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Найдено: 168 результатов

  1. добрый вечер. Столкнулся с такой вот ошибкой: FATAL ERROR [error]Expression : <no expression> [error]Function : CScriptEngine::lua_pcall_failed [error]File : ..\xrServerEntities\script_engine.cpp [error]Line : 204 [error]Description : fatal error [error]Arguments : LUA error: ....r anomaly 1.5.2\gamedata\scripts\xrs_debug_tools.script:422: attempt to call field 'get' (a nil value) stack trace: Эта появилась из ниоткуда, из за нее я не могу зайти в настройки ни в expedition 2.3 и в 2.2.1 , и в обычную аномали. Что мне делать?
  2. I just recently clicked on this and to my surprise is the scope of the size this would be. Sorta reminds me of Stalker Soup but better. I hope to see this get perfected and translated down the road. I will watch this closely. Good Luck on this massive project. It could turn out to be the new "Anomaly".
  3. Тесто любит руки совать куда не надо. Полез в настройки - получил дропФПС. У меня 3060 и все летает, ничего в настройках не трогал вообще, разве что высоту травы мог снизить, не помню уже, но это самая часто мною меняемая настройка (любят модеры траву выше головы растить). По стабильности ФПС и фризам эта сборка у меня уделала всех, даже Гамма и ЕФП хуже по фризам кастома. Все плавно и красиво. автор писал НЕЛЬЗЯ УМЕНЬШАТЬ КАЧЕСТВО ТЕКСТУР - ломается ХУД. Дополнено 21 минуты спустя крафт обезболивающего вызывает вылет FATAL ERROR [error]Expression : <no expression> [error]Function : CScriptEngine::lua_pcall_failed [error]File : C:\anomaly_src\xray-monolith\src\xrServerEntities\script_engine.cpp [error]Line : 206 [error]Description : fatal error [error]Arguments : LUA error: ...anomaly custom\gamedata\scripts\zzz_workbench_fix.script:163: attempt to get length of a nil value
  4. I'm having this crash when entering the Outskirts. I'm hoping I can have some help here so that I can move forward. I don't get a crash log with this one.
  5. What is the add on that produces this many mutants to spawn? I would like to disable this. After a while fighting this many mutants gets to be a bore. This happens a lot! Look at my hud map. Too many mutants. Again, I get this a lot. Also, there is a stash in Kopachy Village in Yanov that I can not get. I climbed the roof and jumped on the chimney stack. No luck. Anyone have this problem? screenshot below
  6. Absolutely captivated by the eerie beauty and haunting atmosphere of the Zone in Call of Chernobyl. The game's ability to immerse you in its post-apocalyptic world is truly unmatched. Exploring every nook and cranny feels like a personal journey, and I can't get enough of the sense of adventure it brings.🕹️🏞️#CallOfChernobyl #GamingAdventures"
  7. I found to disable artifact degradation. At the main menu go into 'add-ons' and then go into artifact condition. There is where you can disable it. My next issue would be the animations for cutting mutants and picking up items. I was able to go into FDDA setting through MCM and was able to switch off pick up animations and cutting for mutant parts. The pick up animations did work but I get a crash when cutting into mutants. I also disabled everything in the SKIN tab under MCM. Here is the crash log. [error]Expression : <no expression> [error]Function : CScriptEngine::lua_pcall_failed [error]File : ..\xrServerEntities\script_engine.cpp [error]Line : 206 [error]Description : fatal error [error]Arguments : LUA error: ...es (x86)/anomaly custom\gamedata\scripts\zzz_skin.script:115: stack overflow Also, is there anything I can disable to reduce the worlds population? In the games main menu settings does not seem to work. I assume this is from an add-on but I just don't know what it would be to reduce the population. Here are some examples. There is so many people here A lot of people just sitting around. 4 men here in a small spot. I want to reduce populations just help improve performance. There are just too many people loaded into the maps. I hope I can get some help here.
