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Аддон добавляющий анимации еды, напитков и медикаментов для Аномали 1.5.1

ЭТО БЕТА ВЕРСИЯ!!! возможны графичекие баги ( вылетов по вине аддона быть не должно, после переработки скриптов и перехода на полностью независимые файлы аддон должен быть совместим с чем угодно, кроме тех аддонов которые сами по себе ломают игру)


Авторы моделей и анимаций: LilGabe,denis2000,ValeroK, (самые кривые - Feel_Fried ?

Модели/Анимации перенесённые из ганслингера:MaxG3D -pills jar, Synap - syringe injector, STRIFER

(Анимации из ганслингера были криво перенесены мною на коковский риг поэтому выглядят значительно хуже оригинала)

Авторы скриптов: thales100,Grelka, (адаптация под Аномали и рефакторинг: Feel_Fried)

Текстуры: Mr White aka Hector Shiroi - cigs (UV maping and Iskra texture), Andrej Chudoba - syringe

Особые благодарности: Lucy, Tronex, tdef,LVunter, GRIZZY, RavenAscendant, Igigog


Если понравился аддон, пожалуйста закиньте копеечку автору:


Boosty (для любителей подписОчек)


Просто закинуть геймдату из архива в папку с игрой.



-added syringe animation



-animation toggle key now effects animations
-added meat plates animation. Demonstration: Youtube.com


quickfix v0.3b

-fixed item shaking for plates ( why the hell 16 bit export for anims is turned off by default in SDK????)



-fixed meat plates double sound
-added vodka flask animation Demonstration: Youtube.com



-now if you wanna to disable enhanced skinning animation go to
gamedata\configs\items\items\animations_settings.ltx and change true to false

v0.4a1 - quickfix empty mutant body crash



-Now all 3 flasks has own model and animation



-adjusted drinks hands positions

-replaced wrong harvest knife anims



-fixed flashlight/detector appearing, now actor will hide them for tea brake xD

-added lean down effect to harvest animation



-added GRIZZY's patches to main archive ( optional folder )



-scripts update, smoother torch/detector removing for anims

-fixed flask position for exo

-minor timings fixings

v0.5d.1 quick timings refix ?

v0.5d.1.2 additional var cleaning to prevent some soft locks

v0.5d.1.3 additional check for gasmask settings to prevent load mask effect when it turned off in settings

v0.5d.1.4 quickfix for "actor_effects.script:825" crash - srry for this, my fail, forgot to add 1 line in 0.5d.1.3



-added comments to actor_effects for ez merging

-added checks for gasmask settings to prevent it's activation if mask hud is disabled

-minor timings fixings



-skinning animation now didn't block player controls

-added new animation for syringes ( no new sound ) Demonstration: Youtube.com

-removed patches from release



-From now addon no longer use actor_effects.script ( BIG thx to the RavenAscendant )

That mean you don't need patches for addons that uses actor_effects.script, if you used such patches - pls delete them to prevent CTDs



-corrected mask overlay toggle






-added GRIZZY's fov patch for actual version

-deleted spawn sections for anims ( now they shouldn't pop up in spawner )



-added static hud_fov implementation ( from now hud_fov settings didn't affect animations )



-fixed inventory flickering when player try to open inventory while animation plays

-restricted player from using quick slots (F1-F4) while animation plays ( no more rage item using, sneaky cheaters ? )



-added new sound for syringe

-fixed bug when skinning a crow was causing blocking animations till save reload

-fixed bug when helm UI didn't hiding while player use items with disable helm flag

-fixed bug with some syringes that used both addon and default sounds at the same time



-added nil check for wpn var for skinning ( to prevent crashes with addons that allows skinning without a knife in hands )

-added cigarettes animation ( test version, no new sound, no cam anims ) Demonstration: Youtube.com



-added smoke for cigarettes anim

-fixed cigarettes timing to prevent locking devices slot



-quickfix for crash when player uses toolkits ( crash caused by cig smoke effect script, now works)


-Fully rewritten animation script -- now all main functions are separeted, addon use actor_on_item_use callback only for first 30-60 frames (and only to check device/weapon holster anim end) instead of full anim time ( must be less CPU intensive ), added help functions for effects and hud controll, deleted unused parts, checks, vars.

