU features: RDTSC, MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, MONITOR/MWAIT, SSSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, AVX, AVX2 [09.06.23 10:17:56.315] * CPU cores: [4], threads: [4] [09.06.23 10:17:56.315] * CPU0 current freq: 3600 MHz, max freq: 3600 MHz [09.06.23 10:17:56.315] * CPU1 current freq: 3600 MHz, max freq: 3600 MHz [09.06.23 10:17:56.315] * CPU2 current freq: 3600 MHz, max freq: 3600 MHz [09.06.23 10:17:56.315] * CPU3 current freq: 3600 MHz, max freq: 3600 MHz [09.06.23 10:17:56.315] Initializing File System... [09.06.23 10:17:56.316] --Found base arch: [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. ns ogsr 2023\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata.db_base_configs], size: [15253495] [09.06.23 10:17:56.479] --Found base arch: [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. ns ogsr 2023\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata.db_base_levels_1], size: [2038492551] [09.06.23 10:17:56.639] --Found base arch: [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. ns ogsr 2023\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata.db_base_levels_2], size: [2005668681] [09.06.23 10:17:56.737] --Found base arch: [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. ns ogsr 2023\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata.db_base_levels_3], size: [540812383] [09.06.23 10:17:56.848] --Found base arch: [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. ns ogsr 2023\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata.db_base_meshes], size: [920884238] [09.06.23 10:17:57.102] --Found base arch: [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. ns ogsr 2023\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata.db_base_sounds_1], size: [1992957804] [09.06.23 10:17:58.093] --Found base arch: [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. ns ogsr 2023\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata.db_base_sounds_2], size: [132824374] [09.06.23 10:17:58.455] --Found base arch: [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. ns ogsr 2023\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata.db_base_textures_1], size: [1999741564] [09.06.23 10:17:58.735] --Found base arch: [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. ns ogsr 2023\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata.db_base_textures_2], size: [2043567418] [09.06.23 10:17:59.003] --Found base arch: [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. ns ogsr 2023\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata.db_base_textures_3], size: [1992475962] [09.06.23 10:17:59.411] --Found base arch: [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. ns ogsr 2023\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata.db_base_textures_4], size: [1993955688] [09.06.23 10:17:59.758] --Found base arch: [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. ns ogsr 2023\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata.db_base_textures_5], size: [2000603871] [09.06.23 10:17:59.978] --Found base arch: [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. ns ogsr 2023\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata.db_base_textures_6], size: [1992756057] [09.06.23 10:18:00.332] --Found base arch: [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. ns ogsr 2023\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata.db_base_textures_7], size: [593591572] [09.06.23 10:18:00.602] --Found base arch: [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. ns ogsr 2023\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata.db_patch], size: [168222175] [09.06.23 10:18:00.861] using fs-ltx: [fsgame.ltx] [09.06.23 10:18:00.999] --Found FS dir: [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. ns ogsr 2023\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\mods\] [09.06.23 10:18:00.999] files: [3] [09.06.23 10:18:00.999] --Found FS dir: [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. ns ogsr 2023\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\_appdata_\] [09.06.23 10:18:00.999] files: [8] [09.06.23 10:18:01.350] --Found FS dir: [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. ns ogsr 2023\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\_appdata_\savedgames\] [09.06.23 10:18:01.362] files: [3071] [09.06.23 10:18:01.368] --Found FS dir: [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. ns ogsr 2023\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\_appdata_\logs\] [09.06.23 10:18:01.368] files: [75] [09.06.23 10:18:01.369] --Found FS dir: [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. ns ogsr 2023\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\_appdata_\screenshots\] [09.06.23 10:18:01.369] files: [94] [09.06.23 10:18:01.369] --Found external arch: [hud_num.xdb], size: [1163539] [09.06.23 10:18:01.370] FS: 77050 files cached, 0Kb memory used. [09.06.23 10:18:01.370] Init FileSystem 5.054621 sec [09.06.23 10:18:01.371] [OGSR Engine (x64)] build date: [Jan 4 2023 09:19:51] [09.06.23 10:18:01.371] [_MSC_FULL_VER]: [193431933], [_MSVC_LANG]: [202002L] [09.06.23 10:18:01.371] Working Directory: [D:\Games\S.T.A.L.K.E.R. NS OGSR 2023\S.T.A.L.K.E.R.NS.OGSR\bin_x64] [09.06.23 10:18:01.371] CommandLine: ["D:\Games\S.T.A.L.K.E.R. NS OGSR 2023\S.T.A.L.K.E.R.NS.OGSR\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe" ] [09.06.23 10:18:01.371] ~ Apply system_mods.ltx... [09.06.23 10:18:02.604] Initializing Engine... [09.06.23 10:18:02.605] Starting INPUT device... [09.06.23 10:18:03.037] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [09.06.23 10:18:03.037] [8128MB] physical memory installed, [3290MB] available, [59] percent of memory in use [09.06.23 10:18:03.037] PageFile usage: [74MB], Peak PageFile usage: [134MB] [09.06.23 10:18:03.037] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [09.06.23 10:18:03.037] * [ D3D ]: textures[0 K] [09.06.23 10:18:03.037] * [x-ray]: process heap[0 K], render[0 K] [09.06.23 10:18:03.037] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[23941 K], smem[0 K] [09.06.23 10:18:03.037] SOUND: OpenAL: enumerate devices... [09.06.23 10:18:03.037] SOUND: OpenAL: EnumerationExtension Present [09.06.23 10:18:04.102] devices Generic Software [09.06.23 10:18:04.102] SOUND: OpenAL: system default SndDevice name is Generic Software [09.06.23 10:18:04.491] SOUND: OpenAL: All available devices: [09.06.23 10:18:04.491] 1. Generic Software, Spec Version 1.1 (default) eax[2] efx[no] xram[no] [09.06.23 10:18:04.491] 2. OpenAL Soft, Spec Version 1.1 eax[0] efx[yes] xram[no] [09.06.23 10:18:04.491] Executing config-script "d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. ns ogsr 2023\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata\config\default_controls.ltx"... [09.06.23 10:18:04.493] [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. ns ogsr 2023\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata\config\default_controls.ltx] successfully loaded. [09.06.23 10:18:04.493] Executing config-script "user.ltx"... [09.06.23 10:18:04.528] Executing config-script "d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. ns ogsr 2023\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata\config\rspec_extreme.ltx"... [09.06.23 10:18:04.528] [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. ns