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Найдено: 590 результатов

  1. T_Gloomy_T


    Прогрессивный митол из Австрии (которая с кенгуру, ну вы поняли) с элементами пост-рока и шугейза. Вокал шикарный, я прям аудио оргазм испытал: Intrøspect - Ad Astra (OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO) Китайцы неожиданно для меня могут в прог метлокоръ, а не только в али экспресс: INCHAOS - You And Me (OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO) А вот и пиндосы муриканцы тут: Bitter Breath - Blameless (feat. Lucas Bennett) (OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO) Архитекторы ещё один клип на песню с грядущего альбума запилили: Architects - Black Lungs (OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO)
  2. Привет, Ap-Pro! Меня зовут Макс Уорлок, и я снимаю летсплеи по необычным и просто атмосферным играм. Обо мне: Гну неспортивные маты в бараний рог. Плююсь сарказмом и иронией. Утихаю только под давлением атмосфер. ᗰax ᗯarlock (YouTube) Max Warlock (VK) Max_Warlock (Steam) Пройденные игры (2001-2010): S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Clear Sky - Remake (2008/2014) Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (2001) TimeShift (2007) You Are Empty (2006) Анабиоз: Сон разума (2008) Пройденные игры (2011-2015): Alan Wake (2012) The Wolf Among Us (2013) McPixel (2012) Masochisia (2015) Russian Horror Story (2015)Морок (2012) The Beginner's Guide (2015) Пройденные игры (2016-2020): Doki Doki Literature Club! (2017) Untitled Goose Game (2020) What Remains of Edith Finch (2017) 35MM (2016) The Choice of Life: Middle Ages (2020) Little Kite (2017) The Mooseman (2017) Irony of Nightmare (2017) Double (2019) Dissolving (2018) Creepy Tale (2020) Пройденные игры (2021-202X) DØM RUSALOK (2021)
  3. Thanks, it would be nice if you could make the names in English.
  4. Надеюсь, её найдут полезной энтузиасты и вне моддерского сообщества. ? Thank you, stalkervoir. It wasn’t easy, though I hope the following games will be easier. At least they have half the amount of files.
  5. Hi guys ? Long time no see ? I am writing cause I have just seen this post here. There is a chance that some of you might remember me as I have been a Lead Designer for the Misery mod for CoP from versions 2.0 to 2.2. Many things have changed since then - and now I am the Project Leader for Chernobyl Liquidators Simulator game that you are talking about here ? Please be patient with us - we've only been actually working on this game from scratch since March this year (so its like 7 months now) and our team only consists of 7 ppl at this moment (and there have been only 5 of us for majority of the time). I know that many things are not correct yet - such as scales on the dosimeter and some props are not perfectly fitting yet (such the the microwave oven - we will replace all the with 100% authentic models as soon as we can). Needless to say - I want this game to follow the very best traditions of Stalker, Misery and other mods which I have been a part of for more than 10 years of my life. So - please have some patience and tolerance to inconsistencies, we are working our asses out to make the thing as good and authentic as it can be. I also really want to have in it the deep, difficult gameplay that Misery has been so famous for. This is the same beloved child of mine as Misery was for 5 years or so :). I will be looking into this thread frequently - should you guys like to ask any questions or have any suggestions I will try to reply as soon as I have some time on my hands. Cheers to you all! Marcin aka trojanuch
  6. stalkervoir did you finish OP 2.1? Дополнено 0 минут спустя Нужно больше золота объема в моде)
  7. stalkervoir you can try to use VPN and check it out.
  8. Hi, maybe you want to include their Discord channel on the post? The developers are most active there and tend to share small updates. I don't know if they are aware of this page, however. Edit: I apologize, I did not see the "Discord" tab on the page. Edited out the invite link.
  9. If a mod is translated, then people will play it. Maybe I can help you find a translator? I have a discord community where there are translators and modders, and maybe if you ask here you can find someone who might be willing to help you out. When the time is ready of course.
  10. You should write here http://nlc-zone.ru/forum/topic/187-nlc7-build-30/
  11. Thank you for the response. In the future if you consider a translation, send me a message and I can try my best to help find translators to assist, as my english community has been making efforts to build up the translation community and centralize talented individuals.
  12. Потерпи, еще не финал. No one is forcing you do this. Довольно спорное заявление, ведь в играх существует куча жанров, где реализм не впился. Последних, к слову, большинство, потому что сложности и гемор никому не нужны.
  13. Как я понял, их sdk накатывается на чистый зп через патчи, поэтому думаю как проще сделать, у них на moddb только из большого веса gamedata, вот и думаю как это делать, первый раз sdk ставлю Дополнено 4 минуты спустя Stgs Цитирую: "First install COP SDK, then the unofficial SDK patch, unzip my editors folder (you need +36 GB free place) and overwrite everything in your SDK. New article will come with a short SDK readme."
  14. Bastard Скришноты-это как кришнаиты?? Шапку проверь) Царь во дворца)) AmraWolf You face... Genichiro Ashina!))
  15. В моде "Последний Сталкер" нет глюков, багов или крашей. Поэтому не понятно, что у вас за проблема. Нужно подробное описание, как вам удалось этого достичь? Версия и разрядность операционной системы? Версия мода? Откуда скачивали? There are no glitches, bugs or crashes in the "Last Stalker" mod. So it's not clear what your problem is. Need a detailed description of how you achieved this? Operating system version and bitness? Mod version? Where did you download it from?
  16. Леверпуль! You’ll Never Walk Alone. А вообще я больше по Большому теннису.
  17. get back mazafaka you know me like that
  18. "Here is the first glimpse of what you'll be experiencing in the next entry of TAZ, new attachable 3D optics, reflective lenses, new fov, new hud position, partial and full reload, and other features. TAZ 3.0 will come out for a new platform, no more MISERY, it is Anomaly, and this is due to the optimized Open Xray's wonderful features. The mod is being recreated from scratch again, some of the old models will be restored, but the vast majority are brand new. The initial release will have mostly the vanilla Anomaly weapons reworked and replaced, and it will be the base for future updates like the previous TAZ releases." https://www.moddb.com/mods/misery-the-armed-zone/videos/taz-30-testing
  19. You guys are so lucky here. I wished I could play this now ? Hopefully one day there will be an English translation.
  20. Creep Thanks! Дополнено 4 минуты спустя Creep Wait, why does it say "Lite"? And also can you upload it on yandisk? G Drive doesnt work well for me.
  21. Creep

    Shadows of Android

    игра тратит 1,5 гб + нагрузка системы, поэтому такой баг. Попробуйте почистить систему от запущенных фоновых приложений Дополнено 0 минут спустя Karl515, ENG ver for you Download Дополнено 1 минуту спустя
  22. Creep

    Shadows of Android

    Karl515, Thank you for waiting