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  1. KinoBand I can release it right now. But due to recent events, I have not been able to test the mod to the end. Decide for yourself do you need a product that may contain errors. But in theory, everything is possible to go to the end.
  2. So how's it going? When are you going to release new update? )
  3. Thank you for the response. In the future if you consider a translation, send me a message and I can try my best to help find translators to assist, as my english community has been making efforts to build up the translation community and centralize talented individuals.
  4. Hunter Yes of course The Help I don't have the same visual; when I push the door it opens without the window you show me at 1.28.56. The flames are on the same line and therefore close the passage. Дополнено 12 минуты спустя Ooops ! I It's not easy not to do something stupid... In reality the door opens by itself but the message "door blocked" is always displayed, so I did something wrong. The message "get the key from Gregory" is validated Дополнено 27 минуты спустя Hello Ok bug!! i took an old backup and is correct. Thanks; sorry about that.
  5. It is the matter of finding optimal route. Run as fast as possible, starting from the side where you can climb on the lantern post
  6. gibe Make a quick run before it kills you in three flashes ?
  7. В моде "Последний Сталкер" нет глюков, багов или крашей. Поэтому не понятно, что у вас за проблема. Нужно подробное описание, как вам удалось этого достичь? Версия и разрядность операционной системы? Версия мода? Откуда скачивали? There are no glitches, bugs or crashes in the "Last Stalker" mod. So it's not clear what your problem is. Need a detailed description of how you achieved this? Operating system version and bitness? Mod version? Where did you download it from?
  8. Moustapha_Matushka It is planned to transfer to the Xbox and PlayStation 5 platforms in 2023. There is clearly nowhere to hurry. Release date December 8, 2022 during this period of time, you can completely rethink the game, making it many times better, as millions of fans from all over our Earth are waiting for.
  9. This is my honest opinion. Due to the chip shortage we are facing and lack of Xbox sales would have affected the sale of this game. This is one of the reasons for postponement I honestly believe. Could you imagine the lack of sales and the potential outcry of die hard fans that would have purchased Stalker2 and complain about its console game play mechanics? All that in combination would have buried its sales. Think about it. This will also provide them with some time to polish.
  10. Hello Happy new year for all ! on the periphery - predbannick - the captain says: Первое: наведаться в деревню, поискать спецназовцев What mission does this correspond to? I found nothing at the smugglers' den or the abandoned village. Thank you
  11. Хм... поиск в Гугле предлагает такой вариант: https://www.gog.com/forum/stalker_series/problem_with_xrcoredll From googling this, it appears that mostly Russians have this problem. This website here advises to delete the file thumbs.db from the game directory (or sub-directories). ...hxxp://modders-wiki.ru/xr:Line_340 Note that this file is hidden by default, you need to display "system files" and "hidden files" in Windows. Перевожу: найдите файл thumbs.db и сотрите его. Копий этого файла в папках со Сталкером может быть много, у меня, например, один раз было 19 таких файлов. Их создает операционная система Windows, а игра принимает их за игровые архивы и пытается открыть. Отсюда и вылет. Да, файл thumbs.db может быть "скрытым", поэтому в свойствах папки поставьте галочку напротив "показывать скрытые файлы".
  12. As soon as I come up with a description, I'll write to you. Нет, это нужно будет все адаптировать между собой.
  13. Thank You for the compiled video. I just hope the game play is better than it looks. I gotta admit, it does look very nice! Now our main concern should be......will we get the affordable hardware in time to play this? If hardware prices don't go down, I can not buy this.
  14. Hunter Thank you; this tip has been incorporated into the original dialogue. Дополнено 59 минуты спустя Ok! I have reviewed the original text which indeed quotes this very different path from the original. I have to keep re-reading everything to avoid the ease of keeping what has already been done. A lot of work still to do! Thanks
  15. gibe you must go to the mercenary's campsite (it's on the left side on the map in PDA) and go forward to the rocks and climb on them. Rocks are right from the camp.
  16. Amazing work!!! I am amazed at how far modders has come to building this game up to what it is today. It's because of you guys is what keeps us fans playing. Looking forward to this release.
  17. Привет, Ap-Pro! Меня зовут Макс Уорлок, и я снимаю летсплеи по необычным и просто атмосферным играм. Обо мне: Гну неспортивные маты в бараний рог. Плююсь сарказмом и иронией. Утихаю только под давлением атмосфер. ᗰax ᗯarlock (YouTube) Max Warlock (VK) Max_Warlock (Steam) Пройденные игры (2001-2010): S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Clear Sky - Remake (2008/2014) Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (2001) TimeShift (2007) You Are Empty (2006) Анабиоз: Сон разума (2008) Пройденные игры (2011-2015): Alan Wake (2012) The Wolf Among Us (2013) McPixel (2012) Masochisia (2015) Russian Horror Story (2015)Морок (2012) The Beginner's Guide (2015) Пройденные игры (2016-2020): Doki Doki Literature Club! (2017) Untitled Goose Game (2020) What Remains of Edith Finch (2017) 35MM (2016) The Choice of Life: Middle Ages (2020) Little Kite (2017) The Mooseman (2017) Irony of Nightmare (2017) Double (2019) Dissolving (2018) Creepy Tale (2020) Пройденные игры (2021-202X) DØM RUSALOK (2021)
  18. WOW !!! Looks great !!! Can hardly wait. I loved that gunshot to the head on that bandit ? Great voice acting on those. Superb! This mod and True Stalker will be better than Stalker2 = D The lighting looks real good on those new screenshots. You guys are doing a great job. One opinion here, the green health bars of the weapons and items are too bold and thick. It could be toned down a bit thinner.
  19. Thank you for the monthly news videos! What is the first mod in the video ?
  20. I finished updating the 0.85 English translation to 0.88 yesterday. New strings and dialog changes added and translated. Some mistranslations corrected. Posted in C-Consciousness Discord. Вчера я закончил обновление английского перевода 0.85 до 0.88. Добавлены и переведены новые строки и изменения диалогов. Исправлены некоторые ошибки в переводе. Опубликовано в C-Consciousness Discord. (I am translating several Russian mods, join us in Discord if you want to follow) (Я перевожу несколько русских модов, присоединяйтесь к нам в Discord, если хотите следить) (Я очень хорошо перевожу с русского на английский, хотя мой английский на русский, вероятно, ужасен). (American...)