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Мод ОЧЕНЬ понравился! Даже учитывая какие то мелкие недочеты и баги. Сама реализация, сюжет и тд. Просто СУПЕР! ОЧЕНЬ хочется увидеть от авторов более обширный мод! 

  • Спасибо 2

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Идея с замерзанием хороша, но крайне неудобно - кат сцен - вагон, и они не проматываются. А мерзнуть ты не перестаешь... пол Лиманска пробежал  и удалил.. Надоело -ф5 ф9

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7 часов назад, ЛкИк сказал:

Идея с замерзанием хороша, но крайне неудобно - кат сцен - вагон, и они не проматываются. А мерзнуть ты не перестаешь... пол Лиманска пробежал  и удалил.. Надоело -ф5 ф9

вам показалось - во время катсцен гг не замерзает

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В 15.02.2023 в 02:52, Emmis сказал:

вам показалось - во время катсцен гг не замерзает

Ах если бы.. 

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В 14.02.2023 в 23:21, ЛкИк сказал:

Идея с замерзанием хороша, но крайне неудобно - кат сцен - вагон, и они не проматываются. А мерзнуть ты не перестаешь... пол Лиманска пробежал  и удалил.. Надоело -ф5 ф9

да система явно недоработанная

так авторам на заметку, если будут делать ещё зимний мод, чтоб игроки не матерились и не отключали замерзание надо поправить скрипт и сделать либо несколько стадий замерзания на одной игрок теряет хп с небольшой скоростью, на второй (последней) как сейчас в моде, либо сделать одну стадия, но с медленной потерей здоровья, тайминги наступления замерзания, отогревания в принципе неплохие, но вот это вот когда перс спокойно ходит со 100% здоровьем, а потом внезапно начинает его терять и подыхает за 5 секунд - это плохой гейм-дизайн ,игрока надо предупредить сначала маленькой потерей здоровья, чтоб начал шевелиться, потому что психология людей такая в выживалке будут тянуть до последнего, чем тратить ресурсы, а тут когда игрок понимает, что пора тратить он уже ничего не успевает(

  • Мастер! 1

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Пасиб за мод, прикольная задумка, правда реализация местами подвела, я так понимаю не хватает скилла 🙂




Изменено пользователем Gibson

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А продолжение будет? С артефактом задумка хорошая, можно и 2 часть сделать)

𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐩 𝐡𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐟, 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐩 𝐡𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫…𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐩 𝐡𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐟

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В целом одобряю и идея нравится. Но как вариант Ребятам стоило бы начать лучше с модифицированного движка с разнообразными шейдерами типа отражений( на льду бы смотрелось ах ерительно, а не как щас на мокром асфальте в других проектах, который словно каток). 

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Пожалуйста, помогите!

Лиманск, фонтан, 1 гном и 3 зомби мертвы, артефакты у меня.  Потом игра замирает, конец.

log file:

[error]Expression    : assertion failed
[error]Function      : CMapManager::AddRelationLocation
[error]File          : D:\prog_repository\sources\trunk\xrGame\map_manager.cpp
[error]Line          : 126
[error]Description   : !HasMapLocation(sname, pInvOwner->object_id())

Извините за мой плохой русский. Яндекс и Deepl переводчик помогут.

Мне очень нравится Сталкер.

Спасибо. До свидания!

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Скачал, нажимаю "Новая Игра" и начинается вечная загрузка. Как исправить? 

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Здравствуйте есть проблема мод вылетает.Прикладываю лог 


* Detected CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2320 CPU @ 3.00GHz [GenuineIntel], F6/M10/S7, 2993.00 mhz, 26-clk 'rdtsc'
* CPU threads: 4

Initializing File System...
using fs-ltx fsgame.ltx
FS: 43283 files cached 32 archives, 7659Kb memory used.
Init FileSystem 1.307998 sec
'xrCore' build 3967, Dec 14 2009

