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Найдено: 168 результатов

  1. How to activate cash app card – get rid of the issue by speaking to the techies


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  2. Icarus1990xx

    True Stalker

    Just figured out how to get it in English, thanks to Google Lens.
  3. Well, maybe not a full new story mod but, something more like better side missions. Example, Sidorovich would give a task to go to some remote location in Darkscape to kill like 15 bandits that are planning an assault on their village. Then as a reward, you could receive a one of a kind artifact or a unique weapon with a slightly higher ammo cartridge or simply money. It would be a fun task with great combat. So, instead of just him requesting to kill one stalker you get to fight 15 guys. Things like this would be nice in my opinion.
  4. play again with the trader mod and make it crash in the same place then get the log file from True Stalker\userdata\logs open the .txt file near the bottom it should say why it crashed
  5. Michele

    True Stalker

    For some reason I get this error every time trying to install True stalker\content\resources\level.db4 does anyone know how to solve it I redownloaded every piece 1 2 3 4 5 setup and nothing every time same error?
  6. Is there a way to get access to the Bandit Base locked storage room in Dark Valley?
  7. axet

    True Stalker

    Strajder that is the sotry. lets call it bad quest design. but don't worry about stuff. you will get it back.
  8. Nikola0s666

    True Stalker

    it seems like an unpacker for ОП 2.1 is suitable in general, I have unpacked configs and scripts, but I don't know where to get textures
  9. Gamp

    True Stalker

    Guter Get m0s1N патчи нужно все ставить, а не только один.
  10. stalkerrr

    True Stalker

    VampirMark он и не даст. просто говорит в радио что типа там военные того и отбой квеста. Дополнено 0 минут спустя Guter Get откати патч тогда! логично? логично) Дополнено 1 минуту спустя если запорол папку бин, то придется переустановить игру.
  11. I get this error when right clicking on a maxed out equipped SVD Dragunov with a silencer and scope. This doesn't happen when there is no attachments on the gun. Game crashes to desktop. Google Translate: Я получаю эту ошибку, когда щелкаю правой кнопкой мыши по максимально оснащенному СВД Драгунова с глушителем и прицелом. Этого не происходит, если на пистолете нет насадок. Игра вылетает на рабочий стол. FATAL ERROR [error] Expression: (bytes_need <= mSize) && vl_Count [error] Function: _VertexStream :: Lock [error] File: D: \ TrueStalkerEngine \ src \ Layers \ xrRender \ R_DStreams.cpp [error] Line: 73 [error] Description: bytes_need = 4268880, mSize = 4194304, vl_Count = 152460
