Босс 3 186 Опубликовано 8 октября, 2022 (изменено) Спустя полтора года я решил вернуться и собрать все лучшие аддоны, доработав и совместив их между собой.Я потратил ~30-50 часов на то, чтобы совместить все аддоны между собой, добавить нужные переводы, фиксы, новые решения и так далее. Поэтому это не модульный модпак. На текущий момент (08.08.24) затрачено уже куда больше 1500 часов. В нем совмещены лучшие оружейные аддоны, аддоны на новые артефакты, квесты, механики и всё, что может быть интересно игроку. С помощью большого количества опций в МСМ каждый сможет настроить игру под свои нужны. Надеюсь, вам понравится проделанная мною работа.Установка репака: Запустите самораспаковывающийся архив Anomaly 1.5.3 + BOSSPACK v1.7 и укажите любое удобное место (желательно не системный диск) и включите нужный вам пресет по гиду из МО2. Если играли в старую версию сборки, можете сохранить файл axr_options с настройками и папку appdata с сейвами и юзером. Удачи в Зоне!Установка сборки: Запустите самораспаковывающийся архив BOSSPACK v1.7 и укажите место с чистой Аномали 1.5.3, после установки включите нужный вам пресет по гиду из МО2. Если играли в старую версию сборки, можете сохранить файл axr_options с настройками и папку appdata с сейвами и юзером. Удачи в Зоне!Установка фиксов: перекинуть содержимое архива в корневую папку с игрой.Дискорд: общедоступный, вбейте в поиске название сборки. Обзор от автора Гайд по установке и настройке: Гайды по МО2: Подробная база по установке и настройкам (чутка устарела) Спойлер Спойлер Спойлер Твикнутый движок BaS с фиксом оружия от 3 лица! Теперь можно играть и от третьего лица, оружие и положение настроено аддоном [PTP Camera] v1.13 Взять всё кнопка Х, выложить всё кнопка P Слайдер веса 10 тонн Надпись DEMO удалена, ни в чем себе не отказывайте (g_god, g_unlimitedammo и тд). Античит, блокирующий выдачу достижения из-за включенного дебага отключен. Апгрейд на увеличение магазина для всего оружия в игре, на которое такой апгрейд возможно физически сделать. Список содержимого тайника - Seruva Bullet Time - exDeMODER, HarukaSai, pitAlex, Boss Inventory Item Names (only ammo) - ravenascendant Full upgrades + patch for B&S + patch for Exoseva DLTX - swergdach, DLTX crew, Boss New Barret M82 from STCoP - Boss Спойлер 1. Soundscape Overhaul - Solarint 2. Injury Audio Extended - DesmanMetzger 3. EFT Aim Rattle - Qudix 4. EFT Jump and Land SFX - HarukaSai 5. Better Merc voicelines - YankeeGolf 6. Quieter Wood Boxes Breaking - cringeybabey 7. Angry Chimera growl - Tweaki_Breeki 8. Hit Effects - Wepl 9. Inventory open close sound - HollidayW 10. Agressor Reshade - Awene 11. THAP Rework - IENCE 12. Skies Redux - d_nan 13. High Res Loading Screens - Bazingarrey 14. High Res PDA Maps - Bazingarrey 15. Black Jack - Feel_Fried 16. Dux's Innumerable Character Kit [1.9.9c] - Dux, Tronex, Lucy, Jack-It, Gwub, Cr3pis, Jurkonov, SD, Blackgrowl, Aquamarine, Dynamic, Ichicrow, Rowan, Tweaki Breeki, Sneaky, Nestandart_5443, Raven 17. Dux's Innemurable Characters Kit Blackjack patch - DuxFortis 18. Fixed Vanilla Models and Textures - Blackgrowl 19. FVM Nosorogs models - Blackgrowl 20. HD mutant models and textures - Umbrellord 21. Wet Surfaces Fix - CryoManne 22. Better Rain texture - Detron 23. RemadeAnimations - ChadSTALKEREnjoyer 24. Food Drugs and Drinks Animations FDDA - Feel_Fried 25. LowerSprintAnimaiton - Skieppy 26. Camera Reanimation INERTIA - IENCE 27. Bounty Squads Extended - Vintar0 28. Skill System - Haruka 29. Disable Burnt Fuzz - _STYX_ 30. Perk-Based Artefacts - KronQ, Lauta_ro, Blackgrowl, artifax, Jurkonov, HarukaSai, TheMrDemonized 31. Lsz AI tweak - IgorNitch 32. Mutants Bleeding - Arszi 33. New Stashes Location - Tweaki_Breeki 34. Fixes bugged stashes - Tweaki_Breeki 35. Stash Overhaul + TBFix + BAS - Grokitach 36. JSRS - Solarint 37. FAL animations - Souvlaki 38. AWAR - JCesarN 39. Adjustable Scope View - HarukaSai, Ravenascendant, Cr3pis, Ishmaeel, sneakydud 40. Abakan Replacer, Abakan Replacer patch - Strogglet15 41. Saiga 12K replacer, Saiga 12K replacer patches - Strogglet15 42. UMP Reanimation - FIREBREATH 43. L96 Reanimation - FIREBREATH 44. SortingPlus - RavenAscendant 45. Knife Pistol in Binocular Slot - RavenAscendant 46. Aslan Lottery Fixes - Starcry_ 47. Campfire slowly regens life - artifax 48. Dialogues Expanded - indyora 49. HD Glowsticks - r3zy 50. Glowsticks position - Kidzukami 51. Zone Tales in Loading Screens - Oni 52. Outfit Drop Chance - artifax 53. Configurable loot condition - dph 54. RF Receiver Tasks - Tweaki_Breeki 55. New sorting tabs - Bartoche 56. New sorting tabs htsb patch - Bartoche 57. Alternative icons - Strogglet15 58. Body Dots on Minimap - RavenAscendant 59. Better Stats Bar - Demonized 60. Cr3pis Iconpack Helmet Less Armors - Cr3pis 61. Simple Autumn Retexture Desaturated - Daedalus-Prime 62. Gardener of the Zone Textures - YuriVernadsky 63. Backpack Icons - DeadEnvoy 64. Better RF Receiver sound - Coverdrave 65. Water Flask Animation Rework - Apathy_Knight 66. Zone Customization Project (ZCP) - Diphenhydramine-HCl 67. NPCs Die in Emissions for Real - TheMrDemonized 68. UMP Reanimation Addons - FIREBREATH 69. Blindside's Knife Animations - galluserectus 70. Momopate's Detailed Weapon Stats - Momopate 71. Longreed's fixed artefacts spawns under maps - Longreed 72. Solarint's New Piano Songs - Solarint 73. Unlimited Stashes Weight 74. Hollywoodfx V3.1 - DeathOrchid 75. Golden Autumn Retexture Desaturated - kemelvorkorp 76. Molotov Cocktails (UPDATE 1) - Barry Bogs, TheMrDemonized 77. Dialog Dynamic Ui (UPDATE 2) - Slimey, GAMMA Discord, TheMrDemonized 78. Weapon Cover Tilt (Wct) - TheMrDemonized 79. Screen Space Shaders - Ascii1457, KD, Xerxes1138, LVutner, Panos Karabelas, Sébastien Lagarde 80. Free Zoom V3 - SlowVibe, GPL 81. Anomaly Tacticool Scopes 1.4 - Iretuerye, jaymorrow 82. Barry's Better Knives - Barry 83. VKS Vykhlop A VSSK Reanimation And Remodel - Utjan, BarryBogs 84. Gunslinger Controller - DesmanMetzger, TheMrDemonized 85. Squaredov - Square & Customizable Minimap - Tronex, RavenAscendant, Strogglet15 86. Dynamic Objects V1.05 - Leviathan 87. Dynamic Nocturnal Mutants V1.25 - Leviathan 88. Dynamic Mutants V1.42 - Leviathan 89. Exo Backpack 1.0 - Dead Air Dev, woopersnaper, HarukaSai, Junx 90. Main Menu Cop Credit Roll - Gleb8513 91. Cs Sidorovich With Soc Texture - Gleb8513 92. Ultimate Backpacks Dltx 1.1 - Bluber2 93. Exoseva CBSE Outfits - artifax, Hawu, Blackgrowl, RavenAscendant, sneaky, Jurko, SiNiMiKe, Lenny Weisstein, KronQ 94. Tech's FNX-45 Retexture - Tech 95. Dynamic Icon Indicators - Maid, RavenAscendant, HarukaSai 96. Tooltip In Corner - ravenascendant 97. RPG 26 - Last_Dawn, MLR, ПСЕВДО-S.T.A.L.K.E.R., AMK, Legapon 98. LTTZ DC DLTX - SarisKhan, Moperdogolus, Grok (G.A.M.M.A) 99. Storylines DLTX - August_Thurinus, DLTX crew 100. Simplified Vision UI - HarukaSai, Maid, RavenAscendant, tkcrits, .MaLum 101. Void Stasis Menu Music - Drunk_Headcrab 102. 1st Person Visible Body [ported from SWM] upd.5A - Wang_Laoshi, SWM Devs Team, SynthSnow, LVunter, xcvb, RavenAscendant, Lucy, Ratio-x-Ray, mscnt, TheParaziT 103. Skills Expansion 2.0 - HarukaSai, Blackgrowl, Maid, Utjan 104. Crossing The Border 1.2 - Malac88, HellblaueHoelle, Boss (перевод) 105. Scorpion EVO 3 v1.0 - Dionisiy9x39-, TAZ developers 106. Beef's Shader Based NVGs v1.1.1 - theRealBeef 107. Beef's Shader Based NVGs Color Change - BlueDevil 108. Playable Third Person Camera [PTP Camera] v1.13 - Detron (рекомендую стрелять от бедра) 109. Dante's Need More Artefacts - Deanon 110. Dynamic Anomalies Overhaul - DoctorX, Eugenium, Barry Bogs, Lucy, Grok (G.A.M.M.A), Jurkonov, CrimsonVirus, TheMrDemonized 111. Artefacts Variationizer (UPDATE 11) - TheMrDemonized 112. Extra Level Transitions (UPDATE 2) - TheMrDemonized 113. GBOOBS Enhanced Recoil Revised (UPDATE 3) - TheMrDemonized 114. Configurable Item Cost Modifiers (ICM) (UPDATE 1) - TheMrDemonized 115. Michikos Weather Revamp Revised (UPDATE 2) - TheMrDemonized 116. Combine All Items - TheMrDemonized 117. Disassemble All Items (UPDATE 6.1) - TheMrDemonized 118. AUG and G36 scopes replacement - TheMrDemonized, Iretuerye, BlackMetalV, Zhangfu 119. G36 patch - Strogglet15 120. HQ Glass Overlay - Cr3pis 121. Dead Zone - optivankiev (optional) 122. [DLTX] Bullethole Decals - Ni7L5T 123. Dots and reticles extravaganza for BaS - Kuez 124. MG42 adapted from TAZ 3.0 (now with MG3) - TAZ team, MerelyMezz for DLTX, KBT pack XL, Hisalute 125. Companion Anti Awol - xcvb, RavenAscendant, BRSamael, Skieppy 126. Companion Inventory Unlock - ravenascendant 127. Outfits affect movespeed - whereismy, artifax 128. LUN4T1C's Kriss Vector SMG [DLTX] - Mostly Peaceful, entire TAZ team, L4U6H1N6-LUN4T1C 129. M134 Minigun - E.Nigma42, artezbot 130. MP7 Replacement - Hyper3D, Noodum, PYP 131. True Barrett M82 and MP7 - That_angry_merc 132. Tagged Patches 1.1.2 - Utjan, translation - aut0mat 133. Modern UI v2.0.5 UPD. - tkcrits, Mike0422 134. minimaptoggle - ravenascendant 135. Removed PDA *beep* Draw/Holster Sounds - FunkBuddha1 136. 4K Bear Detector Texture - Pryviet 137. Lootboxes - artifax 138. Duty Expansion - GhenTuong 139. Interactive PDA - RavenAscendant, Longreed, xcvb 140. Testudo and Rascal for the thumbnail, JadeyMoyaison 141. Inakrin's hitmark - inakringibs 142. Extended Features of the New Game v1.2.3b - Misery Development Ltd., A.R.E.A. Team, morgannoor1991, Grok (G.A.M.M.A)itach, Orleon 143. Pretty Pistols Pack - Strogglet15 144. Descriptive Stash Coordinates - Aoldri 145. Quick melee reworked v1.6a - Feel_Fried 146. Trader Overhaul 1.30 - AGoodSetOfPistol 147. Weapon Parts Overhaul - artifax 148. Ouitfit Parts Overhaul - artifax 149. Новые статы еды, напитков и медикаментов + Кола - kaRa 150. Escape from Pripyat 4.0 - HarukaSai, Maid, разработчики Escape from Tarkov 151. 1st Person Visible Body T.H.A.P fix (merc) - Wang_Laoshi, IENCE, franlorenzo96 152. Mags Redux (EFP 4 updated) - artifax, Ishmaeel, d_nan, HarukaSai, Maid, Crepis, Sneaky, wuut, ravenascendant 153. MWpack new weapons - MerelyMezz for DLTX, TAZ team, attackzone974's CotZ AO3.1 port, KBT weapon pack XL, kuez's reticles, Hisalute 154. Beef's NPCs die in Anomalies v1.1 - theRealBeef 155. Body Health System - Grok (G.A.M.M.A) 156. Working magazines - ravenascendant, Dokkaebi 157. Weapon Sway 0.52 - xcvb 158. Unofficial Autocomplete More Dynamic Tasks 1.0 - xcvb, AeneasH, strelocc 159. Ghillie Suit Overhaul V1.6 - Ravenascendant, xcvb/bvcx 160. Crook's Faction Identification UI - Grok (G.A.M.M.A) 161. Talk to everyone - Vintar0 162. Mouse over transfer items - eric7237cire, MIT 163. Keep Crafting Windows Opened (UPDATE 12) - TheMrDemonized 164. Parts In Tooltip (UPDATE 5) - TheMrDemonized 165. Dynamic NPC Armor Visuals (Anomaly 1.5.1/1.5.2) - ravenascendant, XCVB, Sneaky, Lucy/Rezy 166. Remote Controlled Explosives and Pocket Bombs (v1.0) - Chool 167. Hideout Furniture (HF) (Update 1.2.0) - Александр Оверин, Aoldri 168. Monolith War Lab (Unlocked) - ZOng22 169. Grok (G.A.M.M.A)`s Ballistics Overhaul - Grok (G.A.M.M.A) 170. HD модели - Ninja_Nub [NOR], Aboba, MrStalkerHacker, Darth_Shepard, Azetrix, jenek96, Raito-x-Ray 171. Centered Positions 0.8 - FallNSonder 172. LEWD ShAK-12 Tactical - L4U6H1N6-LUN4T1C, Shrike 173. Ambient rework - kaRa 174. Dante's Need More Artefacts - Dante, jeredy_hothead, Deanon 175. Artefacts Variationizer - TheMrDemonized 176. Misc.Weapons Pack ~ EFT reposition patch - BasedProton 177. Powered Exoskeletons - artfax (ahuyn) 178. Falls 2.0 - FeldW 179. Outfit Attachment Overhaul - artfax (ahuyn) 180. New weapon pack V1 - TAZ, SCPWP, eremeeffvowa2014 181. Dark signal stand alone weapon audio - JSRS, Grok (G.A.M.M.A), Shr¡ke 182. Dynamic Emission Cover - Utjan 183. Track Stalkers Using Their Names (v1.2) - Chool 184. Convert surrendering enemies to your faction (v1.2) - Chool 185. Companion carry weight unlimiter - ravenascendant 186. Bark Rework - Dizmok 187. Inspect weapon - artifax, Ishmael, fsttime 188. Paper box loot - zoust 189. HD Models actor portraits - Raito-x-Ray, Ninja_Nub [NOR], Cr3pis, Aboba, MrStalkerHacker, Darth_Shepard, Azetrix, Rogaliusz 190. Artifact signature locator - HyperionSTG 191. Spark's Scope Detector Fixes - Anomaly Discord (minus xcvb), sneaky, Oleg Beon, Bluebarry Bootstiff, RavenAscendant, SparksTheUnicorn 192. Banjaji's Undercover communications v1.1 - Vintar0, Banjaji 193. New Weapon pack V1 Reposition Patch - BasedProton 194. Early geiger warning 0.2 - xcvb 195. Dark signal audioscape: Mutants - Shr¡ke 196. Upgrades for Backpacks v1.1 - Messer_Schmitt 197. Arti ballisticks - artifax 198. AUGmented: The AUG Pack - Blackgrowl, Mike J, FIREBREATH1001 199. The G36 Pack - Strogglet15 200. Tommy Gun Drop - Servalion, Qatapro, Aoldri, Arti, Demonized, Cr3pis, Haruka, FIREBREATH1001 201. Fixed xr_danger - xcvb 202. Psy stress - livvan 203. Toxic Rain - xcvb 204. Toxic Air - xcvb 205. Utjan's QoL Bundle - Utjan 206. Craftable Upgradable AF Detectors - Aoldri, Ahuyn/Arti, Nekomaster, Boss 207. Enhanced Shaders - LVutner, Meatchunk, Doenitz, Beef, KennShade 208. TAZ Detector and RF Receiver Fix - ScotchCarb 209. Shotgun Scopes Sights Silencers DLTX 1.5.2 - duxfortis, Oiltanker 210. New Walk & Run Animation - Diazzer 211. Device Selector Key - Maid, RavenAscendant, HarukaSai 212. [SASSY] Ithaca M37 - Blackgrowl, Oleg152, Strogglet15 213. HideTooltip[v1.1] - Pr1nkos 214. Tactical Music Extended - microRIZO 215. Tooltips control - Flueno 216. Snipex Alligator V2 - L4U6H1N6-LUN4T1C 217. Experience Framework - Orleon, ilrathCXV 218. RUST & WILD WEAPONS v2.1 - Ivaanmr11 219. Desert Eagle Gunslinger - Dizmok, Gunslinger crew 220. SVU Reanimation & Remodel - BarryBogs, Frezzy, Firebreath, Utjan, Aoldri, Blackgrowl, Maid, Demonized, Chat 221. Mounted machine gun replaced with HD model - eulampius 222. Alternative Blind Dogs - KynesPeace 223. RPG29 Vampire - Аlex 224. Extended Task Info v1.1 - Coverdrave 225. Immersive Skinning - TheMrDemonized, Utjan 226. HeatVision v1.1 - vegeta1k95, Beef, LVutner + TheMrDemonized, MerelyMezz, Crookr, Edzan, Ascii1457 227. Realistic Blood 3.1 - Fedia 228. Dismemberment 0.81 - xcvb, Longreed, KynesPeace, Barry Bogs, Thial 229. Alternative Pseudodogs and PsyDogs - KynesPeace 230. Blood Pools (With Trails And Steps) - TheMrDemonized, xcvb 231. Activated Charcoal v1.3.4 - Tosox 232. Dux's Innumerable Character Kit Voices Pack - TheMrDemonized 233. NPC Close Combat Enhanced - ravenascendant 234. SP-5 Magnum Pistol - JMerc75, DJMaesen 235. Alucard's Jackal Anti Freak Combat pistol - JMerc75 + Magazines paTch Hellsing Jackal - Blackjeison 236. More Melee Features - BarryBogs 237. KillCam (UPDATE 1) - TheMrDemonized 238. BaS Howa 20 improved 1.4 [DLTX] - IModeusI 239. Animation Of Ballistic Plates - Skyww, TheParaziT, xcvb 240. World Spawns Rework - BarryBogs, Utjan, Aoldri, Demonized, Maid, Haruka 241. CHEF FIERI'S WEAPON OF MASS DESTRUCTION - JMerc75, CHEF GUY FIERI 242. ACE 52 Weapon Addon - FIREBREATH1001, Cr3pis, Aoldri 243. Aiming Movement Redux - OG_Grinskin91 244. DLTX MTacWPack 0.8 - Dionisiy9x39-, Eduardo Karlos 245. Type 38 Arisaka Rifle - Jurkonov, Asnen, Blackgrowl 246. Alternative Fleshes - KynesPeace 247. LEWD Weapon Pack: Benelli M3 Super 90 - L4U6H1N6-LUN4T1C 248. Remington R5 Assault Rifle - JMerc75 249. Alternative Cats - KynesPeace 250. Smart map for Dynamic Anomalies Overhaul - real_leaper 251. Price always in item tooltip v1.1 - real_leaper 252. Retrogue Additional Weapons-Ammo - Retrogue 253. Juan's Weapon Addon Collection - JMerc75 254. MrB's 10mm Auto Ecosystem - Mr0Buggy, Juanter/Jmerc75, Norppa 255. Viewport Loading Screens - Dubious_Repute 256. (DTLX) Stick Grenade - billwa, Souvlaki, Juanter, Me (somewhat), Day Of Infamy Team 257. LEWD Thompson SMG modernized - L4U6H1N6-LUN4T1C 258. iTheon's PDA Taskboard - iTheon, TheMrDemonized 259. MP412 Rex Reanimation v3.2 - Aoldri 260. [DLTX] Agram 2000 - maidresidence, sebastian-ujhazi, NovaFinch, Wana, healslutfuria 261. Alternative Boars - KynesPeace 262. Immortal Important NPCs - RazorShultz 263. Tough Important NPCs and Companions - hexef 264. Trader Destockifier - TheMrDemonized 265. Fillable Canteens 2.0 - HarukaSai, Maid, Arszi, TheMrDemonized 266. M3A1 Grease Gun - billwa, Scarface, MK4, Ribbles, Day Of Infamy Team 267. M67 Grenade - billwa, Juan, Zahar Kobyakov, TheMrDemonized, Gunslinger Team, Teivaz 268. Arena rebalance v1.2 - m-bo-one 269. Anomaly Launcher in Russian Language - NiceDreamer 270. EFT gear rustle sound - Kyle_1105 271. Phant0m's Tactical Endgame Weapons Pack - PKx_Phant0m 272. Footsies v2 - t.tv/nekousagikorou 273. PDA reanimation - ky-ky123 274. Dynamic Time-based Tonemap Extended - TheMrDemonized 275. Atmospherics - Hippobot, Joe325, LVutner, Grok (G.A.M.M.A), B0nsey, aytabag, Dyn, Jaku, Lauta-Ro, DelphicBadger, kRePiN, NAKY, i860 276. PDA To Previous Weapon - TheMrDemonized 277. Ammo maker - artifax 278. 9x39mm Weapon Family Beautification - Strogglet15 279. Better Smoke Grenades - TheMrDemonized 280. Equipable Thermalvisor for HeatVision v1.1 - Smic, DuxFortis, vegeta1k95 281. Artefacts melter - Grok (G.A.M.M.A) 282. Grok (G.A.M.M.A)'s & Bert's Casings Falling Sounds - Grok (G.A.M.M.A), Bert 283. Food Drug & Drink Missing Animations Patch v8 + Cannabis Animation - BudBone, Feel_Fried, Bongwatter 284. Arrival Anomalies - S.e.m.i.t.o.n.e, themrdemonized 285. New Levels 0.31 - bvcx, Longreed, ISOTD3 team, Thundervision, Red Panda (Sobolevskiy), Roman-n, demonized, RavenAscendant 286. New Game+ - bvcx, RavenAscendant 287. G36 Reanimation - SeDzhiMol, mp5lng, tint08771, LilRayne 288. SR-3M "VIHR" Reanimation - SeDzhiMol 289. PP2000 Reanimation rework - SeDzhiMol 290. Dovetail and scopes for BaS Akm/Akms - IModeusI 291. BaS SKS improved - IModeusI 292. No fingerless exolight gloves for T.H.A.P. Rework - IModeusI 293. VZ-61 REANIMATED - Teivaz 294. Extra Level Transitions Bonus Transitions - Dhatri 295. New armor pack - ChoKoLaDka, Jurkonov 296. [DLTX] Add SKAT-10M - SHREDDER(V)o¥o(V), brainscorcher , KronQ , Strogglet15 , uYoxq , Blackjeison 297. IZH 18 MP18 - billwa, Juan, Qatapro 298. Spas12 Reanimation - FIREBREATH1001, Cr3pis, BarryBogs, Lucy, Utjan, Danek_Super 299. USAS-12 Reanimaton - SeDzhiMol 300. Autolooter - iTheon (G.A.M.M.A) 301. Pick Best Disassembly Tool master - iTheon (G.A.M.M.A) 302. Zil 131retexture - _BigBro_ 303. Keep ammo highlighted - d1sasterpiece 304. Track compatible items - d1sasterpiece 305. Mosin Nagant M1939 Re-model & Re-animation v0.4 - jdud 306. HK416 Replacement v1.3.1 - etapomom 307. REKT HK516 - TomasaurusREKT 308. Better A-life Overhaul 1.4 - Strajkerpro, Myurat 309. FDDA Enhanced Animations - Food and Drinks - Mirrowel 310. FDDA Enhanced animations - Medical / EXO ANIMS - Mirrowel 311. (DTLX) MAC-10 - billwa, Teivaz, Juan, Bamma, Ribbles 312. FB Radom Vis 35 - SoulCrystal 313. Base Skills Pack v1.2.1 - Orleon, DemVort 314. NPC looting fix 1.4 - FeldW 315. [DLTX] 3rd Person Models Fix for Jackets - MotaRin 316. Usable Bar doors - Longreed, xcvb, Stalker_Boss (remove all k-pop related) 317. Brotherhood - ComradeCatilina, xcvb NLTP-ASHES, GhenTuong, RavenAscendant, igigog, demonized, Stalker_Boss (RU translation, DLTX) 318. FN F2000 Reanimation and Remodel - SeDzhiMol, Stalker_Boss (новый граник) 319. Toggle Auto Run - ITsPorky 320. Ledge Grabbing / Mantling - Parazit, Strelok 321. Dynamic discounts 0.34 - xcvb 322. Pinup Collector - ravenascendant 323. Photo of a Loved One Animated - Apathy_Knight 324. Maxwell my Beloved ❤ - Felisaur, TheMrDemonized 325. Proportional Medic Healing Price v1.2 - Coverdrave 326. HD Lurker - KeatonB_08 327. Patches by Hotkey - TheMrDemonized 328. Reanimodel HK MP7 - SeDzhiMol 329. BaS AK-12 Reanimation - SeDzhiMol 330. Type89 - NickolasNikova, michau2, Kally 331. LEWD Howa Type64 - L4U6H1N6-LUN4T1C, TheDj 332. Gotta Go Fast Extended v1.1.0 - Tosox, Grokitach, reter 333. Global Map Rework (1.5.2) - DeadEnvoy 334. O.D.S.T Armor - Synx201, Juan, Frosty 335. Stalker Notes - NLTP_ASHES 336. Stashes From Journals - NLTP_ASHES 337. PDA Hacking - Utjan, AlphaLion 338. All Ghillied Up R700 - kaiju00 339. Defended Lab X-10 - _Shen_ 340. Pretty Reanimated Pistols - FIREBREATH1001 341. Sig Sauer P320 - LilJma, OneRock, FIREBREATH1001 342. FN Fal Reanimation - NickolasNikova 343. Re:done Agroprom Underground - eAkman 344. Re:done Agroprom - eAkman 345. Re:done Garbage - eAkman 346. Re:done Cordon - eAkman 347. Re:done Darkvalley & Darkscape - eAkman 348. Re:done Rostok & Truck Cemetery - eAkman 349. Re:done Yantar & Wild Territory - eAkman 350. Devices of Anomaly Redone - BarryBogs, Diolator, Aoldri, Utjan, Lucy, Cr3pis, TheMrDemonized, Rzen1th, Catspaw 351. Western Goods v2.4.0 - NLTP_ASHES 352. Utjan's Item UI Improvements - Utjan 353. Delicious Daewoo's w/ AR70 - billwa, Callmesynth, Ribbles (me), Jaunter, Qatapro, Kally 354. LEWD REPLACEMENT: FAMAS - L4U6H1N6-LUN4T1C, Teivaz 355. Radial Quickslots - NLTP_ASHES 356. icons time patch for alt icons - qxq_chill, noname 357. Headgear Animations - lizzardman 358. Sleep Timelapse 0.31 - TheMrDemonized 359. M98B Reanimation - NickolasNikova 360. M249 Reanimation - NickolasNikova 361. Shell Physical Particles v0.2 - TheParaziT, s.e.m.i.t.o.n.e. 362. Winter Load Screens - chiffmonkey 363. Zone Passive Income - sto_benino 364. Detectors Pull Artifacts - G_FLAT 365. No Leaning Camera Roll - G_FLAT 366. Overheat gunsmoke - party_50 367. The Anomalous Stash - Utjan, AlphaLion 368. Vehicles Redux - FlashBangZ, Biggs, Rebuild, EFP Team 369. Private's Aim Stamina v1.2.1 - Private_Pirate, xcvb, RavenAscendant, NLTP_ASHES, jaymorrow 370. Move All Blocker Extended - G_FLAT 371. Heckler & Koch G11 - popattara, Barry Bogs, Fish_Oil 372. Outfit Animations - lizzardman 373. DAR Dosimeter Enhanced - lizzardman, Barry Bogs 374. Busy Hands Detection and Blame - ravenascendant 375. RPD Reanimation - NickolasNikova 376. Simple Flashlight Replacer - Strogglet15, MAR.COS 377. Meowie's Reworked Weapon Textures - Meowie (G.A.M.M.A) 378. [DLTX]EFT Modular Helmets and Armors Rework - annoneq, DerChrom, Stalker_Boss, EHoT_IIoTaCkYH 379. ATHI Weapons modpack - Andtheherois (G.A.M.M.A) 380. Personal Adjustable Waypoint 2.1.2 - CatspawMods, HarukaSai, RavenAscendant, TheMrDemonized, GhenTuong 381. Battery recycle - oxi-astra, TheMrDemonized 382. Milspec PDA 1.9.7 with Kill Tracker - CatspawMods, Alundaio, RavenAscendant, Cr3pis, Ishmaeel, AlphaLion 383. Mark Switch - party_50 384. Drunk's Enhanced Toxic Air [1.5.2.] [MCM] [DLTX] - Drunk_Headcrab, EHoT_IIoTaCkYH, PrestSL, Stalker_Boss 385. [DLTX] TAZ's HAMR Special Weapons Pack 1.2 Final - settwinter, mp5lng 386. Bart's Good Ammo Counters 2.1 - Bartoche70, ravenascendant, Stalker_Boss (перевод, доработка) 387. Maki's Gesture system 2.0 - Maki_Kun, TheMrDemonized 388. Mutant Loot Chance Configuration (MCM) - ilrathcxv, Stalker_Boss (перевод) 389. Enhanced Dynamic (Combat) Music (Update 2) - Orleon 390. Trepang2 ost for Enhanced Dynamic Combat Music - Man_of_Krieg, Orleon, Stalker_Boss (перевод) 391. RGD-2 Smoke Grenade - Billwa, JMerc75 392. Ultimate Autosave - FenêtreXxMagique, Stalker_Boss+PriestSL (перевод, рефакторинг) 393. Black HK416 Replacement Texture - TomasaurusREKT, etapomom 394. Lunaticsgoldenballs - L4U6H1N6-LUN4T1C, TheDj, Stalker_Boss (перевод) 395. Dynavision Photomode - strangerism (G.A.M.M.A) 396. RWAP G36 Pack - Retrogue (G.A.M.M.A), Stalker_Boss (перевод, доработка) 397. [DLTX] Dynamic Mutants Slightly Remastered (UPDATE 7) - TheMrDemonized 398. The Armed Zone 3.0 - mp5lng 399. Autocomplete Tasks v2.1.4 - Tosox, strelocc, AeneasH 400. Body Health System Realistic Overhaul (0.87 EFT BHS Update) - Mirrowel 401. Debug Spawn Attachments - G_FLAT 402. BAS M key rebind and BHS H key rebind + other improvements - pesta, ravenascendant, ZirdupioGamers, bas2000, RayZzz, explorerbee 403. Hideout Furniture Expansion ammo box patch - pesta 404. Even More Hideout Furniture - facelessez 405. Hideout Furniture Placement Preview Gizmo - Thial 406. Dynamic Icon Indicators BaS Patch - Lalup 406. Draggable Hud Editor (UPDATE 9) - TheMrDemonized, Tronex 407. HUD Offsets Editor - DaimeneX, Lucy, TheMrDemonized 408. PDA Radio Extended v1.3 - Starcry_ 409. Anomaly Popup Messages - TheMrDemonized, Utjan, Blackgrowl 410. Corpse Fauna - Rage4556, xcvb 411. LEWD Boltov - L4U6H1N6-LUN4T1C, Shrike 412. LEWD Boltov modified - elsaac 413. Anomalous Creation - Wang_Laoshi 414. NPC Wound Tweak - lizzardman, RavenAscendant 415. Drag-n-Drop Repair Filters and Tanks for Drunk's Enhanced Toxic Air - ilrathcxv 416. Nav's 4K Definitive Masks v1.3 - navjotski 417. [DLTX] Arszis Radiation Overhaul Demonized Edition (UPDATE 5) - TheMrDemonized, Arszi 418. Guitar Animation For Full Enjoyment - Daiviey, leerhansson2823, Wang_Laoshi 419. FAL (обычный + OLD), M16(A2,A3,A4), ТИГР, МР-153, СОК-94 - Proshliy 420. OWR Infernal Edition v.0.3 - Infernis, mp5lng (TAZ) 421. Footsies v2 - NekousagiKorouYTttv 422. Persistent Weather - yohjimane, ravenascendant, TheMrDemonized, cr3pis 423. Mugging Squads - TheMrDemonized, billwa 424. Rats and Tushkans don't push - NewbieRus 425. Aydins Grass Tweaks 4.0 - aytabag, Aydin, Fabio Conte. 426. Aydins Grass Tweaks SSS Terrain LOD compatiblity - aytabag, Aydin, Ascii1457 427. Caliber Conversions for All Weapons - ilrathcxv 428. Streamlined Upgrades - artifax 429. Semi-radiant AI 0.31 - bvcx, Longreed 430. TB's Coordinate Based Safe Zones v1.5 - Tweaki_Breeki, K0bik, Cr3pis, Quantum_Cookie, Elkinda, miyukiharukagacus02 431. TB's Fairer Thermal Anomalies v1.5 - Tweaki_Breeki, moddbplsffs, =Krieger=, aorushome 432. Project TV - Junateg, Gleb8513, s.s.t.a.l.k. and OliverMendes 433. [DLTX] Traders sell recipes - megamurmulis 434. FDDA Enhanced Animations Enhanced - lizzardman, Tosox 435. Improved Mutant Footsteps - SalamanderAnder, AlphaLion, aorushome 436. Shaders Look Better v1.1.0 - Dlani, Ascii1457 437. Corrections of brightly colored trees and bushes - NewbieRus 438. Barbwire shadow fix - VodkaPivin, AMK-Team Forum, bvcx 439. Devices Retexture. PDA Update - Meowie (G.A.M.M.A) 440. The AEK Kit - Strogglet15, Marek Vozár 441. Gestures 1.2 - VodoXleb, TheMrDemonized, lexus, xcvb 442. More Mutant Step SFX - BrainScorched 443. I.W.P. exos and animations for them - MAX16, I.W.P. team (G.A.M.M.A) 444. Black Ops Olympia Duo - frostychun, IWP, S.T.A.Z. WP, BaS, STCoP WP, OWR, Gunslinger Mod 445. MoveEffects & AlmostTrueProne BETA Up.5 - Wang_Laoshi, bvcx, Feel_Fried, TheShinyHaxorus, CryoManne, Lucy and other Anomaly Devs, Discord community 446. RE:SPAWN MUTANT COLLECTIONS PART A, B, C, D - Hades@DK, eAKman, Roman Goroff, Stalker_Boss 447. RE:Bound Encounters - EtongSayo, Stalker_Boss 448. [MCM] NPCs Limping and Healing (FIX 2) - VodoXleb, lexus(testing), ai_additions 2.04 449. HAR (Health Monitoring System) - alexmarheaves, HarukaSai, AlexMarheaves 450. Urban Tactics - GhenTuong, demonized, cr3pis, zoulkrystal, Blackgrowl 451. The Collector - Utjan 452. ZLM - ZCP Loot Module revised [4.1.x] - ZaturaMakesMods, Diphenhydramine-HCl, Stalker_Boss (перевод) 453. Battery Warning - ravenascendant 454. No Fake Collision DLTX 1.0.1 - igorukun 455. Extra Achievements - bvcx, RavenAscendant, Longreed 456. DNPCAV Variety - ravenascendant, Blackgrowl, XCVB 457. New medkits and bandages [DLTX + FDDA] - No_Data, Spike2135 458. Detailed description 0.32 - bvcx, RavenAscendant 459. Tha Walking Ded - bvcx, DSurs (A.R.E.A.) 460. Lights of the Dead - VodoXleb 461. Weapon Inertia Expanded - lizzardman 462. Body Search Animation - lizzardman 463. ascendantcrosshairs - ravenascendant, Blackgrowl 464. he is with me - ravenascendant 465. Quick Action Wheel - HarukaSai, Aoldri, Maid 466. Better Helicopter Sounds - Senescent 467. Dead Character Article Unlocker - G_FLAT 468. Adjustable Detector Ranges - G_FLAT 469. .300 Blackout conversion upgrade - Andtheherois 470. Winter Mutants - ooo00o00ooo (GAMMA) 471. npcs loot what they kill - h21423 (GAMMA) 472. accurate stats 041 - momopate (GAMMA) 473. Slow Scroll Fix - razfarg 474. dynamic viewmodel [v3.1] - lualeet, TheMrDemonized, rushbuild 475. BOTZ - Blood of the Zone - HollidayW 476. Exile Haven - zoriustube, justsilverguy, xcvb, NLTP_ASHES, Huh ?, RavenAscendant, GT, Vodoxleb, Lumberjacked, Erandis 477. Drop and Disassemble Hotkey [Beta] - Stimpestamp 478. Weapon Attachment Position Fix for Cr3pis Icons (Vanilla+BaS) - batwotm, Cr3pis, RavenAscendant, _EverybodyLies_ 479. GT UT - Expanded v1.2 - Ncenka 480. Campfire Stories Fixes - party_50 481. Animated Lead Box(v 1.5) - leer_h 482. Animated NPC Healing(1.0) - leer_h, IWP, Sosombo 483. Artifacts Inspection(v2.0) - leer_h, Lizzardman 484. Get empty syringes, jars and plastic after items use - Breaker_oak 485. NPC Animation Overhaul: Part 1(v.1.1) - leer_h, Vodila(NPC Rig), IWP(Syringe model) 486. Expanded/Fixed Maps: All In One - HailTheMonolith, Karobeccary 487. Kick 'Em All(v1.0) - leer_h, Lizzardman, SWM, Wang_Laoshi 488. About The Job / О Работе - FreeStalkerLhan, Eyteen, Igigog, Ivan Mor, Svinfylking, Goat, MasterKibo 489. FDDA Redone [v1.2.12] - lizzardman 490. Animated Campfire Ignition(1.8) - leer_h, Western Goods 491. Data's New Junk - No_Data 492. Many ammo craft and conversations for Juan guns - (GAMMA user) 493. Inventory Check Inertia v1.3 - (GAMMA) 494. Millisieverts over Radiation Status Icon v1.5 - G_FLAT (GAMMA) 495. Low Entropy Stat Bar Organizative Solution v0.6 - G_FLAT (GAMMA) 496. Stamina Math and BHS HUD Power Stat Bar - G_FLAT (GAMMA) 497. Helmets Icons DII - xxqc 498. QuickStack-1.0.5 - (GAMMA) 499. Total Stalkers in PDA Stats v1.0 - G_FLAT (GAMMA) 500. Valuable Collectibles - havoc (GAMMA) 501. [RU] Drunk's NPC Loot Claim Remade - (GAMMA) 502. Only Fast Outfit Animations - ilrathCXV 503. Corpses Twitching - VodoXleb 504. 3D INTERACTIVE PDA 1.8 (UPDATE 3) - VodoXleb, xcvb 505. Fatal Error - Ncenka 506. S.A.M. (Streamlined Anomaly Maintenance) - _Serious 507. Peculiarities of Zone fishing - Kofard, bvcx, HarukaSai 508. Shader 3D Scopes - party_50, LVutner, WHATCHAMACALLIT, Redotix99 509. 3DSS BaS - MsPizza727, Treenormous, Party_50, Andtheherois, Redotix, BaS Team 510. McMillan Alias CS5 - IKmack 511. Custom Uniforms Module - ewqaks228, DuxFortis Спойлер Body Health System - (мод опциональный, на систему здоровья частей тела. Если захотите с ним играть, то ставить первым в списке модов). Modern Ui v2.0.5 и 1. Simplified Vision Ui v1.3.2 - (худ инвентаря, ставить один на выбор ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНО и ставить первым, если не стоит BHS, если играете с BHS, то ставить вторым). Grok's Ballistics Overhaul - (изменяет баллистику. Пули должны пробить броню NPC, прежде чем нанести урон, добавляет зависимости типа пули (бронебойная или нет) к типу брони ). Arti ballistics - новая баллистика, добавляет вместо старых патронов разрывные, аномальные и так далее. Делает перестрелки более разнообразными. Weapon Parts Overhaul - (добавляет систему запчастей в оружие, загрязнения, клин, меняет ремнаборы) Магазины - (магазинное питание оружия) Озвучка ГГ из Таркова BEAR (много мата, много криков). HD модели (изменённые модели брони персонажей). HD текстуры (текстуры окружения, наподобие асфальта, строений и того подобного). Falls 3.2 - система падений игрока, если его сбивает мутант/падает с высоты/получает много попаданий по себе. Dark Signal - новые звуки для всего оружия и других предметов в игре, кому-то могут не зайти, поэтому опциональный. Beef's NPCs die in Anomalies - смерть NPC в аномалиях можно подробно настроить, что бы напарники и квестовики вообще не умирали, например. Weapons DOF - размытие при прицеливании, перезарядке, использовании ПДА, свежевании трупов и тд. GAMMA Economy - нельзя продавать оружие и броню, вся броня и оружие так же не продаются у торговцев + цены при покупке выше. Tactical music - динамическая музыка в перестрелках. Sleep Timelapse - промотка времени во время сна в реальном времени с видом на локацию ( для мощных пк, может вызывать баги ) (изменено) PAW - метки на карте в ПДА и многое другое _20. Отключение ванильных пушек -полное отключение спавна ванильных пушек (изменено) 21. Damage Numbers, 22. Anomaly Popup Messages: Юбисофт френдли интерфейс с циферками урона и сообщениями на экран о почти любом действии игрока 999. 4 LVL PDA fix - включать при получении Milspec PDA (А) Quickslots hide - отключает мод быстрые слоты предметов на hud (Skin) AXMS Black Mortis - черный скин для АХМС Скачать: пост (фикс тоже здесь) Торрент (пост) Поддержать меня: Изменено Воскресенье в 19:02 пользователем Босс Релиз версии 1.8: https://ap-pro.ru/forums/topic/3801-bosspack-v173/page/231/?tab=comments#comment-440591, фиксы: https://ap-pro.ru/forums/topic/3801-bosspack-v181-reliz/page/234/?tab=comments#comment-441632 32 27 10 1 3 3 1 1 6 9 5 Правки для модов - нажми на гифку Мой канал на Ютубе и в Телеграмме: Эскапизм ТМ Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Босс 3 186 Опубликовано 27 ноября, 2024 hemul1983 значит неправильно стоит. Только что проверил, там лежит файл где все добавлено и любой может его открыть и проверить. Правки для модов - нажми на гифку Мой канал на Ютубе и в Телеграмме: Эскапизм ТМ Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
hemul1983 4 Опубликовано 27 ноября, 2024 (изменено) 5 часов назад, Босс сказал: hemul1983 значит неправильно стоит. Только что проверил, там лежит файл где все добавлено и любой может его открыть и проверить. Попробую переустановить. Может и вправду я что не так сделал. UPD. По новой поставил , всё заработало. Спасибо БОСС. Изменено 27 ноября, 2024 пользователем hemul1983 UPD. Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
pukacho12 1 Опубликовано 27 ноября, 2024 Большое спасибо за отличную сборку с возможностью настройки для слабых ПК. Только никак не могу разобраться с состоянием артефактов и частей мутантов, нету впринцепе бара состояния, хотя в настройках модов в игре это дело включено, можете что-то подсказать по этому вопросу? Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
ragnaser 6 Опубликовано 27 ноября, 2024 Босс не могу разобрать вещи из-за странного бинда на левый альт, как это исправить? В МСМ искал но не нашел Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Босс 3 186 Опубликовано 27 ноября, 2024 ragnaser Жесты. Правки для модов - нажми на гифку Мой канал на Ютубе и в Телеграмме: Эскапизм ТМ Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Yanetas 2 Опубликовано 27 ноября, 2024 Вылет при запуске Как исправить? Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Босс 3 186 Опубликовано 27 ноября, 2024 Yanetas 1) правильно активировать пресеты; 2) не включать две погоды одновременно. Правки для модов - нажми на гифку Мой канал на Ютубе и в Телеграмме: Эскапизм ТМ Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
pukacho12 1 Опубликовано 27 ноября, 2024 4 часа назад, pukacho12 сказал: Большое спасибо за отличную сборку с возможностью настройки для слабых ПК. Только никак не могу разобраться с состоянием артефактов и частей мутантов, нету впринцепе бара состояния, хотя в настройках модов в игре это дело включено, можете что-то подсказать по этому вопросу? @Босс Помоги пожалуйста, а то арт "люцифер" без состояния какой-то слишком имбовый выходит. Мод на состояние частей и артов включен в меню конфигурации и пробовал начать новую игру, Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
POMA_P 0 Опубликовано 27 ноября, 2024 2 часа назад, Босс сказал: ragnaser Жесты. Я тоже мучаюсь уже полдня. Не могу найти аддон который отвечает за нажатие на левый АЛЬТ. Не пойму зачем от вообще и как его отключить (освободить кнопку для других целей) Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Босс 3 186 Опубликовано 27 ноября, 2024 pukacho12 хз, никогда не пользовался этим аддоном и другие аддоны под него не адаптированы. Правки для модов - нажми на гифку Мой канал на Ютубе и в Телеграмме: Эскапизм ТМ Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
АавгусТ 0 Опубликовано 27 ноября, 2024 Как работает кпк меню? Где объяснение можно прочитать? Не понял, что то про информацию, оружие, арты Дополнено 1 минуту спустя 14 минут назад, pukacho12 сказал: @Босс Помоги пожалуйста, а то арт "люцифер" без состояния какой-то слишком имбовый выходит. Мод на состояние частей и артов включен в меню конфигурации и пробовал начать новую игру, Деградация артов в мсм меню должно быть не? Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
pukacho12 1 Опубликовано 27 ноября, 2024 Босс Но в сборке же есть в меню конфигурации "Состояние артефактов" Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Босс 3 186 Опубликовано 27 ноября, 2024 (изменено) 5 минут назад, АавгусТ сказал: кпк меню Интерактивный КПК? https://www.moddb.com/mods/stalker-anomaly/addons/interactive-pda-01pukacho12 да. Это не значит что с ним кто-то играет и кто-то его тестировал и тем более настраивал под него сборку. Могу удалить это МСМ меню, когда вернусь к разработке этой сборки и Аномали вообще. Изменено 27 ноября, 2024 пользователем Босс Правки для модов - нажми на гифку Мой канал на Ютубе и в Телеграмме: Эскапизм ТМ Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
pukacho12 1 Опубликовано 27 ноября, 2024 Босс Понял, спасибо за ответ. Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Босс 3 186 Опубликовано 27 ноября, 2024 (изменено) pukacho12 пожалуйста. Например, плавильщик артефактов мог "чинить" артефакты и я вырезал всю эту механику, потому что для меня деградация артефактов это в принципе бред. Мы же их из Зоны не выносим, с чего бы им деградировать.POMA_P я буквально написал название аддона в МСМ. Жесты. Изменено 27 ноября, 2024 пользователем Босс Правки для модов - нажми на гифку Мой канал на Ютубе и в Телеграмме: Эскапизм ТМ Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
ragnaser 6 Опубликовано 28 ноября, 2024 Спойлер * Detected CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 7700X 8-Core Processor [AuthenticAMD], F15/M1/S2, 4491.00 mhz, 28-clk 'rdtsc' * CPU features: RDTSC, MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, HTT * CPU cores/threads: 8/16 Found commandline file! Initializing File System... using fs-ltx ../fsgame.ltx File System Ready... FS: 143941 files cached 301 archives, 35933Kb memory used. Init FileSystem 3.527052 sec 'xrCore' build 9408, Nov 10 2024 Modded exes version 20241110 Game started: 28.11.2024 15:20:53.662 -----loading a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\system.ltx !!!DLTX ERROR Attemped to override section 'm_scuttler_e', which doesn't exist. Ensure that a base section with the same name is loaded first. Check this file and its DLTX mods: a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\system.ltx, mod file mod_system_respawn_mutant_configs.ltx !!!DLTX ERROR Attemped to override section 'm_fev_e', which doesn't exist. Ensure that a base section with the same name is loaded first. Check this file and its DLTX mods: a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\system.ltx, mod file mod_system_respawn_mutant_configs.ltx !!!DLTX ERROR Attemped to override section 'm_temple_e', which doesn't exist. Ensure that a base section with the same name is loaded first. Check this file and its DLTX mods: a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\system.ltx, mod file mod_system_respawn_mutant_configs.ltx -----loading a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\system.ltx !!!DLTX ERROR Attemped to override section 'm_scuttler_e', which doesn't exist. Ensure that a base section with the same name is loaded first. Check this file and its DLTX mods: a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\system.ltx, mod file mod_system_respawn_mutant_configs.ltx !!!DLTX ERROR Attemped to override section 'm_fev_e', which doesn't exist. Ensure that a base section with the same name is loaded first. Check this file and its DLTX mods: a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\system.ltx, mod file mod_system_respawn_mutant_configs.ltx !!!DLTX ERROR Attemped to override section 'm_temple_e', which doesn't exist. Ensure that a base section with the same name is loaded first. Check this file and its DLTX mods: a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\system.ltx, mod file mod_system_respawn_mutant_configs.ltx X-Ray Monolith v1.5.3 gamedata: 'anims\mine_orange.ppe' gamedata: 'anims\radiation.ppe' gamedata: 'configs\ai_tweaks\ai_tweaks.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ai_tweaks\xr_danger.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ai_tweaks\xr_eat_medkit.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ai_tweaks\xr_weapon_jam.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ai_tweaks\xrs_facer.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ai_tweaks\xrs_kill_wounded.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ambient_channels\backgrounds.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ambient_channels\blowout_channels.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ambients.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ambients\escape.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ambients\garbage.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ambients\jupiter.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ambients\k00_marsh.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ambients\k01_darkscape.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ambients\k02_trucks_cemetery.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ambients\l01_escape.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ambients\l02_garbage.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ambients\l03_agroprom.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ambients\l04_darkvalley.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ambients\l05_bar.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ambients\l06_rostok.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ambients\l07_military.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ambients\l08_yantar.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ambients\l09_deadcity.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ambients\l10_limansk.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ambients\l10_radar.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ambients\l10_red_forest.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ambients\l11_hospital.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ambients\l11_pripyat.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ambients\l12_stancia.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ambients\l12_stancia_2.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ambients\l13_generators.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ambients\marsh.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ambients\presets\environment_cemetary.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ambients\presets\environment_darkscape.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ambients\presets\environment_field.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ambients\presets\environment_forest.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ambients\presets\environment_garbage.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ambients\presets\environment_generators.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ambients\presets\environment_hospital.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ambients\presets\environment_jupiter.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ambients\presets\environment_npp.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ambients\presets\environment_pripyat.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ambients\presets\environment_pripyat_outskirts.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ambients\presets\environment_rostok.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ambients\presets\environment_rostok_wild.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ambients\presets\environment_swamp.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ambients\presets\environment_underground.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ambients\presets\environment_underground_more.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ambients\presets\environment_underground_x18.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ambients\presets\environment_urban.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ambients\presets\environment_whisper.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ambients\presets\environment_yantar.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ambients\presets\environment_zaton.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ambients\pripyat.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ambients\stancia_2.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ambients\yantar.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ambients\zaton.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ammo\ammo_.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ammo\ammo_bas.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ammo\ammo_grenades.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ammo\ammo_other.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ammo\ammo_pistol.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ammo\ammo_revolver_magnum.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ammo\ammo_rifle.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ammo\ammo_shotgun.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ammo\ammo_sniper.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ammo\importer.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ammo\sounds.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\axr_options.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\cache_dbg.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\cam_position.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\creatures\m_stalker.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\creatures\spawn_sections_general.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\drx\drx_da_config.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\dynavision\default\general.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\environment\ambient_channels\backgrounds.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\environment\ambient_channels\blowout_channels.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\environment\ambients.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\environment\ambients\bunker_a1.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\environment\ambients\collaider.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\environment\ambients\escape.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\environment\ambients\garbage.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\environment\ambients\grimwood.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\environment\ambients\jupiter.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\environment\ambients\jupiter_underground.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\environment\ambients\k00_marsh.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\environment\ambients\k01_darkscape.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\environment\ambients\k02_trucks_cemetery.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\environment\ambients\l01_escape.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\environment\ambients\l02_garbage.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\environment\ambients\l03_agroprom.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\environment\ambients\l03u_agr_underground.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\environment\ambients\l04_darkvalley.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\environment\ambients\l04u_labx18.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\environment\ambients\l05_bar.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\environment\ambients\l06_rostok.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\environment\ambients\l07_military.ltx' gamedata: ... 135109 more ... Initializing Engine... Starting INPUT device... Loading DLL: xrRender_R4.dll Available render modes[1]: [renderer_r4] command line "a:\games\anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7\anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7\bin\anomalydx11avx.exe" -smap2048 Executing config-script "user.ltx"... [a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\appdata\user.ltx] successfully loaded. Loading DLL: xrRender_R4.dll Loading DLL: xrGame.dll * [x-ray]: Full Memory Stats * [win32]: free[137433945444 K], reserved[4472544 K], committed[535420 K] * [ D3D ]: textures[0 K] * [x-ray]: process heap[247878 K] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[373217 K], smem[0 K] SOUND: OpenAL: enumerate devices... SOUND: OpenAL: EnumerationExtension Present dir[1]=A:\Games\Anomaly 1.5.3 + BOSSPACK v1.7\Anomaly 1.5.3 + BOSSPACK v1.7\bin\ dir[2]=A:\Games\Anomaly 1.5.3 + BOSSPACK v1.7\Anomaly 1.5.3 + BOSSPACK v1.7\bin\ dir[3]=C:\Windows\system32\ CleanDeviceSpecifierList CleanDeviceSpecifierList OpenAL Soft devices OpenAL Soft SOUND: OpenAL: system default SndDevice name is SOUND: OpenAL: All available devices: 1. OpenAL Soft, Spec Version 1.1 eax[0] efx[no] xram[no] Executing config-script "a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\default_controls.ltx"... [a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\default_controls.ltx] successfully loaded. Executing config-script "user.ltx"... Executing config-script "a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\rspec_default.ltx"... [a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\rspec_default.ltx] successfully loaded. Executing config-script "a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\default_controls.ltx"... [a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\default_controls.ltx] successfully loaded. [a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\appdata\user.ltx] successfully loaded. SOUND: Selected device is OpenAL Soft * sound: EAX 2.0 extension: absent * sound: EAX 2.0 deferred: absent * sound : cache: 524296 kb, 38848 lines, 13820 bpl Starting RENDER device... * GPU [vendor:1002]-[device:73FF]: AMD Radeon RX 6600 * CREATE: DeviceREF: 3 * Texture memory: 8120 M * GPU shading: vs(0/4.0/40), ps(0/4.0/40) * GPU vertex cache: unrecognized, 24 * NVAPI is missing. * Starting rendering as 2-GPU. * DVB created: 4096K * DIB created: 512K * HWDST/PCF supported and used * Managed textures disabled - Supports SSS UPDATE 21 - SSS CORE INSTALLED 1 - SSS HUD RAINDROPS SHADER INSTALLED 1 - SSS RAIN SHADER INSTALLED 1 - SSS BLOOD SHADER INSTALLED 1 - SSS BRANCHES SHADER INSTALLED 1 - SSS SSR SHADER INSTALLED 1 - SSS TERRAIN SHADER INSTALLED 1 - SSS VOLUMETRIC SHADER INSTALLED 1 - SSS WATER SHADER INSTALLED 0 - SSS AO SHADER INSTALLED 1 - SSS IL SHADER INSTALLED 1 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 30, correct size = 31 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 25, correct size = 26 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 40, correct size = 39 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 40, correct size = 37 DX10: a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\shaders\r3\ssfx_water_blur.ps is missing. Replace with stub_default.ps DX10: a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\shaders\r3\ssfx_water_noblur.ps is missing. Replace with stub_default.ps DX10: a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\shaders\r3\ssfx_water_waves.ps is missing. Replace with stub_default.ps DX10: Shader 'ssfx_water_ssr' not found in library. DX10: Shader 'ssfx_water' not found in library. THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 35, correct size = 38 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 33, correct size = 28 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 30, correct size = 35 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 35, correct size = 33 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 33, correct size = 34 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 36, correct size = 38 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 44, correct size = 54 [3] THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 44, correct size = 38 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 29, correct size = 28 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 29, correct size = 32 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 47, correct size = 36 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 33, correct size = 44 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 33, correct size = 47 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 33, correct size = 41 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 33, correct size = 37 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 33, correct size = 50 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 33, correct size = 51 THM chunk 2070 fixed, wrong size = 28, correct size = 5 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 34, correct size = 38 THM chunk 2070 fixed, wrong size = 29, correct size = 5 THM chunk 2070 fixed, wrong size = 28, correct size = 5 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 40, correct size = 39 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 40, correct size = 32 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 52, correct size = 39 [2] THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 40, correct size = 48 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 40, correct size = 37 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 40, correct size = 45 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 40, correct size = 34 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 40, correct size = 38 [14] THM chunk 2070 fixed, wrong size = 32, correct size = 5 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 32, correct size = 5 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 34, correct size = 37 THM chunk 2070 fixed, wrong size = 32, correct size = 5 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 32, correct size = 5 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 34, correct size = 39 THM chunk 2070 fixed, wrong size = 30, correct size = 5 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 30, correct size = 5 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 29, correct size = 31 THM chunk 2070 fixed, wrong size = 30, correct size = 5 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 30, correct size = 5 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 29, correct size = 31 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 31, correct size = 33 [2] THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 32, correct size = 30 THM chunk 2070 fixed, wrong size = 32, correct size = 5 THM chunk 2070 fixed, wrong size = 33, correct size = 5 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 33, correct size = 5 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 33, correct size = 32 THM chunk 2070 fixed, wrong size = 33, correct size = 5 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 33, correct size = 5 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 33, correct size = 32 THM chunk 2070 fixed, wrong size = 33, correct size = 5 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 33, correct size = 5 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 33, 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2072 fixed, wrong size = 24, correct size = 40 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 32, correct size = 38 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 52, correct size = 47 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 40, correct size = 35 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 40, correct size = 33 [2] THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 40, correct size = 43 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 40, correct size = 48 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 29, correct size = 30 THM chunk 2073 fixed, wrong size = 22, correct size = 27 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 61, correct size = 35 THM chunk 2073 fixed, wrong size = 28, correct size = 27 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 27, correct size = 31 [2] THM chunk 2073 fixed, wrong size = 23, correct size = 28 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 40, correct size = 33 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 61, correct size = 35 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 40, correct size = 37 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 27, correct size = 28 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 40, correct size = 45 THM chunk 2069 fixed, wrong size = 38, correct size = 47 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 38, correct size = 47 THM chunk 2073 fixed, wrong size = 38, correct size = 47 THM chunk 2069 fixed, wrong size = 41, correct size = 50 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 41, correct size = 50 THM chunk 2073 fixed, wrong size = 41, correct size = 50 THM chunk 2073 fixed, wrong size = 19, correct size = 33 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 40, correct size = 43 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 40, correct size = 34 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 29, correct size = 32 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 28, correct size = 41 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 40, correct size = 36 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 40, correct size = 30 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 40, correct size = 35 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 40, correct size = 32 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 40, correct size = 35 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 29, correct size = 32 THM chunk 2073 fixed, wrong size = 21, correct size = 24 THM chunk 2073 fixed, wrong size = 21, correct size = 33 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 22, correct size = 32 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 30, correct size = 40 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 23, correct size = 33 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 21, correct size = 38 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 21, correct size = 39 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 32, correct size = 42 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 29, correct size = 39 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 35, correct size = 40 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 21, correct size = 31 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 19, correct size = 29 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 21, correct size = 31 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 22, correct size = 32 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 26, correct size = 36 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 24, correct size = 34 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 27, correct size = 37 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 21, correct size = 31 [2] DX10: Shader 'la_shaders\ufp_blend' not found in library. [6] opening file a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\unlocalizers\milpda_ui_pda_npc_tab_factions.ltx creating unlocalizer for script ui_pda_npc_tab adding variable faction_encyption for unlocalizer for script ui_pda_npc_tab adding variable faction_lookup for unlocalizer for script ui_pda_npc_tab opening file a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\unlocalizers\new_levels_patches.ltx creating unlocalizer for script bind_anomaly_field adding variable pAno_maps for unlocalizer for script bind_anomaly_field creating unlocalizer for script pda adding variable primary_objects_tbl for unlocalizer for script pda creating unlocalizer for script smart_terrain_warfare adding variable monster_level_capacity for unlocalizer for script smart_terrain_warfare creating unlocalizer for script target_prior adding variable prior_lab for unlocalizer for script target_prior adding variable prior_t for unlocalizer for script target_prior creating unlocalizer for script tasks_agent_rescue adding variable blacklisted_maps for unlocalizer for script tasks_agent_rescue creating unlocalizer for script tasks_assault adding variable blacklisted_maps for unlocalizer for script tasks_assault creating unlocalizer for script tasks_bounty adding variable blacklisted_maps for unlocalizer for script tasks_bounty creating unlocalizer for script tasks_measure adding variable blacklisted_maps for unlocalizer for script tasks_measure creating unlocalizer for script toxic_air adding variable toxic_dmg for unlocalizer for script toxic_air creating unlocalizer for script treasure_manager adding variable blacklisted_maps for unlocalizer for script treasure_manager adding variable map_tiers for unlocalizer for script treasure_manager opening file a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\unlocalizers\unlocalize_artefinder.ltx creating unlocalizer for script drx_da_main adding variable load_defaults for unlocalizer for script drx_da_main adding variable load_settings for unlocalizer for script drx_da_main adding variable settings for unlocalizer for script drx_da_main opening file a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\unlocalizers\unlocalize_cxv_mutant_loot.ltx creating unlocalizer for script ui_mutant_loot adding variable clsdbg_to_section for unlocalizer for script ui_mutant_loot adding variable clsid_to_section for unlocalizer for script ui_mutant_loot adding variable item_prop_table for unlocalizer for script ui_mutant_loot opening file a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\unlocalizers\unlocalize_experience_ui.ltx creating unlocalizer for script experience_ui adding variable ui_is_opening for unlocalizer for script experience_ui opening file a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\unlocalizers\unlocalize_fun_allowed.ltx creating unlocalizer for script grok_remove_belt_duplicates adding variable categories for unlocalizer for script grok_remove_belt_duplicates opening file a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\unlocalizers\unlocalize_local_looting.ltx creating unlocalizer for script grok_stashes_on_corpses adding variable SETTINGS for unlocalizer for script grok_stashes_on_corpses adding variable _used_corpses for unlocalizer for script grok_stashes_on_corpses adding variable dbg_items for unlocalizer for script treasure_manager adding variable item_list for unlocalizer for script treasure_manager adding variable map_tiers for unlocalizer for script treasure_manager adding variable stash_common for unlocalizer for script treasure_manager adding variable stash_rare for unlocalizer for script treasure_manager adding variable tools_map_tiers for unlocalizer for script treasure_manager opening file a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\unlocalizers\unlocalizer_experience_framework.ltx adding variable distance_tbl for unlocalizer for script pda adding variable primary_objects_tbl for unlocalizer for script pda opening file a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\unlocalizers\unlocalizer_geiger_clicks.ltx creating unlocalizer for script actor_effects adding variable opt for unlocalizer for script actor_effects creating unlocalizer for script grok_actor_damage_balancer adding variable difficulty_multiplier for unlocalizer for script grok_actor_damage_balancer adding variable gameplay for unlocalizer for script grok_actor_damage_balancer creating unlocalizer for script item_device adding variable on_anomaly_touch for unlocalizer for script item_device opening file a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\unlocalizers\unlocalizer_lam.ltx creating unlocalizer for script zzz_ea_addon_backpack adding variable active_slot for unlocalizer for script zzz_ea_addon_backpack adding variable anim_enabled for unlocalizer for script zzz_ea_addon_backpack adding variable backpack_open_flag for unlocalizer for script zzz_ea_addon_backpack opening file a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\unlocalizers\unlocalizer_mag_check.ltx creating unlocalizer for script ammo_check_mcm adding variable busy_hands_fix for unlocalizer for script ammo_check_mcm opening file a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\unlocalizers\unlocalizer_modded_exes_global.ltx creating unlocalizer for script _g adding variable ini_cache for unlocalizer for script _g opening file a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\unlocalizers\unlocalizer_modded_exes_item_device_script_fixes.ltx adding variable on_anomaly_touch for unlocalizer for script item_device opening file a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\unlocalizers\unlocalizer_modded_exes_pda.ltx adding variable map_spot_property for unlocalizer for script pda opening file a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\unlocalizers\unlocalizer_modded_exes_xrs_facer_script_fixes.ltx creating unlocalizer for script xrs_facer adding variable Enabled for unlocalizer for script xrs_facer adding variable facer_sets for unlocalizer for script xrs_facer opening file a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\unlocalizers\unlocalizer_more_measurement_task_maps.ltx adding variable blacklisted_maps for unlocalizer for script tasks_measure opening file a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\unlocalizers\unlocalizer_newmeds.ltx creating unlocalizer for script arszi_psy adding variable psy_table for unlocalizer for script arszi_psy opening file a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\unlocalizers\unlocalizer_overheat_gunsmoke.ltx creating unlocalizer for script item_weapon adding variable decrease_quant for unlocalizer for script item_weapon adding variable last_wpn_id for unlocalizer for script item_weapon adding variable max_overheat for unlocalizer for script item_weapon adding variable overheat for unlocalizer for script item_weapon adding variable overheat_threshold for unlocalizer for script item_weapon adding variable smoke for unlocalizer for script item_weapon adding variable time_quant for unlocalizer for script item_weapon opening file a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\unlocalizers\unlocalizer_pdahacking.ltx adding variable faction_encyption for unlocalizer for script ui_pda_npc_tab adding variable stash_factor_per_pda for unlocalizer for script ui_pda_npc_tab opening file a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\unlocalizers\unlocalizer_test.ltx adding variable RENDERER for unlocalizer for script actor_effects adding variable STATIC_LIGHT for unlocalizer for script actor_effects opening file a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\unlocalizers\unlocalizer_western_goods_core.ltx creating unlocalizer for script western_goods_core adding variable VERSION for unlocalizer for script western_goods_core found script _G in unlocalizers data found variable ini_cache to unlocal init gathering modxml_... scripts gathering modxml_anomalous_stash.script gathering modxml_character_desc_general_army_odst.script gathering modxml_character_desc_general_dolg_odst.script gathering modxml_character_desc_general_isg_odst.script gathering modxml_character_desc_general_killer_odst.script gathering modxml_character_desc_general_stalker_odst.script gathering modxml_character_desc_yantar.script gathering modxml_eftmsgs.script gathering modxml_hamr.script gathering modxml_hamr2.script gathering modxml_hamr3.script gathering modxml_jp84_21scope.script gathering modxml_jp84_4scope.script gathering modxml_jp84_others_21scope.script gathering modxml_jp84_others_4scope.script gathering modxml_jp84_others_scope.script gathering modxml_jp84scope.script gathering modxml_map_spots_milpda.script gathering modxml_nta.script gathering modxml_pdahacking_unlockcost.script gathering modxml_proportional_medic_healing_price.script gathering modxml_rwap21scope.script gathering modxml_rwap2dso.script gathering modxml_rwap2dso21.script gathering modxml_rwap2dsosquare.script gathering modxml_rwap4scope.script gathering modxml_rwapscope.script gathering modxml_scope_16_arm18.script gathering modxml_scope_16_fg42.script gathering modxml_scope_16_lewd_felinscope.script gathering modxml_scope_16_srs99.script gathering modxml_scope_21_arm18.script gathering modxml_scope_21_fg42.script gathering modxml_scope_21_lewd_felinscope.script gathering modxml_scope_21_srs99.script gathering modxml_scope_em2.script gathering modxml_scopes_arm18.script gathering modxml_scopes_fg42.script gathering modxml_scopes_ingame_arm18.script gathering modxml_scopes_ingame_fg42.script gathering modxml_scopes_ingame_lewd_felinscope.script gathering modxml_scopes_ingame_srs99.script gathering modxml_scopes_lewd_felinscope.script gathering modxml_scopes_srs99.script gathering modxml_sks_b_2dso.script gathering modxml_sks_b_2dso_16.script gathering modxml_sks_b_2dso_21.script gathering modxml_tac30_scopes.script gathering modxml_tac30_scopes16.script gathering modxml_tac30_scopes21.script gathering modxml_test.script gathering modxml_unbind_h.script gathering modxml_water_pump.script gathering modxml_western_goods.script gathering modxml_zml_presets.script gathering modxml_zzz_rand_text_dialog.script [Discord RPC] Failed to create Discord RPC [ReShade]: ReShade not installed or version too old - didn't load compatibility addon * [x-ray]: Starting Main Loop Starting engine... [materials.ltx] Adding new material creatures\custombare, id 102 [materials.ltx] Adding new material creatures\custombarefast, id 103 [materials.ltx] Adding new material creatures\customboar, id 104 [materials.ltx] Adding new material creatures\customcat, id 105 [materials.ltx] Adding new material creatures\customdog, id 106 [materials.ltx] Adding new material creatures\customflesh, id 107 [materials.ltx] Adding new material creatures\customgiant, id 108 [materials.ltx] Adding new material creatures\customleaper, id 109 [materials.ltx] Adding new material creatures\customrodent, id 110 [materials.ltx] Changing existing material materials\death, id 88 [materials.ltx] Changing existing material materials\earth_slide, id 94 [materials.ltx] Changing existing material materials\fake, id 80 [materials.ltx] Changing existing material materials\fake_slide, id 99 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\actor | creatures\custombare, id 1701 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\actor | creatures\custombarefast, id 1702 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\actor | creatures\customboar, id 1703 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\actor | creatures\customcat, id 1704 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\actor | creatures\customdog, id 1705 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\actor | creatures\customflesh, id 1706 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\actor | creatures\customgiant, id 1707 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\actor | creatures\customleaper, id 1708 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\actor | creatures\customrodent, id 1709 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | creatures\actor, id 1710 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | creatures\custombare, id 1711 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | creatures\custombarefast, id 1712 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | creatures\customboar, id 1713 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | creatures\customcat, id 1714 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | creatures\customdog, id 1715 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | creatures\customflesh, id 1716 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | creatures\customgiant, id 1717 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | creatures\customleaper, id 1718 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | creatures\hoof, id 1719 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | creatures\human, id 1720 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | creatures\human_head, id 1721 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | creatures\large, id 1722 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | creatures\medium, id 1723 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | creatures\phantom, id 1724 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | creatures\small, id 1725 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | default, id 1726 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | default_object, id 1727 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | materials\asphalt, id 1728 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | materials\bricks, id 1729 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | materials\bush, id 1730 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | materials\bush_sux, id 1731 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | materials\cloth, id 1732 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | materials\concrete, id 1733 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | materials\death, id 1734 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | materials\dirt, id 1735 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | materials\earth, id 1736 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | materials\earth_death, id 1737 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | materials\earth_slide, id 1738 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | materials\fake, id 1739 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | materials\fake_ladders, id 1740 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | materials\fake_ladders_woods, id 1741 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | materials\fake_slide, id 1742 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | materials\flooring_tile, id 1743 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | materials\glass, id 1744 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | materials\grass, id 1745 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | materials\gravel, id 1746 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | materials\metal, id 1747 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | materials\metal_pipe, id 1748 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | materials\metal_plate, id 1749 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | materials\occ, id 1750 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | materials\sand, id 1751 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | materials\setka_rabica, id 1752 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | materials\shifer, id 1753 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | materials\stucco, id 1754 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | materials\tin, id 1755 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | materials\tree_trunk, id 1756 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | materials\water, id 1757 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | materials\water_radiation, id 1758 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | materials\wood, id 1759 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | materials\wooden_board, id 1760 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | objects\barrel, id 1761 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | objects\bottle, id 1762 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | objects\bullet, id 1763 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | objects\car_cabine, id 1764 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | objects\car_wheel, id 1765 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | objects\clothes, id 1766 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | objects\concrete_box, id 1767 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | objects\dead_body, id 1768 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | objects\fuel_can, id 1769 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | objects\glass, id 1770 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | objects\knife, id 1771 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | objects\large_furniture, id 1772 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | objects\large_metal_trash, id 1773 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | objects\large_weapon, id 1774 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | objects\metal_box, id 1775 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | objects\monster_body, id 1776 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | objects\small_box, id 1777 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | objects\small_metal_trash, id 1778 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | objects\small_weapon, id 1779 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | objects\tin_can, id 1780 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | creatures\actor, id 1781 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | creatures\custombare, id 1782 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | creatures\custombarefast, id 1783 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | creatures\customboar, id 1784 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | creatures\customcat, id 1785 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | creatures\customdog, id 1786 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | creatures\customflesh, id 1787 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | creatures\customgiant, id 1788 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | creatures\customleaper, id 1789 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | creatures\hoof, id 1790 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | creatures\human, id 1791 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | creatures\human_head, id 1792 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | creatures\large, id 1793 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | creatures\medium, id 1794 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | creatures\phantom, id 1795 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | creatures\small, id 1796 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | default, id 1797 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | default_object, id 1798 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | materials\asphalt, id 1799 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | materials\bricks, id 1800 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | materials\bush, id 1801 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | materials\bush_sux, id 1802 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | materials\cloth, id 1803 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | materials\concrete, id 1804 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | materials\death, id 1805 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | materials\dirt, id 1806 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | materials\earth, id 1807 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | materials\earth_death, id 1808 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | materials\earth_slide, id 1809 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | materials\fake, id 1810 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | materials\fake_ladders, id 1811 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | materials\fake_ladders_woods, id 1812 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | materials\fake_slide, id 1813 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | materials\flooring_tile, id 1814 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | materials\glass, id 1815 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | materials\grass, id 1816 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | materials\gravel, id 1817 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | materials\metal, id 1818 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | materials\metal_pipe, id 1819 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | materials\metal_plate, id 1820 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | materials\occ, id 1821 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | materials\sand, id 1822 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | materials\setka_rabica, id 1823 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | materials\shifer, id 1824 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | materials\stucco, id 1825 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | materials\tin, id 1826 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | materials\tree_trunk, id 1827 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | materials\water, id 1828 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | materials\water_radiation, id 1829 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | materials\wood, id 1830 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | materials\wooden_board, id 1831 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | objects\barrel, id 1832 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | objects\bottle, id 1833 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | objects\bullet, id 1834 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | objects\car_cabine, id 1835 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | objects\car_wheel, id 1836 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | objects\clothes, id 1837 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | objects\concrete_box, id 1838 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | objects\dead_body, id 1839 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | objects\fuel_can, id 1840 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | objects\glass, id 1841 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | objects\knife, id 1842 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | objects\large_furniture, id 1843 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | objects\large_metal_trash, id 1844 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | objects\large_weapon, id 1845 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | objects\metal_box, id 1846 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | objects\monster_body, id 1847 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | objects\small_box, id 1848 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | objects\small_metal_trash, id 1849 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | objects\small_weapon, id 1850 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | objects\tin_can, id 1851 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | creatures\actor, id 1852 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | creatures\custombare, id 1853 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | creatures\custombarefast, id 1854 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | creatures\customboar, id 1855 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | creatures\customcat, id 1856 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | creatures\customdog, id 1857 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | creatures\customflesh, id 1858 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | creatures\customgiant, id 1859 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | creatures\customleaper, id 1860 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | creatures\hoof, id 1861 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | creatures\human, id 1862 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | creatures\human_head, id 1863 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | creatures\large, id 1864 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | creatures\medium, id 1865 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | creatures\phantom, id 1866 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | creatures\small, id 1867 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | default, id 1868 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | default_object, id 1869 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | materials\asphalt, id 1870 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | materials\bricks, id 1871 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | materials\bush, id 1872 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | materials\bush_sux, id 1873 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | materials\cloth, id 1874 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | materials\concrete, id 1875 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | materials\death, id 1876 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | materials\dirt, id 1877 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | materials\earth, id 1878 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | materials\earth_death, id 1879 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | materials\earth_slide, id 1880 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | materials\fake, id 1881 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | materials\fake_ladders, id 1882 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | materials\fake_ladders_woods, id 1883 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | materials\fake_slide, id 1884 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | materials\flooring_tile, id 1885 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | materials\glass, id 1886 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | materials\grass, id 1887 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | materials\gravel, id 1888 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | materials\metal, id 1889 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | materials\metal_pipe, id 1890 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | materials\metal_plate, id 1891 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | materials\occ, id 1892 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | materials\sand, id 1893 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | materials\setka_rabica, id 1894 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | materials\shifer, id 1895 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | materials\stucco, id 1896 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | materials\tin, id 1897 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | materials\tree_trunk, id 1898 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | materials\water, id 1899 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | materials\water_radiation, id 1900 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | materials\wood, id 1901 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | materials\wooden_board, id 1902 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | objects\barrel, id 1903 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | objects\bottle, id 1904 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | objects\bullet, id 1905 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | objects\car_cabine, id 1906 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | objects\car_wheel, id 1907 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | objects\clothes, id 1908 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | objects\concrete_box, id 1909 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | objects\dead_body, id 1910 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | objects\fuel_can, id 1911 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | objects\glass, id 1912 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | objects\knife, id 1913 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | objects\large_furniture, id 1914 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | objects\large_metal_trash, id 1915 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | objects\large_weapon, id 1916 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | objects\metal_box, id 1917 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | objects\monster_body, id 1918 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | objects\small_box, id 1919 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | objects\small_metal_trash, id 1920 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | objects\small_weapon, id 1921 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | objects\tin_can, id 1922 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | creatures\actor, id 1923 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | creatures\custombare, id 1924 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | creatures\custombarefast, id 1925 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | creatures\customboar, id 1926 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | creatures\customcat, id 1927 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | creatures\customdog, id 1928 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | creatures\customflesh, id 1929 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | creatures\customgiant, id 1930 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | creatures\customleaper, id 1931 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | creatures\hoof, id 1932 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | creatures\human, id 1933 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | creatures\human_head, id 1934 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | creatures\large, id 1935 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | creatures\medium, id 1936 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | creatures\phantom, id 1937 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | creatures\small, id 1938 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | default, id 1939 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | default_object, id 1940 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | materials\asphalt, id 1941 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | materials\bricks, id 1942 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | materials\bush, id 1943 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | materials\bush_sux, id 1944 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | materials\cloth, id 1945 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | materials\concrete, id 1946 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | materials\death, id 1947 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | materials\dirt, id 1948 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | materials\earth, id 1949 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | materials\earth_death, id 1950 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | materials\earth_slide, id 1951 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | materials\fake, id 1952 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | materials\fake_ladders, id 1953 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | materials\fake_ladders_woods, id 1954 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | materials\fake_slide, id 1955 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | materials\flooring_tile, id 1956 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | materials\glass, id 1957 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | materials\grass, id 1958 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | materials\gravel, id 1959 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | materials\metal, id 1960 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | materials\metal_pipe, id 1961 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | materials\metal_plate, id 1962 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | materials\occ, id 1963 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | materials\sand, id 1964 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | materials\setka_rabica, id 1965 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | materials\shifer, id 1966 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | materials\stucco, id 1967 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | materials\tin, id 1968 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | materials\tree_trunk, id 1969 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | materials\water, id 1970 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | materials\water_radiation, id 1971 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | materials\wood, id 1972 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | materials\wooden_board, id 1973 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | objects\barrel, id 1974 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | objects\bottle, id 1975 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | objects\bullet, id 1976 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | objects\car_cabine, id 1977 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | objects\car_wheel, id 1978 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | objects\clothes, id 1979 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | objects\concrete_box, id 1980 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | objects\dead_body, id 1981 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | objects\fuel_can, id 1982 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | objects\glass, id 1983 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | objects\knife, id 1984 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | objects\large_furniture, id 1985 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | objects\large_metal_trash, id 1986 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | objects\large_weapon, id 1987 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | objects\metal_box, id 1988 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | objects\monster_body, id 1989 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | objects\small_box, id 1990 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | objects\small_metal_trash, id 1991 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | objects\small_weapon, id 1992 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | objects\tin_can, id 1993 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | creatures\actor, id 1994 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | creatures\custombare, id 1995 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | creatures\custombarefast, id 1996 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | creatures\customboar, id 1997 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | creatures\customcat, id 1998 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | creatures\customdog, id 1999 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | creatures\customflesh, id 2000 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | creatures\customgiant, id 2001 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | creatures\customleaper, id 2002 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | creatures\hoof, id 2003 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | creatures\human, id 2004 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | creatures\human_head, id 2005 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | creatures\large, id 2006 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | creatures\medium, id 2007 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | creatures\phantom, id 2008 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | creatures\small, id 2009 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | default, id 2010 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | default_object, id 2011 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | materials\asphalt, id 2012 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | materials\bricks, id 2013 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | materials\bush, id 2014 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | materials\bush_sux, id 2015 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | materials\cloth, id 2016 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | materials\concrete, id 2017 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | materials\death, id 2018 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | materials\dirt, id 2019 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | materials\earth, id 2020 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | materials\earth_death, id 2021 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | materials\earth_slide, id 2022 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | materials\fake, id 2023 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | materials\fake_ladders, id 2024 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | materials\fake_ladders_woods, id 2025 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | materials\fake_slide, id 2026 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | materials\flooring_tile, id 2027 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | materials\glass, id 2028 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | materials\grass, id 2029 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | materials\gravel, id 2030 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | materials\metal, id 2031 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | materials\metal_pipe, id 2032 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | materials\metal_plate, id 2033 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | materials\occ, id 2034 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | materials\sand, id 2035 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | materials\setka_rabica, id 2036 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | materials\shifer, id 2037 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | materials\stucco, id 2038 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | materials\tin, id 2039 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | materials\tree_trunk, id 2040 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | materials\water, id 2041 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | materials\water_radiation, id 2042 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | materials\wood, id 2043 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | materials\wooden_board, id 2044 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | objects\barrel, id 2045 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | objects\bottle, id 2046 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | objects\bullet, id 2047 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | objects\car_cabine, id 2048 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | objects\car_wheel, id 2049 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | objects\clothes, id 2050 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | objects\concrete_box, id 2051 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | objects\dead_body, id 2052 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | objects\fuel_can, id 2053 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | objects\glass, id 2054 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | objects\knife, id 2055 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | objects\large_furniture, id 2056 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | objects\large_metal_trash, id 2057 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | objects\large_weapon, id 2058 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | objects\metal_box, id 2059 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | objects\monster_body, id 2060 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | objects\small_box, id 2061 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | objects\small_metal_trash, id 2062 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | objects\small_weapon, id 2063 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | objects\tin_can, id 2064 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | creatures\actor, id 2065 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | creatures\custombare, id 2066 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | creatures\custombarefast, id 2067 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | creatures\customboar, id 2068 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | creatures\customcat, id 2069 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | creatures\customdog, id 2070 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | creatures\customflesh, id 2071 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | creatures\customgiant, id 2072 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | creatures\customleaper, id 2073 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | creatures\hoof, id 2074 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | creatures\human, id 2075 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | creatures\human_head, id 2076 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | creatures\large, id 2077 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | creatures\medium, id 2078 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | creatures\phantom, id 2079 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | creatures\small, id 2080 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | default, id 2081 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | default_object, id 2082 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | materials\asphalt, id 2083 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | materials\bricks, id 2084 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | materials\bush, id 2085 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | materials\bush_sux, id 2086 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | materials\cloth, id 2087 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | materials\concrete, id 2088 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | materials\death, id 2089 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | materials\dirt, id 2090 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | materials\earth, id 2091 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | materials\earth_death, id 2092 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | materials\earth_slide, id 2093 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | materials\fake, id 2094 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | materials\fake_ladders, id 2095 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | materials\fake_ladders_woods, id 2096 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | materials\fake_slide, id 2097 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | materials\flooring_tile, id 2098 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | materials\glass, id 2099 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | materials\grass, id 2100 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | materials\gravel, id 2101 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | materials\metal, id 2102 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | materials\metal_pipe, id 2103 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | materials\metal_plate, id 2104 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | materials\occ, id 2105 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | materials\sand, id 2106 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | materials\setka_rabica, id 2107 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | materials\shifer, id 2108 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | materials\stucco, id 2109 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | materials\tin, id 2110 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | materials\tree_trunk, id 2111 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | materials\water, id 2112 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | materials\water_radiation, id 2113 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | materials\wood, id 2114 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | materials\wooden_board, id 2115 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | objects\barrel, id 2116 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | objects\bottle, id 2117 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | objects\bullet, id 2118 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | objects\car_cabine, id 2119 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | objects\car_wheel, id 2120 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | objects\clothes, id 2121 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | objects\concrete_box, id 2122 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | objects\dead_body, id 2123 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | objects\fuel_can, id 2124 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | objects\glass, id 2125 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | objects\knife, id 2126 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | objects\large_furniture, id 2127 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | objects\large_metal_trash, id 2128 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | objects\large_weapon, id 2129 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | objects\metal_box, id 2130 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | objects\monster_body, id 2131 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | objects\small_box, id 2132 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | objects\small_metal_trash, id 2133 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | objects\small_weapon, id 2134 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | objects\tin_can, id 2135 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | creatures\actor, id 2136 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | creatures\custombare, id 2137 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | creatures\custombarefast, id 2138 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | creatures\customboar, id 2139 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | creatures\customcat, id 2140 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | creatures\customdog, id 2141 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | creatures\customflesh, id 2142 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | creatures\customgiant, id 2143 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | creatures\customleaper, id 2144 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | creatures\hoof, id 2145 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | creatures\human, id 2146 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | creatures\human_head, id 2147 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | creatures\large, id 2148 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | creatures\medium, id 2149 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | creatures\phantom, id 2150 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | creatures\small, id 2151 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | default, id 2152 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | default_object, id 2153 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | materials\asphalt, id 2154 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | materials\bricks, id 2155 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | materials\bush, id 2156 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | materials\bush_sux, id 2157 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | materials\cloth, id 2158 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | materials\concrete, id 2159 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | materials\death, id 2160 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | materials\dirt, id 2161 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | materials\earth, id 2162 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | materials\earth_death, id 2163 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | materials\earth_slide, id 2164 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | materials\fake, id 2165 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | materials\fake_ladders, id 2166 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | materials\fake_ladders_woods, id 2167 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | materials\fake_slide, id 2168 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | materials\flooring_tile, id 2169 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | materials\glass, id 2170 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | materials\grass, id 2171 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | materials\gravel, id 2172 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | materials\metal, id 2173 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | materials\metal_pipe, id 2174 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | materials\metal_plate, id 2175 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | materials\occ, id 2176 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | materials\sand, id 2177 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | materials\setka_rabica, id 2178 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | materials\shifer, id 2179 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | materials\stucco, id 2180 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | materials\tin, id 2181 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | materials\tree_trunk, id 2182 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | materials\water, id 2183 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | materials\water_radiation, id 2184 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | materials\wood, id 2185 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | materials\wooden_board, id 2186 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | objects\barrel, id 2187 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | objects\bottle, id 2188 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | objects\bullet, id 2189 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | objects\car_cabine, id 2190 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | objects\car_wheel, id 2191 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | objects\clothes, id 2192 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | objects\concrete_box, id 2193 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | objects\dead_body, id 2194 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | objects\fuel_can, id 2195 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | objects\glass, id 2196 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | objects\knife, id 2197 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | objects\large_furniture, id 2198 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | objects\large_metal_trash, id 2199 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | objects\large_weapon, id 2200 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | objects\metal_box, id 2201 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | objects\monster_body, id 2202 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | objects\small_box, id 2203 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | objects\small_metal_trash, id 2204 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | objects\small_weapon, id 2205 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | objects\tin_can, id 2206 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | creatures\actor, id 2207 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | creatures\custombare, id 2208 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | creatures\custombarefast, id 2209 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | creatures\customboar, id 2210 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | creatures\customcat, id 2211 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | creatures\customdog, id 2212 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | creatures\customflesh, id 2213 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | creatures\customgiant, id 2214 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | creatures\customleaper, id 2215 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | creatures\hoof, id 2216 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | creatures\human, id 2217 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | creatures\human_head, id 2218 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | creatures\large, id 2219 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | creatures\medium, id 2220 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | creatures\phantom, id 2221 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | creatures\small, id 2222 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | default, id 2223 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | default_object, id 2224 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | materials\asphalt, id 2225 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | materials\bricks, id 2226 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | materials\bush, id 2227 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | materials\bush_sux, id 2228 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | materials\cloth, id 2229 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | materials\concrete, id 2230 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | materials\death, id 2231 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | materials\dirt, id 2232 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | materials\earth, id 2233 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | materials\earth_death, id 2234 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | materials\earth_slide, id 2235 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | materials\fake, id 2236 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | materials\fake_ladders, id 2237 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | materials\fake_ladders_woods, id 2238 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | materials\fake_slide, id 2239 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | materials\flooring_tile, id 2240 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | materials\glass, id 2241 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | materials\grass, id 2242 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | materials\gravel, id 2243 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | materials\metal, id 2244 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | materials\metal_pipe, id 2245 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | materials\metal_plate, id 2246 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | materials\occ, id 2247 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | materials\sand, id 2248 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | materials\setka_rabica, id 2249 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | materials\shifer, id 2250 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | materials\stucco, id 2251 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | materials\tin, id 2252 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | materials\tree_trunk, id 2253 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | materials\water, id 2254 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | materials\water_radiation, id 2255 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | materials\wood, id 2256 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | materials\wooden_board, id 2257 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | objects\barrel, id 2258 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | objects\bottle, id 2259 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | objects\bullet, id 2260 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | objects\car_cabine, id 2261 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | objects\car_wheel, id 2262 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | objects\clothes, id 2263 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | objects\concrete_box, id 2264 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | objects\dead_body, id 2265 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | objects\fuel_can, id 2266 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | objects\glass, id 2267 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | objects\knife, id 2268 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | objects\large_furniture, id 2269 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | objects\large_metal_trash, id 2270 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | objects\large_weapon, id 2271 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | objects\metal_box, id 2272 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | objects\monster_body, id 2273 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | objects\small_box, id 2274 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | objects\small_metal_trash, id 2275 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | objects\small_weapon, id 2276 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | objects\tin_can, id 2277 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | creatures\actor, id 2278 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | creatures\custombare, id 2279 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | creatures\custombarefast, id 2280 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | creatures\customboar, id 2281 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | creatures\customcat, id 2282 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | creatures\customdog, id 2283 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | creatures\customflesh, id 2284 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | creatures\customgiant, id 2285 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | creatures\customleaper, id 2286 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | creatures\customrodent, id 2287 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | creatures\hoof, id 2288 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | creatures\human, id 2289 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | creatures\human_head, id 2290 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | creatures\large, id 2291 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | creatures\medium, id 2292 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | creatures\phantom, id 2293 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | creatures\small, id 2294 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | default, id 2295 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | default_object, id 2296 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | materials\asphalt, id 2297 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | materials\bricks, id 2298 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | materials\bush, id 2299 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | materials\bush_sux, id 2300 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | materials\cloth, id 2301 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | materials\concrete, id 2302 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | materials\death, id 2303 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | materials\dirt, id 2304 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | materials\earth, id 2305 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | materials\earth_death, id 2306 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | materials\earth_slide, id 2307 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | materials\fake, id 2308 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | materials\fake_ladders, id 2309 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | materials\fake_ladders_woods, id 2310 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | materials\fake_slide, id 2311 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | materials\flooring_tile, id 2312 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | materials\glass, id 2313 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | materials\grass, id 2314 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | materials\gravel, id 2315 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | materials\metal, id 2316 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | materials\metal_pipe, id 2317 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | materials\metal_plate, id 2318 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | materials\occ, id 2319 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | materials\sand, id 2320 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | materials\setka_rabica, id 2321 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | materials\shifer, id 2322 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | materials\stucco, id 2323 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | materials\tin, id 2324 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | materials\tree_trunk, id 2325 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | materials\water, id 2326 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | materials\water_radiation, id 2327 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | materials\wood, id 2328 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | materials\wooden_board, id 2329 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | objects\barrel, id 2330 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | objects\bottle, id 2331 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | objects\bullet, id 2332 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | objects\car_cabine, id 2333 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | objects\car_wheel, id 2334 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | objects\clothes, id 2335 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | objects\concrete_box, id 2336 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | objects\dead_body, id 2337 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | objects\fuel_can, id 2338 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | objects\glass, id 2339 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | objects\knife, id 2340 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | objects\large_furniture, id 2341 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | objects\large_metal_trash, id 2342 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | objects\large_weapon, id 2343 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | objects\metal_box, id 2344 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | objects\monster_body, id 2345 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | objects\small_box, id 2346 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | objects\small_metal_trash, id 2347 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | objects\small_weapon, id 2348 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | objects\tin_can, id 2349 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\hoof | creatures\custombare, id 2350 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\hoof | creatures\custombarefast, id 2351 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\hoof | creatures\customboar, id 2352 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\hoof | creatures\customcat, id 2353 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\hoof | creatures\customdog, id 2354 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\hoof | creatures\customflesh, id 2355 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\hoof | creatures\customgiant, id 2356 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\hoof | creatures\customleaper, id 2357 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\hoof | creatures\customrodent, id 2358 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\human | creatures\custombare, id 2359 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\human | creatures\custombarefast, id 2360 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\human | creatures\customboar, id 2361 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\human | creatures\customcat, id 2362 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\human | creatures\customdog, id 2363 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\human | creatures\customflesh, id 2364 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\human | creatures\customgiant, id 2365 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\human | creatures\customleaper, id 2366 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\human | creatures\customrodent, id 2367 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\human_head | creatures\custombare, id 2368 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\human_head | creatures\custombarefast, id 2369 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\human_head | creatures\customboar, id 2370 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\human_head | creatures\customcat, id 2371 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\human_head | creatures\customdog, id 2372 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\human_head | creatures\customflesh, id 2373 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\human_head | creatures\customgiant, id 2374 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\human_head | creatures\customleaper, id 2375 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\human_head | creatures\customrodent, id 2376 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\large | creatures\custombare, id 2377 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\large | creatures\custombarefast, id 2378 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\large | creatures\customboar, id 2379 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\large | creatures\customcat, id 2380 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\large | creatures\customdog, id 2381 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\large | creatures\customflesh, id 2382 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\large | creatures\customgiant, id 2383 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\large | creatures\customleaper, id 2384 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\large | creatures\customrodent, id 2385 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\medium | creatures\custombare, id 2386 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\medium | creatures\custombarefast, id 2387 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\medium | creatures\customboar, id 2388 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\medium | creatures\customcat, id 2389 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\medium | creatures\customdog, id 2390 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\medium | creatures\customflesh, id 2391 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\medium | creatures\customgiant, id 2392 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\medium | creatures\customleaper, id 2393 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\medium | creatures\customrodent, id 2394 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\phantom | creatures\custombare, id 2395 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\phantom | creatures\custombarefast, id 2396 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\phantom | creatures\customboar, id 2397 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\phantom | creatures\customcat, id 2398 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\phantom | creatures\customdog, id 2399 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\phantom | creatures\customflesh, id 2400 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\phantom | creatures\customgiant, id 2401 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\phantom | creatures\customleaper, id 2402 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\phantom | creatures\customrodent, id 2403 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\small | creatures\custombare, id 2404 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\small | creatures\custombarefast, id 2405 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\small | creatures\customboar, id 2406 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\small | creatures\customcat, id 2407 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\small | creatures\customdog, id 2408 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\small | creatures\customflesh, id 2409 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\small | creatures\customgiant, id 2410 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\small | creatures\customleaper, id 2411 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\small | creatures\customrodent, id 2412 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair default | creatures\custombare, id 2413 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair default | creatures\custombarefast, id 2414 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair default | creatures\customboar, id 2415 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair default | creatures\customcat, id 2416 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair default | creatures\customdog, id 2417 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair default | creatures\customflesh, id 2418 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair default | creatures\customgiant, id 2419 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair default | creatures\customleaper, id 2420 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair default | creatures\customrodent, id 2421 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair default_object | creatures\custombare, id 2422 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair default_object | creatures\custombarefast, id 2423 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair default_object | creatures\customboar, id 2424 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair default_object | creatures\customcat, id 2425 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair default_object | creatures\customdog, id 2426 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair default_object | creatures\customflesh, id 2427 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair default_object | creatures\customgiant, id 2428 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair default_object | creatures\customleaper, id 2429 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair default_object | creatures\customrodent, id 2430 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\asphalt | creatures\custombare, id 2431 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\asphalt | creatures\custombarefast, id 2432 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\asphalt | creatures\customboar, id 2433 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\asphalt | creatures\customcat, id 2434 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\asphalt | creatures\customdog, id 2435 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\asphalt | creatures\customflesh, id 2436 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\asphalt | creatures\customgiant, id 2437 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\asphalt | creatures\customleaper, id 2438 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\asphalt | creatures\customrodent, id 2439 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\bricks | creatures\custombare, id 2440 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\bricks | creatures\custombarefast, id 2441 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\bricks | creatures\customboar, id 2442 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\bricks | creatures\customcat, id 2443 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\bricks | creatures\customdog, id 2444 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\bricks | creatures\customflesh, id 2445 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\bricks | creatures\customgiant, id 2446 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\bricks | creatures\customleaper, id 2447 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\bricks | creatures\customrodent, id 2448 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\bush | creatures\custombare, id 2449 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\bush | creatures\custombarefast, id 2450 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\bush | creatures\customboar, id 2451 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\bush | creatures\customcat, id 2452 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\bush | creatures\customdog, id 2453 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\bush | creatures\customflesh, id 2454 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\bush | creatures\customgiant, id 2455 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\bush | creatures\customleaper, id 2456 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\bush | creatures\customrodent, id 2457 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\bush_sux | creatures\custombare, id 2458 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\bush_sux | creatures\custombarefast, id 2459 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\bush_sux | creatures\customboar, id 2460 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\bush_sux | creatures\customcat, id 2461 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\bush_sux | creatures\customdog, id 2462 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\bush_sux | creatures\customflesh, id 2463 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\bush_sux | creatures\customgiant, id 2464 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\bush_sux | creatures\customleaper, id 2465 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\bush_sux | creatures\customrodent, id 2466 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\cloth | creatures\custombare, id 2467 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\cloth | creatures\custombarefast, id 2468 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\cloth | creatures\customboar, id 2469 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\cloth | creatures\customcat, id 2470 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\cloth | creatures\customdog, id 2471 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\cloth | creatures\customflesh, id 2472 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\cloth | creatures\customgiant, id 2473 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\cloth | creatures\customleaper, id 2474 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\cloth | creatures\customrodent, id 2475 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\concrete | creatures\custombare, id 2476 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\concrete | creatures\custombarefast, id 2477 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\concrete | creatures\customboar, id 2478 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\concrete | creatures\customcat, id 2479 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\concrete | creatures\customdog, id 2480 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\concrete | creatures\customflesh, id 2481 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\concrete | creatures\customgiant, id 2482 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\concrete | creatures\customleaper, id 2483 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\concrete | creatures\customrodent, id 2484 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\death | creatures\custombare, id 2485 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\death | creatures\custombarefast, id 2486 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\death | creatures\customboar, id 2487 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\death | creatures\customcat, id 2488 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\death | creatures\customdog, id 2489 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\death | creatures\customflesh, id 2490 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\death | creatures\customgiant, id 2491 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\death | creatures\customleaper, id 2492 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\death | creatures\customrodent, id 2493 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\dirt | creatures\custombare, id 2494 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\dirt | creatures\custombarefast, id 2495 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\dirt | creatures\customboar, id 2496 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\dirt | creatures\customcat, id 2497 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\dirt | creatures\customdog, id 2498 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\dirt | creatures\customflesh, id 2499 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\dirt | creatures\customgiant, id 2500 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\dirt | creatures\customleaper, id 2501 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\dirt | creatures\customrodent, id 2502 