EH: 9BDBD715169AC65D0242294793C84288

-----loading d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. call of pripyat\gamedata\configs\system.ltx
-----loading d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. call of pripyat\gamedata\configs\system.ltx
Initializing Engine...
Starting INPUT device...
Loading DLL: xrRender_R2.dll
Loading DLL: xrRender_R3.dll
refCount:m_pAdapter 1
Loading DLL: xrRender_R4.dll
command line 
Executing config-script "user.ltx"...
[c:\users\user\docume~1\stalke~1\user.ltx] successfully loaded.
Loading DLL: xrRender_R2.dll
Loading DLL: xrGame.dll
* [win32]: free[4057580 K], reserved[53508 K], committed[83152 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[0 K]
* [x-ray]: crt heap[12285 K], process heap[2211 K], game lua[0 K], render[0 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[4160 K], smem[0 K]
SOUND: OpenAL: enumerate devices...
SOUND: OpenAL: EnumerationExtension Present
dir[0]=D:\Games\S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Call of Pripyat\bin\
dir[1]=D:\Games\S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Call of Pripyat\
dir[2]=D:\Games\S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Call of Pripyat\bin\
CleanDeviceSpecifierList Generic Hardware
devices Generic Hardware
SOUND: OpenAL: system  default SndDevice name is Generic Hardware
SOUND: OpenAL: default SndDevice name set to Generic Software
SOUND: OpenAL: All available devices:
1. Generic Software, Spec Version 1.1 (default) eax[0] efx[no] xram[no]
2. Generic Software, Spec Version 1.1 (default) eax[0] efx[no] xram[no]
Executing config-script "d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. call of pripyat\gamedata\configs\default_controls.ltx"...
[d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. call of pripyat\gamedata\configs\default_controls.ltx] successfully loaded.
Executing config-script "user.ltx"...
Executing config-script "d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. call of pripyat\gamedata\configs\rspec_extreme.ltx"...
[d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. call of pripyat\gamedata\configs\rspec_extreme.ltx] successfully loaded.
Executing config-script "d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. call of pripyat\gamedata\configs\default_controls.ltx"...
[d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. call of pripyat\gamedata\configs\default_controls.ltx] successfully loaded.
~ Invalid syntax in call to 'r2_aa_break'
~ Valid arguments: vector3 in range [0.000000e+000,0.000000e+000,0.000000e+000]-[1.000000e+000,1.000000e+000,1.000000e+000]
~ Invalid syntax in call to 'r2_aa_weight'
~ Valid arguments: vector3 in range [0.000000e+000,0.000000e+000,0.000000e+000]-[1.000000e+000,1.000000e+000,1.000000e+000]
~ Invalid syntax in call to 'sv_adm_menu_ban_time'
~ Valid arguments: ui_mp_am_10_minutes/ui_mp_am_30_minutes/ui_mp_am_1_hour/ui_mp_am_6_hours/ui_mp_am_1_day/ui_mp_am_1_week/ui_mp_am_1_month/ui_mp_am_3_monthes/ui_mp_am_forever
[c:\users\user\docume~1\stalke~1\user.ltx] successfully loaded.
SOUND: Selected device is Generic Software
* sound: EAX 2.0 extension: absent
* sound: EAX 2.0 deferred: absent
* sound : cache: 65537 kb, 4856 lines, 13820 bpl
Starting RENDER device...
* GPU [vendor:1002]-[device:6779]: AMD Radeon HD 6450 Graphics  
* GPU driver:
* CREATE: DeviceREF: 1
* Vertex Processor: PURE HARDWARE
*     Texture memory: 2786 M
*          DDI-level: 9.0
* GPU shading: vs(fffe0300/3.0/30), ps(ffff0300/3.0/30)
* GPU vertex cache: unrecognized, 16
* NVAPI is missing.
* Starting rendering as 2-GPU.
* DVB created: 1536K
* DIB created: 512K
! Renderer doesn't support blender 'effects\shadow_world'
* NULLRT supported
* ...and used
* HWDST/PCF supported and used
compiling shader dumb
compiling shader dumb
compiling shader accum_mask
compiling shader accum_sun_mask
compiling shader copy_p
compiling shader accum_volume
compiling shader copy
compiling shader accum_sun_near
compiling shader accum_sun
compiling shader accum_sun_cascade
compiling shader accum_sun_cascade_far
compiling shader accum_omni_unshadowed
compiling shader accum_omni_normal
compiling shader accum_omni_transluent
compiling shader accum_spot_unshadowed
compiling shader accum_spot_normal
compiling shader accum_spot_fullsize
compiling shader accum_volumetric
compiling shader accum_volumetric
compiling shader accum_indirect
compiling shader bloom_build
compiling shader bloom_filter
compiling shader bloom_filter_f
compiling shader bloom_luminance_1
compiling shader bloom_luminance_2
compiling shader bloom_luminance_3
compiling shader combine_1
compiling shader combine_1
compiling shader combine_2_AA
compiling shader combine_2_NAA
compiling shader combine_2_AA_D
compiling shader combine_2_NAA_D
compiling shader combine_volumetric
compiling shader postprocess
compiling shader postprocess_CM
compiling shader distort
compiling shader particle_distort
compiling shader particle
compiling shader particle
compiling shader particle_s-blend
compiling shader particle-clip
compiling shader particle_s-add
compiling shader particle_s-aadd
compiling shader deffer_particle
compiling shader deffer_particle
- r__tf_aniso 16
- r2_tf_mipbias 0.
compiling shader portal
compiling shader portal
compiling shader simple_color
compiling shader editor
compiling shader sky2
compiling shader sky2
compiling shader clouds
compiling shader clouds
