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Весь контент Moustapha_Matushka

  1. I want to change the crosshair 2d texture to something more simpler.
  2. Can someone provide me with a link to a working db extractor? I am on my 2nd play through and have decided that I would like to change my weapon crosshairs to something more easier for my eyes.....now I'm 54 years old and my eyes are not what they used to be
  3. Who would pay the most for this item? Also, who pays most for artifacts?
  4. There are some people at the Moddb site trying to translate to other languages. I think once they share them, they should be posted here and given credit to. This will encourage others to translate as recognition is given and shared.
  5. I have finally beat the game and am quite pleased with the story. This is certainly the best Stalker mod when it comes to the story and plot. So many new characters added makes this amazing to want to interact with the new faces. And they look really good too! The story depth with all the new voices and cut scenes could have easily warranted a publisher sale as a fourth part to the series. The maps were very well done with great detail and lush foliage. Score was good as it added to the atmosphere of the maps. The UI, as many have stated is top notch and made it easy to transfer items. I really liked the idea of the stash contents that would follow you from one location to the other. This was really convenient. I had a very easy install and setup with zero crashes on my play through. This was the most stable mod for me. I do have one big gripe though and that was the combat in my opinion. I felt this mod did not do too well in this department as it should go hand in hand with the story. The two most vital aspects of every stalker mod. This lacked the stray random encounters of enemies that should have spawned more frequently. Especially doing side quests when you are running back and fourth during great distances. No encounters with stray factions except for over respawned mutants. And those certain moments where you did encounter large groups of enemies during the main story, you were either aided by someone that could have done all the fighting themselves, or you were in a situation where your gear was confiscated and you had to fight your way out with minimum to almost no gear. This was another problem with the combat was that I felt I could have easily won this game on low tier weapons and armor, of course with the exception to the end. *spoiler* However, with the constant stripping of your weapons and armor and the changing of characters when entering later chapters did not allow me to fully appreciate the use of my fully upgraded gear. This is why I felt I could have easily played this with lower tier gear and not invest too much time into obtaining and upgrading higher end gear. Overall I give this mod a good 9/10 and would urge any stalker mod fan to play this straight through. The whole story is amazing!
  6. I am now in the Novoshepelychi map and I do not know how to deactivate the Generators. I can not find the switch. I also can not pick up the artifact Concrete Chips B. Do I have to deactivate the Generators first? I am at a loss here. Any help would be appreciated.
  7. I have a problem with the Elan SpecterDR 1x/4x hybrid mounted on an SIG SG-550 AR. The variable zoom does not work. Any reason why?
  8. I just unloaded 45 rounds (one clip) on my AN94 with a +40% reliability upgrade which went from 97% reliability down to 92% The recoil I have is at -50% upgrade. I can shoot like 17 rounds from shooting straight then to shooting at the sky by just holding the mouse button. This was also pretty much the same at -75% upgrade. I then just chose for the +25% accuracy instead.
  9. Just some concerns I would like to point out at hopes to be included in a future patch. Flashlight batteries : I would like to see the battery drainage to be halved. As it is right now, it is sorta an unnecessary chore and expensive to maintain power. It was very concerning when I was doing Chapter 4 doing the underground getaway. I felt like I had to rush out of there fearing that I was going to lose power and lost out on exploring those underground rooms. Weapon Recoil : The weapons recoil are quite too much in my opinion. I have maxed out the AN94 assault rifle to 75% reduced recoil and yet there is still quite a lot of recoil. It is ok if I fire a few rounds but I can never unload an entire clip without shooting the moon. Weapon Degradation : I have mentioned this before in another thread and just want to mention it here. Weapon degradation is a bit excessive. I find myself trying to shoot as little rounds as possible to avoid the weapon condition going bad too fast. This takes away the enjoyment of shooting 'rambo' style.
  10. All the materials are under that Depot base in Garbage. It is all in those tunnels. You need to keep looking throughout. They are spread around.
  11. I hope someone can help me here. I need to find a Radio and a Electric Lantern for a technician but I can only find the Radio. I can't find the Electric Lantern. Any help would be appreciated.
  12. I want to thank the team for making this outstanding total conversion mod. The years of work put into this certainly shows. Downloaded, installed without any problems. I have been playing for several hours now and it plays very smooth on my system on max settings. I really like main menu and the loading screens oil paint style. Love the new UI and how you can navigate through it. Very simple to move items from stash to backpack. Certainly a lot of work put into this design. I am also glad that they added a desaturate option for the visuals. Much better to my eyes. Weather and rain effects looks great along with the flooding in certain areas. Very cool feature which adds a bit of realism to the environment. I'm playing at a much slower pace but doing more exploration on the maps. Really like the many changes on them. I do hope that they provide a patch soon with a much reduced weapon degradation option as this take a bit of the enjoyment away from going 'rambo' style on your shooting. The weapon degradation is a bit excessive. So far I have only explored Cordon, Garbage and the Bar and am having a blast. Great job on the APpro team! Certainly was worth the wait.
  13. This looks damn good. I hope to see a full English translation with this. Good luck on this project.
  14. I'm glad to see that this will receive a full English translation.
  15. Does anyone know how to reach this particular stash in Cordon? I feel like we need a 'low crouch' option. I climb inside but no way to reach this stash. Very frustrating.
  17. I just can't wait to see the people that bashed or complained about the mod prior to release that will be asking questions on how to play it
  18. Anybody asking questions about the mod, file size or hosted sites needs to just wait now til it is released and see then. Wasting your time asking these questions.
  19. I really never understood the need to know system requirements on a mod that is slated for release in a few days. You know you are going to download it and try.....that is when you will find out if your system can handle it and you will have to adjust settings accordingly.
  20. @COMPLEXTER That is too funny The Xbox crowds wants to know if True Stalker will be available on their awesome platform.
  21. If you can not open it in 7zip you may need to download Anomaly Custom again. I was able to extract it with 7zip no problem.
  22. I assume that UE5 will handle grass distances at a better performance? That screenshot looks great! Can't wait to see a new video on the grass and foliage.