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  1. gibe I dont know what hangar are you talking about, send a screenshot?
  2. gibe Pripyat is fucked because it has too much shit going on. The game uses 32-bit engine and it breaks due to insufficient memory. This happens pretty much to everyone playing that level. The best way to get through the level is to find the file at "DarkPath\gamedata\config\alife.ltx", open it with Notepad++, find the following line: switch_distance = 500 ; metres and change it to switch_distance = 20 ; metres Then save the file and relaunch the game. This parameter affects the distance of the area around the player in which objects appear in the game. Everything beyond that will go into "offline" mode and will despawn. Turning this parameter down should decrease the amount of NPCs that spawn around the player and let you play the level normally. You can increase the value back up once you are out of the crash areas. Please tell me if this method works for you. Since you are working on the translation and close to finishing the game, I can tell you how to get one of the endings that is easy to miss. You can look at it now or later if you don't want to be spoiled:
  3. To my great regret, a huge part of the brilliance of this modification lies precisely in the text. And not even in the words that are spoken, but in what is meant by it. The characters speak in very short chopped phrases, because the interlocutor always understands the subtext, understands more than what is said. For example: at the very beginning of the modification, two people are talking. The Greek and the DeadMan. -- Hi, man! Have a seat, let's have a smoke. Where did you come from? What side of the world did you come from? I missed it. -- The south. -- The Greek answers. -- М... interesting. What's it like down south? -- Probably the same as everywhere else. -- The Greek answers. That's not what they actually said to each other, not what their words sounded like. The DeadMan asked: -- Where did you come from in this cursed place? No one walks around here. That chimney you just came out of doesn't lead anywhere. The Greek answered him: -- None of your fucking business. ------------------------- I'm not talking about special words. In the following phrases there will be the word "prosohatil" (просохатил), which no translator will be able to translate for you. In English it would be something like "fucked up".
  4. got it,i also can get some help from the walkthrough video at youtube, so kind of you
  5. V (в настройках это подствольник) Дополнено 7 минуты спустя Hey watsup. Of course you can play without translation. You mean English lang? there's a settings in main menu last button. Like @Others@.
  6. As far as I know, this modification has no translation into English. You will have difficulty with the online translation using your phone - there is a lot of slang in this modification. I am not sure if automatic word translation will help in this case. If anything, to the best of my ability, I am willing to help you with your questions. I also use an on-line translator to answer you. In my personal ranking, this modification ranks first, the best of what modders have created.
  7. The first thing to do is to enter the game settings in the main menu and check which keys are assigned to movement and other actions. I don't see any other reasons. I can't imagine how you would play this modification. It consists entirely of text clues in Russian, with slang and subtext being used. Plus there is a lot of voiced dialogue in Russian, which is not duplicated by the text.
  8. Hello I have just compared the new files : a lot of new things ! I will have to redo some of the translation, I hope the "surprises" are over. Thank you for your work
  9. Mawrak Thank you very much my friend!!! Indeed I was not doing the right manoeuvre.
  10. gibe I can confirm that both demo_record command and the dialogue work in the save you provided: Are you sure you were not trying to talk to the NPC while still being in demo_record mode? Because that won't work, you need to press Enter to exit it and the game will spawn you at the camera's location as shown in the video. The reason the door was closed is because it's just a physics object without any kind of logic attached. It should be open at the start but if you or an NPC push it, it can get closed on accident. As you can see, it can be easily pushed open from the other side. Here is the save file I made for you with the door opened: https://disk.yandex.ru/d/M_dn6eo8NPIrPw
  11. gibe I can think of the following possibilities: 1) perhaps the NPC logic bugged out, you can try to do save-load near him to reset it 2) maybe there are some quests you need to finish first before the dialogue unlocks? If none of this is the case, then it is possible the game broke, if you can send me your save files, I can look into it and try to see whats wrong. Send me the current save file you have after talking to Barman, and also the save from before you disabled the psi-emitter in the Forest.
  12. gibe Ah. I believe the back door of the bar should be open at this point. If it's not, you can try to type "demo_record 1" into the console and then noclip through the door and then press Enter to spawn in. EDIT: Sorry, its "demo_record 1", not "demo record 1"
  13. gibe can you tell which part of the story is this? Or send screenshots? I fully finished the mod so I probably know how to reach the character but I don't remember what part of the story is it
  14. Look at the composition of the team on this site, and you will see that Kostov is in place. The information here should be considered a priority. Дополнено 4 минуты спустя @chriotmao Мне стало интересно, а будет ли новая броня? И сколько будет слотов под артефакты максимум?
  15. Mawrak Thank you. It's not the chests but the caches like the ones shown in this post => https://ap-pro.ru/forums/topic/1953-gid-po-prohozhdeniyu-dark-path/ example: https://i.postimg.cc/L5YqpvKk/4.jpg There is nothing visible. Thank you
  16. About other storylines - checkout Story mode and in spawnlocations you will see what Anthology has to offer
  17. gibe Been a while since I played the mod, but the codes seem to refer to an an input you have to put in when opening a safe with items. The UI for the safe opening can be a bit glitchy, you kinda need to guess where to click on the screen to select the number you want. But you want to do input these numbers one after another on the safe. The second line refers to the location at which the safe is located. If it doesn't specify exactly where, then I guess you have to just find it yourself. Again, I have played this game a long time ago so I don't remember all the details, but as far as I remember if the safe is important and story-related, there should be some indication on how to find it, it can be in the dialogue or quest description I think.
  18. Hardtmuth Hello. I have translated the mod into French. I don't understand the caching system. What is the purpose of the "number" code? I don't see anything in the slots found. Can you help me? Thanks
  19. Hunter Ok I understood that but the map is huge! All locations refer to a map and code "number" to a place that is not indicated. It's this number that I can't locate. Thank you for your attention.
  20. gibe hi, i didn't play mod, but you can search Constructuion Site (Name of location) Try on)
  21. Hello I need some help: Do you know which files contain the location tasks? Example of the attached image Thank you I finally found it! Дополнено 24 минуты спустя Hello ! How do you return to the village after finding the artifact and killing Tark? Is the underground door blocked? Should we go north first and return later?
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