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Найдено: 593 результата

  1. Hate_Error

    True Stalker

    как это исправить... не пойму в чем дело FATAL ERROR [error] Expression : 0 [error] Function : ErrorLog [error] File : D:\TrueStalkerEngine\src\xrScriptEngine\ScriptEngineScript.cpp [error] Line : 40 [error] Description : You are trying to spawn two or more objects with the same story_id:[esc_fanat_friend_2_id] --> [esc_fanat_friend_217437] try to add:[esc_fanat_friend_210173]
  2. Winterborn

    True Stalker

    Привет. Игра пытается заспавнить одновременно двух фанатов и подыхает с подливой. Есть фикс? Квест "Старая Гвардия". FATAL ERROR [error] Expression : 0 [error] Function : ErrorLog [error] File : D:\TrueStalkerEngine\src\xrScriptEngine\ScriptEngineScript.cpp [error] Line : 40 [error] Description : You are trying to spawn two or more objects with the same story_id:[esc_village_fanat] --> [esc_village_fanat19457] try to add:[esc_village_fanat4853]
  3. MVukanichh

    True Stalker

    Well, I did kill the Military really really early, so replaying kinda sucks. Unless patch is going to take a while, I'll wait. Thanks for answering this quickly, considering you have many other questions here. I, again, am sorry for speaking English here, and thanks again!
  4. heftoid

    True Stalker

    This, unfortunately, is a known bug at the moment (none of the beta testers dared to kill soldiers under the bridge). If replaying from the save before killing them is an option for you, go for it. Otherwise, wait for the patch...
  5. I want to thank the team for making this outstanding total conversion mod. The years of work put into this certainly shows. Downloaded, installed without any problems. I have been playing for several hours now and it plays very smooth on my system on max settings. I really like main menu and the loading screens oil paint style. Love the new UI and how you can navigate through it. Very simple to move items from stash to backpack. Certainly a lot of work put into this design. I am also glad that they added a desaturate option for the visuals. Much better to my eyes. Weather and rain effects looks great along with the flooding in certain areas. Very cool feature which adds a bit of realism to the environment. I'm playing at a much slower pace but doing more exploration on the maps. Really like the many changes on them. I do hope that they provide a patch soon with a much reduced weapon degradation option as this take a bit of the enjoyment away from going 'rambo' style on your shooting. The weapon degradation is a bit excessive. So far I have only explored Cordon, Garbage and the Bar and am having a blast. Great job on the APpro team! Certainly was worth the wait.
  6. при прохождении квеста "Новые окрестности" вылет при переходе со свалки на кордон. FATAL ERROR [error] Expression : 0 [error] Function : ErrorLog [error] File : D:\TrueStalkerEngine\src\xrScriptEngine\ScriptEngineScript.cpp [error] Line : 40 [error] Description : You are trying to spawn two or more objects with the same story_id:[esc_village_fanat] --> [esc_village_fanat23041] try to add:[esc_village_fanat5235] openxray_mertezaker.bkp openxray_mertezaker.log
  7. AndreyBurlak You Are Empty поиграй. Тебе, судя по реакции на клюкву, зайдёт.
  8. Аркмор