Starting engine...
! Missing ogg-comment, file:  d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. call of pripyat\gamedata\sounds\material\human\step\grass01.ogg
! Missing ogg-comment, file:  d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. call of pripyat\gamedata\sounds\material\human\step\grass01gr.ogg
! Missing ogg-comment, file:  d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. call of pripyat\gamedata\sounds\material\human\step\grass02gr.ogg
! Missing ogg-comment, file:  d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. call of pripyat\gamedata\sounds\material\human\step\grass02.ogg
! Missing ogg-comment, file:  d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. call of pripyat\gamedata\sounds\material\human\step\grass03.ogg
! Missing ogg-comment, file:  d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. call of pripyat\gamedata\sounds\material\human\step\grass04.ogg
! Missing ogg-comment, file:  d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. call of pripyat\gamedata\sounds\material\human\step\t_asphalt4.ogg
! Missing ogg-comment, file:  d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. call of pripyat\gamedata\sounds\material\human\step\t_asphalt3.ogg
! Missing ogg-comment, file:  d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. call of pripyat\gamedata\sounds\material\human\step\t_asphalt2.ogg
! Missing ogg-comment, file:  d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. call of pripyat\gamedata\sounds\material\human\step\t_asphalt1.ogg
! Missing ogg-comment, file:  d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. call of pripyat\gamedata\sounds\material\human\step\asphalt01gr.ogg
! Missing ogg-comment, file:  d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. call of pripyat\gamedata\sounds\material\human\step\asphalt02gr.ogg
! Missing ogg-comment, file:  d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. call of pripyat\gamedata\sounds\material\human\step\n_earth_1.ogg
! Missing ogg-comment, file:  d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. call of pripyat\gamedata\sounds\material\human\step\n_earth_2.ogg
! Missing ogg-comment, file:  d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. call of pripyat\gamedata\sounds\material\human\step\n_earth_3.ogg
! Missing ogg-comment, file:  d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. call of pripyat\gamedata\sounds\material\human\step\n_earth_4.ogg
! Missing ogg-comment, file:  d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. call of pripyat\gamedata\sounds\material\human\step\n_gravel_4.ogg
! Missing ogg-comment, file:  d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. call of pripyat\gamedata\sounds\material\human\step\n_gravel_3.ogg
! Missing ogg-comment, file:  d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. call of pripyat\gamedata\sounds\material\human\step\n_gravel_2.ogg
! Missing ogg-comment, file:  d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. call of pripyat\gamedata\sounds\material\human\step\n_gravel_1.ogg
! Missing ogg-comment, file:  d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. call of pripyat\gamedata\sounds\material\human\step\n_water_1.ogg
! Missing ogg-comment, file:  d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. call of pripyat\gamedata\sounds\material\human\step\n_water_2.ogg
! Missing ogg-comment, file:  d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. call of pripyat\gamedata\sounds\material\human\step\n_water_3.ogg
! Missing ogg-comment, file:  d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. call of pripyat\gamedata\sounds\material\human\step\n_water_4.ogg
! Missing ogg-comment, file:  d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. call of pripyat\gamedata\sounds\material\human\step\n_grass_4.ogg
! Missing ogg-comment, file:  d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. call of pripyat\gamedata\sounds\material\human\step\n_grass_2.ogg
! Missing ogg-comment, file:  d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. call of pripyat\gamedata\sounds\material\human\step\n_grass_1.ogg
! Missing ogg-comment, file:  d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. call of pripyat\gamedata\sounds\material\human\step\n_grass_3.ogg
! Missing ogg-comment, file:  d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. call of pripyat\gamedata\sounds\material\human\step\new_gravel2.ogg
! Missing ogg-comment, file:  d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. call of pripyat\gamedata\sounds\material\human\step\new_gravel1.ogg
! Missing ogg-comment, file:  d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. call of pripyat\gamedata\sounds\material\human\step\t_grass1.ogg
! Missing ogg-comment, file:  d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. call of pripyat\gamedata\sounds\material\human\step\t_grass2.ogg
! Missing ogg-comment, file:  d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. call of pripyat\gamedata\sounds\material\human\step\t_grass3.ogg
! Missing ogg-comment, file:  d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. call of pripyat\gamedata\sounds\material\human\step\t_grass4.ogg
! Missing ogg-comment, file:  d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. call of pripyat\gamedata\sounds\material\hoof\step\hoof_ground_1.ogg
