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  1. A video of the modified Agroprom Dungeons is now available on the "Shadow of Chernobyl Update" developer's YouTube channel. Although the video does not yet show the full quality of the project, you can already see many changes in the level design and recognise the author's efforts to include small details. All of this is also included in the redesigned graphical shell.
  2. gibe about the medicines in the box is said in the video. I think you need to add subtitles to the video. This video is in the folder gamedata/textures/dim/shram_priz.ogm . I can post the translation of phrases, but I do not know how to add subtitles to the video) Translation in the spoiler, click on it Дополнено 35 минуты спустя You can edit your message. Изменить - edit, to change After the change, you press "Сохранить (save)"
  3. gibe it's hard to say, I advise you to pour everything on github for a quick comparison
  4. I am dead Hello In the "text" files you have made a lot of changes. I need to merge all this and translate the new ones. Is it definitive for this file? Apart from "text" a lot of changes in "gameplay" or "ui" or "scripts"? Thanks No pity for the translators! 😁
  5. Добрый день. Вылет при сохранении ERROR: You are saving too much wrong wounded animation sim_default_stalker_046827 wrong wounded animation sim_default_military_235897 FATAL ERROR [error]Expression : <no expression> [error]Function : CScriptEngine::lua_pcall_failed [error]File : ..\xrServerEntities\script_engine.cpp [error]Line : 204 [error]Description : fatal error [error]Arguments : LUA error: e:/games/stilker\gamedata\scripts\sim_squad_scripted.script:616: attempt to index local 'obj' (a function value)
  6. Если речь о монтаже в 4к 60fps, то тут уже надо много места под записываемый материал т. е большого объема ssd в теории для игры нужен ssd не ниже того, который стоит в xbox sieries x т. к на него при оптимизациии игры и быстрой подгрузки опенворлда ориентируются девелоперы Here's what the Xbox Series SSD provides: The ability for the console to access 2.4 GB/s of data per second - or 4.8GB/s uncompressed - which is around 40 times than what's possible on Xbox One currently. для сравнения The Sony PS5 requires an M. 2 SSD that communicates over the NVMe protocol. In addition, you'll need a PCIe 4.0 x4 model that can deliver up to 5,500 MBps of sequential read throughput. тут у меня у самого вопросы, куда ставить OS в теории, мне кажется нужно так: 1) ssd для ОС с скоростью передачи не ниже чем у того где будет игра 2) ssd для игры со скоростью передачи не ниже чем у xbox series x и обьемом выше 200gb (сам по себе сталкер 2 весит что-то около 150 gb, а там еще dlc и апдейты будут) 3)ssd для монтажа, хранения большого обьема записаного материала, тут скорость может быть попроще чем у игрового, но обьем должен быть как можно больше, особенно если есть планы о 4k это мне так в теории кажется, я сам до конца не понимаю имеет ли значение скорость ssd для OS и её отношение к скорости ssd для игры... и как тут правильно для оптимальноц работы... Рекомендую изучить тему ue4 игр и ue5 дабы понимать особенность движка и чего играм надо больше, процессора или видеокарты how to build a pc for unreal engine 5,how to build a computer for unreal engine,unreal engine minimum specs,what computer specs do i need for unreal engine 5,which processor is best for unreal engine 5,which gpu is best for unreal engine 5,building a pc for unreal engine 5,computer build for unreal engine 5,what are the ideal pc requirements for ue5,ue5 workstation recommendations
  7. The more you complete quests for your faction, the more loyal the members of your faction. become to you merchants have a wider assortment, members of the group.
  8. gromila_63 “Looks like the Bandits found you out haha! While you are there, go and find us more interesting information. If it has a password then look around for any bodies and check their PDA's, you might get lucky. To get in you need a code - "5271". Oh and try not to screw it up! - Veles to player upon finding the Bandits' documents” вот сообщение
  9. Hello everybody, I'm posting here as old GSC forum & few others forums are closed or dead. I'm using acdc.pl v1.38 with folders config, levels, spawn and the game.graph file from a mod. I split all.spawn in level.spawn as I prefer to work on SDK. When I do it, I obtain a unrecognized_ways.game file (with way point) & a _level_unknown folder with a empty level.spawn file (0 ko). Regarding this, I prefer to decompile the all.spawn & check it before the split step. When I decompile the all.spawn. I obtain several unknown way in way__level_unknow.ltx. All of them have a wrong game_vertex and level vertex. I fixed some of this way points by updating the way_prefixes.ini. But few of them are still here & unknow (I don't find them in custom data logic, gulag or script) Why are they not recognize by the tool? How fix them? Thanks you in advance and happy new year
  10. Hi guys! I originally played shadow of chernobyl a long time ago (I think it was correct when it came out) and not very long, because I was too young to understand the complexity and subtleties of the game. all of a sudden I had the urge to return to the show. my question for you guys is what mods do you recommend? I'm looking for a complete sandbox, playing in my own way, like what name of chernobyl or anomaly suggests (I need a recom speed test mendation which b one to c showbox hoose). I'm also looking for new and better weapons and sounds, realistic weapon damage, more clothing and gear. something that will potentially fix the usual AI crap. modernization of graphics. If you guys could give me some advice and also explain why I should choose “call of chernobyl” or “anomaly”, I would appreciate it!
  11. The plot in Call of Chernobyl you have to come up with yourself. Your own story, come up with events, a goal. You can stage a zombie, joining another group, and so on. Call of Chernobyl is a mod where you have to invent your own story
  12. I am a modest Frenchman translating the changes presented here, all of which have helped me a lot. I choose the creator and the animators of this forum To all bravo, thank you 🎆 happy new year 🎇
  13. hardplayer22 Oh man, I'm sorry to hear that. I hope you are safe! No need to rush then, we will wait for finished product. I wish you all the best!
