AziatkaVictor 3 994 Опубликовано 1 июля, 2020 Автор оригинала: BozKurtСсылка на тему на архивном сайте: Ссылка Тема-справочник по вылетам S.T.A.L.K.E.R в большей степени ориентирован на чистый ТЧ, но в большинстве случаев причина и решение вылета одинакова для всех частей. Информация собиралась со всего интернета, посему указывать источники не вижу смысла, если кого обидел - прошу прощения. Спойлер Файл лога находится в папке которая указана в качестве параметра "app_data_root" в файле "fsgame.ltx", который находится в корневой директории игры. $app_data_root$=true|false| C:\|Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\STALKER-SHOC\ В конце файла *.log, в случае вылета, после строк FATAL ERROR сохраняется описание ошибки (к сожалению в большинстве случаев не совсем очевидное), по которой можно попытаться определить причину вылета и исправить её. Если же после вылета *.log файл пуст, то определить причину вылета становиться практически невозможным. Спойлер Открываете поиск в браузере на "Ctrl+F" и введите неизменяемое выражение из строк вылета. Например, если у Вас в логе ошибка: Can't find texture 'act\act_corp_monolit', то не нужно вводить в поиске название текстуры, с 99% гарантией говорю, что таковой здесь нет, из-за чего поиск ничего не найдёт. Введите выражение "Can't find texture" - это движковая запись и она никогда не изменится. Тоже самое касается остального: моделей, звуков, шейдеров, партиклов, имён файлов, функций и секции и т.д. Либо Вы можете просмотреть все вылеты подряд. Для облегчения поиска вылеты расположены в порядке возрастания значения строки Line в логе. Спойлер НЕ ЗАХЛАМЛЯЙТЕ ТЕМУ! В ином случае, администрации придется принять меры! Пожалуйста, если Вы наткнулись на вылет, которого нет в данной теме - не поленитесь сообщить об этом здесь. Возможно кому-то в дальнейшем это поможет решить свою проблему. Прошу не писать в данной теме уже те вылеты, которые здесь есть, по причине того, что Вы не понимаете чего-то. Не нужно писать сюда и посты с тем, что у Вас вылетает какой-то мод, с каким-то логом. Зачастую такой вылет скриптовый и никому кроме Вас он не нужен, лучше будет, если Вы обратитесь к разработчикам данного мода. Не нужно писать всякие любезности, для этого есть личка. Спойлер Рекомендуется искать по значению "Line": Line 1 - Line 100 Line 101 - Line 200 Line 201 - Line 400 Line 401+ Внимание! Данный справочник не гарантирует того, что Вы найдёте решение проблемы (хотя я на это очень надеюсь), так как указанные причины и способы лечения могут не соответствовать истинной причине вылета. 1 2 1 1 Как оформить тему Правила форума Вопросы по сайту Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Ostrov igr lego 235 Опубликовано 19 декабря, 2023 Спойлер Expression : error handler is invoked! Function : invalid_parameter_handler File : E:\stalker\sources\trunk\xrCore\xrDebugNew.cpp Line : 804 Description : при создание новой игры, на клиент синхронизация происходит вылет Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Hunter 2 607 Опубликовано 20 декабря, 2023 Ostrov igr lego смотри, что ты делал до того момента, как все крашнулось. 1 Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
FFFFF 0 Опубликовано 28 декабря, 2023 Спойлер FATAL ERROR [error]Expression : fatal error [error]Function : CModelPool::Instance_Load [error]File : D:\prog_repository\sources\trunk\Layers\xrRender\ModelPool.cpp [error]Line : 117 [error]Description : <no expression> [error]Arguments : Can't find model file 'dynamics\weapons\wpn_upgrade\wpn_scope_groza.ogf'. stack trace: Извиняюсь, делаю мод а меня вылетает сверху лог. Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Ostrov igr lego 235 Опубликовано 28 декабря, 2023 FFFFF игра не может найти модельку "wpn_scope_groza.ogf" по пути 'dynamics\weapons\wpn_upgrade\ лечение: нужно добавить эту модель по указанному пути Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Hunter 2 607 Опубликовано 28 декабря, 2023 FFFFF модель Грозы с прицелом где-то потерял. Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
FFFFF 0 Опубликовано 28 декабря, 2023 Hunter Большое спасибо. Не скажите как решить эту проблему. Спойлер FATAL ERROR [error]Expression : !m_error_code [error]Function : raii_guard::~raii_guard [error]File : D:\prog_repository\sources\trunk\xrServerEntities\script_storage.cpp [error]Line : 748 [error]Description : ....l.k.e.r. call of pripyat\gamedata\scripts\_g.script:610: attempt to index global 'sim_board' (a nil value) stack trace: Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Hunter 2 607 Опубликовано 28 декабря, 2023 FFFFF эту не скажу, в скриптах не шарю, ищи, что делал до вылета. Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Никита 228 0 Опубликовано 20 февраля, 2024 (изменено) Добрый день вылет народной солянке, при повторном посещении ЧАЭС 2 при задании бортового самописца вылетает в западной части ЧАЭС 2 [error] Expression : FATAL ERROR [error] Function : CScriptEngine::lua_pcall_failed [error]File : D:\a\OGSR_Endine\ogsr_engine\COMMON_AI\script_engine.cpp [error]Line : 52 [error]Description : [CScriptEngine::lua_pcall_failed]: ... дная Солянка 2016 ogsr engine\gamedata\scripts\_g.script:145: CKampManager:getDestVertex(nps_id, radius) get dest Vertex: nil [%s] Изменено 21 февраля, 2024 пользователем Никита 228 Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
kachal 0 Опубликовано 29 марта, 2024 (изменено) добрый день искал в лайнах но своего не нашел подскажите пожалуйста Expression : fatal error Function : lua_pcall_failed File : c:\xray\forward-frontier-main\src\layers\xrrender\resourcemanager_scripting.cpp Line : 101 Description : <no expression> Arguments : LUA error:\sgm 2.2 + stcop\gamedata\scripts\smart_terrain.script:553: attempt to index local 'b' (a nil value) вылетает сборка я наиграл много и оно резко начало вылетать после нескольких секунд игры Изменено 29 марта, 2024 пользователем kachal Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
DeadGuy_ST 8 Опубликовано 30 марта, 2024 Expression : fatal error Function : CResourceManager::_GetBlender File : C:\Users\Степан\source\repos\xray\trunk\xr_3da\ResourceManager.cpp Line : 49 Description : <no expression> Arguments : Shader 'models\wind33' not found in library. Иногда вылетает при беге по локациям или переходе на локацию. Что делать? Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Stalkervernite 349 Опубликовано 30 марта, 2024 (изменено) 3 минуты назад, DeadGuy_ST сказал: Expression : fatal error Function : CResourceManager::_GetBlender File : C:\Users\Степан\source\repos\xray\trunk\xr_3da\ResourceManager.cpp Line : 49 Description : <no expression> Arguments : Shader 'models\wind33' not found in library. Иногда вылетает при беге по локациям или переходе на локацию. Что делать? Прямо говориться что не найден указанный шейдер в библиотеке. В папке shaders у тебя нету шейдера Изменено 30 марта, 2024 пользователем Stalkervernite Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
DeadGuy_ST 8 Опубликовано 30 марта, 2024 1 минуту назад, Stalkervernite сказал: Прямо говориться что не найден указанный шейдер в библиотеке. В папке shaders у тебя нету шейдера Ага-с-с-с, и как это фиксить, если .Xr не открывается а СДК я удалил. Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Stalkervernite 349 Опубликовано 30 марта, 2024 DeadGuy_ST Кхм... Встречный вопрос, а как меня должно волновать что у тебя нету Сдк? Ты задал вопрос я ответил Во вторых эти шейдеры лежат в папке shaders, они не запакованы в файл shaders.xr. Я лишь тебе сказал в чем была проблема... Копай дальше сам. 1 Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Pavel2000 70 Опубликовано 30 марта, 2024 DeadGuy_ST для .xr есть декомпиляторы «Если долго мучиться, что-нибудь получится»Охотник за артефактами Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
DeadGuy_ST 8 Опубликовано 30 марта, 2024 Только что, Stalkervernite сказал: DeadGuy_ST Кхм... Встречный вопрос, а как меня должно волновать что у тебя нету Сдк? Ты задал вопрос я ответил Во вторых эти шейдеры лежат в папке shaders, они не запакованы в файл shaders.xr. Я лишь тебе сказал в чем была проблема... Копай дальше сам. Затупил, благодарю за помощь. 1 Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Stalkervernite 349 Опубликовано 30 марта, 2024 Только что, Pavel2000 сказал: DeadGuy_ST для .xr есть декомпиляторы От бардака вроде. Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Pavel2000 70 Опубликовано 30 марта, 2024 3 минуты назад, Stalkervernite сказал: Во вторых эти шейдеры лежат в папке shaders, они не запакованы в файл shaders.xr. если загуглить line 49 там пишут что: "Не найден шейдер в библиотеке шейдеров shaders.xr." «Если долго мучиться, что-нибудь получится»Охотник за артефактами Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Stalkervernite 349 Опубликовано 30 марта, 2024 Только что, Pavel2000 сказал: если загуглить line 49 там пишут что: "Не найден шейдер в библиотеке шейдеров shaders.xr." Я же сказал что в библиотеке, это может быть так и в самой папке с шейдерами, так и в библиотеке .xr 1 Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
ProstoSanya 0 Опубликовано 30 марта, 2024 (изменено) Доброго дня форуму!Ищу решение данного вылета. Anomaly Expedition: Fallback to default bump map: item\item_diolator_dosimeter_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: act\act_specmask_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: act\act_specmask_head_bump# ! Can't find sound 'weapons\explosions\modular_model\shared\core_wave\core_wave_close_8' ! Can't find sound 'weapons\explosions\modular_model\shared\disruptor\disruptor_1_5' ! Can't find sound 'weapons\explosions\modular_model\shared\disruptor\disruptor_2_5' ! Can't find sound 'weapons\explosions\modular_model\shared\disruptor\disruptor_3_5' ! Can't find sound 'weapons\explosions\modular_model\shared\disruptor\disruptor_4_5' ! Fallback to default bump map: item\item_diolator_flashlight_bump# ! Can't find sound 'weapons\groza\groza_misfire' !![ERROR] CInifile::r_string: S = [(null)], L = [k_dist] FATAL ERROR [error]Expression : S && strlen(S) [error]Function : CInifile::r_section [error]File : D:\a\xray-monolith\xray-monolith\src\xrCore\Xr_ini.cpp [error]Line : 1193 [error]Description : assertion failed История такая, взял у Петренка квест на убийство на кладбище техники, до квеста локация была в порядке, вылетов не было по самой игре ни разу, висит квест, при переходе вылетает с таким текстом. искал всю ночь решение. Это лечится? Чисто в теории, не хватает какого-то звука грозы?Если я возьму любой другой звук и пропишу его так как в логе,поможет? Изменено 30 марта, 2024 пользователем ProstoSanya Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Valienrus 11 Опубликовано 30 марта, 2024 (изменено) 1 час назад, Stalkervernite сказал: Я же сказал что в библиотеке, это может быть так и в самой папке с шейдерами, так и в библиотеке .xr Изменено 30 марта, 2024 пользователем Valienrus 1 Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Stalkervernite 349 Опубликовано 30 марта, 2024 Valienrus xD 1 Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Януш 0 Опубликовано 30 марта, 2024 Спойлер * Detected CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3 CPU 560 @ 3.33GHz [GenuineIntel], F6/M5/S5, 3343.00 mhz, 24-clk 'rdtsc' * CPU features: RDTSC, MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, HTT * CPU cores/threads: 2/4 Initializing File System... using fs-ltx fsgame.ltx FS: 61364 files cached 47 archives, 17675Kb memory used. Init FileSystem 2.057899 sec 'xrCore' build 7107, Jul 22 2018 EH: D5A1102ED8EF3B12BB1007F5A27E73B9 -----loading c:\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. - call of chernobyl\gamedata\configs\system.ltx -----loading c:\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. - call of chernobyl\gamedata\configs\system.ltx Initializing Engine... Starting INPUT device... Loading DLL: xrRender_R2.dll Loading DLL: xrRender_R3.dll refCount:m_pAdapter 1 Loading DLL: xrRender_R4.dll command line -dbg -skip_reg -noprefetch Executing config-script "user.ltx"... [appdata\user.ltx] successfully loaded. Loading DLL: xrRender_R4.dll Loading DLL: xrGame.dll ! Unable to find Software\GSC Game World\STALKER-COP\ in registry ! Player name registry key (InstallUserName) not found ! * [win32]: free[137434546500 K], reserved[4276476 K], committed[130432 K] * [ D3D ]: textures[0 K] * [x-ray]: process heap[43174 K], game lua[0 K], render[0 K] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[20244 K], smem[0 K] SOUND: OpenAL: enumerate devices... SOUND: OpenAL: EnumerationExtension Present dir[0]=C:\S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Call of Chernobyl\bin64\ dir[1]=C:\S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Call of Chernobyl\ dir[2]=C:\S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Call of Chernobyl\bin64\ dir[3]=C:\Windows\system32\ CleanDeviceSpecifierList CleanDeviceSpecifierList OpenAL Soft devices OpenAL Soft SOUND: OpenAL: system default SndDevice name is Generic Software SOUND: OpenAL: All available devices: 1. OpenAL Soft, Spec Version 1.1 eax[0] efx[no] xram[no] 2. Generic Software, Spec Version 1.1 (default) eax[2] efx[no] xram[no] Executing config-script "c:\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. - call of chernobyl\gamedata\configs\default_controls.ltx"... [c:\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. - call of chernobyl\gamedata\configs\default_controls.ltx] successfully loaded. Executing config-script "user.ltx"... Executing config-script "c:\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. - call of chernobyl\gamedata\configs\rspec_high.ltx"... [c:\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. - call of chernobyl\gamedata\configs\rspec_high.ltx] successfully loaded. Executing config-script "c:\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. - call of chernobyl\gamedata\configs\default_controls.ltx"... [c:\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. - call of chernobyl\gamedata\configs\default_controls.ltx] successfully loaded. ~ Invalid syntax in call to 'r2_aa_break' ~ Valid arguments: vector3 in range [0.000000e+00,0.000000e+00,0.000000e+00]-[1.000000e+00,1.000000e+00,1.000000e+00] ~ Invalid syntax in call to 'r2_aa_weight' ~ Valid arguments: vector3 in range [0.000000e+00,0.000000e+00,0.000000e+00]-[1.000000e+00,1.000000e+00,1.000000e+00] ~ Invalid syntax in call to 'sv_adm_menu_ban_time' ~ Valid arguments: ui_mp_am_10_minutes/ui_mp_am_30_minutes/ui_mp_am_1_hour/ui_mp_am_6_hours/ui_mp_am_1_day/ui_mp_am_1_week/ui_mp_am_1_month/ui_mp_am_3_monthes/ui_mp_am_forever [appdata\user.ltx] successfully loaded. SOUND: Selected device is Generic Software * sound: EAX 2.0 extension: absent * sound: EAX 2.0 deferred: absent * sound : cache: 131074 kb, 9712 lines, 13820 bpl Starting RENDER device... * GPU [vendor:1002]-[device:6758]: AMD Radeon HD 6670 * CREATE: DeviceREF: 4 * Texture memory: 1008 M * GPU shading: vs(0/4.0/40), ps(0/4.0/40) * GPU vertex cache: unrecognized, 24 * NVAPI is missing. * Starting rendering as 2-GPU. * DVB created: 1536K * DIB created: 512K THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 36, correct size = 33 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 40, correct size = 37 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 40, correct size = 37 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 40, correct size = 37 THM chunk 2073 fixed, wrong size = 24, correct size = 1 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 33, correct size = 37 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 29, correct size = 34 THM chunk 2073 fixed, wrong size = 31, correct size = 1 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 40, correct size = 39 THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong 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r2_tf_mipbias 0. * loading script _G.script * loading script class_registrator.script * loading script ui_main_menu.script * loading script smart_terrain.script * loading script se_level_changer.script * loading script se_actor.script * loading script se_stalker.script * loading script se_heli.script * loading script se_zones.script * loading script se_item.script * loading script se_smart_cover.script * loading script se_car.script * loading script se_artefact.script * loading script se_monster.script * loading script sim_squad_scripted.script * loading script game_registrator.script Starting engine... ! Unable to find Software\GSC Game World\STALKER-COP\ in registry ! Player name registry key (InstallUserName) not found ! ! Unable to find Software\GSC Game World\STALKER-COP\ in registry Loading DLL: xrGameSpy.dll intro_start intro_logo intro_delete ::update_logo_intro ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: c:\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. - call of chernobyl\gamedata\sounds\music\menu_2.ogg * loading script axr_main.script * loading script xrs_dyn_music.script * loading script closecaption.script * loading script xrs_debug_tools.script * [win32]: free[137434071392 K], reserved[4293728 K], committed[588288 K] * [ D3D ]: textures[64 K] * [x-ray]: process heap[227409 K], game lua[0 K], render[0 K] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[20545 K], smem[0 K] * loading script ui_mm_faction_select.script * loading script alun_utils.script * loading script utils.script * loading script db.script * loading script actor_proxy.script ! Can't find texture 'logo_stason174' * 0.0 : [ 3] $null * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$NVHHGGTex * 0.0 : [ 5] $user$NVjitterTex * 0.0 : [ 8] $user$Texture_color * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$Texture_color_out * 0.0 : [ 7] $user$Texture_obstacles * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$Texture_obstvelocity * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$Texture_pressure * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$Texture_tempscalar * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$Texture_tempvector * 0.0 : [ 5] $user$Texture_velocity0 * 0.0 : [ 4] $user$Texture_velocity1 * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$accum * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$accum_temp * 0.0 : [ 7] $user$albedo * 0.0 : [ 4] $user$bloom1 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$bloom2 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$cmap0 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$cmap1 * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$edgeTex * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$env_s0 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$env_s1 * 0.0 : [ 5] $user$generic0 * 0.0 : [ 4] $user$generic1 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$generic2 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$jitter_0 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$jitter_1 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$jitter_2 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$jitter_3 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$jitter_4 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$jitter_mipped * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$lum_t64 * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$lum_t8 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$luminance_0 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$luminance_1 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$luminance_2 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$luminance_3 * 0.0 : [ 8] $user$material * 0.0 : [ 13] $user$position * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$rayCastTex * 0.0 : [ 6] $user$rayDataTex * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$rayDataTexSmall * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$sky0 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$sky1 * 0.0 : [ 6] $user$smap_depth * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$smap_surf * 0.0 : [ 7] $user$tonemap * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$tonemap_src * 0.0 : [ 1] act\act_controller_hit1 * 0.0 : [ 1] amik\weapons\flame\trace * 0.0 : [ 1] amik\weapons\flame\trail * 0.0 : [ 1] amik\weapons\flash_02 * 0.0 : [ 1] amik\weapons\flash_04 * 0.0 : [ 1] amik\weapons\trace * 0.0 : [ 1] amik\weapons\trace_01 * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_flare1 * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_flare2 * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_flare3 * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_glare * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_glare_clear_day * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_glare_cloudy * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_gradient * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_gradient1 * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_lightning * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_1 * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_2 * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_3 * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_4 * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_5 * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_6 * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_7 * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_phase_1 * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_phase_2 * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_phase_3 * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_phase_4 * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_phase_5 * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_phase_6 * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_phase_7 * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_noise * 0.0 : [ 2] fx\fx_noise2 * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_rain * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_rainsplash1 * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_sun * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_sun_fog * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_sun_gradient * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_sun_halo * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_sun_morning * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_sun_rise * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_thunderbolts_gradient * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_thunderbolts_gradient_surge * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_volumefog1 * 0.0 : [ 1] glow\glow_04 * 0.0 : [ 1] glow\glow_fire1 * 0.0 : [ 1] glow\glow_fire1_soc * 0.0 : [ 1] glow\glow_orange * 0.0 : [ 1] glow\glow_orange2 * 0.0 : [ 1] glow\glow_orange_bright * 0.0 : [ 1] glow\glow_rays * 0.0 : [ 1] glow\glow_white * 0.0 : [ 1] glow\glow_yellow * 0.0 : [ 2] internal\internal_fireTransferFunction * 0.0 : [ 3] lights\lights_spot01 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_ani-explosion-02 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_ani-explosion-02-b-a * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_ani-explosion-02a * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_ani-fire01 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_ani-smoke-01 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_1 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_16 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_17 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_18 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_19 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_2 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_21 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_23 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_2_green * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_3 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_4 