  12. Вылетает при запуске новый игры OpenXRay [True Stalker edition] Rx64 build 9090, Dec 27 2023 Custom build from commit[6bb5a3da3958a8e061068a0dd4055f46ebb71dd3] branch[ts_dev_no_sdl_wnd] command line * CPU features: RDTSC, MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, AVX, AVX2 * CPU cores/threads: 2/2 * CPU0 current freq: 2600 MHz, max freq: 2600 MHz * CPU1 current freq: 2600 MHz, max freq: 2600 MHz Initializing File System... using fs-ltx fsgame.ltx FS: 69333 files cached 62 archives, 15572Kb memory used. Init FileSystem 1.379064 sec -----loading c:\games\true stalker\gamedata\configs\system.ltx -----loading c:\games\true stalker\gamedata\configs\system.ltx ! Failed to determine on which monitor the game is launched. ! SDL: Invalid window Starting INPUT device... Loading module: xrRender_DX9 Loading module: xrRender Available render modes[3]: renderer_r2 renderer_r3 renderer_r4 Executing config-script "user.ltx"... [c:\games\true stalker\userdata\user.ltx] successfully loaded. Selected renderer: renderer_r3 Loading module: xrGame ! Unable to find Software\GSC Game World\STALKER-COP\ in registry ! Player name registry key (InstallUserName) not found ! Initializing Engine... Executing config-script "c:\games\true stalker\gamedata\configs\default_controls.ltx"... [c:\games\true stalker\gamedata\configs\default_controls.ltx] successfully loaded. Executing config-script "c:\games\true stalker\gamedata\configs\default_rspec.ltx"... ! Unknown command: rs_always_active [c:\games\true stalker\gamedata\configs\default_rspec.ltx] successfully loaded. Executing config-script "user.ltx"... Executing config-script "c:\games\true stalker\gamedata\configs\rspec_low.ltx"... ! Unknown command: r1_dlights_clip ! Unknown command: r1_glows_per_frame ! Unknown command: snd_targets [c:\games\true stalker\gamedata\configs\rspec_low.ltx] successfully loaded. Executing config-script "c:\games\true stalker\gamedata\configs\default_controls.ltx"... [c:\games\true stalker\gamedata\configs\default_controls.ltx] successfully loaded. [c:\games\true stalker\userdata\user.ltx] successfully loaded. SOUND: OpenAL: enumerate devices... SOUND: OpenAL: EnumerationExtension Present dir[0]=C:\Games\True Stalker\bin\ dir[1]=C:\Games\True Stalker\ dir[2]=C:\Games\True Stalker\bin\ dir[3]=C:\WINDOWS\system32\ CleanDeviceSpecifierList CleanDeviceSpecifierList Generic Software devices Generic Software SOUND: OpenAL: system default SndDevice name is Generic Software SOUND: OpenAL: All available devices: 1. Generic Software, Spec Version 1.1 (default) eax[2] efx[yes] xram[no] SOUND: Selected device is Generic Software * sound: EAX 2.0 extension: present * sound: EAX 2.0 deferred: present * sound : cache: 49152 kb, 3642 lines, 13820 bpl ! sound: OpenAL: Can't create source. Error: Invalid Value. ! SOUND: OpenAL: Max targets - 256 Starting RENDER device... * GPU [vendor:1002]-[device:98E4]: AMD Radeon(TM) R4 Graphics * CREATE: DeviceREF: 3 * Direct3D feature level used: 10.1 * Texture memory: 500 M * GPU shading: vs(0/4.0/40), ps(0/4.0/40) * GPU vertex cache: unrecognized, 24 * GPU maximum texture size: 8192x8192 * GPU non pow 2 textures support: true * NVAPI is missing. ! AMD AGS: Unable to get CrossFire GPU count (1) * Starting rendering as 2-GPU. * DVB created: 4096K * DIB created: 512K * HWDST/PCF supported and used * Managed textures disabled
  13. heftoid

