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Найдено: 74 результата

  1. Hellstar Clothing

    Hellstar Clothing isn't always simply a trend brand; it is a manifesto of individuality and a riot towards the mundane. This label represents a insurrection in opposition to traditional fashion and champions the unapologetically unique. From picture tees to distinct hoodies and shirts, Hellstar's series is a canvas for self-expression, a name for non-conformity, and a venture to the ordinary. It's a fusion of trend and rebellion, a platform for these who dare to wreck free from the norm and create their personal sartorial statement. Hellstar Clothing epitomizes the spirit of defiance, reworking every garment into greater than mere attire, however a proclamation of non-public identity.

    Hellstar Sweatpants

    Hellstar Sweatpants redefine informal alleviation with a rebellious twist. Tailored for these who admire laid-back trend except sacrificing style, these sweatpants increase loungewear. Featuring edgy designs, hanging graphics, and top rate materials, Hellstar Sweatpants are greater than simply comfortable; they encapsulate relief with a fearless edge, embodying a way of life that celebrates authenticity and non-conformity. These don't seem to be simply pants; they are a fearless trend statement, a best combination of remedy and boldness, designed for these who dare to make a assertion and smash free from the ordinary.

    Hellstar T-Shirt

    Hellstar T-Shirt serve as a canvas for unapologetic self-expression. Adorned with daring prints, daring graphics, and a rebellious spirit, these tees transcend their position as mere garb and turn out to be effective statements. Hellstar T-Shirt underscore the energy of trend as a shape of self-expression. Whether they characteristic witty slogans or alluring designs, these shirts characterize a way of life that flourishes on individuality and challenges conventions. They are for these who refuse to combination into the crowd, selecting as a substitute to stand out, make a statement, and embody a fashion that defies the reputation quo.

    Hellstar Shirt

    Hellstar Shirts rewrite the policies of traditional button-downs. They combination traditional tailoring with a rebellious spirit, proposing special layout approaches, unconventional patterns, daring details, and a fashion that breaks free from tradition. Hellstar Shirt cater to men and women who are searching for a stability between a sophisticated look and the want to make a daring statement. They provide a special structure of self-expression, celebrating the thinking that trend can be a ability of rebelling towards the ordinary. Hellstar Shirts redefine what it capacity to be well-dressed, proving that basic fashion and edginess can coexist harmoniously.

    Hellstar Hoodie

    Hellstar Hoodie mix relief with rebellion, crafted from top class substances and designed to mission trend norms. They go past informal attire; they're symbols of an choice lifestyle. Featuring daring graphics, special designs, and a fearless attitude, Hellstar Hoodies are for these who include a fashion that breaks from convention. They embody the fusion of relief and boldness, demonstrating that trend can be a potential of self-expression this is each cosy and defiant. https://hellstarclothing.site/hellstar-hoodie/ declare that even in informal wear, one can make a daring assertion and have fun their uniqueness.

    Hellstar Shorts

    Hellstar Shorts are a testomony to daring and edgy fashion, even in heat weather. With unconventional designs, special patterns, and a spirit of rebellion these shorts stand out in warm-weather attire. They are extra than simply clothing they are a assertion of fashion that defies tradition. Hellstar Shorts cater to these who recognize remedy besides compromising on making a statement. Whether thru daring photos or unconventional cuts, these shorts replicate a life-style that celebrates the special and the unconventional proving that even in informal wear trend can be a daring expression of self.

