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  1. Can you post this memo for me, please? I can not translate discord for some reason.
  2. Да ты не боись, я уже давно разобрался по этому гайду (гайд на You Tube рядом не стоял) https://cloud.mail.ru/public/9yZ1/T9nvV41gX и всё сразу заработало, вместо того чтобы хотя-бы чем-то помочь, сидишь и обсмеиваешь меня, буд-то я не шарю даже в самых элементарных вопросах.
  3. Are you sure to export game? - Yes. Making started... Renumerate sectors... Export breakable objects... Prepare geometry... Extract Parts... Simplify Parts... Export Parts... Export climable objects... Prepare geometry... Extract Parts... Simplify Parts... Export Parts... Making finished. вроде никаких ошибок Дополнено 39 минуты спустя Я понял в чем проблема но не знаю его решения я не могу добавить динамический обьект в сектор поэтому они у меня своего цвета вместо красного
  4. Moustapha_Matushka I would advise you to share such information in the discord. Since there is practically no administration here.
  5. I did thanks to that video you linked. Sorry for being a PITA You have been a great help!
  6. Hello Boss !! Stoopid Question Time -- Is the Bosspack, a 'modpack', similar to 'G.A.M.M.A.' ? I read the info on this post, and I guess you've basically squeezed the best-of-the-best in a different pack of mods (i.e., a modpack). Am I correct in thinking this? If the answer is 'YES, it is a modpack', then my next question is 'ARE THERE MORE' ?? Like, is there a list of various modpacks that a noob S.T.A.L.K.E.R. like me can enjoy different ways of enjoying the ZONE ?? I know only of GAMMA, and EFT, sorry. It's a genuine well-meaning question :D Cheers !!
  7. "We regret to inform you fans that there will be a delay on the release of Stalker 2. In the meantime we would like to present to you a very long 45 second video clip...of NOTHING!!" - The Made In Ukraine Team -
  8. Those are one of the few things I am very concerned about. Mutant animations. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT!!! On Xray, they were the worst monster animations in any game I have ever seen. Nothing sucks more than a dog biting you from his ass while jumping! Their movements were so erratic that it is impossible to shoot them.
  9. thanks for including an english localization! i am really enjoying this mod so far, sorry to see that are you dealing with constant baby complainers.
  10. I think the essence of Stalker is well implemented into the game. It feels like Stalker. The anomalies, mutants, artifacts, detectors, environment....is all Stalker! Does is look a bit too contrast? Sure it does, and so does the new Anomaly Custom. Contrast can look very damn good when done right. Does the world look too glossy? Sadly, yes. I am not a fan of the Unreal Engine since I think of it as a console engine. It's here in Stalker now and I hope mods will help ease the plastic, glossy look. Maybe there might be some in game settings that reduce this? What I don't like are the 3 hours of cinematics. I don't care to play a movie. This is all for console fans in my opinion. I'm also a bit concerned about the seamless world. I kind of prefer loading areas that are separated. How will mods add more maps? Also, I do notice that the player does not affect the moving of bushes when he walks through them. Some mods in Xray has this and was in Far Cry. Surprised not to see this here. I wonder if it stresses the performance of the seamless world that we play in? Trap lines at doors should be at foot level, not below the waist level. Does not make sense when you can easily spot it.
  11. О май Гад! Это закомлнилось! Как Я давно я вейтил эту хитяру! Бютифул гейма милениума! Графон як в жiти! Найс и греат девелоперам за греат гейму эбанит греат майндах энд гроеатест фром бест авторов оф комьюнити! Как хи потужно потужили потужный проект для селебрети в бьюти стайл ! Мани креатива фром потужного проекта! Стайл креатив и нам снова показывают великий креатив! А вайтинг фор у оби ван кенноби! Пипл хавайте полной ложкой - Эй мужик не пей, это говносток со всей деревни ! - What did you say ? - Черпай говорю двумя руками ...
  12. Slayer666777 installer will change nothing regarding MO2, you still need to add profiles and enter the paths. китай полную прокачку через дебаг я вернул, там один мод много что ломал, он уже в опциональных. Disima не должно ничего сломаться. spawnofvoidhttps://github.com/ahuyn/anomaly-wpo
  13. I am very tired of bogus, half assed teasers and chatter. I don't care for behind the scenes at this point. It's coming out soon. Show the Xbox world what they will be buying. What we need is a good half hour of constant in game footage....no more screenshots!!! You people are being very selfish and are making asses of yourselves with all these recent delays. The world wants to see your game in full, long video action!
  14. Просто нужно было обновиться и всё заработало. thank you!
  15. Pilot Здравствуйте Вы внесли много изменений в диалоги или вам приходится перечитывать и переводить все заново? Спасибо -------------------------------- Hello Have you made many changes to the dialogues or do you have to reread and translate everything again? Thank you
  16. Thanks but I know how to use google and DeepL or Yandex. The question was why I was translating proper names, not how. A Cyrillic name on an HTLM encoded in windows 1252 is unreadable. In short, I'm translating so that French players can understand what the characters are so that they can play comfortably. 2 distinct alphabets, I think that's easy to understand, if you translate a game written in Chinese, Korean or Japanese you'll do the same thing.
  17. I have never played a mod that has perfect combat AI. Some mods have issues where they are dumb and less responsive. Some see through bushes with superman laser eyes. I have experienced other mods that have the same issue where enemies can hit you through walls. This mod is not the first with that problem. It just an Xray issue I would think. I noticed the suits in this are more balanced and sensitive to their environment and in combat. I already got a Nosorg and a Spartan Helmet and I am now kicking ass and receiving minimal damage. Acquired some good weapons and i'm taking down enemies quickly. No mods are ever perfect and there has to be some compromise. We need to consider that these mods are so filled with so many items that its tough to find a perfect balance on everything. I am quite pleased with the balancing in the new Anomaly Custom.
  18. The most effective method to guidelines for taking my web-based class. Presenting yourself in a web-based class can be surprising, particularly since you will not have the decision to see your colleagues. In any case, establishing Take my online class a decent first connection with your educator and different students is significant. In your show, make a point to solidify some foundation data about yourself, like your occupation and instructive history. Additionally, you should consider the reasons you chose this course and what you hope to gain from it. Online classes can be pursuing for understudies who are not used to this sort of learning climate. They demand a ton of adventure and concentration, and getting diverted by virtual redirection or different endeavors can be fundamental. In any case, understudies can conquer these difficulties by rehearsing compelling using time productively and focusing on the essential errand. Something else that understudies need to remember while taking an internet based class is that there will be less eye to eye cooperation with their teachers and accomplices. In this manner, molding associations and a sensation of local area could challenge. Regardless, this can be overwhelmed by looking at as habitually as possible with your teacher through email or talk and visiting your instructor's open time expecting they offer them. At last, online classes are generally more reasonable than standard ones in light of the fact that your enlightening cost doesn't need to manage above costs like audit hall space and materials. In like manner, you can routinely apply your cash related guide grant to these courses. Students regularly need to finish a ton of work in web-based classes. They might have to watch a conversation, pay attention to a sound recording, and write a paper about it. Once in a while, they may besides have to go to a virtual office hour. Students who ought to keep a harmony among fun and serious exercises and schoolwork can see this as inconceivably testing. While explicit educators could feel that electronic courses are more direct than customary homeroom courses, most understudies report the regressive. Truly, a large portion of them felt that they learned more in an electronic class and accepted that it is mentally problematic. During the Coronavirus pandemic, a few students guarantee that they are being relegated more liabilities, which has left them with less energy for rest and different exercises. This has made it harder for them to perform well in their classes. Some have even stopped taking their electronic courses thinking about the critical commitment. Understudies who take online classes once in a while battle with saving the significant opportunity to deal with their endeavors. This may be directly attributable to a number of factors, including responsibilities at work, in the family, and elsewhere. Not an extremely clear explanation, it will overall be obviously moving for understudies to finish their electronic classes without assistance from subject matter experts. Online understudies really ought to fan out a customary that they can follow dependably. This could include reducing the amount of time required to complete their homework, ensuring that they approach a computer equipped with the internet, and eliminating interruptions. Understudies who battle to stay aware of their courses ought to converse with their instructors at the earliest entryway and sales help. You could moreover utilize someone to take your web based class for the wellbeing of you. At any rate, this can be unsafe considering the way that you have no certification that they will remain consistent with their guarantee to accomplish the work. Also, you can't have certainty that they won't swindle through your course or on a very basic level dispense with your cash and run. The expense of taking an electronic class can be high for understudies, particularly tolerating that they should buy new gear. This is because of the way that numerous web-based courses are advanced, requiring a PC with a solid web association. Various nhs fpx 4000 assessment 3 applying ethical principles resources, such as making devices and course readings, may in like manner be required from specific students. Getting signed up for a lesser school is one method for reducing expenses while taking a course on the web. Junior universities offer a large number of courses to address the issues of many understudies and are much of the time more affordable than conventional advanced education organizations. Likewise, they can furnish students with monetary aide groups, which can help you in getting a reasonable plan on instructive expenses. Web learning can be testing, particularly while shuffling work and school. Web learning can be trying, especially while rearranging work and school. Interdisciplinary Arrangement Proposal for


  19. Hello I'll ask you again: how do I sleep? The bed in the sidorovich cache is not activated. Nobody sells a sleeping bag Thank you
  20. AC6 ключевое здесь конфиги, а так же придётся менять шейдер на коллиматорных прицелах (collimator заместо lfo_light_dot_weapons). You should change the shader on red dot sights from "lfo_light_dot_weapons" to "collimator" with OGF Data Changer, for example. И еще убрать из конфигов скорость анимаций (к примеру ak74_idle, 1.2, где 1.2 - скорость анимации), ибо версия 3.5 их не поддерживает. Also you should remove the animation speed from the configs, because version 3.5 does not support them. Anim name = ak74_idle, 1.2, where 1.2 is speed.
  21. Moustapha_Matushka Thank you very much for the advice. I don't have Reshade, but I'll install it and check it out
  22. If there is Reshade, you can try this. It works for me. Turn on SMAA and FXAA. There is no performance hit too.