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  1. Играл в НС 2016 OGSR-Engine (версия 2.1.32 (х64)) и при переходе на Затон с Мертвого города случается ПОСТОЯННЫЙ вылет (игра на 88% загрузки - и тут БАХ! вылет) Вот весь лог (или что это вообще) ошибки: [30.05.23 18:11:57.059] * Detected CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU X5675 @ 3.07GHz [GenuineIntel], F6/M44/S2 [30.05.23 18:11:57.060] * CPU features: RDTSC, MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, MONITOR/MWAIT, SSSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2 [30.05.23 18:11:57.060] * CPU cores: [6], threads: [12] [30.05.23 18:11:57.060] * CPU0 current freq: 3068 MHz, max freq: 3068 MHz [30.05.23 18:11:57.060] * CPU1 current freq: 3068 MHz, max freq: 3068 MHz [30.05.23 18:11:57.060] * CPU2 current freq: 3068 MHz, max freq: 3068 MHz [30.05.23 18:11:57.060] * CPU3 current freq: 3068 MHz, max freq: 3068 MHz [30.05.23 18:11:57.060] * CPU4 current freq: 3068 MHz, max freq: 3068 MHz [30.05.23 18:11:57.060] * CPU5 current freq: 3068 MHz, max freq: 3068 MHz [30.05.23 18:11:57.060] * CPU6 current freq: 3068 MHz, max freq: 3068 MHz [30.05.23 18:11:57.060] * CPU7 current freq: 3068 MHz, max freq: 3068 MHz [30.05.23 18:11:57.060] * CPU8 current freq: 3068 MHz, max freq: 3068 MHz [30.05.23 18:11:57.060] * CPU9 current freq: 3068 MHz, max freq: 3068 MHz [30.05.23 18:11:57.060] * CPU10 current freq: 3068 MHz, max freq: 3068 MHz [30.05.23 18:11:57.060] * CPU11 current freq: 3068 MHz, max freq: 3068 MHz [30.05.23 18:11:57.060] Initializing File System... [30.05.23 18:11:57.062] --Found base arch: [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata.db_base_configs], size: [15357460] [30.05.23 18:11:57.113] --Found base arch: [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata.db_base_levels_1], size: [2036761753] [30.05.23 18:11:57.133] --Found base arch: [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata.db_base_levels_2], size: [1758127739] [30.05.23 18:11:57.152] --Found base arch: [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata.db_base_meshes], size: [790355428] [30.05.23 18:11:57.209] --Found base arch: [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata.db_base_sounds], size: [1952558314] [30.05.23 18:11:57.990] --Found base arch: [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata.db_base_textures_1], size: [2010685619] [30.05.23 18:11:58.061] --Found base arch: [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata.db_base_textures_2], size: [1996678897] [30.05.23 18:11:58.176] --Found base arch: [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata.db_base_textures_3], size: [1211036555] [30.05.23 18:11:58.225] --Found base arch: [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata.db_patch], size: [16912260] [30.05.23 18:11:58.226] using fs-ltx fsgame.ltx [30.05.23 18:11:58.226] --Found FS dir: [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\_appdata_\] [30.05.23 18:11:58.226] files: [5] [30.05.23 18:11:58.281] --Found FS dir: [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata\] [30.05.23 18:11:58.281] files: [4] [30.05.23 18:11:58.282] --Found FS dir: [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata\textures\] [30.05.23 18:11:58.282] files: [3] [30.05.23 18:11:58.282] --Found FS dir: [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata\config\] [30.05.23 18:11:58.283] files: [3] [30.05.23 18:11:58.283] --Found FS dir: [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\_appdata_\savedgames\] [30.05.23 18:11:58.311] files: [2605] [30.05.23 18:11:58.316] --Found FS dir: [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\_appdata_\logs\] [30.05.23 18:11:58.317] files: [128] [30.05.23 18:11:58.318] FS: 60865 files cached, 0Kb memory used. [30.05.23 18:11:58.318] Init FileSystem 1.257309 sec [30.05.23 18:11:58.318] [OGSR Engine (x64)] build date: [Jan 3 2022 05:58:21] [30.05.23 18:11:58.318] [AppVeyor] build version: [2.1.32], repo: [Laucer7/NS-OGSR-Engine] [30.05.23 18:11:58.318] [_MSC_FULL_VER]: [191627045], [_MSVC_LANG]: [201703L] [30.05.23 18:11:58.318] Working Directory: [D:\Games\S.T.A.L.K.E.R.NS.OGSR\bin_x64] [30.05.23 18:11:58.318] CommandLine: ["D:\Games\S.T.A.L.K.E.R.NS.OGSR\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe" ] [30.05.23 18:11:58.750] Initializing Engine... [30.05.23 18:11:58.752] Starting INPUT device... [30.05.23 18:11:58.828] * [R_occlusion::occq_destroy]: fids[0] used[0] pool[0] [30.05.23 18:11:58.828] * [R_occlusion::occq_destroy]: released [0] used and [0] pool queries [30.05.23 18:11:58.837] refCount:m_pAdapter 1 [30.05.23 18:11:58.837] refCount:pFactory 1 [30.05.23 18:11:58.838] * [R_occlusion::occq_destroy]: fids[0] used[0] pool[0] [30.05.23 18:11:58.838] * [R_occlusion::occq_destroy]: released [0] used and [0] pool queries [30.05.23 18:11:59.001] * [R_occlusion::occq_destroy]: fids[0] used[0] pool[0] [30.05.23 18:11:59.002] * [R_occlusion::occq_destroy]: released [0] used and [0] pool queries [30.05.23 18:11:59.002] --[CEngineAPI::CreateRendererList] Available render modes [5]: [30.05.23 18:11:59.002] -- [renderer_r2a] [30.05.23 18:11:59.002] -- [renderer_r2] [30.05.23 18:11:59.002] -- [renderer_r2.5] [30.05.23 18:11:59.003] -- [renderer_r3] [30.05.23 18:11:59.003] -- [renderer_r4] [30.05.23 18:11:59.003] Executing config-script "user.ltx"... [30.05.23 18:11:59.003] --[CCC_r2::Execute] Executing renderer: [renderer_r2a], renderer_value: [0] [30.05.23 18:11:59.003] [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\_appdata_\user.ltx] successfully loaded. [30.05.23 18:11:59.003] --Loading DLL: [xrRender_R2.dll] [30.05.23 18:11:59.005] --Loading DLL: [xrGame.dll] [30.05.23 18:11:59.011] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [30.05.23 18:11:59.011] [16375MB] physical memory installed, [10313MB] available, [37] percent of memory in use [30.05.23 18:11:59.011] PageFile usage: [101MB], Peak PageFile usage: [113MB] [30.05.23 18:11:59.011] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [30.05.23 18:11:59.011] * [ D3D ]: textures[0 K] [30.05.23 18:11:59.011] * [x-ray]: process heap[0 K], render[0 K] [30.05.23 18:11:59.012] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[26494 K], smem[0 K] [30.05.23 18:11:59.012] SOUND: OpenAL: enumerate devices... [30.05.23 18:11:59.012] SOUND: OpenAL: EnumerationExtension Present [30.05.23 18:11:59.177] devices Generic Software [30.05.23 18:11:59.177] SOUND: OpenAL: system default SndDevice name is Generic Software [30.05.23 18:11:59.503] SOUND: OpenAL: All available devices: [30.05.23 