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Найдено: 1 489 результатов

  1. проходил модификацию для своего ютуб канала и столкнулся с стабильным вылетом при переходе на локацию "darkforest", перепробовал всё, что только можно, даже начинал игру заново Вот Log: FATAL ERROR [error]Expression : fatal error [error]Function : CModelPool::Instance_Load [error]File : C:\xray\stcop_engine\src\Layers\xrRender\ModelPool.cpp [error]Line : 117 [error]Description : <no expression> [error]Arguments : Can't find model file 'actors\stalker_����\2.ogf'.
  2. [error]Expression : FATAL ERROR[error]Function : CModelPool::Instance_Load [error]File : D:\a\OGSR-Engine\OGSR-Engine\ogsr_engine\Layers\xrRender\ModelPool.cpp[error]Line : 117 [error]Description : Can't find model file 'arsenal_mod\wpn_aug.ogf'. ловлю такой вылет при переходе на свалку, как исправить?
  3. I installed this patch on top of Oblivion Lost Remake 3.0, but I can't select English text in the settings, and I can't talk to the merchant at the start of a new game, it shows an error and crashes the game, I've followed the prompts to remove it Three folders and the ui_pda.seq file, am I doing something wrong? Я установил этот патч поверх Oblivion Lost Remake 3.0, но не могу выбрать английский текст в настройках и не могу поговорить с торговцем при старте новой игры, выдает ошибку и вылетает игра, Я последовал инструкциям по удалению трех папок и файла ui_pda.seq, я делаю что-то не так?
  4. The most effective method to guidelines for taking my web-based class. Presenting yourself in a web-based class can be surprising, particularly since you will not have the decision to see your colleagues. In any case, establishing Take my online class a decent first connection with your educator and different students is significant. In your show, make a point to solidify some foundation data about yourself, like your occupation and instructive history. Additionally, you should consider the reasons you chose this course and what you hope to gain from it. Online classes can be pursuing for understudies who are not used to this sort of learning climate. They demand a ton of adventure and concentration, and getting diverted by virtual redirection or different endeavors can be fundamental. In any case, understudies can conquer these difficulties by rehearsing compelling using time productively and focusing on the essential errand. Something else that understudies need to remember while taking an internet based class is that there will be less eye to eye cooperation with their teachers and accomplices. In this manner, molding associations and a sensation of local area could challenge. Regardless, this can be overwhelmed by looking at as habitually as possible with your teacher through email or talk and visiting your instructor's open time expecting they offer them. At last, online classes are generally more reasonable than standard ones in light of the fact that your enlightening cost doesn't need to manage above costs like audit hall space and materials. In like manner, you can routinely apply your cash related guide grant to these courses. Students regularly need to finish a ton of work in web-based classes. They might have to watch a conversation, pay attention to a sound recording, and write a paper about it. Once in a while, they may besides have to go to a virtual office hour. Students who ought to keep a harmony among fun and serious exercises and schoolwork can see this as inconceivably testing. While explicit educators could feel that electronic courses are more direct than customary homeroom courses, most understudies report the regressive. Truly, a large portion of them felt that they learned more in an electronic class and accepted that it is mentally problematic. During the Coronavirus pandemic, a few students guarantee that they are being relegated more liabilities, which has left them with less energy for rest and different exercises. This has made it harder for them to perform well in their classes. Some have even stopped taking their electronic courses thinking about the critical commitment. Understudies who take online classes once in a while battle with saving the significant opportunity to deal with their endeavors. This may be directly attributable to a number of factors, including responsibilities at work, in the family, and elsewhere. Not an extremely clear explanation, it will overall be obviously moving for understudies to finish their electronic classes without assistance from subject matter experts. Online understudies really ought to fan out a customary that they can follow dependably. This could include reducing the amount of time required to complete their homework, ensuring that they approach a computer equipped with the internet, and eliminating interruptions. Understudies who battle to stay aware of their courses ought to converse with their instructors at the earliest entryway and sales help. You could moreover utilize someone to take your web based class for the wellbeing of you. At any rate, this can be unsafe considering the way that you have no certification that they will remain consistent with their guarantee to accomplish the work. Also, you can't have certainty that they won't swindle through your course or on a very basic level dispense with your cash and run. The expense of taking an electronic class can be high for understudies, particularly tolerating that they should buy new gear. This is because of the way that numerous web-based courses are advanced, requiring a PC with a solid web association. Various nhs fpx 4000 assessment 3 applying ethical principles resources, such as making devices and course readings, may in like manner be required from specific students. Getting signed up for a lesser school is one method for reducing expenses while taking a course on the web. Junior universities offer a large number of courses to address the issues of many understudies and are much of the time more affordable than conventional advanced education organizations. Likewise, they can furnish students with monetary aide groups, which can help you in getting a reasonable plan on instructive expenses. Web learning can be testing, particularly while shuffling work and school. Web learning can be trying, especially while rearranging work and school. Interdisciplinary Arrangement Proposal for