-From now addon uses additional config file to store items animations settings ( anims_list.ltx )

-Added new model, animation, sound and textures for cigarettes packs, Demonstration: Youtube.com

-Fixed bug when after reload on animation playback hud_fov kept switched to standard (0.45) ( for users that plays with non-standard fov )

-Restored standard adrenalin sound

-Deleted unused sections in items_anm* ltxs

-Added delay for items effects to sync them with animations

v0.8.1 -quickfix added missing shaders for dx8/9



-removed unused parts of configs, items_anim.ltx is no longer used by the addon, please remove it from gamedata/configs/items/items/

-fixed a bug where during the playback of the skinning animation it was possible to call another animation which led to an error in the script and replaced all animations with the skinning animation until save reload.

-disabled test print for cigarette smoke effect update function

-changed the burning part of the cigarette texture

-added disabling user controls after closing the mutant loot window in case if it was closed during the skinning animation playback (after the end of the animation controls returns to the player)



-removed the remains of unused sections in the configs. the addon no longer uses or changes the [anm_base] [anm_base_hud] [anm_identity_immunities] sections

-changed timings for function call that returns controls after animation.



-buildin BaS patch, so no more need to install patch from BaS for my addon ( if u don't use BaS don't worry, nothing is changing for you in that case )

-from now addon no longer use any original game configs or scripts ( yey! ) pls delete items_drink.ltx, items_drug.ltx, items_food.ltx, items_medical.ltx, items_monster.ltx. if you have them from previous addon versions

-Fixed cigarette mesh ( faces where inverted )

-Fixed missing sounds for some non-animated items



-Fixed mask overlay for canned food.

-Removed original anomaly looting animation, from now only animation from addon plays on looting mutants corpses



-Fixed pills jar animation.

-Added 2 more animations for syringes ( awkward port from Gunslinger )



-Returned knife degradation on skinning

-Added debug prints (if u get any bug with addon (anims stucks, controls after finish anim locks, anim didn't played on item use), pls quit game after u get it and send me FULL log file from appdata/logs)



Screen-Shot-ST (1).jpg

Изменено пользователем Feel_Fried
  • Лайк 5
  • Мастер! 1
  • Жму руку 1
  • Дурка 1
  • Хабар 3

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 Правки для модов - нажми на гифку 
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Босс много рекламы не бывает, да и плюс, не выложу я, сворует скомуниздит кто-то и выдаст за своё ?

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Влияет мод на сейвы? Можно ли удалять в середине игры?

"Быть сталкером — значит, быть человеком. Помочь товарищу в тяжёлую минуту, не крысятничать, не совершать подлости, поделиться аптечкой или куском хлеба, прикрыть спину в бою, разделить ночлег у костра..."


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С такими анимациями играть намного приятнее

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почему то вылетает при попытке поспать как это исправить?

[error]Expression    : <no expression>
[error]Function      : CScriptEngine::lua_error
[error]File          : ..\xrServerEntities\script_engine.cpp
[error]Line          : 191
[error]Description   : fatal error
[error]Arguments     : LUA error: ...es/anomaly 1.5.1\gamedata\scripts\ui_sleep_dialog.script:97: attempt to call field 'get_last_sleep' (a nil value)

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14 часов назад, Майрон сказал:

почему то вылетает при попытке поспать как это исправить?

Майрон, это дополнение не имеет "ui_sleep_dialog", ни в наличие, ни ссылок на него. Это что-то стороннее, разбирайся.

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А есть ли патч для экзо севы? а то игра вылетает когда появляется она в торговле
[error]Expression    : <no expression>
[error]Function      : CInifile::r_section
[error]File          : Xr_ini.cpp
[error]Line          : 544
[error]Description   : fatal error
[error]Arguments     : Can't open section 'actor_armor_exoseva'. Please attach [*.ini_log] file to your bug report

Изменено пользователем Майрон

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новая игра нужна?

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Залупу тебе а не донат. Наркоман *баный.

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