18:11:59.503] 1. Generic Software, Spec Version 1.1 (default) eax[2] efx[no] xram[no] [30.05.23 18:11:59.503] 2. OpenAL Soft, Spec Version 1.1 eax[0] efx[yes] xram[no] [30.05.23 18:11:59.503] Executing config-script "d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata\config\default_controls.ltx"... [30.05.23 18:11:59.506] [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata\config\default_controls.ltx] successfully loaded. [30.05.23 18:11:59.506] Executing config-script "user.ltx"... [30.05.23 18:11:59.506] Executing config-script "d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata\config\rspec_default.ltx"... [30.05.23 18:11:59.506] ! Unknown command: r2_sun_shafts [30.05.23 18:11:59.506] ! Unknown command: r__supersample [30.05.23 18:11:59.506] [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata\config\rspec_default.ltx] successfully loaded. [30.05.23 18:11:59.506] Executing config-script "d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata\config\default_controls.ltx"... [30.05.23 18:11:59.507] [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata\config\default_controls.ltx] successfully loaded. [30.05.23 18:11:59.508] --[CCC_r2::Execute] Executing renderer: [renderer_r2a], renderer_value: [0] [30.05.23 18:11:59.508] [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\_appdata_\user.ltx] successfully loaded. [30.05.23 18:11:59.508] SOUND: Selected device is OpenAL Soft [30.05.23 18:11:59.539] [OpenAL] EFX: present [30.05.23 18:11:59.540] * sound : cache: 65537 kb, 4856 lines, 13820 bpl [30.05.23 18:11:59.559] Starting RENDER device... [30.05.23 18:11:59.603] * GPU [vendor:10DE]-[device:1C02]: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 3GB [30.05.23 18:11:59.603] * GPU driver: [30.05.23 18:11:59.753] * CREATE: DeviceREF: 1 [30.05.23 18:11:59.753] * Vertex Processor: PURE HARDWARE [30.05.23 18:11:59.753] * Texture memory: 4080 M [30.05.23 18:11:59.753] * DDI-level: 9.0 [30.05.23 18:11:59.757] * GPU shading: vs(fffe0300/3.0/30), ps(ffff0300/3.0/30) [30.05.23 18:11:59.758] * GPU vertex cache: unrecognized, 16 [30.05.23 18:11:59.758] * DVB created: 4096K [30.05.23 18:11:59.758] * DIB created: 512K [30.05.23 18:11:59.764] ! Version conflict in shader 'def_shaders\def_vertex' [30.05.23 18:11:59.764] ! Version conflict in shader 'default' [30.05.23 18:11:59.764] ! Version conflict in shader 'effects\lightplanes' [30.05.23 18:11:59.764] ! Version conflict in shader 'models\lightplanes' [30.05.23 18:11:59.764] ! Version conflict in shader 'models\lightplanesself' [30.05.23 18:11:59.764] ! Version conflict in shader 'models\model' [30.05.23 18:11:59.764] ! Version conflict in shader 'models\model_aref' [30.05.23 18:11:59.764] ! Version conflict in shader 'models\model_fur' [30.05.23 18:11:59.764] ! Version conflict in shader 'models\model_puh' [30.05.23 18:11:59.764] ! Version conflict in shader 'models\model_refl' [30.05.23 18:11:59.764] ! Version conflict in shader 'models\pautina' [30.05.23 18:11:59.764] ! Version conflict in shader 'models\selflight' [30.05.23 18:11:59.764] ! Version conflict in shader 'models\selflightl' [30.05.23 18:11:59.764] ! Version conflict in shader 'models\transparent' [30.05.23 18:11:59.765] ! Version conflict in shader 'models\xanomaly' [30.05.23 18:11:59.765] ! Version conflict in shader 'models\xbrainglass' [30.05.23 18:11:59.765] ! Version conflict in shader 'models\xdistort' [30.05.23 18:11:59.765] ! Version conflict in shader 'models\xdistortcolor' [30.05.23 18:11:59.765] ! Version conflict in shader 'models\xdistortcolorl' [30.05.23 18:11:59.765] ! Version conflict in shader 'models\xdistortcolorlinv' [30.05.23 18:11:59.765] ! Version conflict in shader 'models\xdistortinv' [30.05.23 18:11:59.765] ! Version conflict in shader 'models\xglass' [30.05.23 18:11:59.765] ! Version conflict in shader 'models\xglass2' [30.05.23 18:11:59.765] ! Version conflict in shader 'models\xlens' [30.05.23 18:11:59.765] ! Version conflict in shader 'models\xmonolith' [30.05.23 18:11:59.765] ! Version conflict in shader 'models\xwindows' [30.05.23 18:11:59.765] ! Version conflict in shader 'selflight' [30.05.23 18:11:59.767] [CTextureDescrMngr::LoadLTX] count of *textures*.ltx files: [1] [30.05.23 18:11:59.927] * NULLRT supported [30.05.23 18:11:59.927] * ...and used [30.05.23 18:11:59.927] * HWDST/PCF supported and used [30.05.23 18:11:59.927] * NV-DBT supported and used [30.05.23 18:12:01.614] --LUA version: [LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta3] [30.05.23 18:12:01.621] !![CObjectFactory::add] Clsid [1095517216] already exists! Script clsid: [zone_mosquito_bald] [30.05.23 18:12:01.621] !![CObjectFactory::add] Script clsid [zone_mosquito_bald] already exists! Clsid: [1095517216] [30.05.23 18:12:01.639] Starting engine... [30.05.23 18:12:09.609] * phase time: 1 ms [30.05.23 18:12:09.609] * phase cmem: 0 K [30.05.23 18:12:09.714] --LUA version: [LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta3] [30.05.23 18:12:09.721] !![CObjectFactory::add] Clsid [1095517216] already exists! Script clsid: [zone_mosquito_bald] [30.05.23 18:12:09.721] !![CObjectFactory::add] Script clsid [zone_mosquito_bald] already exists! Clsid: [1095517216] [30.05.23 18:12:09.750] ~~['sol_options.ltx'] [30.05.23 18:12:09.750] * phase time: 141 ms [30.05.23 18:12:09.750] * phase cmem: 0 K [30.05.23 18:12:09.766] * Loading spawn registry... [30.05.23 18:12:12.083] Start load of custom waypoints... [30.05.23 18:12:12.089] Loaded 74 items from custom_waypoints, 30 from all.spawn was replaced! [30.05.23 18:12:12.089] End load of custom waypoints... [30.05.23 18:12:12.119] * 15525 spawn points are successfully loaded [30.05.23 18:12:12.120] * Loading objects... [30.05.23 18:12:13.270] * 29821 objects are successfully loaded [30.05.23 18:12:13.392] [ogse_unist]: new game detected, clear all [30.05.23 18:12:13.703] story_id not found: Mil_WaterTower [30.05.23 18:12:13.704] story_id not found: bar_Barman [30.05.23 18:12:13.704] story_id not found: dar_codedoor_2 [30.05.23 18:12:13.704] story_id not found: dar_codedoor_1 [30.05.23 18:12:13.705] story_id not found: Mil_RG6 [30.05.23 18:12:13.705] story_id not found: agr_gunslinger_e3_documents [30.05.23 18:12:13.706] story_id not found: esc_bandits_factory [30.05.23 18:12:13.753] story_id not found: val_bandit_krisyk [30.05.23 18:12:13.761] story_id not found: pri_hotel_zone [30.05.23 18:12:13.782] story_id not found: agr_ratcatcher [30.05.23 18:12:13.809] story_id not found: marsh_kosoi [30.05.23 18:12:13.816] story_id not found: esc_lager_leader [30.05.23 