  5. Ray_Stinger

    Lost Alpha DC

    Всем привет, столкнулся с проблемой квеста с пьяным бандитом, отключаю анимацию предметов и получаю вот такую ошибку [error]Expression : fatal error [error]Function : CInifile::r_section [error]File : D:\Lost_Alpha_DC\src\xray-trunk\xrCore\Xr_ini.cpp [error]Line : 516 [error]Description : <no expression> [error]Arguments : Can't open section 'fake_item'
  6. I'm sure there will be subtle changes within the game. I personally would like to revisit SoC again upgraded like this. You can also think of other mods that can spawn from this as well... It's all good my friend =)
  7. Всем здравствуйте, проблема при переходе со свалки на агропром вылетает с ошибкой: FATAL ERROR [error]Expression : <no expression> [error]Function : inventory::upgrade::Group::can_install [error]File : inventory_upgrade_group.cpp [error]Line : 105 [error]Description : fatal error [error]Arguments : Loading item: Upgrade <up_fourtc_svd_nimble> of inventory item [wpn_vepr762x54_gauss_sight] (id = 65535) can`t be installed! Error = result_e_parents Попробовал сделать как предлагал Web_Root... Не помогло... Может кто-то сталкивался с той-же проблемой и знает как её решить? xray_user.log Решение нашел полистав еще форум:
  8. Спасибо за подсказку, гайды я смотрел, просто до этого работал с SDK 0.4 и всегда через общий батник делал. Но теперь другая ошибка при компиляции спавна. FATAL ERROR [error]Expression : fatal error [error]Function : CInifile::r_string [error]File : Xr_ini.cpp [error]Line : 513 [error]Description : <no expression> [error]Arguments : Can't find variable caption in [zaton] Теперь еще плюсом при запуске локации (где я переместил перса, затон) начало вылетать( [error]Expression : fatal error [error]Function : xrDebug::backend [error]File : D:\prog_repository\sources\trunk\xrCore\xrDebugNew.cpp [error]Line : 232 [error]Description : <no expression> [error]Arguments : nodefault reached
  9. Переместил главного героя в Зов Припяти и хочу скомпилировать локацию в SDK 0.7, но он почему-то мне пишет, что данную локацию он найти не может. * New phase started: Reading project [zaton]... | | Build failed! Can't find level: 'zaton' В чем может быть проблема? Такая локация в папках gamedata и rawdata есть, в батнике локация указана..
  10. Благодарю всех за отзывы и проождение модификации. Архивы обновил вместе с фиксом «Can't find texture 'wpn\wpn_grenade_rdg-m'» при передаче КПК (отдельная благодарность Anterselva за сообщение).
  11. Expression : <no expression> Function : CScriptEngine::lua_pcall_failed File : D:\a\xray-monolith\xray-monolith\src\xrServerEntities\script_engine.cpp Line : 262 Description : fatal error Arguments : 2 : [Lua] ... 1.5.2 + bosspack v1.5\gamedata\scripts\dxml_core.script(991) : insertFromXMLFile LUA error: ... 1.5.2 + bosspack v1.5\gamedata\scripts\dxml_core.script:991: DXML ERROR: insertFromXMLFile Can't read file by path d:/anomaly 1.5.2 + bosspack v1.5\gamedata\configs\plugins\unbind_h_eng.xml d:/anomaly 1.5.2 + bosspack v1.5\gamedata\configs\plugins\unbind_h_eng.xml: No such file or directory Check log for details stack trace: вылет на BHS,когда его ставлю
  12. Borovos

    True Stalker

    TS patched 1.1 to 1.3 eng version (I just see the 1.4 is out). BUG report: Cordon, quest Missing Stalker. I didn't follow the cries at the beginning. I tried to do it later, when I came back to Cordon. But it's impossible to speak with the npc. Nothing happens. The quest is closed (infoportion error?) https://ibb.co/CbLbKt5 Few minor mistake report: 1/Bar, the quest Hero or executioner, meet with Chrome. Wrong logic (collide with geometry) https://ibb.co/m920RLX 2/Name missing: Esc_composer_task_scientist_name missing (radio message) Esc_composer_task_scientist_name missing (dialog windows) 3/Transmutation quest, at the bar in the village, trouble with logic (two npc collide) https://ibb.co/YLCs47J 4/End of Chapter 6, after hiding the transmutated artifact, during the scene before coming back to cordon . No subtitles during the radio dialogue with our friend. https://ibb.co/YTHbs7M There is text on left side for that the guide says, but nothing for the actor. So english player can only understand the half of the dialog. 5/ 3D in garbage underground (hangar place), few flying objects, always the same meshes (it's like this 3 or 4 times, I don't remember and didn't take pics for all). https://ibb.co/tZfFdrb 6/ Shaders in garbage, on the bandit camp (south west, closed to the way to agroprom & anomaly field). Black effect on a wood box. I remember we had a lot of this trouble with CS levels ported to CoC (garbage, darkvalley, Limansk...) and I don't remember how we fixed it. By the way, the Team Epic forum is dead, so, I can't find the solution. Sorry. It was always for wood boxes. https://ibb.co/9s7T7Np 7/ Garbage, south anomaly field, meet chunk artifact trapped in the geometry. I don't know if it's a random event or if it's related to the way point. Save and reload, go away in another level and came back didn't fix it. https://ibb.co/Wgr8ZnH https://ibb.co/Qpkg5JM 8/ I saw few text errors, but someone is fixing them on moddb page and is in contact with the team if I understand. Gameplay feedback: Hit distance for dogs (a little) and for snork (a lot) is to high In few quest, it's hard to play when the enemy (monsters or npc) attack the player at the end of the scene without delay or safe distance. It can be frustrating sometime. At Novoshepelychi, the barman doesn't buy artefacts. It's a inconsistency imo. All trader buy them in stalker's games, artifacts are the Zone's money. In dialogues, someone explain than all stalkers here take artefacts quickly. So, we can suppose they have to sell them. So, who buy arties here? (I didn't check if hunters buy them). And regarding the end of Chapter 6. Can sell arties before the end should be fine. Ofc, the player can return to Sidorovich before the end but it isn't the expected path. It's time to check the 1.4 patch, put it and go to Yantar. Thanks again for this very great mod. I love your story. Regards
  13. In the ever-evolving landscape of healthcare, the concept of one-stop shops - where patients can access a spectrum of medical services under a single roof - has gained traction. A pivotal component making these integrated healthcare centers efficient and streamlined is the emergence of Virtual Medical Administrative Assistants (VMAAs). These digital assistants, powered by cutting-edge technology, are revolutionizing administrative tasks, patient interactions, virtual medical office assistant and overall operational efficiency, thereby reshaping the notion of comprehensive healthcare delivery.

    Centralized Access and Coordination:

    One of the primary advantages of integrating Virtual Medical Administrative Assistants into one-stop shops is the centralized access they provide. Patients can interact with VMAs to schedule appointments, inquire about services offered, access medical records, and receive timely responses to administrative queries. This centralized platform streamlines the patient experience, fostering convenience and efficiency in navigating various healthcare services within the same facility.

    Efficient Appointment Scheduling and Reminders:

    VMAAs play a crucial role in managing appointment scheduling and reminders, optimizing the utilization of healthcare resources. These digital assistants can swiftly coordinate appointments across different departments within the one-stop shop, ensuring seamless scheduling that aligns with patients' preferences and availability. Additionally, they send automated reminders, reducing no-shows and enhancing patient adherence to appointments, ultimately contributing to better healthcare outcomes.

    Streamlined Communication and Information Sharing:

    Virtual Medical Administrative Assistants facilitate efficient communication and information sharing among healthcare providers within the integrated facility. They serve as a conduit for transferring patient data, scheduling consultations between specialists, and ensuring that crucial information reaches the relevant personnel promptly. This streamlined communication enhances collaboration among healthcare teams, leading to coordinated and comprehensive patient care.

    Enhanced Patient Experience and Engagement:

    By offering a user-friendly interface and personalized interactions, VMAAs contribute significantly to enhancing the overall patient experience. Patients can engage with these digital assistants to access information about services, billing inquiries, and general healthcare guidance. Furthermore, VMAs provide a platform for patients to actively participate in their healthcare journey by offering educational resources, personalized health recommendations, and timely follow-ups, thereby fostering a sense of empowerment and engagement.

