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Весь контент Moustapha_Matushka

  1. This is my honest opinion. Due to the chip shortage we are facing and lack of Xbox sales would have affected the sale of this game. This is one of the reasons for postponement I honestly believe. Could you imagine the lack of sales and the potential outcry of die hard fans that would have purchased Stalker2 and complain about its console game play mechanics? All that in combination would have buried its sales. Think about it. This will also provide them with some time to polish.
  2. I can try. I'm not too good with this stuff. Link me to the files.
  3. If I can ask one question......how is True Stalker going to compare in size to CoC? Дополнено 1 минуту спустя I hope this will not turn out to be true.
  4. I'll take machine translation than no translation. Hopefully us westerners will get to try this.
  5. I really do not understand the gaming industry today. They are so out of control. DRM, DLC, STEAM , NFT....ALL IS STUPID! I miss the days of walking into a store, purchase a physical copy and installing without any internet connection. If there is a patch, you download later and install yourself. NOT STEAM INSTALLING IT FOR YOU!
  6. I am very pleased that this is making it's way to Anomaly. I just hope that we can also get an English translation.
  7. Damn! They just updated their Moddb site. They better get this out before Stalker2 gets released if they want to get some decent downloads. Welp.....gotta be patient ?
  8. Thank You for the compiled video. I just hope the game play is better than it looks. I gotta admit, it does look very nice! Now our main concern should be......will we get the affordable hardware in time to play this? If hardware prices don't go down, I can not buy this.
  9. Patience people. The long wait will be well worth it. This will be a mod unlike any other mod out there. This will feel like a whole new game i'm sure
  10. Amazing work!!! I am amazed at how far modders has come to building this game up to what it is today. It's because of you guys is what keeps us fans playing. Looking forward to this release.
  11. Very impressive!! I think this looks better than UE5. I don't care what anyone says. I wish these people a lot of luck and hope to play this down the road.
  12. WOW !!! Looks great !!! Can hardly wait. I loved that gunshot to the head on that bandit ? Great voice acting on those. Superb! This mod and True Stalker will be better than Stalker2 = D The lighting looks real good on those new screenshots. You guys are doing a great job. One opinion here, the green health bars of the weapons and items are too bold and thick. It could be toned down a bit thinner.
  13. Happy Anniversary AP-Pro from here in Northern New Jersey America. I hope to see more reviews from more mods for years to come.
  14. Thank you for the monthly news videos! What is the first mod in the video ?
  15. Another disappointing (bread) teaser which shows nothing of this new 'console' version of the game. Recorded outdoor gunshots that have not been processed into the game. Diablo4 has a recent sound youtube video which also shows new sounds recorded outdoors AND put into the game ...... showing the game. Diablo4 is gonna be released a year longer or even more than Stalker2 and yet, we have seen hours of game play footage so far. We all know what Stalker2 will be like. No reason to keep it in the dark prior to release. Show us some more game play action !!
  16. So much work went into these map designs. I am so blown away at how good they are. A real shame to the stalker mod fans here. Anyways, I wish them all luck with whatever they are doing.
  17. Moustapha_Matushka

    Windows 11

    I'm still on Windows 7 and am quite happy. I never liked Windows 10. What's funny is that when people complain about windows 7 users not wanting to go to 10 and yet, the windows 10 users do'n't want to switch over to 11. Does not make sense.
  18. I just can not get used to it. It is like looking through a peephole. It is like looking into the scope 10 inches away from your eye. Too far. Also, I can edit 2D scopes to my liking very easy.