! Missing ogg-comment, file:  d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. call of pripyat\gamedata\sounds\material\hoof\step\hoof_ground_2.ogg
! Missing ogg-comment, file:  d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. call of pripyat\gamedata\sounds\material\hoof\step\hoof_ground_3.ogg
! Missing ogg-comment, file:  d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. call of pripyat\gamedata\sounds\material\hoof\step\hoof_ground_4.ogg
! Missing ogg-comment, file:  d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. call of pripyat\gamedata\sounds\material\actor\step\n_earth_1.ogg
! Missing ogg-comment, file:  d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. call of pripyat\gamedata\sounds\material\actor\step\n_earth_2.ogg
! Missing ogg-comment, file:  d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. call of pripyat\gamedata\sounds\material\actor\step\n_earth_3.ogg
! Missing ogg-comment, file:  d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. call of pripyat\gamedata\sounds\material\actor\step\n_earth_4.ogg
! Missing ogg-comment, file:  d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. call of pripyat\gamedata\sounds\material\actor\step\n_default_1.ogg
! Missing ogg-comment, file:  d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. call of pripyat\gamedata\sounds\material\actor\step\n_default_2.ogg
! Missing ogg-comment, file:  d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. call of pripyat\gamedata\sounds\material\actor\step\n_default_3.ogg
! Missing ogg-comment, file:  d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. call of pripyat\gamedata\sounds\material\actor\step\n_default_4.ogg
! Missing ogg-comment, file:  d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. call of pripyat\gamedata\sounds\material\actor\step\n_gravel_1.ogg
! Missing ogg-comment, file:  d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. call of pripyat\gamedata\sounds\material\actor\step\n_gravel_4.ogg
! Missing ogg-comment, file:  d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. call of pripyat\gamedata\sounds\material\actor\step\n_gravel_3.ogg
! Missing ogg-comment, file:  d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. call of pripyat\gamedata\sounds\material\actor\step\n_gravel_2.ogg
! Missing ogg-comment, file:  d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. call of pripyat\gamedata\sounds\material\actor\step\n_grass_1.ogg
! Missing ogg-comment, file:  d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. call of pripyat\gamedata\sounds\material\actor\step\n_grass_2.ogg
! Missing ogg-comment, file:  d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. call of pripyat\gamedata\sounds\material\actor\step\n_grass_3.ogg
! Missing ogg-comment, file:  d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. call of pripyat\gamedata\sounds\material\actor\step\n_grass_4.ogg
! Missing ogg-comment, file:  d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. call of pripyat\gamedata\sounds\material\actor\step\n_water_1.ogg
! Missing ogg-comment, file:  d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. call of pripyat\gamedata\sounds\material\actor\step\n_water_2.ogg
! Missing ogg-comment, file:  d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. call of pripyat\gamedata\sounds\material\actor\step\n_water_3.ogg
! Missing ogg-comment, file:  d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. call of pripyat\gamedata\sounds\material\actor\step\n_water_4.ogg
compiling shader stub_default
compiling shader effects_sun
! Missing ogg-comment, file:  d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. call of pripyat\gamedata\sounds\nature\thunder-0.ogg
! Missing ogg-comment, file:  d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. call of pripyat\gamedata\sounds\nature\thunder-1.ogg
compiling shader hud_font
Loading DLL: xrGameSpy.dll
compiling shader yuv2rgb
! Missing ogg-comment, file:  d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. call of pripyat\gamedata\sounds\video\ati_radeon_1920x1080.ogg
! Missing ogg-comment, file:  d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. call of pripyat\gamedata\sounds\video\amd_fusion_final_720.ogg
intro_start intro_logo
intro_delete ::update_logo_intro
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file:  d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. call of pripyat\gamedata\sounds\music\menu.ogg
* [win32]: free[3819860 K], reserved[87968 K], committed[286412 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[64 K]
* [x-ray]: crt heap[96785 K], process heap[11052 K], game lua[2143 K], render[214 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[4220 K], smem[0 K]
*  0.0 : [  56] $null
*  0.0 : [   3] $user$accum
*  0.0 : [   1] $user$accum_temp
*  0.0 : [   6] $user$albedo
*  0.0 : [   6] $user$bloom1
*  0.0 : [   2] $user$bloom2
*  0.0 : [   2] $user$cmap0
*  0.0 : [   2] $user$cmap1
*  0.0 : [   2] $user$env_s0
*  0.0 : [   2] $user$env_s1
*  0.0 : [   7] $user$generic0
*  0.0 : [   5] $user$generic1
*  0.0 : [   1] $user$generic2
*  0.0 : [   1] $user$jitter_0
*  0.0 : [   1] $user$jitter_1
*  0.0 : [   1] $user$jitter_2
*  0.0 : [   1] $user$jitter_3
*  0.0 : [   1] $user$jitter_4
*  0.0 : [   2] $user$lum_t64
*  0.0 : [   3] $user$lum_t8
*  0.0 : [   1] $user$luminance_0
*  0.0 : [   1] $user$luminance_1
*  0.0 : [   1] $user$luminance_2
*  0.0 : [   1] $user$luminance_3
*  0.0 : [   8] $user$material
*  0.0 : [  12] $user$normal
*  0.0 : [  12] $user$position
*  0.0 : [   1] $user$sky0
*  0.0 : [   1] $user$sky1
*  0.0 : [   4] $user$smap_depth
*  0.0 : [   3] $user$smap_surf
*  0.0 : [   7] $user$tonemap
*  0.0 : [   2] $user$tonemap_src
*  0.0 : [   1] act\act_controller_hit1
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\trace
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\trail
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\flash_02
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\flash_04
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\trace
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\trace_01
*  0.0 : [   1] fx\fx_flare1
*  0.0 : [   1] fx\fx_flare2
*  0.0 : [   1] fx\fx_flare3
*  0.0 : [   1] fx\fx_gradient
*  0.0 : [   1] fx\fx_gradient1
*  0.0 : [   1] fx\fx_lightning
*  0.0 : [   1] fx\fx_noise
*  0.0 : [   2] fx\fx_noise2
*  0.0 : [   1] fx\fx_rain
*  0.0 : [   1] fx\fx_rainsplash1
*  0.0 : [   1] fx\fx_sun
*  0.0 : [   1] fx\fx_sun_rise
*  0.0 : [   1] fx\fx_thunderbolts_gradient
*  0.0 : [   1] fx\fx_thunderbolts_gradient_surge
*  0.0 : [   1] fx\fx_volumefog1
*  0.0 : [   1] glow\glow_04
*  0.0 : [   1] glow\glow_fire1
*  0.0 : [   1] glow\glow_orange
*  0.0 : [   1] glow\glow_orange2
*  0.0 : [   1] glow\glow_orange_bright
*  0.0 : [   1] glow\glow_white
*  0.0 : [   4] lights\lights_spot01
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_ani-explosion-02
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_ani-explosion-02-b-a
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_ani-explosion-02a
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_ani-fire01
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_ani-smoke-01
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_1
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_16
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_18
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_19
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_2
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_21
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_23
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_2_green
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_3
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_4
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_5
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_6
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_7
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_8
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_88
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_9
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_bloodsplash1
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_bloodsplash2
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_blurry_cloud
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_brick
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_bubble
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_bubble_1
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_bubble_water
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_concretedebris_01
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_concretepuffs_01
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist2
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist2inv
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist3
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist4
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist7
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist8
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist9
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist_teleport
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_distort_anomaly
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_distortion
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_explotions_2
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_explotions_3
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_explotions_4
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_explotions_smoke
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flame
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flame_01
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flamefx_01
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flash_01
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flash_05
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flash_07
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_gologramma
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_gradient
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_gradient1
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_leaves_01
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_leaves_02
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_light1
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_light3
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_light4
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_lighting_stancia_01
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_lighting_stancia_02
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_lightning_01
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_lightning_02
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_ligth_6
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_plasma
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_shells1
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_shells2
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_skinsplash1
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_smoke_a
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_smoke_b
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_smokepuffs1
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_smokepuffs2
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_spark_01
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_sparks
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_specks
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_specks_poison
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_spikey_star
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_splash3
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_splash_01
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_splash_02
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_step_blood
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_stonedebris1
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_stonedebris2
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_synus
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_teleport
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_test_textures
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_vehglassdebris_01
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_vehmetaldebris_01
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_water_wave
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_woodchips1
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_woodchips3
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\12ga
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\45acp
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\545x39
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\556x45
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\762x54
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\9x18
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\9x19
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\9x39
*  0.0 : [   1] prop\prop_fake_bed_fireplace
*  0.0 : [   1] prop\prop_provod_02
*  0.0 : [   4] sky\foggy\00-00
*  0.0 : [   4] sky\foggy\00-00#small
*  0.0 : [   4] sky\foggy\01-00
*  0.0 : [   4] sky\foggy\01-00#small
*  0.0 : [   4] sky\foggy\02-00
*  0.0 : [   4] sky\foggy\02-00#small
*  0.0 : [   4] sky\foggy\03-00
*  0.0 : [   4] sky\foggy\03-00#small
*  0.0 : [   2] sky\foggy\04-00
*  0.0 : [   2] sky\foggy\04-00#small
*  0.0 : [   1] sky\foggy\04-30
*  0.0 : [   1] sky\foggy\04-30#small
*  0.0 : [   2] sky\foggy\05-00
*  0.0 : [   2] sky\foggy\05-00#small
*  0.0 : [   2] sky\foggy\06-00
*  0.0 : [   2] sky\foggy\06-00#small
*  0.0 : [   2] sky\foggy\07-00
*  0.0 : [   2] sky\foggy\07-00#small
*  0.0 : [   4] sky\foggy\08-00
*  0.0 : [   4] sky\foggy\08-00#small
*  0.0 : [   4] sky\foggy\09-00
*  0.0 : [   4] sky\foggy\09-00#small
*  0.0 : [   4] sky\foggy\10-00
*  0.0 : [   4] sky\foggy\10-00#small
*  0.0 : [   6] sky\foggy\11-00
*  0.0 : [   6] sky\foggy\11-00#small
*  0.0 : [   6] sky\foggy\12-00
*  0.0 : [   6] sky\foggy\12-00#small
*  0.0 : [   4] sky\foggy\13-00
*  0.0 : [   4] sky\foggy\13-00#small
*  0.0 : [   4] sky\foggy\14-00
*  0.0 : [   4] sky\foggy\14-00#small
*  0.0 : [   6] sky\foggy\15-00
*  0.0 : [   6] sky\foggy\15-00#small
*  0.0 : [   4] sky\foggy\16-00
*  0.0 : [   4] sky\foggy\16-00#small
*  0.0 : [   6] sky\foggy\17-00
*  0.0 : [   6] sky\foggy\17-00#small
*  0.0 : [   8] sky\foggy\18-00
*  0.0 : [   8] sky\foggy\18-00#small
*  0.0 : [   5] sky\foggy\19-00
*  0.0 : [   5] sky\foggy\19-00#small
*  0.0 : [   2] sky\foggy\21-30
*  0.0 : [   2] sky\foggy\21-30#small
*  0.0 : [   4] sky\foggy\22-00
*  0.0 : [   4] sky\foggy\22-00#small
*  0.0 : [   4] sky\foggy\23-00
*  0.0 : [   4] sky\foggy\23-00#small
*  0.0 : [   5] sky\sky_12_vibros_cube
*  0.0 : [   5] sky\sky_12_vibros_cube#small
*  0.0 : [  26] sky\sky_13_cube
*  0.0 : [  26] sky\sky_13_cube#small
*  0.0 : [  16] sky\sky_13_cube_night
*  0.0 : [  16] sky\sky_13_cube_night#small
*  0.0 : [  12] sky\sky_13_vibros_cube
*  0.0 : [  12] sky\sky_13_vibros_cube#small
*  0.0 : [  10] sky\sky_14_cube
*  0.0 : [  10] sky\sky_14_cube#small
*  0.0 : [   4] sky\sky_17_clouds_cube
*  0.0 : [   4] sky\sky_17_clouds_cube#small
*  0.0 : [   4] sky\sky_17_cube
*  0.0 : [   4] sky\sky_17_cube#small
*  0.0 : [   8] sky\sky_18_cube
*  0.0 : [   8] sky\sky_18_cube#small
*  0.0 : [  11] sky\sky_19_cube
*  0.0 : [  11] sky\sky_19_cube#small
*  0.0 : [   4] sky\sky_1_clouds_cube
*  0.0 : [   4] sky\sky_1_clouds_cube#small
*  0.0 : [   4] sky\sky_20_clouds_cube
*  0.0 : [   4] sky\sky_20_clouds_cube#small
*  0.0 : [   4] sky\sky_20_cube
*  0.0 : [   4] sky\sky_20_cube#small
*  0.0 : [   4] sky\sky_2_clouds_cube
*  0.0 : [   4] sky\sky_2_clouds_cube#small
*  0.0 : [   4] sky\sky_2_cube
*  0.0 : [   4] sky\sky_2_cube#small
*  0.0 : [  12] sky\sky_3_cube
*  0.0 : [  12] sky\sky_3_cube#small
*  0.0 : [   3] sky\sky_4_cube
*  0.0 : [   3] sky\sky_4_cube#small
*  0.0 : [  30] sky\sky_5_cube
*  0.0 : [  30] sky\sky_5_cube#small
*  0.0 : [   7] sky\sky_6_cube
*  0.0 : [   7] sky\sky_6_cube#small
*  0.0 : [  11] sky\sky_7_cube
*  0.0 : [  11] sky\sky_7_cube#small
*  0.0 : [   8] sky\sky_8_cube
*  0.0 : [   8] sky\sky_8_cube#small
*  0.0 : [  51] sky\sky_9_cube
*  0.0 : [  51] sky\sky_9_cube#small
*  0.0 : [ 334] sky\sky_oblaka
*  0.0 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_hint_wnd
*  0.0 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_multiplayer_game_menu
*  0.0 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_sleep_screen
*  0.0 : [   1] ui\ui_common
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_1
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_1_1
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_1_2
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_1_3
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_drop_4
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_asfalt_1
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_asfalt_2
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_asfalt_3
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_brick_1
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_brick_2
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_1
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_2
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_4
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_5
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_6
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_7
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_glass01
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_glass02
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_glass03
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_glass04
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_ground
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_ground_1
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_ground_2
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik_1
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik_2
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik_3
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_1
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_2
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_3
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_4
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_1
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_2
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_3
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_4
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_5
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_6
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_7
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_8
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_9
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_grenade
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_dead
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_horiz
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_blood
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_blood1
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_metal
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_ston
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_wood
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_wood1
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_wood2
* 16.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_arial_14_1024
* 32.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_letter_16_1024
* 32.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_letter_18_1024
* 33.0 : [   1] ui\ui_ani_cursor
* 64.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_console_02
* 64.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_graff_19_1024
* 64.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_graff_22_1024
* 64.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_hud_01
* 128.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_graff_32_1024
* 128.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_letter_25_1024
* 256.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_graff_50_1024
* 256.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_hud_02
* 1350.8 : [   1] ui\mm_background
* 1365.5 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_main_menu
compiling shader deffer_base_bump-hq
compiling shader deffer_model_bump-hq_3
compiling shader deffer_base_bump
compiling shader deffer_model_bump_3
compiling shader shadow_direct_model_3
"d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. call of pripyat\bin\xrengine.exe" 
* phase time: 0 ms
* phase cmem: 113485 K
Loading objects...
compiling shader deffer_base_flat
compiling shader deffer_model_flat_0
compiling shader shadow_direct_model_0
compiling shader deffer_model_bump-hq_0
compiling shader deffer_model_bump_0
compiling shader deffer_base_aref_bump-hq
compiling shader deffer_base_aref_bump
compiling shader shadow_direct_base_aref
compiling shader shadow_direct_model_aref_0
compiling shader deffer_model_bump-hq_1
compiling shader deffer_model_bump_1
compiling shader shadow_direct_model_1
[error]Expression    : false
[error]Function      : CXml::Load
[error]File          : D:\prog_repository\sources\trunk\xrXMLParser\xrXMLParser.cpp
[error]Line          : 87
[error]Description   : XML file:ui\scopes.xml value: errDescr:Error reading end tag.

stack trace:


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