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Весь контент Moustapha_Matushka
After updating to the latest patch. I did notice that the overall world quality was not as good as before the patch. I did a shader cache purge which did help, but it still does not look as good as before the patch. Very strange. Also, the load times have gotten severely worse for me after the patch. I don't know why but they did get very bad on my end. There is a task that Beard gives you to look at the suspicious mutant activity at the Testing Workshop. In there you will confront Phantoms of Sidorovich and then later, a very large Burer. This is a very, VERY difficult task to accept if you are not prepared. I wished that with tasks like this, Beard would have hinted that I may want to bring a lot of hand grenades. I wished this game had the task provider would give a hint on what to expect in a situation like this by simply suggesting to bring a special weapon or something. With the constant dying and the very long reload times, I ended up using God Mode to finish it. I was very upset.
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I decided to install the latest patch and am upset that the artifacts have been affected. I had a full belt of the Heart of the Oasis in their containers. I was getting a lot of benefits from their stats. Now they all have been changed =(
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Those are one of the few things I am very concerned about. Mutant animations. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT!!! On Xray, they were the worst monster animations in any game I have ever seen. Nothing sucks more than a dog biting you from his ass while jumping! Their movements were so erratic that it is impossible to shoot them.
HA! I was thinking the same thing. I have my MO adjusted to the way I like it and now I have to reset everything again.....and may have to start a new game as well.
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I have a feeling this may not turn out too well in the console world. This game is not a fast paced action game that gets your adrenalin going. These Xbox boys need to be spoon fed with sugar coated action every minute. I know GSC target audience are the console players, but I just hope they will not be surprised by their console fan disappointment. For myself, I have very high hopes for this game in the modding world.
That is actually a pretty large patch. 1.6gb
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I'm surprised that many of you do not realize that their studio does not even make the top 50 in gaming studios today. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_largest_video_game_companies_by_revenue I would think for their size and budgets along with studio relocations and with certain programmers who had past away.....I would say it's a pretty solid product. There maybe some minor quirks here and there, but nothing major. I think we should give them a chance and reserve any judgments until we play it....you may be surprised.
This would be my first game to play on the UE5. I was actually curious if UE would provide an adjustment option like this for their games. The engine receives a lot of praise for its superb lighting. And for it not to provide such a feature would be quite shocking to me. I always preferred a 'cold' look. I never liked a 'warm' look. I always try to mimic this with Reshade. Its fine but, this would be kick ass feature if it provided the option to give their players their color preference. Anyways...still looking forward to this release
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HAHA! Thats funny, but what I was referring to was in color temperature. Watch at 6:10 in the video My 1080 Epson projector has temperature settings which is cool.
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I really like how they maintain the overall look of the original Artifacts. Great job on these! I also like the lighting of rainy days. Looks superb. Looking forward to this. After this presentation, I hope there will be no more delays. *edit* What I would love to see that no other games has Is a Kelvin Temperature setting along with the brightness, contrast and saturations. This would be the most unique adjustment to any game out there.
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What are the patch notes? Thank You
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I think the essence of Stalker is well implemented into the game. It feels like Stalker. The anomalies, mutants, artifacts, detectors, environment....is all Stalker! Does is look a bit too contrast? Sure it does, and so does the new Anomaly Custom. Contrast can look very damn good when done right. Does the world look too glossy? Sadly, yes. I am not a fan of the Unreal Engine since I think of it as a console engine. It's here in Stalker now and I hope mods will help ease the plastic, glossy look. Maybe there might be some in game settings that reduce this? What I don't like are the 3 hours of cinematics. I don't care to play a movie. This is all for console fans in my opinion. I'm also a bit concerned about the seamless world. I kind of prefer loading areas that are separated. How will mods add more maps? Also, I do notice that the player does not affect the moving of bushes when he walks through them. Some mods in Xray has this and was in Far Cry. Surprised not to see this here. I wonder if it stresses the performance of the seamless world that we play in? Trap lines at doors should be at foot level, not below the waist level. Does not make sense when you can easily spot it.
This was shared by Not A Fact that helped me out. I hope it helps you out. https://cloud.mail.ru/public/9yZ1/T9nvV41gX "Here video https://cloud.mail.ru/public/9yZ1/T9nvV41gX , at the end you need to specify the folder with MO2 of the game itself. That is, where CUSTOM itself is installed"
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I'm reading comments about this game looking like Far Cry and it is designed for more western audiences.... GSC is thinking like a business corporation should....and that is to make profit. They are not going to design this game to a small 'hardcore' fan base and hurt its sales. They are playing it smart. Its a whole new mainstream Unreal Engine. It's not Xray. We will have to adjust to it. I just hope they will provide the PC fans all the necessary tools so that we can mod this game to our liking. This is where all the magic will come. Its the mods that made the original series so popular. Every person knows about Stalker mods. As much as I am excited for this games release....I am just as excited to see what you modders will do push this game to its limit. So don't get too upset over any of the visuals that you see now people......it will all improve over time. Just look at the original SOC when it was released and look at Anomaly Custom today
"Hi all. Before we begin with this presentation, I would like to thank the great Russian writers Arkady Strugatsky and Boris Strugatsky for their amazing novel Roadside Picnic, for their vision. If this novel had never been written, we would not have made a single profit from the XBOX console today. - Mariia Grygorovych - All joking aside......seriously. I was very happy with this. This was a well put together presentation that certainly has me very excited for its release. It shows a lot of work has been put into this by their team. I will not go into details of the video and the world it has shown. I will say that I am quite pleased with what I saw. Nothing really negative to say about it. Anything that seems quite off will certainly be fixed by mods. That is certain! I hope they do very good in sales....because good sales can lead to more sequels. And more sequels is better for everyone Good luck to them all! No matter how much we all complain about it here....we will all play it!
So far I have played over 50+ hours on this newer version of Anomaly Custom and I love it. Only had two crashes so far and is pretty solid. I like many of the changes of enemies and mutant placements in some of the maps so far. I liked the Stalker theme music in the Chernobyl plant. I have an issue with strong radiation effects that hinder stamina. The radiation when affected is too strong and strains your stamina. It affects my Bullet Time - Slo Mo add on. I also noticed that I can only wear one Bubble Artifact at a time. This is a bug I think. Damn! I never knew this old Xray can look this damn good!!
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It is cute that they show these short clips off a PDA using less of the screen. They should have had the PDA farther back so that we would have difficulty in seeing more. It's amazing how they try to show us so little every time....as if many of the fans don't know what the world would look like. No reason to keep hiding.
I am very tired of bogus, half assed teasers and chatter. I don't care for behind the scenes at this point. It's coming out soon. Show the Xbox world what they will be buying. What we need is a good half hour of constant in game footage....no more screenshots!!! You people are being very selfish and are making asses of yourselves with all these recent delays. The world wants to see your game in full, long video action!