  8. *TOO LONG TO READ I'M SORRY =\ ... if not the fan-based community... (people and groups who released mods, standalone versions, since the "complete-era" mods (more than what 10 years now?) anyway, since microsft is spreading like a virus acquiring all companies it can, formatting the next-gen gaming experience to be "cloud-based". e;g: pay monthly subscription, have NO PHYSICAL COPY. (digital ones can be locked, like a cod modernwarfare i had, spent months without even logging on then one day "my account was suspended and get in touch with support" of course, no one would come forward saying: your username had cyrillic characters/your character skin was wearing RF uniform and patch ) - is that even a reason to block the account? all things might be "fancy" and "digital" but that cash certainly wasn't lol. I've found out some ppl were either "having the same issue" (reaching the conclusion that having a "too pro-russian profile in a call of duty game (known for its controversial absurdities regarding "what's considered offensive".... Could i be exageratin? i dunno im not even russian. Nonetheless regardless what i am. its simply ridiculous. i couldn't even download the thing again to play with bots who "wouldn't feel offended by having some army units with patches (unlike the promotion of "women extremists" (very bad attempt at mixing kurdz YPG female fighters in a "moderate rebel" setting in a plot where the protagonist goes AWOL deserts, and join the "not-so-radical" cell) Yeah ive had to go over this complete garbage to just make you think : "Whats more offensive than that?" Well, if you have like a xbox /microsoft account and spent cash in "digital copies" you might one day see realize you've been ripped off (i heard xbox online services will be unavailable for RU. so i guess, if you have a "digital library" its at risk. Why? because some western narrow-minded company (which probably thinks the "anomalies, experiments and secret labs" in stalker series are fictional versions of "the real secret labs undergoing secret off the record research" ? LOL not that there was a NOVEL a 3 hour philosophical-thought-provoking movie with no "western merceneries nor secret labs" but based on the chelyabinsk meteorite incident... not even the NPP itself has to do with the original story has it? but it wouldn't prevent them from stealing it. Playing some of the recent stalker mods. i can't help but notice how many scripts/animations stuff from metro series had been used. Aren't outcome: someone will get really mad at this evil business model. Especially because some companies in the early 2000s went bankrupt due to the "dotnet bubble" (caused by the same microsoft hoarders, the "Embracer" group ) Thats why definitely the future of gaming belongs to the modders as the I.T community used to be in the 80s 90s (open source, indie) because you either "surrender your intellectual rights" or truly empty your pockets to dedicate to game developing without financial support. This politics/business is sure boring and some might think is out of context. A software developer might think otherwise.. a modder can see himself/herself as a software developer. even working remotely with people from different countries, and still able to achieve/create something. According to GSC original CEO: "I remembered the principle: if you want to do something but don't know what exactly, look at the others and don't do the same. Our market didn't demand intellect in those times, so we decided to target the western audience. Moreover, the CIS market was unstable after the 1998 crisis." Sergiy Grygorovych (GSC - hence the company's initials \ his own name) How could the small 4A team develop launch the metro series, then the remastered/HD + metro exodus (which, in a risky attempt to "re-create" itself, expand its original plot without falling in the "open-cliché-world trap"? And they were the ones having $$$ issues? *or so as it is said.. i don't think they "financial situation was the real reason" after all, it was when THQ had filled for bankruptcy and auctioned "everything") - maybe that's why we're getting "remakes, remasters" its about business and not really gaming. Ever wonder why writers never declared strike? because they can't rely on writing as a means to survive (except maybe Dostoevsky hehe) So modders are people commited to doing it because IF THEY DON'T DO IT, Who else will? It has been a decade since "we've been seeing the same patterns here and there" - internet, cinema, social media***, "big tech" Now it has been the "art of ripping off ppl while trying to make it not only "entertaining", but also educational when it comes to "ethical" grounds such as "coercive techniques... children begging parents a credit card subscription in something the "customer" is not interested. The customer doesn't even want to know, but also doesn't want kids crying over stupid monthly subscriptions of a digital service" - Companies don't even have to manufacture and ship physical units. just "stream"... people pay for something that's not owned (at least in the 90s we still had something) So how come they "fall short on money?" i don't understand. Do modders set fundraisers? yes, when they're onto something big and don't wanna abort the project. What we sadly most see is youtubers streamers making money off the modders's work. They monetize with content created by people WHO ARE UNABLE to earn what revenue could be earnt