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  1. WolfHeart Теперь такая проблема возникла: !Can't create entity: m_car !Can't create entity: custom_script_object И ещё вопрос: как мины спавнить?
  2. Raid Сейчас посмотрел свежий лог. Там еще он внезапно потерял это: ! Can't find sound 'weapons\_gunfire\stereo\sg550\close_1' ! Can't find sound 'weapons\_gunfire\stereo\sg550\close_2' ! Can't find sound 'weapons\_gunfire\stereo\sg550\close_3' ! Can't find sound 'weapons\_gunfire\stereo\sg550\close_4' Самое интересное, что автосейв при переходе стабильно так же крашится, фатал цтд сэйв тоже крашится. Видимо, надо совсем назад откатываться :D
  3. Снова здрасте! Как эту байду лечить? # LOADING: level_weather | cycle: cloudy - preset: w_cloudy2_dark - is_underground: false - weather_storage size: 1 -level_weathers: restore weather from cache w_cloudy2_dark g_game_difficulty gd_veteran g_hit_pwr_modif 1.6 g_dispersion_base 2 g_dispersion_factor 2.5 - Water deprivation | Enabled - Sleep deprivation | Enabled -Smart terrains can spawn squads normaly ! [LUA] File not found "c:/games/anomaly expedition/expedition_torrent\gamedata\sounds\ambient\gas_lamp\on_idle.ogg"! ! [LUA] 0 : [C ] sound_object ! [LUA] 1 : [Lua] ...ion_torrent\gamedata\scripts\bind_light_furniture.script(58) : ! [LUA] 2 : [C ] placeable_light_binder ! [LUA] 3 : [Lua] ...ion_torrent\gamedata\scripts\bind_light_furniture.script(40) : !![ERROR] CInifile::r_string: S = [(null)], L = [k_dist] # SAVING: Bounty Squad | [last_spawn_time]: table: 0x3d7e1460 # SAVING: Bounty Squad | [active_squads]: table: 0x3b4b6430 # SAVING: level_weather | cycle: cloudy - preset: w_cloudy2_dark - is_underground: false - weather_storage size: 1 # SAVING: NPC items | number of saved npcs: 0 # SAVING: Water deprivation | last_drink: 566.2143554302 # SAVING: Sleep deprivation | last_sleep: 6299.6 * Saving spawns... * Saving objects... * 37043 objects are successfully saved * Game fatal_ctd_save_0.scop is successfully saved to file 'c:/games/anomaly expedition/expedition_torrent\appdata\savedgames\fatal_ctd_save_0.scop' FATAL ERROR [error]Expression : S && strlen(S) [error]Function : CInifile::r_section [error]File : Xr_ini.cpp [error]Line : 1080 [error]Description : assertion failed stack trace:
  4. Hunter с помощью поисковика конкретных слов в нотпад++ я проверил все файлы которые редактировал, НИ ВО ДНОМ НЕТУ wpn_rpg_missile даже если в файле рпг вести там такого не будет Дополнено 5 минуты спустя я то думал что у меня игра вылетит иза изменения алл спавна или префексаф, или я чтото забыл гдето поменять, а нет, игра взяла вылет из неоткуда Дополнено 15 минуты спустя https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1IEm94Idgfmt1t8HmF94TuJz97yUqlrQt?usp=sharing конфиги там где все связанно с авп Дополнено 23 минуты спустя ЕМА Я НАШЕл [wpn_rpg7_missile]:identity_immunities GroupControlSection = spawn_group discovery_dependency = visual = weapons\awp\wpn_awp_grenade.ogf cform = skeleton class = G_AWP $prefetch = 32 inv_weight = 0 как я мог пропустить? даже поисковик не нашел, че за бред? Дополнено 28 минуты спустя Expression : fatal error Function : CRender::texture_load File : E:\stalker\sources\trunk\xr_3da\xrRender\Texture.cpp Line : 295 Description : <no expression> Arguments : Can't find texture 'scope' прикол в том что я даже не использовал текстуру скоуп и нигде не прописывал эту текстуру ВЫ СЕРЬЕЗНО? вылет был иза того что в названии текстуры была большая буква
  5. При переходе на армейские склады FATAL ERROR [error]Expression : <no expression> [error]Function : CInifile::r_section [error]File : Xr_ini.cpp [error]Line : 1101 [error]Description : fatal error [error]Arguments : Can't open section 'я'. Please attach [*.ini_log] file to your bug report stack trace: Что это вообще такое и где найти таинственный 'я'