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_5 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_6 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_7 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_8 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_88 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_9 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_bloodsplash1 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_bloodsplash2 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_blurry_cloud * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_brick * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_bubble * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_bubble_1 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_bubble_water * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_cc_lighting_grad2 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_cc_lightings * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_concretedebris_01 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_concretepuffs_01 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist2 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist2inv * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist3 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist4 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist8 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist9 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist_teleport * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_distort_anomaly * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_distortion * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_electrostatic * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_explotions_2 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_explotions_3 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_explotions_4 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_explotions_smoke * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_flame * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_flame_01 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_flamefx_01 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_flash_01 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_flash_05 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_flash_07 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_gologramma * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_gradient * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_gradient1 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_leaves_01 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_leaves_02 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_light * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_light1 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_light3 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_light4 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_lighting_stancia_01 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_lighting_stancia_02 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_lightning_01 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_lightning_02 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_ligth_6 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_plasma * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_shells1 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_shells2 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_skinsplash1 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_smoke_a * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_smoke_b * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_smokepuffs1 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_smokepuffs2 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_spark_01 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_spark_02 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_sparks * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_specks * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_specks_poison * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_spikey_star * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_splash3 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_splash_01 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_splash_02 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_step_blood * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_stonedebris1 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_stonedebris2 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_synus * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_teleport * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_test_textures * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_vehglassdebris_01 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_vehmetaldebris_01 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_water_wave * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_woodchips1 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_woodchips3 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\r_pop\shells\12ga * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\r_pop\shells\45acp * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\r_pop\shells\545x39 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\r_pop\shells\556x45 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\r_pop\shells\762x39 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\r_pop\shells\762x51 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\r_pop\shells\762x54 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\r_pop\shells\9x18 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\r_pop\shells\9x19 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\r_pop\shells\9x39 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\r_pop\shells\fake_shells * 0.0 : [ 1] prop\prop_fake_bed_fireplace * 0.0 : [ 1] prop\prop_provod_02 * 0.0 : [ 1] shoker_mod\explosions\explosion_smoke01 * 0.0 : [ 1] shoker_mod\explosions\final_expl * 0.0 : [ 1] shoker_mod\explosions\firesmokeparticle * 0.0 : [ 1] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_ak_shells_1 * 0.0 : [ 1] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_shells1 * 0.0 : [ 1] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_shells2 * 0.0 : [ 1] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_shells3 * 0.0 : [ 1] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_smoke_1 * 0.0 : [ 14] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_1 * 0.0 : [ 14] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_1#small * 0.0 : [ 40] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_2 * 0.0 : [ 40] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_2#small * 0.0 : [ 18] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_3 * 0.0 : [ 18] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_3#small * 0.0 : [ 14] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_5 * 0.0 : [ 14] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_5#small * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\af3_blowout\blowout1 * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\af3_blowout\blowout1#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout1_1 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout1_1#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout2 * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout2#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout2_night * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout2_night#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3 * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_1 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_1#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_1_night * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_1_night#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_2 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_2#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_2_night * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_2_night#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_3 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_3#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_3_night * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_3_night#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_night * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_night#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4 * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4#small * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_1 * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_1#small * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_1_night * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_1_night#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_night * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_night#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5 * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5_night * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5_night#small * 0.0 : [ 7] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5psi * 0.0 : [ 7] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5psi#small * 0.0 : [ 7] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5psi_night * 0.0 : [ 7] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5psi_night#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout6 * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout6#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout6_night * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout6_night#small * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout7 * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout7#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\af3_blowout\blowout7_night * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\af3_blowout\blowout7_night#small * 0.0 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\00-00-fm * 0.0 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\00-00-fm#small * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\00-00-hm * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\00-00-hm#small * 0.0 : [ 25] sky\af3_clear\00-00-nm * 0.0 : [ 25] sky\af3_clear\00-00-nm#small * 0.0 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\01-00-fm * 0.0 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\01-00-fm#small * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\01-00-hm * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\01-00-hm#small * 0.0 : [ 37] sky\af3_clear\01-00-nm * 0.0 : [ 37] sky\af3_clear\01-00-nm#small * 0.0 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\02-00-fm * 0.0 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\02-00-fm#small * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\02-00-hm * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\02-00-hm#small * 0.0 : [ 25] sky\af3_clear\02-00-nm * 0.0 : [ 25] sky\af3_clear\02-00-nm#small * 0.0 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\03-00-fm * 0.0 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\03-00-fm#small * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\03-00-hm * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\03-00-hm#small * 0.0 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\04-00-fm * 0.0 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\04-00-fm#small * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\04-00-hm * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\04-00-hm#small * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\04-30 * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\04-30#small * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\05-00 * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\05-00#small * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\05-30 * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\05-30#small * 0.0 : [ 66] sky\af3_clear\06-00 * 0.0 : [ 66] sky\af3_clear\06-00#small * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\07-00 * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\07-00#small * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\08-00 * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\08-00#small * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\09-00 * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\09-00#small * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\10-00 * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\10-00#small * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\11-00 * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\11-00#small * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\12-00 * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\12-00#small * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\13-00 * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\13-00#small * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\14-00 * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\14-00#small * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\15-00 * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\15-00#small * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\16-00 * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\16-00#small * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\17-00 * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\17-00#small * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\18-00 * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\18-00#small * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\19-00 * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\19-00#small * 0.0 : [ 66] sky\af3_clear\20-00 * 0.0 : [ 66] sky\af3_clear\20-00#small * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\20-30 * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\20-30#small * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\21-00 * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\21-00#small * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\21-30 * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\21-30#small * 0.0 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\22-00-fm * 0.0 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\22-00-fm#small * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\22-00-hm * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\22-00-hm#small * 0.0 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\23-00-fm * 0.0 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\23-00-fm#small * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\23-00-hm * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\23-00-hm#small * 0.0 : [ 5] sky\af3_cloudy\05-00 * 0.0 : [ 5] sky\af3_cloudy\05-00#small * 0.0 : [ 10] sky\af3_cloudy\06-00 * 0.0 : [ 10] sky\af3_cloudy\06-00#small * 0.0 : [ 10] sky\af3_cloudy\07-00 * 0.0 : [ 10] sky\af3_cloudy\07-00#small * 0.0 : [ 18] sky\af3_cloudy\08-00 * 0.0 : [ 18] sky\af3_cloudy\08-00#small * 0.0 : [ 23] sky\af3_cloudy\09-00 * 0.0 : [ 23] sky\af3_cloudy\09-00#small * 0.0 : [ 11] sky\af3_cloudy\10-00 * 0.0 : [ 11] sky\af3_cloudy\10-00#small * 0.0 : [ 11] sky\af3_cloudy\11-00 * 0.0 : [ 11] sky\af3_cloudy\11-00#small * 0.0 : [ 18] sky\af3_cloudy\12-00 * 0.0 : [ 18] sky\af3_cloudy\12-00#small * 0.0 : [ 10] sky\af3_cloudy\13-00 * 0.0 : [ 10] sky\af3_cloudy\13-00#small * 0.0 : [ 36] sky\af3_cloudy\14-00 * 0.0 : [ 36] sky\af3_cloudy\14-00#small * 0.0 : [ 28] sky\af3_cloudy\15-00 * 0.0 : [ 28] sky\af3_cloudy\15-00#small * 0.0 : [ 10] sky\af3_cloudy\16-00 * 0.0 : [ 10] sky\af3_cloudy\16-00#small * 0.0 : [ 18] sky\af3_cloudy\17-00 * 0.0 : [ 18] sky\af3_cloudy\17-00#small * 0.0 : [ 20] sky\af3_cloudy\18-00 * 0.0 : [ 20] sky\af3_cloudy\18-00#small * 0.0 : [ 5] sky\af3_cloudy\19-00 * 0.0 : [ 5] sky\af3_cloudy\19-00#small * 0.0 : [ 10] sky\af3_cloudy\20-00 * 0.0 : [ 10] sky\af3_cloudy\20-00#small * 0.0 : [ 11] sky\af3_foggy\06-00 * 0.0 : [ 11] sky\af3_foggy\06-00#small * 0.0 : [ 11] sky\af3_foggy\07-00 * 0.0 : [ 11] sky\af3_foggy\07-00#small * 0.0 : [ 19] sky\af3_foggy\09-00 * 0.0 : [ 19] sky\af3_foggy\09-00#small * 0.0 : [ 40] sky\af3_foggy\10-00 * 0.0 : [ 40] sky\af3_foggy\10-00#small * 0.0 : [ 10] sky\af3_foggy\11-00 * 0.0 : [ 10] sky\af3_foggy\11-00#small * 0.0 : [ 11] sky\af3_foggy\12-00 * 0.0 : [ 11] sky\af3_foggy\12-00#small * 0.0 : [ 27] sky\af3_foggy\13-00 * 0.0 : [ 27] sky\af3_foggy\13-00#small * 0.0 : [ 11] sky\af3_foggy\14-00 * 0.0 : [ 11] sky\af3_foggy\14-00#small * 0.0 : [ 19] sky\af3_foggy\15-00 * 0.0 : [ 19] sky\af3_foggy\15-00#small * 0.0 : [ 19] sky\af3_foggy\16-00 * 0.0 : [ 19] sky\af3_foggy\16-00#small * 0.0 : [ 11] sky\af3_foggy\17-00 * 0.0 : [ 11] sky\af3_foggy\17-00#small * 0.0 : [ 19] sky\af3_foggy\18-00 * 0.0 : [ 19] sky\af3_foggy\18-00#small * 0.0 : [ 11] sky\af3_foggy\19-00 * 0.0 : [ 11] sky\af3_foggy\19-00#small * 0.0 : [ 22] sky\af3_foggy\20-00 * 0.0 : [ 22] sky\af3_foggy\20-00#small * 0.0 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\00-00-fm * 0.0 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\00-00-fm#small * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\00-00-hm * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\00-00-hm#small * 0.0 : [ 25] sky\af3_partly\00-00-nm * 0.0 : [ 25] sky\af3_partly\00-00-nm#small * 0.0 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\01-00-fm * 0.0 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\01-00-fm#small * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\01-00-hm * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\01-00-hm#small * 0.0 : [ 38] sky\af3_partly\01-00-nm * 0.0 : [ 38] sky\af3_partly\01-00-nm#small * 0.0 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\02-00-fm * 0.0 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\02-00-fm#small * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\02-00-hm * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\02-00-hm#small * 0.0 : [ 24] sky\af3_partly\02-00-nm * 0.0 : [ 24] sky\af3_partly\02-00-nm#small * 0.0 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\03-00-fm * 0.0 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\03-00-fm#small * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\03-00-hm * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\03-00-hm#small * 0.0 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\04-00-fm * 0.0 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\04-00-fm#small * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\04-00-hm * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\04-00-hm#small * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\04-30 * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\04-30#small * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\05-00 * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\05-00#small * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\05-30 * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\05-30#small * 0.0 : [ 66] sky\af3_partly\06-00 * 0.0 : [ 66] sky\af3_partly\06-00#small * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\07-00 * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\07-00#small * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\08-00 * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\08-00#small * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\09-00 * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\09-00#small * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\10-00 * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\10-00#small * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\11-00 * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\11-00#small * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\12-00 * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\12-00#small * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\13-00 * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\13-00#small * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\14-00 * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\14-00#small * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\15-00 * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\15-00#small * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\16-00 * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\16-00#small * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\17-00 * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\17-00#small * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\18-00 * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\18-00#small * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\19-00 * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\19-00#small * 0.0 : [ 66] sky\af3_partly\20-00 * 0.0 : [ 66] sky\af3_partly\20-00#small * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\20-30 * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\20-30#small * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\21-00 * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\21-00#small * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\21-30 * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\21-30#small * 0.0 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\22-00-fm * 0.0 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\22-00-fm#small * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\22-00-hm * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\22-00-hm#small * 0.0 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\23-00-fm * 0.0 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\23-00-fm#small * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\23-00-hm * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\23-00-hm#small * 0.0 : [ 26] sky\af3_rainy\07-00 * 0.0 : [ 26] sky\af3_rainy\07-00#small * 0.0 : [ 30] sky\af3_rainy\09-00_19-00 * 0.0 : [ 30] sky\af3_rainy\09-00_19-00#small * 0.0 : [ 58] sky\af3_rainy\13-00 * 0.0 : [ 58] sky\af3_rainy\13-00#small * 0.0 : [ 24] sky\af3_rainy\15-00 * 0.0 : [ 24] sky\af3_rainy\15-00#small * 0.0 : [ 31] sky\af3_rainy\15-00-2 * 0.0 : [ 31] sky\af3_rainy\15-00-2#small * 0.0 : [ 44] sky\af3_rainy\16-00 * 0.0 : [ 44] sky\af3_rainy\16-00#small * 0.0 : [ 32] sky\af3_rainy\20-00 * 0.0 : [ 32] sky\af3_rainy\20-00#small * 0.0 : [ 5] sky\sky_12_vibros_cube * 0.0 : [ 5] sky\sky_12_vibros_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 26] sky\sky_13_cube * 0.0 : [ 26] sky\sky_13_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 16] sky\sky_13_cube_night * 0.0 : [ 16] sky\sky_13_cube_night#small * 0.0 : [ 12] sky\sky_13_vibros_cube * 0.0 : [ 12] sky\sky_13_vibros_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 10] sky\sky_14_cube * 0.0 : [ 10] sky\sky_14_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\sky_17_clouds_cube * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\sky_17_clouds_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\sky_17_cube * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\sky_17_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\sky_18_cube * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\sky_18_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 11] sky\sky_19_cube * 0.0 : [ 11] sky\sky_19_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\sky_1_clouds_cube * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\sky_1_clouds_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\sky_20_clouds_cube * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\sky_20_clouds_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\sky_20_cube * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\sky_20_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\sky_2_clouds_cube * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\sky_2_clouds_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\sky_2_cube * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\sky_2_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 12] sky\sky_3_cube * 0.0 : [ 12] sky\sky_3_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\sky_4_cube * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\sky_4_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 30] sky\sky_5_cube * 0.0 : [ 30] sky\sky_5_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 7] sky\sky_6_cube * 0.0 : [ 7] sky\sky_6_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 11] sky\sky_7_cube * 0.0 : [ 11] sky\sky_7_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\sky_8_cube * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\sky_8_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 49] sky\sky_9_cube * 0.0 : [ 49] sky\sky_9_cube#small * 0.0 : [3080] sky\sky_oblaka * 0.0 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_sleep_screen * 0.0 : [ 1] water\water_SBumpVolume * 0.0 : [ 1] water\water_flowing_nmap * 0.0 : [ 1] water\water_normal * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_1 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_1_1 * 0.0 : [ 1] 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wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_2 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_3 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_4 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_1 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_2 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_3 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_4 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_5 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_6 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_7 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_8 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_9 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_grenade * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_dead * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_horiz * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_blood * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_blood1 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_metal * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_ston * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_wood * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_wood1 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_wood2 * 0.1 : [ 1] logo_stason174 * 16.1 : [ 1] ui\teamepic_logo * 16.