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  1. Okay folks have True Stalker now and unlimited google so I will let it seed. Also the updated Solyanka and Echo of the monolith. Seed till you bleed and then keep going. And if you get on Mod DB and look for 21thx12 that's my short Stalker story. Now get out of here Stalker.

  2. As you want, you can do it or share me your stuff and tell me how do. It's always time to learn something new. About the mod itself, don't worry. I have a lot of files in eng, for SA, RMA... I already play on it.. I translated the first RMA version in french a decade ago. It was not easy. Google translator was not as translators are today.
  3. Borovos I am the creator of the installer and I can add English, if necessary, or send you what you need to translate and eventually rebuild the repack with the addition of the language, but there is no translation of the modification itself.
  4. lapa1969

    True Stalker

    Трудно на русский перевести? Здание из красного кирпича (будка трансформаторная), по лестнице вверх, в комнате есть рубильник. Отключаешь- арт достаёшь. По ангельски через переводчик The building is made of red brick (transformer booth), up the stairs, there is a switch in the room. If you turn it off, you get the art.
  5. Warlord40000

    True Stalker

    Аналогичная проблема вот логи ! [LUA][ERROR] You are trying to spawn two or more objects with the same story_id:[esc_village_fanat] --> [esc_village_fanat15642] try to add:[esc_village_fanat4916] stack traceback: c:\games\true stalker\gamedata\scripts\_g.script:509: in function 'abort' c:\games\true stalker\gamedata\scripts\story_objects.script:17: in function 'register' c:\games\true stalker\gamedata\scripts\story_objects.script:106: in function 'check_spawn_ini_for_story_id' ...\true stalker\gamedata\scripts\sim_squad_scripted.script:757: in function <...\true stalker\gamedata\scripts\sim_squad_scripted.script:753> [C]: in function 'create' c:\games\true stalker\gamedata\scripts\sim_board.script:214: in function 'create_squad' c:\games\true stalker\gamedata\scripts\xr_effects.script:982: in function <c:\games\true stalker\gamedata\scripts\xr_effects.script:953> c:\games\true stalker\gamedata\scripts\xr_logic.script:460: in function 'pick_section_from_condlist' c:\games\true stalker\gamedata\scripts\xr_logic.script:568: in function 'try_switch_to_another_section' c:\games\true stalker\gamedata\scripts\sr_idle.script:15: in function <c:\games\true stalker\gamedata\scripts\sr_idle.script:12> c:\games\true stalker\gamedata\scripts\xr_logic.script:364: in function 'issue_event' ...mes\true stalker\gamedata\scripts\bind_restrictor.script:94: in function <...mes\true stalker\gamedata\scripts\bind_restrictor.script:80> FATAL ERROR [error] Expression : 0 [error] Function : ErrorLog [error] File : D:\TrueStalkerEngine\src\xrScriptEngine\ScriptEngineScript.cpp [error] Line : 40 [error] Description : You are trying to spawn two or more objects with the same story_id:[esc_village_fanat] --> [esc_village_fanat15642] try to add:[esc_village_fanat4916]
  6. gibe

    True Stalker

    Overf1rst Hello I have downloaded "True Stalker". I have access to the "text" files, no problem I can't decompile some files I need to check whether things need to be translated in the : script gameplay ui Can you help me? Thank you
  7. Octa Core