by monetization... thats ***** unfair isnt? ... And when a group of then do some achieve some groundbreaking success, they are either sued by lazy people "who pay to acquire intellectual property, so they can assure no one "develops something based on a concept". ... which is way i can't understand how stalker 2 is coming.. and why no russian localization will be available, neither its storyline, plot... i mean, it was not supposed to have anything to do with reactor number 4 and exclusion zone... (nor secret labs and foreign UN mercenaries lol) Seriously how can we say whether a "gameplay footage" is "real" and not some "breakthrough work-in-progress stuff" like we have seen here? modders exhausted all the possibilities of the old XRAY engine, and continue to surpass, create, even experiment with different engines, so up to this point WHO is more motivated to work on the sequel? BTW in software development in general. I think the modders are. Sorry for the absurdity of this manifesto its neither a comment nor a wall-text anymore. sorry, never gave much thought into this... but since microsoft acquired bethesda steam (now i remember this studio being very friendly and flexible towards modders. maybe microsoft isnt? no, i think not. they "erased" a digital copy of that stupid COD just because "it was too pro russian" (man, no one ever said that, BUT haven't denied either. no way they wouldn't pay attention to hundredz of poztz of danila bagrov playing chess in chicago and well , you get it. .. i mean THEY think they're powerful and right because they have kept the account with the $$$$ "worth" of scamscriptions and can silence/boycott people . But the truth is that the modding community is having its struggle similar to 80s 90s ( An Open Letter To Hobbyists) the several times US court and even the european (they agreed there "was a lot of greed") Just look now... how much % of "everything" EVERYTHING its owned by? Please i'm not crusading the net on a campaign against MS.. its just the thought that we REALLY need to learn how to cope without these virulent trends . Knowing that "we" (modders, devs, wannabe devs, self-taught/amateur scriptkiddies) who think alike, we can do better. because we like it and lets face it: the one thing keeping the dev/independent community togheter is the same one which tries to split it appart. (oh thats wishful thinking? but at some point this psychopathological rant must end. Thank you all for inspiring. TOO LONG TO READ * SORRY
  9. It's kind of hard to say. After I did a new download and fresh install because of the MO2 fault that I was having with the 'stalker_merc' files, everything was fine. When I restarted, I could have landed a different starting weather pattern? However, that brighter, strong sun ray setting did come back but did not seem as strong. I think there are some weather patterns that are not too good compared to others. I have been tinkering with the Reshade and the games main brightness and gamma settings and I did land a nice overall contrast.So you may have to just experiment til you get a nice setting for you. Tip: If you do a fresh install, do a copy and paste of the appdata folder as a backup so you have quick access to the default files in case you run into any problems. I even did a copy and paste to the MO2 profiles. Anyways, I have been playing for several hours now and am starting to experience constant crashing when entering Cordon. I'm not getting clear logs with these crashes now. 1st one * [x-ray]: Full Memory Stats * [win32]: free[8569843244 K], reserved[314268 K], committed[19777016 K] * [ D3D ]: textures[1420945 K] * [x-ray]: process heap[2329905 K] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[245053 K], smem[533748 K] stack trace: [error][ 87] : The parameter is incorrect. at address 0x0000000140210D79 2nd one * [x-ray]: Full Memory Stats * [win32]: free[8572643888 K], reserved[157120 K], committed[17133520 K] * [ D3D ]: textures[3795165 K] * [x-ray]: process heap[2035379 K] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[199301 K], smem[783771 K] ! you are trying to use a destroyed object [0] [2] stack trace: [error][ 87] : The parameter is incorrect. at address 0x0000000140210D79 3rd one * [x-ray]: Full Memory Stats * [win32]: free[8570118868 K], reserved[188736 K], committed[19626924 K] * [ D3D ]: textures[1459433 K] * [x-ray]: process heap[2307618 K] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[222257 K], smem[832378 K] Warfare state saved stack trace: [error][ 87] : The parameter is incorrect. at address 0x000000014011033E Also, even though I have item animations turned off, they are still animating. I am also not too crazy about the time it takes to loot corpses as it forces you to wait.
  10. OK, I reinstalled the game and all is good now. I don't have that failed error on my MO2 and no more stalker merc crashes. Thanks again! Now my next problem is im playing in demo mode and I am immune to all damage. How do I get out of demo mode? Hope someone can help me out here. I also need to tell you that I am a lefty mouse player so my movement keys are all over the keypad and some of the buttons close to the keypad. So I do not know if I am activating 'demo mode' by some kind of default key. Also I thought to show that there are 2 BaS updates on the same date within MO2. Not sure if they are doubles. Just thought I would show it here. Also, I am not seeing MCM on my main menu. Why is this?