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\earth | creatures\custombare, id 2503 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\earth | creatures\custombarefast, id 2504 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\earth | creatures\customboar, id 2505 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\earth | creatures\customcat, id 2506 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\earth | creatures\customdog, id 2507 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\earth | creatures\customflesh, id 2508 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\earth | creatures\customgiant, id 2509 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\earth | creatures\customleaper, id 2510 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\earth | creatures\customrodent, id 2511 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\earth_death | creatures\custombare, id 2512 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\earth_death | creatures\custombarefast, id 2513 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\earth_death | creatures\customboar, id 2514 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\earth_death | creatures\customcat, id 2515 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\earth_death | creatures\customdog, id 2516 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\earth_death | creatures\customflesh, id 2517 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\earth_death | creatures\customgiant, id 2518 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\earth_death | creatures\customleaper, id 2519 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\earth_death | creatures\customrodent, id 2520 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\earth_slide | creatures\custombare, id 2521 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\earth_slide | creatures\custombarefast, id 2522 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\earth_slide | creatures\customboar, id 2523 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\earth_slide | creatures\customcat, id 2524 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\earth_slide | creatures\customdog, id 2525 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\earth_slide | creatures\customflesh, id 2526 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\earth_slide | creatures\customgiant, id 2527 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\earth_slide | creatures\customleaper, id 2528 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\earth_slide | creatures\customrodent, id 2529 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\fake | creatures\custombare, id 2530 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\fake | creatures\custombarefast, id 2531 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\fake | creatures\customboar, id 2532 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\fake | creatures\customcat, id 2533 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\fake | creatures\customdog, id 2534 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\fake | creatures\customflesh, id 2535 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\fake | creatures\customgiant, id 2536 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\fake | creatures\customleaper, id 2537 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\fake | creatures\customrodent, id 2538 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\fake_ladders | creatures\custombare, id 2539 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\fake_ladders | creatures\custombarefast, id 2540 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\fake_ladders | creatures\customboar, id 2541 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\fake_ladders | creatures\customcat, id 2542 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\fake_ladders | creatures\customdog, id 2543 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\fake_ladders | creatures\customflesh, id 2544 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\fake_ladders | creatures\customgiant, id 2545 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\fake_ladders | creatures\customleaper, id 2546 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\fake_ladders | creatures\customrodent, id 2547 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\fake_ladders_woods | creatures\custombare, id 2548 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\fake_ladders_woods | creatures\custombarefast, id 2549 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\fake_ladders_woods | creatures\customboar, id 2550 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\fake_ladders_woods | creatures\customcat, id 2551 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\fake_ladders_woods | creatures\customdog, id 2552 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\fake_ladders_woods | creatures\customflesh, id 2553 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\fake_ladders_woods | creatures\customgiant, id 2554 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\fake_ladders_woods | creatures\customleaper, id 2555 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\fake_ladders_woods | creatures\customrodent, id 2556 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\fake_slide | creatures\custombare, id 2557 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\fake_slide | creatures\custombarefast, id 2558 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\fake_slide | creatures\customboar, id 2559 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\fake_slide | creatures\customcat, id 2560 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\fake_slide | creatures\customdog, id 2561 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\fake_slide | creatures\customflesh, id 2562 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\fake_slide | creatures\customgiant, id 2563 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\fake_slide | creatures\customleaper, id 2564 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\fake_slide | creatures\customrodent, id 2565 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\flooring_tile | creatures\custombare, id 2566 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\flooring_tile | creatures\custombarefast, id 2567 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\flooring_tile | creatures\customboar, id 2568 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\flooring_tile | creatures\customcat, id 2569 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\flooring_tile | creatures\customdog, id 2570 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\flooring_tile | creatures\customflesh, id 2571 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\flooring_tile | creatures\customgiant, id 2572 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\flooring_tile | creatures\customleaper, id 2573 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\flooring_tile | creatures\customrodent, id 2574 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\glass | creatures\custombare, id 2575 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\glass | creatures\custombarefast, id 2576 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\glass | creatures\customboar, id 2577 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\glass | creatures\customcat, id 2578 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\glass | creatures\customdog, id 2579 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\glass | creatures\customflesh, id 2580 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\glass | creatures\customgiant, id 2581 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\glass | creatures\customleaper, id 2582 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\glass | creatures\customrodent, id 2583 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\grass | creatures\custombare, id 2584 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\grass | creatures\custombarefast, id 2585 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\grass | creatures\customboar, id 2586 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\grass | creatures\customcat, id 2587 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\grass | creatures\customdog, id 2588 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\grass | creatures\customflesh, id 2589 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\grass | creatures\customgiant, id 2590 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\grass | creatures\customleaper, id 2591 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\grass | creatures\customrodent, id 2592 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\gravel | creatures\custombare, id 2593 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\gravel | creatures\custombarefast, id 2594 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\gravel | creatures\customboar, id 2595 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\gravel | creatures\customcat, id 2596 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\gravel | creatures\customdog, id 2597 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\gravel | creatures\customflesh, id 2598 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\gravel | creatures\customgiant, id 2599 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\gravel | creatures\customleaper, id 2600 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\gravel | creatures\customrodent, id 2601 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\metal | creatures\custombare, id 2602 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\metal | creatures\custombarefast, id 2603 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\metal | creatures\customboar, id 2604 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\metal | creatures\customcat, id 2605 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\metal | creatures\customdog, id 2606 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\metal | creatures\customflesh, id 2607 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\metal | creatures\customgiant, id 2608 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\metal | creatures\customleaper, id 2609 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\metal | creatures\customrodent, id 2610 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\metal_pipe | creatures\custombare, id 2611 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\metal_pipe | creatures\custombarefast, id 2612 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\metal_pipe | creatures\customboar, id 2613 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\metal_pipe | creatures\customcat, id 2614 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\metal_pipe | creatures\customdog, id 2615 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\metal_pipe | creatures\customflesh, id 2616 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\metal_pipe | creatures\customgiant, id 2617 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\metal_pipe | creatures\customleaper, id 2618 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\metal_pipe | creatures\customrodent, id 2619 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\metal_plate | creatures\custombare, id 2620 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\metal_plate | creatures\custombarefast, id 2621 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\metal_plate | creatures\customboar, id 2622 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\metal_plate | creatures\customcat, id 2623 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\metal_plate | creatures\customdog, id 2624 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\metal_plate | creatures\customflesh, id 2625 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\metal_plate | creatures\customgiant, id 2626 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\metal_plate | creatures\customleaper, id 2627 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\metal_plate | creatures\customrodent, id 2628 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\occ | creatures\custombare, id 2629 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\occ | creatures\custombarefast, id 2630 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\occ | creatures\customboar, id 2631 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\occ | creatures\customcat, id 2632 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\occ | creatures\customdog, id 2633 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\occ | creatures\customflesh, id 2634 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\occ | creatures\customgiant, id 2635 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\occ | creatures\customleaper, id 2636 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\occ | creatures\customrodent, id 2637 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\sand | creatures\custombare, id 2638 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\sand | creatures\custombarefast, id 2639 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\sand | creatures\customboar, id 2640 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\sand | creatures\customcat, id 2641 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\sand | creatures\customdog, id 2642 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\sand | creatures\customflesh, id 2643 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\sand | creatures\customgiant, id 2644 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\sand | creatures\customleaper, id 2645 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\sand | creatures\customrodent, id 2646 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\setka_rabica | creatures\custombare, id 2647 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\setka_rabica | creatures\custombarefast, id 2648 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\setka_rabica | creatures\customboar, id 2649 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\setka_rabica | creatures\customcat, id 2650 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\setka_rabica | creatures\customdog, id 2651 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\setka_rabica | creatures\customflesh, id 2652 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\setka_rabica | creatures\customgiant, id 2653 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\setka_rabica | creatures\customleaper, id 2654 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\setka_rabica | creatures\customrodent, id 2655 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\shifer | creatures\custombare, id 2656 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\shifer | creatures\custombarefast, id 2657 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\shifer | creatures\customboar, id 2658 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\shifer | creatures\customcat, id 2659 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\shifer | creatures\customdog, id 2660 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\shifer | creatures\customflesh, id 2661 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\shifer | creatures\customgiant, id 2662 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\shifer | creatures\customleaper, id 2663 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\shifer | creatures\customrodent, id 2664 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\stucco | creatures\custombare, id 2665 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\stucco | creatures\custombarefast, id 2666 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\stucco | creatures\customboar, id 2667 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\stucco | creatures\customcat, id 2668 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\stucco | creatures\customdog, id 2669 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\stucco | creatures\customflesh, id 2670 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\stucco | creatures\customgiant, id 2671 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\stucco | creatures\customleaper, id 2672 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\stucco | creatures\customrodent, id 2673 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\tin | creatures\custombare, id 2674 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\tin | creatures\custombarefast, id 2675 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\tin | creatures\customboar, id 2676 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\tin | creatures\customcat, id 2677 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\tin | creatures\customdog, id 2678 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\tin | creatures\customflesh, id 2679 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\tin | creatures\customgiant, id 2680 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\tin | creatures\customleaper, id 2681 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\tin | creatures\customrodent, id 2682 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\tree_trunk | creatures\custombare, id 2683 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\tree_trunk | creatures\custombarefast, id 2684 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\tree_trunk | creatures\customboar, id 2685 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\tree_trunk | creatures\customcat, id 2686 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\tree_trunk | creatures\customdog, id 2687 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\tree_trunk | creatures\customflesh, id 2688 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\tree_trunk | creatures\customgiant, id 2689 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\tree_trunk | creatures\customleaper, id 2690 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\tree_trunk | creatures\customrodent, id 2691 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\water | creatures\custombare, id 2692 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\water | creatures\custombarefast, id 2693 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\water | creatures\customboar, id 2694 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\water | creatures\customcat, id 2695 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\water | creatures\customdog, id 2696 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\water | creatures\customflesh, id 2697 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\water | creatures\customgiant, id 2698 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\water | creatures\customleaper, id 2699 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\water | creatures\customrodent, id 2700 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\water_radiation | creatures\custombare, id 2701 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\water_radiation | creatures\custombarefast, id 2702 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\water_radiation | creatures\customboar, id 2703 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\water_radiation | creatures\customcat, id 2704 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\water_radiation | creatures\customdog, id 2705 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\water_radiation | creatures\customflesh, id 2706 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\water_radiation | creatures\customgiant, id 2707 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\water_radiation | creatures\customleaper, id 2708 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\water_radiation | creatures\customrodent, id 2709 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\wood | creatures\custombare, id 2710 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\wood | creatures\custombarefast, id 2711 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\wood | creatures\customboar, id 2712 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\wood | creatures\customcat, id 2713 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\wood | creatures\customdog, id 2714 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\wood | creatures\customflesh, id 2715 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\wood | creatures\customgiant, id 2716 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\wood | creatures\customleaper, id 2717 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\wood | creatures\customrodent, id 2718 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\wooden_board | creatures\custombare, id 2719 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\wooden_board | creatures\custombarefast, id 2720 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\wooden_board | creatures\customboar, id 2721 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\wooden_board | creatures\customcat, id 2722 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\wooden_board | creatures\customdog, id 2723 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\wooden_board | creatures\customflesh, id 2724 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\wooden_board | creatures\customgiant, id 2725 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\wooden_board | creatures\customleaper, id 2726 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\wooden_board | creatures\customrodent, id 2727 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\barrel | creatures\custombare, id 2728 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\barrel | creatures\custombarefast, id 2729 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\barrel | creatures\customboar, id 2730 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\barrel | creatures\customcat, id 2731 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\barrel | creatures\customdog, id 2732 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\barrel | creatures\customflesh, id 2733 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\barrel | creatures\customgiant, id 2734 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\barrel | creatures\customleaper, id 2735 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\barrel | creatures\customrodent, id 2736 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\bottle | creatures\custombare, id 2737 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\bottle | creatures\custombarefast, id 2738 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\bottle | creatures\customboar, id 2739 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\bottle | creatures\customcat, id 2740 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\bottle | creatures\customdog, id 2741 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\bottle | creatures\customflesh, id 2742 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\bottle | creatures\customgiant, id 2743 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\bottle | creatures\customleaper, id 2744 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\bottle | creatures\customrodent, id 2745 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\bullet | creatures\custombare, id 2746 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\bullet | creatures\custombarefast, id 2747 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\bullet | creatures\customboar, id 2748 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\bullet | creatures\customcat, id 2749 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\bullet | creatures\customdog, id 2750 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\bullet | creatures\customflesh, id 2751 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\bullet | creatures\customgiant, id 2752 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\bullet | creatures\customleaper, id 2753 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\bullet | creatures\customrodent, id 2754 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\car_cabine | creatures\custombare, id 2755 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\car_cabine | creatures\custombarefast, id 2756 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\car_cabine | creatures\customboar, id 2757 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\car_cabine | creatures\customcat, id 2758 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\car_cabine | creatures\customdog, id 2759 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\car_cabine | creatures\customflesh, id 2760 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\car_cabine | creatures\customgiant, id 2761 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\car_cabine | creatures\customleaper, id 2762 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\car_cabine | creatures\customrodent, id 2763 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\car_wheel | creatures\custombare, id 2764 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\car_wheel | creatures\custombarefast, id 2765 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\car_wheel | creatures\customboar, id 2766 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\car_wheel | creatures\customcat, id 2767 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\car_wheel | creatures\customdog, id 2768 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\car_wheel | creatures\customflesh, id 2769 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\car_wheel | creatures\customgiant, id 2770 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\car_wheel | creatures\customleaper, id 2771 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\car_wheel | creatures\customrodent, id 2772 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\clothes | creatures\custombare, id 2773 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\clothes | creatures\custombarefast, id 2774 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\clothes | creatures\customboar, id 2775 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\clothes | creatures\customcat, id 2776 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\clothes | creatures\customdog, id 2777 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\clothes | creatures\customflesh, id 2778 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\clothes | creatures\customgiant, id 2779 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\clothes | creatures\customleaper, id 2780 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\clothes | creatures\customrodent, id 2781 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\concrete_box | creatures\custombare, id 2782 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\concrete_box | creatures\custombarefast, id 2783 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\concrete_box | creatures\customboar, id 2784 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\concrete_box | creatures\customcat, id 2785 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\concrete_box | creatures\customdog, id 2786 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\concrete_box | creatures\customflesh, id 2787 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\concrete_box | creatures\customgiant, id 2788 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\concrete_box | creatures\customleaper, id 2789 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\concrete_box | creatures\customrodent, id 2790 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\dead_body | creatures\custombare, id 2791 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\dead_body | creatures\custombarefast, id 2792 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\dead_body | creatures\customboar, id 2793 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\dead_body | creatures\customcat, id 2794 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\dead_body | creatures\customdog, id 2795 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\dead_body | creatures\customflesh, id 2796 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\dead_body | creatures\customgiant, id 2797 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\dead_body | creatures\customleaper, id 2798 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\dead_body | creatures\customrodent, id 2799 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\fuel_can | creatures\custombare, id 2800 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\fuel_can | creatures\custombarefast, id 2801 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\fuel_can | creatures\customboar, id 2802 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\fuel_can | creatures\customcat, id 2803 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\fuel_can | creatures\customdog, id 2804 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\fuel_can | creatures\customflesh, id 2805 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\fuel_can | creatures\customgiant, id 2806 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\fuel_can | creatures\customleaper, id 2807 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\fuel_can | creatures\customrodent, id 2808 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\glass | creatures\custombare, id 2809 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\glass | creatures\custombarefast, id 2810 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\glass | creatures\customboar, id 2811 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\glass | creatures\customcat, id 2812 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\glass | creatures\customdog, id 2813 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\glass | creatures\customflesh, id 2814 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\glass | creatures\customgiant, id 2815 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\glass | creatures\customleaper, id 2816 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\glass | creatures\customrodent, id 2817 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\knife | creatures\custombare, id 2818 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\knife | creatures\custombarefast, id 2819 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\knife | creatures\customboar, id 2820 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\knife | creatures\customcat, id 2821 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\knife | creatures\customdog, id 2822 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\knife | creatures\customflesh, id 2823 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\knife | creatures\customgiant, id 2824 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\knife | creatures\customleaper, id 2825 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\knife | creatures\customrodent, id 2826 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\large_furniture | creatures\custombare, id 2827 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\large_furniture | creatures\custombarefast, id 2828 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\large_furniture | creatures\customboar, id 2829 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\large_furniture | creatures\customcat, id 2830 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\large_furniture | creatures\customdog, id 2831 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\large_furniture | creatures\customflesh, id 2832 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\large_furniture | creatures\customgiant, id 2833 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\large_furniture | creatures\customleaper, id 2834 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\large_furniture | creatures\customrodent, id 2835 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\large_metal_trash | creatures\custombare, id 2836 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\large_metal_trash | creatures\custombarefast, id 2837 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\large_metal_trash | creatures\customboar, id 2838 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\large_metal_trash | creatures\customcat, id 2839 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\large_metal_trash | creatures\customdog, id 2840 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\large_metal_trash | creatures\customflesh, id 2841 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\large_metal_trash | creatures\customgiant, id 2842 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\large_metal_trash | creatures\customleaper, id 2843 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\large_metal_trash | creatures\customrodent, id 2844 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\large_weapon | creatures\custombare, id 2845 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\large_weapon | creatures\custombarefast, id 2846 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\large_weapon | creatures\customboar, id 2847 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\large_weapon | creatures\customcat, id 2848 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\large_weapon | creatures\customdog, id 2849 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\large_weapon | creatures\customflesh, id 2850 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\large_weapon | creatures\customgiant, id 2851 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\large_weapon | creatures\customleaper, id 2852 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\large_weapon | creatures\customrodent, id 2853 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\metal_box | creatures\custombare, id 2854 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\metal_box | creatures\custombarefast, id 2855 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\metal_box | creatures\customboar, id 2856 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\metal_box | creatures\customcat, id 2857 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\metal_box | creatures\customdog, id 2858 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\metal_box | creatures\customflesh, id 2859 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\metal_box | creatures\customgiant, id 2860 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\metal_box | creatures\customleaper, id 2861 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\metal_box | creatures\customrodent, id 2862 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\monster_body | creatures\custombare, id 2863 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\monster_body | creatures\custombarefast, id 2864 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\monster_body | creatures\customboar, id 2865 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\monster_body | creatures\customcat, id 2866 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\monster_body | creatures\customdog, id 2867 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\monster_body | creatures\customflesh, id 2868 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\monster_body | creatures\customgiant, id 2869 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\monster_body | creatures\customleaper, id 2870 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\monster_body | creatures\customrodent, id 2871 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\small_box | creatures\custombare, id 2872 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\small_box | creatures\custombarefast, id 2873 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\small_box | creatures\customboar, id 2874 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\small_box | creatures\customcat, id 2875 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\small_box | creatures\customdog, id 2876 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\small_box | creatures\customflesh, id 2877 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\small_box | creatures\customgiant, id 2878 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\small_box | creatures\customleaper, id 2879 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\small_box | creatures\customrodent, id 2880 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\small_metal_trash | creatures\custombare, id 2881 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\small_metal_trash | creatures\custombarefast, id 2882 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\small_metal_trash | creatures\customboar, id 2883 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\small_metal_trash | creatures\customcat, id 2884 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\small_metal_trash | creatures\customdog, id 2885 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\small_metal_trash | creatures\customflesh, id 2886 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\small_metal_trash | creatures\customgiant, id 2887 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\small_metal_trash | creatures\customleaper, id 2888 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\small_metal_trash | creatures\customrodent, id 2889 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\small_weapon | creatures\custombare, id 2890 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\small_weapon | creatures\custombarefast, id 2891 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\small_weapon | creatures\customboar, id 2892 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\small_weapon | creatures\customcat, id 2893 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\small_weapon | creatures\customdog, id 2894 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\small_weapon | creatures\customflesh, id 2895 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\small_weapon | creatures\customgiant, id 2896 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\small_weapon | creatures\customleaper, id 2897 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\small_weapon | creatures\customrodent, id 2898 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\tin_can | creatures\custombare, id 2899 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\tin_can | creatures\custombarefast, id 2900 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\tin_can | creatures\customboar, id 2901 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\tin_can | creatures\customcat, id 2902 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\tin_can | creatures\customdog, id 2903 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\tin_can | creatures\customflesh, id 2904 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\tin_can | creatures\customgiant, id 2905 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\tin_can | creatures\customleaper, id 2906 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\tin_can | creatures\customrodent, id 2907 intro_start intro_logo intro_delete ::update_logo_intro MCM Session ID:93 1 divider strip_title strip_attachments strip_weapon divider loot_title loot_description loot_ammo loot_ammo_parts loot_grenades loot_magazines loot_armor_parts loot_weapon_parts loot_misc_title loot_misc_ball_hammer loot_misc_beadspread loot_misc_bolt loot_misc_bolt_bullet loot_misc_boots loot_misc_broken_detector loot_misc_compression_bag loot_misc_cutlery loot_misc_explo_metalcan_powder loot_misc_flashlight_broken loot_misc_gloves loot_misc_guitar_a loot_misc_hand_watch loot_misc_headlamp loot_misc_itm_pda_common loot_misc_itm_pda_rare loot_misc_itm_pda_uncommon loot_misc_itm_sleepbag loot_misc_mirror loot_misc_porn loot_misc_porn2 loot_misc_radio loot_misc_radio2 loot_misc_shovel_mili loot_misc_shovel_old loot_misc_synthrope loot_misc_tarpaulin loot_misc_underwear loot_misc_walkie 2 divider delete_title delete_description delete_body delete_armor delete_weapon delete_misc divider misc_options_title no_valid_tool_messaging usable_armor_part_condition_treshold usable_weapon_part_condition_treshold always_treat_recipe_part_as_usable ~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ @ Modded exes 20241110 feature support (GAMMA: false) - Func get_string_table (added 20240507): true - Context menu colors (added 20240523): true - Mouse wheel scripting (added 20230701): true - Right-click on PDA map (added 20230922): true ~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [MPDA] Milspec PDA v1.14.1 (rel 20241105) began initialization at tg 136284 Loadout Injector: adding item molotov_cocktail, points 125, amount 2, faction stalker;freedom;csky;greh, economy st_econ_1;st_econ_2, to inventory false Loadout Injector: adding item molotov_cocktail, points 125, amount 1, faction stalker;freedom;csky;greh, economy st_econ_3, to inventory false Loadout Injector: adding item molotov_cocktail, points 125, amount 1, faction renegade;bandit, economy all, to inventory true Loadout Injector: adding item detector_anomaly, points 150, amount 1, faction dolg;csky;monolith;bandit;stalker;killer;greh;isg;renegade;army;freedom, economy all, to inventory false Loadout Injector: adding item detector_anomaly, points 150, amount 1, faction ecolog, economy all, to inventory true [Dynavision] build presets list [Dynavision] print presets list [Dynavision] preset table: 0x5c69a6c0 [Dynavision] preset table: 0x5c69a760 [Dynavision] preset table: 0x5c699010 [Dynavision] preset table: 0x5c699438 [Dynavision] preset table: 0x5c6994a0 [Dynavision] preset table: 0x5c699550 [Dynavision] preset table: 0x5c6995b8 [Dynavision] preset table: 0x5bfd26e0 found script pda in unlocalizers data Loadout Injector: adding item wpn_thompson_m1a1, points 200, amount 1, faction stalker;csky;renegade;freedom;bandit, economy st_econ_1;st_econ_2, to inventory false found script treasure_manager in unlocalizers data ui_mcm.script monkeypatched by zzzzz_monkey_paw_ui_mcm.script found script item_device in unlocalizers data * [x-ray]: Full Memory Stats * [win32]: free[137432121880 K], reserved[4605304 K], committed[2226224 K] * [ D3D ]: textures[16 K] * [x-ray]: process heap[998318 K] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[377532 K], smem[0 K] * 0.0 : [ 5] $null * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$NVHHGGTex * 0.0 : [ 5] $user$NVjitterTex * 0.0 : [ 8] $user$Texture_color * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$Texture_color_out * 0.0 : [ 7] $user$Texture_obstacles * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$Texture_obstvelocity * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$Texture_pressure * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$Texture_tempscalar * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$Texture_tempvector * 0.0 : [ 5] $user$Texture_velocity0 * 0.0 : [ 4] $user$Texture_velocity1 * 0.0 : [ 5] $user$accum * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$accum_temp * 0.0 : [ 17] $user$albedo * 0.0 : [ 8] $user$bloom1 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$bloom2 * 0.0 : [ 7] $user$blur_2 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$blur_2_zb * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$blur_4 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$blur_4_zb * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$blur_8 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$blur_8_zb * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$blur_h_2 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$blur_h_4 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$blur_h_8 * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$cmap0 * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$cmap1 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$dof * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$edgeTex * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$env_s0 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$env_s1 * 0.0 : [ 5] $user$generic * 0.0 : [ 18] $user$generic0 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$generic0_r * 0.0 : [ 5] $user$generic1 * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$generic1_r * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$generic2 * 0.0 : [ 4] $user$generic_temp * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$hdr10_halfres0 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$hdr10_halfres1 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$heat * 0.0 : [ 5] $user$jitter_0 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$jitter_1 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$jitter_2 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$jitter_3 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$jitter_4 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$jitter_mipped * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$lum_t64 * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$lum_t8 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$luminance_0 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$luminance_1 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$luminance_2 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$luminance_3 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$material * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$msaadepth * 0.0 : [ 823] $user$position * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$pp_bloom * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$rayCastTex * 0.0 : [ 6] $user$rayDataTex * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$rayDataTexSmall * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$scopeRT * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$sky0 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$sky1 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$smaa_blendtex * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$smaa_edgetex * 0.0 : [ 8] $user$smap_depth * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$smap_surf * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$ssfx * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$ssfx_accum * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$ssfx_ao * 0.0 : [ 6] $user$ssfx_hud * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$ssfx_il * 0.0 : [ 4] $user$ssfx_prev_p * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$ssfx_ssr * 0.0 : [ 5] $user$ssfx_temp * 0.0 : [ 4] $user$ssfx_temp2 * 0.0 : [ 5] $user$ssfx_temp3 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$ssfx_water * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$ssfx_water_waves * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$sun_shafts0 * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$sun_shafts1 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$temp_zb * 0.0 : [ 6] $user$tonemap * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$tonemap_src * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$ui * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$viewport2 * 0.0 : [ 2] act\act_controller_hit1 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\anomaly\electric_radial * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\explosions\anim_dirtexp_3 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\explosions\boom_0 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\explosions\boom_1 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\explosions\boom_2 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\explosions\decal_concrete * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\explosions\explo_end * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\explosions\explosion_dynamite\explosion_din * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\explosions\explosion_dynamite\flashlight * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\explosions\explosion_dynamite\smoke * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\explosions\explosion_flash_atlas * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\explosions\explosion_fuelcan\boom_1 * 0.0 : [ 1] amik\explosions\explosion_fuelcan\boom_3 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\explosions\explosion_fuelcan\grey_xpl * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\explosions\explosion_smoke03 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\explosions\final_expl * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\explosions\ring_grey * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\explosions\smoke128_3w * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\explosions\smoke2 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\explosions\smoke_cannon * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\explosions\smoke_white_tiled3 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\fly\fly * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\hit_fx\blood\962e6155 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\hit_fx\blood\blood * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\hit_fx\blood\m * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\nature\list * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\nature\stonedebris1 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\nature\wood_part * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\static\gas_light\flame_zippo * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\00 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\12x70 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\6ways1 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\6ways2 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\9x39 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\btr\muzzle6ways1 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\btr\muzzle6ways2 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\dtk_2 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\dtk_3 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\dtk_4 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\dtk_4_1 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\dtk_5 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\dtk_6 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\dtk_8 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\flame\flameshoot_1 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\flame\flameshoot_2 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\flame\flameshoot_3 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\flame\flameshoot_4 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\flame\flameshoot_5 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\flame\mg42out * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\flame\trace * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\flame\trace_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\flame\trail * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\flash_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\flash_02 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\flash_04 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\flash_05 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\357mag * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\45 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\50_ae * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\5x45x39 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\5x45x39_00 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\5x45x39_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\5x56x45 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\5x56x45_00 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\5x7x28 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\6x5x50 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x25_0 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x25_1 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x25_2 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x25_3 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x25_4 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x39_00 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x39_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x39_02 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x39_03 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x51_1 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x51_2 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x54 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\7x7x57 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\7x92x57 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\9x18_1 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\9x18_2 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\9x18_3 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\9x39 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\mg42out * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\shells_12x70 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\shells_ak * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\shells_ak_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\smokeshoot_0 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\smokeshoot_1 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\trace * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\trace_01 * 0.0 : [ 1] anamflares\anam_flare01 * 0.0 : [ 1] anamflares\flare_01 * 0.0 : [ 1] anamflares\flare_02 * 0.0 : [ 1] anamflares\flare_10 * 0.0 : [ 1] anamflares\flare_fleck_01 * 0.0 : [ 1] anamflares\flare_foggy * 0.0 : [ 1] anamflares\sun_day * 0.0 : [ 1] anamflares\sun_day_diffuse * 0.0 : [ 2] ayykyu_fx\pfx_smoke_b * 0.0 : [ 2] botz\blood_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] botz\bloodburst07_var4 * 0.0 : [ 2] botz\bodydustpuff1 * 0.0 : [ 2] cinemavfx\debris_huge_burst_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] cinemavfx\debris_new\debris_burst_01_x16_optimized * 0.0 : [ 2] cinemavfx\debris_new\debris_burst_01_x64 * 0.0 : [ 2] cinemavfx\debris_new\debris_burst_02_x16_optimized * 0.0 : [ 2] cinemavfx\debris_new\debris_burst_02_x64 * 0.0 : [ 2] cinemavfx\debris_new\debris_burst_03_x16_optimized * 0.0 : [ 2] cinemavfx\debris_new\sq_particlesflying1_3 * 0.0 : [ 2] cinemavfx\debris_new\sq_particlesflying2_3 * 0.0 : [ 2] cinemavfx\debris_new\sq_particlesflying3_3 * 0.0 : [ 2] cinemavfx\dirtburst_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] cinemavfx\dirtburst_02 * 0.0 : [ 2] cinemavfx\dirtburst_03 * 0.0 : [ 1] cinemavfx\distort_anomaly_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] cinemavfx\electra_new\elct_comp_x4_01_colgrad_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] cinemavfx\electra_new\elct_comp_x4_03_colgrad_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] cinemavfx\electra_new\electra_sparks_sheet_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] cinemavfx\fireball_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] cinemavfx\fireball_03_a * 0.0 : [ 2] cinemavfx\fireball_04_a * 0.0 : [ 2] cinemavfx\fireball_05_a * 0.0 : [ 2] cinemavfx\fireball_06_a * 0.0 : [ 2] cinemavfx\fireball_07 * 0.0 : [ 2] cinemavfx\fireball_08 * 0.0 : [ 2] cinemavfx\fireball_08_a * 0.0 : [ 2] cinemavfx\gravi_swirls\swirl_02 * 0.0 : [ 2] cinemavfx\gravi_swirls\swirl_03 * 0.0 : [ 2] cinemavfx\gravi_swirls\swirl_05 * 0.0 : [ 2] cinemavfx\gravi_swirls\swirl_06 * 0.0 : [ 2] cinemavfx\gravi_swirls\swirl_08 * 0.0 : [ 2] cinemavfx\gravi_swirls\swirl_11 * 0.0 : [ 2] cinemavfx\gravi_swirls\swirl_heat_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] cinemavfx\gravi_swirls\swirl_heat_02 * 0.0 : [ 2] cinemavfx\puff_00 * 0.0 : [ 2] cinemavfx\smoke_billows_00_desat_02 * 0.0 : [ 2] cinemavfx\smoke_burst_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] cinemavfx\smoke_burst_02 * 0.0 : [ 2] cinemavfx\smoke_burst_03 * 0.0 : [ 2] cinemavfx\smoke_burst_05 * 0.0 : [ 2] cinemavfx\smoke_burst_06 * 0.0 : [ 2] cinemavfx\smoke_burst_07 * 0.0 : [ 2] cinemavfx\smoke_burst_14 * 0.0 : [ 2] cinemavfx\smoke_burst_muzzle_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] cinemavfx\smoke_groundlevel_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] cinemavfx\smoke_groundlevel_02 * 0.0 : [ 2] cinemavfx\smokeball_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] cinemavfx\sparkwires_b * 0.0 : [ 2] cinemavfx\sparkwires_b_flicker * 0.0 : [ 2] cinemavfx\sparkwires_b_flicker_electra * 0.0 : [ 2] cinemavfx\sparkwires_b_flicker_electra_alt * 0.0 : [ 2] cinemavfx\water_new\splash_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] cinemavfx\water_new\splash_03 * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\alien_a * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\alien_fire_a * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\alien_fire_b * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\anim_liquid * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\anm_smoke_05a * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\anm_smoke_07a * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\anm_smoke_desat * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\around * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\blood_anim_a * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\cumulus_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\cumulus_02 * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\cw2_explosion_with_fire * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\cw2_fine_spray * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\dirt_a * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\dirt_b * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\dirt_c * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\dirt_d * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\explosion_a * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\fire_large_animated2 * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\fireball_anim_a * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\fireball_anim_b * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\fireball_anim_e * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\fireball_tiled_a * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\flamesheetlong1_red_cut * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\glass_tiled_a * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\glass_tiled_a_spec * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\glow_a * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\rain_drop2 * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\rain_test3 * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\slime_anim_a_diff * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\slime_anim_a_spec * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\slime_anim_b * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\smoke_looping_a * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\smoke_roll_animated2 * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\smoke_side_animated * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\smoke_streched_tiled_a * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\smoke_tiled_a * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\smoke_tiled_a_add * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\smoke_tiled_b * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\smoke_tiled_d * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\smoke_wispy_tiled_a * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\smoke_wispy_tiled_b * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\spark_mono_a * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\spark_sharp1 * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\spark_tiled_a * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\spark_tiled_blue * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\sparks_tiled * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\splatt_a * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\splatt_tiled_a * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\spore_a * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\spore_white * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\vortex * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\water_foam_tiled_a * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\water_ripples2 * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\water_river_a * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\water_river_b * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\water_splash_tiled_a * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\waterdust1 * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\wood_chip_tiled_a * 0.0 : [ 2] decal\decal_dirt_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] fallout4\bitsglowybits01atlas * 0.0 : [ 2] fallout4\bitsglowysparks02atlasjitter * 0.0 : [ 2] fallout4\bitsglowysparks02atlasjitter2 * 0.0 : [ 2] fallout4\bitsleaves01anim_d * 0.0 : [ 2] fallout4\bitsmediummanufacturedchunk01anim_d * 0.0 : [ 2] fallout4\bitssmall01anim * 0.0 : [ 2] fallout4\bitssmall01bluranim * 0.0 : [ 2] fallout4\bitssmallrocky_d * 0.0 : [ 2] fallout4\bitssparkorange * 0.0 : [ 2] fallout4\bitssparkorangeflicker2 * 0.0 : [ 2] fallout4\bitswoodsplintersatlas * 0.0 : [ 2] fallout4\bushtrimmings_d * 0.0 : [ 2] fallout4\clothbitanim * 0.0 : [ 2] fallout4\debrisburst01 * 0.0 : [ 2] fallout4\decalsbloodsmear_d * 0.0 : [ 2] fallout4\smallsplashatlas * 0.0 : [ 2] fallout4\smokebasic01atlas * 0.0 : [ 2] fallout4\smokeburstpuffanim * 0.0 : [ 2] fallout4\smokecrawl01_anim_d * 0.0 : [ 2] fallout4\smokecrawl01_anim_d_opaq * 0.0 : [ 2] fallout4\smokefillvapor01atlas * 0.0 : [ 2] fallout4\smokefillvapor01atlassoft_c * 0.0 : [ 2] fallout4\smokefillvapor01atlassoft_d * 0.0 : [ 2] fallout4\smokefillvapor01atlassoft_d_small * 0.0 : [ 2] fallout4\smokefillvapor01atlassoft_d_small_a * 0.0 : [ 2] fallout4\smokepuff04anim * 0.0 : [ 2] fallout4\smokepuffsbrightnuke02_d * 0.0 : [ 2] fallout4\smokepuffscontrastatlas * 0.0 : [ 2] fallout4\smokepuffssoftatlas_d * 0.0 : [ 2] fallout4\smokepuffssoftatlasvelocity_d * 0.0 : [ 2] fallout4\smokepuffssofthighcontrastatlas_d * 0.0 : [ 2] fallout4\smokepuffy02_d * 0.0 : [ 2] farcry4\blood_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] farcry4\bullet_burst_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] farcry4\bullet_burst_static_03 * 0.0 : [ 2] farcry4\bulllet_burst_static_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] farcry4\dust_loop_02 * 0.0 : [ 2] farcry4\dust_puff_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] farcry4\dust_puff_big_02 * 0.0 : [ 2] farcry4\dust_wisp_big_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] farcry4\fire_puff_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] farcry4\fireball_explosion_01_no_smoke * 0.0 : [ 2] farcry4\fireball_explosion_02_no_smoke * 0.0 : [ 2] farcry4\fireball_explosion_03 * 0.0 : [ 2] farcry4\metal_spark_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] farcry4\metal_spark_02 * 0.0 : [ 2] farcry4\muzzle_side * 0.0 : [ 2] farcry4\water_splash_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] farcry4\water_splash_02 * 0.0 : [ 2] farcry4\water_splash_04 * 0.0 : [ 2] farcry4\white_flare * 0.0 : [ 2] fozest\fire_spark_04 * 0.0 : [ 2] fozest\small_fire_looped10x4 * 0.0 : [ 1] fozest\small_fire_looped10x4_dist * 0.0 : [ 2] fozest\smoke02 * 0.0 : [ 2] fx\blue_noise * 0.0 : [ 2] fx\fx_flare1 * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_flare2 * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_flare3 * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_glare * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_glare_clear_day * 0.0 : [ 2] fx\fx_gradien2 * 0.0 : [ 2] fx\fx_gradient * 0.0 : [ 2] fx\fx_gradient1 * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_lightning * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_1 * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_2 * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_3 * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_4 * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_5 * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_6 * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_7 * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_white * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_white_blend * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_white_light * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_yellow_light * 0.0 : [ 4] fx\fx_noise2 * 0.0 : [ 2] fx\fx_rainbow * 0.0 : [ 2] fx\fx_rainbow_small * 0.0 : [ 2] fx\fx_sun * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_sun_fog * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_sun_morning * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_thunderbolts_gradient * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_thunderbolts_gradient_surge * 0.0 : [ 2] fx\fx_volumefog1 * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\rain_drop * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\rain_splash * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\water_height * 0.0 : [ 1] ghost_particles\dist\distortion_default * 0.0 : [ 1] ghost_particles\dist\distortion_smoke * 0.0 : [ 1] ghost_particles\dist\distortion_weapon * 0.0 : [ 2] ghost_particles\eft_style\eft_flame * 0.0 : [ 2] ghost_particles\eft_style\empty * 0.0 : [ 2] ghost_particles\eft_style\f4_sparks * 0.0 : [ 2] ghost_particles\eft_style\smoke01 * 0.0 : [ 2] ghost_particles\eft_style\smoke02 * 0.0 : [ 2] ghost_particles\glow\glow01 * 0.0 : [ 2] ghost_particles\shells\r_pop\12ga * 0.0 : [ 2] ghost_particles\shells\r_pop\545x39 * 0.0 : [ 2] ghost_particles\shells\r_pop\9x19 * 0.0 : [ 2] ghost_particles\shells\r_pop\9x39 * 0.0 : [ 2] ghost_particles\shells\shell_762x39 * 0.0 : [ 2] ghost_particles\shells\shell_9x18 * 0.0 : [ 2] ghost_particles\smoke\generic_smoke_white_00 * 0.0 : [ 2] ghost_particles\smoke\smoke_loop_5x5 * 0.0 : [ 2] glow\glow_04 * 0.0 : [ 2] glow\glow_blue * 0.0 : [ 2] glow\glow_fire1 * 0.0 : [ 2] glow\glow_fire1_soc * 0.0 : [ 2] glow\glow_green * 0.0 : [ 2] glow\glow_orange * 0.0 : [ 2] glow\glow_orange2 * 0.0 : [ 2] glow\glow_orange_bright * 0.0 : [ 2] glow\glow_rays * 0.0 : [ 2] glow\glow_white * 0.0 : [ 2] glow\glow_yellow * 0.0 : [ 2] internal\internal_fireTransferFunction * 0.0 : [ 2] jdude\blood1 * 0.0 : [ 2] jdude\bloodsquirt1 * 0.0 : [ 2] jdude\bloodsquirt2 * 0.0 : [ 2] jdude\bodydustpuff1 * 0.0 : [ 2] jdude\bodypuff1 * 0.0 : [ 2] jdude\bodypuff2 * 0.0 : [ 2] jdude\candle * 0.0 : [ 2] jdude\energyball1 * 0.0 : [ 2] jdude\energyball2 * 0.0 : [ 2] jdude\gauss1 * 0.0 : [ 2] jdude\gauss2 * 0.0 : [ 2] jdude\gauss3 * 0.0 : [ 2] jdude\graviblast1 * 0.0 : [ 2] jdude\graviblast2 * 0.0 : [ 2] jdude\metalburst1_var4 * 0.0 : [ 2] jdude\metalburst2 * 0.0 : [ 2] jdude\newblood\bloodburst01_var5 * 0.0 : [ 2] jdude\newblood\bloodburst03_var5 * 0.0 : [ 2] jdude\newblood\bloodburst03_var6 * 0.0 : [ 2] jdude\newblood\bloodburst04_var1 * 0.0 : [ 2] jdude\newblood\bloodburst06_var4 * 0.0 : [ 2] jdude\newblood\bloodburst06_var8 * 0.0 : [ 2] jdude\newblood\bloodburst07_var4 * 0.0 : [ 2] jdude\newmuzzle\gauss3muzzle2 * 0.0 : [ 2] jdude\newmuzzle\muzzleblind * 0.0 : [ 2] jdude\newpuffs\puff01 * 0.0 : [ 2] jdude\newpuffs\puff02 * 0.0 : [ 2] jdude\newpuffs\puff03 * 0.0 : [ 2] jdude\puff3 * 0.0 : [ 2] jdude\rain1 * 0.0 : [ 2] jdude\rain2 * 0.0 : [ 2] jdude\sparks1 * 0.0 : [ 2] jdude\vortexstatic1 * 0.0 : [ 3] lights\lights_spot01 * 0.0 : [ 2] new_pfx\explosion_add * 0.0 : [ 2] new_pfx\explosions\eplosion04_dxt5 * 0.0 : [ 2] new_pfx\smoke_animated_2 * 0.0 : [ 2] new_pfx\wblood_4 * 0.0 : [ 2] new_pfx\wblood_6 * 0.0 : [ 2] perk_based_artefacts\semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\bushtrimmings_d * 0.0 : [ 2] perk_based_artefacts\semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\cumulus_02 * 0.0 : [ 1] perk_based_artefacts\semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\distort_anomaly_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] perk_based_artefacts\semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\electricblast1 * 0.0 : [ 2] perk_based_artefacts\semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\electricblast2 * 0.0 : [ 2] perk_based_artefacts\semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\electricblast3 * 0.0 : [ 2] perk_based_artefacts\semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\flare_blue_v1 * 0.0 : [ 2] perk_based_artefacts\semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\fx_moon_full_foggy * 0.0 : [ 2] perk_based_artefacts\semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\gauss1 * 0.0 : [ 2] perk_based_artefacts\semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\gauss2 * 0.0 : [ 2] perk_based_artefacts\semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\graviblast1orangecut * 0.0 : [ 2] perk_based_artefacts\semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\lensflarered * 0.0 : [ 1] perk_based_artefacts\semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\pfx_dist2inv * 0.0 : [ 1] perk_based_artefacts\semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\pfx_dist3 * 0.0 : [ 1] perk_based_artefacts\semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\pfx_dist_glass * 0.0 : [ 2] perk_based_artefacts\semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\pfx_teleport * 0.0 : [ 2] perk_based_artefacts\semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\portal_8x8_v1 * 0.0 : [ 2] perk_based_artefacts\semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\portal_8x8_v1_4096 * 0.0 : [ 2] perk_based_artefacts\semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\puffcolorsplashflicker * 0.0 : [ 2] perk_based_artefacts\semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\smoke_burst_02 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\cartridges\9x19mm * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\gunparts * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_ani-explosion-02 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_ani-explosion-02-b-a * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_ani-explosion-02a * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_ani-fire01 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_ani-smoke-01 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_1 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_16 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_17 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_18 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_19 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_2 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_20 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_21 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_23 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_2_green * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_3 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_4 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_5 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_6 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_7 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_8 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_88 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_9 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_bloodsplash1 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_bloodsplash2 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_bloodsplash_xcvb * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_blurry_cloud * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_brick * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_bubble * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_bubble_1 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_bubble_water * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_cc_lighting_grad2 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_cc_lightings * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_concretedebris_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_concretepuffs_01 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist2 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist2inv * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist3 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist4 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist8 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist9 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist_lens_base * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist_teleport * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_distort_anomaly * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_distortion * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_electrostatic * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_expl_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_explotions_2 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_explotions_3 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_explotions_4 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_explotions_smoke * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_explotions_smoke_benzine * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_flame * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_flame_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_flamefx_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_flash_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_flash_02 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_flash_05 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_flash_07 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_flash_08 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_g-smoke-01 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_gologramma * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_gradient * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_gradient1 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_leaves_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_leaves_02 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_light * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_light1 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_light3 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_light4 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_lighting_stancia_01 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_lighting_stancia_02 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_lightning_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_lightning_02 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_ligth_6 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_plasma * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_rez_electra2 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_rez_electra3 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_shells1 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_shells2 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_shells_green * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_shells_pisto1 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_shells_pistol * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_skinsplash1 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_smoke_a * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_smoke_b * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_smoke_c * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_smoke_d * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_smoke_f * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_smoke_g * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_smoke_n * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_smoke_o * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_smoke_o2 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_smoke_o3 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_smoke_p * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_smokepuffs1 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_smokepuffs2 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_spark_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_spark_02 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_sparks * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_sparks1 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_sparks2 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_specks * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_specks_poison * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_spikey_star * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_splash_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_splash_02 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_step_blood * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_stonedebris1 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_stonedebris2 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_synus * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_teleport * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_test_textures * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_vehglassdebris_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_vehmetaldebris_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_water_wave * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_woodchips1 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_woodchips3 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_yawm_flake_grid * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_yawm_snowflakes_light * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_yawm_snowflakes_light_02 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_yellow_eyes * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\r_pop\shells\12ga * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\r_pop\shells\45acp * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\r_pop\shells\545x39 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\r_pop\shells\556x45 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\r_pop\shells\762x39 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\r_pop\shells\762x51 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\r_pop\shells\762x54 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\r_pop\shells\9x18 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\r_pop\shells\9x19 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\r_pop\shells\9x39 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\r_pop\shells\fake_shells * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\smoke\chamber_smoke * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\snowo * 0.0 : [ 2] prop\prop_fake_bed_fireplace * 0.0 : [ 2] prop\prop_provod_02 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\acidic_mine\acid_smoke_512 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\acidic_mine\around * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\acidic_mine\cumulus_02 * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\acidic_mine\distort_anomaly_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\acidic_mine\fx_moon_full_foggy * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\acidic_mine\pfx_dist2 * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\acidic_mine\pfx_distortion * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\acidic_mine\pfx_smoke_b * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\acidic_mine\puffcolorsplash * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\acidic_mine\rain_drop2 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\acidic_mine\slime_anim_a_diff * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\acidic_mine\slime_anim_a_spec * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\acidic_mine\slime_anim_b * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\acidic_mine\smallsplashatlas * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\acidic_mine\smoke_tiled_b * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\acidic_mine\smoke_tiled_d * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\acidic_mine\smokeburstpuffanim * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\acidic_mine\spore_white * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\acidic_mine\water_river_a * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\cdf\around * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\cdf\bitsleaves01anim_d * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\cdf\bushtrimmings_d * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\cdf\cumulus_02 * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\cdf\distort_anomaly_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\cdf\electricblast3 * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\cdf\pfx_dist2inv * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\cdf\pfx_dist3 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\cdf\puffcolorsplashflicker2 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\cdf\smoke_burst_02 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\cdf\smokecloud4 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\cdf\white_flare * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\electra\acid_smoke_512 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\electra\cumulus_02 * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\electra\distort_anomaly_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\electra\electricblast1 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\electra\electricblast2_blue * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\electra\electricblast3 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\electra\electricblast3_2k * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\electra\gauss1 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\electra\genericpuff * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\electra\puffcolorsplashflicker * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\electra\smokebasic01atlas * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\electra\smokefillvapor01atlassoft_d * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\flash\around * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\flash\cumulus_02 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\flash\flash_particle * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\flash\pfx_dist2 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\flash\pfx_flash_03 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\flash\smoke_tiled_b * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\flash\smokefillvapor01atlassoft_d * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\flash\smokefillvapor01atlassoft_d_small * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\flash\spore_a * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\flash\water_river_a * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\flash\water_river_b * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\generators\bitssmallrocky_d * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\generators\bushtrimmings_d * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\generators\cumulus_02 * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\generators\distort_anomaly_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\generators\electricblast2 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\generators\electricblast2_blue * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\generators\electricblast3_2k * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\generators\pfx_dist2inv * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\generators\pfx_dist3_005 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\generators\semi\flash_particle * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\generators\semi\genericpuff * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\generators\semi\smokeburstpuffanim * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\generators\smokhighcontrast * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\ghost\cumulus_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\ghost\energyball2 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\ghost\glow_white * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\ghost\pfx_dist3 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\ghost\pfx_flash_07 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gold\acid_smoke_512 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gold\around * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gold\cumulus_02 * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\gold\distort_anomaly_01 * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\gold\pfx_dist2 * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\gold\pfx_dist2inv * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\gold\pfx_distortion * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gold\slime_anim_a_diff * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gold\slime_anim_b * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gold\smallsplashatlas * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gold\smoke_tiled_b * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gold\smokeburstpuffanim * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational\bitssmallrocky_d * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational\branch_03 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational\bushtrimmings_d * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational\clothbitanim * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational\cumulus_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational\cumulus_02 * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\gravitational\distort_anomaly_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational\leaf_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational\leaf_04 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational\leaf_10 * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\gravitational\pfx_distortion * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_average\bitsleaves01anim_d * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_average\bitsleavessprite * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_average\bitssmallrocky_d * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_average\bitswoodsplintersatlas * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_average\bloodburst03_var5 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_average\bloodburst07_var4 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_average\bloodsquirt2 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_average\bushtrimmings_d * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_average\clothbitanim * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_average\cumulus_02 * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_average\distort_anomaly_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_average\leaf * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_average\pfx_dist2 * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_average\pfx_dist2inv * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_average\pfx_dist9 * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_average\pfx_distortion * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_average\puff_00 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_average\smokepuffscontrastatlas * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_average\spore_a * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_strong\albedoshadersingleframe * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_strong\bitsleaves01anim_d * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_strong\bitsleavessprite * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_strong\bitssmallrocky_d * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_strong\bitswoodsplintersatlas * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_strong\bloodburst03_var5 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_strong\bloodburst07_var4 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_strong\bloodsquirt2 * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_strong\brokenglass * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_strong\bushtrimmings_d * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_strong\clothbitanim * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_strong\cumulus_02 * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_strong\distort_anomaly_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_strong\leaf_10 * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_strong\pfx_dist2inv * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_strong\pfx_dist3 * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_strong\pfx_distortion * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_strong\pfx_teleport * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_strong\puff_00 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_strong\shockwave_c * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_strong\spore_a * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\mefistotel\around * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\mefistotel\bitsleaves01anim_d * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\mefistotel\blue_flare * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\mefistotel\bushtrimmings_d * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\mefistotel\clothbitanim * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\mefistotel\cumulus_02 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\mefistotel\darkness_core_distort_4k_v2 * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\mefistotel\distort_anomaly_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\mefistotel\glow_fire1 * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\mefistotel\pfx_dist2inv * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\mefistotel\pfx_dist4 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\mefistotel\puffcolorsplashflicker * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\mefistotel\shockwave_1 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\mefistotel\shockwave_2 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\mefistotel\shockwave_c * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\mefistotel\sphere_something_4096_v1 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\mefistotel\spore_white * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\mefistotel\water_river_b * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\net\distort_anomaly_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\net\glow_white * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\net\pfx_sparks * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\net\smoke_cannon * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\no_gravity\bitsleaves01anim_d * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\no_gravity\bitssmallrocky_d * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\no_gravity\branch_02 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\no_gravity\bushtrimmings_d * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\no_gravity\cumulus_02 * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\no_gravity\distort_anomaly_01 * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\no_gravity\distort_anomaly_small * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\no_gravity\ffff * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\no_gravity\leaf_10 * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\no_gravity\pfx_distortion * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\no_gravity\smoke128_3w * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\point\around * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\point\bitsglowybits01atlas * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\point\blue_flare * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\point\distort_anomaly_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\point\electricblast1 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\point\electricblast2 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\point\glow_white * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\point\pfx_dist2a * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\point\pfx_dist2inv * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\point\pfx_dist3 * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\point\pfx_dist8 * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\point\pfx_dist_glass * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\point\pfx_distortion * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\point\smokebasic01atlas * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\point\sphere_something_4096_v2 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\point\vacum_v1 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\seed\dirtburst_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\seed\fx_moon_full_foggy * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\seed\pfx_dist2 * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\seed\pfx_dist3_005 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\seed\smoke_streched_tiled_a * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\seed\spray_v1 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\shatterpoint\bitsleaves01anim_d * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\shatterpoint\broken_glass * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\shatterpoint\cumulus_02 * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\shatterpoint\distort_anomaly_01 * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\shatterpoint\pfx_dist2inv * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\shatterpoint\pfx_dist3 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\shatterpoint\pfx_flash_07 * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\shatterpoint\pfx_glass_shards1.2048 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\shatterpoint\pfx_glass_shards2.1024 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\shatterpoint\pfx_glass_shards2.512 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\shatterpoint\pfx_glass_shards_blend.2048 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\shatterpoint\pfx_spark_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\shatterpoint\puff_00 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\shatterpoint\puffcolorsplashflicker * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\shatterpoint\spark_tiled_a * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\shatterpoint\sparkwires_b_flicker * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\shatterpoint\triangles * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\sloth\bitsglowybits01atlas * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\sloth\distort_anomaly_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\sloth\glow_fire1 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\sloth\light * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\sloth\pfx_sparks * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\sloth\puffcolorsplashflicker * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\sloth\smokefillvapor01atlassoft_d_small_a * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\bushtrimmings_d * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\cumulus_02 * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\distort_anomaly_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\electricblast1 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\electricblast2 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\electricblast3 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\flare_blue_v1 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\fx_moon_full_foggy * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\gauss1 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\gauss2 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\graviblast1orangecut * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\lensflarered * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\pfx_dist2inv * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\pfx_dist3 * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\pfx_dist_glass * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\pfx_teleport * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\portal_8x8_v1 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\portal_8x8_v1_4096 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\puffcolorsplashflicker * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\smoke_burst_02 * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\sphere\albedoshadersingleframe * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\sphere\bushtrimmings_d * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\sphere\pfx_dist2a * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\sphere\pfx_dist3 * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\sphere\pfx_dist4 * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\sphere\pfx_distortion * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\sphere\pfx_flash_04 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\sphere\pfx_flash_07 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\sphere\puffcolorsplashflicker * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\sphere\smoke_burst_02 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\sphere\smoke_tiled_b * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\sphere\white_flare * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\springboard\bitsleaves01anim_d * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\springboard\bitssmallrocky_d * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\springboard\bitswoodsplintersatlas * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\springboard\bushtrimmings_d * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\springboard\clothbitanim * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\springboard\leaf * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\springboard\pfx_ani-smoke-01 * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\springboard\pfx_dist2inv * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\springboard\pfx_dist3 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\springboard\sparks_tiled * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\springboard\spray_v1 * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\thorn\albedoshadersingleframe * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\thorn\around * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\thorn\broken_glass * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\thorn\clothbitanim * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\thorn\cumulus_02 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\thorn\dirtburst_01 * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\thorn\distort_anomaly_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\thorn\flare_blue_v1 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\thorn\flare_gray_v1 * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\thorn\pfx_dist2 * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\thorn\pfx_dist3_005 * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\thorn\pfx_dist3_006 * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\thorn\pfx_glass_shards1.2048 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\thorn\pfx_glass_shards2.1024 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\thorn\pfx_glass_shards2.2048 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\thorn\pfx_glass_shards2.512 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\thorn\pfx_glass_shards_blend.2048 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\thorn\smokefillvapor01atlassoft_d * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\thorn\spark_tiled_a_1 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\thorn\spore_a * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\umbra\anm_smoke_desat * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\umbra\around * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\umbra\bitsleaves01anim_d * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\umbra\bushtrimmings_d * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\umbra\darkness_core_4k_v1 * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\umbra\distort_anomaly_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\umbra\dust_loop_02 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\umbra\fx_moon_full_foggy * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\umbra\leaf * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\umbra\pfx_dist2a * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\umbra\pfx_distortion * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\umbra\pfx_smoke_g * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\umbra\pfx_smokepuffs2 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\umbra\puffcolorsplashflicker2 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\umbra\smoke_tiled_b * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\wish_granter\around * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\wish_granter\bitsleaves01anim_d * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\wish_granter\bushtrimmings_d * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\wish_granter\cumulus_02 * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\wish_granter\distort_anomaly_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\wish_granter\dust_loop_02 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\wish_granter\electricblast3 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\wish_granter\flash_particle * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\wish_granter\genericpuff * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\wish_granter\pfx_anomaly_8 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\wish_granter\pfx_gradient * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\wish_granter\smoke_burst_02 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\wish_granter\water_river_a * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\zharka\anm_smoke_07a * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\zharka\blowingfire_fwd * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\zharka\bonefire3 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\zharka\bonefire3_1 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\zharka\bonefirethin * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\zharka\cumulus_02 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\zharka\dust_puff_02 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\zharka\grdbasefire_supernova * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\zharka\pfx_ani-fire01 * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\zharka\pfx_dist2 * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\zharka\pfx_dist2inv * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\zharka\pfx_distortion * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\zharka\pfx_smoke_b * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\zharka\puff_00 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\zharka\smoke_burst_06 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\zharka\smokeburstpuffanim * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\zharka\smokefillvapor01atlassoft_d * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\zharka\spark_tiled_a * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\zharka\sparks_tiled * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\zones\acidic\cumulus_02 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\zones\thermal\anm_smoke_desat * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\zones\thermal\cumulus_02 * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\zones\thermal\pfx_dist2 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\zones\thermal\pfx_distortion * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\zones\thermal\spark * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\zones\thermal\sparks_tiled * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\environmental\dandelion_seed_v1 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\environmental\dandelion_seed_v2 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\environmental\maple_seed_v1 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\environmental\pfx_leaves_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\environmental\seed_a * 0.0 : [ 1] shaders\gasmasks\mask_nm_1 * 0.0 : [ 1] shaders\gasmasks\mask_nm_10 * 0.0 : [ 1] shaders\gasmasks\mask_nm_2 * 0.0 : [ 1] shaders\gasmasks\mask_nm_3 * 0.0 : [ 1] shaders\gasmasks\mask_nm_4 * 0.0 : [ 1] shaders\gasmasks\mask_nm_5 * 0.0 : [ 1] shaders\gasmasks\mask_nm_6 * 0.0 : [ 1] shaders\gasmasks\mask_nm_7 * 0.0 : [ 1] shaders\gasmasks\mask_nm_8 * 0.0 : [ 1] shaders\gasmasks\mask_nm_9 * 0.0 : [ 3] shaders\lut_atlas * 0.0 : [ 1] shaders\smaa\area_tex_dx11 * 0.0 : [ 1] shaders\smaa\search_tex * 0.0 : [ 2] shoker_mod\explosions\explosion_smoke01 * 0.0 : [ 2] shoker_mod\explosions\final_expl * 0.0 : [ 2] shoker_mod\explosions\firesmokeparticle * 0.0 : [ 2] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_ak_shells_1 * 0.0 : [ 2] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_shells1 * 0.0 : [ 2] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_shells2 * 0.0 : [ 2] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_shells3 * 0.0 : [ 2] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_smoke_1 * 0.0 : [ 11] sky\af1_foggy\06-00 * 0.0 : [ 11] sky\af1_foggy\06-00#small * 0.0 : [ 32] sky\af1_foggy\08-00 * 0.0 : [ 32] sky\af1_foggy\08-00#small * 0.0 : [ 13] sky\af1_foggy\09-00 * 0.0 : [ 13] sky\af1_foggy\09-00#small * 0.0 : [ 15] sky\af1_foggy\11-00 * 0.0 : [ 15] sky\af1_foggy\11-00#small * 0.0 : [ 30] sky\af1_foggy\13-00 * 0.0 : [ 30] sky\af1_foggy\13-00#small * 0.0 : [ 11] sky\af3_a_clear\04-30 * 0.0 : [ 11] sky\af3_a_clear\04-30#small * 0.0 : [ 15] sky\af3_a_clear\05-00 * 0.0 : [ 15] sky\af3_a_clear\05-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\af3_a_clear\05-30 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\af3_a_clear\05-30#small * 0.0 : [ 9] sky\af3_a_clear\06-00 * 0.0 : [ 9] sky\af3_a_clear\06-00#small * 0.0 : [ 9] sky\af3_a_clear\07-00 * 0.0 : [ 9] sky\af3_a_clear\07-00#small * 0.0 : [ 7] sky\af3_a_clear\08-00 * 0.0 : [ 7] sky\af3_a_clear\08-00#small * 0.0 : [ 10] sky\af3_a_clear\09-00 * 0.0 : [ 10] sky\af3_a_clear\09-00#small * 0.0 : [ 7] sky\af3_a_clear\10-00 * 0.0 : [ 7] sky\af3_a_clear\10-00#small * 0.0 : [ 7] sky\af3_a_clear\11-00 * 0.0 : [ 7] sky\af3_a_clear\11-00#small * 0.0 : [ 7] sky\af3_a_clear\12-00 * 0.0 : [ 7] sky\af3_a_clear\12-00#small * 0.0 : [ 9] sky\af3_a_clear\13-00 * 0.0 : [ 9] sky\af3_a_clear\13-00#small * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\af3_a_clear\14-00 * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\af3_a_clear\14-00#small * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\af3_a_clear\15-00 * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\af3_a_clear\15-00#small * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\af3_a_clear\16-00 * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\af3_a_clear\16-00#small * 0.0 : [ 11] sky\af3_a_clear\17-00 * 0.0 : [ 11] sky\af3_a_clear\17-00#small * 0.0 : [ 9] sky\af3_a_clear\18-00 * 0.0 : [ 9] sky\af3_a_clear\18-00#small * 0.0 : [ 11] sky\af3_a_clear\19-00 * 0.0 : [ 11] sky\af3_a_clear\19-00#small * 0.0 : [ 11] sky\af3_a_clear\20-00 * 0.0 : [ 11] sky\af3_a_clear\20-00#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\af3_a_clear\20-30 * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\af3_a_clear\20-30#small * 0.0 : [ 11] sky\af3_a_clear\21-00 * 0.0 : [ 11] sky\af3_a_clear\21-00#small * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\af3_a_cloudy\05-00 * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\af3_a_cloudy\05-00#small * 0.0 : [ 23] sky\af3_a_cloudy\06-00 * 0.0 : [ 23] sky\af3_a_cloudy\06-00#small * 0.0 : [ 22] sky\af3_a_cloudy\07-00 * 0.0 : [ 22] sky\af3_a_cloudy\07-00#small * 0.0 : [ 46] sky\af3_a_cloudy\08-00 * 0.0 : [ 46] sky\af3_a_cloudy\08-00#small * 0.0 : [ 70] sky\af3_a_cloudy\09-00 * 0.0 : [ 70] sky\af3_a_cloudy\09-00#small * 0.0 : [ 31] sky\af3_a_cloudy\10-00 * 0.0 : [ 31] sky\af3_a_cloudy\10-00#small * 0.0 : [ 27] sky\af3_a_cloudy\11-00 * 0.0 : [ 27] sky\af3_a_cloudy\11-00#small * 0.0 : [ 17] sky\af3_a_cloudy\12-00 * 0.0 : [ 17] sky\af3_a_cloudy\12-00#small * 0.0 : [ 25] sky\af3_a_cloudy\13-00 * 0.0 : [ 25] sky\af3_a_cloudy\13-00#small * 0.0 : [ 25] sky\af3_a_cloudy\14-00 * 0.0 : [ 25] sky\af3_a_cloudy\14-00#small * 0.0 : [ 23] sky\af3_a_cloudy\15-00 * 0.0 : [ 23] sky\af3_a_cloudy\15-00#small * 0.0 : [ 25] sky\af3_a_cloudy\16-00 * 0.0 : [ 25] sky\af3_a_cloudy\16-00#small * 0.0 : [ 31] sky\af3_a_cloudy\17-00 * 0.0 : [ 31] sky\af3_a_cloudy\17-00#small * 0.0 : [ 86] sky\af3_a_cloudy\18-00 * 0.0 : [ 86] sky\af3_a_cloudy\18-00#small * 0.0 : [ 17] sky\af3_a_cloudy\19-00 * 0.0 : [ 17] sky\af3_a_cloudy\19-00#small * 0.0 : [ 7] sky\af3_a_cloudy\20-00 * 0.0 : [ 7] sky\af3_a_cloudy\20-00#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_a_partly\00-00-fm * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_a_partly\00-00-fm#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_a_partly\02-00-hm * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_a_partly\02-00-hm#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_a_partly\03-00-fm * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_a_partly\03-00-fm#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\af3_a_partly\04-30 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\af3_a_partly\04-30#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\af3_a_partly\05-00 * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\af3_a_partly\05-00#small * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\af3_a_partly\05-30 * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\af3_a_partly\05-30#small * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\af3_a_partly\06-00 * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\af3_a_partly\06-00#small * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\af3_a_partly\07-00 * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\af3_a_partly\07-00#small * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\af3_a_partly\08-00 * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\af3_a_partly\08-00#small * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\af3_a_partly\09-00 * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\af3_a_partly\09-00#small * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\af3_a_partly\10-00 * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\af3_a_partly\10-00#small * 0.0 : [ 5] sky\af3_a_partly\11-00 * 0.0 : [ 5] sky\af3_a_partly\11-00#small * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\af3_a_partly\13-00 * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\af3_a_partly\13-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\af3_a_partly\14-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\af3_a_partly\14-00#small * 0.0 : [ 26] sky\af3_a_partly\16-00 * 0.0 : [ 26] sky\af3_a_partly\16-00#small * 0.0 : [ 5] sky\af3_a_partly\17-00 * 0.0 : [ 5] sky\af3_a_partly\17-00#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\af3_a_partly\18-00 * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\af3_a_partly\18-00#small * 0.0 : [ 9] sky\af3_a_partly\19-00 * 0.0 : [ 9] sky\af3_a_partly\19-00#small * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\af3_a_partly\20-00 * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\af3_a_partly\20-00#small * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\af3_a_partly\20-30 * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\af3_a_partly\20-30#small * 0.0 : [ 17] sky\af3_a_partly\21-30 * 0.0 : [ 17] sky\af3_a_partly\21-30#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_a_partly\23-00-fm * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_a_partly\23-00-fm#small * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\af3_blowout\blowout1 * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\af3_blowout\blowout1#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout1_1 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout1_1#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout2 * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout2#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout2_night * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout2_night#small * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3 * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_1 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_1#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_1_night * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_1_night#small * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_2 * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_2#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_2_night * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_2_night#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_3 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_3#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_3_night * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_3_night#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_night * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_night#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4 * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4#small * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_1 * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_1#small * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_1_night * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_1_night#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_night * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_night#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5 * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5_night * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5_night#small * 0.0 : [ 7] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5psi * 0.0 : [ 7] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5psi#small * 0.0 : [ 7] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5psi_night * 0.0 : [ 7] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5psi_night#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout6 * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout6#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout6_night * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout6_night#small * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout7 * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout7#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\af3_blowout\blowout7_night * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\af3_blowout\blowout7_night#small * 0.0 : [ 14] sky\af3_foggy\06-00 * 0.0 : [ 14] sky\af3_foggy\06-00#small * 0.0 : [ 14] sky\af3_foggy\07-00 * 0.0 : [ 14] sky\af3_foggy\07-00#small * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\af3_foggy\09-00 * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\af3_foggy\09-00#small * 0.0 : [ 58] sky\af3_foggy\10-00 * 0.0 : [ 58] sky\af3_foggy\10-00#small * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_foggy\11-00 * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_foggy\11-00#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\af3_foggy\12-00 * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\af3_foggy\12-00#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_foggy\13-00 * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_foggy\13-00#small * 0.0 : [ 17] sky\af3_foggy\14-00 * 0.0 : [ 17] sky\af3_foggy\14-00#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_foggy\15-00 * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_foggy\15-00#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_foggy\16-00 * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_foggy\16-00#small * 0.0 : [ 25] sky\af3_foggy\17-00 * 0.0 : [ 25] sky\af3_foggy\17-00#small * 0.0 : [ 9] sky\af3_foggy\18-00 * 0.0 : [ 9] sky\af3_foggy\18-00#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_foggy\19-00 * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_foggy\19-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\af3_foggy\20-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\af3_foggy\20-00#small * 0.0 : [ 42] sky\af3_rainy\05-00- * 0.0 : [ 42] sky\af3_rainy\05-00-#small * 0.0 : [ 15] sky\af3_rainy\07-00 * 0.0 : [ 15] sky\af3_rainy\07-00#small * 0.0 : [ 44] sky\af3_rainy\09-00_19-00 * 0.0 : [ 44] sky\af3_rainy\09-00_19-00#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_rainy\16-00 * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_rainy\16-00#small * 0.0 : [ 111] sky\af3_rainy\20-00 * 0.0 : [ 111] sky\af3_rainy\20-00#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af_a_partly\01-00-hm * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af_a_partly\01-00-hm#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\cgim_cloudy3\06-00 * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\cgim_cloudy3\06-00#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\cgim_cloudy3\07-00 * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\cgim_cloudy3\07-00#small * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\cgim_cloudy4\19-00 * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\cgim_cloudy4\19-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\cgim_cloudy4\20-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\cgim_cloudy4\20-00#small * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\cgim_cloudy_dark\18-00 * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\cgim_cloudy_dark\18-00#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\cloudy_3\06 * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\cloudy_3\06#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\cloudy_3\13 * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\cloudy_3\13#small * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\cloudy_3\14 * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\cloudy_3\14#small * 0.0 : [ 5] sky\cloudy_3\19 * 0.0 : [ 5] sky\cloudy_3\19#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\cloudy_3\21 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\cloudy_3\21#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\expedition_rain\09-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\expedition_rain\09-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\expedition_rain\10-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\expedition_rain\10-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\expedition_rain\11-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\expedition_rain\11-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\expedition_rain\12-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\expedition_rain\12-00#small * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\expedition_rain\13-00 * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\expedition_rain\13-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\expedition_rain\14-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\expedition_rain\14-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\expedition_rain\15-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\expedition_rain\15-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\expedition_rain\16-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\expedition_rain\16-00#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\expedition_rain\17-00 * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\expedition_rain\17-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\expedition_rain\18-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\expedition_rain\18-00#small * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\foggy_cgim\04-30 * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\foggy_cgim\04-30#small * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\foggy_cgim\05-00 * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\foggy_cgim\05-00#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\foggy_cgim\06-00 * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\foggy_cgim\06-00#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\shi_def_dark\shinoda_morning_1 * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\shi_def_dark\shinoda_morning_1#small * 0.0 : [ 5] sky\shi_def_rain\shinoda_morning_2 * 0.0 : [ 5] sky\shi_def_rain\shinoda_morning_2#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\sky_12_vibros_cube * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\sky_12_vibros_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 10] sky\sky_13_cube * 0.0 : [ 10] sky\sky_13_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\sky_13_cube_night * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\sky_13_cube_night#small * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\sky_13_vibros_cube * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\sky_13_vibros_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\sky_14_cube * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\sky_14_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\sky_17_clouds_cube * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\sky_17_clouds_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\sky_18_cube * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\sky_18_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\sky_1_clouds_cube * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\sky_1_clouds_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\sky_20_clouds_cube * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\sky_20_clouds_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\sky_2_clouds_cube * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\sky_2_clouds_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 5] sky\sky_5_cube * 0.0 : [ 5] sky\sky_5_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 16] sky\sky_9_cube * 0.0 : [ 16] sky\sky_9_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\sky_dark\dark_19 * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\sky_dark\dark_19#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\sky_dark_new\05-00-cloudy-dark * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\sky_dark_new\05-00-cloudy-dark#small * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\sky_dark_new\06-00-cloudy-dark * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\sky_dark_new\06-00-cloudy-dark#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\sky_dark_new\13-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\sky_dark_new\13-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\sky_dark_new\14-00-cloudy-dark * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\sky_dark_new\14-00-cloudy-dark#small * 0.0 : [ 7] sky\sky_dark_new\cloudy_dark * 0.0 : [ 7] sky\sky_dark_new\cloudy_dark#small * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\sky_dark_new\cloudy_dark2 * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\sky_dark_new\cloudy_dark2#small * 0.0 : [ 351] sky\sky_oblaka * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\sky_oblakasky\sky_oblaka * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\skygod_night\cloudy_00-00 * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\skygod_night\cloudy_00-00#small * 0.0 : [ 67] sky\skygod_night\foggy_00-00 * 0.0 : [ 67] sky\skygod_night\foggy_00-00#small * 0.0 : [ 45] sky\swtc_clear\00-00-fm * 0.0 : [ 45] sky\swtc_clear\00-00-fm#small * 0.0 : [ 53] sky\swtc_clear\01-00-fm * 0.0 : [ 53] sky\swtc_clear\01-00-fm#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\swtc_clear\02-00-fm * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\swtc_clear\02-00-fm#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\swtc_clear\03-00-fm * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\swtc_clear\03-00-fm#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\swtc_clear\04-00-fm * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\swtc_clear\04-00-fm#small * 0.0 : [ 12] sky\swtc_clear\04-30 * 0.0 : [ 12] sky\swtc_clear\04-30#small * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\swtc_clear\05-00 * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\swtc_clear\05-00#small * 0.0 : [ 7] sky\swtc_clear\06-00 * 0.0 : [ 7] sky\swtc_clear\06-00#small * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\swtc_clear\06-30 * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\swtc_clear\06-30#small * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\swtc_clear\07-00 * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\swtc_clear\07-00#small * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\swtc_clear\08-00 * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\swtc_clear\08-00#small * 0.0 : [ 7] sky\swtc_clear\09-00 * 0.0 : [ 7] sky\swtc_clear\09-00#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\swtc_clear\10-00 * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\swtc_clear\10-00#small * 0.0 : [ 7] sky\swtc_clear\11-00 * 0.0 : [ 7] sky\swtc_clear\11-00#small * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\swtc_clear\12-00 * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\swtc_clear\12-00#small * 0.0 : [ 5] sky\swtc_clear\13-00 * 0.0 : [ 5] sky\swtc_clear\13-00#small * 0.0 : [ 5] sky\swtc_clear\14-00 * 0.0 : [ 5] sky\swtc_clear\14-00#small * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\swtc_clear\15-00 * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\swtc_clear\15-00#small * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\swtc_clear\16-00 * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\swtc_clear\16-00#small * 0.0 : [ 7] sky\swtc_clear\17-00 * 0.0 : [ 7] sky\swtc_clear\17-00#small * 0.0 : [ 10] sky\swtc_clear\18-00 * 0.0 : [ 10] sky\swtc_clear\18-00#small * 0.0 : [ 13] sky\swtc_clear\19-00 * 0.0 : [ 13] sky\swtc_clear\19-00#small * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\swtc_clear\20-00 * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\swtc_clear\20-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\swtc_clear\20-30 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\swtc_clear\20-30#small * 0.0 : [ 5] sky\swtc_clear\21-00 * 0.0 : [ 5] sky\swtc_clear\21-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\swtc_clear\22-00-fm * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\swtc_clear\22-00-fm#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\swtc_clear\23-00-fm * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\swtc_clear\23-00-fm#small * 0.0 : [ 202] sky\swtc_clear_alt\01-00 * 0.0 : [ 202] sky\swtc_clear_alt\01-00#small * 0.0 : [ 19] sky\swtc_clear_alt\03-00 * 0.0 : [ 19] sky\swtc_clear_alt\03-00#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\swtc_clear_alt\04-00 * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\swtc_clear_alt\04-00#small * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\swtc_clear_alt\05-00 * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\swtc_clear_alt\05-00#small * 0.0 : [ 15] sky\swtc_clear_alt\06-00 * 0.0 : [ 15] sky\swtc_clear_alt\06-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\swtc_clear_alt\07-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\swtc_clear_alt\07-00#small * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\swtc_clear_alt\08-00 * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\swtc_clear_alt\08-00#small * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\swtc_clear_alt\10-00 * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\swtc_clear_alt\10-00#small * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\swtc_clear_alt\11-00 * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\swtc_clear_alt\11-00#small * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\swtc_clear_alt\13-00 * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\swtc_clear_alt\13-00#small * 0.0 : [ 5] sky\swtc_clear_alt\14-00 * 0.0 : [ 5] sky\swtc_clear_alt\14-00#small * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\swtc_clear_alt\15-00 * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\swtc_clear_alt\15-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\swtc_clear_alt\16-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\swtc_clear_alt\16-00#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\swtc_clear_alt\17-00 * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\swtc_clear_alt\17-00#small * 0.0 : [ 11] sky\swtc_clear_alt\18-00 * 0.0 : [ 11] sky\swtc_clear_alt\18-00#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\swtc_clear_alt\19-00 * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\swtc_clear_alt\19-00#small * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\swtc_clear_alt\20-00 * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\swtc_clear_alt\20-00#small * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\swtc_clear_alt\20-30 * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\swtc_clear_alt\20-30#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\swtc_cloudy_light\06-00-cloudy-dark * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\swtc_cloudy_light\06-00-cloudy-dark#small * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\swtc_cloudy_light\17-00-cloudy-light * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\swtc_cloudy_light\17-00-cloudy-light#small * 0.0 : [ 9] sky\swtc_cloudy_light\19-00-cloudy-light-rain * 0.0 : [ 9] sky\swtc_cloudy_light\19-00-cloudy-light-rain#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\swtc_cloudy_light\20-00-cloudy-light * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\swtc_cloudy_light\20-00-cloudy-light#small * 0.0 : [ 12] sky\swtc_cloudy_light\20-30-cloudy-light * 0.0 : [ 12] sky\swtc_cloudy_light\20-30-cloudy-light#small * 0.0 : [ 18] sky\swtc_cloudy_light\21-00-cloudy-light * 0.0 : [ 18] sky\swtc_cloudy_light\21-00-cloudy-light#small * 0.0 : [ 5] sky\swtc_dark\05-00-storm * 0.0 : [ 5] sky\swtc_dark\05-00-storm#small * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\swtc_dark\06-00-cloudy-dark * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\swtc_dark\06-00-cloudy-dark#small * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\swtc_dark\07-00-cloudy-light-rain * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\swtc_dark\07-00-cloudy-light-rain#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\swtc_dark\09-00-cloudy-dark-rain * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\swtc_dark\09-00-cloudy-dark-rain#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\swtc_dark\10-00-cloudy-light-rain * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\swtc_dark\10-00-cloudy-light-rain#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\swtc_dark\11-00-storm * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\swtc_dark\11-00-storm#small * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\swtc_dark\13-00-cloudy-dark * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\swtc_dark\13-00-cloudy-dark#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\swtc_dark\15-00-storm * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\swtc_dark\15-00-storm#small * 0.0 : [ 38] sky\swtc_dark\16-00-storm * 0.0 : [ 38] sky\swtc_dark\16-00-storm#small * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\swtc_dark\17-00-storm * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\swtc_dark\17-00-storm#small * 0.0 : [ 44] sky\swtc_dark\18-00-cloudy-light-rain * 0.0 : [ 44] sky\swtc_dark\18-00-cloudy-light-rain#small * 0.0 : [ 15] sky\swtc_dark\19-00-storm * 0.0 : [ 15] sky\swtc_dark\19-00-storm#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\swtc_dark\19-30-storm * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\swtc_dark\19-30-storm#small * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\swtc_dark\20-00-storm * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\swtc_dark\20-00-storm#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\swtc_dark\21-00-storm * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\swtc_dark\21-00-storm#small * 0.0 : [ 14] sky\swtc_storm\08-00-storm * 0.0 : [ 14] sky\swtc_storm\08-00-storm#small * 0.0 : [ 7] sky\swtc_storm\09-00-storm * 0.0 : [ 7] sky\swtc_storm\09-00-storm#small * 0.0 : [ 11] sky\swtc_storm\10-00-storm * 0.0 : [ 11] sky\swtc_storm\10-00-storm#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\swtc_storm\14-00-storm * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\swtc_storm\14-00-storm#small * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\swtc_storm\15-00-storm * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\swtc_storm\15-00-storm#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\swtc_storm\17-00-storm * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\swtc_storm\17-00-storm#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sunmask * 0.0 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_sleep_screen * 0.0 : [ 2] unrealengine\bigfire_fwd * 0.0 : [ 2] unrealengine\bigfire_fwd2 * 0.0 : [ 2] unrealengine\bigfire_fwd3 * 0.0 : [ 2] unrealengine\blowingfire_fwd * 0.0 : [ 2] unrealengine\blowingfire_fwd2 * 0.0 : [ 2] unrealengine\bonfire\blowingfire_fwd * 0.0 : [ 2] unrealengine\bonfire\blowingfireb_fwd * 0.0 : [ 2] unrealengine\bonfire\bonefire * 0.0 : [ 2] unrealengine\bonfire\bonefire2_boargrill * 0.0 : [ 2] unrealengine\bonfire\bonefire3 * 0.0 : [ 2] unrealengine\bonfire\bonefire_fwd2 * 0.0 : [ 2] unrealengine\bonfire\bonefirethin * 0.0 : [ 2] unrealengine\bonfire\grdbasefire2_small * 0.0 : [ 2] unrealengine\electricblast1 * 0.0 : [ 2] unrealengine\electricblast1_red * 0.0 : [ 2] unrealengine\electricblast2 * 0.0 : [ 2] unrealengine\electricblast2_red * 0.0 : [ 2] unrealengine\electricblast3 * 0.0 : [ 2] unrealengine\electricblast3_red * 0.0 : [ 2] unrealengine\explosions_new\expl_air_01_var1 * 0.0 : [ 2] unrealengine\explosions_new\expl_air_02_var1 * 0.0 : [ 2] unrealengine\explosions_new\expl_air_03_var1 * 0.0 : [ 2] unrealengine\firey_smoke_01_e * 0.0 : [ 2] unrealengine\grdbasefire2_bright * 0.0 : [ 2] unrealengine\grdbasefire2_small * 0.0 : [ 2] unrealengine\grdbasefire4_fwd * 0.0 : [ 2] unrealengine\grdbasefire_bright * 0.0 : [ 2] unrealengine\lensflarered * 0.0 : [ 2] unrealengine\muzzlecloudsatlas * 0.0 : [ 2] unrealengine\muzzlecloudsatlas4 * 0.0 : [ 2] unrealengine\muzzleflash1 * 0.0 : [ 2] unrealengine\muzzleflash4 * 0.0 : [ 2] unrealengine\muzzleflash4var2 * 0.0 : [ 2] unrealengine\muzzleflash5 * 0.0 : [ 2] unrealengine\muzzleflash6 * 0.0 : [ 2] unrealengine\muzzleflash_ember2 * 0.0 : [ 2] unrealengine\muzzleflash_ember3 * 0.0 : [ 2] unrealengine\muzzleflash_ember4 * 0.0 : [ 2] unrealengine\muzzleflash_fire * 0.0 : [ 2] unrealengine\optimized\muzzleoptimized1 * 0.0 : [ 2] unrealengine\optimized\muzzleoptimized2 * 0.0 : [ 2] unrealengine\optimized\muzzleoptimized3 * 0.0 : [ 2] unrealengine\puffcolorsplash * 0.0 : [ 2] unrealengine\puffcolorsplash_2 * 0.0 : [ 2] unrealengine\puffcolorsplashflicker * 0.0 : [ 2] unrealengine\puffcolorsplashflicker2 * 0.0 : [ 2] unrealengine\rockshd * 0.0 : [ 2] unrealengine\t_dirt_02_a * 0.0 : [ 1] water\water_SBumpVolume * 0.0 : [ 1] water\water_flowing_nmap * 0.0 : [ 1] water\water_normal * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_1 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_1_1 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_1_2 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_1_3 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_drop_4 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_asfalt_1 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_asfalt_2 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_asfalt_3 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_brick_1 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_brick_2 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_1 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_2 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_4 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_5 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_6 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_7 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_glass01 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_glass02 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_glass03 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_glass04 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_ground * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_ground_1 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_ground_2 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik_1 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik_2 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik_3 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_1 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_2 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_3 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_4 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_1 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_2 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_3 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_4 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_5 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_6 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_7 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_8 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_9 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_grenade * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_dead * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_horiz * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_blood * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_blood1 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_metal * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_ston * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_wood * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_wood1 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_wood2 * 8.1 : [ 1] vitali's pc - quicksave_3 * 9.5 : [ 1] ui\moty2018 * 9.5 : [ 1] ui\moty2019 * 16.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_ani_cursor * 16.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_hud_01 * 32.