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_arial_14_1024 * 32.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_letter_16_1024 * 32.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_letter_18_1024 * 33.0 : [ 1] ui\ui_ani_cursor * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_console_02 * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_graff_19_1024 * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_graff_22_1024 * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_hud_01 * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_hud_02 * 128.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_graff_32_1024 * 256.1 : [ 1] ui\new_game\ui_new_game_factions * 256.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_portrets_special * 256.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_graff_50_1024 * 512.1 : [ 1] ui\logo_stason174 * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\new_game\ui_new_game_map_3 * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_mp_screen * 2048.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_buy_menu * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\new_game\ui_new_game_popup * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_multiplayer_game_menu * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_common * 8100.0 : [ 1] ui\ui_background_new * 8192.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_static_mm_back_01 * 8192.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_static_mm_back_04 * 16384.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_icon_equipment bin64\xrengine.exe -dbg -skip_reg -noprefetch * phase time: 0 ms * phase cmem: 266625 K ! Unable to find Software\GSC Game World\STALKER-COP\ in registry ! Player name registry key (InstallUserName) not found ! * loading script _G.script * loading script class_registrator.script * loading script ui_main_menu.script * loading script smart_terrain.script * loading script se_level_changer.script * loading script se_actor.script * loading script se_stalker.script * loading script se_heli.script * loading script se_zones.script * loading script se_item.script * loading script se_smart_cover.script * loading script se_car.script * loading script se_artefact.script * loading script se_monster.script * loading script sim_squad_scripted.script * loading script game_registrator.script Call of Chernobyl version 1.4.22 using marshal library * loading script sound_theme.script * loading script alun_utils.script * loading script axr_main.script * loading script _g.script * loading script actor_effects_data.script * loading script actor_menu.script * loading script actor_menu_inventory.script * loading script actor_proxy.script * loading script ai_stalker.script * loading script alife_storage_manager.script * loading script ammo_aggregation.script * loading script artefact_degradation.script * loading script atmosfear_options.script * loading script axr_beh.script * loading script axr_companions.script * loading script axr_dynamic_spawn.script * loading script axr_fight_from_cover.script * loading script axr_keybind.script * loading script axr_logic.script * loading script axr_main_options.script * loading script axr_npc_vs_box.script * loading script axr_npc_vs_heli.script * loading script axr_radio_in_heli.script * loading script axr_stalker_panic.script * loading script axr_task_manager.script * loading script axr_trade_manager.script * loading script axr_turn_on_campfire.script * loading script azazel_mode.script * loading script bind_anomaly_field.script * loading script bind_anomaly_zone.script * loading script bind_artefact.script * loading script bind_camp.script * loading script bind_campfire.script * loading script bind_car.script * loading script bind_container.script * loading script bind_crow.script * loading script bind_door_labx8.script * loading script bind_faction.script * loading script bind_heli.script * loading script bind_item.script * loading script bind_level_changer.script * loading script bind_monster.script * loading script bind_physic_object.script * loading script bind_red_forest_bridge.script * loading script bind_restrictor.script * loading script bind_signal_light.script * loading script bind_smart_cover.script * loading script bind_smart_terrain.script * loading script bind_stalker.script * loading script bind_stalker_ext.script * loading script bind_trader.script * loading script cam_effector_sets.script * loading script campfire_manager.script * loading script check_logic_path.script * loading script closecaption.script * loading script coc_treasure_manager.script * loading script combat_restrictor.script * loading script cover_manager.script * loading script db.script * loading script death_manager.script * loading script debug_cmd_list.script * loading script dfz_hide_wpn.script * loading script dialog_manager.script * loading script dialogs.script * loading script dialogs_axr_companion.script * loading script dialogs_bar.script * loading script dialogs_darkvalley.script * loading script dialogs_escape.script * loading script dialogs_faction.script * loading script dialogs_jupiter.script * loading script dialogs_marsh.script * loading script dialogs_mlr.script * loading script dialogs_pripyat.script * loading script dialogs_warlab.script * loading script dialogs_yantar.script * loading script dialogs_zaton.script * loading script dinamic_hud.script * loading script rx_utils.script * loading script dragdrop_disassemble.script * loading script dxr_achievements.script * loading script dxr_encyclopedia.script * loading script dxr_scopes.script * loading script dynamic_news_helper.script * loading script dynamic_news_manager.script * loading script enhanced_animations.script * loading script faction_functions.script * loading script faction_money.script * loading script faction_snaraga.script * loading script fast_travel.script * loading script flashlight.script ! [LUA] File not found "c:\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. - call of chernobyl\gamedata\sounds\makdm\bandit_outfit_take.ogg"! ! [LUA] File not found "c:\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. - call of chernobyl\gamedata\sounds\makdm\bad_box.ogg"! * loading script game_relations.script * loading script gulag_general.script * loading script heli_alife.script * loading script heli_combat.script * loading script heli_fire.script * loading script heli_fly.script * loading script heli_look.script * loading script heli_move.script * loading script heli_snd.script * loading script xr_sound.script * loading script info_portions.script * loading script inventory_radiation.script * loading script inventory_upgrades.script * loading script ironman_manager.script * loading script item_animations.script * loading script itms_manager.script * loading script jg_gps.script * loading script jg_guider.script * loading script jg_timers.script * loading script jg_utils.script * loading script lanforse_extra.script * loading script level_input.script * loading script level_weathers.script * loading script loadscreen.script * loading script lootmoney.script * loading script lua_extensions.script * loading script m_mines.script * loading script mask_hud.script * loading script memusage.script * loading script mlr_utils.script * loading script mob_camp.script * loading script mob_combat.script * loading script mob_death.script * loading script mob_home.script * loading script mob_jump.script * loading script mob_remark.script * loading script mob_sound.script * loading script mob_state_mgr.script * loading script mob_trade.script * loading script mob_trader.script * loading script mob_walker.script * loading script mod_flags.script * loading script modules.script * loading script xr_meet.script * loading script xr_actions_id.script * loading script xr_wounded.script * loading script xr_danger.script * loading script xr_abuse.script * loading script xr_gather_items.script * loading script xr_help_wounded.script * loading script xr_corpse_detection.script * loading script rx_ff.script * loading script xrs_facer.script * loading script xrs_kill_wounded.script * loading script xr_walker.script * loading script xr_remark.script * loading script xr_cover.script * loading script xr_sleeper.script * loading script xr_camper.script * loading script xr_combat.script * loading script xr_death.script * loading script xr_hit.script * loading script xr_combat_ignore.script * loading script xr_combat_zombied.script * loading script xr_patrol.script * loading script xr_smartcover.script * loading script xr_animpoint.script * loading script xr_reach_task.script * loading script ph_car.script * loading script ph_door.script * loading script ph_idle.script * loading script ph_hit.script * loading script ph_on_hit.script * loading script ph_button.script * loading script ph_code.script * loading script ph_death.script * loading script ph_minigun.script * loading script ph_oscillate.script * loading script ph_sound.script * loading script sr_no_weapon.script * loading script sr_teleport.script * loading script sr_idle.script * loading script sr_light.script * loading script sr_timer.script * loading script sr_psy_antenna.script * loading script sr_postprocess.script * loading script sr_particle.script * loading script sr_cutscene.script * loading script sr_monster.script * loading script sr_crow_spawner.script * loading script sr_silence.script * loading script sr_deimos.script * loading script xr_campfire_point.script * loading script money.script * loading script move_mgr.script * loading script news_manager.script * loading script npc_death_sound.script * loading script ogse_wpn_explode_fx.script * loading script outfit_marauder.script * loading script pda.script * loading script pda_backpack_travel.script * loading script pda_chat_names_lists_fonswong.script * loading script pda_chat_processor_fonswong.script * loading script pda_fonswong.script * loading script pda_level_change.script * loading script pda_utils_fonswong.script * loading script ph_appforce.script * loading script phantom_manager.script * loading script post_combat_idle.script * loading script profiler.script * loading script psi_storm_manager.script * loading script ranks.script * loading script release_body_manager.script * loading script release_item_manager.script * loading script restrictor_manager.script * loading script safe_release_manager.script * loading script savegame_conditions.script * loading script savegame_timer.script * loading script se_new_attachable_item.script * loading script se_squad_group.script * loading script sim_board.script * loading script sim_objects.script * loading script sim_squad_actions.script * loading script sim_squad_generic.script * loading script simulation_objects.script * loading script sleep_dep.script * loading script slot_hud.script * loading script smart_covers.script * loading script smart_covers_combat_front.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_crouch_front_left.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_crouch_front.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_crouch_front_right.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_stand_front_left.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_stand_front_right.script * loading script smart_covers_combat_prone.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_prone.script * loading script smart_covers_animpoint_stay_wall.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_animpoint_stay_wall.script * loading script smart_covers_animpoint_stay_table.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_animpoint_stay_table.script * loading script smart_covers_animpoint_sit_high.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_animpoint_sit_high.script * loading script smart_covers_animpoint_sit_normal.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_animpoint_sit_normal.script * loading script smart_covers_animpoint_sit_low.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_animpoint_sit_low.script * loading script smart_covers_animpoint_sit_ass.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_animpoint_sit_ass.script * loading script smart_covers_animpoint_sit_knee.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_animpoint_sit_knee.script * loading script smart_covers_animpoint_stay_ohrana.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_animpoint_stay_ohrana.script * loading script smart_covers_animpoint_stay_bar.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_animpoint_stay_bar.script * loading script smart_covers_animpoint_sit_wait.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_animpoint_sit_wait.script * loading script smart_covers_animpoint_stay_wait.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_animpoint_stay_wait.script * loading script smart_covers_animpoint_pri_a15.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_animpoint_pri_a15.script * loading script smart_covers_anim_pri_a22.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_anim_pri_a22.script * loading script smart_covers_combat.script * loading script smart_covers_cover_lesnik.script * loading script smart_covers_cover_loophole_lead_forester_idle_talk.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_crouch_back.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_crouch_left.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_crouch_right.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_lead_forester_idle.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_lead_forester_talk.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_lesnik.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_stand_back.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_stand_left.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_stand_right.script * loading script smart_names.script * loading script sound_manager.script * loading script spawn_nimble_items.script * loading script spawner.script * loading script sr_camp.script * loading script stalker_generic.script * loading script stason.script * loading script stason_alife.script * loading script state_lib.script * loading script utils.script * loading script state_lib_animpoint.script * loading script state_mgr_scenario.script * loading script state_mgr_pri_a15.script * loading script state_mgr.script * loading script state_mgr_animation.script * loading script state_mgr_animation_list.script * loading script xr_effects.script * loading script state_mgr_animation_list_animpoint.script * loading script state_mgr_animstate.script * loading script state_mgr_animstate_list.script * loading script state_mgr_animstate_list_animpoint.script * loading script state_mgr_bodystate.script * loading script state_mgr_direction.script * loading script state_mgr_goap.script * loading script state_mgr_mental.script * loading script state_mgr_movement.script * loading script state_mgr_smartcover.script * loading script state_mgr_weapon.script * loading script story_objects.script * loading script stpk_utils.script * loading script surge_manager.script * loading script survival_mode.script * loading script task_functor.script * loading script task_manager.script * loading script task_objects.script * loading script task_status_functor.script * loading script trade_manager.script * loading script trans_outfit.script * loading script transitions.script * loading script transitions_list.script * loading script ui_addon_azazel_faction_chooser.script * loading script ui_addon_companion_quick_menu.script * loading script ui_ami_position.script * loading script ui_debug_main.script * loading script ui_dyn_msg_box.script * loading script ui_enemy_health.script * loading script ui_freeplay_dialog.script * loading script ui_itm_backpack.script * loading script ui_itm_camp_cooking.script * loading script ui_itm_cooking.script * loading script ui_itm_repair.script * loading script ui_load_dialog.script * loading script ui_mm_faction_select.script * loading script ui_mm_opt_con_cmd.script * loading script ui_mm_opt_controls.script * loading script ui_mm_opt_gameplay.script * loading script ui_mm_opt_main.script * loading script ui_mm_opt_sound.script * loading script ui_mm_opt_video.script * loading script ui_mm_opt_video_adv.script * loading script ui_mod_elements.script * loading script ui_mutant_loot.script * loading script ui_numpad.script * loading script ui_pda_contacts_tab.script * loading script ui_pda_encyclopedia_tab.script * loading script ui_pda_relations_tab.script * loading script ui_save_dialog.script * loading script ui_scenes.script * loading script ui_sleep_dialog.script * loading script ui_sr_teleport.script * loading script ui_wpn_params.script * loading script unload_all_weapons.script * loading script version.script * loading script visual_memory_manager.script * loading script wpn_effects.script * loading script xr_animpoint_predicates.script * loading script xr_box.script * loading script xr_combat_camper.script * loading script xr_evaluators_id.script * loading script xr_combat_monolith.script * loading script xr_conditions.script * loading script xr_detector.script * loading script xr_dialogs.script * loading script xr_eat_medkit.script * loading script xr_gulag.script * loading script xr_hear.script * loading script xr_info.script * loading script xr_logic.script * loading script xr_motivator.script * loading script xr_state.script * loading script xr_statistic.script * loading script xr_zones.script * loading script xr_zones_sound.script * loading script xrs_debug_tools.script * loading script xrs_dyn_music.script * loading script xrs_dynamic_music_themes.script * loading script xrs_stereo.script * loading script zone_new.script * loading script zone_news_main.script * loading script zone_no_weapon.script * loading script zone_surge_news.script alife_storage_manager.on_game_start() ammo_aggregation.on_game_start() artefact_degradation.on_game_start() axr_companions.on_game_start() axr_keybind.on_game_start() axr_task_manager.on_game_start() axr_trade_manager.on_game_start() axr_turn_on_campfire.on_game_start() azazel_mode.on_game_start() bind_campfire.on_game_start() campfire_manager.on_game_start() coc_treasure_manager.on_game_start() dfz_hide_wpn.on_game_start() dialogs_mlr.on_game_start() dinamic_hud.on_game_start() dragdrop_disassemble.on_game_start() dxr_encyclopedia.on_game_start() dxr_scopes.on_game_start() ~ Invalid syntax in call to 'snd_targets' ~ Valid arguments: integer value in range [16,256] * sound : cache: 131074 kb, 9712 lines, 13820 bpl dynamic_news_manager.on_game_start() enhanced_animations.on_game_start() flashlight.on_game_start() info_portions.on_game_start() inventory_radiation.on_game_start() ironman_manager.on_game_start() item_animations.on_game_start() itms_manager.on_game_start() jg_guider.on_game_start() jg_timers.on_game_start() lanforse_extra.on_game_start() m_mines.on_game_start() mask_hud.on_game_start() mob_trade.on_game_start() modules.on_game_start() npc_death_sound.on_game_start() outfit_marauder.on_game_start() pda.on_game_start() pda_backpack_travel.on_game_start() pda_fonswong.on_game_start() pda_level_change.on_game_start() phantom_manager.on_game_start() release_item_manager.on_game_start() safe_release_manager.on_game_start() savegame_timer.on_game_start() sleep_dep.on_game_start() slot_hud.on_game_start() stason.on_game_start() surge_manager.on_game_start() survival_mode.on_game_start() ui_addon_companion_quick_menu.on_game_start() ui_enemy_health.on_game_start() ui_mm_faction_select.on_game_start() unload_all_weapons.on_game_start() wpn_effects.on_game_start() xr_combat_ignore.on_game_start() xr_corpse_detection.on_game_start() xr_danger.on_game_start() xr_eat_medkit.on_game_start() xr_gather_items.on_game_start() xr_statistic.on_game_start() xrs_debug_tools.on_game_start() xrs_dyn_music.on_game_start() xrs_facer.on_game_start() xrs_kill_wounded.on_game_start() zone_new.on_game_start() * phase time: 1499 ms * phase cmem: 256396 K * phase time: 3 ms * phase cmem: 256385 K * Creating new game... * Loading spawn registry... * 18942 spawn points are successfully loaded * New game is successfully created! * phase time: 1546 ms * phase cmem: 340829 K [LSS] Spawning object [fake_actor][actor][0] [LSS] Spawning object [fake_level_changer][level_changer][18388] * phase time: 17 ms * phase cmem: 340830 K * phase time: 5 ms * phase cmem: 340830 K * WARNING: player not logged in * client : connection accepted - <All Ok> * phase time: 4 ms * phase cmem: 340991 K * phase time: 2 ms * phase cmem: 340991 K * phase time: 3 ms * phase cmem: 341019 K * phase time: 13 ms * phase cmem: 356201 K * [Loading VB] 116 verts, 3 Kb * [Loading IB] 246 indices, 0 Kb * phase time: 3 ms * phase cmem: 356202 K * phase time: 3 ms * phase cmem: 356202 K * phase time: 2 ms * phase cmem: 356202 K WARNING: Occlusion map 'c:\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. - call of chernobyl\gamedata\levels\fake_start\level.hom' not found. * phase time: 2 ms * phase cmem: 356202 K * phase time: 3 ms * phase cmem: 356202 K * phase time: 3 ms * phase cmem: 356202 K CResourceManager::DeferredUpload -> START, size = 654 TextureLoading -> thread 1 started! TextureLoading -> thread 2 started! TextureLoading -> thread 3 started! TextureLoading -> thread 3 finished! TextureLoading -> thread 1 finished! TextureLoading -> thread 2 finished! texture loading time: 6637 * t-report - base: 653, 245204 K * t-report - lmap: 1, 1024 K * WARNING: player not logged in * phase time: 8901 ms * phase cmem: 360015 K * phase time: 7 ms * phase cmem: 360015 K * [win32]: free[137433145528 K], reserved[4317620 K], committed[1490260 K] * [ D3D ]: textures[348630 K] * [x-ray]: process heap[360015 K], game lua[0 K], render[0 K] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[27376 K], smem[2985 K] ! Missing ogg-comment, file: c:\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. - call of chernobyl\gamedata\sounds\interface\inv_nosound.ogg ! Invalid weather name: dynamic_default DRX SL current storyline task: drx_sl_pri_monolith_monolith_trader_stalker_start_game_1 * Saving spawns... * Saving objects... * 23864 objects are successfully saved * Game ян - autosave.