ogsr 2023\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata\config\rspec_extreme.ltx] successfully loaded. [09.06.23 10:18:04.528] Executing config-script "d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. ns ogsr 2023\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata\config\default_controls.ltx"... [09.06.23 10:18:04.529] [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. ns ogsr 2023\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata\config\default_controls.ltx] successfully loaded. [09.06.23 10:18:04.529] [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. ns ogsr 2023\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\_appdata_\user.ltx] successfully loaded. [09.06.23 10:18:04.529] SOUND: Selected device is OpenAL Soft [09.06.23 10:18:04.568] [OpenAL] EFX: present [09.06.23 10:18:04.607] * sound : cache: 65537 kb, 4856 lines, 13820 bpl [09.06.23 10:18:04.620] Starting RENDER device... [09.06.23 10:18:04.657] * GPU [vendor:10DE]-[device:1C82]: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti [09.06.23 10:18:05.125] [CHW::CreateDevice] refCount of [HW.pDevice]: [3] [09.06.23 10:18:05.125] * Texture memory: 4019 M [09.06.23 10:18:05.127] * GPU shading: vs(0/4.0/40), ps(0/4.0/40) [09.06.23 10:18:05.128] * GPU vertex cache: unrecognized, 24 [09.06.23 10:18:05.128] * DVB created: 4096K [09.06.23 10:18:05.128] * DIB created: 512K [09.06.23 10:18:05.166] [CResourceManager::OnDeviceCreate] count of *shaders*.xr files: [1] [09.06.23 10:18:05.169] ! Version conflict in shader 'models\lightplanes_00' [09.06.23 10:18:05.169] ! Version conflict in shader 'models\lightplanesself' [09.06.23 10:18:05.169] ! Version conflict in shader 'models\model_puh' [09.06.23 10:18:05.169] ! Version conflict in shader 'models\model_refl' [09.06.23 10:18:05.169] ! Version conflict in shader 'models\xbrainglass' [09.06.23 10:18:05.169] ! Version conflict in shader 'models\xdistortcolorlinv' [09.06.23 10:18:05.169] ! Version conflict in shader 'models\xglass' [09.06.23 10:18:05.169] ! Version conflict in shader 'models\xglass2' [09.06.23 10:18:05.169] ! Version conflict in shader 'models\xlens' [09.06.23 10:18:05.169] ! Version conflict in shader 'selflight_static' [09.06.23 10:18:05.171] [CTextureDescrMngr::LoadLTX] count of *textures*.ltx files: [1] [09.06.23 10:18:06.192] !![IReaderBase<class IReader>::find_chunk_thm] THM [act\act_arm_exo_f] chunk [2072] fixed, wrong size = [34], correct size = [31] [09.06.23 10:18:06.226] !![IReaderBase<class IReader>::find_chunk_thm] THM [act\act_arm_exo_k] chunk [2072] fixed, wrong size = [34], correct size = [31] [09.06.23 10:18:06.226] !![IReaderBase<class IReader>::find_chunk_thm] THM [act\act_arm_exo_m] chunk [2072] fixed, wrong size = [34], correct size = [31] [09.06.23 10:18:06.244] !![IReaderBase<class IReader>::find_chunk_thm] THM [act\act_arm_exo_rad2] chunk [2072] fixed, wrong size = [31], correct size = [42] [09.06.23 10:18:07.886] !![IReaderBase<class IReader>::find_chunk_thm] THM [act\bibliotekar\bibliotekar] chunk [2072] fixed, wrong size = [32], correct size = [41] [09.06.23 10:18:07.890] !![IReaderBase<class IReader>::find_chunk_thm] THM [act\bibliotekar\bibliotekar_2] chunk [2072] fixed, wrong size = [32], correct size = [43] [09.06.23 10:18:14.662] !![IReaderBase<class IReader>::find_chunk_thm] THM [floor\floor_tile_01] chunk [2070] fixed, wrong size = [28], correct size = [5] [09.06.23 10:18:20.487] !![IReaderBase<class IReader>::find_chunk_thm] THM [mtl\mtl_truba_factory] chunk [2070] fixed, wrong size = [33], correct size = [5] [09.06.23 10:18:20.487] !![IReaderBase<class IReader>::find_chunk_thm] THM [mtl\mtl_truba_factory] chunk [2072] fixed, wrong size = [33], correct size = [5] [09.06.23 10:18:20.487] !![IReaderBase<class IReader>::find_chunk_thm] THM [mtl\mtl_truba_factory] chunk [2072] fixed, wrong size = [33], correct size = [32] [09.06.23 10:18:20.490] !![IReaderBase<class IReader>::find_chunk_thm] THM [mtl\mtl_truba_pod_01] chunk [2070] fixed, wrong size = [33], correct size = [5] [09.06.23 10:18:20.490] !![IReaderBase<class IReader>::find_chunk_thm] THM [mtl\mtl_truba_pod_01] chunk [2072] fixed, wrong size = [33], correct size = [5] [09.06.23 10:18:20.490] !![IReaderBase<class IReader>::find_chunk_thm] THM [mtl\mtl_truba_pod_01] chunk [2072] fixed, wrong size = [33], correct size = [32] [09.06.23 10:18:20.500] !![IReaderBase<class IReader>::find_chunk_thm] THM [mtl\mtl_truba_ql02] chunk [2070] fixed, wrong size = [33], correct size = [5] [09.06.23 10:18:20.500] !![IReaderBase<class IReader>::find_chunk_thm] THM [mtl\mtl_truba_ql02] chunk [2072] fixed, wrong size = [33], correct size = [5] [09.06.23 10:18:20.500] !![IReaderBase<class IReader>::find_chunk_thm] THM [mtl\mtl_truba_ql02] chunk [2072] fixed, wrong size = [33], correct size = [32] [09.06.23 10:18:27.004] !![IReaderBase<class IReader>::find_chunk_thm] THM [ston\ston_stena_06a] chunk [2070] fixed, wrong size = [29], correct size = [5] [09.06.23 10:18:38.487] !![IReaderBase<class IReader>::find_chunk_thm] THM [wpn\addons\1p29\scope] chunk [2072] fixed, wrong size = [30], correct size = [35] [09.06.23 10:18:38.495] !![IReaderBase<class IReader>::find_chunk_thm] THM [wpn\addons\gp25\gp25] chunk [2072] fixed, wrong size = [31], correct size = [34] [09.06.23 10:18:38.545] !![IReaderBase<class IReader>::find_chunk_thm] THM [wpn\addons\lastochka\worn] chunk [2072] fixed, wrong size = [40], correct size = [39] [09.06.23 10:18:38.557] !![IReaderBase<class IReader>::find_chunk_thm] THM [wpn\addons\pistolsil] chunk [2072] fixed, wrong size = [30], correct size = [34] [09.06.23 10:18:38.775] !![IReaderBase<class IReader>::find_chunk_thm] THM [wpn\addons\tgp-a\sil] chunk [2072] fixed, wrong size = [40], correct size = [34] [09.06.23 10:18:39.594] !![IReaderBase<class IReader>::find_chunk_thm] THM [wpn\ksvk\1] chunk [2072] fixed, wrong size = [29], correct size = [24] [09.06.23 10:18:39.597] !![IReaderBase<class IReader>::find_chunk_thm] THM [wpn\ksvk\2] chunk [2072] fixed, wrong size = [29], correct size = [24] [09.06.23 10:18:40.026] !![IReaderBase<class IReader>::find_chunk_thm] THM [wpn\p99\body] chunk [2072] fixed, wrong size = [27], correct size = [26] [09.06.23 10:18:40.030] !![IReaderBase<class IReader>::find_chunk_thm] THM [wpn\p99\mag] chunk [2072] fixed, wrong size = [27], correct size = [25] [09.06.23 10:18:40.638] !![IReaderBase<class IReader>::find_chunk_thm] THM [wpn\vsk94\pso1] chunk [2072] fixed, wrong size = [30], correct size = [29] [09.06.23 10:18:41.038] !![IReaderBase<class IReader>::find_chunk_thm] THM [wpn\wpn_addon_mount_kv04] chunk [2072] fixed, wrong size = [39], correct size = [38] [09.06.23 10:18:41.082] !![IReaderBase<class IReader>::find_chunk_thm] THM [wpn\wpn_addon_scope_1pn34] chunk [2072] fixed, wrong size = [41], correct size = [39] [09.06.23 10:18:41.314] !![IReaderBase<class IReader>::find_chunk_thm] THM [wpn\wpn_addon_scope_pn23] chunk [2072] fixed, wrong size = [40], correct size = [38] [09.06.23 10:18:41.351] !![IReaderBase<class IReader>::find_chunk_thm] THM [wpn\wpn_addon_scope_specterdr] chunk [2072] fixed, wrong size = [36], correct size = [43] [09.06.23 10:18:41.439] !![IReaderBase<class IReader>::find_chunk_thm] THM [wpn\wpn_addon_worn] chunk [2072] fixed, wrong size = [40], correct size = [32] [09.06.23 10:18:41.499] !![IReaderBase<class