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637 просмотров профиля
  1. Hello, Is there a version with menu in english, or a way to edit it? Thanks you
  2. With a friend, It was the first mod we translated directly from russian to french in 2010 as it was not available in english. Online translators was not as they are today. We did it word by word with a lot of misunderstanding. Finally, it was not a real translation, it looked like a rewriting from scratch. Sadly, it was not a success in France. People preferred RMA, Narodnaya Solyanka & Lost world series. But I had a lot of fun to play Doomed City.
  3. Borovos

    True Stalker

    TrueStalker patched 1 to 4. It's my second game, so, I try a different way. First critical bug with return to desktop: I take the box at Agroprom and come back to garbage. I give the box to the trader but I refuse to share my reward with the stalker. First strange event, the subtitle doesn't disappear as it have to do at the end of the dialog. https://ibb.co/jb2tZYd I follow the main quest with the medic and I wake up in the underground room without problem . The last subtitle of the Doc stay on my screen. The game crash when I try to exit at the beginning of the fight. Log: * Game autosave_ch_2_st_save_gar_restore_health_task_garbage.scop is successfully saved to file 'e:\true stalker\userdata\savedgames\autosave_ch_2_st_save_gar_restore_health_task_garbage.scop' DEFAULT OUT RESTRICTIONS : DEFAULT IN RESTRICTIONS : OUT RESTRICTIONS : gar_sr_after_hunt_robbery_stalkers_first_out_restr IN RESTRICTIONS : stack trace: E:\True Stalker\bin\xrAICore.dll at 000007FEEE47805D CPatrolPathParams::flags() + 77 byte(s) E:\True Stalker\bin\xrAICore.dll at 000007FEEE47EA58 CPatrolPathParams::terminal() + 26968 byte(s) E:\True Stalker\bin\LuaJIT.dll at 000007FEDB542C80 E:\True Stalker\bin\LuaJIT.dll at 000007FEDB5567EA lua_pcall() + 170 byte(s) E:\True Stalker\bin\luabind.dll at 000007FEDB5DCF1B luabind::detail::pcall() + 91 byte(s) E:\True Stalker\bin\xrGame.dll at 000007FEDAA4B126 CxFile::operator=() + 5019430 byte(s) E:\True Stalker\bin\xrGame.dll at 000007FEDAA39065 CxFile::operator=() + 4945509 byte(s) E:\True Stalker\bin\xrGame.dll at 000007FEDAA369D5 CxFile::operator=() + 4935637 byte(s) E:\True Stalker\bin\xrGame.dll at 000007FEDABB74C4 CxImage::`copy constructor closure'() + 1153908 byte(s) E:\True Stalker\bin\xrGame.dll at 000007FEDA80E51E CxFile::operator=() + 2673438 byte(s) E:\True Stalker\bin\xrGame.dll at 000007FEDA80E2BA CxFile::operator=() + 2672826 byte(s) E:\True Stalker\bin\xrEngine.dll at 000007FEDB6CFB3E CSheduler::ProcessStep() + 446 byte(s) E:\True Stalker\bin\xrEngine.dll at 000007FEDB6CFE9F CSheduler::Update() + 383 byte(s) E:\True Stalker\bin\xrGame.dll at 000007FEDA8FA470 CxFile::operator=() + 3639920 byte(s) E:\True Stalker\bin\xrEngine.dll at 000007FEDB68DA9A CLoadScreenRenderer::OnRender() + 318 byte(s) E:\True Stalker\bin\xrEngine.dll at 000007FEDB68D331 CRenderDevice::FrameMove() + 337 byte(s) E:\True Stalker\bin\xrEngine.dll at 000007FEDB68CC20 CRenderDevice::ProcessFrame() + 80 byte(s) E:\True Stalker\bin\xrEngine.dll at 000007FEDB68CEED CRenderDevice::message_loop() + 509 byte(s) E:\True Stalker\bin\xrEngine.dll at 000007FEDB68D12A CRenderDevice::Run() + 426 byte(s) E:\True Stalker\bin\xrEngine.dll at 000007FEDB6EAFCC Startup() + 1644 byte(s) E:\True Stalker\bin\xrEngine.dll at 000007FEDB6EB669 RunApplication() + 1081 byte(s) E:\True Stalker\bin\xrEngine.exe at 000000013F86133E E:\True Stalker\bin\xrEngine.exe at 000000013F861404 E:\True Stalker\bin\xrEngine.exe at 000000013F8616AE C:\Windows\system32\kernel32.dll at 0000000077A0570D BaseThreadInitThunk() + 13 byte(s) C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll at 0000000077C6385D RtlUserThreadStart() + 29 byte(s) Restart the game, reload the last save and everything is okay. Minor report: Garbage, near the duty checkpoint, strange shadow. It looks like a lock, I have to find the key ;) https://ibb.co/0qDYLB6 In agroprom, I can open the safebox when i'm looking my pda map, by pressing F. It doesn't matter. https://ibb.co/vJTKR7m Upgrade for PSZ armor: The outfit have 3 slot for artefacts without upgrade. In upgrade scheme, there is a "number of containers +1" and a "number of containers +2", so it means 3+1+2=6 containers. Is it possible or is it a error in translation? I don't have all tools to check it yet. https://ibb.co/z6P4ytb https://ibb.co/6bNTR49 Geometry (a real anomaly made by GSC): game mtl = metal, so it's impossible to shoot despite the transparency https://ibb.co/zXq5q93 As you offer a gunfight here, it highlights this mistake. Inconsistency regarding a dialog and the reality of trading system (traders haven't good stuff to sell, only supplies): "it's time to upgrade my equipement" "anything your heart desires. Wpn, oufits, supplies..." https://ibb.co/c8H9BSm And the result https://ibb.co/DQhZtHk Fix the dialog and quest name is a solution. The order system & trading system are good like this. Regards
  4. Hello guys, Do you know if some 3D objects from Stalker2 X-Ray Engine v2.0 build 514 Dec 7 2011 and others are available for SDK 0.7 ? I mean props, perhaps the full level geometry of A01 level... Regards
  5. Borovos