    True Stalker

    Click any of these links under "red" spoiler (see the screenshot below). The first two are torrent. The last two are Google Drive. And you will proceed to downloading.
  9. Hello everybody! As a big fan of the Stalker series, I live in Brazil and I wish this game could have greater reach by translating it into Portuguese-Brazilian. Some friends and I are discussing doing this task but we are faced with our first difficulty: The files are not in XML format where a Notepad is enough to make the necessary translations. Is there any tool-box or specific software to translate game files? Thank you all in advance! Goodspeed, stalkers. ========================================================================================================= Всем привет! Как большой поклонник серии «Сталкер», я живу в Бразилии и хотел бы, чтобы эта игра приобрела больший охват, если ее перевести на португальско-бразильский язык. Мы с некоторыми друзьями обсуждаем выполнение этой задачи, но столкнулись с первой трудностью: файлы не в формате XML, где для выполнения необходимых переводов достаточно Блокнота. Есть ли какой-нибудь набор инструментов или специальное программное обеспечение для перевода файлов игры? Спасибо всем заранее! Доброй скорости, сталкеры. Извините за ошибки, я использую Google Translate, чтобы лучше общаться с вами.
  10. gibe I believe that the crash is related to the tag responsible for the color of the text. Try to remember where you could change such tags. If you can’t immediately identify the error, use the elimination method: turn off the changed lines (descriptions) one by one until the crash disappears. This is how you find the problem line.
  12. As far as I know, this modification has no translation into English. You will have difficulty with the online translation using your phone - there is a lot of slang in this modification. I am not sure if automatic word translation will help in this case. If anything, to the best of my ability, I am willing to help you with your questions. I also use an on-line translator to answer you. In my personal ranking, this modification ranks first, the best of what modders have created.
  13. That's reassuring to hear. As long as you're not tied into the Chernobyl grid
  14. OK....we are 9 days and 17 hours from release date. This site will be on heavy load on high anticipation adrenaline from all the fans. We need to make sure servers are securely juiced. Make sure you are not on wind power grids and to be fully connected to coal power grids and on heavy power back ups. This will ensure all fans will get their first download on time. We do not want to see this site down on an important date.
  15. I installed the name of chernobyl mod on pripyat, and started out as a merc. for those who played coc, how did you make your playthrough meaningful? I made some money and I'm about to get a brain burn, but how do I get more than just the "kill m https://xender.vip/\https://xender.vip/ utants on the x grid" quests besides the brain scorcher and other standard missions available in the map view? https://nox.tips/ in other words, what's the most interesting thing you've done in coc?
  16. gibe https://www.moddb.com/downloads/start/260474?referer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.moddb.com%2Fmods%2Fstalker-cs-last-fallout-overhaul-combo-mod%2Fdownloads Дополнено 1 минуту спустя gibe https://www.moddb.com/downloads/start/260824?referer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.moddb.com%2Fmods%2Fstalker-cs-last-fallout-overhaul-combo-mod%2Fdownloads Дополнено 2 минуты спустя gibe https://www.moddb.com/downloads/start/261324?referer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.moddb.com%2Fmods%2Fstalker-cs-last-fallout-overhaul-combo-mod%2Fdownloads Дополнено 4 минуты спустя gibe install clear sky patch 1.5.10. then put the mod on top. in order, first archive 1, then archive 2 and archive 3. Дополнено 7 минуты спустя gibe If you write something to me in Russian through Google Translator, I’ll understand it better))
  17. В МО2 можно выбрать профиль без BHS. Если не нравятся HD модели, то можно их отключить и оставить только DUX модели. Также на самом верху списка можете отключить "Обыск занимает время" и "Анимация для обыска". Дарксоулс можно не отключать, а просто не выбирать его в меню создания персонажа. Этот вылет связан только с двумя аддонами - НПЦ погибают во время выброса и Sleep Timelapse. Больше этот скрипт ничто не использует. Можете дать мне сохранение, где этот вылет повторяется? Hi. Are you using the new beta version of modpack? I'll look into population problem. If you have crashes related to zzz_skin script, try to disable S.K.I.N. addon. Weird that i never got that crash.
  18. Normaly population settings you can find in mine menu, where are mutants and stalker populations, you can reduce from 1 to 0.5 and so on Дополнено 2 минуты спустя "НПЦ погибают в выбросах" попробуй отключить , пака я не тестил
  19. One more thing about the translations: Please consider doing fonts for _cent and _west, so this mod can be translated properly. Thank you. Еще раз о переводах: Пожалуйста, рассмотрите возможность создания шрифтов для _cent и _west, чтобы этот мод можно было правильно перевести. Спасибо.
  20. Hardtmuth hello I've searched the corpses in the dump - the ones in the circle - the mission validation is displayed but it's not validated in the PDA. Is this normal? Thank you NOTE: I've managed to find the file to translate everything. I think everything has been translated; I'm playing around and correcting the various errors.
  21. Diesel Уже в оригинальных файлах посмотрел :) Policai Как написали так и сделал. Теперь вот такой вылет когда в логике рестриктора вызываю спавн сквада: [error] Expression : 0 [error] Function : ErrorLog [error] File : D:\a\xray-16\xray-16\src\xrScriptEngine\ScriptEngineScript.cpp [error] Line : 40 [error] Description : You are trying to spawn two or more objects with the same story_id:[pri_dolg_squad] --> [pri_dolg_squad1287] try to add:[pri_dolg_squad1315] В simulation я ничего не прописывал, только в squad_descr_pripyat. А ещё как сделать так, чтоб в определённой зоне 2 дефолтных монолитовца без логики не палили по гг и двум сталкерам?
  22. chriotmao Hello What languages is this mod translated into? I translate into Russian => French. If I can be useful I will be honoured. I already have several translations to my credit. Read the messages on this site. Thank you
  23. [error]Expression : graph().header().vertex_count() > tCrossTableCell.tGraphIndex [error]Function : CGameGraphBuilder::save_cross_table [error]File : f:\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.sources\x-ray_universal_compiler\src\utils\xrcompiler_ai\game_graph_builder.cpp [error]Line : 353 [error]Description : No one graph point! You need to add it to spawn я добавлял переход на новую локацию, и мне пишет что нету граф поинтов, хотя я их тоже добавлял
  24. Just curious, should you choose Anomaly DX11 as the title loader on MO2? I though it explained just to use Anomaly Launcher? Once you are in the game mine is already on DX11 when the game is loaded. Again, curious.
  25. Bro, i had crash "Shadow compilation failed" but after i deleted "user.ltx" it started working again, but picture became very sharp and bright no matter how i change graphic settings, you solve this problem after reinstalling? Or you have same bright picture?