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Весь контент Moustapha_Matushka

  1. I hope someone can help me here. I need to find a Radio and a Electric Lantern for a technician but I can only find the Radio. I can't find the Electric Lantern. Any help would be appreciated.
  2. I want to thank the team for making this outstanding total conversion mod. The years of work put into this certainly shows. Downloaded, installed without any problems. I have been playing for several hours now and it plays very smooth on my system on max settings. I really like main menu and the loading screens oil paint style. Love the new UI and how you can navigate through it. Very simple to move items from stash to backpack. Certainly a lot of work put into this design. I am also glad that they added a desaturate option for the visuals. Much better to my eyes. Weather and rain effects looks great along with the flooding in certain areas. Very cool feature which adds a bit of realism to the environment. I'm playing at a much slower pace but doing more exploration on the maps. Really like the many changes on them. I do hope that they provide a patch soon with a much reduced weapon degradation option as this take a bit of the enjoyment away from going 'rambo' style on your shooting. The weapon degradation is a bit excessive. So far I have only explored Cordon, Garbage and the Bar and am having a blast. Great job on the APpro team! Certainly was worth the wait.
  3. This looks damn good. I hope to see a full English translation with this. Good luck on this project.
  4. I'm glad to see that this will receive a full English translation.
  5. Does anyone know how to reach this particular stash in Cordon? I feel like we need a 'low crouch' option. I climb inside but no way to reach this stash. Very frustrating.
  7. I just can't wait to see the people that bashed or complained about the mod prior to release that will be asking questions on how to play it
  8. Anybody asking questions about the mod, file size or hosted sites needs to just wait now til it is released and see then. Wasting your time asking these questions.
  9. I really never understood the need to know system requirements on a mod that is slated for release in a few days. You know you are going to download it and try.....that is when you will find out if your system can handle it and you will have to adjust settings accordingly.
  10. @COMPLEXTER That is too funny The Xbox crowds wants to know if True Stalker will be available on their awesome platform.
  11. If you can not open it in 7zip you may need to download Anomaly Custom again. I was able to extract it with 7zip no problem.
  12. I assume that UE5 will handle grass distances at a better performance? That screenshot looks great! Can't wait to see a new video on the grass and foliage.
  13. That's reassuring to hear. As long as you're not tied into the Chernobyl grid
  14. OK....we are 9 days and 17 hours from release date. This site will be on heavy load on high anticipation adrenaline from all the fans. We need to make sure servers are securely juiced. Make sure you are not on wind power grids and to be fully connected to coal power grids and on heavy power back ups. This will ensure all fans will get their first download on time. We do not want to see this site down on an important date.
  15. I can hardly wait for this release. One of my top 5 highly anticipated mods. Not too many people seem to comment on this one
  16. I can see so much passion went into creating this mod. Your team shows so much dedication into all the work put into this. With the new voices, level design and everything else it truly is a work of game art. Wish this team tons of luck!
  17. Years in the making and in a few days we will all be playing. Can hardly wait to see the new level designs and whole new story.
  18. I will be having a week off from work soon. This will come in perfectly. I will gain 10 lbs that week. Congratulations guys on all your hard work. I am sure many people are going to rave over this one.
  19. That should be within the games main settings. Keep looking. It's not any add on or anything like that.
  20. That was the reason why I was asking how many languages this was being translated to. Was concerned this would delay the release because they want to add like.....Malaysia or something It's great that they are trying to add other languages for more people to play. That is really cool to consider other languages. However, these can be added later in time after the release I would think. Anyways, being patient here =)
  21. You should judge for yourself and try it. I think it is a fantastic mod. But understand, you need a powerful PC. Added 2 minutes later I have completed Anomaly Custom like 4 times. Each time I was never able to complete the "Concrete Tomb" task. I never experienced the 10 enemies to come out. @Skilldex, unfortunately for me Discord does not translate =(