18:12:13.859] [CGameTask::Load]: Cannot find script function described in task objective: arhara_dialog.vitamin_reyd_zadan_have [30.05.23 18:12:13.865] story_id not found: boloto_provodnik [30.05.23 18:12:13.866] [CGameTask::Load]: Cannot find script function described in task objective: arhara_dialog.derevny_zashita_have [30.05.23 18:12:13.873] story_id not found: zemlyk [30.05.23 18:12:13.879] story_id not found: 9989 [30.05.23 18:12:13.902] story_id not found: agr_ratcatcher [30.05.23 18:12:13.911] [CGameTask::Load]: Cannot find script function described in task objective: arhara_dialog.uhod_iz_mg_have [30.05.23 18:12:13.914] * 110 script vars are successfully loaded [30.05.23 18:12:13.915] ! Cannot find saved game ~~~ db.ver: 7 [30.05.23 18:12:16.345] * Game littleone_autosave is successfully loaded from file 'd:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\_appdata_\savedgames\littleone_autosave.sav' (6.594s) [30.05.23 18:12:16.345] * phase time: 6594 ms [30.05.23 18:12:16.345] * phase cmem: 0 K [30.05.23 18:12:16.374] # Player not found. New player created. [30.05.23 18:12:16.374] !!xrServer::Check_GameSpy_CDKey_Success - 1 [30.05.23 18:12:16.374] * client : connection accepted - <> [30.05.23 18:12:16.377] * phase time: 31 ms [30.05.23 18:12:16.377] * phase cmem: 0 K [30.05.23 18:12:16.394] * phase time: 17 ms [30.05.23 18:12:16.394] * phase cmem: 0 K [30.05.23 18:12:19.124] --[ISpatial_DB::initialize] bbc is [87.6, 34.9, 115.0], bbd is [715.0, 59.1, 715.0] [30.05.23 18:12:19.124] --[ISpatial_DB::initialize] bbc is [87.6, 34.9, 115.0], bbd is [715.0, 59.1, 715.0] [30.05.23 18:12:19.128] * phase time: 2734 ms [30.05.23 18:12:19.128] * phase cmem: 0 K [30.05.23 18:12:19.476] * phase time: 347 ms [30.05.23 18:12:19.476] * phase cmem: 0 K [30.05.23 18:12:19.476] * [Loading VB] 65524 verts, 2047 Kb [30.05.23 18:12:19.478] * [Loading VB] 49375 verts, 1542 Kb [30.05.23 18:12:19.479] * [Loading VB] 65532 verts, 2047 Kb [30.05.23 18:12:19.481] * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb [30.05.23 18:12:19.482] * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb [30.05.23 18:12:19.484] * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb [30.05.23 18:12:19.486] * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb [30.05.23 18:12:19.487] * [Loading VB] 65532 verts, 2047 Kb [30.05.23 18:12:19.489] * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb [30.05.23 18:12:19.491] * [Loading VB] 65532 verts, 2047 Kb [30.05.23 18:12:19.492] * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb [30.05.23 18:12:19.494] * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb [30.05.23 18:12:19.496] * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb [30.05.23 18:12:19.498] * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb [30.05.23 18:12:19.500] * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb [30.05.23 18:12:19.501] * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb [30.05.23 18:12:19.503] * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb [30.05.23 18:12:19.505] * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb [30.05.23 18:12:19.507] * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb [30.05.23 18:12:19.508] * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb [30.05.23 18:12:19.510] * [Loading VB] 65532 verts, 2047 Kb [30.05.23 18:12:19.512] * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb [30.05.23 18:12:19.513] * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb [30.05.23 18:12:19.515] * [Loading VB] 65530 verts, 2047 Kb [30.05.23 18:12:19.517] * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb [30.05.23 18:12:19.518] * [Loading VB] 65532 verts, 2047 Kb [30.05.23 18:12:19.520] * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb [30.05.23 18:12:19.522] * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb [30.05.23 18:12:19.523] * [Loading VB] 65532 verts, 2047 Kb [30.05.23 18:12:19.525] * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb [30.05.23 18:12:19.526] * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb [30.05.23 18:12:19.528] * [Loading VB] 62064 verts, 1939 Kb [30.05.23 18:12:19.529] * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb [30.05.23 18:12:19.531] * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb [30.05.23 18:12:19.533] * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb [30.05.23 18:12:19.534] * [Loading VB] 20072 verts, 627 Kb [30.05.23 18:12:19.535] * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb [30.05.23 18:12:19.537] * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb [30.05.23 18:12:19.538] * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb [30.05.23 18:12:19.540] * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb [30.05.23 18:12:19.541] * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb [30.05.23 18:12:19.543] * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb [30.05.23 18:12:19.544] * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb [30.05.23 18:12:19.546] * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb [30.05.23 18:12:19.548] * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb [30.05.23 18:12:19.549] * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb [30.05.23 18:12:19.551] * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb [30.05.23 18:12:19.552] * [Loading IB] 1048572 indices, 2047 Kb [30.05.23 18:12:19.554] * [Loading IB] 393270 indices, 768 Kb [30.05.23 18:12:19.555] * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb [30.05.23 18:12:19.556] * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb [30.05.23 18:12:19.557] * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 767 Kb [30.05.23 18:12:19.558] * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb [30.05.23 18:12:19.558] * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb [30.05.23 18:12:19.559] * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb [30.05.23 18:12:19.560] * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 767 Kb [30.05.23 18:12:19.561] * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 767 Kb [30.05.23 18:12:19.562] * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 767 Kb [30.05.23 18:12:19.562] * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb [30.05.23 18:12:19.563] * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb [30.05.23 18:12:19.564] * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb [30.05.23 18:12:19.565] * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 767 Kb [30.05.23 18:12:19.566] * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb [30.05.23 18:12:19.567] * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb [30.05.23 18:12:19.568] * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 767 Kb [30.05.23 18:12:19.569] * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 767 Kb [30.05.23 18:12:19.570] * [Loading VB] 41404 verts, 485 Kb [30.05.23 18:12:19.571] * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb [30.05.23 18:12:19.574] * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb [30.05.23 18:12:19.576] * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb [30.05.23 18:12:19.579] * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb [30.05.23 18:12:19.581] * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb [30.05.23 18:12:19.583] * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb [30.05.23 18:12:19.584] * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb [30.05.23 18:12:19.586] * [Loading IB] 1048572 indices, 2047 Kb [30.05.23 18:12:19.588] * [Loading IB] 1048572 indices, 2047 Kb [30.05.23 18:12:19.590] * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb [30.05.23 18:12:19.592] * [Loading IB] 760575 indices, 1485 Kb [30.05.23 18:12:19.594] * phase time: 117 ms [30.05.23 18:12:19.594] * phase cmem: 0 K [30.05.23 18:12:22.896] * phase time: 3301 ms [30.05.23 18:12:22.896] * phase cmem: 0 K [30.05.23 18:12:22.947] * [DETAILS] VertexConsts(256), Batch(61) [30.05.23 18:12:22.947] * [DETAILS] 40199 v(20), 21716 p [30.05.23 18:12:22.948] * [DETAILS] Batch(61), VB(785K), IB(127K) [30.05.23 18:12:22.949] * phase time: 52 ms [30.05.23 18:12:22.949] * phase cmem: 0 K [30.05.23 18:12:22.955] * Loading HOM: d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata\levels\zaton\level.hom [30.05.23 18:12:22.958] * phase time: 9 ms [30.05.23 18:12:22.958] * phase cmem: 0 K [30.05.23 18:12:22.964] * phase time: 5 ms [30.05.23 18:12:22.964] * phase cmem: 0 K [30.05.23 18:12:22.981] - Game configuring : Started [30.05.23 18:12:22.987] - Game configuring : Finished [30.05.23 18:12:23.216] * phase time: 251 ms [30.05.23 18:12:23.216] * phase cmem: 0 K [30.05.23 18:12:25.515] * t-report - base: 1336, 657602 K [30.05.23 18:12:25.515] * t-report - lmap: 16, 16386 K [30.05.23 18:12:25.515] * phase time: 2299 ms [30.05.23 18:12:25.515] * phase cmem: 0 K [30.05.23 18:12:25.524] * phase time: 8 ms [30.05.23 18:12:25.524] * phase cmem: 0 K [30.05.23 18:12:25.547] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [30.05.23 18:12:25.547] [16375MB] physical memory installed, [8869MB] available, [45] percent of memory in use [30.05.23 18:12:25.547] PageFile usage: [1794MB], Peak PageFile usage: [1800MB] [30.05.23 18:12:25.547] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [30.05.23 18:12:25.547] * [ D3D ]: textures[673988 K] [30.05.23 18:12:25.547] * [x-ray]: process heap[0 K], render[0 K] [30.05.23 18:12:25.547] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[30952 K], smem[3010 K] [30.05.23 18:12:27.739] [ogse_st_mgr]: ogse_st_mgr.delayed_fun_start: 1 timers loaded [30.05.23 18:12:27.739] [ogse_st_mgr]: 1 all timers loaded [30.05.23 18:12:29.606] ! Cannot find saved game ~mod_ver: ~: [bind_stalker] "" [30.05.23 18:12:29.855] ! auto-generated bump map: wpn\mg42\mg42_body_bump# [30.05.23 18:12:32.426] * [CSpaceRestrictionHolder::register_restrictor]: change restrictor_type of zat_zone_tutorial16 to eRestrictorTypeNone because border().empty() [30.05.23 18:12:32.472] * [CSpaceRestrictionHolder::register_restrictor]: change restrictor_type of zat_zone_tutorial37 to eRestrictorTypeNone because border().empty() [30.05.23 18:12:32.968] FATAL ERROR [error]Expression : FATAL ERROR [error]Function : CModelPool::Instance_Load [error]File : d:\a\ns-ogsr-engine\ns-ogsr-engine\ogsr_engine\layers\xrrender\modelpool.cpp [error]Line : 117 [error]Description : Can't find model file 'dynamics\weapons\wpn_saiga\wpn_saiga_m1_eot.ogf'. [30.05.23 18:12:32.968] ***************************[ScriptCrashHandler]********************************** [30.05.23 18:12:32.968] stack traceback: [30.05.23 18:12:32.968] ********************************************************************************* [30.05.23 18:12:32.969] ******************************************************************************** [30.05.23 18:12:32.969] !![LogStackTrace] Thread: [X-RAY Primary thread] [30.05.23 18:12:33.240] !!stack trace: ! Module: [D:\Games\S.T.A.L.K.E.R.NS.OGSR\bin_x64\xrCore.dll], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FFC19483E68], Fun: [BuildStackTrace()] + [48 byte(s)], File-->Line: [d:\a\ns-ogsr-engine\ns-ogsr-engine\ogsr_engine\xrcore\stacktrace_collector.cpp-->152] ! Module: [D:\Games\S.T.A.L.K.E.R.NS.OGSR\bin_x64\xrCore.dll], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FFC194AA905], Fun: [LogStackTrace()] + [73 byte(s)], File-->Line: [d:\a\ns-ogsr-engine\ns-ogsr-engine\ogsr_engine\xrcore\xrdebugnew.cpp-->74] + [13 byte(s)] ! Module: [D:\Games\S.T.A.L.K.E.R.NS.OGSR\bin_x64\xrCore.dll], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FFC194AA7B6], Fun: [xrDebug::backend()] + [174 byte(s)], File-->Line: [d:\a\ns-ogsr-engine\ns-ogsr-engine\ogsr_engine\xrcore\xrdebugnew.cpp-->182] ! Module: [D:\Games\S.T.A.L.K.E.R.NS.OGSR\bin_x64\xrCore.dll], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FFC194AA6F3], Fun: [xrDebug::fatal()] + [131 byte(s)], File-->Line: [d:\a\ns-ogsr-engine\ns-ogsr-engine\ogsr_engine\xrcore\xrdebugnew.cpp-->251] ! Module: [D:\Games\S.T.A.L.K.E.R.NS.OGSR\bin_x64\xrRender_R2.dll], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FFBDF24F168], Fun: [CModelPool::Instance_Load()] + [268 byte(s)], File-->Line: [d:\a\ns-ogsr-engine\ns-ogsr-engine\ogsr_engine\layers\xrrender\modelpool.cpp-->120] ! Module: [D:\Games\S.T.A.L.K.E.R.NS.OGSR\bin_x64\xrRender_R2.dll], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FFBDF24F580], Fun: [CModelPool::Create()] + [280 byte(s)], File-->Line: [d:\a\ns-ogsr-engine\ns-ogsr-engine\ogsr_engine\layers\xrrender\modelpool.cpp-->253] ! Module: [D:\Games\S.T.A.L.K.E.R.NS.OGSR\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF6D3F8E78C], Fun: [CObject::cNameVisual_set()] + [196 byte(s)], File-->Line: [d:\a\ns-ogsr-engine\ns-ogsr-engine\ogsr_engine\xr_3da\xr_object.cpp-->44] ! Module: [D:\Games\S.T.A.L.K.E.R.NS.OGSR\bin_x64\xrGame.dll], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FFB94FF6423], Fun: [CGameObject::net_Spawn()] + [1543 byte(s)], File-->Line: [d:\a\ns-ogsr-engine\ns-ogsr-engine\ogsr_engine\xrgame\gameobject.cpp-->269] ! Module: [D:\Games\S.T.A.L.K.E.R.NS.OGSR\bin_x64\xrGame.dll], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FFB95000791], Fun: [CPhysicsShellHolder::net_Spawn()] + [53 byte(s)], File-->Line: [d:\a\ns-ogsr-engine\ns-ogsr-engine\ogsr_engine\xrgame\physicsshellholder.cpp-->53] ! Module: [D:\Games\S.T.A.L.K.E.R.NS.OGSR\bin_x64\xrGame.dll], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FFB9500613F], Fun: [CPhysicObject::net_Spawn()] + [123 byte(s)], File-->Line: [d:\a\ns-ogsr-engine\ns-ogsr-engine\ogsr_engine\xrgame\physicobject.cpp-->36] ! Module: [D:\Games\S.T.A.L.K.E.R.NS.OGSR\bin_x64\xrGame.dll], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FFB94FAB54A], Fun: [CLevel::g_sv_Spawn()] + [222 byte(s)], File-->Line: [d:\a\ns-ogsr-engine\ns-ogsr-engine\ogsr_engine\xrgame\level_network_spawn.cpp-->105] + [25 byte(s)] ! Module: [D:\Games\S.T.A.L.K.E.R.NS.OGSR\bin_x64\xrGame.dll], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FFB94FAB268], Fun: [CLevel::cl_Process_Spawn()] + [500 byte(s)], File-->Line: [d:\a\ns-ogsr-engine\ns-ogsr-engine\ogsr_engine\xrgame\level_network_spawn.cpp-->50] ! Module: [D:\Games\S.T.A.L.K.E.R.NS.OGSR\bin_x64\xrGame.dll], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FFB94FA342F], Fun: [CLevel::ProcessGameEvents()] + [207 byte(s)], File-->Line: [d:\a\ns-ogsr-engine\ns-ogsr-engine\ogsr_engine\xrgame\level.cpp-->375] ! Module: [D:\Games\S.T.A.L.K.E.R.NS.OGSR\bin_x64\xrGame.dll], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FFB94FA2EE0], Fun: [CLevel::OnFrame()] + [184 byte(s)], File-->Line: [d:\a\ns-ogsr-engine\ns-ogsr-engine\ogsr_engine\xrgame\level.cpp-->398] ! Module: [D:\Games\S.T.A.L.K.E.R.NS.OGSR\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF6D3FBCA08], Fun: [CRegistrator<pureFrame>::Process()] + [84 byte(s)], File-->Line: [d:\a\ns-ogsr-engine\ns-ogsr-engine\ogsr_engine\xr_3da\pure.h-->86] ! Module: [D:\Games\S.T.A.L.K.E.R.NS.OGSR\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF6D3FBBAE8], Fun: [CRenderDevice::FrameMove()] + [292 byte(s)], File-->Line: [d:\a\ns-ogsr-engine\ns-ogsr-engine\ogsr_engine\xr_3da\device.cpp-->443] ! Module: [D:\Games\S.T.A.L.K.E.R.NS.OGSR\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF6D3FBBE57], Fun: [CRenderDevice::on_idle()] + [223 byte(s)], File-->Line: [d:\a\ns-ogsr-engine\ns-ogsr-engine\ogsr_engine\xr_3da\device.cpp-->214] ! Module: [D:\Games\S.T.A.L.K.E.R.NS.OGSR\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF6D3FBC63E], Fun: [CRenderDevice::message_loop()] + [98 byte(s)], File-->Line: [d:\a\ns-ogsr-engine\ns-ogsr-engine\ogsr_engine\xr_3da\device.cpp-->316] ! Module: [D:\Games\S.T.A.L.K.E.R.NS.OGSR\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF6D3FBBCBB], Fun: [CRenderDevice::Run()] + [411 byte(s)], File-->Line: [d:\a\ns-ogsr-engine\ns-ogsr-engine\ogsr_engine\xr_3da\device.cpp-->389] ! Module: [D:\Games\S.T.A.L.K.E.R.NS.OGSR\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF6D3F7EEC8], Fun: [Startup()] + [296 byte(s)], File-->Line: [d:\a\ns-ogsr-engine\ns-ogsr-engine\ogsr_engine\xr_3da\x_ray.cpp-->218] ! Module: [D:\Games\S.T.A.L.K.E.R.NS.OGSR\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF6D3F7F23E], Fun: [WinMain_impl()] + [478 byte(s)], File-->Line: [d:\a\ns-ogsr-engine\ns-ogsr-engine\ogsr_engine\xr_3da\x_ray.cpp-->418] ! Module: [D:\Games\S.T.A.L.K.E.R.NS.OGSR\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF6D3F7C918], Fun: [WinMain()] + [72 byte(s)], File-->Line: [d:\a\ns-ogsr-engine\ns-ogsr-engine\ogsr_engine\xr_3da\x_ray.cpp-->439] ! Module: [D:\Games\S.T.A.L.K.E.R.NS.OGSR\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF6D3FDDDEA], Fun: [__scrt_common_main_seh()] + [262 byte(s)], File-->Line: [d:\agent\_work\3\s\src\vctools\crt\vcstartup\src\startup\exe_common.inl-->288] + [33 byte(s)] ! Module: [C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNEL32.DLL], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FFC3B707614], Fun: [BaseThreadInitThunk()] + [20 byte(s)] ! Module: [C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FFC3D5426A1], Fun: [RtlUserThreadStart()] + [33 byte(s)] [30.05.23 18:12:33.240] ******************************************************************************** [30.05.23 18:12:33.361] * [R_occlusion::occq_destroy]: fids[0] used[0] pool[0] [30.05.23 18:12:33.361] * [R_occlusion::occq_destroy]: released [0] used and [0] pool queries [30.05.23 18:12:33.362] FATAL ERROR [error]Expression : ExitFromWinMain [error]Function : xrDebug::_initialize::<lambda_bede297e1b454421b616d3e1d465435f>::operator () [error]File : d:\a\ns-ogsr-engine\ns-ogsr-engine\ogsr_engine\xrcore\xrdebugnew.cpp [error]Line : 534 [error]Description : Unexpected application exit! [30.05.23 18:12:33.362] ***************************[ScriptCrashHandler]********************************** [30.05.23 18:12:33.362] stack traceback: [30.05.23 18:12:33.362] ********************************************************************************* [30.05.23 18:12:33.362] ******************************************************************************** [30.05.23 18:12:33.363] !![LogStackTrace] Thread: [X-RAY Primary thread]
  2. Подскажите в чем проблема. Когда к заводу Юпитер подхожу стабильный вылет. Expression : fatal error Function : CInifile::r_section File : D:\prog_repository\sources\trunk\xrCore\Xr_ini.cpp Line : 502 Description : <no expression> Arguments : Can't open section 'wpn_tt33'. Please attach [*.ini_log] file to your bug report
  3. Здравствуйте, решили с коллегой отказаться от Кордона из ПВМ и подключить оригинал из ЧН (там с моим пк и оптимизацией проблемы). Игра вылетает с таким логом: FATAL ERROR [error] Expression : <no expression> [error] Function : CInifile::r_section [error] File : C:\projects\xray-16\src\xrCore\xr_ini.cpp [error] Line : 729 [error] Description : fatal error [error] Arguments : Can't open section 'ugnd_bkg_1' (only 'ugnd_breath' avail). Please attach [*.ini_log] file to your bug report
  4. Здравствуйте. При переходе в Припять стабильный вылет. убираю мод всё работает. Как пофиксить? FATAL ERROR [error]Expression : <no expression> [error]Function : CInifile::r_section [error]File : Xr_ini.cpp [error]Line : 948 [error]Description : fatal error [error]Arguments : Can't open section 'wpn_rpk74_16_susat'. Please attach [*.ini_log] file to your bug report UPD. отключил ВСЕ моды кроме БАС [error]Expression : <no expression> [error]Function : CInifile::r_section [error]File : Xr_ini.cpp [error]Line : 544 [error]Description : fatal error [error]Arguments : Can't open section 'wpn_knife1'. Please attach [*.ini_log] file to your bug report та же самая история
