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  1. Is there an English version of the special mods “stalker_network (news)” in LAEE? Thank you
  2. Сидорович, скажи мое имя. Стрелок... You're goddamn right!
  3. I am dead

    Secret Trails

    Шапка темы обязательна к прочтению, во избежание глупых вопросов! Discord You Tube Github AMK Автор проекта: I am dead Платформа: OGSR Engine Последнее обновление: 8 Апреля, 2023 года Secret Trails - дополненная и улучшенная версия оригинального мода. За счет улучшенного движка удалось повысить качество геймплея, добавить новые возможности, подтянуть графическую составляющую и повысить стабильность проекта! Благодаря возможностям движка, появилась возможность внедрения в игру, на мой взгляд одного из лучший оружейных паков.
  4. ☢️Экшен-шутер с элементами выживания в опасном мире постапокалипсиса☢️ Добро пожаловать в одну из семи Аномальных зон — зону отчуждения. Опасная и таинственная территория, где повсюду таятся бандиты и наёмники, враждебные мутанты и зомби бродят среди аномалий, а воздух разъедает радиация. Вы — Страйкер, который летел на вертолёте в зону отчуждения. Во время полёта вертолёт попал в воздушную аномалию и рухнул на землю. Местные жители спасли вас, но теперь вам предстоит выяснить, что произошло, и выполнить опасное задание в этом захватывающем экшен-шутере. Основные особенности игры - Исследуйте таинственный мир постапокалипсиса. От заброшенных деревень до секретных лабораторий и подземных бункеров - каждый уголок зоны скрывает опасности. - Сражайтесь с разнообразными врагами. Вам предстоит противостоять зомби, мутантам, бандитам и наёмникам, которые работают на влиятельные группировки. - Избегайте аномалий и радиации. В зоне отчуждения аномалии могут быть смертельно опасными. Остерегайтесь этих ловушек, которые могут возникнуть в любой момент. - Найдите торговцев в безопасных зонах. Здесь вы сможете приобрести оружие, аптечки и другие необходимые ресурсы. Ищите тайники, чтобы найти ценные предметы. - Выполняйте квесты и проникайте в таинственные места. Чтобы узнать правду о происхождении зоны и опасных существ, вам придётся проникнуть в самые опасные места, включая заброшенные научные комплексы, лаборатории и бункеры. - Выбирайте различные типы оружия: автоматы, дробовики и винтовки. Выберите то, что вам больше всего подходит, чтобы повысить шансы на выживание. - Выберите вид игры: от первого лица или от третьего. Настройте игру под свои предпочтения. - Ваш выбор влияет на исход. Принятые вами решения могут привести к разным концовкам. Станете ли вы героем, который спасёт зону, или тем, кто приведёт её к ещё большему хаосу? Скачать игру: Google Play Download You Tube: Gameplay Trailer


    Beautiful Andheri escorts Girls to overcome your loneliness Bachelor or a single man in Andheri, it may be time to hire one of the many Beautiful Andheri escorts girls to get rid of your loneliness



     Andheri escorts girls are perfect companions who can make you forget your loneliness. They are talented, experienced, and offer great escort services in the Andheri area. Andheri escorts are very attractive and can make you forget all your tensions. They are very creative and can make you feel great when you talk to them. They can meet you at any time of the day or night in Andheri.  Independent call girls in Andheri are the perfect solution to your lonely situation. These call girls know the city like the back of their hands. They are highly skilled and know how to satisfy your desires in the best way possible. You can hire any of the Andheri escorts for your outcall needs. Andheri escorts girls are also available to provide outcall escorts.   Andheri escorts are the best choice to eliminate your loneliness. Whether you’re lonely and need a female companion or want to overcome your isolation, Andheri escorts can meet your requirements and make you feel good. They’ll provide you with the most romantic, sensual and elegant escorts for any occasion. All you have to do is to find out how to contact Andheri escorts and start enjoying the freedom and fun that comes with being a sexy man.   The sexy Andheri escorts are extremely talented and will provide you with a sensual female companion at an affordable rate. These stunning girls are highly trained and educated, and are dedicated to satisfying the needs of their clients. They can be hired anytime in Andheri and make your loneliness disappear. You can enjoy your loneliness by hiring a beautiful Andheri escort to meet your needs.   If you are lonely and would love to have an enchanting escort, Andheri escorts can be a wonderful solution to your problem. Unlike high-class escorts, the Andheri escorts are high-class escorts and renowned as beautiful babes. With a little bit of research, you’ll be able to hire a gorgeous Andheri escort at a very reasonable price.   Andheri escorts are beautiful, sexy and very talented. You’ll find that your Andheri escorts girls have an amazing talent for pleasing their clients. Andheri escorts are high-class escorts who are willing to help you feel less lonely and get back to your feet. A beautiful Andheri escort will be able to make you feel comfortable and at ease Andheri Call Girls.   Andheri escorts are your best option for a one-on-one escort in Mumbai. These sexy ladies will provide you with sensuality and entertainment, and will not charge much for their services. Moreover, the best thing about Andheri escorts is that they are affordable and easy to contact. You can hire one at any time you want, and they’ll be ready to do so with minimal fuss and effort. The cost of hiring an escort in Andheri varies. A good escort will have high-class and experienced escorts. Andheri escorts are not cheap, but they are worth their money. If you want to get a beautiful escort in Andheri, you can contact a reputable agency to book an escort.   There are many reasons to hire an escort in Andheri. First and foremost, these girls are trained to be escorts. They have the necessary training and experience to understand and deal with men’s emotions. They are also very affordable. You can easily afford them if you’re a single person with little or no social life. You can even get one who works with a company that provides a service for lonely people in sexy hot call girl in Andheri.   




     Get Escorts Services in Andheri 

    If you want to make the most out of your day out, you should consider getting Escorts Services in Andheri. These services provide you with a gorgeous escort. Andheri consists of a large number of attractive, upscale hotels, and many other popular destinations. Andheri’s escorts are very appealing and will make you feel like a king or queen, whether for a night out on the town or a romantic dinner for two independent andheri escorts.   Escorts can be hired for special events and even for outings in Andheri. This means that you can have a beautiful escort accompanied you to a nightclub or restaurant at any time of the day. Andheri’s call girls know every nook and cranny of the city, and you can have them with you whenever you need them. These highly-experienced escorts will keep you entertained throughout your night, and they can even serve you at a dinner party.   Andheri is a highly important locality in West Mumbai. It is a booming commercial area, with several major offices located here. As a result, Andheri’s escorts are highly-trained to cater to the desires of their clients. They will know how to mix your emotions and make sex extra erotic. The best escort services are well-connected with the rest of India and the world, making them a great option for a romantic escort in Andheri.   The Escorts in Andheri are similar to the female friends of your spouse. They know how to satisfy your desires and are trained to make you feel amazing. Andheri’s escorts also know how to mix up your emotions and make your sex even more erotic. Andheri’s escapologists love the attention that it brings them.   The Andheri call girls are incredibly tempting and stimulating. Andheri’s escorts are skilled in creating great memories. They know every physical move to satisfy your lust and give you an unforgettable experience. As a result, more clients visit Andheri’s escortors. Andheri’s escapists are not only trusted, but also vetted.   College call girls Andheri are college-going girls. They are mostly looking for money and sometimes work in call centers. However, they are still highly attractive and capable of making you feel sexy. But they are not all just there for sex. These are mature girls who are fascinated by sexual pleasure. Some of them have been married for a while, and they need to make love.   There are several independent escorts in Andheri. They vary in price, but they are a wonderful option for a romantic evening. You can even get a sexy escort to meet your needs and make you feel pampered. These escorts are sexy and can help you meet your dark fantasies. These independent call girls in Andheri are highly intelligent and graceful, and they’ll make a good impression on you.   While you’re in Andheri, take a look at the various options for romantic and escort services. The choice is yours. If you want to be pampered with an escort in Andheri, you can enjoy your night out with confidence. Andheri escorts are highly trained and will make sure you have a romantic time.   Escorts in Andheri are like the best of your female friends or spouses. They are trained to satisfy your needs and desires. Moreover, you’ll love their sexy skills. These professionals are trained to make you feel more than satisfied. They are a perfect match for you, and you can easily get the services of an escort at an affordable price.   Escorts in Andheri are available in all budgets and are an excellent choice for romantic evenings. Andheri escorts can be hired for a variety of occasions, from parties to escorting. They are impartial, fun, and will make you feel like a king or queen. If you want to feel pampered, hire a professional

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  6. prophet Do you think I should stop the translation? Even text files?
  7. The most effective method to guidelines for taking my web-based class. Presenting yourself in a web-based class can be surprising, particularly since you will not have the decision to see your colleagues. In any case, establishing Take my online class a decent first connection with your educator and different students is significant. In your show, make a point to solidify some foundation data about yourself, like your occupation and instructive history. Additionally, you should consider the reasons you chose this course and what you hope to gain from it. Online classes can be pursuing for understudies who are not used to this sort of learning climate. They demand a ton of adventure and concentration, and getting diverted by virtual redirection or different endeavors can be fundamental. In any case, understudies can conquer these difficulties by rehearsing compelling using time productively and focusing on the essential errand. Something else that understudies need to remember while taking an internet based class is that there will be less eye to eye cooperation with their teachers and accomplices. In this manner, molding associations and a sensation of local area could challenge. Regardless, this can be overwhelmed by looking at as habitually as possible with your teacher through email or talk and visiting your instructor's open time expecting they offer them. At last, online classes are generally more reasonable than standard ones in light of the fact that your enlightening cost doesn't need to manage above costs like audit hall space and materials. In like manner, you can routinely apply your cash related guide grant to these courses. Students regularly need to finish a ton of work in web-based classes. They might have to watch a conversation, pay attention to a sound recording, and write a paper about it. Once in a while, they may besides have to go to a virtual office hour. Students who ought to keep a harmony among fun and serious exercises and schoolwork can see this as inconceivably testing. While explicit educators could feel that electronic courses are more direct than customary homeroom courses, most understudies report the regressive. Truly, a large portion of them felt that they learned more in an electronic class and accepted that it is mentally problematic. During the Coronavirus pandemic, a few students guarantee that they are being relegated more liabilities, which has left them with less energy for rest and different exercises. This has made it harder for them to perform well in their classes. Some have even stopped taking their electronic courses thinking about the critical commitment. Understudies who take online classes once in a while battle with saving the significant opportunity to deal with their endeavors. This may be directly attributable to a number of factors, including responsibilities at work, in the family, and elsewhere. Not an extremely clear explanation, it will overall be obviously moving for understudies to finish their electronic classes without assistance from subject matter experts. Online understudies really ought to fan out a customary that they can follow dependably. This could include reducing the amount of time required to complete their homework, ensuring that they approach a computer equipped with the internet, and eliminating interruptions. Understudies who battle to stay aware of their courses ought to converse with their instructors at the earliest entryway and sales help. You could moreover utilize someone to take your web based class for the wellbeing of you. At any rate, this can be unsafe considering the way that you have no certification that they will remain consistent with their guarantee to accomplish the work. Also, you can't have certainty that they won't swindle through your course or on a very basic level dispense with your cash and run. The expense of taking an electronic class can be high for understudies, particularly tolerating that they should buy new gear. This is because of the way that numerous web-based courses are advanced, requiring a PC with a solid web association. Various nhs fpx 4000 assessment 3 applying ethical principles resources, such as making devices and course readings, may in like manner be required from specific students. Getting signed up for a lesser school is one method for reducing expenses while taking a course on the web. Junior universities offer a large number of courses to address the issues of many understudies and are much of the time more affordable than conventional advanced education organizations. Likewise, they can furnish students with monetary aide groups, which can help you in getting a reasonable plan on instructive expenses. Web learning can be testing, particularly while shuffling work and school. Web learning can be trying, especially while rearranging work and school. Interdisciplinary Arrangement Proposal for


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  11. @gibe Don't be sorry, what ever language it is, the most important that's will give to this MOD attention from frenches, and as a result they maybe will donate to the developer of this mod (and of course for you, or at least people will know your work), and that one will show him that's all his work is not for nothing (people want this game, and ready to support), and in the end it will put close the release date:D (which i am waiting so long)
  12. Konstantin_R I'm going to disappoint you: I'm translating into French... sorry
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  15. uraltab Ну, я 2.2. бросил на моменте встречи с Акиллом, когда он что то там просит ( далеко в общем забрался ), но реально устал. В ОП огср не играл, жду релиза, ломка ппц :) P.S. Я любитель платформеров и выживалок, и прямо лютый фанат всех соулсов, могу посоветовать вот что... Hollow Knight/Blasphemous/Ori/Terraria на твоём полене должно пойти. А выживалки... Ну тут у тебя мало что пойдет я думаю, но вот список того, что мне прям очень понравилось. Subnautica/Valheim/Enshrouded/Survival:Fountain of You P.S.S. Еще вспомнил, бродилка не плохая - SOMA и Sable А если брать сталкер, то мой фаворит это нлс7.
  16. NaumKa Do you have an address without having to download everything? Do you know if the texts are included in the patch? Thank you
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  18. Скачал bins сейчас. Значит действительно наверное проблема была в брандмауэре. Глюканул наверное. Или потому скачал, что у дефендера обновление новое было четыре часа назад. Короче фиг его знает, но скачал сейчас :) Так что извиняюсь если что. Сейчас подчищу на эту тему свои комментарии полностью. Дополнено 7 минуты спустя Especially cgim_2 :) But it's good that you can play without it. But you can’t do it without PRM. Дополнено 22 минуты спустя Кстати, играю без cgim_2, и всё нормально, без всяких глюков. А с ним глюки были в дождь при беге и стрельбе. Может потому, что играл то без всяких там наворотов графики. Не люблю в Сталкере это всё. Потому сейчас и на минимальный играю :) Статики же нет :) Правда текстуры 4 к и на максимуме.
  19. I have finally beat the game and am quite pleased with the story. This is certainly the best Stalker mod when it comes to the story and plot. So many new characters added makes this amazing to want to interact with the new faces. And they look really good too! The story depth with all the new voices and cut scenes could have easily warranted a publisher sale as a fourth part to the series. The maps were very well done with great detail and lush foliage. Score was good as it added to the atmosphere of the maps. The UI, as many have stated is top notch and made it easy to transfer items. I really liked the idea of the stash contents that would follow you from one location to the other. This was really convenient. I had a very easy install and setup with zero crashes on my play through. This was the most stable mod for me. I do have one big gripe though and that was the combat in my opinion. I felt this mod did not do too well in this department as it should go hand in hand with the story. The two most vital aspects of every stalker mod. This lacked the stray random encounters of enemies that should have spawned more frequently. Especially doing side quests when you are running back and fourth during great distances. No encounters with stray factions except for over respawned mutants. And those certain moments where you did encounter large groups of enemies during the main story, you were either aided by someone that could have done all the fighting themselves, or you were in a situation where your gear was confiscated and you had to fight your way out with minimum to almost no gear. This was another problem with the combat was that I felt I could have easily won this game on low tier weapons and armor, of course with the exception to the end. *spoiler* However, with the constant stripping of your weapons and armor and the changing of characters when entering later chapters did not allow me to fully appreciate the use of my fully upgraded gear. This is why I felt I could have easily played this with lower tier gear and not invest too much time into obtaining and upgrading higher end gear. Overall I give this mod a good 9/10 and would urge any stalker mod fan to play this straight through. The whole story is amazing!
  20. Ссылка не работает — говорит «Sorry, the file you have requested does not exist.…»
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  23. Люди, помогите пожалуйста! В припяти, после общения с фельдшером, накрывает выброс и под конец выброса выкидывает из игры, перезагружал, начинал опять с ЧАЭС, но безрезультатно. Выдаёт вот такую фигню: [06.03.24 05:34:31.968] * Detected CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 3600 6-Core Processor [AuthenticAMD], F143/M113/S0 [06.03.24 05:34:31.969] * CPU features: RDTSC, MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, MONITOR/MWAIT, SSSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, SSE4a, AVX, AVX2 [06.03.24 05:34:31.969] * CPU cores: [6], threads: [12] [06.03.24 05:34:31.969] * CPU0 current freq: 3600 MHz, max freq: 3600 MHz [06.03.24 05:34:31.969] * CPU1 current freq: 3600 MHz, max freq: 3600 MHz [06.03.24 05:34:31.969] * CPU2 current freq: 3600 MHz, max freq: 3600 MHz [06.03.24 05:34:31.969] * CPU3 current freq: 3600 MHz, max freq: 3600 MHz [06.03.24 05:34:31.969] * CPU4 current freq: 3600 MHz, max freq: 3600 MHz [06.03.24 05:34:31.969] * CPU5 current freq: 3600 MHz, max freq: 3600 MHz [06.03.24 05:34:31.969] * CPU6 current freq: 3600 MHz, max freq: 3600 MHz [06.03.24 05:34:31.969] * CPU7 current freq: 3600 MHz, max freq: 3600 MHz [06.03.24 05:34:31.969] * CPU8 current freq: 3600 MHz, max freq: 3600 MHz [06.03.24 05:34:31.969] * CPU9 current freq: 3600 MHz, max freq: 3600 MHz [06.03.24 05:34:31.969] * CPU10 current freq: 3600 MHz, max freq: 3600 MHz [06.03.24 05:34:31.969] * CPU11 current freq: 3600 MHz, max freq: 3600 MHz [06.03.24 05:34:31.969] Initializing File System... [06.03.24 05:34:31.969] --Found base arch: [d:\secret trails\gamedata.db_base_levels_1], size: [1999628137] [06.03.24 05:34:31.975] --Found base arch: [d:\secret trails\gamedata.db_base_levels_2], size: [479488706] [06.03.24 05:34:31.977] --Found base arch: [d:\secret trails\gamedata.db_base_meshes_1], size: [1993032889] [06.03.24 05:34:31.995] --Found base arch: [d:\secret trails\gamedata.db_base_meshes_2], size: [1992805005] [06.03.24 05:34:32.005] --Found base arch: [d:\secret trails\gamedata.db_base_meshes_3], size: [716737471] [06.03.24 05:34:32.016] --Found base arch: [d:\secret trails\gamedata.db_base_sounds], size: [1178525260] [06.03.24 05:34:32.290] --Found base arch: [d:\secret trails\gamedata.db_base_textures_1], size: [1993026780] [06.03.24 05:34:32.317] --Found base arch: [d:\secret trails\gamedata.db_base_textures_2], size: [1992962743] [06.03.24 05:34:32.342] --Found base arch: [d:\secret trails\gamedata.db_base_textures_3], size: [1992930599] [06.03.24 05:34:32.374] --Found base arch: [d:\secret trails\gamedata.db_base_textures_4], size: [1992405187] [06.03.24 05:34:32.404] --Found base arch: [d:\secret trails\gamedata.db_base_textures_5], size: [1992711842] [06.03.24 05:34:32.421] --Found base arch: [d:\secret trails\gamedata.db_base_textures_6], size: [1997140099] [06.03.24 05:34:32.436] --Found base arch: [d:\secret trails\gamedata.db_patch], size: [448162972] [06.03.24 05:34:32.438] using fs-ltx: [fsgame.ltx] [06.03.24 05:34:32.438] --Found FS dir: [d:\secret trails\_appdata_\] [06.03.24 05:34:32.438] files: [5] [06.03.24 05:34:32.440] --Found FS dir: [d:\secret trails\gamedata\] [06.03.24 05:34:32.440] files: [16] [06.03.24 05:34:32.440] --Found FS dir: [d:\secret trails\gamedata\ai\] [06.03.24 05:34:32.440] files: [4] [06.03.24 05:34:32.441] --Found FS dir: [d:\secret trails\gamedata\spawns\] [06.03.24 05:34:32.441] files: [3] [06.03.24 05:34:32.441] --Found FS dir: [d:\secret trails\gamedata\anims\] [06.03.24 05:34:32.442] files: [166] [06.03.24 05:34:32.452] --Found FS dir: [d:\secret trails\gamedata\shaders\] [06.03.24 05:34:32.452] files: [4] [06.03.24 05:34:32.457] --Found FS dir: [d:\secret trails\gamedata\scripts\] [06.03.24 05:34:32.458] files: [109] [06.03.24 05:34:32.464] --Found FS dir: [d:\secret trails\gamedata\config\] [06.03.24 05:34:32.464] files: [39] [06.03.24 05:34:32.494] --Found FS dir: [d:\secret trails\gamedata\config\environment\weathers\] [06.03.24 05:34:32.494] files: [23] [06.03.24 05:34:32.494] --Found FS dir: [d:\secret trails\gamedata\config\environment\weather_effects\] [06.03.24 05:34:32.494] files: [4] [06.03.24 05:34:32.494] --Found FS dir: [d:\secret trails\_appdata_\savedgames\] [06.03.24 05:34:32.494] files: [77] [06.03.24 05:34:32.494] --Found FS dir: [d:\secret trails\_appdata_\logs\] [06.03.24 05:34:32.494] files: [16] [06.03.24 05:34:32.494] FS: 67816 files cached, 0Kb memory used. [06.03.24 05:34:32.494] Init FileSystem 0.525369 sec [06.03.24 05:34:32.495] [OGSR Engine (x64)] build date: [Jan 27 2023 18:37:14] [06.03.24 05:34:32.495] [_MSC_FULL_VER]: [193431937], [_MSVC_LANG]: [202002L] [06.03.24 05:34:32.495] Working Directory: [D:\Secret Trails\bin_x64] [06.03.24 05:34:32.495] CommandLine: ["D:\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe" ] [06.03.24 05:34:32.706] Initializing Engine... [06.03.24 05:34:32.708] Starting INPUT device... [06.03.24 05:34:32.720] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [06.03.24 05:34:32.720] [16309MB] physical memory installed, [12170MB] available, [25] percent of memory in use [06.03.24 05:34:32.720] PageFile usage: [134MB], Peak PageFile usage: [134MB] [06.03.24 05:34:32.720] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [06.03.24 05:34:32.720] * [ D3D ]: textures[0 K] [06.03.24 05:34:32.720] * [x-ray]: process heap[0 K], render[0 K] [06.03.24 05:34:32.720] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[38652 K], smem[0 K] [06.03.24 05:34:32.720] SOUND: OpenAL: enumerate devices... [06.03.24 05:34:32.720] SOUND: OpenAL: EnumerationExtension Present [06.03.24 05:34:32.856] devices Generic Software [06.03.24 05:34:32.856] SOUND: OpenAL: system default SndDevice name is Generic Software [06.03.24 05:34:33.151] SOUND: OpenAL: All available devices: [06.03.24 05:34:33.151] 1. Generic Software, Spec Version 1.1 (default) eax[2] efx[no] xram[no] [06.03.24 05:34:33.151] 2. OpenAL Soft, Spec Version 1.1 eax[0] efx[yes] xram[no] [06.03.24 05:34:33.151] Executing config-script "d:\secret trails\gamedata\config\default_controls.ltx"... [06.03.24 05:34:33.153] [d:\secret trails\gamedata\config\default_controls.ltx] successfully loaded. [06.03.24 05:34:33.153] Executing config-script "user.ltx"... [06.03.24 05:34:33.153] Executing config-script "d:\secret trails\gamedata\config\rspec_default.ltx"... [06.03.24 05:34:33.153] ! Unknown command: g_dof_scope [06.03.24 05:34:33.153] ! Unknown command: g_dof_zoom_far [06.03.24 05:34:33.153] ! Unknown command: g_dof_zoom_near [06.03.24 05:34:33.153] ! Unknown command: r2_detail_bump [06.03.24 05:34:33.153] ! Unknown command: r2_dof [06.03.24 05:34:33.153] ! Unknown command: r2_dof_enable [06.03.24 05:34:33.153] ! Unknown command: r2_dof_kernel [06.03.24 05:34:33.153] ! Unknown command: r2_dof_sky [06.03.24 05:34:33.153] ! Unknown command: r2_soft_particles [06.03.24 05:34:33.153] ! Unknown command: r2_soft_water [06.03.24 05:34:33.153] ! Unknown command: r2_ssao_blur [06.03.24 05:34:33.153] ! Unknown command: r2_ssao_half_data [06.03.24 05:34:33.153] ! Unknown command: r2_ssao_hbao [06.03.24 05:34:33.153] ! Unknown command: r2_ssao_hdao [06.03.24 05:34:33.153] ! Unknown command: r2_ssao_mode [06.03.24 05:34:33.153] ! Unknown command: r2_ssao_opt_data [06.03.24 05:34:33.153] ! Unknown command: r2_sun_details [06.03.24 05:34:33.153] ! Unknown command: r3_gbuffer_opt [06.03.24 05:34:33.153] ! Unknown command: r3_minmax_sm [06.03.24 05:34:33.153] ! Unknown command: r3_use_dx10_1 [06.03.24 05:34:33.153] ! Unknown command: r_sslr_blur [06.03.24 05:34:33.153] ! Unknown command: r_sslr_l [06.03.24 05:34:33.153] ! Unknown command: rs_refresh_60hz [06.03.24 05:34:33.153] ! Unknown command: rs_vis_distance [06.03.24 05:34:33.153] ! Unknown command: texture_lod [06.03.24 05:34:33.153] [d:\secret trails\gamedata\config\rspec_default.ltx] successfully loaded. [06.03.24 05:34:33.153] Executing config-script "d:\secret trails\gamedata\config\default_controls.ltx"... [06.03.24 05:34:33.154] [d:\secret trails\gamedata\config\default_controls.ltx] successfully loaded. [06.03.24 05:34:33.154] ~ Invalid syntax in call to 'r3_dynamic_wet_surfaces_far' [06.03.24 05:34:33.154] ~ Valid arguments: float value in range [30.00000,100.00000] [06.03.24 05:34:33.155] [d:\secret trails\_appdata_\user.ltx] successfully loaded. [06.03.24 05:34:33.155] SOUND: Selected device is OpenAL Soft [06.03.24 05:34:33.197] [OpenAL] EFX: present [06.03.24 05:34:33.197] * sound : cache: 65537 kb, 4856 lines, 13820 bpl [06.03.24 05:34:33.203] Starting RENDER device... [06.03.24 05:34:33.206] * GPU [vendor:10DE]-[device:2188]: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 [06.03.24 05:34:33.360] [CHW::CreateDevice] refCount of [HW.pDevice]: [4] [06.03.24 05:34:33.361] * Texture memory: 3935 M [06.03.24 05:34:33.362] * GPU shading: vs(0/4.0/40), ps(0/4.0/40) [06.03.24 05:34:33.362] * GPU vertex cache: unrecognized, 24 [06.03.24 05:34:33.363] * DVB created: 4096K [06.03.24 05:34:33.363] * DIB created: 512K [06.03.24 05:34:33.386] [CResourceManager::OnDeviceCreate] count of *shaders*.xr files: [2] [06.03.24 05:34:33.387] ! Version conflict in shader 'models\lightplanes_00' [06.03.24 05:34:33.387] ! Version conflict in shader 'models\lightplanesself' [06.03.24 05:34:33.387] ! Version conflict in shader 'models\model_puh' [06.03.24 05:34:33.387] ! Version conflict in shader 'models\model_refl' [06.03.24 05:34:33.387] ! Version conflict in shader 'models\xbrainglass' [06.03.24 05:34:33.387] ! Version conflict in shader 'models\xdistortcolorlinv' [06.03.24 05:34:33.387] ! Version conflict in shader 'models\xglass' [06.03.24 05:34:33.387] ! Version conflict in shader 'models\xglass2' [06.03.24 05:34:33.387] ! Version conflict in shader 'models\xlens' [06.03.24 05:34:33.387] ! Version conflict in shader 'selflight_static' [06.03.24 05:34:33.389] [CTextureDescrMngr::LoadLTX] count of *textures*.ltx files: [1] [06.03.24 05:34:34.198] * HWDST/PCF supported and used [06.03.24 05:34:37.579] [CPSLibrary::LoadAll] count of *particles*.xr files: [2] [06.03.24 05:34:37.579] Load [d:\secret trails\gamedata\particles_cop.xr] [06.03.24 05:34:37.580] cop format used for file [d:\secret trails\gamedata\particles_cop.xr] [06.03.24 05:34:37.611] Load [d:\secret trails\gamedata\particles.xr] [06.03.24 05:34:37.719] ! ParticleEffect [alexmx\ps_00] with empty texture or shader. Cannot create shader for Visual! [06.03.24 05:34:37.719] ! ParticleEffect [alexmx\test1] with empty texture or shader. Cannot create shader for Visual! [06.03.24 05:34:37.719] ! ParticleEffect [alexmx\test1_00] with empty texture or shader. Cannot create shader for Visual! [06.03.24 05:34:37.719] ! ParticleEffect [alexmx\test1_00_old00] with empty texture or shader. Cannot create shader for Visual! [06.03.24 05:34:37.719] ! ParticleEffect [alexmx\test1_old00] with empty texture or shader. Cannot create shader for Visual! [06.03.24 05:34:37.864] ! ParticleEffect [none] with empty texture or shader. Cannot create shader for Visual! [06.03.24 05:34:37.994] --LUA version: [LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta3] [06.03.24 05:34:38.000] !![CObjectFactory::add] Clsid [1095517216] already exists! Script clsid: [zone_mosquito_bald] [06.03.24 05:34:38.000] !![CObjectFactory::add] Script clsid [zone_mosquito_bald] already exists! Clsid: [1095517216] [06.03.24 05:34:38.045] Starting engine... [06.03.24 05:34:39.696] ! Invalid ogg-comment, file: [d:\secret trails\gamedata\sounds\ambient\blowout\blowout_lightning_01.ogg] [06.03.24 05:34:39.696] ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: [d:\secret trails\gamedata\sounds\ambient\blowout\blowout_lightning_01.ogg] [06.03.24 05:34:39.699] ! Invalid ogg-comment, file: [d:\secret trails\gamedata\sounds\ambient\blowout\blowout_lightning_02.ogg] [06.03.24 05:34:39.699] ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: [d:\secret trails\gamedata\sounds\ambient\blowout\blowout_lightning_02.ogg] [06.03.24 05:34:39.703] ! Invalid ogg-comment, file: [d:\secret trails\gamedata\sounds\ambient\blowout\blowout_lightning_03.ogg] [06.03.24 05:34:39.703] ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: [d:\secret trails\gamedata\sounds\ambient\blowout\blowout_lightning_03.ogg] [06.03.24 05:34:39.709] ! Invalid ogg-comment, file: [d:\secret trails\gamedata\sounds\ambient\blowout\blowout_lightning_04.ogg] [06.03.24 05:34:39.709] ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: [d:\secret trails\gamedata\sounds\ambient\blowout\blowout_lightning_04.ogg] [06.03.24 05:34:39.715] ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: [d:\secret trails\gamedata\sounds\ambient\blowout\blowout_lightning_05.ogg] [06.03.24 05:34:39.717] ! Invalid ogg-comment, file: [d:\secret trails\gamedata\sounds\ambient\blowout\blowout_boom_01.ogg] [06.03.24 05:34:39.717] ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: [d:\secret trails\gamedata\sounds\ambient\blowout\blowout_boom_01.ogg] [06.03.24 05:34:39.717] ! Invalid ogg-comment, file: [d:\secret trails\gamedata\sounds\ambient\blowout\blowout_boom_02.ogg] [06.03.24 05:34:39.717] ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: [d:\secret trails\gamedata\sounds\ambient\blowout\blowout_boom_02.ogg] [06.03.24 05:35:40.956] [rescan_physical_path] files count before: [67816] [06.03.24 05:35:40.965] [rescan_physical_path] files count after: [67816] [06.03.24 05:35:40.967] ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: [d:\secret trails\gamedata\sounds\mod\mainmenu_button_sound.ogg] [06.03.24 05:35:43.192] ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: [d:\secret trails\gamedata\sounds\mod\mainmenu_button_cancel_sound.ogg] [06.03.24 05:35:44.144] !![IReaderBase<class IReader>::find_chunk] chunk [15] has invalid size [1283], return elapsed size [1151] [06.03.24 05:35:44.348] * phase time: 1 ms [06.03.24 05:35:44.348] * phase cmem: 0 K [06.03.24 05:35:44.425] --LUA version: [LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta3] [06.03.24 05:35:44.428] !![CObjectFactory::add] Clsid [1095517216] already exists! Script clsid: [zone_mosquito_bald] [06.03.24 05:35:44.428] !![CObjectFactory::add] Script clsid [zone_mosquito_bald] already exists! Clsid: [1095517216] [06.03.24 05:35:44.446] * phase time: 97 ms [06.03.24 05:35:44.446] * phase cmem: 0 K [06.03.24 05:35:44.450] * Loading spawn registry... [06.03.24 05:35:44.746] * 7741 spawn points are successfully loaded [06.03.24 05:35:44.746] * Loading objects... [06.03.24 05:35:44.900] * 11543 objects are successfully loaded [06.03.24 05:35:44.956] ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: [d:\secret trails\gamedata\sounds\interface\item_usage\gasmask_swipe.ogg] [06.03.24 05:35:44.961] ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: [d:\secret trails\gamedata\sounds\interface\nv_start.ogg] [06.03.24 05:35:44.961] ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: [d:\secret trails\gamedata\sounds\interface\nv_off.ogg] [06.03.24 05:35:44.968] [ogse_unist]: new game detected, clear all [06.03.24 05:35:44.973] ! Missing ogg-comment, file: [d:\secret trails\gamedata\sounds\detectors\geiger_1.ogg] [06.03.24 05:35:44.973] ! Missing ogg-comment, file: [d:\secret trails\gamedata\sounds\detectors\geiger_2.ogg] [06.03.24 05:35:44.974] ! Missing ogg-comment, file: [d:\secret trails\gamedata\sounds\detectors\geiger_4.ogg] [06.03.24 05:35:44.974] ! Missing ogg-comment, file: [d:\secret trails\gamedata\sounds\detectors\geiger_5.ogg] [06.03.24 05:35:44.974] ! Missing ogg-comment, file: [d:\secret trails\gamedata\sounds\detectors\geiger_6.ogg] [06.03.24 05:35:45.048] * 2243 script vars are successfully loaded [06.03.24 05:35:45.361] * Game user_quicksave_3 is successfully loaded from file 'd:\secret trails\_appdata_\savedgames\user_quicksave_3.sav' (0.914s) [06.03.24 05:35:45.361] * phase time: 915 ms [06.03.24 05:35:45.361] * phase cmem: 0 K [06.03.24 05:35:45.462] # Player not found. New player created. [06.03.24 05:35:45.463] !!xrServer::Check_GameSpy_CDKey_Success - 1 [06.03.24 05:35:45.463] * client : connection accepted - <> [06.03.24 05:35:45.476] * phase time: 115 ms [06.03.24 05:35:45.476] * phase cmem: 0 K [06.03.24 05:35:45.494] * phase time: 18 ms [06.03.24 05:35:45.494] * phase cmem: 0 K [06.03.24 05:35:46.699] --[ISpatial_DB::initialize] bbc is [582.8, 70.6, 51.4], bbd is [815.6, 80.0, 799.2] [06.03.24 05:35:46.699] --[ISpatial_DB::initialize] bbc is [582.8, 70.6, 51.4], bbd is [815.6, 80.0, 799.2] [06.03.24 05:35:46.707] * phase time: 1212 ms [06.03.24 05:35:46.707] * phase cmem: 0 K [06.03.24 05:35:47.381] * phase time: 673 ms [06.03.24 05:35:47.381] * phase cmem: 0 K [06.03.24 05:35:47.382] * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:35:47.389] * [Loading VB] 65530 verts, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:35:47.393] * [Loading VB] 65529 verts, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:35:47.397] * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:35:47.400] * [Loading VB] 65517 verts, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:35:47.404] * [Loading VB] 38581 verts, 1205 Kb [06.03.24 05:35:47.406] * [Loading VB] 65526 verts, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:35:47.410] * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:35:47.415] * [Loading VB] 65531 verts, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:35:47.419] * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:35:47.423] * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:35:47.428] * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:35:47.432] * [Loading VB] 65519 verts, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:35:47.436] * [Loading VB] 65500 verts, 2046 Kb [06.03.24 05:35:47.441] * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:35:47.445] * [Loading VB] 65532 verts, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:35:47.450] * [Loading VB] 23756 verts, 742 Kb [06.03.24 05:35:47.452] * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:35:47.456] * [Loading VB] 41885 verts, 1308 Kb [06.03.24 05:35:47.458] * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:35:47.462] * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:35:47.466] * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:35:47.470] * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:35:47.473] * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:35:47.477] * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:35:47.481] * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:35:47.485] * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:35:47.489] * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:35:47.492] * [Loading IB] 1048572 indices, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:35:47.496] * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:35:47.500] * [Loading IB] 538788 indices, 1052 Kb [06.03.24 05:35:47.504] * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 767 Kb [06.03.24 05:35:47.506] * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb [06.03.24 05:35:47.508] * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 767 Kb [06.03.24 05:35:47.512] * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 767 Kb [06.03.24 05:35:47.514] * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb [06.03.24 05:35:47.516] * [Loading VB] 65532 verts, 767 Kb [06.03.24 05:35:47.518] * [Loading VB] 65532 verts, 767 Kb [06.03.24 05:35:47.520] * [Loading VB] 34767 verts, 407 Kb [06.03.24 05:35:47.521] * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:35:47.526] * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:35:47.528] * [Loading IB] 1048572 indices, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:35:47.531] * [Loading IB] 1048572 indices, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:35:47.533] * [Loading IB] 140604 indices, 274 Kb [06.03.24 05:35:47.534] * phase time: 153 ms [06.03.24 05:35:47.534] * phase cmem: 0 K [06.03.24 05:35:47.543] * phase time: 9 ms [06.03.24 05:35:47.543] * phase cmem: 0 K [06.03.24 05:35:47.603] * [DETAILS] VertexConsts(256), Batch(61) [06.03.24 05:35:47.603] * [DETAILS] 40687 v(20), 26352 p [06.03.24 05:35:47.603] * [DETAILS] Batch(61), VB(794K), IB(154K) [06.03.24 05:35:47.645] * phase time: 102 ms [06.03.24 05:35:47.645] * phase cmem: 0 K [06.03.24 05:35:47.646] * Loading HOM: d:\secret trails\gamedata\levels\l12_stancia\level.hom [06.03.24 05:35:47.720] * phase time: 74 ms [06.03.24 05:35:47.720] * phase cmem: 0 K [06.03.24 05:35:47.729] * phase time: 9 ms [06.03.24 05:35:47.729] * phase cmem: 0 K [06.03.24 05:35:47.749] - Game configuring : Started [06.03.24 05:35:47.750] - Game configuring : Finished [06.03.24 05:35:47.877] * phase time: 148 ms [06.03.24 05:35:47.877] * phase cmem: 0 K [06.03.24 05:35:47.878] CResourceManager::DeferredUpload [MT] -> START, size = [2055] [06.03.24 05:35:47.905] ! Fallback to default bump map: build_details_bump# [06.03.24 05:35:47.984] ! Fallback to default bump map: build_details_bump [06.03.24 05:35:48.061] ! Can't find texture 'fozest\fire_spark_04' [06.03.24 05:35:48.064] ! Can't find texture 'fozest\small_fire_looped10x4' [06.03.24 05:35:48.074] ! Can't find texture 'fozest\small_fire_looped10x4_dist' [06.03.24 05:35:48.095] ! Can't find texture 'fozest\smoke02' [06.03.24 05:35:48.248] ! Can't find texture 'pfx\pfx_yawm_flake_grid' [06.03.24 05:35:48.260] ! Can't find texture 'pfx\pfx_yawm_snowflakes_light' [06.03.24 05:35:48.276] ! Can't find texture 'pfx\pfx_yawm_snowflakes_light_02' [06.03.24 05:35:51.454] ! Can't find texture 'terrain\terrain_stancia_land_puddles_mask' [06.03.24 05:35:51.598] ! Can't find texture 'unrealengine\explosions_new\expl_air_03_var1' [06.03.24 05:35:51.724] ! Can't find texture 'unrealengine\explosions_new\expl_air_01_var1' [06.03.24 05:35:51.730] ! Can't find texture 'unrealengine\explosions_new\expl_air_02_var1' [06.03.24 05:35:51.836] CResourceManager::DeferredUpload -> END [06.03.24 05:35:51.836] * t-report - base: 2051, 2765079 K [06.03.24 05:35:51.836] * t-report - lmap: 4, 4096 K [06.03.24 05:35:51.837] * phase time: 3959 ms [06.03.24 05:35:51.837] * phase cmem: 0 K [06.03.24 05:35:51.876] * phase time: 39 ms [06.03.24 05:35:51.876] * phase cmem: 0 K [06.03.24 05:35:51.890] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [06.03.24 05:35:51.890] [16309MB] physical memory installed, [11208MB] available, [31] percent of memory in use [06.03.24 05:35:51.890] PageFile usage: [9749MB], Peak PageFile usage: [9755MB] [06.03.24 05:35:51.890] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [06.03.24 05:35:51.890] * [ D3D ]: textures[2769176 K] [06.03.24 05:35:51.890] * [x-ray]: process heap[0 K], render[0 K] [06.03.24 05:35:51.890] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[40127 K], smem[19674 K] [06.03.24 05:35:52.821] [ogse_signals]: signal 'on_init' is too slow: 28659 [06.03.24 05:35:52.821] [ogse_signals]: 25036, @d:\secret trails\gamedata\scripts\dsh\dsh_cop_weather.script [06.03.24 05:35:52.829] [treasure_manager]: 1 treasures loaded (active/done): 1/1 [06.03.24 05:35:52.830] [task_manager]: 39 tasks loaded: 2 active [06.03.24 05:35:52.830] [ogse_st_mgr]: ogse_st_mgr.delayed_fun_start: 1 timers loaded [06.03.24 05:35:52.830] [ogse_st_mgr]: 1 all timers loaded [06.03.24 05:35:52.830] [dsh_cop_weather]: DynamicForecast: default loaded: 16 items [06.03.24 05:35:52.831] [dsh_cop_weather]: StaticForecast: default loaded: 44 items [06.03.24 05:35:53.300] [ogse_signals]: signal 'on_before_spawn' is too slow: 469009 [06.03.24 05:35:53.300] [ogse_signals]: 468992, @d:\secret trails\gamedata\scripts\sak_off_corpses.script [06.03.24 05:35:53.334] [dsh_alife]: 11537/908 items collected: 12612 [06.03.24 05:35:53.334] [dsh_alife]: 0: 168 items [06.03.24 05:35:53.334] [dsh_alife]: 65535: 8231 items [06.03.24 05:35:53.346] [amk_anoms]: artefacts randomized, time spent = 5607 [06.03.24 05:35:53.346] [amk_anoms]: randomize_anoms() paused: 23582.892578125 [06.03.24 05:35:53.714] ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\wpn_knifm_bump# [06.03.24 05:35:53.808] ! Can't find sound [weapons\walther_p99_shoot.ogg] [06.03.24 05:35:53.810] ! Can't find sound [weapons\firemode_switch.ogg] [06.03.24 05:35:53.810] ! Can't find sound [weapons\zoom_change.ogg] [06.03.24 05:35:53.810] ! Can't find sound [weapons\vss\vss_firemode.ogg] [06.03.24 05:35:53.840] ! Missing ogg-comment, file: [d:\secret trails\gamedata\sounds\detectors\geiger_3.ogg] [06.03.24 05:35:54.215] ! Invalid ogg-comment, file: [d:\secret trails\gamedata\sounds\weapons\_sd\mono\545\sd_close_3.ogg] [06.03.24 05:35:54.215] ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: [d:\secret trails\gamedata\sounds\weapons\_sd\mono\545\sd_close_3.ogg] [06.03.24 05:35:54.445] ! Can't find sound [weapons\_gunfire\mono\p226\close2.ogg] [06.03.24 05:35:54.445] ! Can't find sound [weapons\_gunfire\mono\p226\close3.ogg] [06.03.24 05:35:54.445] ! Can't find sound [weapons\_gunfire\mono\p226\close4.ogg] [06.03.24 05:35:54.621] ! Fallback to default bump map: amk\amk_rub_bump# [06.03.24 05:35:54.621] ! Fallback to default bump map: amk\amk_rub_bump [06.03.24 05:35:54.903] ! Can't find texture 'wpn\groza\pbs' [06.03.24 05:35:55.317] ! Can't find sound [weapons\_sd\mono\939\tail_sd_1.ogg] [06.03.24 05:35:55.318] ! Can't find sound [weapons\_sd\mono\tail\939\tail_sd_2.ogg] [06.03.24 05:35:55.318] ! Can't find sound [weapons\_sd\mono\939\tail_sd_3.ogg] [06.03.24 05:35:55.318] ! Can't find sound [weapons\_sd\mono\939\tail_sd_4.ogg] [06.03.24 05:35:55.448] ! [CGameObject::net_Spawn]: visual_name[dynamics\weapons\grenade\wpn_f_1] not found in aes_grenade_f_0001, keep original dynamics\weapons\wpn_grenades\wpn_f1.ogf instead [06.03.24 05:35:55.448] ! [CGameObject::net_Spawn]: visual_name[dynamics\weapons\grenade\wpn_f_1] not found in aes_grenade_f_0000, keep original dynamics\weapons\wpn_grenades\wpn_f1.ogf instead [06.03.24 05:35:55.448] ! [CGameObject::net_Spawn]: visual_name[dynamics\weapons\grenade\wpn_f_1] not found in aes_grenade_f_0002, keep original dynamics\weapons\wpn_grenades\wpn_f1.ogf instead [06.03.24 05:35:55.449] ! [CGameObject::net_Spawn]: visual_name[dynamics\weapons\grenade\wpn_f_1] not found in aes_grenade_f_0003, keep original dynamics\weapons\wpn_grenades\wpn_f1.ogf instead [06.03.24 05:35:55.528] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_light_time' in 'zone_gravi_zone_strong' [06.03.24 05:35:55.528] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_explosion_time' in 'zone_gravi_zone_strong' [06.03.24 05:35:55.529] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_light_time' in 'zone_gravi_zone_strong' [06.03.24 05:35:55.529] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_explosion_time' in 'zone_gravi_zone_strong' [06.03.24 05:35:55.530] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_light_time' in 'zone_gravi_zone_strong' [06.03.24 05:35:55.530] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_explosion_time' in 'zone_gravi_zone_strong' [06.03.24 05:35:55.530] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_light_time' in 'zone_gravi_zone_strong' [06.03.24 05:35:55.530] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_explosion_time' in 'zone_gravi_zone_strong' [06.03.24 05:35:55.531] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_light_time' in 'zone_gravi_zone_strong' [06.03.24 05:35:55.531] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_explosion_time' in 'zone_gravi_zone_strong' [06.03.24 05:35:55.531] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_light_time' in 'zone_gravi_zone_strong' [06.03.24 05:35:55.531] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_explosion_time' in 'zone_gravi_zone_strong' [06.03.24 05:35:55.532] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_light_time' in 'zone_gravi_zone_strong' [06.03.24 05:35:55.532] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_explosion_time' in 'zone_gravi_zone_strong' [06.03.24 05:35:55.533] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_light_time' in 'zone_gravi_zone_strong' [06.03.24 05:35:55.533] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_explosion_time' in 'zone_gravi_zone_strong' [06.03.24 05:35:55.533] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_light_time' in 'zone_gravi_zone_strong' [06.03.24 05:35:55.533] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_explosion_time' in 'zone_gravi_zone_strong' [06.03.24 05:35:55.534] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_light_time' in 'zone_gravi_zone_strong' [06.03.24 05:35:55.534] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_explosion_time' in 'zone_gravi_zone_strong' [06.03.24 05:35:55.534] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_light_time' in 'zone_gravi_zone_strong' [06.03.24 05:35:55.534] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_explosion_time' in 'zone_gravi_zone_strong' [06.03.24 05:35:55.535] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_light_time' in 'zone_gravi_zone_strong' [06.03.24 05:35:55.535] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_explosion_time' in 'zone_gravi_zone_strong' [06.03.24 05:35:55.536] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_light_time' in 'zone_gravi_zone_strong' [06.03.24 05:35:55.536] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_explosion_time' in 'zone_gravi_zone_strong' [06.03.24 05:35:55.536] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_light_time' in 'zone_gravi_zone_strong' [06.03.24 05:35:55.536] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_explosion_time' in 'zone_gravi_zone_strong' [06.03.24 05:35:55.537] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_light_time' in 'zone_gravi_zone_strong' [06.03.24 05:35:55.537] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_explosion_time' in 'zone_gravi_zone_strong' [06.03.24 05:35:55.649] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_light_time' in 'amk_zone_gravi_zone_strong' [06.03.24 05:35:55.650] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_explosion_time' in 'amk_zone_gravi_zone_strong' [06.03.24 05:35:55.651] ! Can't find sound [anomaly\fireball_hit.ogg] [06.03.24 05:35:55.651] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_light_time' in 'amk_zone_gravi_zone_strong' [06.03.24 05:35:55.651] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_explosion_time' in 'amk_zone_gravi_zone_strong' [06.03.24 05:35:55.658] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_light_time' in 'amk_zone_gravi_zone_average' [06.03.24 05:35:55.658] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_explosion_time' in 'amk_zone_gravi_zone_average' [06.03.24 05:35:55.897] ! [CSpaceRestrictor::net_Spawn]: respawn has no shapes [06.03.24 05:35:55.897] ! [CSpaceRestrictor::net_Spawn]: respawn has no shapes [06.03.24 05:35:55.897] ! [CSpaceRestrictor::net_Spawn]: respawn has no shapes [06.03.24 05:35:56.410] ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\wpn_addon_grenade_launcher_bump# [06.03.24 05:35:56.851] [dsh_cop_weather]: restore time_factor: 0 -> 2 [06.03.24 05:35:56.851] [dsh_cop_weather]: time diff on first update is -0 [06.03.24 05:35:56.872] [ogse_signals]: signal 'on_update' time limited in 'normal' queue: 20368. Last call spent 18814, script_name = @d:\secret trails\gamedata\scripts\ui\ui_indicators.script. Next is 12 from 22. [06.03.24 05:35:57.154] [dsh_alife]: invalidate all items [06.03.24 05:35:58.640] * MEMORY USAGE: 0 K [06.03.24 05:35:58.640] * End of synchronization A[1] R[1] [06.03.24 05:35:58.640] * phase time: 6803 ms [06.03.24 05:35:58.640] * phase cmem: 0 K [06.03.24 05:49:45.614] ~~Actor netpacket size 60 [06.03.24 05:49:45.614] [amk]: 1 changed variables saved [06.03.24 05:49:45.615] [ogse_st_mgr]: ogse_st_mgr.delayed_fun_start: 1 timers saved [06.03.24 05:49:45.615] [ogse_st_mgr]: 1 all timers saved [06.03.24 05:49:45.615] [task_manager]: 39 tasks saved: 2 active [06.03.24 05:49:45.616] [treasure_manager]: 1 treasures saved (active/done): 1/1 [06.03.24 05:49:45.616] [dsh_cop_weather]: DynamicForecast: default saved: 16 items [06.03.24 05:49:45.617] [dsh_cop_weather]: StaticForecast: default saved: 44 items [06.03.24 05:49:45.617] * Saving spawns... [06.03.24 05:49:45.617] * Saving objects... [06.03.24 05:49:45.649] * 11531 objects are successfully saved [06.03.24 05:49:45.649] * 2243 script vars are successfully saved [06.03.24 05:49:45.653] * Game user_quicksave_4.sav is successfully saved to file 'd:\secret trails\_appdata_\savedgames\user_quicksave_4.sav' [06.03.24 05:49:45.654] [ogse_signals]: signal 'on_key_down' is too slow: 39272 [06.03.24 05:49:45.654] [ogse_signals]: 39236, @d:\secret trails\gamedata\scripts\ogsr\ogsr_quick_saveload.script [06.03.24 05:49:45.660] [dsh_cop_weather]: time diff after save is -0 [06.03.24 05:53:33.332] ! Can't find texture 'wpn\wpn_addon_scope_po4x34' [06.03.24 05:53:33.333] ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\wpn_addon_scope_po4x34_bump# [06.03.24 05:53:33.333] ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\wpn_addon_scope_po4x34_bump [06.03.24 05:53:33.443] ! Can't find texture 'silencer\silencer_tgpa' [06.03.24 05:53:33.559] ! Can't find texture 'ammo\ammo_9x39' [06.03.24 05:53:33.560] ! Can't find texture 'ammo\ammo_5x45' [06.03.24 05:53:33.783] ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\wpn_scope_pso_1m2-1_lens_bump# [06.03.24 05:53:34.443] ! Can't find texture 'wpn\wpn_bullet1_545' [06.03.24 05:53:34.443] ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\wpn_bullet1_545_bump# [06.03.24 05:53:34.443] ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\wpn_bullet1_545_bump [06.03.24 05:53:44.400] ~~Actor netpacket size 60 [06.03.24 05:53:44.400] [amk]: 0 changed variables saved [06.03.24 05:53:44.401] [ogse_st_mgr]: ogse_st_mgr.delayed_fun_start: 1 timers saved [06.03.24 05:53:44.401] [ogse_st_mgr]: 1 all timers saved [06.03.24 05:53:44.402] [task_manager]: 39 tasks saved: 2 active [06.03.24 05:53:44.402] [treasure_manager]: 1 treasures saved (active/done): 1/1 [06.03.24 05:53:44.402] [dsh_cop_weather]: DynamicForecast: default saved: 16 items [06.03.24 05:53:44.403] [dsh_cop_weather]: StaticForecast: default saved: 44 items [06.03.24 05:53:44.404] * Saving spawns... [06.03.24 05:53:44.404] * Saving objects... [06.03.24 05:53:44.446] * 11524 objects are successfully saved [06.03.24 05:53:44.447] * 2243 script vars are successfully saved [06.03.24 05:53:44.450] * Game user_quicksave_5.sav is successfully saved to file 'd:\secret trails\_appdata_\savedgames\user_quicksave_5.sav' [06.03.24 05:53:44.451] [ogse_signals]: signal 'on_key_down' is too slow: 50344 [06.03.24 05:53:44.451] [ogse_signals]: 50307, @d:\secret trails\gamedata\scripts\ogsr\ogsr_quick_saveload.script [06.03.24 05:53:44.455] [dsh_cop_weather]: time diff after save is -0 [06.03.24 05:54:10.864] ~~Actor netpacket size 60 [06.03.24 05:54:10.864] [amk]: 0 changed variables saved [06.03.24 05:54:10.864] [ogse_st_mgr]: ogse_st_mgr.delayed_fun_start: 1 timers saved [06.03.24 05:54:10.864] [ogse_st_mgr]: 1 all timers saved [06.03.24 05:54:10.865] [task_manager]: 39 tasks saved: 2 active [06.03.24 05:54:10.865] [treasure_manager]: 1 treasures saved (active/done): 1/1 [06.03.24 05:54:10.865] [dsh_cop_weather]: DynamicForecast: default saved: 16 items [06.03.24 05:54:10.866] [dsh_cop_weather]: StaticForecast: default saved: 44 items [06.03.24 05:54:10.867] * Saving spawns... [06.03.24 05:54:10.867] * Saving objects... [06.03.24 05:54:10.881] * 11524 objects are successfully saved [06.03.24 05:54:10.882] * 2243 script vars are successfully saved [06.03.24 05:54:10.885] * Game user_autosave.sav is successfully saved to file 'd:\secret trails\_appdata_\savedgames\user_autosave.sav' [06.03.24 05:54:10.890] - Disconnect [06.03.24 05:54:10.946] ~~['xr_sound'] size of table sound_object_by_path: [16] [06.03.24 05:54:11.696] - Destroying level [06.03.24 05:54:11.831] * phase time: 3 ms [06.03.24 05:54:11.832] * phase cmem: 0 K [06.03.24 05:54:11.912] --LUA version: [LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta3] [06.03.24 05:54:11.919] !![CObjectFactory::add] Clsid [1095517216] already exists! Script clsid: [zone_mosquito_bald] [06.03.24 05:54:11.919] !![CObjectFactory::add] Script clsid [zone_mosquito_bald] already exists! Clsid: [1095517216] [06.03.24 05:54:11.941] * phase time: 109 ms [06.03.24 05:54:11.941] * phase cmem: 0 K [06.03.24 05:54:11.945] * Loading spawn registry... [06.03.24 05:54:12.202] * 7741 spawn points are successfully loaded [06.03.24 05:54:12.202] * Loading objects... [06.03.24 05:54:12.354] * 11524 objects are successfully loaded [06.03.24 05:54:12.439] [ogse_unist]: new game detected, clear all [06.03.24 05:54:12.490] * 2243 script vars are successfully loaded [06.03.24 05:54:12.807] * Game user_autosave is successfully loaded from file 'd:\secret trails\_appdata_\savedgames\user_autosave.sav' (0.865s) [06.03.24 05:54:12.807] * phase time: 865 ms [06.03.24 05:54:12.807] * phase cmem: 0 K [06.03.24 05:54:12.850] # Player not found. New player created. [06.03.24 05:54:12.850] !!xrServer::Check_GameSpy_CDKey_Success - 1 [06.03.24 05:54:12.850] * client : connection accepted - <> [06.03.24 05:54:12.864] * phase time: 56 ms [06.03.24 05:54:12.864] * phase cmem: 0 K [06.03.24 05:54:12.883] * phase time: 19 ms [06.03.24 05:54:12.883] * phase cmem: 0 K [06.03.24 05:54:14.641] * phase time: 1758 ms [06.03.24 05:54:14.641] * phase cmem: 0 K [06.03.24 05:54:15.369] * phase time: 728 ms [06.03.24 05:54:15.369] * phase cmem: 0 K [06.03.24 05:54:15.371] * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:54:15.375] * [Loading VB] 65527 verts, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:54:15.380] * [Loading VB] 65524 verts, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:54:15.385] * [Loading VB] 37850 verts, 1182 Kb [06.03.24 05:54:15.389] * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:54:15.395] * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:54:15.401] * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:54:15.407] * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:54:15.414] * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:54:15.420] * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:54:15.427] * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:54:15.433] * [Loading VB] 65528 verts, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:54:15.439] * [Loading VB] 65520 verts, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:54:15.446] * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:54:15.452] * [Loading VB] 65529 verts, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:54:15.458] * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:54:15.465] * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:54:15.471] * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:54:15.477] * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:54:15.483] * [Loading VB] 39973 verts, 1249 Kb [06.03.24 05:54:15.487] * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:54:15.495] * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:54:15.502] * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:54:15.510] * [Loading VB] 65532 verts, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:54:15.517] * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:54:15.525] * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:54:15.533] * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:54:15.540] * [Loading VB] 65532 verts, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:54:15.548] * [Loading VB] 8538 verts, 266 Kb [06.03.24 05:54:15.549] * [Loading VB] 4596 verts, 143 Kb [06.03.24 05:54:15.550] * [Loading VB] 52372 verts, 1636 Kb [06.03.24 05:54:15.556] * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:54:15.561] * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:54:15.565] * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:54:15.572] * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:54:15.577] * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:54:15.584] * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:54:15.588] * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:54:15.591] * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:54:15.598] * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:54:15.602] * [Loading IB] 751290 indices, 1467 Kb [06.03.24 05:54:15.605] * [Loading IB] 18816 indices, 36 Kb [06.03.24 05:54:15.605] * [Loading IB] 535659 indices, 1046 Kb [06.03.24 05:54:15.609] * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 767 Kb [06.03.24 05:54:15.611] * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb [06.03.24 05:54:15.615] * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb [06.03.24 05:54:15.619] * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 767 Kb [06.03.24 05:54:15.621] * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 767 Kb [06.03.24 05:54:15.622] * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb [06.03.24 05:54:15.624] * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 767 Kb [06.03.24 05:54:15.627] * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 767 Kb [06.03.24 05:54:15.630] * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 767 Kb [06.03.24 05:54:15.632] * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 767 Kb [06.03.24 05:54:15.636] * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 767 Kb [06.03.24 05:54:15.639] * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 767 Kb [06.03.24 05:54:15.641] * [Loading VB] 61195 verts, 717 Kb [06.03.24 05:54:15.643] * [Loading VB] 4070 verts, 47 Kb [06.03.24 05:54:15.643] * [Loading VB] 52372 verts, 613 Kb [06.03.24 05:54:15.644] * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:54:15.650] * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:54:15.653] * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:54:15.656] * [Loading IB] 1048572 indices, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:54:15.660] * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:54:15.663] * [Loading IB] 87489 indices, 170 Kb [06.03.24 05:54:15.663] * [Loading IB] 18816 indices, 36 Kb [06.03.24 05:54:15.663] * [Loading IB] 876198 indices, 1711 Kb [06.03.24 05:54:15.666] * phase time: 296 ms [06.03.24 05:54:15.666] * phase cmem: 0 K [06.03.24 05:54:15.685] * phase time: 18 ms [06.03.24 05:54:15.685] * phase cmem: 0 K [06.03.24 05:54:15.730] * [DETAILS] VertexConsts(256), Batch(61) [06.03.24 05:54:15.730] * [DETAILS] 40687 v(20), 26352 p [06.03.24 05:54:15.730] * [DETAILS] Batch(61), VB(794K), IB(154K) [06.03.24 05:54:15.773] * phase time: 88 ms [06.03.24 05:54:15.773] * phase cmem: 0 K [06.03.24 05:54:15.777] * Loading HOM: d:\secret trails\gamedata\levels\l11_pripyat\level.hom [06.03.24 05:54:15.797] * phase time: 23 ms [06.03.24 05:54:15.797] * phase cmem: 0 K [06.03.24 05:54:15.811] * phase time: 13 ms [06.03.24 05:54:15.811] * phase cmem: 0 K [06.03.24 05:54:15.834] - Game configuring : Started [06.03.24 05:54:15.834] - Game configuring : Finished [06.03.24 05:54:15.841] * phase time: 29 ms [06.03.24 05:54:15.841] * phase cmem: 0 K [06.03.24 05:54:15.851] CResourceManager::DeferredUpload [MT] -> START, size = [2428] [06.03.24 05:54:15.878] ! Fallback to default bump map: build_details_bump [06.03.24 05:54:15.879] ! Fallback to default bump map: build_details_bump# [06.03.24 05:54:16.106] ! Can't find texture 'terrain\terrain_prypiat_puddles_mask' [06.03.24 05:54:16.272] CResourceManager::DeferredUpload -> END [06.03.24 05:54:16.272] * t-report - base: 2401, 3221840 K [06.03.24 05:54:16.272] * t-report - lmap: 27, 27651 K [06.03.24 05:54:16.272] * phase time: 431 ms [06.03.24 05:54:16.272] * phase cmem: 0 K [06.03.24 05:54:16.303] * phase time: 31 ms [06.03.24 05:54:16.303] * phase cmem: 0 K [06.03.24 05:54:16.321] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [06.03.24 05:54:16.321] [16309MB] physical memory installed, [10488MB] available, [35] percent of memory in use [06.03.24 05:54:16.321] PageFile usage: [10678MB], Peak PageFile usage: [10846MB] [06.03.24 05:54:16.321] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [06.03.24 05:54:16.321] * [ D3D ]: textures[3249491 K] [06.03.24 05:54:16.321] * [x-ray]: process heap[0 K], render[0 K] [06.03.24 05:54:16.321] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[45134 K], smem[28228 K] [06.03.24 05:54:16.611] [ogse_signals]: signal 'on_init' is too slow: 31047 [06.03.24 05:54:16.611] [ogse_signals]: 27518, @d:\secret trails\gamedata\scripts\dsh\dsh_cop_weather.script [06.03.24 05:54:16.617] [treasure_manager]: 1 treasures loaded (active/done): 1/1 [06.03.24 05:54:16.618] [task_manager]: 39 tasks loaded: 2 active [06.03.24 05:54:16.619] [ogse_st_mgr]: ogse_st_mgr.delayed_fun_start: 1 timers loaded [06.03.24 05:54:16.619] [ogse_st_mgr]: 1 all timers loaded [06.03.24 05:54:16.619] [dsh_cop_weather]: DynamicForecast: default loaded: 16 items [06.03.24 05:54:16.619] [dsh_cop_weather]: StaticForecast: default loaded: 44 items [06.03.24 05:54:16.736] [ogse_signals]: signal 'on_before_spawn' is too slow: 116822 [06.03.24 05:54:16.736] [ogse_signals]: 116806, @d:\secret trails\gamedata\scripts\sak_off_corpses.script [06.03.24 05:54:16.766] [dsh_alife]: 11523/908 items collected: 12942 [06.03.24 05:54:16.766] [dsh_alife]: 0: 167 items [06.03.24 05:54:16.766] [dsh_alife]: 65535: 8218 items [06.03.24 05:54:16.816] [amk_anoms]: artefacts randomized, time spent = 42607 [06.03.24 05:54:16.816] [amk_anoms]: randomize_anoms() paused: 22569 [06.03.24 05:54:17.173] ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\wpn_knifm_bump# [06.03.24 05:54:18.405] ! Can't find texture 'wpn\groza\pbs' [06.03.24 05:54:18.517] ! [CGameObject::net_Spawn]: visual_name[dynamics\weapons\grenade\wpn_f_1] not found in aes_grenade_f_0001, keep original dynamics\weapons\wpn_grenades\wpn_f1.ogf instead [06.03.24 05:54:18.517] ! [CGameObject::net_Spawn]: visual_name[dynamics\weapons\grenade\wpn_f_1] not found in aes_grenade_f_0000, keep original dynamics\weapons\wpn_grenades\wpn_f1.ogf instead [06.03.24 05:54:18.517] ! [CGameObject::net_Spawn]: visual_name[dynamics\weapons\grenade\wpn_f_1] not found in aes_grenade_f_0002, keep original dynamics\weapons\wpn_grenades\wpn_f1.ogf instead [06.03.24 05:54:18.518] ! [CGameObject::net_Spawn]: visual_name[dynamics\weapons\grenade\wpn_f_1] not found in aes_grenade_f_0003, keep original dynamics\weapons\wpn_grenades\wpn_f1.ogf instead [06.03.24 05:54:18.519] * [CSpaceRestrictionHolder::register_restrictor]: change restrictor_type of pri_respawn_killer to eRestrictorTypeNone because border().empty() [06.03.24 05:54:18.992] ! [CGameObject::net_Spawn]: changed visual_name[monsters\psevdogigant\psevdogigant] found in pri_stadium_lair_gigant_0000, keep original monsters\psevdogigant\psevdogigant_strong instead [06.03.24 05:54:19.055] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_light_time' in 'zone_gravi_zone_weak' [06.03.24 05:54:19.055] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_explosion_time' in 'zone_gravi_zone_weak' [06.03.24 05:54:19.075] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_light_time' in 'zone_gravi_zone_weak' [06.03.24 05:54:19.075] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_explosion_time' in 'zone_gravi_zone_weak' [06.03.24 05:54:19.169] ! Invalid ogg-comment, file: [d:\secret trails\gamedata\sounds\anomaly\bfuzz_blowout.ogg] [06.03.24 05:54:19.169] ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: [d:\secret trails\gamedata\sounds\anomaly\bfuzz_blowout.ogg] [06.03.24 05:54:19.170] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_light_time' in 'zone_gravi_zone_weak' [06.03.24 05:54:19.170] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_explosion_time' in 'zone_gravi_zone_weak' [06.03.24 05:54:19.205] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_light_time' in 'zone_gravi_zone_average' [06.03.24 05:54:19.205] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_explosion_time' in 'zone_gravi_zone_average' [06.03.24 05:54:19.229] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_light_time' in 'amk_zone_gravi_zone_average' [06.03.24 05:54:19.229] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_explosion_time' in 'amk_zone_gravi_zone_average' [06.03.24 05:54:19.233] ! [CSpaceRestrictor::net_Spawn]: respawn has no shapes [06.03.24 05:54:19.233] ! [CSpaceRestrictor::net_Spawn]: respawn has no shapes [06.03.24 05:54:19.233] ! [CSpaceRestrictor::net_Spawn]: respawn has no shapes [06.03.24 05:54:19.234] ! [CSpaceRestrictor::net_Spawn]: respawn has no shapes [06.03.24 05:54:19.234] ! [CSpaceRestrictor::net_Spawn]: respawn has no shapes [06.03.24 05:54:19.234] ! [CSpaceRestrictor::net_Spawn]: respawn has no shapes [06.03.24 05:54:19.234] ! [CSpaceRestrictor::net_Spawn]: respawn has no shapes [06.03.24 05:54:19.235] ! [CSpaceRestrictor::net_Spawn]: respawn has no shapes [06.03.24 05:54:19.235] ! [CSpaceRestrictor::net_Spawn]: respawn has no shapes [06.03.24 05:54:19.235] ! [CSpaceRestrictor::net_Spawn]: respawn has no shapes [06.03.24 05:54:19.235] ! [CSpaceRestrictor::net_Spawn]: respawn has no shapes [06.03.24 05:54:19.235] ! [CSpaceRestrictor::net_Spawn]: respawn has no shapes [06.03.24 05:54:19.236] ! [CSpaceRestrictor::net_Spawn]: respawn has no shapes [06.03.24 05:54:19.236] ! [CSpaceRestrictor::net_Spawn]: respawn has no shapes [06.03.24 05:54:19.236] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_light_time' in 'amk_zone_gravi_zone_strong' [06.03.24 05:54:19.236] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_explosion_time' in 'amk_zone_gravi_zone_strong' [06.03.24 05:54:19.239] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_light_time' in 'amk_zone_gravi_zone_average' [06.03.24 05:54:19.239] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_explosion_time' in 'amk_zone_gravi_zone_average' [06.03.24 05:54:19.242] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_light_time' in 'amk_zone_gravi_zone_average' [06.03.24 05:54:19.242] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_explosion_time' in 'amk_zone_gravi_zone_average' [06.03.24 05:54:19.243] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_light_time' in 'amk_zone_gravi_zone_average' [06.03.24 05:54:19.243] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_explosion_time' in 'amk_zone_gravi_zone_average' [06.03.24 05:54:19.244] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_light_time' in 'amk_zone_gravi_zone_average' [06.03.24 05:54:19.244] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_explosion_time' in 'amk_zone_gravi_zone_average' [06.03.24 05:54:19.802] ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\wpn_addon_grenade_launcher_bump# [06.03.24 05:54:19.957] ! Can't find texture 'wpn\wpn_addon_scope_po4x34' [06.03.24 05:54:19.957] ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\wpn_addon_scope_po4x34_bump# [06.03.24 05:54:19.957] ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\wpn_addon_scope_po4x34_bump [06.03.24 05:54:20.047] ! Can't find texture 'silencer\silencer_tgpa' [06.03.24 05:54:20.164] ! Can't find texture 'ammo\ammo_9x39' [06.03.24 05:54:20.165] ! Can't find texture 'ammo\ammo_5x45' [06.03.24 05:54:20.401] ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\wpn_scope_pso_1m2-1_lens_bump# [06.03.24 05:54:20.958] ! Can't find texture 'wpn\wpn_bullet1_545' [06.03.24 05:54:20.958] ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\wpn_bullet1_545_bump# [06.03.24 05:54:20.958] ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\wpn_bullet1_545_bump [06.03.24 05:54:21.002] [dsh_cop_weather]: restore time_factor: 0 -> 2 [06.03.24 05:54:21.002] [dsh_cop_weather]: time diff on first update is -0 [06.03.24 05:54:21.020] [dsh_alife]: invalidate all items [06.03.24 05:54:22.622] * MEMORY USAGE: 0 K [06.03.24 05:54:22.622] * End of synchronization A[1] R[1] [06.03.24 05:54:22.636] * phase time: 6364 ms [06.03.24 05:54:22.636] * phase cmem: 0 K [06.03.24 05:54:27.241] ! Fallback to default bump map: amk\amk_gps_bump# [06.03.24 05:54:27.241] ! Fallback to default bump map: amk\amk_gps_bump [06.03.24 05:54:51.377] [rescan_physical_path] files count before: [67816] [06.03.24 05:54:51.379] [rescan_physical_path] files count after: [67816] [06.03.24 05:54:55.653] [amk.start_timer]: found free id amk.timer_drop_obj_varka.0 for amk.timer_drop_obj_varka [06.03.24 05:54:55.654] [amk.start_timer]: found free id amk.timer_drop_obj_varka.1 for amk.timer_drop_obj_varka [06.03.24 05:54:55.812] ~~['xr_sound'] size of table sound_object_by_path: [16] [06.03.24 05:54:56.596] --LUA version: [LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta3] [06.03.24 05:54:56.599] !![CObjectFactory::add] Clsid [1095517216] already exists! Script clsid: [zone_mosquito_bald] [06.03.24 05:54:56.599] !![CObjectFactory::add] Script clsid [zone_mosquito_bald] already exists! Clsid: [1095517216] [06.03.24 05:54:56.613] * phase time: 49 ms [06.03.24 05:54:56.613] * phase cmem: 0 K [06.03.24 05:54:56.617] * Loading spawn registry... [06.03.24 05:54:56.869] * 7741 spawn points are successfully loaded [06.03.24 05:54:56.869] * Loading objects... [06.03.24 05:54:57.019] * 11524 objects are successfully loaded [06.03.24 05:54:57.098] [ogse_unist]: new game detected, clear all [06.03.24 05:54:57.150] * 2243 script vars are successfully loaded [06.03.24 05:54:57.461] * Game user_autosave is successfully loaded from file 'd:\secret trails\_appdata_\savedgames\user_autosave.sav' (0.847s) [06.03.24 05:54:57.461] * phase time: 848 ms [06.03.24 05:54:57.461] * phase cmem: 0 K [06.03.24 05:54:57.463] * phase time: 1 ms [06.03.24 05:54:57.463] * phase cmem: 0 K [06.03.24 05:54:57.476] * phase time: 12 ms [06.03.24 05:54:57.476] * phase cmem: 0 K [06.03.24 05:54:57.493] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [06.03.24 05:54:57.493] [16309MB] physical memory installed, [9902MB] available, [39] percent of memory in use [06.03.24 05:54:57.493] PageFile usage: [11451MB], Peak PageFile usage: [11569MB] [06.03.24 05:54:57.493] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [06.03.24 05:54:57.493] * [ D3D ]: textures[3590849 K] [06.03.24 05:54:57.493] * [x-ray]: process heap[0 K], render[0 K] [06.03.24 05:54:57.493] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[45440 K], smem[55160 K] [06.03.24 05:54:57.748] [ogse_signals]: signal 'on_init' is too slow: 28262 [06.03.24 05:54:57.748] [ogse_signals]: 24853, @d:\secret trails\gamedata\scripts\dsh\dsh_cop_weather.script [06.03.24 05:54:57.755] [treasure_manager]: 1 treasures loaded (active/done): 1/1 [06.03.24 05:54:57.756] [task_manager]: 39 tasks loaded: 2 active [06.03.24 05:54:57.757] [ogse_st_mgr]: ogse_st_mgr.delayed_fun_start: 1 timers loaded [06.03.24 05:54:57.757] [ogse_st_mgr]: 1 all timers loaded [06.03.24 05:54:57.757] [dsh_cop_weather]: DynamicForecast: default loaded: 16 items [06.03.24 05:54:57.757] [dsh_cop_weather]: StaticForecast: default loaded: 44 items [06.03.24 05:54:57.870] [ogse_signals]: signal 'on_before_spawn' is too slow: 112727 [06.03.24 05:54:57.870] [ogse_signals]: 112710, @d:\secret trails\gamedata\scripts\sak_off_corpses.script [06.03.24 05:54:57.895] [dsh_alife]: 11523/908 items collected: 15794 [06.03.24 05:54:57.895] [dsh_alife]: 0: 167 items [06.03.24 05:54:57.895] [dsh_alife]: 65535: 8218 items [06.03.24 05:54:57.942] [amk_anoms]: artefacts randomized, time spent = 39962 [06.03.24 05:54:57.942] [amk_anoms]: randomize_anoms() paused: 22569 [06.03.24 05:54:58.325] ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\wpn_knifm_bump# [06.03.24 05:54:58.622] ! Can't find texture 'wpn\groza\pbs' [06.03.24 05:54:58.726] ! [CGameObject::net_Spawn]: visual_name[dynamics\weapons\grenade\wpn_f_1] not found in aes_grenade_f_0001, keep original dynamics\weapons\wpn_grenades\wpn_f1.ogf instead [06.03.24 05:54:58.726] ! [CGameObject::net_Spawn]: visual_name[dynamics\weapons\grenade\wpn_f_1] not found in aes_grenade_f_0000, keep original dynamics\weapons\wpn_grenades\wpn_f1.ogf instead [06.03.24 05:54:58.726] ! [CGameObject::net_Spawn]: visual_name[dynamics\weapons\grenade\wpn_f_1] not found in aes_grenade_f_0002, keep original dynamics\weapons\wpn_grenades\wpn_f1.ogf instead [06.03.24 05:54:58.727] ! [CGameObject::net_Spawn]: visual_name[dynamics\weapons\grenade\wpn_f_1] not found in aes_grenade_f_0003, keep original dynamics\weapons\wpn_grenades\wpn_f1.ogf instead [06.03.24 05:54:58.948] ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\wpn_addon_grenade_launcher_bump# [06.03.24 05:54:59.078] * [CSpaceRestrictionHolder::register_restrictor]: change restrictor_type of pri_respawn_killer to eRestrictorTypeNone because border().empty() [06.03.24 05:54:59.264] ! [CGameObject::net_Spawn]: changed visual_name[monsters\psevdogigant\psevdogigant] found in pri_stadium_lair_gigant_0000, keep original monsters\psevdogigant\psevdogigant_strong instead [06.03.24 05:54:59.275] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_light_time' in 'zone_gravi_zone_weak' [06.03.24 05:54:59.275] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_explosion_time' in 'zone_gravi_zone_weak' [06.03.24 05:54:59.296] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_light_time' in 'zone_gravi_zone_weak' [06.03.24 05:54:59.296] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_explosion_time' in 'zone_gravi_zone_weak' [06.03.24 05:54:59.378] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_light_time' in 'zone_gravi_zone_weak' [06.03.24 05:54:59.378] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_explosion_time' in 'zone_gravi_zone_weak' [06.03.24 05:54:59.407] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_light_time' in 'zone_gravi_zone_average' [06.03.24 05:54:59.407] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_explosion_time' in 'zone_gravi_zone_average' [06.03.24 05:54:59.424] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_light_time' in 'amk_zone_gravi_zone_average' [06.03.24 05:54:59.424] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_explosion_time' in 'amk_zone_gravi_zone_average' [06.03.24 05:54:59.425] ! [CSpaceRestrictor::net_Spawn]: respawn has no shapes [06.03.24 05:54:59.425] ! [CSpaceRestrictor::net_Spawn]: respawn has no shapes [06.03.24 05:54:59.426] ! [CSpaceRestrictor::net_Spawn]: respawn has no shapes [06.03.24 05:54:59.426] ! [CSpaceRestrictor::net_Spawn]: respawn has no shapes [06.03.24 05:54:59.426] ! [CSpaceRestrictor::net_Spawn]: respawn has no shapes [06.03.24 05:54:59.426] ! [CSpaceRestrictor::net_Spawn]: respawn has no shapes [06.03.24 05:54:59.427] ! [CSpaceRestrictor::net_Spawn]: respawn has no shapes [06.03.24 05:54:59.427] ! [CSpaceRestrictor::net_Spawn]: respawn has no shapes [06.03.24 05:54:59.427] ! [CSpaceRestrictor::net_Spawn]: respawn has no shapes [06.03.24 05:54:59.427] ! [CSpaceRestrictor::net_Spawn]: respawn has no shapes [06.03.24 05:54:59.428] ! [CSpaceRestrictor::net_Spawn]: respawn has no shapes [06.03.24 05:54:59.428] ! [CSpaceRestrictor::net_Spawn]: respawn has no shapes [06.03.24 05:54:59.428] ! [CSpaceRestrictor::net_Spawn]: respawn has no shapes [06.03.24 05:54:59.428] ! [CSpaceRestrictor::net_Spawn]: respawn has no shapes [06.03.24 05:54:59.428] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_light_time' in 'amk_zone_gravi_zone_strong' [06.03.24 05:54:59.428] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_explosion_time' in 'amk_zone_gravi_zone_strong' [06.03.24 05:54:59.431] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_light_time' in 'amk_zone_gravi_zone_average' [06.03.24 05:54:59.431] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_explosion_time' in 'amk_zone_gravi_zone_average' [06.03.24 05:54:59.434] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_light_time' in 'amk_zone_gravi_zone_average' [06.03.24 05:54:59.434] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_explosion_time' in 'amk_zone_gravi_zone_average' [06.03.24 05:54:59.435] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_light_time' in 'amk_zone_gravi_zone_average' [06.03.24 05:54:59.435] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_explosion_time' in 'amk_zone_gravi_zone_average' [06.03.24 05:54:59.436] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_light_time' in 'amk_zone_gravi_zone_average' [06.03.24 05:54:59.436] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_explosion_time' in 'amk_zone_gravi_zone_average' [06.03.24 05:54:59.548] [dsh_cop_weather]: restore time_factor: 0 -> 2 [06.03.24 05:54:59.548] [dsh_cop_weather]: time diff on first update is -0 [06.03.24 05:54:59.565] [dsh_alife]: invalidate all items [06.03.24 05:55:01.154] * MEMORY USAGE: 0 K [06.03.24 05:55:01.154] * End of synchronization A[1] R[1] [06.03.24 05:55:01.168] * phase time: 3704 ms [06.03.24 05:55:01.168] * phase cmem: 0 K [06.03.24 05:55:07.591] ! Fallback to default bump map: amk\amk_gps_bump# [06.03.24 05:55:07.591] ! Fallback to default bump map: amk\amk_gps_bump [06.03.24 05:55:33.040] [rescan_physical_path] files count before: [67816] [06.03.24 05:55:33.041] [rescan_physical_path] files count after: [67816] [06.03.24 05:55:36.423] [amk.start_timer]: found free id amk.timer_drop_obj_varka.0 for amk.timer_drop_obj_varka [06.03.24 05:55:36.423] [amk.start_timer]: found free id amk.timer_drop_obj_varka.1 for amk.timer_drop_obj_varka [06.03.24 05:55:36.578] ~~['xr_sound'] size of table sound_object_by_path: [16] [06.03.24 05:55:37.353] --LUA version: [LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta3] [06.03.24 05:55:37.357] !![CObjectFactory::add] Clsid [1095517216] already exists! Script clsid: [zone_mosquito_bald] [06.03.24 05:55:37.357] !![CObjectFactory::add] Script clsid [zone_mosquito_bald] already exists! Clsid: [1095517216] [06.03.24 05:55:37.371] * phase time: 49 ms [06.03.24 05:55:37.371] * phase cmem: 0 K [06.03.24 05:55:37.375] * Loading spawn registry... [06.03.24 05:55:37.626] * 7741 spawn points are successfully loaded [06.03.24 05:55:37.627] * Loading objects... [06.03.24 05:55:37.777] * 11524 objects are successfully loaded [06.03.24 05:55:37.854] [ogse_unist]: new game detected, clear all [06.03.24 05:55:37.905] * 2243 script vars are successfully loaded [06.03.24 05:55:38.218] * Game user_autosave is successfully loaded from file 'd:\secret trails\_appdata_\savedgames\user_autosave.sav' (0.846s) [06.03.24 05:55:38.218] * phase time: 847 ms [06.03.24 05:55:38.218] * phase cmem: 0 K [06.03.24 05:55:38.222] * phase time: 3 ms [06.03.24 05:55:38.222] * phase cmem: 0 K [06.03.24 05:55:38.235] * phase time: 13 ms [06.03.24 05:55:38.235] * phase cmem: 0 K [06.03.24 05:55:38.252] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [06.03.24 05:55:38.252] [16309MB] physical memory installed, [9894MB] available, [39] percent of memory in use [06.03.24 05:55:38.252] PageFile usage: [11480MB], Peak PageFile usage: [11569MB] [06.03.24 05:55:38.252] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [06.03.24 05:55:38.252] * [ D3D ]: textures[3590849 K] [06.03.24 05:55:38.252] * [x-ray]: process heap[0 K], render[0 K] [06.03.24 05:55:38.252] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[45725 K], smem[55189 K] [06.03.24 05:55:38.506] [ogse_signals]: signal 'on_init' is too slow: 28521 [06.03.24 05:55:38.506] [ogse_signals]: 25126, @d:\secret trails\gamedata\scripts\dsh\dsh_cop_weather.script [06.03.24 05:55:38.513] [treasure_manager]: 1 treasures loaded (active/done): 1/1 [06.03.24 05:55:38.515] [task_manager]: 39 tasks loaded: 2 active [06.03.24 05:55:38.515] [ogse_st_mgr]: ogse_st_mgr.delayed_fun_start: 1 timers loaded [06.03.24 05:55:38.515] [ogse_st_mgr]: 1 all timers loaded [06.03.24 05:55:38.515] [dsh_cop_weather]: DynamicForecast: default loaded: 16 items [06.03.24 05:55:38.515] [dsh_cop_weather]: StaticForecast: default loaded: 44 items [06.03.24 05:55:38.630] [ogse_signals]: signal 'on_before_spawn' is too slow: 114143 [06.03.24 05:55:38.630] [ogse_signals]: 114127, @d:\secret trails\gamedata\scripts\sak_off_corpses.script [06.03.24 05:55:38.656] [dsh_alife]: 11523/908 items collected: 17528 [06.03.24 05:55:38.656] [dsh_alife]: 0: 167 items [06.03.24 05:55:38.656] [dsh_alife]: 65535: 8218 items [06.03.24 05:55:38.710] [amk_anoms]: artefacts randomized, time spent = 43446 [06.03.24 05:55:38.710] [amk_anoms]: randomize_anoms() paused: 22569 [06.03.24 05:55:39.094] ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\wpn_knifm_bump# [06.03.24 05:55:39.393] ! Can't find texture 'wpn\groza\pbs' [06.03.24 05:55:39.496] ! [CGameObject::net_Spawn]: visual_name[dynamics\weapons\grenade\wpn_f_1] not found in aes_grenade_f_0001, keep original dynamics\weapons\wpn_grenades\wpn_f1.ogf instead [06.03.24 05:55:39.497] ! [CGameObject::net_Spawn]: visual_name[dynamics\weapons\grenade\wpn_f_1] not found in aes_grenade_f_0000, keep original dynamics\weapons\wpn_grenades\wpn_f1.ogf instead [06.03.24 05:55:39.497] ! [CGameObject::net_Spawn]: visual_name[dynamics\weapons\grenade\wpn_f_1] not found in aes_grenade_f_0002, keep original dynamics\weapons\wpn_grenades\wpn_f1.ogf instead [06.03.24 05:55:39.497] ! [CGameObject::net_Spawn]: visual_name[dynamics\weapons\grenade\wpn_f_1] not found in aes_grenade_f_0003, keep original dynamics\weapons\wpn_grenades\wpn_f1.ogf instead [06.03.24 05:55:39.718] ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\wpn_addon_grenade_launcher_bump# [06.03.24 05:55:39.847] * [CSpaceRestrictionHolder::register_restrictor]: change restrictor_type of pri_respawn_killer to eRestrictorTypeNone because border().empty() [06.03.24 05:55:40.034] ! [CGameObject::net_Spawn]: changed visual_name[monsters\psevdogigant\psevdogigant] found in pri_stadium_lair_gigant_0000, keep original monsters\psevdogigant\psevdogigant_strong instead [06.03.24 05:55:40.045] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_light_time' in 'zone_gravi_zone_weak' [06.03.24 05:55:40.045] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_explosion_time' in 'zone_gravi_zone_weak' [06.03.24 05:55:40.065] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_light_time' in 'zone_gravi_zone_weak' [06.03.24 05:55:40.065] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_explosion_time' in 'zone_gravi_zone_weak' [06.03.24 05:55:40.148] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_light_time' in 'zone_gravi_zone_weak' [06.03.24 05:55:40.148] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_explosion_time' in 'zone_gravi_zone_weak' [06.03.24 05:55:40.177] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_light_time' in 'zone_gravi_zone_average' [06.03.24 05:55:40.177] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_explosion_time' in 'zone_gravi_zone_average' [06.03.24 05:55:40.194] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_light_time' in 'amk_zone_gravi_zone_average' [06.03.24 05:55:40.194] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_explosion_time' in 'amk_zone_gravi_zone_average' [06.03.24 05:55:40.195] ! [CSpaceRestrictor::net_Spawn]: respawn has no shapes [06.03.24 05:55:40.195] ! [CSpaceRestrictor::net_Spawn]: respawn has no shapes [06.03.24 05:55:40.196] ! [CSpaceRestrictor::net_Spawn]: respawn has no shapes [06.03.24 05:55:40.196] ! [CSpaceRestrictor::net_Spawn]: respawn has no shapes [06.03.24 05:55:40.196] ! [CSpaceRestrictor::net_Spawn]: respawn has no shapes [06.03.24 05:55:40.196] ! [CSpaceRestrictor::net_Spawn]: respawn has no shapes [06.03.24 05:55:40.197] ! [CSpaceRestrictor::net_Spawn]: respawn has no shapes [06.03.24 05:55:40.197] ! [CSpaceRestrictor::net_Spawn]: respawn has no shapes [06.03.24 05:55:40.197] ! [CSpaceRestrictor::net_Spawn]: respawn has no shapes [06.03.24 05:55:40.197] ! [CSpaceRestrictor::net_Spawn]: respawn has no shapes [06.03.24 05:55:40.198] ! [CSpaceRestrictor::net_Spawn]: respawn has no shapes [06.03.24 05:55:40.198] ! [CSpaceRestrictor::net_Spawn]: respawn has no shapes [06.03.24 05:55:40.198] ! [CSpaceRestrictor::net_Spawn]: respawn has no shapes [06.03.24 05:55:40.198] ! [CSpaceRestrictor::net_Spawn]: respawn has no shapes [06.03.24 05:55:40.198] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_light_time' in 'amk_zone_gravi_zone_strong' [06.03.24 05:55:40.198] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_explosion_time' in 'amk_zone_gravi_zone_strong' [06.03.24 05:55:40.201] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_light_time' in 'amk_zone_gravi_zone_average' [06.03.24 05:55:40.201] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_explosion_time' in 'amk_zone_gravi_zone_average' [06.03.24 05:55:40.204] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_light_time' in 'amk_zone_gravi_zone_average' [06.03.24 05:55:40.204] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_explosion_time' in 'amk_zone_gravi_zone_average' [06.03.24 05:55:40.205] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_light_time' in 'amk_zone_gravi_zone_average' [06.03.24 05:55:40.205] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_explosion_time' in 'amk_zone_gravi_zone_average' [06.03.24 05:55:40.206] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_light_time' in 'amk_zone_gravi_zone_average' [06.03.24 05:55:40.206] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_explosion_time' in 'amk_zone_gravi_zone_average' [06.03.24 05:55:40.315] [dsh_cop_weather]: restore time_factor: 0 -> 2 [06.03.24 05:55:40.315] [dsh_cop_weather]: time diff on first update is -0 [06.03.24 05:55:40.333] [dsh_alife]: invalidate all items [06.03.24 05:55:41.926] * MEMORY USAGE: 0 K [06.03.24 05:55:41.926] * End of synchronization A[1] R[1] [06.03.24 05:55:41.939] * phase time: 3717 ms [06.03.24 05:55:41.939] * phase cmem: 0 K [06.03.24 05:56:19.648] [rescan_physical_path] files count before: [67816] [06.03.24 05:56:19.649] [rescan_physical_path] files count after: [67816] [06.03.24 05:56:22.559] - Disconnect [06.03.24 05:56:22.721] ~~['xr_sound'] size of table sound_object_by_path: [16] [06.03.24 05:56:23.454] - Destroying level [06.03.24 05:56:23.579] * phase time: 3 ms [06.03.24 05:56:23.579] * phase cmem: 0 K [06.03.24 05:56:23.652] --LUA version: [LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta3] [06.03.24 05:56:23.657] !![CObjectFactory::add] Clsid [1095517216] already exists! Script clsid: [zone_mosquito_bald] [06.03.24 05:56:23.657] !![CObjectFactory::add] Script clsid [zone_mosquito_bald] already exists! Clsid: [1095517216] [06.03.24 05:56:23.673] * phase time: 93 ms [06.03.24 05:56:23.673] * phase cmem: 0 K [06.03.24 05:56:23.676] * Loading spawn registry... [06.03.24 05:56:23.934] * 7741 spawn points are successfully loaded [06.03.24 05:56:23.935] * Loading objects... [06.03.24 05:56:24.084] * 11524 objects are successfully loaded [06.03.24 05:56:24.169] [ogse_unist]: new game detected, clear all [06.03.24 05:56:24.220] * 2243 script vars are successfully loaded [06.03.24 05:56:24.533] * Game user_quicksave_5 is successfully loaded from file 'd:\secret trails\_appdata_\savedgames\user_quicksave_5.sav' (0.860s) [06.03.24 05:56:24.533] * phase time: 860 ms [06.03.24 05:56:24.533] * phase cmem: 0 K [06.03.24 05:56:24.577] # Player not found. New player created. [06.03.24 05:56:24.577] !!xrServer::Check_GameSpy_CDKey_Success - 1 [06.03.24 05:56:24.577] * client : connection accepted - <> [06.03.24 05:56:24.591] * phase time: 58 ms [06.03.24 05:56:24.591] * phase cmem: 0 K [06.03.24 05:56:24.607] * phase time: 15 ms [06.03.24 05:56:24.607] * phase cmem: 0 K [06.03.24 05:56:25.812] * phase time: 1204 ms [06.03.24 05:56:25.812] * phase cmem: 0 K [06.03.24 05:56:26.462] * phase time: 649 ms [06.03.24 05:56:26.462] * phase cmem: 0 K [06.03.24 05:56:26.463] * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:56:26.464] * [Loading VB] 65530 verts, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:56:26.466] * [Loading VB] 65529 verts, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:56:26.467] * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:56:26.468] * [Loading VB] 65517 verts, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:56:26.469] * [Loading VB] 38581 verts, 1205 Kb [06.03.24 05:56:26.470] * [Loading VB] 65526 verts, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:56:26.471] * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:56:26.473] * [Loading VB] 65531 verts, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:56:26.474] * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:56:26.475] * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:56:26.476] * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:56:26.477] * [Loading VB] 65519 verts, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:56:26.478] * [Loading VB] 65500 verts, 2046 Kb [06.03.24 05:56:26.480] * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:56:26.481] * [Loading VB] 65532 verts, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:56:26.482] * [Loading VB] 23756 verts, 742 Kb [06.03.24 05:56:26.482] * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:56:26.483] * [Loading VB] 41885 verts, 1308 Kb [06.03.24 05:56:26.484] * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:56:26.485] * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:56:26.487] * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:56:26.488] * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:56:26.489] * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:56:26.490] * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:56:26.491] * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:56:26.492] * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:56:26.493] * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:56:26.495] * [Loading IB] 1048572 indices, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:56:26.496] * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:56:26.497] * [Loading IB] 538788 indices, 1052 Kb [06.03.24 05:56:26.498] * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 767 Kb [06.03.24 05:56:26.498] * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb [06.03.24 05:56:26.499] * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 767 Kb [06.03.24 05:56:26.499] * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 767 Kb [06.03.24 05:56:26.500] * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb [06.03.24 05:56:26.500] * [Loading VB] 65532 verts, 767 Kb [06.03.24 05:56:26.501] * [Loading VB] 65532 verts, 767 Kb [06.03.24 05:56:26.502] * [Loading VB] 34767 verts, 407 Kb [06.03.24 05:56:26.503] * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:56:26.504] * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:56:26.505] * [Loading IB] 1048572 indices, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:56:26.506] * [Loading IB] 1048572 indices, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:56:26.507] * [Loading IB] 140604 indices, 274 Kb [06.03.24 05:56:26.508] * phase time: 46 ms [06.03.24 05:56:26.508] * phase cmem: 0 K [06.03.24 05:56:26.518] * phase time: 10 ms [06.03.24 05:56:26.518] * phase cmem: 0 K [06.03.24 05:56:26.582] * [DETAILS] VertexConsts(256), Batch(61) [06.03.24 05:56:26.583] * [DETAILS] 40687 v(20), 26352 p [06.03.24 05:56:26.583] * [DETAILS] Batch(61), VB(794K), IB(154K) [06.03.24 05:56:26.624] * phase time: 106 ms [06.03.24 05:56:26.624] * phase cmem: 0 K [06.03.24 05:56:26.625] * Loading HOM: d:\secret trails\gamedata\levels\l12_stancia\level.hom [06.03.24 05:56:26.629] * phase time: 5 ms [06.03.24 05:56:26.629] * phase cmem: 0 K [06.03.24 05:56:26.645] * phase time: 15 ms [06.03.24 05:56:26.645] * phase cmem: 0 K [06.03.24 05:56:26.666] - Game configuring : Started [06.03.24 05:56:26.667] - Game configuring : Finished [06.03.24 05:56:26.674] * phase time: 28 ms [06.03.24 05:56:26.674] * phase cmem: 0 K [06.03.24 05:56:26.685] CResourceManager::DeferredUpload [MT] -> START, size = [2089] [06.03.24 05:56:26.686] ! Fallback to default bump map: build_details_bump# [06.03.24 05:56:26.752] ! Fallback to default bump map: build_details_bump [06.03.24 05:56:26.840] ! Can't find texture 'terrain\terrain_stancia_land_puddles_mask' [06.03.24 05:56:26.995] CResourceManager::DeferredUpload -> END [06.03.24 05:56:26.995] * t-report - base: 2085, 3071218 K [06.03.24 05:56:26.995] * t-report - lmap: 4, 4096 K [06.03.24 05:56:26.995] * phase time: 321 ms [06.03.24 05:56:26.995] * phase cmem: 0 K [06.03.24 05:56:27.031] * phase time: 35 ms [06.03.24 05:56:27.031] * phase cmem: 0 K [06.03.24 05:56:27.047] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [06.03.24 05:56:27.047] [16309MB] physical memory installed, [9858MB] available, [39] percent of memory in use [06.03.24 05:56:27.047] PageFile usage: [10548MB], Peak PageFile usage: [11569MB] [06.03.24 05:56:27.047] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [06.03.24 05:56:27.047] * [ D3D ]: textures[3075314 K] [06.03.24 05:56:27.047] * [x-ray]: process heap[0 K], render[0 K] [06.03.24 05:56:27.047] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[46003 K], smem[36074 K] [06.03.24 05:56:27.330] [ogse_signals]: signal 'on_init' is too slow: 28752 [06.03.24 05:56:27.330] [ogse_signals]: 25237, @d:\secret trails\gamedata\scripts\dsh\dsh_cop_weather.script [06.03.24 05:56:27.335] [treasure_manager]: 1 treasures loaded (active/done): 1/1 [06.03.24 05:56:27.336] [task_manager]: 39 tasks loaded: 2 active [06.03.24 05:56:27.336] [ogse_st_mgr]: ogse_st_mgr.delayed_fun_start: 1 timers loaded [06.03.24 05:56:27.336] [ogse_st_mgr]: 1 all timers loaded [06.03.24 05:56:27.336] [dsh_cop_weather]: DynamicForecast: default loaded: 16 items [06.03.24 05:56:27.337] [dsh_cop_weather]: StaticForecast: default loaded: 44 items [06.03.24 05:56:27.452] [ogse_signals]: signal 'on_before_spawn' is too slow: 115278 [06.03.24 05:56:27.452] [ogse_signals]: 115262, @d:\secret trails\gamedata\scripts\sak_off_corpses.script [06.03.24 05:56:27.483] [dsh_alife]: 11523/908 items collected: 13406 [06.03.24 05:56:27.483] [dsh_alife]: 0: 167 items [06.03.24 05:56:27.483] [dsh_alife]: 65535: 8218 items [06.03.24 05:56:27.495] [amk_anoms]: artefacts randomized, time spent = 5653 [06.03.24 05:56:27.495] [amk_anoms]: randomize_anoms() paused: 22618.724609375 [06.03.24 05:56:27.862] ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\wpn_knifm_bump# [06.03.24 05:56:28.345] ! Fallback to default bump map: amk\amk_rub_bump# [06.03.24 05:56:28.345] ! Fallback to default bump map: amk\amk_rub_bump [06.03.24 05:56:28.524] ! Can't find texture 'wpn\groza\pbs' [06.03.24 05:56:28.877] ! [CGameObject::net_Spawn]: visual_name[dynamics\weapons\grenade\wpn_f_1] not found in aes_grenade_f_0001, keep original dynamics\weapons\wpn_grenades\wpn_f1.ogf instead [06.03.24 05:56:28.877] ! [CGameObject::net_Spawn]: visual_name[dynamics\weapons\grenade\wpn_f_1] not found in aes_grenade_f_0000, keep original dynamics\weapons\wpn_grenades\wpn_f1.ogf instead [06.03.24 05:56:28.877] ! [CGameObject::net_Spawn]: visual_name[dynamics\weapons\grenade\wpn_f_1] not found in aes_grenade_f_0002, keep original dynamics\weapons\wpn_grenades\wpn_f1.ogf instead [06.03.24 05:56:28.877] ! [CGameObject::net_Spawn]: visual_name[dynamics\weapons\grenade\wpn_f_1] not found in aes_grenade_f_0003, keep original dynamics\weapons\wpn_grenades\wpn_f1.ogf instead [06.03.24 05:56:28.946] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_light_time' in 'zone_gravi_zone_strong' [06.03.24 05:56:28.946] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_explosion_time' in 'zone_gravi_zone_strong' [06.03.24 05:56:28.947] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_light_time' in 'zone_gravi_zone_strong' [06.03.24 05:56:28.947] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_explosion_time' in 'zone_gravi_zone_strong' [06.03.24 05:56:28.947] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_light_time' in 'zone_gravi_zone_strong' [06.03.24 05:56:28.947] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_explosion_time' in 'zone_gravi_zone_strong' [06.03.24 05:56:28.948] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_light_time' in 'zone_gravi_zone_strong' [06.03.24 05:56:28.948] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_explosion_time' in 'zone_gravi_zone_strong' [06.03.24 05:56:28.949] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_light_time' in 'zone_gravi_zone_strong' [06.03.24 05:56:28.949] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_explosion_time' in 'zone_gravi_zone_strong' [06.03.24 05:56:28.949] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_light_time' in 'zone_gravi_zone_strong' [06.03.24 05:56:28.949] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_explosion_time' in 'zone_gravi_zone_strong' [06.03.24 05:56:28.950] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_light_time' in 'zone_gravi_zone_strong' [06.03.24 05:56:28.950] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_explosion_time' in 'zone_gravi_zone_strong' [06.03.24 05:56:28.951] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_light_time' in 'zone_gravi_zone_strong' [06.03.24 05:56:28.951] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_explosion_time' in 'zone_gravi_zone_strong' [06.03.24 05:56:28.951] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_light_time' in 'zone_gravi_zone_strong' [06.03.24 05:56:28.951] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_explosion_time' in 'zone_gravi_zone_strong' [06.03.24 05:56:28.952] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_light_time' in 'zone_gravi_zone_strong' [06.03.24 05:56:28.952] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_explosion_time' in 'zone_gravi_zone_strong' [06.03.24 05:56:28.952] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_light_time' in 'zone_gravi_zone_strong' [06.03.24 05:56:28.952] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_explosion_time' in 'zone_gravi_zone_strong' [06.03.24 05:56:28.953] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_light_time' in 'zone_gravi_zone_strong' [06.03.24 05:56:28.953] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_explosion_time' in 'zone_gravi_zone_strong' [06.03.24 05:56:28.954] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_light_time' in 'zone_gravi_zone_strong' [06.03.24 05:56:28.954] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_explosion_time' in 'zone_gravi_zone_strong' [06.03.24 05:56:28.954] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_light_time' in 'zone_gravi_zone_strong' [06.03.24 05:56:28.954] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_explosion_time' in 'zone_gravi_zone_strong' [06.03.24 05:56:28.955] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_light_time' in 'zone_gravi_zone_strong' [06.03.24 05:56:28.955] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_explosion_time' in 'zone_gravi_zone_strong' [06.03.24 05:56:28.981] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_light_time' in 'amk_zone_gravi_zone_strong' [06.03.24 05:56:28.981] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_explosion_time' in 'amk_zone_gravi_zone_strong' [06.03.24 05:56:28.981] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_light_time' in 'amk_zone_gravi_zone_strong' [06.03.24 05:56:28.981] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_explosion_time' in 'amk_zone_gravi_zone_strong' [06.03.24 05:56:28.988] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_light_time' in 'amk_zone_gravi_zone_average' [06.03.24 05:56:28.988] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_explosion_time' in 'amk_zone_gravi_zone_average' [06.03.24 05:56:28.996] ! [CSpaceRestrictor::net_Spawn]: respawn has no shapes [06.03.24 05:56:28.996] ! [CSpaceRestrictor::net_Spawn]: respawn has no shapes [06.03.24 05:56:28.996] ! [CSpaceRestrictor::net_Spawn]: respawn has no shapes [06.03.24 05:56:29.535] ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\wpn_addon_grenade_launcher_bump# [06.03.24 05:56:29.868] ! Can't find texture 'wpn\wpn_addon_scope_po4x34' [06.03.24 05:56:29.868] ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\wpn_addon_scope_po4x34_bump# [06.03.24 05:56:29.868] ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\wpn_addon_scope_po4x34_bump [06.03.24 05:56:29.943] ! Can't find texture 'silencer\silencer_tgpa' [06.03.24 05:56:30.061] ! Can't find texture 'ammo\ammo_9x39' [06.03.24 05:56:30.062] ! Can't find texture 'ammo\ammo_5x45' [06.03.24 05:56:30.299] ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\wpn_scope_pso_1m2-1_lens_bump# [06.03.24 05:56:30.843] ! Can't find texture 'wpn\wpn_bullet1_545' [06.03.24 05:56:30.843] ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\wpn_bullet1_545_bump# [06.03.24 05:56:30.843] ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\wpn_bullet1_545_bump [06.03.24 05:56:30.888] [dsh_cop_weather]: restore time_factor: 0 -> 2 [06.03.24 05:56:30.888] [dsh_cop_weather]: time diff on first update is -0 [06.03.24 05:56:30.908] [dsh_alife]: invalidate all items [06.03.24 05:56:30.909] [ogse_signals]: signal 'on_update' time limited in 'normal' queue: 20173. Last call spent 367, script_name = @d:\secret trails\gamedata\scripts\inventory.script. Next is 15 from 20. [06.03.24 05:56:32.434] * MEMORY USAGE: 0 K [06.03.24 05:56:32.434] * End of synchronization A[1] R[1] [06.03.24 05:56:32.434] * phase time: 5438 ms [06.03.24 05:56:32.434] * phase cmem: 0 K [06.03.24 05:57:08.829] ~~Actor netpacket size 60 [06.03.24 05:57:08.829] [amk]: 1 changed variables saved [06.03.24 05:57:08.829] [ogse_st_mgr]: ogse_st_mgr.delayed_fun_start: 1 timers saved [06.03.24 05:57:08.829] [ogse_st_mgr]: 1 all timers saved [06.03.24 05:57:08.830] [task_manager]: 39 tasks saved: 2 active [06.03.24 05:57:08.830] [treasure_manager]: 1 treasures saved (active/done): 1/1 [06.03.24 05:57:08.830] [dsh_cop_weather]: DynamicForecast: default saved: 16 items [06.03.24 05:57:08.831] [dsh_cop_weather]: StaticForecast: default saved: 44 items [06.03.24 05:57:08.832] * Saving spawns... [06.03.24 05:57:08.832] * Saving objects... [06.03.24 05:57:08.848] * 11524 objects are successfully saved [06.03.24 05:57:08.849] * 2243 script vars are successfully saved [06.03.24 05:57:08.852] * Game user_autosave.sav is successfully saved to file 'd:\secret trails\_appdata_\savedgames\user_autosave.sav' [06.03.24 05:57:08.858] - Disconnect [06.03.24 05:57:08.954] ~~['xr_sound'] size of table sound_object_by_path: [16] [06.03.24 05:57:09.665] - Destroying level [06.03.24 05:57:09.776] * phase time: 2 ms [06.03.24 05:57:09.776] * phase cmem: 0 K [06.03.24 05:57:09.847] --LUA version: [LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta3] [06.03.24 05:57:09.851] !![CObjectFactory::add] Clsid [1095517216] already exists! Script clsid: [zone_mosquito_bald] [06.03.24 05:57:09.851] !![CObjectFactory::add] Script clsid [zone_mosquito_bald] already exists! Clsid: [1095517216] [06.03.24 05:57:09.865] * phase time: 89 ms [06.03.24 05:57:09.865] * phase cmem: 0 K [06.03.24 05:57:09.868] * Loading spawn registry... [06.03.24 05:57:10.118] * 7741 spawn points are successfully loaded [06.03.24 05:57:10.119] * Loading objects... [06.03.24 05:57:10.267] * 11524 objects are successfully loaded [06.03.24 05:57:10.343] [ogse_unist]: new game detected, clear all [06.03.24 05:57:10.393] * 2243 script vars are successfully loaded [06.03.24 05:57:10.705] * Game user_autosave is successfully loaded from file 'd:\secret trails\_appdata_\savedgames\user_autosave.sav' (0.839s) [06.03.24 05:57:10.705] * phase time: 839 ms [06.03.24 05:57:10.705] * phase cmem: 0 K [06.03.24 05:57:10.748] # Player not found. New player created. [06.03.24 05:57:10.749] !!xrServer::Check_GameSpy_CDKey_Success - 1 [06.03.24 05:57:10.749] * client : connection accepted - <> [06.03.24 05:57:10.762] * phase time: 57 ms [06.03.24 05:57:10.762] * phase cmem: 0 K [06.03.24 05:57:10.780] * phase time: 17 ms [06.03.24 05:57:10.780] * phase cmem: 0 K [06.03.24 05:57:12.499] * phase time: 1718 ms [06.03.24 05:57:12.499] * phase cmem: 0 K [06.03.24 05:57:13.231] * phase time: 732 ms [06.03.24 05:57:13.231] * phase cmem: 0 K [06.03.24 05:57:13.232] * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:57:13.233] * [Loading VB] 65527 verts, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:57:13.235] * [Loading VB] 65524 verts, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:57:13.236] * [Loading VB] 37850 verts, 1182 Kb [06.03.24 05:57:13.236] * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:57:13.238] * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:57:13.239] * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:57:13.240] * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:57:13.241] * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:57:13.242] * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:57:13.245] * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:57:13.250] * [Loading VB] 65528 verts, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:57:13.252] * [Loading VB] 65520 verts, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:57:13.253] * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:57:13.254] * [Loading VB] 65529 verts, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:57:13.255] * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:57:13.256] * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:57:13.257] * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:57:13.258] * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:57:13.259] * [Loading VB] 39973 verts, 1249 Kb [06.03.24 05:57:13.259] * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:57:13.260] * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:57:13.261] * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:57:13.262] * [Loading VB] 65532 verts, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:57:13.263] * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:57:13.264] * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:57:13.265] * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:57:13.266] * [Loading VB] 65532 verts, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:57:13.267] * [Loading VB] 8538 verts, 266 Kb [06.03.24 05:57:13.268] * [Loading VB] 4596 verts, 143 Kb [06.03.24 05:57:13.268] * [Loading VB] 52372 verts, 1636 Kb [06.03.24 05:57:13.269] * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:57:13.270] * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:57:13.271] * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:57:13.272] * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:57:13.273] * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:57:13.274] * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:57:13.275] * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:57:13.276] * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:57:13.277] * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:57:13.278] * [Loading IB] 751290 indices, 1467 Kb [06.03.24 05:57:13.279] * [Loading IB] 18816 indices, 36 Kb [06.03.24 05:57:13.279] * [Loading IB] 535659 indices, 1046 Kb [06.03.24 05:57:13.279] * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 767 Kb [06.03.24 05:57:13.280] * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb [06.03.24 05:57:13.280] * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb [06.03.24 05:57:13.281] * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 767 Kb [06.03.24 05:57:13.281] * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 767 Kb [06.03.24 05:57:13.282] * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb [06.03.24 05:57:13.282] * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 767 Kb [06.03.24 05:57:13.282] * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 767 Kb [06.03.24 05:57:13.283] * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 767 Kb [06.03.24 05:57:13.283] * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 767 Kb [06.03.24 05:57:13.284] * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 767 Kb [06.03.24 05:57:13.284] * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 767 Kb [06.03.24 05:57:13.285] * [Loading VB] 61195 verts, 717 Kb [06.03.24 05:57:13.285] * [Loading VB] 4070 verts, 47 Kb [06.03.24 05:57:13.285] * [Loading VB] 52372 verts, 613 Kb [06.03.24 05:57:13.285] * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:57:13.286] * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:57:13.287] * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:57:13.288] * [Loading IB] 1048572 indices, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:57:13.289] * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb [06.03.24 05:57:13.290] * [Loading IB] 87489 indices, 170 Kb [06.03.24 05:57:13.291] * [Loading IB] 18816 indices, 36 Kb [06.03.24 05:57:13.291] * [Loading IB] 876198 indices, 1711 Kb [06.03.24 05:57:13.291] * phase time: 60 ms [06.03.24 05:57:13.291] * phase cmem: 0 K [06.03.24 05:57:13.309] * phase time: 17 ms [06.03.24 05:57:13.309] * phase cmem: 0 K [06.03.24 05:57:13.354] * [DETAILS] VertexConsts(256), Batch(61) [06.03.24 05:57:13.354] * [DETAILS] 40687 v(20), 26352 p [06.03.24 05:57:13.354] * [DETAILS] Batch(61), VB(794K), IB(154K) [06.03.24 05:57:13.395] * phase time: 86 ms [06.03.24 05:57:13.395] * phase cmem: 0 K [06.03.24 05:57:13.399] * Loading HOM: d:\secret trails\gamedata\levels\l11_pripyat\level.hom [06.03.24 05:57:13.409] * phase time: 13 ms [06.03.24 05:57:13.409] * phase cmem: 0 K [06.03.24 05:57:13.416] * phase time: 7 ms [06.03.24 05:57:13.416] * phase cmem: 0 K [06.03.24 05:57:13.436] - Game configuring : Started [06.03.24 05:57:13.437] - Game configuring : Finished [06.03.24 05:57:13.443] * phase time: 27 ms [06.03.24 05:57:13.443] * phase cmem: 0 K [06.03.24 05:57:13.456] CResourceManager::DeferredUpload [MT] -> START, size = [2431] [06.03.24 05:57:13.492] ! Fallback to default bump map: build_details_bump [06.03.24 05:57:13.493] ! Fallback to default bump map: build_details_bump# [06.03.24 05:57:13.684] ! Can't find texture 'terrain\terrain_prypiat_puddles_mask' [06.03.24 05:57:13.851] CResourceManager::DeferredUpload -> END [06.03.24 05:57:13.851] * t-report - base: 2404, 3222694 K [06.03.24 05:57:13.851] * t-report - lmap: 27, 27651 K [06.03.24 05:57:13.851] * phase time: 408 ms [06.03.24 05:57:13.851] * phase cmem: 0 K [06.03.24 05:57:13.882] * phase time: 30 ms [06.03.24 05:57:13.882] * phase cmem: 0 K [06.03.24 05:57:13.898] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [06.03.24 05:57:13.898] [16309MB] physical memory installed, [9709MB] available, [40] percent of memory in use [06.03.24 05:57:13.898] PageFile usage: [11000MB], Peak PageFile usage: [11569MB] [06.03.24 05:57:13.898] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [06.03.24 05:57:13.898] * [ D3D ]: textures[3250345 K] [06.03.24 05:57:13.898] * [x-ray]: process heap[0 K], render[0 K] [06.03.24 05:57:13.898] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[46376 K], smem[37387 K] [06.03.24 05:57:14.187] [ogse_signals]: signal 'on_init' is too slow: 29483 [06.03.24 05:57:14.187] [ogse_signals]: 26021, @d:\secret trails\gamedata\scripts\dsh\dsh_cop_weather.script [06.03.24 05:57:14.192] [treasure_manager]: 1 treasures loaded (active/done): 1/1 [06.03.24 05:57:14.193] [task_manager]: 39 tasks loaded: 2 active [06.03.24 05:57:14.193] [ogse_st_mgr]: ogse_st_mgr.delayed_fun_start: 1 timers loaded [06.03.24 05:57:14.193] [ogse_st_mgr]: 1 all timers loaded [06.03.24 05:57:14.194] [dsh_cop_weather]: DynamicForecast: default loaded: 16 items [06.03.24 05:57:14.194] [dsh_cop_weather]: StaticForecast: default loaded: 44 items [06.03.24 05:57:14.311] [ogse_signals]: signal 'on_before_spawn' is too slow: 116539 [06.03.24 05:57:14.311] [ogse_signals]: 116522, @d:\secret trails\gamedata\scripts\sak_off_corpses.script [06.03.24 05:57:14.340] [dsh_alife]: 11524/908 items collected: 12815 [06.03.24 05:57:14.340] [dsh_alife]: 0: 167 items [06.03.24 05:57:14.340] [dsh_alife]: 65535: 8219 items [06.03.24 05:57:14.392] [amk_anoms]: artefacts randomized, time spent = 43967 [06.03.24 05:57:14.392] [amk_anoms]: randomize_anoms() paused: 22545.478515625 [06.03.24 05:57:14.729] ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\wpn_knifm_bump# [06.03.24 05:57:15.250] ! Can't find texture 'wpn\groza\pbs' [06.03.24 05:57:15.356] ! [CGameObject::net_Spawn]: visual_name[dynamics\weapons\grenade\wpn_f_1] not found in aes_grenade_f_0001, keep original dynamics\weapons\wpn_grenades\wpn_f1.ogf instead [06.03.24 05:57:15.356] ! [CGameObject::net_Spawn]: visual_name[dynamics\weapons\grenade\wpn_f_1] not found in aes_grenade_f_0000, keep original dynamics\weapons\wpn_grenades\wpn_f1.ogf instead [06.03.24 05:57:15.357] ! [CGameObject::net_Spawn]: visual_name[dynamics\weapons\grenade\wpn_f_1] not found in aes_grenade_f_0002, keep original dynamics\weapons\wpn_grenades\wpn_f1.ogf instead [06.03.24 05:57:15.357] ! [CGameObject::net_Spawn]: visual_name[dynamics\weapons\grenade\wpn_f_1] not found in aes_grenade_f_0003, keep original dynamics\weapons\wpn_grenades\wpn_f1.ogf instead [06.03.24 05:57:15.359] * [CSpaceRestrictionHolder::register_restrictor]: change restrictor_type of pri_respawn_killer to eRestrictorTypeNone because border().empty() [06.03.24 05:57:15.684] ! [CGameObject::net_Spawn]: changed visual_name[monsters\psevdogigant\psevdogigant] found in pri_stadium_lair_gigant_0000, keep original monsters\psevdogigant\psevdogigant_strong instead [06.03.24 05:57:15.706] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_light_time' in 'zone_gravi_zone_weak' [06.03.24 05:57:15.706] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_explosion_time' in 'zone_gravi_zone_weak' [06.03.24 05:57:15.727] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_light_time' in 'zone_gravi_zone_weak' [06.03.24 05:57:15.727] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_explosion_time' in 'zone_gravi_zone_weak' [06.03.24 05:57:15.818] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_light_time' in 'zone_gravi_zone_weak' [06.03.24 05:57:15.818] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_explosion_time' in 'zone_gravi_zone_weak' [06.03.24 05:57:15.848] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_light_time' in 'zone_gravi_zone_average' [06.03.24 05:57:15.848] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_explosion_time' in 'zone_gravi_zone_average' [06.03.24 05:57:15.866] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_light_time' in 'amk_zone_gravi_zone_average' [06.03.24 05:57:15.866] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_explosion_time' in 'amk_zone_gravi_zone_average' [06.03.24 05:57:15.870] ! [CSpaceRestrictor::net_Spawn]: respawn has no shapes [06.03.24 05:57:15.870] ! [CSpaceRestrictor::net_Spawn]: respawn has no shapes [06.03.24 05:57:15.870] ! [CSpaceRestrictor::net_Spawn]: respawn has no shapes [06.03.24 05:57:15.871] ! [CSpaceRestrictor::net_Spawn]: respawn has no shapes [06.03.24 05:57:15.871] ! [CSpaceRestrictor::net_Spawn]: respawn has no shapes [06.03.24 05:57:15.871] ! [CSpaceRestrictor::net_Spawn]: respawn has no shapes [06.03.24 05:57:15.871] ! [CSpaceRestrictor::net_Spawn]: respawn has no shapes [06.03.24 05:57:15.871] ! [CSpaceRestrictor::net_Spawn]: respawn has no shapes [06.03.24 05:57:15.872] ! [CSpaceRestrictor::net_Spawn]: respawn has no shapes [06.03.24 05:57:15.872] ! [CSpaceRestrictor::net_Spawn]: respawn has no shapes [06.03.24 05:57:15.872] ! [CSpaceRestrictor::net_Spawn]: respawn has no shapes [06.03.24 05:57:15.872] ! [CSpaceRestrictor::net_Spawn]: respawn has no shapes [06.03.24 05:57:15.872] ! [CSpaceRestrictor::net_Spawn]: respawn has no shapes [06.03.24 05:57:15.872] ! [CSpaceRestrictor::net_Spawn]: respawn has no shapes [06.03.24 05:57:15.873] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_light_time' in 'amk_zone_gravi_zone_strong' [06.03.24 05:57:15.873] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_explosion_time' in 'amk_zone_gravi_zone_strong' [06.03.24 05:57:15.875] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_light_time' in 'amk_zone_gravi_zone_average' [06.03.24 05:57:15.875] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_explosion_time' in 'amk_zone_gravi_zone_average' [06.03.24 05:57:15.878] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_light_time' in 'amk_zone_gravi_zone_average' [06.03.24 05:57:15.879] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_explosion_time' in 'amk_zone_gravi_zone_average' [06.03.24 05:57:15.880] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_light_time' in 'amk_zone_gravi_zone_average' [06.03.24 05:57:15.880] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_explosion_time' in 'amk_zone_gravi_zone_average' [06.03.24 05:57:15.880] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_light_time' in 'amk_zone_gravi_zone_average' [06.03.24 05:57:15.880] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_explosion_time' in 'amk_zone_gravi_zone_average' [06.03.24 05:57:16.418] ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\wpn_addon_grenade_launcher_bump# [06.03.24 05:57:16.571] [dsh_cop_weather]: restore time_factor: 0 -> 2 [06.03.24 05:57:16.571] [dsh_cop_weather]: time diff on first update is -0 [06.03.24 05:57:16.590] [dsh_alife]: invalidate all items [06.03.24 05:57:18.296] * MEMORY USAGE: 0 K [06.03.24 05:57:18.296] * End of synchronization A[1] R[1] [06.03.24 05:57:18.308] * phase time: 4456 ms [06.03.24 05:57:18.308] * phase cmem: 0 K [06.03.24 05:57:23.535] ! Fallback to default bump map: amk\amk_gps_bump# [06.03.24 05:57:23.535] ! Fallback to default bump map: amk\amk_gps_bump [06.03.24 05:57:38.634] ! Can't find texture 'wpn\wpn_addon_scope_po4x34' [06.03.24 05:57:38.634] ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\wpn_addon_scope_po4x34_bump# [06.03.24 05:57:38.634] ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\wpn_addon_scope_po4x34_bump [06.03.24 05:57:38.728] ! Can't find texture 'silencer\silencer_tgpa' [06.03.24 05:57:38.843] ! Can't find texture 'ammo\ammo_9x39' [06.03.24 05:57:38.844] ! Can't find texture 'ammo\ammo_5x45' [06.03.24 05:57:39.078] ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\wpn_scope_pso_1m2-1_lens_bump# [06.03.24 05:57:39.659] ! Can't find texture 'wpn\wpn_bullet1_545' [06.03.24 05:57:39.659] ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\wpn_bullet1_545_bump# [06.03.24 05:57:39.659] ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\wpn_bullet1_545_bump [06.03.24 05:58:37.598] [ogse_signals]: signal 'on_update' time limited in 'normal' queue: 46455. Last call spent 46334, script_name = @d:\secret trails\gamedata\scripts\ogsr\ogsr_items_anims.script. Next is 12 from 13. [06.03.24 05:59:23.590] [ogse_signals]: signal 'on_update' time limited in 'normal' queue: 20715. Last call spent 20583, script_name = @d:\secret trails\gamedata\scripts\ogsr\ogsr_actor_animation.script. Next is 12 from 12. [06.03.24 05:59:41.985] ~~Actor netpacket size 60 [06.03.24 05:59:41.985] [amk]: 1 changed variables saved [06.03.24 05:59:41.986] [ogse_st_mgr]: ogse_st_mgr.delayed_fun_start: 1 timers saved [06.03.24 05:59:41.986] [ogse_st_mgr]: 1 all timers saved [06.03.24 05:59:41.987] [task_manager]: 39 tasks saved: 2 active [06.03.24 05:59:41.987] [treasure_manager]: 1 treasures saved (active/done): 1/1 [06.03.24 05:59:41.987] [dsh_cop_weather]: DynamicForecast: default saved: 16 items [06.03.24 05:59:41.988] [dsh_cop_weather]: StaticForecast: default saved: 44 items [06.03.24 05:59:41.989] * Saving spawns... [06.03.24 05:59:41.989] * Saving objects... [06.03.24 05:59:42.033] * 11543 objects are successfully saved [06.03.24 05:59:42.034] * 2243 script vars are successfully saved [06.03.24 05:59:42.037] * Game user_quicksave_6.sav is successfully saved to file 'd:\secret trails\_appdata_\savedgames\user_quicksave_6.sav' [06.03.24 05:59:42.038] [ogse_signals]: signal 'on_key_down' is too slow: 52363 [06.03.24 05:59:42.038] [ogse_signals]: 52323, @d:\secret trails\gamedata\scripts\ogsr\ogsr_quick_saveload.script [06.03.24 05:59:42.045] [dsh_cop_weather]: time diff after save is -0 [06.03.24 06:01:34.478] ~~Actor netpacket size 60 [06.03.24 06:01:34.478] [amk]: 0 changed variables saved [06.03.24 06:01:34.478] [ogse_st_mgr]: ogse_st_mgr.delayed_fun_start: 1 timers saved [06.03.24 06:01:34.478] [ogse_st_mgr]: 1 all timers saved [06.03.24 06:01:34.479] [task_manager]: 39 tasks saved: 2 active [06.03.24 06:01:34.479] [treasure_manager]: 1 treasures saved (active/done): 1/1 [06.03.24 06:01:34.479] [dsh_cop_weather]: DynamicForecast: default saved: 16 items [06.03.24 06:01:34.480] [dsh_cop_weather]: StaticForecast: default saved: 44 items [06.03.24 06:01:34.481] * Saving spawns... [06.03.24 06:01:34.481] * Saving objects... [06.03.24 06:01:34.498] * 11543 objects are successfully saved [06.03.24 06:01:34.499] * 2243 script vars are successfully saved [06.03.24 06:01:34.502] * Game user_quicksave_7.sav is successfully saved to file 'd:\secret trails\_appdata_\savedgames\user_quicksave_7.sav' [06.03.24 06:01:34.503] [ogse_signals]: signal 'on_key_down' is too slow: 24813 [06.03.24 06:01:34.503] [ogse_signals]: 24777, @d:\secret trails\gamedata\scripts\ogsr\ogsr_quick_saveload.script [06.03.24 06:01:34.516] [dsh_cop_weather]: time diff after save is -0 [06.03.24 06:07:57.690] [ogse_signals]: signal 'on_update' time limited in 'normal' queue: 26865. Last call spent 26738, script_name = @d:\secret trails\gamedata\scripts\ogse\ogse_metka.script. Next is 13 from 12. [06.03.24 06:09:19.411] ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: [d:\secret trails\gamedata\sounds\ambient\blowout\blowout_begin_02.ogg] [06.03.24 06:10:49.356] ~~Actor netpacket size 60 [06.03.24 06:10:49.356] [amk]: 1 changed variables saved [06.03.24 06:10:49.356] [ogse_st_mgr]: ogse_st_mgr.delayed_fun_start: 1 timers saved [06.03.24 06:10:49.356] [ogse_st_mgr]: 1 all timers saved [06.03.24 06:10:49.357] [task_manager]: 39 tasks saved: 2 active [06.03.24 06:10:49.357] [treasure_manager]: 1 treasures saved (active/done): 1/1 [06.03.24 06:10:49.358] [dsh_cop_weather]: DynamicForecast: default saved: 16 items [06.03.24 06:10:49.359] [dsh_cop_weather]: StaticForecast: default saved: 61 items [06.03.24 06:10:49.360] * Saving spawns... [06.03.24 06:10:49.360] * Saving objects... [06.03.24 06:10:49.380] * 11537 objects are successfully saved [06.03.24 06:10:49.381] * 2448 script vars are successfully saved [06.03.24 06:10:49.385] * Game user_quicksave_8.sav is successfully saved to file 'd:\secret trails\_appdata_\savedgames\user_quicksave_8.sav' [06.03.24 06:10:49.385] [ogse_signals]: signal 'on_key_down' is too slow: 28762 [06.03.24 06:10:49.385] [ogse_signals]: 28723, @d:\secret trails\gamedata\scripts\ogsr\ogsr_quick_saveload.script [06.03.24 06:10:49.396] [dsh_cop_weather]: time diff after save is -0 [06.03.24 06:11:11.935] [dsh_alife]: 11537/895 items collected: 31904 [06.03.24 06:11:11.935] [dsh_alife]: 0: 101 items [06.03.24 06:11:11.935] [dsh_alife]: 65535: 8221 items [06.03.24 06:11:11.945] [ogse_signals]: signal 'on_info' is too slow: 41881 [06.03.24 06:11:11.945] [ogse_signals]: 41804, @d:\secret trails\gamedata\scripts\ogse\ogse_surge_mgr.script [06.03.24 06:11:11.945] [ogse_signals]: signal 'on_update' time limited in 'scheduled' queue: 42172. Last call spent 42034, script_name = @d:\secret trails\gamedata\scripts\ogse\ogse_surge_mgr.script. Next is 4 from 9. [06.03.24 06:11:11.953] !! [CGameObject::lua_game_object] you are trying to use a destroyed object [amk_zone_mosquito_bald_average10443] [06.03.24 06:11:11.953] ***************************[ScriptCrashHandler]********************************** [06.03.24 06:11:11.953] stack traceback: [06.03.24 06:11:11.953] ********************************************************************************* [06.03.24 06:11:11.953] ******************************************************************************** [06.03.24 06:11:11.954] !![LogStackTrace] Thread: [X-RAY Primary thread] [06.03.24 06:11:12.301] !!stack trace: ! Module: [D:\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF76761D5F5], Fun: [BuildStackTrace()] + [41 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\xrCore\stacktrace_collector.cpp-->154] ! Module: [D:\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF76760860E], Fun: [LogStackTrace()] + [62 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\xrCore\xrDebugNew.cpp-->74] + [10 byte(s)] ! Module: [D:\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF7678D83CD], Fun: [CGameObject::lua_game_object()] + [85 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\xrGame\GameObject.cpp-->804] ! Module: [D:\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF767952AAD], Fun: [CCustomZone::exit_Zone()] + [65 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\xrGame\CustomZone.cpp-->1446] + [36 byte(s)] ! Module: [D:\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF76795025D], Fun: [CCustomZone::net_Destroy()] + [305 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\xrGame\CustomZone.cpp-->421] ! Module: [D:\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF7675B9060], Fun: [CObjectList::ProcessDestroyQueue()] + [356 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\xr_3da\xr_object_list.cpp-->224] ! Module: [D:\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF7675B4EB4], Fun: [IGame_Level::OnFrame()] + [24 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\xr_3da\IGame_Level.cpp-->128] ! Module: [D:\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF767889202], Fun: [CLevel::OnFrame()] + [1066 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\xrGame\Level.cpp-->402] ! Module: [D:\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF7675E6C4F], Fun: [CRegistrator<pureFrame>::Process()] + [87 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\xr_3da\pure.h-->109] ! Module: [D:\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF7675E66DB], Fun: [CRenderDevice::FrameMove()] + [387 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\xr_3da\device.cpp-->413] ! Module: [D:\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF7675E587D], Fun: [CRenderDevice::on_idle()] + [233 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\xr_3da\device.cpp-->185] ! Module: [D:\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF7675E63C7], Fun: [CRenderDevice::Run()] + [575 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\xr_3da\device.cpp-->351] + [85 byte(s)] ! Module: [D:\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF7675AFFDA], Fun: [Startup()] + [1366 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\xr_3da\x_ray.cpp-->205] ! Module: [D:\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF7675B063D], Fun: [WinMain_impl()] + [509 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\xr_3da\x_ray.cpp-->409] ! Module: [D:\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF7675B07CF], Fun: [WinMain()] + [335 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\xr_3da\x_ray.cpp-->430] ! Module: [D:\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF767DABBAE], Fun: [__scrt_common_main_seh()] + [262 byte(s)], File-->Line: [D:\a\_work\1\s\src\vctools\crt\vcstartup\src\startup\exe_common.inl-->288] + [33 byte(s)] ! Module: [C:\Windows\System32\KERNEL32.DLL], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF84F887034], Fun: [BaseThreadInitThunk()] + [20 byte(s)] ! Module: [C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF850A42651], Fun: [RtlUserThreadStart()] + [33 byte(s)] ! [06.03.24 06:11:12.301] ******************************************************************************** [06.03.24 06:11:12.301] !! [CGameObject::lua_game_object] you are trying to use a destroyed object [amk_zone_mosquito_bald_average10443] [06.03.24 06:11:12.301] ***************************[ScriptCrashHandler]********************************** [06.03.24 06:11:12.301] stack traceback: [06.03.24 06:11:12.301] ********************************************************************************* [06.03.24 06:11:12.301] ******************************************************************************** [06.03.24 06:11:12.301] !![LogStackTrace] Thread: [X-RAY Primary thread] [06.03.24 06:11:12.451] !!stack trace: ! Module: [D:\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF76761D5F5], Fun: [BuildStackTrace()] + [41 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\xrCore\stacktrace_collector.cpp-->154] ! Module: [D:\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF76760860E], Fun: [LogStackTrace()] + [62 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\xrCore\xrDebugNew.cpp-->74] + [10 byte(s)] ! Module: [D:\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF7678D83CD], Fun: [CGameObject::lua_game_object()] + [85 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\xrGame\GameObject.cpp-->804] ! Module: [D:\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF767952AAD], Fun: [CCustomZone::exit_Zone()] + [65 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\xrGame\CustomZone.cpp-->1446] + [36 byte(s)] ! Module: [D:\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF76795025D], Fun: [CCustomZone::net_Destroy()] + [305 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\xrGame\CustomZone.cpp-->421] ! Module: [D:\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF7675B9060], Fun: [CObjectList::ProcessDestroyQueue()] + [356 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\xr_3da\xr_object_list.cpp-->224] ! Module: [D:\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF7675B4EB4], Fun: [IGame_Level::OnFrame()] + [24 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\xr_3da\IGame_Level.cpp-->128] ! Module: [D:\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF767889202], Fun: [CLevel::OnFrame()] + [1066 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\xrGame\Level.cpp-->402] ! Module: [D:\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF7675E6C4F], Fun: [CRegistrator<pureFrame>::Process()] + [87 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\xr_3da\pure.h-->109] ! Module: [D:\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF7675E66DB], Fun: [CRenderDevice::FrameMove()] + [387 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\xr_3da\device.cpp-->413] ! Module: [D:\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF7675E587D], Fun: [CRenderDevice::on_idle()] + [233 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\xr_3da\device.cpp-->185] ! Module: [D:\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF7675E63C7], Fun: [CRenderDevice::Run()] + [575 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\xr_3da\device.cpp-->351] + [85 byte(s)] ! Module: [D:\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF7675AFFDA], Fun: [Startup()] + [1366 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\xr_3da\x_ray.cpp-->205] ! Module: [D:\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF7675B063D], Fun: [WinMain_impl()] + [509 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\xr_3da\x_ray.cpp-->409] ! Module: [D:\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF7675B07CF], Fun: [WinMain()] + [335 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\xr_3da\x_ray.cpp-->430] ! Module: [D:\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF767DABBAE], Fun: [__scrt_common_main_seh()] + [262 byte(s)], File-->Line: [D:\a\_work\1\s\src\vctools\crt\vcstartup\src\startup\exe_common.inl-->288] + [33 byte(s)] ! Module: [C:\Windows\System32\KERNEL32.DLL], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF84F887034], Fun: [BaseThreadInitThunk()] + [20 byte(s)] ! Module: [C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF850A42651], Fun: [RtlUserThreadStart()] + [33 byte(s)] ! [06.03.24 06:11:12.451] ******************************************************************************** [06.03.24 06:11:12.469] [dsh_alife]: invalidate all items [06.03.24 06:15:35.687] ***************************[ScriptCrashHandler]********************************** [06.03.24 06:15:35.687] stack traceback: [06.03.24 06:15:35.687] ********************************************************************************* [06.03.24 06:15:35.687] ******************************************************************************** [06.03.24 06:15:35.687] !![LogStackTrace] Thread: [X-RAY Primary thread], ExceptionCode: [c0000005] [06.03.24 06:15:35.934] [CSheduler::ProcessStep2] stack trace: Module: [D:\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF767DBC73F], Fun: [`CSpaceRestrictor::inside'::`1'::catch$0()] + [30 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\xrGame\space_restrictor.cpp-->116] + [16 byte(s)] Module: [C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\VCRUNTIME140_1.dll], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF8353F1080] Module: [C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\VCRUNTIME140_1.dll], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF8353F26F5], Fun: [_NLG_Return2()] + [5541 byte(s)] Module: [C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF850A91626], Fun: [RtlCaptureContext2()] + [1190 byte(s)] Module: [D:\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF7678DA6B7], Fun: [CSpaceRestrictor::inside()] + [35 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\xrGame\space_restrictor.cpp-->113] Module: [D:\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF767B7F911], Fun: [CSpaceRestrictionComposition::inside()] + [133 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\xrGame\space_restriction_composition.cpp-->58] + [16 byte(s)] Module: [D:\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF767B2AED5], Fun: [CSpaceRestriction::accessible()] + [181 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\xrGame\space_restriction.cpp-->60] + [132 byte(s)] Module: [D:\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF767AAC8A4], Fun: [CRestrictedObject::accessible()] + [96 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\xrGame\restricted_object.cpp-->105] + [43 byte(s)] Module: [D:\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF767AD8731], Fun: [CControlPathBuilder::update_schedule()] + [61 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\xrGame\ai\Monsters\control_path_builder.cpp-->60] + [35 byte(s)] Module: [D:\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF767AA5695], Fun: [CControl_Manager::update_schedule()] + [61 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\xrGame\ai\Monsters\control_manager.cpp-->143] Module: [D:\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF767A7F41E], Fun: [CBaseMonster::shedule_Update()] + [98 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\xrGame\ai\Monsters\BaseMonster\base_monster.cpp-->338] Module: [D:\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF7675B37FA], Fun: [CSheduler::ProcessStep()] + [450 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\xr_3da\xrSheduler.cpp-->376] Module: [D:\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF7675B3B90], Fun: [CSheduler::Update()] + [376 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\xr_3da\xrSheduler.cpp-->487] Module: [D:\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF7678F668F], Fun: [CGamePersistent::OnFrame()] + [747 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\xrGame\GamePersistent.cpp-->615] Module: [D:\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF7675E6C4F], Fun: [CRegistrator<pureFrame>::Process()] + [87 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\xr_3da\pure.h-->109] Module: [D:\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF7675E66DB], Fun: [CRenderDevice::FrameMove()] + [387 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\xr_3da\device.cpp-->413] Module: [D:\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF7675E587D], Fun: [CRenderDevice::on_idle()] + [233 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\xr_3da\device.cpp-->185] Module: [D:\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF7675E63C7], Fun: [CRenderDevice::Run()] + [575 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\xr_3da\device.cpp-->351] + [85 byte(s)] Module: [D:\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF7675AFFDA], Fun: [Startup()] + [1366 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\xr_3da\x_ray.cpp-->205] Module: [D:\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF7675B063D], Fun: [WinMain_impl()] + [509 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\xr_3da\x_ray.cpp-->409] Module: [D:\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF7675B07CF], Fun: [WinMain()] + [335 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\xr_3da\x_ray.cpp-->430] Module: [D:\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF767DABBAE], Fun: [__scrt_common_main_seh()] + [262 byte(s)], File-->Line: [D:\a\_work\1\s\src\vctools\crt\vcstartup\src\startup\exe_common.inl-->288] + [33 byte(s)] Module: [C:\Windows\System32\KERNEL32.DLL], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF84F887034], Fun: [BaseThreadInitThunk()] + [20 byte(s)] Module: [C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF850A42651], Fun: [RtlUserThreadStart()] + [33 byte(s)] [06.03.24 06:15:35.934] ******************************************************************************** [06.03.24 06:15:35.934] Scheduler tried to update object pseudodog_normal11414 [06.03.24 06:19:54.596] ***************************[ScriptCrashHandler]********************************** [06.03.24 06:19:54.596] stack traceback: [06.03.24 06:19:54.596] ********************************************************************************* [06.03.24 06:19:54.596] ******************************************************************************** [06.03.24 06:19:54.596] !![LogStackTrace] Thread: [X-RAY Primary thread], ExceptionCode: [c0000005] [06.03.24 06:19:54.749] !!Unhandled exception stack trace: ! Module: [D:\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF767DBC73F], Fun: [`CSpaceRestrictor::inside'::`1'::catch$0()] + [30 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\xrGame\space_restrictor.cpp-->116] + [16 byte(s)] ! Module: [C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\VCRUNTIME140_1.dll], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF8353F1080] ! Module: [C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\VCRUNTIME140_1.dll], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF8353F26F5], Fun: [_NLG_Return2()] + [5541 byte(s)] ! Module: [C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF850A91626], Fun: [RtlCaptureContext2()] + [1190 byte(s)] ! Module: [D:\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF7678DA6B7], Fun: [CSpaceRestrictor::inside()] + [35 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\xrGame\space_restrictor.cpp-->113] ! Module: [D:\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF767B7F911], Fun: [CSpaceRestrictionComposition::inside()] + [133 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\xrGame\space_restriction_composition.cpp-->58] + [16 byte(s)] ! Module: [D:\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF767B2AED5], Fun: [CSpaceRestriction::accessible()] + [181 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\xrGame\space_restriction.cpp-->60] + [132 byte(s)] ! Module: [D:\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF767AAC8A4], Fun: [CRestrictedObject::accessible()] + [96 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\xrGame\restricted_object.cpp-->105] + [43 byte(s)] ! Module: [D:\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF767A98C0D], Fun: [CCoverManager::best_cover<CCoverEvaluatorCloseToEnemy,CCoverManager>()] + [561 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\xrGame\cover_manager_inline.h-->88] + [14 byte(s)] ! Module: [D:\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF767D26A57], Fun: [CControlPathBuilderBase::find_node()] + [555 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\xrGame\ai\Monsters\control_path_builder_base_path.cpp-->210] ! Module: [D:\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF767D266F5], Fun: [CControlPathBuilderBase::find_target_point_set()] + [993 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\xrGame\ai\Monsters\control_path_builder_base_path.cpp-->146] ! Module: [D:\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF767BB62A1], Fun: [CControlPathBuilderBase::update_frame()] + [385 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\xrGame\ai\Monsters\control_path_builder_base_update.cpp-->15] + [188 byte(s)] ! Module: [D:\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF767AA55E1], Fun: [CControl_Manager::update_frame()] + [61 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\xrGame\ai\Monsters\control_manager.cpp-->128] ! Module: [D:\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF767A7F3A8], Fun: [CBaseMonster::UpdateCL()] + [152 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\xrGame\ai\Monsters\BaseMonster\base_monster.cpp-->317] ! Module: [D:\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF7675B8B84], Fun: [CObjectList::SingleUpdate()] + [124 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\xr_3da\xr_object_list.cpp-->110] ! Module: [D:\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF7675B8EA6], Fun: [CObjectList::Update()] + [394 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\xr_3da\xr_object_list.cpp-->174] + [19 byte(s)] ! Module: [D:\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF7675B4EB4], Fun: [IGame_Level::OnFrame()] + [24 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\xr_3da\IGame_Level.cpp-->128] ! Module: [D:\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF767889202], Fun: [CLevel::OnFrame()] + [1066 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\xrGame\Level.cpp-->402] ! Module: [D:\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF7675E6C4F], Fun: [CRegistrator<pureFrame>::Process()] + [87 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\xr_3da\pure.h-->109] ! Module: [D:\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF7675E66DB], Fun: [CRenderDevice::FrameMove()] + [387 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\xr_3da\device.cpp-->413] ! Module: [D:\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF7675E587D], Fun: [CRenderDevice::on_idle()] + [233 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\xr_3da\device.cpp-->185] ! Module: [D:\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF7675E63C7], Fun: [CRenderDevice::Run()] + [575 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\xr_3da\device.cpp-->351] + [85 byte(s)] ! Module: [D:\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF7675AFFDA], Fun: [Startup()] + [1366 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\xr_3da\x_ray.cpp-->205] ! Module: [D:\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF7675B063D], Fun: [WinMain_impl()] + [509 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\xr_3da\x_ray.cpp-->409] ! Module: [D:\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF7675B07CF], Fun: [WinMain()] + [335 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\xr_3da\x_ray.cpp-->430] ! Module: [D:\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF767DABBAE], Fun: [__scrt_common_main_seh()] + [262 byte(s)], File-->Line: [D:\a\_work\1\s\src\vctools\crt\vcstartup\src\startup\exe_common.inl-->288] + [33 byte(s)] ! Module: [C:\Windows\System32\KERNEL32.DLL], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF84F887034], Fun: [BaseThreadInitThunk()] + [20 byte(s)] ! Module: [C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF850A42651], Fun: [RtlUserThreadStart()] + [33 byte(s)] ! [06.03.24 06:19:54.749] ********************************************************************************
  24. wzyddg

    True Stalker

    Congratulations on the release! I'm a STALKER fan from China, our local community have been playing stalker mods for a long time. "True Stalker" is really good and we are trying to localize it so that we can play in our language, like many other mods we played. But we found out that "True Stalker" doesn't seem to fully support multi-byte font like vanilla game SOC, CS or COP. we have to use it since characters in our language is way more than 256. we are using something like follwoing in the font definition. [mb_symbol_coords] height=25 00032= 9, 0, 15, 25 00101= 31, 0, 43, 25 this is how it looks like when I translate some of the strings and use the Chinese font, the English is ok but Chinese characters just disappear. could you please fix this or provide another solution? Thank you! P.S. I'm sorry to post in English, I just want to make my question clear. You can always translate to Russian by yourself if you want. @Overf1rst I'm sorry to pin you , but this is some serious problem.