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  1. 1)I want to change my forum nickname because using my email as nickname is dumb. 2) Jintsu Chan
  2. How to activate cash app card – get rid of the issue by speaking to the techies


    When there are any technical glitches related to How to activate cash app card then get in touch with us. The experts available at the helpdesk will assure you of quick troubleshooting steps. If you want technical assistance, make sure to get connected with the techies.




  3. You can, if you want. Replace grass texture in levels folder and delete trees textures folder. If you want change the textures by yourself, you need to install Photoshop DDS plugin.
  4. Damn! They just updated their Moddb site. They better get this out before Stalker2 gets released if they want to get some decent downloads. Welp.....gotta be patient ?
  5. If you want to fuck the sky
    Teach your fucking dick to fly!

  6. I finished updating the 0.85 English translation to 0.88 yesterday. New strings and dialog changes added and translated. Some mistranslations corrected. Posted in C-Consciousness Discord. Вчера я закончил обновление английского перевода 0.85 до 0.88. Добавлены и переведены новые строки и изменения диалогов. Исправлены некоторые ошибки в переводе. Опубликовано в C-Consciousness Discord. (I am translating several Russian mods, join us in Discord if you want to follow) (Я перевожу несколько русских модов, присоединяйтесь к нам в Discord, если хотите следить) (Я очень хорошо перевожу с русского на английский, хотя мой английский на русский, вероятно, ужасен). (American...)
  7. Я видел. There is no texture - это лодов нет, там и список объектов, на которые их нужно создать. Но это уже другой вопрос, я решил за него не писать пока он не решит главный: Error: Scene has "87358" non associated face! Ну раз уж ты затронул это то: Ошибка вида: There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_l01_escape_l01_escape_lod0030.dds' There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_l01_escape_l01_escape_lod0030_nm.dds' Возникает при попытке собрать уровень в редакторе для последующей компиляции. Текстура Lod-объекта не соответствует текущему lod-объекту. Решение: Нужно пересоздать текстуры Lod-объектов. Для этого запустите Level editor без загрузки локации, перейдите во вкладку Scene, выберите пункт Objects -> Library Editor. В нём выберите любой из lod-объектов вашего уровня, щёлкните по надписи Preview, что справа в меню. Затем нажмите Make LOD, качество выбирайте сами, если это не финальная версия вашего уровня, то Low Quality. Далее появится окно "Do you want to select multiple objects?", нажмите Yes, и выберите в списке все ваши Lod-объекты, потом нажмите OK и дождитесь окончания создания текстур Lod-объектов.
  8. Moustapha_Matushka

    Windows 11

    I'm still on Windows 7 and am quite happy. I never liked Windows 10. What's funny is that when people complain about windows 7 users not wanting to go to 10 and yet, the windows 10 users do'n't want to switch over to 11. Does not make sense.
  9. Gerato бюргера легко замочить. Кидай ему лимонку или используй подствольник(крайний случай нож) я когда проходил, псевдогигантов ножом на ремни резал. Патроны жалко на них расходовать, а холодная сталь в самый раз! Дополнено 2 минуты спустя gunslingerfun You have excellent Russian, my friend. The statics in the modification are working. Play as much as you want.
  10. @Messer and @vader_33 Ok I think I understand. I missed a bottle. I thought it was because of my age that the redhead didn't want me ? Дополнено 12 минуты спустя I have an interpretive problem: Есть такая группировка "Стрела", военсталкеры how to translate Стрела arrow, strelok or archer or other word? Thanks
  11. D'accord pas de problème ! ?? Mis a jour 5 minutes plus tard Дополнено 54 минуты спустя Sorry bad manipulation, it's not easy... Log when I want to sleep by grandma's fire next to the twin sisters: https://mega.nz/file/c4dHGCaA#u1AkH26VW6PhYbK4Mctwr0YsvinsJ2V6ts4uz9xWBbU
  12. Подожди немного, скачаю проверю, отпишусь. Дополнено 21 минуты спустя prohodchik Вобщем у меня тоже вылет. Правда лог другой: Да и ругани на недастающие файлы в разы меньше. ERROR: group 'group' - has empty reference. Corrupted file? Can't find file 'rawdata\objects\statics\lab_room\tunnel\tunnel_stolb_1.object' CSceneObject: 'statics\lab_room\tunnel\tunnel_stolb_1' not found in library Object not found. Do you want to select it from library? - No. Can't find file 'rawdata\objects\statics\lab_room\tunnel\tunnel_stolb_1.object' CSceneObject: 'statics\lab_room\tunnel\tunnel_stolb_1' not found in library Object not found. Do you want to select it from library? - No. Can't find file 'rawdata\objects\statics\lab_room\tunnel\tunnel_stolb_1.object' CSceneObject: 'statics\lab_room\tunnel\tunnel_stolb_1' not found in library Object not found. Do you want to select it from library? - No. Can't find file 'rawdata\objects\statics\lab_room\tunnel\tunnel_stolb_1.object' CSceneObject: 'statics\lab_room\tunnel\tunnel_stolb_1' not found in library Object not found. Do you want to select it from library? - No. Can't find file 'rawdata\objects\statics\lab_room\ventelyaciya_object.object' CSceneObject: 'statics\lab_room\ventelyaciya_object' not found in library Object not found. Do you want to select it from library? - No. Can't find file 'rawdata\objects\statics\lab_room\ventelyaciya_object.object' CSceneObject: 'statics\lab_room\ventelyaciya_object' not found in library Object not found. Do you want to select it from library? - No. Can't find file 'rawdata\objects\statics\lab_room\ventelyaciya_object.object' CSceneObject: 'statics\lab_room\ventelyaciya_object' not found in library Object not found. Do you want to select it from library? - No. Can't find file 'rawdata\objects\statics\lab_room\ventelyaciya_object.object' CSceneObject: 'statics\lab_room\ventelyaciya_object' not found in library Object not found. Do you want to select it from library? - No. FATAL ERROR [error]Expression : assertion failed [error]Function : X:\stalker_addon\sources\trunk\editors\LevelEditor\Edit\GroupObject.cpp [error]File : X:\stalker_addon\sources\trunk\editors\LevelEditor\Edit\GroupObject.cpp [error]Line : 162 [error]Description : m_ObjectsInGroup.size() Нужно разбираться. Но одно могу сказать однозначно: Есть конечно проблема с этими исходниками, но и ты всетаки что-то не так собрал. У тебя ошибок в разы больше, чем их в исходниках.
  13. 1)I want to change my forum nickname because using my email as nickname is dumb. 2) Jintsu
  14. Love the mod so far, playing it on the GOG version of the game with a fan translation, don't know Russian... ? Reached the Bar though I still didn't accept Sid's "steal military case" from the Agroprom but did the underground part for Strelok's flash drive. Loving it. It's pretty much what i wanted SoC to be and 100% sure I'll be using the mod whenever I want to replay it though there are a few things that I would like to be fixed in the future versions, mostly bugs that are in vanilla SoC: - NPCs die in campfires (poor Bes ?) - map locations (circles) on the PDA map disappear after reload / restart game - probably other fixes included in the ZRP - On the Agroprom, the new level changers to the underground trigger a bit too far from the entrances, also wouldn't it be possible to port / change the level so that the entrances aren't blocked ? - use combat music from Stalker games instead from other games in the Arena, I heard music from Hitman: Blood Money in the first fight ? - an English translation but that's up to you ? Good luck with future version releases!
  15. I still say I hope for a physical copy purchase and offline play. I don't want to play single player/story mode online like some games today.....
  16. I really hope that this will be offline single player. Otherwise I will not waste my time = ( Also to be purchased in a store, not a digital download. I want to physically own it.
  17. Game crashes after using debug menu, I want to spawn some new weapons to test them but i can't :(( how can i fix it ?
  18. Hi guys ? Long time no see ? I am writing cause I have just seen this post here. There is a chance that some of you might remember me as I have been a Lead Designer for the Misery mod for CoP from versions 2.0 to 2.2. Many things have changed since then - and now I am the Project Leader for Chernobyl Liquidators Simulator game that you are talking about here ? Please be patient with us - we've only been actually working on this game from scratch since March this year (so its like 7 months now) and our team only consists of 7 ppl at this moment (and there have been only 5 of us for majority of the time). I know that many things are not correct yet - such as scales on the dosimeter and some props are not perfectly fitting yet (such the the microwave oven - we will replace all the with 100% authentic models as soon as we can). Needless to say - I want this game to follow the very best traditions of Stalker, Misery and other mods which I have been a part of for more than 10 years of my life. So - please have some patience and tolerance to inconsistencies, we are working our asses out to make the thing as good and authentic as it can be. I also really want to have in it the deep, difficult gameplay that Misery has been so famous for. This is the same beloved child of mine as Misery was for 5 years or so :). I will be looking into this thread frequently - should you guys like to ask any questions or have any suggestions I will try to reply as soon as I have some time on my hands. Cheers to you all! Marcin aka trojanuch
  19. Hi, maybe you want to include their Discord channel on the post? The developers are most active there and tend to share small updates. I don't know if they are aware of this page, however. Edit: I apologize, I did not see the "Discord" tab on the page. Edited out the invite link.
  20. Please don't hurt me, I just want peace. Just live in peace and love everyone ❤️

  21. I was told English speakers are welcome on this site. I did not want to disrespect anyone by writing in broken and incomprehensible Russian. Но если вы настаиваете, я буду дополнять свои сообщения ответами, переведенными машинным переводом. Довольно иронично, что ты жалуешься на общество, а потом реагируешь так грубо.)
  22. Why does it matter? Let them say what they want, it doesn't stop you or I from enjoying those mods or discussing it.