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\ян - autosave.scop' collectgarbage before=33394091Kb collectgarbage after=25642952Kb * loading script pda_utils_FonSwong.script ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\wpn_harpoon_knife_bump# * loading script pda_FonSwong.script - Disconnect - Destroying level * 0.0 : [ 3] $null * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$NVHHGGTex * 0.0 : [ 5] $user$NVjitterTex * 0.0 : [ 8] $user$Texture_color * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$Texture_color_out * 0.0 : [ 7] $user$Texture_obstacles * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$Texture_obstvelocity * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$Texture_pressure * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$Texture_tempscalar * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$Texture_tempvector * 0.0 : [ 5] $user$Texture_velocity0 * 0.0 : [ 4] $user$Texture_velocity1 * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$accum * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$accum_temp * 0.0 : [ 7] $user$albedo * 0.0 : [ 4] $user$bloom1 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$bloom2 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$cmap0 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$cmap1 * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$edgeTex * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$env_s0 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$env_s1 * 0.0 : [ 5] $user$generic0 * 0.0 : [ 4] $user$generic1 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$generic2 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$jitter_0 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$jitter_1 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$jitter_2 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$jitter_3 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$jitter_4 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$jitter_mipped * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$lum_t64 * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$lum_t8 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$luminance_0 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$luminance_1 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$luminance_2 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$luminance_3 * 0.0 : [ 8] $user$material * 0.0 : [ 13] $user$position * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$rayCastTex * 0.0 : [ 6] $user$rayDataTex * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$rayDataTexSmall * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$sky0 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$sky1 * 0.0 : [ 6] $user$smap_depth * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$smap_surf * 0.0 : [ 10] $user$tonemap * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$tonemap_src * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_binokl_bump# * 0.4 : [ 1] map\map_nomap * 0.7 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_step_blood * 1.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_spark_01 * 1.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_bubble * 1.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_leaves_01 * 1.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_leaves_02 * 1.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_splash3 * 1.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_splash_02 * 1.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_synus * 1.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_vehmetaldebris_01 * 1.4 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_harpoon_knife_bump# * 1.4 : [ 1] prop\prop_provod_02 * 1.5 : [ 1] glow\glow_rays * 2.7 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_concretedebris_01 * 3.1 : [ 1] grad\grad_radiation * 3.1 : [ 5] sky\sky_12_vibros_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 26] sky\sky_13_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 16] sky\sky_13_cube_night#small * 3.1 : [ 12] sky\sky_13_vibros_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 10] sky\sky_14_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_17_clouds_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_17_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 8] sky\sky_18_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 12] sky\sky_19_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_1_clouds_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_20_clouds_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_20_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_2_clouds_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_2_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 12] sky\sky_3_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 3] sky\sky_4_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 30] sky\sky_5_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 7] sky\sky_6_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 11] sky\sky_7_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 9] sky\sky_8_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 49] sky\sky_9_cube#small * 4.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_flare1 * 4.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_flamefx_01 * 4.1 : [ 1] ui\cursor * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_asfalt_1 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_asfalt_2 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_asfalt_3 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_brick_1 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_brick_2 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_1 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_2 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_4 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_5 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_6 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_7 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_ground * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_ground_1 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_ground_2 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik_1 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik_2 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik_3 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_1 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_2 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_3 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_4 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_1 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_2 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_3 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_4 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_5 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_6 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_7 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_8 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_9 * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_bloodsplash1 * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_spark_02 * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_21 * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_bubble_1 * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_bubble_water * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist2 * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist2inv * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist_teleport * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_flash_05 * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_flash_07 * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_specks_poison * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_spikey_star * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_splash_01 * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_stonedebris1 * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_stonedebris2 * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_vehglassdebris_01 * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_water_wave * 5.5 : [ 1] glow\glow_orange2 * 5.5 : [ 1] fx\fx_flare2 * 5.5 : [ 1] fx\fx_flare3 * 5.5 : [ 1] fx\fx_rain * 6.1 : [ 14] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_1#small * 6.1 : [ 40] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_2#small * 6.1 : [ 18] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_3#small * 6.1 : [ 14] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_5#small * 6.1 : [ 6] sky\af3_blowout\blowout1#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout1_1#small * 6.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout2#small * 6.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout2_night#small * 6.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_1#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_1_night#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_2#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_2_night#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_3#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_3_night#small * 6.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_night#small * 6.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4#small * 6.1 : [ 3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_1#small * 6.1 : [ 3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_1_night#small * 6.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_night#small * 6.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5#small * 6.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5_night#small * 6.1 : [ 7] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5psi#small * 6.1 : [ 7] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5psi_night#small * 6.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout6#small * 6.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout6_night#small * 6.1 : [ 3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout7#small * 6.1 : [ 4] sky\af3_blowout\blowout7_night#small * 6.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\00-00-fm#small * 6.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\00-00-hm#small * 6.1 : [ 25] sky\af3_clear\00-00-nm#small * 6.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\01-00-fm#small * 6.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\01-00-hm#small * 6.1 : [ 37] sky\af3_clear\01-00-nm#small * 6.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\02-00-fm#small * 6.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\02-00-hm#small * 6.1 : [ 25] sky\af3_clear\02-00-nm#small * 6.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\03-00-fm#small * 6.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\03-00-hm#small * 6.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\04-00-fm#small * 6.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\04-00-hm#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\04-30#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\05-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\05-30#small * 6.1 : [ 66] sky\af3_clear\06-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\07-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\08-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\09-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\10-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\11-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\12-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\13-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\14-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\15-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\16-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\17-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\18-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\19-00#small * 6.1 : [ 66] sky\af3_clear\20-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\20-30#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\21-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\21-30#small * 6.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\22-00-fm#small * 6.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\22-00-hm#small * 6.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\23-00-fm#small * 6.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\23-00-hm#small * 6.1 : [ 5] sky\af3_cloudy\05-00#small * 6.1 : [ 10] sky\af3_cloudy\06-00#small * 6.1 : [ 10] sky\af3_cloudy\07-00#small * 6.1 : [ 18] sky\af3_cloudy\08-00#small * 6.1 : [ 23] sky\af3_cloudy\09-00#small * 6.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_cloudy\10-00#small * 6.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_cloudy\11-00#small * 6.1 : [ 18] sky\af3_cloudy\12-00#small * 6.1 : [ 10] sky\af3_cloudy\13-00#small * 6.1 : [ 36] sky\af3_cloudy\14-00#small * 6.1 : [ 28] sky\af3_cloudy\15-00#small * 6.1 : [ 10] sky\af3_cloudy\16-00#small * 6.1 : [ 18] sky\af3_cloudy\17-00#small * 6.1 : [ 20] sky\af3_cloudy\18-00#small * 6.1 : [ 5] sky\af3_cloudy\19-00#small * 6.1 : [ 10] sky\af3_cloudy\20-00#small * 6.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_foggy\06-00#small * 6.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_foggy\07-00#small * 6.1 : [ 19] sky\af3_foggy\09-00#small * 6.1 : [ 40] sky\af3_foggy\10-00#small * 6.1 : [ 10] sky\af3_foggy\11-00#small * 6.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_foggy\12-00#small * 6.1 : [ 27] sky\af3_foggy\13-00#small * 6.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_foggy\14-00#small * 6.1 : [ 19] sky\af3_foggy\15-00#small * 6.1 : [ 19] sky\af3_foggy\16-00#small * 6.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_foggy\17-00#small * 6.1 : [ 19] sky\af3_foggy\18-00#small * 6.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_foggy\19-00#small * 6.1 : [ 22] sky\af3_foggy\20-00#small * 6.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\00-00-fm#small * 6.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\00-00-hm#small * 6.1 : [ 25] sky\af3_partly\00-00-nm#small * 6.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\01-00-fm#small * 6.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\01-00-hm#small * 6.1 : [ 38] sky\af3_partly\01-00-nm#small * 6.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\02-00-fm#small * 6.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\02-00-hm#small * 6.1 : [ 24] sky\af3_partly\02-00-nm#small * 6.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\03-00-fm#small * 6.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\03-00-hm#small * 6.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\04-00-fm#small * 6.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\04-00-hm#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\04-30#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\05-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\05-30#small * 6.1 : [ 66] sky\af3_partly\06-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\07-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\08-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\09-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\10-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\11-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\12-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\13-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\14-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\15-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\16-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\17-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\18-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\19-00#small * 6.1 : [ 66] sky\af3_partly\20-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\20-30#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\21-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\21-30#small * 6.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\22-00-fm#small * 6.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\22-00-hm#small * 6.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\23-00-fm#small * 6.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\23-00-hm#small * 6.1 : [ 26] sky\af3_rainy\07-00#small * 6.1 : [ 30] sky\af3_rainy\09-00_19-00#small * 6.1 : [ 58] sky\af3_rainy\13-00#small * 6.1 : [ 24] sky\af3_rainy\15-00#small * 6.1 : [ 31] sky\af3_rainy\15-00-2#small * 6.1 : [ 44] sky\af3_rainy\16-00#small * 6.1 : [ 32] sky\af3_rainy\20-00#small * 8.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_gologramma * 8.1 : [ 1] pfx\r_pop\shells\fake_shells * 10.7 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_electrostatic * 10.7 : [ 1] prop\prop_fake_bed_fireplace * 10.7 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_smokepuffs2 * 10.7 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_sparks * 10.7 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_woodchips1 * 10.7 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_woodchips3 * 10.8 : [ 1] amik\weapons\trace_01 * 16.1 : [ 2] internal\internal_fireTransferFunction * 16.1 : [ 1] amik\weapons\flame\trace * 16.1 : [ 1] amik\weapons\trace * 16.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_volumefog1 * 16.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_flash_01 * 16.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_arial_14_1024 * 16.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_grid * 16.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_drop_1 * 16.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_drop_2 * 16.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_grenade * 16.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_dead * 16.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_horiz * 16.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_blood * 16.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_wood * 16.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_wood1 * 16.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_wood2 * 21.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_bloodsplash2 * 21.4 : [ 1] act\act_controller_hit1 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_1 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_16 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_17 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_19 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_3 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_4 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_5 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_8 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_88 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_brick * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_gradient1 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_light * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_light1 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_light3 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_light4 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_lightning_01 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_lightning_02 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_plasma * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_smoke_a * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_test_textures * 21.4 : [ 1] prop\prop_voda1 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_flame * 21.5 : [ 1] glow\glow_04 * 21.5 : [ 1] glow\glow_fire1 * 21.5 : [ 1] glow\glow_fire1_soc * 21.5 : [ 1] item\item_hammer * 21.5 : [ 1] fx\fx_rainsplash1 * 21.5 : [ 1] shoker_mod\explosions\firesmokeparticle * 21.5 : [ 1] amik\weapons\flame\trail * 32.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_ani-smoke-01 * 32.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_cc_lighting_grad2 * 32.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_letter_16_1024 * 32.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_letter_18_1024 * 32.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_blood1 * 32.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_metal * 32.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_ston * 33.0 : [ 1] ui\ui_ani_cursor * 42.7 : [ 1] act\act_ryukzak * 42.7 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_concretepuffs_01 * 42.7 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_lighting_stancia_01 * 42.7 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_lighting_stancia_02 * 42.7 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_smokepuffs1 * 42.7 : [ 1] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_shells1 * 42.7 : [ 1] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_shells2 * 42.8 : [ 1] fx\fx_noise * 42.8 : [ 1] item\item_medkit * 42.8 : [ 1] lights\lights_cone_handing_lamp * 42.9 : [ 1] fx\fx_lightning * 64.1 : [ 1] amik\weapons\flash_02 * 64.1 : [ 1] amik\weapons\flash_04 * 64.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_sun * 64.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_sun_fog * 64.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_sun_gradient * 64.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_sun_halo * 64.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_sun_morning * 64.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_thunderbolts_gradient * 64.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_thunderbolts_gradient_surge * 64.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_18 * 64.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_flame_01 * 64.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_skinsplash1 * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_console_02 * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_graff_19_1024 * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_graff_22_1024 * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_hud_01 * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_hud_02 * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_hud_grenade_mark * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_hud_hit_mark * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_1 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_10 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_11 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_1_1 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_1_2 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_1_3 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_2 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_3 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_4 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_5 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_6 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_7 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_8 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_9 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_drop_3 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_drop_4 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_glass01 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_glass02 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_glass03 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_glass04 * 64.1 : [ 1] wpn\shell_545 * 85.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_12 * 85.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_13 * 85.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_14 * 85.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_15 * 85.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_16 * 85.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_6 * 85.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_9 * 85.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_blurry_cloud * 85.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_smoke_b * 85.3 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_03 * 85.3 : [ 1] act\act_ryukzak_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] act\act_ryukzak_bump# * 85.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist3 * 85.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist4 * 85.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist8 * 85.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist9 * 85.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_distort_anomaly * 85.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_distortion * 85.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_ligth_6 * 85.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_specks * 85.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_teleport * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_upgrade_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_upgrade_bump# * 85.4 : [ 1] glow\glow_orange * 85.4 : [ 1] glow\glow_orange_bright * 85.4 : [ 1] glow\glow_white * 85.4 : [ 1] glow\glow_yellow * 85.5 : [ 1] fx\fx_sun_rise * 85.5 : [ 1] item\item_vouda1 * 85.5 : [ 1] item\item_vouda2 * 85.5 : [ 1] item\item_vouda3 * 85.5 : [ 3] lights\lights_spot01 * 85.5 : [ 1] wpn\shell_545_bump * 85.5 : [ 1] wpn\shell_545_bump# * 128.1 : [ 2] cooking\cooking_wood_stove * 128.1 : [ 2] fx\fx_noise2 * 128.1 : [ 1] map\map_l08u_brainlab * 128.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_shells1 * 128.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_shells2 * 128.1 : [ 1] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_ak_shells_1 * 128.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_graff_32_1024 * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_hero * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_monolith_2 * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_monoliths * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_neutral_2 * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_03_bump * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_03_bump# * 170.6 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_2 * 170.6 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_23 * 170.6 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_2_green * 170.6 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_7 * 170.8 : [ 1] map\map_hospital * 170.8 : [ 1] item\item_ustroystva * 256.1 : [ 1] cooking\cooking_wood_stove_bump * 256.1 : [ 1] cooking\cooking_wood_stove_bump# * 256.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_gradient1 * 256.1 : [ 1] map\map_labx8 * 256.1 : [ 1] prop\prop_voda1_bump * 256.1 : [ 1] prop\prop_voda1_bump# * 256.1 : [3082] sky\sky_oblaka * 256.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_graff_50_1024 * 256.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_harpoon_knife_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_gradient * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_hero_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_hero_bump# * 341.1 : [ 2] act\act_stalker_monolith_2_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] act\act_stalker_monolith_2_bump# * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_neutral_2_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_neutral_2_bump# * 341.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_upgrade * 341.4 : [ 1] map\map_fake_start * 341.5 : [ 1] drink\drink_match0 * 341.5 : [ 1] fx\fx_glare_clear_day * 341.5 : [ 1] fx\fx_glare_cloudy * 341.5 : [ 1] fx\fx_gradient * 341.5 : [ 1] item\item_food * 341.5 : [ 1] shoker_mod\explosions\explosion_smoke01 * 341.5 : [ 1] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_smoke_1 * 512.1 : [ 1] amk\items\500 * 512.1 : [ 1] intro\intro_fake_start_1 * 512.1 : [ 1] map\map_l04_darkvalley * 512.1 : [ 1] map\map_limansk * 512.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_explotions_3 * 512.1 : [ 1] pfx\r_pop\shells\12ga * 512.1 : [ 1] pfx\r_pop\shells\45acp * 512.1 : [ 1] pfx\r_pop\shells\545x39 * 512.1 : [ 1] pfx\r_pop\shells\556x45 * 512.1 : [ 1] pfx\r_pop\shells\762x39 * 512.1 : [ 1] pfx\r_pop\shells\762x51 * 512.1 : [ 1] pfx\r_pop\shells\762x54 * 512.1 : [ 1] pfx\r_pop\shells\9x18 * 512.1 : [ 1] pfx\r_pop\shells\9x19 * 512.1 : [ 1] pfx\r_pop\shells\9x39 * 512.1 : [ 1] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_shells3 * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_binokl * 682.6 : [ 1] map\map_l05_bar * 682.6 : [ 1] map\map_l06_rostok * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_arm_mono_glove * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_face_mask_0x * 768.1 : [ 14] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_1 * 768.1 : [ 40] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_2 * 768.1 : [ 18] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_3 * 768.1 : [ 14] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_5 * 768.1 : [ 6] sky\af3_blowout\blowout1 * 768.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout1_1 * 768.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout2 * 768.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout2_night * 768.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3 * 768.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_1 * 768.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_1_night * 768.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_2 * 768.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_2_night * 768.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_3 * 768.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_3_night * 768.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_night * 768.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4 * 768.1 : [ 3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_1 * 768.1 : [ 3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_1_night * 768.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_night * 768.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5 * 768.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5_night * 768.1 : [ 7] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5psi * 768.1 : [ 7] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5psi_night * 768.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout6 * 768.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout6_night * 768.1 : [ 3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout7 * 768.1 : [ 4] sky\af3_blowout\blowout7_night * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\00-00-fm * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\00-00-hm * 768.1 : [ 25] sky\af3_clear\00-00-nm * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\01-00-fm * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\01-00-hm * 768.1 : [ 37] sky\af3_clear\01-00-nm * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\02-00-fm * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\02-00-hm * 768.1 : [ 25] sky\af3_clear\02-00-nm * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\03-00-fm * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\03-00-hm * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\04-00-fm * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\04-00-hm * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\04-30 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\05-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\05-30 * 768.1 : [ 66] sky\af3_clear\06-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\07-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\08-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\09-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\10-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\11-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\12-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\13-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\14-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\15-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\16-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\17-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\18-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\19-00 * 768.1 : [ 66] sky\af3_clear\20-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\20-30 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\21-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\21-30 * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\22-00-fm * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\22-00-hm * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\23-00-fm * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\23-00-hm * 768.1 : [ 5] sky\af3_cloudy\05-00 * 768.1 : [ 10] sky\af3_cloudy\06-00 * 768.1 : [ 10] sky\af3_cloudy\07-00 * 768.1 : [ 18] sky\af3_cloudy\08-00 * 768.1 : [ 23] sky\af3_cloudy\09-00 * 768.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_cloudy\10-00 * 768.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_cloudy\11-00 * 768.1 : [ 18] sky\af3_cloudy\12-00 * 768.1 : [ 10] sky\af3_cloudy\13-00 * 768.1 : [ 36] sky\af3_cloudy\14-00 * 768.1 : [ 28] sky\af3_cloudy\15-00 * 768.1 : [ 10] sky\af3_cloudy\16-00 * 768.1 : [ 18] sky\af3_cloudy\17-00 * 768.1 : [ 20] sky\af3_cloudy\18-00 * 768.1 : [ 5] sky\af3_cloudy\19-00 * 768.1 : [ 10] sky\af3_cloudy\20-00 * 768.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_foggy\06-00 * 768.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_foggy\07-00 * 768.1 : [ 19] sky\af3_foggy\09-00 * 768.1 : [ 40] sky\af3_foggy\10-00 * 768.1 : [ 10] sky\af3_foggy\11-00 * 768.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_foggy\12-00 * 768.1 : [ 27] sky\af3_foggy\13-00 * 768.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_foggy\14-00 * 768.1 : [ 19] sky\af3_foggy\15-00 * 768.1 : [ 19] sky\af3_foggy\16-00 * 768.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_foggy\17-00 * 768.1 : [ 19] sky\af3_foggy\18-00 * 768.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_foggy\19-00 * 768.1 : [ 22] sky\af3_foggy\20-00 * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\00-00-fm * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\00-00-hm * 768.1 : [ 25] sky\af3_partly\00-00-nm * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\01-00-fm * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\01-00-hm * 768.1 : [ 38] sky\af3_partly\01-00-nm * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\02-00-fm * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\02-00-hm * 768.1 : [ 24] sky\af3_partly\02-00-nm * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\03-00-fm * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\03-00-hm * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\04-00-fm * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\04-00-hm * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\04-30 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\05-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\05-30 * 768.1 : [ 66] sky\af3_partly\06-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\07-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\08-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\09-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\10-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\11-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\12-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\13-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\14-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\15-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\16-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\17-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\18-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\19-00 * 768.1 : [ 66] sky\af3_partly\20-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\20-30 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\21-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\21-30 * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\22-00-fm * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\22-00-hm * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\23-00-fm * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\23-00-hm * 768.1 : [ 26] sky\af3_rainy\07-00 * 768.1 : [ 30] sky\af3_rainy\09-00_19-00 * 768.1 : [ 58] sky\af3_rainy\13-00 * 768.1 : [ 24] sky\af3_rainy\15-00 * 768.1 : [ 31] sky\af3_rainy\15-00-2 * 768.1 : [ 44] sky\af3_rainy\16-00 * 768.1 : [ 32] sky\af3_rainy\20-00 * 768.1 : [ 5] sky\sky_12_vibros_cube * 768.1 : [ 26] sky\sky_13_cube * 768.1 : [ 16] sky\sky_13_cube_night * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\sky_13_vibros_cube * 768.1 : [ 10] sky\sky_14_cube * 768.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_17_clouds_cube * 768.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_17_cube * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\sky_18_cube * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\sky_19_cube * 768.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_1_clouds_cube * 768.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_20_clouds_cube * 768.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_20_cube * 768.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_2_clouds_cube * 768.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_2_cube * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\sky_3_cube * 768.1 : [ 3] sky\sky_4_cube * 768.1 : [ 30] sky\sky_5_cube * 768.1 : [ 7] sky\sky_6_cube * 768.1 : [ 11] sky\sky_7_cube * 768.1 : [ 9] sky\sky_8_cube * 768.1 : [ 49] sky\sky_9_cube * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_1 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_2 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_3 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_4 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_5 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_6 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_7 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_phase_1 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_phase_2 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_phase_3 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_phase_4 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_phase_5 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_phase_6 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_phase_7 * 1024.1 : [ 1] map\map_jupiter_underground * 1024.1 : [ 1] map\map_l01_escape * 1024.1 : [ 1] map\map_l04u_labx18 * 1024.1 : [ 1] map\map_l07_military * 1024.1 : [ 1] map\map_l10u_bunker * 1024.1 : [ 1] map\map_l11_pripyat * 1024.1 : [ 1] map\map_l12u_control_monolith * 1024.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_ani-explosion-02 * 1024.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_ani-explosion-02-b-a * 1024.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_ani-explosion-02a * 1024.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_explotions_2 * 1024.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_explotions_4 * 1024.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_explotions_smoke * 1024.1 : [ 1] shoker_mod\explosions\final_expl * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_achivments * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_menu * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_mp_screen * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_newsmanager_icons * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_pda * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_sleep_screen * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_widescreen_sidepanels * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_global_map * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_hud * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_ingame2_common * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_minimap * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_mlr_achivments * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_pda2 * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_pda2_noice * 1024.1 : [ 1] water\water_SBumpVolume * 1024.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_crosshair_bino * 1024.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_harpoon_knife * 1139.2 : [ 1] map\map_k02_trucks_cemetery * 1364.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_ani-fire01 * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_binokl_bump * 1365.1 : [ 1] map\map_agroprom * 1365.1 : [ 1] map\map_l03u_agr_underground * 1365.1 : [ 1] map\map_l08_yantar * 1365.1 : [ 1] map\map_l10_radar * 1365.5 : [ 1] water\water_flowing_nmap * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_arm_mono_1 * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_arm_mono_glove_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_arm_mono_glove_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] fx\fx_glare * 1365.5 : [ 1] map\map_red_forest * 2048.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_cc_lightings * 2730.1 : [ 1] map\map_aes_1 * 2730.1 : [ 1] map\map_aes_2 * 2730.8 : [ 1] act\act_arm_sviter_1 * 2730.8 : [ 1] act\act_sviterok * 2730.8 : [ 1] act\act_arm_bandit * 2730.8 : [ 1] act\act_arm_bandit_bump * 2730.8 : [ 1] act\act_arm_bandit_bump# * 2730.8 : [ 1] act\act_arm_mono_1_bump * 2730.8 : [ 1] act\act_arm_mono_1_bump# * 4096.1 : [ 1] map\map_jupiter * 4096.1 : [ 1] map\map_pripyat * 4096.1 : [ 1] map\map_zaton * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\new_game\ui_new_game_popup * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_dialog_screen * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_hint_wnd * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_hint_wnd2 * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_multiplayer_game_menu * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_common * 5460.1 : [ 1] map\map_l09_deadcity * 5460.1 : [ 1] map\map_l13_generators * 5460.1 : [ 1] map\map_marsh * 5461.5 : [ 1] act\act_arm_sviter_1_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] act\act_arm_sviter_1_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] map\map_l02_garbage * 5461.5 : [ 1] map\map_y04_pole * 9902.3 : [ 1] water\water_normal * 16384.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_icon_equipment * 24823.6 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_loadgame_screen * [ D3D ]: textures[371608 K] * 0.0 : [ 3] $null * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$NVHHGGTex * 0.0 : [ 5] $user$NVjitterTex * 0.0 : [ 8] $user$Texture_color * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$Texture_color_out * 0.0 : [ 7] $user$Texture_obstacles * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$Texture_obstvelocity * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$Texture_pressure * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$Texture_tempscalar * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$Texture_tempvector * 0.0 : [ 5] $user$Texture_velocity0 * 0.0 : [ 4] $user$Texture_velocity1 * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$accum * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$accum_temp * 0.0 : [ 7] $user$albedo * 0.0 : [ 4] $user$bloom1 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$bloom2 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$cmap0 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$cmap1 * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$edgeTex * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$env_s0 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$env_s1 * 0.0 : [ 5] $user$generic0 * 0.0 : [ 4] $user$generic1 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$generic2 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$jitter_0 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$jitter_1 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$jitter_2 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$jitter_3 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$jitter_4 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$jitter_mipped * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$lum_t64 * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$lum_t8 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$luminance_0 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$luminance_1 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$luminance_2 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$luminance_3 * 0.0 : [ 8] $user$material * 0.0 : [ 13] $user$position * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$rayCastTex * 0.0 : [ 6] $user$rayDataTex * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$rayDataTexSmall * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$sky0 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$sky1 * 0.0 : [ 6] $user$smap_depth * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$smap_surf * 0.0 : [ 10] $user$tonemap * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$tonemap_src * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_binokl_bump# * 0.7 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_step_blood * 1.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_spark_01 * 1.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_bubble * 1.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_leaves_01 * 1.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_leaves_02 * 1.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_splash3 * 1.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_splash_02 * 1.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_synus * 1.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_vehmetaldebris_01 * 1.4 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_harpoon_knife_bump# * 1.4 : [ 1] prop\prop_provod_02 * 1.5 : [ 1] glow\glow_rays * 2.7 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_concretedebris_01 * 3.1 : [ 1] grad\grad_radiation * 3.1 : [ 5] sky\sky_12_vibros_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 26] sky\sky_13_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 16] sky\sky_13_cube_night#small * 3.1 : [ 12] sky\sky_13_vibros_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 10] sky\sky_14_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_17_clouds_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_17_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 8] sky\sky_18_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 12] sky\sky_19_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_1_clouds_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_20_clouds_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_20_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_2_clouds_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_2_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 12] sky\sky_3_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 3] sky\sky_4_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 30] sky\sky_5_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 7] sky\sky_6_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 11] sky\sky_7_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 9] sky\sky_8_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 49] sky\sky_9_cube#small * 4.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_flare1 * 4.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_flamefx_01 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_asfalt_1 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_asfalt_2 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_asfalt_3 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_brick_1 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_brick_2 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_1 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_2 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_4 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_5 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_6 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_7 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_ground * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_ground_1 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_ground_2 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik_1 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik_2 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik_3 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_1 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_2 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_3 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_4 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_1 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_2 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_3 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_4 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_5 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_6 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_7 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_8 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_9 * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_bloodsplash1 * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_spark_02 * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_21 * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_bubble_1 * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_bubble_water * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist2 * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist2inv * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist_teleport * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_flash_05 * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_flash_07 * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_specks_poison * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_spikey_star * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_splash_01 * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_stonedebris1 * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_stonedebris2 * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_vehglassdebris_01 * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_water_wave * 5.5 : [ 1] glow\glow_orange2 * 5.5 : [ 1] fx\fx_flare2 * 5.5 : [ 1] fx\fx_flare3 * 5.5 : [ 1] fx\fx_rain * 6.1 : [ 14] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_1#small * 6.1 : [ 40] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_2#small * 6.1 : [ 18] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_3#small * 6.1 : [ 14] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_5#small * 6.1 : [ 6] sky\af3_blowout\blowout1#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout1_1#small * 6.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout2#small * 6.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout2_night#small * 6.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_1#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_1_night#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_2#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_2_night#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_3#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_3_night#small * 6.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_night#small * 6.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4#small * 6.1 : [ 3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_1#small * 6.1 : [ 3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_1_night#small * 6.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_night#small * 6.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5#small * 6.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5_night#small * 6.1 : [ 7] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5psi#small * 6.1 : [ 7] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5psi_night#small * 6.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout6#small * 6.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout6_night#small * 6.1 : [ 3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout7#small * 6.1 : [ 4] sky\af3_blowout\blowout7_night#small * 6.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\00-00-fm#small * 6.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\00-00-hm#small * 6.1 : [ 25] sky\af3_clear\00-00-nm#small * 6.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\01-00-fm#small * 6.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\01-00-hm#small * 6.1 : [ 37] sky\af3_clear\01-00-nm#small * 6.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\02-00-fm#small * 6.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\02-00-hm#small * 6.1 : [ 25] sky\af3_clear\02-00-nm#small * 6.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\03-00-fm#small * 6.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\03-00-hm#small * 6.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\04-00-fm#small * 6.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\04-00-hm#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\04-30#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\05-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\05-30#small * 6.1 : [ 66] sky\af3_clear\06-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\07-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\08-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\09-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\10-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\11-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\12-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\13-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\14-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\15-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\16-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\17-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\18-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\19-00#small * 6.1 : [ 66] sky\af3_clear\20-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\20-30#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\21-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\21-30#small * 6.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\22-00-fm#small * 6.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\22-00-hm#small * 6.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\23-00-fm#small * 6.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\23-00-hm#small * 6.1 : [ 5] sky\af3_cloudy\05-00#small * 6.1 : [ 10] sky\af3_cloudy\06-00#small * 6.1 : [ 10] sky\af3_cloudy\07-00#small * 6.1 : [ 18] sky\af3_cloudy\08-00#small * 6.1 : [ 23] sky\af3_cloudy\09-00#small * 6.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_cloudy\10-00#small * 6.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_cloudy\11-00#small * 6.1 : [ 18] sky\af3_cloudy\12-00#small * 6.1 : [ 10] sky\af3_cloudy\13-00#small * 6.1 : [ 36] sky\af3_cloudy\14-00#small * 6.1 : [ 28] sky\af3_cloudy\15-00#small * 6.1 : [ 10] sky\af3_cloudy\16-00#small * 6.1 : [ 18] sky\af3_cloudy\17-00#small * 6.1 : [ 20] sky\af3_cloudy\18-00#small * 6.1 : [ 5] sky\af3_cloudy\19-00#small * 6.1 : [ 10] sky\af3_cloudy\20-00#small * 6.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_foggy\06-00#small * 6.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_foggy\07-00#small * 6.1 : [ 19] sky\af3_foggy\09-00#small * 6.1 : [ 40] sky\af3_foggy\10-00#small * 6.1 : [ 10] sky\af3_foggy\11-00#small * 6.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_foggy\12-00#small * 6.1 : [ 27] sky\af3_foggy\13-00#small * 6.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_foggy\14-00#small * 6.1 : [ 19] sky\af3_foggy\15-00#small * 6.1 : [ 19] sky\af3_foggy\16-00#small * 6.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_foggy\17-00#small * 6.1 : [ 19] sky\af3_foggy\18-00#small * 6.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_foggy\19-00#small * 6.1 : [ 22] sky\af3_foggy\20-00#small * 6.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\00-00-fm#small * 6.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\00-00-hm#small * 6.1 : [ 25] sky\af3_partly\00-00-nm#small * 6.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\01-00-fm#small * 6.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\01-00-hm#small * 6.1 : [ 38] sky\af3_partly\01-00-nm#small * 6.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\02-00-fm#small * 6.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\02-00-hm#small * 6.1 : [ 24] sky\af3_partly\02-00-nm#small * 6.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\03-00-fm#small * 6.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\03-00-hm#small * 6.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\04-00-fm#small * 6.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\04-00-hm#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\04-30#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\05-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\05-30#small * 6.1 : [ 66] sky\af3_partly\06-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\07-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\08-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\09-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\10-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\11-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\12-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\13-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\14-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\15-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\16-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\17-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\18-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\19-00#small * 6.1 : [ 66] sky\af3_partly\20-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\20-30#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\21-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\21-30#small * 6.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\22-00-fm#small * 6.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\22-00-hm#small * 6.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\23-00-fm#small * 6.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\23-00-hm#small * 6.1 : [ 26] sky\af3_rainy\07-00#small * 6.1 : [ 30] sky\af3_rainy\09-00_19-00#small * 6.1 : [ 58] sky\af3_rainy\13-00#small * 6.1 : [ 24] sky\af3_rainy\15-00#small * 6.1 : [ 31] sky\af3_rainy\15-00-2#small * 6.1 : [ 44] sky\af3_rainy\16-00#small * 6.1 : [ 32] sky\af3_rainy\20-00#small * 8.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_gologramma * 8.1 : [ 1] pfx\r_pop\shells\fake_shells * 10.7 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_electrostatic * 10.7 : [ 1] prop\prop_fake_bed_fireplace * 10.7 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_smokepuffs2 * 10.7 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_sparks * 10.7 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_woodchips1 * 10.7 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_woodchips3 * 10.8 : [ 1] amik\weapons\trace_01 * 16.1 : [ 2] internal\internal_fireTransferFunction * 16.1 : [ 1] amik\weapons\flame\trace * 16.1 : [ 1] amik\weapons\trace * 16.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_volumefog1 * 16.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_flash_01 * 16.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_arial_14_1024 * 16.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_drop_1 * 16.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_drop_2 * 16.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_grenade * 16.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_dead * 16.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_horiz * 16.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_blood * 16.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_wood * 16.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_wood1 * 16.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_wood2 * 21.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_bloodsplash2 * 21.4 : [ 1] act\act_controller_hit1 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_1 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_16 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_17 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_19 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_3 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_4 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_5 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_8 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_88 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_brick * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_gradient1 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_light * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_light1 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_light3 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_light4 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_lightning_01 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_lightning_02 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_plasma * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_smoke_a * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_test_textures * 21.4 : [ 1] prop\prop_voda1 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_flame * 21.5 : [ 1] glow\glow_04 * 21.5 : [ 1] glow\glow_fire1 * 21.5 : [ 1] glow\glow_fire1_soc * 21.5 : [ 1] item\item_hammer * 21.5 : [ 1] fx\fx_rainsplash1 * 21.5 : [ 1] shoker_mod\explosions\firesmokeparticle * 21.5 : [ 1] amik\weapons\flame\trail * 32.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_ani-smoke-01 * 32.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_cc_lighting_grad2 * 32.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_letter_16_1024 * 32.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_letter_18_1024 * 32.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_blood1 * 32.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_metal * 32.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_ston * 33.0 : [ 1] ui\ui_ani_cursor * 42.7 : [ 1] act\act_ryukzak * 42.7 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_concretepuffs_01 * 42.7 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_lighting_stancia_01 * 42.7 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_lighting_stancia_02 * 42.7 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_smokepuffs1 * 42.7 : [ 1] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_shells1 * 42.7 : [ 1] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_shells2 * 42.8 : [ 1] fx\fx_noise * 42.8 : [ 1] item\item_medkit * 42.8 : [ 1] lights\lights_cone_handing_lamp * 42.9 : [ 1] fx\fx_lightning * 64.1 : [ 1] amik\weapons\flash_02 * 64.1 : [ 1] amik\weapons\flash_04 * 64.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_sun * 64.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_sun_fog * 64.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_sun_gradient * 64.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_sun_halo * 64.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_sun_morning * 64.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_thunderbolts_gradient * 64.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_thunderbolts_gradient_surge * 64.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_18 * 64.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_flame_01 * 64.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_skinsplash1 * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_console_02 * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_graff_19_1024 * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_graff_22_1024 * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_hud_01 * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_hud_02 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_1 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_10 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_11 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_1_1 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_1_2 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_1_3 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_2 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_3 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_4 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_5 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_6 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_7 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_8 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_9 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_drop_3 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_drop_4 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_glass01 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_glass02 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_glass03 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_glass04 * 64.1 : [ 1] wpn\shell_545 * 85.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_12 * 85.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_13 * 85.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_14 * 85.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_15 * 85.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_16 * 85.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_6 * 85.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_9 * 85.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_blurry_cloud * 85.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_smoke_b * 85.3 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_03 * 85.3 : [ 1] act\act_ryukzak_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] act\act_ryukzak_bump# * 85.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist3 * 85.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist4 * 85.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist8 * 85.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist9 * 85.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_distort_anomaly * 85.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_distortion * 85.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_ligth_6 * 85.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_specks * 85.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_teleport * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_upgrade_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_upgrade_bump# * 85.4 : [ 1] glow\glow_orange * 85.4 : [ 1] glow\glow_orange_bright * 85.4 : [ 1] glow\glow_white * 85.4 : [ 1] glow\glow_yellow * 85.5 : [ 1] fx\fx_sun_rise * 85.5 : [ 1] item\item_vouda1 * 85.5 : [ 1] item\item_vouda2 * 85.5 : [ 1] item\item_vouda3 * 85.5 : [ 3] lights\lights_spot01 * 85.5 : [ 1] wpn\shell_545_bump * 85.5 : [ 1] wpn\shell_545_bump# * 128.1 : [ 2] cooking\cooking_wood_stove * 128.1 : [ 2] fx\fx_noise2 * 128.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_shells1 * 128.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_shells2 * 128.1 : [ 1] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_ak_shells_1 * 128.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_graff_32_1024 * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_hero * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_monolith_2 * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_monoliths * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_neutral_2 * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_03_bump * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_03_bump# * 170.6 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_2 * 170.6 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_23 * 170.6 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_2_green * 170.6 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_7 * 170.8 : [ 1] item\item_ustroystva * 256.1 : [ 1] cooking\cooking_wood_stove_bump * 256.1 : [ 1] cooking\cooking_wood_stove_bump# * 256.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_gradient1 * 256.1 : [ 1] prop\prop_voda1_bump * 256.1 : [ 1] prop\prop_voda1_bump# * 256.1 : [3082] sky\sky_oblaka * 256.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_graff_50_1024 * 256.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_harpoon_knife_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_gradient * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_hero_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_hero_bump# * 341.1 : [ 2] act\act_stalker_monolith_2_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] act\act_stalker_monolith_2_bump# * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_neutral_2_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_neutral_2_bump# * 341.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_upgrade * 341.5 : [ 1] drink\drink_match0 * 341.5 : [ 1] fx\fx_glare_clear_day * 341.5 : [ 1] fx\fx_glare_cloudy * 341.5 : [ 1] fx\fx_gradient * 341.5 : [ 1] item\item_food * 341.5 : [ 1] shoker_mod\explosions\explosion_smoke01 * 341.5 : [ 1] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_smoke_1 * 512.1 : [ 1] amk\items\500 * 512.1 : [ 1] intro\intro_fake_start_1 * 512.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_explotions_3 * 512.1 : [ 1] pfx\r_pop\shells\12ga * 512.1 : [ 1] pfx\r_pop\shells\45acp * 512.1 : [ 1] pfx\r_pop\shells\545x39 * 512.1 : [ 1] pfx\r_pop\shells\556x45 * 512.1 : [ 1] pfx\r_pop\shells\762x39 * 512.1 : [ 1] pfx\r_pop\shells\762x51 * 512.1 : [ 1] pfx\r_pop\shells\762x54 * 512.1 : [ 1] pfx\r_pop\shells\9x18 * 512.1 : [ 1] pfx\r_pop\shells\9x19 * 512.1 : [ 1] pfx\r_pop\shells\9x39 * 512.1 : [ 1] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_shells3 * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_binokl * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_arm_mono_glove * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_face_mask_0x * 768.1 : [ 14] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_1 * 768.1 : [ 40] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_2 * 768.1 : [ 18] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_3 * 768.1 : [ 14] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_5 * 768.1 : [ 6] sky\af3_blowout\blowout1 * 768.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout1_1 * 768.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout2 * 768.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout2_night * 768.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3 * 768.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_1 * 768.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_1_night * 768.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_2 * 768.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_2_night * 768.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_3 * 768.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_3_night * 768.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_night * 768.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4 * 768.1 : [ 3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_1 * 768.1 : [ 3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_1_night * 768.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_night * 768.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5 * 768.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5_night * 768.1 : [ 7] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5psi * 768.1 : [ 7] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5psi_night * 768.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout6 * 768.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout6_night * 768.1 : [ 3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout7 * 768.1 : [ 4] sky\af3_blowout\blowout7_night * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\00-00-fm * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\00-00-hm * 768.1 : [ 25] sky\af3_clear\00-00-nm * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\01-00-fm * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\01-00-hm * 768.1 : [ 37] sky\af3_clear\01-00-nm * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\02-00-fm * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\02-00-hm * 768.1 : [ 25] sky\af3_clear\02-00-nm * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\03-00-fm * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\03-00-hm * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\04-00-fm * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\04-00-hm * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\04-30 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\05-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\05-30 * 768.1 : [ 66] sky\af3_clear\06-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\07-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\08-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\09-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\10-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\11-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\12-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\13-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\14-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\15-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\16-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\17-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\18-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\19-00 * 768.1 : [ 66] sky\af3_clear\20-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\20-30 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\21-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\21-30 * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\22-00-fm * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\22-00-hm * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\23-00-fm * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\23-00-hm * 768.1 : [ 5] sky\af3_cloudy\05-00 * 768.1 : [ 10] sky\af3_cloudy\06-00 * 768.1 : [ 10] sky\af3_cloudy\07-00 * 768.1 : [ 18] sky\af3_cloudy\08-00 * 768.1 : [ 23] sky\af3_cloudy\09-00 * 768.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_cloudy\10-00 * 768.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_cloudy\11-00 * 768.1 : [ 18] sky\af3_cloudy\12-00 * 768.1 : [ 10] sky\af3_cloudy\13-00 * 768.1 : [ 36] sky\af3_cloudy\14-00 * 768.1 : [ 28] sky\af3_cloudy\15-00 * 768.1 : [ 10] sky\af3_cloudy\16-00 * 768.1 : [ 18] sky\af3_cloudy\17-00 * 768.1 : [ 20] sky\af3_cloudy\18-00 * 768.1 : [ 5] sky\af3_cloudy\19-00 * 768.1 : [ 10] sky\af3_cloudy\20-00 * 768.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_foggy\06-00 * 768.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_foggy\07-00 * 768.1 : [ 19] sky\af3_foggy\09-00 * 768.1 : [ 40] sky\af3_foggy\10-00 * 768.1 : [ 10] sky\af3_foggy\11-00 * 768.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_foggy\12-00 * 768.1 : [ 27] sky\af3_foggy\13-00 * 768.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_foggy\14-00 * 768.1 : [ 19] sky\af3_foggy\15-00 * 768.1 : [ 19] sky\af3_foggy\16-00 * 768.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_foggy\17-00 * 768.1 : [ 19] sky\af3_foggy\18-00 * 768.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_foggy\19-00 * 768.1 : [ 22] sky\af3_foggy\20-00 * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\00-00-fm * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\00-00-hm * 768.1 : [ 25] sky\af3_partly\00-00-nm * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\01-00-fm * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\01-00-hm * 768.1 : [ 38] sky\af3_partly\01-00-nm * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\02-00-fm * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\02-00-hm * 768.1 : [ 24] sky\af3_partly\02-00-nm * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\03-00-fm * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\03-00-hm * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\04-00-fm * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\04-00-hm * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\04-30 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\05-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\05-30 * 768.1 : [ 66] sky\af3_partly\06-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\07-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\08-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\09-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\10-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\11-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\12-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\13-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\14-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\15-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\16-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\17-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\18-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\19-00 * 768.1 : [ 66] sky\af3_partly\20-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\20-30 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\21-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\21-30 * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\22-00-fm * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\22-00-hm * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\23-00-fm * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\23-00-hm * 768.1 : [ 26] sky\af3_rainy\07-00 * 768.1 : [ 30] sky\af3_rainy\09-00_19-00 * 768.1 : [ 58] sky\af3_rainy\13-00 * 768.1 : [ 24] sky\af3_rainy\15-00 * 768.1 : [ 31] sky\af3_rainy\15-00-2 * 768.1 : [ 44] sky\af3_rainy\16-00 * 768.1 : [ 32] sky\af3_rainy\20-00 * 768.1 : [ 5] sky\sky_12_vibros_cube * 768.1 : [ 26] sky\sky_13_cube * 768.1 : [ 16] sky\sky_13_cube_night * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\sky_13_vibros_cube * 768.1 : [ 10] sky\sky_14_cube * 768.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_17_clouds_cube * 768.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_17_cube * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\sky_18_cube * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\sky_19_cube * 768.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_1_clouds_cube * 768.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_20_clouds_cube * 768.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_20_cube * 768.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_2_clouds_cube * 768.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_2_cube * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\sky_3_cube * 768.1 : [ 3] sky\sky_4_cube * 768.1 : [ 30] sky\sky_5_cube * 768.1 : [ 7] sky\sky_6_cube * 768.1 : [ 11] sky\sky_7_cube * 768.1 : [ 9] sky\sky_8_cube * 768.1 : [ 49] sky\sky_9_cube * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_1 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_2 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_3 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_4 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_5 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_6 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_7 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_phase_1 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_phase_2 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_phase_3 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_phase_4 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_phase_5 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_phase_6 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_phase_7 * 1024.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_ani-explosion-02 * 1024.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_ani-explosion-02-b-a * 1024.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_ani-explosion-02a * 1024.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_explotions_2 * 1024.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_explotions_4 * 1024.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_explotions_smoke * 1024.1 : [ 1] shoker_mod\explosions\final_expl * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_achivments * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_menu * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_mp_screen * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_newsmanager_icons * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_pda * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_sleep_screen * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_widescreen_sidepanels * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_hud * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_ingame2_common * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_minimap * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_mlr_achivments * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_pda2 * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_pda2_noice * 1024.1 : [ 1] water\water_SBumpVolume * 1024.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_crosshair_bino * 1024.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_harpoon_knife * 1364.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_ani-fire01 * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_binokl_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] water\water_flowing_nmap * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_arm_mono_1 * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_arm_mono_glove_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_arm_mono_glove_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] fx\fx_glare * 2048.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_cc_lightings * 2730.8 : [ 1] act\act_arm_sviter_1 * 2730.8 : [ 1] act\act_sviterok * 2730.8 : [ 1] act\act_arm_bandit * 2730.8 : [ 1] act\act_arm_bandit_bump * 2730.8 : [ 1] act\act_arm_bandit_bump# * 2730.8 : [ 1] act\act_arm_mono_1_bump * 2730.8 : [ 1] act\act_arm_mono_1_bump# * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\new_game\ui_new_game_popup * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_dialog_screen * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_hint_wnd * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_hint_wnd2 * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_multiplayer_game_menu * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_common * 5461.5 : [ 1] act\act_arm_sviter_1_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] act\act_arm_sviter_1_bump# * 9902.3 : [ 1] water\water_normal * 16384.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_icon_equipment * 24823.6 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_loadgame_screen bin64\xrengine.exe -dbg -skip_reg -noprefetch ! Unable to find Software\GSC Game World\STALKER-COP\ in registry ! Player name registry key (InstallUserName) not found ! * loading script _G.script * loading script class_registrator.script * loading script ui_main_menu.script * loading script smart_terrain.script * loading script se_level_changer.script * loading script se_actor.script * loading script se_stalker.script * loading script se_heli.script * loading script se_zones.script * loading script se_item.script * loading script se_smart_cover.script * loading script se_car.script * loading script se_artefact.script * loading script se_monster.script * loading script sim_squad_scripted.script * loading script game_registrator.script Call of Chernobyl version 1.4.22 using marshal library * loading script sound_theme.script * loading script alun_utils.script * loading script axr_main.script * loading script _g.script * loading script actor_effects_data.script * loading script actor_menu.script * loading script actor_menu_inventory.script * loading script actor_proxy.script * loading script ai_stalker.script * loading script alife_storage_manager.script * loading script ammo_aggregation.script * loading script artefact_degradation.script * loading script atmosfear_options.script * loading script axr_beh.script * loading script axr_companions.script * loading script axr_dynamic_spawn.script * loading script axr_fight_from_cover.script * loading script axr_keybind.script * loading script axr_logic.script * loading script axr_main_options.script * loading script axr_npc_vs_box.script * loading script axr_npc_vs_heli.script * loading script axr_radio_in_heli.script * loading script axr_stalker_panic.script * loading script axr_task_manager.script * loading script axr_trade_manager.script * loading script axr_turn_on_campfire.script * loading script azazel_mode.script * loading script bind_anomaly_field.script * loading script bind_anomaly_zone.script * loading script bind_artefact.script * loading script bind_camp.script * loading script bind_campfire.script * loading script bind_car.script * loading script bind_container.script * loading script bind_crow.script * loading script bind_door_labx8.script * loading script bind_faction.script * loading script bind_heli.script * loading script bind_item.script * loading script bind_level_changer.script * loading script bind_monster.script * loading script bind_physic_object.script * loading script bind_red_forest_bridge.script * loading script bind_restrictor.script * loading script bind_signal_light.script * loading script bind_smart_cover.script * loading script bind_smart_terrain.script * loading script bind_stalker.script * loading script bind_stalker_ext.script * loading script bind_trader.script * loading script cam_effector_sets.script * loading script campfire_manager.script * loading script check_logic_path.script * loading script closecaption.script * loading script coc_treasure_manager.script * loading script combat_restrictor.script * loading script cover_manager.script * loading script db.script * loading script death_manager.script * loading script debug_cmd_list.script * loading script dfz_hide_wpn.script * loading script dialog_manager.script * loading script dialogs.script * loading script dialogs_axr_companion.script * loading script dialogs_bar.script * loading script dialogs_darkvalley.script * loading script dialogs_escape.script * loading script dialogs_faction.script * loading script dialogs_jupiter.script * loading script dialogs_marsh.script * loading script dialogs_mlr.script * loading script dialogs_pripyat.script * loading script dialogs_warlab.script * loading script dialogs_yantar.script * loading script dialogs_zaton.script * loading script dinamic_hud.script * loading script rx_utils.script * loading script dragdrop_disassemble.script * loading script dxr_achievements.script * loading script dxr_encyclopedia.script * loading script dxr_scopes.script * loading script dynamic_news_helper.script * loading script dynamic_news_manager.script * loading script enhanced_animations.script * loading script faction_functions.script * loading script faction_money.script * loading script faction_snaraga.script * loading script fast_travel.script * loading script flashlight.script ! [LUA] File not found "c:\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. - call of chernobyl\gamedata\sounds\makdm\bandit_outfit_take.ogg"! ! [LUA] File not found "c:\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. - call of chernobyl\gamedata\sounds\makdm\bad_box.ogg"! * loading script game_relations.script * loading script gulag_general.script * loading script heli_alife.script * loading script heli_combat.script * loading script heli_fire.script * loading script heli_fly.script * loading script heli_look.script * loading script heli_move.script * loading script heli_snd.script * loading script xr_sound.script * loading script info_portions.script * loading script inventory_radiation.script * loading script inventory_upgrades.script * loading script ironman_manager.script * loading script item_animations.script * loading script itms_manager.script * loading script jg_gps.script * loading script jg_guider.script * loading script jg_timers.script * loading script jg_utils.script * loading script lanforse_extra.script * loading script level_input.script * loading script level_weathers.script * loading script loadscreen.script * loading script lootmoney.script * loading script lua_extensions.script * loading script m_mines.script * loading script mask_hud.script * loading script memusage.script * loading script mlr_utils.script * loading script mob_camp.script * loading script mob_combat.script * loading script mob_death.script * loading script mob_home.script * loading script mob_jump.script * loading script mob_remark.script * loading script mob_sound.script * loading script mob_state_mgr.script * loading script mob_trade.script * loading script mob_trader.script * loading script mob_walker.script * loading script mod_flags.script * loading script modules.script * loading script xr_meet.script * loading script xr_actions_id.script * loading script xr_wounded.script * loading script xr_danger.script * loading script xr_abuse.script * loading script xr_gather_items.script * loading script xr_help_wounded.script * loading script xr_corpse_detection.script * loading script rx_ff.script * loading script xrs_facer.script * loading script xrs_kill_wounded.script * loading script xr_walker.script * loading script xr_remark.script * loading script xr_cover.script * loading script xr_sleeper.script * loading script xr_camper.script * loading script xr_combat.script * loading script xr_death.script * loading script xr_hit.script * loading script xr_combat_ignore.script * loading script xr_combat_zombied.script * loading script xr_patrol.script * loading script xr_smartcover.script * loading script xr_animpoint.script * loading script xr_reach_task.script * loading script ph_car.script * loading script ph_door.script * loading script ph_idle.script * loading script ph_hit.script * loading script ph_on_hit.script * loading script ph_button.script * loading script ph_code.script * loading script ph_death.script * loading script ph_minigun.script * loading script ph_oscillate.script * loading script ph_sound.script * loading script sr_no_weapon.script * loading script sr_teleport.script * loading script sr_idle.script * loading script sr_light.script * loading script sr_timer.script * loading script sr_psy_antenna.script * loading script sr_postprocess.script * loading script sr_particle.script * loading script sr_cutscene.script * loading script sr_monster.script * loading script sr_crow_spawner.script * loading script sr_silence.script * loading script sr_deimos.script * loading script xr_campfire_point.script * loading script money.script * loading script move_mgr.script * loading script news_manager.script * loading script npc_death_sound.script * loading script ogse_wpn_explode_fx.script * loading script outfit_marauder.script * loading script pda.script * loading script pda_backpack_travel.script * loading script pda_chat_names_lists_fonswong.script * loading script pda_chat_processor_fonswong.script * loading script pda_fonswong.script * loading script pda_level_change.script * loading script pda_utils_fonswong.script * loading script ph_appforce.script * loading script phantom_manager.script * loading script post_combat_idle.script * loading script profiler.script * loading script psi_storm_manager.script * loading script ranks.script * loading script release_body_manager.script * loading script release_item_manager.script * loading script restrictor_manager.script * loading script safe_release_manager.script * loading script savegame_conditions.script * loading script savegame_timer.script * loading script se_new_attachable_item.script * loading script se_squad_group.script * loading script sim_board.script * loading script sim_objects.script * loading script sim_squad_actions.script * loading script sim_squad_generic.script * loading script simulation_objects.script * loading script sleep_dep.script * loading script slot_hud.script * loading script smart_covers.script * loading script smart_covers_combat_front.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_crouch_front_left.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_crouch_front.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_crouch_front_right.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_stand_front_left.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_stand_front_right.script * loading script smart_covers_combat_prone.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_prone.script * loading script smart_covers_animpoint_stay_wall.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_animpoint_stay_wall.script * loading script smart_covers_animpoint_stay_table.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_animpoint_stay_table.script * loading script smart_covers_animpoint_sit_high.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_animpoint_sit_high.script * loading script smart_covers_animpoint_sit_normal.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_animpoint_sit_normal.script * loading script smart_covers_animpoint_sit_low.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_animpoint_sit_low.script * loading script smart_covers_animpoint_sit_ass.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_animpoint_sit_ass.script * loading script smart_covers_animpoint_sit_knee.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_animpoint_sit_knee.script * loading script smart_covers_animpoint_stay_ohrana.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_animpoint_stay_ohrana.script * loading script smart_covers_animpoint_stay_bar.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_animpoint_stay_bar.script * loading script smart_covers_animpoint_sit_wait.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_animpoint_sit_wait.script * loading script smart_covers_animpoint_stay_wait.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_animpoint_stay_wait.script * loading script smart_covers_animpoint_pri_a15.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_animpoint_pri_a15.script * loading script smart_covers_anim_pri_a22.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_anim_pri_a22.script * loading script smart_covers_combat.script * loading script smart_covers_cover_lesnik.script * loading script smart_covers_cover_loophole_lead_forester_idle_talk.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_crouch_back.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_crouch_left.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_crouch_right.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_lead_forester_idle.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_lead_forester_talk.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_lesnik.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_stand_back.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_stand_left.