    True Stalker

    I forget to report it, same trouble in Military Warehouse, impossible to take the arty under the water near the technician camp.
  6. Borovos

    True Stalker

    Bug report from moddb: At chapter 2, if the player goes to agroprom underground and take the weapon quest_item (a svd if I remember), it breaks the quest at digger place during the chapter 5. I don't know if it was fixed in previous patch or if it's a new one.
  7. Hello, Are you using the SDK for your work or only acdc.pl? If you're interested, I listed some interesting spawn in GSC ressources from 2005-2006 period. Did you restored the ecolog quest "Kill Zob"? I'll try your mod.
  8. Borovos

    True Stalker

    I had the same thing. It's common in gravity anomaly fields. The artefact is moving inside the top of the anomaly, trapped in it.
  9. Borovos

    True Stalker

    Hello, Geometry bug report: A trap in the geometry, Military Warehouse, the opened garage on the south of the military base, under a truck. https://ibb.co/bN1cYJ3 Spawn a anomaly here can prevent it. So, Game finish! Very good! This ending... Amazing. I think my favorite is the Chapter 7. Few questions: During chapter 5 if I remember, I found the pda from the missing Duty General Tachenko. What can we do with it? Do I miss something? What's your point of view about 0.0 kg quest item? Imo, they doesn't have to be at 0. In some case, it should create a difficulty and the player have to choose between a lot of stuff or less equipment. I didn't see a icon for sleeping needed. What about tiredness evolution? I read on moddb than few players abused about sleeping to start blowout and respawn artefact. It's bad. As all this ppl requiring a 1000kg carryweight. No respect for gameplay and devs. About the ending: Have a nice day
  10. Borovos

    True Stalker

    I love the chapter 7 at Yantar. Next stage now.
  11. Borovos

    True Stalker

    Я член команды Epic, авторов CoC. Я не играл ни в один мод для CoP с момента последнего официального релиза CoC несколько лет назад. Я слишком много времени проводил в Зоне, я оставляю его, чтобы поработать на своей маленькой ферме, затерянной в никуда, в далеком сумасшедшем мире. Я публикую здесь свой первый обзор на мод за очень долгое время. Вы не можете себе представить мою радость, когда я попал в Настоящую зону Сталкера. Здесь все почти идеально для отличного сюжетного мода. Имо, это действительно близко к официальной игре (во всяком случае, лучше, чем в Лос-Анджелесе). Новый пользовательский интерфейс прекрасен и прост в использовании. Значки bleeding, rad и hit неуместны, но для ветерана это ерунда. 9.9/10 Сложность с экономическим балансом запомнилась мне прогрессом в моей первой игре SoC, игрок не становится супергероем после 5 минут игрового процесса. Отлично. 10/10 Дизайн уровней с новыми и старыми местами великолепен, я вижу много отсылок к сборкам SoC, новые модели для npc и объектов тоже хороши, на взгляд чистого Сталкера. Мои путешествия доставляют мне удовольствие часами. Иногда мне вспоминаются некоторые старые моды, такие как AMK... Эта работа посвящена двум десятилетиям существования вселенной сталкера. 10/10 2D-графика для загрузочного экрана прекрасна, согласно концепт-арту Stalker 2. 10/10 Что насчет аномалий, частиц и освещения? Электрические эффекты идеальны, гравитационные действительно трудно увидеть, какими они должны быть. Это приятно. Игрок может находить поля аномалий и случайные аномалии, что является лучшим выбором с точки зрения игрового процесса. 10/10 Арты, их не так много и мощно, но достаточно, как разнообразия оружия. Здесь нет gunporn или artifactporn. Не тысячи бесполезных предметов, как в модпаке crazy giant. В лагере бандитов есть туалетная бумага, но мы не можем ее использовать. Мы в безопасности. Это игра, а не виртуальная жизнь. 10/10 Техническая поддержка и английская версия очень хороши. 10/10 А как насчет Сида? Я ненавижу этого мошенника, манипулятора и раба, всегда прячущегося в своем безопасном бункере. Но у меня нет выбора, нет другого пути. Я должен работать на него, хотя бы какое-то время. Я не останусь в Оцеплении надолго. Я должен сам пробираться в Центр. Я встречаю бандитов, ужасных. Военных, наемников, ученых, долг, свободу или сталкеров... Эти ребята всегда здесь, всегда одни и те же. Они являются отражением нас, нашей человечности, с нашей красотой, нашей слабостью или, что еще хуже, нашим безумием и злом. У каждого из них есть свои особенности характера, своя индивидуальность. 10/10 Настоящий Сталкер - это не мод, как все, что мы можем видеть. Суть не в gunporn, 3D, полном 4k, мечте о реалистичной жизни или полноценном открытом мире, доступном в мультиплеере... Это история с несколькими главными героями. Книга. Роман, нечто среднее между научной фантастикой и фэнтезийным (как "Пикник на обочине" или "Ле Орла" Ги де Мопассана). Он линейный, с достаточной свободой передвижения. Каким был SoC в свое время. Как и все, я могу пожаловаться на несколько вариантов от разработчиков, с которыми я не согласен, но скин или цвет монстра не имеют значения, это анекдотично в отношении общего результата. Кстати, мне пора вернуться в Зону и закончить свою игру. При всем моем уважении к команде ap-pro за проделанную работу. Большое вам спасибо. Во сне мне снова снится Зона. С уважением.
  12. Borovos

    True Stalker

    Hello. Do you mean a review here, on ap-pro? https://ap-pro.ru/stuff/zov_pripjati/true-stalker-r307/ Ofc, I can. I plan to do it on moddb.com too. And I have to promote this mod in France too because it looks as nobody saw it.
  13. Borovos

    True Stalker

    TS patched 1.1 to 1.3 eng version (I just see the 1.4 is out). BUG report: Cordon, quest Missing Stalker. I didn't follow the cries at the beginning. I tried to do it later, when I came back to Cordon. But it's impossible to speak with the npc. Nothing happens. The quest is closed (infoportion error?) https://ibb.co/CbLbKt5 Few minor mistake report: 1/Bar, the quest Hero or executioner, meet with Chrome. Wrong logic (collide with geometry) https://ibb.co/m920RLX 2/Name missing: Esc_composer_task_scientist_name missing (radio message) Esc_composer_task_scientist_name missing (dialog windows) 3/Transmutation quest, at the bar in the village, trouble with logic (two npc collide) https://ibb.co/YLCs47J 4/End of Chapter 6, after hiding the transmutated artifact, during the scene before coming back to cordon . No subtitles during the radio dialogue with our friend. https://ibb.co/YTHbs7M There is text on left side for that the guide says, but nothing for the actor. So english player can only understand the half of the dialog. 5/ 3D in garbage underground (hangar place), few flying objects, always the same meshes (it's like this 3 or 4 times, I don't remember and didn't take pics for all). https://ibb.co/tZfFdrb 6/ Shaders in garbage, on the bandit camp (south west, closed to the way to agroprom & anomaly field). Black effect on a wood box. I remember we had a lot of this trouble with CS levels ported to CoC (garbage, darkvalley, Limansk...) and I don't remember how we fixed it. By the way, the Team Epic forum is dead, so, I can't find the solution. Sorry. It was always for wood boxes. https://ibb.co/9s7T7Np 7/ Garbage, south anomaly field, meet chunk artifact trapped in the geometry. I don't know if it's a random event or if it's related to the way point. Save and reload, go away in another level and came back didn't fix it. https://ibb.co/Wgr8ZnH https://ibb.co/Qpkg5JM 8/ I saw few text errors, but someone is fixing them on moddb page and is in contact with the team if I understand. Gameplay feedback: Hit distance for dogs (a little) and for snork (a lot) is to high In few quest, it's hard to play when the enemy (monsters or npc) attack the player at the end of the scene without delay or safe distance. It can be frustrating sometime. At Novoshepelychi, the barman doesn't buy artefacts. It's a inconsistency imo. All trader buy them in stalker's games, artifacts are the Zone's money. In dialogues, someone explain than all stalkers here take artefacts quickly. So, we can suppose they have to sell them. So, who buy arties here? (I didn't check if hunters buy them). And regarding the end of Chapter 6. Can sell arties before the end should be fine. Ofc, the player can return to Sidorovich before the end but it isn't the expected path. It's time to check the 1.4 patch, put it and go to Yantar. Thanks again for this very great mod. I love your story. Regards
  14. Borovos

    True Stalker

    Don't know if it was reported yet. Missing texture for bricks during the quest related to Master, in the destroyed village.. https://ibb.co/41yPLg3