Лога где компиляция проходит успешно нету, вот весь лог с вылетом:
* Detected CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-2130 CPU @ 3.40GHz [GenuineIntel], F6/M10/S7, 3390.00 mhz, 30-clk 'rdtsc'
* CPU threads: 4
Initializing File System...
using fs-ltx fsgame.ltx
FS: 24546 files cached 0 archives, 4136Kb memory used.
Init FileSystem 0.696676 sec
'xrCore' build 0, (null)
Loading DLL: xrSE_Factory.dll
'xrCore' build 0, (null)
-----loading f:\x-raycopsdk\editors\gamedata\configs\system.ltx
"LevelBuilder v4.1" beta build
Compilation date: Dec 10 2009
Startup time: 16:01:16
cannot delete file game_graph
cannot delete file local_graph_agroprom
cannot delete file local_graph_agroprom_new
cannot delete file local_graph_agroprom_underground
cannot delete file local_graph_darkvalley_old
cannot delete file local_graph_dead_forest
cannot delete file local_graph_escape
cannot delete file local_graph_garbage_old
cannot delete file local_graph_l01_escape
cannot delete file local_graph_military
cannot delete file local_graph_military_new
cannot delete file local_graph_yantar
cannot delete file local_graph_zaton
cannot delete file raw_cross_table_agroprom
cannot delete file raw_cross_table_agroprom_new
cannot delete file raw_cross_table_agroprom_underground
cannot delete file raw_cross_table_darkvalley_old
cannot delete file raw_cross_table_dead_forest
cannot delete file raw_cross_table_escape
cannot delete file raw_cross_table_garbage_old
cannot delete file raw_cross_table_l01_escape
cannot delete file raw_cross_table_military
cannot delete file raw_cross_table_military_new
cannot delete file raw_cross_table_yantar
cannot delete file raw_cross_table_zaton
! Duplicated level name yantar in the game.ltx, sections level190, level41
! Duplicated level name agroprom_underground in the game.ltx, sections level189, level49
* New phase started: Processing level graphs
! Duplicated level name yantar in the game.ltx, sections level190, level41
! Duplicated level name agroprom_underground in the game.ltx, sections level189, level49
level 186 agroprom_new
* New phase started: Building level game graph
level "f:\x-raycopsdk\editors\gamedata\levels\agroprom_new\"
Loading AI map
375738 nodes loaded
Loading graph points
28 graph points loaded
Building cross table
Saving cross table
Loading cross table
Building graph
Generating edges
96 edges built
Checking graph connectivity
Optimizing graph
edges before optimization : 96
edges after optimization : 56
Saving graph
1623 bytes saved
Level graph is generated successfully
Freeing resources
level 190 agroprom_underground
* New phase started: Building level game graph
level "f:\x-raycopsdk\editors\gamedata\levels\agroprom_underground\"
Loading AI map
35592 nodes loaded
Loading graph points
12 graph points loaded
Building cross table
Saving cross table
Loading cross table
Building graph
Generating edges
30 edges built
Checking graph connectivity
Optimizing graph
edges before optimization : 30
edges after optimization : 22
Saving graph
755 bytes saved
Level graph is generated successfully
Freeing resources
level 191 yantar
* New phase started: Building level game graph
level "f:\x-raycopsdk\editors\gamedata\levels\yantar\"
Loading AI map
147712 nodes loaded
Loading graph points
! removing graph point [level_prefix_graph_point_0006][49.000000][-11.821938][-263.934021] because it is too close to the another graph point
22 graph points loaded
Building cross table
Saving cross table
Loading cross table
Building graph
Generating edges
70 edges built
Checking graph connectivity
Optimizing graph
edges before optimization : 70
edges after optimization : 52
Saving graph
1341 bytes saved
Level graph is generated successfully
Freeing resources
Graph for the level yantar doesn't correspond to the graph points from Level Editor! (23 : 22)
* New phase started: Adding interconnection points
Cannot find level with level_id 188. Connection point will not be generated!
Level agroprom_new with id 186 has VALID connection point agroprom_to_tunnel_graph_point,
which references to graph point tunnel_to_agroprom_graph_point on the level agroprom_underground with id 190
Cannot find level with level_id -1. Connection point will not be generated!
