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Весь контент Moustapha_Matushka

  1. A lot of great news here. Finally there is a mod that has given some love to the Darkscape map. Looks great too. Wish I can understand what mod it was =( Really looking forward to True Stalker. Thanks for the latest news guys.
  2. I hope the next picture will be a big, juicy sausage.........I MEAN REALLY BIG.......AND REALLY HARD, so that I can use it for melee and hit my enemies over their heads. I wanna see every bit of detail on it ?
  3. I hope the weapons will have the option for 2D or 3D scopes. Personally, I hate 3D scopes.
  4. Its a shame really. Ive been following the Diablo series and they share game play footage already for both Diablo 4 and Diablo 2 Resurrection ...... well in advance. I hope they don't surprise us with......'Stalker will have artifacts' 'Stalker will have med kits' 'Stalker will have mutants' "Stalker will have a PDA MAP' Anyways......look forward to any news really.....i guess
  5. I hope it's not just another piece of bread picture..............or hopefully a full 5 minute game play footage ?
  6. OK. Very good on this. I hope to see this put out one day. Thanks again ?
  7. Damn! That sucks! I'm saddened by this. Thanks for letting me know ?
  8. Can someone translate the news on death in spite of 3? =( I am so curious and anxious about this mod. Thanks!
  9. Sadly this is very true. I remember seeing demonstrations on the Crytek engine =(
  10. Personally I like the high contrast. It adds depth. I am very much looking forward to this.
  11. One of the most highly anticipated mods today. This will surely meet everyone's expectations. It will be one of the most polished i'm sure.
  12. I think the models looks great! Perfect for the 'stalker' atmosphere. Better than the high poly swat team models I have been seeing in certain mods.
  13. Ah, ok. Thanks. Hopefully that will get made soon. I know Gunslinger is not an easy project.
  14. I personally like the contrast in these shots. Im looking more forward to than Stalker2 imo ?
  15. Is there an FN2000 in this? What is the Assault Rifle list for current Gunslinger?
  16. I still say I hope for a physical copy purchase and offline play. I don't want to play single player/story mode online like some games today.....
  17. I really wished the toggle run and walk was still in. Sucks not having that option. Weapons degrade too fast in my opinion. Scope 'eyecups' are too thick and big in my opinion. Wished they were smaller or have another scope with smaller eye cups.
  18. Any news on the status of this one? I hope i'm not the only one waiting on this ?
  19. That is a superb trailer. What a way to promote this mod. Now I wish it was translated =(