  2. Franz Ferdinand -Take Me Out Franz Ferdinand -Love Ilumination Franz Ferdinand -This Fire Franz Ferdinand -Do you want to Franz Ferdinand -Billy Goodbye Gorillaz-Tranz Gorillaz-Kids With Guns Gorillaz-Dirty Harry Gorillaz-Stylo Gorillaz-Hollywood Electric Youth-A Real Hero
  3. ScR1pt Hello Is this modification stable enough, with the patch, for me to take a long time translating it? The comments are not very good. Thanks PS: I've translated "fallen star" "return to the zone, retrieval" "secrets trial" and many other subjects, I want to avoid too many follow-up problems. Thanks
  4. Подожди немного, скачаю проверю, отпишусь. Дополнено 21 минуты спустя prohodchik Вобщем у меня тоже вылет. Правда лог другой: Да и ругани на недастающие файлы в разы меньше. ERROR: group 'group' - has empty reference. Corrupted file? Can't find file 'rawdata\objects\statics\lab_room\tunnel\tunnel_stolb_1.object' CSceneObject: 'statics\lab_room\tunnel\tunnel_stolb_1' not found in library Object not found. Do you want to select it from library? - No. Can't find file 'rawdata\objects\statics\lab_room\tunnel\tunnel_stolb_1.object' CSceneObject: 'statics\lab_room\tunnel\tunnel_stolb_1' not found in library Object not found. Do you want to select it from library? - No. Can't find file 'rawdata\objects\statics\lab_room\tunnel\tunnel_stolb_1.object' CSceneObject: 'statics\lab_room\tunnel\tunnel_stolb_1' not found in library Object not found. Do you want to select it from library? - No. Can't find file 'rawdata\objects\statics\lab_room\tunnel\tunnel_stolb_1.object' CSceneObject: 'statics\lab_room\tunnel\tunnel_stolb_1' not found in library Object not found. Do you want to select it from library? - No. Can't find file 'rawdata\objects\statics\lab_room\ventelyaciya_object.object' CSceneObject: 'statics\lab_room\ventelyaciya_object' not found in library Object not found. Do you want to select it from library? - No. Can't find file 'rawdata\objects\statics\lab_room\ventelyaciya_object.object' CSceneObject: 'statics\lab_room\ventelyaciya_object' not found in library Object not found. Do you want to select it from library? - No. Can't find file 'rawdata\objects\statics\lab_room\ventelyaciya_object.object' CSceneObject: 'statics\lab_room\ventelyaciya_object' not found in library Object not found. Do you want to select it from library? - No. Can't find file 'rawdata\objects\statics\lab_room\ventelyaciya_object.object' CSceneObject: 'statics\lab_room\ventelyaciya_object' not found in library Object not found. Do you want to select it from library? - No. FATAL ERROR [error]Expression : assertion failed [error]Function : X:\stalker_addon\sources\trunk\editors\LevelEditor\Edit\GroupObject.cpp [error]File : X:\stalker_addon\sources\trunk\editors\LevelEditor\Edit\GroupObject.cpp [error]Line : 162 [error]Description : m_ObjectsInGroup.size() Нужно разбираться. Но одно могу сказать однозначно: Есть конечно проблема с этими исходниками, но и ты всетаки что-то не так собрал. У тебя ошибок в разы больше, чем их в исходниках.
  5. gibe Been a while since I played the mod, but the codes seem to refer to an an input you have to put in when opening a safe with items. The UI for the safe opening can be a bit glitchy, you kinda need to guess where to click on the screen to select the number you want. But you want to do input these numbers one after another on the safe. The second line refers to the location at which the safe is located. If it doesn't specify exactly where, then I guess you have to just find it yourself. Again, I have played this game a long time ago so I don't remember all the details, but as far as I remember if the safe is important and story-related, there should be some indication on how to find it, it can be in the dialogue or quest description I think.
  6. Please don't hurt me, I just want peace. Just live in peace and love everyone ❤️

