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Всем здрасте) В первый раз играл, дошел до квеста где монетки собрать нужно и квест (Проснуться), в итоге мне монолит дал концовку плохую и я удалил игру) Сейчас стал заново все проходить. Так вот , в рюкзаке есть плащ Шрама и его ни как не выкинуть, это баг или фича? Просто в первый раз такого не было . Патч я ставил. Как выбросить? А то глаза мозолит, да и вообще.

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gibe instructors. They will teach shooting and combat

Дополнено 0 минут спустя

Aingard https://ap-pro.ru/forums/topic/2715-vozvrashtenie-shrama-2/?do=findComment&comment=100317


Изменено пользователем vader_33
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8 минут назад, vader_33 сказал:

gibe instructors

Дополнено 0 минут спустя

Aingard https://ap-pro.ru/forums/topic/2715-vozvrashtenie-shrama-2/?do=findComment&comment=100317


Что то не помогло ни как мне

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Aingard значит не там меняли, все работает

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OK I had a doubt

And this "Y-рейды" ? recruit ? rookie...


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Только что, vader_33 сказал:

Aingard значит не там меняли, все работает

Не не ,все работает) Я думал он просто пропадёт, а там вкладка появилась "выбросить" Спасибо , помог

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gibe raid. Just the name of the raid

Изменено пользователем vader_33

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D'accord pas de problème !


Mis a jour 5 minutes plus tard


Il y a 3 heures, Gibe a dit :





Дополнено 54 минуты спустя

Sorry bad manipulation, it's not easy...

Log when I want to sleep by grandma's fire next to the twin sisters:




Изменено пользователем gibe

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gibe edited file "amk_uniq_news_lists.script"? Changed something wrong in line 43, syntax error

Изменено пользователем vader_33

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Беготни и багов многовато, но посмотрим, что ещё есть в моде...

Изменено пользователем Commandor
Проблема решена

Порядок, Честь, Справедливость.

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No I haven't changed anything, I've noticed that if I don't have the redhead's PDA I can sleep.

Another concern:
- the redhead doesn't offer me the alternative dialogue that consists in following her.

- when I listen to the grandmother's MP3, the kinematics don't start, is it important for the continuation?

Maybe mistakes in the translation/manipulation of the srcipts by my friend?

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gibe You don't often meet foreigners here. The "redhead" will give the PDA only after sex. Yes, there is such a moment in fashion that there is nothing to hide. The alternative dialog is signed in orange/green.



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Messer. Stalker мне она отдавала кпк и без секса. Или это в патчах поменяли?

Дополнено 2 минуты спустя

gibe load the save before sleep (with pda), maybe there is some kind of error in the new patches. But the crash is precisely due to a syntax error in that script

Дополнено 3 минуты спустя
34 минуты назад, gibe сказал:

- when I listen to the grandmother's MP3, the kinematics don't start, is it important for the continuation?


Дополнено 5 минуты спустя
34 минуты назад, gibe сказал:

Maybe mistakes in the translation/manipulation of the srcipts by my friend?

It is necessary to look at what edits were made

Изменено пользователем vader_33

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Ok  so if I have it before then there is a problem
I'll see how to fix it.

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gibe I mean, load me a save so that I can go through this moment on your save. To check if I will have a crash

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vader_33 про патчи - ничего не знаю. Я проходил мод сразу, когда он вышел. Таких моментов в игре несколько. Не буду упоминать где именно.Если проходил - сам знаешь) 



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vader_33 => https://mega.nz/file/JgUBhCDQ#jaBftKMnOL0Uda2gXIgPbvAP2lLxgo_JZs1Lk5Fwllg

I did a gamedata again, I don't have the crash anymore but I still don't have the choice in the dialogues.

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gibe I checked, there the choice depends on how you passed the shooting test on bottles. Load me your gamedata with the edited scripts, I'll see where they edited it incorrectly

Дополнено 4 минуты спустя

Messer. Stalker оказывается, зависит от того, как бутылки пострелял)

Изменено пользователем vader_33

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vader_33 все мишени поразил с первой попытки, получил амулет, который в применение бесполезен. По сюжету получаем еще один такой же экземпляр. 

Дополнено 6 минуты спустя

gibe My friend! To avoid writing the user name manually, click on @ and enter the text. According to your question: you need to hit all the bottles in the dash it is necessary for an alternative dialogue with the " red" vader_33 namomnil me about it. Have a good game!

Дополнено 12 минуты спустя

gibe You can contact me orvader_33 for help. I have been modified for several endings and I can share my helping hand with you if you need my help. Thanks!



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@Messer and @vader_33

Ok I think I understand. I missed a bottle.
I thought it was because of my age that the redhead didn't want me


Дополнено 12 минуты спустя

I have an interpretive problem:

Есть такая группировка "Стрела", военсталкеры

how to translate


arrow,  strelok or archer or other word?



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gibe arrow. As for the bottles, they suggested a good option - to shoot at them with an under-barrel grenade launcher) But I have not tested

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41 минуту назад, vader_33 сказал:

gibe arrow. As for the bottles, they suggested a good option - to shoot at them with an under-barrel grenade launcher) But I have not tested

Ok for "arrow"

I confirm that the 5 broken bottles change the following dialogues.
For the grenade launcher I'll see later, I'll redo the passage after the shooting.
there is a problem, minor, in this series:
<string id="shmotki_dialog_0">
    <text>Что за видок у тебя, как на пионерском походе?</text>
<string id="shmotki_dialog_1">
    <text>У меня пока брони нет, и лишь научник....</text>
<string id="shmotki_dialog_2">
    <text>Бегом переодеваться!!!!</text>
<string id="shmotki_dialog_3">
    <text>Хорошо, хорошо! Только не подглядывайте..</text>
the last sentence is not displayed.
But it doesn't seem important, I'll continue to check the dialogue with the redhead.

I have to check everything because I will be answering questions from French players, thank you for your help and patience.

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5 часов назад, gibe сказал:

the last sentence is not displayed

yes, there is a dialogue interruption in this phrase. It is displayed, but the dialog box immediately closes.


You can see this phrase in the journal. There are a lot of such abrupt interruptions in dialogue when you do not have time to read a phrase in this fashion. The developer refused to change such interrupts

Изменено пользователем vader_33

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Thank you


Дополнено 59 минуты спустя

On the radar after the helicopter crash and the cinematics the dialogue does not start.
I made the journey from the dead city several times without success

Дополнено 0 минут спустя

On the radar after the helicopter crash and the cinematics the dialogue does not start.
I made the journey from the dead city several times without success

No the dialogue doesn't start, I came back to the dead city in the scene with the mercenaries, I talked to the grandmother, then I heard the sentence that the wounded man in the tree says and the cinematic.
It is obvious that the voice-over is incomprehensible to me
Or did I make a mistake?


Дополнено 10 минуты спустя
7 часов назад, gibe сказал:

Thank you


Дополнено 59 минуты спустя

On the radar after the helicopter crash and the cinematics the dialogue does not start.
I made the journey from the dead city several times without success

Дополнено 0 минут спустя

No the dialogue doesn't start, I came back to the dead city in the scene with the mercenaries, I talked to the grandmother, then I heard the sentence that the wounded man in the tree says and the cinematic.
It is obvious that the voice-over is incomprehensible to me
Or did I make a mistake?



Дополнено 11 минуты спустя
7 часов назад, gibe сказал:

Thank you


Дополнено 59 минуты спустя

On the radar after the helicopter crash and the cinematics the dialogue does not start.
I made the journey from the dead city several times without success

Дополнено 0 минут спустя

On the radar after the helicopter crash and the cinematics the dialogue does not start.
I made the journey from the dead city several times without success

No the dialogue doesn't start, I came back to the dead city in the scene with the mercenaries ,I did get the dialogue about the mp3 conversation, I talked to the grandmother, etc. then I heard the sentence that the wounded man in the tree says and the cinematic.
It is obvious that the voice-over is incomprehensible to me
Or did I make a mistake?


Дополнено 10 минуты спустя



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В квесте где говоришь с наемником Арой, после чего теряешь вещи и кажется деньги их как то можно вернуть или все что нажито теряется? Или лучше перед квестом все скинуть в тайник?

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