    True Stalker

    You could try removing/renaming user.ltx and tmp.ltx from the userdata directory. If my assumption is correct, it is trying to read new config values that are not present in your current file. After restart the files would get recreated Or maybe just add this line (to both of these files): g_talk_font_size st_opt_subtitles_font_medium Just like this:
  14. ParSel

    True Stalker

    OpenXRay [True Stalker edition] Rx64 build 9082, Dec 19 2023 Custom build from commit[04e174fa607287c9f59deb76fd1d167efa51a32f] branch[ts_dev_no_sdl_wnd] command line * CPU features: RDTSC, MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, AVX, AVX2 * CPU cores/threads: 12/12 * CPU0 current freq: 3000 MHz, max freq: 3000 MHz * CPU1 current freq: 3000 MHz, max freq: 3000 MHz * CPU2 current freq: 3000 MHz, max freq: 3000 MHz * CPU3 current freq: 3000 MHz, max freq: 3000 MHz * CPU4 current freq: 3000 MHz, max freq: 3000 MHz * CPU5 current freq: 3000 MHz, max freq: 3000 MHz * CPU6 current freq: 3000 MHz, max freq: 3000 MHz * CPU7 current freq: 3000 MHz, max freq: 3000 MHz * CPU8 current freq: 3000 MHz, max freq: 3000 MHz * CPU9 current freq: 3000 MHz, max freq: 3000 MHz * CPU10 current freq: 3000 MHz, max freq: 3000 MHz * CPU11 current freq: 3000 MHz, max freq: 3000 MHz Initializing File System... using fs-ltx fsgame.ltx FS: 69840 files cached 59 archives, 14912Kb memory used. Init FileSystem 0.785368 sec -----loading e:\true stalker\gamedata\configs\system.ltx -----loading e:\true stalker\gamedata\configs\system.ltx ! Failed to determine on which monitor the game is launched. ! SDL: Invalid window Starting INPUT device... Loading module: xrRender_DX9 Loading module: xrRender Available render modes[3]: renderer_r2 renderer_r3 renderer_r4 Executing config-script "user.ltx"... [e:\true stalker\userdata\user.ltx] successfully loaded. Selected renderer: renderer_r4 Loading module: xrGame ! Unable to find Software\GSC Game World\STALKER-COP\ in registry ! Player name registry key (InstallUserName) not found ! Initializing Engine... Executing config-script "e:\true stalker\gamedata\configs\default_controls.ltx"... [e:\true stalker\gamedata\configs\default_controls.ltx] successfully loaded. Executing config-script "e:\true stalker\gamedata\configs\default_rspec.ltx"... ! Unknown command: rs_always_active [e:\true stalker\gamedata\configs\default_rspec.ltx] successfully loaded. Executing config-script "user.ltx"... Executing config-script "e:\true stalker\gamedata\configs\rspec_default.ltx"... ! Unknown command: r1_dlights_clip ! Unknown command: r1_glows_per_frame ! Unknown command: snd_targets [e:\true stalker\gamedata\configs\rspec_default.ltx] successfully loaded. Executing config-script "e:\true stalker\gamedata\configs\default_controls.ltx"... [e:\true stalker\gamedata\configs\default_controls.ltx] successfully loaded. ~ Invalid syntax in call to 'hud_fov' ~ Valid arguments: float value in range [62.000,80.000] [e:\true stalker\userdata\user.ltx] successfully loaded. SOUND: OpenAL: enumerate devices... SOUND: OpenAL: EnumerationExtension Present dir[0]=E:\True Stalker\bin\ dir[1]=E:\True Stalker\ dir[2]=E:\True Stalker\bin\ dir[3]=C:\WINDOWS\system32\ CleanDeviceSpecifierList CleanDeviceSpecifierList Generic Software devices Generic Software SOUND: OpenAL: system default SndDevice name is Generic Software SOUND: OpenAL: All available devices: 1. Generic Software, Spec Version 1.1 (default) eax[2] efx[yes] xram[no] SOUND: Selected device is Generic Software * sound: EAX 2.0 extension: present * sound: EAX 2.0 deferred: present * sound : cache: 65537 kb, 4856 lines, 13820 bpl ! sound: OpenAL: Can't create source. Error: Invalid Value. ! SOUND: OpenAL: Max targets - 256 Starting RENDER device... * GPU [vendor:10DE]-[device:1F99]: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 * CREATE: DeviceREF: 3 * Texture memory: 3950 M * GPU shading: vs(0/4.0/40), ps(0/4.0/40) * GPU vertex cache: unrecognized, 24 * GPU maximum texture size: 16384x16384 * GPU non pow 2 textures support: true * NVidia MGPU: Logical(1), Physical(1) ! AMD AGS: Unable to get CrossFire GPU count (1) * Starting rendering as 2-GPU. * DVB created: 4096K * DIB created: 512K * HWDST/PCF supported and used * Managed textures disabled Starting engine... Prefetch textures... * [prefetch] time: 0 ms * [prefetch] texture count: 17 ! Unable to find Software\GSC Game World\STALKER-COP\ in registry ! Player name registry key (InstallUserName) not found ! ! Unable to find Software\GSC Game World\STALKER-COP\ in registry Loading module: AnselSDK64 ! Nvidia Ansel:: failed to load AnselSDKxx.dll ~ Task done after big execution time [573424928ms] in [GMLib.Load()] ! Task done after abnormal execution time [573424928ms] in [CMainMenu::CMainMenu()] Loading module: DiscordRPC * DiscordRPC initialized Input: 1 Config-file [e:\true stalker\userdata\user.ltx] saved successfully Destroying Render... * RM_Dump: textures : 6 * : 1: fx\fx_lightning * : 1: fx\fx_thunderbolts_gradient * : 1: fx\fx_thunderbolts_gradient_surge * : 1: intro\ts_first_intro * : 1: pfx\pfx_lighting_stancia_01 * : 1: pfx\pfx_lighting_stancia_02 * RM_Dump: rtargets : 0 * RM_Dump: vs : 3 * : 2: effects_sun * : 3: stub_default * : 1: stub_notransform_t * RM_Dump: ps : 2 * : 5: stub_default * : 1: yuv2rgb * RM_Dump: gs
  15. lapa1969

    True Stalker

    Трудно на русский перевести? Здание из красного кирпича (будка трансформаторная), по лестнице вверх, в комнате есть рубильник. Отключаешь- арт достаёшь. По ангельски через переводчик The building is made of red brick (transformer booth), up the stairs, there is a switch in the room. If you turn it off, you get the art.
  16. Sovunya

    True Stalker

    In this mod, all caches are closed, you need to get a cache mark on the map in order to be able to open and pick up the cache. And you have a mark, you need to press Shift + Ctrl and aim directly at the cache. Some of them are difficult to catch.
  17. I was hoping that someone would get a hold of Xray 2.0. If this works out well, this could bury Unreal Engine in my opinion in the Stalker world. I hope to get to play this one day.
  18. OK....we are 9 days and 17 hours from release date. This site will be on heavy load on high anticipation adrenaline from all the fans. We need to make sure servers are securely juiced. Make sure you are not on wind power grids and to be fully connected to coal power grids and on heavy power back ups. This will ensure all fans will get their first download on time. We do not want to see this site down on an important date.
  19. Сергей Верк это просто кринж ходячий. Без обид. Но в этом году трейлер нв просто пробил все потолки кринжа. Я прям не знал куда мне деться Мой топ трейлеров: 1.тру сталкер (с таймером годно придумали, я даже сначало не понял) 2. Аив Павшее пиво 3. Get back to the stalker
  20. What is the add on that produces this many mutants to spawn? I would like to disable this. After a while fighting this many mutants gets to be a bore. This happens a lot! Look at my hud map. Too many mutants. Again, I get this a lot. Also, there is a stash in Kopachy Village in Yanov that I can not get. I climbed the roof and jumped on the chimney stack. No luck. Anyone have this problem? screenshot below
  21. I installed the name of chernobyl mod on pripyat, and started out as a merc. for those who played coc, how did you make your playthrough meaningful? I made some money and I'm about to get a brain burn, but how do I get more than just the "kill m https://xender.vip/\https://xender.vip/ utants on the x grid" quests besides the brain scorcher and other standard missions available in the map view? https://nox.tips/ in other words, what's the most interesting thing you've done in coc?
  22. I found to disable artifact degradation. At the main menu go into 'add-ons' and then go into artifact condition. There is where you can disable it. My next issue would be the animations for cutting mutants and picking up items. I was able to go into FDDA setting through MCM and was able to switch off pick up animations and cutting for mutant parts. The pick up animations did work but I get a crash when cutting into mutants. I also disabled everything in the SKIN tab under MCM. Here is the crash log. [error]Expression : <no expression> [error]Function : CScriptEngine::lua_pcall_failed [error]File : ..\xrServerEntities\script_engine.cpp [error]Line : 206 [error]Description : fatal error [error]Arguments : LUA error: ...es (x86)/anomaly custom\gamedata\scripts\zzz_skin.script:115: stack overflow Also, is there anything I can disable to reduce the worlds population? In the games main menu settings does not seem to work. I assume this is from an add-on but I just don't know what it would be to reduce the population. Here are some examples. There is so many people here A lot of people just sitting around. 4 men here in a small spot. I want to reduce populations just help improve performance. There are just too many people loaded into the maps. I hope I can get some help here.
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  25. Решение проблемы на счёт последнего задания, точнее если при сдаче квеста не происходит превращение излома в человека и происходит зависание игры то есть вылет, нужно просто выкупить все вещи, которые ты ему продал и тогда не какого вылета не будет. Проще, не продавать ему вещи !!! Дополнено 4 минуты спустя качайте репак, чтобы меньше было работы !!! Дополнено 20 минуты спустя ссылка для скачивания репака - https://stoigr.com/shuter-games/10768-stalker-oblivion-lost-remake-31.html, главное чтобы была установлена программа media get для скачивания репака, но прежде чем всё это делать, сначала нужно добавить все разделы C, D, E и тд в исключения антивирусника, отключить все защиты антивирусника, ну а теперь можно только приступать к работе.