AziatkaVictor 3 994 Опубликовано 1 июля, 2020 Разработчик: GSC Game WorldВерсия: 0.4 (SoC) от 14 мая 2007 года Спойлер Изначально выпущен для поддержки маппинга к мультиплееру игры, в связи с чем не содержит компилятора xrAI, необходимого для сборки уровней к одиночной игре. Однако, за исключением отсутствия xrAI, это тот же инструментарий, что использовался для разработки ТЧ. Функциональность входящих в него программ не урезана. Позволяет работать с уровнями (LE), импортом и настройкой моделей (AE), шейдерами (SE) и библиотекой партикл-эффектов (PE), а также рядом более мелких областей. Стандарт де-факто для разработки крупных модов. Позволяет работать под ЧН и ЗП при использовании сторонних версий xrAI. Спойлер Level Editor Actor Editor Shader Editor Particle Editor xrLC xrDO Также включает: Плагины для экспорта из Maya 8 и 8.5 в формат *.object Скрипты для Maya Туториалы по основам работы (20) на английском языке Спойлер Патч от Neo][ и Haron v0.1 от 17 мая 2007 года: Исправлен баг со свойствами spawn element, где открывалось окно выбора LightAnims вместо визуала. v0.2i (внутренняя тестовая версия): Исправлен баг с отображением detail objects (травы в Level Editor) Исправлено отсутствие демо-объектов в Shader Editor Обновлен ряд библиотек: Bugtrap.dll (до версии 1.2.2654.37769) cc3260mt.dll (до версии Borlndmm.dll (до версии FreeImage.dll (до LWO.dll (поддерживается LightWave 7.x+) v0.3 от 16 февраля 2009 года: Исправлена неработоспособность Actor Editor Исправлен ряд проблем с совместимостью v0.4 от 4 ноября 2009 года: Восстановлены опции xrLC Патчи от K.D Отключена оптимизация мешей скелетных моделей при экспорте в *.ogf (аналогично HQ Geometry в AE X-Ray SDK CoP). Скриншоты: Исправление вылета при построении уровня на стадии Merge LOD textures. Ошибка возникала из-за большого количества лод-объектов на локации (>128). Они просто не вмещались на текстуру 2048х2048. Теперь текстура будет увеличена до нужных размеров и соответственно лодов можно будет ставить намного больше. Исправлено отсутствие окошка выбора файлов при добавлении анимаций на Windows Vista/7 и выше. Должны заработать и другие проблемные окошки. Внимание! Actor Editor должен запускаться с исправлением ACT на XPFileDialog. Патч от Real Wolf Снято ограничение по добавлению большого количества моделей на сцену за один раз (через Multiple Append и т.п.). В оригинале было максимально 32 модели. Спойлер Скачайте по одной из доступных ссылок: X-Ray SDK SoC, а также патчи. Запустите файл инсталлятора "xray-sdk-setup-v0.4", и установите SDK в удобную для вас директорию. ВНИМАНИЕ! Путь к директории не должен содержать пробелов, иначе при работе с SDK будет происходить вылет. Запустите *.exe-файл инсталлятора патча от Neo][ и Haron, и установите его в корневую директорию X-Ray SDK SoC. Установите X-Ray AI Compiler SoC. Файл xrECoreB.dll из первого патча от K.D., переместите с заменой в директорию: "X-Ray_SDK_SoC/level_editor/bins" Файл LevelEditor.exe из второго патча от K.D., переместите с заменой в директорию: "X-Ray_SDK_SoC/level_editor/bins" Файл xrCoreB.dll из третьего патча от K.D., переместите с заменой в директорию: "X-Ray_SDK_SoC/level_editor/bins" Файл xrEPropsB.dll из патча от Real Wolf, переместите с заменой в директорию: "X-Ray_SDK_SoC/level_editor/bins" Распакуйте игровые архивы ТЧ и переместите полученную папку gamedata с заменой в директорию "X-Ray_SDK_SoC/level_editor." Если ваша версия Windows выше XP, обязательно устраните несовместимость X-Ray SDK SoC с Windows или установите современную совместимую версию X-Ray SDK SoC 2014 Edition. Спойлер X-Ray SDK SoC: Официальный источник: (нерабочая ссылка) | ЯндексДиск Версия fixed от 22.06.20: ЯндексДиск | GoogleDrive Для работы нужны rawdata и gamedata Версия fixed от 06.08.21: GoogleDrive Для работы нужны rawdata и gamedata Rawdata и Gamedata: GoogleDrive Патчи: Патч от Neo][ и Haron Патч #1 от K.D Патч #2 от K.D (битая ссылка) Патч #3 от K.D Патч от Real Wolf (битая ссылка) В теме можно задавать любые вопросы, так или иначе связанные с СДК, но вопросы, которые его не касаются, следует писать в специальных для этого темах у нас на форуме, заранее спасибо! 6 Как оформить тему Правила форума Вопросы по сайту Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Yara 125 Опубликовано 26 ноября, 2023 1 час назад, tau сказал: пишет "Processing level grahps" и сразу закрывается Нужно выкладывать xrai_username, что в папке logs. И батник для компила game.graph: xrAI.exe -m Перечисление уровней тут не работает, они берутся из game_levels.ltx. Если какой-то не имеет ии-сетки/графов (xrAI.exe -g level_name), то он в game.graph не добавляется (всё это пишется в лог). 1 Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Ostrov igr lego 235 Опубликовано 26 ноября, 2023 Тут проблема такая, при билде любого оригинального уровня, мне выдает огромную ошибку что нету семьдисят текстур lod_левел_01 .... lod_левел_70 как это исправить? Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
macron 1 092 Опубликовано 26 ноября, 2023 (изменено) Ostrov igr lego если уровень ранее декомпилил конвертером, надо было добавлять параметр -with_lods. Изменено 26 ноября, 2023 пользователем macron 1 Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Ostrov igr lego 235 Опубликовано 26 ноября, 2023 2 минуты назад, macron сказал: Ostrov igr lego если уровень ранее декомпилил конвертером, надо было добавлять параметр -with_lods. я компилил с -with_lods Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
macron 1 092 Опубликовано 26 ноября, 2023 32 минуты назад, Ostrov igr lego сказал: я компилил с -with_lods Компилил или декомпилил? Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Ostrov igr lego 235 Опубликовано 26 ноября, 2023 macron декомпил Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
macron 1 092 Опубликовано 26 ноября, 2023 (изменено) Ostrov igr lego тогда при декомпиляции все нужные текстуры должны были появиться в gamedata\textures\lod Изменено 26 ноября, 2023 пользователем macron 1 Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Ostrov igr lego 235 Опубликовано 26 ноября, 2023 macron ааааааа я тупой, я компилил через другую папку сдк и текстуры в другой папке Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
imcrazyhoudini 1 160 Опубликовано 26 ноября, 2023 Чем фиксить такое: ERROR: Invalid breakable object: 'physics\decor\kozel_01' 1 Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
tau 4 Опубликовано 28 ноября, 2023 В 26.11.2023 в 15:30, Yara сказал: Нужно выкладывать xrai_username, что в папке logs. И батник для компила game.graph: xrAI.exe -m Перечисление уровней тут не работает, они берутся из game_levels.ltx. Если какой-то не имеет ии-сетки/графов (xrAI.exe -g level_name), то он в game.graph не добавляется (всё это пишется в лог). Спойлер * Detected CPU: AuthenticAMD , F15/M8/S2, 3693.00 mhz, 32-clk 'rdtsc' * CPU Features: RDTSC, MMX, SSE, SSE2 Initializing File System... using fs-ltx fsgame.ltx FS: 38981 files cached, 5710Kb memory used. Init FileSystem 0.841084 sec 'xrCore' build 0, (null) CRT heap 0x04460000 Process heap 0x00cf0000 Loading DLL: xrSE_Factory.dll 'xrCore' build 0, (null) CRT heap 0x04460000 Process heap 0x00cf0000 "LevelBuilder v4.1" beta build Compilation date: Mar 27 2010 Startup time: 15:09:17 * New phase started: Processing level graphs ! There is no cross table for the level l03_agroprom! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no cross table for the level l03u_agr_underground! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no cross table for the level l04_darkvalley! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no cross table for the level l04u_labx18! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no cross table for the level l05_bar! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no cross table for the level l06_rostok! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no cross table for the level l08_yantar! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no cross table for the level l08u_brainlab! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no ai-map for the level monster_tests! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no ai-map for the level jim_agro! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no ai-map for the level stohe_selo! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no ai-map for the level ai_test! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no ai-map for the level ai_test2! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no ai-map for the level jim_dark! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no ai-map for the level chugai_test! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no ai-map for the level $debug$\y_selo! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no ai-map for the level slipch_al_test! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no ai-map for the level slipch_al_test2! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no cross table for the level l07_military! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no ai-map for the level krondor_selo! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no ai-map for the level zmey_selo2! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no ai-map for the level zmey_test2! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no ai-map for the level slipch_lab! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no ai-map for the level slipch_selo! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no ai-map for the level chugai_ai_test! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no ai-map for the level ivan_test! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no ai-map for the level l01_escape_ph_test! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no ai-map for the level l02_garbage_ai! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no ai-map for the level l03u_agroprom_ai! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no ai-map for the level l04u_labx18_proba! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no ai-map for the level l07_military_proba! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no cross table for the level l10_radar! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no ai-map for the level l17_radar_underground_ai! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no ai-map for the level l12_stancia_2ch_proba! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no ai-map for the level l12_stancia_1ch_proba! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no ai-map for the level l18_pripyat_ai! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no ai-map for the level selo2! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no cross table for the level l11_pripyat! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no ai-map for the level vovan_test! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no ai-map for the level l04u_labx18_oles! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no ai-map for the level l04u_labx18_test! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no ai-map for the level k01_darkscape_ct! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no ai-map for the level l24_sarcofag_mental! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no ai-map for the level chugai_test1! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no ai-map for the level chugai_test2! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no ai-map for the level selo3! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no cross table for the level l12_stancia! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no ai-map for the level wik_selo! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no ai-map for the level l08u_brainlab_ai! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no ai-map for the level l04_darkvalley_ai! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no ai-map for the level agro_under! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no ai-map for the level l23_soznanie_ai! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no ai-map for the level doc_test! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no ai-map for the level plecha_selo! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no ai-map for the level l04_darkvalley_ct! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no ai-map for the level ai_test_new! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no cross table for the level l12u_sarcofag! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no ai-map for the level stason_test! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no ai-map for the level bar_arena! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no ai-map for the level koan_test! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no ai-map for the level l07_military_test! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no ai-map for the level haron_selo_towers! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no ai-map for the level l17_radar_underground_r! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no ai-map for the level l06_rostok_demo! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no ai-map for the level l05_bar_hw! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no ai-map for the level l03_agroprom_hw! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no ai-map for the level l03u_agr_underground_hw! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no cross table for the level l12u_control_monolith! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no cross table for the level l12_stancia_2! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no cross table for the level l10u_bunker! (level is not included into the game graph) level 1 rostok Script debugger succesfully restarted. * loading script _G.script * loading script class_registrator.script * loading script smart_terrain.script * loading script se_respawn.script * loading script se_switcher.script * loading script se_stalker.script * loading script se_car.script * loading script se_zones.script * loading script se_item.script * loading script se_artefact.script * loading script se_monster.script * loading script game_registrator.script level 2 tyman FATAL ERROR [error]Expression : l_tpCrossTable->header().game_guid() == m_tpGraph->header().guid() [error]Function : CLevelGameGraph::CLevelGameGraph [error]File : .\xr_graph_merge.cpp [error]Line : 129 [error]Description : cross table doesn't correspond to the graph, rebuild graph! stack trace: 0023:1003DF69 xrCore.dll, EFS_Utils::EFS_Utils() 0023:00488068 xrAI.exe, std::_Init_locks::operator=() 0023:00488000 xrAI.exe, std::_Init_locks::operator=() Спойлер @start bins\compiler_ai\xrAI.exe -m level07,level01,level02 Спойлер [levels] level01 level02 level03 level04 level05 level06 level07 level08 level09 level10 level11 ; level12 level13 level14 level15 level16 level17 ; level18 level19 level20 ; level21 level100 level101 level102 level103 level104 level105 level106 level107 level108 level109 level110 level111 level112 level113 level114 level115 level116 level117 level118 ; level119 level120 ; level121 level122 ; level125 ; level126 ; level127 level128 ; level129 level130 ; level131 level132 ; level133 ; level134 level135 ; level136 level137 level139 level140 ; level141 level142 level143 level145 level146 level147 level148 level149 ; level150 level151 level152 level153 level154 level155 level156 level157 level158 level159 level160 level161 level162 level163 level164 level165 level166 ; for Hardware testing level167 level168 level169 [level01] name = rostok caption = "rostok" offset = 3000.0, 1000.0, 0.0 id = 01 [level02] name = tyman caption = "tyman" offset = 3000.0, 1000.0, 0.0 id = 02 [level03] name = L03_Agroprom caption = "L03_Agroprom" offset = 2000.0, 1000.0, 1000.0 id = 03 [level04] name = l03u_agr_underground caption = "l03u_agr_underground" offset = 2000.0, 800.0, 1000.0 id = 04 [level05] name = l04_darkvalley caption = "l04_darkvalley" offset = 4000.0, 1000.0, 1000.0 id = 05 [level06] name = l04u_LabX18 caption = "l04u_LabX18" offset = 4000.0, 800.0, 1000.0 id = 06 [level07] name = L05_Bar caption = "L05_Bar" offset = 3000.0, 1000.0, 2000.0 id = 07 [level08] name = L06_rostok caption = "L06_rostok" offset = 2000.0, 1000.0, 2000.0 id = 08 [level09] name = l08_yantar caption = "l08_yantar" offset = 1000.0, 1000.0, 2000.0 id = 09 [level10] name = l08u_brainlab caption = "l08u_brainlab" offset = 1000.0, 800.0, 2000.0 id = 10 [level11] name = L07_Military caption = "L07_Military" offset = 3000.0, 1000.0, 3000.0 id = 11 [level12] name = L09_Deadcity caption = "L09_Deadcity" offset = 1000.0, 1000.0, 3000.0 id = 12 [level13] name = l10_radar caption = "l10_radar" offset = 3000.0, 1000.0, 4000.0 id = 13 [level14] name = L11_Pripyat caption = "L11_Pripyat" offset = 3000.0, 1000.0, 5000.0 id = 14 [level15] name = L12_Stancia caption = "L12_Stancia" offset = 2000.0, 1000.0, 8000.0 id = 15 [level16] name = L12U_Sarcofag caption = "L12U_Sarcofag" offset = 2000.0, 1200.0, 8000.0 id = 16 [level17] name = l12u_control_monolith caption = "l12u_control_monolith" offset = 2000.0, 1400.0, 8000.0 id = 17 [level18] name = k01_darkscape caption = "k01_darkscape" offset = 4000.0, 1000.0, 0.0 id = 18 [level19] name = L12_Stancia_2 caption = "L12_Stancia_2" offset = 2000.0, 1000.0, 9000.0 id = 19 [level20] name = l10u_bunker caption = "l10u_bunker" offset = 3000.0, 800.0, 4000.0 id = 20 [level21] name = l23_final_battle caption = "l23_final_battle" offset = 2000.0, 800.0, 9000.0 id = 21 [level100] name = monster_tests caption = "monster_tests" offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0 id = 100 [level101] name = jim_agro caption = "jim_agro" offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0 id = 101 [level102] name = stohe_selo caption = "stohe_selo" offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0 weathers = stancia id = 102 [level103] name = ai_test caption = "ai_test" offset = -1000.0, 0.0, -1000.0 id = 103 [level104] name = ai_test2 caption = "ai_test2" offset = -1000.0, 0.0, -1500.0 id = 104 [level105] name = jim_dark caption = "jim_dark" offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0 id = 105 [level106] name = chugai_test caption = "chugai_test" offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0 id = 106 [level107] name = $debug$\y_selo caption = "$debug$\y_selo" offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0 id = 107 [level108] name = slipch_al_test caption = "slipch_al_test" offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0 id = 108 [level109] name = slipch_al_test2 caption = "slipch_al_test2" offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0 id = 109 [level110] name = krondor_selo caption = "krondor_selo" offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0 id = 110 [level111] name = zmey_selo2 caption = "zmey_selo2" offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0 id = 111 [level112] name = zmey_test2 caption = "zmey_test2" offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0 id = 112 [level113] name = slipch_lab caption = "slipch_lab" offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0 id = 113 [level114] name = slipch_selo caption = "slipch_selo" offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0 id = 114 [level115] name = chugai_ai_test caption = "chugai_ai_test" offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0 id = 115 [level116] name = ivan_test caption = "ivan_test" offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0 id = 116 [level117] name = l01_escape_ph_test caption = "l01_escape_ph_test" offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0 id = 117 [level118] name = l02_garbage_ai caption = "l02_garbage_ai" offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0 id = 118 [level119] name = l03_agroprom_ai caption = "l03_agroprom_ai" offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0 id = 119 [level120] name = l03u_agroprom_ai caption = "l03u_agroprom_ai" offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0 id = 120 [level121] name = l04u_LabX18_ai caption = "l04u_LabX18_ai" offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0 id = 121 [level122] name = l04u_labx18_proba caption = "l04u_labx18_proba" offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0 id = 122 [level125] name = l05_rostok_ai caption = "l05_rostok_ai" offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0 id = 125 [level126] name = L05_Rostok caption = "L05_Rostok" offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0 id = 126 [level127] name = l05_bar_ai caption = "l05_bar_ai" offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0 id = 127 [level128] name = L07_Military_proba caption = "L07_Military_proba" offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0 id = 128 [level129] name = l08_yantar_ai caption = "l08_yantar_ai" offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0 id = 129 [level130] name = l17_radar_underground_ai caption = "l17_radar_underground_ai" offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0 id = 130 [level131] name = l10_radar_ai caption = "l10_radar_ai" offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0 id = 131 [level132] name = l12_stancia_2ch_proba caption = "l12_stancia_2ch_proba" offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0 id = 132 [level133] name = l12u_sarcofag_ai caption = "l12u_sarcofag_ai" offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0 id = 133 [level134] name = l12u_control_monolith_ai caption = "l12u_control_monolith_ai" offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0 id = 134 [level135] name = l12_stancia_1ch_proba caption = "l12_stancia_1ch_proba" offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0 id = 135 [level136] name = k01_darkscape_r caption = "k01_darkscape_r" offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0 id = 136 [level137] name = l18_pripyat_ai caption = "l18_pripyat_ai" offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0 id = 137 [level139] name = selo2 caption = "selo2" offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0 id = 139 [level140] name = vovan_test caption = "vovan_test" offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0 id = 140 [level141] name = l03u_agr_underground_oles caption = "l03u_agr_underground_oles" offset = 4000.0, 800.0, 1000.0 id = 141 [level142] name = l04u_LabX18_oles caption = "l04u_LabX18_oles" offset = 4000.0, 800.0, 1000.0 id = 142 [level143] name = l04u_labx18_test caption = "l04u_labx18_test offset = 4000.0, 800.0, 1000.0 id = 143 [level145] name = k01_darkscape_ct caption = "k01_darkscape_ct" offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0 id = 145 [level146] name = l24_sarcofag_mental caption = "l24_sarcofag_mental" offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0 id = 146 [level147] name = chugai_test1 caption = "chugai_test1" offset = -700.0, 0.0, -1500.0 id = 147 [level148] name = chugai_test2 caption = "chugai_test2" offset = -700.0, 0.0, -1000.0 id = 148 [level149] name = selo3 caption = "selo3" offset = -500.0, 0.0, -1500.0 id = 149 [level150] name = l12_deadcity_ai caption = "l12_deadcity_ai" offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0 id = 150 [level151] name = wik_selo caption = "wik_selo" offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0 id = 151 [level152] name = l08u_brainlab_ai caption = "l08u_brainlab_ai" offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0 id = 152 [level153] name = l04_darkvalley_ai caption = "l04_darkvalley_ai" offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0 id = 153 [level154] name = agro_under caption = "agro_under" offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0 id = 154 [level155] name = l23_soznanie_ai caption = "l23_soznanie_ai" offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0 id = 155 [level156] name = doc_test caption = "doc_test" offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0 id = 156 [level157] name = plecha_selo caption = "plecha_selo" offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0 id = 157 [level158] name = l04_darkvalley_ct caption = "l04_darkvalley_ct" offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0 id = 158 [level159] name = ai_test_new caption = "ai_test_new" offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0 id = 159 [level160] name = stason_test caption = "stason_test" offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0 id = 160 [level161] name = bar_arena caption = "bar_arena" offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0 id = 161 [level162] name = koan_test caption = "koan_test" offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0 id = 162 [level163] name = L07_Military_test caption = "L07_Military_test" offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0 id = 163 [level164] name = haron_selo_towers caption = "haron_selo_towers" offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0 id = 164 [level165] name = l17_radar_underground_r caption = "l17_radar_underground_r" offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0 weathers = sarkofag id = 165 [level166] name = l06_rostok_demo caption = "l06_rostok" offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 11000.0 id = 166 [level167] name = L05_Bar_HW caption = "L05_Bar_HW" offset = 3000.0, 1000.0, 2000.0 id = 167 [level168] name = L03_Agroprom_HW caption = "L03_Agroprom_HW" offset = 2000.0, 1000.0, 1000.0 id = 168 [level169] name = l03u_agr_underground_HW caption = "l03u_agr_underground_HW" offset = 2000.0, 800.0, 1000.0 id = 169 Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Yara 125 Опубликовано 28 ноября, 2023 3 часа назад, tau сказал: level 2 tyman FATAL ERROR [error]Expression : l_tpCrossTable->header().game_guid() == m_tpGraph->header().guid() [error]Function : CLevelGameGraph::CLevelGameGraph [error]File : .\xr_graph_merge.cpp [error]Line : 129 [error]Description : cross table doesn't correspond to the graph, rebuild graph! Для каждого уровня делается: xrAI.exe -g level_name после: xrAI.exe -m 1 Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
tau 4 Опубликовано 28 ноября, 2023 20 минут назад, Yara сказал: Для каждого уровня делается: xrAI.exe -g level_name после: xrAI.exe -m сделал для каждого, та же ошибка Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Yara 125 Опубликовано 28 ноября, 2023 tau После -g level_name, можно глянуть в логе, нет ли ошибок. Без них выглядит примерно так: Спойлер * New phase started: Building level game graph level "d:\apps\sdk_soc\level_editor\gamedata\levels\ai_test1\" Loading AI map наличие ии-сетки 4017 nodes loaded Loading graph points 10 graph points loaded количество графпоинтов на уровне Building cross table Saving cross table Loading cross table Building graph Generating edges 30 edges built Checking graph connectivity Optimizing graph edges before optimization : 30 edges after optimization : 22 Saving graph 665 bytes saved Level graph is generated successfully Freeing resources | | Build succesful! Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
tau 4 Опубликовано 29 ноября, 2023 (изменено) неправильно указал название уровня подумал что тут тоже надо из game_levels.ltx Дополнено 12 минуты спустя @Yara Спасибо! Граф скомпилился остался только вопрос: как теперь заспаунить актора на уровне через LE не получается, Spawn doesn't correspond to the graph : REBUILD SPAWN! Изменено 29 ноября, 2023 пользователем tau Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Yara 125 Опубликовано 29 ноября, 2023 tau Актор спавнится также, как любой объект из вкладки Spawn, потом делаешь make game и собираешь спавн. Такая ошибка возникает, когда не все файлы (level.gct в первую очередь) из папки уровня в сдк, перекинул в игровую. Можно сразу целой папкой заменять, можно через спец. проги только изменённые файлы. 1 Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
imcrazyhoudini 1 160 Опубликовано 30 ноября, 2023 Имеется шота по-быстрее нежели compiler_smg, но не компиляторы от Скайлоудера? Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
tau 4 Опубликовано 30 ноября, 2023 В 29.11.2023 в 20:06, Yara сказал: tau Актор спавнится также, как любой объект из вкладки Spawn, потом делаешь make game и собираешь спавн. Такая ошибка возникает, когда не все файлы (level.gct в первую очередь) из папки уровня в сдк, перекинул в игровую. Можно сразу целой папкой заменять, можно через спец. проги только изменённые файлы. что-то я не вдупляю, как только открываю уровень вылетает ошибка: External exception 80000003 и больше ничего не могу сделать Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
tau 4 Опубликовано 1 декабря, 2023 (изменено) 15 часов назад, tau сказал: вылетает ошибка: External exception 80000003 ничего не могу найти по поводу проблемы Изменено 1 декабря, 2023 пользователем tau Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Yara 125 Опубликовано 1 декабря, 2023 tau Какой-то объект с ошибкой. Его тип можно узнать, посмотрев лог редактора: Loading Group... Loading Glow... Loading Scene Object... Loading Light... Loading Shape... Loading Sound Source... Loading Spawn... Loading Way... Loading Sector... Loading Portal... Loading Sound Environment... Loading Particle System... например, если после Loading Spawn... происходит вылет, проблема в спавн-объекте. Тут вариант, в папке уровня (который в rawdata) удалить spawn.part, а spawn.~part переименовать, удалив ~. У меня такая ошибка была, когда попытался открыть билдовый уровень (на это случай есть сдк 1850), или в момент сохранения уровня, отключили электру. 1 Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
tau 4 Опубликовано 1 декабря, 2023 несколько раз пробовал переконвертировать уровень в формат сдк ничего так и не изменилось Спойлер * Detected CPU: AuthenticAMD , F15/M8/S2, 3693.00 mhz, 32-clk 'rdtsc' * CPU Features: RDTSC, MMX, SSE, SSE2 Initializing File System... 'xrCore' build 0, (null) RegisterCommand: command '(null)' overridden by command '(null)'. * ImageLibrary version: 3.10.0 * 26 supported formats Starting RENDER device... * GPU [vendor:10DE]-[device:1C02]: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 3GB * GPU driver: * CREATE: DeviceREF: 1 * Vertex Processor: PURE HARDWARE * Texture memory: 4094 M * DDI-level: 9.0 * GPU shading: vs(fffe0300/3.0/30), ps(ffff0300/3.0/30) * GPU vertex cache: unrecognized, 16 * DVB created: 2048K * DIB created: 2048K count of .thm files=3 load time=402 ms D3D: initialized Starting INPUT device... DirectSound: Create device successfully. * sound: EAX 2.0 extension: absent * sound: EAX 2.0 deferred: absent * sound : cache: 32773 kb, 3805 lines, 8820 bpl Scene: initialized * DVB created: 2048K * DIB created: 2048K * GPU shading: vs(fffe0300/3.0/30), ps(ffff0300/3.0/30) * GPU vertex cache: unrecognized, 16 *** RESET [9 ms] * Loaded: gamedata\textures\ui\[16512]b Level loading... EScene: loading 'd:\stalker\xray_sdk_0.4\maps\l05_bar.level' Loading objects... Loading Group... Loading Glow... Loading Scene Object... Loading Light... Loading Shape... Loading Sound Source... Loading Spawn... Loading Way... Loading Sector... Loading Portal... Loading Sound Environment... Loading Particle System... EScene: 2404 objects loaded, 6.74 sec FATAL ERROR [error]Expression : assertion failed [error]Function : S:\sources\xrCore\xrsharedmem.cpp [error]File : S:\sources\xrCore\xrsharedmem.cpp [error]Line : 10 [error]Description : dwCRC && dwLength && ptr stack trace: FATAL ERROR [error]Expression : assertion failed [error]Function : S:\sources\xrCore\xrsharedmem.cpp [error]File : S:\sources\xrCore\xrsharedmem.cpp [error]Line : 10 [error]Description : dwCRC && dwLength && ptr stack trace: FATAL ERROR [error]Expression : assertion failed [error]Function : S:\sources\xrCore\xrsharedmem.cpp [error]File : S:\sources\xrCore\xrsharedmem.cpp [error]Line : 10 [error]Description : dwCRC && dwLength && ptr stack trace: Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Yara 125 Опубликовано 1 декабря, 2023 tau Ещё выложи converter.log, после декомпила уровня. Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
tau 4 Опубликовано 1 декабря, 2023 @Yara Спойлер log started (console and converter.log) level name: l05_bar loading level.ltx loading level.geom loading level ...visuals ...shaders/textures ...sectors ...portals ...lights ...glows loading level.cform loading level.hom loading level.details ...texture loading loading loading level.spawn ignoring trailing garbage at m_dog.ltx:287 ignoring trailing garbage at m_pseudodog.ltx:281 ignoring trailing garbage at m_poltergeist.ltx:305 loading level.wallmarks loading level.som loading level.snd_static loading level.ps_static loading level.env_mod loading loading loading gamemtl.xr scene name: l05_bar substituting shaders/textures re-indexing shaders/textures building detail_object.part saving det\det_l05_bar building sector.part selected sector #13 (of 27) as default building portal.part building scene_object.part calculating subdivisions calculating external meshes collecting subdivisions collecting external meshes splitting compacting 1763797 verts, 1470291 faces got 830387 points, 124284 normals, 323707 uvs in 0.868s cleaning geometry removed 17 duplicate faces in 0.100s removed 119187 back faces in 0.240s cleaning cform mapping 458936 CFORM verts to 830387 visual got 443563 matches matching edges/faces no edge path from 298128 (122.431000, 1.999950, 62.586292) to 298142 (122.431000, 2.022340, 61.084995) no edge path from 298142 (122.431000, 2.022340, 61.084995) to 287306 (118.931000, 0.249917, 61.104897) no edge path from 287295 (118.930901, 0.249917, 62.582420) to 298128 (122.431000, 1.999950, 62.586292) no edge path from 288660 (119.431000, 0.499915, 61.104904) to 288656 (119.431000, 0.249919, 61.105000) no edge path from 288655 (119.431000, 0.249908, 62.586300) to 288659 (119.431000, 0.499905, 62.586300) no edge path from 290820 (119.931000, 0.749915, 61.104904) to 290816 (119.931000, 0.499919, 61.105000) no edge path from 290815 (119.931000, 0.499908, 62.586300) to 290819 (119.931000, 0.749905, 62.586300) no edge path from 296709 (121.931000, 1.749910, 61.105000) to 296705 (121.931000, 1.499920, 61.105000) no edge path from 296704 (121.931000, 1.499910, 62.586300) to 296708 (121.931000, 1.749900, 62.586300) no edge path from 295765 (121.431000, 1.499910, 61.105000) to 295761 (121.431000, 1.249920, 61.105000) no edge path from 295760 (121.431000, 1.249910, 62.586300) to 295764 (121.431000, 1.499900, 62.586300) no edge path from 292253 (120.431000, 0.999915, 61.104904) to 292249 (120.431000, 0.749919, 61.105000) no edge path from 293470 (120.931000, 1.249920, 61.104904) to 293466 (120.931000, 0.999919, 61.105000) no edge path from 293465 (120.931000, 0.999908, 62.586300) to 293469 (120.931000, 1.249900, 62.586300) no edge path from 292248 (120.431000, 0.749908, 62.586300) to 292252 (120.431000, 0.999905, 62.586300) no edge path from 296717 (121.931000, 2.249970, 64.307503) to 296713 (121.931000, 1.999970, 64.307503) no edge path from 296712 (121.931000, 1.999960, 62.826195) to 296716 (121.931000, 2.249960, 62.826195) no edge path from 288677 (119.431000, 3.499960, 64.307503) to 288674 (119.431000, 3.249970, 64.307503) no edge path from 288673 (119.431000, 3.249950, 62.826195) to 288675 (119.431000, 3.499950, 62.826195) no edge path from 290828 (119.931000, 3.249960, 64.307503) to 290824 (119.931000, 2.999970, 64.307503) no edge path from 290823 (119.931000, 2.999950, 62.826195) to 290827 (119.931000, 3.249950, 62.826195) no edge path from 292261 (120.431000, 2.999960, 64.307503) to 292257 (120.431000, 2.749970, 64.307503) no edge path from 292256 (120.431000, 2.749950, 62.826195) to 292260 (120.431000, 2.999950, 62.826195) no edge path from 295773 (121.431000, 2.499970, 64.307503) to 295769 (121.431000, 2.249970, 64.307503) no edge path from 293478 (120.931000, 2.749970, 64.307503) to 293474 (120.931000, 2.499970, 64.307503) no edge path from 293473 (120.931000, 2.499960, 62.826195) to 293477 (120.931000, 2.749950, 62.826195) no edge path from 295768 (121.431000, 2.249960, 62.826195) to 295772 (121.431000, 2.499950, 62.826195) no edge path from 246111 (102.121025, 1.500020, 74.195610) to 248786 (103.712982, 1.499980, 74.195702) no edge path from 441629 (151.362000, 7.100370, 112.724007) to 441626 (151.362000, 6.850370, 112.724007) no edge path from 432714 (149.701004, 6.600370, 112.224007) to 432722 (149.701004, 6.850370, 112.224007) no edge path from 441625 (151.362000, 6.850370, 112.224007) to 441618 (151.362000, 6.600370, 112.224007) no edge path from 432708 (149.701004, 6.350370, 111.724007) to 432713 (149.701004, 6.600370, 111.724007) no edge path from 441617 (151.362000, 6.600370, 111.724007) to 441612 (151.362000, 6.350370, 111.724007) no edge path from 432702 (149.701004, 6.100370, 111.224007) to 432707 (149.701004, 6.350370, 111.224007) no edge path from 441611 (151.362000, 6.350370, 111.224007) to 441606 (151.362000, 6.100370, 111.224007) no edge path from 432696 (149.701004, 5.850370, 110.724007) to 432701 (149.701004, 6.100370, 110.724007) no edge path from 441605 (151.362000, 6.100370, 110.724007) to 441599 (151.362000, 5.850370, 110.724007) no edge path from 432689 (149.701004, 5.600370, 110.224007) to 432695 (149.701004, 5.850370, 110.224007) no edge path from 441600 (151.362000, 5.850379, 110.224007) to 441594 (151.362000, 5.600379, 110.224007) no edge path from 432684 (149.701004, 5.350379, 109.724007) to 432690 (149.701004, 5.600379, 109.724007) no edge path from 441593 (151.362000, 5.600379, 109.724007) to 441588 (151.362000, 5.350379, 109.724007) no edge path from 432678 (149.701004, 5.100380, 109.224007) to 432683 (149.701004, 5.350379, 109.224007) no edge path from 441587 (151.362000, 5.350379, 109.224007) to 441582 (151.362000, 5.100380, 109.224007) no edge path from 432721 (149.701004, 6.850360, 112.724007) to 432727 (149.701004, 7.100360, 112.724007) no edge path from 441774 (151.380997, 5.100360, 108.704002) to 441764 (151.380997, 4.850360, 108.704002) no edge path from 445494 (151.880997, 4.600370, 107.043991) to 445498 (151.880997, 4.850370, 107.043991) no edge path from 445497 (151.880997, 4.850360, 108.704002) to 445493 (151.880997, 4.600360, 108.704002) no edge path from 447979 (152.380997, 4.350370, 107.043991) to 447983 (152.380997, 4.600370, 107.043991) no edge path from 447982 (152.380997, 4.600360, 108.704002) to 447978 (152.380997, 4.350360, 108.704002) no edge path from 450165 (152.880997, 4.100370, 107.043991) to 450169 (152.880997, 4.350370, 107.043991) no edge path from 450168 (152.880997, 4.350360, 108.704002) to 450164 (152.880997, 4.100360, 108.704002) no edge path from 452152 (153.380997, 3.850370, 107.043991) to 452156 (153.380997, 4.100370, 107.043991) no edge path from 452157 (153.380997, 4.100370, 108.704002) to 452153 (153.380997, 3.850370, 108.704002) no edge path from 454487 (153.880997, 3.600370, 107.043991) to 454491 (153.880997, 3.850370, 107.043991) no edge path from 454492 (153.880997, 3.850370, 108.704002) to 454488 (153.880997, 3.600370, 108.704002) no edge path from 457120 (154.380997, 3.350380, 107.043991) to 457124 (154.380997, 3.600380, 107.043991) no edge path from 457123 (154.380997, 3.600370, 108.704002) to 457119 (154.380997, 3.350370, 108.704002) no edge path from 459337 (154.880997, 3.100380, 107.043991) to 459341 (154.880997, 3.350380, 107.043991) no edge path from 459340 (154.880997, 3.350370, 108.704002) to 459336 (154.880997, 3.100370, 108.704002) no edge path from 441765 (151.380997, 4.850370, 107.043991) to 441775 (151.380997, 5.100370, 107.043991) no edge path from 471710 (157.061005, 9.600430, 111.224007) to 471719 (157.061005, 9.850430, 111.224007) no edge path from 461927 (155.401001, 9.850430, 111.224007) to 461917 (155.401001, 9.600420, 111.224007) no edge path from 471705 (157.061005, 9.350430, 111.724007) to 471711 (157.061005, 9.600430, 111.724007) no edge path from 461918 (155.401001, 9.600420, 111.724007) to 461911 (155.401001, 9.350420, 111.724007) no edge path from 471698 (157.061005, 9.100420, 112.224007) to 471704 (157.061005, 9.350420, 112.224007) no edge path from 461912 (155.401001, 9.350420, 112.224007) to 461905 (155.401001, 9.100420, 112.224007) no edge path from 461873 (155.401001, 3.100360, 108.724007) to 461869 (155.401001, 2.850360, 108.724007) no edge path from 471656 (157.061005, 2.600360, 109.224007) to 471663 (157.061005, 2.850360, 109.224007) no edge path from 461870 (155.401001, 2.850360, 109.224007) to 461862 (155.401001, 2.600360, 109.224007) no edge path from 471650 (157.061005, 2.350360, 109.724007) to 471657 (157.061005, 2.600360, 109.724007) no edge path from 461861 (155.401001, 2.600350, 109.724007) to 461855 (155.401001, 2.350350, 109.724007) no edge path from 471645 (157.061005, 2.100360, 110.224007) to 471651 (157.061005, 2.350360, 110.224007) no edge path from 461856 (155.401001, 2.350350, 110.224007) to 461849 (155.401001, 2.100350, 110.224007) no edge path from 471638 (157.061005, 1.850350, 110.724007) to 471644 (157.061005, 2.100350, 110.724007) no edge path from 461850 (155.401001, 2.100350, 110.724007) to 461843 (155.401001, 1.850350, 110.724007) no edge path from 471632 (157.061005, 1.600350, 111.224007) to 471639 (157.061005, 1.850350, 111.224007) no edge path from 461844 (155.401001, 1.850350, 111.224007) to 461837 (155.401001, 1.600350, 111.224007) no edge path from 471626 (157.061005, 1.350350, 111.724007) to 471633 (157.061005, 1.600350, 111.724007) no edge path from 461838 (155.401001, 1.600350, 111.724007) to 461832 (155.401001, 1.350350, 111.724007) no edge path from 471621 (157.061005, 1.100350, 112.224007) to 471627 (157.061005, 1.350350, 112.224007) no edge path from 461831 (155.401001, 1.350340, 112.224007) to 461825 (155.401001, 1.100340, 112.224007) no edge path from 471662 (157.061005, 2.850360, 108.724007) to 471669 (157.061005, 3.100360, 108.724007) no edge path from 459328 (154.880997, 0.600312, 114.404007) to 459332 (154.880997, 0.850312, 114.404007) no edge path from 459333 (154.880997, 0.850319, 112.744003) to 459329 (154.880997, 0.600319, 112.744003) no edge path from 457111 (154.380997, 0.350312, 114.404007) to 457115 (154.380997, 0.600311, 114.404007) no edge path from 457116 (154.380997, 0.600318, 112.744003) to 457112 (154.380997, 0.350318, 112.744003) no edge path from 461677 (155.380997, 1.100320, 112.744003) to 461673 (155.380997, 0.850320, 112.744003) no edge path from 461672 (155.380997, 0.850313, 114.404007) to 461676 (155.380997, 1.100310, 114.404007) no edge path from 461934 (155.401001, 10.100400, 110.724007) to 461926 (155.401001, 9.850430, 110.724007) no edge path from 471718 (157.061005, 9.850430, 110.724007) to 471726 (157.061005, 10.100400, 110.724007) no edge path from 461718 (155.380997, 9.100390, 112.744003) to 461714 (155.380997, 8.850390, 112.744003) no edge path from 459344 (154.880997, 8.600380, 114.404007) to 459348 (154.880997, 8.850380, 114.404007) no edge path from 459349 (154.880997, 8.850390, 112.744003) to 459345 (154.880997, 8.600390, 112.744003) no edge path from 457127 (154.380997, 8.350380, 114.404007) to 457131 (154.380997, 8.600380, 114.404007) no edge path from 457132 (154.380997, 8.600390, 112.744003) to 457128 (154.380997, 8.350390, 112.744003) no edge path from 454495 (153.880997, 8.100380, 114.404007) to 454499 (153.880997, 8.350380, 114.404007) no edge path from 454500 (153.880997, 8.350390, 112.744003) to 454496 (153.880997, 8.100390, 112.744003) no edge path from 452160 (153.380997, 7.850379, 114.404007) to 452164 (153.380997, 8.100380, 114.404007) no edge path from 452165 (153.380997, 8.100390, 112.744003) to 452161 (153.380997, 7.850390, 112.744003) no edge path from 450172 (152.880997, 7.600379, 114.404007) to 450176 (152.880997, 7.850379, 114.404007) no edge path from 450177 (152.880997, 7.850390, 112.744003) to 450173 (152.880997, 7.600390, 112.744003) no edge path from 447987 (152.380997, 7.350379, 114.404007) to 447991 (152.380997, 7.600379, 114.404007) no edge path from 447992 (152.380997, 7.600390, 112.744003) to 447988 (152.380997, 7.350390, 112.744003) no edge path from 445502 (151.880997, 7.100379, 114.404007) to 445506 (151.880997, 7.350379, 114.404007) no edge path from 445505 (151.880997, 7.350379, 112.744003) to 445501 (151.880997, 7.100379, 112.744003) no edge path from 461713 (155.380997, 8.850380, 114.404007) to 461717 (155.380997, 9.100380, 114.404007) propagating game materials restoring fake colliders separating terrain separating models (by merged edge-linked groups) building edge-connected submeshes immediate fake/MU joins: 323 submeshes (MU): 625 submeshes (fake): 1228 submeshes (regular): 15780 reordering faces accounting submeshes creating collision models (MU) creating collision models (fake) merging fake/MU submeshes non-fake (residue) submeshes: 12 cross-merging fake submeshes assigning contact groups (fake) total groups (fake): 10 creating collision models (regular) merging submeshes (regular) contacts (with redundancy): 53522 assigning contact groups (regular) total groups (regular): 781 building regular models merging 1 orphan(s) nearest: 935 (2.51) exporting visuals materials\fake -> prop\prop_fake_kollision, def_shaders\def_vertex, def_shaders\def_kolizion materials\fake -> prop\prop_fake_kollision, def_shaders\def_vertex, def_shaders\def_kolizion materials\fake -> prop\prop_fake_kollision, def_shaders\def_vertex, def_shaders\def_kolizion no invisible collider preset for game material materials\metal materials\bush -> trees\trees_fuflo, def_shaders\def_trans, flora\flora_collision materials\tree_trunk -> trees\trees_bark_a_01, def_shaders\def_trans, flora\flora_collision materials\bush -> trees\trees_fuflo, def_shaders\def_trans, flora\flora_collision materials\tree_trunk -> trees\trees_bark_a_01, def_shaders\def_trans, flora\flora_collision materials\bush -> trees\trees_fuflo, def_shaders\def_trans, flora\flora_collision materials\tree_trunk -> trees\trees_bark_a_01, def_shaders\def_trans, flora\flora_collision materials\bush -> trees\trees_fuflo, def_shaders\def_trans, flora\flora_collision materials\bush -> trees\trees_fuflo, def_shaders\def_trans, flora\flora_collision materials\bush -> trees\trees_fuflo, def_shaders\def_trans, flora\flora_collision materials\bush -> trees\trees_fuflo, def_shaders\def_trans, flora\flora_collision materials\bush -> trees\trees_fuflo, def_shaders\def_trans, flora\flora_collision materials\bush -> trees\trees_fuflo, def_shaders\def_trans, flora\flora_collision materials\bush -> trees\trees_fuflo, def_shaders\def_trans, flora\flora_collision materials\tree_trunk -> trees\trees_bark_a_01, def_shaders\def_trans, flora\flora_collision materials\bush -> trees\trees_fuflo, def_shaders\def_trans, flora\flora_collision materials\bush -> trees\trees_fuflo, def_shaders\def_trans, flora\flora_collision materials\bush -> trees\trees_fuflo, def_shaders\def_trans, flora\flora_collision materials\tree_trunk -> trees\trees_bark_a_01, def_shaders\def_trans, flora\flora_collision materials\bush -> trees\trees_fuflo, def_shaders\def_trans, flora\flora_collision materials\tree_trunk -> trees\trees_bark_a_01, def_shaders\def_trans, flora\flora_collision materials\bush -> trees\trees_fuflo, def_shaders\def_trans, flora\flora_collision materials\bush -> trees\trees_fuflo, def_shaders\def_trans, flora\flora_collision materials\bush -> trees\trees_fuflo, def_shaders\def_trans, flora\flora_collision materials\tree_trunk -> trees\trees_bark_a_01, def_shaders\def_trans, flora\flora_collision materials\bush -> trees\trees_fuflo, def_shaders\def_trans, flora\flora_collision materials\tree_trunk -> trees\trees_bark_a_01, def_shaders\def_trans, flora\flora_collision materials\bush -> trees\trees_fuflo, def_shaders\def_trans, flora\flora_collision materials\tree_trunk -> trees\trees_bark_a_01, def_shaders\def_trans, flora\flora_collision materials\bush -> trees\trees_fuflo, def_shaders\def_trans, flora\flora_collision materials\tree_trunk -> trees\trees_bark_a_01, def_shaders\def_trans, flora\flora_collision materials\bush -> trees\trees_fuflo, def_shaders\def_trans, flora\flora_collision materials\bush -> trees\trees_fuflo, def_shaders\def_trans, flora\flora_collision materials\bush -> trees\trees_fuflo, def_shaders\def_trans, flora\flora_collision materials\tree_trunk -> trees\trees_bark_a_01, def_shaders\def_trans, flora\flora_collision materials\bush -> trees\trees_fuflo, def_shaders\def_trans, flora\flora_collision materials\tree_trunk -> trees\trees_bark_a_01, def_shaders\def_trans, flora\flora_collision materials\bush -> trees\trees_fuflo, def_shaders\def_trans, flora\flora_collision saving error list building HOM object building SOM object building ai_map.part found 161 (of 99539) no-return nodes building glow.part ignoring glow (duplicate) at 207.55, 3.72, 51.31 ignoring glow (duplicate) at 209.47, 2.93, 65.07 ignoring glow (duplicate) at 150.43, 3.80, 67.85 ignoring glow (duplicate) at 107.86, 1.09, 74.79 ignoring glow (duplicate) at 109.62, 2.58, 74.79 ignoring glow (duplicate) at 227.98, -1.52, 126.27 ignoring glow (duplicate) at 207.80, 2.58, 117.03 ignoring glow (duplicate) at 215.25, -0.93, 122.88 ignoring glow (duplicate) at 207.85, 1.55, 124.75 ignoring glow (duplicate) at 215.21, -1.84, 136.31 ignoring glow (duplicate) at 122.41, -0.33, 40.73 ignoring glow (duplicate) at 122.37, -1.56, 27.29 ignoring glow (duplicate) at 125.34, -1.50, 18.95 ignoring glow (duplicate) at 115.96, -0.64, 14.02 ignoring glow (duplicate) at 115.95, -0.64, 18.85 ignoring glow (duplicate) at 129.00, -0.33, 27.40 ignoring glow (duplicate) at 137.74, -0.33, 20.70 ignoring glow (duplicate) at 129.02, -0.33, 20.69 ignoring glow (duplicate) at 129.83, 3.30, 47.02 ignoring glow (duplicate) at 129.48, 2.26, 39.40 ignoring glow (duplicate) at 119.72, 0.21, 34.41 ignoring glow (duplicate) at 127.91, -1.55, 9.48 ignoring glow (duplicate) at 129.27, -2.10, 18.02 ignoring glow (duplicate) at 137.76, -0.52, 29.42 ignoring glow (duplicate) at 211.89, -0.81, 127.97 ignoring glow (duplicate) at 156.79, -12.51, 80.20 ignoring glow (duplicate) at 146.55, -12.51, 80.20 ignoring glow (duplicate) at 156.79, -12.51, 95.74 ignoring glow (duplicate) at 146.55, -12.51, 95.74 ignoring glow (duplicate) at 156.79, -12.51, 111.09 ignoring glow (duplicate) at 146.55, -12.51, 111.09 ignoring glow (duplicate) at 156.79, -12.51, 125.92 ignoring glow (duplicate) at 139.16, -10.77, 88.75 ignoring glow (duplicate) at 139.16, -10.77, 94.98 ignoring glow (duplicate) at 139.16, -10.77, 100.92 ignoring glow (duplicate) at 139.16, -10.77, 106.87 ignoring glow (duplicate) at 139.16, -10.77, 112.83 ignoring glow (duplicate) at 139.16, -10.77, 118.91 ignoring glow (duplicate) at 151.88, -17.84, 137.45 ignoring glow (duplicate) at 151.82, -17.81, 70.17 ignoring glow (duplicate) at 146.55, -12.51, 125.92 ignoring glow (duplicate) at 142.81, 2.53, 37.79 ignoring glow (duplicate) at 230.88, -1.65, 131.63 ignoring glow (duplicate) at 227.04, -2.19, 133.34 ignoring glow (duplicate) at 223.07, -1.97, 136.02 ignoring glow (duplicate) at 227.86, -2.60, 137.40 ignoring glow (duplicate) at 121.29, -1.80, 12.27 ignoring glow (duplicate) at 131.38, -1.68, 21.37 ignoring glow (duplicate) at 217.01, -1.53, 127.13 building light.part building ps.part building sound_src.part building wallmark.part building way.part (paths) building spawn.part (entities) building spawn.part ($env_mods) saving scene total time: 49.799s Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
tau 4 Опубликовано 2 декабря, 2023 ну что там... есть решение проблемы?.. Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Ostrov igr lego 235 Опубликовано 2 декабря, 2023 В 01.12.2023 в 18:33, tau сказал: @Yara Показать контент log started (console and converter.log) level name: l05_bar loading level.ltx loading level.geom loading level ...visuals ...shaders/textures ...sectors ...portals ...lights ...glows loading level.cform loading level.hom loading level.details ...texture loading loading loading level.spawn ignoring trailing garbage at m_dog.ltx:287 ignoring trailing garbage at m_pseudodog.ltx:281 ignoring trailing garbage at m_poltergeist.ltx:305 loading level.wallmarks loading level.som loading level.snd_static loading level.ps_static loading level.env_mod loading loading loading gamemtl.xr scene name: l05_bar substituting shaders/textures re-indexing shaders/textures building detail_object.part saving det\det_l05_bar building sector.part selected sector #13 (of 27) as default building portal.part building scene_object.part calculating subdivisions calculating external meshes collecting subdivisions collecting external meshes splitting compacting 1763797 verts, 1470291 faces got 830387 points, 124284 normals, 323707 uvs in 0.868s cleaning geometry removed 17 duplicate faces in 0.100s removed 119187 back faces in 0.240s cleaning cform mapping 458936 CFORM verts to 830387 visual got 443563 matches matching edges/faces no edge path from 298128 (122.431000, 1.999950, 62.586292) to 298142 (122.431000, 2.022340, 61.084995) no edge path from 298142 (122.431000, 2.022340, 61.084995) to 287306 (118.931000, 0.249917, 61.104897) no edge path from 287295 (118.930901, 0.249917, 62.582420) to 298128 (122.431000, 1.999950, 62.586292) no edge path from 288660 (119.431000, 0.499915, 61.104904) to 288656 (119.431000, 0.249919, 61.105000) no edge path from 288655 (119.431000, 0.249908, 62.586300) to 288659 (119.431000, 0.499905, 62.586300) no edge path from 290820 (119.931000, 0.749915, 61.104904) to 290816 (119.931000, 0.499919, 61.105000) no edge path from 290815 (119.931000, 0.499908, 62.586300) to 290819 (119.931000, 0.749905, 62.586300) no edge path from 296709 (121.931000, 1.749910, 61.105000) to 296705 (121.931000, 1.499920, 61.105000) no edge path from 296704 (121.931000, 1.499910, 62.586300) to 296708 (121.931000, 1.749900, 62.586300) no edge path from 295765 (121.431000, 1.499910, 61.105000) to 295761 (121.431000, 1.249920, 61.105000) no edge path from 295760 (121.431000, 1.249910, 62.586300) to 295764 (121.431000, 1.499900, 62.586300) no edge path from 292253 (120.431000, 0.999915, 61.104904) to 292249 (120.431000, 0.749919, 61.105000) no edge path from 293470 (120.931000, 1.249920, 61.104904) to 293466 (120.931000, 0.999919, 61.105000) no edge path from 293465 (120.931000, 0.999908, 62.586300) to 293469 (120.931000, 1.249900, 62.586300) no edge path from 292248 (120.431000, 0.749908, 62.586300) to 292252 (120.431000, 0.999905, 62.586300) no edge path from 296717 (121.931000, 2.249970, 64.307503) to 296713 (121.931000, 1.999970, 64.307503) no edge path from 296712 (121.931000, 1.999960, 62.826195) to 296716 (121.931000, 2.249960, 62.826195) no edge path from 288677 (119.431000, 3.499960, 64.307503) to 288674 (119.431000, 3.249970, 64.307503) no edge path from 288673 (119.431000, 3.249950, 62.826195) to 288675 (119.431000, 3.499950, 62.826195) no edge path from 290828 (119.931000, 3.249960, 64.307503) to 290824 (119.931000, 2.999970, 64.307503) no edge path from 290823 (119.931000, 2.999950, 62.826195) to 290827 (119.931000, 3.249950, 62.826195) no edge path from 292261 (120.431000, 2.999960, 64.307503) to 292257 (120.431000, 2.749970, 64.307503) no edge path from 292256 (120.431000, 2.749950, 62.826195) to 292260 (120.431000, 2.999950, 62.826195) no edge path from 295773 (121.431000, 2.499970, 64.307503) to 295769 (121.431000, 2.249970, 64.307503) no edge path from 293478 (120.931000, 2.749970, 64.307503) to 293474 (120.931000, 2.499970, 64.307503) no edge path from 293473 (120.931000, 2.499960, 62.826195) to 293477 (120.931000, 2.749950, 62.826195) no edge path from 295768 (121.431000, 2.249960, 62.826195) to 295772 (121.431000, 2.499950, 62.826195) no edge path from 246111 (102.121025, 1.500020, 74.195610) to 248786 (103.712982, 1.499980, 74.195702) no edge path from 441629 (151.362000, 7.100370, 112.724007) to 441626 (151.362000, 6.850370, 112.724007) no edge path from 432714 (149.701004, 6.600370, 112.224007) to 432722 (149.701004, 6.850370, 112.224007) no edge path from 441625 (151.362000, 6.850370, 112.224007) to 441618 (151.362000, 6.600370, 112.224007) no edge path from 432708 (149.701004, 6.350370, 111.724007) to 432713 (149.701004, 6.600370, 111.724007) no edge path from 441617 (151.362000, 6.600370, 111.724007) to 441612 (151.362000, 6.350370, 111.724007) no edge path from 432702 (149.701004, 6.100370, 111.224007) to 432707 (149.701004, 6.350370, 111.224007) no edge path from 441611 (151.362000, 6.350370, 111.224007) to 441606 (151.362000, 6.100370, 111.224007) no edge path from 432696 (149.701004, 5.850370, 110.724007) to 432701 (149.701004, 6.100370, 110.724007) no edge path from 441605 (151.362000, 6.100370, 110.724007) to 441599 (151.362000, 5.850370, 110.724007) no edge path from 432689 (149.701004, 5.600370, 110.224007) to 432695 (149.701004, 5.850370, 110.224007) no edge path from 441600 (151.362000, 5.850379, 110.224007) to 441594 (151.362000, 5.600379, 110.224007) no edge path from 432684 (149.701004, 5.350379, 109.724007) to 432690 (149.701004, 5.600379, 109.724007) no edge path from 441593 (151.362000, 5.600379, 109.724007) to 441588 (151.362000, 5.350379, 109.724007) no edge path from 432678 (149.701004, 5.100380, 109.224007) to 432683 (149.701004, 5.350379, 109.224007) no edge path from 441587 (151.362000, 5.350379, 109.224007) to 441582 (151.362000, 5.100380, 109.224007) no edge path from 432721 (149.701004, 6.850360, 112.724007) to 432727 (149.701004, 7.100360, 112.724007) no edge path from 441774 (151.380997, 5.100360, 108.704002) to 441764 (151.380997, 4.850360, 108.704002) no edge path from 445494 (151.880997, 4.600370, 107.043991) to 445498 (151.880997, 4.850370, 107.043991) no edge path from 445497 (151.880997, 4.850360, 108.704002) to 445493 (151.880997, 4.600360, 108.704002) no edge path from 447979 (152.380997, 4.350370, 107.043991) to 447983 (152.380997, 4.600370, 107.043991) no edge path from 447982 (152.380997, 4.600360, 108.704002) to 447978 (152.380997, 4.350360, 108.704002) no edge path from 450165 (152.880997, 4.100370, 107.043991) to 450169 (152.880997, 4.350370, 107.043991) no edge path from 450168 (152.880997, 4.350360, 108.704002) to 450164 (152.880997, 4.100360, 108.704002) no edge path from 452152 (153.380997, 3.850370, 107.043991) to 452156 (153.380997, 4.100370, 107.043991) no edge path from 452157 (153.380997, 4.100370, 108.704002) to 452153 (153.380997, 3.850370, 108.704002) no edge path from 454487 (153.880997, 3.600370, 107.043991) to 454491 (153.880997, 3.850370, 107.043991) no edge path from 454492 (153.880997, 3.850370, 108.704002) to 454488 (153.880997, 3.600370, 108.704002) no edge path from 457120 (154.380997, 3.350380, 107.043991) to 457124 (154.380997, 3.600380, 107.043991) no edge path from 457123 (154.380997, 3.600370, 108.704002) to 457119 (154.380997, 3.350370, 108.704002) no edge path from 459337 (154.880997, 3.100380, 107.043991) to 459341 (154.880997, 3.350380, 107.043991) no edge path from 459340 (154.880997, 3.350370, 108.704002) to 459336 (154.880997, 3.100370, 108.704002) no edge path from 441765 (151.380997, 4.850370, 107.043991) to 441775 (151.380997, 5.100370, 107.043991) no edge path from 471710 (157.061005, 9.600430, 111.224007) to 471719 (157.061005, 9.850430, 111.224007) no edge path from 461927 (155.401001, 9.850430, 111.224007) to 461917 (155.401001, 9.600420, 111.224007) no edge path from 471705 (157.061005, 9.350430, 111.724007) to 471711 (157.061005, 9.600430, 111.724007) no edge path from 461918 (155.401001, 9.600420, 111.724007) to 461911 (155.401001, 9.350420, 111.724007) no edge path from 471698 (157.061005, 9.100420, 112.224007) to 471704 (157.061005, 9.350420, 112.224007) no edge path from 461912 (155.401001, 9.350420, 112.224007) to 461905 (155.401001, 9.100420, 112.224007) no edge path from 461873 (155.401001, 3.100360, 108.724007) to 461869 (155.401001, 2.850360, 108.724007) no edge path from 471656 (157.061005, 2.600360, 109.224007) to 471663 (157.061005, 2.850360, 109.224007) no edge path from 461870 (155.401001, 2.850360, 109.224007) to 461862 (155.401001, 2.600360, 109.224007) no edge path from 471650 (157.061005, 2.350360, 109.724007) to 471657 (157.061005, 2.600360, 109.724007) no edge path from 461861 (155.401001, 2.600350, 109.724007) to 461855 (155.401001, 2.350350, 109.724007) no edge path from 471645 (157.061005, 2.100360, 110.224007) to 471651 (157.061005, 2.350360, 110.224007) no edge path from 461856 (155.401001, 2.350350, 110.224007) to 461849 (155.401001, 2.100350, 110.224007) no edge path from 471638 (157.061005, 1.850350, 110.724007) to 471644 (157.061005, 2.100350, 110.724007) no edge path from 461850 (155.401001, 2.100350, 110.724007) to 461843 (155.401001, 1.850350, 110.724007) no edge path from 471632 (157.061005, 1.600350, 111.224007) to 471639 (157.061005, 1.850350, 111.224007) no edge path from 461844 (155.401001, 1.850350, 111.224007) to 461837 (155.401001, 1.600350, 111.224007) no edge path from 471626 (157.061005, 1.350350, 111.724007) to 471633 (157.061005, 1.600350, 111.724007) no edge path from 461838 (155.401001, 1.600350, 111.724007) to 461832 (155.401001, 1.350350, 111.724007) no edge path from 471621 (157.061005, 1.100350, 112.224007) to 471627 (157.061005, 1.350350, 112.224007) no edge path from 461831 (155.401001, 1.350340, 112.224007) to 461825 (155.401001, 1.100340, 112.224007) no edge path from 471662 (157.061005, 2.850360, 108.724007) to 471669 (157.061005, 3.100360, 108.724007) no edge path from 459328 (154.880997, 0.600312, 114.404007) to 459332 (154.880997, 0.850312, 114.404007) no edge path from 459333 (154.880997, 0.850319, 112.744003) to 459329 (154.880997, 0.600319, 112.744003) no edge path from 457111 (154.380997, 0.350312, 114.404007) to 457115 (154.380997, 0.600311, 114.404007) no edge path from 457116 (154.380997, 0.600318, 112.744003) to 457112 (154.380997, 0.350318, 112.744003) no edge path from 461677 (155.380997, 1.100320, 112.744003) to 461673 (155.380997, 0.850320, 112.744003) no edge path from 461672 (155.380997, 0.850313, 114.404007) to 461676 (155.380997, 1.100310, 114.404007) no edge path from 461934 (155.401001, 10.100400, 110.724007) to 461926 (155.401001, 9.850430, 110.724007) no edge path from 471718 (157.061005, 9.850430, 110.724007) to 471726 (157.061005, 10.100400, 110.724007) no edge path from 461718 (155.380997, 9.100390, 112.744003) to 461714 (155.380997, 8.850390, 112.744003) no edge path from 459344 (154.880997, 8.600380, 114.404007) to 459348 (154.880997, 8.850380, 114.404007) no edge path from 459349 (154.880997, 8.850390, 112.744003) to 459345 (154.880997, 8.600390, 112.744003) no edge path from 457127 (154.380997, 8.350380, 114.404007) to 457131 (154.380997, 8.600380, 114.404007) no edge path from 457132 (154.380997, 8.600390, 112.744003) to 457128 (154.380997, 8.350390, 112.744003) no edge path from 454495 (153.880997, 8.100380, 114.404007) to 454499 (153.880997, 8.350380, 114.404007) no edge path from 454500 (153.880997, 8.350390, 112.744003) to 454496 (153.880997, 8.100390, 112.744003) no edge path from 452160 (153.380997, 7.850379, 114.404007) to 452164 (153.380997, 8.100380, 114.404007) no edge path from 452165 (153.380997, 8.100390, 112.744003) to 452161 (153.380997, 7.850390, 112.744003) no edge path from 450172 (152.880997, 7.600379, 114.404007) to 450176 (152.880997, 7.850379, 114.404007) no edge path from 450177 (152.880997, 7.850390, 112.744003) to 450173 (152.880997, 7.600390, 112.744003) no edge path from 447987 (152.380997, 7.350379, 114.404007) to 447991 (152.380997, 7.600379, 114.404007) no edge path from 447992 (152.380997, 7.600390, 112.744003) to 447988 (152.380997, 7.350390, 112.744003) no edge path from 445502 (151.880997, 7.100379, 114.404007) to 445506 (151.880997, 7.350379, 114.404007) no edge path from 445505 (151.880997, 7.350379, 112.744003) to 445501 (151.880997, 7.100379, 112.744003) no edge path from 461713 (155.380997, 8.850380, 114.404007) to 461717 (155.380997, 9.100380, 114.404007) propagating game materials restoring fake colliders separating terrain separating models (by merged edge-linked groups) building edge-connected submeshes immediate fake/MU joins: 323 submeshes (MU): 625 submeshes (fake): 1228 submeshes (regular): 15780 reordering faces accounting submeshes creating collision models (MU) creating collision models (fake) merging fake/MU submeshes non-fake (residue) submeshes: 12 cross-merging fake submeshes assigning contact groups (fake) total groups (fake): 10 creating collision models (regular) merging submeshes (regular) contacts (with redundancy): 53522 assigning contact groups (regular) total groups (regular): 781 building regular models merging 1 orphan(s) nearest: 935 (2.51) exporting visuals materials\fake -> prop\prop_fake_kollision, def_shaders\def_vertex, def_shaders\def_kolizion materials\fake -> prop\prop_fake_kollision, def_shaders\def_vertex, def_shaders\def_kolizion materials\fake -> prop\prop_fake_kollision, def_shaders\def_vertex, def_shaders\def_kolizion no invisible collider preset for game material materials\metal materials\bush -> trees\trees_fuflo, def_shaders\def_trans, flora\flora_collision materials\tree_trunk -> trees\trees_bark_a_01, def_shaders\def_trans, flora\flora_collision materials\bush -> trees\trees_fuflo, def_shaders\def_trans, flora\flora_collision materials\tree_trunk -> trees\trees_bark_a_01, def_shaders\def_trans, flora\flora_collision materials\bush -> trees\trees_fuflo, def_shaders\def_trans, flora\flora_collision materials\tree_trunk -> trees\trees_bark_a_01, def_shaders\def_trans, flora\flora_collision materials\bush -> trees\trees_fuflo, def_shaders\def_trans, flora\flora_collision materials\bush -> trees\trees_fuflo, def_shaders\def_trans, flora\flora_collision materials\bush -> trees\trees_fuflo, def_shaders\def_trans, flora\flora_collision materials\bush -> trees\trees_fuflo, def_shaders\def_trans, flora\flora_collision materials\bush -> trees\trees_fuflo, def_shaders\def_trans, flora\flora_collision materials\bush -> trees\trees_fuflo, def_shaders\def_trans, flora\flora_collision materials\bush -> trees\trees_fuflo, def_shaders\def_trans, flora\flora_collision materials\tree_trunk -> trees\trees_bark_a_01, def_shaders\def_trans, flora\flora_collision materials\bush -> trees\trees_fuflo, def_shaders\def_trans, flora\flora_collision materials\bush -> trees\trees_fuflo, def_shaders\def_trans, flora\flora_collision materials\bush -> trees\trees_fuflo, def_shaders\def_trans, flora\flora_collision materials\tree_trunk -> trees\trees_bark_a_01, def_shaders\def_trans, flora\flora_collision materials\bush -> trees\trees_fuflo, def_shaders\def_trans, flora\flora_collision materials\tree_trunk -> trees\trees_bark_a_01, def_shaders\def_trans, flora\flora_collision materials\bush -> trees\trees_fuflo, def_shaders\def_trans, flora\flora_collision materials\bush -> trees\trees_fuflo, def_shaders\def_trans, flora\flora_collision materials\bush -> trees\trees_fuflo, def_shaders\def_trans, flora\flora_collision materials\tree_trunk -> trees\trees_bark_a_01, def_shaders\def_trans, flora\flora_collision materials\bush -> trees\trees_fuflo, def_shaders\def_trans, flora\flora_collision materials\tree_trunk -> trees\trees_bark_a_01, def_shaders\def_trans, flora\flora_collision materials\bush -> trees\trees_fuflo, def_shaders\def_trans, flora\flora_collision materials\tree_trunk -> trees\trees_bark_a_01, def_shaders\def_trans, flora\flora_collision materials\bush -> trees\trees_fuflo, def_shaders\def_trans, flora\flora_collision materials\tree_trunk -> trees\trees_bark_a_01, def_shaders\def_trans, flora\flora_collision materials\bush -> trees\trees_fuflo, def_shaders\def_trans, flora\flora_collision materials\bush -> trees\trees_fuflo, def_shaders\def_trans, flora\flora_collision materials\bush -> trees\trees_fuflo, def_shaders\def_trans, flora\flora_collision materials\tree_trunk -> trees\trees_bark_a_01, def_shaders\def_trans, flora\flora_collision materials\bush -> trees\trees_fuflo, def_shaders\def_trans, flora\flora_collision materials\tree_trunk -> trees\trees_bark_a_01, def_shaders\def_trans, flora\flora_collision materials\bush -> trees\trees_fuflo, def_shaders\def_trans, flora\flora_collision saving error list building HOM object building SOM object building ai_map.part found 161 (of 99539) no-return nodes building glow.part ignoring glow (duplicate) at 207.55, 3.72, 51.31 ignoring glow (duplicate) at 209.47, 2.93, 65.07 ignoring glow (duplicate) at 150.43, 3.80, 67.85 ignoring glow (duplicate) at 107.86, 1.09, 74.79 ignoring glow (duplicate) at 109.62, 2.58, 74.79 ignoring glow (duplicate) at 227.98, -1.52, 126.27 ignoring glow (duplicate) at 207.80, 2.58, 117.03 ignoring glow (duplicate) at 215.25, -0.93, 122.88 ignoring glow (duplicate) at 207.85, 1.55, 124.75 ignoring glow (duplicate) at 215.21, -1.84, 136.31 ignoring glow (duplicate) at 122.41, -0.33, 40.73 ignoring glow (duplicate) at 122.37, -1.56, 27.29 ignoring glow (duplicate) at 125.34, -1.50, 18.95 ignoring glow (duplicate) at 115.96, -0.64, 14.02 ignoring glow (duplicate) at 115.95, -0.64, 18.85 ignoring glow (duplicate) at 129.00, -0.33, 27.40 ignoring glow (duplicate) at 137.74, -0.33, 20.70 ignoring glow (duplicate) at 129.02, -0.33, 20.69 ignoring glow (duplicate) at 129.83, 3.30, 47.02 ignoring glow (duplicate) at 129.48, 2.26, 39.40 ignoring glow (duplicate) at 119.72, 0.21, 34.41 ignoring glow (duplicate) at 127.91, -1.55, 9.48 ignoring glow (duplicate) at 129.27, -2.10, 18.02 ignoring glow (duplicate) at 137.76, -0.52, 29.42 ignoring glow (duplicate) at 211.89, -0.81, 127.97 ignoring glow (duplicate) at 156.79, -12.51, 80.20 ignoring glow (duplicate) at 146.55, -12.51, 80.20 ignoring glow (duplicate) at 156.79, -12.51, 95.74 ignoring glow (duplicate) at 146.55, -12.51, 95.74 ignoring glow (duplicate) at 156.79, -12.51, 111.09 ignoring glow (duplicate) at 146.55, -12.51, 111.09 ignoring glow (duplicate) at 156.79, -12.51, 125.92 ignoring glow (duplicate) at 139.16, -10.77, 88.75 ignoring glow (duplicate) at 139.16, -10.77, 94.98 ignoring glow (duplicate) at 139.16, -10.77, 100.92 ignoring glow (duplicate) at 139.16, -10.77, 106.87 ignoring glow (duplicate) at 139.16, -10.77, 112.83 ignoring glow (duplicate) at 139.16, -10.77, 118.91 ignoring glow (duplicate) at 151.88, -17.84, 137.45 ignoring glow (duplicate) at 151.82, -17.81, 70.17 ignoring glow (duplicate) at 146.55, -12.51, 125.92 ignoring glow (duplicate) at 142.81, 2.53, 37.79 ignoring glow (duplicate) at 230.88, -1.65, 131.63 ignoring glow (duplicate) at 227.04, -2.19, 133.34 ignoring glow (duplicate) at 223.07, -1.97, 136.02 ignoring glow (duplicate) at 227.86, -2.60, 137.40 ignoring glow (duplicate) at 121.29, -1.80, 12.27 ignoring glow (duplicate) at 131.38, -1.68, 21.37 ignoring glow (duplicate) at 217.01, -1.53, 127.13 building light.part building ps.part building sound_src.part building wallmark.part building way.part (paths) building spawn.part (entities) building spawn.part ($env_mods) saving scene total time: 49.799s так вроде все норм Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Rembo-2 17 Опубликовано 4 декабря, 2023 (изменено) Подскажите, как сделать. 1) В Новом Арсенале 7, при выходе из подземки на Юпитер - нет лифта (lift_big_1.ogf). Нужно его там заспаунить. lift_big_1.ogf - это анимационный объект. Как убрать анимации, сделать файл простым огф, например, как стол, стул и т.п? Полагаю нужно изменить в 3ds Max. 2) На локации k01_darkscape слева возле дороги светится щель между текстурами, хочу на ее место положить трубу, которую нашел в level_editor\rawdata\objects\props\objects\big_object\truba_beton_03.object Нужно как-то сделать из трубы файл - огф, чтобы заспаунить его через аллспаун. Как сделать в 3ds Maxе? Изменено 4 декабря, 2023 пользователем Rembo-2 Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты