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Найдено: 590 результатов

  1. everything will be returned except the money. Play it. You'll see everything.
  2. Wait you are telling me that Axe story is finished just like that and that I cannot play again with Ax after all this time or access all the upgraded equipment I farmed last several days??
  3. axet

    True Stalker

    Strajder what is your question? What you have described is a main line scripted quest line. Дополнено 0 минут спустя Nikola0s666 куда делся толстый?
  4. Hello Happy New Year 2024 I need help I downloaded the mod on 25/12; I can't decompile the game. I started the translation with the first edition, I'd like to finish translating. Thanks if you can send me the gamedata. OR gamedata/script gamedata/configs/gameplay gamedata/configs/ui gamedata/configs/text Thanks I can't translate the "discord" and I don't know where to put my question.
  5. BarmaGlot

    True Stalker

    Stone flower: you can buy it at the Agroprom institute from the military trader (possibly need to reload savedgame several times, until it appears for the sale). Price ~17500 rub.
  6. Strajder

    True Stalker

    Hi, is there some kind of cheats or console commands for this mod, because game does not have fast travel specifficly I need it for stamina stat because its to annoying and take to much of a time to walk around the zones when you are losing stamina?
  7. brotrrwinner

    True Stalker

    Thank you, you are a life saver!
  8. Пётр

    True Stalker

    It turns out that you can still save in this place, exit the game and then log in again. It works too.
  9. Hello, Are you using the SDK for your work or only acdc.pl? If you're interested, I listed some interesting spawn in GSC ressources from 2005-2006 period. Did you restored the ecolog quest "Kill Zob"? I'll try your mod.
  10. heftoid

    True Stalker

    Maybe developers should take that remark with a grain of salt and introduce ui elements through some sort of tutorial instead of assuming people are experienced with mods and find it intuitively. For instance, there is also a keyboard shortcut for quick looting which is never hinted about, you learn about it from forum by accident
  11. wshwash

    True Stalker

    lol thanks i just found out that you can actually trade... dang
  12. wshwash

    True Stalker

    Thank you, i have not seen the option to fix the items yet. It is something i need to do to unlock?
  13. Nikola0s666

    True Stalker

    you may need to increase the swap file in Windows. it can't handle the load and just crashes the game.
  14. Alexus

    True Stalker

    I meant AP, yes, I bet you can copy paste one review to the both websites idk. French Stalker is something new to me. I guess you could be a merc
  15. Borovos

    True Stalker

    Hello. Do you mean a review here, on ap-pro? https://ap-pro.ru/stuff/zov_pripjati/true-stalker-r307/ Ofc, I can. I plan to do it on moddb.com too. And I have to promote this mod in France too because it looks as nobody saw it.
  16. Alexus

    True Stalker

    Hey you should write a review for this mod. There are not so many reviews in English. It could be helpful for others if you did.
  17. heftoid

    True Stalker

    As long as you can do that in Windows-1251 encoding, there should be no problem :) https://github.com/lehrax-gaming/true-localisation/tree/main/gamedata/configs/text
  18. I have finally beat the game and am quite pleased with the story. This is certainly the best Stalker mod when it comes to the story and plot. So many new characters added makes this amazing to want to interact with the new faces. And they look really good too! The story depth with all the new voices and cut scenes could have easily warranted a publisher sale as a fourth part to the series. The maps were very well done with great detail and lush foliage. Score was good as it added to the atmosphere of the maps. The UI, as many have stated is top notch and made it easy to transfer items. I really liked the idea of the stash contents that would follow you from one location to the other. This was really convenient. I had a very easy install and setup with zero crashes on my play through. This was the most stable mod for me. I do have one big gripe though and that was the combat in my opinion. I felt this mod did not do too well in this department as it should go hand in hand with the story. The two most vital aspects of every stalker mod. This lacked the stray random encounters of enemies that should have spawned more frequently. Especially doing side quests when you are running back and fourth during great distances. No encounters with stray factions except for over respawned mutants. And those certain moments where you did encounter large groups of enemies during the main story, you were either aided by someone that could have done all the fighting themselves, or you were in a situation where your gear was confiscated and you had to fight your way out with minimum to almost no gear. This was another problem with the combat was that I felt I could have easily won this game on low tier weapons and armor, of course with the exception to the end. *spoiler* However, with the constant stripping of your weapons and armor and the changing of characters when entering later chapters did not allow me to fully appreciate the use of my fully upgraded gear. This is why I felt I could have easily played this with lower tier gear and not invest too much time into obtaining and upgrading higher end gear. Overall I give this mod a good 9/10 and would urge any stalker mod fan to play this straight through. The whole story is amazing!
  19. Coloner

    True Stalker

    Thank you. It helped. But if this is a solution to the problem, then why wasn’t it published earlier? It needs to be pinned to the topic header.
  20. wshwash

    True Stalker

    Well just for awareness, if you didnt play the right way and got stucked in the technician polter quest. after sleeping till midnight the dialog shows this lol...
  21. wshwash

    True Stalker

    Wow thanks for the tip, you are a genius.. There is a dialog now :)
  22. Аркмор

    True Stalker

    Did you try to sleep till night anyway? Try to talk to Mikhalych after that. Someone wrote here, that it helped them.
  23. wshwash

    True Stalker

    Thats what i thought too, this need to be fixed... the mission doesnt tell you not to kill them
  24. heftoid

    True Stalker

    @wshwash, well, if you killed them all before getting this quest, you are screwed... @Coloner, кажется, пока не фиксили. -- @Overf1rst, FYI ^