  11. OK. Finally I was able to enter the game through MO2 and be able to play. However, I did get a few crashes. First....when I load MO2 I seem to get a ' failed to read directory stalker merc ' on the bottom of MO2 here.... Also, why am I asked to unlock MO2? When in the game a had a few crashes... FATAL ERROR [error]Expression : <no expression> [error]Function : CModelPool::Instance_Load [error]File : ..\xrRender\ModelPool.cpp [error]Line : 120 [error]Description : fatal error [error]Arguments : Can't find model file 'actors\stalker_merc\stalker_merc2a_m150_custom.ogf'. -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- --------------------- FATAL ERROR [error]Expression : <no expression> [error]Function : CModelPool::Instance_Load [error]File : ..\xrRender\ModelPool.cpp [error]Line : 120 [error]Description : fatal error [error]Arguments : Can't find model file 'actors\stalker_merc\stalker_merc_sun1_glasses.ogf'. -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ----------- FATAL ERROR [error]Expression : <no expression> [error]Function : CModelPool::Instance_Load [error]File : ..\xrRender\ModelPool.cpp [error]Line : 120 [error]Description : fatal error [error]Arguments : Can't find model file 'actors\stalker_merc\stalker_merc_dynamic_lc_1.ogf'. I wonder if these crashes are related to the ' failed to load stalker merc ' message at the start of MO2 ? Also I have a few screenshots which i think dont look right. If this is part of one of the weather sequences I will accept it. Just wondering if it is on my end. Any help on these would be appreciated.
  12. I don't think the issue here would be the drive location. My main drive is a Windows7 M.2 which I never have any issues with any Stalker mods. My second drive which is not an M.2 is full. So I would prefer to stay on my main C:/ Drive. The problem I think is this..... When trying to load through ModOrganizer, it does not detect "gunslinger_nra" folder like I posted above. "custom/bin/..\gamedata\textures\gunslinger_nra\newgeneral\smersh_dark - ?????.thm" Here is a screenshot of that texture folder.....no gunslinger_nra folder Then when I try to load from the AnamolyLauncher.exe directly (not through ModOrganizer) I get this error [error] Arguments : c:/program files (x86)/anomaly custom\gamedata\textures\loner\loner_gloves - ?????.thm That 'loner_gloves - ?????.thm' is actually the only item in that folder that is Russian which it can not recognise which is why it is giving me this ????? This needs to be corrected I would think.
  13. Will we get an updated version of this down the road? At the moment I can't seem to move forward into certain areas.
  14. Петренко в следующей версии будет протестирован как следует. Честно почти не пользуюсь этим торговцем во время игры. Дождливая погода сломана по техническим причинам из-за конфликта методов рендера мокрых поверхностей и металла. В 2.4 после танцев с бубном будет исправлено. Ни небо ни трава (если только в дождь) не могут быть пересвечены, в шейдере неба вообще экспозиция поставлена на 0.8, то есть 20% темнее обычного. Еще меньше и будет просто темно. Возможно, неправильно скомпилировались шейдеры. Вылет stack trace at address пофиксить очень сложно потому что игра не говорит что собственно не так. По моим наблюдениям, обычно такая вылезает, когда игра запрашивает слишком много памяти слишком быстро, (для обработки моделей, текстур, т.д.), в таком случае не поможет даже лютое железо, потому что сбоит сам движок, не рассчитанный на современный графон. В 2.3 такую проблему вызывает мод "dynamic sleep timelapse" или как его, потому что поставил по-быстрому перед релизом и не протестировал. Если не ошибаюсь, мод можно убрать заменой скрипта. Вообще-то даже пианино и мастерскую нельзя достать обычными методами, если только я где-то не проворонил торговца. Ладно, в следующей версии будет мастерская. Но пианино зачем? Это майнкрафтщина какая-то. Может еще качалку, душ и майнер биткоина? ui_sleep_dialog.script Дополнено 24 минуты спустя There's no file in 2.3 that references a stalker_freedom_2.ogf. Only stalker_freedom_2_0.ogf references are present. You must be playing an outdated version of Expedition or you've been tinkering with the models. You can however get a random stalker model somewhere (like the hd pack), name it stalker_freedom_2 and place it where the engine is looking for it. If you want to play with vanilla models you can go to the game's folder/tools and click on db_unpack.bat. That'll unpack the configs and scripts folder. From configs you can then go to configs/gameplay/ and copy the xml files to their identical location in the Expedition folder. That would technically revert the models back to vanilla, but I haven't tested how stable it is. It'd also require a new game.