    True Stalker

    FATAL ERROR [error] Expression : 0 [error] Function : ErrorLog [error] File : D:\TrueStalkerEngine\src\xrScriptEngine\ScriptEngineScript.cpp [error] Line : 40 [error] Description : You are trying to spawn two or more objects with the same story_id:[pri_a17_gauss_rifle] --> [pri_a17_gauss_rifle10686] try to add:[pri_a17_gauss_rifle14611]
  8. Shoker Team: РикошеТ - руководитель проекта, работа с моделями, анимациями, худовыми конфигами, YouTube-канал Shoker - идеи, конфиги, скрипты, балансировка и доводка геймплея MaxOFF - работа с текстурами и поддеражка Установка: Автоматическая. В папку с игрой. Версия игры: Только на Сталкер - Зов Припяти v1.6.02 Размер после установки: 1.18 Гб Информационный сайт мода: ссылка You-Tube канал мода: Youtube Описание мода: Список добавленного и изменённого оружия: Скриншоты: Благодарности: Спасибо за особую помощь проекту: Команда перевода: Отдельное огромное спасибо Alpet-у (NLC Mod) и Sin!-у (GUNSLINGER mod) за инструментарии и помощь в ковырянии движка, без которых многих скриптовых плюшек тут бы не было. Обязательно к прочтению: Установка, советы и адаптации к другим модам: Кошельки для тех, кто хочет материально поддержать мод: WebMoney – R369191206722; Z412022939934 Яндекс.Деньги – 41001502615457 Ссылки: Сборки и адаптации: Предупреждение: Мод использует элементы CheatEngine (setSpeed.exe), которые некоторые анти-чит системы (Punkbuster, BattleEye) могут воспринимать негативно. Поэтому очень не рекомендуется запускать сталкер с модом\держать запущенным лаунчер и при этом играть ОДНОВРЕМЕННО в другую онлайн-игру с подобной анти-чит системой дабы избежать возможных проблем. (В "Диспетчере задач" не должен быть запущен процесс setSpeed.exe.) Народное творчество:
  9. Да, я только что узнал, что у меня огромное увеличение кадров, спасибо за ваши усилия! Yes, I just noticed that I have a huge frame rate increase. Thank you for your efforts! 是的,我刚才发现我的帧数有明显提升,感谢你们付出的努力! Дополнено 2 минуты спустя Кроме того, новый звуковой эффект просто потрясающий!!!!!! Не могу дождаться, когда начну драться. Дополнено 11 минуты спустя Несколько небольших предложений, я думаю, что анимация болтов и анимация детектора могут быть заменены, например, анимация с помощью gunslinger
  10. If you can not open it in 7zip you may need to download Anomaly Custom again. I was able to extract it with 7zip no problem.
  11. I'm in East Pripyat and I can't find Major Degtyarev. Thank you for your advice
  12. Too far away to cut the ties Where numbness and pain are synchronized If there's a grave behind my eyes Then how do the dead find a, find a sign of life? (Find a sign of life) Bare your soul Bare your soul (it's starting again, I won't let you in)
  13. FunkyManMad You can divide your disk into two parts, one of which will be exclusively dedicated to "windows" and the other to your software.
  14. Comfort and Protection Combined: FR Jackets for Demanding Jobs

    Discover the perfect blend of comfort and protection with our Flame-Resistant (FR) jackets. These jackets are engineered to withstand heat and flames while keeping you comfortable during demanding tasks. Whether you work in construction, oil and gas, or any high-risk industry, our FR jackets have you covered. Stay safe without sacrificing comfort.

  15. Объясню еще раз тупорылому человеку... Движок OGSR основан был на движке OGSE, значится что? Имел такие же графические фичи и прочее, всем п + п на локализацию, взяли локаль прямо из OGSE, доходчиво? Или на каком language тебе еще объяснить? I'll explain it again to a dumb-ass person... The OGSR engine was based on the OGSE engine, so what does it mean? I had the same graphic features and stuff, all p + p for localization, took the locale directly from OGSE, is it clear? Or in what language should I explain it to you?
  16. You should judge for yourself and try it. I think it is a fantastic mod. But understand, you need a powerful PC. Added 2 minutes later I have completed Anomaly Custom like 4 times. Each time I was never able to complete the "Concrete Tomb" task. I never experienced the 10 enemies to come out. @Skilldex, unfortunately for me Discord does not translate =(
  17. I have the settings in the main menu at the lowest. example picture There are over 20 guys in this one area It is like this through out the zone. When you enter an area in the early hours, it is like a war zone. Gunfire everywhere. Too much activity. It can cripple your computers performance and you are not even witnessing everything. All you see are bodies of mutants and factions pop up on your PDA marker. The zone is just much too active. I understand you want a lively zone but, not to kill your performance. There has to be some other addon that is producing this over population. I just can not figure out what it is.
  18. Download links: » Download "Lost Alpha DC Extended" with FO: Torrent [8 GB]https://disk.yandex.ru/d/3nnOrcIRAjGccg Repack includes everything you need, install and play. After installation, you need to update the game in the launcher. » Download Launcher for Lost Alpha DC Extended with FO: Google Drive [640 KB]https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fJ50PGSjKRfMlr_N9UezkSmRHrfG2sZT/view When installing the repack, you do not need to update the launcher. Engine update to version 7956: » Download Lost Alpha DC Extended Engine Update from FO: DropBox [29.98 MB]https://www.dropbox.com/home/LADCE_bins_upd Copy files to bins folder with replacement. When installing a repack, you do not need to update. How to install "Lost Alpha DC Extended" via launcher: 1) Install Lost Alpha DC 1.4007. 2) Delete the "appdata and mods" folders from the game folder. 3) Inside the "gamedata" folder: delete the "spawns" folder (if it exists) "spawns.db0", "textures.db6" archives, delete "la21_generators2.db0" in the "levels" folder. 4) Unpack the downloaded archive into the folder with the installed game, confirming the replacement of files. 5) Launch the launcher and in the mods section, install LADC Extended. 6) After installing LADC Extended, you can install mods from the launcher to your liking. Дополнено 2 минуты спустя Кого его? Мод?
  19. Are you trying to run the game on DX9 with CGIM? This combination uses a lot of RAM and could lead to out of memory errors. Try to use DX10 or DX11 renderer.
  20. iDrymar

    True Stalker

    Так нет же объекта с названием "pri_a17_gauss_rifle"... Первоначальный лог вылета: "FATAL ERROR [error] Expression : 0 [error] Function : ErrorLog [error] File : D:\TrueStalkerEngine\src\xrScriptEngine\ScriptEngineScript.cpp [error] Line : 40 [error] Description : You are trying to spawn two or more objects with the same story_id:[pri_a17_gauss_rifle] --> [pri_a17_gauss_rifle46342] try to add:[pri_a17_gauss_rifle35628]" Всё таки, похоже, кто-то врет и поставил спавнер. Или скачал левый репак со встроенным спавнером.
  21. FATAL ERROR [error] Expression : 0 [error] Function : ErrorLog [error] File : D:\TrueStalkerEngine\src\xrScriptEngine\ScriptEngineScript.cpp [error] Line : 40 [error] Description : You are trying to spawn two or more objects with the same story_id:[pri_a17_gauss_rifle] --> [pri_a17_gauss_rifle46342] try to add:[pri_a17_gauss_rifle35628] Спавнером не баловался? Патч ставил именно только последней версии или все патчи устанавливал, как и рекомендуется? Попробуй накатить неофициальный патч т-ща Бармоглота. Возможно тут поможет.
  22. Please consider adding the SV98 muffler, thank you. о, кстати, в этом игровом моде есть АК-12 с пулями 7,62x39 мм?
  23. gibe "ПК Remaster" is the remastered version of the previous mod called Bad Company. The series has three mods in total (name translations may not be fully accurate): Messenger (Prologue to the whole story released after Bad Company, shows the origins of the main character) Bad Company (First mod in the series) Bad Company 2: Mason (Current mod, the biggest one) In order to know the full story you need to play all three mods. Messenger and Bad Company are relatively short, but they contain crucial plot information. While you can play Bad Company 2 without experiencing those mods (there is a plot summary in the mod which explains the events for those who skipped those older mods), you will miss out on many story details. "ПК Remaster" folder contains improved version of Bad Company mod, it has changes in quests and dialogue and removes alternative endings (so you will always get the ending that leads to Bad Company 2). If you choose to translate Bad Company, this is probably the best version to go with, as it is most canon to Bad Company 2.
  24. Nikola0s666 Thank you I had the key but finding the door... it's worse than an administrative file. I managed to get out. I finished the game. The gap between the resistance of the player's costumes and those of the opponents is very wide, disproportionate. No crashes - just fun. French translation completed.
  25. eroxin

    True Stalker

    Привет! Не появляется учёный по квесту "Учёный в беде". Поиском по теме нашёл фикс от товарища BarmaGlot , но он вылетает при переходе на свалку: [error] Description : You are trying to spawn two or more objects with the same story_id:[gar_stalker_drunk_medic_squad] --> [gar_stalker_drunk_medic_squad0483] try to add:[gar_stalker_drunk_medic_squad41221] Других решений не нашёл, кроме как взять чужой сейв с пройденным квестом. Подскажите, есть ли решение? Может патч какой-то или через консоль можно заспавнить персонажа. UPD: взял в итоге чужой сейв, спасибо товарищу KoJI9IH 666. Заметил, что на баре к ГГ относятся враждебно. Хотя до этого в своём прохождении я забегал туда Журавлёвым и даже прошёл последний бой на арене, Арни при этом называл Журавлёва - Топором. Возможно, этот мой заход и поломал квест с учёным. ЗЫ Нашёл также в инвентаре сейва Булочку для Клима. В своём прохождении мне такая не встретилась, где она лежит? openxray_sergey.log