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Найдено: 590 результатов

  1. heftoid

    True Stalker

    Is it a softlock, though? Technician should finish the repairs and reward you after you kill poltergeists (at night). So go have a nap at Sidorovich's or at stalker camp and hunt the mutants down afterwards to check if there is actually a problem :)
  2. Okay folks have True Stalker now and unlimited google so I will let it seed. Also the updated Solyanka and Echo of the monolith. Seed till you bleed and then keep going. And if you get on Mod DB and look for 21thx12 that's my short Stalker story. Now get out of here Stalker.

  3. heftoid

    True Stalker

    You could try removing/renaming user.ltx and tmp.ltx from the userdata directory. If my assumption is correct, it is trying to read new config values that are not present in your current file. After restart the files would get recreated Or maybe just add this line (to both of these files): g_talk_font_size st_opt_subtitles_font_medium Just like this:
  4. reyZ

    True Stalker

    Первый раз прошел игру без единого вылета и без патчей. Решил переиграть повторно, собрать, как говорится, все пенки...Собрал ...После установки патчей - стандартный вылет при проигрывании скрипта, когда раненого кабаном охотника доставляю в лагерь. Начало диалога и - привет-пока! Переигрывал 9 раз, стабильно в одном и том же месте, при проигрывании скрипта...Снес нахЪ игру, все равно прошел. Лог оставил на память. Где-то в патчах накуевертили в скрипте с генералом кабаном: FATAL ERROR [error] Expression : 0 [error] Function : ErrorLog [error] File : D:\TrueStalkerEngine\src\xrScriptEngine\ScriptEngineScript.cpp [error] Line : 40 [error] Description : You are trying to spawn two or more objects with the same story_id:[nsp_general_boar_king] --> [nsp_general_boar_king21548] try to add:[nsp_general_boar_king25605] Можно не отвечать, все равно игру снес, переустанавливать и перепроходить уже не буду. Всем бобра!
  5. Stachelhaut

    True Stalker

    Thanks for the latest Patches! Especially dialog font scaling! A few suggestions: - For some reason the faction of the NPC is written in all lower case symbols. In russian it starts with a capital letter - not so in english, even if the string in the .xml is written in all caps. Is there any way to fix this? https://imgur.com/a/zVIJ4B5 - When starting the game the system keyboard automatically switches to english. This is kinda annoying on a non english system. For example Z and Y are switched for me. Please patch this so the game uses the system keyboard. - I'd really love item animations. Can you give us an option for that?
  6. mahaIker

    True Stalker

    FATAL ERROR [error] Expression : 0 [error] Function : ErrorLog [error] File : D:\TrueStalkerEngine\src\xrScriptEngine\ScriptEngineScript.cpp [error] Line : 40 [error] Description : You are trying to spawn two or more objects with the same story_id:[gar_stalker_koval] --> [gar_stalker_koval0520] try to add:[gar_stalker_koval16915] вылетает, когда в 8 главе в баре меня бьет прикладом мерцающий патчи ставил
  7. As you want, you can do it or share me your stuff and tell me how do. It's always time to learn something new. About the mod itself, don't worry. I have a lot of files in eng, for SA, RMA... I already play on it.. I translated the first RMA version in french a decade ago. It was not easy. Google translator was not as translators are today.
  8. Borovos I am the creator of the installer and I can add English, if necessary, or send you what you need to translate and eventually rebuild the repack with the addition of the language, but there is no translation of the modification itself.
  9. Borovos

    True Stalker

    Report bugs, english version. Everything in screenshots: https://ibb.co/hc5YTbN https://ibb.co/1JWSPXK https://ibb.co/FqWHbHF https://ibb.co/9TTktTH https://ibb.co/yYdLyQ8 https://ibb.co/TWbhVmj https://ibb.co/X293LWF https://ibb.co/M5Ycb2W https://ibb.co/XtXjQfr Some text missing in pda map. Two errors in geometry in garbage, at the underground (under the hangar). Climbing to a ladder, it's possible to see the sky (need a fake object, as there is no reason to create a portal between two unconnected sectors, or move the metal plate to close this ladder correctly, or a quick way, spawn a anomaly at the base of this ladder). The light in the same underground light up the ground outside (a no_sun object needed or some edit if it's a dynamic light). Strange shaders for the crow My feed back regarding gameplay, the respawn is a little speed, monsters smarties are in small quantity and the radius is low (I understand you have to prevent bad events regarding quest and mainstory). About pda and encyclopedia, some datas about artefacts will be nice addition. By the way, it's a excellent mod 10/10. I didn't play a single CoP's mod since the last release of CoC years ago, but it's good to be back in the Zone. Really nice geometry, cool story, perfect ui, very beautiful design (2D art for loading screen). Time to return in the Zone. Best regards and congratulation for this wonderful work, again.
  10. lapa1969

    True Stalker

    Трудно на русский перевести? Здание из красного кирпича (будка трансформаторная), по лестнице вверх, в комнате есть рубильник. Отключаешь- арт достаёшь. По ангельски через переводчик The building is made of red brick (transformer booth), up the stairs, there is a switch in the room. If you turn it off, you get the art.
  11. Аркмор

    True Stalker

    You need to find a small building, go to the second floor and there is a switch right near the entrance.
  12. Ребята, вы не могли бы патчи на гуглдрайв и торрентом выкладывать? А то этот ваш ссанный яндекс уже достал со своими вечными первышениями лимита на скачивание. Ублюдочный сервис просто. Всё нашёл ссылку на гугл драйв. Прошу прощения, но гугл такие же уроды: Sorry, you can't view or download this file at this time. Too many users have viewed or downloaded this file recently. Please try accessing the file again later. If the file you are trying to access is particularly large or is shared with many people, it may take up to 24 hours to be able to view or download the file. If you still can't access a file after 24 hours, contact your domain administrator.
  13. FATAL ERROR [error] Expression : 0 [error] Function : ErrorLog [error] File : D:\TrueStalkerEngine\src\xrScriptEngine\ScriptEngineScript.cpp [error] Line : 40 [error] Description : You are trying to spawn two or more objects with the same story_id:[esc_village_fanat] --> [esc_village_fanat6395] try to add:[esc_village_fanat15298] 5 глава, после того, как закончил задание Сани медика в депо, при попытке перейти на кордон через 2 переход в трубе
  14. ничего не получилось, такой же вылет с логом You are trying to spawn two or more objects with the same story_id:[esc_village_fanat] --> [esc_village_fanat23041] try to add:[esc_village_fanat4055]
  15. Warlord40000

    True Stalker

    Аналогичная проблема вот логи ! [LUA][ERROR] You are trying to spawn two or more objects with the same story_id:[esc_village_fanat] --> [esc_village_fanat15642] try to add:[esc_village_fanat4916] stack traceback: c:\games\true stalker\gamedata\scripts\_g.script:509: in function 'abort' c:\games\true stalker\gamedata\scripts\story_objects.script:17: in function 'register' c:\games\true stalker\gamedata\scripts\story_objects.script:106: in function 'check_spawn_ini_for_story_id' ...\true stalker\gamedata\scripts\sim_squad_scripted.script:757: in function <...\true stalker\gamedata\scripts\sim_squad_scripted.script:753> [C]: in function 'create' c:\games\true stalker\gamedata\scripts\sim_board.script:214: in function 'create_squad' c:\games\true stalker\gamedata\scripts\xr_effects.script:982: in function <c:\games\true stalker\gamedata\scripts\xr_effects.script:953> c:\games\true stalker\gamedata\scripts\xr_logic.script:460: in function 'pick_section_from_condlist' c:\games\true stalker\gamedata\scripts\xr_logic.script:568: in function 'try_switch_to_another_section' c:\games\true stalker\gamedata\scripts\sr_idle.script:15: in function <c:\games\true stalker\gamedata\scripts\sr_idle.script:12> c:\games\true stalker\gamedata\scripts\xr_logic.script:364: in function 'issue_event' ...mes\true stalker\gamedata\scripts\bind_restrictor.script:94: in function <...mes\true stalker\gamedata\scripts\bind_restrictor.script:80> FATAL ERROR [error] Expression : 0 [error] Function : ErrorLog [error] File : D:\TrueStalkerEngine\src\xrScriptEngine\ScriptEngineScript.cpp [error] Line : 40 [error] Description : You are trying to spawn two or more objects with the same story_id:[esc_village_fanat] --> [esc_village_fanat15642] try to add:[esc_village_fanat4916]
  16. BitFrein

    True Stalker

    [error] Expression : 0 [error] Function : ErrorLog [error] File : D:\TrueStalkerEngine\src\xrScriptEngine\ScriptEngineScript.cpp [error] Line : 40 [error] Description : You are trying to spawn two or more objects with the same story_id:[esc_village_fanat] --> [esc_village_fanat17922] try to add:[esc_village_fanat17684]
  17. Warlord40000

    True Stalker

    FATAL ERROR [error] Expression : 0 [error] Function : ErrorLog [error] File : D:\TrueStalkerEngine\src\xrScriptEngine\ScriptEngineScript.cpp [error] Line : 40 [error] Description : You are trying to spawn two or more objects with the same story_id:[esc_village_fanat] --> [esc_village_fanat15642] try to add:[esc_village_fanat11069] Вылет при переходе на Кордон
  18. Стабильный вылет в Новошепеличах. Выполнил задание "Охота", начинаю диалог с Горшком и... Висяк и вылет. Обидно. Вот лог: FATAL ERROR [error] Expression : 0 [error] Function : ErrorLog [error] File : D:\TrueStalkerEngine\src\xrScriptEngine\ScriptEngineScript.cpp [error] Line : 40 [error] Description : You are trying to spawn two or more objects with the same story_id:[nsp_general_boar_king] --> [nsp_general_boar_king9575] try to add:[nsp_general_boar_king21763]
  19. Borovos 2 questions: What prevented the Russian language in the installer? You can translate the installer, but if the mod itself is translated into English or some other?
  20. All the materials are under that Depot base in Garbage. It is all in those tunnels. You need to keep looking throughout. They are spread around.
  21. Hate_Error

    True Stalker

    как это исправить... не пойму в чем дело FATAL ERROR [error] Expression : 0 [error] Function : ErrorLog [error] File : D:\TrueStalkerEngine\src\xrScriptEngine\ScriptEngineScript.cpp [error] Line : 40 [error] Description : You are trying to spawn two or more objects with the same story_id:[esc_fanat_friend_2_id] --> [esc_fanat_friend_217437] try to add:[esc_fanat_friend_210173]
  22. Winterborn

    True Stalker

    Привет. Игра пытается заспавнить одновременно двух фанатов и подыхает с подливой. Есть фикс? Квест "Старая Гвардия". FATAL ERROR [error] Expression : 0 [error] Function : ErrorLog [error] File : D:\TrueStalkerEngine\src\xrScriptEngine\ScriptEngineScript.cpp [error] Line : 40 [error] Description : You are trying to spawn two or more objects with the same story_id:[esc_village_fanat] --> [esc_village_fanat19457] try to add:[esc_village_fanat4853]
  23. MVukanichh

    True Stalker

    Well, I did kill the Military really really early, so replaying kinda sucks. Unless patch is going to take a while, I'll wait. Thanks for answering this quickly, considering you have many other questions here. I, again, am sorry for speaking English here, and thanks again!