  14. Ну если ты не понимаешь сути - зачем писать подобные глупости? Ну зашёл бы в дискорд разработчика, полистал бы каналы за последний месяц, пошевелил бы мозгами - или "чукча не читатель, чукча писатель"(с) ? Суть проекта - инструментарий, который позволяет портировать полностью, почти на автомате, все ресурсы и функционал из сталкера - в редактор UE - в РЕДАКТОР - do you understand? - А этот билд - это уже, как результат после переноса - билд из под редактора UE, сделано ещё не полноценно, т.к. инструмент ещё не доделан, это лишь демонстрация - демка, на дебаг конфигурации. Сам редактор UE будет выполнять роль "сталкерского СДК" - но уже как редактор UE со всеми вытекающими... Можно портировать сталкер в редактор UE - и потом уже делать с ним что хочешь - в рамках UE - ограничения - только лишь фантазия и умения человека... Т.е. тут перспектив гораздо больше, чем было когда слили исходники движка сталкер..
  15. This is an amazing mod. However, I was never able to complete this due to the memory issues that develops, the farther you get into the mod.
  16. gibe I understand that you have a STEAM version with French localization? And in the file gamedata/configs/localization: [string_table] language = fra font_prefix = _west ;_cent ;_west This is a very strange solution, does it really work correctly? In any case, try replacing the file gamedata\configs\gameplay\character_desc_general.xml to an identical modification file. Save your file before that! Start a new game. If the error persists, please let me know. Happy New Year and good luck!
  17. denis2000 I modify the time of the translation in windows_1252 so that the accents are taken into account then I save in the original encoding. In the file "gamedta/configs/localization" the line font_prefix is modified as follows: _west ;_cent ;_west so that in the game the French files are read correctly. It's the first time I have this kind of "bug" either for modifications translated by players or by me. Translation => https://disk.yandex.com/d/H7OoN0so95aloA I'm starting from the beginning with a new game (not the S.L repack). Thank you again for your concern about this problem. Happy holidays Friendly
  18. gibe Hello. Unlikely. You have not edited the file character_desc_general.xml. Or am I wrong? Upload all files: character_desc_***.xml The error is related to the NPC sim_default_bandit_0. He can't play the sound, because sound_path: nil (according to the logfile). There is an incomprehensible fact in the log file: NPC sim_default_bandit_0 with ID=4535 play the sound characters_voice\human_03\bandit\states\idle\idle_16, but this NPC is not assigned this sound... This is strange.
  19. gibe Probably an error in the files: character_desc_***.xml. At the moment of error, you are fighting with a non-player character or a non-game character was wounded? In this case, there is an error in the description of this character in the specified file. Pay attention to the tag: <snd_config>****</snd_config>
  20. Thank you so much! I still can't get notepad++ or Beyond Compare to work properly to find the errors. the "scripts" and "UI" files are the most difficult to translate because of the tags
  21. gibe Probably xr_effects.script. If you find it difficult to find the reason. Save the game five to ten seconds before the crash. And upload the save file here.
  22. Patch 1.1 + Hotfix 2 (22. 8. 2022): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GJqjq3qcvsuXrZHUh6Fyx76Jnqi85KlV/view?usp=sharing !!! Новая игра обязательна !!! ##Changelog 1.09a -> 1.1 `### New features - Added new CoP-style inventory with quickslots and item filtering. - Added full CoP detectors (with the ability to hold items in other hand). - Replaced all hand models with T.H.A.P. REWORK 2.1. - Added 5 different knives. - Thick skinned mutants now require a knife suitable for harvesting their parts. - Knife condition now degrades with use and knives in very low condition can break similarly to guns. - Added knife sharpening/repair kits. - Hunters now also act as guides - they can take you to different locations (depending on game progress) for a fee. - Added multiple quicksave slots. - Fixed up and incorporated the Glock 17 into the game. - Added jump land sound. - NPCs can now have various sights equipped on their weapons. - Fixed up and incorporated unused uniqe/alternative weapon variants into the game. ### Changes - Updated OGSR engine to 2.1.386. - Reduced hit impulse for all ammo (resulting in less ragdoll flying). - Minor changes to weapon balance. - Slight changes in NPC loadouts, generic quest rewards and stash contents. - Raindrops on camera now appear only if the player is wearing a mask. - Changed Cysta exoskeleton visual. - Changed cat attack sound. - Changed AS VAL and VSS Vintorez shooting sounds. - Changed Agroprom and X-18 quest reward. - Improved reward for finding all of the Seekers. - Nerfed the "Flower" artifact. - Changed rain sound. - Decreased the price of all sights.` Ссылка взята с дискорда радиофобии Дополнено 1 минуту спустя Немного подправил русификатор, попробуйте) Русификатор текста Radiophobia 3 ver1.1 https://disk.yandex.ru/d/wlusz9fsKXf3bw Русификатор Radiophobia 3 ver.1.1.zip Дополнено 32 минуты спустя Чтобы не мучиться с распаковкой оригинальной игры Русификатор звука Radiophobia 3 https://disk.yandex.ru/d/-yCi3z_f3K0S2Q
  23. @RayTwittyDid you know you can go early to Dead City from Yantar and wonder the level without the bandits and mercs attacking the player? What's even funnier is that if you go to the merc base, open the cell on the second floor and go inside, one of the mercs will close it and will get me stuck in there forever ?
  24. gibe You made syntax errors in the file xr_effects.script. Be careful with the symbol " . Do not skip and do not put an extra one. Good luck! https://disk.yandex.ru/d/NWf5_TK2_QNGEg