    Adaptability and Scalability:

    Virtual Medical Administrative Assistants possess the adaptability and scalability necessary for accommodating the evolving needs of one-stop shops. These AI-driven assistants can handle increased patient volumes, adapt to changing workflows, and continuously learn from interactions to enhance their capabilities. As healthcare facilities expand or diversify their services, VMAs can seamlessly integrate and support the evolving operational demands.

    Despite their numerous benefits, integrating Virtual Medical Administrative Assistants into one-stop shops comes with considerations such as data security, maintaining confidentiality, and ensuring ethical use of patient information. Healthcare facilities must implement robust cybersecurity measures and adhere to regulatory standards to safeguard patient data and maintain trust in utilizing these digital assistants.

  14. Сделал, теперь лог такой: Expression : fatal error Function : CInifile::r_section File : F:\Dance Maniac\Development\Stalker\M.F.S. Team\Repositories\Advanced-X-Ray 2.5.40\SourcesAXR\xrCore\Xr_ini.cpp Line : 503 Description : <no expression> Arguments : Can't open section 'ammo_762x25mm_tt'. Please attach [*.ini_log] file to your bug report stack trace:
  15. BloodBat Не смогу помочь, твой сэйв у меня вообще не грузится, вылет с "Can't open section 'volchok_pda'". Не помню такого в моде. В твоём репаке "левые" правки. По поводу ошибки: попробуй переиграть с другого сэйва ДО захода на Агропром, там кто-то недобитый путь найти не может.
  16. Вроде как актуальные версии. Дополнено 11 минуты спустя Сделал. FATAL ERROR [error]Expression : fatal error [error]Function : CInifile::r_section [error]File : F:\Dance Maniac\Development\Stalker\M.F.S. Team\Repositories\Advanced-X-Ray 2.5.40\SourcesAXR\xrCore\Xr_ini.cpp [error]Line : 503 [error]Description : <no expression> [error]Arguments : Can't open section 'ammo_5.7x28'. Please attach [*.ini_log] file to your bug report stack trace: Не помогло :( Выше вроде помогли с таким же логом, но с другим ammo.
  17. Madara_Uchiah Мы пробовали ваш файл в течение примерно 40 часов. Он отлично работает, и ошибки исчезли! Большое спасибо! На всякий случай, если вам интересно, в дополнение к замечательному патчу, приведенному выше, я также перечислю способы устранения ошибок, которые я применил. Установка "modded exe" https://github.com/themrdemonized/STALKER-Anomaly-modded-exes "Weapons Drop on Bodies" https://www.moddb.com/mods/stalker-anomaly/addons/jabbers-weapons-drop-on-bodies "Anomaly-Mod-Configuration-Menu" https://github.com/RAX-Anomaly/Anomaly-Mod-Configuration-Menu *update* Однако не все проблемы были решены. Например, в некоторых областях (jupiter,warehouse) продолжает возникать ошибка Xr_ini.cpp 1080 assertion failed.Это не удается решить с помощью debug mode. CResourceManager::DeferredUpload -> START, size = 2633 ! Fallback to default bump map: build_details_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: build_details_bump texture loading time: 672 * t-report - base: 2584, 4143289 K * t-report - lmap: 49, 50182 K ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: c:/games/anomaly mcm\gamedata\sounds\music\level\explore_day-01.ogg ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: c:/games/anomaly mcm\gamedata\sounds\music\level\explore_day-03.ogg ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: c:/games/anomaly mcm\gamedata\sounds\music\level\explore_night-01.ogg ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: c:/games/anomaly mcm\gamedata\sounds\music\level\explore_day-05.ogg ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: c:/games/anomaly mcm\gamedata\sounds\music\level\explore_day-02.ogg ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: c:/games/anomaly mcm\gamedata\sounds\music\level\explore_day-08.ogg ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: c:/games/anomaly mcm\gamedata\sounds\music\level\explore_night-04.ogg ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: c:/games/anomaly mcm\gamedata\sounds\music\level\explore_day-09.ogg ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: c:/games/anomaly mcm\gamedata\sounds\music\level\explore_day-04.ogg ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: c:/games/anomaly mcm\gamedata\sounds\music\level\explore_empty.ogg ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: c:/games/anomaly mcm\gamedata\sounds\music\level\explore_night-02.ogg ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: c:/games/anomaly mcm\gamedata\sounds\music\level\explore_night-05.ogg ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: c:/games/anomaly mcm\gamedata\sounds\music\level\explore_day-07.ogg ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: c:/games/anomaly mcm\gamedata\sounds\music\level\explore_day-06.ogg ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: c:/games/anomaly mcm\gamedata\sounds\music\level\explore_day-10.ogg ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: c:/games/anomaly mcm\gamedata\sounds\music\level\explore_night-03.ogg * phase time: 1328 ms * phase cmem: 1443269 K * phase time: 168 ms * phase cmem: 1443268 K * [x-ray]: Full Memory Stats * [win32]: free[137426206180 K], reserved[4752488 K], committed[7994740 K] * [ D3D ]: textures[97878 K] * [x-ray]: process heap[1443268 K] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[134615 K], smem[92809 K] ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: c:/games/anomaly mcm\gamedata\sounds\detectors\geiger_1.ogg ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: c:/games/anomaly mcm\gamedata\sounds\detectors\geiger_2.ogg ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: c:/games/anomaly mcm\gamedata\sounds\detectors\geiger_3.ogg ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: c:/games/anomaly mcm\gamedata\sounds\detectors\geiger_4.ogg ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: c:/games/anomaly mcm\gamedata\sounds\detectors\geiger_5.ogg ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: c:/games/anomaly mcm\gamedata\sounds\detectors\geiger_6.ogg Time continual is:20970 # LOADING: level_weather | cycle: clear - preset: w_cloudy1 - is_underground: false - weather_storage size: 5 -level_weathers: restore weather from cache w_cloudy1 g_game_difficulty gd_veteran g_hit_pwr_modif 1 g_dispersion_base 1.7 g_dispersion_factor 2 - Water deprivation | Enabled - Sleep deprivation | Enabled -Smart terrains can spawn squads normaly ! Fallback to default bump map: act\act_specmask_head_bump# ! Can't find texture 'wpn\rgd5' ! Fallback to default bump map: act\act_specmask_bump# ! Can't find sound 'weapons\explosions\modular_model\shared\core_wave\core_wave_close_8' ! Can't find sound 'weapons\explosions\modular_model\shared\disruptor\disruptor_1_5' ! Can't find sound 'weapons\explosions\modular_model\shared\disruptor\disruptor_2_5' ! Can't find sound 'weapons\explosions\modular_model\shared\disruptor\disruptor_3_5' ! Can't find sound 'weapons\explosions\modular_model\shared\disruptor\disruptor_4_5' ! Can't find texture 'wpn\wpn_scope_mark_aimpoint_dot' ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: c:/games/anomaly mcm\gamedata\sounds\weapons\handling\mosin\bolt_new.ogg ! Missing ogg-comment, file: c:/games/anomaly mcm\gamedata\sounds\weapons\barry_knife_draw.ogg ! Missing ogg-comment, file: c:/games/anomaly mcm\gamedata\sounds\weapons\barry_knife_holster.ogg ! Fallback to default bump map: act\act_eye_brown_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: act\act_head_mask_camo_bump# ! Can't find texture 'act\newzombied\faces\eyeball' stack trace: at address 0x000000014019F703
  18. This is all beautiful eye candy. I can see that we are seeing and 'alpha' flyby at the moment. Can't wait to see it all in action. Hope to see it released soon. Actually, i'm more excited for this than Stalker 2. Good luck on this amazing project.
  19. Octa Core

