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Moustapha_Matushka стал победителем дня 14 июня 2022

Moustapha_Matushka имел наиболее популярный контент!


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  1. After they give us the editing tools, I hope they will also provide us all the unused content and older build maps that did not make the final cut of the game so that we can have access to all these sources. I also wonder, being that this will be an open world with no area transitions.....how will new maps be applied? PDA Ver 2.0 =)
  2. OK I downloaded 1) Anomaly Custom OBT installer 07/13/24 2) Patch 26.07.24 I installed Anomaly Custom 7/13/24 then I put the patch on top. Very simple. But when I click on the ModOrganizer I get this error. I'm using Windows 7 SP2 BTW, the old AnomalyCustom runs fine still.
  3. Skilldex, this would be a nice addition to your mod https://www.moddb.com/mods/stalker-anomaly/addons/barbwire-shadow-fix
  4. Everytime I scroll the Moddb site through CoC and keep seeing CotZ, I always stop to think of him.
  5. "We regret to inform you fans that there will be a delay on the release of Stalker 2. In the meantime we would like to present to you a very long 45 second video clip...of NOTHING!!" - The Made In Ukraine Team -
  6. One of the many highly anticipated mods for me. Can't wait to play this one. I wish the team the best of luck on this project.
  7. And sadly, DoctorX passed away. A big loss to the Stalker community. Дополнено 0 минут спустя
  8. Love to see how this game keeps growing with the vast improvements on engine design. You guys are great!
  9. Thanks for the recent news update. I hope for that Shadow Of Chernobyl 2.0 to really come to life. This may be the best MOD if it is done right.
  10. google translate I use Chrome web browser which translates on the fly for me.
  11. That's why we all have the option to use Chrome translate. Without Chrome translate, I would not be able to register to APpro and be part of its great community. I'm very happy to see more Russians frequently use Moddb recently. We all have a great Stalker community together it seems
  12. Why did my user name change? It was Moustapha_Matushka , now its Moustapha_Mother?