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  1. Stern-13millions thanks for you,man!
  2. не знаю, живы ли разрабы вообще или нет. Последний ответ на moddb был таков, почти 2 года назад и больше они нигде не светились: memester228andmemes Apr 10 2022 - you guys doing okay? FBR96 Apr 19 2022 - Yes, we are alive. Unfortunately, due to war in our country, the priorities have changed a bit. We hope everything will be fine soon.
  3. gibe "ПК Remaster" is the remastered version of the previous mod called Bad Company. The series has three mods in total (name translations may not be fully accurate): Messenger (Prologue to the whole story released after Bad Company, shows the origins of the main character) Bad Company (First mod in the series) Bad Company 2: Mason (Current mod, the biggest one) In order to know the full story you need to play all three mods. Messenger and Bad Company are relatively short, but they contain crucial plot information. While you can play Bad Company 2 without experiencing those mods (there is a plot summary in the mod which explains the events for those who skipped those older mods), you will miss out on many story details. "ПК Remaster" folder contains improved version of Bad Company mod, it has changes in quests and dialogue and removes alternative endings (so you will always get the ending that leads to Bad Company 2). If you choose to translate Bad Company, this is probably the best version to go with, as it is most canon to Bad Company 2.
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  5. Обновление: https://drive.google.com/file/d/12tR-JjG8lCsV13g9CFFsS-chyRzI0JuC/view?usp=sharing - В АЕ, замена вылета на сообщение, при конвертации в OGF: D3DXVec3Length(&(theVerts.normal)) > 0.00001f && "found zero length normal when calculating tangent basis!, if you are not using mesh mender to compute normals, you must still pass in valid normals to be used when calculating tangents and binormals. - В LE, Images-Edit minimap заменена рабочая папка на _appdata_; - В xrAI добавлен вывод имя графпоинта, если у него в настройках указан отсутствующий уровень в game_levels.ltx, в логе будет: Cannot find level with level_id -1. Connection point [graph_point_name] will not be generated! Все изменения: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1D4yEfqlXoAJ0QtDkTfvkPboFeE7ljxWP/view?usp=share_link В настройках редактора: Preferences->Viewport: far plane и clear color.
  6. Не знаю, это с его слов. Могу предположить, что в D3DXVec3Cross и Vec3Normalize происходят подобные манипуляции, если туда передать "нулевой" полигон (я так понял, речь идет о ребрах, длина которых околонулевая). Исходников своей правки он почему-то не приложил, в идеале надо разбирать в дизассемблере. Возможно там что-то типа: if (D3DXVec3Length(&(theVerts.normal)) < 0.00001f) { функция_вывода_сообщения("found zero length normal when calculating tangent basis!,\ if you are not using mesh mender to compute normals, you\ must still pass in valid normals to be used when calculating\ tangents and binormals."); continue; }
  7. To my great regret, a huge part of the brilliance of this modification lies precisely in the text. And not even in the words that are spoken, but in what is meant by it. The characters speak in very short chopped phrases, because the interlocutor always understands the subtext, understands more than what is said. For example: at the very beginning of the modification, two people are talking. The Greek and the DeadMan. -- Hi, man! Have a seat, let's have a smoke. Where did you come from? What side of the world did you come from? I missed it. -- The south. -- The Greek answers. -- М... interesting. What's it like down south? -- Probably the same as everywhere else. -- The Greek answers. That's not what they actually said to each other, not what their words sounded like. The DeadMan asked: -- Where did you come from in this cursed place? No one walks around here. That chimney you just came out of doesn't lead anywhere. The Greek answered him: -- None of your fucking business. ------------------------- I'm not talking about special words. In the following phrases there will be the word "prosohatil" (просохатил), which no translator will be able to translate for you. In English it would be something like "fucked up".
  8. gibe

    Lost Alpha DC Extended

    yidrisov Hello My problem is that some translated files are not being read by the game. I can't resolve this conflict between "localization" and "string_table_includes". I've tried to harmonise the lists of the 2 files but without success. I've translated a lot of mods including "dark path" on Lost Alpha and I've never had this problem. I need to re-read and correct the old translation, which is bad, and I won't do that unless I solve this mystery. Could you help? You say you're going to release "The Eternal Suffering", is this the same addon as "dark path" or an extension on Lost Alpha? Thank you for your attention.
  9. French beta version of Last Stalker Corrections in progress https://mega.nz/file/d8ER0LqC#6Xxkv4uk_8NdhaM6bfeJ0HOU5_rFZ-cktKQ1d_Qoehw Дополнено 45 минуты спустя @lapa1969 I did not understand Specify Thank you
  10. gibe I can think of the following possibilities: 1) perhaps the NPC logic bugged out, you can try to do save-load near him to reset it 2) maybe there are some quests you need to finish first before the dialogue unlocks? If none of this is the case, then it is possible the game broke, if you can send me your save files, I can look into it and try to see whats wrong. Send me the current save file you have after talking to Barman, and also the save from before you disabled the psi-emitter in the Forest.
  11. Borovos

    True Stalker

    TrueStalker patched 1 to 4. It's my second game, so, I try a different way. First critical bug with return to desktop: I take the box at Agroprom and come back to garbage. I give the box to the trader but I refuse to share my reward with the stalker. First strange event, the subtitle doesn't disappear as it have to do at the end of the dialog. https://ibb.co/jb2tZYd I follow the main quest with the medic and I wake up in the underground room without problem . The last subtitle of the Doc stay on my screen. The game crash when I try to exit at the beginning of the fight. Log: * Game autosave_ch_2_st_save_gar_restore_health_task_garbage.scop is successfully saved to file 'e:\true stalker\userdata\savedgames\autosave_ch_2_st_save_gar_restore_health_task_garbage.scop' DEFAULT OUT RESTRICTIONS : DEFAULT IN RESTRICTIONS : OUT RESTRICTIONS : gar_sr_after_hunt_robbery_stalkers_first_out_restr IN RESTRICTIONS : stack trace: E:\True Stalker\bin\xrAICore.dll at 000007FEEE47805D CPatrolPathParams::flags() + 77 byte(s) E:\True Stalker\bin\xrAICore.dll at 000007FEEE47EA58 CPatrolPathParams::terminal() + 26968 byte(s) E:\True Stalker\bin\LuaJIT.dll at 000007FEDB542C80 E:\True Stalker\bin\LuaJIT.dll at 000007FEDB5567EA lua_pcall() + 170 byte(s) E:\True Stalker\bin\luabind.dll at 000007FEDB5DCF1B luabind::detail::pcall() + 91 byte(s) E:\True Stalker\bin\xrGame.dll at 000007FEDAA4B126 CxFile::operator=() + 5019430 byte(s) E:\True Stalker\bin\xrGame.dll at 000007FEDAA39065 CxFile::operator=() + 4945509 byte(s) E:\True Stalker\bin\xrGame.dll at 000007FEDAA369D5 CxFile::operator=() + 4935637 byte(s) E:\True Stalker\bin\xrGame.dll at 000007FEDABB74C4 CxImage::`copy constructor closure'() + 1153908 byte(s) E:\True Stalker\bin\xrGame.dll at 000007FEDA80E51E CxFile::operator=() + 2673438 byte(s) E:\True Stalker\bin\xrGame.dll at 000007FEDA80E2BA CxFile::operator=() + 2672826 byte(s) E:\True Stalker\bin\xrEngine.dll at 000007FEDB6CFB3E CSheduler::ProcessStep() + 446 byte(s) E:\True Stalker\bin\xrEngine.dll at 000007FEDB6CFE9F CSheduler::Update() + 383 byte(s) E:\True Stalker\bin\xrGame.dll at 000007FEDA8FA470 CxFile::operator=() + 3639920 byte(s) E:\True Stalker\bin\xrEngine.dll at 000007FEDB68DA9A CLoadScreenRenderer::OnRender() + 318 byte(s) E:\True Stalker\bin\xrEngine.dll at 000007FEDB68D331 CRenderDevice::FrameMove() + 337 byte(s) E:\True Stalker\bin\xrEngine.dll at 000007FEDB68CC20 CRenderDevice::ProcessFrame() + 80 byte(s) E:\True Stalker\bin\xrEngine.dll at 000007FEDB68CEED CRenderDevice::message_loop() + 509 byte(s) E:\True Stalker\bin\xrEngine.dll at 000007FEDB68D12A CRenderDevice::Run() + 426 byte(s) E:\True Stalker\bin\xrEngine.dll at 000007FEDB6EAFCC Startup() + 1644 byte(s) E:\True Stalker\bin\xrEngine.dll at 000007FEDB6EB669 RunApplication() + 1081 byte(s) E:\True Stalker\bin\xrEngine.exe at 000000013F86133E E:\True Stalker\bin\xrEngine.exe at 000000013F861404 E:\True Stalker\bin\xrEngine.exe at 000000013F8616AE C:\Windows\system32\kernel32.dll at 0000000077A0570D BaseThreadInitThunk() + 13 byte(s) C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll at 0000000077C6385D RtlUserThreadStart() + 29 byte(s) Restart the game, reload the last save and everything is okay. Minor report: Garbage, near the duty checkpoint, strange shadow. It looks like a lock, I have to find the key ;) https://ibb.co/0qDYLB6 In agroprom, I can open the safebox when i'm looking my pda map, by pressing F. It doesn't matter. https://ibb.co/vJTKR7m Upgrade for PSZ armor: The outfit have 3 slot for artefacts without upgrade. In upgrade scheme, there is a "number of containers +1" and a "number of containers +2", so it means 3+1+2=6 containers. Is it possible or is it a error in translation? I don't have all tools to check it yet. https://ibb.co/z6P4ytb https://ibb.co/6bNTR49 Geometry (a real anomaly made by GSC): game mtl = metal, so it's impossible to shoot despite the transparency https://ibb.co/zXq5q93 As you offer a gunfight here, it highlights this mistake. Inconsistency regarding a dialog and the reality of trading system (traders haven't good stuff to sell, only supplies): "it's time to upgrade my equipement" "anything your heart desires. Wpn, oufits, supplies..." https://ibb.co/c8H9BSm And the result https://ibb.co/DQhZtHk Fix the dialog and quest name is a solution. The order system & trading system are good like this. Regards
  12. Thank you so much for your help, I continued to inspect the second floor, the roof and even the bushes from the outside!
  13. LucianoBS

    True Stalker

    Congratulations on the incredible work what you did with this mod, really good
  14. А, та старая игра You Are Empty (2006) почти я не играю, благодаря видео-прохождение на YouTube. Моё мнение не интересно. Скорее кислый вкус за счёт русофобии, но я, конечно, не питаюсь русофобией. Однако те самые снорки в майке "тельняшек" выглядит прям саркастичный бред перед глазами украинцев, но не мне. Я бы выпил себе реальную клюкву в компоте (или сок с самого производства) было бы вкусно и немного кисло в сахаре, очень пригодится. К примеру, Ж-12 тоже плохой русский военный из самой перезагрузки в игре Modern Warfare (2019) - просто пропаганда всё чисто по американски. P.S. Ну, вы что хотели, а? Мы любим Россию для русских!
  15. It's a shame that this will never be designed as a single player, offline mod as I am not an online player. This truly is a work of art world design and is the best I have seen ever in any stalker mod. Being that this is built on UE5, this is in my eyes better looking than Stalker 2 because it is made by stalker fans. It does not have that 'glossy console' look. Certainly you online players will experience a superb world designed mod. Good luck on the team!
  16. Vekton

    True Stalker

    Оверфист вероятно занят, но может у кого тоже такая проблема. Вылетает при переходе на кордон. Что фриплей, что поход к Смышлову. Не программист, но судя по логу что-то случилось со спавном Фаната я хз В меню светится версия 1.0 хотя все четыре патча у меня есть FATAL ERROR [error] Expression : 0 [error] Function : ErrorLog [error] File : D:\TrueStalkerEngine\src\xrScriptEngine\ScriptEngineScript.cpp [error] Line : 40 [error] Description : You are trying to spawn two or more objects with the same story_id:[esc_village_fanat] --> [esc_village_fanat20737] try to add:[esc_village_fanat10285]
  17. gibe Been a while since I played the mod, but the codes seem to refer to an an input you have to put in when opening a safe with items. The UI for the safe opening can be a bit glitchy, you kinda need to guess where to click on the screen to select the number you want. But you want to do input these numbers one after another on the safe. The second line refers to the location at which the safe is located. If it doesn't specify exactly where, then I guess you have to just find it yourself. Again, I have played this game a long time ago so I don't remember all the details, but as far as I remember if the safe is important and story-related, there should be some indication on how to find it, it can be in the dialogue or quest description I think.
  18. Vekton

    True Stalker

    Вылетает при переходе на кордон со свалки, патчи есть, файл подкатчки менял но вылет остался FATAL ERROR [error] Expression : 0 [error] Function : ErrorLog [error] File : D:\TrueStalkerEngine\src\xrScriptEngine\ScriptEngineScript.cpp [error] Line : 40 [error] Description : You are trying to spawn two or more objects with the same story_id:[esc_village_fanat] --> [esc_village_fanat20737] try to add:[esc_village_fanat4902]
  19. Hello guys, Do you know if some 3D objects from Stalker2 X-Ray Engine v2.0 build 514 Dec 7 2011 and others are available for SDK 0.7 ? I mean props, perhaps the full level geometry of A01 level... Regards
  20. most likely, the error is not related to addons. did you install all 4 patches in turn?
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  22. доброго времени суток True Stalker Получил вот такой влет на шевеловичах при работе с охотниками FATAL ERROR [error] Expression : 0 [error] Function : ErrorLog [error] File : D:\TrueStalkerEngine\src\xrScriptEngine\ScriptEngineScript.cpp [error] Line : 40 [error] Description : You are trying to spawn two or more objects with the same story_id:[nsp_general_boar_king] —> [nsp_general_boar_king24321] try to add:[nsp_general_boar_king26114] перезагрузк с ранних сохранениях ни чего недали Возможно это как то исправить за ранее благодарен
  23. Stern-13 Where can I find the tool: stk-multi-any-soc-mini-tool.exe? If you can decompile it I can try to translate it
  24. Thank you for the crosshair reticle. My eyes certainly needed this one. Now my sniping will be more enjoyable.