  7. I have the settings in the main menu at the lowest. example picture There are over 20 guys in this one area It is like this through out the zone. When you enter an area in the early hours, it is like a war zone. Gunfire everywhere. Too much activity. It can cripple your computers performance and you are not even witnessing everything. All you see are bodies of mutants and factions pop up on your PDA marker. The zone is just much too active. I understand you want a lively zone but, not to kill your performance. There has to be some other addon that is producing this over population. I just can not figure out what it is.
  8. I found to disable artifact degradation. At the main menu go into 'add-ons' and then go into artifact condition. There is where you can disable it. My next issue would be the animations for cutting mutants and picking up items. I was able to go into FDDA setting through MCM and was able to switch off pick up animations and cutting for mutant parts. The pick up animations did work but I get a crash when cutting into mutants. I also disabled everything in the SKIN tab under MCM. Here is the crash log. [error]Expression : <no expression> [error]Function : CScriptEngine::lua_pcall_failed [error]File : ..\xrServerEntities\script_engine.cpp [error]Line : 206 [error]Description : fatal error [error]Arguments : LUA error: ...es (x86)/anomaly custom\gamedata\scripts\zzz_skin.script:115: stack overflow Also, is there anything I can disable to reduce the worlds population? In the games main menu settings does not seem to work. I assume this is from an add-on but I just don't know what it would be to reduce the population. Here are some examples. There is so many people here A lot of people just sitting around. 4 men here in a small spot. I want to reduce populations just help improve performance. There are just too many people loaded into the maps. I hope I can get some help here.
  9. Обновить нужно! Автор в последней версии исправил. https://www.moddb.com/mods/stalker-anomaly/addons/interactive-pda-01 1.63: Small update to add interface "Close" button (idk people asked for it) and MCM option for "Raid" max time, not to wait too much if you want to hire someone only for 1 day.
  10. Петренко в следующей версии будет протестирован как следует. Честно почти не пользуюсь этим торговцем во время игры. Дождливая погода сломана по техническим причинам из-за конфликта методов рендера мокрых поверхностей и металла. В 2.4 после танцев с бубном будет исправлено. Ни небо ни трава (если только в дождь) не могут быть пересвечены, в шейдере неба вообще экспозиция поставлена на 0.8, то есть 20% темнее обычного. Еще меньше и будет просто темно. Возможно, неправильно скомпилировались шейдеры. Вылет stack trace at address пофиксить очень сложно потому что игра не говорит что собственно не так. По моим наблюдениям, обычно такая вылезает, когда игра запрашивает слишком много памяти слишком быстро, (для обработки моделей, текстур, т.д.), в таком случае не поможет даже лютое железо, потому что сбоит сам движок, не рассчитанный на современный графон. В 2.3 такую проблему вызывает мод "dynamic sleep timelapse" или как его, потому что поставил по-быстрому перед релизом и не протестировал. Если не ошибаюсь, мод можно убрать заменой скрипта. Вообще-то даже пианино и мастерскую нельзя достать обычными методами, если только я где-то не проворонил торговца. Ладно, в следующей версии будет мастерская. Но пианино зачем? Это майнкрафтщина какая-то. Может еще качалку, душ и майнер биткоина? ui_sleep_dialog.script Дополнено 24 минуты спустя There's no file in 2.3 that references a stalker_freedom_2.ogf. Only stalker_freedom_2_0.ogf references are present. You must be playing an outdated version of Expedition or you've been tinkering with the models. You can however get a random stalker model somewhere (like the hd pack), name it stalker_freedom_2 and place it where the engine is looking for it. If you want to play with vanilla models you can go to the game's folder/tools and click on db_unpack.bat. That'll unpack the configs and scripts folder. From configs you can then go to configs/gameplay/ and copy the xml files to their identical location in the Expedition folder. That would technically revert the models back to vanilla, but I haven't tested how stable it is. It'd also require a new game.
  11. I'm sorry that my Russian is not so good, I don't know how your English is, but I want to say that I got stuck in the game after beating the bandit leader in zaton, and when I tried to enter the game, I got the following lines of error code I sent to you, may I ask what happened Мне жаль, что мой русский не так хорош, и я не знаю, как ваш английский, но я хочу сказать, что я застрял в игре после того, как затон убил главара бандитов, а затем попытался войти в игру, чтобы получить следующие строчки неверного кода, которые я вам отправил