    True Stalker

    Вот тут скачайте файл Возможно поможет. Ts-alife 2000 скачивайте и в папку с игрой из архива перекидываете файлы Дополнено 7 минуты спустя На 3-4 поста выше этого сообщения решение. Выбирайте какое нравится. Дополнено 52 минуты спустя FATAL ERROR [error] Expression : !fatal [error] Function : XMLDocument::Load [error] File : D:\TrueStalkerEngine\src\xrCore\XML\XMLDocument.cpp [error] Line : 89 [error] Description : Can't find specified xml file [error] Arguments : ui\talk_medium.xml Людям помогала установка патчей по очереди с1.1по 1.4 . Но теперь патч 1.5 их все в себе содержит. Поэтому ставьте сразу патч 1.5 (всё что в архиве с заменой файлов если надо). Отключите антивирус , возможно он какие-то файлы удаляет при копировании файлов из архива.
  20. Помогите, не могу выбраться из Болот. Пробовал из этой локации перейти на другие как легальным переходом, так и быстрым - игра вылетает. Отрывок из лога: CResourceManager::DeferredUpload -> START, size = 3590 ! Fallback to default bump map: build_details_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: build_details_bump texture loading time: 1065 * t-report - base: 3579, 1040210 K * t-report - lmap: 11, 11265 K * phase time: 1775 ms * phase cmem: 1671888 K * phase time: 218 ms * phase cmem: 1671927 K * [x-ray]: Full Memory Stats * [win32]: free[137424566368 K], reserved[4751020 K], committed[9636020 K] * [ D3D ]: textures[1113322 K] * [x-ray]: process heap[1671927 K] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[143397 K], smem[134980 K] # LOADING: level_weather | cycle: rain - preset: w_cloudy2_dark - is_underground: false - weather_storage size: 3 -level_weathers: restore weather from cache w_cloudy2_dark g_game_difficulty gd_stalker g_hit_pwr_modif 1 g_dispersion_base 1.7 g_dispersion_factor 2 - Water deprivation | Enabled - Sleep deprivation | Enabled -Smart terrains can spawn squads normaly ! Can't find texture 'wpn\rgd5' ! Can't find texture 'props\props_cutlery_set04' ! Can't find texture 'new_shovel\shovel_metal' ! Can't find texture 'new_shovel\shovel_wood' ! Can't find texture 'wpn\wpn_addon_scope_eotech_mark' ! Can't find sound 'weapons\groza\groza_misfire' stack trace: at address 0x00000001400B52E6 Дополнено 4 минуты спустя Подложил свой сейв на чистую версию, точно так же вылетает.
  21. Скачал bins сейчас. Значит действительно наверное проблема была в брандмауэре. Глюканул наверное. Или потому скачал, что у дефендера обновление новое было четыре часа назад. Короче фиг его знает, но скачал сейчас :) Так что извиняюсь если что. Сейчас подчищу на эту тему свои комментарии полностью. Дополнено 7 минуты спустя Especially cgim_2 :) But it's good that you can play without it. But you can’t do it without PRM. Дополнено 22 минуты спустя Кстати, играю без cgim_2, и всё нормально, без всяких глюков. А с ним глюки были в дождь при беге и стрельбе. Может потому, что играл то без всяких там наворотов графики. Не люблю в Сталкере это всё. Потому сейчас и на минимальный играю :) Статики же нет :) Правда текстуры 4 к и на максимуме.
  22. Octa Core

    True Stalker

    Могу посоветовать игру переустановить. FATAL ERROR [error] Expression : reader.find_chunk(OBJECT_CHUNK_DATA) [error] Function : CSavedGameWrapper::CSavedGameWrapper [error] File : D:\TrueStalkerEngine\src\xrGame\saved_game_wrapper.cpp [error] Line : 111 [error] Description : Can't find chunk OBJECT_CHUNK_DATA! В ТЧ при такой ошибке помню советовали игру переустановить, а тут как не знаю. Дополнено 2 минуты спустя chriotmao, это вам) FATAL ERROR [error] Expression : reader.find_chunk(OBJECT_CHUNK_DATA) [error] Function : CSavedGameWrapper::CSavedGameWrapper [error] File : D:\TrueStalkerEngine\src\xrGame\saved_game_wrapper.cpp [error] Line : 111 [error] Description : Can't find chunk OBJECT_CHUNK_DATA!
  23. Привет дружище, на самой последней версии OGSR мод отказывается работать. Лог [error]Description : Can't compile shader [pp_blur] надеюсь исправится)
  24. Помогите пожалуйста решить проблему. Вдруг кто-то сталкивался. Заранее спасибо. Expression : <no expression> Function : CInifile::r_section File : D:\a\xray-monolith\xray-monolith\src\xrCore\Xr_ini.cpp Line : 1214 Description : fatal error Arguments : Can't open section 'DICK_HUYS_AND_CHLEN_PENISOUW'.
  25. Случается вылет при взятие квеста у шустрого на кордоне. FATAL ERROR [error]Expression : <no expression> [error]Function : CInifile::r_section [error]File : Xr_ini.cpp [error]Line : 520 [error]Description : fatal error [error]Arguments : Can't open section 'flask_empty'. Please attach [*.ini_log] file to your bug report Квест на набор воды, сначала подумал что проблема в том что у меня есть 2 фляжки с водой, попробовал их выложить, не помогло. Так же вылетает при последнем использовании фляжки с водой. Есть ли возможность исправить этот момент? Не актуально, сам решил проблему, не ставьте поверх мода правки, конфликт был с правкой на сигареты которые выводят раду.