IReader>::find_chunk_thm] THM [wpn\wpn_ak74_mag_plastic_45] chunk [2072] fixed, wrong size = [28], correct size = [41] [09.06.23 10:18:41.507] !![IReaderBase<class IReader>::find_chunk_thm] THM [wpn\wpn_ak74_sk3] chunk [2072] fixed, wrong size = [40], correct size = [26] [09.06.23 10:18:41.552] !![IReaderBase<class IReader>::find_chunk_thm] THM [wpn\wpn_aks4] chunk [2072] fixed, wrong size = [40], correct size = [26] [09.06.23 10:18:41.720] !![IReaderBase<class IReader>::find_chunk_thm] THM [wpn\wpn_anpeq16a_bump] chunk [2073] fixed, wrong size = [26], correct size = [22] [09.06.23 10:18:42.006] !![IReaderBase<class IReader>::find_chunk_thm] THM [wpn\wpn_famas] chunk [2072] fixed, wrong size = [40], correct size = [27] [09.06.23 10:18:42.016] !![IReaderBase<class IReader>::find_chunk_thm] THM [wpn\wpn_famas_rail] chunk [2072] fixed, wrong size = [40], correct size = [32] [09.06.23 10:18:42.151] !![IReaderBase<class IReader>::find_chunk_thm] THM [wpn\wpn_g36k_handle] chunk [2072] fixed, wrong size = [26], correct size = [33] [09.06.23 10:18:42.256] !![IReaderBase<class IReader>::find_chunk_thm] THM [wpn\wpn_gauss_rifle_bump] chunk [2073] fixed, wrong size = [19], correct size = [25] [09.06.23 10:18:42.439] !![IReaderBase<class IReader>::find_chunk_thm] THM [wpn\wpn_hkmp5_handguard_rail_bump] chunk [2073] fixed, wrong size = [19], correct size = [34] [09.06.23 10:18:42.440] !![IReaderBase<class IReader>::find_chunk_thm] THM [wpn\wpn_hkmp5_rail_bump] chunk [2073] fixed, wrong size = [19], correct size = [24] [09.06.23 10:18:42.444] !![IReaderBase<class IReader>::find_chunk_thm] THM [wpn\wpn_hkmp5_stock_bump] chunk [2073] fixed, wrong size = [19], correct size = [25] [09.06.23 10:18:42.541] !![IReaderBase<class IReader>::find_chunk_thm] THM [wpn\wpn_l85_carryhandle] chunk [2072] fixed, wrong size = [25], correct size = [37] [09.06.23 10:18:42.561] !![IReaderBase<class IReader>::find_chunk_thm] THM [wpn\wpn_l85a2_ironsight_bump] chunk [2073] fixed, wrong size = [20], correct size = [29] [09.06.23 10:18:42.589] !![IReaderBase<class IReader>::find_chunk_thm] THM [wpn\wpn_l85a2_picatiny_bump] chunk [2073] fixed, wrong size = [20], correct size = [28] [09.06.23 10:18:42.597] !![IReaderBase<class IReader>::find_chunk_thm] THM [wpn\wpn_l85a2_tac_handler_bump] chunk [2073] fixed, wrong size = [20], correct size = [31] [09.06.23 10:18:42.616] !![IReaderBase<class IReader>::find_chunk_thm] THM [wpn\wpn_laserassault_bump] chunk [2073] fixed, wrong size = [22], correct size = [26] [09.06.23 10:18:42.732] !![IReaderBase<class IReader>::find_chunk_thm] THM [wpn\wpn_m203_ironsight_bump] chunk [2073] fixed, wrong size = [23], correct size = [28] [09.06.23 10:18:42.764] !![IReaderBase<class IReader>::find_chunk_thm] THM [wpn\wpn_mag_5x45_45rnd_black_bump] chunk [2073] fixed, wrong size = [20], correct size = [34] [09.06.23 10:18:42.788] !![IReaderBase<class IReader>::find_chunk_thm] THM [wpn\wpn_mag_saiga12_10rnd_bump] chunk [2073] fixed, wrong size = [19], correct size = [31] [09.06.23 10:18:42.788] !![IReaderBase<class IReader>::find_chunk_thm] THM [wpn\wpn_mag_saiga12_5rnd_bump] chunk [2073] fixed, wrong size = [19], correct size = [30] [09.06.23 10:18:42.814] !![IReaderBase<class IReader>::find_chunk_thm] THM [wpn\wpn_mav88] chunk [2072] fixed, wrong size = [40], correct size = [27] [09.06.23 10:18:43.093] !![IReaderBase<class IReader>::find_chunk_thm] THM [wpn\wpn_mp7_sk2] chunk [2072] fixed, wrong size = [40], correct size = [29] [09.06.23 10:18:43.103] !![IReaderBase<class IReader>::find_chunk_thm] THM [wpn\wpn_mpa] chunk [2072] fixed, wrong size = [40], correct size = [25] [09.06.23 10:18:43.112] !![IReaderBase<class IReader>::find_chunk_thm] THM [wpn\wpn_mpb] chunk [2072] fixed, wrong size = [40], correct size = [25] [09.06.23 10:18:43.117] !![IReaderBase<class IReader>::find_chunk_thm] THM [wpn\wpn_mpc] chunk [2072] fixed, wrong size = [40], correct size = [25] [09.06.23 10:18:43.162] !![IReaderBase<class IReader>::find_chunk_thm] THM [wpn\wpn_mpd] chunk [2072] fixed, wrong size = [40], correct size = [25] [09.06.23 10:18:43.178] !![IReaderBase<class IReader>::find_chunk_thm] THM [wpn\wpn_mpe] chunk [2072] fixed, wrong size = [40], correct size = [25] [09.06.23 10:18:43.187] !![IReaderBase<class IReader>::find_chunk_thm] THM [wpn\wpn_mpf] chunk [2072] fixed, wrong size = [40], correct size = [25] [09.06.23 10:18:43.213] !![IReaderBase<class IReader>::find_chunk_thm] THM [wpn\wpn_mpg] chunk [2072] fixed, wrong size = [40], correct size = [25] [09.06.23 10:18:43.237] !![IReaderBase<class IReader>::find_chunk_thm] THM [wpn\wpn_mph] chunk [2072] fixed, wrong size = [40], correct size = [25] [09.06.23 10:18:43.241] !![IReaderBase<class IReader>::find_chunk_thm] THM [wpn\wpn_mpi] chunk [2072] fixed, wrong size = [40], correct size = [25] [09.06.23 10:18:43.250] !![IReaderBase<class IReader>::find_chunk_thm] THM [wpn\wpn_mpj] chunk [2072] fixed, wrong size = [40], correct size = [25] [09.06.23 10:18:43.255] !![IReaderBase<class IReader>::find_chunk_thm] THM [wpn\wpn_mpk] chunk [2072] fixed, wrong size = [40], correct size = [25] [09.06.23 10:18:43.261] !![IReaderBase<class IReader>::find_chunk_thm] THM [wpn\wpn_mpl] chunk [2072] fixed, wrong size = [40], correct size = [25] [09.06.23 10:18:43.265] !![IReaderBase<class IReader>::find_chunk_thm] THM [wpn\wpn_mpm] chunk [2072] fixed, wrong size = [40], correct size = [25] [09.06.23 10:18:43.793] !![IReaderBase<class IReader>::find_chunk_thm] THM [wpn\wpn_rem870] chunk [2072] fixed, wrong size = [33], correct size = [28] [09.06.23 10:18:44.054] !![IReaderBase<class IReader>::find_chunk_thm] THM [wpn\wpn_scar_mag_sk1] chunk [2072] fixed, wrong size = [26], correct size = [30] [09.06.23 10:18:44.733] !![IReaderBase<class IReader>::find_chunk_thm] THM [wpn\wpn_tactical_handler_bump] chunk [2073] fixed, wrong size = [17], correct size = [30] [09.06.23 10:18:44.824] !![IReaderBase<class IReader>::find_chunk_thm] THM [wpn\wpn_vss_addon_handguard] chunk [2072] fixed, wrong size = [28], correct size = [41] [09.06.23 10:18:44.827] !![IReaderBase<class IReader>::find_chunk_thm] THM [wpn\wpn_vss_addon_vert_grip] chunk [2072] fixed, wrong size = [28], correct size = [41] [09.06.23 10:18:44.861] !![IReaderBase<class IReader>::find_chunk_thm] THM [wpn\wpn_w1300_ch] chunk [2072] fixed, wrong size = [40], correct size = [27] [09.06.23 10:18:44.887] * HWDST/PCF supported and used [09.06.23 10:18:51.001] [CPSLibrary::LoadAll] count of *particles*.xr files: [2] [09.06.23 10:18:51.002] Load [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. ns ogsr 2023\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata\particles_cop.xr] [09.06.23 10:18:51.023] cop format used for file [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. ns ogsr 2023\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata\particles_cop.xr] [09.06.23 10:18:51.063] Load [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. ns ogsr 2023\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata\particles.xr] [09.06.23 10:18:51.252] ! ParticleEffect [alexmx\ps_00] with empty texture or shader. Cannot create shader for Visual! [09.06.23 10:18:51.252] ! ParticleEffect [alexmx\test1] with empty texture or shader. Cannot create shader for Visual! [09.06.23 10:18:51.252] ! ParticleEffect [alexmx\test1_00] with empty texture or shader. Cannot create shader for Visual! [09.06.23 10:18:51.252] ! ParticleEffect [alexmx\test1_00_old00] with empty texture or shader. Cannot create shader for Visual! [09.06.23 10:18:51.252] ! ParticleEffect [alexmx\test1_old00] with empty texture or shader. Cannot create shader for Visual! [09.06.23 10:18:51.745] --LUA version: [LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta3] [09.06.23 10:18:51.745] get_current_kx()=0.75 [09.06.23 10:18:51.753] full_name=d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. ns ogsr 2023\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\_appdata_\ns_settings.ltx [09.06.23 10:18:52.029] Starting engine... [09.06.23 10:18:53.355] ~ Autoload files [49] from [gameplay\info_portions\*.xml]! [09.06.23 10:18:53.448] ~ Autoload files [9] from [gameplay\encyclopedia\*.xml]! [09.06.23 10:18:53.572] ~ Autoload files [34] from [gameplay\dialogs\*.xml]! [09.06.23 10:18:53.687] ~ Autoload files [5] from [gameplay\profiles\*.xml]! [09.06.23 10:18:53.911] ~ Autoload files [27] from [gameplay\specific_characters_files\*.xml]! [09.06.23 10:18:55.829] ~ Autoload lang files [77] from [text\rus\*.xml]! [09.06.23 10:19:09.846] Starting server... [09.06.23 10:19:10.304] Loading additional omf files for dynamics\weapons\wpn_hand\wpn_hand_sviter... [09.06.23 10:19:11.777] * phase time: 0 ms [09.06.23 10:19:11.777] * phase cmem: 0 K [09.06.23 10:19:11.834] * phase time: 56 ms [09.06.23 10:19:11.834] * phase cmem: 0 K [09.06.23 10:19:11.928] --LUA version: [LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta3] [09.06.23 10:19:11.928] get_current_kx()=0.75 [09.06.23 10:19:11.930] full_name=d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. ns ogsr 2023\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\_appdata_\ns_settings.ltx [09.06.23 10:19:12.107] * phase time: 272 ms [09.06.23 10:19:12.107] * phase cmem: 0 K [09.06.23 10:19:12.120] * Loading spawn registry... [09.06.23 10:19:13.457] Start load of custom waypoints... [09.06.23 10:19:13.484] Loaded 86 items from custom_waypoints, 32 from all.spawn was replaced! [09.06.23 10:19:13.484] End load of custom waypoints... [09.06.23 10:19:13.484] build_story_spawns start... [09.06.23 10:19:13.505] build_root_spawns start... [09.06.23 10:19:13.506] process_spawns m_temp0 start... [09.06.23 10:19:13.506] process_spawns m_temp1 start... [09.06.23 10:19:13.506] * 15525 spawn points are successfully loaded [09.06.23 10:19:13.506] * Loading objects... [09.06.23 10:19:14.302] * 33192 objects are successfully loaded [09.06.23 10:19:15.308] story_id not found: Mil_WaterTower [09.06.23 10:19:15.314] story_id not found: bar_Barman [09.06.23 10:19:15.314] story_id not found: dar_codedoor_2 [09.06.23 10:19:15.314] story_id not found: dar_codedoor_1 [09.06.23 10:19:15.314] story_id not found: Mil_RG6 [09.06.23 10:19:15.314] story_id not found: agr_gunslinger_e3_documents [09.06.23 10:19:15.315] story_id not found: esc_bandits_factory [09.06.23 10:19:15.380] story_id not found: agr_ratcatcher [09.06.23 10:19:15.385] story_id not found: pri_hotel_zone [09.06.23 10:19:15.394] story_id not found: val_bandit_krisyk [09.06.23 10:19:15.404] story_id not found: esc_lager_leader [09.06.23 10:19:15.409] story_id not found: agr_ratcatcher [09.06.23 10:19:15.445] * 5282 script vars are successfully loaded [09.06.23 10:19:15.446] ~~~ db.ver: 7 [09.06.23 10:19:19.336] * Game i3-8100 День 21. [ЧАЭС-1] quicksave_10 is successfully loaded from file 'd:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. ns ogsr 2023\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\_appdata_\savedgames\i3-8100 День 21. [ЧАЭС-1] quicksave_10.sav' (7.229s) [09.06.23 10:19:19.336] * phase time: 7229 ms [09.06.23 10:19:19.336] * phase cmem: 0 K [09.06.23 10:19:19.413] # Player not found. New player created. [09.06.23 10:19:19.413] * client : connection accepted - <> [09.06.23 10:19:19.429] * phase time: 92 ms [09.06.23 10:19:19.429] * phase cmem: 0 K [09.06.23 10:19:19.442] * phase time: 12 ms [09.06.23 10:19:19.442] * phase cmem: 0 K [09.06.23 10:19:21.001] --[ISpatial_DB::initialize] bbc is [582.8, 70.6, 51.4], bbd is [815.6, 80.0, 799.2] [09.06.23 10:19:21.001] --[ISpatial_DB::initialize] bbc is [582.8, 70.6, 51.4], bbd is [815.6, 80.0, 799.2] [09.06.23 10:19:21.009] * phase time: 1567 ms [09.06.23 10:19:21.009] * phase cmem: 0 K [09.06.23 10:19:21.949] * phase time: 939 ms [09.06.23 10:19:21.949] * phase cmem: 0 K [09.06.23 10:19:21.950] * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb [09.06.23 10:19:22.298] * [Loading VB] 65530 verts, 2047 Kb [09.06.23 10:19:22.316] * [Loading VB] 65529 verts, 2047 Kb [09.06.23 10:19:22.588] * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb [09.06.23 10:19:22.635] * [Loading VB] 65517 verts, 2047 Kb [09.06.23 10:19:22.648] * [Loading VB] 38581 verts, 1205 Kb [09.06.23 10:19:22.654] * [Loading VB] 65526 verts, 2047 Kb [09.06.23 10:19:22.660] * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb [09.06.23 10:19:22.667] * [Loading VB] 65531 verts, 2047 Kb [09.06.23 10:19:22.674] * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb [09.06.23 10:19:22.681] * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb [09.06.23 10:19:22.705] * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb [09.06.23 10:19:22.786] * [Loading VB] 65519 verts, 2047 Kb [09.06.23 10:19:22.800] * [Loading VB] 65500 verts, 2046 Kb [09.06.23 10:19:22.814] * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb [09.06.23 10:19:22.828] * [Loading VB] 65532 verts, 2047 Kb [09.06.23 10:19:22.842] * [Loading VB] 23756 verts, 742 Kb [09.06.23 10:19:22.844] * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb [09.06.23 10:19:23.080] * [Loading VB] 41885 verts, 1308 Kb [09.06.23 10:19:23.108] * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb [09.06.23 10:19:23.122] * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb [09.06.23 10:19:23.130] * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb [09.06.23 10:19:23.138] * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb [09.06.23 10:19:23.145] * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb [09.06.23 10:19:23.152] * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb [09.06.23 10:19:24.092] * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb [09.06.23 10:19:24.258] * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb [09.06.23 10:19:24.288] * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb [09.06.23 10:19:24.303] * [Loading IB] 1048572 indices, 2047 Kb [09.06.23 10:19:24.317] * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb [09.06.23 10:19:24.331] * [Loading IB] 538788 indices, 1052 Kb [09.06.23 10:19:24.342] * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 767 Kb [09.06.23 10:19:24.348] * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb [09.06.23 10:19:24.352] * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 767 Kb [09.06.23 10:19:24.358] * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 767 Kb [09.06.23 10:19:24.362] * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb [09.06.23 10:19:24.370] * [Loading VB] 65532 verts, 767 Kb [09.06.23 10:19:24.705] * [Loading VB] 65532 verts, 767 Kb [09.06.23 10:19:24.709] * [Loading VB] 34767 verts, 407 Kb [09.06.23 10:19:24.711] * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb [09.06.23 10:19:24.722] * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb [09.06.23 10:19:24.729] * [Loading IB] 1048572 indices, 2047 Kb [09.06.23 10:19:24.736] * [Loading IB] 1048572 indices, 2047 Kb [09.06.23 10:19:24.744] * [Loading IB] 140604 indices, 274 Kb [09.06.23 10:19:24.745] * phase time: 2795 ms [09.06.23 10:19:24.745] * phase cmem: 0 K [09.06.23 10:19:24.755] * phase time: 9 ms [09.06.23 10:19:24.755] * phase cmem: 0 K [09.06.23 10:19:24.936] * [DETAILS] VertexConsts(256), Batch(61) [09.06.23 10:19:24.936] * [DETAILS] 40687 v(20), 26352 p [09.06.23 10:19:24.936] * [DETAILS] Batch(61), VB(794K), IB(154K) [09.06.23 10:19:24.995] * phase time: 240 ms [09.06.23 10:19:24.995] * phase cmem: 0 K [09.06.23 10:19:24.996] WARNING: Occlusion map 'd:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. ns ogsr 2023\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata\levels\l12_stancia\level.hom' not found. [09.06.23 10:19:26.090] * phase time: 1095 ms [09.06.23 10:19:26.090] * phase cmem: 0 K [09.06.23 10:19:26.094] * phase time: 3 ms [09.06.23 10:19:26.094] * phase cmem: 0 K [09.06.23 10:19:26.105] - Game configuring : Started [09.06.23 10:19:26.296] - Loading music tracks from 'l12_stancia_musics'... [09.06.23 10:19:26.436] - Game configuring : Finished [09.06.23 10:19:26.918] * phase time: 824 ms [09.06.23 10:19:26.918] * phase cmem: 0 K [09.06.23 10:19:26.919] CResourceManager::DeferredUpload [MT] -> START, size = [1995] [09.06.23 10:19:47.200] ! Fallback to default bump map: build_details_bump [09.06.23 10:19:47.200] ! Fallback to default bump map: build_details_bump# [09.06.23 10:19:52.896] ! Can't find texture 'pfx\pfx_yawm_flake_grid' [09.06.23 10:19:52.896] ! Can't find texture 'pfx\pfx_yawm_snowflakes_light' [09.06.23 10:19:52.896] ! Can't find texture 'pfx\pfx_yawm_snowflakes_light_02' [09.06.23 10:19:54.348] ! Fallback to default bump map: prop\prop_mask_setka_bump# [09.06.23 10:20:22.512] ! Can't find texture 'ui_icons_newpda_zoom_d' [09.06.23 10:20:22.513] ! Can't find texture 'ui_icons_newpda_zoom_e' [09.06.23 10:20:22.513] ! Can't find texture 'ui_icons_newpda_zoom_h' [09.06.23 10:20:22.513] ! Can't find texture 'ui_icons_newpda_zoom_t' [09.06.23 10:20:23.512] ! Can't find texture 'terrain\terrain_stancia_land_puddles_mask' [09.06.23 10:20:50.933] CResourceManager::DeferredUpload -> END [09.06.23 10:20:50.933] * t-report - base: 1991, 3752060 K [09.06.23 10:20:50.933] * t-report - lmap: 4, 4096 K [09.06.23 10:20:50.934] * phase time: 84016 ms [09.06.23 10:20:50.934] * phase cmem: 0 K [09.06.23 10:20:51.190] * phase time: 255 ms [09.06.23 10:20:51.190] * phase cmem: 0 K [09.06.23 10:20:51.212] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [09.06.23 10:20:51.212] [8128MB] physical memory installed, [1167MB] available, [85] percent of memory in use [09.06.23 10:20:51.212] PageFile usage: [10441MB], Peak PageFile usage: [10441MB] [09.06.23 10:20:51.212] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [09.06.23 10:20:51.212] * [ D3D ]: textures[3756157 K] [09.06.23 10:20:51.212] * [x-ray]: process heap[0 K], render[0 K] [09.06.23 10:20:51.212] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[27882 K], smem[7071 K] [09.06.23 10:20:51.334] During precache frame updated: 0 objects! [09.06.23 10:20:59.646] ~~['ogse_signals']: signal ['on_init'] is too slow: [0.04 s.] [09.06.23 10:20:59.646] ~~ slot: ['dsh_cop_weather.40'], time: [0.04 s.] [09.06.23 10:20:59.789] CTreasure.converted !!! [09.06.23 10:20:59.790] CRandomTask.converted !!! [09.06.23 10:20:59.791] [ogse_st_mgr]: ogse_st_mgr.delayed_fun_start: 1 timers loaded [09.06.23 10:20:59.791] [ogse_st_mgr]: 1 all timers loaded [09.06.23 10:20:59.791] [dsh_cop_weather]: DynamicForecast: marsh loaded: 5 items [09.06.23 10:20:59.791] [dsh_cop_weather]: StaticForecast: marsh loaded: 41 items [09.06.23 10:20:59.792] [dsh_cop_weather]: DynamicForecast: default loaded: 16 items [09.06.23 10:20:59.792] [dsh_cop_weather]: StaticForecast: default loaded: 41 items [09.06.23 10:20:59.792] [dsh_cop_weather]: DynamicForecast: bad loaded: 16 items [09.06.23 10:20:59.793] [dsh_cop_weather]: StaticForecast: bad loaded: 41 items [09.06.23 10:20:59.824] ~~['bind_stalker']: disable ['ui_inventory_hide'] [09.06.23 10:20:59.824] ~~['bind_stalker']: disable ['ui_car_body_hide'] [09.06.23 10:20:59.867] [dsh_alife]: 33191/1757 items collected: 40299 [09.06.23 10:20:59.867] [dsh_alife]: 0: 464 items [09.06.23 10:20:59.867] [dsh_alife]: 65535: 16332 items [09.06.23 10:20:59.867] ~~['ogse_signals']: signal ['on_before_spawn'] is too slow: [0.04 s.] [09.06.23 10:20:59.867] ~~ slot: ['dsh_alife.8'], time: [0.04 s.] [09.06.23 10:21:01.032] load ~mod_ver: ~: [bind_stalker] "" [09.06.23 10:21:41.719] ! [CGameObject::net_Spawn]: visual_name[actors\monolit\nauchniy_white] not found in aes_stalker_0009, keep original actors\hero\stalker_novice.ogf instead [09.06.23 10:21:42.513] ! [CGameObject::net_Spawn]: visual_name[actors\monolit\nauchniy_white] not found in aes_stalker_0011, keep original actors\hero\stalker_novice.ogf instead [09.06.23 10:21:45.527] ! [CGameObject::net_Spawn]: visual_name[actors\monolit\nauchniy_white] not found in aes_monolit_stalker_0016, keep original actors\hero\stalker_novice.ogf instead [09.06.23 10:21:48.585] ~ [CPHSkeleton::RestoreNetState]: [aes_monolit_stalker_0021] has different state in saved_bones[0] PHGetSyncItemsNumber[1] Visual[actors\monolit\stalker_mo_exo] alive[no] [09.06.23 10:22:00.376] ! Fallback to default bump map: act\arm_exo\cod_ghosts_exo_computer_glass_bump# [09.06.23 10:22:00.388] ! Fallback to default bump map: act\arm_exo\cod_ghosts_exo_computer_glass_bump [09.06.23 10:22:00.510] ! Fallback to default bump map: act\arm_exo\cod_ghosts_exo_computer_bump# [09.06.23 10:22:00.510] ! Fallback to default bump map: act\arm_exo\cod_ghosts_exo_computer_bump [09.06.23 10:22:00.765] ! Fallback to default bump map: act\arm_exo\act_arm_exo_bump# [09.06.23 10:22:00.765] ! Fallback to default bump map: act\arm_exo\act_arm_exo_bump [09.06.23 10:22:01.133] ! Fallback to default bump map: act\cod_bo2_nano_gloves_bump# [09.06.23 10:22:01.172] Loading additional omf files for dynamics\weapons\wpn_hand\wpn_hand_exo_kill... [09.06.23 10:22:03.937] [dsh_fixes]: version = 5, fixes = 5 [09.06.23 10:22:03.937] ~~['ogse_signals']: time limit functionality paused: [10000] ms [09.06.23 10:22:06.965] task_ini() [09.06.23 10:22:07.946] [dsh_cop_weather]: restore time_factor: 0 -> 5 [09.06.23 10:22:07.946] [dsh_cop_weather]: time diff on first update is -0 [09.06.23 10:22:07.947] ~~['ogse_signals']: signal ['on_first_update'] is too slow: [0.98 s.] [09.06.23 10:22:07.947] ~~ slot: ['dinamic_hud.79'], time: [0.98 s.] [09.06.23 10:22:09.409] [dsh_alife]: invalidate all items [09.06.23 10:22:09.409] ~~['ogse_signals']: signal ['on_update'] is too slow: [1.46 s.] [09.06.23 10:22:09.409] ~~ slot: ['bioradar_uniq_display.256'], time: [1.45 s.] [09.06.23 10:22:09.703] During precache frame updated: 26 objects! [09.06.23 10:22:22.016] During precache frame updated: 1117 objects! [09.06.23 10:22:23.565] During precache frame updated: 1213 objects! [09.06.23 10:22:23.717] During precache frame updated: 600 objects! [09.06.23 10:22:23.762] During precache frame updated: 624 objects! [09.06.23 10:22:23.776] During precache frame updated: 2 objects! [09.06.23 10:22:23.828] During precache frame updated: 8 objects! [09.06.23 10:22:24.073] During precache frame updated: 496 objects! [09.06.23 10:22:24.500] During precache frame updated: 653 objects! [09.06.23 10:22:24.714] During precache frame updated: 1133 objects! [09.06.23 10:22:24.985] During precache frame updated: 604 objects! [09.06.23 10:22:25.026] During precache frame updated: 485 objects! [09.06.23 10:22:25.042] During precache frame updated: 17 objects! [09.06.23 10:22:25.059] During precache frame updated: 19 objects! [09.06.23 10:22:25.078] During precache frame updated: 457 objects! [09.06.23 10:22:25.096] During precache frame updated: 37 objects! [09.06.23 10:22:25.116] During precache frame updated: 468 objects! [09.06.23 10:22:25.135] During precache frame updated: 24 objects! [09.06.23 10:22:25.156] During precache frame updated: 463 objects! [09.06.23 10:22:25.203] During precache frame updated: 519 objects! [09.06.23 10:22:25.224] During precache frame updated: 19 objects! [09.06.23 10:22:25.247] During precache frame updated: 585 objects! [09.06.23 10:22:25.268] During precache frame updated: 14 objects! [09.06.23 10:22:25.289] During precache frame updated: 481 objects! [09.06.23 10:22:25.310] During precache frame updated: 20 objects! [09.06.23 10:22:25.332] During precache frame updated: 482 objects! [09.06.23 10:22:25.349] During precache frame updated: 13 objects! [09.06.23 10:22:25.429] * MEMORY USAGE: 0 K [09.06.23 10:22:25.429] * End of synchronization A[1] R[1] [09.06.23 10:22:25.429] * phase time: 94494 ms [09.06.23 10:22:25.429] * phase cmem: 0 K [09.06.23 10:22:25.429] gameload - all finished! [09.06.23 10:22:56.827] * [CPatrolPathStorage::safe_path]: path[heli_death_way] pp[name00|sig=arrived] level_vertex_id[477923] -> 0 [09.06.23 10:22:57.444] - !!!processing_enabled ->destroy_queue.push_back device_torch11967[11967] frame [2099] [09.06.23 10:22:58.596] load ~[инфо_лог]:[ex_audit]: [info_call]: получен инфопоршень: aes_desant_proceed2 [09.06.23 10:23:10.708] load ~[инфо_лог]:[ex_audit]: [info_call]: получен инфопоршень: aes_desant_proceed4 [09.06.23 10:23:16.379] load ~[инфо_лог]:[ex_audit]: [info_call]: получен инфопоршень: aes_actor_road [09.06.23 10:23:16.380] FATAL ERROR [error]Expression : it != WeatherFXs.end() [error]Function : CEnvironment::SetWeatherFX [error]File : D:\S.T.A.L.K.E.R\!!!Narodnaya Solyanka!!!\!OGSR!\OGSR_Engine\ogsr_engine\xr_3da\Environment.cpp [error]Line : 263 [error]Description : Invalid weather effect name. [error]Arguments : fx_blowout_m [09.06.23 10:23:16.380] ***************************[ScriptCrashHandler]********************************** [09.06.23 10:23:16.380] stack traceback: [C]: in function 'set_weather_fx' ...s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata\scripts\xr_effects.script:1645: in function 'f' ...3\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata\scripts\xr_logic.script:326: in function 'pick_section_from_condlist' ...3\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata\scripts\xr_logic.script:815: in function 'try_switch_to_another_section' ...23\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata\scripts\sr_idle.script:26: in function 'a' ...3\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata\scripts\xr_logic.script:224: in function 'issue_event' ....l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata\scripts\bind_restrictor.script:90: in function 'actor_update' ....l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata\scripts\bind_restrictor.script:14: in function 'actor_update' ...t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata\scripts\bind_stalker.script:1087: in function <...t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata\scripts\bind_stalker.script:940> [09.06.23 10:23:16.380] Locals (set_weather_fx): [09.06.23 10:23:16.380] string (*temporary) : fx_blowout_m [09.06.23 10:23:16.380] End [09.06.23 10:23:16.380] Locals (f): [09.06.23 10:23:16.380] userdata actor : (game_object): 000004FEC499B300 [09.06.23 10:23:16.380] userdata npc : (game_object): 000004FECD1EE040 [09.06.23 10:23:16.380] string hours_type : m [09.06.23 10:23:16.380] End [09.06.23 10:23:16.380] Locals (pick_section_from_condlist): [09.06.23 10:23:16.380] userdata actor : (game_object): 000004FEC499B300 [09.06.23 10:23:16.380] userdata npc : (game_object): 000004FECD1EE040 [09.06.23 10:23:16.380] Table: condlist [09.06.23 10:23:16.380] Table: condlist.1 [09.06.23 10:23:16.380] table condlist.1.infop_check : [...] [09.06.23 10:23:16.380] string condlist.1.section : sr_idle2 [09.06.23 10:23:16.380] table condlist.1.infop_set : [...] [09.06.23 10:23:16.380] ********************************************************************************* [09.06.23 10:23:16.380] [print_output([CScriptEngine::lua_pcall_failed])] SCRIPT RUNTIME ERROR: invalid key to 'next' stack traceback: [C]: at 0x7ff64c9603f8 [C]: in function 'set_weather_fx' ...s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata\scripts\xr_effects.script:1645: in function 'f' ...3\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata\scripts\xr_logic.script:326: in function 'pick_section_from_condlist' ...3\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata\scripts\xr_logic.script:815: in function 'try_switch_to_another_section' ...23\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata\scripts\sr_idle.script:26: in function 'a' ...3\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata\scripts\xr_logic.script:224: in function 'issue_event' ....l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata\scripts\bind_restrictor.script:90: in function 'actor_update' ....l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata\scripts\bind_restrictor.script:14: in function 'actor_update' ...t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata\scripts\bind_stalker.script:1087: in function <...t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata\scripts\bind_stalker.script:940> [09.06.23 10:23:16.380] ********************************************************************************* [09.06.23 10:23:16.380] FATAL ERROR [error]Expression : FATAL ERROR [error]Function : CScriptEngine::lua_pcall_failed [error]File : D:\S.T.A.L.K.E.R\!!!Narodnaya Solyanka!!!\!OGSR!\OGSR_Engine\ogsr_engine\COMMON_AI\script_engine.cpp [error]Line : 46 [error]Description : [CScriptEngine::lua_pcall_failed]: invalid key to 'next' [09.06.23 10:23:16.380] ***************************[ScriptCrashHandler]********************************** [09.06.23 10:23:16.380] stack traceback: [C]: at 0x7ff64c9603f8 [C]: in function 'set_weather_fx' ...s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata\scripts\xr_effects.script:1645: in function 'f' ...3\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata\scripts\xr_logic.script:326: in function 'pick_section_from_condlist' ...3\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata\scripts\xr_logic.script:815: in function 'try_switch_to_another_section' ...23\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata\scripts\sr_idle.script:26: in function 'a' ...3\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata\scripts\xr_logic.script:224: in function 'issue_event' ....l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata\scripts\bind_restrictor.script:90: in function 'actor_update' ....l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata\scripts\bind_restrictor.script:14: in function 'actor_update' ...t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata\scripts\bind_stalker.script:1087: in function <...t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata\scripts\bind_stalker.script:940> [09.06.23 10:23:16.380] ********************************************************************************* [09.06.23 10:23:16.380] ******************************************************************************** [09.06.23 10:23:16.416] !![LogStackTrace] Thread: [X-RAY Primary thread] [09.06.23 10:23:21.927] !!stack trace: ! Module: [D:\Games\S.T.A.L.K.E.R. NS OGSR 2023\S.T.A.L.K.E.R.NS.OGSR\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF64C69E9BD], Fun: [BuildStackTrace()] + [41 byte(s)], File-->Line: [D:\S.T.A.L.K.E.R\!!!Narodnaya Solyanka!!!\!OGSR!\OGSR_Engine\ogsr_engine\xrCore\stacktrace_collector.cpp-->154] ! Module: [D:\Games\S.T.A.L.K.E.R. NS OGSR 2023\S.T.A.L.K.E.R.NS.OGSR\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF64C68977E], Fun: [LogStackTrace()] + [62 byte(s)], File-->Line: [D:\S.T.A.L.K.E.R\!!!Narodnaya Solyanka!!!\!OGSR!\OGSR_Engine\ogsr_engine\xrCore\xrDebugNew.cpp-->74] + [10 byte(s)] ! Module: [D:\Games\S.T.A.L.K.E.R. NS OGSR 2023\S.T.A.L.K.E.R.NS.OGSR\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF64C689C10], Fun: [xrDebug::backend()] + [668 byte(s)], File-->Line: [D:\S.T.A.L.K.E.R\!!!Narodnaya Solyanka!!!\!OGSR!\OGSR_Engine\ogsr_engine\xrCore\xrDebugNew.cpp-->182] + [496 byte(s)] ! Module: [D:\Games\S.T.A.L.K.E.R. NS OGSR 2023\S.T.A.L.K.E.R.NS.OGSR\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF64C689E93], Fun: [xrDebug::fatal()] + [123 byte(s)], File-->Line: [D:\S.T.A.L.K.E.R\!!!Narodnaya Solyanka!!!\!OGSR!\OGSR_Engine\ogsr_engine\xrCore\xrDebugNew.cpp-->247] ! Module: [D:\Games\S.T.A.L.K.E.R. NS OGSR 2023\S.T.A.L.K.E.R.NS.OGSR\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF64C960471], Fun: [CScriptEngine::lua_pcall_failed()] + [121 byte(s)], File-->Line: [D:\S.T.A.L.K.E.R\!!!Narodnaya Solyanka!!!\!OGSR!\OGSR_Engine\ogsr_engine\COMMON_AI\script_engine.cpp-->47] ! Module: [D:\Games\S.T.A.L.K.E.R. NS OGSR 2023\S.T.A.L.K.E.R.NS.OGSR\bin_x64\LuaJIT.dll], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FFE269154D0], Fun: [lj_BC_FUNCC()] + [66 byte(s)] ! Module: [D:\Games\S.T.A.L.K.E.R. NS OGSR 2023\S.T.A.L.K.E.R.NS.OGSR\bin_x64\LuaJIT.dll], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FFE2695357C], Fun: [lj_err_run()] + [380 byte(s)], File-->Line: [D:\S.T.A.L.K.E.R\!!!Narodnaya Solyanka!!!\!OGSR!\OGSR_Engine\ogsr_engine\LuaJIT\src\lj_err.c-->849] + [33 byte(s)] ! Module: [D:\Games\S.T.A.L.K.E.R. NS OGSR 2023\S.T.A.L.K.E.R.NS.OGSR\bin_x64\LuaJIT.dll], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FFE26952626], Fun: [err_msgv()] + [118 byte(s)], File-->Line: [D:\S.T.A.L.K.E.R\!!!Narodnaya Solyanka!!!\!OGSR!\OGSR_Engine\ogsr_engine\LuaJIT\src\lj_err.c-->874] + [8 byte(s)] ! Module: [D:\Games\S.T.A.L.K.E.R. NS OGSR 2023\S.T.A.L.K.E.R.NS.OGSR\bin_x64\LuaJIT.dll], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FFE26953269], Fun: [lj_err_msg()] + [9 byte(s)], File-->Line: [D:\S.T.A.L.K.E.R\!!!Narodnaya Solyanka!!!\!OGSR!\OGSR_Engine\ogsr_engine\LuaJIT\src\lj_err.c-->880] + [5 byte(s)] ! Module: [D:\Games\S.T.A.L.K.E.R. NS OGSR 2023\S.T.A.L.K.E.R.NS.OGSR\bin_x64\LuaJIT.dll], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FFE2699454C], Fun: [lj_tab_next()] + [332 byte(s)], File-->Line: [D:\S.T.A.L.K.E.R\!!!Narodnaya Solyanka!!!\!OGSR!\OGSR_Engine\ogsr_engine\LuaJIT\src\lj_tab.c-->605] + [13 byte(s)] ! Module: [D:\Games\S.T.A.L.K.E.R. NS OGSR 2023\S.T.A.L.K.E.R.NS.OGSR\bin_x64\LuaJIT.dll], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FFE2691F062], Fun: [lua_next()] + [50 byte(s)], File-->Line: [D:\S.T.A.L.K.E.R\!!!Narodnaya Solyanka!!!\!OGSR!\OGSR_Engine\ogsr_engine\LuaJIT\src\lj_api.c-->896] + [32 byte(s)] ! Module: [D:\Games\S.T.A.L.K.E.R. NS OGSR 2023\S.T.A.L.K.E.R.NS.OGSR\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF64CA1DFDE], Fun: [CScriptStorage::LogTable()] + [182 byte(s)], File-->Line: [D:\S.T.A.L.K.E.R\!!!Narodnaya Solyanka!!!\!OGSR!\OGSR_Engine\ogsr_engine\COMMON_AI\script_storage.cpp-->68] + [14 byte(s)] ! Module: [D:\Games\S.T.A.L.K.E.R. NS OGSR 2023\S.T.A.L.K.E.R.NS.OGSR\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF64CA1E1FB], Fun: [CScriptStorage::LogVariable()] + [511 byte(s)], File-->Line: [D:\S.T.A.L.K.E.R\!!!Narodnaya Solyanka!!!\!OGSR!\OGSR_Engine\ogsr_engine\COMMON_AI\script_storage.cpp-->107] + [18 byte(s)] ! Module: [D:\Games\S.T.A.L.K.E.R. NS OGSR 2023\S.T.A.L.K.E.R.NS.OGSR\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF64CA1DE76], Fun: [CScriptStorage::dump_state()] + [154 byte(s)], File-->Line: [D:\S.T.A.L.K.E.R\!!!Narodnaya Solyanka!!!\!OGSR!\OGSR_Engine\ogsr_engine\COMMON_AI\script_storage.cpp-->54] ! Module: [D:\Games\S.T.A.L.K.E.R. NS OGSR 2023\S.T.A.L.K.E.R.NS.OGSR\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF64CA1E310], Fun: [ScriptCrashHandler()] + [64 byte(s)], File-->Line: [D:\S.T.A.L.K.E.R\!!!Narodnaya Solyanka!!!\!OGSR!\OGSR_Engine\ogsr_engine\COMMON_AI\script_storage.cpp-->158] ! Module: [D:\Games\S.T.A.L.K.E.R. NS OGSR 2023\S.T.A.L.K.E.R.NS.OGSR\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF64C689754], Fun: [LogStackTrace()] + [20 byte(s)], File-->Line: [D:\S.T.A.L.K.E.R\!!!Narodnaya Solyanka!!!\!OGSR!\OGSR_Engine\ogsr_engine\xrCore\xrDebugNew.cpp-->72] ! Module: [D:\Games\S.T.A.L.K.E.R. NS OGSR 2023\S.T.A.L.K.E.R.NS.OGSR\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF64C689C10], Fun: [xrDebug::backend()] + [668 byte(s)], File-->Line: [D:\S.T.A.L.K.E.R\!!!Narodnaya Solyanka!!!\!OGSR!\OGSR_Engine\ogsr_engine\xrCore\xrDebugNew.cpp-->182] + [496 byte(s)] ! Module: [D:\Games\S.T.A.L.K.E.R. NS OGSR 2023\S.T.A.L.K.E.R.NS.OGSR\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF64C63BDFC], Fun: [CEnvironment::SetWeatherFX()] + [220 byte(s)], File-->Line: [D:\S.T.A.L.K.E.R\!!!Narodnaya Solyanka!!!\!OGSR!\OGSR_Engine\ogsr_engine\xr_3da\Environment.cpp-->264] ! Module: [D:\Games\S.T.A.L.K.E.R. NS OGSR 2023\S.T.A.L.K.E.R.NS.OGSR\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF64CB09685], Fun: [set_weather_fx()] + [541 byte(s)], File-->Line: [D:\S.T.A.L.K.E.R\!!!Narodnaya Solyanka!!!\!OGSR!\OGSR_Engine\ogsr_engine\xrGame\level_script.cpp-->123] + [541 byte(s)] ! Module: [D:\Games\S.T.A.L.K.E.R. NS OGSR 2023\S.T.A.L.K.E.R.NS.OGSR\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF64CB20576], Fun: [luabind::detail::free_functions::function_callback_s<bool (__cdecl*)(char const *)>::apply()] + [50 byte(s)], File-->Line: [D:\S.T.A.L.K.E.R\!!!Narodnaya Solyanka!!!\!OGSR!\OGSR_Engine\ogsr_engine\Luabind\luabind\function.hpp-->229] + [29 byte(s)] ! Module: [D:\Games\S.T.A.L.K.E.R. NS OGSR 2023\S.T.A.L.K.E.R.NS.OGSR\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF64CE24A4B], Fun: [luabind::detail::free_functions::function_dispatcher()] + [231 byte(s)], File-->Line: [D:\S.T.A.L.K.E.R\!!!Narodnaya Solyanka!!!\!OGSR!\OGSR_Engine\ogsr_engine\Luabind\src\function.cpp-->138] + [13 byte(s)] ! Module: [D:\Games\S.T.A.L.K.E.R. NS OGSR 2023\S.T.A.L.K.E.R.NS.OGSR\bin_x64\LuaJIT.dll], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FFE269154D0], Fun: [lj_BC_FUNCC()] + [66 byte(s)] ! Module: [D:\Games\S.T.A.L.K.E.R. NS OGSR 2023\S.T.A.L.K.E.R.NS.OGSR\bin_x64\LuaJIT.dll], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FFE2691F24A], Fun: [lua_pcall()] + [170 byte(s)], File-->Line: [D:\S.T.A.L.K.E.R\!!!Narodnaya Solyanka!!!\!OGSR!\OGSR_Engine\ogsr_engine\LuaJIT\src\lj_api.c-->1144] ! Module: [D:\Games\S.T.A.L.K.E.R. NS OGSR 2023\S.T.A.L.K.E.R.NS.OGSR\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF64CE23E88], Fun: [luabind::detail::pcall()] + [100 byte(s)], File-->Line: [D:\S.T.A.L.K.E.R\!!!Narodnaya Solyanka!!!\!OGSR!\OGSR_Engine\ogsr_engine\Luabind\src\pcall.cpp-->40] + [17 byte(s)] ! Module: [D:\Games\S.T.A.L.K.E.R. NS OGSR 2023\S.T.A.L.K.E.R.NS.OGSR\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF64CDD0DCA], Fun: [luabind::detail::proxy_member_void_caller<unsigned int const *>::~proxy_member_void_caller<unsigned int const *>()] + [74 byte(s)], File-->Line: [D:\S.T.A.L.K.E.R\!!!Narodnaya Solyanka!!!\!OGSR!\OGSR_Engine\ogsr_engine\Luabind\luabind\detail\call_member.hpp-->269] + [15 byte(s)] ! Module: [D:\Games\S.T.A.L.K.E.R. NS OGSR 2023\S.T.A.L.K.E.R.NS.OGSR\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF64CDD0B49], Fun: [CScriptBinderObjectWrapper::shedule_Update()] + [101 byte(s)], File-->Line: [D:\S.T.A.L.K.E.R\!!!Narodnaya Solyanka!!!\!OGSR!\OGSR_Engine\ogsr_engine\xrGame\script_binder_object_wrapper.cpp-->35] + [101 byte(s)] ! Module: [D:\Games\S.T.A.L.K.E.R. NS OGSR 2023\S.T.A.L.K.E.R.NS.OGSR\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF64C96E04E], Fun: [CGameObject::shedule_Update()] + [378 byte(s)], File-->Line: [D:\S.T.A.L.K.E.R\!!!Narodnaya Solyanka!!!\!OGSR!\OGSR_Engine\ogsr_engine\xrGame\GameObject.cpp-->838] ! Module: [D:\Games\S.T.A.L.K.E.R. NS OGSR 2023\S.T.A.L.K.E.R.NS.OGSR\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF64CAC92CB], Fun: [CEntity::shedule_Update()] + [27 byte(s)], File-->Line: [D:\S.T.A.L.K.E.R\!!!Narodnaya Solyanka!!!\!OGSR!\OGSR_Engine\ogsr_engine\xrGame\Entity.cpp-->328] ! Module: [D:\Games\S.T.A.L.K.E.R. NS OGSR 2023\S.T.A.L.K.E.R.NS.OGSR\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF64CA5049E], Fun: [CEntityAlive::shedule_Update()] + [18 byte(s)], File-->Line: [D:\S.T.A.L.K.E.R\!!!Narodnaya Solyanka!!!\!OGSR!\OGSR_Engine\ogsr_engine\xrGame\entity_alive.cpp-->195] ! Module: [D:\Games\S.T.A.L.K.E.R. NS OGSR 2023\S.T.A.L.K.E.R.NS.OGSR\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF64C948979], Fun: [CActor::shedule_Update()] + [1053 byte(s)], File-->Line: [D:\S.T.A.L.K.E.R\!!!Narodnaya Solyanka!!!\!OGSR!\OGSR_Engine\ogsr_engine\xrGame\Actor.cpp-->1100] ! Module: [D:\Games\S.T.A.L.K.E.R. NS OGSR 2023\S.T.A.L.K.E.R.NS.OGSR\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF64C633E72], Fun: [CSheduler::Update()] + [342 byte(s)], File-->Line: [D:\S.T.A.L.K.E.R\!!!Narodnaya Solyanka!!!\!OGSR!\OGSR_Engine\ogsr_engine\xr_3da\xrSheduler.cpp-->297] ! Module: [D:\Games\S.T.A.L.K.E.R. NS OGSR 2023\S.T.A.L.K.E.R.NS.OGSR\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF64C94E909], Fun: [CGamePersistent::OnFrame()] + [825 byte(s)], File-->Line: [D:\S.T.A.L.K.E.R\!!!Narodnaya Solyanka!!!\!OGSR!\OGSR_Engine\ogsr_engine\xrGame\GamePersistent.cpp-->622] ! Module: [D:\Games\S.T.A.L.K.E.R. NS OGSR 2023\S.T.A.L.K.E.R.NS.OGSR\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF64C66731B], Fun: [CRegistrator<pureFrame>::Process()] + [87 byte(s)], File-->Line: [D:\S.T.A.L.K.E.R\!!!Narodnaya Solyanka!!!\!OGSR!\OGSR_Engine\ogsr_engine\xr_3da\pure.h-->109] ! Module: [D:\Games\S.T.A.L.K.E.R. NS OGSR 2023\S.T.A.L.K.E.R.NS.OGSR\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF64C666DA7], Fun: [CRenderDevice::FrameMove()] + [387 byte(s)], File-->Line: [D:\S.T.A.L.K.E.R\!!!Narodnaya Solyanka!!!\!OGSR!\OGSR_Engine\ogsr_engine\xr_3da\device.cpp-->413] ! Module: [D:\Games\S.T.A.L.K.E.R. NS OGSR 2023\S.T.A.L.K.E.R.NS.OGSR\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF64C665F49], Fun: [CRenderDevice::on_idle()] + [233 byte(s)], File-->Line: [D:\S.T.A.L.K.E.R\!!!Narodnaya Solyanka!!!\!OGSR!\OGSR_Engine\ogsr_engine\xr_3da\device.cpp-->185] ! Module: [D:\Games\S.T.A.L.K.E.R. NS OGSR 2023\S.T.A.L.K.E.R.NS.OGSR\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF64C666A93], Fun: [CRenderDevice::Run()] + [575 byte(s)], File-->Line: [D:\S.T.A.L.K.E.R\!!!Narodnaya Solyanka!!!\!OGSR!\OGSR_Engine\ogsr_engine\xr_3da\device.cpp-->351] + [85 byte(s)] ! Module: [D:\Games\S.T.A.L.K.E.R. NS OGSR 2023\S.T.A.L.K.E.R.NS.OGSR\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF64C6302EE], Fun: [Startup()] + [1350 byte(s)], File-->Line: [D:\S.T.A.L.K.E.R\!!!Narodnaya Solyanka!!!\!OGSR!\OGSR_Engine\ogsr_engine\xr_3da\x_ray.cpp-->246] ! Module: [D:\Games\S.T.A.L.K.E.R. NS OGSR 2023\S.T.A.L.K.E.R.NS.OGSR\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF64C630951], Fun: [WinMain_impl()] + [509 byte(s)], File-->Line: [D:\S.T.A.L.K.E.R\!!!Narodnaya Solyanka!!!\!OGSR!\OGSR_Engine\ogsr_engine\xr_3da\x_ray.cpp-->450] ! Module: [D:\Games\S.T.A.L.K.E.R. NS OGSR 2023\S.T.A.L.K.E.R.NS.OGSR\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF64C630AE3], Fun: [WinMain()] + [335 byte(s)], File-->Line: [D:\S.T.A.L.K.E.R\!!!Narodnaya Solyanka!!!\!OGSR!\OGSR_Engine\ogsr_engine\xr_3da\x_ray.cpp-->471] ! Module: [D:\Games\S.T.A.L.K.E.R. NS OGSR 2023\S.T.A.L.K.E.R.NS.OGSR\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF64CE5EDBE], Fun: [__scrt_common_main_seh()] + [262 byte(s)], File-->Line: [D:\a\_work\1\s\src\vctools\crt\vcstartup\src\startup\exe_common.inl-->288] + [33 byte(s)] ! Module: [C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNEL32.DLL], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FFE3EE17614], Fun: [BaseThreadInitThunk()] + [20 byte(s)] ! Module: [C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FFE40E226A1], Fun: [RtlUserThreadStart()] + [33 byte(s)] ! [09.06.23 10:23:21.928] ********************************************************************************
  21. Всем привет! Вчера игра работала. Сегодня в лоадере нажал на кнопку обновить. Он обновил какие-то моды и теперь не запускает сборку. Пишет Can't open secton 'moon_halo_1st_q'. В гугле ничего найти не удается. Кто-нибудь знает как лечить?
  22. Здравствуйте! Ошибка при загрузке сохранения из версии 1.23 на новой версии игры 1.24. Я перенес сохранения на 1.24. Сама игра из лончера запускается. Запускал с включенными модами игру и без них. Сторонние модификации не ставил. Как исправить проблему? Новый текстовый документ.txt FATAL ERROR [error]Expression : <no expression> [error]Function : CInifile::r_section [error]File : Xr_ini.cpp [error]Line : 1101 [error]Description : fatal error [error]Arguments : Can't open section 'hellhound_outfit'. Please attach [*.ini_log] file to your bug report
  23. Hello For the "adventure" mod, where can I find packs to repair armour? I've only seen upgrades. Thanks
  24. Попробуй пункт: 4. Вылет подобного вида: "Can't find model file 'actors\newbandit\stalker_bandit_4_0.ogf'."
  25. Expression : <no expression> Function : CInifile::r_section File : Xr_ini.cpp Line : 915 Description : fatal error Arguments : Can't open section 'string_table'. Please attach [*.ini_log] file to your bug report stack trace: что это такое и как это чинить скачал, зашёл, начал игру, вылет без ошибки, захожу снова, вот это ошибка. Как чинить?