  15. I get this when leaving the Bar into the Army Warehouses first time playing as a Loner/Free Stalker. Is there a way to go back to the older character models? I much prefer the original models. FATAL ERROR [error]Expression : <no expression> [error]Function : CModelPool::Instance_Load [error]File : ..\xrRender\ModelPool.cpp [error]Line : 120 [error]Description : fatal error [error]Arguments : Can't find model file 'actors\newfreedom\stalker_freedom_2.ogf'.
  16. I'm sorta hoping that we can get a pre-teaser release by providing all the True Stalkers new features which would also hint to us it is near release. Info like a good estimate of world size, how many weapons, artifacts and such......
  17. This is amazing! I can't believe how much this engine has been pushed. I truly hope to get a good English translation with this mod.
  18. While I applaud the effort, the idea of this will not get much attention from fans. Such great talent could have went into something more beneficial to the players. I hope the person creating this won't get upset by the lack of downloads. Anyways, good luck with this.
  19. Little Frenchman Of course ! I wanted to give it a try to see if I could get both for the same price. lol
  20. Hello I need some help: In the mission ""exgar_forestcamp_art_task_name0"> <text>Аномальная душа: догнать сталкера</text> before I can continue with the NPC I get this error log "FATAL ERROR [error]Expression: npos != comma3_pos [error]Function : CUILines::GetColorFromText [error]File : C:\Repositories\abramcumner-16-jekan\xray\xrGame\ui\UILines.cpp [error]Line : 493 [error]Description : CUISubLine::GetColorFromText -- can't find third comma" Localization : https://disk.yandex.com/i/9fkE49sFw_ew7Q Thanks
  21. Little Frenchman Thank you, but that doesn't solve my problem: I can't get out of the room. No matter where I go, I come back to this room.
  22. When I launch the "survival" game, whatever destination I choose, I get this message "До выброса осталось не так много, как кажется. Советую поторопиться" and I come back to the room where I started. Is this a bug? Am I wasting time reading the computer? Thanks for yor help.
  23. gibe "ПК Remaster" is the remastered version of the previous mod called Bad Company. The series has three mods in total (name translations may not be fully accurate): Messenger (Prologue to the whole story released after Bad Company, shows the origins of the main character) Bad Company (First mod in the series) Bad Company 2: Mason (Current mod, the biggest one) In order to know the full story you need to play all three mods. Messenger and Bad Company are relatively short, but they contain crucial plot information. While you can play Bad Company 2 without experiencing those mods (there is a plot summary in the mod which explains the events for those who skipped those older mods), you will miss out on many story details. "ПК Remaster" folder contains improved version of Bad Company mod, it has changes in quests and dialogue and removes alternative endings (so you will always get the ending that leads to Bad Company 2). If you choose to translate Bad Company, this is probably the best version to go with, as it is most canon to Bad Company 2.
  24. gibe Pripyat is fucked because it has too much shit going on. The game uses 32-bit engine and it breaks due to insufficient memory. This happens pretty much to everyone playing that level. The best way to get through the level is to find the file at "DarkPath\gamedata\config\alife.ltx", open it with Notepad++, find the following line: switch_distance = 500 ; metres and change it to switch_distance = 20 ; metres Then save the file and relaunch the game. This parameter affects the distance of the area around the player in which objects appear in the game. Everything beyond that will go into "offline" mode and will despawn. Turning this parameter down should decrease the amount of NPCs that spawn around the player and let you play the level normally. You can increase the value back up once you are out of the crash areas. Please tell me if this method works for you. Since you are working on the translation and close to finishing the game, I can tell you how to get one of the endings that is easy to miss. You can look at it now or later if you don't want to be spoiled:
  25. got it,i also can get some help from the walkthrough video at youtube, so kind of you