Wolfstalker 14 835 Опубликовано 11 сентября, 2022 Эта тема создана для поиска разных файлов, скриптов, инструментов и прочих ресурсов для моддинга, которые вы не смогли найти самостоятельно. 5 Докладывайте нам о всех известных вам случаях нарушения правил! Только при вашей помощи мы сможем преодолеть это болезненное явление! (с) Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
The_Python 3 Опубликовано 28 марта, 2024 Приветствую! Имеются у кого-нибудь модели NPC из ТЧ для ЗП? Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
WolfHeart 991 Опубликовано 28 марта, 2024 2 часа назад, fenit сказал: У кого нибудь есть исходники Предбанника для ЗП? Дабы не юзать декомпил Сначала она появилась в составе Stalker Map Pack. За основу Предбанника, была взята какая то МП карта (название уже не помню), которая состояла только из деревушки с остановкой и магазином. Потом, командой АМК-II, она была перенесена на ЗП. Кстати с этой же деревушкой есть и другой вариант этой локации который так и называется Локация Деревня от АМК-II, но исходников самого Предбанника, как и Деревни в открытом доступе никогда не было. Так что, тут либо заморочиться и пробовать отыскать исходники (если они у них еще сохранились) у авторов Stalker Map Pack (Kostya V, kalinin11, ZVUKARЬ, Министр) либо авторов АМК-II: Спойлер Alundaio, AMK Team, Brainwrinkle, Ceano, chorik, Cromm Cruac, Darius6, david.m.e, DEXXX, Djann, 3ncryptabl3, Fluffy 22, gannebamm, gatopardo, Geonezis, Hakim, iloveSHOC, {imperialreign}, Jketiynu, Johann, Kaplan, Ket, Loner1, Majordolg, Mnn, N.Aaroe, Real Wolf, SGM team, smrtpnoneusr, Smurth, Stooe, tolusha, trojanuch, VanoSanturi, Xobar, xstream. Но из этой затеи на вряд ли что то выйдет, так как все эти люди уже история модостроя. Таким образом, декомпил - это пожалуй единственный вариант. Дополнено 10 минуты спустя 35 минут назад, The_Python сказал: Имеются у кого-нибудь модели NPC из ТЧ для ЗП? А ты у Гугла или Яндекса не пробовал спросить? 1 AMD FX-8370 (8 X 4.35GHz); RAM 16Gb; MSI GTX 1070 (8Gb). Windows -10 PRO (х64) Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
The_Python 3 Опубликовано 28 марта, 2024 Пробывал, нашёл 7 моделей квестовых NPC и всё. Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Hoperise 213 Опубликовано 28 марта, 2024 The_Python на АМК форуме и stalker mod clan должны ещё найтись Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
WolfHeart 991 Опубликовано 28 марта, 2024 18 минут назад, The_Python сказал: Пробывал, нашёл 7 моделей квестовых NPC и всё. Плохо искал.Модели Ученых из ТЧ для ЗП Модели персонажей из ТЧ для ЗП Модели сталкеров "Долга" с ТЧ для ЗП 2 AMD FX-8370 (8 X 4.35GHz); RAM 16Gb; MSI GTX 1070 (8Gb). Windows -10 PRO (х64) Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
The_Python 3 Опубликовано 28 марта, 2024 Спасибо, модели из второй ссылки я нашёл сам, а остальные - нет. Я тут тоже ещё поискал на stalker mod clan и нашёл огромный пак моделей, там много не тех, что нужны, но среди них есть нужные, если кому нужно будет вот - ссылка Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
fenit 11 Опубликовано 31 марта, 2024 Декомпилировал Предбанник для ЗП, захожу в СДК, открываю локацию и он мне начинает выдавать кучу предупреждений, что некие объекты не были найдены. Лог ниже Спойлер !Can't find model file 'physics\light\new_light\light_alarm_white_glass.ogf'. Model [physics\light\new_light\light_alarm_white_glass] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - No. !Can't find model file 'physics\light\new_light\light_wire_1_glass.ogf'. Model [physics\light\new_light\light_wire_1_glass] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - No. !Can't find model file 'physics\light\new_light\light_alarm_glass.ogf'. Model [physics\light\new_light\light_alarm_glass] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - No. !Can't find model file 'physics\light\new_light\light_alarm_white_glass.ogf'. Model [physics\light\new_light\light_alarm_white_glass] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - No. !Can't find model file 'physics\light\new_light\light_alarm_glass.ogf'. Model [physics\light\new_light\light_alarm_glass] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - No. !Can't find model file 'physics\light\new_light\light_alarm_white_glass.ogf'. Model [physics\light\new_light\light_alarm_white_glass] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - No. !Can't find model file 'physics\light\new_light\light_alarm_glass.ogf'. Model [physics\light\new_light\light_alarm_glass] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - No. !Can't find model file 'physics\light\new_light\light_alarm_white_glass.ogf'. Model [physics\light\new_light\light_alarm_white_glass] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - No. !Can't find model file 'physics\light\new_light\light_alarm_glass.ogf'. Model [physics\light\new_light\light_alarm_glass] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - No. !Can't find model file 'physics\light\new_light\light_galogen_1_glass.ogf'. Model [physics\light\new_light\light_galogen_1_glass] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - No. !Can't find model file 'physics\light\new_light\light_galogen_1_glass.ogf'. Model [physics\light\new_light\light_galogen_1_glass] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - No. !Can't find model file 'physics\light\new_light\light_galogen_1_glass.ogf'. Model [physics\light\new_light\light_galogen_1_glass] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - No. !Can't find model file 'physics\light\new_light\light_galogen_1_glass.ogf'. Model [physics\light\new_light\light_galogen_1_glass] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - No. !Can't find model file 'physics\light\new_light\light_galogen_1_glass.ogf'. Model [physics\light\new_light\light_galogen_1_glass] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - No. !Can't find model file 'physics\light\new_light\light_galogen_1_glass.ogf'. Model [physics\light\new_light\light_galogen_1_glass] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - No. !Can't find model file 'physics\equipment_cache\equipment_box_01_case.ogf'. Model [physics\equipment_cache\equipment_box_01_case] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - No. !Can't find model file 'physics\light\new_light\light_white_glass.ogf'. Model [physics\light\new_light\light_white_glass] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - No. !Can't