  12. I would never want to try this unfinished product and spoil my experience. Will certainly purchase this one upon release. Gotta support the team =)
  13. gibe Pripyat is fucked because it has too much shit going on. The game uses 32-bit engine and it breaks due to insufficient memory. This happens pretty much to everyone playing that level. The best way to get through the level is to find the file at "DarkPath\gamedata\config\alife.ltx", open it with Notepad++, find the following line: switch_distance = 500 ; metres and change it to switch_distance = 20 ; metres Then save the file and relaunch the game. This parameter affects the distance of the area around the player in which objects appear in the game. Everything beyond that will go into "offline" mode and will despawn. Turning this parameter down should decrease the amount of NPCs that spawn around the player and let you play the level normally. You can increase the value back up once you are out of the crash areas. Please tell me if this method works for you. Since you are working on the translation and close to finishing the game, I can tell you how to get one of the endings that is easy to miss. You can look at it now or later if you don't want to be spoiled:
  14. Launch your product or meet your audience digitally. All you need to do is to get a live Video streaming platform with the quality of your choice. Stream the way you want to without any hassle in the functionality. Get your games, webinars, meetings streamed live with the best visuals.
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  15. I am dead Hello I get an error log when I want to access the parameters in the game FATAL ERROR [error]Expression : xml_doc.NavigateToNode(path, index) [error]Function : CUIXmlInit::InitStatic [error]File : C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\xrGame\ui\UIXmlInit.cpp [error]Line : 175 [error]Description : XML node not found [error]Arguments : video_adv:cap_r2_mask log : https://disk.yandex.com/d/YJDDoFL9twfdOw Thanks
  16. Lets hope its not a full minute pan shot of a loaf of bread on a table next to an AK-47. Seriously though, I don't want a second of flashy cinematic scenes either.
  17. denis2000 Sorry I don't have any files with this name I did a search with the "everything" software, I didn't find anything in my files. I'm missing something In the New Year I want my brain to be in good shape and full of good knowledge! 🤣
  18. Hello In Cordon when I want to see the merchant after the cache of "Дуболому" I have a crash FATAL ERROR [error]Expression : !m_error_code [error]Function : raii_guard::~raii_guard [error]File : D:\prog_repository\sources\trunk\xrServerEntities\script_storage.cpp [error]Line : 748 [error]Description : ....l.k.e.r. -dark way\gamedata\scripts\_s_utils.script:651: attempt to perform arithmetic on local 'iTimeShow' (a string value) I need help Thanks
  19. You can, if you want. Replace grass texture in levels folder and delete trees textures folder. If you want change the textures by yourself, you need to install Photoshop DDS plugin.
  20. Call of chernobyl is an amazing effects game that I also really enjoy playing and since I'm new here I also want to know how to make it meaningful and I hope we both get an answer on this informative forum.
  21. Call of Pripyat "Mechanics russian" On french windows 10, never problem with other russian mod. I want test before translation. No nanoHub
  22. Just finished a full v14 playthrough and I loved it. Didn't have any major issues (most were only caused by me playing with a higher NPC distance switch). Definitely my "to-go" patch if I want to play vanilla SoC from now on and will recommend it to others 😀 . That's pretty much it, can't wait to try out the future versions 👍
  23. It sounds terrible in my opinion. It is not atmospheric like in the first stalker. Anything with some percussion sounds off for this game. We need ambient music. Now......where is the 10 minute game play that we all want to see??? This is getting rather silly. So many games that are slated to come out later are already showing all sorts of game play footage. We know what the stalker world looks like. We've played 3 of their games already. So there is no need to keep it under tight vault.......silly.
  24. American here. I just want to say that there is nothing else game related that I look forward to the most than True Stalker.
  25. Достала Х16? Кровососы впитали весь свинец в моде, и просят добавки? Меченого пригласили на ужин четыре химеры? Не беда! Делитесь своими затыками здесь, и вам объяснят, как их преодолеть / X16 has you roasted? Bloodsuckers have sucked in all the mod's lead and want you for the main course? Marked one was invited to a dinner - by four chimaeras? Nothing to worry about - share your bottleneck and we'd explain how to solve it!