  5. @Босс Отключил все в jsgme, удалил всё из db/mods и из папки gamedata, кроме gamedata\configs\axr_options и cam_position.ltx. Удалил папку MODS в корне. После этого перенес все из BOSSPACK v1.23. Потом через jsgme обратно все поставил (первым dx11, потом BHS, modern UI и далее все что было) -------------------------- Тэкс, сейчас оставил только dx11, запустилась, значит проблема в каком-то аддоне,сейчас попробую выяснить в каком -------------------------- Нашел, hd модели ломают, без них запускается Порядок такой: DX11-BHS-modern Ui-Cent positions-Beefs npc-kara ambient-groks ballistics-HD модели Дополнено 37 минуты спустя @Босс Ииии при загрузке вчерашнего сейва FATAL ERROR [error]Expression : <no expression> [error]Function : CInifile::r_section [error]File : Xr_ini.cpp [error]Line : 1101 [error]Description : fatal error [error]Arguments : Can't open section 'sim_default_killer_5'. Please attach [*.ini_log] file to your bug report
  6. Выдаёт ошибку shader compilation failed. Чистка шейдеров, переустановка и смена версии direct x не помогают. Ошибка появляется независимо от того, врубаешь аддоны или нет. Ставил на аномали 1.5.2. Подскажите пж, как пофиксить? Вот лог. * Detected CPU: 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-12600K [GenuineIntel], F6/M7/S2, 3688.00 mhz, 25-clk 'rdtsc' * CPU features: RDTSC, MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, HTT * CPU cores/threads: 10/16 Found commandline file! Initializing File System... using fs-ltx fsgame.ltx File System Ready... FS: 75935 files cached 166 archives, 13982Kb memory used. Init FileSystem 0.666986 sec 'xrCore' build 8814, Mar 26 2023 -----loading z:/anomaly 1.5.2\gamedata\configs\system.ltx [2] X-Ray Monolith v1.5.2 gamedata: 'particles\_samples_particles_\effects\place_indicator.pe' gamedata: 'particles\_samples_particles_\place_indicator.pg' gamedata: 'particles\damage_fx\effects\cig_smoke.pe' gamedata: 'particles\damage_fx\effects\molotov_burn.pe' gamedata: 'particles\damage_fx\mod_cig_smoke.pg' gamedata: 'particles\eugenium_anomalies\anomaly_darkness\darkness_idle.pg' gamedata: 'particles\eugenium_anomalies\anomaly_flash\flash_blast.pg' gamedata: 'particles\eugenium_anomalies\anomaly_flash\flash_idle.pg' gamedata: 'particles\eugenium_anomalies\anomaly_flash\flash_shield.pg' gamedata: 'particles\eugenium_anomalies\anomaly_ghost\ghost_blast.pg' gamedata: 'particles\eugenium_anomalies\anomaly_ghost\ghost_idle.pg' gamedata: 'particles\eugenium_anomalies\anomaly_gold\gold_blast.pg' gamedata: 'particles\eugenium_anomalies\anomaly_gold\gold_idle.pg' gamedata: 'particles\eugenium_anomalies\anomaly_green_dragon\green_dragon_blast.pg' gamedata: 'particles\eugenium_anomalies\anomaly_green_dragon\green_dragon_idle.pg' gamedata: 'particles\eugenium_anomalies\anomaly_mefistotel\mefistotel_blast.pg' gamedata: 'particles\eugenium_anomalies\anomaly_mefistotel\mefistotel_idle.pg' gamedata: 'particles\eugenium_anomalies\anomaly_mefistotel\mefistotel_shield.pg' gamedata: 'particles\eugenium_anomalies\anomaly_net\net_blast.pg' gamedata: 'particles\eugenium_anomalies\anomaly_net\net_idle.pg' gamedata: 'particles\eugenium_anomalies\anomaly_net\net_shield.pg' gamedata: 'particles\eugenium_anomalies\anomaly_point\point_blast.pg' gamedata: 'particles\eugenium_anomalies\anomaly_point\point_idle.pg' gamedata: 'particles\eugenium_anomalies\anomaly_radar\radar_blast.pg' gamedata: 'particles\eugenium_anomalies\anomaly_radar\radar_idle.pg' gamedata: 'particles\eugenium_anomalies\anomaly_sphere\sphere_blast.pg' gamedata: 'particles\eugenium_anomalies\anomaly_sphere\sphere_idle.pg' gamedata: 'particles\eugenium_anomalies\effects\darkness_idle_00.pe' gamedata: 'particles\eugenium_anomalies\effects\darkness_idle_01.pe' gamedata: 'particles\eugenium_anomalies\effects\darkness_idle_02.pe' gamedata: 'particles\eugenium_anomalies\effects\flash_blast_00.pe' gamedata: 'particles\eugenium_anomalies\effects\flash_blast_01.pe' gamedata: 'particles\eugenium_anomalies\effects\flash_blast_02.pe' gamedata: 'particles\eugenium_anomalies\effects\flash_idle_00.pe' gamedata: 'particles\eugenium_anomalies\effects\flash_idle_01.pe' gamedata: 'particles\eugenium_anomalies\effects\flash_shield_00.pe' gamedata: 'particles\eugenium_anomalies\effects\ghost_blast_00.pe' gamedata: 'particles\eugenium_anomalies\effects\ghost_idle_00.pe' gamedata: 'particles\eugenium_anomalies\effects\ghost_idle_01.pe' gamedata: 'particles\eugenium_anomalies\effects\gold_blast_00.pe' gamedata: 'particles\eugenium_anomalies\effects\gold_blast_01.pe' gamedata: 'particles\eugenium_anomalies\effects\gold_blast_02.pe' gamedata: 'particles\eugenium_anomalies\effects\gold_blast_03.pe' gamedata: 'particles\eugenium_anomalies\effects\gold_idle_00.pe' gamedata: 'particles\eugenium_anomalies\effects\gold_idle_01.pe' gamedata: 'particles\eugenium_anomalies\effects\gold_idle_02.pe' gamedata: 'particles\eugenium_anomalies\effects\green_dragon_blast_00.pe' gamedata: 'particles\eugenium_anomalies\effects\green_dragon_idle_00.pe' gamedata: 'particles\eugenium_anomalies\effects\green_dragon_idle_01.pe' gamedata: 'particles\eugenium_anomalies\effects\mefistotel_blast_00.pe' gamedata: 'particles\eugenium_anomalies\effects\mefistotel_idle_00.pe' gamedata: 'particles\eugenium_anomalies\effects\mefistotel_idle_01.pe' gamedata: 'particles\eugenium_anomalies\effects\mefistotel_idle_02.pe' gamedata: 'particles\eugenium_anomalies\effects\mefistotel_shield_01.pe' gamedata: 'particles\eugenium_anomalies\effects\mefistotel_shield_02.pe' gamedata: 'particles\eugenium_anomalies\effects\mefistotel_shiled_00.pe' gamedata: 'particles\eugenium_anomalies\effects\net_blast_00.pe' gamedata: 'particles\eugenium_anomalies\effects\net_idle_00.pe' gamedata: 'particles\eugenium_anomalies\effects\net_shield_00.pe' gamedata: 'particles\eugenium_anomalies\effects\point_blast_00.pe' gamedata: 'particles\eugenium_anomalies\effects\point_blast_01.pe' gamedata: 'particles\eugenium_anomalies\effects\point_idle_00.pe' gamedata: 'particles\eugenium_anomalies\effects\point_idle_01.pe' gamedata: 'particles\eugenium_anomalies\effects\radar_blast_00.pe' gamedata: 'particles\eugenium_anomalies\effects\radar_idle_00.pe' gamedata: 'particles\eugenium_anomalies\effects\sphere_blast_00.pe' gamedata: 'particles\eugenium_anomalies\effects\sphere_idle_00.pe' gamedata: 'particles\particles.ltx' Initializing Engine... Starting INPUT device... Loading DLL: xrRender_R4.dll Available render modes[1]: [renderer_r4] command line "z:\anomaly 1.5.2\bin\anomalydx11avx.exe" -smap2048 Executing config-script "user.ltx"... [z:/anomaly 1.5.2\appdata\user.ltx] successfully loaded. Loading DLL: xrRender_R4.dll Loading DLL: xrGame.dll * [x-ray]: Full Memory Stats * [win32]: free[137434235444 K], reserved[4387760 K], committed[330204 K] * [ D3D ]: textures[0 K] * [x-ray]: process heap[120855 K] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[143340 K], smem[0 K] SOUND: OpenAL: enumerate devices... SOUND: OpenAL: EnumerationExtension Present dir[1]=Z:\Anomaly 1.5.2\ dir[2]=Z:\Anomaly 1.5.2\bin\ dir[3]=C:\Windows\system32\ CleanDeviceSpecifierList CleanDeviceSpecifierList OpenAL Soft devices OpenAL Soft SOUND: OpenAL: system default SndDevice name is SOUND: OpenAL: All available devices: 1. OpenAL Soft, Spec Version 1.1 eax[0] efx[no] xram[no] Executing config-script "z:/anomaly 1.5.2\gamedata\configs\default_controls.ltx"... [z:/anomaly 1.5.2\gamedata\configs\default_controls.ltx] successfully loaded. Executing config-script "user.ltx"... Executing config-script "z:/anomaly 1.5.2\gamedata\configs\rspec_default.ltx"... [z:/anomaly 1.5.2\gamedata\configs\rspec_default.ltx] successfully loaded. Executing config-script "z:/anomaly 1.5.2\gamedata\configs\default_controls.ltx"... [z:/anomaly 1.5.2\gamedata\configs\default_controls.ltx] successfully loaded. ! Unknown command: g_end_modif ! Unknown command: g_firepos ! Unknown command: g_god ! Unknown command: g_unlimitedammo ! Unknown command: log_missing_ini ! Unknown command: ph_gravity ! Unknown command: rs_borderless ! Unknown command: rs_fullscreen [z:/anomaly 1.5.2\appdata\user.ltx] successfully loaded. SOUND: Selected device is OpenAL Soft * sound: EAX 2.0 extension: absent * sound: EAX 2.0 deferred: absent * sound : cache: 524296 kb, 38848 lines, 13820 bpl ! sound: OpenAL: Can't create source. Error: Out of Memory. ! SOUND: OpenAL: Max targets - 256 Starting RENDER device... * GPU [vendor:10DE]-[device:2488]: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 * CREATE: DeviceREF: 3 * Texture memory: 8031 M * GPU shading: vs(0/4.0/40), ps(0/4.0/40) * GPU vertex cache: unrecognized, 24 * NVidia MGPU: Logical(1), Physical(1) * Starting rendering as 2-GPU. * DVB created: 4096K * DIB created: 512K * HWDST/PCF supported and used * Managed textures disabled THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 32, correct size = 58 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 30, correct size = 31 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 40, correct size = 39 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 40, correct size = 37 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 47, correct size = 36 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 40, correct size = 38 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 30, correct size = 35 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 40, correct size = 39 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 40, correct size = 29 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 40, correct size = 33 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 30, correct size = 29 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 40, correct size = 27 [2] THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 40, correct size = 25 THM chunk 2073 fixed, wrong size = 41, correct size = 36 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 42, correct size = 44 THM chunk 2073 fixed, wrong size = 30, correct size = 36 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 32, correct size = 38 THM chunk 2073 fixed, wrong size = 25, correct size = 30 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 52, correct size = 47 THM chunk 2073 fixed, wrong size = 49, correct size = 39 THM chunk 2073 fixed, wrong size = 22, correct size = 27 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 40, correct size = 33 THM chunk 2073 fixed, wrong size = 23, correct size = 28 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 61, correct size = 35 THM chunk 2073 fixed, wrong size = 28, correct size = 27 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 40, correct size = 25 [13] THM chunk 2069 fixed, wrong size = 38, correct size = 47 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 38, correct size = 47 THM chunk 2073 fixed, wrong size = 38, correct size = 47 THM chunk 2069 fixed, wrong size = 41, correct size = 50 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 41, correct size = 50 THM chunk 2073 fixed, wrong size = 41, correct size = 50 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 29, correct size = 32 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 28, correct size = 41 ! z:/anomaly 1.5.2\appdata\shaders_cache\r4\combine_1_nomsaa.ps\20481111001100000010001000001102311130101000000 ! error: common_functions.h(29,6): warning X3205: conversion from larger type to smaller, possible loss of data common_functions.h(66,2): warning X3206: implicit truncation of vector type common_functions.h(71,49): warning X3206: implicit truncation of vector type common_functions.h(103,2): warning X3206: implicit truncation of vector type pbr_brdf.h(153,15): warning X3206: implicit truncation of vector type pbr_brdf.h(154,15): warning X3206: implicit truncation of vector type pbr_brdf.h(155,15): warning X3206: implicit truncation of vector type pbr_brdf.h(163,9): warning X3206: implicit truncation of vector type hmodel.h(29,14): warning X3206: 'mul': implicit truncation of vector type hmodel.h(34,17): warning X3206: 'mul': implicit truncation of vector type ssao.ps(126,9): warning X3206: implicit truncation of vector type ssao.ps(153,22): warning X3206: 'gbuffer_load_data_offset': implicit truncation of vector type screenspace_common.h(183,14): warning X3206: 'mul': implicit truncation of vector type screenspace_common.h(191,3): warning X3206: 'hmodel': implicit truncation of vector type ssao_hdao.ps(288,2): warning X3206: implicit truncation of vector type combine_1.ps(79,21): warning X3206: 'gbuffer_load_data': implicit truncation of vector type [2] combine_1.ps(87,27): warning X3206: 'Sample': implicit truncation of vector type combine_1.ps(127,9): warning X3206: 'calc_hdao': implicit truncation of vector type [3] combine_1.ps(189,41): error X3004: undeclared identifier 'shader_param_8' Дополнено 3 минуты спустя Фальстрат, просто нужно было врубить beef nvg XD
  7. Expression : <no expression> Function : CInifile::r_section File : Xr_ini.cpp Line : 1101 Description : fatal error Arguments : Can't open section 'ammo_blk_300'. Please attach [*.ini_log] file to your bug report stack trace: При переходе на Затон крашит с такой ошибкой. Кто-нибудь знает как решить?