find model file 'physics\light\new_light\light_white_glass.ogf'. Model [physics\light\new_light\light_white_glass] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Cancel. !Can't find model file 'physics\vehicles\btr\veh_btr_script_u_01.ogf'. Model [physics\vehicles\btr\veh_btr_script_u_01] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'weapons\kolbasa\kolbasa.ogf'. Model [weapons\kolbasa\kolbasa] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'food\conserv1.ogf'. Model [food\conserv1] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'weapons\bred\bred.ogf'. Model [weapons\bred\bred] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'weapons\vodka\vodka.ogf'. Model [weapons\vodka\vodka] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\balon\bochka_fuel.ogf'. Model [physics\balon\bochka_fuel] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\balon\bochka_fuel.ogf'. Model [physics\balon\bochka_fuel] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\box\box_metall_01.ogf'. Model [physics\box\box_metall_01] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\box\box_wood_01.ogf'. Model [physics\box\box_wood_01] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\box\box_wood_01.ogf'. Model [physics\box\box_wood_01] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\box\box_wood_01.ogf'. Model [physics\box\box_wood_01] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\light\new_light\light_galogen_1_glass.ogf'. Model [physics\light\new_light\light_galogen_1_glass] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\light\new_light\light_alarm_white_glass.ogf'. Model [physics\light\new_light\light_alarm_white_glass] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\balon\bochka_fuel.ogf'. Model [physics\balon\bochka_fuel] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\balon\bochka_fuel.ogf'. Model [physics\balon\bochka_fuel] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\balon\bochka_fuel.ogf'. Model [physics\balon\bochka_fuel] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\balon\bochka_fuel.ogf'. Model [physics\balon\bochka_fuel] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\box\box_wood_01.ogf'. Model [physics\box\box_wood_01] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\box\box_wood_01.ogf'. Model [physics\box\box_wood_01] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\box\box_wood_01.ogf'. Model [physics\box\box_wood_01] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\box\box_wood_01.ogf'. Model [physics\box\box_wood_01] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\decor\tv_1.ogf'. Model [physics\decor\tv_1] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\decor\priemnik_gorizont.ogf'. Model [physics\decor\priemnik_gorizont] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\decor\ventilator_01.ogf'. Model [physics\decor\ventilator_01] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'equipments\drink_nonstop.ogf'. Model [equipments\drink_nonstop] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\light\new_light\light_alarm_white_glass.ogf'. Model [physics\light\new_light\light_alarm_white_glass] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\light\new_light\light_galogen_1_glass.ogf'. Model [physics\light\new_light\light_galogen_1_glass] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\light\new_light\light_alarm_white_glass.ogf'. Model [physics\light\new_light\light_alarm_white_glass] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\light\new_light\light_alarm_white_glass.ogf'. Model [physics\light\new_light\light_alarm_white_glass] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\equipment_cache\equipment_box_01_case.ogf'. Model [physics\equipment_cache\equipment_box_01_case] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\decor\kitchen_kastrula.ogf'. Model [physics\decor\kitchen_kastrula] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\decor\kitchen_kastrula_up.ogf'. Model [physics\decor\kitchen_kastrula_up] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\decor\kitchen_tarelka1.ogf'. Model [physics\decor\kitchen_tarelka1] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\decor\kitchen_krujka.ogf'. Model [physics\decor\kitchen_krujka] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\decor\kitchen_miska.ogf'. Model [physics\decor\kitchen_miska] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\decor\vedro_01.ogf'. Model [physics\decor\vedro_01] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\decor\vedro_01.ogf'. Model [physics\decor\vedro_01] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'equipments\projector.ogf'. Model [equipments\projector] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\decor\rupor.ogf'. Model [physics\decor\rupor] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\decor\rupor.ogf'. Model [physics\decor\rupor] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\decor\rupor.ogf'. Model [physics\decor\rupor] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'equipments\projector.ogf'. Model [equipments\projector] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\decor\tv_1.ogf'. Model [physics\decor\tv_1] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\light\new_light\light_galogen_1_glass.ogf'. Model [physics\light\new_light\light_galogen_1_glass] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'equipments\projector.ogf'. Model [equipments\projector] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'equipments\projector.ogf'. Model [equipments\projector] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'equipments\projector.ogf'. Model [equipments\projector] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'equipments\projector.ogf'. Model [equipments\projector] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\decor\tv_1.ogf'. Model [physics\decor\tv_1] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\decor\vedro_01.ogf'. Model [physics\decor\vedro_01] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\box\expl_dinamit.ogf'. Model [physics\box\expl_dinamit] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\decor\ventilator_01.ogf'. Model [physics\decor\ventilator_01] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\decor\ventilator_01.ogf'. Model [physics\decor\ventilator_01] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\box\box_wood_01.ogf'. Model [physics\box\box_wood_01] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\box\box_wood_01.ogf'. Model [physics\box\box_wood_01] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'equipments\projector.ogf'. Model [equipments\projector] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\box\box_wood_01.ogf'. Model [physics\box\box_wood_01] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\box\box_wood_01.ogf'. Model [physics\box\box_wood_01] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\box\box_wood_01.ogf'. Model [physics\box\box_wood_01] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\box\box_wood_01.ogf'. Model [physics\box\box_wood_01] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\box\box_metall_01.ogf'. Model [physics\box\box_metall_01] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\light\new_light\light_galogen_1_glass.ogf'. Model [physics\light\new_light\light_galogen_1_glass] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\equipment_cache\equipment_box_01_case.ogf'. Model [physics\equipment_cache\equipment_box_01_case] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\box\box_wood_01.ogf'. Model [physics\box\box_wood_01] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\box\box_wood_01.ogf'. Model [physics\box\box_wood_01] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\box\box_metall_01.ogf'. Model [physics\box\box_metall_01] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\box\box_wood_01.ogf'. Model [physics\box\box_wood_01] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\box\box_metall_01.ogf'. Model [physics\box\box_metall_01] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\decor\ventilator_01.ogf'. Model [physics\decor\ventilator_01] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\decor\priemnik_gorizont.ogf'. Model [physics\decor\priemnik_gorizont] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'weapons\bred\bred.ogf'. Model [weapons\bred\bred] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'weapons\vodka\vodka.ogf'. Model [weapons\vodka\vodka] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'equipments\drink_nonstop.ogf'. Model [equipments\drink_nonstop] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\equipment_cache\equipment_cross_1_case.ogf'. Model [physics\equipment_cache\equipment_cross_1_case] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\decor\ventilator_01.ogf'. Model [physics\decor\ventilator_01] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\decor\ventilator_01.ogf'. Model [physics\decor\ventilator_01] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'weapons\abakan\wpn_abakan.ogf'. Model [weapons\abakan\wpn_abakan] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'weapons\abakan\wpn_abakan.ogf'. Model [weapons\abakan\wpn_abakan] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'weapons\abakan\wpn_abakan.ogf'. Model [weapons\abakan\wpn_abakan] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'weapons\abakan\wpn_abakan.ogf'. Model [weapons\abakan\wpn_abakan] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'weapons\abakan\wpn_abakan.ogf'. Model [weapons\abakan\wpn_abakan] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'weapons\ak74\wpn_ak74.ogf'. Model [weapons\ak74\wpn_ak74] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'weapons\ak74\wpn_ak74.ogf'. Model [weapons\ak74\wpn_ak74] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'weapons\ak74\wpn_ak74.ogf'. Model [weapons\ak74\wpn_ak74] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'weapons\ak74\wpn_ak74.ogf'. Model [weapons\ak74\wpn_ak74] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'weapons\ak74\wpn_ak74.ogf'. Model [weapons\ak74\wpn_ak74] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'weapons\ak74\wpn_ak74.ogf'. Model [weapons\ak74\wpn_ak74] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'weapons\mounted_weapons\wpn_pkm_trenoga.ogf'. Model [weapons\mounted_weapons\wpn_pkm_trenoga] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'weapons\svd\wpn_svd.ogf'. Model [weapons\svd\wpn_svd] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'weapons\svd\wpn_svd.ogf'. Model [weapons\svd\wpn_svd] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'weapons\svd\wpn_svd.ogf'. Model [weapons\svd\wpn_svd] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\equipment_cache\equipment_box_01_case.ogf'. Model [physics\equipment_cache\equipment_box_01_case] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\box\box_metall_01.ogf'. Model [physics\box\box_metall_01] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\box\box_metall_01.ogf'. Model [physics\box\box_metall_01] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'equipments\item_aptechka3.ogf'. Model [equipments\item_aptechka3] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'equipments\item_aptechka3.ogf'. Model [equipments\item_aptechka3] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'equipments\item_aptechka3.ogf'. Model [equipments\item_aptechka3] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'equipments\item_aptechka3.ogf'. Model [equipments\item_aptechka3] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'equipments\item_aptechka3.ogf'. Model [equipments\item_aptechka3] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'equipments\item_aptechka2.ogf'. Model [equipments\item_aptechka2] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'equipments\item_aptechka2.ogf'. Model [equipments\item_aptechka2] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'equipments\item_aptechka2.ogf'. Model [equipments\item_aptechka2] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'equipments\item_aptechka2.ogf'. Model [equipments\item_aptechka2] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'equipments\item_aptechka2.ogf'. Model [equipments\item_aptechka2] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'equipments\item_aptechka.ogf'. Model [equipments\item_aptechka] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'equipments\item_aptechka.ogf'. Model [equipments\item_aptechka] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'equipments\item_aptechka.ogf'. Model [equipments\item_aptechka] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'equipments\item_aptechka.ogf'. Model [equipments\item_aptechka] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'equipments\item_aptechka.ogf'. Model [equipments\item_aptechka] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\decor\priemnik_gorizont.ogf'. Model [physics\decor\priemnik_gorizont] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\decor\ventilator_01.ogf'. Model [physics\decor\ventilator_01] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\decor\tv_1.ogf'. Model [physics\decor\tv_1] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\equipment_cache\equipment_box_01_case.ogf'. Model [physics\equipment_cache\equipment_box_01_case] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\decor\ventilator_01.ogf'. Model [physics\decor\ventilator_01] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\box\box_wood_01.ogf'. Model [physics\box\box_wood_01] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\box\box_wood_01.ogf'. Model [physics\box\box_wood_01] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\box\box_wood_01.ogf'. Model [physics\box\box_wood_01] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\box\box_wood_01.ogf'. Model [physics\box\box_wood_01] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\box\box_wood_01.ogf'. Model [physics\box\box_wood_01] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\box\box_metall_01.ogf'. Model [physics\box\box_metall_01] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\box\box_metall_01.ogf'. Model [physics\box\box_metall_01] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\box\box_metall_01.ogf'. Model [physics\box\box_metall_01] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\box\box_metall_01.ogf'. Model [physics\box\box_metall_01] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'equipments\item_aptechka.ogf'. Model [equipments\item_aptechka] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'equipments\item_aptechka.ogf'. Model [equipments\item_aptechka] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'equipments\item_aptechka.ogf'. Model [equipments\item_aptechka] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'equipments\item_aptechka.ogf'. Model [equipments\item_aptechka] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'equipments\item_aptechka.ogf'. Model [equipments\item_aptechka] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'equipments\item_aptechka.ogf'. Model [equipments\item_aptechka] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'equipments\item_aptechka.ogf'. Model [equipments\item_aptechka] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'equipments\item_aptechka.ogf'. Model [equipments\item_aptechka] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'equipments\item_aptechka.ogf'. Model [equipments\item_aptechka] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'equipments\item_aptechka.ogf'. Model [equipments\item_aptechka] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'equipments\item_aptechka.ogf'. Model [equipments\item_aptechka] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'equipments\item_aptechka.ogf'. Model [equipments\item_aptechka] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'equipments\item_pda.ogf'. Model [equipments\item_pda] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'weapons\ak74\wpn_ak74.ogf'. Model [weapons\ak74\wpn_ak74] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'weapons\ak74\wpn_ak74.ogf'. Model [weapons\ak74\wpn_ak74] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'weapons\ak-74u\ak74u.ogf'. Model [weapons\ak-74u\ak74u] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'weapons\ak-74u\ak74u.ogf'. Model [weapons\ak-74u\ak74u] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'equipments\projector.ogf'. Model [equipments\projector] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'equipments\projector.ogf'. Model [equipments\projector] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\vehicles\btr\veh_btr_script_u_01.ogf'. Model [physics\vehicles\btr\veh_btr_script_u_01] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\vehicles\btr\veh_btr_script_u_01.ogf'. Model [physics\vehicles\btr\veh_btr_script_u_01] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\equipment_cache\equipment_box_01_case.ogf'. Model [physics\equipment_cache\equipment_box_01_case] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'equipments\projector.ogf'. Model [equipments\projector] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\dead_body\skelet_combine_pose_00.ogf'. Model [physics\dead_body\skelet_combine_pose_00] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'weapons\desert_eagle\wpn_desert_eagle.ogf'. Model [weapons\desert_eagle\wpn_desert_eagle] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'weapons\bm_16\wpn_bm-16.ogf'. Model [weapons\bm_16\wpn_bm-16] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'weapons\bm_16\wpn_bm-16.ogf'. Model [weapons\bm_16\wpn_bm-16] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'weapons\bm_16\wpn_bm-16.ogf'. Model [weapons\bm_16\wpn_bm-16] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Stalkervernite 351 Опубликовано 1 апреля, 2024 19 часов назад, fenit сказал: Декомпилировал Предбанник для ЗП, захожу в СДК, открываю локацию и он мне начинает выдавать кучу предупреждений, что некие объекты не были найдены. Лог ниже Лог (Скрыть контент) !Can't find model file 'physics\light\new_light\light_alarm_white_glass.ogf'. Model [physics\light\new_light\light_alarm_white_glass] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - No. !Can't find model file 'physics\light\new_light\light_wire_1_glass.ogf'. Model [physics\light\new_light\light_wire_1_glass] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - No. !Can't find model file 'physics\light\new_light\light_alarm_glass.ogf'. Model [physics\light\new_light\light_alarm_glass] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - No. !Can't find model file 'physics\light\new_light\light_alarm_white_glass.ogf'. Model [physics\light\new_light\light_alarm_white_glass] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - No. !Can't find model file 'physics\light\new_light\light_alarm_glass.ogf'. Model [physics\light\new_light\light_alarm_glass] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - No. !Can't find model file 'physics\light\new_light\light_alarm_white_glass.ogf'. Model [physics\light\new_light\light_alarm_white_glass] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - No. !Can't find model file 'physics\light\new_light\light_alarm_glass.ogf'. Model [physics\light\new_light\light_alarm_glass] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - No. !Can't find model file 'physics\light\new_light\light_alarm_white_glass.ogf'. Model [physics\light\new_light\light_alarm_white_glass] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - No. !Can't find model file 'physics\light\new_light\light_alarm_glass.ogf'. Model [physics\light\new_light\light_alarm_glass] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - No. !Can't find model file 'physics\light\new_light\light_galogen_1_glass.ogf'. Model [physics\light\new_light\light_galogen_1_glass] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - No. !Can't find model file 'physics\light\new_light\light_galogen_1_glass.ogf'. Model [physics\light\new_light\light_galogen_1_glass] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - No. !Can't find model file 'physics\light\new_light\light_galogen_1_glass.ogf'. Model [physics\light\new_light\light_galogen_1_glass] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - No. !Can't find model file 'physics\light\new_light\light_galogen_1_glass.ogf'. Model [physics\light\new_light\light_galogen_1_glass] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - No. !Can't find model file 'physics\light\new_light\light_galogen_1_glass.ogf'. Model [physics\light\new_light\light_galogen_1_glass] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - No. !Can't find model file 'physics\light\new_light\light_galogen_1_glass.ogf'. Model [physics\light\new_light\light_galogen_1_glass] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - No. !Can't find model file 'physics\equipment_cache\equipment_box_01_case.ogf'. Model [physics\equipment_cache\equipment_box_01_case] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - No. !Can't find model file 'physics\light\new_light\light_white_glass.ogf'. Model [physics\light\new_light\light_white_glass] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - No. !Can't find model file 'physics\light\new_light\light_white_glass.ogf'. Model [physics\light\new_light\light_white_glass] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Cancel. !Can't find model file 'physics\vehicles\btr\veh_btr_script_u_01.ogf'. Model [physics\vehicles\btr\veh_btr_script_u_01] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'weapons\kolbasa\kolbasa.ogf'. Model [weapons\kolbasa\kolbasa] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'food\conserv1.ogf'. Model [food\conserv1] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'weapons\bred\bred.ogf'. Model [weapons\bred\bred] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'weapons\vodka\vodka.ogf'. Model [weapons\vodka\vodka] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\balon\bochka_fuel.ogf'. Model [physics\balon\bochka_fuel] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\balon\bochka_fuel.ogf'. Model [physics\balon\bochka_fuel] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\box\box_metall_01.ogf'. Model [physics\box\box_metall_01] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\box\box_wood_01.ogf'. Model [physics\box\box_wood_01] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\box\box_wood_01.ogf'. Model [physics\box\box_wood_01] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\box\box_wood_01.ogf'. Model [physics\box\box_wood_01] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\light\new_light\light_galogen_1_glass.ogf'. Model [physics\light\new_light\light_galogen_1_glass] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\light\new_light\light_alarm_white_glass.ogf'. Model [physics\light\new_light\light_alarm_white_glass] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\balon\bochka_fuel.ogf'. Model [physics\balon\bochka_fuel] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\balon\bochka_fuel.ogf'. Model [physics\balon\bochka_fuel] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\balon\bochka_fuel.ogf'. Model [physics\balon\bochka_fuel] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\balon\bochka_fuel.ogf'. Model [physics\balon\bochka_fuel] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\box\box_wood_01.ogf'. Model [physics\box\box_wood_01] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\box\box_wood_01.ogf'. Model [physics\box\box_wood_01] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\box\box_wood_01.ogf'. Model [physics\box\box_wood_01] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\box\box_wood_01.ogf'. Model [physics\box\box_wood_01] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\decor\tv_1.ogf'. Model [physics\decor\tv_1] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\decor\priemnik_gorizont.ogf'. Model [physics\decor\priemnik_gorizont] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\decor\ventilator_01.ogf'. Model [physics\decor\ventilator_01] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'equipments\drink_nonstop.ogf'. Model [equipments\drink_nonstop] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\light\new_light\light_alarm_white_glass.ogf'. Model [physics\light\new_light\light_alarm_white_glass] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\light\new_light\light_galogen_1_glass.ogf'. Model [physics\light\new_light\light_galogen_1_glass] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\light\new_light\light_alarm_white_glass.ogf'. Model [physics\light\new_light\light_alarm_white_glass] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\light\new_light\light_alarm_white_glass.ogf'. Model [physics\light\new_light\light_alarm_white_glass] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\equipment_cache\equipment_box_01_case.ogf'. Model [physics\equipment_cache\equipment_box_01_case] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\decor\kitchen_kastrula.ogf'. Model [physics\decor\kitchen_kastrula] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\decor\kitchen_kastrula_up.ogf'. Model [physics\decor\kitchen_kastrula_up] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\decor\kitchen_tarelka1.ogf'. Model [physics\decor\kitchen_tarelka1] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\decor\kitchen_krujka.ogf'. Model [physics\decor\kitchen_krujka] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\decor\kitchen_miska.ogf'. Model [physics\decor\kitchen_miska] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\decor\vedro_01.ogf'. Model [physics\decor\vedro_01] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\decor\vedro_01.ogf'. Model [physics\decor\vedro_01] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'equipments\projector.ogf'. Model [equipments\projector] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\decor\rupor.ogf'. Model [physics\decor\rupor] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\decor\rupor.ogf'. Model [physics\decor\rupor] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\decor\rupor.ogf'. Model [physics\decor\rupor] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'equipments\projector.ogf'. Model [equipments\projector] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\decor\tv_1.ogf'. Model [physics\decor\tv_1] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\light\new_light\light_galogen_1_glass.ogf'. Model [physics\light\new_light\light_galogen_1_glass] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'equipments\projector.ogf'. Model [equipments\projector] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'equipments\projector.ogf'. Model [equipments\projector] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'equipments\projector.ogf'. Model [equipments\projector] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'equipments\projector.ogf'. Model [equipments\projector] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\decor\tv_1.ogf'. Model [physics\decor\tv_1] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\decor\vedro_01.ogf'. Model [physics\decor\vedro_01] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\box\expl_dinamit.ogf'. Model [physics\box\expl_dinamit] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\decor\ventilator_01.ogf'. Model [physics\decor\ventilator_01] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\decor\ventilator_01.ogf'. Model [physics\decor\ventilator_01] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\box\box_wood_01.ogf'. Model [physics\box\box_wood_01] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\box\box_wood_01.ogf'. Model [physics\box\box_wood_01] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'equipments\projector.ogf'. Model [equipments\projector] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\box\box_wood_01.ogf'. Model [physics\box\box_wood_01] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\box\box_wood_01.ogf'. Model [physics\box\box_wood_01] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\box\box_wood_01.ogf'. Model [physics\box\box_wood_01] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\box\box_wood_01.ogf'. Model [physics\box\box_wood_01] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\box\box_metall_01.ogf'. Model [physics\box\box_metall_01] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\light\new_light\light_galogen_1_glass.ogf'. Model [physics\light\new_light\light_galogen_1_glass] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\equipment_cache\equipment_box_01_case.ogf'. Model [physics\equipment_cache\equipment_box_01_case] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\box\box_wood_01.ogf'. Model [physics\box\box_wood_01] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\box\box_wood_01.ogf'. Model [physics\box\box_wood_01] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\box\box_metall_01.ogf'. Model [physics\box\box_metall_01] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\box\box_wood_01.ogf'. Model [physics\box\box_wood_01] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\box\box_metall_01.ogf'. Model [physics\box\box_metall_01] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\decor\ventilator_01.ogf'. Model [physics\decor\ventilator_01] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\decor\priemnik_gorizont.ogf'. Model [physics\decor\priemnik_gorizont] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'weapons\bred\bred.ogf'. Model [weapons\bred\bred] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'weapons\vodka\vodka.ogf'. Model [weapons\vodka\vodka] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'equipments\drink_nonstop.ogf'. Model [equipments\drink_nonstop] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\equipment_cache\equipment_cross_1_case.ogf'. Model [physics\equipment_cache\equipment_cross_1_case] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\decor\ventilator_01.ogf'. Model [physics\decor\ventilator_01] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\decor\ventilator_01.ogf'. Model [physics\decor\ventilator_01] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'weapons\abakan\wpn_abakan.ogf'. Model [weapons\abakan\wpn_abakan] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'weapons\abakan\wpn_abakan.ogf'. Model [weapons\abakan\wpn_abakan] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'weapons\abakan\wpn_abakan.ogf'. Model [weapons\abakan\wpn_abakan] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'weapons\abakan\wpn_abakan.ogf'. Model [weapons\abakan\wpn_abakan] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'weapons\abakan\wpn_abakan.ogf'. Model [weapons\abakan\wpn_abakan] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'weapons\ak74\wpn_ak74.ogf'. Model [weapons\ak74\wpn_ak74] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'weapons\ak74\wpn_ak74.ogf'. Model [weapons\ak74\wpn_ak74] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'weapons\ak74\wpn_ak74.ogf'. Model [weapons\ak74\wpn_ak74] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'weapons\ak74\wpn_ak74.ogf'. Model [weapons\ak74\wpn_ak74] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'weapons\ak74\wpn_ak74.ogf'. Model [weapons\ak74\wpn_ak74] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'weapons\ak74\wpn_ak74.ogf'. Model [weapons\ak74\wpn_ak74] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'weapons\mounted_weapons\wpn_pkm_trenoga.ogf'. Model [weapons\mounted_weapons\wpn_pkm_trenoga] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'weapons\svd\wpn_svd.ogf'. Model [weapons\svd\wpn_svd] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'weapons\svd\wpn_svd.ogf'. Model [weapons\svd\wpn_svd] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'weapons\svd\wpn_svd.ogf'. Model [weapons\svd\wpn_svd] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\equipment_cache\equipment_box_01_case.ogf'. Model [physics\equipment_cache\equipment_box_01_case] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\box\box_metall_01.ogf'. Model [physics\box\box_metall_01] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\box\box_metall_01.ogf'. Model [physics\box\box_metall_01] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'equipments\item_aptechka3.ogf'. Model [equipments\item_aptechka3] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'equipments\item_aptechka3.ogf'. Model [equipments\item_aptechka3] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'equipments\item_aptechka3.ogf'. Model [equipments\item_aptechka3] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'equipments\item_aptechka3.ogf'. Model [equipments\item_aptechka3] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'equipments\item_aptechka3.ogf'. Model [equipments\item_aptechka3] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'equipments\item_aptechka2.ogf'. Model [equipments\item_aptechka2] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'equipments\item_aptechka2.ogf'. Model [equipments\item_aptechka2] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'equipments\item_aptechka2.ogf'. Model [equipments\item_aptechka2] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'equipments\item_aptechka2.ogf'. Model [equipments\item_aptechka2] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'equipments\item_aptechka2.ogf'. Model [equipments\item_aptechka2] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'equipments\item_aptechka.ogf'. Model [equipments\item_aptechka] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'equipments\item_aptechka.ogf'. Model [equipments\item_aptechka] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'equipments\item_aptechka.ogf'. Model [equipments\item_aptechka] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'equipments\item_aptechka.ogf'. Model [equipments\item_aptechka] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'equipments\item_aptechka.ogf'. Model [equipments\item_aptechka] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\decor\priemnik_gorizont.ogf'. Model [physics\decor\priemnik_gorizont] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\decor\ventilator_01.ogf'. Model [physics\decor\ventilator_01] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\decor\tv_1.ogf'. Model [physics\decor\tv_1] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\equipment_cache\equipment_box_01_case.ogf'. Model [physics\equipment_cache\equipment_box_01_case] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\decor\ventilator_01.ogf'. Model [physics\decor\ventilator_01] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\box\box_wood_01.ogf'. Model [physics\box\box_wood_01] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\box\box_wood_01.ogf'. Model [physics\box\box_wood_01] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\box\box_wood_01.ogf'. Model [physics\box\box_wood_01] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\box\box_wood_01.ogf'. Model [physics\box\box_wood_01] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\box\box_wood_01.ogf'. Model [physics\box\box_wood_01] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\box\box_metall_01.ogf'. Model [physics\box\box_metall_01] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\box\box_metall_01.ogf'. Model [physics\box\box_metall_01] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\box\box_metall_01.ogf'. Model [physics\box\box_metall_01] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\box\box_metall_01.ogf'. Model [physics\box\box_metall_01] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'equipments\item_aptechka.ogf'. Model [equipments\item_aptechka] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'equipments\item_aptechka.ogf'. Model [equipments\item_aptechka] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'equipments\item_aptechka.ogf'. Model [equipments\item_aptechka] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'equipments\item_aptechka.ogf'. Model [equipments\item_aptechka] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'equipments\item_aptechka.ogf'. Model [equipments\item_aptechka] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'equipments\item_aptechka.ogf'. Model [equipments\item_aptechka] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'equipments\item_aptechka.ogf'. Model [equipments\item_aptechka] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'equipments\item_aptechka.ogf'. Model [equipments\item_aptechka] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'equipments\item_aptechka.ogf'. Model [equipments\item_aptechka] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'equipments\item_aptechka.ogf'. Model [equipments\item_aptechka] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'equipments\item_aptechka.ogf'. Model [equipments\item_aptechka] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'equipments\item_aptechka.ogf'. Model [equipments\item_aptechka] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'equipments\item_pda.ogf'. Model [equipments\item_pda] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'weapons\ak74\wpn_ak74.ogf'. Model [weapons\ak74\wpn_ak74] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'weapons\ak74\wpn_ak74.ogf'. Model [weapons\ak74\wpn_ak74] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'weapons\ak-74u\ak74u.ogf'. Model [weapons\ak-74u\ak74u] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'weapons\ak-74u\ak74u.ogf'. Model [weapons\ak-74u\ak74u] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'equipments\projector.ogf'. Model [equipments\projector] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'equipments\projector.ogf'. Model [equipments\projector] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\vehicles\btr\veh_btr_script_u_01.ogf'. Model [physics\vehicles\btr\veh_btr_script_u_01] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\vehicles\btr\veh_btr_script_u_01.ogf'. Model [physics\vehicles\btr\veh_btr_script_u_01] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\equipment_cache\equipment_box_01_case.ogf'. Model [physics\equipment_cache\equipment_box_01_case] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'equipments\projector.ogf'. Model [equipments\projector] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'physics\dead_body\skelet_combine_pose_00.ogf'. Model [physics\dead_body\skelet_combine_pose_00] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'weapons\desert_eagle\wpn_desert_eagle.ogf'. Model [weapons\desert_eagle\wpn_desert_eagle] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'weapons\bm_16\wpn_bm-16.ogf'. Model [weapons\bm_16\wpn_bm-16] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'weapons\bm_16\wpn_bm-16.ogf'. Model [weapons\bm_16\wpn_bm-16] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. !Can't find model file 'weapons\bm_16\wpn_bm-16.ogf'. Model [weapons\bm_16\wpn_bm-16] not found. Do you want to select it from library? - Something. Прямо сказано что не найдена модель... Видимо сдк-шной gamedata нету данных моделей. Закинь в папку meshes и по указанному пути модели. Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