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_magnifier2 * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_arial_14_1600 * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_console_02 * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_hud_02 * 256.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_graff_19_1600 * 256.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_graff_22_1600 * 256.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_letter_16_1600 * 256.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_letter_18_1600 * 400.1 : [ 1] logoamcm * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_graff_32_1600 * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_letter_25_1600 * 2048.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_main_menu * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_mp_screen * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_multiplayer_background * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_multiplayer_game_menu * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_common * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_graff_50_1600 * 7230.0 : [ 1] ui\ui_background_new * 8100.0 : [ 1] ui\ui_mm_saves * 8192.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_hint_wnd "a:\games\anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7\anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7\bin\anomalydx11avx.exe" -smap2048 * phase time: 0 ms * phase cmem: 1181963 K * [x-ray]: Prefetching Data Loading objects... Loading models... Loading textures... CResourceManager::DeferredUpload -> START, size = 1935 ! Can't find texture 'pfx\cartridges\9x19mm' ! Can't find texture 'pfx\pfx_bloodsplash_xcvb' ! Can't find texture 'pfx\pfx_yellow_eyes' ! Can't find texture 'pfx\smoke\chamber_smoke' ! Can't find texture 'unrealengine\explosions_new\expl_air_03_var1' ! Can't find texture 'unrealengine\explosions_new\expl_air_01_var1' ! Can't find texture 'unrealengine\explosions_new\expl_air_02_var1' texture loading time: 1727 * [x-ray]: Prefetched Data * [prefetch] time: 2129 ms * [prefetch] memory: 79280Kb opening file a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\unlocalizers\milpda_ui_pda_npc_tab_factions.ltx creating unlocalizer for script ui_pda_npc_tab adding variable faction_encyption for unlocalizer for script ui_pda_npc_tab adding variable faction_lookup for unlocalizer for script ui_pda_npc_tab opening file a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\unlocalizers\new_levels_patches.ltx creating unlocalizer for script bind_anomaly_field adding variable pAno_maps for unlocalizer for script bind_anomaly_field creating unlocalizer for script pda adding variable primary_objects_tbl for unlocalizer for script pda creating unlocalizer for script smart_terrain_warfare adding variable monster_level_capacity for unlocalizer for script smart_terrain_warfare creating unlocalizer for script target_prior adding variable prior_lab for unlocalizer for script target_prior adding variable prior_t for unlocalizer for script target_prior creating unlocalizer for script tasks_agent_rescue adding variable blacklisted_maps for unlocalizer for script tasks_agent_rescue creating unlocalizer for script tasks_assault adding variable blacklisted_maps for unlocalizer for script tasks_assault creating unlocalizer for script tasks_bounty adding variable blacklisted_maps for unlocalizer for script tasks_bounty creating unlocalizer for script tasks_measure adding variable blacklisted_maps for unlocalizer for script tasks_measure creating unlocalizer for script toxic_air adding variable toxic_dmg for unlocalizer for script toxic_air creating unlocalizer for script treasure_manager adding variable blacklisted_maps for unlocalizer for script treasure_manager adding variable map_tiers for unlocalizer for script treasure_manager opening file a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\unlocalizers\unlocalize_artefinder.ltx creating unlocalizer for script drx_da_main adding variable load_defaults for unlocalizer for script drx_da_main adding variable load_settings for unlocalizer for script drx_da_main adding variable settings for unlocalizer for script drx_da_main opening file a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\unlocalizers\unlocalize_cxv_mutant_loot.ltx creating unlocalizer for script ui_mutant_loot adding variable clsdbg_to_section for unlocalizer for script ui_mutant_loot adding variable clsid_to_section for unlocalizer for script ui_mutant_loot adding variable item_prop_table for unlocalizer for script ui_mutant_loot opening file a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\unlocalizers\unlocalize_experience_ui.ltx creating unlocalizer for script experience_ui adding variable ui_is_opening for unlocalizer for script experience_ui opening file a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\unlocalizers\unlocalize_fun_allowed.ltx creating unlocalizer for script grok_remove_belt_duplicates adding variable categories for unlocalizer for script grok_remove_belt_duplicates opening file a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\unlocalizers\unlocalize_local_looting.ltx creating unlocalizer for script grok_stashes_on_corpses adding variable SETTINGS for unlocalizer for script grok_stashes_on_corpses adding variable _used_corpses for unlocalizer for script grok_stashes_on_corpses adding variable dbg_items for unlocalizer for script treasure_manager adding variable item_list for unlocalizer for script treasure_manager adding variable map_tiers for unlocalizer for script treasure_manager adding variable stash_common for unlocalizer for script treasure_manager adding variable stash_rare for unlocalizer for script treasure_manager adding variable tools_map_tiers for unlocalizer for script treasure_manager opening file a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\unlocalizers\unlocalizer_experience_framework.ltx adding variable distance_tbl for unlocalizer for script pda adding variable primary_objects_tbl for unlocalizer for script pda opening file a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\unlocalizers\unlocalizer_geiger_clicks.ltx creating unlocalizer for script actor_effects adding variable opt for unlocalizer for script actor_effects creating unlocalizer for script grok_actor_damage_balancer adding variable difficulty_multiplier for unlocalizer for script grok_actor_damage_balancer adding variable gameplay for unlocalizer for script grok_actor_damage_balancer creating unlocalizer for script item_device adding variable on_anomaly_touch for unlocalizer for script item_device opening file a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\unlocalizers\unlocalizer_lam.ltx creating unlocalizer for script zzz_ea_addon_backpack adding variable active_slot for unlocalizer for script zzz_ea_addon_backpack adding variable anim_enabled for unlocalizer for script zzz_ea_addon_backpack adding variable backpack_open_flag for unlocalizer for script zzz_ea_addon_backpack opening file a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\unlocalizers\unlocalizer_mag_check.ltx creating unlocalizer for script ammo_check_mcm adding variable busy_hands_fix for unlocalizer for script ammo_check_mcm opening file a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\unlocalizers\unlocalizer_modded_exes_global.ltx creating unlocalizer for script _g adding variable ini_cache for unlocalizer for script _g opening file a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\unlocalizers\unlocalizer_modded_exes_item_device_script_fixes.ltx adding variable on_anomaly_touch for unlocalizer for script item_device opening file a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\unlocalizers\unlocalizer_modded_exes_pda.ltx adding variable map_spot_property for unlocalizer for script pda opening file a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\unlocalizers\unlocalizer_modded_exes_xrs_facer_script_fixes.ltx creating unlocalizer for script xrs_facer adding variable Enabled for unlocalizer for script xrs_facer adding variable facer_sets for unlocalizer for script xrs_facer opening file a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\unlocalizers\unlocalizer_more_measurement_task_maps.ltx adding variable blacklisted_maps for unlocalizer for script tasks_measure opening file a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\unlocalizers\unlocalizer_newmeds.ltx creating unlocalizer for script arszi_psy adding variable psy_table for unlocalizer for script arszi_psy opening file a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\unlocalizers\unlocalizer_overheat_gunsmoke.ltx creating unlocalizer for script item_weapon adding variable decrease_quant for unlocalizer for script item_weapon adding variable last_wpn_id for unlocalizer for script item_weapon adding variable max_overheat for unlocalizer for script item_weapon adding variable overheat for unlocalizer for script item_weapon adding variable overheat_threshold for unlocalizer for script item_weapon adding variable smoke for unlocalizer for script item_weapon adding variable time_quant for unlocalizer for script item_weapon opening file a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\unlocalizers\unlocalizer_pdahacking.ltx adding variable faction_encyption for unlocalizer for script ui_pda_npc_tab adding variable stash_factor_per_pda for unlocalizer for script ui_pda_npc_tab opening file a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\unlocalizers\unlocalizer_test.ltx adding variable RENDERER for unlocalizer for script actor_effects adding variable STATIC_LIGHT for unlocalizer for script actor_effects opening file a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\unlocalizers\unlocalizer_western_goods_core.ltx creating unlocalizer for script western_goods_core adding variable VERSION for unlocalizer for script western_goods_core found script _G in unlocalizers data found variable ini_cache to unlocal init gathering modxml_... scripts gathering modxml_anomalous_stash.script gathering modxml_character_desc_general_army_odst.script gathering modxml_character_desc_general_dolg_odst.script gathering modxml_character_desc_general_isg_odst.script gathering modxml_character_desc_general_killer_odst.script gathering modxml_character_desc_general_stalker_odst.script gathering modxml_character_desc_yantar.script gathering modxml_eftmsgs.script gathering modxml_hamr.script gathering modxml_hamr2.script gathering modxml_hamr3.script gathering modxml_jp84_21scope.script gathering modxml_jp84_4scope.script gathering modxml_jp84_others_21scope.script gathering modxml_jp84_others_4scope.script gathering modxml_jp84_others_scope.script gathering modxml_jp84scope.script gathering modxml_map_spots_milpda.script gathering modxml_nta.script gathering modxml_pdahacking_unlockcost.script gathering modxml_proportional_medic_healing_price.script gathering modxml_rwap21scope.script gathering modxml_rwap2dso.script gathering modxml_rwap2dso21.script gathering modxml_rwap2dsosquare.script gathering modxml_rwap4scope.script gathering modxml_rwapscope.script gathering modxml_scope_16_arm18.script gathering modxml_scope_16_fg42.script gathering modxml_scope_16_lewd_felinscope.script gathering modxml_scope_16_srs99.script gathering modxml_scope_21_arm18.script gathering modxml_scope_21_fg42.script gathering modxml_scope_21_lewd_felinscope.script gathering modxml_scope_21_srs99.script gathering modxml_scope_em2.script gathering modxml_scopes_arm18.script gathering modxml_scopes_fg42.script gathering modxml_scopes_ingame_arm18.script gathering modxml_scopes_ingame_fg42.script gathering modxml_scopes_ingame_lewd_felinscope.script gathering modxml_scopes_ingame_srs99.script gathering modxml_scopes_lewd_felinscope.script gathering modxml_scopes_srs99.script gathering modxml_sks_b_2dso.script gathering modxml_sks_b_2dso_16.script gathering modxml_sks_b_2dso_21.script gathering modxml_tac30_scopes.script gathering modxml_tac30_scopes16.script gathering modxml_tac30_scopes21.script gathering modxml_test.script gathering modxml_unbind_h.script gathering modxml_water_pump.script gathering modxml_western_goods.script gathering modxml_zml_presets.script gathering modxml_zzz_rand_text_dialog.script S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly version 1.5.3 using marshal library found script _g in unlocalizers data found variable ini_cache to unlocal 1 divider strip_title strip_attachments strip_weapon divider loot_title loot_description loot_ammo loot_ammo_parts loot_grenades loot_magazines loot_armor_parts loot_weapon_parts loot_misc_title loot_misc_ball_hammer loot_misc_beadspread loot_misc_bolt loot_misc_bolt_bullet loot_misc_boots loot_misc_broken_detector loot_misc_compression_bag loot_misc_cutlery loot_misc_explo_metalcan_powder loot_misc_flashlight_broken loot_misc_gloves loot_misc_guitar_a loot_misc_hand_watch loot_misc_headlamp loot_misc_itm_pda_common loot_misc_itm_pda_rare loot_misc_itm_pda_uncommon loot_misc_itm_sleepbag loot_misc_mirror loot_misc_porn loot_misc_porn2 loot_misc_radio loot_misc_radio2 loot_misc_shovel_mili loot_misc_shovel_old loot_misc_synthrope loot_misc_tarpaulin loot_misc_underwear loot_misc_walkie 2 divider delete_title delete_description delete_body delete_armor delete_weapon delete_misc divider misc_options_title no_valid_tool_messaging usable_armor_part_condition_treshold usable_weapon_part_condition_treshold always_treat_recipe_part_as_usable ~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ @ Modded exes 20241110 feature support (GAMMA: false) - Func get_string_table (added 20240507): true - Context menu colors (added 20240523): true - Mouse wheel scripting (added 20230701): true - Right-click on PDA map (added 20230922): true ~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [MPDA] Milspec PDA v1.14.1 (rel 20241105) began initialization at tg 142829 Loadout Injector: adding item molotov_cocktail, points 125, amount 2, faction stalker;freedom;csky;greh, economy st_econ_1;st_econ_2, to inventory false Loadout Injector: adding item molotov_cocktail, points 125, amount 1, faction stalker;freedom;csky;greh, economy st_econ_3, to inventory false Loadout Injector: adding item molotov_cocktail, points 125, amount 1, faction renegade;bandit, economy all, to inventory true Loadout Injector: adding item detector_anomaly, points 150, amount 1, faction dolg;csky;monolith;bandit;stalker;killer;greh;isg;renegade;army;freedom, economy all, to inventory false Loadout Injector: adding item detector_anomaly, points 150, amount 1, faction ecolog, economy all, to inventory true [Dynavision] build presets list [Dynavision] print presets list [Dynavision] preset table: 0x5ba320b0 [Dynavision] preset table: 0x5b6de038 [Dynavision] preset table: 0x5b6d26f0 [Dynavision] preset table: 0x5b554cd0 [Dynavision] preset table: 0x5b554d38 [Dynavision] preset table: 0x5b4afb08 [Dynavision] preset table: 0x5b55d8a8 [Dynavision] preset table: 0x5b5efb28 found script pda in unlocalizers data Loadout Injector: adding item wpn_thompson_m1a1, points 200, amount 1, faction stalker;csky;renegade;freedom;bandit, economy st_econ_1;st_econ_2, to inventory false found script treasure_manager in unlocalizers data ui_mcm.script monkeypatched by zzzzz_monkey_paw_ui_mcm.script found script item_device in unlocalizers data found script ui_pda_npc_tab in unlocalizers data found script xrs_facer in unlocalizers data found variable facer_sets to unlocal found variable Enabled to unlocal found script actor_effects in unlocalizers data found variable RENDERER to unlocal found variable STATIC_LIGHT to unlocal -----loading a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\system.ltx !!!DLTX ERROR Attemped to override section 'm_scuttler_e', which doesn't exist. Ensure that a base section with the same name is loaded first. Check this file and its DLTX mods: a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\system.ltx, mod file mod_system_respawn_mutant_configs.ltx !!!DLTX ERROR Attemped to override section 'm_fev_e', which doesn't exist. Ensure that a base section with the same name is loaded first. Check this file and its DLTX mods: a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\system.ltx, mod file mod_system_respawn_mutant_configs.ltx !!!DLTX ERROR Attemped to override section 'm_temple_e', which doesn't exist. Ensure that a base section with the same name is loaded first. Check this file and its DLTX mods: a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\system.ltx, mod file mod_system_respawn_mutant_configs.ltx found script item_weapon in unlocalizers data found variable overheat_threshold to unlocal found variable time_quant to unlocal found variable decrease_quant to unlocal found variable max_overheat to unlocal found variable overheat to unlocal found variable smoke to unlocal found variable last_wpn_id to unlocal found script arszi_psy in unlocalizers data found variable psy_table to unlocal found script drx_da_main in unlocalizers data found script bind_anomaly_field in unlocalizers data found script ui_mutant_loot in unlocalizers data found variable clsid_to_section to unlocal found variable clsdbg_to_section to unlocal found script zzz_ea_addon_backpack in unlocalizers data found variable active_slot to unlocal found script experience_ui in unlocalizers data found variable ui_is_opening to unlocal found script grok_remove_belt_duplicates in unlocalizers data found script grok_stashes_on_corpses in unlocalizers data found script smart_terrain_warfare in unlocalizers data Time continual is:13988 SWMtrue found script target_prior in unlocalizers data found variable prior_t to unlocal found variable prior_lab to unlocal found script tasks_agent_rescue in unlocalizers data found script tasks_assault in unlocalizers data found script tasks_bounty in unlocalizers data found script tasks_measure in unlocalizers data found script western_goods_core in unlocalizers data found variable VERSION to unlocal !Found nil option value [xmark/mark_fade] went here went here 2 removed prometheus from spawn <MPDA> item_parts.disassembly_item - clean monkeypatch by zzz_item_parts_milpda.script [MPDA] sim_squad_scripted.sim_squad_scripted.show() - monkeypatch override by zzz_sim_squad_scripted_milpda.script (Milspec PDA) ui_pda_npc_tab: clean monkeypatch of faction lookup and encryption tables by zzz_ui_pda_npc_tab_milpda.script [MPDA][zzzzz_ui_pda_npc_tab_wpnhidefix.script] monkeypatch override of ui_pda_npc_tab.use_view() [MPDA][zzzzzz_ui_pda_npc_tab_mpdaprogressive.script] clean monkeypatch of ui_pda_npc_tab.use_view() Raven CCROSS [2] assigning ammo ammo_20x70_buck recipe 5,recipe_ammo_0,casing_s,1,powder_1,1,bullet_shotgun,1 workshop auto: | 142829 | Recipe ammo_20x70_buck already has an override recipe, returning assigning ammo ammo_23_eco recipe 5,recipe_ammo_2,casing_s,1,powder_1,3,bullet_shotgun_ap,2 assigning ammo ammo_23x75_barrikada recipe 5,recipe_ammo_2,casing_s,1,powder_1,3,bullet_shotgun_ap,2 assigning ammo ammo_23x75_shrapnel recipe 5,recipe_ammo_2,casing_s,1,powder_1,3,bullet_shotgun,2 assigning ammo ammo_338_federal recipe 5,recipe_ammo_2,casing_r7,1,powder_3,3,bullet_r7_ap,1 assigning ammo ammo_9x21_sp10 recipe 5,recipe_ammo_0,casing_p,1,powder_1,3,bullet_pistol_ap,1 [Dynavision] on_game_start [Dynavision MCM] on_game_start faction_expansions.on_game_start: monkeypatch override by zzz_faction_expansions_milpda.script Loaded faction expansion data for dolg color = %c[255,255,50,50] barman = unknown barman barman_name = unknown barman territory = l05_bar guide_name = unknown guide leader_name = bar_voronin_name guide = unknown guide weapon = eastern mechanic = bar_visitors_stalker_mechanic trader_name = bar_kicenko_name pda_topic_mission = table: 0x5deee480 medic_name = bar_dolg_medic_name pda_topic = table: 0x5deee120 trader = bar_dolg_general_petrenko_stalker leader = bar_dolg_leader type = troop medic = bar_dolg_medic level_presence = table: 0x5deee050 mechanic_name = bar_visitors_stalker_mechanic_name Loaded faction expansion data for csky color = %c[255,100,255,255] barman = mar_base_stalker_barmen barman_name = mar_base_stalker_barmen_name territory = k00_marsh guide_name = cit_doctor_name leader_name = mar_smart_terrain_base_stalker_leader_marsh_name guide = guid_marsh_mlr weapon = all mechanic = mar_base_stalker_tech trader_name = mar_base_owl_stalker_trader_name pda_topic_mission = table: 0x5def0af0 medic_name = mar_smart_terrain_base_doctor_name pda_topic = table: 0x5def06b0 trader = mar_base_owl_stalker_trader leader = mar_smart_terrain_base_stalker_leader_marsh type = scientist medic = mar_smart_terrain_base_doctor level_presence = table: 0x5def0688 mechanic_name = mar_base_stalker_tech_name Loaded faction expansion data for monolith color = %c[255,255,255,255] barman = unknown barman barman_name = unknown barman territory = l12_stancia guide_name = unknown guide leader_name = lider_monolith_haron_name guide = unknown guide weapon = all mechanic = pri_monolith_monolith_mechanic_stalker trader_name = pri_monolith_monolith_trader_stalker_name pda_topic_mission = table: 0x5def3198 medic_name = unknown medic pda_topic = table: 0x5def2d90 trader = pri_monolith_monolith_trader_stalker leader = lider_monolith_haron type = troop medic = unknown medic level_presence = table: 0x5def2d68 mechanic_name = pri_monolith_monolith_mechanic_stalker_name Loaded faction expansion data for ecolog color = %c[255,100,150,100] barman = yan_povar_army_mlr barman_name = yan_povar_army_mlr_name territory = l08_yantar guide_name = unknown guide leader_name = yan_st_sakharov_name guide = unknown guide weapon = all mechanic = mechanic_army_yan_mlr trader_name = jup_b6_scientist_nuclear_physicist pda_topic_mission = table: 0x5def55a8 medic_name = unknown medic pda_topic = table: 0x5def5228 trader = jup_b6_scientist_nuclear_physicist leader = yan_stalker_sakharov type = scientist medic = unknown medic level_presence = table: 0x5def5200 mechanic_name = mechanic_army_yan_mlr_name Loaded faction expansion data for bandit color = %c[255,150,100,0] barman = unknown barman barman_name = unknown barman territory = l04_darkvalley guide_name = unknown guide leader_name = st_zat_b7_bandit_boss_sultan_name guide = unknown guide weapon = all mechanic = val_smart_terrain_7_3_bandit_mechanic_stalker trader_name = val_smart_terrain_7_4_bandit_trader_stalker_name pda_topic_mission = table: 0x5def7a58 medic_name = unknown medic pda_topic = table: 0x5def7678 trader = val_smart_terrain_7_4_bandit_trader_stalker leader = zat_b7_bandit_boss_sultan type = group medic = bandit_main_base_medic_mlr level_presence = table: 0x5def7650 mechanic_name = val_smart_terrain_7_3_bandit_mechanic_stalker_name Loaded faction expansion data for stalker color = %c[255,255,255,255] barman = bar_visitors_barman_stalker_trader barman_name = bar_barmen_name territory = l01_escape guide_name = guid_bar_stalker_navigator_name leader_name = escape_trader_name guide = guid_bar_stalker_navigator weapon = all mechanic = zat_a2_stalker_mechanic trader_name = escape_trader_name pda_topic_mission = table: 0x5def9f58 medic_name = unknown medic pda_topic = table: 0x5def9c60 trader = esc_m_trader leader = esc_m_trader type = group medic = unknown medic level_presence = table: 0x5def9c38 mechanic_name = zat_a2_stalker_mechanic_name Loaded faction expansion data for killer color = %c[255,50,255,50] barman = cit_killers_merc_barman_mlr barman_name = cit_killers_merc_barman_mlr_name territory = l09_deadcity guide_name = ds_killer_guide_main_base_name leader_name = cit_killers_merc_trader_stalker_name guide = ds_killer_guide_main_base weapon = all mechanic = cit_killers_merc_mechanic_stalker trader_name = cit_killers_merc_trader_stalker_name pda_topic_mission = table: 0x5defc3f8 medic_name = cit_killers_merc_medic_stalker_name pda_topic = table: 0x5defc040 trader = cit_killers_merc_trader_stalker leader = cit_killers_merc_trader_stalker type = group medic = cit_killers_merc_medic_stalker level_presence = table: 0x5defc018 mechanic_name = cit_killers_merc_mechanic_stalker_name Loaded faction expansion data for greh color = %c[255,200,92,140] barman = unknown barman barman_name = unknown barman territory = l10_red_forest guide_name = unknown guide leader_name = red_greh_trader_name guide = unknown guide weapon = all mechanic = red_greh_tech trader_name = red_greh_trader_name pda_topic_mission = table: 0x5defe9c8 medic_name = unknown medic pda_topic = table: 0x5defe648 trader = red_greh_trader leader = red_greh_trader type = troop medic = unknown medic level_presence = table: 0x5defe620 mechanic_name = red_greh_tech_name Loaded faction expansion data for renegade color = %c[255,150,100,0] barman = unknown barman barman_name = unknown barman territory = k00_marsh guide_name = unknown guide leader_name = st_zat_b7_bandit_boss_sultan_name guide = unknown guide weapon = all mechanic = val_smart_terrain_7_3_bandit_mechanic_stalker trader_name = val_smart_terrain_7_4_bandit_trader_stalker_name pda_topic_mission = table: 0x5df00b78 medic_name = unknown medic pda_topic = table: 0x5df008c0 trader = val_smart_terrain_7_4_bandit_trader_stalker leader = zat_b7_bandit_boss_sultan type = group medic = bandit_main_base_medic_mlr level_presence = table: 0x5df00898 mechanic_name = val_smart_terrain_7_3_bandit_mechanic_stalker_name Loaded faction expansion data for isg color = %c[255,192,110,100] medic_name = unknown medic barman_name = unknown barman guide_name = unknown guide leader_name = ds_domik_isg_leader_name guide = unknown guide weapon = nato mechanic = jup_depo_isg_tech trader_name = ds_domik_isg_leader_name pda_topic_mission = table: 0x5df02c08 level_presence = table: 0x5df028c0 leader = ds_domik_isg_leader trader = ds_domik_isg_leader medic = unknown medic type = troop barman = unknown barman pda_topic = table: 0x5df028e8 mechanic_name = jup_depo_isg_tech_name Loaded faction expansion data for army color = %c[255,200,255,100] barman = agr_1_6_barman_army_mlr barman_name = agr_1_6_barman_army_mlr_name territory = l03_agroprom guide_name = unknown guide leader_name = agr_kuznetsov_name guide = unknown guide weapon = eastern mechanic = agr_smart_terrain_1_6_army_mechanic_stalker trader_name = agr_smart_terrain_1_6_army_trader_stalker_name pda_topic_mission = table: 0x5df04d40 medic_name = agr_1_6_medic_army_mlr_name pda_topic = table: 0x5df049c0 trader = agr_smart_terrain_1_6_army_trader_stalker leader = agr_smart_terrain_1_6_near_2_military_colonel_kovalski type = troop medic = agr_1_6_medic_army_mlr level_presence = table: 0x5df04998 mechanic_name = agr_smart_terrain_1_6_army_mechanic_stalker_name Loaded faction expansion data for freedom color = %c[255,50,255,50] barman = mil_freedom_barman_mlr barman_name = st_mil_freedom_barman_mlr_name territory = l07_military guide_name = mil_freedom_guid_name leader_name = mil_freedom_leader_name guide = mil_freedom_guid weapon = nato mechanic = mil_smart_terrain_7_7_freedom_mechanic_stalker trader_name = mil_Svoboda_trader_name pda_topic_mission = table: 0x5df07220 medic_name = st_mil_freedom_medic_name pda_topic = table: 0x5df06ea0 trader = mil_smart_terrain_7_10_freedom_trader_stalker leader = mil_smart_terrain_7_7_freedom_leader_stalker type = troop medic = mil_freedom_medic level_presence = table: 0x5df06e78 mechanic_name = mil_Svoboda_engineer_name inject_stats !Found nil option value [milpda/milpdagen/kiltrak] Pinup load ini 762 810 869 915 [ITsPorkys Auto Run Addon] - Addon enabled... # Loading ini: misc\smart_profiles.ltx !Found nil option value [ultimate_backpacks_settings/carry_limit_multiplier] !Found nil option value [ultimate_backpacks_settings/carry_weight_multiplier] !Found nil option value [ultimate_backpacks_settings/use_faction_backpacks] end setup * phase time: 7583 ms * phase cmem: 1287698 K * phase time: 102 ms * phase cmem: 1287694 K Disassemble All Items: Sorting Plus mod found Disassemble All Items: saved items found loading mdata * Loading spawn registry... [PP] a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\patrol_paths.ltx initialized [PP] Done reading patrol paths from configs * 21648 spawn points are successfully loaded * Loading objects... * 55492 objects are successfully loaded DXML is patching mapspots for Milspec PDA in ui\map_spots_16.xml there is no configuration file [scripts\garbage\baraholka_logic_recruiter_bandit.ltx] ~ Story Objects | Multiple objects trying to use same story_id labx16_zombie_19 ~ Story Objects | Multiple objects trying to use same story_id yan_tonnel_zombied_2 * Game vitali's pc - quicksave_3 is successfully loaded from file 'a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\appdata\savedgames\vitali's pc - quicksave_3.scop' (1.376s) * phase time: 1375 ms * phase cmem: 1558975 K * phase time: 129 ms * phase cmem: 1559236 K * phase time: 135 ms * phase cmem: 1559236 K * client : connection accepted - <All Ok> * phase time: 147 ms * phase cmem: 1559271 K * phase time: 123 ms * phase cmem: 1559272 K * phase time: 1324 ms * phase cmem: 1728216 K * phase time: 170 ms * phase cmem: 1737547 K * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65528 verts, 2047 Kb [2] * [Loading VB] 65529 verts, 2047 Kb [2] * [Loading VB] 65374 verts, 2042 Kb * [Loading VB] 3986 verts, 124 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65532 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65527 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65529 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65527 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb [3] * [Loading VB] 65528 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 20062 verts, 626 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 42958 verts, 1342 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb [12] * [Loading IB] 110676 indices, 216 Kb * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb [2] * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 767 Kb [2] * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb [2] * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb [2] * [Loading VB] 40154 verts, 470 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb [6] * [Loading IB] 212994 indices, 416 Kb * phase time: 176 ms * phase cmem: 1738014 K * phase time: 137 ms * phase cmem: 1746293 K * [DETAILS] VertexConsts(256), Batch(61) * [DETAILS] 29951 v(20), 20984 p * [DETAILS] Batch(61), VB(584K), IB(122K) * phase time: 134 ms * phase cmem: 1748570 K * Loading HOM: a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\levels\l02_garbage\level.hom * phase time: 128 ms * phase cmem: 1748735 K * phase time: 126 ms * phase cmem: 1748735 K * phase time: 127 ms * phase cmem: 1748737 K CResourceManager::DeferredUpload -> START, size = 2737 ! Fallback to default bump map: crete\crete_beton_03_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: build_details_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: crete\crete_beton_03_bump texture loading time: 324 * t-report - base: 2727, 3051091 K * t-report - lmap: 10, 10241 K * phase time: 1119 ms * phase cmem: 1828988 K * phase time: 243 ms * phase cmem: 1829203 K * [x-ray]: Full Memory Stats * [win32]: free[137426429064 K], reserved[5037380 K], committed[7486964 K] * [ D3D ]: textures[3396705 K] * [x-ray]: process heap[1829203 K] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[443490 K], smem[116056 K] Time continual is:28692 !ERROR set_save_marker:actor_binder: INCORRECT LOAD dif=38504 c_dif=0 inject_stats [2] ~ Invalid syntax in call to 'g_dispersion_factor' ~ Valid arguments: float value in range [0.100,10.000] --- Loading TBs_RF_Receiver_Hidden_Package_Sidequests_v1.8 --- category: processing encyclopedia_addons article: processing article_opo article: processing articles_wpo [WG] Western Goods version 3.1.0 category: processing encyclopedia_addons article: processing article_opo article: processing articles_wpo [Artefinder Monkeys] Original value: 60 | New value: 75 [Artefinder Monkeys] Original value: 80 | New value: 95 [Artefinder Monkeys] Original value: 30 | New value: 45 [Artefinder Monkeys] Original value: 80 | New value: 95 [2] [Artefinder Monkeys] Original value: 60 | New value: 75 [Artefinder Monkeys] Original value: 80 | New value: 95 [Artefinder Monkeys] Original value: 30 | New value: 45 [Artefinder Monkeys] Original value: 80 | New value: 95 [2] [Artefinder Monkeys] Original value: 35 | New value: 50 [Artefinder Monkeys] Original value: 40 | New value: 55 [Artefinder Monkeys] Original value: 50 | New value: 65 [Artefinder Monkeys] Original value: 30 | New value: 45 New Base Rare Stash Task Amt: 4 GhenTuong: xr_logic_ex | old logic [stalker_danylo_chernenko33280] nil nil GhenTuong: xr_logic_ex | new logic [stalker_danylo_chernenko33280] scripts\western_goods_danylo_chernenko.ltx logic@danylo_chernenko beh@flea_sit ! Can't find texture 'act\watchmen\eye' ! Can't find texture 'act\watchmen\watchmen' [RPG - Player When Hit] LW Dodge Chance: 24 % GhenTuong: xr_logic_ex | old logic [stalker_oleksandr_chernenko22800] nil nil GhenTuong: xr_logic_ex | new logic [stalker_oleksandr_chernenko22800] scripts\western_goods_oleksandr_chernenko.ltx logic@western_goods_oleksandr_chernenko beh@stand Weapon 4: wpn_toz34_obrez [RPG - Player When Hit] LW Dodge Chance: 24 % ! Fallback to default bump map: item\item_diolator_anomalous_bump# Weapon 2: wpn_bcm458socom_ac10632 Weapon 4: wpn_toz34_obrez [RPG - Player When Hit] LW Dodge Chance: 24 % Weapon 2: wpn_bcm458socom_ac10632 Weapon 4: wpn_toz34_obrez [RPG - Player When Hit] LW Dodge Chance: 24 % ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\beretta_92x\beretta_92x_base_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\beretta_92x\beretta_92x_brake_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\beretta_92x\beretta_92x_mag_base_bump# Weapon 2: wpn_bcm458socom_ac10632 Weapon 4: wpn_toz34_obrez [RPG - Player When Hit] LW Dodge Chance: 24 % ! Fallback to default bump map: item\item_diolator_radio_bump# Weapon 2: wpn_bcm458socom_ac10632 Weapon 4: wpn_toz34_obrez [RPG - Player When Hit] LW Dodge Chance: 24 % Weapon 1: wpn_gauss2a Weapon 2: wpn_bcm458socom_ac10632 Weapon 4: wpn_toz34_obrez [RPG - Player When Hit] LW Dodge Chance: 24 % DX10: Shader 'models\xglass' not found in library. SWMtrue [2] Weapon 1: wpn_gauss2a Weapon 2: wpn_bcm458socom_ac10632 Weapon 4: wpn_toz34_obrez [RPG - Player When Hit] LW Dodge Chance: 0 % Weapon 1: wpn_gauss2a Weapon 2: wpn_bcm458socom_ac10632 Weapon 4: wpn_toz34_obrez Weapon 1: wpn_gauss2a Weapon 2: wpn_bcm458socom_ac10632 Weapon 4: wpn_toz34_obrez [RPG - Player When Hit] LW Dodge Chance: 0 % ! Fallback to default bump map: act\tarakan\tarakan_bump# Weapon 1: wpn_gauss2a Weapon 2: wpn_bcm458socom_ac10632 Weapon 4: wpn_toz34_obrez [RPG - Player When Hit] LW Dodge Chance: 0 % ! Fallback to default bump map: act\watchman\act_eyeball_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: act\watchman\watchman_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\wpn_blaster2019\lewd_blaster_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\ksuper_j\tex_ksuper_j_main_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\ksuper_j\tex_ksuper_j_attachments_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\p50_j\tex_p50_j_2_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\p50_j\tex_p50_j_1_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: act\krisa\krisa_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\g11_j\tex_g11_j_main_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\hardballer\tex_hardballer_suppressor_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\hardballer\tex_hardballer_main_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: act\yozhik\yozhik_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: detail\detail_metal_clean_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\honeybadger_j\tex_honeyb_main_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\honeybadger_j\tex_honeyb_sightsu_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\honeybadger_j\tex_honeyb_sightsd_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\garand_j\tex_garand_j_main_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\garand_j\tex_garand_j_bullets_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\rgd2\tex_rgd2_main_bump# Вылетел без видимых причин просто бежал в тумане аки еж Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Босс 3 186 Опубликовано 28 ноября, 2024 ragnaser в логе ничего криминального нет и он как-то резко обрывается. 1 Правки для модов - нажми на гифку Мой канал на Ютубе и в Телеграмме: Эскапизм ТМ Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
ragnaser 6 Опубликовано 30 ноября, 2024 Спойлер * Detected CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 7700X 8-Core Processor [AuthenticAMD], F15/M1/S2, 4489.00 mhz, 27-clk 'rdtsc' * CPU features: RDTSC, MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, HTT * CPU cores/threads: 8/16 Found commandline file! Initializing File System... using fs-ltx ../fsgame.ltx File System Ready... FS: 143954 files cached 301 archives, 35944Kb memory used. Init FileSystem 5.391641 sec 'xrCore' build 9408, Nov 10 2024 Modded exes version 20241110 Game started: 30.11.2024 16:42:52.740 -----loading a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\system.ltx !!!DLTX ERROR Attemped to override section 'm_scuttler_e', which doesn't exist. Ensure that a base section with the same name is loaded first. Check this file and its DLTX mods: a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\system.ltx, mod file mod_system_respawn_mutant_configs.ltx !!!DLTX ERROR Attemped to override section 'm_fev_e', which doesn't exist. Ensure that a base section with the same name is loaded first. Check this file and its DLTX mods: a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\system.ltx, mod file mod_system_respawn_mutant_configs.ltx !!!DLTX ERROR Attemped to override section 'm_temple_e', which doesn't exist. Ensure that a base section with the same name is loaded first. Check this file and its DLTX mods: a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\system.ltx, mod file mod_system_respawn_mutant_configs.ltx -----loading a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\system.ltx !!!DLTX ERROR Attemped to override section 'm_scuttler_e', which doesn't exist. Ensure that a base section with the same name is loaded first. Check this file and its DLTX mods: a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\system.ltx, mod file mod_system_respawn_mutant_configs.ltx !!!DLTX ERROR Attemped to override section 'm_fev_e', which doesn't exist. Ensure that a base section with the same name is loaded first. Check this file and its DLTX mods: a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\system.ltx, mod file mod_system_respawn_mutant_configs.ltx !!!DLTX ERROR Attemped to override section 'm_temple_e', which doesn't exist. Ensure that a base section with the same name is loaded first. Check this file and its DLTX mods: a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\system.ltx, mod file mod_system_respawn_mutant_configs.ltx X-Ray Monolith v1.5.3 gamedata: 'anims\mine_orange.ppe' gamedata: 'anims\radiation.ppe' gamedata: 'configs\ai_tweaks\ai_tweaks.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ai_tweaks\xr_danger.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ai_tweaks\xr_eat_medkit.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ai_tweaks\xr_weapon_jam.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ai_tweaks\xrs_facer.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ai_tweaks\xrs_kill_wounded.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ambient_channels\backgrounds.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ambient_channels\blowout_channels.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ambients.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ambients\escape.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ambients\garbage.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ambients\jupiter.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ambients\k00_marsh.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ambients\k01_darkscape.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ambients\k02_trucks_cemetery.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ambients\l01_escape.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ambients\l02_garbage.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ambients\l03_agroprom.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ambients\l04_darkvalley.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ambients\l05_bar.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ambients\l06_rostok.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ambients\l07_military.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ambients\l08_yantar.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ambients\l09_deadcity.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ambients\l10_limansk.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ambients\l10_radar.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ambients\l10_red_forest.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ambients\l11_hospital.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ambients\l11_pripyat.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ambients\l12_stancia.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ambients\l12_stancia_2.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ambients\l13_generators.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ambients\marsh.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ambients\presets\environment_cemetary.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ambients\presets\environment_darkscape.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ambients\presets\environment_field.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ambients\presets\environment_forest.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ambients\presets\environment_garbage.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ambients\presets\environment_generators.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ambients\presets\environment_hospital.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ambients\presets\environment_jupiter.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ambients\presets\environment_npp.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ambients\presets\environment_pripyat.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ambients\presets\environment_pripyat_outskirts.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ambients\presets\environment_rostok.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ambients\presets\environment_rostok_wild.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ambients\presets\environment_swamp.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ambients\presets\environment_underground.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ambients\presets\environment_underground_more.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ambients\presets\environment_underground_x18.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ambients\presets\environment_urban.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ambients\presets\environment_whisper.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ambients\presets\environment_yantar.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ambients\presets\environment_zaton.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ambients\pripyat.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ambients\stancia_2.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ambients\yantar.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ambients\zaton.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ammo\ammo_.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ammo\ammo_bas.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ammo\ammo_grenades.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ammo\ammo_other.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ammo\ammo_pistol.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ammo\ammo_revolver_magnum.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ammo\ammo_rifle.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ammo\ammo_shotgun.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ammo\ammo_sniper.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ammo\importer.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\ammo\sounds.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\axr_options.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\cache_dbg.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\cam_position.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\creatures\m_stalker.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\creatures\spawn_sections_general.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\drx\drx_da_config.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\dynavision\default\general.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\environment\ambient_channels\backgrounds.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\environment\ambient_channels\blowout_channels.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\environment\ambients.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\environment\ambients\bunker_a1.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\environment\ambients\collaider.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\environment\ambients\escape.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\environment\ambients\garbage.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\environment\ambients\grimwood.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\environment\ambients\jupiter.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\environment\ambients\jupiter_underground.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\environment\ambients\k00_marsh.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\environment\ambients\k01_darkscape.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\environment\ambients\k02_trucks_cemetery.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\environment\ambients\l01_escape.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\environment\ambients\l02_garbage.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\environment\ambients\l03_agroprom.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\environment\ambients\l03u_agr_underground.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\environment\ambients\l04_darkvalley.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\environment\ambients\l04u_labx18.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\environment\ambients\l05_bar.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\environment\ambients\l06_rostok.ltx' gamedata: 'configs\environment\ambients\l07_military.ltx' gamedata: ... 135109 more ... Initializing Engine... Starting INPUT device... Loading DLL: xrRender_R4.dll Available render modes[1]: [renderer_r4] command line "a:\games\anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7\anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7\bin\anomalydx11avx.exe" -smap2048 Executing config-script "user.ltx"... [a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\appdata\user.ltx] successfully loaded. Loading DLL: xrRender_R4.dll Loading DLL: xrGame.dll * [x-ray]: Full Memory Stats * [win32]: free[137433945476 K], reserved[4474812 K], committed[533120 K] * [ D3D ]: textures[0 K] * [x-ray]: process heap[247889 K] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[373216 K], smem[0 K] SOUND: OpenAL: enumerate devices... SOUND: OpenAL: EnumerationExtension Present dir[1]=A:\Games\Anomaly 1.5.3 + BOSSPACK v1.7\Anomaly 1.5.3 + BOSSPACK v1.7\bin\ dir[2]=A:\Games\Anomaly 1.5.3 + BOSSPACK v1.7\Anomaly 1.5.3 + BOSSPACK v1.7\bin\ dir[3]=C:\Windows\system32\ CleanDeviceSpecifierList CleanDeviceSpecifierList OpenAL Soft devices OpenAL Soft SOUND: OpenAL: system default SndDevice name is SOUND: OpenAL: All available devices: 1. OpenAL Soft, Spec Version 1.1 eax[0] efx[no] xram[no] Executing config-script "a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\default_controls.ltx"... [a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\default_controls.ltx] successfully loaded. Executing config-script "user.ltx"... Executing config-script "a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\rspec_default.ltx"... [a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\rspec_default.ltx] successfully loaded. Executing config-script "a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\default_controls.ltx"... [a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\default_controls.ltx] successfully loaded. [a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\appdata\user.ltx] successfully loaded. SOUND: Selected device is OpenAL Soft * sound: EAX 2.0 extension: absent * sound: EAX 2.0 deferred: absent * sound : cache: 524296 kb, 38848 lines, 13820 bpl Starting RENDER device... * GPU [vendor:1002]-[device:73FF]: AMD Radeon RX 6600 * CREATE: DeviceREF: 3 * Texture memory: 8120 M * GPU shading: vs(0/4.0/40), ps(0/4.0/40) * GPU vertex cache: unrecognized, 24 * NVAPI is missing. * Starting rendering as 2-GPU. * DVB created: 4096K * DIB created: 512K * HWDST/PCF supported and used * Managed textures disabled - Supports SSS UPDATE 21 - SSS CORE INSTALLED 1 - SSS HUD RAINDROPS SHADER INSTALLED 1 - SSS RAIN SHADER INSTALLED 1 - SSS BLOOD SHADER INSTALLED 1 - SSS BRANCHES SHADER INSTALLED 1 - SSS SSR SHADER INSTALLED 1 - SSS TERRAIN SHADER INSTALLED 1 - SSS VOLUMETRIC SHADER INSTALLED 1 - SSS WATER SHADER INSTALLED 0 - SSS AO SHADER INSTALLED 1 - SSS IL SHADER INSTALLED 1 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 30, correct size = 31 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 25, correct size = 26 DX10: a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\shaders\r3\ssfx_water_blur.ps is missing. Replace with stub_default.ps DX10: a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\shaders\r3\ssfx_water_noblur.ps is missing. Replace with stub_default.ps DX10: a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\shaders\r3\ssfx_water_waves.ps is missing. Replace with stub_default.ps DX10: Shader 'ssfx_water_ssr' not found in library. THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 40, correct size = 39 DX10: Shader 'ssfx_water' not found in library. THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 40, correct size = 37 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 35, correct size = 38 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 33, correct size = 28 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 30, correct size = 35 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 35, correct size = 33 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 33, correct size = 34 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 36, correct size = 38 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 44, correct size = 54 [3] THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 44, correct size = 38 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 29, correct size = 28 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 29, correct size = 32 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 47, correct size = 36 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 33, correct size = 44 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 33, correct size = 47 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 33, correct size = 41 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 33, correct size = 37 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 33, correct size = 50 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 33, correct size = 51 THM chunk 2070 fixed, wrong size = 28, correct size = 5 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 34, correct size = 38 THM chunk 2070 fixed, wrong size = 29, correct size = 5 THM chunk 2070 fixed, wrong size = 28, correct size = 5 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 40, correct size = 39 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 40, correct size = 32 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 52, correct size = 39 [2] THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 40, correct size = 48 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 40, correct size = 37 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 40, correct size = 45 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 40, correct size = 34 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 40, correct size = 38 [14] THM chunk 2070 fixed, wrong size = 32, correct size = 5 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 32, correct size = 5 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 34, correct size = 37 THM chunk 2070 fixed, wrong size = 32, correct size = 5 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 32, correct size = 5 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 34, correct size = 39 THM chunk 2070 fixed, wrong size = 30, correct size = 5 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 30, correct size = 5 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 29, correct size = 31 THM chunk 2070 fixed, wrong size = 30, correct size = 5 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 30, correct size = 5 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 29, correct size = 31 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 31, correct size = 33 [2] THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 32, correct size = 30 THM chunk 2070 fixed, wrong size = 32, correct size = 5 THM chunk 2070 fixed, wrong size = 33, correct size = 5 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 33, correct size = 5 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 33, correct size = 32 THM chunk 2070 fixed, wrong size = 33, correct size = 5 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 33, correct size = 5 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 33, correct size = 32 THM chunk 2070 fixed, wrong size = 33, correct size = 5 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 33, correct size = 5 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 33, correct size = 32 THM chunk 2070 fixed, wrong size = 33, correct size = 5 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 33, correct size = 5 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 33, correct size = 32 THM chunk 2070 fixed, wrong size = 33, correct size = 5 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 33, correct size = 5 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 33, correct size = 32 THM chunk 2070 fixed, wrong size = 33, correct size = 5 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 33, correct size = 5 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 33, correct size = 32 THM chunk 2070 fixed, wrong size = 33, correct size = 5 [2] THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 33, correct size = 5 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 33, correct size = 32 THM chunk 2070 fixed, wrong size = 30, correct size = 5 [6] THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 30, correct size = 5 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 28, correct size = 30 THM chunk 2070 fixed, wrong size = 30, correct size = 5 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 30, correct size = 5 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 28, correct size = 30 THM chunk 2070 fixed, wrong size = 32, correct size = 5 THM chunk 2070 fixed, wrong size = 30, correct size = 5 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 32, correct size = 39 THM chunk 2070 fixed, wrong size = 30, correct size = 5 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 36, correct size = 35 THM chunk 2070 fixed, wrong size = 32, correct size = 5 [2] THM chunk 2070 fixed, wrong size = 29, correct size = 5 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 29, correct size = 5 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 32, correct size = 33 THM chunk 2070 fixed, wrong size = 29, correct size = 5 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 29, correct size = 5 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 32, correct size = 34 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 35, correct size = 31 THM chunk 2070 fixed, wrong size = 28, correct size = 5 [2] THM chunk 2070 fixed, wrong size = 29, correct size = 5 [2] THM chunk 2070 fixed, wrong size = 30, correct size = 5 [6] THM chunk 2070 fixed, wrong size = 31, correct size = 5 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 41, correct size = 34 THM chunk 2070 fixed, wrong size = 28, correct size = 5 THM chunk 2070 fixed, wrong size = 35, correct size = 42 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 35, correct size = 42 THM chunk 2070 fixed, wrong size = 35, correct size = 46 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 35, correct size = 46 THM chunk 2070 fixed, wrong size = 35, correct size = 42 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 35, correct size = 42 THM chunk 2070 fixed, wrong size = 35, correct size = 34 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 35, correct size = 34 THM chunk 2070 fixed, wrong size = 35, correct size = 34 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 35, correct size = 34 THM chunk 2070 fixed, wrong size = 35, correct size = 36 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 35, correct size = 36 THM chunk 2070 fixed, wrong size = 35, correct size = 39 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 35, correct size = 39 THM chunk 2070 fixed, wrong size = 35, correct size = 40 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 35, correct size = 40 THM chunk 2070 fixed, wrong size = 39, correct size = 34 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 39, correct size = 34 THM chunk 2070 fixed, wrong size = 39, correct size = 35 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 39, correct size = 35 THM chunk 2070 fixed, wrong size = 39, correct size = 35 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 39, correct size = 35 THM chunk 2070 fixed, wrong size = 39, correct size = 35 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 39, correct size = 35 THM chunk 2070 fixed, wrong size = 39, correct size = 36 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 39, correct size = 36 THM chunk 2070 fixed, wrong size = 35, correct size = 36 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 35, correct size = 36 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 39, correct size = 35 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 33, correct size = 32 [2] THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 26, correct size = 29 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 36, correct size = 35 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 30, correct size = 35 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 26, correct size = 27 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 40, correct size = 39 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 40, correct size = 29 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 40, correct size = 33 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 30, correct size = 29 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 40, correct size = 27 [2] THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 29, correct size = 35 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 29, correct size = 41 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 40, correct size = 35 THM chunk 2073 fixed, wrong size = 25, correct size = 24 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 40, correct size = 25 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 40, correct size = 27 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 30, correct size = 31 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 30, correct size = 29 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 36, correct size = 42 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 40, correct size = 41 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 42, correct size = 44 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 24, correct size = 40 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 32, correct size = 38 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 52, correct size = 47 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 40, correct size = 35 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 40, correct size = 33 [2] THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 40, correct size = 43 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 40, correct size = 48 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 29, correct size = 30 THM chunk 2073 fixed, wrong size = 22, correct size = 27 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 61, correct size = 35 THM chunk 2073 fixed, wrong size = 28, correct size = 27 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 27, correct size = 31 [2] THM chunk 2073 fixed, wrong size = 23, correct size = 28 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 40, correct size = 33 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 61, correct size = 35 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 40, correct size = 37 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 27, correct size = 28 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 40, correct size = 45 THM chunk 2069 fixed, wrong size = 38, correct size = 47 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 38, correct size = 47 THM chunk 2073 fixed, wrong size = 38, correct size = 47 THM chunk 2069 fixed, wrong size = 41, correct size = 50 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 41, correct size = 50 THM chunk 2073 fixed, wrong size = 41, correct size = 50 THM chunk 2073 fixed, wrong size = 19, correct size = 33 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 40, correct size = 43 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 40, correct size = 34 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 29, correct size = 32 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 28, correct size = 41 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 40, correct size = 36 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 40, correct size = 30 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 40, correct size = 35 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 40, correct size = 32 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 40, correct size = 35 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 29, correct size = 32 THM chunk 2073 fixed, wrong size = 21, correct size = 24 THM chunk 2073 fixed, wrong size = 21, correct size = 33 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 22, correct size = 32 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 30, correct size = 40 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 23, correct size = 33 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 21, correct size = 38 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 21, correct size = 39 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 32, correct size = 42 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 29, correct size = 39 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 35, correct size = 40 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 21, correct size = 31 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 19, correct size = 29 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 21, correct size = 31 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 22, correct size = 32 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 26, correct size = 36 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 24, correct size = 34 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 27, correct size = 37 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 21, correct size = 31 [2] DX10: Shader 'la_shaders\ufp_blend' not found in library. [6] opening file a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\unlocalizers\milpda_ui_pda_npc_tab_factions.ltx creating unlocalizer for script ui_pda_npc_tab adding variable faction_encyption for unlocalizer for script ui_pda_npc_tab adding variable faction_lookup for unlocalizer for script ui_pda_npc_tab opening file a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\unlocalizers\new_levels_patches.ltx creating unlocalizer for script bind_anomaly_field adding variable pAno_maps for unlocalizer for script bind_anomaly_field creating unlocalizer for script pda adding variable primary_objects_tbl for unlocalizer for script pda creating unlocalizer for script smart_terrain_warfare adding variable monster_level_capacity for unlocalizer for script smart_terrain_warfare creating unlocalizer for script target_prior adding variable prior_lab for unlocalizer for script target_prior adding variable prior_t for unlocalizer for script target_prior creating unlocalizer for script tasks_agent_rescue adding variable blacklisted_maps for unlocalizer for script tasks_agent_rescue creating unlocalizer for script tasks_assault adding variable blacklisted_maps for unlocalizer for script tasks_assault creating unlocalizer for script tasks_bounty adding variable blacklisted_maps for unlocalizer for script tasks_bounty creating unlocalizer for script tasks_measure adding variable blacklisted_maps for unlocalizer for script tasks_measure creating unlocalizer for script toxic_air adding variable toxic_dmg for unlocalizer for script toxic_air creating unlocalizer for script treasure_manager adding variable blacklisted_maps for unlocalizer for script treasure_manager adding variable map_tiers for unlocalizer for script treasure_manager opening file a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\unlocalizers\unlocalize_artefinder.ltx creating unlocalizer for script drx_da_main adding variable load_defaults for unlocalizer for script drx_da_main adding variable load_settings for unlocalizer for script drx_da_main adding variable settings for unlocalizer for script drx_da_main opening file a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\unlocalizers\unlocalize_cxv_mutant_loot.ltx creating unlocalizer for script ui_mutant_loot adding variable clsdbg_to_section for unlocalizer for script ui_mutant_loot adding variable clsid_to_section for unlocalizer for script ui_mutant_loot adding variable item_prop_table for unlocalizer for script ui_mutant_loot opening file a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\unlocalizers\unlocalize_experience_ui.ltx creating unlocalizer for script experience_ui adding variable ui_is_opening for unlocalizer for script experience_ui opening file a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\unlocalizers\unlocalize_fun_allowed.ltx creating unlocalizer for script grok_remove_belt_duplicates adding variable categories for unlocalizer for script grok_remove_belt_duplicates opening file a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\unlocalizers\unlocalize_local_looting.ltx creating unlocalizer for script grok_stashes_on_corpses adding variable SETTINGS for unlocalizer for script grok_stashes_on_corpses adding variable _used_corpses for unlocalizer for script grok_stashes_on_corpses adding variable dbg_items for unlocalizer for script treasure_manager adding variable item_list for unlocalizer for script treasure_manager adding variable map_tiers for unlocalizer for script treasure_manager adding variable stash_common for unlocalizer for script treasure_manager adding variable stash_rare for unlocalizer for script treasure_manager adding variable tools_map_tiers for unlocalizer for script treasure_manager opening file a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\unlocalizers\unlocalizer_experience_framework.ltx adding variable distance_tbl for unlocalizer for script pda adding variable primary_objects_tbl for unlocalizer for script pda opening file a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\unlocalizers\unlocalizer_geiger_clicks.ltx creating unlocalizer for script actor_effects adding variable opt for unlocalizer for script actor_effects creating unlocalizer for script grok_actor_damage_balancer adding variable difficulty_multiplier for unlocalizer for script grok_actor_damage_balancer adding variable gameplay for unlocalizer for script grok_actor_damage_balancer creating unlocalizer for script item_device adding variable on_anomaly_touch for unlocalizer for script item_device opening file a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\unlocalizers\unlocalizer_lam.ltx creating unlocalizer for script zzz_ea_addon_backpack adding variable active_slot for unlocalizer for script zzz_ea_addon_backpack adding variable anim_enabled for unlocalizer for script zzz_ea_addon_backpack adding variable backpack_open_flag for unlocalizer for script zzz_ea_addon_backpack opening file a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\unlocalizers\unlocalizer_mag_check.ltx creating unlocalizer for script ammo_check_mcm adding variable busy_hands_fix for unlocalizer for script ammo_check_mcm opening file a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\unlocalizers\unlocalizer_modded_exes_global.ltx creating unlocalizer for script _g adding variable ini_cache for unlocalizer for script _g opening file a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\unlocalizers\unlocalizer_modded_exes_item_device_script_fixes.ltx adding variable on_anomaly_touch for unlocalizer for script item_device opening file a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\unlocalizers\unlocalizer_modded_exes_pda.ltx adding variable map_spot_property for unlocalizer for script pda opening file a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\unlocalizers\unlocalizer_modded_exes_xrs_facer_script_fixes.ltx creating unlocalizer for script xrs_facer adding variable Enabled for unlocalizer for script xrs_facer adding variable facer_sets for unlocalizer for script xrs_facer opening file a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\unlocalizers\unlocalizer_more_measurement_task_maps.ltx adding variable blacklisted_maps for unlocalizer for script tasks_measure opening file a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\unlocalizers\unlocalizer_newmeds.ltx creating unlocalizer for script arszi_psy adding variable psy_table for unlocalizer for script arszi_psy opening file a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\unlocalizers\unlocalizer_overheat_gunsmoke.ltx creating unlocalizer for script item_weapon adding variable decrease_quant for unlocalizer for script item_weapon adding variable last_wpn_id for unlocalizer for script item_weapon adding variable max_overheat for unlocalizer for script item_weapon adding variable overheat for unlocalizer for script item_weapon adding variable overheat_threshold for unlocalizer for script item_weapon adding variable smoke for unlocalizer for script item_weapon adding variable time_quant for unlocalizer for script item_weapon opening file a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\unlocalizers\unlocalizer_pdahacking.ltx adding variable faction_encyption for unlocalizer for script ui_pda_npc_tab adding variable stash_factor_per_pda for unlocalizer for script ui_pda_npc_tab opening file a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\unlocalizers\unlocalizer_test.ltx adding variable RENDERER for unlocalizer for script actor_effects adding variable STATIC_LIGHT for unlocalizer for script actor_effects opening file a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\unlocalizers\unlocalizer_western_goods_core.ltx creating unlocalizer for script western_goods_core adding variable VERSION for unlocalizer for script western_goods_core found script _G in unlocalizers data found variable ini_cache to unlocal init gathering modxml_... scripts gathering modxml_anomalous_stash.script gathering modxml_character_desc_general_army_odst.script gathering modxml_character_desc_general_dolg_odst.script gathering modxml_character_desc_general_isg_odst.script gathering modxml_character_desc_general_killer_odst.script gathering modxml_character_desc_general_stalker_odst.script gathering modxml_character_desc_yantar.script gathering modxml_eftmsgs.script gathering modxml_hamr.script gathering modxml_hamr2.script gathering modxml_hamr3.script gathering modxml_jp84_21scope.script gathering modxml_jp84_4scope.script gathering modxml_jp84_others_21scope.script gathering modxml_jp84_others_4scope.script gathering modxml_jp84_others_scope.script gathering modxml_jp84scope.script gathering modxml_map_spots_milpda.script gathering modxml_nta.script gathering modxml_pdahacking_unlockcost.script gathering modxml_proportional_medic_healing_price.script gathering modxml_rwap21scope.script gathering modxml_rwap2dso.script gathering modxml_rwap2dso21.script gathering modxml_rwap2dsosquare.script gathering modxml_rwap4scope.script gathering modxml_rwapscope.script gathering modxml_scope_16_arm18.script gathering modxml_scope_16_fg42.script gathering modxml_scope_16_lewd_felinscope.script gathering modxml_scope_16_srs99.script gathering modxml_scope_21_arm18.script gathering modxml_scope_21_fg42.script gathering modxml_scope_21_lewd_felinscope.script gathering modxml_scope_21_srs99.script gathering modxml_scope_em2.script gathering modxml_scopes_arm18.script gathering modxml_scopes_fg42.script gathering modxml_scopes_ingame_arm18.script gathering modxml_scopes_ingame_fg42.script gathering modxml_scopes_ingame_lewd_felinscope.script gathering modxml_scopes_ingame_srs99.script gathering modxml_scopes_lewd_felinscope.script gathering modxml_scopes_srs99.script gathering modxml_sks_b_2dso.script gathering modxml_sks_b_2dso_16.script gathering modxml_sks_b_2dso_21.script gathering modxml_tac30_scopes.script gathering modxml_tac30_scopes16.script gathering modxml_tac30_scopes21.script gathering modxml_test.script gathering modxml_unbind_h.script gathering modxml_water_pump.script gathering modxml_western_goods.script gathering modxml_zml_presets.script gathering modxml_zzz_rand_text_dialog.script [Discord RPC] Failed to create Discord RPC [ReShade]: ReShade not installed or version too old - didn't load compatibility addon * [x-ray]: Starting Main Loop Starting engine... [materials.ltx] Adding new material creatures\custombare, id 102 [materials.ltx] Adding new material creatures\custombarefast, id 103 [materials.ltx] Adding new material creatures\customboar, id 104 [materials.ltx] Adding new material creatures\customcat, id 105 [materials.ltx] Adding new material creatures\customdog, id 106 [materials.ltx] Adding new material creatures\customflesh, id 107 [materials.ltx] Adding new material creatures\customgiant, id 108 [materials.ltx] Adding new material creatures\customleaper, id 109 [materials.ltx] Adding new material creatures\customrodent, id 110 [materials.ltx] Changing existing material materials\death, id 88 [materials.ltx] Changing existing material materials\earth_slide, id 94 [materials.ltx] Changing existing material materials\fake, id 80 [materials.ltx] Changing existing material materials\fake_slide, id 99 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\actor | creatures\custombare, id 1701 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\actor | creatures\custombarefast, id 1702 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\actor | creatures\customboar, id 1703 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\actor | creatures\customcat, id 1704 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\actor | creatures\customdog, id 1705 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\actor | creatures\customflesh, id 1706 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\actor | creatures\customgiant, id 1707 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\actor | creatures\customleaper, id 1708 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\actor | creatures\customrodent, id 1709 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | creatures\actor, id 1710 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | creatures\custombare, id 1711 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | creatures\custombarefast, id 1712 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | creatures\customboar, id 1713 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | creatures\customcat, id 1714 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | creatures\customdog, id 1715 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | creatures\customflesh, id 1716 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | creatures\customgiant, id 1717 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | creatures\customleaper, id 1718 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | creatures\hoof, id 1719 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | creatures\human, id 1720 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | creatures\human_head, id 1721 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | creatures\large, id 1722 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | creatures\medium, id 1723 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | creatures\phantom, id 1724 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | creatures\small, id 1725 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | default, id 1726 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | default_object, id 1727 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | materials\asphalt, id 1728 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | materials\bricks, id 1729 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | materials\bush, id 1730 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | materials\bush_sux, id 1731 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | materials\cloth, id 1732 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | materials\concrete, id 1733 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | materials\death, id 1734 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | materials\dirt, id 1735 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | materials\earth, id 1736 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | materials\earth_death, id 1737 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | materials\earth_slide, id 1738 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | materials\fake, id 1739 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | materials\fake_ladders, id 1740 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | materials\fake_ladders_woods, id 1741 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | materials\fake_slide, id 1742 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | materials\flooring_tile, id 1743 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | materials\glass, id 1744 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | materials\grass, id 1745 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | materials\gravel, id 1746 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | materials\metal, id 1747 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | materials\metal_pipe, id 1748 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | materials\metal_plate, id 1749 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | materials\occ, id 1750 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | materials\sand, id 1751 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | materials\setka_rabica, id 1752 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | materials\shifer, id 1753 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | materials\stucco, id 1754 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | materials\tin, id 1755 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | materials\tree_trunk, id 1756 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | materials\water, id 1757 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | materials\water_radiation, id 1758 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | materials\wood, id 1759 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | materials\wooden_board, id 1760 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | objects\barrel, id 1761 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | objects\bottle, id 1762 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | objects\bullet, id 1763 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | objects\car_cabine, id 1764 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | objects\car_wheel, id 1765 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | objects\clothes, id 1766 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | objects\concrete_box, id 1767 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | objects\dead_body, id 1768 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | objects\fuel_can, id 1769 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | objects\glass, id 1770 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | objects\knife, id 1771 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | objects\large_furniture, id 1772 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | objects\large_metal_trash, id 1773 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | objects\large_weapon, id 1774 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | objects\metal_box, id 1775 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | objects\monster_body, id 1776 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | objects\small_box, id 1777 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | objects\small_metal_trash, id 1778 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | objects\small_weapon, id 1779 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombare | objects\tin_can, id 1780 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | creatures\actor, id 1781 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | creatures\custombare, id 1782 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | creatures\custombarefast, id 1783 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | creatures\customboar, id 1784 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | creatures\customcat, id 1785 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | creatures\customdog, id 1786 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | creatures\customflesh, id 1787 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | creatures\customgiant, id 1788 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | creatures\customleaper, id 1789 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | creatures\hoof, id 1790 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | creatures\human, id 1791 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | creatures\human_head, id 1792 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | creatures\large, id 1793 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | creatures\medium, id 1794 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | creatures\phantom, id 1795 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | creatures\small, id 1796 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | default, id 1797 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | default_object, id 1798 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | materials\asphalt, id 1799 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | materials\bricks, id 1800 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | materials\bush, id 1801 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | materials\bush_sux, id 1802 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | materials\cloth, id 1803 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | materials\concrete, id 1804 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | materials\death, id 1805 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | materials\dirt, id 1806 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | materials\earth, id 1807 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | materials\earth_death, id 1808 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | materials\earth_slide, id 1809 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | materials\fake, id 1810 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | materials\fake_ladders, id 1811 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | materials\fake_ladders_woods, id 1812 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | materials\fake_slide, id 1813 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | materials\flooring_tile, id 1814 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | materials\glass, id 1815 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | materials\grass, id 1816 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | materials\gravel, id 1817 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | materials\metal, id 1818 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | materials\metal_pipe, id 1819 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | materials\metal_plate, id 1820 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | materials\occ, id 1821 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | materials\sand, id 1822 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | materials\setka_rabica, id 1823 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | materials\shifer, id 1824 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | materials\stucco, id 1825 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | materials\tin, id 1826 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | materials\tree_trunk, id 1827 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | materials\water, id 1828 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | materials\water_radiation, id 1829 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | materials\wood, id 1830 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | materials\wooden_board, id 1831 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | objects\barrel, id 1832 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | objects\bottle, id 1833 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | objects\bullet, id 1834 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | objects\car_cabine, id 1835 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | objects\car_wheel, id 1836 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | objects\clothes, id 1837 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | objects\concrete_box, id 1838 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | objects\dead_body, id 1839 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | objects\fuel_can, id 1840 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | objects\glass, id 1841 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | objects\knife, id 1842 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | objects\large_furniture, id 1843 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | objects\large_metal_trash, id 1844 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | objects\large_weapon, id 1845 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | objects\metal_box, id 1846 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | objects\monster_body, id 1847 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | objects\small_box, id 1848 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | objects\small_metal_trash, id 1849 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | objects\small_weapon, id 1850 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\custombarefast | objects\tin_can, id 1851 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | creatures\actor, id 1852 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | creatures\custombare, id 1853 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | creatures\custombarefast, id 1854 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | creatures\customboar, id 1855 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | creatures\customcat, id 1856 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | creatures\customdog, id 1857 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | creatures\customflesh, id 1858 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | creatures\customgiant, id 1859 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | creatures\customleaper, id 1860 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | creatures\hoof, id 1861 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | creatures\human, id 1862 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | creatures\human_head, id 1863 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | creatures\large, id 1864 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | creatures\medium, id 1865 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | creatures\phantom, id 1866 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | creatures\small, id 1867 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | default, id 1868 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | default_object, id 1869 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | materials\asphalt, id 1870 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | materials\bricks, id 1871 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | materials\bush, id 1872 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | materials\bush_sux, id 1873 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | materials\cloth, id 1874 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | materials\concrete, id 1875 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | materials\death, id 1876 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | materials\dirt, id 1877 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | materials\earth, id 1878 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | materials\earth_death, id 1879 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | materials\earth_slide, id 1880 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | materials\fake, id 1881 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | materials\fake_ladders, id 1882 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | materials\fake_ladders_woods, id 1883 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | materials\fake_slide, id 1884 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | materials\flooring_tile, id 1885 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | materials\glass, id 1886 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | materials\grass, id 1887 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | materials\gravel, id 1888 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | materials\metal, id 1889 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | materials\metal_pipe, id 1890 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | materials\metal_plate, id 1891 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | materials\occ, id 1892 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | materials\sand, id 1893 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | materials\setka_rabica, id 1894 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | materials\shifer, id 1895 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | materials\stucco, id 1896 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | materials\tin, id 1897 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | materials\tree_trunk, id 1898 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | materials\water, id 1899 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | materials\water_radiation, id 1900 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | materials\wood, id 1901 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | materials\wooden_board, id 1902 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | objects\barrel, id 1903 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | objects\bottle, id 1904 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | objects\bullet, id 1905 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | objects\car_cabine, id 1906 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | objects\car_wheel, id 1907 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | objects\clothes, id 1908 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | objects\concrete_box, id 1909 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | objects\dead_body, id 1910 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | objects\fuel_can, id 1911 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | objects\glass, id 1912 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | objects\knife, id 1913 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | objects\large_furniture, id 1914 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | objects\large_metal_trash, id 1915 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | objects\large_weapon, id 1916 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | objects\metal_box, id 1917 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | objects\monster_body, id 1918 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | objects\small_box, id 1919 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | objects\small_metal_trash, id 1920 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | objects\small_weapon, id 1921 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customboar | objects\tin_can, id 1922 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | creatures\actor, id 1923 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | creatures\custombare, id 1924 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | creatures\custombarefast, id 1925 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | creatures\customboar, id 1926 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | creatures\customcat, id 1927 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | creatures\customdog, id 1928 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | creatures\customflesh, id 1929 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | creatures\customgiant, id 1930 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | creatures\customleaper, id 1931 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | creatures\hoof, id 1932 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | creatures\human, id 1933 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | creatures\human_head, id 1934 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | creatures\large, id 1935 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | creatures\medium, id 1936 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | creatures\phantom, id 1937 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | creatures\small, id 1938 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | default, id 1939 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | default_object, id 1940 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | materials\asphalt, id 1941 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | materials\bricks, id 1942 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | materials\bush, id 1943 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | materials\bush_sux, id 1944 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | materials\cloth, id 1945 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | materials\concrete, id 1946 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | materials\death, id 1947 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | materials\dirt, id 1948 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | materials\earth, id 1949 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | materials\earth_death, id 1950 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | materials\earth_slide, id 1951 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | materials\fake, id 1952 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | materials\fake_ladders, id 1953 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | materials\fake_ladders_woods, id 1954 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | materials\fake_slide, id 1955 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | materials\flooring_tile, id 1956 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | materials\glass, id 1957 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | materials\grass, id 1958 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | materials\gravel, id 1959 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | materials\metal, id 1960 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | materials\metal_pipe, id 1961 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | materials\metal_plate, id 1962 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | materials\occ, id 1963 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | materials\sand, id 1964 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | materials\setka_rabica, id 1965 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | materials\shifer, id 1966 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | materials\stucco, id 1967 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | materials\tin, id 1968 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | materials\tree_trunk, id 1969 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | materials\water, id 1970 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | materials\water_radiation, id 1971 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | materials\wood, id 1972 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | materials\wooden_board, id 1973 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | objects\barrel, id 1974 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | objects\bottle, id 1975 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | objects\bullet, id 1976 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | objects\car_cabine, id 1977 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | objects\car_wheel, id 1978 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | objects\clothes, id 1979 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | objects\concrete_box, id 1980 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | objects\dead_body, id 1981 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | objects\fuel_can, id 1982 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | objects\glass, id 1983 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | objects\knife, id 1984 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | objects\large_furniture, id 1985 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | objects\large_metal_trash, id 1986 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | objects\large_weapon, id 1987 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | objects\metal_box, id 1988 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | objects\monster_body, id 1989 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | objects\small_box, id 1990 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | objects\small_metal_trash, id 1991 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | objects\small_weapon, id 1992 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customcat | objects\tin_can, id 1993 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | creatures\actor, id 1994 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | creatures\custombare, id 1995 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | creatures\custombarefast, id 1996 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | creatures\customboar, id 1997 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | creatures\customcat, id 1998 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | creatures\customdog, id 1999 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | creatures\customflesh, id 2000 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | creatures\customgiant, id 2001 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | creatures\customleaper, id 2002 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | creatures\hoof, id 2003 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | creatures\human, id 2004 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | creatures\human_head, id 2005 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | creatures\large, id 2006 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | creatures\medium, id 2007 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | creatures\phantom, id 2008 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | creatures\small, id 2009 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | default, id 2010 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | default_object, id 2011 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | materials\asphalt, id 2012 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | materials\bricks, id 2013 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | materials\bush, id 2014 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | materials\bush_sux, id 2015 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | materials\cloth, id 2016 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | materials\concrete, id 2017 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | materials\death, id 2018 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | materials\dirt, id 2019 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | materials\earth, id 2020 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | materials\earth_death, id 2021 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | materials\earth_slide, id 2022 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | materials\fake, id 2023 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | materials\fake_ladders, id 2024 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | materials\fake_ladders_woods, id 2025 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | materials\fake_slide, id 2026 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | materials\flooring_tile, id 2027 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | materials\glass, id 2028 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | materials\grass, id 2029 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | materials\gravel, id 2030 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | materials\metal, id 2031 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | materials\metal_pipe, id 2032 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | materials\metal_plate, id 2033 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | materials\occ, id 2034 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | materials\sand, id 2035 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | materials\setka_rabica, id 2036 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | materials\shifer, id 2037 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | materials\stucco, id 2038 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | materials\tin, id 2039 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | materials\tree_trunk, id 2040 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | materials\water, id 2041 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | materials\water_radiation, id 2042 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | materials\wood, id 2043 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | materials\wooden_board, id 2044 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | objects\barrel, id 2045 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | objects\bottle, id 2046 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | objects\bullet, id 2047 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | objects\car_cabine, id 2048 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | objects\car_wheel, id 2049 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | objects\clothes, id 2050 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | objects\concrete_box, id 2051 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | objects\dead_body, id 2052 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | objects\fuel_can, id 2053 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | objects\glass, id 2054 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | objects\knife, id 2055 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | objects\large_furniture, id 2056 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | objects\large_metal_trash, id 2057 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | objects\large_weapon, id 2058 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | objects\metal_box, id 2059 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | objects\monster_body, id 2060 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | objects\small_box, id 2061 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | objects\small_metal_trash, id 2062 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | objects\small_weapon, id 2063 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customdog | objects\tin_can, id 2064 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | creatures\actor, id 2065 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | creatures\custombare, id 2066 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | creatures\custombarefast, id 2067 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | creatures\customboar, id 2068 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | creatures\customcat, id 2069 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | creatures\customdog, id 2070 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | creatures\customflesh, id 2071 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | creatures\customgiant, id 2072 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | creatures\customleaper, id 2073 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | creatures\hoof, id 2074 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | creatures\human, id 2075 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | creatures\human_head, id 2076 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | creatures\large, id 2077 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | creatures\medium, id 2078 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | creatures\phantom, id 2079 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | creatures\small, id 2080 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | default, id 2081 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | default_object, id 2082 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | materials\asphalt, id 2083 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | materials\bricks, id 2084 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | materials\bush, id 2085 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | materials\bush_sux, id 2086 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | materials\cloth, id 2087 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | materials\concrete, id 2088 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | materials\death, id 2089 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | materials\dirt, id 2090 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | materials\earth, id 2091 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | materials\earth_death, id 2092 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | materials\earth_slide, id 2093 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | materials\fake, id 2094 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | materials\fake_ladders, id 2095 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | materials\fake_ladders_woods, id 2096 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | materials\fake_slide, id 2097 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | materials\flooring_tile, id 2098 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | materials\glass, id 2099 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | materials\grass, id 2100 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | materials\gravel, id 2101 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | materials\metal, id 2102 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | materials\metal_pipe, id 2103 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | materials\metal_plate, id 2104 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | materials\occ, id 2105 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | materials\sand, id 2106 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | materials\setka_rabica, id 2107 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | materials\shifer, id 2108 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | materials\stucco, id 2109 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | materials\tin, id 2110 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | materials\tree_trunk, id 2111 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | materials\water, id 2112 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | materials\water_radiation, id 2113 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | materials\wood, id 2114 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | materials\wooden_board, id 2115 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | objects\barrel, id 2116 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | objects\bottle, id 2117 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | objects\bullet, id 2118 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | objects\car_cabine, id 2119 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | objects\car_wheel, id 2120 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | objects\clothes, id 2121 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | objects\concrete_box, id 2122 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | objects\dead_body, id 2123 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | objects\fuel_can, id 2124 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | objects\glass, id 2125 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | objects\knife, id 2126 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | objects\large_furniture, id 2127 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | objects\large_metal_trash, id 2128 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | objects\large_weapon, id 2129 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | objects\metal_box, id 2130 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | objects\monster_body, id 2131 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | objects\small_box, id 2132 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | objects\small_metal_trash, id 2133 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | objects\small_weapon, id 2134 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customflesh | objects\tin_can, id 2135 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | creatures\actor, id 2136 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | creatures\custombare, id 2137 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | creatures\custombarefast, id 2138 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | creatures\customboar, id 2139 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | creatures\customcat, id 2140 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | creatures\customdog, id 2141 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | creatures\customflesh, id 2142 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | creatures\customgiant, id 2143 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | creatures\customleaper, id 2144 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | creatures\hoof, id 2145 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | creatures\human, id 2146 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | creatures\human_head, id 2147 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | creatures\large, id 2148 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | creatures\medium, id 2149 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | creatures\phantom, id 2150 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | creatures\small, id 2151 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | default, id 2152 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | default_object, id 2153 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | materials\asphalt, id 2154 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | materials\bricks, id 2155 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | materials\bush, id 2156 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | materials\bush_sux, id 2157 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | materials\cloth, id 2158 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | materials\concrete, id 2159 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | materials\death, id 2160 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | materials\dirt, id 2161 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | materials\earth, id 2162 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | materials\earth_death, id 2163 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | materials\earth_slide, id 2164 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | materials\fake, id 2165 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | materials\fake_ladders, id 2166 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | materials\fake_ladders_woods, id 2167 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | materials\fake_slide, id 2168 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | materials\flooring_tile, id 2169 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | materials\glass, id 2170 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | materials\grass, id 2171 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | materials\gravel, id 2172 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | materials\metal, id 2173 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | materials\metal_pipe, id 2174 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | materials\metal_plate, id 2175 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | materials\occ, id 2176 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | materials\sand, id 2177 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | materials\setka_rabica, id 2178 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | materials\shifer, id 2179 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | materials\stucco, id 2180 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | materials\tin, id 2181 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | materials\tree_trunk, id 2182 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | materials\water, id 2183 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | materials\water_radiation, id 2184 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | materials\wood, id 2185 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | materials\wooden_board, id 2186 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | objects\barrel, id 2187 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | objects\bottle, id 2188 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | objects\bullet, id 2189 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | objects\car_cabine, id 2190 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | objects\car_wheel, id 2191 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | objects\clothes, id 2192 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | objects\concrete_box, id 2193 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | objects\dead_body, id 2194 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | objects\fuel_can, id 2195 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | objects\glass, id 2196 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | objects\knife, id 2197 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | objects\large_furniture, id 2198 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | objects\large_metal_trash, id 2199 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | objects\large_weapon, id 2200 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | objects\metal_box, id 2201 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | objects\monster_body, id 2202 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | objects\small_box, id 2203 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | objects\small_metal_trash, id 2204 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | objects\small_weapon, id 2205 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customgiant | objects\tin_can, id 2206 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | creatures\actor, id 2207 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | creatures\custombare, id 2208 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | creatures\custombarefast, id 2209 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | creatures\customboar, id 2210 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | creatures\customcat, id 2211 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | creatures\customdog, id 2212 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | creatures\customflesh, id 2213 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | creatures\customgiant, id 2214 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | creatures\customleaper, id 2215 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | creatures\hoof, id 2216 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | creatures\human, id 2217 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | creatures\human_head, id 2218 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | creatures\large, id 2219 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | creatures\medium, id 2220 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | creatures\phantom, id 2221 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | creatures\small, id 2222 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | default, id 2223 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | default_object, id 2224 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | materials\asphalt, id 2225 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | materials\bricks, id 2226 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | materials\bush, id 2227 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | materials\bush_sux, id 2228 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | materials\cloth, id 2229 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | materials\concrete, id 2230 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | materials\death, id 2231 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | materials\dirt, id 2232 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | materials\earth, id 2233 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | materials\earth_death, id 2234 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | materials\earth_slide, id 2235 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | materials\fake, id 2236 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | materials\fake_ladders, id 2237 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | materials\fake_ladders_woods, id 2238 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | materials\fake_slide, id 2239 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | materials\flooring_tile, id 2240 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | materials\glass, id 2241 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | materials\grass, id 2242 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | materials\gravel, id 2243 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | materials\metal, id 2244 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | materials\metal_pipe, id 2245 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | materials\metal_plate, id 2246 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | materials\occ, id 2247 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | materials\sand, id 2248 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | materials\setka_rabica, id 2249 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | materials\shifer, id 2250 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | materials\stucco, id 2251 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | materials\tin, id 2252 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | materials\tree_trunk, id 2253 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | materials\water, id 2254 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | materials\water_radiation, id 2255 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | materials\wood, id 2256 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | materials\wooden_board, id 2257 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | objects\barrel, id 2258 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | objects\bottle, id 2259 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | objects\bullet, id 2260 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | objects\car_cabine, id 2261 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | objects\car_wheel, id 2262 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | objects\clothes, id 2263 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | objects\concrete_box, id 2264 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | objects\dead_body, id 2265 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | objects\fuel_can, id 2266 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | objects\glass, id 2267 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | objects\knife, id 2268 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | objects\large_furniture, id 2269 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | objects\large_metal_trash, id 2270 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | objects\large_weapon, id 2271 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | objects\metal_box, id 2272 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | objects\monster_body, id 2273 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | objects\small_box, id 2274 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | objects\small_metal_trash, id 2275 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | objects\small_weapon, id 2276 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customleaper | objects\tin_can, id 2277 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | creatures\actor, id 2278 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | creatures\custombare, id 2279 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | creatures\custombarefast, id 2280 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | creatures\customboar, id 2281 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | creatures\customcat, id 2282 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | creatures\customdog, id 2283 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | creatures\customflesh, id 2284 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | creatures\customgiant, id 2285 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | creatures\customleaper, id 2286 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | creatures\customrodent, id 2287 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | creatures\hoof, id 2288 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | creatures\human, id 2289 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | creatures\human_head, id 2290 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | creatures\large, id 2291 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | creatures\medium, id 2292 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | creatures\phantom, id 2293 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | creatures\small, id 2294 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | default, id 2295 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | default_object, id 2296 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | materials\asphalt, id 2297 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | materials\bricks, id 2298 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | materials\bush, id 2299 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | materials\bush_sux, id 2300 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | materials\cloth, id 2301 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | materials\concrete, id 2302 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | materials\death, id 2303 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | materials\dirt, id 2304 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | materials\earth, id 2305 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | materials\earth_death, id 2306 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | materials\earth_slide, id 2307 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | materials\fake, id 2308 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | materials\fake_ladders, id 2309 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | materials\fake_ladders_woods, id 2310 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | materials\fake_slide, id 2311 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | materials\flooring_tile, id 2312 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | materials\glass, id 2313 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | materials\grass, id 2314 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | materials\gravel, id 2315 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | materials\metal, id 2316 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | materials\metal_pipe, id 2317 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | materials\metal_plate, id 2318 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | materials\occ, id 2319 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | materials\sand, id 2320 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | materials\setka_rabica, id 2321 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | materials\shifer, id 2322 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | materials\stucco, id 2323 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | materials\tin, id 2324 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | materials\tree_trunk, id 2325 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | materials\water, id 2326 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | materials\water_radiation, id 2327 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | materials\wood, id 2328 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | materials\wooden_board, id 2329 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | objects\barrel, id 2330 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | objects\bottle, id 2331 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | objects\bullet, id 2332 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | objects\car_cabine, id 2333 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | objects\car_wheel, id 2334 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | objects\clothes, id 2335 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | objects\concrete_box, id 2336 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | objects\dead_body, id 2337 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | objects\fuel_can, id 2338 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | objects\glass, id 2339 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | objects\knife, id 2340 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | objects\large_furniture, id 2341 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | objects\large_metal_trash, id 2342 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | objects\large_weapon, id 2343 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | objects\metal_box, id 2344 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | objects\monster_body, id 2345 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | objects\small_box, id 2346 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | objects\small_metal_trash, id 2347 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | objects\small_weapon, id 2348 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\customrodent | objects\tin_can, id 2349 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\hoof | creatures\custombare, id 2350 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\hoof | creatures\custombarefast, id 2351 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\hoof | creatures\customboar, id 2352 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\hoof | creatures\customcat, id 2353 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\hoof | creatures\customdog, id 2354 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\hoof | creatures\customflesh, id 2355 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\hoof | creatures\customgiant, id 2356 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\hoof | creatures\customleaper, id 2357 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\hoof | creatures\customrodent, id 2358 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\human | creatures\custombare, id 2359 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\human | creatures\custombarefast, id 2360 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\human | creatures\customboar, id 2361 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\human | creatures\customcat, id 2362 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\human | creatures\customdog, id 2363 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\human | creatures\customflesh, id 2364 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\human | creatures\customgiant, id 2365 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\human | creatures\customleaper, id 2366 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\human | creatures\customrodent, id 2367 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\human_head | creatures\custombare, id 2368 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\human_head | creatures\custombarefast, id 2369 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\human_head | creatures\customboar, id 2370 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\human_head | creatures\customcat, id 2371 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\human_head | creatures\customdog, id 2372 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\human_head | creatures\customflesh, id 2373 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\human_head | creatures\customgiant, id 2374 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\human_head | creatures\customleaper, id 2375 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\human_head | creatures\customrodent, id 2376 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\large | creatures\custombare, id 2377 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\large | creatures\custombarefast, id 2378 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\large | creatures\customboar, id 2379 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\large | creatures\customcat, id 2380 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\large | creatures\customdog, id 2381 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\large | creatures\customflesh, id 2382 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\large | creatures\customgiant, id 2383 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\large | creatures\customleaper, id 2384 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\large | creatures\customrodent, id 2385 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\medium | creatures\custombare, id 2386 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\medium | creatures\custombarefast, id 2387 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\medium | creatures\customboar, id 2388 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\medium | creatures\customcat, id 2389 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\medium | creatures\customdog, id 2390 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\medium | creatures\customflesh, id 2391 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\medium | creatures\customgiant, id 2392 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\medium | creatures\customleaper, id 2393 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\medium | creatures\customrodent, id 2394 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\phantom | creatures\custombare, id 2395 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\phantom | creatures\custombarefast, id 2396 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\phantom | creatures\customboar, id 2397 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\phantom | creatures\customcat, id 2398 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\phantom | creatures\customdog, id 2399 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\phantom | creatures\customflesh, id 2400 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\phantom | creatures\customgiant, id 2401 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\phantom | creatures\customleaper, id 2402 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\phantom | creatures\customrodent, id 2403 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\small | creatures\custombare, id 2404 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\small | creatures\custombarefast, id 2405 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\small | creatures\customboar, id 2406 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\small | creatures\customcat, id 2407 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\small | creatures\customdog, id 2408 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\small | creatures\customflesh, id 2409 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\small | creatures\customgiant, id 2410 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\small | creatures\customleaper, id 2411 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair creatures\small | creatures\customrodent, id 2412 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair default | creatures\custombare, id 2413 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair default | creatures\custombarefast, id 2414 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair default | creatures\customboar, id 2415 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair default | creatures\customcat, id 2416 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair default | creatures\customdog, id 2417 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair default | creatures\customflesh, id 2418 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair default | creatures\customgiant, id 2419 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair default | creatures\customleaper, id 2420 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair default | creatures\customrodent, id 2421 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair default_object | creatures\custombare, id 2422 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair default_object | creatures\custombarefast, id 2423 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair default_object | creatures\customboar, id 2424 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair default_object | creatures\customcat, id 2425 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair default_object | creatures\customdog, id 2426 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair default_object | creatures\customflesh, id 2427 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair default_object | creatures\customgiant, id 2428 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair default_object | creatures\customleaper, id 2429 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair default_object | creatures\customrodent, id 2430 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\asphalt | creatures\custombare, id 2431 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\asphalt | creatures\custombarefast, id 2432 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\asphalt | creatures\customboar, id 2433 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\asphalt | creatures\customcat, id 2434 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\asphalt | creatures\customdog, id 2435 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\asphalt | creatures\customflesh, id 2436 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\asphalt | creatures\customgiant, id 2437 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\asphalt | creatures\customleaper, id 2438 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\asphalt | creatures\customrodent, id 2439 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\bricks | creatures\custombare, id 2440 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\bricks | creatures\custombarefast, id 2441 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\bricks | creatures\customboar, id 2442 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\bricks | creatures\customcat, id 2443 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\bricks | creatures\customdog, id 2444 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\bricks | creatures\customflesh, id 2445 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\bricks | creatures\customgiant, id 2446 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\bricks | creatures\customleaper, id 2447 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\bricks | creatures\customrodent, id 2448 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\bush | creatures\custombare, id 2449 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\bush | creatures\custombarefast, id 2450 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\bush | creatures\customboar, id 2451 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\bush | creatures\customcat, id 2452 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\bush | creatures\customdog, id 2453 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\bush | creatures\customflesh, id 2454 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\bush | creatures\customgiant, id 2455 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\bush | creatures\customleaper, id 2456 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\bush | creatures\customrodent, id 2457 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\bush_sux | creatures\custombare, id 2458 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\bush_sux | creatures\custombarefast, id 2459 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\bush_sux | creatures\customboar, id 2460 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\bush_sux | creatures\customcat, id 2461 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\bush_sux | creatures\customdog, id 2462 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\bush_sux | creatures\customflesh, id 2463 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\bush_sux | creatures\customgiant, id 2464 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\bush_sux | creatures\customleaper, id 2465 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\bush_sux | creatures\customrodent, id 2466 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\cloth | creatures\custombare, id 2467 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\cloth | creatures\custombarefast, id 2468 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\cloth | creatures\customboar, id 2469 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\cloth | creatures\customcat, id 2470 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\cloth | creatures\customdog, id 2471 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\cloth | creatures\customflesh, id 2472 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\cloth | creatures\customgiant, id 2473 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\cloth | creatures\customleaper, id 2474 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\cloth | creatures\customrodent, id 2475 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\concrete | creatures\custombare, id 2476 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\concrete | creatures\custombarefast, id 2477 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\concrete | creatures\customboar, id 2478 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\concrete | creatures\customcat, id 2479 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\concrete | creatures\customdog, id 2480 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\concrete | creatures\customflesh, id 2481 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\concrete | creatures\customgiant, id 2482 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\concrete | creatures\customleaper, id 2483 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\concrete | creatures\customrodent, id 2484 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\death | creatures\custombare, id 2485 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\death | creatures\custombarefast, id 2486 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\death | creatures\customboar, id 2487 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\death | creatures\customcat, id 2488 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\death | creatures\customdog, id 2489 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\death | creatures\customflesh, id 2490 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\death | creatures\customgiant, id 2491 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\death | creatures\customleaper, id 2492 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\death | creatures\customrodent, id 2493 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\dirt | creatures\custombare, id 2494 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\dirt | creatures\custombarefast, id 2495 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\dirt | creatures\customboar, id 2496 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\dirt | creatures\customcat, id 2497 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\dirt | creatures\customdog, id 2498 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\dirt | creatures\customflesh, id 2499 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\dirt | creatures\customgiant, id 2500 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\dirt | creatures\customleaper, id 2501 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\dirt | creatures\customrodent, id 2502 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\earth | creatures\custombare, id 2503 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\earth | creatures\custombarefast, id 2504 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\earth | creatures\customboar, id 2505 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\earth | creatures\customcat, id 2506 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\earth | creatures\customdog, id 2507 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\earth | creatures\customflesh, id 2508 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\earth | creatures\customgiant, id 2509 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\earth | creatures\customleaper, id 2510 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\earth | creatures\customrodent, id 2511 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\earth_death | creatures\custombare, id 2512 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\earth_death | creatures\custombarefast, id 2513 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\earth_death | creatures\customboar, id 2514 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\earth_death | creatures\customcat, id 2515 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\earth_death | creatures\customdog, id 2516 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\earth_death | creatures\customflesh, id 2517 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\earth_death | creatures\customgiant, id 2518 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\earth_death | creatures\customleaper, id 2519 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\earth_death | creatures\customrodent, id 2520 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\earth_slide | creatures\custombare, id 2521 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\earth_slide | creatures\custombarefast, id 2522 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\earth_slide | creatures\customboar, id 2523 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\earth_slide | creatures\customcat, id 2524 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\earth_slide | creatures\customdog, id 2525 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\earth_slide | creatures\customflesh, id 2526 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\earth_slide | creatures\customgiant, id 2527 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\earth_slide | creatures\customleaper, id 2528 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\earth_slide | creatures\customrodent, id 2529 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\fake | creatures\custombare, id 2530 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\fake | creatures\custombarefast, id 2531 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\fake | creatures\customboar, id 2532 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\fake | creatures\customcat, id 2533 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\fake | creatures\customdog, id 2534 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\fake | creatures\customflesh, id 2535 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\fake | creatures\customgiant, id 2536 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\fake | creatures\customleaper, id 2537 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\fake | creatures\customrodent, id 2538 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\fake_ladders | creatures\custombare, id 2539 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\fake_ladders | creatures\custombarefast, id 2540 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\fake_ladders | creatures\customboar, id 2541 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\fake_ladders | creatures\customcat, id 2542 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\fake_ladders | creatures\customdog, id 2543 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\fake_ladders | creatures\customflesh, id 2544 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\fake_ladders | creatures\customgiant, id 2545 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\fake_ladders | creatures\customleaper, id 2546 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\fake_ladders | creatures\customrodent, id 2547 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\fake_ladders_woods | creatures\custombare, id 2548 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\fake_ladders_woods | creatures\custombarefast, id 2549 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\fake_ladders_woods | creatures\customboar, id 2550 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\fake_ladders_woods | creatures\customcat, id 2551 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\fake_ladders_woods | creatures\customdog, id 2552 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\fake_ladders_woods | creatures\customflesh, id 2553 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\fake_ladders_woods | creatures\customgiant, id 2554 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\fake_ladders_woods | creatures\customleaper, id 2555 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\fake_ladders_woods | creatures\customrodent, id 2556 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\fake_slide | creatures\custombare, id 2557 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\fake_slide | creatures\custombarefast, id 2558 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\fake_slide | creatures\customboar, id 2559 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\fake_slide | creatures\customcat, id 2560 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\fake_slide | creatures\customdog, id 2561 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\fake_slide | creatures\customflesh, id 2562 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\fake_slide | creatures\customgiant, id 2563 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\fake_slide | creatures\customleaper, id 2564 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\fake_slide | creatures\customrodent, id 2565 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\flooring_tile | creatures\custombare, id 2566 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\flooring_tile | creatures\custombarefast, id 2567 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\flooring_tile | creatures\customboar, id 2568 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\flooring_tile | creatures\customcat, id 2569 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\flooring_tile | creatures\customdog, id 2570 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\flooring_tile | creatures\customflesh, id 2571 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\flooring_tile | creatures\customgiant, id 2572 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\flooring_tile | creatures\customleaper, id 2573 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\flooring_tile | creatures\customrodent, id 2574 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\glass | creatures\custombare, id 2575 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\glass | creatures\custombarefast, id 2576 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\glass | creatures\customboar, id 2577 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\glass | creatures\customcat, id 2578 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\glass | creatures\customdog, id 2579 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\glass | creatures\customflesh, id 2580 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\glass | creatures\customgiant, id 2581 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\glass | creatures\customleaper, id 2582 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\glass | creatures\customrodent, id 2583 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\grass | creatures\custombare, id 2584 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\grass | creatures\custombarefast, id 2585 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\grass | creatures\customboar, id 2586 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\grass | creatures\customcat, id 2587 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\grass | creatures\customdog, id 2588 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\grass | creatures\customflesh, id 2589 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\grass | creatures\customgiant, id 2590 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\grass | creatures\customleaper, id 2591 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\grass | creatures\customrodent, id 2592 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\gravel | creatures\custombare, id 2593 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\gravel | creatures\custombarefast, id 2594 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\gravel | creatures\customboar, id 2595 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\gravel | creatures\customcat, id 2596 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\gravel | creatures\customdog, id 2597 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\gravel | creatures\customflesh, id 2598 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\gravel | creatures\customgiant, id 2599 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\gravel | creatures\customleaper, id 2600 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\gravel | creatures\customrodent, id 2601 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\metal | creatures\custombare, id 2602 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\metal | creatures\custombarefast, id 2603 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\metal | creatures\customboar, id 2604 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\metal | creatures\customcat, id 2605 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\metal | creatures\customdog, id 2606 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\metal | creatures\customflesh, id 2607 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\metal | creatures\customgiant, id 2608 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\metal | creatures\customleaper, id 2609 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\metal | creatures\customrodent, id 2610 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\metal_pipe | creatures\custombare, id 2611 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\metal_pipe | creatures\custombarefast, id 2612 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\metal_pipe | creatures\customboar, id 2613 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\metal_pipe | creatures\customcat, id 2614 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\metal_pipe | creatures\customdog, id 2615 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\metal_pipe | creatures\customflesh, id 2616 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\metal_pipe | creatures\customgiant, id 2617 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\metal_pipe | creatures\customleaper, id 2618 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\metal_pipe | creatures\customrodent, id 2619 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\metal_plate | creatures\custombare, id 2620 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\metal_plate | creatures\custombarefast, id 2621 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\metal_plate | creatures\customboar, id 2622 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\metal_plate | creatures\customcat, id 2623 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\metal_plate | creatures\customdog, id 2624 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\metal_plate | creatures\customflesh, id 2625 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\metal_plate | creatures\customgiant, id 2626 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\metal_plate | creatures\customleaper, id 2627 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\metal_plate | creatures\customrodent, id 2628 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\occ | creatures\custombare, id 2629 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\occ | creatures\custombarefast, id 2630 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\occ | creatures\customboar, id 2631 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\occ | creatures\customcat, id 2632 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\occ | creatures\customdog, id 2633 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\occ | creatures\customflesh, id 2634 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\occ | creatures\customgiant, id 2635 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\occ | creatures\customleaper, id 2636 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\occ | creatures\customrodent, id 2637 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\sand | creatures\custombare, id 2638 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\sand | creatures\custombarefast, id 2639 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\sand | creatures\customboar, id 2640 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\sand | creatures\customcat, id 2641 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\sand | creatures\customdog, id 2642 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\sand | creatures\customflesh, id 2643 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\sand | creatures\customgiant, id 2644 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\sand | creatures\customleaper, id 2645 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\sand | creatures\customrodent, id 2646 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\setka_rabica | creatures\custombare, id 2647 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\setka_rabica | creatures\custombarefast, id 2648 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\setka_rabica | creatures\customboar, id 2649 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\setka_rabica | creatures\customcat, id 2650 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\setka_rabica | creatures\customdog, id 2651 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\setka_rabica | creatures\customflesh, id 2652 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\setka_rabica | creatures\customgiant, id 2653 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\setka_rabica | creatures\customleaper, id 2654 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\setka_rabica | creatures\customrodent, id 2655 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\shifer | creatures\custombare, id 2656 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\shifer | creatures\custombarefast, id 2657 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\shifer | creatures\customboar, id 2658 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\shifer | creatures\customcat, id 2659 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\shifer | creatures\customdog, id 2660 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\shifer | creatures\customflesh, id 2661 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\shifer | creatures\customgiant, id 2662 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\shifer | creatures\customleaper, id 2663 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\shifer | creatures\customrodent, id 2664 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\stucco | creatures\custombare, id 2665 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\stucco | creatures\custombarefast, id 2666 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\stucco | creatures\customboar, id 2667 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\stucco | creatures\customcat, id 2668 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\stucco | creatures\customdog, id 2669 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\stucco | creatures\customflesh, id 2670 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\stucco | creatures\customgiant, id 2671 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\stucco | creatures\customleaper, id 2672 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\stucco | creatures\customrodent, id 2673 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\tin | creatures\custombare, id 2674 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\tin | creatures\custombarefast, id 2675 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\tin | creatures\customboar, id 2676 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\tin | creatures\customcat, id 2677 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\tin | creatures\customdog, id 2678 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\tin | creatures\customflesh, id 2679 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\tin | creatures\customgiant, id 2680 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\tin | creatures\customleaper, id 2681 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\tin | creatures\customrodent, id 2682 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\tree_trunk | creatures\custombare, id 2683 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\tree_trunk | creatures\custombarefast, id 2684 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\tree_trunk | creatures\customboar, id 2685 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\tree_trunk | creatures\customcat, id 2686 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\tree_trunk | creatures\customdog, id 2687 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\tree_trunk | creatures\customflesh, id 2688 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\tree_trunk | creatures\customgiant, id 2689 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\tree_trunk | creatures\customleaper, id 2690 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\tree_trunk | creatures\customrodent, id 2691 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\water | creatures\custombare, id 2692 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\water | creatures\custombarefast, id 2693 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\water | creatures\customboar, id 2694 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\water | creatures\customcat, id 2695 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\water | creatures\customdog, id 2696 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\water | creatures\customflesh, id 2697 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\water | creatures\customgiant, id 2698 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\water | creatures\customleaper, id 2699 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\water | creatures\customrodent, id 2700 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\water_radiation | creatures\custombare, id 2701 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\water_radiation | creatures\custombarefast, id 2702 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\water_radiation | creatures\customboar, id 2703 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\water_radiation | creatures\customcat, id 2704 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\water_radiation | creatures\customdog, id 2705 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\water_radiation | creatures\customflesh, id 2706 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\water_radiation | creatures\customgiant, id 2707 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\water_radiation | creatures\customleaper, id 2708 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\water_radiation | creatures\customrodent, id 2709 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\wood | creatures\custombare, id 2710 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\wood | creatures\custombarefast, id 2711 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\wood | creatures\customboar, id 2712 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\wood | creatures\customcat, id 2713 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\wood | creatures\customdog, id 2714 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\wood | creatures\customflesh, id 2715 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\wood | creatures\customgiant, id 2716 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\wood | creatures\customleaper, id 2717 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\wood | creatures\customrodent, id 2718 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\wooden_board | creatures\custombare, id 2719 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\wooden_board | creatures\custombarefast, id 2720 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\wooden_board | creatures\customboar, id 2721 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\wooden_board | creatures\customcat, id 2722 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\wooden_board | creatures\customdog, id 2723 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\wooden_board | creatures\customflesh, id 2724 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\wooden_board | creatures\customgiant, id 2725 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\wooden_board | creatures\customleaper, id 2726 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair materials\wooden_board | creatures\customrodent, id 2727 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\barrel | creatures\custombare, id 2728 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\barrel | creatures\custombarefast, id 2729 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\barrel | creatures\customboar, id 2730 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\barrel | creatures\customcat, id 2731 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\barrel | creatures\customdog, id 2732 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\barrel | creatures\customflesh, id 2733 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\barrel | creatures\customgiant, id 2734 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\barrel | creatures\customleaper, id 2735 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\barrel | creatures\customrodent, id 2736 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\bottle | creatures\custombare, id 2737 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\bottle | creatures\custombarefast, id 2738 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\bottle | creatures\customboar, id 2739 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\bottle | creatures\customcat, id 2740 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\bottle | creatures\customdog, id 2741 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\bottle | creatures\customflesh, id 2742 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\bottle | creatures\customgiant, id 2743 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\bottle | creatures\customleaper, id 2744 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\bottle | creatures\customrodent, id 2745 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\bullet | creatures\custombare, id 2746 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\bullet | creatures\custombarefast, id 2747 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\bullet | creatures\customboar, id 2748 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\bullet | creatures\customcat, id 2749 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\bullet | creatures\customdog, id 2750 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\bullet | creatures\customflesh, id 2751 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\bullet | creatures\customgiant, id 2752 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\bullet | creatures\customleaper, id 2753 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\bullet | creatures\customrodent, id 2754 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\car_cabine | creatures\custombare, id 2755 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\car_cabine | creatures\custombarefast, id 2756 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\car_cabine | creatures\customboar, id 2757 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\car_cabine | creatures\customcat, id 2758 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\car_cabine | creatures\customdog, id 2759 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\car_cabine | creatures\customflesh, id 2760 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\car_cabine | creatures\customgiant, id 2761 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\car_cabine | creatures\customleaper, id 2762 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\car_cabine | creatures\customrodent, id 2763 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\car_wheel | creatures\custombare, id 2764 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\car_wheel | creatures\custombarefast, id 2765 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\car_wheel | creatures\customboar, id 2766 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\car_wheel | creatures\customcat, id 2767 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\car_wheel | creatures\customdog, id 2768 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\car_wheel | creatures\customflesh, id 2769 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\car_wheel | creatures\customgiant, id 2770 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\car_wheel | creatures\customleaper, id 2771 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\car_wheel | creatures\customrodent, id 2772 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\clothes | creatures\custombare, id 2773 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\clothes | creatures\custombarefast, id 2774 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\clothes | creatures\customboar, id 2775 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\clothes | creatures\customcat, id 2776 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\clothes | creatures\customdog, id 2777 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\clothes | creatures\customflesh, id 2778 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\clothes | creatures\customgiant, id 2779 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\clothes | creatures\customleaper, id 2780 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\clothes | creatures\customrodent, id 2781 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\concrete_box | creatures\custombare, id 2782 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\concrete_box | creatures\custombarefast, id 2783 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\concrete_box | creatures\customboar, id 2784 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\concrete_box | creatures\customcat, id 2785 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\concrete_box | creatures\customdog, id 2786 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\concrete_box | creatures\customflesh, id 2787 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\concrete_box | creatures\customgiant, id 2788 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\concrete_box | creatures\customleaper, id 2789 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\concrete_box | creatures\customrodent, id 2790 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\dead_body | creatures\custombare, id 2791 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\dead_body | creatures\custombarefast, id 2792 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\dead_body | creatures\customboar, id 2793 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\dead_body | creatures\customcat, id 2794 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\dead_body | creatures\customdog, id 2795 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\dead_body | creatures\customflesh, id 2796 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\dead_body | creatures\customgiant, id 2797 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\dead_body | creatures\customleaper, id 2798 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\dead_body | creatures\customrodent, id 2799 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\fuel_can | creatures\custombare, id 2800 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\fuel_can | creatures\custombarefast, id 2801 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\fuel_can | creatures\customboar, id 2802 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\fuel_can | creatures\customcat, id 2803 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\fuel_can | creatures\customdog, id 2804 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\fuel_can | creatures\customflesh, id 2805 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\fuel_can | creatures\customgiant, id 2806 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\fuel_can | creatures\customleaper, id 2807 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\fuel_can | creatures\customrodent, id 2808 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\glass | creatures\custombare, id 2809 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\glass | creatures\custombarefast, id 2810 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\glass | creatures\customboar, id 2811 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\glass | creatures\customcat, id 2812 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\glass | creatures\customdog, id 2813 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\glass | creatures\customflesh, id 2814 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\glass | creatures\customgiant, id 2815 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\glass | creatures\customleaper, id 2816 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\glass | creatures\customrodent, id 2817 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\knife | creatures\custombare, id 2818 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\knife | creatures\custombarefast, id 2819 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\knife | creatures\customboar, id 2820 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\knife | creatures\customcat, id 2821 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\knife | creatures\customdog, id 2822 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\knife | creatures\customflesh, id 2823 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\knife | creatures\customgiant, id 2824 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\knife | creatures\customleaper, id 2825 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\knife | creatures\customrodent, id 2826 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\large_furniture | creatures\custombare, id 2827 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\large_furniture | creatures\custombarefast, id 2828 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\large_furniture | creatures\customboar, id 2829 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\large_furniture | creatures\customcat, id 2830 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\large_furniture | creatures\customdog, id 2831 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\large_furniture | creatures\customflesh, id 2832 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\large_furniture | creatures\customgiant, id 2833 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\large_furniture | creatures\customleaper, id 2834 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\large_furniture | creatures\customrodent, id 2835 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\large_metal_trash | creatures\custombare, id 2836 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\large_metal_trash | creatures\custombarefast, id 2837 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\large_metal_trash | creatures\customboar, id 2838 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\large_metal_trash | creatures\customcat, id 2839 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\large_metal_trash | creatures\customdog, id 2840 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\large_metal_trash | creatures\customflesh, id 2841 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\large_metal_trash | creatures\customgiant, id 2842 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\large_metal_trash | creatures\customleaper, id 2843 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\large_metal_trash | creatures\customrodent, id 2844 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\large_weapon | creatures\custombare, id 2845 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\large_weapon | creatures\custombarefast, id 2846 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\large_weapon | creatures\customboar, id 2847 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\large_weapon | creatures\customcat, id 2848 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\large_weapon | creatures\customdog, id 2849 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\large_weapon | creatures\customflesh, id 2850 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\large_weapon | creatures\customgiant, id 2851 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\large_weapon | creatures\customleaper, id 2852 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\large_weapon | creatures\customrodent, id 2853 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\metal_box | creatures\custombare, id 2854 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\metal_box | creatures\custombarefast, id 2855 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\metal_box | creatures\customboar, id 2856 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\metal_box | creatures\customcat, id 2857 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\metal_box | creatures\customdog, id 2858 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\metal_box | creatures\customflesh, id 2859 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\metal_box | creatures\customgiant, id 2860 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\metal_box | creatures\customleaper, id 2861 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\metal_box | creatures\customrodent, id 2862 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\monster_body | creatures\custombare, id 2863 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\monster_body | creatures\custombarefast, id 2864 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\monster_body | creatures\customboar, id 2865 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\monster_body | creatures\customcat, id 2866 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\monster_body | creatures\customdog, id 2867 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\monster_body | creatures\customflesh, id 2868 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\monster_body | creatures\customgiant, id 2869 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\monster_body | creatures\customleaper, id 2870 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\monster_body | creatures\customrodent, id 2871 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\small_box | creatures\custombare, id 2872 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\small_box | creatures\custombarefast, id 2873 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\small_box | creatures\customboar, id 2874 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\small_box | creatures\customcat, id 2875 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\small_box | creatures\customdog, id 2876 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\small_box | creatures\customflesh, id 2877 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\small_box | creatures\customgiant, id 2878 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\small_box | creatures\customleaper, id 2879 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\small_box | creatures\customrodent, id 2880 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\small_metal_trash | creatures\custombare, id 2881 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\small_metal_trash | creatures\custombarefast, id 2882 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\small_metal_trash | creatures\customboar, id 2883 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\small_metal_trash | creatures\customcat, id 2884 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\small_metal_trash | creatures\customdog, id 2885 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\small_metal_trash | creatures\customflesh, id 2886 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\small_metal_trash | creatures\customgiant, id 2887 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\small_metal_trash | creatures\customleaper, id 2888 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\small_metal_trash | creatures\customrodent, id 2889 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\small_weapon | creatures\custombare, id 2890 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\small_weapon | creatures\custombarefast, id 2891 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\small_weapon | creatures\customboar, id 2892 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\small_weapon | creatures\customcat, id 2893 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\small_weapon | creatures\customdog, id 2894 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\small_weapon | creatures\customflesh, id 2895 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\small_weapon | creatures\customgiant, id 2896 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\small_weapon | creatures\customleaper, id 2897 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\small_weapon | creatures\customrodent, id 2898 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\tin_can | creatures\custombare, id 2899 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\tin_can | creatures\custombarefast, id 2900 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\tin_can | creatures\customboar, id 2901 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\tin_can | creatures\customcat, id 2902 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\tin_can | creatures\customdog, id 2903 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\tin_can | creatures\customflesh, id 2904 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\tin_can | creatures\customgiant, id 2905 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\tin_can | creatures\customleaper, id 2906 [material_pairs.ltx] Adding new material pair objects\tin_can | creatures\customrodent, id 2907 intro_start intro_logo intro_delete ::update_logo_intro MCM Session ID:102 1 divider strip_title strip_attachments strip_weapon divider loot_title loot_description loot_ammo loot_ammo_parts loot_grenades loot_magazines loot_armor_parts loot_weapon_parts loot_misc_title loot_misc_ball_hammer loot_misc_beadspread loot_misc_bolt loot_misc_bolt_bullet loot_misc_boots loot_misc_broken_detector loot_misc_compression_bag loot_misc_cutlery loot_misc_explo_metalcan_powder loot_misc_flashlight_broken loot_misc_gloves loot_misc_guitar_a loot_misc_hand_watch loot_misc_headlamp loot_misc_itm_pda_common loot_misc_itm_pda_rare loot_misc_itm_pda_uncommon loot_misc_itm_sleepbag loot_misc_mirror loot_misc_porn loot_misc_porn2 loot_misc_radio loot_misc_radio2 loot_misc_shovel_mili loot_misc_shovel_old loot_misc_synthrope loot_misc_tarpaulin loot_misc_underwear loot_misc_walkie 2 divider delete_title delete_description delete_body delete_armor delete_weapon delete_misc divider misc_options_title no_valid_tool_messaging usable_armor_part_condition_treshold usable_weapon_part_condition_treshold always_treat_recipe_part_as_usable ~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ @ Modded exes 20241110 feature support (GAMMA: false) - Func get_string_table (added 20240507): true - Context menu colors (added 20240523): true - Mouse wheel scripting (added 20230701): true - Right-click on PDA map (added 20230922): true ~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [MPDA] Milspec PDA v1.14.1 (rel 20241105) began initialization at tg 31580 Loadout Injector: adding item molotov_cocktail, points 125, amount 2, faction stalker;freedom;csky;greh, economy st_econ_1;st_econ_2, to inventory false Loadout Injector: adding item molotov_cocktail, points 125, amount 1, faction stalker;freedom;csky;greh, economy st_econ_3, to inventory false Loadout Injector: adding item molotov_cocktail, points 125, amount 1, faction renegade;bandit, economy all, to inventory true Loadout Injector: adding item detector_anomaly, points 150, amount 1, faction dolg;csky;monolith;bandit;stalker;killer;greh;isg;renegade;army;freedom, economy all, to inventory false Loadout Injector: adding item detector_anomaly, points 150, amount 1, faction ecolog, economy all, to inventory true [Dynavision] build presets list [Dynavision] print presets list [Dynavision] preset table: 0x5c69a6c0 [Dynavision] preset table: 0x5c69a760 [Dynavision] preset table: 0x5c699010 [Dynavision] preset table: 0x5c699438 [Dynavision] preset table: 0x5c6994a0 [Dynavision] preset table: 0x5c699550 [Dynavision] preset table: 0x5c6995b8 [Dynavision] preset table: 0x5bfd26e0 found script pda in unlocalizers data Loadout Injector: adding item wpn_thompson_m1a1, points 200, amount 1, faction stalker;csky;renegade;freedom;bandit, economy st_econ_1;st_econ_2, to inventory false found script treasure_manager in unlocalizers data ui_mcm.script monkeypatched by zzzzz_monkey_paw_ui_mcm.script found script item_device in unlocalizers data * [x-ray]: Full Memory Stats * [win32]: free[137432116752 K], reserved[4610480 K], committed[2226176 K] * [ D3D ]: textures[16 K] * [x-ray]: process heap[999529 K] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[377505 K], smem[0 K] * 0.0 : [ 5] $null * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$NVHHGGTex * 0.0 : [ 5] $user$NVjitterTex * 0.0 : [ 8] $user$Texture_color * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$Texture_color_out * 0.0 : [ 7] $user$Texture_obstacles * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$Texture_obstvelocity * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$Texture_pressure * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$Texture_tempscalar * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$Texture_tempvector * 0.0 : [ 5] $user$Texture_velocity0 * 0.0 : [ 4] $user$Texture_velocity1 * 0.0 : [ 5] $user$accum * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$accum_temp * 0.0 : [ 17] $user$albedo * 0.0 : [ 8] $user$bloom1 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$bloom2 * 0.0 : [ 7] $user$blur_2 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$blur_2_zb * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$blur_4 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$blur_4_zb * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$blur_8 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$blur_8_zb * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$blur_h_2 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$blur_h_4 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$blur_h_8 * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$cmap0 * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$cmap1 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$dof * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$edgeTex * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$env_s0 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$env_s1 * 0.0 : [ 5] $user$generic * 0.0 : [ 18] $user$generic0 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$generic0_r * 0.0 : [ 5] $user$generic1 * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$generic1_r * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$generic2 * 0.0 : [ 4] $user$generic_temp * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$hdr10_halfres0 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$hdr10_halfres1 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$heat * 0.0 : [ 5] $user$jitter_0 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$jitter_1 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$jitter_2 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$jitter_3 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$jitter_4 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$jitter_mipped * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$lum_t64 * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$lum_t8 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$luminance_0 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$luminance_1 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$luminance_2 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$luminance_3 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$material * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$msaadepth * 0.0 : [ 823] $user$position * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$pp_bloom * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$rayCastTex * 0.0 : [ 6] $user$rayDataTex * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$rayDataTexSmall * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$scopeRT * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$sky0 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$sky1 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$smaa_blendtex * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$smaa_edgetex * 0.0 : [ 8] $user$smap_depth * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$smap_surf * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$ssfx * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$ssfx_accum * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$ssfx_ao * 0.0 : [ 6] $user$ssfx_hud * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$ssfx_il * 0.0 : [ 4] $user$ssfx_prev_p * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$ssfx_ssr * 0.0 : [ 5] $user$ssfx_temp * 0.0 : [ 4] $user$ssfx_temp2 * 0.0 : [ 5] $user$ssfx_temp3 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$ssfx_water * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$ssfx_water_waves * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$sun_shafts0 * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$sun_shafts1 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$temp_zb * 0.0 : [ 6] $user$tonemap * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$tonemap_src * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$ui * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$viewport2 * 0.0 : [ 2] act\act_controller_hit1 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\anomaly\electric_radial * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\explosions\anim_dirtexp_3 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\explosions\boom_0 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\explosions\boom_1 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\explosions\boom_2 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\explosions\decal_concrete * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\explosions\explo_end * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\explosions\explosion_dynamite\explosion_din * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\explosions\explosion_dynamite\flashlight * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\explosions\explosion_dynamite\smoke * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\explosions\explosion_flash_atlas * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\explosions\explosion_fuelcan\boom_1 * 0.0 : [ 1] amik\explosions\explosion_fuelcan\boom_3 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\explosions\explosion_fuelcan\grey_xpl * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\explosions\explosion_smoke03 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\explosions\final_expl * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\explosions\ring_grey * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\explosions\smoke128_3w * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\explosions\smoke2 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\explosions\smoke_cannon * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\explosions\smoke_white_tiled3 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\fly\fly * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\hit_fx\blood\962e6155 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\hit_fx\blood\blood * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\hit_fx\blood\m * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\nature\list * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\nature\stonedebris1 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\nature\wood_part * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\static\gas_light\flame_zippo * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\00 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\12x70 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\6ways1 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\6ways2 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\9x39 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\btr\muzzle6ways1 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\btr\muzzle6ways2 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\dtk_2 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\dtk_3 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\dtk_4 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\dtk_4_1 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\dtk_5 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\dtk_6 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\dtk_8 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\flame\flameshoot_1 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\flame\flameshoot_2 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\flame\flameshoot_3 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\flame\flameshoot_4 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\flame\flameshoot_5 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\flame\mg42out * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\flame\trace * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\flame\trace_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\flame\trail * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\flash_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\flash_02 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\flash_04 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\flash_05 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\357mag * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\45 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\50_ae * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\5x45x39 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\5x45x39_00 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\5x45x39_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\5x56x45 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\5x56x45_00 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\5x7x28 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\6x5x50 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x25_0 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x25_1 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x25_2 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x25_3 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x25_4 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x39_00 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x39_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x39_02 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x39_03 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x51_1 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x51_2 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x54 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\7x7x57 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\7x92x57 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\9x18_1 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\9x18_2 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\9x18_3 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\9x39 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\mg42out * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\shells_12x70 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\shells_ak * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\shells_ak_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\smokeshoot_0 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\smokeshoot_1 * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\trace * 0.0 : [ 2] amik\weapons\trace_01 * 0.0 : [ 1] anamflares\anam_flare01 * 0.0 : [ 1] anamflares\flare_01 * 0.0 : [ 1] anamflares\flare_02 * 0.0 : [ 1] anamflares\flare_10 * 0.0 : [ 1] anamflares\flare_fleck_01 * 0.0 : [ 1] anamflares\flare_foggy * 0.0 : [ 1] anamflares\sun_day * 0.0 : [ 1] anamflares\sun_day_diffuse * 0.0 : [ 2] ayykyu_fx\pfx_smoke_b * 0.0 : [ 2] botz\blood_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] botz\bloodburst07_var4 * 0.0 : [ 2] botz\bodydustpuff1 * 0.0 : [ 2] cinemavfx\debris_huge_burst_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] cinemavfx\debris_new\debris_burst_01_x16_optimized * 0.0 : [ 2] cinemavfx\debris_new\debris_burst_01_x64 * 0.0 : [ 2] cinemavfx\debris_new\debris_burst_02_x16_optimized * 0.0 : [ 2] cinemavfx\debris_new\debris_burst_02_x64 * 0.0 : [ 2] cinemavfx\debris_new\debris_burst_03_x16_optimized * 0.0 : [ 2] cinemavfx\debris_new\sq_particlesflying1_3 * 0.0 : [ 2] cinemavfx\debris_new\sq_particlesflying2_3 * 0.0 : [ 2] cinemavfx\debris_new\sq_particlesflying3_3 * 0.0 : [ 2] cinemavfx\dirtburst_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] cinemavfx\dirtburst_02 * 0.0 : [ 2] cinemavfx\dirtburst_03 * 0.0 : [ 1] cinemavfx\distort_anomaly_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] cinemavfx\electra_new\elct_comp_x4_01_colgrad_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] cinemavfx\electra_new\elct_comp_x4_03_colgrad_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] cinemavfx\electra_new\electra_sparks_sheet_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] cinemavfx\fireball_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] cinemavfx\fireball_03_a * 0.0 : [ 2] cinemavfx\fireball_04_a * 0.0 : [ 2] cinemavfx\fireball_05_a * 0.0 : [ 2] cinemavfx\fireball_06_a * 0.0 : [ 2] cinemavfx\fireball_07 * 0.0 : [ 2] cinemavfx\fireball_08 * 0.0 : [ 2] cinemavfx\fireball_08_a * 0.0 : [ 2] cinemavfx\gravi_swirls\swirl_02 * 0.0 : [ 2] cinemavfx\gravi_swirls\swirl_03 * 0.0 : [ 2] cinemavfx\gravi_swirls\swirl_05 * 0.0 : [ 2] cinemavfx\gravi_swirls\swirl_06 * 0.0 : [ 2] cinemavfx\gravi_swirls\swirl_08 * 0.0 : [ 2] cinemavfx\gravi_swirls\swirl_11 * 0.0 : [ 2] cinemavfx\gravi_swirls\swirl_heat_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] cinemavfx\gravi_swirls\swirl_heat_02 * 0.0 : [ 2] cinemavfx\puff_00 * 0.0 : [ 2] cinemavfx\smoke_billows_00_desat_02 * 0.0 : [ 2] cinemavfx\smoke_burst_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] cinemavfx\smoke_burst_02 * 0.0 : [ 2] cinemavfx\smoke_burst_03 * 0.0 : [ 2] cinemavfx\smoke_burst_05 * 0.0 : [ 2] cinemavfx\smoke_burst_06 * 0.0 : [ 2] cinemavfx\smoke_burst_07 * 0.0 : [ 2] cinemavfx\smoke_burst_14 * 0.0 : [ 2] cinemavfx\smoke_burst_muzzle_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] cinemavfx\smoke_groundlevel_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] cinemavfx\smoke_groundlevel_02 * 0.0 : [ 2] cinemavfx\smokeball_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] cinemavfx\sparkwires_b * 0.0 : [ 2] cinemavfx\sparkwires_b_flicker * 0.0 : [ 2] cinemavfx\sparkwires_b_flicker_electra * 0.0 : [ 2] cinemavfx\sparkwires_b_flicker_electra_alt * 0.0 : [ 2] cinemavfx\water_new\splash_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] cinemavfx\water_new\splash_03 * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\alien_a * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\alien_fire_a * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\alien_fire_b * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\anim_liquid * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\anm_smoke_05a * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\anm_smoke_07a * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\anm_smoke_desat * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\around * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\blood_anim_a * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\cumulus_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\cumulus_02 * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\cw2_explosion_with_fire * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\cw2_fine_spray * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\dirt_a * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\dirt_b * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\dirt_c * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\dirt_d * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\explosion_a * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\fire_large_animated2 * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\fireball_anim_a * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\fireball_anim_b * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\fireball_anim_e * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\fireball_tiled_a * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\flamesheetlong1_red_cut * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\glass_tiled_a * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\glass_tiled_a_spec * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\glow_a * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\rain_drop2 * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\rain_test3 * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\slime_anim_a_diff * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\slime_anim_a_spec * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\slime_anim_b * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\smoke_looping_a * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\smoke_roll_animated2 * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\smoke_side_animated * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\smoke_streched_tiled_a * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\smoke_tiled_a * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\smoke_tiled_a_add * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\smoke_tiled_b * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\smoke_tiled_d * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\smoke_wispy_tiled_a * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\smoke_wispy_tiled_b * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\spark_mono_a * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\spark_sharp1 * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\spark_tiled_a * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\spark_tiled_blue * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\sparks_tiled * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\splatt_a * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\splatt_tiled_a * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\spore_a * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\spore_white * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\vortex * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\water_foam_tiled_a * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\water_ripples2 * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\water_river_a * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\water_river_b * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\water_splash_tiled_a * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\waterdust1 * 0.0 : [ 2] crysis_3\wood_chip_tiled_a * 0.0 : [ 2] decal\decal_dirt_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] fallout4\bitsglowybits01atlas * 0.0 : [ 2] fallout4\bitsglowysparks02atlasjitter * 0.0 : [ 2] fallout4\bitsglowysparks02atlasjitter2 * 0.0 : [ 2] fallout4\bitsleaves01anim_d * 0.0 : [ 2] fallout4\bitsmediummanufacturedchunk01anim_d * 0.0 : [ 2] fallout4\bitssmall01anim * 0.0 : [ 2] fallout4\bitssmall01bluranim * 0.0 : [ 2] fallout4\bitssmallrocky_d * 0.0 : [ 2] fallout4\bitssparkorange * 0.0 : [ 2] fallout4\bitssparkorangeflicker2 * 0.0 : [ 2] fallout4\bitswoodsplintersatlas * 0.0 : [ 2] fallout4\bushtrimmings_d * 0.0 : [ 2] fallout4\clothbitanim * 0.0 : [ 2] fallout4\debrisburst01 * 0.0 : [ 2] fallout4\decalsbloodsmear_d * 0.0 : [ 2] fallout4\smallsplashatlas * 0.0 : [ 2] fallout4\smokebasic01atlas * 0.0 : [ 2] fallout4\smokeburstpuffanim * 0.0 : [ 2] fallout4\smokecrawl01_anim_d * 0.0 : [ 2] fallout4\smokecrawl01_anim_d_opaq * 0.0 : [ 2] fallout4\smokefillvapor01atlas * 0.0 : [ 2] fallout4\smokefillvapor01atlassoft_c * 0.0 : [ 2] fallout4\smokefillvapor01atlassoft_d * 0.0 : [ 2] fallout4\smokefillvapor01atlassoft_d_small * 0.0 : [ 2] fallout4\smokefillvapor01atlassoft_d_small_a * 0.0 : [ 2] fallout4\smokepuff04anim * 0.0 : [ 2] fallout4\smokepuffsbrightnuke02_d * 0.0 : [ 2] fallout4\smokepuffscontrastatlas * 0.0 : [ 2] fallout4\smokepuffssoftatlas_d * 0.0 : [ 2] fallout4\smokepuffssoftatlasvelocity_d * 0.0 : [ 2] fallout4\smokepuffssofthighcontrastatlas_d * 0.0 : [ 2] fallout4\smokepuffy02_d * 0.0 : [ 2] farcry4\blood_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] farcry4\bullet_burst_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] farcry4\bullet_burst_static_03 * 0.0 : [ 2] farcry4\bulllet_burst_static_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] farcry4\dust_loop_02 * 0.0 : [ 2] farcry4\dust_puff_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] farcry4\dust_puff_big_02 * 0.0 : [ 2] farcry4\dust_wisp_big_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] farcry4\fire_puff_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] farcry4\fireball_explosion_01_no_smoke * 0.0 : [ 2] farcry4\fireball_explosion_02_no_smoke * 0.0 : [ 2] farcry4\fireball_explosion_03 * 0.0 : [ 2] farcry4\metal_spark_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] farcry4\metal_spark_02 * 0.0 : [ 2] farcry4\muzzle_side * 0.0 : [ 2] farcry4\water_splash_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] farcry4\water_splash_02 * 0.0 : [ 2] farcry4\water_splash_04 * 0.0 : [ 2] farcry4\white_flare * 0.0 : [ 2] fozest\fire_spark_04 * 0.0 : [ 2] fozest\small_fire_looped10x4 * 0.0 : [ 1] fozest\small_fire_looped10x4_dist * 0.0 : [ 2] fozest\smoke02 * 0.0 : [ 2] fx\blue_noise * 0.0 : [ 2] fx\fx_flare1 * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_flare2 * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_flare3 * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_glare * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_glare_clear_day * 0.0 : [ 2] fx\fx_gradien2 * 0.0 : [ 2] fx\fx_gradient * 0.0 : [ 2] fx\fx_gradient1 * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_lightning * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_1 * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_2 * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_3 * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_4 * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_5 * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_6 * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_7 * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_white * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_white_blend * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_white_light * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_yellow_light * 0.0 : [ 4] fx\fx_noise2 * 0.0 : [ 2] fx\fx_rainbow * 0.0 : [ 2] fx\fx_rainbow_small * 0.0 : [ 2] fx\fx_sun * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_sun_fog * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_sun_morning * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_thunderbolts_gradient * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_thunderbolts_gradient_surge * 0.0 : [ 2] fx\fx_volumefog1 * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\rain_drop * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\rain_splash * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\water_height * 0.0 : [ 1] ghost_particles\dist\distortion_default * 0.0 : [ 1] ghost_particles\dist\distortion_smoke * 0.0 : [ 1] ghost_particles\dist\distortion_weapon * 0.0 : [ 2] ghost_particles\eft_style\eft_flame * 0.0 : [ 2] ghost_particles\eft_style\empty * 0.0 : [ 2] ghost_particles\eft_style\f4_sparks * 0.0 : [ 2] ghost_particles\eft_style\smoke01 * 0.0 : [ 2] ghost_particles\eft_style\smoke02 * 0.0 : [ 2] ghost_particles\glow\glow01 * 0.0 : [ 2] ghost_particles\shells\r_pop\12ga * 0.0 : [ 2] ghost_particles\shells\r_pop\545x39 * 0.0 : [ 2] ghost_particles\shells\r_pop\9x19 * 0.0 : [ 2] ghost_particles\shells\r_pop\9x39 * 0.0 : [ 2] ghost_particles\shells\shell_762x39 * 0.0 : [ 2] ghost_particles\shells\shell_9x18 * 0.0 : [ 2] ghost_particles\smoke\generic_smoke_white_00 * 0.0 : [ 2] ghost_particles\smoke\smoke_loop_5x5 * 0.0 : [ 2] glow\glow_04 * 0.0 : [ 2] glow\glow_blue * 0.0 : [ 2] glow\glow_fire1 * 0.0 : [ 2] glow\glow_fire1_soc * 0.0 : [ 2] glow\glow_green * 0.0 : [ 2] glow\glow_orange * 0.0 : [ 2] glow\glow_orange2 * 0.0 : [ 2] glow\glow_orange_bright * 0.0 : [ 2] glow\glow_rays * 0.0 : [ 2] glow\glow_white * 0.0 : [ 2] glow\glow_yellow * 0.0 : [ 2] internal\internal_fireTransferFunction * 0.0 : [ 2] jdude\blood1 * 0.0 : [ 2] jdude\bloodsquirt1 * 0.0 : [ 2] jdude\bloodsquirt2 * 0.0 : [ 2] jdude\bodydustpuff1 * 0.0 : [ 2] jdude\bodypuff1 * 0.0 : [ 2] jdude\bodypuff2 * 0.0 : [ 2] jdude\candle * 0.0 : [ 2] jdude\energyball1 * 0.0 : [ 2] jdude\energyball2 * 0.0 : [ 2] jdude\gauss1 * 0.0 : [ 2] jdude\gauss2 * 0.0 : [ 2] jdude\gauss3 * 0.0 : [ 2] jdude\graviblast1 * 0.0 : [ 2] jdude\graviblast2 * 0.0 : [ 2] jdude\metalburst1_var4 * 0.0 : [ 2] jdude\metalburst2 * 0.0 : [ 2] jdude\newblood\bloodburst01_var5 * 0.0 : [ 2] jdude\newblood\bloodburst03_var5 * 0.0 : [ 2] jdude\newblood\bloodburst03_var6 * 0.0 : [ 2] jdude\newblood\bloodburst04_var1 * 0.0 : [ 2] jdude\newblood\bloodburst06_var4 * 0.0 : [ 2] jdude\newblood\bloodburst06_var8 * 0.0 : [ 2] jdude\newblood\bloodburst07_var4 * 0.0 : [ 2] jdude\newmuzzle\gauss3muzzle2 * 0.0 : [ 2] jdude\newmuzzle\muzzleblind * 0.0 : [ 2] jdude\newpuffs\puff01 * 0.0 : [ 2] jdude\newpuffs\puff02 * 0.0 : [ 2] jdude\newpuffs\puff03 * 0.0 : [ 2] jdude\puff3 * 0.0 : [ 2] jdude\rain1 * 0.0 : [ 2] jdude\rain2 * 0.0 : [ 2] jdude\sparks1 * 0.0 : [ 2] jdude\vortexstatic1 * 0.0 : [ 3] lights\lights_spot01 * 0.0 : [ 2] new_pfx\explosion_add * 0.0 : [ 2] new_pfx\explosions\eplosion04_dxt5 * 0.0 : [ 2] new_pfx\smoke_animated_2 * 0.0 : [ 2] new_pfx\wblood_4 * 0.0 : [ 2] new_pfx\wblood_6 * 0.0 : [ 2] perk_based_artefacts\semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\bushtrimmings_d * 0.0 : [ 2] perk_based_artefacts\semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\cumulus_02 * 0.0 : [ 1] perk_based_artefacts\semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\distort_anomaly_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] perk_based_artefacts\semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\electricblast1 * 0.0 : [ 2] perk_based_artefacts\semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\electricblast2 * 0.0 : [ 2] perk_based_artefacts\semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\electricblast3 * 0.0 : [ 2] perk_based_artefacts\semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\flare_blue_v1 * 0.0 : [ 2] perk_based_artefacts\semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\fx_moon_full_foggy * 0.0 : [ 2] perk_based_artefacts\semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\gauss1 * 0.0 : [ 2] perk_based_artefacts\semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\gauss2 * 0.0 : [ 2] perk_based_artefacts\semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\graviblast1orangecut * 0.0 : [ 2] perk_based_artefacts\semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\lensflarered * 0.0 : [ 1] perk_based_artefacts\semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\pfx_dist2inv * 0.0 : [ 1] perk_based_artefacts\semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\pfx_dist3 * 0.0 : [ 1] perk_based_artefacts\semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\pfx_dist_glass * 0.0 : [ 2] perk_based_artefacts\semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\pfx_teleport * 0.0 : [ 2] perk_based_artefacts\semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\portal_8x8_v1 * 0.0 : [ 2] perk_based_artefacts\semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\portal_8x8_v1_4096 * 0.0 : [ 2] perk_based_artefacts\semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\puffcolorsplashflicker * 0.0 : [ 2] perk_based_artefacts\semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\smoke_burst_02 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\cartridges\9x19mm * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\gunparts * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_ani-explosion-02 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_ani-explosion-02-b-a * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_ani-explosion-02a * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_ani-fire01 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_ani-smoke-01 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_1 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_16 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_17 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_18 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_19 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_2 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_20 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_21 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_23 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_2_green * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_3 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_4 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_5 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_6 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_7 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_8 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_88 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_9 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_bloodsplash1 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_bloodsplash2 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_bloodsplash_xcvb * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_blurry_cloud * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_brick * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_bubble * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_bubble_1 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_bubble_water * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_cc_lighting_grad2 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_cc_lightings * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_concretedebris_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_concretepuffs_01 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist2 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist2inv * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist3 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist4 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist8 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist9 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist_lens_base * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist_teleport * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_distort_anomaly * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_distortion * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_electrostatic * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_expl_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_explotions_2 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_explotions_3 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_explotions_4 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_explotions_smoke * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_explotions_smoke_benzine * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_flame * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_flame_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_flamefx_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_flash_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_flash_02 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_flash_05 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_flash_07 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_flash_08 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_g-smoke-01 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_gologramma * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_gradient * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_gradient1 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_leaves_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_leaves_02 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_light * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_light1 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_light3 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_light4 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_lighting_stancia_01 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_lighting_stancia_02 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_lightning_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_lightning_02 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_ligth_6 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_plasma * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_rez_electra2 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_rez_electra3 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_shells1 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_shells2 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_shells_green * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_shells_pisto1 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_shells_pistol * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_skinsplash1 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_smoke_a * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_smoke_b * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_smoke_c * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_smoke_d * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_smoke_f * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_smoke_g * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_smoke_n * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_smoke_o * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_smoke_o2 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_smoke_o3 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_smoke_p * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_smokepuffs1 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_smokepuffs2 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_spark_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_spark_02 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_sparks * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_sparks1 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_sparks2 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_specks * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_specks_poison * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_spikey_star * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_splash_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_splash_02 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_step_blood * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_stonedebris1 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_stonedebris2 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_synus * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_teleport * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_test_textures * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_vehglassdebris_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_vehmetaldebris_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_water_wave * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_woodchips1 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_woodchips3 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_yawm_flake_grid * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_yawm_snowflakes_light * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_yawm_snowflakes_light_02 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_yellow_eyes * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\r_pop\shells\12ga * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\r_pop\shells\45acp * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\r_pop\shells\545x39 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\r_pop\shells\556x45 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\r_pop\shells\762x39 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\r_pop\shells\762x51 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\r_pop\shells\762x54 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\r_pop\shells\9x18 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\r_pop\shells\9x19 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\r_pop\shells\9x39 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\r_pop\shells\fake_shells * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\smoke\chamber_smoke * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\snowo * 0.0 : [ 2] prop\prop_fake_bed_fireplace * 0.0 : [ 2] prop\prop_provod_02 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\acidic_mine\acid_smoke_512 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\acidic_mine\around * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\acidic_mine\cumulus_02 * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\acidic_mine\distort_anomaly_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\acidic_mine\fx_moon_full_foggy * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\acidic_mine\pfx_dist2 * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\acidic_mine\pfx_distortion * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\acidic_mine\pfx_smoke_b * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\acidic_mine\puffcolorsplash * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\acidic_mine\rain_drop2 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\acidic_mine\slime_anim_a_diff * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\acidic_mine\slime_anim_a_spec * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\acidic_mine\slime_anim_b * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\acidic_mine\smallsplashatlas * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\acidic_mine\smoke_tiled_b * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\acidic_mine\smoke_tiled_d * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\acidic_mine\smokeburstpuffanim * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\acidic_mine\spore_white * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\acidic_mine\water_river_a * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\cdf\around * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\cdf\bitsleaves01anim_d * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\cdf\bushtrimmings_d * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\cdf\cumulus_02 * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\cdf\distort_anomaly_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\cdf\electricblast3 * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\cdf\pfx_dist2inv * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\cdf\pfx_dist3 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\cdf\puffcolorsplashflicker2 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\cdf\smoke_burst_02 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\cdf\smokecloud4 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\cdf\white_flare * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\electra\acid_smoke_512 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\electra\cumulus_02 * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\electra\distort_anomaly_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\electra\electricblast1 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\electra\electricblast2_blue * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\electra\electricblast3 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\electra\electricblast3_2k * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\electra\gauss1 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\electra\genericpuff * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\electra\puffcolorsplashflicker * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\electra\smokebasic01atlas * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\electra\smokefillvapor01atlassoft_d * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\flash\around * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\flash\cumulus_02 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\flash\flash_particle * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\flash\pfx_dist2 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\flash\pfx_flash_03 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\flash\smoke_tiled_b * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\flash\smokefillvapor01atlassoft_d * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\flash\smokefillvapor01atlassoft_d_small * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\flash\spore_a * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\flash\water_river_a * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\flash\water_river_b * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\generators\bitssmallrocky_d * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\generators\bushtrimmings_d * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\generators\cumulus_02 * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\generators\distort_anomaly_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\generators\electricblast2 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\generators\electricblast2_blue * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\generators\electricblast3_2k * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\generators\pfx_dist2inv * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\generators\pfx_dist3_005 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\generators\semi\flash_particle * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\generators\semi\genericpuff * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\generators\semi\smokeburstpuffanim * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\generators\smokhighcontrast * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\ghost\cumulus_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\ghost\energyball2 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\ghost\glow_white * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\ghost\pfx_dist3 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\ghost\pfx_flash_07 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gold\acid_smoke_512 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gold\around * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gold\cumulus_02 * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\gold\distort_anomaly_01 * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\gold\pfx_dist2 * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\gold\pfx_dist2inv * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\gold\pfx_distortion * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gold\slime_anim_a_diff * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gold\slime_anim_b * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gold\smallsplashatlas * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gold\smoke_tiled_b * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gold\smokeburstpuffanim * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational\bitssmallrocky_d * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational\branch_03 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational\bushtrimmings_d * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational\clothbitanim * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational\cumulus_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational\cumulus_02 * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\gravitational\distort_anomaly_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational\leaf_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational\leaf_04 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational\leaf_10 * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\gravitational\pfx_distortion * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_average\bitsleaves01anim_d * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_average\bitsleavessprite * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_average\bitssmallrocky_d * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_average\bitswoodsplintersatlas * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_average\bloodburst03_var5 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_average\bloodburst07_var4 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_average\bloodsquirt2 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_average\bushtrimmings_d * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_average\clothbitanim * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_average\cumulus_02 * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_average\distort_anomaly_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_average\leaf * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_average\pfx_dist2 * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_average\pfx_dist2inv * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_average\pfx_dist9 * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_average\pfx_distortion * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_average\puff_00 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_average\smokepuffscontrastatlas * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_average\spore_a * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_strong\albedoshadersingleframe * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_strong\bitsleaves01anim_d * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_strong\bitsleavessprite * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_strong\bitssmallrocky_d * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_strong\bitswoodsplintersatlas * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_strong\bloodburst03_var5 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_strong\bloodburst07_var4 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_strong\bloodsquirt2 * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_strong\brokenglass * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_strong\bushtrimmings_d * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_strong\clothbitanim * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_strong\cumulus_02 * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_strong\distort_anomaly_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_strong\leaf_10 * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_strong\pfx_dist2inv * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_strong\pfx_dist3 * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_strong\pfx_distortion * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_strong\pfx_teleport * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_strong\puff_00 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_strong\shockwave_c * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_strong\spore_a * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\mefistotel\around * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\mefistotel\bitsleaves01anim_d * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\mefistotel\blue_flare * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\mefistotel\bushtrimmings_d * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\mefistotel\clothbitanim * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\mefistotel\cumulus_02 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\mefistotel\darkness_core_distort_4k_v2 * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\mefistotel\distort_anomaly_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\mefistotel\glow_fire1 * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\mefistotel\pfx_dist2inv * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\mefistotel\pfx_dist4 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\mefistotel\puffcolorsplashflicker * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\mefistotel\shockwave_1 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\mefistotel\shockwave_2 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\mefistotel\shockwave_c * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\mefistotel\sphere_something_4096_v1 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\mefistotel\spore_white * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\mefistotel\water_river_b * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\net\distort_anomaly_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\net\glow_white * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\net\pfx_sparks * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\net\smoke_cannon * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\no_gravity\bitsleaves01anim_d * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\no_gravity\bitssmallrocky_d * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\no_gravity\branch_02 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\no_gravity\bushtrimmings_d * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\no_gravity\cumulus_02 * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\no_gravity\distort_anomaly_01 * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\no_gravity\distort_anomaly_small * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\no_gravity\ffff * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\no_gravity\leaf_10 * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\no_gravity\pfx_distortion * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\no_gravity\smoke128_3w * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\point\around * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\point\bitsglowybits01atlas * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\point\blue_flare * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\point\distort_anomaly_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\point\electricblast1 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\point\electricblast2 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\point\glow_white * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\point\pfx_dist2a * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\point\pfx_dist2inv * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\point\pfx_dist3 * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\point\pfx_dist8 * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\point\pfx_dist_glass * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\point\pfx_distortion * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\point\smokebasic01atlas * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\point\sphere_something_4096_v2 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\point\vacum_v1 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\seed\dirtburst_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\seed\fx_moon_full_foggy * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\seed\pfx_dist2 * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\seed\pfx_dist3_005 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\seed\smoke_streched_tiled_a * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\seed\spray_v1 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\shatterpoint\bitsleaves01anim_d * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\shatterpoint\broken_glass * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\shatterpoint\cumulus_02 * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\shatterpoint\distort_anomaly_01 * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\shatterpoint\pfx_dist2inv * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\shatterpoint\pfx_dist3 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\shatterpoint\pfx_flash_07 * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\shatterpoint\pfx_glass_shards1.2048 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\shatterpoint\pfx_glass_shards2.1024 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\shatterpoint\pfx_glass_shards2.512 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\shatterpoint\pfx_glass_shards_blend.2048 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\shatterpoint\pfx_spark_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\shatterpoint\puff_00 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\shatterpoint\puffcolorsplashflicker * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\shatterpoint\spark_tiled_a * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\shatterpoint\sparkwires_b_flicker * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\shatterpoint\triangles * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\sloth\bitsglowybits01atlas * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\sloth\distort_anomaly_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\sloth\glow_fire1 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\sloth\light * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\sloth\pfx_sparks * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\sloth\puffcolorsplashflicker * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\sloth\smokefillvapor01atlassoft_d_small_a * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\bushtrimmings_d * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\cumulus_02 * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\distort_anomaly_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\electricblast1 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\electricblast2 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\electricblast3 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\flare_blue_v1 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\fx_moon_full_foggy * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\gauss1 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\gauss2 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\graviblast1orangecut * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\lensflarered * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\pfx_dist2inv * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\pfx_dist3 * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\pfx_dist_glass * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\pfx_teleport * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\portal_8x8_v1 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\portal_8x8_v1_4096 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\puffcolorsplashflicker * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\smoke_burst_02 * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\sphere\albedoshadersingleframe * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\sphere\bushtrimmings_d * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\sphere\pfx_dist2a * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\sphere\pfx_dist3 * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\sphere\pfx_dist4 * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\sphere\pfx_distortion * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\sphere\pfx_flash_04 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\sphere\pfx_flash_07 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\sphere\puffcolorsplashflicker * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\sphere\smoke_burst_02 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\sphere\smoke_tiled_b * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\sphere\white_flare * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\springboard\bitsleaves01anim_d * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\springboard\bitssmallrocky_d * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\springboard\bitswoodsplintersatlas * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\springboard\bushtrimmings_d * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\springboard\clothbitanim * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\springboard\leaf * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\springboard\pfx_ani-smoke-01 * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\springboard\pfx_dist2inv * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\springboard\pfx_dist3 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\springboard\sparks_tiled * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\springboard\spray_v1 * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\thorn\albedoshadersingleframe * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\thorn\around * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\thorn\broken_glass * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\thorn\clothbitanim * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\thorn\cumulus_02 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\thorn\dirtburst_01 * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\thorn\distort_anomaly_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\thorn\flare_blue_v1 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\thorn\flare_gray_v1 * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\thorn\pfx_dist2 * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\thorn\pfx_dist3_005 * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\thorn\pfx_dist3_006 * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\thorn\pfx_glass_shards1.2048 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\thorn\pfx_glass_shards2.1024 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\thorn\pfx_glass_shards2.2048 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\thorn\pfx_glass_shards2.512 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\thorn\pfx_glass_shards_blend.2048 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\thorn\smokefillvapor01atlassoft_d * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\thorn\spark_tiled_a_1 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\thorn\spore_a * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\umbra\anm_smoke_desat * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\umbra\around * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\umbra\bitsleaves01anim_d * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\umbra\bushtrimmings_d * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\umbra\darkness_core_4k_v1 * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\umbra\distort_anomaly_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\umbra\dust_loop_02 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\umbra\fx_moon_full_foggy * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\umbra\leaf * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\umbra\pfx_dist2a * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\umbra\pfx_distortion * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\umbra\pfx_smoke_g * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\umbra\pfx_smokepuffs2 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\umbra\puffcolorsplashflicker2 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\umbra\smoke_tiled_b * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\wish_granter\around * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\wish_granter\bitsleaves01anim_d * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\wish_granter\bushtrimmings_d * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\wish_granter\cumulus_02 * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\wish_granter\distort_anomaly_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\wish_granter\dust_loop_02 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\wish_granter\electricblast3 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\wish_granter\flash_particle * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\wish_granter\genericpuff * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\wish_granter\pfx_anomaly_8 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\wish_granter\pfx_gradient * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\wish_granter\smoke_burst_02 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\wish_granter\water_river_a * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\zharka\anm_smoke_07a * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\zharka\blowingfire_fwd * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\zharka\bonefire3 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\zharka\bonefire3_1 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\zharka\bonefirethin * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\zharka\cumulus_02 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\zharka\dust_puff_02 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\zharka\grdbasefire_supernova * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\zharka\pfx_ani-fire01 * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\zharka\pfx_dist2 * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\zharka\pfx_dist2inv * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\zharka\pfx_distortion * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\zharka\pfx_smoke_b * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\zharka\puff_00 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\zharka\smoke_burst_06 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\zharka\smokeburstpuffanim * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\zharka\smokefillvapor01atlassoft_d * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\zharka\spark_tiled_a * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\zharka\sparks_tiled * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\zones\acidic\cumulus_02 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\zones\thermal\anm_smoke_desat * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\zones\thermal\cumulus_02 * 0.0 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\zones\thermal\pfx_dist2 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\zones\thermal\pfx_distortion * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\zones\thermal\spark * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\zones\thermal\sparks_tiled * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\environmental\dandelion_seed_v1 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\environmental\dandelion_seed_v2 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\environmental\maple_seed_v1 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\environmental\pfx_leaves_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] semitone\environmental\seed_a * 0.0 : [ 1] shaders\gasmasks\mask_nm_1 * 0.0 : [ 1] shaders\gasmasks\mask_nm_10 * 0.0 : [ 1] shaders\gasmasks\mask_nm_2 * 0.0 : [ 1] shaders\gasmasks\mask_nm_3 * 0.0 : [ 1] shaders\gasmasks\mask_nm_4 * 0.0 : [ 1] shaders\gasmasks\mask_nm_5 * 0.0 : [ 1] shaders\gasmasks\mask_nm_6 * 0.0 : [ 1] shaders\gasmasks\mask_nm_7 * 0.0 : [ 1] shaders\gasmasks\mask_nm_8 * 0.0 : [ 1] shaders\gasmasks\mask_nm_9 * 0.0 : [ 3] shaders\lut_atlas * 0.0 : [ 1] shaders\smaa\area_tex_dx11 * 0.0 : [ 1] shaders\smaa\search_tex * 0.0 : [ 2] shoker_mod\explosions\explosion_smoke01 * 0.0 : [ 2] shoker_mod\explosions\final_expl * 0.0 : [ 2] shoker_mod\explosions\firesmokeparticle * 0.0 : [ 2] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_ak_shells_1 * 0.0 : [ 2] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_shells1 * 0.0 : [ 2] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_shells2 * 0.0 : [ 2] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_shells3 * 0.0 : [ 2] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_smoke_1 * 0.0 : [ 11] sky\af1_foggy\06-00 * 0.0 : [ 11] sky\af1_foggy\06-00#small * 0.0 : [ 32] sky\af1_foggy\08-00 * 0.0 : [ 32] sky\af1_foggy\08-00#small * 0.0 : [ 13] sky\af1_foggy\09-00 * 0.0 : [ 13] sky\af1_foggy\09-00#small * 0.0 : [ 15] sky\af1_foggy\11-00 * 0.0 : [ 15] sky\af1_foggy\11-00#small * 0.0 : [ 30] sky\af1_foggy\13-00 * 0.0 : [ 30] sky\af1_foggy\13-00#small * 0.0 : [ 11] sky\af3_a_clear\04-30 * 0.0 : [ 11] sky\af3_a_clear\04-30#small * 0.0 : [ 15] sky\af3_a_clear\05-00 * 0.0 : [ 15] sky\af3_a_clear\05-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\af3_a_clear\05-30 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\af3_a_clear\05-30#small * 0.0 : [ 9] sky\af3_a_clear\06-00 * 0.0 : [ 9] sky\af3_a_clear\06-00#small * 0.0 : [ 9] sky\af3_a_clear\07-00 * 0.0 : [ 9] sky\af3_a_clear\07-00#small * 0.0 : [ 7] sky\af3_a_clear\08-00 * 0.0 : [ 7] sky\af3_a_clear\08-00#small * 0.0 : [ 10] sky\af3_a_clear\09-00 * 0.0 : [ 10] sky\af3_a_clear\09-00#small * 0.0 : [ 7] sky\af3_a_clear\10-00 * 0.0 : [ 7] sky\af3_a_clear\10-00#small * 0.0 : [ 7] sky\af3_a_clear\11-00 * 0.0 : [ 7] sky\af3_a_clear\11-00#small * 0.0 : [ 7] sky\af3_a_clear\12-00 * 0.0 : [ 7] sky\af3_a_clear\12-00#small * 0.0 : [ 9] sky\af3_a_clear\13-00 * 0.0 : [ 9] sky\af3_a_clear\13-00#small * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\af3_a_clear\14-00 * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\af3_a_clear\14-00#small * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\af3_a_clear\15-00 * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\af3_a_clear\15-00#small * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\af3_a_clear\16-00 * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\af3_a_clear\16-00#small * 0.0 : [ 11] sky\af3_a_clear\17-00 * 0.0 : [ 11] sky\af3_a_clear\17-00#small * 0.0 : [ 9] sky\af3_a_clear\18-00 * 0.0 : [ 9] sky\af3_a_clear\18-00#small * 0.0 : [ 11] sky\af3_a_clear\19-00 * 0.0 : [ 11] sky\af3_a_clear\19-00#small * 0.0 : [ 11] sky\af3_a_clear\20-00 * 0.0 : [ 11] sky\af3_a_clear\20-00#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\af3_a_clear\20-30 * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\af3_a_clear\20-30#small * 0.0 : [ 11] sky\af3_a_clear\21-00 * 0.0 : [ 11] sky\af3_a_clear\21-00#small * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\af3_a_cloudy\05-00 * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\af3_a_cloudy\05-00#small * 0.0 : [ 23] sky\af3_a_cloudy\06-00 * 0.0 : [ 23] sky\af3_a_cloudy\06-00#small * 0.0 : [ 22] sky\af3_a_cloudy\07-00 * 0.0 : [ 22] sky\af3_a_cloudy\07-00#small * 0.0 : [ 46] sky\af3_a_cloudy\08-00 * 0.0 : [ 46] sky\af3_a_cloudy\08-00#small * 0.0 : [ 70] sky\af3_a_cloudy\09-00 * 0.0 : [ 70] sky\af3_a_cloudy\09-00#small * 0.0 : [ 31] sky\af3_a_cloudy\10-00 * 0.0 : [ 31] sky\af3_a_cloudy\10-00#small * 0.0 : [ 27] sky\af3_a_cloudy\11-00 * 0.0 : [ 27] sky\af3_a_cloudy\11-00#small * 0.0 : [ 17] sky\af3_a_cloudy\12-00 * 0.0 : [ 17] sky\af3_a_cloudy\12-00#small * 0.0 : [ 25] sky\af3_a_cloudy\13-00 * 0.0 : [ 25] sky\af3_a_cloudy\13-00#small * 0.0 : [ 25] sky\af3_a_cloudy\14-00 * 0.0 : [ 25] sky\af3_a_cloudy\14-00#small * 0.0 : [ 23] sky\af3_a_cloudy\15-00 * 0.0 : [ 23] sky\af3_a_cloudy\15-00#small * 0.0 : [ 25] sky\af3_a_cloudy\16-00 * 0.0 : [ 25] sky\af3_a_cloudy\16-00#small * 0.0 : [ 31] sky\af3_a_cloudy\17-00 * 0.0 : [ 31] sky\af3_a_cloudy\17-00#small * 0.0 : [ 86] sky\af3_a_cloudy\18-00 * 0.0 : [ 86] sky\af3_a_cloudy\18-00#small * 0.0 : [ 17] sky\af3_a_cloudy\19-00 * 0.0 : [ 17] sky\af3_a_cloudy\19-00#small * 0.0 : [ 7] sky\af3_a_cloudy\20-00 * 0.0 : [ 7] sky\af3_a_cloudy\20-00#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_a_partly\00-00-fm * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_a_partly\00-00-fm#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_a_partly\02-00-hm * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_a_partly\02-00-hm#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_a_partly\03-00-fm * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_a_partly\03-00-fm#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\af3_a_partly\04-30 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\af3_a_partly\04-30#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\af3_a_partly\05-00 * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\af3_a_partly\05-00#small * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\af3_a_partly\05-30 * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\af3_a_partly\05-30#small * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\af3_a_partly\06-00 * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\af3_a_partly\06-00#small * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\af3_a_partly\07-00 * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\af3_a_partly\07-00#small * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\af3_a_partly\08-00 * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\af3_a_partly\08-00#small * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\af3_a_partly\09-00 * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\af3_a_partly\09-00#small * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\af3_a_partly\10-00 * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\af3_a_partly\10-00#small * 0.0 : [ 5] sky\af3_a_partly\11-00 * 0.0 : [ 5] sky\af3_a_partly\11-00#small * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\af3_a_partly\13-00 * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\af3_a_partly\13-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\af3_a_partly\14-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\af3_a_partly\14-00#small * 0.0 : [ 26] sky\af3_a_partly\16-00 * 0.0 : [ 26] sky\af3_a_partly\16-00#small * 0.0 : [ 5] sky\af3_a_partly\17-00 * 0.0 : [ 5] sky\af3_a_partly\17-00#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\af3_a_partly\18-00 * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\af3_a_partly\18-00#small * 0.0 : [ 9] sky\af3_a_partly\19-00 * 0.0 : [ 9] sky\af3_a_partly\19-00#small * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\af3_a_partly\20-00 * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\af3_a_partly\20-00#small * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\af3_a_partly\20-30 * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\af3_a_partly\20-30#small * 0.0 : [ 17] sky\af3_a_partly\21-30 * 0.0 : [ 17] sky\af3_a_partly\21-30#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_a_partly\23-00-fm * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_a_partly\23-00-fm#small * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\af3_blowout\blowout1 * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\af3_blowout\blowout1#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout1_1 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout1_1#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout2 * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout2#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout2_night * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout2_night#small * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3 * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_1 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_1#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_1_night * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_1_night#small * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_2 * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_2#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_2_night * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_2_night#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_3 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_3#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_3_night * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_3_night#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_night * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_night#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4 * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4#small * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_1 * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_1#small * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_1_night * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_1_night#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_night * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_night#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5 * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5_night * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5_night#small * 0.0 : [ 7] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5psi * 0.0 : [ 7] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5psi#small * 0.0 : [ 7] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5psi_night * 0.0 : [ 7] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5psi_night#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout6 * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout6#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout6_night * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout6_night#small * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout7 * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout7#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\af3_blowout\blowout7_night * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\af3_blowout\blowout7_night#small * 0.0 : [ 14] sky\af3_foggy\06-00 * 0.0 : [ 14] sky\af3_foggy\06-00#small * 0.0 : [ 14] sky\af3_foggy\07-00 * 0.0 : [ 14] sky\af3_foggy\07-00#small * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\af3_foggy\09-00 * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\af3_foggy\09-00#small * 0.0 : [ 58] sky\af3_foggy\10-00 * 0.0 : [ 58] sky\af3_foggy\10-00#small * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_foggy\11-00 * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_foggy\11-00#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\af3_foggy\12-00 * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\af3_foggy\12-00#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_foggy\13-00 * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_foggy\13-00#small * 0.0 : [ 17] sky\af3_foggy\14-00 * 0.0 : [ 17] sky\af3_foggy\14-00#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_foggy\15-00 * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_foggy\15-00#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_foggy\16-00 * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_foggy\16-00#small * 0.0 : [ 25] sky\af3_foggy\17-00 * 0.0 : [ 25] sky\af3_foggy\17-00#small * 0.0 : [ 9] sky\af3_foggy\18-00 * 0.0 : [ 9] sky\af3_foggy\18-00#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_foggy\19-00 * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_foggy\19-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\af3_foggy\20-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\af3_foggy\20-00#small * 0.0 : [ 42] sky\af3_rainy\05-00- * 0.0 : [ 42] sky\af3_rainy\05-00-#small * 0.0 : [ 15] sky\af3_rainy\07-00 * 0.0 : [ 15] sky\af3_rainy\07-00#small * 0.0 : [ 44] sky\af3_rainy\09-00_19-00 * 0.0 : [ 44] sky\af3_rainy\09-00_19-00#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_rainy\16-00 * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_rainy\16-00#small * 0.0 : [ 111] sky\af3_rainy\20-00 * 0.0 : [ 111] sky\af3_rainy\20-00#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af_a_partly\01-00-hm * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af_a_partly\01-00-hm#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\cgim_cloudy3\06-00 * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\cgim_cloudy3\06-00#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\cgim_cloudy3\07-00 * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\cgim_cloudy3\07-00#small * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\cgim_cloudy4\19-00 * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\cgim_cloudy4\19-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\cgim_cloudy4\20-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\cgim_cloudy4\20-00#small * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\cgim_cloudy_dark\18-00 * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\cgim_cloudy_dark\18-00#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\cloudy_3\06 * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\cloudy_3\06#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\cloudy_3\13 * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\cloudy_3\13#small * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\cloudy_3\14 * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\cloudy_3\14#small * 0.0 : [ 5] sky\cloudy_3\19 * 0.0 : [ 5] sky\cloudy_3\19#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\cloudy_3\21 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\cloudy_3\21#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\expedition_rain\09-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\expedition_rain\09-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\expedition_rain\10-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\expedition_rain\10-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\expedition_rain\11-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\expedition_rain\11-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\expedition_rain\12-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\expedition_rain\12-00#small * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\expedition_rain\13-00 * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\expedition_rain\13-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\expedition_rain\14-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\expedition_rain\14-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\expedition_rain\15-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\expedition_rain\15-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\expedition_rain\16-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\expedition_rain\16-00#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\expedition_rain\17-00 * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\expedition_rain\17-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\expedition_rain\18-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\expedition_rain\18-00#small * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\foggy_cgim\04-30 * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\foggy_cgim\04-30#small * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\foggy_cgim\05-00 * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\foggy_cgim\05-00#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\foggy_cgim\06-00 * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\foggy_cgim\06-00#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\shi_def_dark\shinoda_morning_1 * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\shi_def_dark\shinoda_morning_1#small * 0.0 : [ 5] sky\shi_def_rain\shinoda_morning_2 * 0.0 : [ 5] sky\shi_def_rain\shinoda_morning_2#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\sky_12_vibros_cube * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\sky_12_vibros_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 10] sky\sky_13_cube * 0.0 : [ 10] sky\sky_13_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\sky_13_cube_night * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\sky_13_cube_night#small * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\sky_13_vibros_cube * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\sky_13_vibros_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\sky_14_cube * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\sky_14_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\sky_17_clouds_cube * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\sky_17_clouds_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\sky_18_cube * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\sky_18_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\sky_1_clouds_cube * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\sky_1_clouds_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\sky_20_clouds_cube * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\sky_20_clouds_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\sky_2_clouds_cube * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\sky_2_clouds_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 5] sky\sky_5_cube * 0.0 : [ 5] sky\sky_5_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 16] sky\sky_9_cube * 0.0 : [ 16] sky\sky_9_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\sky_dark\dark_19 * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\sky_dark\dark_19#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\sky_dark_new\05-00-cloudy-dark * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\sky_dark_new\05-00-cloudy-dark#small * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\sky_dark_new\06-00-cloudy-dark * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\sky_dark_new\06-00-cloudy-dark#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\sky_dark_new\13-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\sky_dark_new\13-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\sky_dark_new\14-00-cloudy-dark * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\sky_dark_new\14-00-cloudy-dark#small * 0.0 : [ 7] sky\sky_dark_new\cloudy_dark * 0.0 : [ 7] sky\sky_dark_new\cloudy_dark#small * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\sky_dark_new\cloudy_dark2 * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\sky_dark_new\cloudy_dark2#small * 0.0 : [ 351] sky\sky_oblaka * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\sky_oblakasky\sky_oblaka * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\skygod_night\cloudy_00-00 * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\skygod_night\cloudy_00-00#small * 0.0 : [ 67] sky\skygod_night\foggy_00-00 * 0.0 : [ 67] sky\skygod_night\foggy_00-00#small * 0.0 : [ 45] sky\swtc_clear\00-00-fm * 0.0 : [ 45] sky\swtc_clear\00-00-fm#small * 0.0 : [ 53] sky\swtc_clear\01-00-fm * 0.0 : [ 53] sky\swtc_clear\01-00-fm#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\swtc_clear\02-00-fm * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\swtc_clear\02-00-fm#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\swtc_clear\03-00-fm * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\swtc_clear\03-00-fm#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\swtc_clear\04-00-fm * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\swtc_clear\04-00-fm#small * 0.0 : [ 12] sky\swtc_clear\04-30 * 0.0 : [ 12] sky\swtc_clear\04-30#small * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\swtc_clear\05-00 * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\swtc_clear\05-00#small * 0.0 : [ 7] sky\swtc_clear\06-00 * 0.0 : [ 7] sky\swtc_clear\06-00#small * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\swtc_clear\06-30 * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\swtc_clear\06-30#small * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\swtc_clear\07-00 * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\swtc_clear\07-00#small * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\swtc_clear\08-00 * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\swtc_clear\08-00#small * 0.0 : [ 7] sky\swtc_clear\09-00 * 0.0 : [ 7] sky\swtc_clear\09-00#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\swtc_clear\10-00 * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\swtc_clear\10-00#small * 0.0 : [ 7] sky\swtc_clear\11-00 * 0.0 : [ 7] sky\swtc_clear\11-00#small * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\swtc_clear\12-00 * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\swtc_clear\12-00#small * 0.0 : [ 5] sky\swtc_clear\13-00 * 0.0 : [ 5] sky\swtc_clear\13-00#small * 0.0 : [ 5] sky\swtc_clear\14-00 * 0.0 : [ 5] sky\swtc_clear\14-00#small * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\swtc_clear\15-00 * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\swtc_clear\15-00#small * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\swtc_clear\16-00 * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\swtc_clear\16-00#small * 0.0 : [ 7] sky\swtc_clear\17-00 * 0.0 : [ 7] sky\swtc_clear\17-00#small * 0.0 : [ 10] sky\swtc_clear\18-00 * 0.0 : [ 10] sky\swtc_clear\18-00#small * 0.0 : [ 13] sky\swtc_clear\19-00 * 0.0 : [ 13] sky\swtc_clear\19-00#small * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\swtc_clear\20-00 * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\swtc_clear\20-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\swtc_clear\20-30 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\swtc_clear\20-30#small * 0.0 : [ 5] sky\swtc_clear\21-00 * 0.0 : [ 5] sky\swtc_clear\21-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\swtc_clear\22-00-fm * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\swtc_clear\22-00-fm#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\swtc_clear\23-00-fm * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\swtc_clear\23-00-fm#small * 0.0 : [ 202] sky\swtc_clear_alt\01-00 * 0.0 : [ 202] sky\swtc_clear_alt\01-00#small * 0.0 : [ 19] sky\swtc_clear_alt\03-00 * 0.0 : [ 19] sky\swtc_clear_alt\03-00#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\swtc_clear_alt\04-00 * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\swtc_clear_alt\04-00#small * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\swtc_clear_alt\05-00 * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\swtc_clear_alt\05-00#small * 0.0 : [ 15] sky\swtc_clear_alt\06-00 * 0.0 : [ 15] sky\swtc_clear_alt\06-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\swtc_clear_alt\07-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\swtc_clear_alt\07-00#small * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\swtc_clear_alt\08-00 * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\swtc_clear_alt\08-00#small * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\swtc_clear_alt\10-00 * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\swtc_clear_alt\10-00#small * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\swtc_clear_alt\11-00 * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\swtc_clear_alt\11-00#small * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\swtc_clear_alt\13-00 * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\swtc_clear_alt\13-00#small * 0.0 : [ 5] sky\swtc_clear_alt\14-00 * 0.0 : [ 5] sky\swtc_clear_alt\14-00#small * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\swtc_clear_alt\15-00 * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\swtc_clear_alt\15-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\swtc_clear_alt\16-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\swtc_clear_alt\16-00#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\swtc_clear_alt\17-00 * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\swtc_clear_alt\17-00#small * 0.0 : [ 11] sky\swtc_clear_alt\18-00 * 0.0 : [ 11] sky\swtc_clear_alt\18-00#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\swtc_clear_alt\19-00 * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\swtc_clear_alt\19-00#small * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\swtc_clear_alt\20-00 * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\swtc_clear_alt\20-00#small * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\swtc_clear_alt\20-30 * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\swtc_clear_alt\20-30#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\swtc_cloudy_light\06-00-cloudy-dark * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\swtc_cloudy_light\06-00-cloudy-dark#small * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\swtc_cloudy_light\17-00-cloudy-light * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\swtc_cloudy_light\17-00-cloudy-light#small * 0.0 : [ 9] sky\swtc_cloudy_light\19-00-cloudy-light-rain * 0.0 : [ 9] sky\swtc_cloudy_light\19-00-cloudy-light-rain#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\swtc_cloudy_light\20-00-cloudy-light * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\swtc_cloudy_light\20-00-cloudy-light#small * 0.0 : [ 12] sky\swtc_cloudy_light\20-30-cloudy-light * 0.0 : [ 12] sky\swtc_cloudy_light\20-30-cloudy-light#small * 0.0 : [ 18] sky\swtc_cloudy_light\21-00-cloudy-light * 0.0 : [ 18] sky\swtc_cloudy_light\21-00-cloudy-light#small * 0.0 : [ 5] sky\swtc_dark\05-00-storm * 0.0 : [ 5] sky\swtc_dark\05-00-storm#small * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\swtc_dark\06-00-cloudy-dark * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\swtc_dark\06-00-cloudy-dark#small * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\swtc_dark\07-00-cloudy-light-rain * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\swtc_dark\07-00-cloudy-light-rain#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\swtc_dark\09-00-cloudy-dark-rain * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\swtc_dark\09-00-cloudy-dark-rain#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\swtc_dark\10-00-cloudy-light-rain * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\swtc_dark\10-00-cloudy-light-rain#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\swtc_dark\11-00-storm * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\swtc_dark\11-00-storm#small * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\swtc_dark\13-00-cloudy-dark * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\swtc_dark\13-00-cloudy-dark#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\swtc_dark\15-00-storm * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\swtc_dark\15-00-storm#small * 0.0 : [ 38] sky\swtc_dark\16-00-storm * 0.0 : [ 38] sky\swtc_dark\16-00-storm#small * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\swtc_dark\17-00-storm * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\swtc_dark\17-00-storm#small * 0.0 : [ 44] sky\swtc_dark\18-00-cloudy-light-rain * 0.0 : [ 44] sky\swtc_dark\18-00-cloudy-light-rain#small * 0.0 : [ 15] sky\swtc_dark\19-00-storm * 0.0 : [ 15] sky\swtc_dark\19-00-storm#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\swtc_dark\19-30-storm * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\swtc_dark\19-30-storm#small * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\swtc_dark\20-00-storm * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\swtc_dark\20-00-storm#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\swtc_dark\21-00-storm * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\swtc_dark\21-00-storm#small * 0.0 : [ 14] sky\swtc_storm\08-00-storm * 0.0 : [ 14] sky\swtc_storm\08-00-storm#small * 0.0 : [ 7] sky\swtc_storm\09-00-storm * 0.0 : [ 7] sky\swtc_storm\09-00-storm#small * 0.0 : [ 11] sky\swtc_storm\10-00-storm * 0.0 : [ 11] sky\swtc_storm\10-00-storm#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\swtc_storm\14-00-storm * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\swtc_storm\14-00-storm#small * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\swtc_storm\15-00-storm * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\swtc_storm\15-00-storm#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\swtc_storm\17-00-storm * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\swtc_storm\17-00-storm#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sunmask * 0.0 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_sleep_screen * 0.0 : [ 2] unrealengine\bigfire_fwd * 0.0 : [ 2] unrealengine\bigfire_fwd2 * 0.0 : [ 2] unrealengine\bigfire_fwd3 * 0.0 : [ 2] unrealengine\blowingfire_fwd * 0.0 : [ 2] unrealengine\blowingfire_fwd2 * 0.0 : [ 2] unrealengine\bonfire\blowingfire_fwd * 0.0 : [ 2] unrealengine\bonfire\blowingfireb_fwd * 0.0 : [ 2] unrealengine\bonfire\bonefire * 0.0 : [ 2] unrealengine\bonfire\bonefire2_boargrill * 0.0 : [ 2] unrealengine\bonfire\bonefire3 * 0.0 : [ 2] unrealengine\bonfire\bonefire_fwd2 * 0.0 : [ 2] unrealengine\bonfire\bonefirethin * 0.0 : [ 2] unrealengine\bonfire\grdbasefire2_small * 0.0 : [ 2] unrealengine\electricblast1 * 0.0 : [ 2] unrealengine\electricblast1_red * 0.0 : [ 2] unrealengine\electricblast2 * 0.0 : [ 2] unrealengine\electricblast2_red * 0.0 : [ 2] unrealengine\electricblast3 * 0.0 : [ 2] unrealengine\electricblast3_red * 0.0 : [ 2] unrealengine\explosions_new\expl_air_01_var1 * 0.0 : [ 2] unrealengine\explosions_new\expl_air_02_var1 * 0.0 : [ 2] unrealengine\explosions_new\expl_air_03_var1 * 0.0 : [ 2] unrealengine\firey_smoke_01_e * 0.0 : [ 2] unrealengine\grdbasefire2_bright * 0.0 : [ 2] unrealengine\grdbasefire2_small * 0.0 : [ 2] unrealengine\grdbasefire4_fwd * 0.0 : [ 2] unrealengine\grdbasefire_bright * 0.0 : [ 2] unrealengine\lensflarered * 0.0 : [ 2] unrealengine\muzzlecloudsatlas * 0.0 : [ 2] unrealengine\muzzlecloudsatlas4 * 0.0 : [ 2] unrealengine\muzzleflash1 * 0.0 : [ 2] unrealengine\muzzleflash4 * 0.0 : [ 2] unrealengine\muzzleflash4var2 * 0.0 : [ 2] unrealengine\muzzleflash5 * 0.0 : [ 2] unrealengine\muzzleflash6 * 0.0 : [ 2] unrealengine\muzzleflash_ember2 * 0.0 : [ 2] unrealengine\muzzleflash_ember3 * 0.0 : [ 2] unrealengine\muzzleflash_ember4 * 0.0 : [ 2] unrealengine\muzzleflash_fire * 0.0 : [ 2] unrealengine\optimized\muzzleoptimized1 * 0.0 : [ 2] unrealengine\optimized\muzzleoptimized2 * 0.0 : [ 2] unrealengine\optimized\muzzleoptimized3 * 0.0 : [ 2] unrealengine\puffcolorsplash * 0.0 : [ 2] unrealengine\puffcolorsplash_2 * 0.0 : [ 2] unrealengine\puffcolorsplashflicker * 0.0 : [ 2] unrealengine\puffcolorsplashflicker2 * 0.0 : [ 2] unrealengine\rockshd * 0.0 : [ 2] unrealengine\t_dirt_02_a * 0.0 : [ 1] water\water_SBumpVolume * 0.0 : [ 1] water\water_flowing_nmap * 0.0 : [ 1] water\water_normal * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_1 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_1_1 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_1_2 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_1_3 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_drop_4 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_asfalt_1 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_asfalt_2 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_asfalt_3 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_brick_1 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_brick_2 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_1 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_2 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_4 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_5 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_6 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_7 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_glass01 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_glass02 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_glass03 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_glass04 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_ground * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_ground_1 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_ground_2 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik_1 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik_2 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik_3 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_1 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_2 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_3 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_4 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_1 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_2 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_3 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_4 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_5 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_6 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_7 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_8 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_9 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_grenade * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_dead * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_horiz * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_blood * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_blood1 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_metal * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_ston * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_wood * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_wood1 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_wood2 * 8.1 : [ 1] 123 * 9.5 : [ 1] ui\moty2018 * 9.5 : [ 1] ui\moty2019 * 16.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_ani_cursor * 16.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_hud_01 * 32.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_magnifier2 * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_arial_14_1600 * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_console_02 * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_hud_02 * 256.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_graff_19_1600 * 256.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_graff_22_1600 * 256.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_letter_16_1600 * 256.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_letter_18_1600 * 400.1 : [ 1] logoamcm * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_graff_32_1600 * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_letter_25_1600 * 2048.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_main_menu * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_mp_screen * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_multiplayer_background * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_multiplayer_game_menu * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_common * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_graff_50_1600 * 7230.0 : [ 1] ui\ui_background_new * 8100.0 : [ 1] ui\ui_mm_saves * 8192.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_hint_wnd "a:\games\anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7\anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7\bin\anomalydx11avx.exe" -smap2048 * phase time: 0 ms * phase cmem: 1183200 K * [x-ray]: Prefetching Data Loading objects... Loading models... Loading textures... CResourceManager::DeferredUpload -> START, size = 1935 ! Can't find texture 'pfx\cartridges\9x19mm' ! Can't find texture 'pfx\pfx_bloodsplash_xcvb' ! Can't find texture 'pfx\pfx_yellow_eyes' ! Can't find texture 'pfx\smoke\chamber_smoke' ! Can't find texture 'unrealengine\explosions_new\expl_air_02_var1' ! Can't find texture 'unrealengine\explosions_new\expl_air_03_var1' ! Can't find texture 'unrealengine\explosions_new\expl_air_01_var1' texture loading time: 4966 * [x-ray]: Prefetched Data * [prefetch] time: 7304 ms * [prefetch] memory: 79224Kb opening file a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\unlocalizers\milpda_ui_pda_npc_tab_factions.ltx creating unlocalizer for script ui_pda_npc_tab adding variable faction_encyption for unlocalizer for script ui_pda_npc_tab adding variable faction_lookup for unlocalizer for script ui_pda_npc_tab opening file a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\unlocalizers\new_levels_patches.ltx creating unlocalizer for script bind_anomaly_field adding variable pAno_maps for unlocalizer for script bind_anomaly_field creating unlocalizer for script pda adding variable primary_objects_tbl for unlocalizer for script pda creating unlocalizer for script smart_terrain_warfare adding variable monster_level_capacity for unlocalizer for script smart_terrain_warfare creating unlocalizer for script target_prior adding variable prior_lab for unlocalizer for script target_prior adding variable prior_t for unlocalizer for script target_prior creating unlocalizer for script tasks_agent_rescue adding variable blacklisted_maps for unlocalizer for script tasks_agent_rescue creating unlocalizer for script tasks_assault adding variable blacklisted_maps for unlocalizer for script tasks_assault creating unlocalizer for script tasks_bounty adding variable blacklisted_maps for unlocalizer for script tasks_bounty creating unlocalizer for script tasks_measure adding variable blacklisted_maps for unlocalizer for script tasks_measure creating unlocalizer for script toxic_air adding variable toxic_dmg for unlocalizer for script toxic_air creating unlocalizer for script treasure_manager adding variable blacklisted_maps for unlocalizer for script treasure_manager adding variable map_tiers for unlocalizer for script treasure_manager opening file a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\unlocalizers\unlocalize_artefinder.ltx creating unlocalizer for script drx_da_main adding variable load_defaults for unlocalizer for script drx_da_main adding variable load_settings for unlocalizer for script drx_da_main adding variable settings for unlocalizer for script drx_da_main opening file a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\unlocalizers\unlocalize_cxv_mutant_loot.ltx creating unlocalizer for script ui_mutant_loot adding variable clsdbg_to_section for unlocalizer for script ui_mutant_loot adding variable clsid_to_section for unlocalizer for script ui_mutant_loot adding variable item_prop_table for unlocalizer for script ui_mutant_loot opening file a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\unlocalizers\unlocalize_experience_ui.ltx creating unlocalizer for script experience_ui adding variable ui_is_opening for unlocalizer for script experience_ui opening file a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\unlocalizers\unlocalize_fun_allowed.ltx creating unlocalizer for script grok_remove_belt_duplicates adding variable categories for unlocalizer for script grok_remove_belt_duplicates opening file a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\unlocalizers\unlocalize_local_looting.ltx creating unlocalizer for script grok_stashes_on_corpses adding variable SETTINGS for unlocalizer for script grok_stashes_on_corpses adding variable _used_corpses for unlocalizer for script grok_stashes_on_corpses adding variable dbg_items for unlocalizer for script treasure_manager adding variable item_list for unlocalizer for script treasure_manager adding variable map_tiers for unlocalizer for script treasure_manager adding variable stash_common for unlocalizer for script treasure_manager adding variable stash_rare for unlocalizer for script treasure_manager adding variable tools_map_tiers for unlocalizer for script treasure_manager opening file a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\unlocalizers\unlocalizer_experience_framework.ltx adding variable distance_tbl for unlocalizer for script pda adding variable primary_objects_tbl for unlocalizer for script pda opening file a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\unlocalizers\unlocalizer_geiger_clicks.ltx creating unlocalizer for script actor_effects adding variable opt for unlocalizer for script actor_effects creating unlocalizer for script grok_actor_damage_balancer adding variable difficulty_multiplier for unlocalizer for script grok_actor_damage_balancer adding variable gameplay for unlocalizer for script grok_actor_damage_balancer creating unlocalizer for script item_device adding variable on_anomaly_touch for unlocalizer for script item_device opening file a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\unlocalizers\unlocalizer_lam.ltx creating unlocalizer for script zzz_ea_addon_backpack adding variable active_slot for unlocalizer for script zzz_ea_addon_backpack adding variable anim_enabled for unlocalizer for script zzz_ea_addon_backpack adding variable backpack_open_flag for unlocalizer for script zzz_ea_addon_backpack opening file a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\unlocalizers\unlocalizer_mag_check.ltx creating unlocalizer for script ammo_check_mcm adding variable busy_hands_fix for unlocalizer for script ammo_check_mcm opening file a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\unlocalizers\unlocalizer_modded_exes_global.ltx creating unlocalizer for script _g adding variable ini_cache for unlocalizer for script _g opening file a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\unlocalizers\unlocalizer_modded_exes_item_device_script_fixes.ltx adding variable on_anomaly_touch for unlocalizer for script item_device opening file a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\unlocalizers\unlocalizer_modded_exes_pda.ltx adding variable map_spot_property for unlocalizer for script pda opening file a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\unlocalizers\unlocalizer_modded_exes_xrs_facer_script_fixes.ltx creating unlocalizer for script xrs_facer adding variable Enabled for unlocalizer for script xrs_facer adding variable facer_sets for unlocalizer for script xrs_facer opening file a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\unlocalizers\unlocalizer_more_measurement_task_maps.ltx adding variable blacklisted_maps for unlocalizer for script tasks_measure opening file a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\unlocalizers\unlocalizer_newmeds.ltx creating unlocalizer for script arszi_psy adding variable psy_table for unlocalizer for script arszi_psy opening file a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\unlocalizers\unlocalizer_overheat_gunsmoke.ltx creating unlocalizer for script item_weapon adding variable decrease_quant for unlocalizer for script item_weapon adding variable last_wpn_id for unlocalizer for script item_weapon adding variable max_overheat for unlocalizer for script item_weapon adding variable overheat for unlocalizer for script item_weapon adding variable overheat_threshold for unlocalizer for script item_weapon adding variable smoke for unlocalizer for script item_weapon adding variable time_quant for unlocalizer for script item_weapon opening file a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\unlocalizers\unlocalizer_pdahacking.ltx adding variable faction_encyption for unlocalizer for script ui_pda_npc_tab adding variable stash_factor_per_pda for unlocalizer for script ui_pda_npc_tab opening file a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\unlocalizers\unlocalizer_test.ltx adding variable RENDERER for unlocalizer for script actor_effects adding variable STATIC_LIGHT for unlocalizer for script actor_effects opening file a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\unlocalizers\unlocalizer_western_goods_core.ltx creating unlocalizer for script western_goods_core adding variable VERSION for unlocalizer for script western_goods_core found script _G in unlocalizers data found variable ini_cache to unlocal init gathering modxml_... scripts gathering modxml_anomalous_stash.script gathering modxml_character_desc_general_army_odst.script gathering modxml_character_desc_general_dolg_odst.script gathering modxml_character_desc_general_isg_odst.script gathering modxml_character_desc_general_killer_odst.script gathering modxml_character_desc_general_stalker_odst.script gathering modxml_character_desc_yantar.script gathering modxml_eftmsgs.script gathering modxml_hamr.script gathering modxml_hamr2.script gathering modxml_hamr3.script gathering modxml_jp84_21scope.script gathering modxml_jp84_4scope.script gathering modxml_jp84_others_21scope.script gathering modxml_jp84_others_4scope.script gathering modxml_jp84_others_scope.script gathering modxml_jp84scope.script gathering modxml_map_spots_milpda.script gathering modxml_nta.script gathering modxml_pdahacking_unlockcost.script gathering modxml_proportional_medic_healing_price.script gathering modxml_rwap21scope.script gathering modxml_rwap2dso.script gathering modxml_rwap2dso21.script gathering modxml_rwap2dsosquare.script gathering modxml_rwap4scope.script gathering modxml_rwapscope.script gathering modxml_scope_16_arm18.script gathering modxml_scope_16_fg42.script gathering modxml_scope_16_lewd_felinscope.script gathering modxml_scope_16_srs99.script gathering modxml_scope_21_arm18.script gathering modxml_scope_21_fg42.script gathering modxml_scope_21_lewd_felinscope.script gathering modxml_scope_21_srs99.script gathering modxml_scope_em2.script gathering modxml_scopes_arm18.script gathering modxml_scopes_fg42.script gathering modxml_scopes_ingame_arm18.script gathering modxml_scopes_ingame_fg42.script gathering modxml_scopes_ingame_lewd_felinscope.script gathering modxml_scopes_ingame_srs99.script gathering modxml_scopes_lewd_felinscope.script gathering modxml_scopes_srs99.script gathering modxml_sks_b_2dso.script gathering modxml_sks_b_2dso_16.script gathering modxml_sks_b_2dso_21.script gathering modxml_tac30_scopes.script gathering modxml_tac30_scopes16.script gathering modxml_tac30_scopes21.script gathering modxml_test.script gathering modxml_unbind_h.script gathering modxml_water_pump.script gathering modxml_western_goods.script gathering modxml_zml_presets.script gathering modxml_zzz_rand_text_dialog.script S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly version 1.5.3 using marshal library found script _g in unlocalizers data found variable ini_cache to unlocal 1 divider strip_title strip_attachments strip_weapon divider loot_title loot_description loot_ammo loot_ammo_parts loot_grenades loot_magazines loot_armor_parts loot_weapon_parts loot_misc_title loot_misc_ball_hammer loot_misc_beadspread loot_misc_bolt loot_misc_bolt_bullet loot_misc_boots loot_misc_broken_detector loot_misc_compression_bag loot_misc_cutlery loot_misc_explo_metalcan_powder loot_misc_flashlight_broken loot_misc_gloves loot_misc_guitar_a loot_misc_hand_watch loot_misc_headlamp loot_misc_itm_pda_common loot_misc_itm_pda_rare loot_misc_itm_pda_uncommon loot_misc_itm_sleepbag loot_misc_mirror loot_misc_porn loot_misc_porn2 loot_misc_radio loot_misc_radio2 loot_misc_shovel_mili loot_misc_shovel_old loot_misc_synthrope loot_misc_tarpaulin loot_misc_underwear loot_misc_walkie 2 divider delete_title delete_description delete_body delete_armor delete_weapon delete_misc divider misc_options_title no_valid_tool_messaging usable_armor_part_condition_treshold usable_weapon_part_condition_treshold always_treat_recipe_part_as_usable ~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ @ Modded exes 20241110 feature support (GAMMA: false) - Func get_string_table (added 20240507): true - Context menu colors (added 20240523): true - Mouse wheel scripting (added 20230701): true - Right-click on PDA map (added 20230922): true ~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [MPDA] Milspec PDA v1.14.1 (rel 20241105) began initialization at tg 37208 Loadout Injector: adding item molotov_cocktail, points 125, amount 2, faction stalker;freedom;csky;greh, economy st_econ_1;st_econ_2, to inventory false Loadout Injector: adding item molotov_cocktail, points 125, amount 1, faction stalker;freedom;csky;greh, economy st_econ_3, to inventory false Loadout Injector: adding item molotov_cocktail, points 125, amount 1, faction renegade;bandit, economy all, to inventory true Loadout Injector: adding item detector_anomaly, points 150, amount 1, faction dolg;csky;monolith;bandit;stalker;killer;greh;isg;renegade;army;freedom, economy all, to inventory false Loadout Injector: adding item detector_anomaly, points 150, amount 1, faction ecolog, economy all, to inventory true [Dynavision] build presets list [Dynavision] print presets list [Dynavision] preset table: 0x5b515038 [Dynavision] preset table: 0x5b5064e0 [Dynavision] preset table: 0x5b56f238 [Dynavision] preset table: 0x5b5b0f00 [Dynavision] preset table: 0x5b5c37d0 [Dynavision] preset table: 0x5b60ed28 [Dynavision] preset table: 0x5b7b1488 [Dynavision] preset table: 0x5b7b14c8 found script pda in unlocalizers data Loadout Injector: adding item wpn_thompson_m1a1, points 200, amount 1, faction stalker;csky;renegade;freedom;bandit, economy st_econ_1;st_econ_2, to inventory false found script treasure_manager in unlocalizers data ui_mcm.script monkeypatched by zzzzz_monkey_paw_ui_mcm.script found script item_device in unlocalizers data found script ui_pda_npc_tab in unlocalizers data found script xrs_facer in unlocalizers data found variable facer_sets to unlocal found variable Enabled to unlocal found script actor_effects in unlocalizers data found variable RENDERER to unlocal found variable STATIC_LIGHT to unlocal -----loading a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\system.ltx !!!DLTX ERROR Attemped to override section 'm_scuttler_e', which doesn't exist. Ensure that a base section with the same name is loaded first. Check this file and its DLTX mods: a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\system.ltx, mod file mod_system_respawn_mutant_configs.ltx !!!DLTX ERROR Attemped to override section 'm_fev_e', which doesn't exist. Ensure that a base section with the same name is loaded first. Check this file and its DLTX mods: a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\system.ltx, mod file mod_system_respawn_mutant_configs.ltx !!!DLTX ERROR Attemped to override section 'm_temple_e', which doesn't exist. Ensure that a base section with the same name is loaded first. Check this file and its DLTX mods: a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\system.ltx, mod file mod_system_respawn_mutant_configs.ltx found script item_weapon in unlocalizers data found variable overheat_threshold to unlocal found variable time_quant to unlocal found variable decrease_quant to unlocal found variable max_overheat to unlocal found variable overheat to unlocal found variable smoke to unlocal found variable last_wpn_id to unlocal found script arszi_psy in unlocalizers data found variable psy_table to unlocal found script drx_da_main in unlocalizers data found script bind_anomaly_field in unlocalizers data found script ui_mutant_loot in unlocalizers data found variable clsid_to_section to unlocal found variable clsdbg_to_section to unlocal found script zzz_ea_addon_backpack in unlocalizers data found variable active_slot to unlocal found script experience_ui in unlocalizers data found variable ui_is_opening to unlocal found script grok_remove_belt_duplicates in unlocalizers data found script grok_stashes_on_corpses in unlocalizers data found script smart_terrain_warfare in unlocalizers data Time continual is:17726 SWMtrue found script target_prior in unlocalizers data found variable prior_t to unlocal found variable prior_lab to unlocal found script tasks_agent_rescue in unlocalizers data found script tasks_assault in unlocalizers data found script tasks_bounty in unlocalizers data found script tasks_measure in unlocalizers data found script western_goods_core in unlocalizers data found variable VERSION to unlocal !Found nil option value [xmark/mark_fade] went here went here 2 removed prometheus from spawn <MPDA> item_parts.disassembly_item - clean monkeypatch by zzz_item_parts_milpda.script [MPDA] sim_squad_scripted.sim_squad_scripted.show() - monkeypatch override by zzz_sim_squad_scripted_milpda.script (Milspec PDA) ui_pda_npc_tab: clean monkeypatch of faction lookup and encryption tables by zzz_ui_pda_npc_tab_milpda.script [MPDA][zzzzz_ui_pda_npc_tab_wpnhidefix.script] monkeypatch override of ui_pda_npc_tab.use_view() [MPDA][zzzzzz_ui_pda_npc_tab_mpdaprogressive.script] clean monkeypatch of ui_pda_npc_tab.use_view() Raven CCROSS [2] assigning ammo ammo_20x70_buck recipe 5,recipe_ammo_0,casing_s,1,powder_1,1,bullet_shotgun,1 workshop auto: | 37208 | Recipe ammo_20x70_buck already has an override recipe, returning assigning ammo ammo_23_eco recipe 5,recipe_ammo_2,casing_s,1,powder_1,3,bullet_shotgun_ap,2 assigning ammo ammo_23x75_barrikada recipe 5,recipe_ammo_2,casing_s,1,powder_1,3,bullet_shotgun_ap,2 assigning ammo ammo_23x75_shrapnel recipe 5,recipe_ammo_2,casing_s,1,powder_1,3,bullet_shotgun,2 assigning ammo ammo_338_federal recipe 5,recipe_ammo_2,casing_r7,1,powder_3,3,bullet_r7_ap,1 assigning ammo ammo_9x21_sp10 recipe 5,recipe_ammo_0,casing_p,1,powder_1,3,bullet_pistol_ap,1 [Dynavision] on_game_start [Dynavision MCM] on_game_start faction_expansions.on_game_start: monkeypatch override by zzz_faction_expansions_milpda.script Loaded faction expansion data for dolg color = %c[255,255,50,50] barman = unknown barman barman_name = unknown barman territory = l05_bar guide_name = unknown guide leader_name = bar_voronin_name guide = unknown guide weapon = eastern mechanic = bar_visitors_stalker_mechanic trader_name = bar_kicenko_name pda_topic_mission = table: 0x5ded70c8 medic_name = bar_dolg_medic_name pda_topic = table: 0x5ded6d68 trader = bar_dolg_general_petrenko_stalker leader = bar_dolg_leader type = troop medic = bar_dolg_medic level_presence = table: 0x5ded6c98 mechanic_name = bar_visitors_stalker_mechanic_name Loaded faction expansion data for csky color = %c[255,100,255,255] barman = mar_base_stalker_barmen barman_name = mar_base_stalker_barmen_name territory = k00_marsh guide_name = cit_doctor_name leader_name = mar_smart_terrain_base_stalker_leader_marsh_name guide = guid_marsh_mlr weapon = all mechanic = mar_base_stalker_tech trader_name = mar_base_owl_stalker_trader_name pda_topic_mission = table: 0x5ded9738 medic_name = mar_smart_terrain_base_doctor_name pda_topic = table: 0x5ded92f8 trader = mar_base_owl_stalker_trader leader = mar_smart_terrain_base_stalker_leader_marsh type = scientist medic = mar_smart_terrain_base_doctor level_presence = table: 0x5ded92d0 mechanic_name = mar_base_stalker_tech_name Loaded faction expansion data for monolith color = %c[255,255,255,255] barman = unknown barman barman_name = unknown barman territory = l12_stancia guide_name = unknown guide leader_name = lider_monolith_haron_name guide = unknown guide weapon = all mechanic = pri_monolith_monolith_mechanic_stalker trader_name = pri_monolith_monolith_trader_stalker_name pda_topic_mission = table: 0x5dedbde0 medic_name = unknown medic pda_topic = table: 0x5dedb9d8 trader = pri_monolith_monolith_trader_stalker leader = lider_monolith_haron type = troop medic = unknown medic level_presence = table: 0x5dedb9b0 mechanic_name = pri_monolith_monolith_mechanic_stalker_name Loaded faction expansion data for ecolog color = %c[255,100,150,100] barman = yan_povar_army_mlr barman_name = yan_povar_army_mlr_name territory = l08_yantar guide_name = unknown guide leader_name = yan_st_sakharov_name guide = unknown guide weapon = all mechanic = mechanic_army_yan_mlr trader_name = jup_b6_scientist_nuclear_physicist pda_topic_mission = table: 0x5dede1f0 medic_name = unknown medic pda_topic = table: 0x5dedde70 trader = jup_b6_scientist_nuclear_physicist leader = yan_stalker_sakharov type = scientist medic = unknown medic level_presence = table: 0x5dedde48 mechanic_name = mechanic_army_yan_mlr_name Loaded faction expansion data for bandit color = %c[255,150,100,0] barman = unknown barman barman_name = unknown barman territory = l04_darkvalley guide_name = unknown guide leader_name = st_zat_b7_bandit_boss_sultan_name guide = unknown guide weapon = all mechanic = val_smart_terrain_7_3_bandit_mechanic_stalker trader_name = val_smart_terrain_7_4_bandit_trader_stalker_name pda_topic_mission = table: 0x5dee06a0 medic_name = unknown medic pda_topic = table: 0x5dee02c0 trader = val_smart_terrain_7_4_bandit_trader_stalker leader = zat_b7_bandit_boss_sultan type = group medic = bandit_main_base_medic_mlr level_presence = table: 0x5dee0298 mechanic_name = val_smart_terrain_7_3_bandit_mechanic_stalker_name Loaded faction expansion data for stalker color = %c[255,255,255,255] barman = bar_visitors_barman_stalker_trader barman_name = bar_barmen_name territory = l01_escape guide_name = guid_bar_stalker_navigator_name leader_name = escape_trader_name guide = guid_bar_stalker_navigator weapon = all mechanic = zat_a2_stalker_mechanic trader_name = escape_trader_name pda_topic_mission = table: 0x5dee2ba0 medic_name = unknown medic pda_topic = table: 0x5dee28a8 trader = esc_m_trader leader = esc_m_trader type = group medic = unknown medic level_presence = table: 0x5dee2880 mechanic_name = zat_a2_stalker_mechanic_name Loaded faction expansion data for killer color = %c[255,50,255,50] barman = cit_killers_merc_barman_mlr barman_name = cit_killers_merc_barman_mlr_name territory = l09_deadcity guide_name = ds_killer_guide_main_base_name leader_name = cit_killers_merc_trader_stalker_name guide = ds_killer_guide_main_base weapon = all mechanic = cit_killers_merc_mechanic_stalker trader_name = cit_killers_merc_trader_stalker_name pda_topic_mission = table: 0x5dee5040 medic_name = cit_killers_merc_medic_stalker_name pda_topic = table: 0x5dee4c88 trader = cit_killers_merc_trader_stalker leader = cit_killers_merc_trader_stalker type = group medic = cit_killers_merc_medic_stalker level_presence = table: 0x5dee4c60 mechanic_name = cit_killers_merc_mechanic_stalker_name Loaded faction expansion data for greh color = %c[255,200,92,140] barman = unknown barman barman_name = unknown barman territory = l10_red_forest guide_name = unknown guide leader_name = red_greh_trader_name guide = unknown guide weapon = all mechanic = red_greh_tech trader_name = red_greh_trader_name pda_topic_mission = table: 0x5dee7610 medic_name = unknown medic pda_topic = table: 0x5dee7290 trader = red_greh_trader leader = red_greh_trader type = troop medic = unknown medic level_presence = table: 0x5dee7268 mechanic_name = red_greh_tech_name Loaded faction expansion data for renegade color = %c[255,150,100,0] barman = unknown barman barman_name = unknown barman territory = k00_marsh guide_name = unknown guide leader_name = st_zat_b7_bandit_boss_sultan_name guide = unknown guide weapon = all mechanic = val_smart_terrain_7_3_bandit_mechanic_stalker trader_name = val_smart_terrain_7_4_bandit_trader_stalker_name pda_topic_mission = table: 0x5dee97c0 medic_name = unknown medic pda_topic = table: 0x5dee9508 trader = val_smart_terrain_7_4_bandit_trader_stalker leader = zat_b7_bandit_boss_sultan type = group medic = bandit_main_base_medic_mlr level_presence = table: 0x5dee94e0 mechanic_name = val_smart_terrain_7_3_bandit_mechanic_stalker_name Loaded faction expansion data for isg color = %c[255,192,110,100] medic_name = unknown medic barman_name = unknown barman guide_name = unknown guide leader_name = ds_domik_isg_leader_name guide = unknown guide weapon = nato mechanic = jup_depo_isg_tech trader_name = ds_domik_isg_leader_name pda_topic_mission = table: 0x5deeb850 level_presence = table: 0x5deeb508 leader = ds_domik_isg_leader trader = ds_domik_isg_leader medic = unknown medic type = troop barman = unknown barman pda_topic = table: 0x5deeb530 mechanic_name = jup_depo_isg_tech_name Loaded faction expansion data for army color = %c[255,200,255,100] barman = agr_1_6_barman_army_mlr barman_name = agr_1_6_barman_army_mlr_name territory = l03_agroprom guide_name = unknown guide leader_name = agr_kuznetsov_name guide = unknown guide weapon = eastern mechanic = agr_smart_terrain_1_6_army_mechanic_stalker trader_name = agr_smart_terrain_1_6_army_trader_stalker_name pda_topic_mission = table: 0x5deed988 medic_name = agr_1_6_medic_army_mlr_name pda_topic = table: 0x5deed608 trader = agr_smart_terrain_1_6_army_trader_stalker leader = agr_smart_terrain_1_6_near_2_military_colonel_kovalski type = troop medic = agr_1_6_medic_army_mlr level_presence = table: 0x5deed5e0 mechanic_name = agr_smart_terrain_1_6_army_mechanic_stalker_name Loaded faction expansion data for freedom color = %c[255,50,255,50] barman = mil_freedom_barman_mlr barman_name = st_mil_freedom_barman_mlr_name territory = l07_military guide_name = mil_freedom_guid_name leader_name = mil_freedom_leader_name guide = mil_freedom_guid weapon = nato mechanic = mil_smart_terrain_7_7_freedom_mechanic_stalker trader_name = mil_Svoboda_trader_name pda_topic_mission = table: 0x5deefe68 medic_name = st_mil_freedom_medic_name pda_topic = table: 0x5deefae8 trader = mil_smart_terrain_7_10_freedom_trader_stalker leader = mil_smart_terrain_7_7_freedom_leader_stalker type = troop medic = mil_freedom_medic level_presence = table: 0x5deefac0 mechanic_name = mil_Svoboda_engineer_name inject_stats !Found nil option value [milpda/milpdagen/kiltrak] Pinup load ini 762 810 869 915 [ITsPorkys Auto Run Addon] - Addon enabled... # Loading ini: misc\smart_profiles.ltx !Found nil option value [ultimate_backpacks_settings/carry_limit_multiplier] !Found nil option value [ultimate_backpacks_settings/carry_weight_multiplier] !Found nil option value [ultimate_backpacks_settings/use_faction_backpacks] end setup * phase time: 13930 ms * phase cmem: 1288824 K * phase time: 102 ms * phase cmem: 1288817 K Disassemble All Items: Sorting Plus mod found Disassemble All Items: saved items found loading mdata * Loading spawn registry... [PP] a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\patrol_paths.ltx initialized [PP] Done reading patrol paths from configs * 21648 spawn points are successfully loaded * Loading objects... * 57034 objects are successfully loaded DXML is patching mapspots for Milspec PDA in ui\map_spots_16.xml there is no configuration file [scripts\garbage\baraholka_logic_recruiter_bandit.ltx] ~ Story Objects | Multiple objects trying to use same story_id labx16_zombie_19 ~ Story Objects | Multiple objects trying to use same story_id yan_tonnel_zombied_2 * Game 123 is successfully loaded from file 'a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\appdata\savedgames\123.scop' (1.549s) * phase time: 1548 ms * phase cmem: 1561070 K * phase time: 145 ms * phase cmem: 1561284 K * phase time: 138 ms * phase cmem: 1561284 K * client : connection accepted - <All Ok> * phase time: 123 ms * phase cmem: 1561319 K * phase time: 124 ms * phase cmem: 1561319 K * phase time: 1507 ms * phase cmem: 1730264 K * phase time: 356 ms * phase cmem: 1739593 K * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65528 verts, 2047 Kb [2] * [Loading VB] 65529 verts, 2047 Kb [2] * [Loading VB] 65374 verts, 2042 Kb * [Loading VB] 3986 verts, 124 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65532 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65527 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65529 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65527 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb [3] * [Loading VB] 65528 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 20062 verts, 626 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 42958 verts, 1342 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb [12] * [Loading IB] 110676 indices, 216 Kb * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb [2] * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 767 Kb [2] * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb [2] * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb [2] * [Loading VB] 40154 verts, 470 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb [6] * [Loading IB] 212994 indices, 416 Kb * phase time: 478 ms * phase cmem: 1740058 K * phase time: 164 ms * phase cmem: 1748337 K * [DETAILS] VertexConsts(256), Batch(61) * [DETAILS] 29951 v(20), 20984 p * [DETAILS] Batch(61), VB(584K), IB(122K) * phase time: 153 ms * phase cmem: 1750614 K * Loading HOM: a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\levels\l02_garbage\level.hom * phase time: 154 ms * phase cmem: 1750784 K * phase time: 126 ms * phase cmem: 1750784 K * phase time: 127 ms * phase cmem: 1750786 K CResourceManager::DeferredUpload -> START, size = 2735 ! Fallback to default bump map: build_details_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: crete\crete_beton_03_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: crete\crete_beton_03_bump texture loading time: 2762 * t-report - base: 2725, 3042898 K * t-report - lmap: 10, 10241 K * phase time: 4365 ms * phase cmem: 1816652 K * phase time: 1727 ms * phase cmem: 1816863 K * [x-ray]: Full Memory Stats * [win32]: free[137426441132 K], reserved[5038720 K], committed[7473556 K] * [ D3D ]: textures[3392609 K] * [x-ray]: process heap[1816863 K] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[443627 K], smem[116056 K] Time continual is:44808 inject_stats [WG] Western Goods version 3.1.0 inject_stats ~ Invalid syntax in call to 'g_dispersion_factor' ~ Valid arguments: float value in range [0.100,10.000] --- Loading TBs_RF_Receiver_Hidden_Package_Sidequests_v1.8 --- category: processing encyclopedia_addons article: processing article_opo article: processing articles_wpo category: processing encyclopedia_addons article: processing article_opo article: processing articles_wpo [Artefinder Monkeys] Original value: 60 | New value: 75 [Artefinder Monkeys] Original value: 80 | New value: 95 [Artefinder Monkeys] Original value: 30 | New value: 45 [Artefinder Monkeys] Original value: 80 | New value: 95 [2] [Artefinder Monkeys] Original value: 60 | New value: 75 [Artefinder Monkeys] Original value: 80 | New value: 95 [Artefinder Monkeys] Original value: 30 | New value: 45 [Artefinder Monkeys] Original value: 80 | New value: 95 [2] [Artefinder Monkeys] Original value: 35 | New value: 50 [Artefinder Monkeys] Original value: 40 | New value: 55 [Artefinder Monkeys] Original value: 50 | New value: 65 [Artefinder Monkeys] Original value: 30 | New value: 45 New Base Rare Stash Task Amt: 4 [RPG - Player When Hit] LW Dodge Chance: 24 % [3] ! Fallback to default bump map: act\tarakan\tarakan_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: detail\detail_metal_clean_bump# Weapon 2: wpn_ak12_ac10632 [RPG - Player When Hit] LW Dodge Chance: 24 % ! Fallback to default bump map: act\watchman\act_eyeball_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: act\watchman\watchman_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\kukri\weapon_united_cutlery_m48_kukri_bump# Weapon 2: wpn_ak12_ac10632 [RPG - Player When Hit] LW Dodge Chance: 24 % Weapon 2: wpn_ak12_ac10632 [RPG - Player When Hit] LW Dodge Chance: 24 % Weapon 2: wpn_ak12_ac10632 ! Fallback to default bump map: item\item_diolator_radio_bump# Weapon 2: wpn_ak12_ac10632 [RPG - Player When Hit] LW Dodge Chance: 0 % SWMtrue [2] Weapon 1: wpn_gauss2a Weapon 2: wpn_ak12_ac10632 [RPG - Player When Hit] LW Dodge Chance: 0 % ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\rgd2\tex_rgd2_main_bump# Weapon 1: wpn_gauss2a Weapon 2: wpn_ak12_ac10632 Weapon 4: wpn_toz34_obrez_decor [RPG - Player When Hit] LW Dodge Chance: 0 % GhenTuong: xr_logic_ex | old logic [stalker_oleksandr_chernenko22800] nil nil GhenTuong: xr_logic_ex | new logic [stalker_oleksandr_chernenko22800] scripts\western_goods_oleksandr_chernenko.ltx logic@western_goods_oleksandr_chernenko beh@stand ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\mauser_c96\tex_mauser_c96_main_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\arbiter_defender\tex_arbiter_defender_main_bump# DX10: Shader 'models\xglass' not found in library. ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\at_nade\tex_at_nade_main_bump# Weapon 1: wpn_gauss2a Weapon 2: wpn_ak12_ac10632 Weapon 4: wpn_toz34_obrez_decor [RPG - Player When Hit] LW Dodge Chance: 0 % GhenTuong: xr_logic_ex | old logic [stalker_danylo_chernenko33280] nil nil GhenTuong: xr_logic_ex | new logic [stalker_danylo_chernenko33280] scripts\western_goods_danylo_chernenko.ltx logic@danylo_chernenko beh@flea_sit ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\ksuper_j\tex_ksuper_j_main_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\ksuper_j\tex_ksuper_j_attachments_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\tantal88\tex_tantal_b_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\tantal88\tex_tantal_forniture_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\tantal88\tex_tantal_stock_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\tantal88\tex_tantal_supressor_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\delisle\tex_delisle_main_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\higgins\tex_higgins_main_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: item\item_diolator_anomalous_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\mp40\tex_mp40_mag_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\mp40\tex_mp40_bullet_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\mp40\tex_mp40_main_bump# Time continual is:67523 !Found nil option value [ultimate_autosave_conf/on_leave_dialog_save] !Found nil option value [ultimate_autosave_conf/on_monster_death_save] Weapon 1: wpn_gauss2a Weapon 2: wpn_ak12_ac10632 Weapon 4: wpn_toz34_obrez_decor SWMtrue [2] actor_effects.init_main_settings monkeypatched by z_fix_hit_effects_option.script Goodwill w/ Army: -3000 ![SLHT] Storyline | Hidden Threat : disabled # --ZLM 4.0-- # ZCP Loot Module revised succesfully activated. # --May the loot be ever in your favor !-- [RPG - Player When Hit] LW Dodge Chance: 0 % --------------------------------------------------------------------- [Dynavision] load preset [Dynavision] preset_name: default [Dynavision] preset globals general: dynavision\default\general.ltx [Dynavision] preset globals weathers: dynavision\default\weathers.ltx [Dynavision] preset program: dynavision\default\program.ltx [Dynavision] loading file dynavision\default\program.ltx [Dynavision] loading file dynavision\default\weathers.ltx [Dynavision] loading file dynavision\default\general.ltx [Dynavision] loading data for section general [Dynavision] tbl[7]=-0.050000 [3] [Dynavision] setting general data [Dynavision] loadLUTMapProgramsTable loading file dynavision\default\l02_garbage.ltx [Dynavision] loadLUTable loading file dynavision\default\lut.ltx [Dynavision] loading data for section groups [Dynavision] loading data for section maps [Dynavision] loadPluginsTable loading file dynavision\plugins.ltx [Dynavision] loading data for section poses [Dynavision] loading data for section stickers ui_mcm_dynavision_preset_loaded --------------------------------------------------------------------- [Dynavision] load settings ----------------------DYNAVISION INITIALIZED ----------------------- enable true frequency 1 debug false notifications enabled true preset default use_program true use_weather true use_es false use_lut false camera_boundary 15 --------------------------------------------------------------------- [Dynavision] SSFX_LUT_SUPPORT true interface\item_usage\vodka_usesoud prefetched interface\item_usage\inv_drink_watersoud prefetched interface\item_usage\drink_soda_usesoud prefetched interface\item_usage\drink_cola_usesoud prefetched interface\item_usage\drink_beer_usesoud prefetched interface\item_usage\pills_usesoud prefetched interface\item_usage\medkit_usesoud prefetched interface\item_usage\drug_tabletos_usesoud prefetched interface\item_usage\antirad_usesoud prefetched interface\item_usage\injector_usingsoud prefetched interface\item_usage\mresoud prefetched interface\item_usage\syringe2soud prefetched interface\item_usage\syringe1soud prefetched interface\item_usage\bandage_usesoud prefetched interface\item_usage\vodka_usesoud prefetched interface\item_usage\drink_flask3soud prefetched interface\item_usage\drink_flask4soud prefetched interface\item_usage\water_flasksoud prefetched interface\item_usage\ciga1soud prefetched interface\item_usage\food_usesoud prefetched interface\item_usage\conserva_usesoud prefetched interface\item_usage\plate_eatsoud prefetched interface\item_usage\drink_soda_usesoud prefetched item_ea_cmuphob_vodka_hud anim cached item_ea_tomatoes_conserva_hud anim cached item_ea_beanz_conserva_hud anim cached item_ea_chilibeans_conserva_hud anim cached item_ea_meat_dog_hud anim cached item_ea_meat_psdog_hud anim cached item_ea_meat_bloodsucker_hud anim cached item_ea_meat_chimera_hud anim cached item_ea_energy_drink_nonstop_hud anim cached item_ea_water_can_1_hud anim cached item_ea_beer_can_2_hud anim cached item_ea_mre_hud anim cached item_ea_cocacola_hud anim cached item_ea_beer_2_hud anim cached [2] item_ea_drug_coagulant_hud anim cached item_ea_drug_sleepingpills_hud anim cached item_ea_drug_psy_blocade_hud anim cached item_ea_antiemetic_hud anim cached item_ea_caffeine_hud anim cached item_ea_antirad_kalium_hud anim cached item_ea_drug_antidot_hud anim cached item_ea_hemupob_vodka_hud anim cached item_ea_antibio_sulfad_hud anim cached item_ea_drug_radioprotector_hud anim cached item_ea_medkit_hud anim cached item_ea_medkit_army_hud anim cached item_ea_medkit_scientic_hud anim cached item_ea_medkit_elite_hud anim cached item_ea_drug_akvatab_hud anim cached item_ea_drug_yadulin_hud anim cached item_ea_antirad_hud anim cached item_ea_stimpack_hud anim cached item_ea_booster_weight_hud anim cached item_ea_stimpack_army_hud anim cached item_ea_stimpack_scientic_hud anim cached item_ea_morphine_hud anim cached item_ea_syringer_guns_hud anim cached item_ea_syringe_def_hud anim cached item_ea_bandage_hud anim cached item_ea_bandage_israeli_hud anim cached item_ea_bio_bandage_hud anim cached item_ea_mineral_water_hud anim cached item_ea_flask2_hud anim cached item_ea_kolbasa_hud anim cached item_ea_flask_hud anim cached item_ea_water_flask_hud anim cached item_ea_cigar1_hud anim cached item_ea_cigar2_hud anim cached item_ea_cigar3_hud anim cached item_ea_cigarettes_hud anim cached item_ea_cigarettes_lucky_hud anim cached item_ea_cigarettes_russian_hud anim cached item_ea_bread_hud anim cached item_ea_conserva_hud anim cached item_ea_sardinia_conserva_hud anim cached item_ea_korn_conserva_hud anim cached item_drug_charcoal_hud anim cached Executing config-script "grading_warm"... [a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\appdata\grading_warm.ltx] successfully loaded. Bosspack total id: 57033 {@} --- Invalid position for CLevelGraph::vertex_id specified: [1000.206909][-0.099900][95.069504] {@} --- Invalid position for CLevelGraph::vertex_id specified: [394.190613][20.171101][290.367004] {@} --- Invalid position for CLevelGraph::vertex_id specified: [476.712708][35.067200][51.022400] {@} --- Invalid position for CLevelGraph::vertex_id specified: [-22.161900][-0.508500][383.139893] {@} --- Invalid position for CLevelGraph::vertex_id specified: [1062.135376][-0.098500][-0.038100] {@} --- Invalid position for CLevelGraph::vertex_id specified: [520.169983][-1.350000][-429.540009] {@} --- Invalid position for CLevelGraph::vertex_id specified: [-455.799988][0.000000][-345.899994] {@} --- Invalid position for CLevelGraph::vertex_id specified: [-288.817902][40.942299][-475.729614] {@} --- Invalid position for CLevelGraph::vertex_id specified: [-59.000000][-30.000000][-477.000000] {@} --- Invalid position for CLevelGraph::vertex_id specified: [-449.489288][-28.823200][73.110001] {@} --- Invalid position for CLevelGraph::vertex_id specified: [-340.584686][3.574100][415.019501] !Found nil option value [demonized_icm/i_attach] !Found nil option value [demonized_icm/i_arty_cont] !Found nil option value [demonized_icm/i_mutant_cooked] !Found nil option value [demonized_icm/i_letter] !Found nil option value [demonized_icm/i_repair] !Found nil option value [demonized_icm/i_tool] !Found nil option value [demonized_icm/i_drink] !Found nil option value [demonized_icm/i_mutant_raw] !Found nil option value [demonized_icm/i_arty_junk] !Found nil option value [milpda/milpdagen/kiltrak] collectgarbage before=128968458Kb collectgarbage after=61853815Kb despawning nocturnal mutants !ERROR get_object_by_id | no game object recieved from id (38889) [2] Weapon 1: wpn_gauss2a Weapon 2: wpn_ak12_ac10632 Weapon 4: wpn_toz34_obrez_decor [RPG - Player When Hit] LW Dodge Chance: 0 % ! Fallback to default bump map: act\pyat\pyat_bump_ears_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: act\pyat\pyat_bump_ears_bump ! Fallback to default bump map: act\pyat\pyat_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: act\geruda\geruda03_bump# * [x-ray]: Full Memory Stats * [win32]: free[137425341700 K], reserved[4768120 K], committed[8843588 K] * [ D3D ]: textures[92378 K] * [x-ray]: process heap[2079792 K] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[455053 K], smem[411557 K] Time continual is:73099 id=54773 id=48527 id=21751 id=46615 Alife storage id=50061 id=19345 id=22732 id=20390 id=40559 id=49462 id=22720 Alife storage id=45062 id=22726 id=44613 id=47644 id=49443 id=26820 id=19318 id=22800 id=19306 id=40584 id=48389 id=46660 id=19303 id=64945 id=40587 id=48475 id=33280 * Saving spawns... * Saving objects... * 57020 objects are successfully saved * Game +uas+ - vitali's pc - last safe zone exit..scop is successfully saved to file 'a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\appdata\savedgames\+uas+ - vitali's pc - last safe zone exit..scop' intro_start game_loaded * [x-ray]: Handled Necessary Textures Destruction * MEMORY USAGE: 2079784 K * End of synchronization A[1] R[1] intro_delete ::update_game_loaded Time continual is:79490 beef - key on-press beef - time event fired for nvg turn-on beef - key on-release Time continual is:91494 [RPG - Hit Effects] On Your Mark proc: ammo_gauss spawn smart: nil LTTZ DC DXML patching, altering bar_dolg_general_zoneguard_stalker LTTZ DC DXML patching, altering bar_visitors_stalker_mechanic LTTZ DC DXML patching, altering bar_dolg_medic LTTZ DC DXML patching, altering red_greh_trader LTTZ DC DXML patching, altering red_greh_tech ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\stg_44\tex_stg_44_stock_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\stg_44\tex_stg_44_main_bump# Time continual is:100124 [RPG] Battle Runner started (1162) Time continual is:108196 ~ Warfare is not loaded, unregistered warfare callbacks Time continual is:110505 [RPG] Battle Runner ended Time continual is:113841 [RPG] Battle Runner started (1299) Time continual is:117806 [RPG - Hit Effects] On Your Mark proc: ammo_gauss Time continual is:121413 [RPG] Battle Runner refreshed by 7.6 second(s) Time continual is:132495 [RPG] Battle Runner ended Time continual is:146923 [RPG] Battle Runner started (1630) Time continual is:150148 spawn smart: nil [RPG] Battle Runner refreshed by 3.2 second(s) Time continual is:154599 [RPG] Battle Runner refreshed by 4.5 second(s) Time continual is:160001 spawn smart: nil ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\rem_7614\tex_rem_7614_3_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\rem_7614\tex_rem_7614_1_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\rem_7614\tex_rem_7614_2_bump# Time continual is:164265 spawn smart: nil Time continual is:165495 [RPG] Battle Runner ended ! Can't find texture 'pfx\pfx_laser_beam' Time continual is:167795 [RR] Weapon: userdata Time continual is:172126 [RR] Weapon: userdata * [x-ray]: Full Memory Stats * [win32]: free[137425173852 K], reserved[4762652 K], committed[9016904 K] * [ D3D ]: textures[158409 K] * [x-ray]: process heap[2157875 K] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[458176 K], smem[458462 K] Time continual is:197178 MCMBTN press MCM init Time continual is:249731 got past intro header test set up check Time continual is:291705 [RR] Weapon: userdata Time continual is:304413 [RPG] Battle Runner started (2255) Time continual is:308035 On Your Mark resetting... | Counter before reset: 2 Time continual is:314585 [RPG] Battle Runner ended !Missing hud animation anm_idle_aim_2 [2] Time continual is:332754 [RR] Weapon: userdata Time continual is:335744 On Your Mark resetting... | Counter before reset: 2 Time continual is:340278 [RPG] Battle Runner started (2614) On Your Mark resetting... | Counter before reset: 1 * [x-ray]: Full Memory Stats * [win32]: free[137425025564 K], reserved[4763380 K], committed[9164464 K] * [ D3D ]: textures[244998 K] * [x-ray]: process heap[2177500 K] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[458115 K], smem[459905 K] Time continual is:373567 [RPG] Battle Runner ended Time continual is:376552 Name: kill_bandit || new stage: 3 || give points: 220 [RPG] Battle Runner started (2750) * [x-ray]: Full Memory Stats * [win32]: free[137425041500 K], reserved[4759864 K], committed[9152044 K] * [ D3D ]: textures[246725 K] * [x-ray]: process heap[2159574 K] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[458117 K], smem[459927 K] Time continual is:380187 id=60212 Alife storage id=60212 id=54773 id=60216 Alife storage id=60216 id=48527 id=49443 id=58741 Alife storage id=58741 id=58736 Alife storage id=58736 id=58630 Alife storage id=58630 id=57695 Alife storage id=57695 id=55446 Alife storage id=55446 id=55439 Alife storage id=55439 id=55319 Alife storage id=55319 id=22732 id=49462 id=22720 id=22726 id=44613 id=47644 id=60208 Alife storage id=60208 id=26820 id=22800 id=57772 Alife storage id=57772 id=19306 id=48389 id=64945 id=48475 id=33280 * Saving spawns... * Saving objects... * 57038 objects are successfully saved * Game vitali's pc - quicksave_4.scop is successfully saved to file 'a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\appdata\savedgames\vitali's pc - quicksave_4.scop' Time continual is:381313 On Your Mark resetting... | Counter before reset: 4 Time continual is:383463 beef - key on-press beef - time event fired for nvg turn-on beef - key on-release Time continual is:386182 Weapon 1: wpn_gauss2a Weapon 2: wpn_ak12_ac10632 Weapon 4: wpn_toz34_obrez_decor Max uses: 3 [RPG - Looting] ||Plus One|| gave 1 extra round(s) for wpn_gauss2a: ammo_gauss_cardan Time continual is:387233 [RPG] Battle Runner ended Time continual is:400408 [RPG - Looting] ||Plus One|| gave 1 extra round(s) for wpn_gauss2a: ammo_gauss Weapon 1: wpn_gauss2a Weapon 2: wpn_ak12_ac10632 Weapon 4: wpn_toz34_obrez_decor * [x-ray]: Full Memory Stats * [win32]: free[137424954392 K], reserved[4791196 K], committed[9207820 K] * [ D3D ]: textures[299973 K] * [x-ray]: process heap[2164190 K] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[458158 K], smem[461822 K] Time continual is:407104 id=60212 id=54773 id=60216 id=48527 id=49443 id=58741 id=58736 id=58630 id=57695 id=55446 id=55439 id=55319 id=22732 id=49462 id=22720 id=22726 id=44613 id=47644 id=60208 id=26820 id=22800 id=57772 id=19306 id=48389 id=64945 id=48475 id=33280 * Saving spawns... * Saving objects... * 57064 objects are successfully saved * Game vitali's pc - quicksave_5.scop is successfully saved to file 'a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\appdata\savedgames\vitali's pc - quicksave_5.scop' Time continual is:409643 [RPG - Looting] Weapon/Armor being Carefully Handled: wpn_ksuper_j Part prt_w_p_spring_6 has condition of 99 Part prt_w_p_spring_6 has new condition of 99 Part prt_w_p_trigger_1 has condition of 99 Part prt_w_p_trigger_1 has new condition of 99 Part prt_w_p_barrel_7 has condition of 99 Part prt_w_p_barrel_7 has new condition of 99 [RPG - Looting] Weapon/Armor being Carefully Handled: wpn_tantal88 Part prt_w_gas_tube_5 has condition of 99 Part prt_w_gas_tube_5 has new condition of 99 Part prt_w_bolt_carrier_1 has condition of 99 Part prt_w_bolt_carrier_1 has new condition of 99 Part prt_w_barrel_8 has condition of 99 Part prt_w_barrel_8 has new condition of 99 Part prt_w_bolt_6 has condition of 99 Part prt_w_bolt_6 has new condition of 99 Part prt_w_trigger_components_2 has condition of 99 Part prt_w_trigger_components_2 has new condition of 99 [RPG - Looting] Weapon/Armor being Carefully Handled: wpn_saiga_bp Part prt_w_bolt_3 has condition of 99 Part prt_w_bolt_3 has new condition of 99 Part prt_w_gas_tube_1 has condition of 99 Part prt_w_gas_tube_1 has new condition of 99 Part prt_w_trigger_components_1 has condition of 99 Part prt_w_trigger_components_1 has new condition of 99 Part prt_w_barrel_3 has condition of 99 Part prt_w_barrel_3 has new condition of 99 Part prt_w_bolt_carrier_1 has condition of 99 Part prt_w_bolt_carrier_1 has new condition of 99 [RPG - Looting] ||Plus One|| gave 1 extra round(s) for wpn_toz34_obrez_decor: ammo_12x70_buck Weapon 1: wpn_gauss2a Weapon 2: wpn_ak12_ac10632 Weapon 4: wpn_toz34_obrez_decor Time continual is:433125 [RPG - Looting] Weapon/Armor being Carefully Handled: wpn_lemi_upglemi Part prt_w_p_spring_4 has condition of 51 Part prt_w_p_spring_4 has new condition of 51 Part prt_w_p_trigger_3 has condition of 55 Part prt_w_p_trigger_3 has new condition of 55 Part prt_w_p_barrel_2 has condition of 99 Part prt_w_p_barrel_2 has new condition of 99 [RPG - Looting] Zone Slayer ammo for wpn_toz34_obrez_decor: ammo_12x70_buck [RPG - Looting] ||Plus One|| gave 1 extra round(s) for wpn_gauss2a: ammo_gauss_cardan Time continual is:444063 hud section is actor_hud_exo hud section actor_hud_exo is exo but no animation caffeine_exo, revert back [FACMEDS] Effect facmeds_effect_color_shift with value nil [FACMEDS] Effect facmeds_effect_blackout with value nil [FACMEDS] Effect facmeds_effect_blurriness with value nil [FACMEDS] Effect facmeds_effect_psi_health with value nil [FACMEDS] Effect facmeds_effect_move_speed with value nil Time continual is:449080 hud section is actor_hud_exo hud section actor_hud_exo is exo and found animation salicidic_acid_exo [FACMEDS] Effect facmeds_effect_color_shift with value nil [FACMEDS] Effect facmeds_effect_blackout with value nil [FACMEDS] Effect facmeds_effect_blurriness with value nil [FACMEDS] Effect facmeds_effect_psi_health with value nil [FACMEDS] Effect facmeds_effect_move_speed with value nil Time continual is:452069 hud section is actor_hud_exo hud section actor_hud_exo is exo but no animation drug_charcoal_exo, revert back [FACMEDS] Effect facmeds_effect_color_shift with value nil [FACMEDS] Effect facmeds_effect_blackout with value nil [FACMEDS] Effect facmeds_effect_blurriness with value nil [FACMEDS] Effect facmeds_effect_psi_health with value nil [FACMEDS] Effect facmeds_effect_move_speed with value nil Time continual is:455498 [RPG - Looting] Weapon/Armor being Carefully Handled: wpn_lemi Part prt_w_p_spring_4 has condition of 84 Part prt_w_p_spring_4 has new condition of 84 Part prt_w_p_trigger_3 has condition of 50 Part prt_w_p_trigger_3 has new condition of 50 Part prt_w_p_barrel_2 has condition of 51 Part prt_w_p_barrel_2 has new condition of 51 [RPG - Looting] Zone Slayer ammo for wpn_toz34_obrez_decor: ammo_12x70_buck [RPG - Looting] ||Plus One|| gave 1 extra round(s) for wpn_toz34_obrez_decor: ammo_12x76_zhekan Weapon 1: wpn_gauss2a Weapon 2: wpn_ak12_ac10632 Weapon 4: wpn_toz34_obrez_decor Time continual is:470354 [RPG - Looting] Weapon/Armor being Carefully Handled: wpn_fort17 Part prt_w_p_trigger_2 has condition of 99 Part prt_w_p_trigger_2 has new condition of 99 Part prt_w_p_barrel_1 has condition of 99 Part prt_w_p_barrel_1 has new condition of 99 Part prt_w_p_spring_2 has condition of 99 Part prt_w_p_spring_2 has new condition of 99 [RPG - Looting] ||Plus One|| gave 1 extra round(s) for wpn_ak12_ac10632: ammo_5.45x39_fmj Time continual is:483096 [RPG - Looting] Weapon/Armor being Carefully Handled: wpn_sten_mkv Part prt_w_bolt_carrier_11 has condition of 92 Part prt_w_bolt_carrier_11 has new condition of 92 Part prt_w_bolt_17 has condition of 92 Part prt_w_bolt_17 has new condition of 92 Part prt_w_barrel_12 has condition of 91 Part prt_w_barrel_12 has new condition of 91 Part prt_w_gas_tube_4 has condition of 92 Part prt_w_gas_tube_4 has new condition of 92 Part prt_w_trigger_components_2 has condition of 92 Part prt_w_trigger_components_2 has new condition of 92 [RPG - Looting] Weapon/Armor being Carefully Handled: wpn_c96 Part prt_w_p_barrel_5 has condition of 79 Part prt_w_p_barrel_5 has new condition of 79 Part prt_w_p_trigger_2 has condition of 79 Part prt_w_p_trigger_2 has new condition of 79 Part prt_w_p_spring_5 has condition of 95 Part prt_w_p_spring_5 has new condition of 95 [RPG - Looting] Zone Slayer ammo for wpn_toz34_obrez_decor: ammo_12x70_buck [RPG - Looting] ||Plus One|| gave 1 extra round(s) for wpn_toz34_obrez_decor: ammo_12x70_buck_self Time continual is:495544 Box size: 15 [RPG - Looting] ||Plus One|| gave 1 extra round(s) for wpn_toz34_obrez_decor: ammo_12x70_buck Time continual is:508510 [RPG - Looting] Weapon/Armor being Carefully Handled: wpn_tantal88 Part prt_w_gas_tube_5 has condition of 26 Part prt_w_gas_tube_5 has new condition of 26 Part prt_w_bolt_carrier_1 has condition of 33 Part prt_w_bolt_carrier_1 has new condition of 33 Part prt_w_barrel_8 has condition of 28 Part prt_w_barrel_8 has new condition of 28 Part prt_w_bolt_6 has condition of 81 Part prt_w_bolt_6 has new condition of 81 Part prt_w_trigger_components_2 has condition of 33 Part prt_w_trigger_components_2 has new condition of 33 [RPG - Looting] Weapon/Armor being Carefully Handled: wpn_toz34_obrez_custom Part prt_w_bolt_11 has condition of 75 Part prt_w_bolt_11 has new condition of 75 Part prt_w_barrel_1 has condition of 43 Part prt_w_barrel_1 has new condition of 43 Part prt_w_gas_tube_9 has condition of 45 Part prt_w_gas_tube_9 has new condition of 45 Part prt_w_trigger_components_6 has condition of 40 Part prt_w_trigger_components_6 has new condition of 40 Part prt_w_bolt_carrier_8 has condition of 68 Part prt_w_bolt_carrier_8 has new condition of 68 [RPG - Looting] Weapon/Armor being Carefully Handled: wpn_mp40_j Part prt_w_bolt_carrier_5 has condition of 72 Part prt_w_bolt_carrier_5 has new condition of 72 Part prt_w_barrel_11 has condition of 71 Part prt_w_barrel_11 has new condition of 71 Part prt_w_gas_tube_11 has condition of 89 Part prt_w_gas_tube_11 has new condition of 89 Part prt_w_bolt_14 has condition of 73 Part prt_w_bolt_14 has new condition of 73 Part prt_w_trigger_components_2 has condition of 74 Part prt_w_trigger_components_2 has new condition of 74 [RPG - Looting] Weapon/Armor being Carefully Handled: wpn_stg44 Part prt_w_gas_tube_5 has condition of 79 Part prt_w_gas_tube_5 has new condition of 79 Part prt_w_trigger_components_3 has condition of 57 Part prt_w_trigger_components_3 has new condition of 57 Part prt_w_bolt_carrier_1 has condition of 81 Part prt_w_bolt_carrier_1 has new condition of 81 Part prt_w_barrel_8 has condition of 79 Part prt_w_barrel_8 has new condition of 79 Part prt_w_bolt_6 has condition of 79 Part prt_w_bolt_6 has new condition of 79 [RPG - Looting] Weapon/Armor being Carefully Handled: wpn_delisle Part prt_w_bolt_4 has condition of 85 Part prt_w_bolt_4 has new condition of 85 Part prt_w_bolt_carrier_6 has condition of 73 Part prt_w_bolt_carrier_6 has new condition of 73 Part prt_w_trigger_components_4 has condition of 75 Part prt_w_trigger_components_4 has new condition of 75 Part prt_w_p_barrel_3 has condition of 88 Part prt_w_p_barrel_3 has new condition of 88 Part prt_w_gas_tube_8 has condition of 72 Part prt_w_gas_tube_8 has new condition of 72 [RPG - Looting] Zone Slayer ammo for wpn_toz34_obrez_decor: ammo_12x70_buck_self [RPG - Looting] ||Plus One|| gave 1 extra round(s) for wpn_toz34_obrez_decor: ammo_12x76_zhekan Time continual is:526650 [RPG - Looting] Zone Slayer ammo for wpn_toz34_obrez_decor: ammo_12x76_zhekan [RPG - Looting] ||Plus One|| gave 1 extra round(s) for wpn_gauss2a: ammo_gauss_cardan Weapon 1: wpn_gauss2a Weapon 2: wpn_ak12_ac10632 Weapon 4: wpn_toz34_obrez_decor Time continual is:549679 [RPG - Looting] Weapon/Armor being Carefully Handled: wpn_lemi_upglemi Part prt_w_p_spring_4 has condition of 55 Part prt_w_p_spring_4 has new condition of 55 Part prt_w_p_trigger_3 has condition of 52 Part prt_w_p_trigger_3 has new condition of 52 Part prt_w_p_barrel_2 has condition of 55 Part prt_w_p_barrel_2 has new condition of 55 [RPG - Looting] Zone Slayer ammo for wpn_toz34_obrez_decor: ammo_12x76_zhekan [RPG - Looting] ||Plus One|| gave 1 extra round(s) for wpn_gauss2a: ammo_gauss Weapon 1: wpn_gauss2a Weapon 2: wpn_ak12_ac10632 Weapon 4: wpn_toz34_obrez_decor Time continual is:551924 !!! no effects exist for wpn_zastavam92_j ! Can't find texture 'ui\ui_actor_monsters_pda_pyat' Time continual is:568746 [CXV Mutant Loot] Mutant Loot MCM not enabled. Defaulting to normal drop chances... [2] [RPG Looting] Artefinder mutant loot: true Time continual is:574595 [RPG - Looting] Zone Slayer ammo for wpn_toz34_obrez_decor: ammo_12x76_zhekan [RPG - Looting] ||Plus One|| gave 1 extra round(s) for wpn_toz34_obrez_decor: ammo_12x70_buck_self * [x-ray]: Full Memory Stats * [win32]: free[137424877560 K], reserved[4803700 K], committed[9272148 K] * [ D3D ]: textures[328102 K] * [x-ray]: process heap[2191573 K] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[458341 K], smem[471305 K] Time continual is:585506 id=60212 id=54773 id=60216 id=48527 Alife storage id=44235 id=49443 id=58741 id=58736 id=58630 id=57695 id=55446 id=55439 id=55319 id=22732 id=49462 id=22720 id=22726 id=44613 id=47644 id=60208 id=26820 id=22800 id=57772 id=19306 id=48389 id=64945 id=48475 id=33280 * Saving spawns... * Saving objects... * 57144 objects are successfully saved * Game vitali's pc - quicksave_1.scop is successfully saved to file 'a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\appdata\savedgames\vitali's pc - quicksave_1.scop' Time continual is:595663 Box size: 15 [RPG - Looting] Zone Slayer ammo for wpn_toz34_obrez_decor: ammo_12x70_buck_self [RPG - Looting] ||Plus One|| gave 1 extra round(s) for wpn_ak12_ac10632: ammo_5.45x39_ap Weapon 1: wpn_gauss2a Weapon 2: wpn_ak12_ac10632 Weapon 4: wpn_toz34_obrez_decor Time continual is:612156 [RPG - Looting] Weapon/Armor being Carefully Handled: wpn_arbiter_defender Part prt_w_bolt_3 has condition of 61 Part prt_w_bolt_3 has new condition of 61 Part prt_w_gas_tube_1 has condition of 63 Part prt_w_gas_tube_1 has new condition of 63 Part prt_w_bolt_carrier_1 has condition of 59 Part prt_w_bolt_carrier_1 has new condition of 59 Part prt_w_trigger_components_1 has condition of 60 Part prt_w_trigger_components_1 has new condition of 60 Part prt_w_barrel_3 has condition of 60 Part prt_w_barrel_3 has new condition of 60 [RPG - Looting] ||Plus One|| gave 1 extra round(s) for wpn_toz34_obrez_decor: ammo_12x76_dart Time continual is:624024 Weapon 1: wpn_gauss2a Weapon 2: wpn_ak12_ac10632 Weapon 4: wpn_toz34_obrez_decor [RPG - Looting] Weapon/Armor being Carefully Handled: wpn_c96 Part prt_w_p_barrel_5 has condition of 97 Part prt_w_p_barrel_5 has new condition of 97 Part prt_w_p_trigger_2 has condition of 96 Part prt_w_p_trigger_2 has new condition of 96 Part prt_w_p_spring_5 has condition of 96 Part prt_w_p_spring_5 has new condition of 96 [RPG - Looting] ||Plus One|| gave 1 extra round(s) for wpn_gauss2a: ammo_gauss_cardan Weapon 1: wpn_gauss2a Weapon 2: wpn_ak12_ac10632 Weapon 4: wpn_toz34_obrez_decor Time continual is:657133 [RPG - Looting] Weapon/Armor being Carefully Handled: wpn_sten Part prt_w_gas_tube_4 has condition of 99 Part prt_w_gas_tube_4 has new condition of 99 Part prt_w_bolt_carrier_11 has condition of 99 Part prt_w_bolt_carrier_11 has new condition of 99 Part prt_w_bolt_17 has condition of 99 Part prt_w_bolt_17 has new condition of 99 Part prt_w_barrel_12 has condition of 99 Part prt_w_barrel_12 has new condition of 99 Part prt_w_trigger_components_2 has condition of 99 Part prt_w_trigger_components_2 has new condition of 99 [RPG - Looting] Weapon/Armor being Carefully Handled: wpn_ks23_kaban Part prt_w_gas_tube_2 has condition of 99 Part prt_w_gas_tube_2 has new condition of 99 Part prt_w_bolt_1 has condition of 99 Part prt_w_bolt_1 has new condition of 99 Part prt_w_trigger_components_1 has condition of 99 Part prt_w_trigger_components_1 has new condition of 99 Part prt_w_barrel_3 has condition of 99 Part prt_w_barrel_3 has new condition of 99 Part prt_w_bolt_carrier_7 has condition of 99 Part prt_w_bolt_carrier_7 has new condition of 99 [RPG - Looting] Weapon/Armor being Carefully Handled: wpn_higgins Part prt_w_barrel_2 has condition of 99 Part prt_w_barrel_2 has new condition of 99 Part prt_w_bolt_4 has condition of 99 Part prt_w_bolt_4 has new condition of 99 Part prt_w_bolt_carrier_6 has condition of 99 Part prt_w_bolt_carrier_6 has new condition of 99 Part prt_w_gas_tube_10 has condition of 99 Part prt_w_gas_tube_10 has new condition of 99 Part prt_w_trigger_components_6 has condition of 99 Part prt_w_trigger_components_6 has new condition of 99 Box size: 15 [RPG - Looting] ||Plus One|| gave 1 extra round(s) for wpn_ak12_ac10632: ammo_5.45x39_fmj Weapon 1: wpn_gauss2a Weapon 2: wpn_ak12_ac10632 Weapon 4: wpn_toz34_obrez_decor Time continual is:661333 Weapon 1: wpn_gauss2a Weapon 2: wpn_ak12_ac10632 Weapon 4: wpn_toz34_obrez_decor Weapon 1: wpn_gauss2a Weapon 2: wpn_ak12_ac10632 Weapon 4: wpn_toz34_obrez_decor Time continual is:667518 Weapon 1: wpn_gauss2a Weapon 2: wpn_ak12_ac10632 Weapon 4: wpn_toz34_obrez_decor Time continual is:677464 Weapon 1: wpn_gauss2a Weapon 2: wpn_ak12_ac10632 Weapon 4: wpn_toz34_obrez_decor Time continual is:681997 [CXV Mutant Loot] Mutant Loot MCM not enabled. Defaulting to normal drop chances... [3] [RPG Looting] Artefinder mutant loot: true Time continual is:686091 [RPG - Looting] Weapon/Armor being Carefully Handled: wpn_c96 Part prt_w_p_barrel_5 has condition of 78 Part prt_w_p_barrel_5 has new condition of 78 Part prt_w_p_trigger_2 has condition of 79 Part prt_w_p_trigger_2 has new condition of 79 Part prt_w_p_spring_5 has condition of 78 Part prt_w_p_spring_5 has new condition of 78 Box size: 10 [RPG - Looting] Zone Slayer ammo for wpn_toz34_obrez_decor: ammo_12x76_zhekan [RPG - Looting] ||Plus One|| gave 1 extra round(s) for wpn_ak12_ac10632: ammo_5.45x39_ap Time continual is:745456 beef - key on-press beef - time event fired for nvg turn-on beef - key on-release Time continual is:747979 beef - key on-press beef - key on-release beef - brightness adjust * [x-ray]: Full Memory Stats * [win32]: free[137424869872 K], reserved[4774308 K], committed[9309228 K] * [ D3D ]: textures[343613 K] * [x-ray]: process heap[2208337 K] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[458438 K], smem[485477 K] Time continual is:751966 id=60212 id=54773 id=60216 id=48527 Alife storage id=41470 id=49443 id=58741 id=58736 id=58630 id=57695 id=55446 id=55439 id=55319 id=22732 id=49462 id=22720 id=22726 id=44613 id=47644 id=60208 id=26820 id=22800 id=57772 id=19306 id=48389 id=64945 id=48475 id=33280 * Saving spawns... * Saving objects... * 57214 objects are successfully saved * Game +uas+ - vitali's pc - last safe zone entrance..scop is successfully saved to file 'a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\appdata\savedgames\+uas+ - vitali's pc - last safe zone entrance..scop' Time continual is:760462 hud section is actor_hud_exo hud section actor_hud_exo is exo but no animation flask_exo, revert back Satiety restore: 0.005 [FACMEDS] Effect facmeds_effect_color_shift with value nil [FACMEDS] Effect facmeds_effect_blackout with value nil [FACMEDS] Effect facmeds_effect_blurriness with value nil [FACMEDS] Effect facmeds_effect_psi_health with value nil [FACMEDS] Effect facmeds_effect_move_speed with value nil Time continual is:761483 hud section is actor_hud_exo hud section actor_hud_exo is exo but no animation xp_experience_potion_10_exo, revert back Satiety restore: 0.018 [FACMEDS] Effect facmeds_effect_color_shift with value nil [FACMEDS] Effect facmeds_effect_blackout with value nil [FACMEDS] Effect facmeds_effect_blurriness with value nil [FACMEDS] Effect facmeds_effect_psi_health with value nil [FACMEDS] Effect facmeds_effect_move_speed with value nil Time continual is:763026 hud section is actor_hud_exo hud section actor_hud_exo is exo but no animation ration_ukr_exo, revert back Satiety restore: 0.431 [FACMEDS] Effect facmeds_effect_color_shift with value nil [FACMEDS] Effect facmeds_effect_blackout with value nil [FACMEDS] Effect facmeds_effect_blurriness with value nil [FACMEDS] Effect facmeds_effect_psi_health with value nil [FACMEDS] Effect facmeds_effect_move_speed with value nil Time continual is:785770 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Dynavision] saving program to file dynavision\default\general.ltx ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [2] [Dynavision] saving program to file dynavision\default\program.ltx ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [2] [Dynavision] saving program to file dynavision\default\weathers.ltx ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * [x-ray]: Full Memory Stats * [win32]: free[137424837104 K], reserved[4765048 K], committed[9351256 K] * [ D3D ]: textures[380013 K] * [x-ray]: process heap[2208271 K] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[458186 K], smem[485593 K] Time continual is:787808 id=54773 id=22732 id=22720 id=22726 id=44613 id=47644 id=26820 id=22800 id=64945 id=33280 * Saving spawns... * Saving objects... * 57020 objects are successfully saved * Game +uas+ - vitali's pc - last safe zone exit..scop is successfully saved to file 'a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\appdata\savedgames\+uas+ - vitali's pc - last safe zone exit..scop' id=54773 id=22732 id=22720 id=22726 id=44613 id=47644 id=26820 id=22800 id=64945 id=33280 * Saving spawns... * Saving objects... * 57020 objects are successfully saved * Game Vitali's PC - autosave.scop is successfully saved to file 'a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\appdata\savedgames\vitali's pc - autosave.scop' - Disconnect Time continual is:789069 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Dynavision] saving program to file dynavision\default\general.ltx ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [2] [Dynavision] saving program to file dynavision\default\program.ltx ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [2] [Dynavision] saving program to file dynavision\default\weathers.ltx ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- server_entity_on_unregister (xcvb mutants): squad_id: 41238 || sec: night_zombie server_entity_on_unregister (xcvb mutants): squad_id: 41280 || sec: night_psysucker server_entity_on_unregister (xcvb mutants): squad_id: 41320 || sec: night_cat server_entity_on_unregister (xcvb mutants): squad_id: 41360 || sec: night_psy_dog server_entity_on_unregister (xcvb mutants): squad_id: 41361 || sec: night_karlik server_entity_on_unregister (xcvb mutants): squad_id: 41362 || sec: night_fracture server_entity_on_unregister (xcvb mutants): squad_id: 41386 || sec: night_burer server_entity_on_unregister (xcvb mutants): squad_id: 41445 || sec: night_psy_dog server_entity_on_unregister (xcvb mutants): squad_id: 42265 || sec: night_psy_dog server_entity_on_unregister (xcvb mutants): squad_id: 42446 || sec: night_burer - Destroying level * 0.0 : [ 5] $null * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$NVHHGGTex * 0.0 : [ 5] $user$NVjitterTex * 0.0 : [ 8] $user$Texture_color * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$Texture_color_out * 0.0 : [ 7] $user$Texture_obstacles * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$Texture_obstvelocity * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$Texture_pressure * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$Texture_tempscalar * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$Texture_tempvector * 0.0 : [ 5] $user$Texture_velocity0 * 0.0 : [ 4] $user$Texture_velocity1 * 0.0 : [ 5] $user$accum * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$accum_temp * 0.0 : [ 17] $user$albedo * 0.0 : [ 8] $user$bloom1 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$bloom2 * 0.0 : [ 7] $user$blur_2 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$blur_2_zb * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$blur_4 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$blur_4_zb * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$blur_8 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$blur_8_zb * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$blur_h_2 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$blur_h_4 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$blur_h_8 * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$cmap0 * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$cmap1 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$dof * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$edgeTex * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$env_s0 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$env_s1 * 0.0 : [ 5] $user$generic * 0.0 : [ 18] $user$generic0 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$generic0_r * 0.0 : [ 5] $user$generic1 * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$generic1_r * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$generic2 * 0.0 : [ 4] $user$generic_temp * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$hdr10_halfres0 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$hdr10_halfres1 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$heat * 0.0 : [ 5] $user$jitter_0 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$jitter_1 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$jitter_2 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$jitter_3 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$jitter_4 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$jitter_mipped * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$lum_t64 * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$lum_t8 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$luminance_0 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$luminance_1 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$luminance_2 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$luminance_3 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$material * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$msaadepth * 0.0 : [ 823] $user$position * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$pp_bloom * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$rayCastTex * 0.0 : [ 6] $user$rayDataTex * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$rayDataTexSmall * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$scopeRT * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$sky0 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$sky1 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$smaa_blendtex * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$smaa_edgetex * 0.0 : [ 9] $user$smap_depth * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$smap_surf * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$ssfx * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$ssfx_accum * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$ssfx_ao * 0.0 : [ 6] $user$ssfx_hud * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$ssfx_il * 0.0 : [ 4] $user$ssfx_prev_p * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$ssfx_ssr * 0.0 : [ 5] $user$ssfx_temp * 0.0 : [ 4] $user$ssfx_temp2 * 0.0 : [ 5] $user$ssfx_temp3 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$ssfx_water * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$ssfx_water_waves * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$sun_shafts0 * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$sun_shafts1 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$temp_zb * 0.0 : [ 9] $user$tonemap * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$tonemap_src * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$ui * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$viewport2 * 0.0 : [ 5] act\act_cat_bump# * 0.0 : [ 2] act\act_controller_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] act\act_dog_red_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] act\act_dogs_big_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] act\act_dogs_brown_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] act\act_mutant_boar_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] act\act_mutant_boar_u_bump# * 0.0 : [ 2] act\act_pseudodog_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] limbsmodels\limbs_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_head_antigas_2_bump# * 0.0 : [ 2] act\exos\act_arm_1_exo_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] act\geruda\geruda03_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] act\pyat\pyat_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] act\pyat\pyat_bump_ears_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] act\tarakan\tarakan_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] act\watchman\act_eyeball_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] act\watchman\watchman_bump# * 0.0 : [ 2] balkanzona\gauss2\gauss_a_cell_spec_2_bump# * 0.0 : [ 2] balkanzona\gauss2\gauss_b_cell_spec_2a_bump# * 0.0 : [ 2] balkanzona\gauss2\occular_small_bump# * 0.0 : [ 2] balkanzona\gauss2\scope_fp_spec22_bump# * 0.0 : [ 2] balkanzona\gauss2\scope_text_bump# * 0.0 : [ 2] balkanzona\gauss2\text_cell_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] detail\detail_metal_clean_bump# * 0.0 : [ 11] detail\detail_metall_det1_bump# * 0.0 : [ 4] detail\detail_metall_det2_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] detail\detail_metall_det2_u_bump# * 0.0 : [ 7] detail\detail_metall_det2_v_bump# * 0.0 : [ 6] detail\detail_metall_det3_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] detail\detail_metall_det3_u_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] item\item_conserva_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] item\item_diolator_anomalous_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] item\item_diolator_radio_bump# * 0.0 : [ 2] wpn\addons\pistolsil\sil_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\arbiter_defender\tex_arbiter_defender_main_bump# * 0.0 : [ 3] wpn\arti\wpn_ammo_boxes_1_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\at_nade\tex_at_nade_main_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\delisle\tex_delisle_main_bump# * 0.0 : [ 2] wpn\higgins\tex_higgins_main_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\ksuper_j\tex_ksuper_j_attachments_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\ksuper_j\tex_ksuper_j_main_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\kukri\weapon_united_cutlery_m48_kukri_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\ash12\ASH12_handguard_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\ash12\ASH12_mag_10_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\ash12\ASH12_muzzle_brake_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\ash12\ASH12_receiver_lower_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\ash12\ASH12_receiver_upper_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\ash12\ASH12_sight_front_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\ash12\ASH12_sight_rear_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\ash12\ASH12_silencer_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\asval\ASVAL_dustcover_def_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\asval\ASVAL_mag_20_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\asval\ASVAL_pistolgrip_def_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\asval\ASVAL_receiver_def_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\asval\ASVAL_sight_rear_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\asval\ASVAL_silencer_def_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\asval\ASVAL_stock_def_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\m870\M870_barrel_508mm_fixed_sights_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\m870\M870_handguard_speedfeed_short_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\m870\M870_magazine_extension_7_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\m870\M870_rail_top_mount_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\m870\M870_receiver_parts_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\m870\M870_stock_sps_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\melee\melee_ontario_sp8_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\mp5\Ammo_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\mp5\MP5_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\mp5\Mag_30_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\mp5\Receiver_Lower_NAVY_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\mp5\Stock_Retractable_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\mp7\Suppressor_Osprey_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\rgn\grenade_rgn_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\rgo\grenade_rgo_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\shared\anpeq15_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\spas12\spas12_receiver_parts_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\tt33\TT_barrell_116mm_std_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\tt33\TT_mag_7_std_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\tt33\TT_pistolgrip_std_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\tt33\TT_receiver_std_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\mauser_c96\tex_mauser_c96_main_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\mp40\tex_mp40_bullet_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\mp40\tex_mp40_mag_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\mp40\tex_mp40_main_bump# * 0.0 : [ 2] wpn\rem_7614\tex_rem_7614_1_bump# * 0.0 : [ 2] wpn\rem_7614\tex_rem_7614_2_bump# * 0.0 : [ 2] wpn\rem_7614\tex_rem_7614_3_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\rgd2\tex_rgd2_main_bump# * 0.0 : [ 2] wpn\stg_44\tex_stg_44_main_bump# * 0.0 : [ 2] wpn\stg_44\tex_stg_44_stock_bump# * 0.0 : [ 2] wpn\tantal88\tex_tantal_b_bump# * 0.0 : [ 2] wpn\tantal88\tex_tantal_forniture_bump# * 0.0 : [ 2] wpn\tantal88\tex_tantal_stock_bump# * 0.0 : [ 2] wpn\tantal88\tex_tantal_supressor_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addon_grenade_launcher_ag36_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addon_grenade_launcher_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_pso1_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_scope_po4x34\wpn_addon_scope_po4x34_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_silencer\wpn_addon_sil_9mm_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_silencer\wpn_addon_sil_kzrzp_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_pkm\wpn_pkm_magazin_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] prop\prop_lampa_g * 0.0 : [ 1] prop\prop_lampa_g_red2 * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_hpsa\wpn_hpsa_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_gl\wpn_addon_grenade_launcher_m203_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] act\act_eyeball_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_ecologb_1_bump# * 0.1 : [ 2] act\New_hands\bare_hands\hand_bump# * 0.1 : [ 2] act\New_hands\sviter\sviter_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] act\act_monoold1_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_freedom_1_bump# * 0.1 : [ 2] act\act_stalker_head_glass_bump# * 0.1 : [ 3] act\act_stalker_neutral_1_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_neutral_ecolog_2_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] fx\rain_splash * 0.1 : [ 1] gamma\grizzly_detector\dev_grizzly_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] item\item_diolator_detector_2_bump# * 0.1 : [ 2] item\item_diolator_detector_3_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] item\newflashlight\item_flashlight_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] mp5lng_mod\wpn\1892\1892_1_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] mp5lng_mod\wpn\1892\1892_2_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] mp5lng_mod\wpn\1892\1892_3_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] mp5lng_mod\wpn\mp153\mp153_1_bump# * 0.1 : [ 2] mp5lng_mod\wpn\mp44\mp44_1_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] mp5lng_mod\wpn\ot14\ot14_4_bump# * 0.1 : [ 2] mp5lng_mod\wpn\sten\sten_1_bump# * 0.1 : [ 2] mp5lng_mod\wpn\sten\sten_4_bump# * 0.1 : [ 2] mp5lng_mod\wpn\sten\sten_5_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] new_axe\axe_new_base_bump# * 0.1 : [ 2] new_shovel\shovel_metal_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] new_shovel\shovel_wood_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] ui_ingame2_inv_state_n_hunger * 0.1 : [ 1] ui_ingame2_inv_state_n_sleep * 0.1 : [ 1] ui_ingame2_inv_state_n_thirst * 0.1 : [ 1] ui_ingame2_inv_state_p_hunger * 0.1 : [ 1] ui_ingame2_inv_state_p_sleep * 0.1 : [ 1] ui_ingame2_inv_state_p_thirst * 0.1 : [ 2] usable_items\conservi\eat_konserva_bump# * 0.1 : [ 2] usable_items\drinks\gerkules_bump# * 0.1 : [ 4] usable_items\drinks\voda_bump# * 0.1 : [ 2] usable_items\eat\eat_baton_bump# * 0.1 : [ 2] usable_items\eat\eat_chease_bump# * 0.1 : [ 2] usable_items\eat\eat_kolbasa_bump# * 0.1 : [ 2] usable_items\water_flask\water_flask_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\CADAVVER\Striker12_Barrel_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\CADAVVER\Striker12_IronSights_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\CADAVVER\Striker12_Mag01_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\CADAVVER\Striker12_Receiver_Parts_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\CADAVVER\Striker12_Receiver_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\CADAVVER\Striker12_Stock_Standard_bump# * 0.1 : [ 2] wpn\addons\pbs1\Sil_bump# * 0.1 : [ 2] wpn\amd1\tex_amd_bump# * 0.1 : [ 2] wpn\amd1\tex_amd_grips_bump# * 0.1 : [ 2] wpn\amd1\tex_amd_guard_bump# * 0.1 : [ 2] wpn\amd1\tex_amd_mag_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\m18\m18_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_aps\wpn_aps_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_beretta\wpn_beretta92fs_grip_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_colt1911\wpn_colt1911_classic_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_colt1911\wpn_sw645_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_cz75\wpn_cz75_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_desert_eagle\wpn_desert_eagle_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_fort17\wpn_fort17_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_grach\wpn_grach_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_grach\wpn_grach_misc_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_mp412\wpn_mp412_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_pb\wpn_pb_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_sigp220\wpn_sig-p220_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_tt33\wpn_tt33_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_usp45\wpn_usp45_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_usp45\wpn_usp45_internal_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_walter99\wpn_walter99_grip_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_walter99\wpn_walter99_slide_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_abakan_bump# * 0.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_cqbss_bump# * 0.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_mount_cqbss_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_45_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_gl\wpn_addon_gl_fng1_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_gl\wpn_addon_grenade_launcher_bump# * 0.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_lfo_lens_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_mount\wpn_addon_lastochka_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_rail\wpn_addon_rail_1_bump# * 0.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_rail\wpn_addon_rail_bump# * 0.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_scope_ac10632_new\wpn_addon_scope_ac10632_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_scope_acog\wpn_addon_scope_acog_old_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_scope_pso\wpn_addon_scope_pso-1m2-1_bump# * 0.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_scope_pso\wpn_addon_scope_pso1_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_scope_susat\wpn_addon_scope_susat_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_silencer\wpn_addon_sil_45_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_silencer\wpn_addon_sil_aps_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_silencer\wpn_addon_sil_nato_bump# * 0.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_silencer\wpn_addon_sil_pbs1_bump# * 0.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_silencer\wpn_addon_sil_pbs4_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_silencer\wpn_addon_sil_tgp-a_bump# * 0.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_ak12\wpn_ak12_bump# * 0.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_ak74\wpn_ak74_bump# * 0.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_aksu\wpn_aksu_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ash12\wpn_ash12_bump# * 0.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_bolt_bump# * 0.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_bullet1_545_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_bullet1_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_fn2000new\wpn_fn2000new_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_fn2000new\wpn_fn2000new_mag_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_fn2000new\wpn_fn2000new_scope_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_g36new_DSM_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_g36new_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_g36new_handguard_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_gauss_comp_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_grenade_f1_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_grenade_rgd5_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_groza\wpn_groza_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_groza\wpn_groza_grenade_launcher_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_l85\wpn_l85_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_lenses_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_lr300\wpn_lr300_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_lr300\wpn_lr300_parts_bump# * 0.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_mpa_bump# * 0.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_mpb_bump# * 0.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_mpd_bump# * 0.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_mpe_bump# * 0.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_mpf_bump# * 0.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_mpg_bump# * 0.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_mpi_bump# * 0.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_mpj_bump# * 0.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_mpm_bump# * 0.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_ncstar_mpr45_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_pistolgrip_ak_zenit_rk3_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_pkm\wpn_pkm_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_pkp\wpn_pkp_1_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_pkp\wpn_pkp_2_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_rpg-7\wpn_rpg-7_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_rpk\wpn_rpk_body_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_rpk\wpn_rpk_grips_bump# * 0.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_scope_trijicon_rmr_bump# * 0.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_sig55x\wpn_sig550_bump# * 0.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_sig55x\wpn_sig550_mag_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_svd\wpn_svd_body_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_svd\wpn_svd_grips_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_svd\wpn_svd_mag_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_svu\wpn_svu-a_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_toz-194\wpn_toz-194_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_toz-34\wpn_toz-34_bump# * 0.1 : [ 3] wpn\wpn_toz-34\wpn_toz-34_sk1_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_toz66\wpn_toz66_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_vss\wpn_vss_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_pm\wpn_pm_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_bullet1_939_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_grenade_rdg-m_bump# * 0.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_scope_pso_1m2-1_lens_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] act\act_scientist_suit_bump# * 0.1 : [ 2] pfx\cartridges\9x19mm * 0.1 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_bloodsplash_xcvb * 0.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_laser_beam * 0.1 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_yellow_eyes * 0.1 : [ 2] pfx\smoke\chamber_smoke * 0.1 : [ 2] unrealengine\explosions_new\expl_air_01_var1 * 0.1 : [ 2] unrealengine\explosions_new\expl_air_02_var1 * 0.1 : [ 2] unrealengine\explosions_new\expl_air_03_var1 * 0.1 : [ 1] act\pyat\pyat_bump_ears_bump * 0.2 : [ 2] item\item_pda_lp\item_pda_bump# * 0.2 : [ 1] veh\veh_avtobus_laz_fire_bump# * 0.2 : [ 2] veh\veh_uaz_2_bump# * 0.2 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_spark_02 * 0.2 : [ 1] ui\ui_console * 0.2 : [ 3] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_scope_ac10632_new\wpn_addon_scope_ac10632_crosshair_dot_black * 0.4 : [ 2] glow\glow_rays * 0.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\shatterpoint\pfx_spark_01 * 0.4 : [ 2] semitone\environmental\dandelion_seed_v1 * 0.4 : [ 2] semitone\environmental\dandelion_seed_v2 * 0.4 : [ 2] semitone\environmental\maple_seed_v1 * 0.4 : [ 1] map\map_nomap * 0.5 : [ 1] grad\grad_acidic_mine * 0.5 : [ 1] grad\grad_electra_mine * 0.5 : [ 1] grad\grad_psi * 0.7 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\sloth\light * 0.7 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_step_blood * 0.7 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_gauss_condition * 0.7 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_gauss_energy * 0.7 : [ 2] semitone\environmental\seed_a * 1.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_spark_01 * 1.1 : [ 2] jdude\newmuzzle\muzzleblind * 1.1 : [ 2] pfx\snowo * 1.1 : [ 1] shaders\smaa\search_tex * 1.1 : [ 1] ui\squaredov\scounter * 1.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_empty * 1.4 : [ 2] fx\fx_flare1 * 1.4 : [ 1] fx\rain_drop * 1.4 : [ 1] item\item_key_1 * 1.4 : [ 1] artifact\artifact_glow * 1.4 : [ 2] fallout4\bitssparkorange * 1.4 : [ 2] ghost_particles\eft_style\empty * 1.4 : [ 2] glow\glow_orange2 * 1.4 : [ 1] glow\glow_red2 * 1.4 : [ 1] mp5lng_mod\wpn\axe\axe_3_bump# * 1.4 : [ 2] perk_based_artefacts\semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\fx_moon_full_foggy * 1.4 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_bubble * 1.4 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_leaves_01 * 1.4 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_leaves_02 * 1.4 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_splash_02 * 1.4 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_synus * 1.4 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_vehmetaldebris_01 * 1.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\acidic_mine\fx_moon_full_foggy * 1.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\flash\flash_particle * 1.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\no_gravity\branch_02 * 1.4 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\no_gravity\distort_anomaly_small * 1.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\no_gravity\leaf_10 * 1.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\seed\fx_moon_full_foggy * 1.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\shatterpoint\bitsleaves01anim_d * 1.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\fx_moon_full_foggy * 1.4 : [ 2] semitone\environmental\pfx_leaves_01 * 1.4 : [ 2] prop\prop_provod_02 * 1.5 : [ 1] ui\ui_2x_burst * 1.7 : [ 1] act\gasmask\gasmask_gp7_bump# * 1.7 : [ 1] act\gasmask\gasmask_gp7vm_bump# * 2.0 : [ 2] internal\internal_fireTransferFunction * 2.1 : [ 2] amik\fly\fly * 2.4 : [ 1] item\ui_icon_ir * 2.7 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_head_glass_02_alt * 2.7 : [ 2] amik\weapons\flame\trace_01 * 2.7 : [ 2] amik\weapons\trace_01 * 2.7 : [ 1] food\food_raw___dog * 2.7 : [ 1] food\food_raw_flesh * 2.7 : [ 1] item\item_battery * 2.7 : [ 1] item\item_jar * 2.7 : [ 1] item\item_meinkampf * 2.7 : [ 1] map\map_bunker_a1 * 2.7 : [ 1] wpn\zaria\flash * 2.7 : [ 2] amik\weapons\dtk_3 * 2.7 : [ 1] item\item_key_1_bump * 2.7 : [ 1] item\item_key_1_bump# * 2.7 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_concretedebris_01 * 2.7 : [ 2] crysis_3\spark_tiled_blue * 4.1 : [ 1] drug_charcoal\drug_charcoal_icon * 4.1 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_g-smoke-01 * 4.1 : [ 1] ui\cursor * 4.1 : [ 1] ui\experience_framework\ui_scrollbar_container * 4.1 : [ 1] ui\qaw_tab_icon * 5.3 : [ 2] amik\hit_fx\blood\m * 5.3 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_drop_7 * 5.3 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_drop_8 * 5.4 : [ 1] fx\fx_flare2 * 5.4 : [ 1] fx\fx_flare3 * 5.4 : [ 2] fx\fx_gradient * 5.4 : [ 2] amik\explosions\smoke128_3w * 5.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\no_gravity\smoke128_3w * 5.4 : [ 1] item\item_hammer * 5.4 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_sparks * 5.4 : [ 2] wpn\ammo_5x45 * 5.4 : [ 1] act\act_glasses * 5.4 : [ 2] amik\nature\stonedebris1 * 5.4 : [ 3] balkanzona\gauss2\text_cell * 5.4 : [ 2] balkanzona\gauss2\text_cell_bump * 5.4 : [ 2] fallout4\bushtrimmings_d * 5.4 : [ 2] glow\glow_04 * 5.4 : [ 2] perk_based_artefacts\semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\bushtrimmings_d * 5.4 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_21 * 5.4 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_bubble_1 * 5.4 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_bubble_water * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist2 * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist2inv * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist_teleport * 5.4 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_specks_poison * 5.4 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_spikey_star * 5.4 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_splash_01 * 5.4 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_stonedebris1 * 5.4 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_stonedebris2 * 5.4 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_vehglassdebris_01 * 5.4 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_water_wave * 5.4 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\acidic_mine\pfx_dist2 * 5.4 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\acidic_mine\pfx_distortion * 5.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\cdf\bushtrimmings_d * 5.4 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\cdf\pfx_dist2inv * 5.4 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\cdf\pfx_dist3 * 5.4 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\flash\pfx_dist2 * 5.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\generators\bushtrimmings_d * 5.4 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\generators\pfx_dist2inv * 5.4 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\ghost\pfx_dist3 * 5.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\ghost\pfx_flash_07 * 5.4 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\gold\pfx_dist2 * 5.4 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\gold\pfx_dist2inv * 5.4 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\gold\pfx_distortion * 5.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational\bushtrimmings_d * 5.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational\leaf_01 * 5.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational\leaf_04 * 5.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational\leaf_10 * 5.4 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\gravitational\pfx_distortion * 5.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_average\bushtrimmings_d * 5.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_average\leaf * 5.4 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_average\pfx_dist2 * 5.4 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_average\pfx_dist2inv * 5.4 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_average\pfx_dist9 * 5.4 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_average\pfx_distortion * 5.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_strong\bushtrimmings_d * 5.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_strong\leaf_10 * 5.4 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_strong\pfx_dist2inv * 5.4 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_strong\pfx_dist3 * 5.4 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_strong\pfx_distortion * 5.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\mefistotel\bushtrimmings_d * 5.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\mefistotel\glow_fire1 * 5.4 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\mefistotel\pfx_dist2inv * 5.4 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\mefistotel\pfx_dist4 * 5.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\no_gravity\bushtrimmings_d * 5.4 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\no_gravity\pfx_distortion * 5.4 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\point\pfx_dist2inv * 5.4 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\point\pfx_dist3 * 5.4 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\point\pfx_dist_glass * 5.4 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\point\pfx_distortion * 5.4 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\seed\pfx_dist2 * 5.4 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\shatterpoint\pfx_dist2inv * 5.4 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\shatterpoint\pfx_dist3 * 5.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\shatterpoint\pfx_flash_07 * 5.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\sloth\glow_fire1 * 5.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\bushtrimmings_d * 5.4 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\pfx_dist2inv * 5.4 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\pfx_dist3 * 5.4 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\pfx_dist_glass * 5.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\sphere\bushtrimmings_d * 5.4 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\sphere\pfx_dist3 * 5.4 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\sphere\pfx_distortion * 5.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\sphere\pfx_flash_04 * 5.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\sphere\pfx_flash_07 * 5.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\springboard\bushtrimmings_d * 5.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\springboard\leaf * 5.4 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\springboard\pfx_dist2inv * 5.4 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\springboard\pfx_dist3 * 5.4 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\thorn\pfx_dist2 * 5.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\umbra\bushtrimmings_d * 5.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\umbra\leaf * 5.4 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\umbra\pfx_distortion * 5.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\wish_granter\bushtrimmings_d * 5.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\wish_granter\pfx_gradient * 5.4 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\zharka\pfx_dist2 * 5.4 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\zharka\pfx_dist2inv * 5.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\zharka\pfx_distortion * 5.4 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\zones\thermal\pfx_dist2 * 5.4 : [ 2] shoker_mod\explosions\firesmokeparticle * 5.4 : [ 1] water\water_pool1 * 5.4 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_drop_10 * 5.4 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_drop_11 * 5.4 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_drop_12 * 5.4 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_drop_9 * 5.4 : [ 2] amik\weapons\6ways2 * 5.4 : [ 2] amik\weapons\btr\muzzle6ways2 * 5.4 : [ 2] amik\nature\list * 5.4 : [ 2] amik\nature\wood_part * 5.4 : [ 2] amik\weapons\flame\trail * 5.4 : [ 2] crysis_3\spark_mono_a * 5.4 : [ 2] crysis_3\spark_sharp1 * 5.4 : [ 2] crysis_3\sparks_tiled * 5.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\springboard\sparks_tiled * 5.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\zharka\sparks_tiled * 5.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\zones\thermal\sparks_tiled * 6.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_a_partly\00-00-fm#small * 6.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_a_partly\02-00-hm#small * 6.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_a_partly\03-00-fm#small * 6.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_a_partly\23-00-fm#small * 6.1 : [ 5] sky\shi_def_rain\shinoda_morning_2#small * 8.1 : [ 1] act\oakleys * 8.1 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_gologramma * 8.1 : [ 2] pfx\r_pop\shells\fake_shells * 10.7 : [ 1] act\raven\raven_eye * 10.7 : [ 2] amik\weapons\dtk_5 * 10.7 : [ 1] artifact\artifact_myasorubka2 * 10.7 : [ 1] drug_charcoal\drug_charcoal_item * 10.7 : [ 2] ghost_particles\glow\glow01 * 10.7 : [ 1] item\item_block_notes * 10.7 : [ 1] item\item_calibrate_tools * 10.7 : [ 1] item\item_cards * 10.7 : [ 1] item\item_document_01 * 10.7 : [ 1] item\item_gazmask3 * 10.7 : [ 1] item\item_medkit_4 * 10.7 : [ 1] item\item_nabor_young_technic * 10.7 : [ 1] item\item_parts * 10.7 : [ 1] item\item_rebirth * 10.7 : [ 1] item\item_small_tools * 10.7 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_3 * 10.7 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_8 * 10.7 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_electrostatic * 10.7 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_light * 10.7 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_light1 * 10.7 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_light4 * 10.7 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_lightning_01 * 10.7 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_lightning_02 * 10.7 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_plasma * 10.7 : [ 2] prop\prop_fake_bed_fireplace * 10.7 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\generators\semi\flash_particle * 10.7 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\mefistotel\blue_flare * 10.7 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\point\blue_flare * 10.7 : [ 2] usable_items\tabletki\vmyatini\1\vmyatini_1_diffuse * 10.7 : [ 2] wpn\ammo_5x56 * 10.7 : [ 2] wpn\ammo_9x19 * 10.7 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_akm_muzzle_diff * 10.7 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ammo_45acp * 10.7 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_ammo_762x39_new_diff * 10.7 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ppsh41\ammo_9x19 * 10.7 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_rpk16_mount * 10.7 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_sa58_ammo_762x51_diff * 10.7 : [ 1] prop\prop_lampa_galogen * 10.7 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_bullet1_939 * 10.7 : [ 2] amik\anomaly\electric_radial * 10.7 : [ 2] amik\weapons\6ways1 * 10.7 : [ 2] amik\weapons\btr\muzzle6ways1 * 10.7 : [ 2] amik\weapons\dtk_4 * 10.7 : [ 2] fallout4\bitswoodsplintersatlas * 10.7 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_smokepuffs2 * 10.7 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_sparks2 * 10.7 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_average\bitswoodsplintersatlas * 10.7 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_strong\bitswoodsplintersatlas * 10.7 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\net\pfx_sparks * 10.7 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\sloth\pfx_sparks * 10.7 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\springboard\bitswoodsplintersatlas * 10.7 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\umbra\pfx_smokepuffs2 * 10.7 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\zones\thermal\spark * 10.7 : [ 2] wpn\ammo_5x45_bump * 10.7 : [ 2] wpn\ammo_5x45_bump# * 10.7 : [ 2] new_pfx\explosion_add * 10.7 : [ 1] fx\fx_lightning * 10.7 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_arm_2_bump * 10.7 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_arm_2_bump# * 10.7 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_woodchips1 * 10.7 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_woodchips3 * 10.7 : [ 2] crysis_3\glass_tiled_a * 10.7 : [ 2] crysis_3\glass_tiled_a_spec * 10.7 : [ 2] crysis_3\rain_drop2 * 10.7 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\acidic_mine\rain_drop2 * 10.7 : [ 2] crysis_3\alien_a * 10.7 : [ 2] crysis_3\cw2_explosion_with_fire * 10.7 : [ 2] crysis_3\explosion_a * 10.7 : [ 2] crysis_3\spark_tiled_a * 10.7 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_strong\shockwave_c * 10.7 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\mefistotel\shockwave_c * 10.7 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\shatterpoint\spark_tiled_a * 10.7 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\zharka\spark_tiled_a * 12.1 : [ 4] sky\cgim_cloudy3\07-00#small * 16.1 : [ 2] amik\hit_fx\blood\962e6155 * 16.1 : [ 2] amik\weapons\flame\mg42out * 16.1 : [ 2] amik\weapons\flame\trace * 16.1 : [ 2] amik\weapons\mg42out * 16.1 : [ 2] amik\weapons\trace * 16.1 : [ 2] fallout4\bitssparkorangeflicker2 * 16.1 : [ 1] food\food_raw___dog_bump * 16.1 : [ 1] food\food_raw___dog_bump# * 16.1 : [ 1] food\food_raw_flesh_bump * 16.1 : [ 1] food\food_raw_flesh_bump# * 16.1 : [ 1] ui\experience_framework\ui_btn_skills * 16.1 : [ 1] ui\experience_framework\ui_combobox_custom * 16.1 : [ 1] ui\experience_framework\ui_grid_1 * 16.1 : [ 1] ui\experience_framework\ui_xp_buff_status * 16.1 : [ 1] ui\lewd\792x33_sp * 16.1 : [ 1] ui\sortingplus\icon-favourite * 16.1 : [ 1] ui\squaredov\player * 16.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_cond_bars * 16.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_ani_cursor * 16.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_hud_01 * 16.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_grid * 16.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_icon_collector_magnifier2 * 16.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_icon_perk_based_artefacts * 16.2 : [ 11] sky\af1_foggy\06-00#small * 16.2 : [ 32] sky\af1_foggy\08-00#small * 16.2 : [ 13] sky\af1_foggy\09-00#small * 16.2 : [ 15] sky\af1_foggy\11-00#small * 16.2 : [ 30] sky\af1_foggy\13-00#small * 16.2 : [ 11] sky\af3_a_clear\04-30#small * 16.2 : [ 15] sky\af3_a_clear\05-00#small * 16.2 : [ 2] sky\af3_a_clear\05-30#small * 16.2 : [ 9] sky\af3_a_clear\06-00#small * 16.2 : [ 9] sky\af3_a_clear\07-00#small * 16.2 : [ 7] sky\af3_a_clear\08-00#small * 16.2 : [ 10] sky\af3_a_clear\09-00#small * 16.2 : [ 7] sky\af3_a_clear\10-00#small * 16.2 : [ 7] sky\af3_a_clear\11-00#small * 16.2 : [ 7] sky\af3_a_clear\12-00#small * 16.2 : [ 9] sky\af3_a_clear\13-00#small * 16.2 : [ 8] sky\af3_a_clear\14-00#small * 16.2 : [ 8] sky\af3_a_clear\15-00#small * 16.2 : [ 8] sky\af3_a_clear\16-00#small * 16.2 : [ 11] sky\af3_a_clear\17-00#small * 16.2 : [ 9] sky\af3_a_clear\18-00#small * 16.2 : [ 11] sky\af3_a_clear\19-00#small * 16.2 : [ 11] sky\af3_a_clear\20-00#small * 16.2 : [ 4] sky\af3_a_clear\20-30#small * 16.2 : [ 11] sky\af3_a_clear\21-00#small * 16.2 : [ 6] sky\af3_a_cloudy\05-00#small * 16.2 : [ 23] sky\af3_a_cloudy\06-00#small * 16.2 : [ 22] sky\af3_a_cloudy\07-00#small * 16.2 : [ 46] sky\af3_a_cloudy\08-00#small * 16.2 : [ 70] sky\af3_a_cloudy\09-00#small * 16.2 : [ 31] sky\af3_a_cloudy\10-00#small * 16.2 : [ 27] sky\af3_a_cloudy\11-00#small * 16.2 : [ 17] sky\af3_a_cloudy\12-00#small * 16.2 : [ 25] sky\af3_a_cloudy\13-00#small * 16.2 : [ 25] sky\af3_a_cloudy\14-00#small * 16.2 : [ 23] sky\af3_a_cloudy\15-00#small * 16.2 : [ 25] sky\af3_a_cloudy\16-00#small * 16.2 : [ 31] sky\af3_a_cloudy\17-00#small * 16.2 : [ 86] sky\af3_a_cloudy\18-00#small * 16.2 : [ 17] sky\af3_a_cloudy\19-00#small * 16.2 : [ 7] sky\af3_a_cloudy\20-00#small * 16.2 : [ 2] sky\af3_a_partly\04-30#small * 16.2 : [ 4] sky\af3_a_partly\05-00#small * 16.2 : [ 6] sky\af3_a_partly\05-30#small * 16.2 : [ 6] sky\af3_a_partly\06-00#small * 16.2 : [ 3] sky\af3_a_partly\07-00#small * 16.2 : [ 3] sky\af3_a_partly\08-00#small * 16.2 : [ 3] sky\af3_a_partly\09-00#small * 16.2 : [ 3] sky\af3_a_partly\10-00#small * 16.2 : [ 5] sky\af3_a_partly\11-00#small * 16.2 : [ 8] sky\af3_a_partly\13-00#small * 16.2 : [ 2] sky\af3_a_partly\14-00#small * 16.2 : [ 26] sky\af3_a_partly\16-00#small * 16.2 : [ 5] sky\af3_a_partly\17-00#small * 16.2 : [ 4] sky\af3_a_partly\18-00#small * 16.2 : [ 9] sky\af3_a_partly\19-00#small * 16.2 : [ 8] sky\af3_a_partly\20-00#small * 16.2 : [ 3] sky\af3_a_partly\20-30#small * 16.2 : [ 17] sky\af3_a_partly\21-30#small * 16.2 : [ 6] sky\af3_blowout\blowout1#small * 16.2 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout1_1#small * 16.2 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout2#small * 16.2 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout2_night#small * 16.2 : [ 3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3#small * 16.2 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_1#small * 16.2 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_1_night#small * 16.2 : [ 3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_2#small * 16.2 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_2_night#small * 16.2 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_3#small * 16.2 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_3_night#small * 16.2 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_night#small * 16.2 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4#small * 16.2 : [ 3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_1#small * 16.2 : [ 3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_1_night#small * 16.2 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_night#small * 16.2 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5#small * 16.2 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5_night#small * 16.2 : [ 7] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5psi#small * 16.2 : [ 7] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5psi_night#small * 16.2 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout6#small * 16.2 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout6_night#small * 16.2 : [ 3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout7#small * 16.2 : [ 4] sky\af3_blowout\blowout7_night#small * 16.2 : [ 14] sky\af3_foggy\06-00#small * 16.2 : [ 14] sky\af3_foggy\07-00#small * 16.2 : [ 3] sky\af3_foggy\09-00#small * 16.2 : [ 58] sky\af3_foggy\10-00#small * 16.2 : [ 33] sky\af3_foggy\11-00#small * 16.2 : [ 4] sky\af3_foggy\12-00#small * 16.2 : [ 1] sky\af3_foggy\13-00#small * 16.2 : [ 17] sky\af3_foggy\14-00#small * 16.2 : [ 1] sky\af3_foggy\15-00#small * 16.2 : [ 1] sky\af3_foggy\16-00#small * 16.2 : [ 25] sky\af3_foggy\17-00#small * 16.2 : [ 9] sky\af3_foggy\18-00#small * 16.2 : [ 1] sky\af3_foggy\19-00#small * 16.2 : [ 2] sky\af3_foggy\20-00#small * 16.2 : [ 42] sky\af3_rainy\05-00-#small * 16.2 : [ 15] sky\af3_rainy\07-00#small * 16.2 : [ 44] sky\af3_rainy\09-00_19-00#small * 16.2 : [ 1] sky\af3_rainy\16-00#small * 16.2 : [ 113] sky\af3_rainy\20-00#small * 16.2 : [ 1] sky\af_a_partly\01-00-hm#small * 16.2 : [ 1] sky\cgim_cloudy3\06-00#small * 16.2 : [ 3] sky\cgim_cloudy4\19-00#small * 16.2 : [ 2] sky\cgim_cloudy4\20-00#small * 16.2 : [ 3] sky\cgim_cloudy_dark\18-00#small * 16.2 : [ 4] sky\cloudy_3\06#small * 16.2 : [ 4] sky\cloudy_3\13#small * 16.2 : [ 3] sky\cloudy_3\14#small * 16.2 : [ 5] sky\cloudy_3\19#small * 16.2 : [ 2] sky\cloudy_3\21#small * 16.2 : [ 2] sky\sky_12_vibros_cube#small * 16.2 : [ 10] sky\sky_13_cube#small * 16.2 : [ 2] sky\sky_13_cube_night#small * 16.2 : [ 6] sky\sky_13_vibros_cube#small * 16.2 : [ 1] sky\sky_14_cube#small * 16.2 : [ 1] sky\sky_17_clouds_cube#small * 16.2 : [ 1] sky\sky_18_cube#small * 16.2 : [ 1] sky\sky_1_clouds_cube#small * 16.2 : [ 1] sky\sky_20_clouds_cube#small * 16.2 : [ 1] sky\sky_2_clouds_cube#small * 16.2 : [ 5] sky\sky_5_cube#small * 16.2 : [ 16] sky\sky_9_cube#small * 16.2 : [ 1] sky\sky_dark\dark_19#small * 16.2 : [ 2] sky\sky_dark_new\05-00-cloudy-dark#small * 16.2 : [ 8] sky\sky_dark_new\06-00-cloudy-dark#small * 16.2 : [ 2] sky\sky_dark_new\13-00#small * 16.2 : [ 2] sky\sky_dark_new\14-00-cloudy-dark#small * 16.2 : [ 7] sky\sky_dark_new\cloudy_dark#small * 16.2 : [ 6] sky\sky_dark_new\cloudy_dark2#small * 16.2 : [ 33] sky\skygod_night\cloudy_00-00#small * 16.2 : [ 67] sky\skygod_night\foggy_00-00#small * 16.2 : [ 45] sky\swtc_clear\00-00-fm#small * 16.2 : [ 53] sky\swtc_clear\01-00-fm#small * 16.2 : [ 1] sky\swtc_clear\02-00-fm#small * 16.2 : [ 1] sky\swtc_clear\03-00-fm#small * 16.2 : [ 1] sky\swtc_clear\04-00-fm#small * 16.2 : [ 12] sky\swtc_clear\04-30#small * 16.2 : [ 6] sky\swtc_clear\05-00#small * 16.2 : [ 7] sky\swtc_clear\06-00#small * 16.2 : [ 3] sky\swtc_clear\06-30#small * 16.2 : [ 3] sky\swtc_clear\07-00#small * 16.2 : [ 6] sky\swtc_clear\08-00#small * 16.2 : [ 7] sky\swtc_clear\09-00#small * 16.2 : [ 4] sky\swtc_clear\10-00#small * 16.2 : [ 7] sky\swtc_clear\11-00#small * 16.2 : [ 6] sky\swtc_clear\12-00#small * 16.2 : [ 5] sky\swtc_clear\13-00#small * 16.2 : [ 5] sky\swtc_clear\14-00#small * 16.2 : [ 6] sky\swtc_clear\15-00#small * 16.2 : [ 6] sky\swtc_clear\16-00#small * 16.2 : [ 7] sky\swtc_clear\17-00#small * 16.2 : [ 10] sky\swtc_clear\18-00#small * 16.2 : [ 13] sky\swtc_clear\19-00#small * 16.2 : [ 3] sky\swtc_clear\20-00#small * 16.2 : [ 2] sky\swtc_clear\20-30#small * 16.2 : [ 5] sky\swtc_clear\21-00#small * 16.2 : [ 2] sky\swtc_clear\22-00-fm#small * 16.2 : [ 1] sky\swtc_clear\23-00-fm#small * 16.2 : [ 202] sky\swtc_clear_alt\01-00#small * 16.2 : [ 19] sky\swtc_clear_alt\03-00#small * 16.2 : [ 4] sky\swtc_clear_alt\04-00#small * 16.2 : [ 3] sky\swtc_clear_alt\05-00#small * 16.2 : [ 15] sky\swtc_clear_alt\06-00#small * 16.2 : [ 2] sky\swtc_clear_alt\07-00#small * 16.2 : [ 3] sky\swtc_clear_alt\08-00#small * 16.2 : [ 6] sky\swtc_clear_alt\10-00#small * 16.2 : [ 3] sky\swtc_clear_alt\11-00#small * 16.2 : [ 6] sky\swtc_clear_alt\13-00#small * 16.2 : [ 5] sky\swtc_clear_alt\14-00#small * 16.2 : [ 8] sky\swtc_clear_alt\15-00#small * 16.2 : [ 2] sky\swtc_clear_alt\16-00#small * 16.2 : [ 4] sky\swtc_clear_alt\17-00#small * 16.2 : [ 11] sky\swtc_clear_alt\18-00#small * 16.2 : [ 4] sky\swtc_clear_alt\19-00#small * 16.2 : [ 6] sky\swtc_clear_alt\20-00#small * 16.2 : [ 8] sky\swtc_clear_alt\20-30#small * 16.2 : [ 2] sky\swtc_cloudy_light\06-00-cloudy-dark#small * 16.2 : [ 3] sky\swtc_cloudy_light\17-00-cloudy-light#small * 16.2 : [ 9] sky\swtc_cloudy_light\19-00-cloudy-light-rain#small * 16.2 : [ 1] sky\swtc_cloudy_light\20-00-cloudy-light#small * 16.2 : [ 12] sky\swtc_cloudy_light\20-30-cloudy-light#small * 16.2 : [ 18] sky\swtc_cloudy_light\21-00-cloudy-light#small * 16.2 : [ 5] sky\swtc_dark\05-00-storm#small * 16.2 : [ 3] sky\swtc_dark\06-00-cloudy-dark#small * 16.2 : [ 6] sky\swtc_dark\07-00-cloudy-light-rain#small * 16.2 : [ 2] sky\swtc_dark\09-00-cloudy-dark-rain#small * 16.2 : [ 2] sky\swtc_dark\10-00-cloudy-light-rain#small * 16.2 : [ 2] sky\swtc_dark\11-00-storm#small * 16.2 : [ 6] sky\swtc_dark\13-00-cloudy-dark#small * 16.2 : [ 2] sky\swtc_dark\15-00-storm#small * 16.2 : [ 38] sky\swtc_dark\16-00-storm#small * 16.2 : [ 3] sky\swtc_dark\17-00-storm#small * 16.2 : [ 44] sky\swtc_dark\18-00-cloudy-light-rain#small * 16.2 : [ 15] sky\swtc_dark\19-00-storm#small * 16.2 : [ 2] sky\swtc_dark\19-30-storm#small * 16.2 : [ 8] sky\swtc_dark\20-00-storm#small * 16.2 : [ 1] sky\swtc_dark\21-00-storm#small * 16.2 : [ 14] sky\swtc_storm\08-00-storm#small * 16.2 : [ 7] sky\swtc_storm\09-00-storm#small * 16.2 : [ 11] sky\swtc_storm\10-00-storm#small * 16.2 : [ 1] sky\swtc_storm\14-00-storm#small * 16.2 : [ 3] sky\swtc_storm\15-00-storm#small * 16.2 : [ 1] sky\swtc_storm\17-00-storm#small * 21.3 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_13 * 21.3 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_14 * 21.3 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_15 * 21.3 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_16 * 21.3 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_17 * 21.3 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_18 * 21.3 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_19 * 21.3 : [ 2] amik\weapons\dtk_2 * 21.3 : [ 2] fx\fx_gradient1 * 21.3 : [ 2] fx\fx_volumefog1 * 21.3 : [ 1] perk_based_artefacts\semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\pfx_dist2inv * 21.3 : [ 1] perk_based_artefacts\semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\pfx_dist3 * 21.3 : [ 1] perk_based_artefacts\semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\pfx_dist_glass * 21.3 : [ 1] veh\veh_uaz_2_wheel_sh * 21.4 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_sparks1 * 21.4 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_rail\wpn_addon_raii * 21.4 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ammo\ammo_338_lapua * 21.4 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ammo_545x39_diff * 21.4 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_bullet1_545 * 21.4 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_gauss_mui * 21.4 : [ 2] act\act_Rat_bump * 21.4 : [ 2] act\act_Rat_bump# * 21.4 : [ 2] act\act_controller_hit1 * 21.4 : [ 1] act\act_specnaz_glass_bump * 21.4 : [ 1] act\act_specnaz_glass_bump# * 21.4 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_bandit_3b_bump# * 21.4 : [ 1] act\aztec_dolg\act_gp7wm_glass_test * 21.4 : [ 2] amik\explosions\smoke2 * 21.4 : [ 1] artifact\artifact_cristall * 21.4 : [ 1] artifact\artifact_pustishka * 21.4 : [ 1] artifact\artifact_sopli * 21.4 : [ 3] balkanzona\gauss2\scope_text * 21.4 : [ 2] balkanzona\gauss2\scope_text_bump * 21.4 : [ 2] decal\decal_dirt_01 * 21.4 : [ 4] detail\detail_fabric_det1_bump# * 21.4 : [ 2] detail\detail_fabric_det2_bump# * 21.4 : [ 2] detail\detail_fabtic_det1_bump# * 21.4 : [ 11] detail\detail_metall_det1_bump * 21.4 : [ 6] detail\detail_metall_det3_bump * 21.4 : [ 7] detail\detail_skin_1_bump * 21.4 : [ 7] detail\detail_skin_1_bump# * 21.4 : [ 1] detail\detail_stucco_det1_bump * 21.4 : [ 1] detail\detail_stucco_det1_bump# * 21.4 : [ 1] detail\detail_stucco_det4_bump * 21.4 : [ 1] detail\detail_stucco_det4_bump# * 21.4 : [ 1] detail\detail_tile_det4_bump * 21.4 : [ 1] detail\detail_tile_det4_bump# * 21.4 : [ 2] fallout4\bitssmallrocky_d * 21.4 : [ 2] fallout4\smokefillvapor01atlassoft_d_small_a * 21.4 : [ 1] fx\fx_thunderbolts_gradient * 21.4 : [ 1] fx\fx_thunderbolts_gradient_surge * 21.4 : [ 1] ghost_particles\dist\distortion_default * 21.4 : [ 1] ghost_particles\dist\distortion_smoke * 21.4 : [ 2] ghost_particles\eft_style\smoke01 * 21.4 : [ 1] glow\fx_volume1 * 21.4 : [ 2] glow\glow_blue * 21.4 : [ 1] glow\glow_ghost * 21.4 : [ 2] glow\glow_orange * 21.4 : [ 2] glow\glow_orange_bright * 21.4 : [ 2] glow\glow_white * 21.4 : [ 1] item\item_calibrate_tools_bump * 21.4 : [ 1] item\item_calibrate_tools_bump# * 21.4 : [ 1] item\item_goggles * 21.4 : [ 1] item\item_medkit_4_bump * 21.4 : [ 1] item\item_medkit_4_bump# * 21.4 : [ 1] item\item_money * 21.4 : [ 1] item\item_nabor_young_technic_bump * 21.4 : [ 1] item\item_nabor_young_technic_bump# * 21.4 : [ 1] item\item_small_tools_bump * 21.4 : [ 1] item\item_small_tools_bump# * 21.4 : [ 3] lights\lights_spot01 * 21.4 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_1 * 21.4 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_16 * 21.4 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_17 * 21.4 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_4 * 21.4 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_brick * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist_glass * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist_lens_base * 21.4 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_flamefx_01 * 21.4 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_gradient1 * 21.4 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_smoke_a * 21.4 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_smoke_c * 21.4 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_smoke_d * 21.4 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_smoke_g * 21.4 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_test_textures * 21.4 : [ 2] prop\prop_bidon_bump# * 21.4 : [ 2] prop\prop_box_3_bump * 21.4 : [ 2] prop\prop_box_3_bump# * 21.4 : [ 2] prop\prop_kanistra * 21.4 : [ 2] prop\prop_kanistra_bump * 21.4 : [ 2] prop\prop_kanistra_bump# * 21.4 : [ 3] prop\prop_projektor * 21.4 : [ 2] prop\prop_projektor_bump * 21.4 : [ 2] prop\prop_projektor_bump# * 21.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\acidic_mine\pfx_smoke_b * 21.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\acidic_mine\spore_white * 21.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\electra\puffcolorsplashflicker * 21.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\flash\pfx_flash_03 * 21.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\flash\smokefillvapor01atlassoft_d_small * 21.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\generators\bitssmallrocky_d * 21.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\ghost\glow_white * 21.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational\bitssmallrocky_d * 21.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational\branch_03 * 21.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_average\bitsleavessprite * 21.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_average\bitssmallrocky_d * 21.4 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_strong\albedoshadersingleframe * 21.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_strong\bitsleavessprite * 21.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_strong\bitssmallrocky_d * 21.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_strong\pfx_teleport * 21.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\mefistotel\puffcolorsplashflicker * 21.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\mefistotel\spore_white * 21.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\net\glow_white * 21.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\no_gravity\bitssmallrocky_d * 21.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\point\glow_white * 21.4 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\point\pfx_dist2a * 21.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\shatterpoint\puffcolorsplashflicker * 21.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\shatterpoint\sparkwires_b_flicker * 21.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\sloth\puffcolorsplashflicker * 21.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\sloth\smokefillvapor01atlassoft_d_small_a * 21.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\pfx_teleport * 21.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\puffcolorsplashflicker * 21.4 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\sphere\albedoshadersingleframe * 21.4 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\sphere\pfx_dist2a * 21.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\sphere\puffcolorsplashflicker * 21.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\springboard\bitssmallrocky_d * 21.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\springboard\pfx_ani-smoke-01 * 21.4 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\thorn\albedoshadersingleframe * 21.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\thorn\spark_tiled_a_1 * 21.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\umbra\fx_moon_full_foggy * 21.4 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\umbra\pfx_dist2a * 21.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\umbra\pfx_smoke_g * 21.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\wish_granter\flash_particle * 21.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\wish_granter\pfx_anomaly_8 * 21.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\zharka\pfx_smoke_b * 21.4 : [ 2] tbstash\tbbtsh9_bump * 21.4 : [ 2] tbstash\tbbtsh9_bump# * 21.4 : [ 2] tbstash\tbstsh13_bump# * 21.4 : [ 2] tbstash\tbstsh2_bump * 21.4 : [ 2] tbstash\tbstsh2_bump# * 21.4 : [ 2] tbstash\tbstsh4_bump * 21.4 : [ 2] tbstash\tbstsh4_bump# * 21.4 : [ 2] tbstash\tbstsh6_bump * 21.4 : [ 2] tbstash\tbstsh6_bump# * 21.4 : [ 2] tbstash\tbstsh8_bump * 21.4 : [ 2] tbstash\tbstsh8_bump# * 21.4 : [ 2] usable_items\tabletki\vmyatini\1\vmyatini_1_bump * 21.4 : [ 2] usable_items\tabletki\vmyatini\1\vmyatini_1_bump# * 21.4 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_pool_1 * 21.4 : [ 2] wpn\amd1\tex_amd_bullet * 21.4 : [ 2] wpn\ammo_5x56_bump * 21.4 : [ 2] wpn\ammo_5x56_bump# * 21.4 : [ 3] wpn\ammo_9x19_bump * 21.4 : [ 3] wpn\ammo_9x19_bump# * 21.4 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\ash12\ASH12_mag_10_bump * 21.4 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\ash12\ASH12_muzzle_brake_bump * 21.4 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\ash12\ASH12_sight_front_bump * 21.4 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\asval\ASVAL_pistolgrip_def_bump * 21.4 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\asval\ASVAL_sight_rear_bump * 21.4 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\m870\M870_handguard_speedfeed_short_bump * 21.4 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\m870\M870_magazine_extension_7_bump * 21.4 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\mp5\Ammo_bump * 21.4 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\tt33\TT_barrell_116mm_std_bump * 21.4 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\tt33\TT_mag_7_std_bump * 21.4 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\tt33\TT_pistolgrip_std_bump * 21.4 : [ 2] wpn\rom_aks\tex_romak_bullet * 21.4 : [ 1] wpn\shell_545_bump * 21.4 : [ 1] wpn\shell_545_bump# * 21.4 : [ 1] wpn\type56_2\tex_type562_bullet * 21.4 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_pkm\wpn_pkm_decals * 21.4 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ppsh41\eft_ppsh_barrel_d_bump# * 21.4 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ppsh41\eft_ppsh_d_bump# * 21.4 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ppsh41\eft_ppsh_internals_d_bump# * 21.4 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ppsh41\eft_ppsh_mag35_d_bump# * 21.4 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ppsh41\eft_ppsh_receiver_d_bump# * 21.4 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ppsh41\eft_ppsh_stock_d_bump# * 21.4 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_sa58_ammo_762x51_bump * 21.4 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_sa58_ammo_762x51_bump# * 21.4 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_all_lens2 * 21.4 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_all_lens2_blue * 21.4 : [ 2] wpn\zastavam70\tex_zastavam70_bullet * 21.4 : [ 2] amik\weapons\dtk_4_1 * 21.4 : [ 2] new_pfx\wblood_6 * 21.4 : [ 2] amik\explosions\ring_grey * 21.4 : [ 2] new_pfx\wblood_4 * 21.4 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_flame * 21.4 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_bullet1_939_bump * 21.4 : [ 2] crysis_3\alien_fire_a * 21.4 : [ 2] crysis_3\alien_fire_b * 21.4 : [ 2] crysis_3\cw2_fine_spray * 21.4 : [ 2] crysis_3\dirt_b * 21.4 : [ 2] crysis_3\dirt_c * 21.4 : [ 2] crysis_3\dirt_d * 21.4 : [ 2] crysis_3\fireball_tiled_a * 21.4 : [ 2] crysis_3\glow_a * 21.4 : [ 2] crysis_3\smoke_streched_tiled_a * 21.4 : [ 2] crysis_3\smoke_tiled_a * 21.4 : [ 2] crysis_3\smoke_tiled_a_add * 21.4 : [ 2] crysis_3\smoke_wispy_tiled_a * 21.4 : [ 2] crysis_3\smoke_wispy_tiled_b * 21.4 : [ 2] crysis_3\splatt_a * 21.4 : [ 2] crysis_3\splatt_tiled_a * 21.4 : [ 2] crysis_3\vortex * 21.4 : [ 2] crysis_3\water_ripples2 * 21.4 : [ 2] crysis_3\water_river_a * 21.4 : [ 2] crysis_3\water_river_b * 21.4 : [ 2] crysis_3\water_splash_tiled_a * 21.4 : [ 2] crysis_3\waterdust1 * 21.4 : [ 2] crysis_3\wood_chip_tiled_a * 21.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\acidic_mine\water_river_a * 21.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\flash\water_river_a * 21.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\flash\water_river_b * 21.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\mefistotel\water_river_b * 21.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\seed\smoke_streched_tiled_a * 21.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\wish_granter\water_river_a * 21.4 : [ 1] mtl\mtl_kreplen_pod_01 * 21.4 : [ 1] mtl\mtl_kreplen_pod_01_bump * 21.4 : [ 1] mtl\mtl_kreplen_pod_01_bump# * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\expedition_rain\09-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\expedition_rain\10-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\expedition_rain\11-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\expedition_rain\12-00#small * 24.1 : [ 6] sky\expedition_rain\13-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\expedition_rain\14-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\expedition_rain\15-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\expedition_rain\16-00#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\expedition_rain\17-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\expedition_rain\18-00#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\shi_def_dark\shinoda_morning_1#small * 32.1 : [ 1] act\act_ct_urban_glass * 32.1 : [ 1] item\item_beans * 32.1 : [ 1] item\item_caffeine * 32.1 : [ 1] item\item_chili * 32.1 : [ 1] item\item_corn * 32.1 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_ani-smoke-01 * 32.1 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_cc_lighting_grad2 * 32.1 : [ 2] pfx\r_pop\shells\9x18 * 32.1 : [ 1] repair\repair_steel_wool * 32.1 : [ 2] tbstash\tbbtsh9 * 32.1 : [ 2] tbstash\tbstsh13 * 32.1 : [ 2] tbstash\tbstsh2 * 32.1 : [ 2] tbstash\tbstsh4 * 32.1 : [ 2] tbstash\tbstsh6 * 32.1 : [ 2] tbstash\tbstsh8 * 32.1 : [ 1] ui\molotov_icon * 32.1 : [ 1] ui\sigtaco * 32.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_m209_icon * 32.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_vog_icon * 32.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_bolt\wpn_bolt_bullet * 32.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_pfx_laser_beam * 42.5 : [ 1] act\voen_1_krap_beret\russian_frontbags_col * 42.5 : [ 2] amik\weapons\9x39 * 42.5 : [ 1] wpn\rg6\wpn_vog * 42.7 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_fn2000new\wpn_fn2000new_mag * 42.7 : [ 1] veh\veh_uaz_2_wheel * 42.7 : [ 1] aa\aa_camelbak * 42.7 : [ 1] aa\aa_frames * 42.7 : [ 1] aa\aa_kevlar * 42.7 : [ 1] aa\aa_plates * 42.7 : [ 1] act\act_cat_eyes * 42.7 : [ 1] act\act_eyeball * 42.7 : [ 2] act\act_rat01 * 42.7 : [ 2] act\act_ryukzak * 42.7 : [ 1] act\act_ryukzak_black * 42.7 : [ 2] act\act_skeleton_fresh * 42.7 : [ 1] act\act_soldier_head3 * 42.7 : [ 1] act\act_soldier_head5 * 42.7 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_head_antigas_2 * 42.7 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_head_mask * 42.7 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_no_hood_head1 * 42.7 : [ 1] act\aztec_dolg\act_gasmask_m150 * 42.7 : [ 1] act\headset * 42.7 : [ 1] artifact\artifact_monolith_lava * 42.7 : [ 1] artifact\artifact_monolith_lavahell * 42.7 : [ 1] drink\drink_match0 * 42.7 : [ 2] drug_charcoal\drug_charcoal_hud * 42.7 : [ 1] food\food_protein * 42.7 : [ 1] food\food_raw_boar * 42.7 : [ 2] fx\blue_noise * 42.7 : [ 2] glow\glow_fire1_soc * 42.7 : [ 1] item\item_ammo * 42.7 : [ 1] item\item_book1 * 42.7 : [ 1] item\item_cutlery * 42.7 : [ 1] item\item_grooming * 42.7 : [ 1] item\item_jbox * 42.7 : [ 1] item\item_kithunt * 42.7 : [ 1] item\item_mirror * 42.7 : [ 2] item\item_scanner * 42.7 : [ 1] item\item_swiss * 42.7 : [ 2] item\item_syringe * 42.7 : [ 1] item\item_tarp * 42.7 : [ 1] item\item_ustroystva * 42.7 : [ 1] item\item_x_files * 42.7 : [ 1] item\med_bank * 42.7 : [ 1] item\part\prt_i_plastic * 42.7 : [ 1] item\part\prt_o_ballistic_1 * 42.7 : [ 1] item\part\prt_o_ballistic_11 * 42.7 : [ 1] item\part\prt_o_ballistic_2 * 42.7 : [ 1] item\part\prt_o_ballistic_20 * 42.7 : [ 1] item\part\prt_o_ballistic_3 * 42.7 : [ 1] item\part\prt_o_fabrics_1 * 42.7 : [ 1] item\part\prt_o_fabrics_2 * 42.7 : [ 1] item\part\prt_o_retardant_11 * 42.7 : [ 1] item\part\prt_o_retardant_17 * 42.7 : [ 1] item\part\prt_o_retardant_19 * 42.7 : [ 1] item\part\prt_o_retardant_5 * 42.7 : [ 1] item\part\wpn\wpn_abakan * 42.7 : [ 1] item\part\wpn\wpn_ak74 * 42.7 : [ 1] item\part\wpn\wpn_sig550 * 42.7 : [ 1] item\upgrade\upgr_o_2 * 42.7 : [ 1] item\upgrade\upgr_o_3 * 42.7 : [ 1] item\upgrade\upgr_w_1 * 42.7 : [ 1] item\upgrade\upgr_w_2 * 42.7 : [ 1] item\upgrade\upgr_w_3 * 42.7 : [ 1] lfo\lftrees_byaka1 * 42.7 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_light3 * 42.7 : [ 2] prop\prop_box_3 * 42.7 : [ 1] prop\prop_iten4 * 42.7 : [ 1] prop\prop_kitchen_stuff * 42.7 : [ 1] prop\prop_voda1 * 42.7 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\electra\genericpuff * 42.7 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\generators\semi\genericpuff * 42.7 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\shatterpoint\pfx_glass_shards2.512 * 42.7 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\thorn\pfx_glass_shards2.512 * 42.7 : [ 2] usable_items\flacons\antirad\flacon_antirad_diffuse * 42.7 : [ 2] usable_items\otkrivashka\otkrivashka_diffuse * 42.7 : [ 1] water\water_normal * 42.7 : [ 2] wpn\ammo_12x70 * 42.7 : [ 1] wpn\cadavver\striker12_receiver_parts * 42.7 : [ 1] wpn\glock20\tex_g20_sights * 42.7 : [ 2] wpn\silencer_hexagon12 * 42.7 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_23x75_shrapnel_10 * 42.7 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addon_grenade_launcher_ag36 * 42.7 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_rail\wpn_addon_rail_1 * 42.7 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_scope_acog\wpn_addon_scope_acog_old_lens * 42.7 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_akm_sight_rear_diff * 42.7 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_assault_handler * 42.7 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_crosshair_mark4_3d * 42.7 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_foregrip_zenit_rk_1_diff * 42.7 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_grenade * 42.7 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_knife * 42.7 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_ks23 * 42.7 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_m700_wyatt_762x51_5 * 42.7 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mount_m700_integral_scope_mount * 42.7 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_mount_trijicon_rmr_diff * 42.7 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_mpb * 42.7 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_mpf * 42.7 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_mpg * 42.7 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_mpj * 42.7 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_muzzle_dd_wave_brake_multi * 42.7 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_pistolgrip_ak_zenit_rk3_diff * 42.7 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_rpk16_muzzle * 42.7 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_rpk16_pistolgrip * 42.7 : [ 2] amik\explosions\smoke_cannon * 42.7 : [ 2] amik\weapons\12x70 * 42.7 : [ 2] amik\weapons\flame\flameshoot_3 * 42.7 : [ 2] amik\weapons\flame\flameshoot_4 * 42.7 : [ 2] amik\weapons\flame\flameshoot_5 * 42.7 : [ 2] amik\weapons\shells_12x70 * 42.7 : [ 1] detail\detail_metall_det2_u_bump * 42.7 : [ 7] detail\detail_metall_det2_v_bump * 42.7 : [ 1] detail\detail_metall_det3_u_bump * 42.7 : [ 2] fallout4\bitsmediummanufacturedchunk01anim_d * 42.7 : [ 2] fallout4\bitssmall01anim * 42.7 : [ 2] fozest\fire_spark_04 * 42.7 : [ 1] glas\glas_dirt * 42.7 : [ 1] glow\glow_galogen * 42.7 : [ 1] lights\lights_cone2 * 42.7 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_concretepuffs_01 * 42.7 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_lighting_stancia_01 * 42.7 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_lighting_stancia_02 * 42.7 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_smokepuffs1 * 42.7 : [ 2] prop\prop_ballon2 * 42.7 : [ 2] prop\prop_ballon2_bump * 42.7 : [ 2] prop\prop_ballon2_bump# * 42.7 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\net\smoke_cannon * 42.7 : [ 2] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_shells1 * 42.7 : [ 2] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_shells2 * 42.7 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\ash12\ASH12_handguard_bump * 42.7 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\m870\M870_barrel_508mm_fixed_sights_bump * 42.7 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\m870\M870_rail_top_mount_bump * 42.7 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\melee\melee_ontario_sp8_bump * 42.7 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_rail\wpn_addon_rail_bump * 42.7 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_bullet1_545_bump * 42.7 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_patron_556x45nato_dif * 42.7 : [ 2] crysis_3\slime_anim_a_spec * 42.7 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\acidic_mine\slime_anim_a_spec * 48.1 : [ 9] sky\sky_cube_weapons * 64.1 : [ 2] amik\static\gas_light\flame_zippo * 64.1 : [ 2] amik\weapons\dtk_6 * 64.1 : [ 2] amik\weapons\dtk_8 * 64.1 : [ 2] amik\weapons\flash_01 * 64.1 : [ 2] amik\weapons\flash_02 * 64.1 : [ 2] amik\weapons\flash_04 * 64.1 : [ 2] amik\weapons\flash_05 * 64.1 : [ 1] anamflares\sun_day * 64.1 : [ 1] artifact\artifact_hell4 * 64.1 : [ 1] artifact\artifact_magnir * 64.1 : [ 1] artifact\artifact_monohell1_00 * 64.1 : [ 1] artifact\artifact_sopli3 * 64.1 : [ 2] cinemavfx\gravi_swirls\swirl_02 * 64.1 : [ 2] cinemavfx\gravi_swirls\swirl_03 * 64.1 : [ 2] cinemavfx\gravi_swirls\swirl_05 * 64.1 : [ 2] cinemavfx\gravi_swirls\swirl_06 * 64.1 : [ 2] cinemavfx\gravi_swirls\swirl_08 * 64.1 : [ 2] cinemavfx\gravi_swirls\swirl_11 * 64.1 : [ 2] cinemavfx\sparkwires_b * 64.1 : [ 2] cinemavfx\sparkwires_b_flicker * 64.1 : [ 2] cinemavfx\sparkwires_b_flicker_electra * 64.1 : [ 2] cinemavfx\sparkwires_b_flicker_electra_alt * 64.1 : [ 2] crysis_3\rain_test3 * 64.1 : [ 2] crysis_3\spore_white * 64.1 : [ 1] dinamic_hud\breath1 * 64.1 : [ 1] dinamic_hud\breath2 * 64.1 : [ 1] dinamic_hud\breath3 * 64.1 : [ 1] dinamic_hud\breath5 * 64.1 : [ 2] fallout4\bitsglowysparks02atlasjitter * 64.1 : [ 2] fallout4\bitsglowysparks02atlasjitter2 * 64.1 : [ 2] fallout4\smokefillvapor01atlassoft_d_small * 64.1 : [ 2] farcry4\muzzle_side * 64.1 : [ 1] ghost_particles\dist\distortion_weapon * 64.1 : [ 2] glow\glow_green * 64.1 : [ 2] glow\glow_yellow * 64.1 : [ 1] item\item_beans_bump * 64.1 : [ 1] item\item_beans_bump# * 64.1 : [ 1] item\item_beer_bump * 64.1 : [ 1] item\item_beer_bump# * 64.1 : [ 1] item\item_caffeine_bump * 64.1 : [ 1] item\item_caffeine_bump# * 64.1 : [ 1] item\item_chili_bump * 64.1 : [ 1] item\item_chili_bump# * 64.1 : [ 1] item\item_corn_bump * 64.1 : [ 1] item\item_corn_bump# * 64.1 : [ 1] item\item_glowstick_icon * 64.1 : [ 1] item\item_money_bump * 64.1 : [ 1] item\item_money_bump# * 64.1 : [ 1] item\kielbasa * 64.1 : [ 2] jdude\candle * 64.1 : [ 2] perk_based_artefacts\semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\puffcolorsplashflicker * 64.1 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_18 * 64.1 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_6 * 64.1 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_smoke_f * 64.1 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_smoke_n * 64.1 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_smoke_o * 64.1 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_smoke_o2 * 64.1 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_smoke_o3 * 64.1 : [ 2] tbstash\tbstsh13_bump * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\amdttl_icon * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\higgins_icon * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\rgd2_icon * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\squaredov\bar_noise * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\squaredov\bar_sight * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_c96_icon * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_canteens * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_arial_14_1600 * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_console_02 * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_hud_02 * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_hud_grenade_mark * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_hud_hit_mark * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_icon_buffdebuff * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_icon_soc94 * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_pda_battery * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\zastavas_icon * 64.1 : [ 2] unrealengine\puffcolorsplashflicker * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_pool_10 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_pool_11 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_pool_12 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_pool_2 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_pool_3 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_pool_4 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_pool_5 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_pool_7 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_pool_8 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_step_l_116 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_step_l_124 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_step_l_184 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_step_l_212 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_step_l_216 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_step_l_234 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_step_l_242 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_step_l_248 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_step_l_250 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_step_l_252 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_step_l_272 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_step_l_274 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_step_l_276 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_step_l_278 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_step_l_282 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_step_l_344 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_step_l_36 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_step_l_46 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_step_l_50 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_step_l_66 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_step_l_74 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_step_l_76 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_step_l_90 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_step_l_94 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_step_l_96 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_step_l_98 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_step_r_122 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_step_r_124 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_step_r_132 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_step_r_168 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_step_r_204 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_step_r_208 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_step_r_212 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_step_r_216 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_step_r_248 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_step_r_254 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_step_r_262 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_step_r_268 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_step_r_276 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_step_r_278 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_step_r_282 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_step_r_284 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_step_r_296 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_step_r_322 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_step_r_50 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_step_r_52 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_step_r_60 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_step_r_70 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_step_r_74 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_step_r_84 * 64.1 : [ 2] wpn\rpk74anomaly\tex_0026_0 * 64.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_fn2000_lens * 64.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_red_dot_reticle * 64.6 : [ 2] mp5lng_mod\wpn\sten\sten_5 * 78.2 : [ 2] pfx\gunparts * 85.3 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_head_glass * 85.3 : [ 2] act\act_stalker_head_glass_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_nauch_glass * 85.3 : [ 2] ayykyu_fx\pfx_smoke_b * 85.3 : [ 202] fx\hud_rain * 85.3 : [ 2] perk_based_artefacts\semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\pfx_teleport * 85.3 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_9 * 85.3 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_blurry_cloud * 85.3 : [ 1] water\water_SBumpVolume * 85.3 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_1_1 * 85.3 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_asfalt_1 * 85.3 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_asfalt_2 * 85.3 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_asfalt_3 * 85.3 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_brick_1 * 85.3 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_brick_2 * 85.3 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete * 85.3 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_1 * 85.3 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_2 * 85.3 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_4 * 85.3 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_5 * 85.3 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_6 * 85.3 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_7 * 85.3 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_ground * 85.3 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_ground_1 * 85.3 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_ground_2 * 85.3 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik * 85.3 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik_1 * 85.3 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik_2 * 85.3 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik_3 * 85.3 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin * 85.3 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_1 * 85.3 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_2 * 85.3 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_3 * 85.3 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_4 * 85.3 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood * 85.3 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_1 * 85.3 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_2 * 85.3 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_3 * 85.3 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_4 * 85.3 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_5 * 85.3 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_6 * 85.3 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_7 * 85.3 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_8 * 85.3 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_9 * 85.3 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_arm_2 * 85.3 : [ 1] act\act_face_00 * 85.3 : [ 1] act\act_face_08 * 85.3 : [ 1] act\act_face_her9 * 85.3 : [ 1] act\act_face_holod * 85.3 : [ 1] act\act_face_isg_01 * 85.3 : [ 1] act\act_face_mask_01 * 85.3 : [ 1] act\act_face_mask_02 * 85.3 : [ 1] act\act_face_painted_01 * 85.3 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_03 * 85.3 : [ 1] act\act_mutant_boar_grill * 85.3 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_soldier_2 * 85.3 : [ 1] act\hakimmodels\neutrals\neutral05\face * 85.3 : [ 1] item\item_stims * 85.3 : [ 2] perk_based_artefacts\semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\lensflarered * 85.3 : [ 2] wpn\addons\pbs1\sil * 85.3 : [ 2] wpn\addons\pistolsil\sil * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_grach\wpn_grach_misc * 85.3 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_addon_mount_ak_reciever_rail * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_mount\wpn_addon_lastochka * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_silencer\wpn_addon_sil_9mm * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_silencer\wpn_addon_sil_aps * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_barrel_m700_heavy_threaded_508mm * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_eft_ak74_mount_dovetail_diff * 85.3 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_mpd * 85.3 : [ 1] act\act_dogs_bulterer_bump# * 85.3 : [ 1] act\act_gasmask_glass * 85.3 : [ 1] act\act_gasmask_glass_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] act\act_gasmask_glass_bump# * 85.3 : [ 2] act\act_ryukzak_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] act\act_skeleton_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] act\act_skeleton_bump# * 85.3 : [ 1] act\act_soldier_head3_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] act\act_soldier_head3_bump# * 85.3 : [ 1] act\act_soldier_head4_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] act\act_soldier_head4_bump# * 85.3 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_head_antigas_2_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_head_mask_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_head_mask_bump# * 85.3 : [ 1] act\casco_2 * 85.3 : [ 1] act\pyat\pyat_ears * 85.3 : [ 1] act\pyat\pyat_eyes * 85.3 : [ 2] amik\explosions\explosion_dynamite\flashlight * 85.3 : [ 2] amik\explosions\explosion_smoke03 * 85.3 : [ 2] amik\weapons\flame\flameshoot_1 * 85.3 : [ 2] amik\weapons\flame\flameshoot_2 * 85.3 : [ 1] anamflares\sun_day_diffuse * 85.3 : [ 2] balkanzona\gauss2\occular_small * 85.3 : [ 2] balkanzona\gauss2\occular_small_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] cinemavfx\gravi_swirls\swirl_heat_01 * 85.3 : [ 2] cinemavfx\gravi_swirls\swirl_heat_02 * 85.3 : [ 4] detail\detail_fabric_det1_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] detail\detail_fabric_det2_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] detail\detail_fabtic_det1_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] detail\detail_metal_clean_bump * 85.3 : [ 11] detail\detail_metall_det1 * 85.3 : [ 5] detail\detail_metall_det2 * 85.3 : [ 4] detail\detail_metall_det2_bump * 85.3 : [ 6] detail\detail_metall_det3 * 85.3 : [ 7] detail\detail_skin_1 * 85.3 : [ 1] detail\detail_stucco_det1 * 85.3 : [ 1] detail\detail_stucco_det4 * 85.3 : [ 1] detail\detail_tile_det4 * 85.3 : [ 1] drink\drink_cocaine * 85.3 : [ 2] fallout4\bitsglowybits01atlas * 85.3 : [ 2] fallout4\clothbitanim * 85.3 : [ 2] fallout4\smokebasic01atlas * 85.3 : [ 2] fallout4\smokefillvapor01atlas * 85.3 : [ 2] fallout4\smokefillvapor01atlassoft_d * 85.3 : [ 2] fallout4\smokepuff04anim * 85.3 : [ 2] fallout4\smokepuffssoftatlas_d * 85.3 : [ 2] fallout4\smokepuffssofthighcontrastatlas_d * 85.3 : [ 1] fozest\small_fire_looped10x4_dist * 85.3 : [ 1] fx\fx_glare_clear_day * 85.3 : [ 2] fx\fx_gradien2 * 85.3 : [ 2] ghost_particles\eft_style\f4_sparks * 85.3 : [ 1] item\item_d_cocacola * 85.3 : [ 1] item\item_d_cocacola_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] item\item_d_cocacola_bump# * 85.3 : [ 1] item\item_d_water_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] item\item_d_water_bump# * 85.3 : [ 1] item\item_energ_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] item\item_energ_bump# * 85.3 : [ 1] item\item_f_bread * 85.3 : [ 1] item\item_f_bread_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] item\item_f_bread_bump# * 85.3 : [ 1] item\item_m_anabiotic_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] item\item_m_anabiotic_bump# * 85.3 : [ 1] item\item_m_bandage * 85.3 : [ 1] item\item_m_bandage_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] item\item_m_bandage_bump# * 85.3 : [ 1] item\item_m_hercules * 85.3 : [ 1] item\item_m_hercules_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] item\item_m_hercules_bump# * 85.3 : [ 1] item\item_m_ipp11 * 85.3 : [ 1] item\item_m_ipp11_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] item\item_m_ipp11_bump# * 85.3 : [ 1] item\item_m_mexamine_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] item\item_m_mexamine_bump# * 85.3 : [ 1] item\item_m_psy_blockade_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] item\item_m_psy_blockade_bump# * 85.3 : [ 1] item\item_scanner_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] item\item_scanner_bump# * 85.3 : [ 2] item\item_syringe_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] item\item_syringe_bump# * 85.3 : [ 1] lfo\lftrees_byaka1_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] lfo\lftrees_byaka1_bump# * 85.3 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_bochka_01_bump# * 85.3 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_bochka_02_bump# * 85.3 : [ 3] mtl\mtl_lampa_pod_01 * 85.3 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_lampa_pod_01_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_lampa_pod_01_bump# * 85.3 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_railroad_items_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_railroad_items_bump# * 85.3 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_20 * 85.3 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_5 * 85.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist4 * 85.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist8 * 85.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_distort_anomaly * 85.3 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_distortion * 85.3 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_skinsplash1 * 85.3 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_specks * 85.3 : [ 2] prop\prop_bidon * 85.3 : [ 2] prop\prop_bidon_bump * 85.3 : [ 3] prop\prop_brezent_bump * 85.3 : [ 3] prop\prop_brezent_bump# * 85.3 : [ 2] prop\prop_generator * 85.3 : [ 2] prop\prop_generator_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] prop\prop_generator_bump# * 85.3 : [ 1] prop\prop_item2 * 85.3 : [ 1] prop\prop_item3 * 85.3 : [ 1] prop\prop_iten4_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] prop\prop_iten4_bump# * 85.3 : [ 1] prop\prop_kitchen_stuff_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] prop\prop_kitchen_stuff_bump# * 85.3 : [ 2] prop\prop_ognetushit * 85.3 : [ 2] prop\prop_spade * 85.3 : [ 2] prop\prop_spade_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] prop\prop_spade_bump# * 85.3 : [ 1] prop\prop_voda1_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] prop\prop_voda1_bump# * 85.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\acidic_mine\puffcolorsplash * 85.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\acidic_mine\smallsplashatlas * 85.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\cdf\bitsleaves01anim_d * 85.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\electra\smokebasic01atlas * 85.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\electra\smokefillvapor01atlassoft_d * 85.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\flash\smokefillvapor01atlassoft_d * 85.3 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\generators\pfx_dist3_005 * 85.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\generators\smokhighcontrast * 85.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gold\smallsplashatlas * 85.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational\clothbitanim * 85.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_average\bloodsquirt2 * 85.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_average\clothbitanim * 85.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_average\puff_00 * 85.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_strong\bloodsquirt2 * 85.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_strong\clothbitanim * 85.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\mefistotel\clothbitanim * 85.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\point\bitsglowybits01atlas * 85.3 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\point\pfx_dist8 * 85.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\point\smokebasic01atlas * 85.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\seed\dirtburst_01 * 85.3 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\seed\pfx_dist3_005 * 85.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\seed\spray_v1 * 85.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\shatterpoint\broken_glass * 85.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\sloth\bitsglowybits01atlas * 85.3 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\sphere\pfx_dist4 * 85.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\springboard\clothbitanim * 85.3 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\thorn\broken_glass * 85.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\thorn\clothbitanim * 85.3 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\thorn\pfx_dist3_005 * 85.3 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\thorn\pfx_dist3_006 * 85.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\thorn\smokefillvapor01atlassoft_d * 85.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\umbra\bitsleaves01anim_d * 85.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\wish_granter\genericpuff * 85.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\zharka\smokefillvapor01atlassoft_d * 85.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\zones\acidic\cumulus_02 * 85.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\zones\thermal\cumulus_02 * 85.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\zones\thermal\pfx_distortion * 85.3 : [ 2] shoker_mod\explosions\explosion_smoke01 * 85.3 : [ 2] tbstash\tbbtsh2_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] tbstash\tbbtsh2_bump# * 85.3 : [ 2] tbstash\tbstsh1_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] tbstash\tbstsh1_bump# * 85.3 : [ 2] tbstash\tbstsh3_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] tbstash\tbstsh3_bump# * 85.3 : [ 2] tbstash\tbstsh5_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] tbstash\tbstsh7_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] tbstash\tbstsh7_bump# * 85.3 : [ 2] unrealengine\puffcolorsplash_2 * 85.3 : [ 2] usable_items\banki\artezian\banka_2_artezian_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] usable_items\banki\artezian\banka_2_artezian_bump# * 85.3 : [ 2] usable_items\banki\heiniken\banka_2_heiniken_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] usable_items\banki\heiniken\banka_2_heiniken_bump# * 85.3 : [ 2] usable_items\banki\redbull\banka_1_redbull_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] usable_items\banki\redbull\banka_1_redbull_bump# * 85.3 : [ 4] usable_items\drinks\voda_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] usable_items\flacons\antirad\flacon_antirad_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] usable_items\flacons\antirad\flacon_antirad_bump# * 85.3 : [ 2] usable_items\otkrivashka\otkrivashka_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] usable_items\otkrivashka\otkrivashka_bump# * 85.3 : [ 2] usable_items\psut\akvatabs_color * 85.3 : [ 2] usable_items\psut\yadulin_color * 85.3 : [ 2] usable_items\tabletki\drug_antidot\drug_antidot_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] usable_items\tabletki\drug_antidot\drug_antidot_bump# * 85.3 : [ 4] usable_items\tabletki\drug_coagulant\drug_coagulant_bump * 85.3 : [ 4] usable_items\tabletki\drug_coagulant\drug_coagulant_bump# * 85.3 : [ 2] usable_items\tabletki\drug_radioprotector\drug_radioprotector_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] usable_items\tabletki\drug_radioprotector\drug_radioprotector_bump# * 85.3 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_pool_13 * 85.3 : [ 1] wood\wood_jasik2_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] wood\wood_jasik2_bump# * 85.3 : [ 1] wood\wood_walls7_bump# * 85.3 : [ 1] wood\wood_walls8_bump# * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\CADAVVER\Striker12_Receiver_Parts_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] wpn\ammo_12x70_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] wpn\ammo_12x70_bump# * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\ash12\ASH12_receiver_lower_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\ash12\ASH12_receiver_upper_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\ash12\ASH12_sight_rear_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\ash12\ASH12_silencer_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\ash12\ash12_mag_10 * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\ash12\ash12_muzzle_brake * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\ash12\ash12_sight_front * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\asval\ASVAL_dustcover_def_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\asval\ASVAL_mag_20_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\asval\ASVAL_silencer_def_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\asval\ASVAL_stock_def_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\asval\asval_pistolgrip_def * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\asval\asval_sight_rear * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\m870\m870_handguard_speedfeed_short * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\m870\m870_magazine_extension_7 * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\mp5\Mag_30_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\mp5\Receiver_Lower_NAVY_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\mp5\Stock_Retractable_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\mp5\ammo * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\mp7\Suppressor_Osprey_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\rgn\grenade_rgn_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\rgo\grenade_rgo_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\shared\anpeq15_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\tt33\TT_receiver_std_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\tt33\tt_barrell_116mm_std * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\tt33\tt_mag_7_std * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\tt33\tt_pistolgrip_std * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\mp40\tex_mp40_bullet * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\mp40\tex_mp40_bullet_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] wpn\rom_aks\tex_romak_opticrail * 85.3 : [ 2] wpn\silencer_hexagon12_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] wpn\silencer_hexagon12_bump# * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\type56_2\tex_type562_stock * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addon_grenade_launcher_ag36_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_rail\wpn_addon_rail_1_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ammo\ammo_357_jhp * 85.3 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_assault_handler_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_assault_handler_bump# * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_foregrip_magpul_rvg_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_foregrip_magpul_rvg_bump# * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_foregrip_magpul_rvg_diff * 85.3 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_foregrip_zenit_rk_1_diff_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_foregrip_zenit_rk_1_diff_bump# * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_knif3_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_knif3_bump# * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_knife_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_mpb_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_mpf_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_mpg_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_mpj_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_pistolgrip_ak_zenit_rk3_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_sa58_aac_blackout_51t_flash_hider_diff * 85.3 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_scope_pso_1m2-1_lens_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_scope_pso_1m2-1_lens_diff * 85.3 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_silencer_hexagon12_bump# * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_vog30 * 85.3 : [ 2] wpn\zastavam70\tex_zastavam70_rail * 85.3 : [ 1] act\watchman\act_eyeball_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] amik\explosions\explosion_dynamite\smoke * 85.3 : [ 2] amik\explosions\smoke_white_tiled3 * 85.3 : [ 2] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_smoke_1 * 85.3 : [ 2] crysis_3\anim_liquid * 85.3 : [ 2] crysis_3\anm_smoke_05a * 85.3 : [ 2] crysis_3\blood_anim_a * 85.3 : [ 2] crysis_3\dirt_a * 85.3 : [ 2] crysis_3\fireball_anim_b * 85.3 : [ 2] crysis_3\fireball_anim_e * 85.3 : [ 2] crysis_3\slime_anim_a_diff * 85.3 : [ 2] crysis_3\slime_anim_b * 85.3 : [ 2] crysis_3\smoke_looping_a * 85.3 : [ 2] crysis_3\smoke_tiled_b * 85.3 : [ 2] crysis_3\smoke_tiled_d * 85.3 : [ 2] crysis_3\spore_a * 85.3 : [ 2] crysis_3\water_foam_tiled_a * 85.3 : [ 2] fx\fx_rainbow * 85.3 : [ 2] fx\fx_rainbow_small * 85.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\acidic_mine\slime_anim_a_diff * 85.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\acidic_mine\slime_anim_b * 85.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\acidic_mine\smoke_tiled_b * 85.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\acidic_mine\smoke_tiled_d * 85.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\flash\smoke_tiled_b * 85.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\flash\spore_a * 85.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gold\slime_anim_a_diff * 85.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gold\slime_anim_b * 85.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gold\smoke_tiled_b * 85.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_average\spore_a * 85.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_strong\spore_a * 85.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\sphere\smoke_tiled_b * 85.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\thorn\spore_a * 85.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\umbra\smoke_tiled_b * 128.1 : [ 1] act\act_ratwolf_01 * 128.1 : [ 1] act\voen_1_krap_beret\obvesy2 * 128.1 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\357mag * 128.1 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\50_ae * 128.1 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\5x45x39 * 128.1 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\5x45x39_00 * 128.1 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\5x45x39_01 * 128.1 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\5x56x45 * 128.1 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\5x56x45_00 * 128.1 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\5x7x28 * 128.1 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\6x5x50 * 128.1 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x25_0 * 128.1 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x25_1 * 128.1 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x25_2 * 128.1 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x25_3 * 128.1 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x25_4 * 128.1 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x39_00 * 128.1 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x39_01 * 128.1 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x39_02 * 128.1 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x39_03 * 128.1 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x51_1 * 128.1 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x51_2 * 128.1 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x54 * 128.1 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\7x7x57 * 128.1 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\7x92x57 * 128.1 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\9x18_1 * 128.1 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\9x18_2 * 128.1 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\9x18_3 * 128.1 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\9x39 * 128.1 : [ 2] amik\weapons\shells_ak_01 * 128.1 : [ 2] amik\weapons\smokeshoot_0 * 128.1 : [ 2] cinemavfx\water_new\splash_03 * 128.1 : [ 1] cooking\cooking_kerosene * 128.1 : [ 1] cooking\cooking_mfs * 128.1 : [ 1] cooking\cooking_wood_stove * 128.1 : [ 1] drink\drink_cigar0 * 128.1 : [ 1] drink\drink_cigar1 * 128.1 : [ 1] drink\drink_cigar2 * 128.1 : [ 1] drink\drink_cigar3 * 128.1 : [ 1] drink\drink_joint * 128.1 : [ 2] farcry4\bullet_burst_static_03 * 128.1 : [ 2] food\chimera_food * 128.1 : [ 2] food\food_bls * 128.1 : [ 2] food\food_dog * 128.1 : [ 1] food\food_flesh * 128.1 : [ 2] food\food_pdg * 128.1 : [ 1] food\food_raw_tush * 128.1 : [ 1] food\food_tushkano * 128.1 : [ 1] food\snork_food * 128.1 : [ 1] item\item_cigar * 128.1 : [ 1] item\item_cigarettes_lucky * 128.1 : [ 1] item\item_cigarettes_russian * 128.1 : [ 1] item\item_cloth_mask * 128.1 : [ 1] item\item_glucose_s * 128.1 : [ 1] item\item_hand_rolling_tobacco * 128.1 : [ 1] item\item_mint * 128.1 : [ 1] item\item_raisins * 128.1 : [ 1] item\item_sausage * 128.1 : [ 1] item\item_tobacco * 128.1 : [ 1] item\kielbasa_bump * 128.1 : [ 1] item\kielbasa_bump# * 128.1 : [ 1] item\western_goods_drinks\wg_wine_chateau_latour\wg_wine_chateau_latour * 128.1 : [ 1] item\western_goods_food\wg_snickers\wg_snickers * 128.1 : [ 1] lights\lights_cone_handing_lamp * 128.1 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_shells2 * 128.1 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_shells_green * 128.1 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_shells_pisto1 * 128.1 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_shells_pistol * 128.1 : [ 1] repair\repair_armor_repair_fa * 128.1 : [ 1] repair\repair_armor_repair_pro * 128.1 : [ 1] repair\repair_cleaning_kit * 128.1 : [ 1] repair\repair_glue * 128.1 : [ 1] repair\repair_grease_solvent * 128.1 : [ 1] repair\repair_gun_oil * 128.1 : [ 1] repair\repair_gun_oil_ru * 128.1 : [ 1] repair\repair_sewing_kit * 128.1 : [ 1] repair\repair_sharpening_stones * 128.1 : [ 1] repair\repair_toolkit_p * 128.1 : [ 1] sap\sap_orbital * 128.1 : [ 2] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_ak_shells_1 * 128.1 : [ 2] tbstash\tbbtsh2 * 128.1 : [ 2] tbstash\tbstsh1 * 128.1 : [ 2] tbstash\tbstsh14 * 128.1 : [ 2] tbstash\tbstsh17 * 128.1 : [ 2] tbstash\tbstsh18 * 128.1 : [ 2] tbstash\tbstsh19 * 128.1 : [ 2] tbstash\tbstsh3 * 128.1 : [ 2] tbstash\tbstsh5 * 128.1 : [ 2] tbstash\tbstsh7 * 128.1 : [ 1] ui\icon_flash_zarya2 * 128.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_icon_grizzly * 128.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_mm_faction_patches * 128.1 : [ 2] usable_items\drinks\drink_water * 128.1 : [ 1] wpn\zaria\grenade_flashbang * 144.1 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_bloodsplash1 * 156.4 : [ 1] amk\arts\atom_1 * 156.4 : [ 1] amk\arts\atom_2 * 156.4 : [ 1] amk\arts\atom_3 * 156.4 : [ 1] amk\arts\atom_4 * 156.4 : [ 1] amk\arts\atom_center * 156.4 : [ 1] amk\arts\chelust * 156.4 : [ 1] amk\arts\elektron * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_scope_po4x34\wpn_addon_scope_po4x34 * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_izlom * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_monolith_4_black * 170.6 : [ 1] item\item_xxporn2 * 170.6 : [ 1] item\item_xxxporn * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_aps\wpn_aps * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_grach\wpn_grach_misc_bump * 170.6 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_upgrade * 170.6 : [ 1] act\animals\act13_ratgrey_rs * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_burer * 170.6 : [ 2] act\act_controller * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_diger_slemnew * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_green_stalker1 * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_himera * 170.6 : [ 2] act\act_krovosos_1 * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_monoold1 * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_new_details_01 * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_scientist_suit_green * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_bandit1a * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_bandit1az * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_bandit1b * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_bandit2a * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_bandit_1 * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_bandit_2 * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_bandit_2a * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_bandit_3 * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_bandit_3a * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_bandit_3c * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_bandit_5c * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_banditex9 * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_banditexo * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_ecologb_1 * 170.6 : [ 2] act\act_stalker_ecologexo * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_exo_darkened * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_freedom_2 * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_merc_sun_new_4 * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_mercsuit1 * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_neutral1b * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_neutral2a * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_neutral2b * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_neutral_1 * 170.6 : [ 2] act\act_stalker_neutral_2 * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_neutral_4 * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_neutral_ecolog_2 * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_neutral_nebo1_black * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_neutral_sts_2 * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_renegade_lc_unique_1 * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_sandit_1 * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_soldier_4 * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_soldierb4 * 170.6 : [ 1] act\dev3\act_stalker_bandit_5a * 170.6 : [ 1] act\ecolog\act_stalker_ecologexo * 170.6 : [ 1] act\ecolog\act_stalker_merc_3 * 170.6 : [ 1] fx\water_height * 170.6 : [ 1] item\item_boots * 170.6 : [ 1] item\item_conserva * 170.6 : [ 1] item\item_pda_lp\item_pda_3 * 170.6 : [ 1] item\item_rope * 170.6 : [ 1] item\item_rops * 170.6 : [ 1] item\upgrade\upgr_o_1 * 170.6 : [ 1] mp5lng_mod\wpn\axe\axe_3 * 170.6 : [ 1] mp5lng_mod\wpn\mp153\mp153_1 * 170.6 : [ 2] mp5lng_mod\wpn\sten\sten_1 * 170.6 : [ 2] mp5lng_mod\wpn\sten\sten_4 * 170.6 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_bochka_01 * 170.6 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_bochka_02 * 170.6 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\cdf\white_flare * 170.6 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\generators\semi\smokeburstpuffanim * 170.6 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\shatterpoint\pfx_glass_shards2.1024 * 170.6 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\sphere\white_flare * 170.6 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\thorn\pfx_glass_shards2.1024 * 170.6 : [ 2] usable_items\aptechki\army\aptechka_army_diffuse * 170.6 : [ 2] usable_items\aptechki\basic\aptechka_basic_diffuse * 170.6 : [ 1] usable_items\aptechki\civ\aptechka_civ_diffuse * 170.6 : [ 1] usable_items\aptechki\detox\aptechka_detox_diffuse * 170.6 : [ 2] usable_items\aptechki\elite\aptechka_elite_diffuse * 170.6 : [ 2] usable_items\aptechki\scientific\aptechka_scientific_diffuse * 170.6 : [ 1] usable_items\aptechki\tac\aptechka_tac_diffuse * 170.6 : [ 2] usable_items\bints\bio\bint_bio_diffuse * 170.6 : [ 2] usable_items\butilki_steklo\cocacola\cocacola_diffuse * 170.6 : [ 2] usable_items\butilki_steklo\slavutich\slavutich_diffuse * 170.6 : [ 2] usable_items\conservi\havchik_tushka * 170.6 : [ 2] usable_items\injectors\injector_big\injector_big_diffuse * 170.6 : [ 2] usable_items\psut\can_beanz * 170.6 : [ 2] usable_items\psut\can_chilibeans * 170.6 : [ 2] usable_items\psut\can_corn * 170.6 : [ 2] usable_items\psut\can_tomatoes * 170.6 : [ 2] usable_items\psut\can_tuna * 170.6 : [ 2] usable_items\psut\can_tushonka * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\cadavver\striker12_barrel * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\cadavver\striker12_ironsights * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_fort17\wpn_fort17 * 170.6 : [ 2] wpn\silencer_556 * 170.6 : [ 2] wpn\stg_44\tex_stg_44_stock * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addon_grenade_launcher * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_kobra_ekp-8-02 * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_okp7 * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_pso1 * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_45 * 170.6 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_scope_ac10632_new\wpn_addon_scope_ac10632 * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_scope_acog\wpn_addon_scope_acog_old * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_scope_susat\wpn_addon_scope_susat * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_silencer\wpn_addon_sil_45 * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_silencer\wpn_addon_sil_kzrzp * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_silencer\wpn_addon_sil_nato * 170.6 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_silencer\wpn_addon_sil_pbs1 * 170.6 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_silencer\wpn_addon_sil_pbs4 * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_silencer\wpn_addon_sil_tgp-a * 170.6 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_akm_bolt_diff * 170.6 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_akm_handguard_diff * 170.6 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_akm_mag_diff * 170.6 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_akm_reciever * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ammo * 170.6 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_anpeq16a * 170.6 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_barrel_ks23_short * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_bullet1 * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_gauss * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_gauss\wpn_gauss * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_gauss_mag * 170.6 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_gp25 * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_grenade_f1 * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_grenade_rdg-m * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_grenade_rgd5 * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_handguard_ks23 * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_knif3 * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_knife_nr40 * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_knife_swat * 170.6 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_laserassault * 170.6 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_m203_ironsight * 170.6 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_m433hedp * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_60rnd_diff * 170.6 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_mag_stanag_colt_ar15_std_556x45_30_lod0_diff * 170.6 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_mpa * 170.6 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_mpe * 170.6 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_mpi * 170.6 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_mpm * 170.6 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_ncstar_mpr45 * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_pistolgrip_ks23 * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_pkm\wpn_pkm_magazin * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_pl15_suppressor_cover * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_rpg-7_grenade * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_rpk16_barrel * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_rpk16_handguard * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_rpk16_sight_rear * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_rpk16_stock * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_saiga_handguard * 170.6 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_saiga_mag * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_all_eotech_553 * 170.6 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_sg550_foregrip_rail * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_sig55x\wpn_sig550_mag * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_sig55x\wpn_sig550_mag_sk1 * 170.6 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_silencer_pbs1_diff * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_silencer_wave_qd_supressor_multi * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_stock_ks23_metal * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_svd\wpn_svd_mag * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_svds_dtk_rotor43 * 170.6 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_vog * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_face_01_bump * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_face_01_bump# * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_face_02_bump * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_face_02_bump# * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_face_08_bump * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_face_08_bump# * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_face_ara * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_face_her9_bump * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_face_her9_bump# * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_face_holod_bump * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_face_holod_bump# * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_face_isg_01_bump * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_face_isg_01_bump# * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_face_mask_01_bump * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_face_mask_01_bump# * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_face_mask_02_bump * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_face_mask_02_bump# * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_03_bump * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_03_bump# * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_mutant_boar_grill_bump * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_mutant_boar_grill_bump# * 170.6 : [ 3] act\act_stalker_soldier_2_bump * 170.6 : [ 2] act\cod_ghosts_exo_computer_bump * 170.6 : [ 2] act\cod_ghosts_exo_computer_bump# * 170.6 : [ 2] amik\explosions\boom_0 * 170.6 : [ 2] amik\explosions\boom_1 * 170.6 : [ 2] amik\explosions\boom_2 * 170.6 : [ 2] cinemavfx\smoke_burst_muzzle_01 * 170.6 : [ 1] detail\detail_metall_det1_v * 170.6 : [ 1] detail\detail_metall_det2_u * 170.6 : [ 7] detail\detail_metall_det2_v * 170.6 : [ 1] detail\detail_metall_det3_u * 170.6 : [ 2] fallout4\bitssmall01bluranim * 170.6 : [ 2] ghost_particles\eft_style\smoke02 * 170.6 : [ 10] mtl\mtl_barrel_bump# * 170.6 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_2 * 170.6 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_23 * 170.6 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_2_green * 170.6 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_7 * 170.6 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_shells1 * 170.6 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\acidic_mine\acid_smoke_512 * 170.6 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\electra\acid_smoke_512 * 170.6 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gold\acid_smoke_512 * 170.6 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\no_gravity\ffff * 170.6 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\lensflarered * 170.6 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\sphere\smoke_burst_02 * 170.6 : [ 2] wpn\addons\pbs1\Sil_bump * 170.6 : [ 2] wpn\addons\pistolsil\sil_bump * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\ash12\ash12_handguard * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\m870\M870_stock_sps_bump * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\m870\m870_barrel_508mm_fixed_sights * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\m870\m870_rail_top_mount * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\melee\melee_ontario_sp8 * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\rgd2\tex_rgd2_main * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\rgd2\tex_rgd2_main_bump * 170.6 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_addon_mount_ak_reciever_rail_bump * 170.6 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_addon_mount_ak_reciever_rail_bump# * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_mount\wpn_addon_lastochka_bump * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_silencer\wpn_addon_sil_9mm_bump * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_silencer\wpn_addon_sil_aps_bump * 170.6 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_mpd_bump * 213.8 : [ 1] fx\fx_wood_fire * 255.8 : [ 1] item\item_beer * 255.8 : [ 2] usable_items\tabletki\drug_coagulant\caffeine_diffuse * 255.8 : [ 2] usable_items\tabletki\drug_coagulant\drug_antimetic_diffuse * 255.8 : [ 2] usable_items\tabletki\drug_coagulant\drug_antirad_kalium_diffuse * 255.8 : [ 2] usable_items\tabletki\drug_coagulant\drug_coagulant_diffuse * 255.8 : [ 2] usable_items\tabletki\drug_coagulant\drug_sleepingpills_diffuse * 256.1 : [ 2] act\act_ryukzak_bump# * 256.1 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_banditt_5 * 256.1 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_dolg_tactic * 256.1 : [ 1] act\alpha\mask * 256.1 : [ 1] act\watchman\act_eyeball_6 * 256.1 : [ 2] amik\explosions\explosion_flash_atlas * 256.1 : [ 2] amik\hit_fx\blood\blood * 256.1 : [ 1] anamflares\flare_01 * 256.1 : [ 1] anamflares\flare_foggy * 256.1 : [ 2] botz\blood_01 * 256.1 : [ 1] cooking\cooking_kerosene_bump * 256.1 : [ 1] cooking\cooking_kerosene_bump# * 256.1 : [ 1] cooking\cooking_mfs_bump * 256.1 : [ 1] cooking\cooking_mfs_bump# * 256.1 : [ 1] cooking\cooking_wood_stove_bump * 256.1 : [ 1] cooking\cooking_wood_stove_bump# * 256.1 : [ 1] drink\drink_cigar0_bump * 256.1 : [ 1] drink\drink_cigar0_bump# * 256.1 : [ 1] drink\drink_cigar1_bump * 256.1 : [ 1] drink\drink_cigar1_bump# * 256.1 : [ 1] drink\drink_cigar2_bump * 256.1 : [ 1] drink\drink_cigar2_bump# * 256.1 : [ 1] drink\drink_cigar3_bump * 256.1 : [ 1] drink\drink_cigar3_bump# * 256.1 : [ 1] drink\drink_cocaine_bump * 256.1 : [ 1] drink\drink_cocaine_bump# * 256.1 : [ 1] drink\drink_joint_bump * 256.1 : [ 1] drink\drink_joint_bump# * 256.1 : [ 1] drink\drink_vodka_bump * 256.1 : [ 1] drink\drink_vodka_bump# * 256.1 : [ 2] drink\drink_water_bump * 256.1 : [ 2] drink\drink_water_bump# * 256.1 : [ 2] fallout4\smokefillvapor01atlassoft_c * 256.1 : [ 2] fallout4\smokepuffssoftatlasvelocity_d * 256.1 : [ 2] farcry4\blood_01 * 256.1 : [ 2] farcry4\bulllet_burst_static_01 * 256.1 : [ 2] farcry4\dust_puff_01 * 256.1 : [ 2] farcry4\dust_puff_big_02 * 256.1 : [ 2] farcry4\metal_spark_01 * 256.1 : [ 2] food\chimera_food_bump * 256.1 : [ 2] food\chimera_food_bump# * 256.1 : [ 2] food\food_bls_bump * 256.1 : [ 2] food\food_bls_bump# * 256.1 : [ 1] food\food_boar * 256.1 : [ 1] food\food_boar_bump * 256.1 : [ 1] food\food_boar_bump# * 256.1 : [ 2] food\food_dog_bump * 256.1 : [ 2] food\food_dog_bump# * 256.1 : [ 1] food\food_flesh_bump * 256.1 : [ 1] food\food_flesh_bump# * 256.1 : [ 2] food\food_pdg_bump * 256.1 : [ 2] food\food_pdg_bump# * 256.1 : [ 1] food\food_raw_boar_bump * 256.1 : [ 1] food\food_raw_boar_bump# * 256.1 : [ 1] food\food_raw_tush_bump * 256.1 : [ 1] food\food_raw_tush_bump# * 256.1 : [ 1] food\food_tushkano_bump * 256.1 : [ 1] food\food_tushkano_bump# * 256.1 : [ 1] food\snork_food_bump * 256.1 : [ 1] food\snork_food_bump# * 256.1 : [ 1] gamma\grizzly_detector\dev_grizzly_glass * 256.1 : [ 1] gamma\grizzly_detector\dirt * 256.1 : [ 1] item\item_cigar_bump * 256.1 : [ 1] item\item_cigar_bump# * 256.1 : [ 1] item\item_cigarettes_lucky_bump * 256.1 : [ 1] item\item_cigarettes_lucky_bump# * 256.1 : [ 1] item\item_cigarettes_russian_bump * 256.1 : [ 1] item\item_cigarettes_russian_bump# * 256.1 : [ 1] item\item_cloth_mask_bump * 256.1 : [ 1] item\item_cloth_mask_bump# * 256.1 : [ 1] item\item_hand_rolling_tobacco_bump * 256.1 : [ 1] item\item_hand_rolling_tobacco_bump# * 256.1 : [ 1] item\item_lead_box * 256.1 : [ 1] item\item_mint_bump * 256.1 : [ 1] item\item_mint_bump# * 256.1 : [ 1] item\item_raisins_bump * 256.1 : [ 1] item\item_raisins_bump# * 256.1 : [ 1] item\item_sausage_bump * 256.1 : [ 1] item\item_sausage_bump# * 256.1 : [ 1] item\item_tobacco_bump * 256.1 : [ 1] item\item_tobacco_bump# * 256.1 : [ 2] jdude\bloodsquirt1 * 256.1 : [ 2] jdude\bloodsquirt2 * 256.1 : [ 2] jdude\puff3 * 256.1 : [ 2] molotov\barry_bottle_bump# * 256.1 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_bloodsplash2 * 256.1 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_expl_01 * 256.1 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_flash_01 * 256.1 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_flash_02 * 256.1 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_flash_05 * 256.1 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_flash_07 * 256.1 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_flash_08 * 256.1 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_smoke_p * 256.1 : [ 1] repair\repair_armor_repair_fa_bump * 256.1 : [ 1] repair\repair_armor_repair_fa_bump# * 256.1 : [ 3] repair\repair_armor_repair_pro_bump * 256.1 : [ 3] repair\repair_armor_repair_pro_bump# * 256.1 : [ 1] repair\repair_cleaning_kit_bump * 256.1 : [ 1] repair\repair_cleaning_kit_bump# * 256.1 : [ 1] repair\repair_glue_bump * 256.1 : [ 1] repair\repair_glue_bump# * 256.1 : [ 1] repair\repair_grease_solvent_bump * 256.1 : [ 1] repair\repair_grease_solvent_bump# * 256.1 : [ 1] repair\repair_gun_oil_bump * 256.1 : [ 1] repair\repair_gun_oil_bump# * 256.1 : [ 1] repair\repair_gun_oil_ru_bump * 256.1 : [ 1] repair\repair_gun_oil_ru_bump# * 256.1 : [ 1] repair\repair_sewing_kit_bump * 256.1 : [ 1] repair\repair_sewing_kit_bump# * 256.1 : [ 3] repair\repair_toolkit_nato_bump * 256.1 : [ 3] repair\repair_toolkit_nato_bump# * 256.1 : [ 1] repair\repair_toolkit_p_bump * 256.1 : [ 1] repair\repair_toolkit_p_bump# * 256.1 : [ 1] sgm\sumka_2 * 256.1 : [ 2] tbstash\tbstsh14_bump * 256.1 : [ 2] tbstash\tbstsh14_bump# * 256.1 : [ 2] tbstash\tbstsh17_bump * 256.1 : [ 2] tbstash\tbstsh17_bump# * 256.1 : [ 2] tbstash\tbstsh18_bump * 256.1 : [ 2] tbstash\tbstsh18_bump# * 256.1 : [ 2] tbstash\tbstsh19_bump * 256.1 : [ 2] tbstash\tbstsh19_bump# * 256.1 : [ 2] tbstash\tbstsh5_bump# * 256.1 : [ 1] ui\ammo_parts * 256.1 : [ 1] ui\detectors_upgrade * 256.1 : [ 1] ui\equipment_icons * 256.1 : [ 1] ui\experience_framework\ui_icon_potions * 256.1 : [ 1] ui\experience_framework\ui_icon_traits * 256.1 : [ 1] ui\heavy_melee_icons * 256.1 : [ 1] ui\items\ui_mutant_loot * 256.1 : [ 1] ui\mds_icon * 256.1 : [ 1] ui\rem7615_icon * 256.1 : [ 1] ui\squaredov\minimap * 256.1 : [ 1] ui\type56_icon * 256.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_upgrades_binoc * 256.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_bas_icon_indicators * 256.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_boss * 256.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_graff_19_1600 * 256.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_graff_22_1600 * 256.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_letter_16_1600 * 256.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_letter_18_1600 * 256.1 : [ 2] unrealengine\muzzleflash_ember3 * 256.1 : [ 2] unrealengine\puffcolorsplash * 256.1 : [ 2] usable_items\banki\artezian\banka_2_artezian_diffuse * 256.1 : [ 2] usable_items\banki\heiniken\banka_2_heiniken_diffuse * 256.1 : [ 2] usable_items\drinks\voda * 256.1 : [ 2] usable_items\drinks\voda_dop * 256.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_pool_14 * 256.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_pool_15 * 256.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_pool_18 * 256.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_pool_19 * 256.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_pool_20 * 256.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_pool_21 * 256.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_pool_22 * 256.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_pool_24 * 256.1 : [ 2] wpn\_anomaly_scopes_\pbs2 * 256.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addon_crosshair_red_dot * 256.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_lfo_lens * 256.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_scope_ac10632_new\wpn_addon_scope_ac10632_crosshair_dirt * 256.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_grenade_bump * 256.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_grenade_bump# * 256.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_knife_bump# * 256.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_pso_1m2-1_lens_trans2 * 262.6 : [ 1] shaders\smaa\area_tex_dx11 * 288.1 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_cc_lightings * 335.8 : [ 2] amik\explosions\anim_dirtexp_3 * 335.8 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_rez_electra2 * 335.8 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_rez_electra3 * 341.0 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_scope_po4x34\wpn_addon_scope_po4x34_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_aps\wpn_aps_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_fn2000new\wpn_fn2000new_mag_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_eyeball_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] drink\drink_flask2 * 341.1 : [ 1] item\item_d_water * 341.1 : [ 1] item\item_energy * 341.1 : [ 1] item\item_m_anabiotic * 341.1 : [ 1] item\item_m_anabiotic_2 * 341.1 : [ 1] item\item_m_mexamine * 341.1 : [ 1] item\item_m_psi * 341.1 : [ 1] item\item_m_psy_blockade * 341.1 : [ 1] item\item_m_sleepingpills * 341.1 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_gradient * 341.1 : [ 2] usable_items\tabletki\drug_antidot\drug_antidot_diffuse * 341.1 : [ 2] usable_items\tabletki\drug_coagulant\drug_psi_diffuse * 341.1 : [ 2] usable_items\tabletki\drug_radioprotector\drug_radioprotector_diffuse * 341.1 : [ 1] water\water_flowing_nmap * 341.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_1_2 * 341.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_1_3 * 341.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_drop_4 * 341.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_glass01 * 341.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_glass02 * 341.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_glass03 * 341.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_glass04 * 341.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_dead * 341.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_horiz * 341.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_blood * 341.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_blood1 * 341.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_wood * 341.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_wood1 * 341.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_wood2 * 341.1 : [ 3] wpn\arti\wpn_ammo_boxes_1_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] sunmask * 341.1 : [ 2] act\cod_ghosts_exo_computer * 341.1 : [ 2] amik\explosions\explosion_dynamite\explosion_din * 341.1 : [ 2] door\door_metal_02 * 341.1 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\graviblast1orangecut * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_hpsa\wpn_hpsa * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_eft_ak74_gl_gp34_diff * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_rpk16_reciever * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_stock_m700_green_pillar * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_svu\wpn_svu-a * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_burer_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_burer_bump# * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_ca2_fur * 341.1 : [ 2] act\act_controller_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_diger_slemnew_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_diger_slemnew_bump# * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_frog_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_frog_bump# * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_gasmask_bump# * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_green_stalker_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_green_stalker_bump# * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_himera_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_himera_bump# * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_hunter_head_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_hunter_head_bump# * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_izlom_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_izlom_bump# * 341.1 : [ 2] act\act_krovosos_1_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] act\act_krovosos_1_bump# * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_monoold1_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_mutant_boar_leg_bump# * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_mutant_boar_u_fur * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_newdetail_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_newdetail_bump# * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_plot_bump# * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_plot_u_bump# * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_scientist_suit_bump * 341.1 : [ 3] act\act_st_exoskeleton_tank_bump * 341.1 : [ 3] act\act_st_exoskeleton_tank_bump# * 341.1 : [ 4] act\act_stalker_bandit_1_bump * 341.1 : [ 3] act\act_stalker_bandit_2_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] act\act_stalker_bandit_3_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] act\act_stalker_bandit_3_bump# * 341.1 : [ 2] act\act_stalker_bandit_3a_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] act\act_stalker_bandit_3a_bump# * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_bandit_3b_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_bandit_5_1 * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_bandit_5_1_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_bandit_5_1_bump# * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_dolg_1_bump * 341.1 : [ 3] act\act_stalker_dolg_4_bump * 341.1 : [ 3] act\act_stalker_dolg_4_bump# * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_ecologb_1_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_freedom_1_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_freedom_2_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] act\act_stalker_nebo_1_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] act\act_stalker_nebo_1_bump# * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_nebo_2_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_nebo_2_bump# * 341.1 : [ 3] act\act_stalker_neutral_1_bump * 341.1 : [ 4] act\act_stalker_neutral_2_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_neutral_8_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_neutral_8_bump# * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_neutral_ecolog_2_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_soldier_4_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_soldier_4_bump# * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_soldier_4specops * 341.1 : [ 4] act\act_stalker_sviter_bump * 341.1 : [ 4] act\act_stalker_sviter_bump# * 341.1 : [ 2] act\cod_ghosts_exo_computer_glass * 341.1 : [ 2] act\cod_ghosts_exo_computer_glass_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] act\cod_ghosts_exo_computer_glass_bump# * 341.1 : [ 1] act\gasmask\gasmask_gp7 * 341.1 : [ 1] act\gasmask\gasmask_gp7_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] act\gasmask\gasmask_gp7vm * 341.1 : [ 1] act\gasmask\gasmask_gp7vm_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] act\nebo_darker_black_vest * 341.1 : [ 2] amik\explosions\final_expl * 341.1 : [ 2] amik\weapons\smokeshoot_1 * 341.1 : [ 2] balkanzona\gauss2\gauss_a_cell_spec_2 * 341.1 : [ 2] balkanzona\gauss2\gauss_a_cell_spec_2_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] balkanzona\gauss2\gauss_b_cell_spec_2a * 341.1 : [ 2] balkanzona\gauss2\gauss_b_cell_spec_2a_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] balkanzona\gauss2\scope_fp_spec22 * 341.1 : [ 2] balkanzona\gauss2\scope_fp_spec22_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] cinemavfx\distort_anomaly_01 * 341.1 : [ 2] crysis_3\cumulus_01 * 341.1 : [ 1] detail\detail_metal_clean * 341.1 : [ 2] fallout4\bitsleaves01anim_d * 341.1 : [ 2] fallout4\decalsbloodsmear_d * 341.1 : [ 2] fallout4\smokeburstpuffanim * 341.1 : [ 2] fallout4\smokepuffsbrightnuke02_d * 341.1 : [ 2] fallout4\smokepuffscontrastatlas * 341.1 : [ 2] fallout4\smokepuffy02_d * 341.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_glare * 341.1 : [ 2] ghost_particles\eft_style\eft_flame * 341.1 : [ 2] ghost_particles\smoke\generic_smoke_white_00 * 341.1 : [ 1] item\item_conserva_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] item\item_d_nonstop * 341.1 : [ 1] item\item_d_nonstop_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] item\item_d_nonstop_bump# * 341.1 : [ 1] item\item_f_irp_b * 341.1 : [ 1] item\item_f_irp_b_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] item\item_f_irp_b_bump# * 341.1 : [ 1] item\item_f_irp_ukr_old * 341.1 : [ 1] item\item_f_irp_ukr_old_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] item\item_f_irp_ukr_old_bump# * 341.1 : [ 3] item\item_injector * 341.1 : [ 2] item\item_injector_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] item\item_injector_bump# * 341.1 : [ 1] item\item_pda_lp\item_pda * 341.1 : [ 2] item\item_pda_lp\item_pda_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] item\newflashlight\item_flashlight * 341.1 : [ 1] item\newflashlight\item_flashlight_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] limbsmodels\limbs_bump * 341.1 : [ 3] molotov\prop_brezent * 341.1 : [ 1] mp5lng_mod\wpn\1892\1892_1_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] mp5lng_mod\wpn\1892\1892_2_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] mp5lng_mod\wpn\1892\1892_3_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] mp5lng_mod\wpn\axe\axe_3_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] mp5lng_mod\wpn\mp153\mp153_1_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] mp5lng_mod\wpn\mp44\mp44_1 * 341.1 : [ 2] mp5lng_mod\wpn\mp44\mp44_1_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] mp5lng_mod\wpn\sten\sten_1_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] mp5lng_mod\wpn\sten\sten_4_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] mp5lng_mod\wpn\sten\sten_5_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_bochka_01_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_bochka_02_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_railroad_items * 341.1 : [ 1] new_shovel\shovel_wood * 341.1 : [ 1] new_shovel\shovel_wood_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] perk_based_artefacts\semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\distort_anomaly_01 * 341.1 : [ 2] prop\prop_blind01_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] prop\prop_blind01_bump# * 341.1 : [ 2] prop\prop_safe_1 * 341.1 : [ 2] prop\prop_safe_1_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] prop\prop_safe_1_bump# * 341.1 : [ 2] rwap\Mod3_MLOK_tan_normalbump * 341.1 : [ 2] rwap\Mod3_MLOK_tan_normalbump# * 341.1 : [ 2] rwap\mod3_mlok_blk_basecolor * 341.1 : [ 2] rwap\pbs1_basecolor * 341.1 : [ 2] rwap\pbs1_normalbump * 341.1 : [ 2] rwap\pbs1_normalbump# * 341.1 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\acidic_mine\around * 341.1 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\acidic_mine\distort_anomaly_01 * 341.1 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\acidic_mine\smokeburstpuffanim * 341.1 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\cdf\distort_anomaly_01 * 341.1 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\cdf\puffcolorsplashflicker2 * 341.1 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\cdf\smokecloud4 * 341.1 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\electra\distort_anomaly_01 * 341.1 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\generators\distort_anomaly_01 * 341.1 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\ghost\cumulus_01 * 341.1 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\ghost\energyball2 * 341.1 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\gold\distort_anomaly_01 * 341.1 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gold\smokeburstpuffanim * 341.1 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational\cumulus_01 * 341.1 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\gravitational\distort_anomaly_01 * 341.1 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_average\bitsleaves01anim_d * 341.1 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_average\distort_anomaly_01 * 341.1 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_average\smokepuffscontrastatlas * 341.1 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_strong\bitsleaves01anim_d * 341.1 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_strong\brokenglass * 341.1 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_strong\distort_anomaly_01 * 341.1 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_strong\puff_00 * 341.1 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\mefistotel\bitsleaves01anim_d * 341.1 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\mefistotel\distort_anomaly_01 * 341.1 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\net\distort_anomaly_01 * 341.1 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\no_gravity\bitsleaves01anim_d * 341.1 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\no_gravity\distort_anomaly_01 * 341.1 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\point\distort_anomaly_01 * 341.1 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\point\vacum_v1 * 341.1 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\shatterpoint\distort_anomaly_01 * 341.1 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\shatterpoint\pfx_glass_shards1.2048 * 341.1 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\shatterpoint\pfx_glass_shards_blend.2048 * 341.1 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\shatterpoint\puff_00 * 341.1 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\shatterpoint\triangles * 341.1 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\sloth\distort_anomaly_01 * 341.1 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\distort_anomaly_01 * 341.1 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\springboard\bitsleaves01anim_d * 341.1 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\springboard\spray_v1 * 341.1 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\thorn\dirtburst_01 * 341.1 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\thorn\distort_anomaly_01 * 341.1 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\thorn\pfx_glass_shards1.2048 * 341.1 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\thorn\pfx_glass_shards2.2048 * 341.1 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\thorn\pfx_glass_shards_blend.2048 * 341.1 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\umbra\distort_anomaly_01 * 341.1 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\umbra\dust_loop_02 * 341.1 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\umbra\puffcolorsplashflicker2 * 341.1 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\wish_granter\bitsleaves01anim_d * 341.1 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\wish_granter\distort_anomaly_01 * 341.1 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\wish_granter\dust_loop_02 * 341.1 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\zharka\dust_puff_02 * 341.1 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\zharka\pfx_ani-fire01 * 341.1 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\zharka\puff_00 * 341.1 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\zharka\smoke_burst_06 * 341.1 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\zharka\smokeburstpuffanim * 341.1 : [ 2] tbstash\tbstsh10_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] tbstash\tbstsh10_bump# * 341.1 : [ 2] tbstash\tbstsh11_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] tbstash\tbstsh11_bump# * 341.1 : [ 2] tbstash\tbstsh9_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] tbstash\tbstsh9_bump# * 341.1 : [ 2] unrealengine\puffcolorsplashflicker2 * 341.1 : [ 11] usable_items\aptechki\basic\aptechka_basic_bump * 341.1 : [ 11] usable_items\aptechki\basic\aptechka_basic_bump# * 341.1 : [ 6] usable_items\bints\basic\bint_basic_bump * 341.1 : [ 6] usable_items\bints\basic\bint_basic_bump# * 341.1 : [ 2] usable_items\butilki_steklo\cocacola\cocacola_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] usable_items\butilki_steklo\cocacola\cocacola_bump# * 341.1 : [ 2] usable_items\butilki_steklo\slavutich\slavutich_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] usable_items\butilki_steklo\slavutich\slavutich_bump# * 341.1 : [ 2] usable_items\conservi\eat_konserva_bump * 341.1 : [ 4] usable_items\conservi\havchik_tushka_bump * 341.1 : [ 4] usable_items\conservi\havchik_tushka_bump# * 341.1 : [ 2] usable_items\drinks\gerkules_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] usable_items\eat\eat_baton_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] usable_items\eat\eat_chease_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] usable_items\eat\eat_kolbasa_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] usable_items\injectors\injector_big\injector_big_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] usable_items\injectors\injector_big\injector_big_bump# * 341.1 : [ 2] usable_items\injectors\injector_big\injector_big_diffuse -army * 341.1 : [ 2] usable_items\injectors\injector_big\injector_big_diffuse-scientic * 341.1 : [ 4] usable_items\vodki\vodka_cmuphob_bump * 341.1 : [ 4] usable_items\vodki\vodka_cmuphob_bump# * 341.1 : [ 2] usable_items\vodki\vodka_kazaki_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] usable_items\vodki\vodka_kazaki_bump# * 341.1 : [ 2] veh\veh_gaz66_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] veh\veh_gaz66_bump# * 341.1 : [ 2] veh\veh_uazik_new_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] veh\veh_uazik_new_bump# * 341.1 : [ 2] veh\veh_zil_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] veh\veh_zil_bump# * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\CADAVVER\Striker12_Barrel_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\CADAVVER\Striker12_IronSights_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] wpn\amd1\tex_amd_grips * 341.1 : [ 2] wpn\amd1\tex_amd_grips_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] wpn\amd1\tex_amd_guard * 341.1 : [ 2] wpn\amd1\tex_amd_guard_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] wpn\amd1\tex_amd_mag * 341.1 : [ 2] wpn\amd1\tex_amd_mag_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\ash12\ash12_receiver_lower * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\ash12\ash12_receiver_upper * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\ash12\ash12_sight_rear * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\ash12\ash12_silencer * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\asval\ASVAL_receiver_def_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\asval\asval_dustcover_def * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\asval\asval_mag_20 * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\asval\asval_silencer_def * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\asval\asval_stock_def * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\m870\M870_receiver_parts_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\mp5\MP5_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\mp5\mag_30 * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\mp5\receiver_lower_navy * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\mp5\stock_retractable * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\mp7\suppressor_osprey * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\rgn\grenade_rgn * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\rgo\grenade_rgo * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\shared\anpeq15 * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\spas12\spas12_receiver_parts_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\tt33\tt_receiver_std * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_fort17\wpn_fort17_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] wpn\rom_aks\tex_romak_furnituremain * 341.1 : [ 2] wpn\rom_aks\tex_romak_magmetal * 341.1 : [ 2] wpn\rom_aks\tex_romak_suppressor * 341.1 : [ 2] wpn\rom_aks\tex_romak_woodengrip * 341.1 : [ 2] wpn\rom_aks\tex_romak_woodstock * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\sight_cases\pka * 341.1 : [ 2] wpn\silencer_556_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] wpn\silencer_556_bump# * 341.1 : [ 2] wpn\stg_44\tex_stg_44_stock_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] wpn\tantal88\tex_tantal_forniture * 341.1 : [ 2] wpn\tantal88\tex_tantal_forniture_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] wpn\tantal88\tex_tantal_supressor * 341.1 : [ 2] wpn\tantal88\tex_tantal_supressor_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\type56_2\tex_type562_furniture * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\type56_2\tex_type562_mag * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addon_grenade_launcher_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_okp7_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_okp7_bump# * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_pso1_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_45_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_scope_ac10632_new\wpn_addon_scope_ac10632_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_scope_acog\wpn_addon_scope_acog_old_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_silencer\wpn_addon_sil_45_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_silencer\wpn_addon_sil_kzrzp_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_silencer\wpn_addon_sil_nato_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_silencer\wpn_addon_sil_pbs1_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_silencer\wpn_addon_sil_pbs4_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_silencer\wpn_addon_sil_tgp-a_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_bolt_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_bullet1_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_case_archangel_world_diff * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_case_magpul_pro_world_diff * 341.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_gp25_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_gp25_bump# * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_grenade_f1_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_grenade_rdg-m_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_grenade_rgd5_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_knife_nr40_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_knife_swat_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_knife_swat_bump# * 341.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_laserassault_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_laserassault_bump# * 341.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_lenses * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_lenses_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_m203_ironsight_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_m203_ironsight_bump# * 341.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_m433hedp_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_m433hedp_bump# * 341.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_mag_5x45_45rnd_backelite_bump# * 341.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_mpa_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_mpe_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_mpi_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_mpm_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_ncstar_mpr45_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_pkm\wpn_pkm_magazin_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ppsh41\eft_ppsh_barrel_d_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ppsh41\eft_ppsh_d_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ppsh41\eft_ppsh_internals_d_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ppsh41\eft_ppsh_mag35_d_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_all_eotech_553_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_all_eotech_553_bump# * 341.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_sg550_foregrip_rail_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_sg550_foregrip_rail_bump# * 341.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_sig55x\wpn_sig550_mag_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_silencer_ar10_aac_762_sdn_6_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_silencer_ar10_aac_762_sdn_6_bump# * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_silencer_ar10_aac_762_sdn_6_diff * 341.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_silencer_hexagon12 * 341.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_silencer_hexagon12_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_svd\wpn_svd_mag_bump * 341.1 : [ 3] wpn\wpn_vog_bump * 341.1 : [ 3] wpn\wpn_vog_bump# * 341.1 : [ 2] wpn\zastavam70\tex_zastavam70_furniture2 * 341.1 : [ 2] wpn\zastavam70\tex_zastavam70_mag * 341.1 : [ 2] wpn\zastavam70\tex_zastavam70_stock * 341.1 : [ 2] wpn\zastavam70\tex_zastavam70_suppressor * 341.1 : [ 2] crysis_3\anm_smoke_07a * 341.1 : [ 2] crysis_3\anm_smoke_desat * 341.1 : [ 2] crysis_3\cumulus_02 * 341.1 : [ 2] crysis_3\fire_large_animated2 * 341.1 : [ 2] crysis_3\flamesheetlong1_red_cut * 341.1 : [ 2] crysis_3\smoke_side_animated * 341.1 : [ 2] perk_based_artefacts\semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\cumulus_02 * 341.1 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\acidic_mine\cumulus_02 * 341.1 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\cdf\cumulus_02 * 341.1 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\electra\cumulus_02 * 341.1 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\flash\cumulus_02 * 341.1 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\generators\cumulus_02 * 341.1 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gold\cumulus_02 * 341.1 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational\cumulus_02 * 341.1 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_average\cumulus_02 * 341.1 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_strong\cumulus_02 * 341.1 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\mefistotel\cumulus_02 * 341.1 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\no_gravity\cumulus_02 * 341.1 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\shatterpoint\cumulus_02 * 341.1 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\cumulus_02 * 341.1 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\thorn\cumulus_02 * 341.1 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\umbra\anm_smoke_desat * 341.1 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\wish_granter\cumulus_02 * 341.1 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\zharka\anm_smoke_07a * 341.1 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\zharka\cumulus_02 * 341.1 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\zones\thermal\anm_smoke_desat * 341.6 : [ 2] usable_items\banki\redbull\banka_1_redbull_diffuse * 345.4 : [ 3] usable_items\injectors\syringe * 364.2 : [ 2] usable_items\drinks\voda_paper * 384.1 : [ 3] shaders\lut_atlas * 384.1 : [ 1] ui\experience_framework\info\exp_logo * 468.9 : [ 1] amk\arts\mox * 468.9 : [ 1] arte\kashtan * 512.1 : [ 1] act\act_atach * 512.1 : [ 1] act\act_face_mask_22 * 512.1 : [ 1] act\act_face_mask_pl * 512.1 : [ 1] act\act_face_volk * 512.1 : [ 1] act\act_faction_badges_tfw * 512.1 : [ 1] act\act_faction_badges_tfw_2 * 512.1 : [ 1] act\act_h_melnik_bodyvoen * 512.1 : [ 1] act\act_mutant_boar_leg * 512.1 : [ 1] act\act_plat * 512.1 : [ 1] act\voen_1_krap_beret\znak_beret_ua * 512.1 : [ 2] amik\explosions\explosion_fuelcan\boom_1 * 512.1 : [ 2] amik\weapons\00 * 512.1 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\45 * 512.1 : [ 2] amik\weapons\shells_ak * 512.1 : [ 1] amk\items\100 * 512.1 : [ 1] amk\items\500 * 512.1 : [ 1] amk\items\r10 * 512.1 : [ 2] farcry4\fire_puff_01 * 512.1 : [ 2] farcry4\metal_spark_02 * 512.1 : [ 2] farcry4\white_flare * 512.1 : [ 1] map\map_hospital * 512.1 : [ 1] map\map_l08u_brainlab * 512.1 : [ 2] new_pfx\smoke_animated_2 * 512.1 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_explotions_3 * 512.1 : [ 2] pfx\r_pop\shells\12ga * 512.1 : [ 2] pfx\r_pop\shells\45acp * 512.1 : [ 2] pfx\r_pop\shells\545x39 * 512.1 : [ 2] pfx\r_pop\shells\556x45 * 512.1 : [ 2] pfx\r_pop\shells\762x39 * 512.1 : [ 2] pfx\r_pop\shells\762x51 * 512.1 : [ 2] pfx\r_pop\shells\762x54 * 512.1 : [ 2] pfx\r_pop\shells\9x19 * 512.1 : [ 2] pfx\r_pop\shells\9x39 * 512.1 : [ 2] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_shells3 * 512.1 : [ 1] sumka\sumka_4 * 512.1 : [ 2] tbstash\tbstsh10 * 512.1 : [ 2] tbstash\tbstsh11 * 512.1 : [ 2] tbstash\tbstsh9 * 512.1 : [ 1] ui\icons\ui_icon_western_goods_drinks_crepis * 512.1 : [ 1] ui\icons\ui_icon_western_goods_food_crepis * 512.1 : [ 1] ui\qaw_tab_categories * 512.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_achivments * 512.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_monsters_pda_2 * 512.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_newsmanager_icons * 512.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_icon_barrydevices * 512.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_icon_newmedkits * 512.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_maid_drinks * 512.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_maid_meds * 512.1 : [ 0] ui\ui_wheel_ammo * 512.1 : [ 2] unrealengine\lensflarered * 512.1 : [ 2] usable_items\conservi\eat_konserva * 512.1 : [ 2] usable_items\eat\eat_baton * 512.1 : [ 2] usable_items\eat\eat_kolbasa * 512.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_bolt * 512.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_okp_reticle_dynamic * 554.7 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_ligth_6 * 557.0 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_exoseva_portraits * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_tt33\wpn_tt33 * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_vss\wpn_vss * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_beretta\wpn_beretta92fs * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_colt1911\wpn_colt1911_classic * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_cz75\wpn_cz75 * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_pm\wpn_pm * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_sigp220\wpn_sig-p220 * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_walter99\wpn_walter99_grip * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_walter99\wpn_walter99_slide * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_gl\wpn_addon_gl_fng1 * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_fn2000new\wpn_fn2000new * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_fn2000new\wpn_fn2000new_scope * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_groza\wpn_groza * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_groza\wpn_groza_grenade_launcher * 682.2 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_metal * 682.2 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_ston * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_beretta\wpn_beretta92fs_grip * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_beretta\wpn_beretta92fs_grip_bump * 682.2 : [ 2] act\act_ca2 * 682.2 : [ 2] act\act_ca4 * 682.2 : [ 1] act\act_cat * 682.2 : [ 1] act\act_dog_red * 682.2 : [ 1] act\act_dogs_brown * 682.2 : [ 1] act\act_dogs_bulterer * 682.2 : [ 1] act\act_gasmask * 682.2 : [ 1] act\act_hunter_head * 682.2 : [ 1] act\act_mutant_boar * 682.2 : [ 1] act\act_mutant_boar_u * 682.2 : [ 1] act\act_plot * 682.2 : [ 1] act\act_plot_u * 682.2 : [ 2] act\act_pseudodog * 682.2 : [ 2] act\act_pseudodog1 * 682.2 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_nebo_1 * 682.2 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_nebo_2 * 682.2 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_sviter * 682.2 : [ 1] act\animals\act13_fox_rs * 682.2 : [ 1] act\corpses\act_stalker_sviter_10 * 682.2 : [ 1] act\corpses\act_stalker_sviter_2 * 682.2 : [ 1] act\corpses\act_stalker_sviter_6 * 682.2 : [ 1] act\csvars\act_nebo_b_rene * 682.2 : [ 1] act\dev4\tactical_helmet_nv_colour * 682.2 : [ 1] act\geruda\geruda03 * 682.2 : [ 1] act\voen_1_krap_beret\act_stalker_nebo_3 * 682.2 : [ 1] act\voen_1_krap_beret\ryki * 682.2 : [ 1] act\watchman\watchman * 682.2 : [ 1] bodies\it_organs_13rs * 682.2 : [ 2] fozest\smoke02 * 682.2 : [ 1] limbsmodels\limbs * 682.2 : [ 1] mtl\mtl_rja_iov_01 * 682.2 : [ 2] perk_based_artefacts\semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\electricblast1 * 682.2 : [ 2] perk_based_artefacts\semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\electricblast3 * 682.2 : [ 2] perk_based_artefacts\semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\gauss1 * 682.2 : [ 2] perk_based_artefacts\semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\gauss2 * 682.2 : [ 1] prop\prop_dangerbox_2 * 682.2 : [ 1] prop\prop_governmentbox_1 * 682.2 : [ 2] usable_items\water_flask\vodka_flask * 682.2 : [ 2] veh\veh_gaz66 * 682.2 : [ 1] wood\wood_board_01 * 682.2 : [ 1] wood\wood_jasik2 * 682.2 : [ 1] wood\wood_walls7 * 682.2 : [ 1] wood\wood_walls8 * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\arbiter_defender\tex_arbiter_defender_main * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\brenten\tex_brenten_alt_mag * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\brenten\tex_brenten_alt_main * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\brenten\tex_brenten_alt_pieces * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\brenten\tex_brenten_alt_slide * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\cadavver\striker12_mag01 * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\cadavver\striker12_receiver * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\cadavver\striker12_stock_standard * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\glock20\tex_g20 * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\mauser_c96\tex_mauser_c96_main * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\mp40\tex_mp40_main * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_colt1911\wpn_sw645 * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_desert_eagle\wpn_desert_eagle * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_fort12\wpn_fort12 * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_grach\wpn_grach * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_mp412\wpn_mp412 * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_pb\wpn_pb * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_usp45\wpn_usp45 * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_usp45\wpn_usp45_internal * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\rg6\rg6 * 682.2 : [ 2] wpn\stg_44\tex_stg_44_main * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_abakan * 682.2 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_cqbss * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_leupold_mark4_lr_65_20x50 * 682.2 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_mount_cqbss * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_gl\wpn_addon_grenade_launcher * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_gl\wpn_addon_grenade_launcher_m203 * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_scope_pso\wpn_addon_scope_pso-1m2-1 * 682.2 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_scope_pso\wpn_addon_scope_pso1 * 682.2 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_ak12\wpn_ak12 * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ak74\wpn_ak74 * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ak74\wpn_ak74_sk1 * 682.2 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_ak74m * 682.2 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_akm_body_diff * 682.2 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_akm_stock_diff * 682.2 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_aksu\wpn_aksu * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ash12\wpn_ash12 * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_gauss_comp * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ks23m_23x75 * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_lr300\wpn_lr300 * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_lr300\wpn_lr300_parts * 682.2 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_m203 * 682.2 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_ots14 * 682.2 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_ots14_addons * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_p220 * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_p220r * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_pkm\wpn_pkm * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_pkp\wpn_pkp_1 * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_pkp\wpn_pkp_2 * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ppsh41\eft_ppsh_receiver_d * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ppsh41\eft_ppsh_stock_d * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_remington_model_700_762x51 * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_rpg-7\wpn_rpg-7 * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_rpk16 * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_rpk\wpn_rpk_body * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_rpk\wpn_rpk_grips * 682.2 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_saiga_body * 682.2 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_saiga_reciever * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_saiga_stock * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scarl_parts2 * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_1pn93x4 * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_aimpoint * 682.2 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_scope_trijicon_rmr_diff * 682.2 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_sg550 * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_sig55x\wpn_sig550 * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_sig55x\wpn_sig550_sk1 * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_svd\wpn_svd_body * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_svd\wpn_svd_grips * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_toz-194\wpn_toz-194 * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_toz-34\wpn_toz-34 * 682.2 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_toz-34\wpn_toz-34_sk1 * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_toz-34\wpn_toz-34_sk2 * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_toz66\wpn_toz66 * 682.2 : [ 1] trees\trees_bark_a_02 * 682.2 : [ 3] act\act_stalker_soldier_2_bump# * 682.2 : [ 2] act\cod_bo2_exo_gloves * 682.2 : [ 2] act\cod_bo2_exo_gloves_bump * 682.2 : [ 2] act\cod_bo2_exo_gloves_bump# * 682.2 : [ 2] act\cod_bo2_nano_gloves * 682.2 : [ 2] act\cod_bo2_nano_gloves_bump * 682.2 : [ 2] act\cod_bo2_nano_gloves_bump# * 682.2 : [ 2] cinemavfx\smoke_burst_02 * 682.2 : [ 2] door\door_metal_02_bump * 682.2 : [ 2] door\door_metal_02_bump# * 682.2 : [ 2] ghost_particles\shells\r_pop\12ga * 682.2 : [ 1] mtl\mtl_angar_a_b_bump * 682.2 : [ 1] mtl\mtl_angar_a_b_bump# * 682.2 : [ 10] mtl\mtl_barrel_bump * 682.2 : [ 2] perk_based_artefacts\semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\smoke_burst_02 * 682.2 : [ 2] rwap\amb17rails_basecolor * 682.2 : [ 2] rwap\amb17rails_normalbump * 682.2 : [ 2] rwap\amb17rails_normalbump# * 682.2 : [ 2] rwap\mbus_basecolor * 682.2 : [ 2] rwap\mbus_normalbump * 682.2 : [ 2] rwap\mbus_normalbump# * 682.2 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\cdf\smoke_burst_02 * 682.2 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\smoke_burst_02 * 682.2 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\wish_granter\smoke_burst_02 * 682.2 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\zharka\blowingfire_fwd * 682.2 : [ 2] unrealengine\bigfire_fwd * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\at_nade\tex_at_nade_main * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\at_nade\tex_at_nade_main_bump * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\m870\m870_stock_sps * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_g36new_DSM_bump * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_svu\wpn_svu-a_bump * 682.2 : [ 2] crysis_3\smoke_roll_animated2 * 768.1 : [ 11] sky\af1_foggy\06-00 * 768.1 : [ 32] sky\af1_foggy\08-00 * 768.1 : [ 13] sky\af1_foggy\09-00 * 768.1 : [ 15] sky\af1_foggy\11-00 * 768.1 : [ 30] sky\af1_foggy\13-00 * 768.1 : [ 2] sky\sky_12_vibros_cube * 768.1 : [ 10] sky\sky_13_cube * 768.1 : [ 2] sky\sky_13_cube_night * 768.1 : [ 6] sky\sky_13_vibros_cube * 768.1 : [ 1] sky\sky_14_cube * 768.1 : [ 1] sky\sky_17_clouds_cube * 768.1 : [ 1] sky\sky_18_cube * 768.1 : [ 1] sky\sky_1_clouds_cube * 768.1 : [ 1] sky\sky_20_clouds_cube * 768.1 : [ 1] sky\sky_2_clouds_cube * 768.1 : [ 5] sky\sky_5_cube * 768.1 : [ 16] sky\sky_9_cube * 768.1 : [ 6] sky\swtc_clear\05-00 * 768.1 : [ 2] sky\swtc_cloudy_light\06-00-cloudy-dark * 768.1 : [ 3] sky\swtc_dark\06-00-cloudy-dark * 1024.1 : [ 1] act\act_mutant_boar_leg_bump * 1024.1 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_bandit11 * 1024.1 : [ 4] act\act_stalker_bandit_1_bump# * 1024.1 : [ 3] act\act_stalker_bandit_2_bump# * 1024.1 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_dolg_1_bump# * 1024.1 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_freedom_2_bump# * 1024.1 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_head_glass_02 * 1024.1 : [ 4] act\act_stalker_neutral_2_bump# * 1024.1 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_neutral_3_0 * 1024.1 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_neutral_8 * 1024.1 : [ 2] amik\explosions\decal_concrete * 1024.1 : [ 2] amik\explosions\explo_end * 1024.1 : [ 1] amik\explosions\explosion_fuelcan\boom_3 * 1024.1 : [ 2] amik\explosions\explosion_fuelcan\grey_xpl * 1024.1 : [ 1] anamflares\anam_flare01 * 1024.1 : [ 1] anamflares\flare_02 * 1024.1 : [ 1] anamflares\flare_10 * 1024.1 : [ 1] anamflares\flare_fleck_01 * 1024.1 : [ 2] cinemavfx\electra_new\elct_comp_x4_01_colgrad_01 * 1024.1 : [ 2] cinemavfx\electra_new\elct_comp_x4_03_colgrad_01 * 1024.1 : [ 2] cinemavfx\puff_00 * 1024.1 : [ 2] cinemavfx\smoke_burst_06 * 1024.1 : [ 2] farcry4\bullet_burst_01 * 1024.1 : [ 2] farcry4\dust_loop_02 * 1024.1 : [ 2] farcry4\water_splash_01 * 1024.1 : [ 2] farcry4\water_splash_02 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_1 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_2 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_3 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_4 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_5 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_6 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_7 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_white * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_white_blend * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_white_light * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_yellow_light * 1024.1 : [ 2] ghost_particles\smoke\smoke_loop_5x5 * 1024.1 : [ 1] item\item_glowstick_light * 1024.1 : [ 1] item\item_glowstick_lightcyan * 1024.1 : [ 1] item\western_goods_mags\wg_porn_mag_3\wg_porn_mag_3 * 1024.1 : [ 1] item\western_goods_mags\wg_strana_igr_mag_1\wg_strana_igr_mag_1 * 1024.1 : [ 2] jdude\blood1 * 1024.1 : [ 2] jdude\metalburst2 * 1024.1 : [ 2] jdude\newmuzzle\gauss3muzzle2 * 1024.1 : [ 2] jdude\newpuffs\puff01 * 1024.1 : [ 2] jdude\newpuffs\puff02 * 1024.1 : [ 2] jdude\newpuffs\puff03 * 1024.1 : [ 2] jdude\rain1 * 1024.1 : [ 2] jdude\rain2 * 1024.1 : [ 1] map\map_fake_start * 1024.1 : [ 1] map\map_l04u_labx18 * 1024.1 : [ 1] map\map_l12u_control_monolith * 1024.1 : [ 1] map\map_labx8 * 1024.1 : [ 1] mp5lng_mod\wpn\1892\1892_1 * 1024.1 : [ 1] mp5lng_mod\wpn\1892\1892_2 * 1024.1 : [ 1] mp5lng_mod\wpn\1892\1892_3 * 1024.1 : [ 2] new_pfx\explosions\eplosion04_dxt5 * 1024.1 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_ani-explosion-02 * 1024.1 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_ani-explosion-02-b-a * 1024.1 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_ani-explosion-02a * 1024.1 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_explotions_2 * 1024.1 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_explotions_4 * 1024.1 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_explotions_smoke * 1024.1 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_explotions_smoke_benzine * 1024.1 : [ 2] shoker_mod\explosions\final_expl * 1024.1 : [ 351] sky\sky_oblaka * 1024.1 : [ 8] sky\sky_oblakasky\sky_oblaka * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\experience_framework\ui_icon_prestige * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\experience_framework\ui_menu_xpmult * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\experience_framework\ui_nls_target_bar * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\qaw_radial_menu * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\squaredov\compass * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\streamlined_icons * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_pda * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_graff_32_1600 * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_letter_25_1600 * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_hud * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_loot_interface * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_maid_food * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_npc_unique_2 * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_npc_unique_4 * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_options_sliders * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_pda2 * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_pda2_noice * 1024.1 : [ 2] unrealengine\grdbasefire2_small * 1024.1 : [ 2] unrealengine\muzzlecloudsatlas * 1024.1 : [ 2] unrealengine\muzzlecloudsatlas4 * 1024.1 : [ 2] unrealengine\muzzleflash1 * 1024.1 : [ 2] unrealengine\muzzleflash4 * 1024.1 : [ 2] unrealengine\muzzleflash4var2 * 1024.1 : [ 2] unrealengine\muzzleflash5 * 1024.1 : [ 2] unrealengine\muzzleflash6 * 1024.1 : [ 2] unrealengine\muzzleflash_ember2 * 1024.1 : [ 2] unrealengine\muzzleflash_ember4 * 1024.1 : [ 2] unrealengine\muzzleflash_fire * 1024.1 : [ 2] usable_items\drinks\gerkules * 1024.1 : [ 2] usable_items\tabletki\drug_antidot\drug_antibio_sulfat_diffuse * 1024.1 : [ 2] usable_items\vodki\vodka_cmuphob * 1024.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_10 * 1024.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_2 * 1024.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_3 * 1024.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_4 * 1024.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_5 * 1024.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_7 * 1024.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_drop_0 * 1024.1 : [ 2] wpn\_anomaly_scopes_\sssr2 * 1024.1 : [ 1] wpn\m18\m18 * 1024.1 : [ 1] wpn\m18\m18_bump * 1024.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_crosshair_g36_black_alpha_b * 1024.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_crosshair_g36_dot * 1024.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_lfo_lens_bump * 1024.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_scope_ac10632_new\wpn_addon_scope_ac10632_crosshair_dot * 1024.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_crosshair_class * 1024.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_crosshair_ekp8_02_dynamic * 1024.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_crosshair_eotech_553_dynamic * 1024.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_crosshair_l85 * 1024.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_gauss\wpn_gauss_bump * 1024.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_gauss\wpn_gauss_bump# * 1024.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_gauss_bump * 1024.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_gauss_bump# * 1024.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_knife_nr40_bump# * 1024.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_upgrade_bump * 1024.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_upgrade_bump# * 1049.1 : [ 4] fx\fx_noise2 * 1285.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_smoke_b * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_tt33\wpn_tt33_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_vss\wpn_vss_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_beretta\wpn_beretta92fs_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_colt1911\wpn_colt1911_classic_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_cz75\wpn_cz75_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_pm\wpn_pm_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_sigp220\wpn_sig-p220_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_walter99\wpn_walter99_grip_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_walter99\wpn_walter99_slide_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_gl\wpn_addon_gl_fng1_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_fn2000new\wpn_fn2000new_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_fn2000new\wpn_fn2000new_scope_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_groza\wpn_groza_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_groza\wpn_groza_grenade_launcher_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] item\item_food * 1364.3 : [ 1] item\item_medkit * 1364.3 : [ 1] item\item_medkit_2 * 1364.3 : [ 1] item\item_medkit_3 * 1364.3 : [ 2] usable_items\bints\basic\bint_basic_diffuse * 1364.3 : [ 2] usable_items\bints\israeli\bint_israeli_diffuse * 1364.3 : [ 2] usable_items\vodki\vodka_hemupob * 1364.3 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_1 * 1364.3 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_drop_5 * 1364.3 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_drop_6 * 1364.3 : [ 1] wm\wm_grenade * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ppsh41\eft_ppsh_barrel_d * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ppsh41\eft_ppsh_d * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ppsh41\eft_ppsh_internals_d * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ppsh41\eft_ppsh_mag35_d * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_gauss_rifle * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_rpg_7 * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scar_main_tan * 1364.3 : [ 5] act\act_cat_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] act\act_dog_red_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] act\act_dogs_big_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] act\act_dogs_brown_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] act\act_dogs_bulterer_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] act\act_frog_3 * 1364.3 : [ 1] act\act_gasmask_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] act\act_mutant_boar_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] act\act_mutant_boar_u_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] act\act_plot_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] act\act_plot_u_bump * 1364.3 : [ 2] act\act_pseudodog_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] act\act_pseudodog_fur * 1364.3 : [ 1] act\act_pseudodog_fur1 * 1364.3 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_nebo_b_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_nebo_b_bump# * 1364.3 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_nebo_dolg_1 * 1364.3 : [ 1] act\altexos\act_stalker_neutral_4_darkermask * 1364.3 : [ 1] act\geruda\geruda03_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] act\pyat\pyat * 1364.3 : [ 1] act\pyat\pyat_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] act\pyat\pyat_wings * 1364.3 : [ 1] act\tarakan\tarakan * 1364.3 : [ 1] act\tarakan\tarakan_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] act\watchman\watchman_bump * 1364.3 : [ 2] cinemavfx\dirtburst_01 * 1364.3 : [ 2] cinemavfx\dirtburst_02 * 1364.3 : [ 2] cinemavfx\dirtburst_03 * 1364.3 : [ 2] cinemavfx\fireball_01 * 1364.3 : [ 2] cinemavfx\fireball_08_a * 1364.3 : [ 2] cinemavfx\smoke_burst_01 * 1364.3 : [ 2] cinemavfx\smoke_burst_03 * 1364.3 : [ 2] cinemavfx\smoke_burst_14 * 1364.3 : [ 4] detail\detail_fabric_det1 * 1364.3 : [ 2] detail\detail_fabric_det2 * 1364.3 : [ 2] detail\detail_fabtic_det1 * 1364.3 : [ 2] fallout4\smokecrawl01_anim_d * 1364.3 : [ 1] gamma\grizzly_detector\dev_grizzly_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] item\item_diolator_anomalous * 1364.3 : [ 1] item\item_diolator_anomalous_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] item\item_diolator_detector_1 * 1364.3 : [ 1] item\item_diolator_detector_2 * 1364.3 : [ 1] item\item_diolator_detector_2_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] item\item_diolator_detector_3 * 1364.3 : [ 2] item\item_diolator_detector_3_bump * 1364.3 : [ 2] item\item_diolator_detector_4 * 1364.3 : [ 1] item\item_diolator_radio * 1364.3 : [ 1] item\item_diolator_radio_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] item\item_emissions * 1364.3 : [ 1] items\plants * 1364.3 : [ 1] map\map_poselok_ug * 1364.3 : [ 2] molotov\barry_bottle * 1364.3 : [ 2] molotov\barry_bottle_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] mp5lng_mod\wpn\ot14\ot14_4 * 1364.3 : [ 1] mp5lng_mod\wpn\ot14\ot14_4_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] mtl\mtl_rja_iov_01_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] mtl\mtl_rja_iov_01_bump# * 1364.3 : [ 1] new_axe\axe_new_base * 1364.3 : [ 1] new_axe\axe_new_base_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] new_shovel\shovel_metal * 1364.3 : [ 2] new_shovel\shovel_metal_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] new_shovel\shovel_mili_metal * 1364.3 : [ 1] new_shovel\shovel_sharp_metal * 1364.3 : [ 2] perk_based_artefacts\semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\electricblast2 * 1364.3 : [ 2] perk_based_artefacts\semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\flare_blue_v1 * 1364.3 : [ 2] perk_based_artefacts\semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\portal_8x8_v1 * 1364.3 : [ 2] perk_based_artefacts\semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\portal_8x8_v1_4096 * 1364.3 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_ani-fire01 * 1364.3 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_yawm_flake_grid * 1364.3 : [ 2] prop\prop_blind01 * 1364.3 : [ 2] prop\prop_dangerbox_2_bump * 1364.3 : [ 2] prop\prop_dangerbox_2_bump# * 1364.3 : [ 2] rwap\AK_custom_rest_Normalbump * 1364.3 : [ 2] rwap\AK_custom_rest_Normalbump# * 1364.3 : [ 2] rwap\ak_custom_rest_basecolor * 1364.3 : [ 2] rwap\amb17_basecolor * 1364.3 : [ 2] rwap\amb17_normalbump * 1364.3 : [ 2] rwap\amb17_normalbump# * 1364.3 : [ 2] rwap\amb17handguard_basecolor * 1364.3 : [ 2] rwap\amb17handguard_normalbump * 1364.3 : [ 2] rwap\amb17handguard_normalbump# * 1364.3 : [ 2] rwap\holosunls117g_basecolor * 1364.3 : [ 2] rwap\holosunls117g_normalbump * 1364.3 : [ 2] rwap\holosunls117g_normalbump# * 1364.3 : [ 2] rwap\magazine_545_basecolor * 1364.3 : [ 2] rwap\magazine_545_normalbump * 1364.3 : [ 2] rwap\magazine_545_normalbump# * 1364.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\cdf\electricblast3 * 1364.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\electra\electricblast1 * 1364.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\electra\electricblast2_blue * 1364.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\electra\electricblast3 * 1364.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\electra\electricblast3_2k * 1364.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\electra\gauss1 * 1364.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\generators\electricblast2 * 1364.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\generators\electricblast2_blue * 1364.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\generators\electricblast3_2k * 1364.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_average\bloodburst03_var5 * 1364.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_average\bloodburst07_var4 * 1364.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_strong\bloodburst03_var5 * 1364.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_strong\bloodburst07_var4 * 1364.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\mefistotel\darkness_core_distort_4k_v2 * 1364.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\mefistotel\shockwave_1 * 1364.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\mefistotel\shockwave_2 * 1364.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\mefistotel\sphere_something_4096_v1 * 1364.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\point\electricblast1 * 1364.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\point\electricblast2 * 1364.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\point\sphere_something_4096_v2 * 1364.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\electricblast1 * 1364.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\electricblast2 * 1364.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\electricblast3 * 1364.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\flare_blue_v1 * 1364.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\gauss1 * 1364.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\gauss2 * 1364.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\portal_8x8_v1 * 1364.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\portal_8x8_v1_4096 * 1364.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\thorn\flare_blue_v1 * 1364.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\thorn\flare_gray_v1 * 1364.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\umbra\darkness_core_4k_v1 * 1364.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\wish_granter\electricblast3 * 1364.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\zharka\bonefire3 * 1364.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\zharka\bonefire3_1 * 1364.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\zharka\bonefirethin * 1364.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\zharka\grdbasefire_supernova * 1364.3 : [ 1] ston\ston_floor_04 * 1364.3 : [ 1] ston\ston_floor_04_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] ston\ston_floor_04_bump# * 1364.3 : [ 2] usable_items\injectors\cigar1 * 1364.3 : [ 2] usable_items\injectors\lucky * 1364.3 : [ 2] usable_items\injectors\marllboro * 1364.3 : [ 2] usable_items\injectors\petr1 * 1364.3 : [ 2] usable_items\injectors\slava * 1364.3 : [ 2] usable_items\injectors\zvezda * 1364.3 : [ 2] usable_items\water_flask\water_flask * 1364.3 : [ 2] usable_items\water_flask\water_flask_bump * 1364.3 : [ 2] veh\veh_uaz_2_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wood\wood_board_01_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wood\wood_board_01_bump# * 1364.3 : [ 1] wood\wood_box * 1364.3 : [ 1] wood\wood_box_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wood\wood_box_bump# * 1364.3 : [ 1] wood\wood_table_01 * 1364.3 : [ 2] wood\wood_table_01_bump * 1364.3 : [ 2] wood\wood_table_01_bump# * 1364.3 : [ 1] wood\wood_table_02 * 1364.3 : [ 1] wood\wood_walls7_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wood\wood_walls8_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\CADAVVER\Striker12_Mag01_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\CADAVVER\Striker12_Receiver_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\CADAVVER\Striker12_Stock_Standard_bump * 1364.3 : [ 2] wpn\amd1\tex_amd * 1364.3 : [ 2] wpn\amd1\tex_amd_bump * 1364.3 : [ 2] wpn\amd1\tex_amd_sling * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\arbiter_defender\tex_arbiter_defender_main_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\delisle\tex_delisle_main * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\delisle\tex_delisle_main_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\ksuper_j\tex_ksuper_j_attachments * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\ksuper_j\tex_ksuper_j_attachments_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\ksuper_j\tex_ksuper_j_main * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\ksuper_j\tex_ksuper_j_main_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\kukri\weapon_united_cutlery_m48_kukri * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\kukri\weapon_united_cutlery_m48_kukri_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\m67\tex_m67_main * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\asval\asval_receiver_def * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\m870\m870_receiver_parts * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\mp5\mp5 * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\spas12\spas12_receiver_parts * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\mauser_c96\tex_mauser_c96_main_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\mp40\tex_mp40_mag * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\mp40\tex_mp40_mag_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\mp40\tex_mp40_main_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_beretta\wpn_beretta92fs_bump# * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_colt1911\wpn_sw645_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_desert_eagle\wpn_desert_eagle_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_fort12\wpn_fort12_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_fort12\wpn_fort12_bump# * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_grach\wpn_grach_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_mp412\wpn_mp412_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_pb\wpn_pb_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_usp45\wpn_usp45_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_usp45\wpn_usp45_internal_bump * 1364.3 : [ 2] wpn\rem_7614\tex_rem_7614_1 * 1364.3 : [ 2] wpn\rem_7614\tex_rem_7614_1_bump * 1364.3 : [ 2] wpn\rem_7614\tex_rem_7614_2 * 1364.3 : [ 2] wpn\rem_7614\tex_rem_7614_2_bump * 1364.3 : [ 2] wpn\rem_7614\tex_rem_7614_3 * 1364.3 : [ 2] wpn\rem_7614\tex_rem_7614_3_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\rg6\rg6_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\rg6\rg6_bump# * 1364.3 : [ 2] wpn\rom_aks\tex_romak_body1 * 1364.3 : [ 2] wpn\stg_44\tex_stg_44_main_bump * 1364.3 : [ 2] wpn\tantal88\tex_tantal_b * 1364.3 : [ 2] wpn\tantal88\tex_tantal_b_bump * 1364.3 : [ 2] wpn\tantal88\tex_tantal_stock * 1364.3 : [ 2] wpn\tantal88\tex_tantal_stock_bump * 1364.3 : [ 2] wpn\type56\tex_type56_1 * 1364.3 : [ 2] wpn\type56\tex_type56_2 * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\type56_2\tex_type562_body1 * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\type56_2\tex_type562_body2 * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_abakan_bump * 1364.3 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_cqbss_bump * 1364.3 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_mount_cqbss_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_gl\wpn_addon_grenade_launcher_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_gl\wpn_addon_grenade_launcher_m203_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_scope_pso\wpn_addon_scope_pso-1m2-1_bump * 1364.3 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_scope_pso\wpn_addon_scope_pso1_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_scope_susat\wpn_addon_scope_susat_bump * 1364.3 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_ak12\wpn_ak12_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ak12\wpn_ak14 * 1364.3 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_ak74\wpn_ak74_bump * 1364.3 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_ak74m_bump * 1364.3 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_ak74m_bump# * 1364.3 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_aksu\wpn_aksu_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ash12\wpn_ash12_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_g36new_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_g36new_handguard_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_gauss_comp_bump * 1364.3 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_h1_ak47_handguard_2_bump * 1364.3 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_h1_ak47_handguard_2_bump# * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_l85\wpn_l85_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_lr300\wpn_lr300_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_lr300\wpn_lr300_parts_bump * 1364.3 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_m203_bump * 1364.3 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_m203_bump# * 1364.3 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_mag_5x45_45rnd_backelite * 1364.3 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_mag_5x45_45rnd_backelite_bump * 1364.3 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_ots14_addons_bump * 1364.3 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_ots14_addons_bump# * 1364.3 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_ots14_bump * 1364.3 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_ots14_bump# * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_pkm\wpn_pkm_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_pkp\wpn_pkp_1_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_pkp\wpn_pkp_2_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ppsh41\eft_ppsh_receiver_d_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ppsh41\eft_ppsh_stock_d_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_rpg-7\wpn_rpg-7_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_rpk\wpn_rpk_body_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_rpk\wpn_rpk_grips_bump * 1364.3 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_scope_trijicon_rmr_bump * 1364.3 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_sg550_bump * 1364.3 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_sg550_bump# * 1364.3 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_sig55x\wpn_sig550_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_svd\wpn_svd_body_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_svd\wpn_svd_grips_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_toz-194\wpn_toz-194_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_toz-34\wpn_toz-34_bump * 1364.3 : [ 3] wpn\wpn_toz-34\wpn_toz-34_sk1_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_toz66\wpn_toz66_bump * 1364.3 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_winchester * 1364.3 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_winchester_bump * 1364.3 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_winchester_bump# * 1364.3 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_winchester_upgrades * 1364.3 : [ 2] wpn\zastavam70\tex_zastavam70_bodyakm * 1364.3 : [ 2] wpn\zastavam70\tex_zastavam70_bodyc * 1364.3 : [ 2] wpn\zastavam70\tex_zastavam70_bodyd * 1364.4 : [ 1] trees\trees_bark_a_02_bump * 1364.4 : [ 1] trees\trees_bark_a_02_bump# * 1364.4 : [ 2] crysis_3\around * 1364.4 : [ 2] crysis_3\fireball_anim_a * 1364.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\cdf\around * 1364.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\flash\around * 1364.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gold\around * 1364.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\mefistotel\around * 1364.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\point\around * 1364.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\thorn\around * 1364.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\umbra\around * 1364.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\wish_granter\around * 1876.7 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_88 * 1877.4 : [ 2] glow\glow_fire1 * 2048.1 : [ 1] act\act_dogs_big * 2048.1 : [ 1] act\altexos\act_stalker_neutral4a * 2048.1 : [ 1] act\voen_1_krap_beret\color_marine_body_1 * 2048.1 : [ 1] act\voen_1_krap_beret\tex_0037_1_1 * 2048.1 : [ 2] cinemavfx\fireball_04_a * 2048.1 : [ 2] cinemavfx\fireball_05_a * 2048.1 : [ 2] cinemavfx\smoke_burst_05 * 2048.1 : [ 2] cinemavfx\water_new\splash_01 * 2048.1 : [ 2] ghost_particles\shells\r_pop\545x39 * 2048.1 : [ 2] ghost_particles\shells\r_pop\9x19 * 2048.1 : [ 2] ghost_particles\shells\r_pop\9x39 * 2048.1 : [ 2] ghost_particles\shells\shell_762x39 * 2048.1 : [ 2] ghost_particles\shells\shell_9x18 * 2048.1 : [ 1] item\experience_framework\potions\genericpotion01 * 2048.1 : [ 1] map\map_aes_1 * 2048.1 : [ 1] map\map_aes_2 * 2048.1 : [ 1] map\map_l04_darkvalley * 2048.1 : [ 1] map\map_l05_bar * 2048.1 : [ 1] map\map_l06_rostok * 2048.1 : [ 1] map\map_limansk * 2048.1 : [ 1] ui\holod * 2048.1 : [ 1] ui\new_tasks_addon_icons * 2048.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_icon_exoseva * 2048.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_icon_lootboxes * 2048.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_izverg * 2048.1 : [ 2] unrealengine\bigfire_fwd2 * 2048.1 : [ 2] unrealengine\bigfire_fwd3 * 2048.1 : [ 2] unrealengine\blowingfire_fwd * 2048.1 : [ 2] unrealengine\blowingfire_fwd2 * 2048.1 : [ 2] unrealengine\bonfire\blowingfire_fwd * 2048.1 : [ 2] unrealengine\bonfire\blowingfireb_fwd * 2048.1 : [ 2] unrealengine\bonfire\bonefire2_boargrill * 2048.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_g36new_dsm * 2348.3 : [ 1] flashbang_basecolor * 2559.2 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist3 * 2728.7 : [ 2] act\exos\act_arm_1_exo * 2728.7 : [ 2] act\new_hands\sviter\sviter * 2728.7 : [ 2] usable_items\conservi\mre * 2728.7 : [ 2] veh\veh_avtobus_laz * 2728.7 : [ 2] veh\veh_uaz_2 * 2728.7 : [ 3] veh\veh_uazik_new * 2728.7 : [ 3] veh\veh_zil * 2728.7 : [ 1] wpn\arti\wpn_ammo_boxes_1 * 2728.7 : [ 1] wpn\arti\wpn_ammo_boxes_2 * 2728.7 : [ 1] wpn\arti\wpn_ammo_boxes_3 * 2728.7 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_hpsa\wpn_hpsa_bump * 2728.7 : [ 2] act\New_hands\bare_hands\hand_bump * 2728.7 : [ 2] act\new_hands\bare_hands\hand * 2728.7 : [ 1] mtl\mtl_angar_a_b * 2728.7 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_barrel_01 * 2728.7 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_barrel_02 * 2728.7 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_barrel_03 * 2728.7 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_barrel_04 * 2728.7 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_barrel_05 * 2876.3 : [ 1] item\item_foto1 * 3072.1 : [ 2] perk_based_artefacts\semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\graviblast1orangecut * 3072.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_a_partly\00-00-fm * 3072.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_a_partly\02-00-hm * 3072.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_a_partly\03-00-fm * 3072.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_a_partly\23-00-fm * 3072.1 : [ 42] sky\af3_rainy\05-00- * 3072.1 : [ 15] sky\af3_rainy\07-00 * 3072.1 : [ 44] sky\af3_rainy\09-00_19-00 * 3072.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_rainy\16-00 * 3072.1 : [ 113] sky\af3_rainy\20-00 * 3072.1 : [ 1] sky\cgim_cloudy3\06-00 * 3072.1 : [ 4] sky\cgim_cloudy3\07-00 * 3072.1 : [ 3] sky\cgim_cloudy4\19-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\cgim_cloudy4\20-00 * 3072.1 : [ 3] sky\cgim_cloudy_dark\18-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\expedition_rain\09-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\expedition_rain\10-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\expedition_rain\11-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\expedition_rain\12-00 * 3072.1 : [ 6] sky\expedition_rain\13-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\expedition_rain\14-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\expedition_rain\15-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\expedition_rain\16-00 * 3072.1 : [ 4] sky\expedition_rain\17-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\expedition_rain\18-00 * 3072.1 : [ 4] sky\shi_def_dark\shinoda_morning_1 * 3072.1 : [ 5] sky\shi_def_rain\shinoda_morning_2 * 3072.1 : [ 1] sky\sky_dark\dark_19 * 3072.1 : [ 45] sky\swtc_clear\00-00-fm * 3072.1 : [ 53] sky\swtc_clear\01-00-fm * 3072.1 : [ 1] sky\swtc_clear\02-00-fm * 3072.1 : [ 1] sky\swtc_clear\03-00-fm * 3072.1 : [ 1] sky\swtc_clear\04-00-fm * 3072.1 : [ 12] sky\swtc_clear\04-30 * 3072.1 : [ 7] sky\swtc_clear\06-00 * 3072.1 : [ 3] sky\swtc_clear\06-30 * 3072.1 : [ 3] sky\swtc_clear\07-00 * 3072.1 : [ 6] sky\swtc_clear\08-00 * 3072.1 : [ 7] sky\swtc_clear\09-00 * 3072.1 : [ 4] sky\swtc_clear\10-00 * 3072.1 : [ 7] sky\swtc_clear\11-00 * 3072.1 : [ 6] sky\swtc_clear\12-00 * 3072.1 : [ 5] sky\swtc_clear\13-00 * 3072.1 : [ 5] sky\swtc_clear\14-00 * 3072.1 : [ 6] sky\swtc_clear\15-00 * 3072.1 : [ 6] sky\swtc_clear\16-00 * 3072.1 : [ 7] sky\swtc_clear\17-00 * 3072.1 : [ 10] sky\swtc_clear\18-00 * 3072.1 : [ 13] sky\swtc_clear\19-00 * 3072.1 : [ 3] sky\swtc_clear\20-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\swtc_clear\20-30 * 3072.1 : [ 5] sky\swtc_clear\21-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\swtc_clear\22-00-fm * 3072.1 : [ 1] sky\swtc_clear\23-00-fm * 3072.1 : [ 3] sky\swtc_clear_alt\05-00 * 3072.1 : [ 15] sky\swtc_clear_alt\06-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\swtc_clear_alt\07-00 * 3072.1 : [ 3] sky\swtc_clear_alt\08-00 * 3072.1 : [ 6] sky\swtc_clear_alt\10-00 * 3072.1 : [ 3] sky\swtc_clear_alt\11-00 * 3072.1 : [ 6] sky\swtc_clear_alt\13-00 * 3072.1 : [ 5] sky\swtc_clear_alt\14-00 * 3072.1 : [ 8] sky\swtc_clear_alt\15-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\swtc_clear_alt\16-00 * 3072.1 : [ 4] sky\swtc_clear_alt\17-00 * 3072.1 : [ 11] sky\swtc_clear_alt\18-00 * 3072.1 : [ 4] sky\swtc_clear_alt\19-00 * 3072.1 : [ 6] sky\swtc_clear_alt\20-00 * 3072.1 : [ 8] sky\swtc_clear_alt\20-30 * 3072.1 : [ 3] sky\swtc_cloudy_light\17-00-cloudy-light * 3072.1 : [ 9] sky\swtc_cloudy_light\19-00-cloudy-light-rain * 3072.1 : [ 1] sky\swtc_cloudy_light\20-00-cloudy-light * 3072.1 : [ 12] sky\swtc_cloudy_light\20-30-cloudy-light * 3072.1 : [ 18] sky\swtc_cloudy_light\21-00-cloudy-light * 3072.1 : [ 5] sky\swtc_dark\05-00-storm * 3072.1 : [ 6] sky\swtc_dark\07-00-cloudy-light-rain * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\swtc_dark\09-00-cloudy-dark-rain * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\swtc_dark\10-00-cloudy-light-rain * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\swtc_dark\11-00-storm * 3072.1 : [ 6] sky\swtc_dark\13-00-cloudy-dark * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\swtc_dark\15-00-storm * 3072.1 : [ 38] sky\swtc_dark\16-00-storm * 3072.1 : [ 3] sky\swtc_dark\17-00-storm * 3072.1 : [ 44] sky\swtc_dark\18-00-cloudy-light-rain * 3072.1 : [ 15] sky\swtc_dark\19-00-storm * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\swtc_dark\19-30-storm * 3072.1 : [ 8] sky\swtc_dark\20-00-storm * 3072.1 : [ 1] sky\swtc_dark\21-00-storm * 3072.1 : [ 14] sky\swtc_storm\08-00-storm * 3072.1 : [ 7] sky\swtc_storm\09-00-storm * 3072.1 : [ 11] sky\swtc_storm\10-00-storm * 3072.1 : [ 1] sky\swtc_storm\14-00-storm * 3072.1 : [ 3] sky\swtc_storm\15-00-storm * 3072.1 : [ 1] sky\swtc_storm\17-00-storm * 3072.1 : [ 2] usable_items\drinks\gerkules_dop * 3072.1 : [ 2] usable_items\eat\eat_chease * 3410.9 : [ 1] gamma\grizzly_detector\dev_grizzly * 4096.1 : [ 2] botz\bloodburst07_var4 * 4096.1 : [ 2] cinemavfx\debris_huge_burst_01 * 4096.1 : [ 2] cinemavfx\debris_new\debris_burst_01_x16_optimized * 4096.1 : [ 2] cinemavfx\debris_new\debris_burst_02_x16_optimized * 4096.1 : [ 2] cinemavfx\debris_new\debris_burst_03_x16_optimized * 4096.1 : [ 2] cinemavfx\debris_new\sq_particlesflying1_3 * 4096.1 : [ 2] cinemavfx\debris_new\sq_particlesflying2_3 * 4096.1 : [ 2] cinemavfx\debris_new\sq_particlesflying3_3 * 4096.1 : [ 2] cinemavfx\electra_new\electra_sparks_sheet_01 * 4096.1 : [ 2] cinemavfx\fireball_03_a * 4096.1 : [ 2] cinemavfx\fireball_06_a * 4096.1 : [ 2] cinemavfx\fireball_07 * 4096.1 : [ 2] cinemavfx\fireball_08 * 4096.1 : [ 2] cinemavfx\smoke_burst_07 * 4096.1 : [ 2] cinemavfx\smoke_groundlevel_01 * 4096.1 : [ 2] cinemavfx\smoke_groundlevel_02 * 4096.1 : [ 2] cinemavfx\smokeball_01 * 4096.1 : [ 1] dinamic_hud\ghillie_mask * 4096.1 : [ 2] fallout4\debrisburst01 * 4096.1 : [ 2] fallout4\smallsplashatlas * 4096.1 : [ 2] fallout4\smokecrawl01_anim_d_opaq * 4096.1 : [ 2] farcry4\dust_wisp_big_01 * 4096.1 : [ 2] farcry4\fireball_explosion_01_no_smoke * 4096.1 : [ 2] farcry4\fireball_explosion_02_no_smoke * 4096.1 : [ 2] farcry4\fireball_explosion_03 * 4096.1 : [ 2] farcry4\water_splash_04 * 4096.1 : [ 2] fx\fx_sun * 4096.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_sun_fog * 4096.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_sun_morning * 4096.1 : [ 1] item\experience_framework\potions\genericpotion01_bump * 4096.1 : [ 1] item\experience_framework\potions\genericpotion01_bump# * 4096.1 : [ 1] item\western_goods_food\wg_toblerone\wg_toblerone * 4096.1 : [ 2] jdude\bodypuff1 * 4096.1 : [ 2] jdude\bodypuff2 * 4096.1 : [ 2] jdude\metalburst1_var4 * 4096.1 : [ 2] jdude\newblood\bloodburst01_var5 * 4096.1 : [ 2] jdude\newblood\bloodburst07_var4 * 4096.1 : [ 2] jdude\sparks1 * 4096.1 : [ 1] map\map_agroprom * 4096.1 : [ 1] map\map_garbage * 4096.1 : [ 1] map\map_grimwood * 4096.1 : [ 1] map\map_jupiter_underground * 4096.1 : [ 1] map\map_k01_darkscape * 4096.1 : [ 1] map\map_l03u_agr_underground * 4096.1 : [ 1] map\map_l07_military * 4096.1 : [ 1] map\map_l08_yantar * 4096.1 : [ 1] map\map_l09_deadcity * 4096.1 : [ 1] map\map_l10_radar * 4096.1 : [ 1] map\map_l11_pripyat * 4096.1 : [ 1] map\map_l13_generators * 4096.1 : [ 1] map\map_promzona * 4096.1 : [ 1] map\map_red_forest * 4096.1 : [ 1] map\map_y04_pole * 4096.1 : [ 1] shaders\gasmasks\mask_nm_1 * 4096.1 : [ 1] shaders\gasmasks\mask_nm_10 * 4096.1 : [ 1] shaders\gasmasks\mask_nm_2 * 4096.1 : [ 1] shaders\gasmasks\mask_nm_3 * 4096.1 : [ 1] shaders\gasmasks\mask_nm_4 * 4096.1 : [ 1] shaders\gasmasks\mask_nm_5 * 4096.1 : [ 1] shaders\gasmasks\mask_nm_6 * 4096.1 : [ 1] shaders\gasmasks\mask_nm_7 * 4096.1 : [ 1] shaders\gasmasks\mask_nm_8 * 4096.1 : [ 1] shaders\gasmasks\mask_nm_9 * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\experience_framework\baseskillspack\ui_icons_baseskillspack * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\experience_framework\ui_menu_debug * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\experience_framework\ui_menu_elements * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\experience_framework\ui_menu_main * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\experience_framework\ui_menu_options * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\experience_framework\ui_menu_skills * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\experience_framework\ui_menu_tasks * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\experience_framework\ui_menu_traits * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\m67_icon * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\remade_icons_shotguns * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\remade_swpack * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_dialog_screen * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_mp_screen * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_multiplayer_background * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_multiplayer_game_menu * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_sleep_screen * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_common * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_graff_50_1600 * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_icon_news_trx * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_icon_stickgrenade * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_icons_ak15 * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_icons_milpda * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_ingame2_common * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_maid_ammo * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\wpn_knife_icon * 4096.1 : [ 2] unrealengine\bonfire\bonefire * 4096.1 : [ 2] unrealengine\bonfire\bonefire3 * 4096.1 : [ 2] unrealengine\bonfire\bonefire_fwd2 * 4096.1 : [ 2] unrealengine\bonfire\bonefirethin * 4096.1 : [ 2] unrealengine\bonfire\grdbasefire2_small * 4096.1 : [ 2] unrealengine\firey_smoke_01_e * 4096.1 : [ 2] unrealengine\grdbasefire2_bright * 4096.1 : [ 2] unrealengine\grdbasefire4_fwd * 4096.1 : [ 2] unrealengine\grdbasefire_bright * 4096.1 : [ 2] unrealengine\optimized\muzzleoptimized1 * 4096.1 : [ 2] unrealengine\optimized\muzzleoptimized2 * 4096.1 : [ 2] unrealengine\optimized\muzzleoptimized3 * 4096.1 : [ 2] unrealengine\rockshd * 4096.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_11 * 4096.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_12 * 4096.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_6 * 4096.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_8 * 4096.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_9 * 4096.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_drop_1 * 4096.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_drop_2 * 4096.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_drop_3 * 4096.1 : [ 2] wpn\rpk74anomaly\tex_0005_3 * 4096.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_crosshair_f2000_integrated * 4096.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_crosshair_g36 * 4096.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_crosshair_gauss * 4096.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_g36new * 4096.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_g36new_handguard * 4096.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_h1_ak47_handguard_2 * 4096.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_l85\wpn_l85 * 4096.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_stielhandgranate\wpn_stielhandgranate * 4096.2 : [ 11] sky\af3_a_clear\04-30 * 4096.2 : [ 15] sky\af3_a_clear\05-00 * 4096.2 : [ 2] sky\af3_a_clear\05-30 * 4096.2 : [ 9] sky\af3_a_clear\06-00 * 4096.2 : [ 9] sky\af3_a_clear\07-00 * 4096.2 : [ 7] sky\af3_a_clear\08-00 * 4096.2 : [ 10] sky\af3_a_clear\09-00 * 4096.2 : [ 7] sky\af3_a_clear\10-00 * 4096.2 : [ 7] sky\af3_a_clear\11-00 * 4096.2 : [ 7] sky\af3_a_clear\12-00 * 4096.2 : [ 9] sky\af3_a_clear\13-00 * 4096.2 : [ 8] sky\af3_a_clear\14-00 * 4096.2 : [ 8] sky\af3_a_clear\15-00 * 4096.2 : [ 8] sky\af3_a_clear\16-00 * 4096.2 : [ 11] sky\af3_a_clear\17-00 * 4096.2 : [ 9] sky\af3_a_clear\18-00 * 4096.2 : [ 11] sky\af3_a_clear\19-00 * 4096.2 : [ 11] sky\af3_a_clear\20-00 * 4096.2 : [ 4] sky\af3_a_clear\20-30 * 4096.2 : [ 11] sky\af3_a_clear\21-00 * 4096.2 : [ 6] sky\af3_a_cloudy\05-00 * 4096.2 : [ 23] sky\af3_a_cloudy\06-00 * 4096.2 : [ 22] sky\af3_a_cloudy\07-00 * 4096.2 : [ 46] sky\af3_a_cloudy\08-00 * 4096.2 : [ 70] sky\af3_a_cloudy\09-00 * 4096.2 : [ 31] sky\af3_a_cloudy\10-00 * 4096.2 : [ 27] sky\af3_a_cloudy\11-00 * 4096.2 : [ 17] sky\af3_a_cloudy\12-00 * 4096.2 : [ 25] sky\af3_a_cloudy\13-00 * 4096.2 : [ 25] sky\af3_a_cloudy\14-00 * 4096.2 : [ 23] sky\af3_a_cloudy\15-00 * 4096.2 : [ 25] sky\af3_a_cloudy\16-00 * 4096.2 : [ 31] sky\af3_a_cloudy\17-00 * 4096.2 : [ 86] sky\af3_a_cloudy\18-00 * 4096.2 : [ 17] sky\af3_a_cloudy\19-00 * 4096.2 : [ 7] sky\af3_a_cloudy\20-00 * 4096.2 : [ 2] sky\af3_a_partly\04-30 * 4096.2 : [ 4] sky\af3_a_partly\05-00 * 4096.2 : [ 6] sky\af3_a_partly\05-30 * 4096.2 : [ 6] sky\af3_a_partly\06-00 * 4096.2 : [ 3] sky\af3_a_partly\07-00 * 4096.2 : [ 3] sky\af3_a_partly\08-00 * 4096.2 : [ 3] sky\af3_a_partly\09-00 * 4096.2 : [ 3] sky\af3_a_partly\10-00 * 4096.2 : [ 5] sky\af3_a_partly\11-00 * 4096.2 : [ 8] sky\af3_a_partly\13-00 * 4096.2 : [ 2] sky\af3_a_partly\14-00 * 4096.2 : [ 26] sky\af3_a_partly\16-00 * 4096.2 : [ 5] sky\af3_a_partly\17-00 * 4096.2 : [ 4] sky\af3_a_partly\18-00 * 4096.2 : [ 9] sky\af3_a_partly\19-00 * 4096.2 : [ 8] sky\af3_a_partly\20-00 * 4096.2 : [ 3] sky\af3_a_partly\20-30 * 4096.2 : [ 17] sky\af3_a_partly\21-30 * 4096.2 : [ 1] sky\af_a_partly\01-00-hm * 4096.2 : [ 3] sky\foggy_cgim\04-30#small * 4096.2 : [ 8] sky\foggy_cgim\05-00#small * 4096.2 : [ 1] sky\foggy_cgim\06-00#small * 4096.2 : [ 19] sky\swtc_clear_alt\03-00 * 4096.2 : [ 4] sky\swtc_clear_alt\04-00 * 4180.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_19 * 4556.4 : [ 1] map\map_collaider * 4610.6 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_flame_01 * 5457.3 : [ 2] fozest\small_fire_looped10x4 * 5457.3 : [ 2] act\New_hands\sviter\sviter_bump * 5457.3 : [ 2] act\exos\act_arm_1_exo_bump * 5457.3 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_yawm_snowflakes_light * 5457.3 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_yawm_snowflakes_light_02 * 5457.3 : [ 1] veh\veh_avtobus_laz_fire_bump * 5457.3 : [ 2] wpn\higgins\tex_higgins_main * 5457.3 : [ 2] wpn\higgins\tex_higgins_main_bump * 5457.3 : [ 1] act\raven\raven_body * 5457.3 : [ 1] act\raven\raven_feather * 6144.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy_3\06 * 6144.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy_3\13 * 6144.1 : [ 3] sky\cloudy_3\14 * 6144.1 : [ 5] sky\cloudy_3\19 * 6144.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy_3\21 * 6144.1 : [ 3] sky\foggy_cgim\04-30 * 6144.1 : [ 8] sky\foggy_cgim\05-00 * 6144.1 : [ 1] sky\foggy_cgim\06-00 * 6144.1 : [ 2] sky\sky_dark_new\05-00-cloudy-dark * 6144.1 : [ 8] sky\sky_dark_new\06-00-cloudy-dark * 6144.1 : [ 2] sky\sky_dark_new\13-00 * 6144.1 : [ 2] sky\sky_dark_new\14-00-cloudy-dark * 6144.1 : [ 7] sky\sky_dark_new\cloudy_dark * 6144.1 : [ 6] sky\sky_dark_new\cloudy_dark2 * 6144.1 : [ 33] sky\skygod_night\cloudy_00-00 * 6144.1 : [ 67] sky\skygod_night\foggy_00-00 * 6824.5 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist9 * 7427.6 : [ 1] sap\sap_fire_loop_00 * 8100.0 : [ 1] ui\ui_mm_saves * 8100.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_trade_background * 8192.1 : [ 1] map\map_escape * 8192.1 : [ 1] ui\458socom_ammo_icons * 8192.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_hint_wnd * 8192.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_crepis_helmetless * 8192.1 : [ 1] ui\wpn_maid_ports * 10387.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_teleport * 12288.1 : [ 6] sky\af3_blowout\blowout1 * 12288.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout1_1 * 12288.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout2 * 12288.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout2_night * 12288.1 : [ 3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3 * 12288.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_1 * 12288.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_1_night * 12288.1 : [ 3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_2 * 12288.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_2_night * 12288.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_3 * 12288.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_3_night * 12288.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_night * 12288.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4 * 12288.1 : [ 3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_1 * 12288.1 : [ 3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_1_night * 12288.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_night * 12288.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5 * 12288.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5_night * 12288.1 : [ 7] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5psi * 12288.1 : [ 7] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5psi_night * 12288.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout6 * 12288.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout6_night * 12288.1 : [ 3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout7 * 12288.1 : [ 4] sky\af3_blowout\blowout7_night * 12288.1 : [ 14] sky\af3_foggy\06-00 * 12288.1 : [ 14] sky\af3_foggy\07-00 * 12288.1 : [ 3] sky\af3_foggy\09-00 * 12288.1 : [ 58] sky\af3_foggy\10-00 * 12288.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_foggy\11-00 * 12288.1 : [ 4] sky\af3_foggy\12-00 * 12288.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_foggy\13-00 * 12288.1 : [ 17] sky\af3_foggy\14-00 * 12288.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_foggy\15-00 * 12288.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_foggy\16-00 * 12288.1 : [ 25] sky\af3_foggy\17-00 * 12288.1 : [ 9] sky\af3_foggy\18-00 * 12288.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_foggy\19-00 * 12288.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_foggy\20-00 * 16384.1 : [ 2] botz\bodydustpuff1 * 16384.1 : [ 2] cinemavfx\debris_new\debris_burst_01_x64 * 16384.1 : [ 2] cinemavfx\debris_new\debris_burst_02_x64 * 16384.1 : [ 2] jdude\bodydustpuff1 * 16384.1 : [ 2] jdude\energyball1 * 16384.1 : [ 2] jdude\energyball2 * 16384.1 : [ 2] jdude\gauss1 * 16384.1 : [ 2] jdude\gauss2 * 16384.1 : [ 2] jdude\gauss3 * 16384.1 : [ 2] jdude\graviblast1 * 16384.1 : [ 2] jdude\graviblast2 * 16384.1 : [ 2] jdude\newblood\bloodburst03_var5 * 16384.1 : [ 2] jdude\newblood\bloodburst03_var6 * 16384.1 : [ 2] jdude\newblood\bloodburst04_var1 * 16384.1 : [ 2] jdude\newblood\bloodburst06_var4 * 16384.1 : [ 2] jdude\newblood\bloodburst06_var8 * 16384.1 : [ 2] jdude\vortexstatic1 * 16384.1 : [ 1] map\map_jupiter * 16384.1 : [ 1] map\map_k02_trucks_cemetery * 16384.1 : [ 1] map\map_marsh * 16384.1 : [ 1] map\map_pripyat * 16384.1 : [ 1] map\map_zaton * 16384.1 : [ 1] ui\experience_framework\ui_background_screen * 16384.1 : [ 1] ui\remade_icons_rifles * 16384.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_main_menu_one * 16384.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_icon_modulararmors * 16384.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_options * 16384.1 : [ 2] unrealengine\electricblast1 * 16384.1 : [ 2] unrealengine\electricblast1_red * 16384.1 : [ 2] unrealengine\electricblast2 * 16384.1 : [ 2] unrealengine\electricblast2_red * 16384.1 : [ 2] unrealengine\electricblast3 * 16384.1 : [ 2] unrealengine\electricblast3_red * 16384.1 : [ 2] unrealengine\t_dirt_02_a * 24576.1 : [ 202] sky\swtc_clear_alt\01-00 * 32768.1 : [ 2] cinemavfx\smoke_billows_00_desat_02 * 32768.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_d_portraits * 32768.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_menu * 32768.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_menu_new_tabs * 32768.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_portrets * 32768.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_arts * 32768.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_global_map * 32768.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_icon_equipment * 32768.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_icon_equipment_hide * 131072.1 : [ 1] ui\redone_icons * 131072.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_icon_bas * [ D3D ]: textures[3995530 K] * 0.0 : [ 5] $null * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$NVHHGGTex * 0.0 : [ 5] $user$NVjitterTex * 0.0 : [ 8] $user$Texture_color * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$Texture_color_out * 0.0 : [ 7] $user$Texture_obstacles * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$Texture_obstvelocity * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$Texture_pressure * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$Texture_tempscalar * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$Texture_tempvector * 0.0 : [ 5] $user$Texture_velocity0 * 0.0 : [ 4] $user$Texture_velocity1 * 0.0 : [ 5] $user$accum * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$accum_temp * 0.0 : [ 17] $user$albedo * 0.0 : [ 8] $user$bloom1 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$bloom2 * 0.0 : [ 7] $user$blur_2 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$blur_2_zb * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$blur_4 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$blur_4_zb * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$blur_8 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$blur_8_zb * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$blur_h_2 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$blur_h_4 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$blur_h_8 * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$cmap0 * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$cmap1 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$dof * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$edgeTex * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$env_s0 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$env_s1 * 0.0 : [ 5] $user$generic * 0.0 : [ 18] $user$generic0 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$generic0_r * 0.0 : [ 5] $user$generic1 * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$generic1_r * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$generic2 * 0.0 : [ 4] $user$generic_temp * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$hdr10_halfres0 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$hdr10_halfres1 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$heat * 0.0 : [ 5] $user$jitter_0 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$jitter_1 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$jitter_2 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$jitter_3 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$jitter_4 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$jitter_mipped * 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0.0 : [ 1] $user$temp_zb * 0.0 : [ 9] $user$tonemap * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$tonemap_src * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$ui * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$viewport2 * 0.0 : [ 5] act\act_cat_bump# * 0.0 : [ 2] act\act_controller_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] act\act_dog_red_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] act\act_dogs_big_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] act\act_dogs_brown_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] act\act_mutant_boar_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] act\act_mutant_boar_u_bump# * 0.0 : [ 2] act\act_pseudodog_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] limbsmodels\limbs_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_head_antigas_2_bump# * 0.0 : [ 2] act\exos\act_arm_1_exo_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] act\geruda\geruda03_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] act\pyat\pyat_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] act\pyat\pyat_bump_ears_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] act\tarakan\tarakan_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] act\watchman\act_eyeball_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] act\watchman\watchman_bump# * 0.0 : [ 2] balkanzona\gauss2\gauss_a_cell_spec_2_bump# * 0.0 : [ 2] balkanzona\gauss2\gauss_b_cell_spec_2a_bump# * 0.0 : [ 2] balkanzona\gauss2\occular_small_bump# * 0.0 : [ 2] balkanzona\gauss2\scope_fp_spec22_bump# * 0.0 : [ 2] balkanzona\gauss2\scope_text_bump# * 0.0 : [ 2] balkanzona\gauss2\text_cell_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] detail\detail_metal_clean_bump# * 0.0 : [ 11] detail\detail_metall_det1_bump# * 0.0 : [ 4] detail\detail_metall_det2_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] detail\detail_metall_det2_u_bump# * 0.0 : [ 7] detail\detail_metall_det2_v_bump# * 0.0 : [ 6] detail\detail_metall_det3_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] detail\detail_metall_det3_u_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] item\item_conserva_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] item\item_diolator_anomalous_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] item\item_diolator_radio_bump# * 0.0 : [ 2] wpn\addons\pistolsil\sil_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\arbiter_defender\tex_arbiter_defender_main_bump# * 0.0 : [ 3] wpn\arti\wpn_ammo_boxes_1_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\at_nade\tex_at_nade_main_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\delisle\tex_delisle_main_bump# * 0.0 : [ 2] wpn\higgins\tex_higgins_main_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\ksuper_j\tex_ksuper_j_attachments_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\ksuper_j\tex_ksuper_j_main_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\kukri\weapon_united_cutlery_m48_kukri_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\ash12\ASH12_handguard_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\ash12\ASH12_mag_10_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\ash12\ASH12_muzzle_brake_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\ash12\ASH12_receiver_lower_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\ash12\ASH12_receiver_upper_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\ash12\ASH12_sight_front_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\ash12\ASH12_sight_rear_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\ash12\ASH12_silencer_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\asval\ASVAL_dustcover_def_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\asval\ASVAL_mag_20_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\asval\ASVAL_pistolgrip_def_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\asval\ASVAL_receiver_def_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\asval\ASVAL_sight_rear_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\asval\ASVAL_silencer_def_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\asval\ASVAL_stock_def_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\m870\M870_barrel_508mm_fixed_sights_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\m870\M870_handguard_speedfeed_short_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\m870\M870_magazine_extension_7_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\m870\M870_rail_top_mount_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\m870\M870_receiver_parts_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\m870\M870_stock_sps_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\melee\melee_ontario_sp8_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\mp5\Ammo_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\mp5\MP5_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\mp5\Mag_30_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\mp5\Receiver_Lower_NAVY_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\mp5\Stock_Retractable_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\mp7\Suppressor_Osprey_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\rgn\grenade_rgn_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\rgo\grenade_rgo_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\shared\anpeq15_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\spas12\spas12_receiver_parts_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\tt33\TT_barrell_116mm_std_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\tt33\TT_mag_7_std_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\tt33\TT_pistolgrip_std_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\tt33\TT_receiver_std_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\mauser_c96\tex_mauser_c96_main_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\mp40\tex_mp40_bullet_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\mp40\tex_mp40_mag_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\mp40\tex_mp40_main_bump# * 0.0 : [ 2] wpn\rem_7614\tex_rem_7614_1_bump# * 0.0 : [ 2] wpn\rem_7614\tex_rem_7614_2_bump# * 0.0 : [ 2] wpn\rem_7614\tex_rem_7614_3_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\rgd2\tex_rgd2_main_bump# * 0.0 : [ 2] wpn\stg_44\tex_stg_44_main_bump# * 0.0 : [ 2] wpn\stg_44\tex_stg_44_stock_bump# * 0.0 : [ 2] wpn\tantal88\tex_tantal_b_bump# * 0.0 : [ 2] wpn\tantal88\tex_tantal_forniture_bump# * 0.0 : [ 2] wpn\tantal88\tex_tantal_stock_bump# * 0.0 : [ 2] wpn\tantal88\tex_tantal_supressor_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addon_grenade_launcher_ag36_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addon_grenade_launcher_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_pso1_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_scope_po4x34\wpn_addon_scope_po4x34_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_silencer\wpn_addon_sil_9mm_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_silencer\wpn_addon_sil_kzrzp_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_pkm\wpn_pkm_magazin_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] prop\prop_lampa_g * 0.0 : [ 1] prop\prop_lampa_g_red2 * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_hpsa\wpn_hpsa_bump# * 0.0 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_gl\wpn_addon_grenade_launcher_m203_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] act\act_eyeball_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_ecologb_1_bump# * 0.1 : [ 2] act\New_hands\bare_hands\hand_bump# * 0.1 : [ 2] act\New_hands\sviter\sviter_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] act\act_monoold1_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_freedom_1_bump# * 0.1 : [ 2] act\act_stalker_head_glass_bump# * 0.1 : [ 3] act\act_stalker_neutral_1_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_neutral_ecolog_2_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] fx\rain_splash * 0.1 : [ 1] gamma\grizzly_detector\dev_grizzly_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] item\item_diolator_detector_2_bump# * 0.1 : [ 2] item\item_diolator_detector_3_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] item\newflashlight\item_flashlight_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] mp5lng_mod\wpn\1892\1892_1_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] mp5lng_mod\wpn\1892\1892_2_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] mp5lng_mod\wpn\1892\1892_3_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] mp5lng_mod\wpn\mp153\mp153_1_bump# * 0.1 : [ 2] mp5lng_mod\wpn\mp44\mp44_1_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] mp5lng_mod\wpn\ot14\ot14_4_bump# * 0.1 : [ 2] mp5lng_mod\wpn\sten\sten_1_bump# * 0.1 : [ 2] mp5lng_mod\wpn\sten\sten_4_bump# * 0.1 : [ 2] mp5lng_mod\wpn\sten\sten_5_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] new_axe\axe_new_base_bump# * 0.1 : [ 2] new_shovel\shovel_metal_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] new_shovel\shovel_wood_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] ui_ingame2_inv_state_n_hunger * 0.1 : [ 1] ui_ingame2_inv_state_n_sleep * 0.1 : [ 1] ui_ingame2_inv_state_n_thirst * 0.1 : [ 1] ui_ingame2_inv_state_p_hunger * 0.1 : [ 1] ui_ingame2_inv_state_p_sleep * 0.1 : [ 1] ui_ingame2_inv_state_p_thirst * 0.1 : [ 2] usable_items\conservi\eat_konserva_bump# * 0.1 : [ 2] usable_items\drinks\gerkules_bump# * 0.1 : [ 4] usable_items\drinks\voda_bump# * 0.1 : [ 2] usable_items\eat\eat_baton_bump# * 0.1 : [ 2] usable_items\eat\eat_chease_bump# * 0.1 : [ 2] usable_items\eat\eat_kolbasa_bump# * 0.1 : [ 2] usable_items\water_flask\water_flask_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\CADAVVER\Striker12_Barrel_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\CADAVVER\Striker12_IronSights_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\CADAVVER\Striker12_Mag01_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\CADAVVER\Striker12_Receiver_Parts_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\CADAVVER\Striker12_Receiver_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\CADAVVER\Striker12_Stock_Standard_bump# * 0.1 : [ 2] wpn\addons\pbs1\Sil_bump# * 0.1 : [ 2] wpn\amd1\tex_amd_bump# * 0.1 : [ 2] wpn\amd1\tex_amd_grips_bump# * 0.1 : [ 2] wpn\amd1\tex_amd_guard_bump# * 0.1 : [ 2] wpn\amd1\tex_amd_mag_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\m18\m18_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_aps\wpn_aps_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_beretta\wpn_beretta92fs_grip_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_colt1911\wpn_colt1911_classic_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_colt1911\wpn_sw645_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_cz75\wpn_cz75_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_desert_eagle\wpn_desert_eagle_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_fort17\wpn_fort17_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_grach\wpn_grach_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_grach\wpn_grach_misc_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_mp412\wpn_mp412_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_pb\wpn_pb_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_sigp220\wpn_sig-p220_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_tt33\wpn_tt33_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_usp45\wpn_usp45_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_usp45\wpn_usp45_internal_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_walter99\wpn_walter99_grip_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_walter99\wpn_walter99_slide_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_abakan_bump# * 0.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_cqbss_bump# * 0.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_mount_cqbss_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_45_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_gl\wpn_addon_gl_fng1_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_gl\wpn_addon_grenade_launcher_bump# * 0.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_lfo_lens_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_mount\wpn_addon_lastochka_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_rail\wpn_addon_rail_1_bump# * 0.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_rail\wpn_addon_rail_bump# * 0.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_scope_ac10632_new\wpn_addon_scope_ac10632_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_scope_acog\wpn_addon_scope_acog_old_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_scope_pso\wpn_addon_scope_pso-1m2-1_bump# * 0.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_scope_pso\wpn_addon_scope_pso1_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_scope_susat\wpn_addon_scope_susat_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_silencer\wpn_addon_sil_45_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_silencer\wpn_addon_sil_aps_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_silencer\wpn_addon_sil_nato_bump# * 0.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_silencer\wpn_addon_sil_pbs1_bump# * 0.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_silencer\wpn_addon_sil_pbs4_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_silencer\wpn_addon_sil_tgp-a_bump# * 0.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_ak12\wpn_ak12_bump# * 0.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_ak74\wpn_ak74_bump# * 0.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_aksu\wpn_aksu_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ash12\wpn_ash12_bump# * 0.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_bolt_bump# * 0.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_bullet1_545_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_bullet1_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_fn2000new\wpn_fn2000new_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_fn2000new\wpn_fn2000new_mag_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_fn2000new\wpn_fn2000new_scope_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_g36new_DSM_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_g36new_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_g36new_handguard_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_gauss_comp_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_grenade_f1_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_grenade_rgd5_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_groza\wpn_groza_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_groza\wpn_groza_grenade_launcher_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_l85\wpn_l85_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_lenses_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_lr300\wpn_lr300_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_lr300\wpn_lr300_parts_bump# * 0.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_mpa_bump# * 0.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_mpb_bump# * 0.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_mpd_bump# * 0.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_mpe_bump# * 0.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_mpf_bump# * 0.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_mpg_bump# * 0.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_mpi_bump# * 0.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_mpj_bump# * 0.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_mpm_bump# * 0.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_ncstar_mpr45_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_pistolgrip_ak_zenit_rk3_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_pkm\wpn_pkm_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_pkp\wpn_pkp_1_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_pkp\wpn_pkp_2_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_rpg-7\wpn_rpg-7_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_rpk\wpn_rpk_body_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_rpk\wpn_rpk_grips_bump# * 0.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_scope_trijicon_rmr_bump# * 0.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_sig55x\wpn_sig550_bump# * 0.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_sig55x\wpn_sig550_mag_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_svd\wpn_svd_body_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_svd\wpn_svd_grips_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_svd\wpn_svd_mag_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_svu\wpn_svu-a_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_toz-194\wpn_toz-194_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_toz-34\wpn_toz-34_bump# * 0.1 : [ 3] wpn\wpn_toz-34\wpn_toz-34_sk1_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_toz66\wpn_toz66_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_vss\wpn_vss_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_pm\wpn_pm_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_bullet1_939_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_grenade_rdg-m_bump# * 0.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_scope_pso_1m2-1_lens_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] act\act_scientist_suit_bump# * 0.1 : [ 2] pfx\cartridges\9x19mm * 0.1 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_bloodsplash_xcvb * 0.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_laser_beam * 0.1 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_yellow_eyes * 0.1 : [ 2] pfx\smoke\chamber_smoke * 0.1 : [ 2] unrealengine\explosions_new\expl_air_01_var1 * 0.1 : [ 2] unrealengine\explosions_new\expl_air_02_var1 * 0.1 : [ 2] unrealengine\explosions_new\expl_air_03_var1 * 0.1 : [ 1] act\pyat\pyat_bump_ears_bump * 0.2 : [ 2] item\item_pda_lp\item_pda_bump# * 0.2 : [ 1] veh\veh_avtobus_laz_fire_bump# * 0.2 : [ 2] veh\veh_uaz_2_bump# * 0.2 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_spark_02 * 0.2 : [ 3] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_scope_ac10632_new\wpn_addon_scope_ac10632_crosshair_dot_black * 0.4 : [ 2] glow\glow_rays * 0.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\shatterpoint\pfx_spark_01 * 0.4 : [ 2] semitone\environmental\dandelion_seed_v1 * 0.4 : [ 2] semitone\environmental\dandelion_seed_v2 * 0.4 : [ 2] semitone\environmental\maple_seed_v1 * 0.5 : [ 1] grad\grad_acidic_mine * 0.5 : [ 1] grad\grad_electra_mine * 0.5 : [ 1] grad\grad_psi * 0.7 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\sloth\light * 0.7 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_step_blood * 0.7 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_gauss_condition * 0.7 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_gauss_energy * 0.7 : [ 2] semitone\environmental\seed_a * 1.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_spark_01 * 1.1 : [ 2] jdude\newmuzzle\muzzleblind * 1.1 : [ 2] pfx\snowo * 1.1 : [ 1] shaders\smaa\search_tex * 1.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_empty * 1.4 : [ 2] fx\fx_flare1 * 1.4 : [ 1] fx\rain_drop * 1.4 : [ 1] item\item_key_1 * 1.4 : [ 1] artifact\artifact_glow * 1.4 : [ 2] fallout4\bitssparkorange * 1.4 : [ 2] ghost_particles\eft_style\empty * 1.4 : [ 2] glow\glow_orange2 * 1.4 : [ 1] glow\glow_red2 * 1.4 : [ 1] mp5lng_mod\wpn\axe\axe_3_bump# * 1.4 : [ 2] perk_based_artefacts\semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\fx_moon_full_foggy * 1.4 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_bubble * 1.4 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_leaves_01 * 1.4 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_leaves_02 * 1.4 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_splash_02 * 1.4 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_synus * 1.4 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_vehmetaldebris_01 * 1.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\acidic_mine\fx_moon_full_foggy * 1.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\flash\flash_particle * 1.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\no_gravity\branch_02 * 1.4 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\no_gravity\distort_anomaly_small * 1.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\no_gravity\leaf_10 * 1.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\seed\fx_moon_full_foggy * 1.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\shatterpoint\bitsleaves01anim_d * 1.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\fx_moon_full_foggy * 1.4 : [ 2] semitone\environmental\pfx_leaves_01 * 1.4 : [ 2] prop\prop_provod_02 * 1.7 : [ 1] act\gasmask\gasmask_gp7_bump# * 1.7 : [ 1] act\gasmask\gasmask_gp7vm_bump# * 2.0 : [ 2] internal\internal_fireTransferFunction * 2.1 : [ 2] amik\fly\fly * 2.4 : [ 1] item\ui_icon_ir * 2.7 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_head_glass_02_alt * 2.7 : [ 2] amik\weapons\flame\trace_01 * 2.7 : [ 2] amik\weapons\trace_01 * 2.7 : [ 1] food\food_raw___dog * 2.7 : [ 1] food\food_raw_flesh * 2.7 : [ 1] item\item_battery * 2.7 : [ 1] item\item_jar * 2.7 : [ 1] item\item_meinkampf * 2.7 : [ 1] wpn\zaria\flash * 2.7 : [ 2] amik\weapons\dtk_3 * 2.7 : [ 1] item\item_key_1_bump * 2.7 : [ 1] item\item_key_1_bump# * 2.7 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_concretedebris_01 * 2.7 : [ 2] crysis_3\spark_tiled_blue * 4.1 : [ 1] drug_charcoal\drug_charcoal_icon * 4.1 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_g-smoke-01 * 4.1 : [ 1] ui\experience_framework\ui_scrollbar_container * 4.1 : [ 1] ui\qaw_tab_icon * 5.3 : [ 2] amik\hit_fx\blood\m * 5.3 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_drop_7 * 5.3 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_drop_8 * 5.4 : [ 1] fx\fx_flare2 * 5.4 : [ 1] fx\fx_flare3 * 5.4 : [ 2] fx\fx_gradient * 5.4 : [ 2] amik\explosions\smoke128_3w * 5.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\no_gravity\smoke128_3w * 5.4 : [ 1] item\item_hammer * 5.4 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_sparks * 5.4 : [ 2] wpn\ammo_5x45 * 5.4 : [ 1] act\act_glasses * 5.4 : [ 2] amik\nature\stonedebris1 * 5.4 : [ 3] balkanzona\gauss2\text_cell * 5.4 : [ 2] balkanzona\gauss2\text_cell_bump * 5.4 : [ 2] fallout4\bushtrimmings_d * 5.4 : [ 2] glow\glow_04 * 5.4 : [ 2] perk_based_artefacts\semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\bushtrimmings_d * 5.4 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_21 * 5.4 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_bubble_1 * 5.4 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_bubble_water * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist2 * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist2inv * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist_teleport * 5.4 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_specks_poison * 5.4 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_spikey_star * 5.4 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_splash_01 * 5.4 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_stonedebris1 * 5.4 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_stonedebris2 * 5.4 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_vehglassdebris_01 * 5.4 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_water_wave * 5.4 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\acidic_mine\pfx_dist2 * 5.4 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\acidic_mine\pfx_distortion * 5.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\cdf\bushtrimmings_d * 5.4 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\cdf\pfx_dist2inv * 5.4 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\cdf\pfx_dist3 * 5.4 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\flash\pfx_dist2 * 5.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\generators\bushtrimmings_d * 5.4 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\generators\pfx_dist2inv * 5.4 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\ghost\pfx_dist3 * 5.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\ghost\pfx_flash_07 * 5.4 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\gold\pfx_dist2 * 5.4 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\gold\pfx_dist2inv * 5.4 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\gold\pfx_distortion * 5.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational\bushtrimmings_d * 5.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational\leaf_01 * 5.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational\leaf_04 * 5.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational\leaf_10 * 5.4 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\gravitational\pfx_distortion * 5.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_average\bushtrimmings_d * 5.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_average\leaf * 5.4 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_average\pfx_dist2 * 5.4 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_average\pfx_dist2inv * 5.4 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_average\pfx_dist9 * 5.4 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_average\pfx_distortion * 5.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_strong\bushtrimmings_d * 5.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_strong\leaf_10 * 5.4 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_strong\pfx_dist2inv * 5.4 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_strong\pfx_dist3 * 5.4 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_strong\pfx_distortion * 5.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\mefistotel\bushtrimmings_d * 5.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\mefistotel\glow_fire1 * 5.4 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\mefistotel\pfx_dist2inv * 5.4 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\mefistotel\pfx_dist4 * 5.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\no_gravity\bushtrimmings_d * 5.4 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\no_gravity\pfx_distortion * 5.4 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\point\pfx_dist2inv * 5.4 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\point\pfx_dist3 * 5.4 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\point\pfx_dist_glass * 5.4 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\point\pfx_distortion * 5.4 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\seed\pfx_dist2 * 5.4 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\shatterpoint\pfx_dist2inv * 5.4 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\shatterpoint\pfx_dist3 * 5.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\shatterpoint\pfx_flash_07 * 5.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\sloth\glow_fire1 * 5.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\bushtrimmings_d * 5.4 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\pfx_dist2inv * 5.4 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\pfx_dist3 * 5.4 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\pfx_dist_glass * 5.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\sphere\bushtrimmings_d * 5.4 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\sphere\pfx_dist3 * 5.4 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\sphere\pfx_distortion * 5.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\sphere\pfx_flash_04 * 5.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\sphere\pfx_flash_07 * 5.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\springboard\bushtrimmings_d * 5.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\springboard\leaf * 5.4 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\springboard\pfx_dist2inv * 5.4 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\springboard\pfx_dist3 * 5.4 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\thorn\pfx_dist2 * 5.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\umbra\bushtrimmings_d * 5.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\umbra\leaf * 5.4 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\umbra\pfx_distortion * 5.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\wish_granter\bushtrimmings_d * 5.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\wish_granter\pfx_gradient * 5.4 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\zharka\pfx_dist2 * 5.4 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\zharka\pfx_dist2inv * 5.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\zharka\pfx_distortion * 5.4 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\zones\thermal\pfx_dist2 * 5.4 : [ 2] shoker_mod\explosions\firesmokeparticle * 5.4 : [ 1] water\water_pool1 * 5.4 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_drop_10 * 5.4 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_drop_11 * 5.4 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_drop_12 * 5.4 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_drop_9 * 5.4 : [ 2] amik\weapons\6ways2 * 5.4 : [ 2] amik\weapons\btr\muzzle6ways2 * 5.4 : [ 2] amik\nature\list * 5.4 : [ 2] amik\nature\wood_part * 5.4 : [ 2] amik\weapons\flame\trail * 5.4 : [ 2] crysis_3\spark_mono_a * 5.4 : [ 2] crysis_3\spark_sharp1 * 5.4 : [ 2] crysis_3\sparks_tiled * 5.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\springboard\sparks_tiled * 5.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\zharka\sparks_tiled * 5.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\zones\thermal\sparks_tiled * 6.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_a_partly\00-00-fm#small * 6.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_a_partly\02-00-hm#small * 6.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_a_partly\03-00-fm#small * 6.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_a_partly\23-00-fm#small * 6.1 : [ 5] sky\shi_def_rain\shinoda_morning_2#small * 8.1 : [ 1] act\oakleys * 8.1 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_gologramma * 8.1 : [ 2] pfx\r_pop\shells\fake_shells * 10.7 : [ 1] act\raven\raven_eye * 10.7 : [ 2] amik\weapons\dtk_5 * 10.7 : [ 1] artifact\artifact_myasorubka2 * 10.7 : [ 1] drug_charcoal\drug_charcoal_item * 10.7 : [ 2] ghost_particles\glow\glow01 * 10.7 : [ 1] item\item_block_notes * 10.7 : [ 1] item\item_calibrate_tools * 10.7 : [ 1] item\item_cards * 10.7 : [ 1] item\item_document_01 * 10.7 : [ 1] item\item_gazmask3 * 10.7 : [ 1] item\item_medkit_4 * 10.7 : [ 1] item\item_nabor_young_technic * 10.7 : [ 1] item\item_parts * 10.7 : [ 1] item\item_rebirth * 10.7 : [ 1] item\item_small_tools * 10.7 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_3 * 10.7 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_8 * 10.7 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_electrostatic * 10.7 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_light * 10.7 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_light1 * 10.7 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_light4 * 10.7 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_lightning_01 * 10.7 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_lightning_02 * 10.7 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_plasma * 10.7 : [ 2] prop\prop_fake_bed_fireplace * 10.7 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\generators\semi\flash_particle * 10.7 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\mefistotel\blue_flare * 10.7 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\point\blue_flare * 10.7 : [ 2] usable_items\tabletki\vmyatini\1\vmyatini_1_diffuse * 10.7 : [ 2] wpn\ammo_5x56 * 10.7 : [ 2] wpn\ammo_9x19 * 10.7 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_akm_muzzle_diff * 10.7 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ammo_45acp * 10.7 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_ammo_762x39_new_diff * 10.7 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ppsh41\ammo_9x19 * 10.7 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_rpk16_mount * 10.7 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_sa58_ammo_762x51_diff * 10.7 : [ 1] prop\prop_lampa_galogen * 10.7 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_bullet1_939 * 10.7 : [ 2] amik\anomaly\electric_radial * 10.7 : [ 2] amik\weapons\6ways1 * 10.7 : [ 2] amik\weapons\btr\muzzle6ways1 * 10.7 : [ 2] amik\weapons\dtk_4 * 10.7 : [ 2] fallout4\bitswoodsplintersatlas * 10.7 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_smokepuffs2 * 10.7 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_sparks2 * 10.7 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_average\bitswoodsplintersatlas * 10.7 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_strong\bitswoodsplintersatlas * 10.7 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\net\pfx_sparks * 10.7 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\sloth\pfx_sparks * 10.7 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\springboard\bitswoodsplintersatlas * 10.7 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\umbra\pfx_smokepuffs2 * 10.7 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\zones\thermal\spark * 10.7 : [ 2] wpn\ammo_5x45_bump * 10.7 : [ 2] wpn\ammo_5x45_bump# * 10.7 : [ 2] new_pfx\explosion_add * 10.7 : [ 1] fx\fx_lightning * 10.7 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_arm_2_bump * 10.7 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_arm_2_bump# * 10.7 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_woodchips1 * 10.7 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_woodchips3 * 10.7 : [ 2] crysis_3\glass_tiled_a * 10.7 : [ 2] crysis_3\glass_tiled_a_spec * 10.7 : [ 2] crysis_3\rain_drop2 * 10.7 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\acidic_mine\rain_drop2 * 10.7 : [ 2] crysis_3\alien_a * 10.7 : [ 2] crysis_3\cw2_explosion_with_fire * 10.7 : [ 2] crysis_3\explosion_a * 10.7 : [ 2] crysis_3\spark_tiled_a * 10.7 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_strong\shockwave_c * 10.7 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\mefistotel\shockwave_c * 10.7 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\shatterpoint\spark_tiled_a * 10.7 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\zharka\spark_tiled_a * 12.1 : [ 4] sky\cgim_cloudy3\07-00#small * 16.1 : [ 2] amik\hit_fx\blood\962e6155 * 16.1 : [ 2] amik\weapons\flame\mg42out * 16.1 : [ 2] amik\weapons\flame\trace * 16.1 : [ 2] amik\weapons\mg42out * 16.1 : [ 2] amik\weapons\trace * 16.1 : [ 2] fallout4\bitssparkorangeflicker2 * 16.1 : [ 1] food\food_raw___dog_bump * 16.1 : [ 1] food\food_raw___dog_bump# * 16.1 : [ 1] food\food_raw_flesh_bump * 16.1 : [ 1] food\food_raw_flesh_bump# * 16.1 : [ 1] ui\experience_framework\ui_btn_skills * 16.1 : [ 1] ui\experience_framework\ui_combobox_custom * 16.1 : [ 1] ui\experience_framework\ui_grid_1 * 16.1 : [ 1] ui\experience_framework\ui_xp_buff_status * 16.1 : [ 1] ui\lewd\792x33_sp * 16.1 : [ 1] ui\sortingplus\icon-favourite * 16.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_cond_bars * 16.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_ani_cursor * 16.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_hud_01 * 16.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_grid * 16.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_icon_collector_magnifier2 * 16.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_icon_perk_based_artefacts * 16.2 : [ 11] sky\af1_foggy\06-00#small * 16.2 : [ 32] sky\af1_foggy\08-00#small * 16.2 : [ 13] sky\af1_foggy\09-00#small * 16.2 : [ 15] sky\af1_foggy\11-00#small * 16.2 : [ 30] sky\af1_foggy\13-00#small * 16.2 : [ 11] sky\af3_a_clear\04-30#small * 16.2 : [ 15] sky\af3_a_clear\05-00#small * 16.2 : [ 2] sky\af3_a_clear\05-30#small * 16.2 : [ 9] sky\af3_a_clear\06-00#small * 16.2 : [ 9] sky\af3_a_clear\07-00#small * 16.2 : [ 7] sky\af3_a_clear\08-00#small * 16.2 : [ 10] sky\af3_a_clear\09-00#small * 16.2 : [ 7] sky\af3_a_clear\10-00#small * 16.2 : [ 7] sky\af3_a_clear\11-00#small * 16.2 : [ 7] sky\af3_a_clear\12-00#small * 16.2 : [ 9] sky\af3_a_clear\13-00#small * 16.2 : [ 8] sky\af3_a_clear\14-00#small * 16.2 : [ 8] sky\af3_a_clear\15-00#small * 16.2 : [ 8] sky\af3_a_clear\16-00#small * 16.2 : [ 11] sky\af3_a_clear\17-00#small * 16.2 : [ 9] sky\af3_a_clear\18-00#small * 16.2 : [ 11] sky\af3_a_clear\19-00#small * 16.2 : [ 11] sky\af3_a_clear\20-00#small * 16.2 : [ 4] sky\af3_a_clear\20-30#small * 16.2 : [ 11] sky\af3_a_clear\21-00#small * 16.2 : [ 6] sky\af3_a_cloudy\05-00#small * 16.2 : [ 23] sky\af3_a_cloudy\06-00#small * 16.2 : [ 22] sky\af3_a_cloudy\07-00#small * 16.2 : [ 46] sky\af3_a_cloudy\08-00#small * 16.2 : [ 70] sky\af3_a_cloudy\09-00#small * 16.2 : [ 31] sky\af3_a_cloudy\10-00#small * 16.2 : [ 27] sky\af3_a_cloudy\11-00#small * 16.2 : [ 17] sky\af3_a_cloudy\12-00#small * 16.2 : [ 25] sky\af3_a_cloudy\13-00#small * 16.2 : [ 25] sky\af3_a_cloudy\14-00#small * 16.2 : [ 23] sky\af3_a_cloudy\15-00#small * 16.2 : [ 25] sky\af3_a_cloudy\16-00#small * 16.2 : [ 31] sky\af3_a_cloudy\17-00#small * 16.2 : [ 86] sky\af3_a_cloudy\18-00#small * 16.2 : [ 17] sky\af3_a_cloudy\19-00#small * 16.2 : [ 7] sky\af3_a_cloudy\20-00#small * 16.2 : [ 2] sky\af3_a_partly\04-30#small * 16.2 : [ 4] sky\af3_a_partly\05-00#small * 16.2 : [ 6] sky\af3_a_partly\05-30#small * 16.2 : [ 6] sky\af3_a_partly\06-00#small * 16.2 : [ 3] sky\af3_a_partly\07-00#small * 16.2 : [ 3] sky\af3_a_partly\08-00#small * 16.2 : [ 3] sky\af3_a_partly\09-00#small * 16.2 : [ 3] sky\af3_a_partly\10-00#small * 16.2 : [ 5] sky\af3_a_partly\11-00#small * 16.2 : [ 8] sky\af3_a_partly\13-00#small * 16.2 : [ 2] sky\af3_a_partly\14-00#small * 16.2 : [ 26] sky\af3_a_partly\16-00#small * 16.2 : [ 5] sky\af3_a_partly\17-00#small * 16.2 : [ 4] sky\af3_a_partly\18-00#small * 16.2 : [ 9] sky\af3_a_partly\19-00#small * 16.2 : [ 8] sky\af3_a_partly\20-00#small * 16.2 : [ 3] sky\af3_a_partly\20-30#small * 16.2 : [ 17] sky\af3_a_partly\21-30#small * 16.2 : [ 6] sky\af3_blowout\blowout1#small * 16.2 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout1_1#small * 16.2 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout2#small * 16.2 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout2_night#small * 16.2 : [ 3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3#small * 16.2 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_1#small * 16.2 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_1_night#small * 16.2 : [ 3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_2#small * 16.2 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_2_night#small * 16.2 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_3#small * 16.2 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_3_night#small * 16.2 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_night#small * 16.2 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4#small * 16.2 : [ 3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_1#small * 16.2 : [ 3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_1_night#small * 16.2 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_night#small * 16.2 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5#small * 16.2 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5_night#small * 16.2 : [ 7] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5psi#small * 16.2 : [ 7] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5psi_night#small * 16.2 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout6#small * 16.2 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout6_night#small * 16.2 : [ 3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout7#small * 16.2 : [ 4] sky\af3_blowout\blowout7_night#small * 16.2 : [ 14] sky\af3_foggy\06-00#small * 16.2 : [ 14] sky\af3_foggy\07-00#small * 16.2 : [ 3] sky\af3_foggy\09-00#small * 16.2 : [ 58] sky\af3_foggy\10-00#small * 16.2 : [ 33] sky\af3_foggy\11-00#small * 16.2 : [ 4] sky\af3_foggy\12-00#small * 16.2 : [ 1] sky\af3_foggy\13-00#small * 16.2 : [ 17] sky\af3_foggy\14-00#small * 16.2 : [ 1] sky\af3_foggy\15-00#small * 16.2 : [ 1] sky\af3_foggy\16-00#small * 16.2 : [ 25] sky\af3_foggy\17-00#small * 16.2 : [ 9] sky\af3_foggy\18-00#small * 16.2 : [ 1] sky\af3_foggy\19-00#small * 16.2 : [ 2] sky\af3_foggy\20-00#small * 16.2 : [ 42] sky\af3_rainy\05-00-#small * 16.2 : [ 15] sky\af3_rainy\07-00#small * 16.2 : [ 44] sky\af3_rainy\09-00_19-00#small * 16.2 : [ 1] sky\af3_rainy\16-00#small * 16.2 : [ 113] sky\af3_rainy\20-00#small * 16.2 : [ 1] sky\af_a_partly\01-00-hm#small * 16.2 : [ 1] sky\cgim_cloudy3\06-00#small * 16.2 : [ 3] sky\cgim_cloudy4\19-00#small * 16.2 : [ 2] sky\cgim_cloudy4\20-00#small * 16.2 : [ 3] sky\cgim_cloudy_dark\18-00#small * 16.2 : [ 4] sky\cloudy_3\06#small * 16.2 : [ 4] sky\cloudy_3\13#small * 16.2 : [ 3] sky\cloudy_3\14#small * 16.2 : [ 5] sky\cloudy_3\19#small * 16.2 : [ 2] sky\cloudy_3\21#small * 16.2 : [ 2] sky\sky_12_vibros_cube#small * 16.2 : [ 10] sky\sky_13_cube#small * 16.2 : [ 2] sky\sky_13_cube_night#small * 16.2 : [ 6] sky\sky_13_vibros_cube#small * 16.2 : [ 1] sky\sky_14_cube#small * 16.2 : [ 1] sky\sky_17_clouds_cube#small * 16.2 : [ 1] sky\sky_18_cube#small * 16.2 : [ 1] sky\sky_1_clouds_cube#small * 16.2 : [ 1] sky\sky_20_clouds_cube#small * 16.2 : [ 1] sky\sky_2_clouds_cube#small * 16.2 : [ 5] sky\sky_5_cube#small * 16.2 : [ 16] sky\sky_9_cube#small * 16.2 : [ 1] sky\sky_dark\dark_19#small * 16.2 : [ 2] sky\sky_dark_new\05-00-cloudy-dark#small * 16.2 : [ 8] sky\sky_dark_new\06-00-cloudy-dark#small * 16.2 : [ 2] sky\sky_dark_new\13-00#small * 16.2 : [ 2] sky\sky_dark_new\14-00-cloudy-dark#small * 16.2 : [ 7] sky\sky_dark_new\cloudy_dark#small * 16.2 : [ 6] sky\sky_dark_new\cloudy_dark2#small * 16.2 : [ 33] sky\skygod_night\cloudy_00-00#small * 16.2 : [ 67] sky\skygod_night\foggy_00-00#small * 16.2 : [ 45] sky\swtc_clear\00-00-fm#small * 16.2 : [ 53] sky\swtc_clear\01-00-fm#small * 16.2 : [ 1] sky\swtc_clear\02-00-fm#small * 16.2 : [ 1] sky\swtc_clear\03-00-fm#small * 16.2 : [ 1] sky\swtc_clear\04-00-fm#small * 16.2 : [ 12] sky\swtc_clear\04-30#small * 16.2 : [ 6] sky\swtc_clear\05-00#small * 16.2 : [ 7] sky\swtc_clear\06-00#small * 16.2 : [ 3] sky\swtc_clear\06-30#small * 16.2 : [ 3] sky\swtc_clear\07-00#small * 16.2 : [ 6] sky\swtc_clear\08-00#small * 16.2 : [ 7] sky\swtc_clear\09-00#small * 16.2 : [ 4] sky\swtc_clear\10-00#small * 16.2 : [ 7] sky\swtc_clear\11-00#small * 16.2 : [ 6] sky\swtc_clear\12-00#small * 16.2 : [ 5] sky\swtc_clear\13-00#small * 16.2 : [ 5] sky\swtc_clear\14-00#small * 16.2 : [ 6] sky\swtc_clear\15-00#small * 16.2 : [ 6] sky\swtc_clear\16-00#small * 16.2 : [ 7] sky\swtc_clear\17-00#small * 16.2 : [ 10] sky\swtc_clear\18-00#small * 16.2 : [ 13] sky\swtc_clear\19-00#small * 16.2 : [ 3] sky\swtc_clear\20-00#small * 16.2 : [ 2] sky\swtc_clear\20-30#small * 16.2 : [ 5] sky\swtc_clear\21-00#small * 16.2 : [ 2] sky\swtc_clear\22-00-fm#small * 16.2 : [ 1] sky\swtc_clear\23-00-fm#small * 16.2 : [ 202] sky\swtc_clear_alt\01-00#small * 16.2 : [ 19] sky\swtc_clear_alt\03-00#small * 16.2 : [ 4] sky\swtc_clear_alt\04-00#small * 16.2 : [ 3] sky\swtc_clear_alt\05-00#small * 16.2 : [ 15] sky\swtc_clear_alt\06-00#small * 16.2 : [ 2] sky\swtc_clear_alt\07-00#small * 16.2 : [ 3] sky\swtc_clear_alt\08-00#small * 16.2 : [ 6] sky\swtc_clear_alt\10-00#small * 16.2 : [ 3] sky\swtc_clear_alt\11-00#small * 16.2 : [ 6] sky\swtc_clear_alt\13-00#small * 16.2 : [ 5] sky\swtc_clear_alt\14-00#small * 16.2 : [ 8] sky\swtc_clear_alt\15-00#small * 16.2 : [ 2] sky\swtc_clear_alt\16-00#small * 16.2 : [ 4] sky\swtc_clear_alt\17-00#small * 16.2 : [ 11] sky\swtc_clear_alt\18-00#small * 16.2 : [ 4] sky\swtc_clear_alt\19-00#small * 16.2 : [ 6] sky\swtc_clear_alt\20-00#small * 16.2 : [ 8] sky\swtc_clear_alt\20-30#small * 16.2 : [ 2] sky\swtc_cloudy_light\06-00-cloudy-dark#small * 16.2 : [ 3] sky\swtc_cloudy_light\17-00-cloudy-light#small * 16.2 : [ 9] sky\swtc_cloudy_light\19-00-cloudy-light-rain#small * 16.2 : [ 1] sky\swtc_cloudy_light\20-00-cloudy-light#small * 16.2 : [ 12] sky\swtc_cloudy_light\20-30-cloudy-light#small * 16.2 : [ 18] sky\swtc_cloudy_light\21-00-cloudy-light#small * 16.2 : [ 5] sky\swtc_dark\05-00-storm#small * 16.2 : [ 3] sky\swtc_dark\06-00-cloudy-dark#small * 16.2 : [ 6] sky\swtc_dark\07-00-cloudy-light-rain#small * 16.2 : [ 2] sky\swtc_dark\09-00-cloudy-dark-rain#small * 16.2 : [ 2] sky\swtc_dark\10-00-cloudy-light-rain#small * 16.2 : [ 2] sky\swtc_dark\11-00-storm#small * 16.2 : [ 6] sky\swtc_dark\13-00-cloudy-dark#small * 16.2 : [ 2] sky\swtc_dark\15-00-storm#small * 16.2 : [ 38] sky\swtc_dark\16-00-storm#small * 16.2 : [ 3] sky\swtc_dark\17-00-storm#small * 16.2 : [ 44] sky\swtc_dark\18-00-cloudy-light-rain#small * 16.2 : [ 15] sky\swtc_dark\19-00-storm#small * 16.2 : [ 2] sky\swtc_dark\19-30-storm#small * 16.2 : [ 8] sky\swtc_dark\20-00-storm#small * 16.2 : [ 1] sky\swtc_dark\21-00-storm#small * 16.2 : [ 14] sky\swtc_storm\08-00-storm#small * 16.2 : [ 7] sky\swtc_storm\09-00-storm#small * 16.2 : [ 11] sky\swtc_storm\10-00-storm#small * 16.2 : [ 1] sky\swtc_storm\14-00-storm#small * 16.2 : [ 3] sky\swtc_storm\15-00-storm#small * 16.2 : [ 1] sky\swtc_storm\17-00-storm#small * 21.3 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_13 * 21.3 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_14 * 21.3 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_15 * 21.3 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_16 * 21.3 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_17 * 21.3 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_18 * 21.3 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_19 * 21.3 : [ 2] amik\weapons\dtk_2 * 21.3 : [ 2] fx\fx_gradient1 * 21.3 : [ 2] fx\fx_volumefog1 * 21.3 : [ 1] perk_based_artefacts\semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\pfx_dist2inv * 21.3 : [ 1] perk_based_artefacts\semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\pfx_dist3 * 21.3 : [ 1] perk_based_artefacts\semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\pfx_dist_glass * 21.3 : [ 1] veh\veh_uaz_2_wheel_sh * 21.4 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_sparks1 * 21.4 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_rail\wpn_addon_raii * 21.4 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ammo\ammo_338_lapua * 21.4 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ammo_545x39_diff * 21.4 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_bullet1_545 * 21.4 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_gauss_mui * 21.4 : [ 2] act\act_Rat_bump * 21.4 : [ 2] act\act_Rat_bump# * 21.4 : [ 2] act\act_controller_hit1 * 21.4 : [ 1] act\act_specnaz_glass_bump * 21.4 : [ 1] act\act_specnaz_glass_bump# * 21.4 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_bandit_3b_bump# * 21.4 : [ 1] act\aztec_dolg\act_gp7wm_glass_test * 21.4 : [ 2] amik\explosions\smoke2 * 21.4 : [ 1] artifact\artifact_cristall * 21.4 : [ 1] artifact\artifact_pustishka * 21.4 : [ 1] artifact\artifact_sopli * 21.4 : [ 3] balkanzona\gauss2\scope_text * 21.4 : [ 2] balkanzona\gauss2\scope_text_bump * 21.4 : [ 2] decal\decal_dirt_01 * 21.4 : [ 4] detail\detail_fabric_det1_bump# * 21.4 : [ 2] detail\detail_fabric_det2_bump# * 21.4 : [ 2] detail\detail_fabtic_det1_bump# * 21.4 : [ 11] detail\detail_metall_det1_bump * 21.4 : [ 6] detail\detail_metall_det3_bump * 21.4 : [ 7] detail\detail_skin_1_bump * 21.4 : [ 7] detail\detail_skin_1_bump# * 21.4 : [ 1] detail\detail_stucco_det1_bump * 21.4 : [ 1] detail\detail_stucco_det1_bump# * 21.4 : [ 1] detail\detail_stucco_det4_bump * 21.4 : [ 1] detail\detail_stucco_det4_bump# * 21.4 : [ 1] detail\detail_tile_det4_bump * 21.4 : [ 1] detail\detail_tile_det4_bump# * 21.4 : [ 2] fallout4\bitssmallrocky_d * 21.4 : [ 2] fallout4\smokefillvapor01atlassoft_d_small_a * 21.4 : [ 1] fx\fx_thunderbolts_gradient * 21.4 : [ 1] fx\fx_thunderbolts_gradient_surge * 21.4 : [ 1] ghost_particles\dist\distortion_default * 21.4 : [ 1] ghost_particles\dist\distortion_smoke * 21.4 : [ 2] ghost_particles\eft_style\smoke01 * 21.4 : [ 1] glow\fx_volume1 * 21.4 : [ 2] glow\glow_blue * 21.4 : [ 1] glow\glow_ghost * 21.4 : [ 2] glow\glow_orange * 21.4 : [ 2] glow\glow_orange_bright * 21.4 : [ 2] glow\glow_white * 21.4 : [ 1] item\item_calibrate_tools_bump * 21.4 : [ 1] item\item_calibrate_tools_bump# * 21.4 : [ 1] item\item_goggles * 21.4 : [ 1] item\item_medkit_4_bump * 21.4 : [ 1] item\item_medkit_4_bump# * 21.4 : [ 1] item\item_money * 21.4 : [ 1] item\item_nabor_young_technic_bump * 21.4 : [ 1] item\item_nabor_young_technic_bump# * 21.4 : [ 1] item\item_small_tools_bump * 21.4 : [ 1] item\item_small_tools_bump# * 21.4 : [ 3] lights\lights_spot01 * 21.4 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_1 * 21.4 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_16 * 21.4 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_17 * 21.4 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_4 * 21.4 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_brick * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist_glass * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist_lens_base * 21.4 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_flamefx_01 * 21.4 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_gradient1 * 21.4 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_smoke_a * 21.4 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_smoke_c * 21.4 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_smoke_d * 21.4 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_smoke_g * 21.4 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_test_textures * 21.4 : [ 2] prop\prop_bidon_bump# * 21.4 : [ 2] prop\prop_box_3_bump * 21.4 : [ 2] prop\prop_box_3_bump# * 21.4 : [ 2] prop\prop_kanistra * 21.4 : [ 2] prop\prop_kanistra_bump * 21.4 : [ 2] prop\prop_kanistra_bump# * 21.4 : [ 3] prop\prop_projektor * 21.4 : [ 2] prop\prop_projektor_bump * 21.4 : [ 2] prop\prop_projektor_bump# * 21.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\acidic_mine\pfx_smoke_b * 21.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\acidic_mine\spore_white * 21.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\electra\puffcolorsplashflicker * 21.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\flash\pfx_flash_03 * 21.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\flash\smokefillvapor01atlassoft_d_small * 21.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\generators\bitssmallrocky_d * 21.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\ghost\glow_white * 21.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational\bitssmallrocky_d * 21.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational\branch_03 * 21.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_average\bitsleavessprite * 21.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_average\bitssmallrocky_d * 21.4 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_strong\albedoshadersingleframe * 21.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_strong\bitsleavessprite * 21.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_strong\bitssmallrocky_d * 21.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_strong\pfx_teleport * 21.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\mefistotel\puffcolorsplashflicker * 21.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\mefistotel\spore_white * 21.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\net\glow_white * 21.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\no_gravity\bitssmallrocky_d * 21.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\point\glow_white * 21.4 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\point\pfx_dist2a * 21.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\shatterpoint\puffcolorsplashflicker * 21.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\shatterpoint\sparkwires_b_flicker * 21.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\sloth\puffcolorsplashflicker * 21.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\sloth\smokefillvapor01atlassoft_d_small_a * 21.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\pfx_teleport * 21.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\puffcolorsplashflicker * 21.4 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\sphere\albedoshadersingleframe * 21.4 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\sphere\pfx_dist2a * 21.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\sphere\puffcolorsplashflicker * 21.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\springboard\bitssmallrocky_d * 21.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\springboard\pfx_ani-smoke-01 * 21.4 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\thorn\albedoshadersingleframe * 21.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\thorn\spark_tiled_a_1 * 21.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\umbra\fx_moon_full_foggy * 21.4 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\umbra\pfx_dist2a * 21.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\umbra\pfx_smoke_g * 21.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\wish_granter\flash_particle * 21.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\wish_granter\pfx_anomaly_8 * 21.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\zharka\pfx_smoke_b * 21.4 : [ 2] tbstash\tbbtsh9_bump * 21.4 : [ 2] tbstash\tbbtsh9_bump# * 21.4 : [ 2] tbstash\tbstsh13_bump# * 21.4 : [ 2] tbstash\tbstsh2_bump * 21.4 : [ 2] tbstash\tbstsh2_bump# * 21.4 : [ 2] tbstash\tbstsh4_bump * 21.4 : [ 2] tbstash\tbstsh4_bump# * 21.4 : [ 2] tbstash\tbstsh6_bump * 21.4 : [ 2] tbstash\tbstsh6_bump# * 21.4 : [ 2] tbstash\tbstsh8_bump * 21.4 : [ 2] tbstash\tbstsh8_bump# * 21.4 : [ 2] usable_items\tabletki\vmyatini\1\vmyatini_1_bump * 21.4 : [ 2] usable_items\tabletki\vmyatini\1\vmyatini_1_bump# * 21.4 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_pool_1 * 21.4 : [ 2] wpn\amd1\tex_amd_bullet * 21.4 : [ 2] wpn\ammo_5x56_bump * 21.4 : [ 2] wpn\ammo_5x56_bump# * 21.4 : [ 3] wpn\ammo_9x19_bump * 21.4 : [ 3] wpn\ammo_9x19_bump# * 21.4 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\ash12\ASH12_mag_10_bump * 21.4 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\ash12\ASH12_muzzle_brake_bump * 21.4 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\ash12\ASH12_sight_front_bump * 21.4 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\asval\ASVAL_pistolgrip_def_bump * 21.4 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\asval\ASVAL_sight_rear_bump * 21.4 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\m870\M870_handguard_speedfeed_short_bump * 21.4 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\m870\M870_magazine_extension_7_bump * 21.4 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\mp5\Ammo_bump * 21.4 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\tt33\TT_barrell_116mm_std_bump * 21.4 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\tt33\TT_mag_7_std_bump * 21.4 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\tt33\TT_pistolgrip_std_bump * 21.4 : [ 2] wpn\rom_aks\tex_romak_bullet * 21.4 : [ 1] wpn\shell_545_bump * 21.4 : [ 1] wpn\shell_545_bump# * 21.4 : [ 1] wpn\type56_2\tex_type562_bullet * 21.4 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_pkm\wpn_pkm_decals * 21.4 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ppsh41\eft_ppsh_barrel_d_bump# * 21.4 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ppsh41\eft_ppsh_d_bump# * 21.4 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ppsh41\eft_ppsh_internals_d_bump# * 21.4 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ppsh41\eft_ppsh_mag35_d_bump# * 21.4 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ppsh41\eft_ppsh_receiver_d_bump# * 21.4 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ppsh41\eft_ppsh_stock_d_bump# * 21.4 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_sa58_ammo_762x51_bump * 21.4 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_sa58_ammo_762x51_bump# * 21.4 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_all_lens2 * 21.4 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_all_lens2_blue * 21.4 : [ 2] wpn\zastavam70\tex_zastavam70_bullet * 21.4 : [ 2] amik\weapons\dtk_4_1 * 21.4 : [ 2] new_pfx\wblood_6 * 21.4 : [ 2] amik\explosions\ring_grey * 21.4 : [ 2] new_pfx\wblood_4 * 21.4 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_flame * 21.4 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_bullet1_939_bump * 21.4 : [ 2] crysis_3\alien_fire_a * 21.4 : [ 2] crysis_3\alien_fire_b * 21.4 : [ 2] crysis_3\cw2_fine_spray * 21.4 : [ 2] crysis_3\dirt_b * 21.4 : [ 2] crysis_3\dirt_c * 21.4 : [ 2] crysis_3\dirt_d * 21.4 : [ 2] crysis_3\fireball_tiled_a * 21.4 : [ 2] crysis_3\glow_a * 21.4 : [ 2] crysis_3\smoke_streched_tiled_a * 21.4 : [ 2] crysis_3\smoke_tiled_a * 21.4 : [ 2] crysis_3\smoke_tiled_a_add * 21.4 : [ 2] crysis_3\smoke_wispy_tiled_a * 21.4 : [ 2] crysis_3\smoke_wispy_tiled_b * 21.4 : [ 2] crysis_3\splatt_a * 21.4 : [ 2] crysis_3\splatt_tiled_a * 21.4 : [ 2] crysis_3\vortex * 21.4 : [ 2] crysis_3\water_ripples2 * 21.4 : [ 2] crysis_3\water_river_a * 21.4 : [ 2] crysis_3\water_river_b * 21.4 : [ 2] crysis_3\water_splash_tiled_a * 21.4 : [ 2] crysis_3\waterdust1 * 21.4 : [ 2] crysis_3\wood_chip_tiled_a * 21.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\acidic_mine\water_river_a * 21.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\flash\water_river_a * 21.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\flash\water_river_b * 21.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\mefistotel\water_river_b * 21.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\seed\smoke_streched_tiled_a * 21.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\wish_granter\water_river_a * 21.4 : [ 1] mtl\mtl_kreplen_pod_01 * 21.4 : [ 1] mtl\mtl_kreplen_pod_01_bump * 21.4 : [ 1] mtl\mtl_kreplen_pod_01_bump# * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\expedition_rain\09-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\expedition_rain\10-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\expedition_rain\11-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\expedition_rain\12-00#small * 24.1 : [ 6] sky\expedition_rain\13-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\expedition_rain\14-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\expedition_rain\15-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\expedition_rain\16-00#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\expedition_rain\17-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\expedition_rain\18-00#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\shi_def_dark\shinoda_morning_1#small * 32.1 : [ 1] act\act_ct_urban_glass * 32.1 : [ 1] item\item_beans * 32.1 : [ 1] item\item_caffeine * 32.1 : [ 1] item\item_chili * 32.1 : [ 1] item\item_corn * 32.1 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_ani-smoke-01 * 32.1 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_cc_lighting_grad2 * 32.1 : [ 2] pfx\r_pop\shells\9x18 * 32.1 : [ 1] repair\repair_steel_wool * 32.1 : [ 2] tbstash\tbbtsh9 * 32.1 : [ 2] tbstash\tbstsh13 * 32.1 : [ 2] tbstash\tbstsh2 * 32.1 : [ 2] tbstash\tbstsh4 * 32.1 : [ 2] tbstash\tbstsh6 * 32.1 : [ 2] tbstash\tbstsh8 * 32.1 : [ 1] ui\molotov_icon * 32.1 : [ 1] ui\sigtaco * 32.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_m209_icon * 32.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_vog_icon * 32.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_bolt\wpn_bolt_bullet * 32.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_pfx_laser_beam * 42.5 : [ 1] act\voen_1_krap_beret\russian_frontbags_col * 42.5 : [ 2] amik\weapons\9x39 * 42.5 : [ 1] wpn\rg6\wpn_vog * 42.7 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_fn2000new\wpn_fn2000new_mag * 42.7 : [ 1] veh\veh_uaz_2_wheel * 42.7 : [ 1] aa\aa_camelbak * 42.7 : [ 1] aa\aa_frames * 42.7 : [ 1] aa\aa_kevlar * 42.7 : [ 1] aa\aa_plates * 42.7 : [ 1] act\act_cat_eyes * 42.7 : [ 1] act\act_eyeball * 42.7 : [ 2] act\act_rat01 * 42.7 : [ 2] act\act_ryukzak * 42.7 : [ 1] act\act_ryukzak_black * 42.7 : [ 2] act\act_skeleton_fresh * 42.7 : [ 1] act\act_soldier_head3 * 42.7 : [ 1] act\act_soldier_head5 * 42.7 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_head_antigas_2 * 42.7 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_head_mask * 42.7 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_no_hood_head1 * 42.7 : [ 1] act\aztec_dolg\act_gasmask_m150 * 42.7 : [ 1] act\headset * 42.7 : [ 1] artifact\artifact_monolith_lava * 42.7 : [ 1] artifact\artifact_monolith_lavahell * 42.7 : [ 1] drink\drink_match0 * 42.7 : [ 2] drug_charcoal\drug_charcoal_hud * 42.7 : [ 1] food\food_protein * 42.7 : [ 1] food\food_raw_boar * 42.7 : [ 2] fx\blue_noise * 42.7 : [ 2] glow\glow_fire1_soc * 42.7 : [ 1] item\item_ammo * 42.7 : [ 1] item\item_book1 * 42.7 : [ 1] item\item_cutlery * 42.7 : [ 1] item\item_grooming * 42.7 : [ 1] item\item_jbox * 42.7 : [ 1] item\item_kithunt * 42.7 : [ 1] item\item_mirror * 42.7 : [ 2] item\item_scanner * 42.7 : [ 1] item\item_swiss * 42.7 : [ 2] item\item_syringe * 42.7 : [ 1] item\item_tarp * 42.7 : [ 1] item\item_ustroystva * 42.7 : [ 1] item\item_x_files * 42.7 : [ 1] item\med_bank * 42.7 : [ 1] item\part\prt_i_plastic * 42.7 : [ 1] item\part\prt_o_ballistic_1 * 42.7 : [ 1] item\part\prt_o_ballistic_11 * 42.7 : [ 1] item\part\prt_o_ballistic_2 * 42.7 : [ 1] item\part\prt_o_ballistic_20 * 42.7 : [ 1] item\part\prt_o_ballistic_3 * 42.7 : [ 1] item\part\prt_o_fabrics_1 * 42.7 : [ 1] item\part\prt_o_fabrics_2 * 42.7 : [ 1] item\part\prt_o_retardant_11 * 42.7 : [ 1] item\part\prt_o_retardant_17 * 42.7 : [ 1] item\part\prt_o_retardant_19 * 42.7 : [ 1] item\part\prt_o_retardant_5 * 42.7 : [ 1] item\part\wpn\wpn_abakan * 42.7 : [ 1] item\part\wpn\wpn_ak74 * 42.7 : [ 1] item\part\wpn\wpn_sig550 * 42.7 : [ 1] item\upgrade\upgr_o_2 * 42.7 : [ 1] item\upgrade\upgr_o_3 * 42.7 : [ 1] item\upgrade\upgr_w_1 * 42.7 : [ 1] item\upgrade\upgr_w_2 * 42.7 : [ 1] item\upgrade\upgr_w_3 * 42.7 : [ 1] lfo\lftrees_byaka1 * 42.7 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_light3 * 42.7 : [ 2] prop\prop_box_3 * 42.7 : [ 1] prop\prop_iten4 * 42.7 : [ 1] prop\prop_kitchen_stuff * 42.7 : [ 1] prop\prop_voda1 * 42.7 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\electra\genericpuff * 42.7 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\generators\semi\genericpuff * 42.7 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\shatterpoint\pfx_glass_shards2.512 * 42.7 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\thorn\pfx_glass_shards2.512 * 42.7 : [ 2] usable_items\flacons\antirad\flacon_antirad_diffuse * 42.7 : [ 2] usable_items\otkrivashka\otkrivashka_diffuse * 42.7 : [ 1] water\water_normal * 42.7 : [ 2] wpn\ammo_12x70 * 42.7 : [ 1] wpn\cadavver\striker12_receiver_parts * 42.7 : [ 1] wpn\glock20\tex_g20_sights * 42.7 : [ 2] wpn\silencer_hexagon12 * 42.7 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_23x75_shrapnel_10 * 42.7 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addon_grenade_launcher_ag36 * 42.7 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_rail\wpn_addon_rail_1 * 42.7 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_scope_acog\wpn_addon_scope_acog_old_lens * 42.7 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_akm_sight_rear_diff * 42.7 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_assault_handler * 42.7 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_crosshair_mark4_3d * 42.7 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_foregrip_zenit_rk_1_diff * 42.7 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_grenade * 42.7 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_knife * 42.7 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_ks23 * 42.7 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_m700_wyatt_762x51_5 * 42.7 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mount_m700_integral_scope_mount * 42.7 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_mount_trijicon_rmr_diff * 42.7 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_mpb * 42.7 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_mpf * 42.7 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_mpg * 42.7 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_mpj * 42.7 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_muzzle_dd_wave_brake_multi * 42.7 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_pistolgrip_ak_zenit_rk3_diff * 42.7 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_rpk16_muzzle * 42.7 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_rpk16_pistolgrip * 42.7 : [ 2] amik\explosions\smoke_cannon * 42.7 : [ 2] amik\weapons\12x70 * 42.7 : [ 2] amik\weapons\flame\flameshoot_3 * 42.7 : [ 2] amik\weapons\flame\flameshoot_4 * 42.7 : [ 2] amik\weapons\flame\flameshoot_5 * 42.7 : [ 2] amik\weapons\shells_12x70 * 42.7 : [ 1] detail\detail_metall_det2_u_bump * 42.7 : [ 7] detail\detail_metall_det2_v_bump * 42.7 : [ 1] detail\detail_metall_det3_u_bump * 42.7 : [ 2] fallout4\bitsmediummanufacturedchunk01anim_d * 42.7 : [ 2] fallout4\bitssmall01anim * 42.7 : [ 2] fozest\fire_spark_04 * 42.7 : [ 1] glas\glas_dirt * 42.7 : [ 1] glow\glow_galogen * 42.7 : [ 1] lights\lights_cone2 * 42.7 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_concretepuffs_01 * 42.7 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_lighting_stancia_01 * 42.7 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_lighting_stancia_02 * 42.7 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_smokepuffs1 * 42.7 : [ 2] prop\prop_ballon2 * 42.7 : [ 2] prop\prop_ballon2_bump * 42.7 : [ 2] prop\prop_ballon2_bump# * 42.7 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\net\smoke_cannon * 42.7 : [ 2] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_shells1 * 42.7 : [ 2] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_shells2 * 42.7 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\ash12\ASH12_handguard_bump * 42.7 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\m870\M870_barrel_508mm_fixed_sights_bump * 42.7 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\m870\M870_rail_top_mount_bump * 42.7 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\melee\melee_ontario_sp8_bump * 42.7 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_rail\wpn_addon_rail_bump * 42.7 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_bullet1_545_bump * 42.7 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_patron_556x45nato_dif * 42.7 : [ 2] crysis_3\slime_anim_a_spec * 42.7 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\acidic_mine\slime_anim_a_spec * 48.1 : [ 9] sky\sky_cube_weapons * 64.1 : [ 2] amik\static\gas_light\flame_zippo * 64.1 : [ 2] amik\weapons\dtk_6 * 64.1 : [ 2] amik\weapons\dtk_8 * 64.1 : [ 2] amik\weapons\flash_01 * 64.1 : [ 2] amik\weapons\flash_02 * 64.1 : [ 2] amik\weapons\flash_04 * 64.1 : [ 2] amik\weapons\flash_05 * 64.1 : [ 1] anamflares\sun_day * 64.1 : [ 1] artifact\artifact_hell4 * 64.1 : [ 1] artifact\artifact_magnir * 64.1 : [ 1] artifact\artifact_monohell1_00 * 64.1 : [ 1] artifact\artifact_sopli3 * 64.1 : [ 2] cinemavfx\gravi_swirls\swirl_02 * 64.1 : [ 2] cinemavfx\gravi_swirls\swirl_03 * 64.1 : [ 2] cinemavfx\gravi_swirls\swirl_05 * 64.1 : [ 2] cinemavfx\gravi_swirls\swirl_06 * 64.1 : [ 2] cinemavfx\gravi_swirls\swirl_08 * 64.1 : [ 2] cinemavfx\gravi_swirls\swirl_11 * 64.1 : [ 2] cinemavfx\sparkwires_b * 64.1 : [ 2] cinemavfx\sparkwires_b_flicker * 64.1 : [ 2] cinemavfx\sparkwires_b_flicker_electra * 64.1 : [ 2] cinemavfx\sparkwires_b_flicker_electra_alt * 64.1 : [ 2] crysis_3\rain_test3 * 64.1 : [ 2] crysis_3\spore_white * 64.1 : [ 2] fallout4\bitsglowysparks02atlasjitter * 64.1 : [ 2] fallout4\bitsglowysparks02atlasjitter2 * 64.1 : [ 2] fallout4\smokefillvapor01atlassoft_d_small * 64.1 : [ 2] farcry4\muzzle_side * 64.1 : [ 1] ghost_particles\dist\distortion_weapon * 64.1 : [ 2] glow\glow_green * 64.1 : [ 2] glow\glow_yellow * 64.1 : [ 1] item\item_beans_bump * 64.1 : [ 1] item\item_beans_bump# * 64.1 : [ 1] item\item_beer_bump * 64.1 : [ 1] item\item_beer_bump# * 64.1 : [ 1] item\item_caffeine_bump * 64.1 : [ 1] item\item_caffeine_bump# * 64.1 : [ 1] item\item_chili_bump * 64.1 : [ 1] item\item_chili_bump# * 64.1 : [ 1] item\item_corn_bump * 64.1 : [ 1] item\item_corn_bump# * 64.1 : [ 1] item\item_glowstick_icon * 64.1 : [ 1] item\item_money_bump * 64.1 : [ 1] item\item_money_bump# * 64.1 : [ 1] item\kielbasa * 64.1 : [ 2] jdude\candle * 64.1 : [ 2] perk_based_artefacts\semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\puffcolorsplashflicker * 64.1 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_18 * 64.1 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_6 * 64.1 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_smoke_f * 64.1 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_smoke_n * 64.1 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_smoke_o * 64.1 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_smoke_o2 * 64.1 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_smoke_o3 * 64.1 : [ 2] tbstash\tbstsh13_bump * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\amdttl_icon * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\higgins_icon * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\rgd2_icon * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_c96_icon * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_canteens * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_arial_14_1600 * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_console_02 * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_hud_02 * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_icon_buffdebuff * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_icon_soc94 * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\zastavas_icon * 64.1 : [ 2] unrealengine\puffcolorsplashflicker * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_pool_10 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_pool_11 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_pool_12 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_pool_2 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_pool_3 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_pool_4 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_pool_5 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_pool_7 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_pool_8 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_step_l_116 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_step_l_124 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_step_l_184 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_step_l_212 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_step_l_216 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_step_l_234 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_step_l_242 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_step_l_248 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_step_l_250 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_step_l_252 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_step_l_272 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_step_l_274 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_step_l_276 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_step_l_278 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_step_l_282 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_step_l_344 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_step_l_36 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_step_l_46 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_step_l_50 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_step_l_66 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_step_l_74 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_step_l_76 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_step_l_90 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_step_l_94 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_step_l_96 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_step_l_98 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_step_r_122 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_step_r_124 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_step_r_132 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_step_r_168 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_step_r_204 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_step_r_208 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_step_r_212 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_step_r_216 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_step_r_248 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_step_r_254 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_step_r_262 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_step_r_268 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_step_r_276 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_step_r_278 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_step_r_282 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_step_r_284 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_step_r_296 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_step_r_322 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_step_r_50 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_step_r_52 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_step_r_60 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_step_r_70 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_step_r_74 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_step_r_84 * 64.1 : [ 2] wpn\rpk74anomaly\tex_0026_0 * 64.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_fn2000_lens * 64.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_red_dot_reticle * 64.6 : [ 2] mp5lng_mod\wpn\sten\sten_5 * 78.2 : [ 2] pfx\gunparts * 85.3 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_head_glass * 85.3 : [ 2] act\act_stalker_head_glass_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_nauch_glass * 85.3 : [ 2] ayykyu_fx\pfx_smoke_b * 85.3 : [ 202] fx\hud_rain * 85.3 : [ 2] perk_based_artefacts\semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\pfx_teleport * 85.3 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_9 * 85.3 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_blurry_cloud * 85.3 : [ 1] water\water_SBumpVolume * 85.3 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_1_1 * 85.3 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_asfalt_1 * 85.3 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_asfalt_2 * 85.3 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_asfalt_3 * 85.3 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_brick_1 * 85.3 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_brick_2 * 85.3 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete * 85.3 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_1 * 85.3 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_2 * 85.3 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_4 * 85.3 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_5 * 85.3 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_6 * 85.3 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_7 * 85.3 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_ground * 85.3 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_ground_1 * 85.3 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_ground_2 * 85.3 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik * 85.3 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik_1 * 85.3 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik_2 * 85.3 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik_3 * 85.3 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin * 85.3 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_1 * 85.3 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_2 * 85.3 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_3 * 85.3 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_4 * 85.3 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood * 85.3 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_1 * 85.3 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_2 * 85.3 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_3 * 85.3 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_4 * 85.3 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_5 * 85.3 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_6 * 85.3 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_7 * 85.3 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_8 * 85.3 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_9 * 85.3 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_arm_2 * 85.3 : [ 1] act\act_face_00 * 85.3 : [ 1] act\act_face_08 * 85.3 : [ 1] act\act_face_her9 * 85.3 : [ 1] act\act_face_holod * 85.3 : [ 1] act\act_face_isg_01 * 85.3 : [ 1] act\act_face_mask_01 * 85.3 : [ 1] act\act_face_mask_02 * 85.3 : [ 1] act\act_face_painted_01 * 85.3 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_03 * 85.3 : [ 1] act\act_mutant_boar_grill * 85.3 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_soldier_2 * 85.3 : [ 1] act\hakimmodels\neutrals\neutral05\face * 85.3 : [ 1] item\item_stims * 85.3 : [ 2] perk_based_artefacts\semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\lensflarered * 85.3 : [ 2] wpn\addons\pbs1\sil * 85.3 : [ 2] wpn\addons\pistolsil\sil * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_grach\wpn_grach_misc * 85.3 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_addon_mount_ak_reciever_rail * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_mount\wpn_addon_lastochka * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_silencer\wpn_addon_sil_9mm * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_silencer\wpn_addon_sil_aps * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_barrel_m700_heavy_threaded_508mm * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_eft_ak74_mount_dovetail_diff * 85.3 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_mpd * 85.3 : [ 1] act\act_dogs_bulterer_bump# * 85.3 : [ 1] act\act_gasmask_glass * 85.3 : [ 1] act\act_gasmask_glass_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] act\act_gasmask_glass_bump# * 85.3 : [ 2] act\act_ryukzak_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] act\act_skeleton_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] act\act_skeleton_bump# * 85.3 : [ 1] act\act_soldier_head3_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] act\act_soldier_head3_bump# * 85.3 : [ 1] act\act_soldier_head4_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] act\act_soldier_head4_bump# * 85.3 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_head_antigas_2_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_head_mask_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_head_mask_bump# * 85.3 : [ 1] act\casco_2 * 85.3 : [ 1] act\pyat\pyat_ears * 85.3 : [ 1] act\pyat\pyat_eyes * 85.3 : [ 2] amik\explosions\explosion_dynamite\flashlight * 85.3 : [ 2] amik\explosions\explosion_smoke03 * 85.3 : [ 2] amik\weapons\flame\flameshoot_1 * 85.3 : [ 2] amik\weapons\flame\flameshoot_2 * 85.3 : [ 1] anamflares\sun_day_diffuse * 85.3 : [ 2] balkanzona\gauss2\occular_small * 85.3 : [ 2] balkanzona\gauss2\occular_small_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] cinemavfx\gravi_swirls\swirl_heat_01 * 85.3 : [ 2] cinemavfx\gravi_swirls\swirl_heat_02 * 85.3 : [ 4] detail\detail_fabric_det1_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] detail\detail_fabric_det2_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] detail\detail_fabtic_det1_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] detail\detail_metal_clean_bump * 85.3 : [ 11] detail\detail_metall_det1 * 85.3 : [ 5] detail\detail_metall_det2 * 85.3 : [ 4] detail\detail_metall_det2_bump * 85.3 : [ 6] detail\detail_metall_det3 * 85.3 : [ 7] detail\detail_skin_1 * 85.3 : [ 1] detail\detail_stucco_det1 * 85.3 : [ 1] detail\detail_stucco_det4 * 85.3 : [ 1] detail\detail_tile_det4 * 85.3 : [ 1] drink\drink_cocaine * 85.3 : [ 2] fallout4\bitsglowybits01atlas * 85.3 : [ 2] fallout4\clothbitanim * 85.3 : [ 2] fallout4\smokebasic01atlas * 85.3 : [ 2] fallout4\smokefillvapor01atlas * 85.3 : [ 2] fallout4\smokefillvapor01atlassoft_d * 85.3 : [ 2] fallout4\smokepuff04anim * 85.3 : [ 2] fallout4\smokepuffssoftatlas_d * 85.3 : [ 2] fallout4\smokepuffssofthighcontrastatlas_d * 85.3 : [ 1] fozest\small_fire_looped10x4_dist * 85.3 : [ 1] fx\fx_glare_clear_day * 85.3 : [ 2] fx\fx_gradien2 * 85.3 : [ 2] ghost_particles\eft_style\f4_sparks * 85.3 : [ 1] item\item_d_cocacola * 85.3 : [ 1] item\item_d_cocacola_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] item\item_d_cocacola_bump# * 85.3 : [ 1] item\item_d_water_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] item\item_d_water_bump# * 85.3 : [ 1] item\item_energ_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] item\item_energ_bump# * 85.3 : [ 1] item\item_f_bread * 85.3 : [ 1] item\item_f_bread_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] item\item_f_bread_bump# * 85.3 : [ 1] item\item_m_anabiotic_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] item\item_m_anabiotic_bump# * 85.3 : [ 1] item\item_m_bandage * 85.3 : [ 1] item\item_m_bandage_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] item\item_m_bandage_bump# * 85.3 : [ 1] item\item_m_hercules * 85.3 : [ 1] item\item_m_hercules_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] item\item_m_hercules_bump# * 85.3 : [ 1] item\item_m_ipp11 * 85.3 : [ 1] item\item_m_ipp11_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] item\item_m_ipp11_bump# * 85.3 : [ 1] item\item_m_mexamine_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] item\item_m_mexamine_bump# * 85.3 : [ 1] item\item_m_psy_blockade_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] item\item_m_psy_blockade_bump# * 85.3 : [ 1] item\item_scanner_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] item\item_scanner_bump# * 85.3 : [ 2] item\item_syringe_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] item\item_syringe_bump# * 85.3 : [ 1] lfo\lftrees_byaka1_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] lfo\lftrees_byaka1_bump# * 85.3 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_bochka_01_bump# * 85.3 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_bochka_02_bump# * 85.3 : [ 3] mtl\mtl_lampa_pod_01 * 85.3 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_lampa_pod_01_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_lampa_pod_01_bump# * 85.3 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_railroad_items_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_railroad_items_bump# * 85.3 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_20 * 85.3 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_5 * 85.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist4 * 85.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist8 * 85.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_distort_anomaly * 85.3 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_distortion * 85.3 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_skinsplash1 * 85.3 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_specks * 85.3 : [ 2] prop\prop_bidon * 85.3 : [ 2] prop\prop_bidon_bump * 85.3 : [ 3] prop\prop_brezent_bump * 85.3 : [ 3] prop\prop_brezent_bump# * 85.3 : [ 2] prop\prop_generator * 85.3 : [ 2] prop\prop_generator_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] prop\prop_generator_bump# * 85.3 : [ 1] prop\prop_item2 * 85.3 : [ 1] prop\prop_item3 * 85.3 : [ 1] prop\prop_iten4_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] prop\prop_iten4_bump# * 85.3 : [ 1] prop\prop_kitchen_stuff_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] prop\prop_kitchen_stuff_bump# * 85.3 : [ 2] prop\prop_ognetushit * 85.3 : [ 2] prop\prop_spade * 85.3 : [ 2] prop\prop_spade_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] prop\prop_spade_bump# * 85.3 : [ 1] prop\prop_voda1_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] prop\prop_voda1_bump# * 85.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\acidic_mine\puffcolorsplash * 85.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\acidic_mine\smallsplashatlas * 85.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\cdf\bitsleaves01anim_d * 85.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\electra\smokebasic01atlas * 85.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\electra\smokefillvapor01atlassoft_d * 85.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\flash\smokefillvapor01atlassoft_d * 85.3 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\generators\pfx_dist3_005 * 85.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\generators\smokhighcontrast * 85.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gold\smallsplashatlas * 85.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational\clothbitanim * 85.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_average\bloodsquirt2 * 85.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_average\clothbitanim * 85.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_average\puff_00 * 85.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_strong\bloodsquirt2 * 85.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_strong\clothbitanim * 85.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\mefistotel\clothbitanim * 85.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\point\bitsglowybits01atlas * 85.3 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\point\pfx_dist8 * 85.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\point\smokebasic01atlas * 85.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\seed\dirtburst_01 * 85.3 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\seed\pfx_dist3_005 * 85.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\seed\spray_v1 * 85.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\shatterpoint\broken_glass * 85.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\sloth\bitsglowybits01atlas * 85.3 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\sphere\pfx_dist4 * 85.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\springboard\clothbitanim * 85.3 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\thorn\broken_glass * 85.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\thorn\clothbitanim * 85.3 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\thorn\pfx_dist3_005 * 85.3 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\thorn\pfx_dist3_006 * 85.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\thorn\smokefillvapor01atlassoft_d * 85.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\umbra\bitsleaves01anim_d * 85.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\wish_granter\genericpuff * 85.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\zharka\smokefillvapor01atlassoft_d * 85.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\zones\acidic\cumulus_02 * 85.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\zones\thermal\cumulus_02 * 85.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\zones\thermal\pfx_distortion * 85.3 : [ 2] shoker_mod\explosions\explosion_smoke01 * 85.3 : [ 2] tbstash\tbbtsh2_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] tbstash\tbbtsh2_bump# * 85.3 : [ 2] tbstash\tbstsh1_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] tbstash\tbstsh1_bump# * 85.3 : [ 2] tbstash\tbstsh3_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] tbstash\tbstsh3_bump# * 85.3 : [ 2] tbstash\tbstsh5_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] tbstash\tbstsh7_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] tbstash\tbstsh7_bump# * 85.3 : [ 2] unrealengine\puffcolorsplash_2 * 85.3 : [ 2] usable_items\banki\artezian\banka_2_artezian_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] usable_items\banki\artezian\banka_2_artezian_bump# * 85.3 : [ 2] usable_items\banki\heiniken\banka_2_heiniken_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] usable_items\banki\heiniken\banka_2_heiniken_bump# * 85.3 : [ 2] usable_items\banki\redbull\banka_1_redbull_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] usable_items\banki\redbull\banka_1_redbull_bump# * 85.3 : [ 4] usable_items\drinks\voda_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] usable_items\flacons\antirad\flacon_antirad_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] usable_items\flacons\antirad\flacon_antirad_bump# * 85.3 : [ 2] usable_items\otkrivashka\otkrivashka_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] usable_items\otkrivashka\otkrivashka_bump# * 85.3 : [ 2] usable_items\psut\akvatabs_color * 85.3 : [ 2] usable_items\psut\yadulin_color * 85.3 : [ 2] usable_items\tabletki\drug_antidot\drug_antidot_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] usable_items\tabletki\drug_antidot\drug_antidot_bump# * 85.3 : [ 4] usable_items\tabletki\drug_coagulant\drug_coagulant_bump * 85.3 : [ 4] usable_items\tabletki\drug_coagulant\drug_coagulant_bump# * 85.3 : [ 2] usable_items\tabletki\drug_radioprotector\drug_radioprotector_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] usable_items\tabletki\drug_radioprotector\drug_radioprotector_bump# * 85.3 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_pool_13 * 85.3 : [ 1] wood\wood_jasik2_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] wood\wood_jasik2_bump# * 85.3 : [ 1] wood\wood_walls7_bump# * 85.3 : [ 1] wood\wood_walls8_bump# * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\CADAVVER\Striker12_Receiver_Parts_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] wpn\ammo_12x70_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] wpn\ammo_12x70_bump# * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\ash12\ASH12_receiver_lower_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\ash12\ASH12_receiver_upper_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\ash12\ASH12_sight_rear_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\ash12\ASH12_silencer_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\ash12\ash12_mag_10 * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\ash12\ash12_muzzle_brake * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\ash12\ash12_sight_front * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\asval\ASVAL_dustcover_def_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\asval\ASVAL_mag_20_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\asval\ASVAL_silencer_def_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\asval\ASVAL_stock_def_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\asval\asval_pistolgrip_def * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\asval\asval_sight_rear * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\m870\m870_handguard_speedfeed_short * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\m870\m870_magazine_extension_7 * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\mp5\Mag_30_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\mp5\Receiver_Lower_NAVY_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\mp5\Stock_Retractable_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\mp5\ammo * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\mp7\Suppressor_Osprey_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\rgn\grenade_rgn_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\rgo\grenade_rgo_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\shared\anpeq15_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\tt33\TT_receiver_std_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\tt33\tt_barrell_116mm_std * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\tt33\tt_mag_7_std * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\tt33\tt_pistolgrip_std * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\mp40\tex_mp40_bullet * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\mp40\tex_mp40_bullet_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] wpn\rom_aks\tex_romak_opticrail * 85.3 : [ 2] wpn\silencer_hexagon12_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] wpn\silencer_hexagon12_bump# * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\type56_2\tex_type562_stock * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addon_grenade_launcher_ag36_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_rail\wpn_addon_rail_1_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ammo\ammo_357_jhp * 85.3 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_assault_handler_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_assault_handler_bump# * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_foregrip_magpul_rvg_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_foregrip_magpul_rvg_bump# * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_foregrip_magpul_rvg_diff * 85.3 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_foregrip_zenit_rk_1_diff_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_foregrip_zenit_rk_1_diff_bump# * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_knif3_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_knif3_bump# * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_knife_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_mpb_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_mpf_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_mpg_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_mpj_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_pistolgrip_ak_zenit_rk3_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_sa58_aac_blackout_51t_flash_hider_diff * 85.3 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_scope_pso_1m2-1_lens_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_scope_pso_1m2-1_lens_diff * 85.3 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_silencer_hexagon12_bump# * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_vog30 * 85.3 : [ 2] wpn\zastavam70\tex_zastavam70_rail * 85.3 : [ 1] act\watchman\act_eyeball_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] amik\explosions\explosion_dynamite\smoke * 85.3 : [ 2] amik\explosions\smoke_white_tiled3 * 85.3 : [ 2] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_smoke_1 * 85.3 : [ 2] crysis_3\anim_liquid * 85.3 : [ 2] crysis_3\anm_smoke_05a * 85.3 : [ 2] crysis_3\blood_anim_a * 85.3 : [ 2] crysis_3\dirt_a * 85.3 : [ 2] crysis_3\fireball_anim_b * 85.3 : [ 2] crysis_3\fireball_anim_e * 85.3 : [ 2] crysis_3\slime_anim_a_diff * 85.3 : [ 2] crysis_3\slime_anim_b * 85.3 : [ 2] crysis_3\smoke_looping_a * 85.3 : [ 2] crysis_3\smoke_tiled_b * 85.3 : [ 2] crysis_3\smoke_tiled_d * 85.3 : [ 2] crysis_3\spore_a * 85.3 : [ 2] crysis_3\water_foam_tiled_a * 85.3 : [ 2] fx\fx_rainbow * 85.3 : [ 2] fx\fx_rainbow_small * 85.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\acidic_mine\slime_anim_a_diff * 85.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\acidic_mine\slime_anim_b * 85.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\acidic_mine\smoke_tiled_b * 85.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\acidic_mine\smoke_tiled_d * 85.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\flash\smoke_tiled_b * 85.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\flash\spore_a * 85.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gold\slime_anim_a_diff * 85.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gold\slime_anim_b * 85.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gold\smoke_tiled_b * 85.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_average\spore_a * 85.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_strong\spore_a * 85.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\sphere\smoke_tiled_b * 85.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\thorn\spore_a * 85.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\umbra\smoke_tiled_b * 128.1 : [ 1] act\act_ratwolf_01 * 128.1 : [ 1] act\voen_1_krap_beret\obvesy2 * 128.1 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\357mag * 128.1 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\50_ae * 128.1 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\5x45x39 * 128.1 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\5x45x39_00 * 128.1 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\5x45x39_01 * 128.1 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\5x56x45 * 128.1 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\5x56x45_00 * 128.1 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\5x7x28 * 128.1 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\6x5x50 * 128.1 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x25_0 * 128.1 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x25_1 * 128.1 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x25_2 * 128.1 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x25_3 * 128.1 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x25_4 * 128.1 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x39_00 * 128.1 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x39_01 * 128.1 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x39_02 * 128.1 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x39_03 * 128.1 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x51_1 * 128.1 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x51_2 * 128.1 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x54 * 128.1 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\7x7x57 * 128.1 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\7x92x57 * 128.1 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\9x18_1 * 128.1 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\9x18_2 * 128.1 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\9x18_3 * 128.1 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\9x39 * 128.1 : [ 2] amik\weapons\shells_ak_01 * 128.1 : [ 2] amik\weapons\smokeshoot_0 * 128.1 : [ 2] cinemavfx\water_new\splash_03 * 128.1 : [ 1] cooking\cooking_kerosene * 128.1 : [ 1] cooking\cooking_mfs * 128.1 : [ 1] cooking\cooking_wood_stove * 128.1 : [ 1] drink\drink_cigar0 * 128.1 : [ 1] drink\drink_cigar1 * 128.1 : [ 1] drink\drink_cigar2 * 128.1 : [ 1] drink\drink_cigar3 * 128.1 : [ 1] drink\drink_joint * 128.1 : [ 2] farcry4\bullet_burst_static_03 * 128.1 : [ 2] food\chimera_food * 128.1 : [ 2] food\food_bls * 128.1 : [ 2] food\food_dog * 128.1 : [ 1] food\food_flesh * 128.1 : [ 2] food\food_pdg * 128.1 : [ 1] food\food_raw_tush * 128.1 : [ 1] food\food_tushkano * 128.1 : [ 1] food\snork_food * 128.1 : [ 1] item\item_cigar * 128.1 : [ 1] item\item_cigarettes_lucky * 128.1 : [ 1] item\item_cigarettes_russian * 128.1 : [ 1] item\item_cloth_mask * 128.1 : [ 1] item\item_glucose_s * 128.1 : [ 1] item\item_hand_rolling_tobacco * 128.1 : [ 1] item\item_mint * 128.1 : [ 1] item\item_raisins * 128.1 : [ 1] item\item_sausage * 128.1 : [ 1] item\item_tobacco * 128.1 : [ 1] item\kielbasa_bump * 128.1 : [ 1] item\kielbasa_bump# * 128.1 : [ 1] item\western_goods_drinks\wg_wine_chateau_latour\wg_wine_chateau_latour * 128.1 : [ 1] item\western_goods_food\wg_snickers\wg_snickers * 128.1 : [ 1] lights\lights_cone_handing_lamp * 128.1 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_shells2 * 128.1 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_shells_green * 128.1 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_shells_pisto1 * 128.1 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_shells_pistol * 128.1 : [ 1] repair\repair_armor_repair_fa * 128.1 : [ 1] repair\repair_armor_repair_pro * 128.1 : [ 1] repair\repair_cleaning_kit * 128.1 : [ 1] repair\repair_glue * 128.1 : [ 1] repair\repair_grease_solvent * 128.1 : [ 1] repair\repair_gun_oil * 128.1 : [ 1] repair\repair_gun_oil_ru * 128.1 : [ 1] repair\repair_sewing_kit * 128.1 : [ 1] repair\repair_sharpening_stones * 128.1 : [ 1] repair\repair_toolkit_p * 128.1 : [ 1] sap\sap_orbital * 128.1 : [ 2] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_ak_shells_1 * 128.1 : [ 2] tbstash\tbbtsh2 * 128.1 : [ 2] tbstash\tbstsh1 * 128.1 : [ 2] tbstash\tbstsh14 * 128.1 : [ 2] tbstash\tbstsh17 * 128.1 : [ 2] tbstash\tbstsh18 * 128.1 : [ 2] tbstash\tbstsh19 * 128.1 : [ 2] tbstash\tbstsh3 * 128.1 : [ 2] tbstash\tbstsh5 * 128.1 : [ 2] tbstash\tbstsh7 * 128.1 : [ 1] ui\icon_flash_zarya2 * 128.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_icon_grizzly * 128.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_mm_faction_patches * 128.1 : [ 2] usable_items\drinks\drink_water * 128.1 : [ 1] wpn\zaria\grenade_flashbang * 144.1 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_bloodsplash1 * 156.4 : [ 1] amk\arts\atom_1 * 156.4 : [ 1] amk\arts\atom_2 * 156.4 : [ 1] amk\arts\atom_3 * 156.4 : [ 1] amk\arts\atom_4 * 156.4 : [ 1] amk\arts\atom_center * 156.4 : [ 1] amk\arts\chelust * 156.4 : [ 1] amk\arts\elektron * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_scope_po4x34\wpn_addon_scope_po4x34 * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_izlom * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_monolith_4_black * 170.6 : [ 1] item\item_xxporn2 * 170.6 : [ 1] item\item_xxxporn * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_aps\wpn_aps * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_grach\wpn_grach_misc_bump * 170.6 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_upgrade * 170.6 : [ 1] act\animals\act13_ratgrey_rs * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_burer * 170.6 : [ 2] act\act_controller * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_diger_slemnew * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_green_stalker1 * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_himera * 170.6 : [ 2] act\act_krovosos_1 * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_monoold1 * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_new_details_01 * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_scientist_suit_green * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_bandit1a * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_bandit1az * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_bandit1b * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_bandit2a * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_bandit_1 * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_bandit_2 * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_bandit_2a * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_bandit_3 * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_bandit_3a * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_bandit_3c * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_bandit_5c * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_banditex9 * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_banditexo * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_ecologb_1 * 170.6 : [ 2] act\act_stalker_ecologexo * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_exo_darkened * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_freedom_2 * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_merc_sun_new_4 * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_mercsuit1 * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_neutral1b * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_neutral2a * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_neutral2b * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_neutral_1 * 170.6 : [ 2] act\act_stalker_neutral_2 * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_neutral_4 * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_neutral_ecolog_2 * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_neutral_nebo1_black * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_neutral_sts_2 * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_renegade_lc_unique_1 * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_sandit_1 * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_soldier_4 * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_soldierb4 * 170.6 : [ 1] act\dev3\act_stalker_bandit_5a * 170.6 : [ 1] act\ecolog\act_stalker_ecologexo * 170.6 : [ 1] act\ecolog\act_stalker_merc_3 * 170.6 : [ 1] fx\water_height * 170.6 : [ 1] item\item_boots * 170.6 : [ 1] item\item_conserva * 170.6 : [ 1] item\item_pda_lp\item_pda_3 * 170.6 : [ 1] item\item_rope * 170.6 : [ 1] item\item_rops * 170.6 : [ 1] item\upgrade\upgr_o_1 * 170.6 : [ 1] mp5lng_mod\wpn\axe\axe_3 * 170.6 : [ 1] mp5lng_mod\wpn\mp153\mp153_1 * 170.6 : [ 2] mp5lng_mod\wpn\sten\sten_1 * 170.6 : [ 2] mp5lng_mod\wpn\sten\sten_4 * 170.6 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_bochka_01 * 170.6 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_bochka_02 * 170.6 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\cdf\white_flare * 170.6 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\generators\semi\smokeburstpuffanim * 170.6 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\shatterpoint\pfx_glass_shards2.1024 * 170.6 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\sphere\white_flare * 170.6 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\thorn\pfx_glass_shards2.1024 * 170.6 : [ 2] usable_items\aptechki\army\aptechka_army_diffuse * 170.6 : [ 2] usable_items\aptechki\basic\aptechka_basic_diffuse * 170.6 : [ 1] usable_items\aptechki\civ\aptechka_civ_diffuse * 170.6 : [ 1] usable_items\aptechki\detox\aptechka_detox_diffuse * 170.6 : [ 2] usable_items\aptechki\elite\aptechka_elite_diffuse * 170.6 : [ 2] usable_items\aptechki\scientific\aptechka_scientific_diffuse * 170.6 : [ 1] usable_items\aptechki\tac\aptechka_tac_diffuse * 170.6 : [ 2] usable_items\bints\bio\bint_bio_diffuse * 170.6 : [ 2] usable_items\butilki_steklo\cocacola\cocacola_diffuse * 170.6 : [ 2] usable_items\butilki_steklo\slavutich\slavutich_diffuse * 170.6 : [ 2] usable_items\conservi\havchik_tushka * 170.6 : [ 2] usable_items\injectors\injector_big\injector_big_diffuse * 170.6 : [ 2] usable_items\psut\can_beanz * 170.6 : [ 2] usable_items\psut\can_chilibeans * 170.6 : [ 2] usable_items\psut\can_corn * 170.6 : [ 2] usable_items\psut\can_tomatoes * 170.6 : [ 2] usable_items\psut\can_tuna * 170.6 : [ 2] usable_items\psut\can_tushonka * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\cadavver\striker12_barrel * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\cadavver\striker12_ironsights * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_fort17\wpn_fort17 * 170.6 : [ 2] wpn\silencer_556 * 170.6 : [ 2] wpn\stg_44\tex_stg_44_stock * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addon_grenade_launcher * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_kobra_ekp-8-02 * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_okp7 * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_pso1 * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_45 * 170.6 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_scope_ac10632_new\wpn_addon_scope_ac10632 * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_scope_acog\wpn_addon_scope_acog_old * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_scope_susat\wpn_addon_scope_susat * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_silencer\wpn_addon_sil_45 * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_silencer\wpn_addon_sil_kzrzp * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_silencer\wpn_addon_sil_nato * 170.6 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_silencer\wpn_addon_sil_pbs1 * 170.6 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_silencer\wpn_addon_sil_pbs4 * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_silencer\wpn_addon_sil_tgp-a * 170.6 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_akm_bolt_diff * 170.6 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_akm_handguard_diff * 170.6 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_akm_mag_diff * 170.6 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_akm_reciever * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ammo * 170.6 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_anpeq16a * 170.6 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_barrel_ks23_short * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_bullet1 * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_gauss * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_gauss\wpn_gauss * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_gauss_mag * 170.6 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_gp25 * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_grenade_f1 * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_grenade_rdg-m * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_grenade_rgd5 * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_handguard_ks23 * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_knif3 * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_knife_nr40 * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_knife_swat * 170.6 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_laserassault * 170.6 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_m203_ironsight * 170.6 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_m433hedp * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_60rnd_diff * 170.6 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_mag_stanag_colt_ar15_std_556x45_30_lod0_diff * 170.6 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_mpa * 170.6 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_mpe * 170.6 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_mpi * 170.6 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_mpm * 170.6 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_ncstar_mpr45 * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_pistolgrip_ks23 * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_pkm\wpn_pkm_magazin * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_pl15_suppressor_cover * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_rpg-7_grenade * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_rpk16_barrel * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_rpk16_handguard * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_rpk16_sight_rear * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_rpk16_stock * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_saiga_handguard * 170.6 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_saiga_mag * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_all_eotech_553 * 170.6 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_sg550_foregrip_rail * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_sig55x\wpn_sig550_mag * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_sig55x\wpn_sig550_mag_sk1 * 170.6 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_silencer_pbs1_diff * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_silencer_wave_qd_supressor_multi * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_stock_ks23_metal * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_svd\wpn_svd_mag * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_svds_dtk_rotor43 * 170.6 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_vog * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_face_01_bump * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_face_01_bump# * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_face_02_bump * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_face_02_bump# * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_face_08_bump * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_face_08_bump# * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_face_ara * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_face_her9_bump * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_face_her9_bump# * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_face_holod_bump * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_face_holod_bump# * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_face_isg_01_bump * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_face_isg_01_bump# * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_face_mask_01_bump * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_face_mask_01_bump# * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_face_mask_02_bump * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_face_mask_02_bump# * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_03_bump * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_03_bump# * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_mutant_boar_grill_bump * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_mutant_boar_grill_bump# * 170.6 : [ 3] act\act_stalker_soldier_2_bump * 170.6 : [ 2] act\cod_ghosts_exo_computer_bump * 170.6 : [ 2] act\cod_ghosts_exo_computer_bump# * 170.6 : [ 2] amik\explosions\boom_0 * 170.6 : [ 2] amik\explosions\boom_1 * 170.6 : [ 2] amik\explosions\boom_2 * 170.6 : [ 2] cinemavfx\smoke_burst_muzzle_01 * 170.6 : [ 1] detail\detail_metall_det1_v * 170.6 : [ 1] detail\detail_metall_det2_u * 170.6 : [ 7] detail\detail_metall_det2_v * 170.6 : [ 1] detail\detail_metall_det3_u * 170.6 : [ 2] fallout4\bitssmall01bluranim * 170.6 : [ 2] ghost_particles\eft_style\smoke02 * 170.6 : [ 10] mtl\mtl_barrel_bump# * 170.6 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_2 * 170.6 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_23 * 170.6 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_2_green * 170.6 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_7 * 170.6 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_shells1 * 170.6 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\acidic_mine\acid_smoke_512 * 170.6 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\electra\acid_smoke_512 * 170.6 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gold\acid_smoke_512 * 170.6 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\no_gravity\ffff * 170.6 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\lensflarered * 170.6 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\sphere\smoke_burst_02 * 170.6 : [ 2] wpn\addons\pbs1\Sil_bump * 170.6 : [ 2] wpn\addons\pistolsil\sil_bump * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\ash12\ash12_handguard * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\m870\M870_stock_sps_bump * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\m870\m870_barrel_508mm_fixed_sights * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\m870\m870_rail_top_mount * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\melee\melee_ontario_sp8 * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\rgd2\tex_rgd2_main * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\rgd2\tex_rgd2_main_bump * 170.6 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_addon_mount_ak_reciever_rail_bump * 170.6 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_addon_mount_ak_reciever_rail_bump# * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_mount\wpn_addon_lastochka_bump * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_silencer\wpn_addon_sil_9mm_bump * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_silencer\wpn_addon_sil_aps_bump * 170.6 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_mpd_bump * 213.8 : [ 1] fx\fx_wood_fire * 255.8 : [ 1] item\item_beer * 255.8 : [ 2] usable_items\tabletki\drug_coagulant\caffeine_diffuse * 255.8 : [ 2] usable_items\tabletki\drug_coagulant\drug_antimetic_diffuse * 255.8 : [ 2] usable_items\tabletki\drug_coagulant\drug_antirad_kalium_diffuse * 255.8 : [ 2] usable_items\tabletki\drug_coagulant\drug_coagulant_diffuse * 255.8 : [ 2] usable_items\tabletki\drug_coagulant\drug_sleepingpills_diffuse * 256.1 : [ 2] act\act_ryukzak_bump# * 256.1 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_banditt_5 * 256.1 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_dolg_tactic * 256.1 : [ 1] act\alpha\mask * 256.1 : [ 1] act\watchman\act_eyeball_6 * 256.1 : [ 2] amik\explosions\explosion_flash_atlas * 256.1 : [ 2] amik\hit_fx\blood\blood * 256.1 : [ 1] anamflares\flare_01 * 256.1 : [ 1] anamflares\flare_foggy * 256.1 : [ 2] botz\blood_01 * 256.1 : [ 1] cooking\cooking_kerosene_bump * 256.1 : [ 1] cooking\cooking_kerosene_bump# * 256.1 : [ 1] cooking\cooking_mfs_bump * 256.1 : [ 1] cooking\cooking_mfs_bump# * 256.1 : [ 1] cooking\cooking_wood_stove_bump * 256.1 : [ 1] cooking\cooking_wood_stove_bump# * 256.1 : [ 1] drink\drink_cigar0_bump * 256.1 : [ 1] drink\drink_cigar0_bump# * 256.1 : [ 1] drink\drink_cigar1_bump * 256.1 : [ 1] drink\drink_cigar1_bump# * 256.1 : [ 1] drink\drink_cigar2_bump * 256.1 : [ 1] drink\drink_cigar2_bump# * 256.1 : [ 1] drink\drink_cigar3_bump * 256.1 : [ 1] drink\drink_cigar3_bump# * 256.1 : [ 1] drink\drink_cocaine_bump * 256.1 : [ 1] drink\drink_cocaine_bump# * 256.1 : [ 1] drink\drink_joint_bump * 256.1 : [ 1] drink\drink_joint_bump# * 256.1 : [ 1] drink\drink_vodka_bump * 256.1 : [ 1] drink\drink_vodka_bump# * 256.1 : [ 2] drink\drink_water_bump * 256.1 : [ 2] drink\drink_water_bump# * 256.1 : [ 2] fallout4\smokefillvapor01atlassoft_c * 256.1 : [ 2] fallout4\smokepuffssoftatlasvelocity_d * 256.1 : [ 2] farcry4\blood_01 * 256.1 : [ 2] farcry4\bulllet_burst_static_01 * 256.1 : [ 2] farcry4\dust_puff_01 * 256.1 : [ 2] farcry4\dust_puff_big_02 * 256.1 : [ 2] farcry4\metal_spark_01 * 256.1 : [ 2] food\chimera_food_bump * 256.1 : [ 2] food\chimera_food_bump# * 256.1 : [ 2] food\food_bls_bump * 256.1 : [ 2] food\food_bls_bump# * 256.1 : [ 1] food\food_boar * 256.1 : [ 1] food\food_boar_bump * 256.1 : [ 1] food\food_boar_bump# * 256.1 : [ 2] food\food_dog_bump * 256.1 : [ 2] food\food_dog_bump# * 256.1 : [ 1] food\food_flesh_bump * 256.1 : [ 1] food\food_flesh_bump# * 256.1 : [ 2] food\food_pdg_bump * 256.1 : [ 2] food\food_pdg_bump# * 256.1 : [ 1] food\food_raw_boar_bump * 256.1 : [ 1] food\food_raw_boar_bump# * 256.1 : [ 1] food\food_raw_tush_bump * 256.1 : [ 1] food\food_raw_tush_bump# * 256.1 : [ 1] food\food_tushkano_bump * 256.1 : [ 1] food\food_tushkano_bump# * 256.1 : [ 1] food\snork_food_bump * 256.1 : [ 1] food\snork_food_bump# * 256.1 : [ 1] gamma\grizzly_detector\dev_grizzly_glass * 256.1 : [ 1] gamma\grizzly_detector\dirt * 256.1 : [ 1] item\item_cigar_bump * 256.1 : [ 1] item\item_cigar_bump# * 256.1 : [ 1] item\item_cigarettes_lucky_bump * 256.1 : [ 1] item\item_cigarettes_lucky_bump# * 256.1 : [ 1] item\item_cigarettes_russian_bump * 256.1 : [ 1] item\item_cigarettes_russian_bump# * 256.1 : [ 1] item\item_cloth_mask_bump * 256.1 : [ 1] item\item_cloth_mask_bump# * 256.1 : [ 1] item\item_hand_rolling_tobacco_bump * 256.1 : [ 1] item\item_hand_rolling_tobacco_bump# * 256.1 : [ 1] item\item_lead_box * 256.1 : [ 1] item\item_mint_bump * 256.1 : [ 1] item\item_mint_bump# * 256.1 : [ 1] item\item_raisins_bump * 256.1 : [ 1] item\item_raisins_bump# * 256.1 : [ 1] item\item_sausage_bump * 256.1 : [ 1] item\item_sausage_bump# * 256.1 : [ 1] item\item_tobacco_bump * 256.1 : [ 1] item\item_tobacco_bump# * 256.1 : [ 2] jdude\bloodsquirt1 * 256.1 : [ 2] jdude\bloodsquirt2 * 256.1 : [ 2] jdude\puff3 * 256.1 : [ 2] molotov\barry_bottle_bump# * 256.1 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_bloodsplash2 * 256.1 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_expl_01 * 256.1 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_flash_01 * 256.1 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_flash_02 * 256.1 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_flash_05 * 256.1 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_flash_07 * 256.1 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_flash_08 * 256.1 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_smoke_p * 256.1 : [ 1] repair\repair_armor_repair_fa_bump * 256.1 : [ 1] repair\repair_armor_repair_fa_bump# * 256.1 : [ 3] repair\repair_armor_repair_pro_bump * 256.1 : [ 3] repair\repair_armor_repair_pro_bump# * 256.1 : [ 1] repair\repair_cleaning_kit_bump * 256.1 : [ 1] repair\repair_cleaning_kit_bump# * 256.1 : [ 1] repair\repair_glue_bump * 256.1 : [ 1] repair\repair_glue_bump# * 256.1 : [ 1] repair\repair_grease_solvent_bump * 256.1 : [ 1] repair\repair_grease_solvent_bump# * 256.1 : [ 1] repair\repair_gun_oil_bump * 256.1 : [ 1] repair\repair_gun_oil_bump# * 256.1 : [ 1] repair\repair_gun_oil_ru_bump * 256.1 : [ 1] repair\repair_gun_oil_ru_bump# * 256.1 : [ 1] repair\repair_sewing_kit_bump * 256.1 : [ 1] repair\repair_sewing_kit_bump# * 256.1 : [ 3] repair\repair_toolkit_nato_bump * 256.1 : [ 3] repair\repair_toolkit_nato_bump# * 256.1 : [ 1] repair\repair_toolkit_p_bump * 256.1 : [ 1] repair\repair_toolkit_p_bump# * 256.1 : [ 1] sgm\sumka_2 * 256.1 : [ 2] tbstash\tbstsh14_bump * 256.1 : [ 2] tbstash\tbstsh14_bump# * 256.1 : [ 2] tbstash\tbstsh17_bump * 256.1 : [ 2] tbstash\tbstsh17_bump# * 256.1 : [ 2] tbstash\tbstsh18_bump * 256.1 : [ 2] tbstash\tbstsh18_bump# * 256.1 : [ 2] tbstash\tbstsh19_bump * 256.1 : [ 2] tbstash\tbstsh19_bump# * 256.1 : [ 2] tbstash\tbstsh5_bump# * 256.1 : [ 1] ui\ammo_parts * 256.1 : [ 1] ui\detectors_upgrade * 256.1 : [ 1] ui\equipment_icons * 256.1 : [ 1] ui\experience_framework\ui_icon_potions * 256.1 : [ 1] ui\experience_framework\ui_icon_traits * 256.1 : [ 1] ui\heavy_melee_icons * 256.1 : [ 1] ui\items\ui_mutant_loot * 256.1 : [ 1] ui\mds_icon * 256.1 : [ 1] ui\rem7615_icon * 256.1 : [ 1] ui\type56_icon * 256.