Level agroprom_underground with id 190 has VALID connection point tunnel_to_agroprom_graph_point,
which references to graph point agroprom_to_tunnel_graph_point on the level agroprom_new with id 186
Level agroprom_underground with id 190 has VALID connection point tunnel_to_yantar_graph_point,
which references to graph point yantar_to_tunnel_graph_point on the level yantar with id 191
Level yantar with id 191 has VALID connection point yantar_to_tunnel_graph_point,
which references to graph point tunnel_to_yantar_graph_point on the level agroprom_underground with id 190
* New phase started: Saving graph being merged
cross_table offset: 169951
cross_table offset: 2424427
cross_table offset: 2638027
* New phase started: Freeing resources being allocated
level 186 agroprom_new
level 190 agroprom_underground
level 191 yantar
| | [agroprom_new][af_soul][level_prefix_af_soul] : position changed from [-175.692459][1.774439][90.913689] -> [-167.299988][2.417011][99.399994]
Level [agroprom_new] : searching for AI map separators space restrictors
Level [agroprom_new] : no separators found
| | [agroprom_underground][inventory_box][level_prefix_inventory_box_0000] : position changed from [-19.184368][0.150000][43.399166] -> [-20.299999][0.061690][43.399994]
| | [agroprom_underground][medkit][tunnel_lab_1_medkit_0002] : position changed from [32.345142][1.398982][46.903393] -> [32.900002][-0.001493][47.599991]
| | [agroprom_underground][medkit][tunnel_lab_1_medkit_0003] : position changed from [32.208340][1.399080][47.233974] -> [32.900002][-0.001493][47.599991]
| | [agroprom_underground][medkit][tunnel_lab_1_medkit_0004] : position changed from [32.095222][1.399008][49.838928] -> [32.900002][0.727391][51.099991]
| | [agroprom_underground][bandage][tunnel_lab_1_bandage] : position changed from [32.175404][1.031584][50.142944] -> [32.900002][0.727391][51.099991]
| | [agroprom_underground][bandage][tunnel_lab_1_bandage_0000] : position changed from [32.083790][1.031660][50.284313] -> [32.900002][0.727391][51.099991]
| | [agroprom_underground][bandage][tunnel_lab_1_bandage_0001] : position changed from [32.024403][1.031547][50.058994] -> [32.900002][0.727391][51.099991]
| | [agroprom_underground][ammo_5.45x39_ap][tunnel_lab_1_ammo_5.45x39_ap_0001] : position changed from [32.388996][1.245241][59.532001] -> [32.199997][-0.001493][58.800003]
| | [agroprom_underground][ammo_5.45x39_ap][tunnel_lab_1_ammo_5.45x39_ap_0002] : position changed from [32.568542][1.245241][59.532001] -> [32.900002][-0.001493][58.800003]
| | [agroprom_underground][ammo_5.45x39_ap][tunnel_lab_1_ammo_5.45x39_ap_0003] : position changed from [32.245220][1.245241][59.532001] -> [32.199997][-0.001493][58.800003]
| | [agroprom_underground][inventory_box][level_prefix_inventory_box_0001] : position changed from [50.146095][0.150000][59.315098] -> [47.599998][-0.001493][58.800003]
| | [agroprom_underground][medkit][tunnel_lab_1_medkit_0006] : position changed from [42.153774][1.717920][53.371395] -> [42.699997][0.111785][53.899994]
| | [agroprom_underground][medkit_scientic][tunnel_lab_1_medkit_scientic] : position changed from [42.175884][0.922279][53.229458] -> [42.699997][0.111785][53.899994]
| | [agroprom_underground][medkit_scientic][tunnel_lab_1_medkit_scientic_0000] : position changed from [42.119099][0.922332][53.479588] -> [42.699997][0.111785][53.899994]
| | [agroprom_underground][conserva][tunnel_lab_1_conserva] : position changed from [124.940102][0.697203][55.171822] -> [124.599998][-0.001493][44.800003]
| | [agroprom_underground][conserva][tunnel_lab_1_conserva_0000] : position changed from [124.766762][0.697203][55.236595] -> [124.599998][-0.001493][44.800003]
| | [agroprom_underground][conserva][tunnel_lab_1_conserva_0001] : position changed from [124.906036][0.697203][55.317104] -> [124.599998][-0.001493][44.800003]
| | [agroprom_underground][kolbasa][tunnel_lab_1_kolbasa] : position changed from [124.846886][0.697203][55.517632] -> [124.599998][-0.001493][44.800003]
| | [agroprom_underground][kolbasa][tunnel_lab_1_kolbasa_0000] : position changed from [125.055878][0.697203][55.484753] -> [125.299995][-0.001493][44.800003]
| | [agroprom_underground][snork_strong][level_prefix_snork_strong] : position changed from [131.852707][0.214886][34.310097] -> [134.399994][-0.001493][34.300003]
| | [agroprom_underground][snork_indoor_weak][level_prefix_snork_indoor_weak] : position changed from [129.155060][0.214885][33.676327] -> [127.400002][0.330863][34.300003]
| | [agroprom_underground][bloodsucker_strong][level_prefix_bloodsucker_strong] : position changed from [130.455811][0.214885][34.347336] -> [127.400002][0.330863][34.300003]
| | [agroprom_underground][af_vyvert][level_prefix_af_vyvert] : position changed from [69.392876][1.507517][41.289917] -> [69.300003][-0.001493][39.899994]
| | [agroprom_underground][grenade_f1][level_prefix_grenade_f1] : position changed from [56.219112][0.927134][98.100861] -> [55.300003][-0.001493][98.000000]
| | [agroprom_underground][grenade_f1][level_prefix_grenade_f1_0000] : position changed from [56.494480][0.927134][98.080765] -> [55.300003][-0.001493][98.000000]
| | [agroprom_underground][grenade_f1][level_prefix_grenade_f1_0001] : position changed from [56.806522][0.927134][98.141426] -> [55.300003][-0.001493][98.000000]
| | [agroprom_underground][grenade_f1][level_prefix_grenade_f1_0002] : position changed from [57.024891][0.927134][98.141739] -> [56.000000][-0.001493][96.599991]
| | [agroprom_underground][grenade_f1][level_prefix_grenade_f1_0003] : position changed from [57.284035][0.927134][98.242973] -> [57.400002][-0.001493][100.100006]
| | [agroprom_underground][grenade_f1][level_prefix_grenade_f1_0004] : position changed from [57.227573][0.927134][98.004608] -> [56.000000][-0.001493][96.599991]
| | [agroprom_underground][grenade_f1][level_prefix_grenade_f1_0005] : position changed from [57.046734][0.927134][97.935631] -> [56.000000][-0.001493][96.599991]
| | [agroprom_underground][grenade_f1][level_prefix_grenade_f1_0006] : position changed from [56.874012][0.927134][97.971916] -> [56.000000][-0.001493][96.599991]
| | [agroprom_underground][grenade_f1][level_prefix_grenade_f1_0007] : position changed from [56.724495][0.927134][97.901146] -> [56.000000][-0.001493][96.599991]
| | [agroprom_underground][grenade_f1][level_prefix_grenade_f1_0008] : position changed from [56.585136][0.927134][97.904465] -> [55.300003][-0.001493][98.000000]
| | [agroprom_underground][grenade_f1][level_prefix_grenade_f1_0009] : position changed from [56.408894][0.927134][97.923523] -> [55.300003][-0.001493][98.000000]
| | [agroprom_underground][grenade_f1][level_prefix_grenade_f1_0010] : position changed from [56.262672][0.927134][97.916260] -> [55.300003][-0.001493][98.000000]
Level [agroprom_underground] : searching for AI map separators space restrictors
Level [agroprom_underground] : no separators found
| | [yantar][smart_terrain][level_prefix_smart_terrain] : position changed from [-190.051056][0.150001][-236.694122] -> [-186.199997][8.144226][-238.000015]
Level [yantar] : searching for AI map separators space restrictors
Level [yantar] : no separators found
List of the level changers which are invalid for some reasons
[error]Expression : m_actor
[error]Function : CGameSpawnConstructor::process_actor
[error]File : D:\prog_repository\sources\trunk\utils\xrAI\game_spawn_constructor.cpp
[error]Line : 263
[error]Description : There is no ACTOR spawn point!
stack trace: