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Найдено: 590 результатов

  1. Ваше проблема в том, что вы воспринимаете проект как рядовую игру, будто из под крыла bethesda Это проект уровня You Are Empty для своего времени. Послушайте лекцию Кузменко игроманского, он там разжевал куда всё катится, и почему индустрия просто закормит всех нумерными частями и ремейками. Дополнено 27 минуты спустя Издание IGN опубликовало 6-минутный ролик, посвящённый сюжету Atomic Heart. В нём разработчики из студии Mundfish рассказали подробности об альтернативной вселенной, в которой советский учёный Дмитрий Сеченов создал уникальный энергонакопитель. С этого началась череда событий, которые привела к революции роботов.
  2. if you installed the nanohud then install the fix : https://disk.yandex.ru/d/d44jt3e7q6jYwA
  3. Hello The game does not start: Game installed on C:\games .exe as administrator CoP Russian version = > ok CoP version + AtmosFear => ok CoP + AtmosFear + mod = crash Fix start used Fix 1 used Log error : [error]Expression : file_handle_internal(file_name, *buffer_size, file_handle) [error]Function: FileDownload [error]File: D:\prog_repository\sources\trunk\xrCore\FS.cpp [error]Line : 169 [error]Description: can't open file : [error]Arguments : c:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. call of pripyat\gamedata\textures\detail_grnd_leaves - ?????.thm stack trace: Any help would be appreciated Thank you
  4. Another thing I noticed in the final section of the CNPP is that the low grounds of the level aren't irradiated like in vanilla and you can simply wonder about, even see parts of building with missing textures that you weren't supposed to see. For me even a few NPCs were there but that could be because of the modified distance switch 🤔
  5. That too, you can also jump from the 1st floor of the Merc building to the crane and then straight into the Loner camp This was the opening I was mentioning 😉
  6. @Konstantin.PostalTo the right of the green trailer (as you see in the screenshot attached) is a small opening in which you can squeeze if low-crouching. That way you can get in the camp 😉
  7. Hi RayTwitty, I'm coming from ModDB here and we are wondering if you are still working on Phantom Zone? Its been close to 10 years already. I have been viewing your page from time to time, wondering for some updated info. -Emmet Otter-
  8. I am so glad to read this. I remember seeing early videos of their maps and was saddened that we might not ever see them. Happy that you guys picked them up. Дополнено 2 минуты спустя The Alpha squads were the best part of the SGM mods. I wish other mods would pick up this idea.
  9. Hello. I'm starting the tests and it's laborious because everything is not yet translated, but I'm making progress, the game launches correctly. 1 - At the beginning of the mission "2019" the chest in the camp does not open, I gave my rifle to the bandits... they have since disappeared. 2 - When I talk to the cripple if I choose this answer : Окей, я в твои тоже лезть не стану. (+уважение) the game crashes without error log (st_dialogs_mod => <string id="exgar_hutor_trader_dialog4_phrase_23">) Thank you for helping me.
  10. I noticed that after lab x-18, a pack of blind dogs spawn in Fox's building. Strange thing is that the when viewed from a distance they stay in place but the walking animation plays instead of the sitting one. If you go near them and they aggro you, they can't leave the building and attack you, like they're entire gulag is that one building. mihai_quicksave.7z
  11. Hello, I am starting to test the translation. I found this indication on a Russian site: НОВОЕ ДЕЛО: ОСМОТРЕТЬ МЕСТО Примечание. Справа от хутора также есть палатка с костром и запертым ящиком. Если вы убили мародёров, то открыть ящик не сможете. Если заплатили мародёрам или отдали оружие, они бы помогли открыть тот самый ящик, и вы бы всё равно получили дробовик. Вот так. I can't find this place, please help me. It's terrible for me to be "thirsty for vodka" I never drink alcohol! 🤣 thank you
  12. Strelok scar you can't, OGSR doesn't support static.
  13. I was always wondering, would it be possible to have the online / offline switch distance for NPCs increased, at least in certain areas? For example in Cordon, every time you see either bandits or loners attack each other, it would reset their position if you go too far from the area (going back to the rookie village is enough for the reset to happen).
  14. LarryCox

    В последнее время...

    You must get the disc restored by specialised companies. They were able to copy nearly all the files I required from a fatally damaged drive for 15,000 rubles. They didn't use khukhur-mukhra, but rather specialised professional equipment to spin it for 4 days.
  15. It was 2022, new and new video cards, the RTX 4090-4080 series. I'm waiting for tests from new cards in the stalker, how much FPS will give out. According to the requirements, it is clear that the stalker does not need such cards at all . You can open a stalker on cards that are now sold very cheaply.
  16. Gendel, we gotta be patient with this mod. I would not be upset if I were you.....because you are going to play this once it is released and then you will be commenting on it and not look good.
  17. Little Frenchman Hello, I have a problem understanding names - Ушлым = dodgy, smarty, daredevil, ushly I chose "Dodgy" is it right? - Карлик = dwarf, midget, - карликов = dwarf Is this another version of "smarty, dodgy, daredevil"? Thank you
  18. Little Frenchman Hello, as you know I have undertaken the translation of the mod and this is a lot of work as I am not a Russian speaker, so I have to read the machine translations, interpret them and then check them in game. You edit patches and it's very good, I would like however that the diffusion of these patches be more easily visible and to be informed if new things are added in "gamedata-configs-ui" and "text" because they are the files where there is the most work. Thank you for your understanding and help.
  19. Ну вот я об этом и говорю, народ, он благодарит меня за то, что я написал, а там ни крупицы положительного и ему от этого забавно. От такого мододела нормального мода и не ожидалось, занавес. Shame on you
  20. Prostomod Thank you very, very much !!😀 for ""Ж" is closer to "J" rather than "F"" the 2 will be optional like this: j/f who will play will know!😅
  21. gibe I think it's a not good idea to directly translate Cyrillic alphabet characters to Latin, because alphabetic order is a key to solve puzzle. I suggest you to translate it like this: Cyrillic : А-1,Б-2,В-3,Г-4,Д-5,Е-6,Ж-7,З-8,И-9,К-10 Latin: A-1, B-2, C-3, D-4, E-5, F-6, G-7, H-8, I-9, J-10 (I hope I recall Latin alphabet correctly) "Ж" is closer to "J" rather than "F"