fenit 11 Опубликовано 1 апреля, 2024 24 минуты назад, Stalkervernite сказал: Прямо сказано что не найдена модель... Видимо сдк-шной gamedata нету данных моделей. Закинь в папку meshes и по указанному пути модели. Это я понял. Мне просто показалось странным то, что этих моделей нет ни в оригинальной ЗПшной геймдате, ни в геймдате самого пака с Предбанником. Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Stalkervernite 351 Опубликовано 1 апреля, 2024 5 минут назад, fenit сказал: Это я понял. Мне просто показалось странным то, что этих моделей нет ни в оригинальной ЗПшной геймдате, ни в геймдате самого пака с Предбанником. А чего странного? Не обязательно что бы в самой в папке с локацией была и папка meshes, некоторые так не делают, а хранят отдельно модели... Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
fenit 11 Опубликовано 1 апреля, 2024 Только что, Stalkervernite сказал: А чего странного? Не обязательно что бы в самой в папке с локацией была и папка meshes, некоторые так не делают, а хранят отдельно модели... В плане отдельно? В \gamedata\meshes? Так я про то же. Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Stalkervernite 351 Опубликовано 1 апреля, 2024 (изменено) Только что, fenit сказал: В плане отдельно? В \gamedata\meshes? Так я про то же. Ну да, а некоторые делают так, что модели для локации хранят в папке с локацией Изменено 1 апреля, 2024 пользователем Stalkervernite Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
fenit 11 Опубликовано 1 апреля, 2024 Только что, Stalkervernite сказал: Ну да, а некоторые модели для локации хранят в папке с локацией В папке с локацей ничего нет, кроме brkbl#*.ogf'ов. Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Stalkervernite 351 Опубликовано 1 апреля, 2024 1 минуту назад, fenit сказал: В папке с локацей ничего нет, кроме brkbl#*.ogf'ов. Ну я как раз про эти файлы... Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
fenit 11 Опубликовано 1 апреля, 2024 6 минут назад, Stalkervernite сказал: Ну я как раз про эти файлы... Ну... они выглядят как какие-то "пустышки", хз. Спойлер Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Stalkervernite 351 Опубликовано 1 апреля, 2024 14 минут назад, fenit сказал: Ну... они выглядят как какие-то "пустышки", хз. Скриншот (Скрыть контент) Формально это модели... Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Gnomee123 192 Опубликовано 1 апреля, 2024 fenit это объекты из тч, в релизном тч они есть Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
sevo 173 Опубликовано 2 апреля, 2024 @fenit https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_ueLyat9SSmbXSrs9x6EpSLE7x5OK0mg/view?usp=sharing Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Paracetamol 1 029 Опубликовано 3 апреля, 2024 Пацаны, у кого нибудь есть те аномалии из мода Путь Человека которые типа призраки Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Stalkervernite 351 Опубликовано 9 апреля, 2024 (изменено) Господа, у кого нибудь есть исходный код билдовской раскачки. Желательно не из ЛА Киньте ссылку на сайт. Спасибо. Изменено 9 апреля, 2024 пользователем Stalkervernite Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
xrLil Batya 762 Опубликовано 9 апреля, 2024 Stalkervernite для какой платформы (тч, зп)? 1 бывший модоел Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Stalk873 136 Опубликовано 9 апреля, 2024 Возможно, у кого-то есть для ТЧ особо качественные ретекстуры следующих объектов: электросчётчика (prop_schetchik), вагонов (veh_vagoni_cpm), грузовика Зила, урны, настенных белых часов, знака STOP, оконных рам на Агропроме (wind_j06b) и там же металлической белой перегородки (ston_stena_07_e)? Поделитесь, пожалуйста, если вдруг располагаете. Или хотя бы укажите, где можно найти перечисленное. Уже использую HD-пак Лукьяна, перерыл весь пак Two-K и Vanilla Textures Overhaul. Смотрел технику AHD 2023, где оригинальные текстуры прогнали через нейросеть, но ощутимого качества это в большинстве случаев не даёт, несмотря на внушительное разрешение в 4к. Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Stalkervernite 351 Опубликовано 9 апреля, 2024 4 часа назад, xrLil Batya сказал: Stalkervernite для какой платформы (тч, зп)? Тч. Я помню, ты на гит хабе ссылку кидал. Но там не было файла build_config_defines.cpp А только .h Из за этого была ошибка при компиляции... Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Stalkervernite 351 Опубликовано 13 апреля, 2024 (изменено) Господа. У кого нибудь если исходники движка, из билда 1865? Нужно от туда кое-что достать. Дополнено 2 минуты спустя В 09.04.2024 в 14:17, Stalk873 сказал: Где оригинальные текстуры прогнали через нейросеть Дык через нейронку попробуй. Попробуй через разные, поэкспериментируй. Ты выше писал что ощутимого эффекта это не дала. Но скорее всего авторы данных hd текстур, прогоняли все через одну нейронку. Изменено 13 апреля, 2024 пользователем Stalkervernite Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Green Eyesman 2 Опубликовано 18 апреля, 2024 https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/low-poly-books-3c67cecc60a448aabdfe4afe736e5992 Лучше поздно, чем никогда. Низкополигональные книги для оформления локаций. Обложки книг без названия - можете добавить свои. Ссылку на исходник добавил в описание, но если что, то вот еще одна. Исходник текстуры - формат Krita. Этот растровый редактор бесплатный (как и формат). Исходник модели - файл blend. Это от Blender, если вдруг что. --- ПС: я восстанавливаю по чуть-чуть свою страницу на Скетчфабе. Там не только для Сталкера будут модели, но и матерые сталкеропостроители могут найти что-нибудь полезное. 1 Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты