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  1. gibe

    Lost Alpha DC Extended

    yidrisov Hello My problem is that some translated files are not being read by the game. I can't resolve this conflict between "localization" and "string_table_includes". I've tried to harmonise the lists of the 2 files but without success. I've translated a lot of mods including "dark path" on Lost Alpha and I've never had this problem. I need to re-read and correct the old translation, which is bad, and I won't do that unless I solve this mystery. Could you help? You say you're going to release "The Eternal Suffering", is this the same addon as "dark path" or an extension on Lost Alpha? Thank you for your attention.
  2. Bojour there! Once you've unpacked the files, check out the following folder: "...gamedata\config\text\rus", it should have what you're looking for. By the way, did you know we're working on the new instalment in Stalker Lost Alpha series called The Eternal Suffering? It's going to have major story / dialogue updates...
  3. Strange. The engine update link used to work, I need to check with other people on the forum. Folders with localization must be in the files of the installed game. Try to install version 1.4007 DC (Without Extended) The voice acting and the text are the same there, maybe this will help you. Here is the link: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://ap-pro.ru/forums/topic/331-lost-alpha-dc/&ved=2ahUKEwiDwcK829n_AhXVzYsKHewbAMUQFnoECBEQAQ&usg=AOvVaw3sf51Xp1fdECZNNGIPWSyx Дополнено 0 минут спустя Народ вопрос а что перехожу по ссылке на Дроп Бокс а там пишет папка отсутствует?
  4. Download links: » Download "Lost Alpha DC Extended" with FO: Torrent [8 GB]https://disk.yandex.ru/d/3nnOrcIRAjGccg Repack includes everything you need, install and play. After installation, you need to update the game in the launcher. » Download Launcher for Lost Alpha DC Extended with FO: Google Drive [640 KB]https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fJ50PGSjKRfMlr_N9UezkSmRHrfG2sZT/view When installing the repack, you do not need to update the launcher. Engine update to version 7956: » Download Lost Alpha DC Extended Engine Update from FO: DropBox [29.98 MB]https://www.dropbox.com/home/LADCE_bins_upd Copy files to bins folder with replacement. When installing a repack, you do not need to update. How to install "Lost Alpha DC Extended" via launcher: 1) Install Lost Alpha DC 1.4007. 2) Delete the "appdata and mods" folders from the game folder. 3) Inside the "gamedata" folder: delete the "spawns" folder (if it exists) "spawns.db0", "textures.db6" archives, delete "la21_generators2.db0" in the "levels" folder. 4) Unpack the downloaded archive into the folder with the installed game, confirming the replacement of files. 5) Launch the launcher and in the mods section, install LADC Extended. 6) After installing LADC Extended, you can install mods from the launcher to your liking. Дополнено 2 минуты спустя Кого его? Мод?
  5. gibe

    Lost Alpha DC Extended

    Hello After searching and checking, the English version included in the game doesn't work; my translation doesn't seem to be at fault. I'll need the Russian copy - localisation - text/rus in order to make the necessary updates. Thank you
  6. gibe

    Lost Alpha DC Extended

    Hello I'm taking over the French translation of Lost Alpha - v 2.83. The old one is not adapted. I can't launch the game with this translation. I enclose : - the error log + the mdmp file - the French translation - renamed "eng" I'm working alone and I can't test my work, the translation being imperfect I can't distribute it. Thank you for helping me. J-B
  7. Hello, I started the Memories DLC after completing the main story of the Adventures. On the first main map with the rebel base, for the first time in all the time playing Stalker Mod, I had serious performance problems. Even when I'm in static lighting with minimal settings, the frame rate is 10-20 fps. Worst of all, this happens at a crashed helicopter in a pond. Is anyone else experiencing this problem? Any ideas on how to solve it? sorry for my Russian, I'm using DeepL to translate from English. Thank you!
  8. gibe Yes, you already forget about these "special sets", this question has already been asked many times. To repair and modify ANY armor, "Armor consumables" are used - common, rare and unique. For weapons it's the same. All specialized consumables are a vestige of the old version, only for sale.
  9. Cyrax странно, что вы восприняли эту фразу как выпад, наоборот, зачем играть в тот мод, который вам не нравится, правильно? Игра должна приносить удовольствие. Дополнено 26 минуты спустя gibe I think you are looking in the wrong car.
  10. БЭТЭЭР обновите фикс. Дополнено 1 минуту спустя есть проводник на Юпитере, а точнее - в баре. Дополнено 2 минуты спустя gibe upgrades are just what you need to repair costumes.
  11. The point is not in 'trying' the product - as you noted, it's not there, there's hardly anything to 'try'. The point is to check out how various things are implemented - for some, with a view to build their mods later on. This is a game modding community, after all. Plus, I don't see how checking out this leak now could interfere with supporting the team when the game is released. If the team allows it, y'know.
  12. gibe I believe that the crash is related to the tag responsible for the color of the text. Try to remember where you could change such tags. If you can’t immediately identify the error, use the elimination method: turn off the changed lines (descriptions) one by one until the crash disappears. This is how you find the problem line.
  13. I read you, I didn't understand everything -of course- so please Мне нужен парацетамол... ... and just play "STALKER"
  14. vsevet Little Frenchman As we say in my part of the world, "desperate times call for desperate measures! I erased and cleaned everything, then installed a new system and a journey fix. everything works fine with the French translation. Thank you both for your help. I will continue to correct the errors and omissions.
  15. Little Frenchman I've tested the Russian version and I'm having the same problem. - did I forget to do something -after reading the 2 messages and 3 pieces of information? -took the food - played with the rat :) - Do I have to do the missions in a specific order? Thank you
  16. Little Frenchman Thank you, but that doesn't solve my problem: I can't get out of the room. No matter where I go, I come back to this room.
  17. gibe "ПК Remaster" is the remastered version of the previous mod called Bad Company. The series has three mods in total (name translations may not be fully accurate): Messenger (Prologue to the whole story released after Bad Company, shows the origins of the main character) Bad Company (First mod in the series) Bad Company 2: Mason (Current mod, the biggest one) In order to know the full story you need to play all three mods. Messenger and Bad Company are relatively short, but they contain crucial plot information. While you can play Bad Company 2 without experiencing those mods (there is a plot summary in the mod which explains the events for those who skipped those older mods), you will miss out on many story details. "ПК Remaster" folder contains improved version of Bad Company mod, it has changes in quests and dialogue and removes alternative endings (so you will always get the ending that leads to Bad Company 2). If you choose to translate Bad Company, this is probably the best version to go with, as it is most canon to Bad Company 2.
  18. Opritchnik Hello. I'm in the process of adapting the French translation for this OGSR version. I'll let you know when it's finished.
  19. gibe It's just an old but funny meme. I recommend watching the video, you will laugh.
  20. ASSASIN64 ?? Why do you have a problem with my questions? In my country it's blondes. They say a brunette is an "A.I."
  21. gibe I dont know what hangar are you talking about, send a screenshot?