  6. Прикольно, но у меня опять вылет уже при запуске Expression : fatal error Function : CInifile::Load File : .\Xr_ini.cpp Line : 175 Description : <no expression> Arguments : Duplicate section 'hand_radio' found. Дополнено 22 минуты спустя Это вроде бы связано с моим патчем, вроде бы это "губная гармошка", можно ли ее убрать как-то? Дополнено 25 минуты спустя В system.ltx нашел ее и удалил строки с ней и теперь: Expression : fatal error Function : CInifile::r_section File : .\Xr_ini.cpp Line : 342 Description : <no expression> Arguments : Can't open section 'yad'
  7. Я еще спрашивал изменение содержимого под дефолтную игру или неофиц. патч 1.0007 Ну или как сильно меняют геймплей эти 2 скрипта Дополнено 55 минуты спустя Попробовал, выдавало ошибку чтобы закинуть amk_mod.script теперь пишет: Expression : fatal error Function : CInifile::r_section File : .\Xr_ini.cpp Line : 342 Description : <no expression> Arguments : Can't open section 'matras' удалил все строки с матрасом он начинает писать в логах, amk_sapiska удалил все строки с с амк записка и теперь другой лог: Expression : fatal error Function : CScriptEngine::lua_error File : .\script_engine.cpp Line : 73 Description : <no expression> Arguments : LUA error: ....r. Тень Чернобыля\gamedata\scripts\amk_anoms.script:466: attempt to call field 'invalidate_pp_accessibility' (a nil value) Дополнено 5 минуты спустя Попробуй крч запустить этот мод с: https://www.playground.ru/stalker_shadow_of_chernobyl/file/s_t_a_l_k_e_r_shadow_of_chernobyl_neofitsialnyj_patch_1_0007-996885?ysclid=lo6b9whxa8622399260
  8. Expression : fatal error Function : CInifile::r_section File : D:\prog_repository\sources\trunk\xrCore\Xr_ini.cpp Line : 502 Description : <no expression> Arguments : Can't open section 'moon_blue'. Please attach [*.ini_log] file to your bug report Где эта секция должна быть? Где её добавить?
  9. Madara_Uchiah Мы пробовали ваш файл в течение примерно 40 часов. Он отлично работает, и ошибки исчезли! Большое спасибо! На всякий случай, если вам интересно, в дополнение к замечательному патчу, приведенному выше, я также перечислю способы устранения ошибок, которые я применил. Установка "modded exe" https://github.com/themrdemonized/STALKER-Anomaly-modded-exes "Weapons Drop on Bodies" https://www.moddb.com/mods/stalker-anomaly/addons/jabbers-weapons-drop-on-bodies "Anomaly-Mod-Configuration-Menu" https://github.com/RAX-Anomaly/Anomaly-Mod-Configuration-Menu *update* Однако не все проблемы были решены. Например, в некоторых областях (jupiter,warehouse) продолжает возникать ошибка Xr_ini.cpp 1080 assertion failed.Это не удается решить с помощью debug mode. CResourceManager::DeferredUpload -> START, size = 2633 ! Fallback to default bump map: build_details_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: build_details_bump texture loading time: 672 * t-report - base: 2584, 4143289 K * t-report - lmap: 49, 50182 K ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: c:/games/anomaly mcm\gamedata\sounds\music\level\explore_day-01.ogg ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: c:/games/anomaly mcm\gamedata\sounds\music\level\explore_day-03.ogg ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: c:/games/anomaly mcm\gamedata\sounds\music\level\explore_night-01.ogg ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: c:/games/anomaly mcm\gamedata\sounds\music\level\explore_day-05.ogg ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: c:/games/anomaly mcm\gamedata\sounds\music\level\explore_day-02.ogg ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: c:/games/anomaly mcm\gamedata\sounds\music\level\explore_day-08.ogg ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: c:/games/anomaly mcm\gamedata\sounds\music\level\explore_night-04.ogg ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: c:/games/anomaly mcm\gamedata\sounds\music\level\explore_day-09.ogg ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: c:/games/anomaly mcm\gamedata\sounds\music\level\explore_day-04.ogg ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: c:/games/anomaly mcm\gamedata\sounds\music\level\explore_empty.ogg ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: c:/games/anomaly mcm\gamedata\sounds\music\level\explore_night-02.ogg ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: c:/games/anomaly mcm\gamedata\sounds\music\level\explore_night-05.ogg ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: c:/games/anomaly mcm\gamedata\sounds\music\level\explore_day-07.ogg ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: c:/games/anomaly mcm\gamedata\sounds\music\level\explore_day-06.ogg ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: c:/games/anomaly mcm\gamedata\sounds\music\level\explore_day-10.ogg ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: c:/games/anomaly mcm\gamedata\sounds\music\level\explore_night-03.ogg * phase time: 1328 ms * phase cmem: 1443269 K * phase time: 168 ms * phase cmem: 1443268 K * [x-ray]: Full Memory Stats * [win32]: free[137426206180 K], reserved[4752488 K], committed[7994740 K] * [ D3D ]: textures[97878 K] * [x-ray]: process heap[1443268 K] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[134615 K], smem[92809 K] ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: c:/games/anomaly mcm\gamedata\sounds\detectors\geiger_1.ogg ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: c:/games/anomaly mcm\gamedata\sounds\detectors\geiger_2.ogg ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: c:/games/anomaly mcm\gamedata\sounds\detectors\geiger_3.ogg ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: c:/games/anomaly mcm\gamedata\sounds\detectors\geiger_4.ogg ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: c:/games/anomaly mcm\gamedata\sounds\detectors\geiger_5.ogg ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: c:/games/anomaly mcm\gamedata\sounds\detectors\geiger_6.ogg Time continual is:20970 # LOADING: level_weather | cycle: clear - preset: w_cloudy1 - is_underground: false - weather_storage size: 5 -level_weathers: restore weather from cache w_cloudy1 g_game_difficulty gd_veteran g_hit_pwr_modif 1 g_dispersion_base 1.7 g_dispersion_factor 2 - Water deprivation | Enabled - Sleep deprivation | Enabled -Smart terrains can spawn squads normaly ! Fallback to default bump map: act\act_specmask_head_bump# ! Can't find texture 'wpn\rgd5' ! Fallback to default bump map: act\act_specmask_bump# ! Can't find sound 'weapons\explosions\modular_model\shared\core_wave\core_wave_close_8' ! Can't find sound 'weapons\explosions\modular_model\shared\disruptor\disruptor_1_5' ! Can't find sound 'weapons\explosions\modular_model\shared\disruptor\disruptor_2_5' ! Can't find sound 'weapons\explosions\modular_model\shared\disruptor\disruptor_3_5' ! Can't find sound 'weapons\explosions\modular_model\shared\disruptor\disruptor_4_5' ! Can't find texture 'wpn\wpn_scope_mark_aimpoint_dot' ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: c:/games/anomaly mcm\gamedata\sounds\weapons\handling\mosin\bolt_new.ogg ! Missing ogg-comment, file: c:/games/anomaly mcm\gamedata\sounds\weapons\barry_knife_draw.ogg ! Missing ogg-comment, file: c:/games/anomaly mcm\gamedata\sounds\weapons\barry_knife_holster.ogg ! Fallback to default bump map: act\act_eye_brown_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: act\act_head_mask_camo_bump# ! Can't find texture 'act\newzombied\faces\eyeball' stack trace: at address 0x000000014019F703