  8. Замучал вылет, как исправить? Expression : fatal error Function : CModelPool::Instance_Load File : ..\xrRender\ModelPool.cpp Line : 117 Description : <no expression> Arguments : Can't find model file 'dynamics\weapons\wpn_rpg7\wpn_rpg7_missile.ogf'.
  9. FATAL ERROR [error]Expression : <no expression> [error]Function : CInifile::r_section [error]File : Xr_ini.cpp [error]Line : 1101 [error]Description : fatal error [error]Arguments : Can't open section 'ammo_knife_6'. Please attach [*.ini_log] file to your bug report stack trace: Вылетает при начале разговора с охотником в депо на свалке
  10. Босс --------------------------- Fatal Error --------------------------- Expression : <no expression> Function : CObjectAnimator::LoadMotions File : ObjectAnimator.cpp Line : 47 Description : fatal error Arguments : Can't find motion file 'weapon_sway\sway_3.anm'. stack trace: вроде причина в смене стиля анимации покачивания оружия, но не уверен, рылся в настройках МСМ поменял в каком то аддоне стиль , вылет не сразу был.
  11. Как быть с этим вылетом на новый калибр? FATAL ERROR [error]Expression : <no expression> [error]Function : CInifile::r_section [error]File : Xr_ini.cpp [error]Line : 1101 [error]Description : fatal error [error]Arguments : Can't open section 'ammo_blk_300'. Please attach [*.ini_log] file to your bug report
  12. Здравствуйте, автор мода. Хотел у вас посоветоваться. Мы с друзьями пытаемся добавить ваш мод для ванильного мультиплеера в зове Припяти. Лично я пытался сделать так. взял оригинальную s.t.a.l.k.e.r. Зов Припяти взял движок openXray - https://github.com/OpenXRay/xray-16/wiki/[EN]-How-to-install-and-play и скопировал содержимое папки bin в папку bin самой игры Потом скопировал папку gamedata из мода в корень игры + патч 3.5.06. Из оригинала скопировал в папку gamedata/configs папку mp При запуске игра крашится с ошибкой FATAL ERROR [error] Expression : <no expression> [error] Function : CInifile::r_section [error] File : D:\a\xray-16\xray-16\src\xrCore\xr_ini.cpp [error] Line : 734 [error] Description : fatal error [error] Arguments : Can't open section 'wpn_mp133' (only 'wpn_mp443_sounds' avail). Путём изучения, выяснил, что если в файле weapons_mp.ltx, который находится по пути gamedata\configs\mp\weapons_mp, в строке [mp_wpn_mr133]:wpn_mp133 переименовать wpn_mp133 в wpn_mr133, то будет та же самая ошибка, но будет уже ссылаться на wpn_mr133. Можете подсказать в чём ошибка и как её исправить?
  13. got it,i also can get some help from the walkthrough video at youtube, so kind of you
  14. V (в настройках это подствольник) Дополнено 7 минуты спустя Hey watsup. Of course you can play without translation. You mean English lang? there's a settings in main menu last button. Like @Others@.
  15. У меня проблема Expression : I Function : CInifile::Load::<lambda_f63366a1e4d3e064d-1cfd5f7697b18a>::0::<lambda_491dec5d34b3a3532c73aa8f0725e74e>::operat or 0 File : Xr_ini.cpp Line : 345 Description : Can't find include file: Arguments :prefetch\prefetch_singe.itx наверное забыли взять файл вложить в архив с модами
  16. sorry,i solved it,so thanks,and 1.3 edition has any eng tran?although i can use my phone to trans...
  17. The first thing to do is to enter the game settings in the main menu and check which keys are assigned to movement and other actions. I don't see any other reasons. I can't imagine how you would play this modification. It consists entirely of text clues in Russian, with slang and subtext being used. Plus there is a lot of voiced dialogue in Russian, which is not duplicated by the text.
  18. Да, всегда) Тут ранее кто-то написал РЕШЕНИЕ с файлом. Не мгу найти. Есть, поищите, если кому надо. Дополнено 7 минуты спустя Мое новое наблюдение. Поможет кому для фючер фикса - я счастлив) К проблеме со СВАРОГОМ (отображение аномалий и артов). До сих пор не решено нормально даже с фиксами с Moddb. Дикая территория, тоннель с электрами. Вы можете видеть, что если ГГ стоит уровнем "выше", чем арт и аномалии вокруг - отображение идеальное. Если спуститься к на один урвоень с ними - контрасность оных падает до 0.001. Дополнено 9 минуты спустя И еще ребятки) Для всех ищущих решение проблемы ВИДА: [error]Expression : <no expression> [error]Function : CModelPool::Instance_Load [error]File : ..\xrRender\ModelPool.cpp [error]Line : 120 [error]Description : fatal error [error]Arguments : Can't find model file 'actors\newbandit\stalker_bandit_4_0.ogf'. Решение универсальное: 1. Бегите в \gamedata\meshes\actors\ 2. Берите модель, соответствующую враждебной/дружественной группировке, какую надо, из любой папки (например stalker_monolith_1_3.gof). 3. Создайте папку в моем случае @newbandit@ 4. Вставьте в папку файл stalker_monolith_1_3.gof 5. Изменине имя файла на то, которое пытается найти игра (из ошибки следует stalker_bandit_4_0.ogf ) 6. Вернитесь в игру. 7. Все хорошо. "-Ставьте лайки подписывайтесь на канал."
  19. а что делать елси вылезает ошибка OpenAL: Can`t vreate sound device
  20. Всем привет,помогите плиз.При переходе с кладбища в Темную долину ловлю краш.Если писали выше не пинайте. [error]Expression : <no expression> [error]Function : CInifile::r_section [error]File : Xr_ini.cpp [error]Line : 1101 [error]Description : fatal error [error]Arguments : Can't open section 'ammo_50_ae'. Please attach [*.ini_log] file to your bug report Дополнено 11 минуты спустя Беда с новыми калибрами,у меня на 50АЕ ругается.Что делать - х.з.
  21. При переходе на свалку ошибка. Как починить? Expression : <no expression> Function : CInifile::r_section File : Xr_ini.cpp Line : 1101 Description : fatal error Arguments : Can't open section 'ammo_blk_300'. Please attach [*.ini_log] file to your bug report stack trace:
  22. Loving the patch so far, been playing for a few hours now and I only managed to find two issues. One is with Seriy and his quest to kill two packs of dogs (one pack north of the hangar and one to the south of it). Can't figure where the southern pack is (only northern one is marked). Been wondering to the south of the hangar near the railway for a while and I did find a pack of dogs but when I killed them the quest didn't update / finish. Would be great to have two quest markers for this quest. The other small issue I found is with an upgrade info being a string only. Update - Managed to fix Seriy's quest by first eliminating the southern pack and then the northern one