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_bas_icon_indicators * 256.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_boss * 256.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_graff_19_1600 * 256.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_graff_22_1600 * 256.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_letter_16_1600 * 256.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_letter_18_1600 * 256.1 : [ 2] unrealengine\muzzleflash_ember3 * 256.1 : [ 2] unrealengine\puffcolorsplash * 256.1 : [ 2] usable_items\banki\artezian\banka_2_artezian_diffuse * 256.1 : [ 2] usable_items\banki\heiniken\banka_2_heiniken_diffuse * 256.1 : [ 2] usable_items\drinks\voda * 256.1 : [ 2] usable_items\drinks\voda_dop * 256.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_pool_14 * 256.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_pool_15 * 256.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_pool_18 * 256.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_pool_19 * 256.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_pool_20 * 256.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_pool_21 * 256.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_pool_22 * 256.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_pool_24 * 256.1 : [ 2] wpn\_anomaly_scopes_\pbs2 * 256.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addon_crosshair_red_dot * 256.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_lfo_lens * 256.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_scope_ac10632_new\wpn_addon_scope_ac10632_crosshair_dirt * 256.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_grenade_bump * 256.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_grenade_bump# * 256.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_knife_bump# * 256.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_pso_1m2-1_lens_trans2 * 262.6 : [ 1] shaders\smaa\area_tex_dx11 * 288.1 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_cc_lightings * 335.8 : [ 2] amik\explosions\anim_dirtexp_3 * 335.8 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_rez_electra2 * 335.8 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_rez_electra3 * 341.0 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_scope_po4x34\wpn_addon_scope_po4x34_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_aps\wpn_aps_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_fn2000new\wpn_fn2000new_mag_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_eyeball_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] drink\drink_flask2 * 341.1 : [ 1] item\item_d_water * 341.1 : [ 1] item\item_energy * 341.1 : [ 1] item\item_m_anabiotic * 341.1 : [ 1] item\item_m_anabiotic_2 * 341.1 : [ 1] item\item_m_mexamine * 341.1 : [ 1] item\item_m_psi * 341.1 : [ 1] item\item_m_psy_blockade * 341.1 : [ 1] item\item_m_sleepingpills * 341.1 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_gradient * 341.1 : [ 2] usable_items\tabletki\drug_antidot\drug_antidot_diffuse * 341.1 : [ 2] usable_items\tabletki\drug_coagulant\drug_psi_diffuse * 341.1 : [ 2] usable_items\tabletki\drug_radioprotector\drug_radioprotector_diffuse * 341.1 : [ 1] water\water_flowing_nmap * 341.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_1_2 * 341.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_1_3 * 341.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_drop_4 * 341.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_glass01 * 341.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_glass02 * 341.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_glass03 * 341.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_glass04 * 341.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_dead * 341.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_horiz * 341.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_blood * 341.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_blood1 * 341.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_wood * 341.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_wood1 * 341.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_wood2 * 341.1 : [ 3] wpn\arti\wpn_ammo_boxes_1_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] sunmask * 341.1 : [ 2] act\cod_ghosts_exo_computer * 341.1 : [ 2] amik\explosions\explosion_dynamite\explosion_din * 341.1 : [ 2] door\door_metal_02 * 341.1 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\graviblast1orangecut * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_hpsa\wpn_hpsa * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_eft_ak74_gl_gp34_diff * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_rpk16_reciever * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_stock_m700_green_pillar * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_svu\wpn_svu-a * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_burer_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_burer_bump# * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_ca2_fur * 341.1 : [ 2] act\act_controller_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_diger_slemnew_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_diger_slemnew_bump# * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_frog_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_frog_bump# * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_gasmask_bump# * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_green_stalker_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_green_stalker_bump# * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_himera_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_himera_bump# * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_hunter_head_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_hunter_head_bump# * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_izlom_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_izlom_bump# * 341.1 : [ 2] act\act_krovosos_1_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] act\act_krovosos_1_bump# * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_monoold1_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_mutant_boar_leg_bump# * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_mutant_boar_u_fur * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_newdetail_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_newdetail_bump# * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_plot_bump# * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_plot_u_bump# * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_scientist_suit_bump * 341.1 : [ 3] act\act_st_exoskeleton_tank_bump * 341.1 : [ 3] act\act_st_exoskeleton_tank_bump# * 341.1 : [ 4] act\act_stalker_bandit_1_bump * 341.1 : [ 3] act\act_stalker_bandit_2_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] act\act_stalker_bandit_3_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] act\act_stalker_bandit_3_bump# * 341.1 : [ 2] act\act_stalker_bandit_3a_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] act\act_stalker_bandit_3a_bump# * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_bandit_3b_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_bandit_5_1 * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_bandit_5_1_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_bandit_5_1_bump# * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_dolg_1_bump * 341.1 : [ 3] act\act_stalker_dolg_4_bump * 341.1 : [ 3] act\act_stalker_dolg_4_bump# * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_ecologb_1_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_freedom_1_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_freedom_2_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] act\act_stalker_nebo_1_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] act\act_stalker_nebo_1_bump# * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_nebo_2_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_nebo_2_bump# * 341.1 : [ 3] act\act_stalker_neutral_1_bump * 341.1 : [ 4] act\act_stalker_neutral_2_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_neutral_8_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_neutral_8_bump# * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_neutral_ecolog_2_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_soldier_4_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_soldier_4_bump# * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_soldier_4specops * 341.1 : [ 4] act\act_stalker_sviter_bump * 341.1 : [ 4] act\act_stalker_sviter_bump# * 341.1 : [ 2] act\cod_ghosts_exo_computer_glass * 341.1 : [ 2] act\cod_ghosts_exo_computer_glass_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] act\cod_ghosts_exo_computer_glass_bump# * 341.1 : [ 1] act\gasmask\gasmask_gp7 * 341.1 : [ 1] act\gasmask\gasmask_gp7_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] act\gasmask\gasmask_gp7vm * 341.1 : [ 1] act\gasmask\gasmask_gp7vm_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] act\nebo_darker_black_vest * 341.1 : [ 2] amik\explosions\final_expl * 341.1 : [ 2] amik\weapons\smokeshoot_1 * 341.1 : [ 2] balkanzona\gauss2\gauss_a_cell_spec_2 * 341.1 : [ 2] balkanzona\gauss2\gauss_a_cell_spec_2_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] balkanzona\gauss2\gauss_b_cell_spec_2a * 341.1 : [ 2] balkanzona\gauss2\gauss_b_cell_spec_2a_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] balkanzona\gauss2\scope_fp_spec22 * 341.1 : [ 2] balkanzona\gauss2\scope_fp_spec22_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] cinemavfx\distort_anomaly_01 * 341.1 : [ 2] crysis_3\cumulus_01 * 341.1 : [ 1] detail\detail_metal_clean * 341.1 : [ 2] fallout4\bitsleaves01anim_d * 341.1 : [ 2] fallout4\decalsbloodsmear_d * 341.1 : [ 2] fallout4\smokeburstpuffanim * 341.1 : [ 2] fallout4\smokepuffsbrightnuke02_d * 341.1 : [ 2] fallout4\smokepuffscontrastatlas * 341.1 : [ 2] fallout4\smokepuffy02_d * 341.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_glare * 341.1 : [ 2] ghost_particles\eft_style\eft_flame * 341.1 : [ 2] ghost_particles\smoke\generic_smoke_white_00 * 341.1 : [ 1] item\item_conserva_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] item\item_d_nonstop * 341.1 : [ 1] item\item_d_nonstop_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] item\item_d_nonstop_bump# * 341.1 : [ 1] item\item_f_irp_b * 341.1 : [ 1] item\item_f_irp_b_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] item\item_f_irp_b_bump# * 341.1 : [ 1] item\item_f_irp_ukr_old * 341.1 : [ 1] item\item_f_irp_ukr_old_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] item\item_f_irp_ukr_old_bump# * 341.1 : [ 3] item\item_injector * 341.1 : [ 2] item\item_injector_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] item\item_injector_bump# * 341.1 : [ 1] item\item_pda_lp\item_pda * 341.1 : [ 2] item\item_pda_lp\item_pda_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] item\newflashlight\item_flashlight * 341.1 : [ 1] item\newflashlight\item_flashlight_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] limbsmodels\limbs_bump * 341.1 : [ 3] molotov\prop_brezent * 341.1 : [ 1] mp5lng_mod\wpn\1892\1892_1_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] mp5lng_mod\wpn\1892\1892_2_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] mp5lng_mod\wpn\1892\1892_3_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] mp5lng_mod\wpn\axe\axe_3_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] mp5lng_mod\wpn\mp153\mp153_1_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] mp5lng_mod\wpn\mp44\mp44_1 * 341.1 : [ 2] mp5lng_mod\wpn\mp44\mp44_1_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] mp5lng_mod\wpn\sten\sten_1_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] mp5lng_mod\wpn\sten\sten_4_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] mp5lng_mod\wpn\sten\sten_5_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_bochka_01_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_bochka_02_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_railroad_items * 341.1 : [ 1] new_shovel\shovel_wood * 341.1 : [ 1] new_shovel\shovel_wood_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] perk_based_artefacts\semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\distort_anomaly_01 * 341.1 : [ 2] prop\prop_blind01_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] prop\prop_blind01_bump# * 341.1 : [ 2] prop\prop_safe_1 * 341.1 : [ 2] prop\prop_safe_1_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] prop\prop_safe_1_bump# * 341.1 : [ 2] rwap\Mod3_MLOK_tan_normalbump * 341.1 : [ 2] rwap\Mod3_MLOK_tan_normalbump# * 341.1 : [ 2] rwap\mod3_mlok_blk_basecolor * 341.1 : [ 2] rwap\pbs1_basecolor * 341.1 : [ 2] rwap\pbs1_normalbump * 341.1 : [ 2] rwap\pbs1_normalbump# * 341.1 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\acidic_mine\around * 341.1 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\acidic_mine\distort_anomaly_01 * 341.1 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\acidic_mine\smokeburstpuffanim * 341.1 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\cdf\distort_anomaly_01 * 341.1 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\cdf\puffcolorsplashflicker2 * 341.1 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\cdf\smokecloud4 * 341.1 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\electra\distort_anomaly_01 * 341.1 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\generators\distort_anomaly_01 * 341.1 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\ghost\cumulus_01 * 341.1 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\ghost\energyball2 * 341.1 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\gold\distort_anomaly_01 * 341.1 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gold\smokeburstpuffanim * 341.1 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational\cumulus_01 * 341.1 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\gravitational\distort_anomaly_01 * 341.1 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_average\bitsleaves01anim_d * 341.1 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_average\distort_anomaly_01 * 341.1 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_average\smokepuffscontrastatlas * 341.1 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_strong\bitsleaves01anim_d * 341.1 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_strong\brokenglass * 341.1 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_strong\distort_anomaly_01 * 341.1 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_strong\puff_00 * 341.1 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\mefistotel\bitsleaves01anim_d * 341.1 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\mefistotel\distort_anomaly_01 * 341.1 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\net\distort_anomaly_01 * 341.1 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\no_gravity\bitsleaves01anim_d * 341.1 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\no_gravity\distort_anomaly_01 * 341.1 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\point\distort_anomaly_01 * 341.1 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\point\vacum_v1 * 341.1 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\shatterpoint\distort_anomaly_01 * 341.1 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\shatterpoint\pfx_glass_shards1.2048 * 341.1 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\shatterpoint\pfx_glass_shards_blend.2048 * 341.1 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\shatterpoint\puff_00 * 341.1 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\shatterpoint\triangles * 341.1 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\sloth\distort_anomaly_01 * 341.1 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\distort_anomaly_01 * 341.1 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\springboard\bitsleaves01anim_d * 341.1 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\springboard\spray_v1 * 341.1 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\thorn\dirtburst_01 * 341.1 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\thorn\distort_anomaly_01 * 341.1 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\thorn\pfx_glass_shards1.2048 * 341.1 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\thorn\pfx_glass_shards2.2048 * 341.1 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\thorn\pfx_glass_shards_blend.2048 * 341.1 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\umbra\distort_anomaly_01 * 341.1 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\umbra\dust_loop_02 * 341.1 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\umbra\puffcolorsplashflicker2 * 341.1 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\wish_granter\bitsleaves01anim_d * 341.1 : [ 1] semitone\anomalies\wish_granter\distort_anomaly_01 * 341.1 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\wish_granter\dust_loop_02 * 341.1 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\zharka\dust_puff_02 * 341.1 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\zharka\pfx_ani-fire01 * 341.1 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\zharka\puff_00 * 341.1 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\zharka\smoke_burst_06 * 341.1 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\zharka\smokeburstpuffanim * 341.1 : [ 2] tbstash\tbstsh10_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] tbstash\tbstsh10_bump# * 341.1 : [ 2] tbstash\tbstsh11_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] tbstash\tbstsh11_bump# * 341.1 : [ 2] tbstash\tbstsh9_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] tbstash\tbstsh9_bump# * 341.1 : [ 2] unrealengine\puffcolorsplashflicker2 * 341.1 : [ 11] usable_items\aptechki\basic\aptechka_basic_bump * 341.1 : [ 11] usable_items\aptechki\basic\aptechka_basic_bump# * 341.1 : [ 6] usable_items\bints\basic\bint_basic_bump * 341.1 : [ 6] usable_items\bints\basic\bint_basic_bump# * 341.1 : [ 2] usable_items\butilki_steklo\cocacola\cocacola_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] usable_items\butilki_steklo\cocacola\cocacola_bump# * 341.1 : [ 2] usable_items\butilki_steklo\slavutich\slavutich_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] usable_items\butilki_steklo\slavutich\slavutich_bump# * 341.1 : [ 2] usable_items\conservi\eat_konserva_bump * 341.1 : [ 4] usable_items\conservi\havchik_tushka_bump * 341.1 : [ 4] usable_items\conservi\havchik_tushka_bump# * 341.1 : [ 2] usable_items\drinks\gerkules_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] usable_items\eat\eat_baton_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] usable_items\eat\eat_chease_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] usable_items\eat\eat_kolbasa_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] usable_items\injectors\injector_big\injector_big_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] usable_items\injectors\injector_big\injector_big_bump# * 341.1 : [ 2] usable_items\injectors\injector_big\injector_big_diffuse -army * 341.1 : [ 2] usable_items\injectors\injector_big\injector_big_diffuse-scientic * 341.1 : [ 4] usable_items\vodki\vodka_cmuphob_bump * 341.1 : [ 4] usable_items\vodki\vodka_cmuphob_bump# * 341.1 : [ 2] usable_items\vodki\vodka_kazaki_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] usable_items\vodki\vodka_kazaki_bump# * 341.1 : [ 2] veh\veh_gaz66_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] veh\veh_gaz66_bump# * 341.1 : [ 2] veh\veh_uazik_new_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] veh\veh_uazik_new_bump# * 341.1 : [ 2] veh\veh_zil_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] veh\veh_zil_bump# * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\CADAVVER\Striker12_Barrel_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\CADAVVER\Striker12_IronSights_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] wpn\amd1\tex_amd_grips * 341.1 : [ 2] wpn\amd1\tex_amd_grips_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] wpn\amd1\tex_amd_guard * 341.1 : [ 2] wpn\amd1\tex_amd_guard_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] wpn\amd1\tex_amd_mag * 341.1 : [ 2] wpn\amd1\tex_amd_mag_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\ash12\ash12_receiver_lower * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\ash12\ash12_receiver_upper * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\ash12\ash12_sight_rear * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\ash12\ash12_silencer * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\asval\ASVAL_receiver_def_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\asval\asval_dustcover_def * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\asval\asval_mag_20 * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\asval\asval_silencer_def * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\asval\asval_stock_def * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\m870\M870_receiver_parts_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\mp5\MP5_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\mp5\mag_30 * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\mp5\receiver_lower_navy * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\mp5\stock_retractable * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\mp7\suppressor_osprey * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\rgn\grenade_rgn * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\rgo\grenade_rgo * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\shared\anpeq15 * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\spas12\spas12_receiver_parts_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\tt33\tt_receiver_std * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_fort17\wpn_fort17_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] wpn\rom_aks\tex_romak_furnituremain * 341.1 : [ 2] wpn\rom_aks\tex_romak_magmetal * 341.1 : [ 2] wpn\rom_aks\tex_romak_suppressor * 341.1 : [ 2] wpn\rom_aks\tex_romak_woodengrip * 341.1 : [ 2] wpn\rom_aks\tex_romak_woodstock * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\sight_cases\pka * 341.1 : [ 2] wpn\silencer_556_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] wpn\silencer_556_bump# * 341.1 : [ 2] wpn\stg_44\tex_stg_44_stock_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] wpn\tantal88\tex_tantal_forniture * 341.1 : [ 2] wpn\tantal88\tex_tantal_forniture_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] wpn\tantal88\tex_tantal_supressor * 341.1 : [ 2] wpn\tantal88\tex_tantal_supressor_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\type56_2\tex_type562_furniture * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\type56_2\tex_type562_mag * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addon_grenade_launcher_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_okp7_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_okp7_bump# * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_pso1_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_45_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_scope_ac10632_new\wpn_addon_scope_ac10632_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_scope_acog\wpn_addon_scope_acog_old_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_silencer\wpn_addon_sil_45_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_silencer\wpn_addon_sil_kzrzp_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_silencer\wpn_addon_sil_nato_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_silencer\wpn_addon_sil_pbs1_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_silencer\wpn_addon_sil_pbs4_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_silencer\wpn_addon_sil_tgp-a_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_bolt_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_bullet1_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_case_archangel_world_diff * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_case_magpul_pro_world_diff * 341.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_gp25_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_gp25_bump# * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_grenade_f1_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_grenade_rdg-m_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_grenade_rgd5_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_knife_nr40_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_knife_swat_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_knife_swat_bump# * 341.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_laserassault_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_laserassault_bump# * 341.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_lenses * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_lenses_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_m203_ironsight_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_m203_ironsight_bump# * 341.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_m433hedp_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_m433hedp_bump# * 341.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_mag_5x45_45rnd_backelite_bump# * 341.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_mpa_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_mpe_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_mpi_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_mpm_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_ncstar_mpr45_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_pkm\wpn_pkm_magazin_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ppsh41\eft_ppsh_barrel_d_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ppsh41\eft_ppsh_d_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ppsh41\eft_ppsh_internals_d_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ppsh41\eft_ppsh_mag35_d_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_all_eotech_553_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_all_eotech_553_bump# * 341.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_sg550_foregrip_rail_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_sg550_foregrip_rail_bump# * 341.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_sig55x\wpn_sig550_mag_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_silencer_ar10_aac_762_sdn_6_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_silencer_ar10_aac_762_sdn_6_bump# * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_silencer_ar10_aac_762_sdn_6_diff * 341.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_silencer_hexagon12 * 341.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_silencer_hexagon12_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_svd\wpn_svd_mag_bump * 341.1 : [ 3] wpn\wpn_vog_bump * 341.1 : [ 3] wpn\wpn_vog_bump# * 341.1 : [ 2] wpn\zastavam70\tex_zastavam70_furniture2 * 341.1 : [ 2] wpn\zastavam70\tex_zastavam70_mag * 341.1 : [ 2] wpn\zastavam70\tex_zastavam70_stock * 341.1 : [ 2] wpn\zastavam70\tex_zastavam70_suppressor * 341.1 : [ 2] crysis_3\anm_smoke_07a * 341.1 : [ 2] crysis_3\anm_smoke_desat * 341.1 : [ 2] crysis_3\cumulus_02 * 341.1 : [ 2] crysis_3\fire_large_animated2 * 341.1 : [ 2] crysis_3\flamesheetlong1_red_cut * 341.1 : [ 2] crysis_3\smoke_side_animated * 341.1 : [ 2] perk_based_artefacts\semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\cumulus_02 * 341.1 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\acidic_mine\cumulus_02 * 341.1 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\cdf\cumulus_02 * 341.1 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\electra\cumulus_02 * 341.1 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\flash\cumulus_02 * 341.1 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\generators\cumulus_02 * 341.1 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gold\cumulus_02 * 341.1 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational\cumulus_02 * 341.1 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_average\cumulus_02 * 341.1 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_strong\cumulus_02 * 341.1 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\mefistotel\cumulus_02 * 341.1 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\no_gravity\cumulus_02 * 341.1 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\shatterpoint\cumulus_02 * 341.1 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\cumulus_02 * 341.1 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\thorn\cumulus_02 * 341.1 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\umbra\anm_smoke_desat * 341.1 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\wish_granter\cumulus_02 * 341.1 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\zharka\anm_smoke_07a * 341.1 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\zharka\cumulus_02 * 341.1 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\zones\thermal\anm_smoke_desat * 341.6 : [ 2] usable_items\banki\redbull\banka_1_redbull_diffuse * 345.4 : [ 3] usable_items\injectors\syringe * 364.2 : [ 2] usable_items\drinks\voda_paper * 384.1 : [ 3] shaders\lut_atlas * 384.1 : [ 1] ui\experience_framework\info\exp_logo * 468.9 : [ 1] amk\arts\mox * 468.9 : [ 1] arte\kashtan * 512.1 : [ 1] act\act_atach * 512.1 : [ 1] act\act_face_mask_22 * 512.1 : [ 1] act\act_face_mask_pl * 512.1 : [ 1] act\act_face_volk * 512.1 : [ 1] act\act_faction_badges_tfw * 512.1 : [ 1] act\act_faction_badges_tfw_2 * 512.1 : [ 1] act\act_h_melnik_bodyvoen * 512.1 : [ 1] act\act_mutant_boar_leg * 512.1 : [ 1] act\act_plat * 512.1 : [ 1] act\voen_1_krap_beret\znak_beret_ua * 512.1 : [ 2] amik\explosions\explosion_fuelcan\boom_1 * 512.1 : [ 2] amik\weapons\00 * 512.1 : [ 2] amik\weapons\grishik\45 * 512.1 : [ 2] amik\weapons\shells_ak * 512.1 : [ 1] amk\items\100 * 512.1 : [ 1] amk\items\500 * 512.1 : [ 1] amk\items\r10 * 512.1 : [ 2] farcry4\fire_puff_01 * 512.1 : [ 2] farcry4\metal_spark_02 * 512.1 : [ 2] farcry4\white_flare * 512.1 : [ 2] new_pfx\smoke_animated_2 * 512.1 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_explotions_3 * 512.1 : [ 2] pfx\r_pop\shells\12ga * 512.1 : [ 2] pfx\r_pop\shells\45acp * 512.1 : [ 2] pfx\r_pop\shells\545x39 * 512.1 : [ 2] pfx\r_pop\shells\556x45 * 512.1 : [ 2] pfx\r_pop\shells\762x39 * 512.1 : [ 2] pfx\r_pop\shells\762x51 * 512.1 : [ 2] pfx\r_pop\shells\762x54 * 512.1 : [ 2] pfx\r_pop\shells\9x19 * 512.1 : [ 2] pfx\r_pop\shells\9x39 * 512.1 : [ 2] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_shells3 * 512.1 : [ 1] sumka\sumka_4 * 512.1 : [ 2] tbstash\tbstsh10 * 512.1 : [ 2] tbstash\tbstsh11 * 512.1 : [ 2] tbstash\tbstsh9 * 512.1 : [ 1] ui\icons\ui_icon_western_goods_drinks_crepis * 512.1 : [ 1] ui\icons\ui_icon_western_goods_food_crepis * 512.1 : [ 1] ui\qaw_tab_categories * 512.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_achivments * 512.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_monsters_pda_2 * 512.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_newsmanager_icons * 512.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_icon_barrydevices * 512.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_icon_newmedkits * 512.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_maid_drinks * 512.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_maid_meds * 512.1 : [ 0] ui\ui_wheel_ammo * 512.1 : [ 2] unrealengine\lensflarered * 512.1 : [ 2] usable_items\conservi\eat_konserva * 512.1 : [ 2] usable_items\eat\eat_baton * 512.1 : [ 2] usable_items\eat\eat_kolbasa * 512.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_bolt * 512.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_okp_reticle_dynamic * 554.7 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_ligth_6 * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_tt33\wpn_tt33 * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_vss\wpn_vss * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_beretta\wpn_beretta92fs * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_colt1911\wpn_colt1911_classic * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_cz75\wpn_cz75 * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_pm\wpn_pm * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_sigp220\wpn_sig-p220 * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_walter99\wpn_walter99_grip * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_walter99\wpn_walter99_slide * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_gl\wpn_addon_gl_fng1 * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_fn2000new\wpn_fn2000new * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_fn2000new\wpn_fn2000new_scope * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_groza\wpn_groza * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_groza\wpn_groza_grenade_launcher * 682.2 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_metal * 682.2 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_ston * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_beretta\wpn_beretta92fs_grip * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_beretta\wpn_beretta92fs_grip_bump * 682.2 : [ 2] act\act_ca2 * 682.2 : [ 2] act\act_ca4 * 682.2 : [ 1] act\act_cat * 682.2 : [ 1] act\act_dog_red * 682.2 : [ 1] act\act_dogs_brown * 682.2 : [ 1] act\act_dogs_bulterer * 682.2 : [ 1] act\act_gasmask * 682.2 : [ 1] act\act_hunter_head * 682.2 : [ 1] act\act_mutant_boar * 682.2 : [ 1] act\act_mutant_boar_u * 682.2 : [ 1] act\act_plot * 682.2 : [ 1] act\act_plot_u * 682.2 : [ 2] act\act_pseudodog * 682.2 : [ 2] act\act_pseudodog1 * 682.2 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_nebo_1 * 682.2 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_nebo_2 * 682.2 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_sviter * 682.2 : [ 1] act\animals\act13_fox_rs * 682.2 : [ 1] act\corpses\act_stalker_sviter_10 * 682.2 : [ 1] act\corpses\act_stalker_sviter_2 * 682.2 : [ 1] act\corpses\act_stalker_sviter_6 * 682.2 : [ 1] act\csvars\act_nebo_b_rene * 682.2 : [ 1] act\dev4\tactical_helmet_nv_colour * 682.2 : [ 1] act\geruda\geruda03 * 682.2 : [ 1] act\voen_1_krap_beret\act_stalker_nebo_3 * 682.2 : [ 1] act\voen_1_krap_beret\ryki * 682.2 : [ 1] act\watchman\watchman * 682.2 : [ 1] bodies\it_organs_13rs * 682.2 : [ 2] fozest\smoke02 * 682.2 : [ 1] limbsmodels\limbs * 682.2 : [ 1] mtl\mtl_rja_iov_01 * 682.2 : [ 2] perk_based_artefacts\semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\electricblast1 * 682.2 : [ 2] perk_based_artefacts\semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\electricblast3 * 682.2 : [ 2] perk_based_artefacts\semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\gauss1 * 682.2 : [ 2] perk_based_artefacts\semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\gauss2 * 682.2 : [ 1] prop\prop_dangerbox_2 * 682.2 : [ 1] prop\prop_governmentbox_1 * 682.2 : [ 2] usable_items\water_flask\vodka_flask * 682.2 : [ 2] veh\veh_gaz66 * 682.2 : [ 1] wood\wood_board_01 * 682.2 : [ 1] wood\wood_jasik2 * 682.2 : [ 1] wood\wood_walls7 * 682.2 : [ 1] wood\wood_walls8 * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\arbiter_defender\tex_arbiter_defender_main * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\brenten\tex_brenten_alt_mag * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\brenten\tex_brenten_alt_main * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\brenten\tex_brenten_alt_pieces * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\brenten\tex_brenten_alt_slide * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\cadavver\striker12_mag01 * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\cadavver\striker12_receiver * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\cadavver\striker12_stock_standard * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\glock20\tex_g20 * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\mauser_c96\tex_mauser_c96_main * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\mp40\tex_mp40_main * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_colt1911\wpn_sw645 * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_desert_eagle\wpn_desert_eagle * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_fort12\wpn_fort12 * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_grach\wpn_grach * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_mp412\wpn_mp412 * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_pb\wpn_pb * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_usp45\wpn_usp45 * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_usp45\wpn_usp45_internal * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\rg6\rg6 * 682.2 : [ 2] wpn\stg_44\tex_stg_44_main * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_abakan * 682.2 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_cqbss * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_leupold_mark4_lr_65_20x50 * 682.2 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_mount_cqbss * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_gl\wpn_addon_grenade_launcher * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_gl\wpn_addon_grenade_launcher_m203 * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_scope_pso\wpn_addon_scope_pso-1m2-1 * 682.2 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_scope_pso\wpn_addon_scope_pso1 * 682.2 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_ak12\wpn_ak12 * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ak74\wpn_ak74 * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ak74\wpn_ak74_sk1 * 682.2 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_ak74m * 682.2 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_akm_body_diff * 682.2 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_akm_stock_diff * 682.2 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_aksu\wpn_aksu * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ash12\wpn_ash12 * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_gauss_comp * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ks23m_23x75 * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_lr300\wpn_lr300 * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_lr300\wpn_lr300_parts * 682.2 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_m203 * 682.2 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_ots14 * 682.2 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_ots14_addons * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_p220 * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_p220r * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_pkm\wpn_pkm * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_pkp\wpn_pkp_1 * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_pkp\wpn_pkp_2 * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ppsh41\eft_ppsh_receiver_d * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ppsh41\eft_ppsh_stock_d * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_remington_model_700_762x51 * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_rpg-7\wpn_rpg-7 * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_rpk16 * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_rpk\wpn_rpk_body * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_rpk\wpn_rpk_grips * 682.2 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_saiga_body * 682.2 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_saiga_reciever * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_saiga_stock * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scarl_parts2 * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_1pn93x4 * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_aimpoint * 682.2 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_scope_trijicon_rmr_diff * 682.2 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_sg550 * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_sig55x\wpn_sig550 * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_sig55x\wpn_sig550_sk1 * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_svd\wpn_svd_body * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_svd\wpn_svd_grips * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_toz-194\wpn_toz-194 * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_toz-34\wpn_toz-34 * 682.2 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_toz-34\wpn_toz-34_sk1 * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_toz-34\wpn_toz-34_sk2 * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_toz66\wpn_toz66 * 682.2 : [ 1] trees\trees_bark_a_02 * 682.2 : [ 3] act\act_stalker_soldier_2_bump# * 682.2 : [ 2] act\cod_bo2_exo_gloves * 682.2 : [ 2] act\cod_bo2_exo_gloves_bump * 682.2 : [ 2] act\cod_bo2_exo_gloves_bump# * 682.2 : [ 2] act\cod_bo2_nano_gloves * 682.2 : [ 2] act\cod_bo2_nano_gloves_bump * 682.2 : [ 2] act\cod_bo2_nano_gloves_bump# * 682.2 : [ 2] cinemavfx\smoke_burst_02 * 682.2 : [ 2] door\door_metal_02_bump * 682.2 : [ 2] door\door_metal_02_bump# * 682.2 : [ 2] ghost_particles\shells\r_pop\12ga * 682.2 : [ 1] mtl\mtl_angar_a_b_bump * 682.2 : [ 1] mtl\mtl_angar_a_b_bump# * 682.2 : [ 10] mtl\mtl_barrel_bump * 682.2 : [ 2] perk_based_artefacts\semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\smoke_burst_02 * 682.2 : [ 2] rwap\amb17rails_basecolor * 682.2 : [ 2] rwap\amb17rails_normalbump * 682.2 : [ 2] rwap\amb17rails_normalbump# * 682.2 : [ 2] rwap\mbus_basecolor * 682.2 : [ 2] rwap\mbus_normalbump * 682.2 : [ 2] rwap\mbus_normalbump# * 682.2 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\cdf\smoke_burst_02 * 682.2 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\smoke_burst_02 * 682.2 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\wish_granter\smoke_burst_02 * 682.2 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\zharka\blowingfire_fwd * 682.2 : [ 2] unrealengine\bigfire_fwd * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\at_nade\tex_at_nade_main * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\at_nade\tex_at_nade_main_bump * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\m870\m870_stock_sps * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_g36new_DSM_bump * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_svu\wpn_svu-a_bump * 682.2 : [ 2] crysis_3\smoke_roll_animated2 * 768.1 : [ 11] sky\af1_foggy\06-00 * 768.1 : [ 32] sky\af1_foggy\08-00 * 768.1 : [ 13] sky\af1_foggy\09-00 * 768.1 : [ 15] sky\af1_foggy\11-00 * 768.1 : [ 30] sky\af1_foggy\13-00 * 768.1 : [ 2] sky\sky_12_vibros_cube * 768.1 : [ 10] sky\sky_13_cube * 768.1 : [ 2] sky\sky_13_cube_night * 768.1 : [ 6] sky\sky_13_vibros_cube * 768.1 : [ 1] sky\sky_14_cube * 768.1 : [ 1] sky\sky_17_clouds_cube * 768.1 : [ 1] sky\sky_18_cube * 768.1 : [ 1] sky\sky_1_clouds_cube * 768.1 : [ 1] sky\sky_20_clouds_cube * 768.1 : [ 1] sky\sky_2_clouds_cube * 768.1 : [ 5] sky\sky_5_cube * 768.1 : [ 16] sky\sky_9_cube * 768.1 : [ 6] sky\swtc_clear\05-00 * 768.1 : [ 2] sky\swtc_cloudy_light\06-00-cloudy-dark * 768.1 : [ 3] sky\swtc_dark\06-00-cloudy-dark * 1024.1 : [ 1] act\act_mutant_boar_leg_bump * 1024.1 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_bandit11 * 1024.1 : [ 4] act\act_stalker_bandit_1_bump# * 1024.1 : [ 3] act\act_stalker_bandit_2_bump# * 1024.1 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_dolg_1_bump# * 1024.1 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_freedom_2_bump# * 1024.1 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_head_glass_02 * 1024.1 : [ 4] act\act_stalker_neutral_2_bump# * 1024.1 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_neutral_3_0 * 1024.1 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_neutral_8 * 1024.1 : [ 2] amik\explosions\decal_concrete * 1024.1 : [ 2] amik\explosions\explo_end * 1024.1 : [ 1] amik\explosions\explosion_fuelcan\boom_3 * 1024.1 : [ 2] amik\explosions\explosion_fuelcan\grey_xpl * 1024.1 : [ 1] anamflares\anam_flare01 * 1024.1 : [ 1] anamflares\flare_02 * 1024.1 : [ 1] anamflares\flare_10 * 1024.1 : [ 1] anamflares\flare_fleck_01 * 1024.1 : [ 2] cinemavfx\electra_new\elct_comp_x4_01_colgrad_01 * 1024.1 : [ 2] cinemavfx\electra_new\elct_comp_x4_03_colgrad_01 * 1024.1 : [ 2] cinemavfx\puff_00 * 1024.1 : [ 2] cinemavfx\smoke_burst_06 * 1024.1 : [ 2] farcry4\bullet_burst_01 * 1024.1 : [ 2] farcry4\dust_loop_02 * 1024.1 : [ 2] farcry4\water_splash_01 * 1024.1 : [ 2] farcry4\water_splash_02 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_1 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_2 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_3 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_4 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_5 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_6 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_7 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_white * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_white_blend * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_white_light * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_yellow_light * 1024.1 : [ 2] ghost_particles\smoke\smoke_loop_5x5 * 1024.1 : [ 1] item\item_glowstick_light * 1024.1 : [ 1] item\item_glowstick_lightcyan * 1024.1 : [ 1] item\western_goods_mags\wg_porn_mag_3\wg_porn_mag_3 * 1024.1 : [ 1] item\western_goods_mags\wg_strana_igr_mag_1\wg_strana_igr_mag_1 * 1024.1 : [ 2] jdude\blood1 * 1024.1 : [ 2] jdude\metalburst2 * 1024.1 : [ 2] jdude\newmuzzle\gauss3muzzle2 * 1024.1 : [ 2] jdude\newpuffs\puff01 * 1024.1 : [ 2] jdude\newpuffs\puff02 * 1024.1 : [ 2] jdude\newpuffs\puff03 * 1024.1 : [ 2] jdude\rain1 * 1024.1 : [ 2] jdude\rain2 * 1024.1 : [ 1] mp5lng_mod\wpn\1892\1892_1 * 1024.1 : [ 1] mp5lng_mod\wpn\1892\1892_2 * 1024.1 : [ 1] mp5lng_mod\wpn\1892\1892_3 * 1024.1 : [ 2] new_pfx\explosions\eplosion04_dxt5 * 1024.1 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_ani-explosion-02 * 1024.1 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_ani-explosion-02-b-a * 1024.1 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_ani-explosion-02a * 1024.1 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_explotions_2 * 1024.1 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_explotions_4 * 1024.1 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_explotions_smoke * 1024.1 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_explotions_smoke_benzine * 1024.1 : [ 2] shoker_mod\explosions\final_expl * 1024.1 : [ 351] sky\sky_oblaka * 1024.1 : [ 8] sky\sky_oblakasky\sky_oblaka * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\experience_framework\ui_icon_prestige * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\experience_framework\ui_menu_xpmult * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\experience_framework\ui_nls_target_bar * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\qaw_radial_menu * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\streamlined_icons * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_graff_32_1600 * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_letter_25_1600 * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_loot_interface * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_maid_food * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_npc_unique_4 * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_options_sliders * 1024.1 : [ 2] unrealengine\grdbasefire2_small * 1024.1 : [ 2] unrealengine\muzzlecloudsatlas * 1024.1 : [ 2] unrealengine\muzzlecloudsatlas4 * 1024.1 : [ 2] unrealengine\muzzleflash1 * 1024.1 : [ 2] unrealengine\muzzleflash4 * 1024.1 : [ 2] unrealengine\muzzleflash4var2 * 1024.1 : [ 2] unrealengine\muzzleflash5 * 1024.1 : [ 2] unrealengine\muzzleflash6 * 1024.1 : [ 2] unrealengine\muzzleflash_ember2 * 1024.1 : [ 2] unrealengine\muzzleflash_ember4 * 1024.1 : [ 2] unrealengine\muzzleflash_fire * 1024.1 : [ 2] usable_items\drinks\gerkules * 1024.1 : [ 2] usable_items\tabletki\drug_antidot\drug_antibio_sulfat_diffuse * 1024.1 : [ 2] usable_items\vodki\vodka_cmuphob * 1024.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_10 * 1024.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_2 * 1024.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_3 * 1024.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_4 * 1024.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_5 * 1024.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_7 * 1024.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_drop_0 * 1024.1 : [ 2] wpn\_anomaly_scopes_\sssr2 * 1024.1 : [ 1] wpn\m18\m18 * 1024.1 : [ 1] wpn\m18\m18_bump * 1024.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_crosshair_g36_black_alpha_b * 1024.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_crosshair_g36_dot * 1024.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_lfo_lens_bump * 1024.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_scope_ac10632_new\wpn_addon_scope_ac10632_crosshair_dot * 1024.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_crosshair_class * 1024.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_crosshair_ekp8_02_dynamic * 1024.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_crosshair_eotech_553_dynamic * 1024.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_crosshair_l85 * 1024.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_gauss\wpn_gauss_bump * 1024.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_gauss\wpn_gauss_bump# * 1024.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_gauss_bump * 1024.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_gauss_bump# * 1024.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_knife_nr40_bump# * 1024.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_upgrade_bump * 1024.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_upgrade_bump# * 1049.1 : [ 4] fx\fx_noise2 * 1285.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_smoke_b * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_tt33\wpn_tt33_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_vss\wpn_vss_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_beretta\wpn_beretta92fs_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_colt1911\wpn_colt1911_classic_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_cz75\wpn_cz75_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_pm\wpn_pm_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_sigp220\wpn_sig-p220_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_walter99\wpn_walter99_grip_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_walter99\wpn_walter99_slide_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_gl\wpn_addon_gl_fng1_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_fn2000new\wpn_fn2000new_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_fn2000new\wpn_fn2000new_scope_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_groza\wpn_groza_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_groza\wpn_groza_grenade_launcher_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] item\item_food * 1364.3 : [ 1] item\item_medkit * 1364.3 : [ 1] item\item_medkit_2 * 1364.3 : [ 1] item\item_medkit_3 * 1364.3 : [ 2] usable_items\bints\basic\bint_basic_diffuse * 1364.3 : [ 2] usable_items\bints\israeli\bint_israeli_diffuse * 1364.3 : [ 2] usable_items\vodki\vodka_hemupob * 1364.3 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_1 * 1364.3 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_drop_5 * 1364.3 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_drop_6 * 1364.3 : [ 1] wm\wm_grenade * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ppsh41\eft_ppsh_barrel_d * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ppsh41\eft_ppsh_d * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ppsh41\eft_ppsh_internals_d * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ppsh41\eft_ppsh_mag35_d * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_gauss_rifle * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_rpg_7 * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scar_main_tan * 1364.3 : [ 5] act\act_cat_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] act\act_dog_red_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] act\act_dogs_big_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] act\act_dogs_brown_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] act\act_dogs_bulterer_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] act\act_frog_3 * 1364.3 : [ 1] act\act_gasmask_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] act\act_mutant_boar_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] act\act_mutant_boar_u_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] act\act_plot_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] act\act_plot_u_bump * 1364.3 : [ 2] act\act_pseudodog_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] act\act_pseudodog_fur * 1364.3 : [ 1] act\act_pseudodog_fur1 * 1364.3 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_nebo_b_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_nebo_b_bump# * 1364.3 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_nebo_dolg_1 * 1364.3 : [ 1] act\altexos\act_stalker_neutral_4_darkermask * 1364.3 : [ 1] act\geruda\geruda03_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] act\pyat\pyat * 1364.3 : [ 1] act\pyat\pyat_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] act\pyat\pyat_wings * 1364.3 : [ 1] act\tarakan\tarakan * 1364.3 : [ 1] act\tarakan\tarakan_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] act\watchman\watchman_bump * 1364.3 : [ 2] cinemavfx\dirtburst_01 * 1364.3 : [ 2] cinemavfx\dirtburst_02 * 1364.3 : [ 2] cinemavfx\dirtburst_03 * 1364.3 : [ 2] cinemavfx\fireball_01 * 1364.3 : [ 2] cinemavfx\fireball_08_a * 1364.3 : [ 2] cinemavfx\smoke_burst_01 * 1364.3 : [ 2] cinemavfx\smoke_burst_03 * 1364.3 : [ 2] cinemavfx\smoke_burst_14 * 1364.3 : [ 4] detail\detail_fabric_det1 * 1364.3 : [ 2] detail\detail_fabric_det2 * 1364.3 : [ 2] detail\detail_fabtic_det1 * 1364.3 : [ 2] fallout4\smokecrawl01_anim_d * 1364.3 : [ 1] gamma\grizzly_detector\dev_grizzly_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] item\item_diolator_anomalous * 1364.3 : [ 1] item\item_diolator_anomalous_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] item\item_diolator_detector_1 * 1364.3 : [ 1] item\item_diolator_detector_2 * 1364.3 : [ 1] item\item_diolator_detector_2_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] item\item_diolator_detector_3 * 1364.3 : [ 2] item\item_diolator_detector_3_bump * 1364.3 : [ 2] item\item_diolator_detector_4 * 1364.3 : [ 1] item\item_diolator_radio * 1364.3 : [ 1] item\item_diolator_radio_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] item\item_emissions * 1364.3 : [ 1] items\plants * 1364.3 : [ 2] molotov\barry_bottle * 1364.3 : [ 2] molotov\barry_bottle_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] mp5lng_mod\wpn\ot14\ot14_4 * 1364.3 : [ 1] mp5lng_mod\wpn\ot14\ot14_4_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] mtl\mtl_rja_iov_01_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] mtl\mtl_rja_iov_01_bump# * 1364.3 : [ 1] new_axe\axe_new_base * 1364.3 : [ 1] new_axe\axe_new_base_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] new_shovel\shovel_metal * 1364.3 : [ 2] new_shovel\shovel_metal_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] new_shovel\shovel_mili_metal * 1364.3 : [ 1] new_shovel\shovel_sharp_metal * 1364.3 : [ 2] perk_based_artefacts\semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\electricblast2 * 1364.3 : [ 2] perk_based_artefacts\semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\flare_blue_v1 * 1364.3 : [ 2] perk_based_artefacts\semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\portal_8x8_v1 * 1364.3 : [ 2] perk_based_artefacts\semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\portal_8x8_v1_4096 * 1364.3 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_ani-fire01 * 1364.3 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_yawm_flake_grid * 1364.3 : [ 2] prop\prop_blind01 * 1364.3 : [ 2] prop\prop_dangerbox_2_bump * 1364.3 : [ 2] prop\prop_dangerbox_2_bump# * 1364.3 : [ 2] rwap\AK_custom_rest_Normalbump * 1364.3 : [ 2] rwap\AK_custom_rest_Normalbump# * 1364.3 : [ 2] rwap\ak_custom_rest_basecolor * 1364.3 : [ 2] rwap\amb17_basecolor * 1364.3 : [ 2] rwap\amb17_normalbump * 1364.3 : [ 2] rwap\amb17_normalbump# * 1364.3 : [ 2] rwap\amb17handguard_basecolor * 1364.3 : [ 2] rwap\amb17handguard_normalbump * 1364.3 : [ 2] rwap\amb17handguard_normalbump# * 1364.3 : [ 2] rwap\holosunls117g_basecolor * 1364.3 : [ 2] rwap\holosunls117g_normalbump * 1364.3 : [ 2] rwap\holosunls117g_normalbump# * 1364.3 : [ 2] rwap\magazine_545_basecolor * 1364.3 : [ 2] rwap\magazine_545_normalbump * 1364.3 : [ 2] rwap\magazine_545_normalbump# * 1364.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\cdf\electricblast3 * 1364.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\electra\electricblast1 * 1364.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\electra\electricblast2_blue * 1364.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\electra\electricblast3 * 1364.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\electra\electricblast3_2k * 1364.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\electra\gauss1 * 1364.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\generators\electricblast2 * 1364.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\generators\electricblast2_blue * 1364.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\generators\electricblast3_2k * 1364.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_average\bloodburst03_var5 * 1364.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_average\bloodburst07_var4 * 1364.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_strong\bloodburst03_var5 * 1364.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gravitational_strong\bloodburst07_var4 * 1364.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\mefistotel\darkness_core_distort_4k_v2 * 1364.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\mefistotel\shockwave_1 * 1364.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\mefistotel\shockwave_2 * 1364.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\mefistotel\sphere_something_4096_v1 * 1364.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\point\electricblast1 * 1364.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\point\electricblast2 * 1364.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\point\sphere_something_4096_v2 * 1364.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\electricblast1 * 1364.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\electricblast2 * 1364.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\electricblast3 * 1364.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\flare_blue_v1 * 1364.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\gauss1 * 1364.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\gauss2 * 1364.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\portal_8x8_v1 * 1364.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\portal_8x8_v1_4096 * 1364.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\thorn\flare_blue_v1 * 1364.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\thorn\flare_gray_v1 * 1364.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\umbra\darkness_core_4k_v1 * 1364.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\wish_granter\electricblast3 * 1364.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\zharka\bonefire3 * 1364.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\zharka\bonefire3_1 * 1364.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\zharka\bonefirethin * 1364.3 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\zharka\grdbasefire_supernova * 1364.3 : [ 1] ston\ston_floor_04 * 1364.3 : [ 1] ston\ston_floor_04_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] ston\ston_floor_04_bump# * 1364.3 : [ 2] usable_items\injectors\cigar1 * 1364.3 : [ 2] usable_items\injectors\lucky * 1364.3 : [ 2] usable_items\injectors\marllboro * 1364.3 : [ 2] usable_items\injectors\petr1 * 1364.3 : [ 2] usable_items\injectors\slava * 1364.3 : [ 2] usable_items\injectors\zvezda * 1364.3 : [ 2] usable_items\water_flask\water_flask * 1364.3 : [ 2] usable_items\water_flask\water_flask_bump * 1364.3 : [ 2] veh\veh_uaz_2_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wood\wood_board_01_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wood\wood_board_01_bump# * 1364.3 : [ 1] wood\wood_box * 1364.3 : [ 1] wood\wood_box_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wood\wood_box_bump# * 1364.3 : [ 1] wood\wood_table_01 * 1364.3 : [ 2] wood\wood_table_01_bump * 1364.3 : [ 2] wood\wood_table_01_bump# * 1364.3 : [ 1] wood\wood_table_02 * 1364.3 : [ 1] wood\wood_walls7_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wood\wood_walls8_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\CADAVVER\Striker12_Mag01_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\CADAVVER\Striker12_Receiver_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\CADAVVER\Striker12_Stock_Standard_bump * 1364.3 : [ 2] wpn\amd1\tex_amd * 1364.3 : [ 2] wpn\amd1\tex_amd_bump * 1364.3 : [ 2] wpn\amd1\tex_amd_sling * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\arbiter_defender\tex_arbiter_defender_main_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\delisle\tex_delisle_main * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\delisle\tex_delisle_main_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\ksuper_j\tex_ksuper_j_attachments * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\ksuper_j\tex_ksuper_j_attachments_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\ksuper_j\tex_ksuper_j_main * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\ksuper_j\tex_ksuper_j_main_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\kukri\weapon_united_cutlery_m48_kukri * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\kukri\weapon_united_cutlery_m48_kukri_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\m67\tex_m67_main * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\asval\asval_receiver_def * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\m870\m870_receiver_parts * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\mp5\mp5 * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\maid_ports\spas12\spas12_receiver_parts * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\mauser_c96\tex_mauser_c96_main_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\mp40\tex_mp40_mag * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\mp40\tex_mp40_mag_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\mp40\tex_mp40_main_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_beretta\wpn_beretta92fs_bump# * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_colt1911\wpn_sw645_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_desert_eagle\wpn_desert_eagle_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_fort12\wpn_fort12_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_fort12\wpn_fort12_bump# * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_grach\wpn_grach_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_mp412\wpn_mp412_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_pb\wpn_pb_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_usp45\wpn_usp45_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_usp45\wpn_usp45_internal_bump * 1364.3 : [ 2] wpn\rem_7614\tex_rem_7614_1 * 1364.3 : [ 2] wpn\rem_7614\tex_rem_7614_1_bump * 1364.3 : [ 2] wpn\rem_7614\tex_rem_7614_2 * 1364.3 : [ 2] wpn\rem_7614\tex_rem_7614_2_bump * 1364.3 : [ 2] wpn\rem_7614\tex_rem_7614_3 * 1364.3 : [ 2] wpn\rem_7614\tex_rem_7614_3_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\rg6\rg6_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\rg6\rg6_bump# * 1364.3 : [ 2] wpn\rom_aks\tex_romak_body1 * 1364.3 : [ 2] wpn\stg_44\tex_stg_44_main_bump * 1364.3 : [ 2] wpn\tantal88\tex_tantal_b * 1364.3 : [ 2] wpn\tantal88\tex_tantal_b_bump * 1364.3 : [ 2] wpn\tantal88\tex_tantal_stock * 1364.3 : [ 2] wpn\tantal88\tex_tantal_stock_bump * 1364.3 : [ 2] wpn\type56\tex_type56_1 * 1364.3 : [ 2] wpn\type56\tex_type56_2 * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\type56_2\tex_type562_body1 * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\type56_2\tex_type562_body2 * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_abakan_bump * 1364.3 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_cqbss_bump * 1364.3 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_mount_cqbss_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_gl\wpn_addon_grenade_launcher_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_gl\wpn_addon_grenade_launcher_m203_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_scope_pso\wpn_addon_scope_pso-1m2-1_bump * 1364.3 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_scope_pso\wpn_addon_scope_pso1_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addons\wpn_addon_scope_susat\wpn_addon_scope_susat_bump * 1364.3 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_ak12\wpn_ak12_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ak12\wpn_ak14 * 1364.3 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_ak74\wpn_ak74_bump * 1364.3 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_ak74m_bump * 1364.3 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_ak74m_bump# * 1364.3 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_aksu\wpn_aksu_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ash12\wpn_ash12_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_g36new_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_g36new_handguard_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_gauss_comp_bump * 1364.3 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_h1_ak47_handguard_2_bump * 1364.3 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_h1_ak47_handguard_2_bump# * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_l85\wpn_l85_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_lr300\wpn_lr300_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_lr300\wpn_lr300_parts_bump * 1364.3 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_m203_bump * 1364.3 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_m203_bump# * 1364.3 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_mag_5x45_45rnd_backelite * 1364.3 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_mag_5x45_45rnd_backelite_bump * 1364.3 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_ots14_addons_bump * 1364.3 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_ots14_addons_bump# * 1364.3 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_ots14_bump * 1364.3 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_ots14_bump# * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_pkm\wpn_pkm_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_pkp\wpn_pkp_1_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_pkp\wpn_pkp_2_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ppsh41\eft_ppsh_receiver_d_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ppsh41\eft_ppsh_stock_d_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_rpg-7\wpn_rpg-7_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_rpk\wpn_rpk_body_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_rpk\wpn_rpk_grips_bump * 1364.3 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_scope_trijicon_rmr_bump * 1364.3 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_sg550_bump * 1364.3 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_sg550_bump# * 1364.3 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_sig55x\wpn_sig550_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_svd\wpn_svd_body_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_svd\wpn_svd_grips_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_toz-194\wpn_toz-194_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_toz-34\wpn_toz-34_bump * 1364.3 : [ 3] wpn\wpn_toz-34\wpn_toz-34_sk1_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_toz66\wpn_toz66_bump * 1364.3 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_winchester * 1364.3 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_winchester_bump * 1364.3 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_winchester_bump# * 1364.3 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_winchester_upgrades * 1364.3 : [ 2] wpn\zastavam70\tex_zastavam70_bodyakm * 1364.3 : [ 2] wpn\zastavam70\tex_zastavam70_bodyc * 1364.3 : [ 2] wpn\zastavam70\tex_zastavam70_bodyd * 1364.4 : [ 1] trees\trees_bark_a_02_bump * 1364.4 : [ 1] trees\trees_bark_a_02_bump# * 1364.4 : [ 2] crysis_3\around * 1364.4 : [ 2] crysis_3\fireball_anim_a * 1364.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\cdf\around * 1364.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\flash\around * 1364.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\gold\around * 1364.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\mefistotel\around * 1364.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\point\around * 1364.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\thorn\around * 1364.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\umbra\around * 1364.4 : [ 2] semitone\anomalies\wish_granter\around * 1876.7 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_88 * 1877.4 : [ 2] glow\glow_fire1 * 2048.1 : [ 1] act\act_dogs_big * 2048.1 : [ 1] act\altexos\act_stalker_neutral4a * 2048.1 : [ 1] act\voen_1_krap_beret\color_marine_body_1 * 2048.1 : [ 1] act\voen_1_krap_beret\tex_0037_1_1 * 2048.1 : [ 2] cinemavfx\fireball_04_a * 2048.1 : [ 2] cinemavfx\fireball_05_a * 2048.1 : [ 2] cinemavfx\smoke_burst_05 * 2048.1 : [ 2] cinemavfx\water_new\splash_01 * 2048.1 : [ 2] ghost_particles\shells\r_pop\545x39 * 2048.1 : [ 2] ghost_particles\shells\r_pop\9x19 * 2048.1 : [ 2] ghost_particles\shells\r_pop\9x39 * 2048.1 : [ 2] ghost_particles\shells\shell_762x39 * 2048.1 : [ 2] ghost_particles\shells\shell_9x18 * 2048.1 : [ 1] item\experience_framework\potions\genericpotion01 * 2048.1 : [ 1] ui\holod * 2048.1 : [ 1] ui\new_tasks_addon_icons * 2048.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_icon_exoseva * 2048.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_icon_lootboxes * 2048.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_izverg * 2048.1 : [ 2] unrealengine\bigfire_fwd2 * 2048.1 : [ 2] unrealengine\bigfire_fwd3 * 2048.1 : [ 2] unrealengine\blowingfire_fwd * 2048.1 : [ 2] unrealengine\blowingfire_fwd2 * 2048.1 : [ 2] unrealengine\bonfire\blowingfire_fwd * 2048.1 : [ 2] unrealengine\bonfire\blowingfireb_fwd * 2048.1 : [ 2] unrealengine\bonfire\bonefire2_boargrill * 2048.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_g36new_dsm * 2348.3 : [ 1] flashbang_basecolor * 2559.2 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist3 * 2728.7 : [ 2] act\exos\act_arm_1_exo * 2728.7 : [ 2] act\new_hands\sviter\sviter * 2728.7 : [ 2] usable_items\conservi\mre * 2728.7 : [ 2] veh\veh_avtobus_laz * 2728.7 : [ 2] veh\veh_uaz_2 * 2728.7 : [ 3] veh\veh_uazik_new * 2728.7 : [ 3] veh\veh_zil * 2728.7 : [ 1] wpn\arti\wpn_ammo_boxes_1 * 2728.7 : [ 1] wpn\arti\wpn_ammo_boxes_2 * 2728.7 : [ 1] wpn\arti\wpn_ammo_boxes_3 * 2728.7 : [ 1] wpn\pistols\wpn_hpsa\wpn_hpsa_bump * 2728.7 : [ 2] act\New_hands\bare_hands\hand_bump * 2728.7 : [ 2] act\new_hands\bare_hands\hand * 2728.7 : [ 1] mtl\mtl_angar_a_b * 2728.7 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_barrel_01 * 2728.7 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_barrel_02 * 2728.7 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_barrel_03 * 2728.7 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_barrel_04 * 2728.7 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_barrel_05 * 2876.3 : [ 1] item\item_foto1 * 3072.1 : [ 2] perk_based_artefacts\semitone\anomalies\spatial_bubble\graviblast1orangecut * 3072.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_a_partly\00-00-fm * 3072.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_a_partly\02-00-hm * 3072.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_a_partly\03-00-fm * 3072.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_a_partly\23-00-fm * 3072.1 : [ 42] sky\af3_rainy\05-00- * 3072.1 : [ 15] sky\af3_rainy\07-00 * 3072.1 : [ 44] sky\af3_rainy\09-00_19-00 * 3072.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_rainy\16-00 * 3072.1 : [ 113] sky\af3_rainy\20-00 * 3072.1 : [ 1] sky\cgim_cloudy3\06-00 * 3072.1 : [ 4] sky\cgim_cloudy3\07-00 * 3072.1 : [ 3] sky\cgim_cloudy4\19-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\cgim_cloudy4\20-00 * 3072.1 : [ 3] sky\cgim_cloudy_dark\18-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\expedition_rain\09-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\expedition_rain\10-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\expedition_rain\11-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\expedition_rain\12-00 * 3072.1 : [ 6] sky\expedition_rain\13-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\expedition_rain\14-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\expedition_rain\15-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\expedition_rain\16-00 * 3072.1 : [ 4] sky\expedition_rain\17-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\expedition_rain\18-00 * 3072.1 : [ 4] sky\shi_def_dark\shinoda_morning_1 * 3072.1 : [ 5] sky\shi_def_rain\shinoda_morning_2 * 3072.1 : [ 1] sky\sky_dark\dark_19 * 3072.1 : [ 45] sky\swtc_clear\00-00-fm * 3072.1 : [ 53] sky\swtc_clear\01-00-fm * 3072.1 : [ 1] sky\swtc_clear\02-00-fm * 3072.1 : [ 1] sky\swtc_clear\03-00-fm * 3072.1 : [ 1] sky\swtc_clear\04-00-fm * 3072.1 : [ 12] sky\swtc_clear\04-30 * 3072.1 : [ 7] sky\swtc_clear\06-00 * 3072.1 : [ 3] sky\swtc_clear\06-30 * 3072.1 : [ 3] sky\swtc_clear\07-00 * 3072.1 : [ 6] sky\swtc_clear\08-00 * 3072.1 : [ 7] sky\swtc_clear\09-00 * 3072.1 : [ 4] sky\swtc_clear\10-00 * 3072.1 : [ 7] sky\swtc_clear\11-00 * 3072.1 : [ 6] sky\swtc_clear\12-00 * 3072.1 : [ 5] sky\swtc_clear\13-00 * 3072.1 : [ 5] sky\swtc_clear\14-00 * 3072.1 : [ 6] sky\swtc_clear\15-00 * 3072.1 : [ 6] sky\swtc_clear\16-00 * 3072.1 : [ 7] sky\swtc_clear\17-00 * 3072.1 : [ 10] sky\swtc_clear\18-00 * 3072.1 : [ 13] sky\swtc_clear\19-00 * 3072.1 : [ 3] sky\swtc_clear\20-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\swtc_clear\20-30 * 3072.1 : [ 5] sky\swtc_clear\21-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\swtc_clear\22-00-fm * 3072.1 : [ 1] sky\swtc_clear\23-00-fm * 3072.1 : [ 3] sky\swtc_clear_alt\05-00 * 3072.1 : [ 15] sky\swtc_clear_alt\06-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\swtc_clear_alt\07-00 * 3072.1 : [ 3] sky\swtc_clear_alt\08-00 * 3072.1 : [ 6] sky\swtc_clear_alt\10-00 * 3072.1 : [ 3] sky\swtc_clear_alt\11-00 * 3072.1 : [ 6] sky\swtc_clear_alt\13-00 * 3072.1 : [ 5] sky\swtc_clear_alt\14-00 * 3072.1 : [ 8] sky\swtc_clear_alt\15-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\swtc_clear_alt\16-00 * 3072.1 : [ 4] sky\swtc_clear_alt\17-00 * 3072.1 : [ 11] sky\swtc_clear_alt\18-00 * 3072.1 : [ 4] sky\swtc_clear_alt\19-00 * 3072.1 : [ 6] sky\swtc_clear_alt\20-00 * 3072.1 : [ 8] sky\swtc_clear_alt\20-30 * 3072.1 : [ 3] sky\swtc_cloudy_light\17-00-cloudy-light * 3072.1 : [ 9] sky\swtc_cloudy_light\19-00-cloudy-light-rain * 3072.1 : [ 1] sky\swtc_cloudy_light\20-00-cloudy-light * 3072.1 : [ 12] sky\swtc_cloudy_light\20-30-cloudy-light * 3072.1 : [ 18] sky\swtc_cloudy_light\21-00-cloudy-light * 3072.1 : [ 5] sky\swtc_dark\05-00-storm * 3072.1 : [ 6] sky\swtc_dark\07-00-cloudy-light-rain * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\swtc_dark\09-00-cloudy-dark-rain * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\swtc_dark\10-00-cloudy-light-rain * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\swtc_dark\11-00-storm * 3072.1 : [ 6] sky\swtc_dark\13-00-cloudy-dark * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\swtc_dark\15-00-storm * 3072.1 : [ 38] sky\swtc_dark\16-00-storm * 3072.1 : [ 3] sky\swtc_dark\17-00-storm * 3072.1 : [ 44] sky\swtc_dark\18-00-cloudy-light-rain * 3072.1 : [ 15] sky\swtc_dark\19-00-storm * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\swtc_dark\19-30-storm * 3072.1 : [ 8] sky\swtc_dark\20-00-storm * 3072.1 : [ 1] sky\swtc_dark\21-00-storm * 3072.1 : [ 14] sky\swtc_storm\08-00-storm * 3072.1 : [ 7] sky\swtc_storm\09-00-storm * 3072.1 : [ 11] sky\swtc_storm\10-00-storm * 3072.1 : [ 1] sky\swtc_storm\14-00-storm * 3072.1 : [ 3] sky\swtc_storm\15-00-storm * 3072.1 : [ 1] sky\swtc_storm\17-00-storm * 3072.1 : [ 2] usable_items\drinks\gerkules_dop * 3072.1 : [ 2] usable_items\eat\eat_chease * 3410.9 : [ 1] gamma\grizzly_detector\dev_grizzly * 4096.1 : [ 2] botz\bloodburst07_var4 * 4096.1 : [ 2] cinemavfx\debris_huge_burst_01 * 4096.1 : [ 2] cinemavfx\debris_new\debris_burst_01_x16_optimized * 4096.1 : [ 2] cinemavfx\debris_new\debris_burst_02_x16_optimized * 4096.1 : [ 2] cinemavfx\debris_new\debris_burst_03_x16_optimized * 4096.1 : [ 2] cinemavfx\debris_new\sq_particlesflying1_3 * 4096.1 : [ 2] cinemavfx\debris_new\sq_particlesflying2_3 * 4096.1 : [ 2] cinemavfx\debris_new\sq_particlesflying3_3 * 4096.1 : [ 2] cinemavfx\electra_new\electra_sparks_sheet_01 * 4096.1 : [ 2] cinemavfx\fireball_03_a * 4096.1 : [ 2] cinemavfx\fireball_06_a * 4096.1 : [ 2] cinemavfx\fireball_07 * 4096.1 : [ 2] cinemavfx\fireball_08 * 4096.1 : [ 2] cinemavfx\smoke_burst_07 * 4096.1 : [ 2] cinemavfx\smoke_groundlevel_01 * 4096.1 : [ 2] cinemavfx\smoke_groundlevel_02 * 4096.1 : [ 2] cinemavfx\smokeball_01 * 4096.1 : [ 2] fallout4\debrisburst01 * 4096.1 : [ 2] fallout4\smallsplashatlas * 4096.1 : [ 2] fallout4\smokecrawl01_anim_d_opaq * 4096.1 : [ 2] farcry4\dust_wisp_big_01 * 4096.1 : [ 2] farcry4\fireball_explosion_01_no_smoke * 4096.1 : [ 2] farcry4\fireball_explosion_02_no_smoke * 4096.1 : [ 2] farcry4\fireball_explosion_03 * 4096.1 : [ 2] farcry4\water_splash_04 * 4096.1 : [ 2] fx\fx_sun * 4096.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_sun_fog * 4096.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_sun_morning * 4096.1 : [ 1] item\experience_framework\potions\genericpotion01_bump * 4096.1 : [ 1] item\experience_framework\potions\genericpotion01_bump# * 4096.1 : [ 1] item\western_goods_food\wg_toblerone\wg_toblerone * 4096.1 : [ 2] jdude\bodypuff1 * 4096.1 : [ 2] jdude\bodypuff2 * 4096.1 : [ 2] jdude\metalburst1_var4 * 4096.1 : [ 2] jdude\newblood\bloodburst01_var5 * 4096.1 : [ 2] jdude\newblood\bloodburst07_var4 * 4096.1 : [ 2] jdude\sparks1 * 4096.1 : [ 1] shaders\gasmasks\mask_nm_1 * 4096.1 : [ 1] shaders\gasmasks\mask_nm_10 * 4096.1 : [ 1] shaders\gasmasks\mask_nm_2 * 4096.1 : [ 1] shaders\gasmasks\mask_nm_3 * 4096.1 : [ 1] shaders\gasmasks\mask_nm_4 * 4096.1 : [ 1] shaders\gasmasks\mask_nm_5 * 4096.1 : [ 1] shaders\gasmasks\mask_nm_6 * 4096.1 : [ 1] shaders\gasmasks\mask_nm_7 * 4096.1 : [ 1] shaders\gasmasks\mask_nm_8 * 4096.1 : [ 1] shaders\gasmasks\mask_nm_9 * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\experience_framework\baseskillspack\ui_icons_baseskillspack * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\experience_framework\ui_menu_debug * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\experience_framework\ui_menu_elements * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\experience_framework\ui_menu_main * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\experience_framework\ui_menu_options * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\experience_framework\ui_menu_skills * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\experience_framework\ui_menu_tasks * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\experience_framework\ui_menu_traits * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\m67_icon * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\remade_icons_shotguns * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\remade_swpack * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_mp_screen * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_multiplayer_background * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_multiplayer_game_menu * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_sleep_screen * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_common * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_graff_50_1600 * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_icon_news_trx * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_icon_stickgrenade * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_icons_ak15 * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_icons_milpda * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_ingame2_common * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_maid_ammo * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\wpn_knife_icon * 4096.1 : [ 2] unrealengine\bonfire\bonefire * 4096.1 : [ 2] unrealengine\bonfire\bonefire3 * 4096.1 : [ 2] unrealengine\bonfire\bonefire_fwd2 * 4096.1 : [ 2] unrealengine\bonfire\bonefirethin * 4096.1 : [ 2] unrealengine\bonfire\grdbasefire2_small * 4096.1 : [ 2] unrealengine\firey_smoke_01_e * 4096.1 : [ 2] unrealengine\grdbasefire2_bright * 4096.1 : [ 2] unrealengine\grdbasefire4_fwd * 4096.1 : [ 2] unrealengine\grdbasefire_bright * 4096.1 : [ 2] unrealengine\optimized\muzzleoptimized1 * 4096.1 : [ 2] unrealengine\optimized\muzzleoptimized2 * 4096.1 : [ 2] unrealengine\optimized\muzzleoptimized3 * 4096.1 : [ 2] unrealengine\rockshd * 4096.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_11 * 4096.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_12 * 4096.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_6 * 4096.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_8 * 4096.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_9 * 4096.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_drop_1 * 4096.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_drop_2 * 4096.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_drop_3 * 4096.1 : [ 2] wpn\rpk74anomaly\tex_0005_3 * 4096.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_crosshair_f2000_integrated * 4096.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_crosshair_g36 * 4096.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_crosshair_gauss * 4096.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_g36new * 4096.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_g36new_handguard * 4096.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_h1_ak47_handguard_2 * 4096.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_l85\wpn_l85 * 4096.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_stielhandgranate\wpn_stielhandgranate * 4096.2 : [ 11] sky\af3_a_clear\04-30 * 4096.2 : [ 15] sky\af3_a_clear\05-00 * 4096.2 : [ 2] sky\af3_a_clear\05-30 * 4096.2 : [ 9] sky\af3_a_clear\06-00 * 4096.2 : [ 9] sky\af3_a_clear\07-00 * 4096.2 : [ 7] sky\af3_a_clear\08-00 * 4096.2 : [ 10] sky\af3_a_clear\09-00 * 4096.2 : [ 7] sky\af3_a_clear\10-00 * 4096.2 : [ 7] sky\af3_a_clear\11-00 * 4096.2 : [ 7] sky\af3_a_clear\12-00 * 4096.2 : [ 9] sky\af3_a_clear\13-00 * 4096.2 : [ 8] sky\af3_a_clear\14-00 * 4096.2 : [ 8] sky\af3_a_clear\15-00 * 4096.2 : [ 8] sky\af3_a_clear\16-00 * 4096.2 : [ 11] sky\af3_a_clear\17-00 * 4096.2 : [ 9] sky\af3_a_clear\18-00 * 4096.2 : [ 11] sky\af3_a_clear\19-00 * 4096.2 : [ 11] sky\af3_a_clear\20-00 * 4096.2 : [ 4] sky\af3_a_clear\20-30 * 4096.2 : [ 11] sky\af3_a_clear\21-00 * 4096.2 : [ 6] sky\af3_a_cloudy\05-00 * 4096.2 : [ 23] sky\af3_a_cloudy\06-00 * 4096.2 : [ 22] sky\af3_a_cloudy\07-00 * 4096.2 : [ 46] sky\af3_a_cloudy\08-00 * 4096.2 : [ 70] sky\af3_a_cloudy\09-00 * 4096.2 : [ 31] sky\af3_a_cloudy\10-00 * 4096.2 : [ 27] sky\af3_a_cloudy\11-00 * 4096.2 : [ 17] sky\af3_a_cloudy\12-00 * 4096.2 : [ 25] sky\af3_a_cloudy\13-00 * 4096.2 : [ 25] sky\af3_a_cloudy\14-00 * 4096.2 : [ 23] sky\af3_a_cloudy\15-00 * 4096.2 : [ 25] sky\af3_a_cloudy\16-00 * 4096.2 : [ 31] sky\af3_a_cloudy\17-00 * 4096.2 : [ 86] sky\af3_a_cloudy\18-00 * 4096.2 : [ 17] sky\af3_a_cloudy\19-00 * 4096.2 : [ 7] sky\af3_a_cloudy\20-00 * 4096.2 : [ 2] sky\af3_a_partly\04-30 * 4096.2 : [ 4] sky\af3_a_partly\05-00 * 4096.2 : [ 6] sky\af3_a_partly\05-30 * 4096.2 : [ 6] sky\af3_a_partly\06-00 * 4096.2 : [ 3] sky\af3_a_partly\07-00 * 4096.2 : [ 3] sky\af3_a_partly\08-00 * 4096.2 : [ 3] sky\af3_a_partly\09-00 * 4096.2 : [ 3] sky\af3_a_partly\10-00 * 4096.2 : [ 5] sky\af3_a_partly\11-00 * 4096.2 : [ 8] sky\af3_a_partly\13-00 * 4096.2 : [ 2] sky\af3_a_partly\14-00 * 4096.2 : [ 26] sky\af3_a_partly\16-00 * 4096.2 : [ 5] sky\af3_a_partly\17-00 * 4096.2 : [ 4] sky\af3_a_partly\18-00 * 4096.2 : [ 9] sky\af3_a_partly\19-00 * 4096.2 : [ 8] sky\af3_a_partly\20-00 * 4096.2 : [ 3] sky\af3_a_partly\20-30 * 4096.2 : [ 17] sky\af3_a_partly\21-30 * 4096.2 : [ 1] sky\af_a_partly\01-00-hm * 4096.2 : [ 3] sky\foggy_cgim\04-30#small * 4096.2 : [ 8] sky\foggy_cgim\05-00#small * 4096.2 : [ 1] sky\foggy_cgim\06-00#small * 4096.2 : [ 19] sky\swtc_clear_alt\03-00 * 4096.2 : [ 4] sky\swtc_clear_alt\04-00 * 4180.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_19 * 4610.6 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_flame_01 * 5457.3 : [ 2] fozest\small_fire_looped10x4 * 5457.3 : [ 2] act\New_hands\sviter\sviter_bump * 5457.3 : [ 2] act\exos\act_arm_1_exo_bump * 5457.3 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_yawm_snowflakes_light * 5457.3 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_yawm_snowflakes_light_02 * 5457.3 : [ 1] veh\veh_avtobus_laz_fire_bump * 5457.3 : [ 2] wpn\higgins\tex_higgins_main * 5457.3 : [ 2] wpn\higgins\tex_higgins_main_bump * 5457.3 : [ 1] act\raven\raven_body * 5457.3 : [ 1] act\raven\raven_feather * 6144.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy_3\06 * 6144.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy_3\13 * 6144.1 : [ 3] sky\cloudy_3\14 * 6144.1 : [ 5] sky\cloudy_3\19 * 6144.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy_3\21 * 6144.1 : [ 3] sky\foggy_cgim\04-30 * 6144.1 : [ 8] sky\foggy_cgim\05-00 * 6144.1 : [ 1] sky\foggy_cgim\06-00 * 6144.1 : [ 2] sky\sky_dark_new\05-00-cloudy-dark * 6144.1 : [ 8] sky\sky_dark_new\06-00-cloudy-dark * 6144.1 : [ 2] sky\sky_dark_new\13-00 * 6144.1 : [ 2] sky\sky_dark_new\14-00-cloudy-dark * 6144.1 : [ 7] sky\sky_dark_new\cloudy_dark * 6144.1 : [ 6] sky\sky_dark_new\cloudy_dark2 * 6144.1 : [ 33] sky\skygod_night\cloudy_00-00 * 6144.1 : [ 67] sky\skygod_night\foggy_00-00 * 6824.5 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist9 * 7427.6 : [ 1] sap\sap_fire_loop_00 * 8100.0 : [ 1] ui\ui_mm_saves * 8100.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_trade_background * 8192.1 : [ 1] ui\458socom_ammo_icons * 8192.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_hint_wnd * 8192.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_crepis_helmetless * 8192.1 : [ 1] ui\wpn_maid_ports * 10387.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_teleport * 12288.1 : [ 6] sky\af3_blowout\blowout1 * 12288.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout1_1 * 12288.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout2 * 12288.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout2_night * 12288.1 : [ 3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3 * 12288.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_1 * 12288.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_1_night * 12288.1 : [ 3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_2 * 12288.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_2_night * 12288.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_3 * 12288.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_3_night * 12288.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_night * 12288.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4 * 12288.1 : [ 3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_1 * 12288.1 : [ 3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_1_night * 12288.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_night * 12288.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5 * 12288.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5_night * 12288.1 : [ 7] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5psi * 12288.1 : [ 7] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5psi_night * 12288.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout6 * 12288.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout6_night * 12288.1 : [ 3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout7 * 12288.1 : [ 4] sky\af3_blowout\blowout7_night * 12288.1 : [ 14] sky\af3_foggy\06-00 * 12288.1 : [ 14] sky\af3_foggy\07-00 * 12288.1 : [ 3] sky\af3_foggy\09-00 * 12288.1 : [ 58] sky\af3_foggy\10-00 * 12288.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_foggy\11-00 * 12288.1 : [ 4] sky\af3_foggy\12-00 * 12288.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_foggy\13-00 * 12288.1 : [ 17] sky\af3_foggy\14-00 * 12288.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_foggy\15-00 * 12288.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_foggy\16-00 * 12288.1 : [ 25] sky\af3_foggy\17-00 * 12288.1 : [ 9] sky\af3_foggy\18-00 * 12288.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_foggy\19-00 * 12288.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_foggy\20-00 * 16384.1 : [ 2] botz\bodydustpuff1 * 16384.1 : [ 2] cinemavfx\debris_new\debris_burst_01_x64 * 16384.1 : [ 2] cinemavfx\debris_new\debris_burst_02_x64 * 16384.1 : [ 2] jdude\bodydustpuff1 * 16384.1 : [ 2] jdude\energyball1 * 16384.1 : [ 2] jdude\energyball2 * 16384.1 : [ 2] jdude\gauss1 * 16384.1 : [ 2] jdude\gauss2 * 16384.1 : [ 2] jdude\gauss3 * 16384.1 : [ 2] jdude\graviblast1 * 16384.1 : [ 2] jdude\graviblast2 * 16384.1 : [ 2] jdude\newblood\bloodburst03_var5 * 16384.1 : [ 2] jdude\newblood\bloodburst03_var6 * 16384.1 : [ 2] jdude\newblood\bloodburst04_var1 * 16384.1 : [ 2] jdude\newblood\bloodburst06_var4 * 16384.1 : [ 2] jdude\newblood\bloodburst06_var8 * 16384.1 : [ 2] jdude\vortexstatic1 * 16384.1 : [ 1] ui\experience_framework\ui_background_screen * 16384.1 : [ 1] ui\remade_icons_rifles * 16384.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_main_menu_one * 16384.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_icon_modulararmors * 16384.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_options * 16384.1 : [ 2] unrealengine\electricblast1 * 16384.1 : [ 2] unrealengine\electricblast1_red * 16384.1 : [ 2] unrealengine\electricblast2 * 16384.1 : [ 2] unrealengine\electricblast2_red * 16384.1 : [ 2] unrealengine\electricblast3 * 16384.1 : [ 2] unrealengine\electricblast3_red * 16384.1 : [ 2] unrealengine\t_dirt_02_a * 24576.1 : [ 202] sky\swtc_clear_alt\01-00 * 32768.1 : [ 2] cinemavfx\smoke_billows_00_desat_02 * 32768.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_menu * 32768.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_menu_new_tabs * 32768.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_portrets * 32768.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_arts * 32768.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_icon_equipment * 32768.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_icon_equipment_hide * 131072.1 : [ 1] ui\redone_icons * 131072.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_icon_bas "a:\games\anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7\anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7\bin\anomalydx11avx.exe" -smap2048 opening file a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\unlocalizers\milpda_ui_pda_npc_tab_factions.ltx creating unlocalizer for script ui_pda_npc_tab adding variable faction_encyption for unlocalizer for script ui_pda_npc_tab adding variable faction_lookup for unlocalizer for script ui_pda_npc_tab opening file a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\unlocalizers\new_levels_patches.ltx creating unlocalizer for script bind_anomaly_field adding variable pAno_maps for unlocalizer for script bind_anomaly_field creating unlocalizer for script pda adding variable primary_objects_tbl for unlocalizer for script pda creating unlocalizer for script smart_terrain_warfare adding variable monster_level_capacity for unlocalizer for script smart_terrain_warfare creating unlocalizer for script target_prior adding variable prior_lab for unlocalizer for script target_prior adding variable prior_t for unlocalizer for script target_prior creating unlocalizer for script tasks_agent_rescue adding variable blacklisted_maps for unlocalizer for script tasks_agent_rescue creating unlocalizer for script tasks_assault adding variable blacklisted_maps for unlocalizer for script tasks_assault creating unlocalizer for script tasks_bounty adding variable blacklisted_maps for unlocalizer for script tasks_bounty creating unlocalizer for script tasks_measure adding variable blacklisted_maps for unlocalizer for script tasks_measure creating unlocalizer for script toxic_air adding variable toxic_dmg for unlocalizer for script toxic_air creating unlocalizer for script treasure_manager adding variable blacklisted_maps for unlocalizer for script treasure_manager adding variable map_tiers for unlocalizer for script treasure_manager opening file a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\unlocalizers\unlocalize_artefinder.ltx creating unlocalizer for script drx_da_main adding variable load_defaults for unlocalizer for script drx_da_main adding variable load_settings for unlocalizer for script drx_da_main adding variable settings for unlocalizer for script drx_da_main opening file a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\unlocalizers\unlocalize_cxv_mutant_loot.ltx creating unlocalizer for script ui_mutant_loot adding variable clsdbg_to_section for unlocalizer for script ui_mutant_loot adding variable clsid_to_section for unlocalizer for script ui_mutant_loot adding variable item_prop_table for unlocalizer for script ui_mutant_loot opening file a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\unlocalizers\unlocalize_experience_ui.ltx creating unlocalizer for script experience_ui adding variable ui_is_opening for unlocalizer for script experience_ui opening file a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\unlocalizers\unlocalize_fun_allowed.ltx creating unlocalizer for script grok_remove_belt_duplicates adding variable categories for unlocalizer for script grok_remove_belt_duplicates opening file a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\unlocalizers\unlocalize_local_looting.ltx creating unlocalizer for script grok_stashes_on_corpses adding variable SETTINGS for unlocalizer for script grok_stashes_on_corpses adding variable _used_corpses for unlocalizer for script grok_stashes_on_corpses adding variable dbg_items for unlocalizer for script treasure_manager adding variable item_list for unlocalizer for script treasure_manager adding variable map_tiers for unlocalizer for script treasure_manager adding variable stash_common for unlocalizer for script treasure_manager adding variable stash_rare for unlocalizer for script treasure_manager adding variable tools_map_tiers for unlocalizer for script treasure_manager opening file a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\unlocalizers\unlocalizer_experience_framework.ltx adding variable distance_tbl for unlocalizer for script pda adding variable primary_objects_tbl for unlocalizer for script pda opening file a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\unlocalizers\unlocalizer_geiger_clicks.ltx creating unlocalizer for script actor_effects adding variable opt for unlocalizer for script actor_effects creating unlocalizer for script grok_actor_damage_balancer adding variable difficulty_multiplier for unlocalizer for script grok_actor_damage_balancer adding variable gameplay for unlocalizer for script grok_actor_damage_balancer creating unlocalizer for script item_device adding variable on_anomaly_touch for unlocalizer for script item_device opening file a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\unlocalizers\unlocalizer_lam.ltx creating unlocalizer for script zzz_ea_addon_backpack adding variable active_slot for unlocalizer for script zzz_ea_addon_backpack adding variable anim_enabled for unlocalizer for script zzz_ea_addon_backpack adding variable backpack_open_flag for unlocalizer for script zzz_ea_addon_backpack opening file a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\unlocalizers\unlocalizer_mag_check.ltx creating unlocalizer for script ammo_check_mcm adding variable busy_hands_fix for unlocalizer for script ammo_check_mcm opening file a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\unlocalizers\unlocalizer_modded_exes_global.ltx creating unlocalizer for script _g adding variable ini_cache for unlocalizer for script _g opening file a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\unlocalizers\unlocalizer_modded_exes_item_device_script_fixes.ltx adding variable on_anomaly_touch for unlocalizer for script item_device opening file a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\unlocalizers\unlocalizer_modded_exes_pda.ltx adding variable map_spot_property for unlocalizer for script pda opening file a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\unlocalizers\unlocalizer_modded_exes_xrs_facer_script_fixes.ltx creating unlocalizer for script xrs_facer adding variable Enabled for unlocalizer for script xrs_facer adding variable facer_sets for unlocalizer for script xrs_facer opening file a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\unlocalizers\unlocalizer_more_measurement_task_maps.ltx adding variable blacklisted_maps for unlocalizer for script tasks_measure opening file a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\unlocalizers\unlocalizer_newmeds.ltx creating unlocalizer for script arszi_psy adding variable psy_table for unlocalizer for script arszi_psy opening file a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\unlocalizers\unlocalizer_overheat_gunsmoke.ltx creating unlocalizer for script item_weapon adding variable decrease_quant for unlocalizer for script item_weapon adding variable last_wpn_id for unlocalizer for script item_weapon adding variable max_overheat for unlocalizer for script item_weapon adding variable overheat for unlocalizer for script item_weapon adding variable overheat_threshold for unlocalizer for script item_weapon adding variable smoke for unlocalizer for script item_weapon adding variable time_quant for unlocalizer for script item_weapon opening file a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\unlocalizers\unlocalizer_pdahacking.ltx adding variable faction_encyption for unlocalizer for script ui_pda_npc_tab adding variable stash_factor_per_pda for unlocalizer for script ui_pda_npc_tab opening file a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\unlocalizers\unlocalizer_test.ltx adding variable RENDERER for unlocalizer for script actor_effects adding variable STATIC_LIGHT for unlocalizer for script actor_effects opening file a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\unlocalizers\unlocalizer_western_goods_core.ltx creating unlocalizer for script western_goods_core adding variable VERSION for unlocalizer for script western_goods_core found script _G in unlocalizers data found variable ini_cache to unlocal init gathering modxml_... scripts gathering modxml_anomalous_stash.script gathering modxml_character_desc_general_army_odst.script gathering modxml_character_desc_general_dolg_odst.script gathering modxml_character_desc_general_isg_odst.script gathering modxml_character_desc_general_killer_odst.script gathering modxml_character_desc_general_stalker_odst.script gathering modxml_character_desc_yantar.script gathering modxml_eftmsgs.script gathering modxml_hamr.script gathering modxml_hamr2.script gathering modxml_hamr3.script gathering modxml_jp84_21scope.script gathering modxml_jp84_4scope.script gathering modxml_jp84_others_21scope.script gathering modxml_jp84_others_4scope.script gathering modxml_jp84_others_scope.script gathering modxml_jp84scope.script gathering modxml_map_spots_milpda.script gathering modxml_nta.script gathering modxml_pdahacking_unlockcost.script gathering modxml_proportional_medic_healing_price.script gathering modxml_rwap21scope.script gathering modxml_rwap2dso.script gathering modxml_rwap2dso21.script gathering modxml_rwap2dsosquare.script gathering modxml_rwap4scope.script gathering modxml_rwapscope.script gathering modxml_scope_16_arm18.script gathering modxml_scope_16_fg42.script gathering modxml_scope_16_lewd_felinscope.script gathering modxml_scope_16_srs99.script gathering modxml_scope_21_arm18.script gathering modxml_scope_21_fg42.script gathering modxml_scope_21_lewd_felinscope.script gathering modxml_scope_21_srs99.script gathering modxml_scope_em2.script gathering modxml_scopes_arm18.script gathering modxml_scopes_fg42.script gathering modxml_scopes_ingame_arm18.script gathering modxml_scopes_ingame_fg42.script gathering modxml_scopes_ingame_lewd_felinscope.script gathering modxml_scopes_ingame_srs99.script gathering modxml_scopes_lewd_felinscope.script gathering modxml_scopes_srs99.script gathering modxml_sks_b_2dso.script gathering modxml_sks_b_2dso_16.script gathering modxml_sks_b_2dso_21.script gathering modxml_tac30_scopes.script gathering modxml_tac30_scopes16.script gathering modxml_tac30_scopes21.script gathering modxml_test.script gathering modxml_unbind_h.script gathering modxml_water_pump.script gathering modxml_western_goods.script gathering modxml_zml_presets.script gathering modxml_zzz_rand_text_dialog.script S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly version 1.5.3 using marshal library found script _g in unlocalizers data found variable ini_cache to unlocal 1 divider strip_title strip_attachments strip_weapon divider loot_title loot_description loot_ammo loot_ammo_parts loot_grenades loot_magazines loot_armor_parts loot_weapon_parts loot_misc_title loot_misc_ball_hammer loot_misc_beadspread loot_misc_bolt loot_misc_bolt_bullet loot_misc_boots loot_misc_broken_detector loot_misc_compression_bag loot_misc_cutlery loot_misc_explo_metalcan_powder loot_misc_flashlight_broken loot_misc_gloves loot_misc_guitar_a loot_misc_hand_watch loot_misc_headlamp loot_misc_itm_pda_common loot_misc_itm_pda_rare loot_misc_itm_pda_uncommon loot_misc_itm_sleepbag loot_misc_mirror loot_misc_porn loot_misc_porn2 loot_misc_radio loot_misc_radio2 loot_misc_shovel_mili loot_misc_shovel_old loot_misc_synthrope loot_misc_tarpaulin loot_misc_underwear loot_misc_walkie 2 divider delete_title delete_description delete_body delete_armor delete_weapon delete_misc divider misc_options_title no_valid_tool_messaging usable_armor_part_condition_treshold usable_weapon_part_condition_treshold always_treat_recipe_part_as_usable ~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ @ Modded exes 20241110 feature support (GAMMA: false) - Func get_string_table (added 20240507): true - Context menu colors (added 20240523): true - Mouse wheel scripting (added 20230701): true - Right-click on PDA map (added 20230922): true ~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [MPDA] Milspec PDA v1.14.1 (rel 20241105) began initialization at tg 686072 Loadout Injector: adding item molotov_cocktail, points 125, amount 2, faction stalker;freedom;csky;greh, economy st_econ_1;st_econ_2, to inventory false Loadout Injector: adding item molotov_cocktail, points 125, amount 1, faction stalker;freedom;csky;greh, economy st_econ_3, to inventory false Loadout Injector: adding item molotov_cocktail, points 125, amount 1, faction renegade;bandit, economy all, to inventory true Loadout Injector: adding item detector_anomaly, points 150, amount 1, faction dolg;csky;monolith;bandit;stalker;killer;greh;isg;renegade;army;freedom, economy all, to inventory false Loadout Injector: adding item detector_anomaly, points 150, amount 1, faction ecolog, economy all, to inventory true [Dynavision] build presets list [Dynavision] print presets list [Dynavision] preset table: 0x5b515038 [Dynavision] preset table: 0x5b5064e0 [Dynavision] preset table: 0x5b56f238 [Dynavision] preset table: 0x5b5b0f00 [Dynavision] preset table: 0x5b5c37d0 [Dynavision] preset table: 0x5b60ed28 [Dynavision] preset table: 0x5b7b1488 [Dynavision] preset table: 0x5b7b14c8 found script pda in unlocalizers data Loadout Injector: adding item wpn_thompson_m1a1, points 200, amount 1, faction stalker;csky;renegade;freedom;bandit, economy st_econ_1;st_econ_2, to inventory false found script treasure_manager in unlocalizers data ui_mcm.script monkeypatched by zzzzz_monkey_paw_ui_mcm.script found script item_device in unlocalizers data found script ui_pda_npc_tab in unlocalizers data found script xrs_facer in unlocalizers data found variable facer_sets to unlocal found variable Enabled to unlocal found script actor_effects in unlocalizers data found variable RENDERER to unlocal found variable STATIC_LIGHT to unlocal -----loading a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\system.ltx !!!DLTX ERROR Attemped to override section 'm_scuttler_e', which doesn't exist. Ensure that a base section with the same name is loaded first. Check this file and its DLTX mods: a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\system.ltx, mod file mod_system_respawn_mutant_configs.ltx !!!DLTX ERROR Attemped to override section 'm_fev_e', which doesn't exist. Ensure that a base section with the same name is loaded first. Check this file and its DLTX mods: a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\system.ltx, mod file mod_system_respawn_mutant_configs.ltx !!!DLTX ERROR Attemped to override section 'm_temple_e', which doesn't exist. Ensure that a base section with the same name is loaded first. Check this file and its DLTX mods: a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\system.ltx, mod file mod_system_respawn_mutant_configs.ltx found script item_weapon in unlocalizers data found variable overheat_threshold to unlocal found variable time_quant to unlocal found variable decrease_quant to unlocal found variable max_overheat to unlocal found variable overheat to unlocal found variable smoke to unlocal found variable last_wpn_id to unlocal found script arszi_psy in unlocalizers data found variable psy_table to unlocal found script drx_da_main in unlocalizers data found script bind_anomaly_field in unlocalizers data found script ui_mutant_loot in unlocalizers data found variable clsid_to_section to unlocal found variable clsdbg_to_section to unlocal found script zzz_ea_addon_backpack in unlocalizers data found variable active_slot to unlocal found script experience_ui in unlocalizers data found variable ui_is_opening to unlocal found script grok_remove_belt_duplicates in unlocalizers data found script grok_stashes_on_corpses in unlocalizers data found script smart_terrain_warfare in unlocalizers data Time continual is:789069 SWMtrue found script target_prior in unlocalizers data found variable prior_t to unlocal found variable prior_lab to unlocal found script tasks_agent_rescue in unlocalizers data found script tasks_assault in unlocalizers data found script tasks_bounty in unlocalizers data found script tasks_measure in unlocalizers data found script western_goods_core in unlocalizers data found variable VERSION to unlocal !Found nil option value [xmark/mark_fade] went here went here 2 removed prometheus from spawn <MPDA> item_parts.disassembly_item - clean monkeypatch by zzz_item_parts_milpda.script [MPDA] sim_squad_scripted.sim_squad_scripted.show() - monkeypatch override by zzz_sim_squad_scripted_milpda.script (Milspec PDA) ui_pda_npc_tab: clean monkeypatch of faction lookup and encryption tables by zzz_ui_pda_npc_tab_milpda.script [MPDA][zzzzz_ui_pda_npc_tab_wpnhidefix.script] monkeypatch override of ui_pda_npc_tab.use_view() [MPDA][zzzzzz_ui_pda_npc_tab_mpdaprogressive.script] clean monkeypatch of ui_pda_npc_tab.use_view() Raven CCROSS [2] assigning ammo ammo_20x70_buck recipe 5,recipe_ammo_0,casing_s,1,powder_1,1,bullet_shotgun,1 workshop auto: | 686072 | Recipe ammo_20x70_buck already has an override recipe, returning assigning ammo ammo_23_eco recipe 5,recipe_ammo_2,casing_s,1,powder_1,3,bullet_shotgun_ap,2 assigning ammo ammo_23x75_barrikada recipe 5,recipe_ammo_2,casing_s,1,powder_1,3,bullet_shotgun_ap,2 assigning ammo ammo_23x75_shrapnel recipe 5,recipe_ammo_2,casing_s,1,powder_1,3,bullet_shotgun,2 assigning ammo ammo_338_federal recipe 5,recipe_ammo_2,casing_r7,1,powder_3,3,bullet_r7_ap,1 assigning ammo ammo_9x21_sp10 recipe 5,recipe_ammo_0,casing_p,1,powder_1,3,bullet_pistol_ap,1 [Dynavision] on_game_start [Dynavision MCM] on_game_start faction_expansions.on_game_start: monkeypatch override by zzz_faction_expansions_milpda.script Loaded faction expansion data for dolg color = %c[255,255,50,50] barman = unknown barman barman_name = unknown barman territory = l05_bar guide_name = unknown guide leader_name = bar_voronin_name guide = unknown guide weapon = eastern mechanic = bar_visitors_stalker_mechanic trader_name = bar_kicenko_name pda_topic_mission = table: 0x5deae860 medic_name = bar_dolg_medic_name pda_topic = table: 0x5deae500 trader = bar_dolg_general_petrenko_stalker leader = bar_dolg_leader type = troop medic = bar_dolg_medic level_presence = table: 0x5deae430 mechanic_name = bar_visitors_stalker_mechanic_name Loaded faction expansion data for csky color = %c[255,100,255,255] barman = mar_base_stalker_barmen barman_name = mar_base_stalker_barmen_name territory = k00_marsh guide_name = cit_doctor_name leader_name = mar_smart_terrain_base_stalker_leader_marsh_name guide = guid_marsh_mlr weapon = all mechanic = mar_base_stalker_tech trader_name = mar_base_owl_stalker_trader_name pda_topic_mission = table: 0x5deb0ed0 medic_name = mar_smart_terrain_base_doctor_name pda_topic = table: 0x5deb0a90 trader = mar_base_owl_stalker_trader leader = mar_smart_terrain_base_stalker_leader_marsh type = scientist medic = mar_smart_terrain_base_doctor level_presence = table: 0x5deb0a68 mechanic_name = mar_base_stalker_tech_name Loaded faction expansion data for monolith color = %c[255,255,255,255] barman = unknown barman barman_name = unknown barman territory = l12_stancia guide_name = unknown guide leader_name = lider_monolith_haron_name guide = unknown guide weapon = all mechanic = pri_monolith_monolith_mechanic_stalker trader_name = pri_monolith_monolith_trader_stalker_name pda_topic_mission = table: 0x5deb3578 medic_name = unknown medic pda_topic = table: 0x5deb3170 trader = pri_monolith_monolith_trader_stalker leader = lider_monolith_haron type = troop medic = unknown medic level_presence = table: 0x5deb3148 mechanic_name = pri_monolith_monolith_mechanic_stalker_name Loaded faction expansion data for ecolog color = %c[255,100,150,100] barman = yan_povar_army_mlr barman_name = yan_povar_army_mlr_name territory = l08_yantar guide_name = unknown guide leader_name = yan_st_sakharov_name guide = unknown guide weapon = all mechanic = mechanic_army_yan_mlr trader_name = jup_b6_scientist_nuclear_physicist pda_topic_mission = table: 0x5deb5988 medic_name = unknown medic pda_topic = table: 0x5deb5608 trader = jup_b6_scientist_nuclear_physicist leader = yan_stalker_sakharov type = scientist medic = unknown medic level_presence = table: 0x5deb55e0 mechanic_name = mechanic_army_yan_mlr_name Loaded faction expansion data for bandit color = %c[255,150,100,0] barman = unknown barman barman_name = unknown barman territory = l04_darkvalley guide_name = unknown guide leader_name = st_zat_b7_bandit_boss_sultan_name guide = unknown guide weapon = all mechanic = val_smart_terrain_7_3_bandit_mechanic_stalker trader_name = val_smart_terrain_7_4_bandit_trader_stalker_name pda_topic_mission = table: 0x5deb7e38 medic_name = unknown medic pda_topic = table: 0x5deb7a58 trader = val_smart_terrain_7_4_bandit_trader_stalker leader = zat_b7_bandit_boss_sultan type = group medic = bandit_main_base_medic_mlr level_presence = table: 0x5deb7a30 mechanic_name = val_smart_terrain_7_3_bandit_mechanic_stalker_name Loaded faction expansion data for stalker color = %c[255,255,255,255] barman = bar_visitors_barman_stalker_trader barman_name = bar_barmen_name territory = l01_escape guide_name = guid_bar_stalker_navigator_name leader_name = escape_trader_name guide = guid_bar_stalker_navigator weapon = all mechanic = zat_a2_stalker_mechanic trader_name = escape_trader_name pda_topic_mission = table: 0x5deba338 medic_name = unknown medic pda_topic = table: 0x5deba040 trader = esc_m_trader leader = esc_m_trader type = group medic = unknown medic level_presence = table: 0x5deba018 mechanic_name = zat_a2_stalker_mechanic_name Loaded faction expansion data for killer color = %c[255,50,255,50] barman = cit_killers_merc_barman_mlr barman_name = cit_killers_merc_barman_mlr_name territory = l09_deadcity guide_name = ds_killer_guide_main_base_name leader_name = cit_killers_merc_trader_stalker_name guide = ds_killer_guide_main_base weapon = all mechanic = cit_killers_merc_mechanic_stalker trader_name = cit_killers_merc_trader_stalker_name pda_topic_mission = table: 0x5debc7d8 medic_name = cit_killers_merc_medic_stalker_name pda_topic = table: 0x5debc420 trader = cit_killers_merc_trader_stalker leader = cit_killers_merc_trader_stalker type = group medic = cit_killers_merc_medic_stalker level_presence = table: 0x5debc3f8 mechanic_name = cit_killers_merc_mechanic_stalker_name Loaded faction expansion data for greh color = %c[255,200,92,140] barman = unknown barman barman_name = unknown barman territory = l10_red_forest guide_name = unknown guide leader_name = red_greh_trader_name guide = unknown guide weapon = all mechanic = red_greh_tech trader_name = red_greh_trader_name pda_topic_mission = table: 0x5debeda8 medic_name = unknown medic pda_topic = table: 0x5debea28 trader = red_greh_trader leader = red_greh_trader type = troop medic = unknown medic level_presence = table: 0x5debea00 mechanic_name = red_greh_tech_name Loaded faction expansion data for renegade color = %c[255,150,100,0] barman = unknown barman barman_name = unknown barman territory = k00_marsh guide_name = unknown guide leader_name = st_zat_b7_bandit_boss_sultan_name guide = unknown guide weapon = all mechanic = val_smart_terrain_7_3_bandit_mechanic_stalker trader_name = val_smart_terrain_7_4_bandit_trader_stalker_name pda_topic_mission = table: 0x5dec0f58 medic_name = unknown medic pda_topic = table: 0x5dec0ca0 trader = val_smart_terrain_7_4_bandit_trader_stalker leader = zat_b7_bandit_boss_sultan type = group medic = bandit_main_base_medic_mlr level_presence = table: 0x5dec0c78 mechanic_name = val_smart_terrain_7_3_bandit_mechanic_stalker_name Loaded faction expansion data for isg color = %c[255,192,110,100] medic_name = unknown medic barman_name = unknown barman guide_name = unknown guide leader_name = ds_domik_isg_leader_name guide = unknown guide weapon = nato mechanic = jup_depo_isg_tech trader_name = ds_domik_isg_leader_name pda_topic_mission = table: 0x5dec2fe8 level_presence = table: 0x5dec2ca0 leader = ds_domik_isg_leader trader = ds_domik_isg_leader medic = unknown medic type = troop barman = unknown barman pda_topic = table: 0x5dec2cc8 mechanic_name = jup_depo_isg_tech_name Loaded faction expansion data for army color = %c[255,200,255,100] barman = agr_1_6_barman_army_mlr barman_name = agr_1_6_barman_army_mlr_name territory = l03_agroprom guide_name = unknown guide leader_name = agr_kuznetsov_name guide = unknown guide weapon = eastern mechanic = agr_smart_terrain_1_6_army_mechanic_stalker trader_name = agr_smart_terrain_1_6_army_trader_stalker_name pda_topic_mission = table: 0x5dec5120 medic_name = agr_1_6_medic_army_mlr_name pda_topic = table: 0x5dec4da0 trader = agr_smart_terrain_1_6_army_trader_stalker leader = agr_smart_terrain_1_6_near_2_military_colonel_kovalski type = troop medic = agr_1_6_medic_army_mlr level_presence = table: 0x5dec4d78 mechanic_name = agr_smart_terrain_1_6_army_mechanic_stalker_name Loaded faction expansion data for freedom color = %c[255,50,255,50] barman = mil_freedom_barman_mlr barman_name = st_mil_freedom_barman_mlr_name territory = l07_military guide_name = mil_freedom_guid_name leader_name = mil_freedom_leader_name guide = mil_freedom_guid weapon = nato mechanic = mil_smart_terrain_7_7_freedom_mechanic_stalker trader_name = mil_Svoboda_trader_name pda_topic_mission = table: 0x5dec7600 medic_name = st_mil_freedom_medic_name pda_topic = table: 0x5dec7280 trader = mil_smart_terrain_7_10_freedom_trader_stalker leader = mil_smart_terrain_7_7_freedom_leader_stalker type = troop medic = mil_freedom_medic level_presence = table: 0x5dec7258 mechanic_name = mil_Svoboda_engineer_name inject_stats !Found nil option value [milpda/milpdagen/kiltrak] Pinup load ini 762 810 869 915 [ITsPorkys Auto Run Addon] - Addon enabled... # Loading ini: misc\smart_profiles.ltx !Found nil option value [ultimate_backpacks_settings/carry_limit_multiplier] !Found nil option value [ultimate_backpacks_settings/carry_weight_multiplier] !Found nil option value [ultimate_backpacks_settings/use_faction_backpacks] end setup * phase time: 4942 ms * phase cmem: 1737926 K * phase time: 193 ms * phase cmem: 1737735 K loading mdata Disassemble All Items: Sorting Plus mod found Disassemble All Items: saved items found * Loading spawn registry... [PP] a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\configs\patrol_paths.ltx initialized [PP] Done reading patrol paths from configs * 21648 spawn points are successfully loaded * Loading objects... * 57020 objects are successfully loaded ~ Story Objects | Multiple objects trying to use same story_id labx16_zombie_19 ~ Story Objects | Multiple objects trying to use same story_id yan_tonnel_zombied_2 * Game vitali's pc - autosave is successfully loaded from file 'a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\appdata\savedgames\vitali's pc - autosave.scop' (1.337s) * phase time: 1336 ms * phase cmem: 1968087 K * phase time: 181 ms * phase cmem: 1968299 K * phase time: 213 ms * phase cmem: 1968299 K * client : connection accepted - <All Ok> * phase time: 191 ms * phase cmem: 1968334 K * phase time: 188 ms * phase cmem: 1968334 K * phase time: 1125 ms * phase cmem: 2086889 K * phase time: 258 ms * phase cmem: 2095146 K * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65525 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65530 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65523 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 50056 verts, 1564 Kb * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65527 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb [3] * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65508 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 23843 verts, 745 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65523 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65520 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65294 verts, 2040 Kb * [Loading VB] 7152 verts, 223 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb [8] * [Loading IB] 671655 indices, 1311 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb [2] * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb [3] * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 40551 verts, 475 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb [4] * [Loading IB] 126591 indices, 247 Kb * phase time: 466 ms * phase cmem: 2095496 K * phase time: 204 ms * phase cmem: 2099649 K * [DETAILS] VertexConsts(256), Batch(61) * [DETAILS] 45323 v(20), 30317 p * [DETAILS] Batch(61), VB(885K), IB(177K) * phase time: 197 ms * phase cmem: 2103874 K * Loading HOM: a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\gamedata\levels\l05_bar\level.hom * phase time: 214 ms * phase cmem: 2104293 K * phase time: 175 ms * phase cmem: 2104278 K * phase time: 191 ms * phase cmem: 2104280 K CResourceManager::DeferredUpload -> START, size = 4558 ! Fallback to default bump map: build_details_bump# texture loading time: 1966 * t-report - base: 4543, 178335 K * t-report - lmap: 15, 15361 K * phase time: 2778 ms * phase cmem: 2170648 K * phase time: 200 ms * phase cmem: 2170674 K * [x-ray]: Full Memory Stats * [win32]: free[137424466248 K], reserved[5050032 K], committed[9437128 K] * [ D3D ]: textures[443053 K] * [x-ray]: process heap[2170674 K] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[490997 K], smem[164774 K] Time continual is:808322 inject_stats [2] ~ Invalid syntax in call to 'g_dispersion_factor' ~ Valid arguments: float value in range [0.100,10.000] category: processing encyclopedia_addons article: processing article_opo article: processing articles_wpo [Artefinder Monkeys] Original value: 60 | New value: 75 [Artefinder Monkeys] Original value: 80 | New value: 95 [Artefinder Monkeys] Original value: 30 | New value: 45 [Artefinder Monkeys] Original value: 80 | New value: 95 [2] [Artefinder Monkeys] Original value: 60 | New value: 75 [Artefinder Monkeys] Original value: 80 | New value: 95 [Artefinder Monkeys] Original value: 30 | New value: 45 [Artefinder Monkeys] Original value: 80 | New value: 95 [2] [Artefinder Monkeys] Original value: 35 | New value: 50 [Artefinder Monkeys] Original value: 40 | New value: 55 [Artefinder Monkeys] Original value: 50 | New value: 65 [Artefinder Monkeys] Original value: 30 | New value: 45 New Base Rare Stash Task Amt: 4 --- Loading TBs_RF_Receiver_Hidden_Package_Sidequests_v1.8 --- [WG] Western Goods version 3.1.0 category: processing encyclopedia_addons article: processing article_opo article: processing articles_wpo [RPG - Player When Hit] LW Dodge Chance: 24 % ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\berettatarget\tex_berettatarget_main_bump# [RPG - Player When Hit] LW Dodge Chance: 24 % [3] Weapon 2: wpn_ak12_ac10632 [2] ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\wpn_revolverll\weapon_vm_pi_cpapa_frame_rgb_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\wpn_revolverll\weapon_vm_pi_cpapa_loader_rgb_bump# [RPG - Player When Hit] LW Dodge Chance: 24 % Weapon 2: wpn_ak12_ac10632 [RPG - Player When Hit] LW Dodge Chance: 24 % Weapon 2: wpn_ak12_ac10632 ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\splinter_nade\tex_splinter_nade_head_bump# [RPG - Player When Hit] LW Dodge Chance: 24 % Weapon 2: wpn_ak12_ac10632 Weapon 4: wpn_toz34_obrez_decor [RPG - Player When Hit] LW Dodge Chance: 0 % SWMtrue [2] Weapon 2: wpn_ak12_ac10632 Weapon 4: wpn_toz34_obrez_decor [RPG - Player When Hit] LW Dodge Chance: 0 % Weapon 2: wpn_ak12_ac10632 Weapon 4: wpn_toz34_obrez_decor Weapon 2: wpn_ak12_ac10632 Weapon 4: wpn_toz34_obrez_decor [RPG - Player When Hit] LW Dodge Chance: 0 % Weapon 1: wpn_gauss2a Weapon 2: wpn_ak12_ac10632 Weapon 4: wpn_toz34_obrez_decor Weapon 1: wpn_gauss2a Weapon 2: wpn_ak12_ac10632 Weapon 4: wpn_toz34_obrez_decor Weapon 1: wpn_gauss2a Weapon 2: wpn_ak12_ac10632 Weapon 4: wpn_toz34_obrez_decor Weapon 1: wpn_gauss2a Weapon 2: wpn_ak12_ac10632 Weapon 4: wpn_toz34_obrez_decor Weapon 1: wpn_gauss2a Weapon 2: wpn_ak12_ac10632 Weapon 4: wpn_toz34_obrez_decor ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\eft_saiga\saiga_handguard_base_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\eft_saiga\saiga_stock_base_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\eft_saiga\saiga_reciever_base_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\eft_saiga\saiga_mag_base_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\eft_saiga\saiga_rear_base_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\eft_saiga\saiga_mount_base_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\eft_saiga\saiga_grip_base_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\eft_saiga\saiga_bolt_base_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\eft_saiga\saiga_base_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\eft_saiga\saiga_barrel_base_bump# Weapon 1: wpn_gauss2a Weapon 2: wpn_ak12_ac10632 Weapon 4: wpn_toz34_obrez_decor ! Fallback to default bump map: act\mutagen\mutagen_bump# GhenTuong: xr_logic_ex | old logic [stalker_duty_girl26787] nil nil GhenTuong: xr_logic_ex | new logic [stalker_duty_girl26787] scripts\squad_duty_girl.ltx logic@drink beh@drink ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\acr556\tex_acr556_1_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\acr556\tex_acr556_2_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: item\item_diolator_dosimeter_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\rugerlcr\tex_rugerlcr_main_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\ppk007\tex_ppk_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\vssm\vssm_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\eft_sr1mp\sr1mp_base_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\eft_sr1mp\sr1mp_mag_base_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\eft_sr1mp\sr1mp_mount_base_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\eft_sr1mp\sr1mp_silencer_base_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\93r\Tex_0008_1_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\m1a1\tommy_1921_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\m1a1\45acp_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\qbz92\tex_qbz92_main_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\qbz92\tex_qbz92_mag_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\m95_j\tex_m95_j_sight_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\m95_j\tex_m95_j_bolt_lower_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\m95_j\tex_m95_j_ammo_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\m95_j\tex_m95_j_bolt_upper_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\m95_j\tex_m95_j_ironbottom_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\m95_j\tex_m95_j_trigger_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\m95_j\tex_m95_j_wooden_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\m95_j\tex_m95_j_muzzle_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\tec9\tex_tec9_main_bump# {@} --- Invalid position for CLevelGraph::vertex_id specified: [1000.206909][-0.099900][95.069504] {@} --- Invalid position for CLevelGraph::vertex_id specified: [476.712708][35.067200][51.022400] {@} --- Invalid position for CLevelGraph::vertex_id specified: [1062.135376][-0.098500][-0.038100] {@} --- Invalid position for CLevelGraph::vertex_id specified: [520.169983][-1.350000][-429.540009] {@} --- Invalid position for CLevelGraph::vertex_id specified: [-455.799988][0.000000][-345.899994] {@} --- Invalid position for CLevelGraph::vertex_id specified: [-449.489288][-28.823200][73.110001] {@} --- Invalid position for CLevelGraph::vertex_id specified: [-340.584686][3.574100][415.019501] Time continual is:822763 --------------------------------------------------------------------- [Dynavision] load preset [Dynavision] preset_name: default [Dynavision] preset globals general: dynavision\default\general.ltx [Dynavision] preset globals weathers: dynavision\default\weathers.ltx [Dynavision] preset program: dynavision\default\program.ltx [Dynavision] loading file dynavision\default\program.ltx [Dynavision] loading file dynavision\default\weathers.ltx [Dynavision] loading file dynavision\default\general.ltx [Dynavision] loading data for section general [Dynavision] tbl[7]=-0.050000 [3] [Dynavision] setting general data [Dynavision] loadLUTMapProgramsTable loading file dynavision\default\l05_bar.ltx [Dynavision] loadLUTable loading file dynavision\default\lut.ltx [Dynavision] loading data for section groups [Dynavision] loading data for section maps [Dynavision] loadPluginsTable loading file dynavision\plugins.ltx [Dynavision] loading data for section poses [Dynavision] loading data for section stickers ui_mcm_dynavision_preset_loaded --------------------------------------------------------------------- [Dynavision] load settings ----------------------DYNAVISION INITIALIZED ----------------------- enable true frequency 1 debug false notifications enabled true preset default use_program true use_weather true use_es false use_lut false camera_boundary 15 --------------------------------------------------------------------- [Dynavision] SSFX_LUT_SUPPORT true [RPG - Player When Hit] LW Dodge Chance: 0 % # --ZLM 4.0-- # ZCP Loot Module revised succesfully activated. # --May the loot be ever in your favor !-- Bosspack total id: 57025 SWMtrue [2] Weapon 1: wpn_gauss2a Weapon 2: wpn_ak12_ac10632 Weapon 4: wpn_toz34_obrez_decor actor_effects.init_main_settings monkeypatched by z_fix_hit_effects_option.script !Found nil option value [demonized_icm/i_attach] !Found nil option value [demonized_icm/i_arty_cont] !Found nil option value [demonized_icm/i_mutant_cooked] !Found nil option value [demonized_icm/i_letter] !Found nil option value [demonized_icm/i_repair] !Found nil option value [demonized_icm/i_tool] !Found nil option value [demonized_icm/i_drink] !Found nil option value [demonized_icm/i_mutant_raw] !Found nil option value [demonized_icm/i_arty_junk] interface\item_usage\vodka_usesoud prefetched interface\item_usage\inv_drink_watersoud prefetched interface\item_usage\drink_soda_usesoud prefetched interface\item_usage\drink_cola_usesoud prefetched interface\item_usage\drink_beer_usesoud prefetched interface\item_usage\pills_usesoud prefetched interface\item_usage\medkit_usesoud prefetched interface\item_usage\drug_tabletos_usesoud prefetched interface\item_usage\antirad_usesoud prefetched interface\item_usage\injector_usingsoud prefetched interface\item_usage\mresoud prefetched interface\item_usage\syringe2soud prefetched interface\item_usage\syringe1soud prefetched interface\item_usage\bandage_usesoud prefetched interface\item_usage\vodka_usesoud prefetched interface\item_usage\drink_flask3soud prefetched interface\item_usage\drink_flask4soud prefetched interface\item_usage\water_flasksoud prefetched interface\item_usage\ciga1soud prefetched interface\item_usage\food_usesoud prefetched interface\item_usage\conserva_usesoud prefetched interface\item_usage\plate_eatsoud prefetched interface\item_usage\drink_soda_usesoud prefetched item_ea_cmuphob_vodka_hud anim cached item_ea_tomatoes_conserva_hud anim cached item_ea_beanz_conserva_hud anim cached item_ea_chilibeans_conserva_hud anim cached item_ea_meat_dog_hud anim cached item_ea_meat_psdog_hud anim cached item_ea_meat_bloodsucker_hud anim cached item_ea_meat_chimera_hud anim cached item_ea_energy_drink_nonstop_hud anim cached item_ea_water_can_1_hud anim cached item_ea_beer_can_2_hud anim cached item_ea_mre_hud anim cached item_ea_cocacola_hud anim cached item_ea_beer_2_hud anim cached [2] item_ea_drug_coagulant_hud anim cached item_ea_drug_sleepingpills_hud anim cached item_ea_drug_psy_blocade_hud anim cached item_ea_antiemetic_hud anim cached item_ea_caffeine_hud anim cached item_ea_antirad_kalium_hud anim cached item_ea_drug_antidot_hud anim cached item_ea_hemupob_vodka_hud anim cached item_ea_antibio_sulfad_hud anim cached item_ea_drug_radioprotector_hud anim cached item_ea_medkit_hud anim cached item_ea_medkit_army_hud anim cached item_ea_medkit_scientic_hud anim cached item_ea_medkit_elite_hud anim cached item_ea_drug_akvatab_hud anim cached item_ea_drug_yadulin_hud anim cached item_ea_antirad_hud anim cached item_ea_stimpack_hud anim cached item_ea_booster_weight_hud anim cached item_ea_stimpack_army_hud anim cached item_ea_stimpack_scientic_hud anim cached item_ea_morphine_hud anim cached item_ea_syringer_guns_hud anim cached item_ea_syringe_def_hud anim cached item_ea_bandage_hud anim cached item_ea_bandage_israeli_hud anim cached item_ea_bio_bandage_hud anim cached item_ea_mineral_water_hud anim cached item_ea_flask2_hud anim cached item_ea_kolbasa_hud anim cached item_ea_flask_hud anim cached item_ea_water_flask_hud anim cached item_ea_cigar1_hud anim cached item_ea_cigar2_hud anim cached item_ea_cigar3_hud anim cached item_ea_cigarettes_hud anim cached item_ea_cigarettes_lucky_hud anim cached item_ea_cigarettes_russian_hud anim cached item_ea_bread_hud anim cached item_ea_conserva_hud anim cached item_ea_sardinia_conserva_hud anim cached item_ea_korn_conserva_hud anim cached item_drug_charcoal_hud anim cached Executing config-script "grading_warm"... [a:/games/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/anomaly 1.5.3 + bosspack v1.7/bin/..\appdata\grading_warm.ltx] successfully loaded. !Found nil option value [milpda/milpdagen/kiltrak] Goodwill w/ Army: -3000 ![SLHT] Storyline | Hidden Threat : disabled !Found nil option value [ultimate_autosave_conf/on_leave_dialog_save] !Found nil option value [ultimate_autosave_conf/on_monster_death_save] collectgarbage before=137942892Kb collectgarbage after=64302060Kb despawning nocturnal mutants [RPG - Player When Hit] LW Dodge Chance: 0 % Weapon 1: wpn_gauss2a Weapon 2: wpn_ak12_ac10632 Weapon 4: wpn_toz34_obrez_decor ERROR: CGameObject:net_spawn() Object with ID already exists! ID=8937 self=nr_sasha_baltunov8937 other=nr_sasha_baltunov8937 ! Failed to spawn entity 'nr_sasha_baltunov' ERROR: CGameObject:net_spawn() Object with ID already exists! ID=8809 self=device_pda8809 other=device_pda8809 ! Failed to spawn entity 'device_pda' ERROR: CGameObject:net_spawn() Object with ID already exists! ID=9131 self=wpn_lr3009131 other=wpn_lr3009131 ! Failed to spawn entity 'wpn_lr300' ERROR: CGameObject:net_spawn() Object with ID already exists! ID=12188 self=grenade_zarya212188 other=grenade_zarya212188 ! Failed to spawn entity 'grenade_zarya2' ERROR: CGameObject:net_spawn() Object with ID already exists! ID=12246 self=wpn_colt1911_n12246 other=wpn_colt1911_n12246 ! Failed to spawn entity 'wpn_colt1911_n' ! Fallback to default bump map: act\strekoza\strekoza_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: act\pauk\pauk_bump# stack trace: SymInit: Symbol-SearchPath: '.;A:\Games\Anomaly 1.5.3 + BOSSPACK v1.7\Anomaly 1.5.3 + BOSSPACK v1.7\bin;A:\Games\Anomaly 1.5.3 + BOSSPACK v1.7\Anomaly 1.5.3 + BOSSPACK v1.7\bin;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\system32;', symOptions: 530, UserName: 'Vitali's PC' OS-Version: 6.2.9200 () 0x100-0x1 A:\Games\Anomaly 1.5.3 + BOSSPACK v1.7\Anomaly 1.5.3 + BOSSPACK v1.7\bin\AnomalyDX11AVX.exe:AnomalyDX11AVX.exe (0000000140000000), size: 18288640 (result: 0), SymType: '-exported-', PDB: 'A:\Games\Anomaly 1.5.3 + BOSSPACK v1.7\Anomaly 1.5.3 + BOSSPACK v1.7\bin\AnomalyDX11AVX.exe' at address 0x00000001402569A9 Вылатю каждый раз при переходе на бар... Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Босс 3 186 Опубликовано 30 ноября, 2024 ragnaser объекты продублировались из-за чего-то. Правки для модов - нажми на гифку Мой канал на Ютубе и в Телеграмме: Эскапизм ТМ Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
MrKtoto 0 Опубликовано 30 ноября, 2024 @Босс тут такая проблема возникла. Что делать? Я скачивал сразу репак, ручную установку не делал. Такие вылеты происходят, когда переходишь на болота и на окрестности юпитера Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Dark_V 0 Опубликовано 30 ноября, 2024 Доброго времени суток! Проблема следующая: огромное перекрестие при наведении на врага. Полазил в настройках, но, увы, не нашел отвечающий за это пункт (заранее: я слепой). Очень раздражает появление белого креста, закрывающего цель. Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Босс 3 186 Опубликовано 30 ноября, 2024 (изменено) MrKtoto фикс поставь.Dark_V в настройках игры после загрузки сейва Выбрать прицел. Изменено 30 ноября, 2024 пользователем Босс Правки для модов - нажми на гифку Мой канал на Ютубе и в Телеграмме: Эскапизм ТМ Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
korabli42 4 Опубликовано 30 ноября, 2024 Подскажите кто сталкивался с такой проблемой Перешел в Темную долину и не могу залутать ниодно тело противника (только человека). Идет постоянно вылет. Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Босс 3 186 Опубликовано 30 ноября, 2024 korabli42 нельзя выключать 4 аддон (WPO). 1 Правки для модов - нажми на гифку Мой канал на Ютубе и в Телеграмме: Эскапизм ТМ Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
korabli42 4 Опубликовано 30 ноября, 2024 (изменено) 19 минут назад, Босс сказал: korabli42 нельзя выключать 4 аддон (WPO). Т.е. он всегда должен быть включен. Я думал по желанию Спасибо, все заработало. Просто странно на других локах все ок было. Спасибо! Изменено 30 ноября, 2024 пользователем korabli42 Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты