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  1. giga_stalker I dont know what files are used for translations there, I did not translate this mod. I sent to you private message
  2. Висяк при переходе с Затона на Свалку техники. 77 версия . [start] You are trying to spawn two or more objects with the same story_id:[dialog_script_npc] --> [dialog_script_npc141728] try to add:[dialog_script_npc142240] [end] [start] You are trying to spawn two or more objects with the same story_id:[zat_skad_secret_npc1] --> [zat_skad_secret_npc116896] try to add:[zat_skad_secret_npc217412] [end] [start] You are trying to spawn two or more objects with the same story_id:[zat_skad_secret_npc1] --> [zat_skad_secret_npc144800] try to add:[zat_skad_secret_npc145824] [end] [start] You are trying to spawn two or more objects with the same story_id:[zat_skad_secret_npc1] --> [zat_skad_secret_npc145824] try to add:[zat_skad_secret_npc246339] [end]
  3. giga_stalker what files you need in gamedata/scripts?
  4. giga_stalker devs have made this version closed, I willn't interfere with them. I will post files needed for the translation, but I willn't post all configs and scripts. What files do you need for translation, except folder gamedata/config/text? https://wdfiles.ru/27y9j
  5. Another thing I noticed in the final section of the CNPP is that the low grounds of the level aren't irradiated like in vanilla and you can simply wonder about, even see parts of building with missing textures that you weren't supposed to see. For me even a few NPCs were there but that could be because of the modified distance switch 🤔
  6. Mindallius Просто уберите 2 тире перед этой строкой в файле state_mgr_animation.script. Также у вас критическая проблема, которая в последствии вызовет порчу сейвов. А имено: you are trying to spawn two or more objects with the same story_id:[escape_default_boar_squad] --> [escape_default_boar_squad0435] try to add:[escape_default_boar_squad0780] У вас наверное в скваде повторяются story_id и в simulation_object
  7. Не стоит беспокоить покой мертвых, if you know what i mean
  8. vader_33 все мишени поразил с первой попытки, получил амулет, который в применение бесполезен. По сюжету получаем еще один такой же экземпляр. Дополнено 6 минуты спустя gibe My friend! To avoid writing the user name manually, click on @ and enter the text. According to your question: you need to hit all the bottles in the dash it is necessary for an alternative dialogue with the " red" vader_33 namomnil me about it. Have a good game! Дополнено 12 минуты спустя gibe You can contact me orvader_33 for help. I have been modified for several endings and I can share my helping hand with you if you need my help. Thanks!
  9. I'm sorry that my Russian is not so good, I don't know how your English is, but I want to say that I got stuck in the game after beating the bandit leader in zaton, and when I tried to enter the game, I got the following lines of error code I sent to you, may I ask what happened Мне жаль, что мой русский не так хорош, и я не знаю, как ваш английский, но я хочу сказать, что я застрял в игре после того, как затон убил главара бандитов, а затем попытался войти в игру, чтобы получить следующие строчки неверного кода, которые я вам отправил
  10. I was always wondering, would it be possible to have the online / offline switch distance for NPCs increased, at least in certain areas? For example in Cordon, every time you see either bandits or loners attack each other, it would reset their position if you go too far from the area (going back to the rookie village is enough for the reset to happen).
  11. I think it's a random bug. Chair parameters have not changed since the vanilla RMA. I can advise you to try the "Adaptation SA for RMA 1.1.5". It's already done there, but for old version 0.8.8. https://ap-pro.ru/forums/topic/821-adaptaciya-rma-mod-v115-dlya-shadows-addon/
  12. Is there a chance that sometime in the future you'll update Dead City with a newer version (preferably with the one from 2571). Not sure from which build the current one is from but it's clear that the player height was much smaller at that point, not to mention gaps in the level and other bugs, I remember that in my last playthrough that all the grenades I threw simply didn't explode and it happened only in Dead City. Also, is this fixed?
  13. gibe

    Lost Alpha DC Extended

    DefaultArs Hello I have created a file gamedata/config/ containing localization "fra" and text/eng how do you compress this file into "xdb"? Thanks
  14. Strange. The engine update link used to work, I need to check with other people on the forum. Folders with localization must be in the files of the installed game. Try to install version 1.4007 DC (Without Extended) The voice acting and the text are the same there, maybe this will help you. Here is the link: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://ap-pro.ru/forums/topic/331-lost-alpha-dc/&ved=2ahUKEwiDwcK829n_AhXVzYsKHewbAMUQFnoECBEQAQ&usg=AOvVaw3sf51Xp1fdECZNNGIPWSyx Дополнено 0 минут спустя Народ вопрос а что перехожу по ссылке на Дроп Бокс а там пишет папка отсутствует?
  15. gibe

    Lost Alpha DC Extended

    Hello After searching and checking, the English version included in the game doesn't work; my translation doesn't seem to be at fault. I'll need the Russian copy - localisation - text/rus in order to make the necessary updates. Thank you
  16. gibe

    Lost Alpha DC Extended

    Hello I'm taking over the French translation of Lost Alpha - v 2.83. The old one is not adapted. I can't launch the game with this translation. I enclose : - the error log + the mdmp file - the French translation - renamed "eng" I'm working alone and I can't test my work, the translation being imperfect I can't distribute it. Thank you for helping me. J-B
  17. Hello, I started the Memories DLC after completing the main story of the Adventures. On the first main map with the rebel base, for the first time in all the time playing Stalker Mod, I had serious performance problems. Even when I'm in static lighting with minimal settings, the frame rate is 10-20 fps. Worst of all, this happens at a crashed helicopter in a pond. Is anyone else experiencing this problem? Any ideas on how to solve it? sorry for my Russian, I'm using DeepL to translate from English. Thank you!
  18. gibe Yes, you already forget about these "special sets", this question has already been asked many times. To repair and modify ANY armor, "Armor consumables" are used - common, rare and unique. For weapons it's the same. All specialized consumables are a vestige of the old version, only for sale.
  19. Cyrax странно, что вы восприняли эту фразу как выпад, наоборот, зачем играть в тот мод, который вам не нравится, правильно? Игра должна приносить удовольствие. Дополнено 26 минуты спустя gibe I think you are looking in the wrong car.
  20. БЭТЭЭР обновите фикс. Дополнено 1 минуту спустя есть проводник на Юпитере, а точнее - в баре. Дополнено 2 минуты спустя gibe upgrades are just what you need to repair costumes.
  21. The point is not in 'trying' the product - as you noted, it's not there, there's hardly anything to 'try'. The point is to check out how various things are implemented - for some, with a view to build their mods later on. This is a game modding community, after all. Plus, I don't see how checking out this leak now could interfere with supporting the team when the game is released. If the team allows it, y'know.