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  1. I don'u use in games anti-aliasing or my video card settings. I use what is provided in reshade which works fine for me. Give it a try and see how it works for you.
  2. To be honest, I don't understand how you play a mod in a language you don't know. It just increases the difficulty of the game by a factor of 10. Moreover, there is a lot of slang, which not every translator will translate. I'm not talking about context and subtext. Ask for help at any time, I know this mod like the back of my hand. Дополнено 2 минуты спустя Крайний патч делал я, исправил/улучшил/поменял всё, что смог. Можно считать это ремастером. Делал для себя, но авторы мода включили мой фанатский патч в свой мод, посчитав мои переделки достойными. Попробуйте, возможно, вам понравится.
  3. Hi, stalker! You need to get some sleep before 6pm, which is when this quest starts. At precisely 18:00 you need to talk to the head of the guard at the roadblock/checkpoint .
  4. Studios need not to worry. Modders will take care of this immediately after release. So don't stress over it guys. You just stay focus on your console sales. We'll take care of the rest here.
  5. Если ваш стул проходит через очередной этап пиролиза и высокотемпературного крекинга, восторгами и пожеланиями (в рамках правил форума) в адрес разработчиков можно делиться здесь. Вас выслушают, если это возможно, помогут, а особо конструктивные матюги будут учтены при разработке будущих версий мода(ов). / Those of you wishing to KILL IT WITH FIRE - here you can send your 'positive feedback' and 'best regards' to the developers - within the limits of the forum rules. At least you will be listened to, you may be helped, if there's a way to help, and the most constructive cusses will be taken into account in developement of the upcoming versions of the mod.
  6. Crackpot ну, может быть когда-нибудь потом. AC6 sorry, can't help you with that. :(
  7. If you see the word "DEMO" on your screen, press 'F7' and then press 'G'
  8. @Konstantin.PostalTo the right of the green trailer (as you see in the screenshot attached) is a small opening in which you can squeeze if low-crouching. That way you can get in the camp 😉
  9. I noticed that after lab x-18, a pack of blind dogs spawn in Fox's building. Strange thing is that the when viewed from a distance they stay in place but the walking animation plays instead of the sitting one. If you go near them and they aggro you, they can't leave the building and attack you, like they're entire gulag is that one building. mihai_quicksave.7z
  10. That was a very poor trailer with very poor English acting. there is no atmosphere here. I am really not excited for this. I will buy it and wait for you talented modders to remove all the 'console' content that will plague this on release. Again, they seem to forget what it was that made the trilogy so amazing and simply target a console demographic.....this is where the money is at. Now the console fans will wonder why the game made a fourth part and never understand why the PC trilogy was so amazing!
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  12. Absolutely captivated by the eerie beauty and haunting atmosphere of the Zone in Call of Chernobyl. The game's ability to immerse you in its post-apocalyptic world is truly unmatched. Exploring every nook and cranny feels like a personal journey, and I can't get enough of the sense of adventure it brings.🕹️🏞️#CallOfChernobyl #GamingAdventures"
  13. Gendel, we gotta be patient with this mod. I would not be upset if I were you.....because you are going to play this once it is released and then you will be commenting on it and not look good.
  14. what you mean latest? Now we have old one and new one (last one from yesterday) Anomaly Custom.7z.torrent
  15. Seems, that you say must be some addon, who response on population. Sorry, but I dont know which one. need to wait Skilldex, maybe he can help
  16. I found to disable artifact degradation. At the main menu go into 'add-ons' and then go into artifact condition. There is where you can disable it. My next issue would be the animations for cutting mutants and picking up items. I was able to go into FDDA setting through MCM and was able to switch off pick up animations and cutting for mutant parts. The pick up animations did work but I get a crash when cutting into mutants. I also disabled everything in the SKIN tab under MCM. Here is the crash log. [error]Expression : <no expression> [error]Function : CScriptEngine::lua_pcall_failed [error]File : ..\xrServerEntities\script_engine.cpp [error]Line : 206 [error]Description : fatal error [error]Arguments : LUA error: ...es (x86)/anomaly custom\gamedata\scripts\zzz_skin.script:115: stack overflow Also, is there anything I can disable to reduce the worlds population? In the games main menu settings does not seem to work. I assume this is from an add-on but I just don't know what it would be to reduce the population. Here are some examples. There is so many people here A lot of people just sitting around. 4 men here in a small spot. I want to reduce populations just help improve performance. There are just too many people loaded into the maps. I hope I can get some help here.
  17. Little Frenchman Hello, as you know I have undertaken the translation of the mod and this is a lot of work as I am not a Russian speaker, so I have to read the machine translations, interpret them and then check them in game. You edit patches and it's very good, I would like however that the diffusion of these patches be more easily visible and to be informed if new things are added in "gamedata-configs-ui" and "text" because they are the files where there is the most work. Thank you for your understanding and help.
  18. gibe Look, friend. After being beaten by the mercenaries, you must leave the dead city through the basement of your grandmother's house. Then you will go to the army warehouses. Then break the flasks in the basement. This is the house in which you appeared. And the passage to the radar will be available. Run along the fences, you will see a helicopter, then it will fall, and you need to go into the bunker. Something like that Дополнено 2 минуты спустя gibe How do you like the scene with the red-haired beauty, by the way? Дополнено 6 минуты спустя The group "Voenstalkers" Дополнено 9 минуты спустя "Arrow" is such a grouping in the modification. Consisting of military personnel. They're all reptiles. Дополнено 10 минуты спустя "Arrow" bad military
  19. I am dead Hello At the end of the development will you make a complete edition or will you edit all the patches? I can't reach your discord Translation still in progress! Thanks
  20. Hmm. I tried as you have said but no luck. Found the key bind just does not work. Will keep trying. Had a few crashes on some scopes trying to put on weapons. This scope and gun does not work. FATAL ERROR [error]Expression : <no expression> [error]Function : inventory::upgrade::Group::can_install [error]File : inventory_upgrade_group.cpp [error]Line : 105 [error]Description : fatal error [error]Arguments : Loading item: Upgrade <up_fourtc_svd_nimble> of inventory item [wpn_vepr762x54_gauss_sight] (id = 65535) can`t be installed! Error = result_e_parents And this one too. They are not compatible but highlights that they are. FATAL ERROR [error]Expression : xml_doc.NavigateToNode(path,index) [error]Function : CUIXmlInit::InitWindow [error]File : ui\UIXmlInit.cpp [error]Line : 80 [error]Description : XML node not found [error]Argument 0 : wpn_crosshair_tac30 [error]Argument 1 : ui\scopes_16.xml Also, when mounting the Leupold Mark 8 CQBSS 1.1-8x24 on the FN SCAR-H the zoom does not function.
  21. Hey man, how did you "turned on" the old style mini map ? The default one in this mod is just awful.
  22. Thanks! It was in Russian so I did not notice that right away. Also, the MCM has loaded fine. It's called ''Add-Ons" on the main menu button. And also, I had shot a few enemies in certain tights spots where their bodies would fall into the geometry of the level. Corpse marker is there but you can not reach them. Happened in two cases already.
  23. You press F7, then the G key and the Y key. Everything will be signed in the menu. The console will show the commands g_god and g_unlimitedammo. they must be set to 0.