  10. I asked this question a few pages back. I can't seem to find any addon download on this to read what it is about.
  11. Установил поиграл выщел ивсё в игру не зайти-жук! Expression : fatal error Function : CInifile::r_section File : c:\mfs-team\advanced-x-ray\engine.vc2008\xrcore\xr_ini.cpp Line : 503 Description : <no expression> Arguments : Can't open section 'monster_base'. Please attach [*.ini_log] file to your bug report
  12. Если интересно, на ТЧ заработало только video_avi_test.avi (cinepak, rgb24, 512x256, 7594 kb/s). video_tv_street.avi и video_ogm_test.ogm вылетают. Дополнено 16 минуты спустя Еще потестил. В общем, при воспроизведении avi движок игры определяет нужный кодек и подхватывает из винды. Если нужного кодека в винде не установлено, то вылетает по "Can't open video stream". Virtualdub в меню компрессии показывает доступные в системе кодеки. Самый тупой кодек это Сinepak, должен присутствовать в любой винде по умолчанию. Из дополнительных можно поставить нaпример xvid: https://www.xvid.com/download/ Соответственно, кодеки надо ставить и на комп, где видео кодируется, и на все системы, где будет установлена игра с видеофайлами.
  13. This is S.T.A.L.K.E.R ART!!! Love the UI Love the closeness of the 3D scopes. Love everything...... I can't wait to see other mods flourish from this. Stalker world is always expanding and it is from all you modders that makes this game stay alive.
  14. Zloi BadwinHello ! I don't like translating weapon, ammunition or armour files. I don't understand a word of it! Unfortunately I can't punish you for that!
  15. For travelers seeking a world-class experience, Qatar Airways is synonymous with luxury, comfort, and impeccable service. When departing from Washington Dulles International Airport (IAD) with Qatar Airways, your journey begins at the IAD Qatar Airways Terminal, where excellence is the standard.

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  17. На Армейских складах 14 фпс, загрузка железа 15% ВК и 22% ЦП. Вылеты вида "r4 render can't render particle".


    Beautiful Andheri escorts Girls to overcome your loneliness Bachelor or a single man in Andheri, it may be time to hire one of the many Beautiful Andheri escorts girls to get rid of your loneliness



     Andheri escorts girls are perfect companions who can make you forget your loneliness. They are talented, experienced, and offer great escort services in the Andheri area. Andheri escorts are very attractive and can make you forget all your tensions. They are very creative and can make you feel great when you talk to them. They can meet you at any time of the day or night in Andheri. &nbsp;Independent call girls in Andheri are the perfect solution to your lonely situation. These call girls know the city like the back of their hands. They are highly skilled and know how to satisfy your desires in the best way possible. You can hire any of the Andheri escorts for your outcall needs. Andheri escorts girls are also available to provide outcall escorts.   Andheri escorts are the best choice to eliminate your loneliness. Whether you’re lonely and need a female companion or want to overcome your isolation, Andheri escorts can meet your requirements and make you feel good. They’ll provide you with the most romantic, sensual and elegant escorts for any occasion. All you have to do is to find out how to contact Andheri escorts and start enjoying the freedom and fun that comes with being a sexy man.   The sexy Andheri escorts are extremely talented and will provide you with a sensual female companion at an affordable rate. These stunning girls are highly trained and educated, and are dedicated to satisfying the needs of their clients. They can be hired anytime in Andheri and make your loneliness disappear. You can enjoy your loneliness by hiring a beautiful Andheri escort to meet your needs.   If you are lonely and would love to have an enchanting escort, Andheri escorts can be a wonderful solution to your problem. Unlike high-class escorts, the Andheri escorts are high-class escorts and renowned as beautiful babes. With a little bit of research, you’ll be able to hire a gorgeous Andheri escort at a very reasonable price.   Andheri escorts are beautiful, sexy and very talented. You’ll find that your Andheri escorts girls have an amazing talent for pleasing their clients. Andheri escorts are high-class escorts who are willing to help you feel less lonely and get back to your feet. A beautiful Andheri escort will be able to make you feel comfortable and at ease Andheri Call Girls.   Andheri escorts are your best option for a one-on-one escort in Mumbai. These sexy ladies will provide you with sensuality and entertainment, and will not charge much for their services. Moreover, the best thing about Andheri escorts is that they are affordable and easy to contact. You can hire one at any time you want, and they’ll be ready to do so with minimal fuss and effort. The cost of hiring an escort in Andheri varies. A good escort will have high-class and experienced escorts. Andheri escorts are not cheap, but they are worth their money. If you want to get a beautiful escort in Andheri, you can contact a reputable agency to book an escort.   There are many reasons to hire an escort in Andheri. First and foremost, these girls are trained to be escorts. They have the necessary training and experience to understand and deal with men’s emotions. They are also very affordable. You can easily afford them if you’re a single person with little or no social life. You can even get one who works with a company that provides a service for lonely people in sexy hot call girl in Andheri.   




     Get Escorts Services in Andheri 

    If you want to make the most out of your day out, you should consider getting Escorts Services in Andheri. These services provide you with a gorgeous escort. Andheri consists of a large number of attractive, upscale hotels, and many other popular destinations. Andheri’s escorts are very appealing and will make you feel like a king or queen, whether for a night out on the town or a romantic dinner for two independent andheri escorts.   Escorts can be hired for special events and even for outings in Andheri. This means that you can have a beautiful escort accompanied you to a nightclub or restaurant at any time of the day. Andheri’s call girls know every nook and cranny of the city, and you can have them with you whenever you need them. These highly-experienced escorts will keep you entertained throughout your night, and they can even serve you at a dinner party.   Andheri is a highly important locality in West Mumbai. It is a booming commercial area, with several major offices located here. As a result, Andheri’s escorts are highly-trained to cater to the desires of their clients. They will know how to mix your emotions and make sex extra erotic. The best escort services are well-connected with the rest of India and the world, making them a great option for a romantic escort in Andheri.   The Escorts in Andheri are similar to the female friends of your spouse. They know how to satisfy your desires and are trained to make you feel amazing. Andheri’s escorts also know how to mix up your emotions and make your sex even more erotic. Andheri’s escapologists love the attention that it brings them.   The Andheri call girls are incredibly tempting and stimulating. Andheri’s escorts are skilled in creating great memories. They know every physical move to satisfy your lust and give you an unforgettable experience. As a result, more clients visit Andheri’s escortors. Andheri’s escapists are not only trusted, but also vetted.   College call girls Andheri are college-going girls. They are mostly looking for money and sometimes work in call centers. However, they are still highly attractive and capable of making you feel sexy. But they are not all just there for sex. These are mature girls who are fascinated by sexual pleasure. Some of them have been married for a while, and they need to make love.   There are several independent escorts in Andheri. They vary in price, but they are a wonderful option for a romantic evening. You can even get a sexy escort to meet your needs and make you feel pampered. These escorts are sexy and can help you meet your dark fantasies. These independent call girls in Andheri are highly intelligent and graceful, and they’ll make a good impression on you.   While you’re in Andheri, take a look at the various options for romantic and escort services. The choice is yours. If you want to be pampered with an escort in Andheri, you can enjoy your night out with confidence. Andheri escorts are highly trained and will make sure you have a romantic time.   Escorts in Andheri are like the best of your female friends or spouses. They are trained to satisfy your needs and desires. Moreover, you’ll love their sexy skills. These professionals are trained to make you feel more than satisfied. They are a perfect match for you, and you can easily get the services of an escort at an affordable price.   Escorts in Andheri are available in all budgets and are an excellent choice for romantic evenings. Andheri escorts can be hired for a variety of occasions, from parties to escorting. They are impartial, fun, and will make you feel like a king or queen. If you want to feel pampered, hire a professional

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