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_stand_right.script * loading script smart_names.script * loading script sound_manager.script * loading script spawn_nimble_items.script * loading script spawner.script * loading script sr_camp.script * loading script stalker_generic.script * loading script stason.script * loading script stason_alife.script * loading script state_lib.script * loading script utils.script * loading script state_lib_animpoint.script * loading script state_mgr_scenario.script * loading script state_mgr_pri_a15.script * loading script state_mgr.script * loading script state_mgr_animation.script * loading script state_mgr_animation_list.script * loading script xr_effects.script * loading script state_mgr_animation_list_animpoint.script * loading script state_mgr_animstate.script * loading script state_mgr_animstate_list.script * loading script state_mgr_animstate_list_animpoint.script * loading script state_mgr_bodystate.script * loading script state_mgr_direction.script * loading script state_mgr_goap.script * loading script state_mgr_mental.script * loading script state_mgr_movement.script * loading script state_mgr_smartcover.script * loading script state_mgr_weapon.script * loading script story_objects.script * loading script stpk_utils.script * loading script surge_manager.script * loading script survival_mode.script * loading script task_functor.script * loading script task_manager.script * loading script task_objects.script * loading script task_status_functor.script * loading script trade_manager.script * loading script trans_outfit.script * loading script transitions.script * loading script transitions_list.script * loading script ui_addon_azazel_faction_chooser.script * loading script ui_addon_companion_quick_menu.script * loading script ui_ami_position.script * loading script ui_debug_main.script * loading script ui_dyn_msg_box.script * loading script ui_enemy_health.script * loading script ui_freeplay_dialog.script * loading script ui_itm_backpack.script * loading script ui_itm_camp_cooking.script * loading script ui_itm_cooking.script * loading script ui_itm_repair.script * loading script ui_load_dialog.script * loading script ui_mm_faction_select.script * loading script ui_mm_opt_con_cmd.script * loading script ui_mm_opt_controls.script * loading script ui_mm_opt_gameplay.script * loading script ui_mm_opt_main.script * loading script ui_mm_opt_sound.script * loading script ui_mm_opt_video.script * loading script ui_mm_opt_video_adv.script * loading script ui_mod_elements.script * loading script ui_mutant_loot.script * loading script ui_numpad.script * loading script ui_pda_contacts_tab.script * loading script ui_pda_encyclopedia_tab.script * loading script ui_pda_relations_tab.script * loading script ui_save_dialog.script * loading script ui_scenes.script * loading script ui_sleep_dialog.script * loading script ui_sr_teleport.script * loading script ui_wpn_params.script * loading script unload_all_weapons.script * loading script version.script * loading script visual_memory_manager.script * loading script wpn_effects.script * loading script xr_animpoint_predicates.script * loading script xr_box.script * loading script xr_combat_camper.script * loading script xr_evaluators_id.script * loading script xr_combat_monolith.script * loading script xr_conditions.script * loading script xr_detector.script * loading script xr_dialogs.script * loading script xr_eat_medkit.script * loading script xr_gulag.script * loading script xr_hear.script * loading script xr_info.script * loading script xr_logic.script * loading script xr_motivator.script * loading script xr_state.script * loading script xr_statistic.script * loading script xr_zones.script * loading script xr_zones_sound.script * loading script xrs_debug_tools.script * loading script xrs_dyn_music.script * loading script xrs_dynamic_music_themes.script * loading script xrs_stereo.script * loading script zone_new.script * loading script zone_news_main.script * loading script zone_no_weapon.script * loading script zone_surge_news.script alife_storage_manager.on_game_start() ammo_aggregation.on_game_start() artefact_degradation.on_game_start() axr_companions.on_game_start() axr_keybind.on_game_start() axr_task_manager.on_game_start() axr_trade_manager.on_game_start() axr_turn_on_campfire.on_game_start() azazel_mode.on_game_start() bind_campfire.on_game_start() campfire_manager.on_game_start() coc_treasure_manager.on_game_start() dfz_hide_wpn.on_game_start() dialogs_mlr.on_game_start() dinamic_hud.on_game_start() dragdrop_disassemble.on_game_start() dxr_encyclopedia.on_game_start() dxr_scopes.on_game_start() ~ Invalid syntax in call to 'snd_targets' ~ Valid arguments: integer value in range [16,256] * sound : cache: 131074 kb, 9712 lines, 13820 bpl dynamic_news_manager.on_game_start() enhanced_animations.on_game_start() flashlight.on_game_start() info_portions.on_game_start() inventory_radiation.on_game_start() ironman_manager.on_game_start() item_animations.on_game_start() itms_manager.on_game_start() jg_guider.on_game_start() jg_timers.on_game_start() lanforse_extra.on_game_start() m_mines.on_game_start() mask_hud.on_game_start() mob_trade.on_game_start() modules.on_game_start() npc_death_sound.on_game_start() outfit_marauder.on_game_start() pda.on_game_start() pda_backpack_travel.on_game_start() pda_fonswong.on_game_start() pda_level_change.on_game_start() phantom_manager.on_game_start() release_item_manager.on_game_start() safe_release_manager.on_game_start() savegame_timer.on_game_start() sleep_dep.on_game_start() slot_hud.on_game_start() stason.on_game_start() surge_manager.on_game_start() survival_mode.on_game_start() ui_addon_companion_quick_menu.on_game_start() ui_enemy_health.on_game_start() ui_mm_faction_select.on_game_start() unload_all_weapons.on_game_start() wpn_effects.on_game_start() xr_combat_ignore.on_game_start() xr_corpse_detection.on_game_start() xr_danger.on_game_start() xr_eat_medkit.on_game_start() xr_gather_items.on_game_start() xr_statistic.on_game_start() xrs_debug_tools.on_game_start() xrs_dyn_music.on_game_start() xrs_facer.on_game_start() xrs_kill_wounded.on_game_start() zone_new.on_game_start() * phase time: 508 ms * phase cmem: 388690 K * phase time: 5 ms * phase cmem: 388690 K * Loading spawn registry... * 18942 spawn points are successfully loaded * Loading objects... * 23864 objects are successfully loaded * Game ян - autosave is successfully loaded from file 'appdata\savedgames\ян - autosave.scop' (1.211s) * phase time: 1211 ms * phase cmem: 404090 K [LSS] Spawning object [][actor][0] [LSS] Spawning object [meshes\brkbl#0.ogf][breakable_object][8824] [LSS] Spawning object [meshes\brkbl#1.ogf][breakable_object][8825] [LSS] Spawning object [meshes\brkbl#2.ogf][breakable_object][8826] [LSS] Spawning object [meshes\brkbl#3.ogf][breakable_object][8827] [LSS] Spawning object [meshes\brkbl#4.ogf][breakable_object][8828] [LSS] Spawning object [meshes\brkbl#5.ogf][breakable_object][8829] [LSS] Spawning object [meshes\brkbl#6.ogf][breakable_object][8830] [LSS] Spawning object [meshes\brkbl#7.ogf][breakable_object][8831] [LSS] Spawning object [meshes\brkbl#8.ogf][breakable_object][8832] [LSS] Spawning object [meshes\brkbl#9.ogf][breakable_object][8833] [LSS] Spawning object [meshes\brkbl#10.ogf][breakable_object][8834] [LSS] Spawning object [meshes\brkbl#11.ogf][breakable_object][8835] [LSS] Spawning object [meshes\brkbl#12.ogf][breakable_object][8836] [LSS] Spawning object [meshes\brkbl#13.ogf][breakable_object][8837] [LSS] Spawning object [meshes\brkbl#14.ogf][breakable_object][8838] [LSS] Spawning object [meshes\brkbl#15.ogf][breakable_object][8839] [LSS] Spawning object [meshes\brkbl#16.ogf][breakable_object][8840] [LSS] Spawning object [meshes\brkbl#17.ogf][breakable_object][8841] [LSS] Spawning object [meshes\brkbl#18.ogf][breakable_object][8842] [LSS] Spawning object [meshes\brkbl#19.ogf][breakable_object][8843] [LSS] Spawning object [meshes\brkbl#20.ogf][breakable_object][8844] [LSS] Spawning object [meshes\brkbl#21.ogf][breakable_object][8845] [LSS] Spawning object [meshes\brkbl#22.ogf][breakable_object][8846] [LSS] Spawning object [meshes\brkbl#23.ogf][breakable_object][8847] [LSS] Spawning object [meshes\brkbl#24.ogf][breakable_object][8848] [LSS] Spawning object [meshes\brkbl#25.ogf][breakable_object][8849] [LSS] Spawning object [meshes\brkbl#26.ogf][breakable_object][8850] [LSS] Spawning object [meshes\brkbl#27.ogf][breakable_object][8851] [LSS] Spawning object [meshes\brkbl#28.ogf][breakable_object][8852] [LSS] Spawning object [meshes\brkbl#29.ogf][breakable_object][8853] [LSS] Spawning object [meshes\brkbl#30.ogf][breakable_object][8854] [LSS] Spawning object [clmbl#0][climable_object][8855] [LSS] Spawning object [clmbl#1][climable_object][8856] [LSS] Spawning object [clmbl#2][climable_object][8857] [LSS] Spawning object [clmbl#3][climable_object][8858] [LSS] Spawning object [clmbl#4][climable_object][8859] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_space_restrictor_sound_battle1][space_restrictor][8860] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_space_restrictor_sound_battle2][space_restrictor][8861] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_space_restrictor_actor_ready][space_restrictor][8862] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_space_restrictor_gate][space_restrictor][8863] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_space_restrictor_btr][space_restrictor][8864] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_space_restrictor_sound_0000][space_restrictor][8865] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_space_restrictor_sound_0001][space_restrictor][8866] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_space_restrictor_sound_0002][space_restrictor][8867] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_space_restrictor_sound_0003][space_restrictor][8868] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_space_restrictor_sound_0004][space_restrictor][8869] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_space_restrictor_sound_0005][space_restrictor][8870] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_space_restrictor_sound_0006][space_restrictor][8871] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_space_restrictor_sound_0007][space_restrictor][8872] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_space_restrictor_sound_0008][space_restrictor][8873] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_space_restrictor_sound_0009][space_restrictor][8874] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_space_restrictor_sound_0010][space_restrictor][8875] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_space_restrictor_sound_0011][space_restrictor][8876] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_space_restrictor_sound_0012][space_restrictor][8877] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_actor_heli][space_restrictor][8878] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_space_restrictor_sound_0013][space_restrictor][8879] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_space_restrictor_roof1][space_restrictor][8880] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_space_restrictor_sound_0014][space_restrictor][8881] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_space_restrictor_sound_0015][space_restrictor][8882] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_space_restrictor_sound_0016][space_restrictor][8883] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_space_restrictor_sound_0017][space_restrictor][8884] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_space_restrictor_sound_0018][space_restrictor][8885] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_space_restrictor_sound_0019][space_restrictor][8886] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_space_restrictor_sound_0020][space_restrictor][8887] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_actor_heli2][space_restrictor][8888] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_space_restrictor_road][space_restrictor][8889] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_space_restrictor_sound_0021][space_restrictor][8890] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_space_restrictor][space_restrictor][8891] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_space_restrictor_roof2][space_restrictor][8892] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_space_restrictor_roof4][space_restrictor][8893] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_space_restrictor_roof5][space_restrictor][8894] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_space_restrictor_bas1][space_restrictor][8895] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_space_restrictor_bas2][space_restrictor][8896] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_actor_heli1][space_restrictor][8897] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_actor_heli3][space_restrictor][8898] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_space_restrictor_momsters][space_restrictor][8899] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_space_restrictor_sound_0022][space_restrictor][8900] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_space_restrictor_sound_battle_0000][space_restrictor][8901] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_space_restrictor_sound_battle_0001][space_restrictor][8902] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_space_restrictor_sound_0023][space_restrictor][8903] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_space_restrictor_road2][space_restrictor][8904] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_space_restrictor_ambush][space_restrictor][8905] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_space_restrictor_0000][space_restrictor][8906] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_space_restrictor_ambush_0000][space_restrictor][8907] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_space_restrictor_zabor][space_restrictor][8908] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_space_restrictor_grenade][space_restrictor][8909] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_space_restrictor_sound_0024][space_restrictor][8910] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_space_restrictor_sound_0025][space_restrictor][8911] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_space_restrictor_sound_0026][space_restrictor][8912] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_space_restrictor_sound_0028][space_restrictor][8913] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_space_restrictor_sound_0029][space_restrictor][8914] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_space_restrictor_sound_0027][space_restrictor][8915] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_space_restrictor_sound_0030][space_restrictor][8916] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_space_restrictor_actor_sound][space_restrictor][8917] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_space_restrictor_timer][space_restrictor][8918] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_space_restrictor_sound_0031][space_restrictor][8919] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_space_restrictor_sound_0032][space_restrictor][8920] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_space_restrictor_sound_0033][space_restrictor][8921] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_space_restrictor_sound_0034][space_restrictor][8922] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_space_restrictor_sound_0035][space_restrictor][8923] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_space_restrictor_btr_actor][space_restrictor][8924] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_space_restrictor_btr_ambush][space_restrictor][8925] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_space_restrictor_sound_0036][space_restrictor][8926] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_space_restrictor_sound_0037][space_restrictor][8927] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_space_restrictor_sound_0038][space_restrictor][8928] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_space_restrictor_sound_0039][space_restrictor][8929] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_space_restrictor_sound_0040][space_restrictor][8930] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_space_restrictor_sound_0041][space_restrictor][8931] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_space_restrictor_road_sound][space_restrictor][8932] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_space_restrictor_sound_0042][space_restrictor][8933] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_space_restrictor_road_sound_0000][space_restrictor][8934] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_space_restrictor_sound_0043][space_restrictor][8935] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_space_restrictor_task][space_restrictor][8936] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_space_restrictor_task_0000][space_restrictor][8937] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_space_restrictor_sound_0044][space_restrictor][8938] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_space_restrictor_sound_0045][space_restrictor][8939] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_space_restrictor_sound_0046][space_restrictor][8940] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_space_restrictor_sound_0047][space_restrictor][8941] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_space_restrictor_sound_0048][space_restrictor][8942] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_space_restrictor_sound_0049][space_restrictor][8943] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_space_restrictor_sound_0050][space_restrictor][8944] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_space_restrictor_sound_0051][space_restrictor][8945] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_space_restrictor_sound_0052][space_restrictor][8946] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_space_restrictor_ambush_0001][space_restrictor][8947] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_space_restrictor_timer_go][space_restrictor][8948] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_space_restrictor_map_spot][space_restrictor][8949] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_space_restrictor_map_spot_0000][space_restrictor][8950] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_space_restrictor_map_spot_0001][space_restrictor][8951] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_space_restrictor_weather][space_restrictor][8952] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_space_restrictor_sound_0053][space_restrictor][8953] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_space_restrictor_sound_0054][space_restrictor][8954] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_death_sound_restrictor][space_restrictor][8955] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_desant_go_restrictor][space_restrictor][8956] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_space_restrictor_btr_ambush_0000][space_restrictor][8957] [LSS] Spawning object [light_alarm_glass_0000][lights_hanging_lamp][8958] [LSS] Spawning object [light_alarm_glass_0001][lights_hanging_lamp][8959] [LSS] Spawning object [light_alarm_glass_0002][lights_hanging_lamp][8960] [LSS] Spawning object [light_alarm_glass_0003][lights_hanging_lamp][8961] [LSS] Spawning object [light_alarm_glass_0004][lights_hanging_lamp][8962] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_physic_object][physic_object][8963] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_physic_object_0001][physic_object][8970] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_physic_object_0002][physic_object][8971] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_physic_object_0003][physic_object][8972] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_physic_destroyable_object][physic_destroyable_object][8973] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_surprise_box_0000][physic_destroyable_object][8988] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_surprise_box_0001][physic_destroyable_object][8989] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_surprise_box_0002][physic_destroyable_object][8990] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_surprise_box_0003][physic_destroyable_object][8991] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_surprise_box_0004][physic_destroyable_object][8992] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_surprise_box_0005][physic_destroyable_object][8993] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_military_outfit_0000][military_outfit][8997] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_zone_radioactive_strong][zone_radioactive_strong][8998] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_zone_radioactive_strong_0000][zone_radioactive_strong][8999] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_zone_radioactive_average][zone_radioactive_average][9000] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_zone_radioactive_average_0000][zone_radioactive_average][9001] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_zone_radioactive_average_0006][zone_radioactive_average][9002] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_zone_radioactive_average_0007][zone_radioactive_average][9003] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_zone_radioactive_average_0008][zone_radioactive_average][9004] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_zone_radioactive_average_0009][zone_radioactive_average][9005] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_zone_radioactive_average_0010][zone_radioactive_average][9006] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_zone_radioactive_average_0011][zone_radioactive_average][9007] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_zone_radioactive_average_0012][zone_radioactive_average][9008] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_zone_radioactive_average_0013][zone_radioactive_average][9009] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_zone_radioactive_average_0014][zone_radioactive_average][9010] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_zone_radioactive_average_0015][zone_radioactive_average][9011] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_zone_radioactive_average_0016][zone_radioactive_average][9012] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_zone_radioactive_average_0017][zone_radioactive_average][9013] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_zone_radioactive_average_0024][zone_radioactive_average][9014] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_zone_radioactive_average_0025][zone_radioactive_average][9015] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_zone_radioactive_average_0026][zone_radioactive_average][9016] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_zone_radioactive_average_0027][zone_radioactive_average][9017] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_zone_radioactive_average_0028][zone_radioactive_average][9018] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_zone_radioactive_average_0029][zone_radioactive_average][9019] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_zone_radioactive_average_0030][zone_radioactive_average][9020] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_zone_radioactive_average_0031][zone_radioactive_average][9021] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_zone_radioactive_average_0032][zone_radioactive_average][9022] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_level_changer_to_aes2][level_changer][9023] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_level_changer_to_zaton][level_changer][9024] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_level_changer_to_pripyat][level_changer][9025] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_smart_terrain_monolit_blockpost4_campfire_1][campfire][9026] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_space_restrictor_to_pripyat][space_restrictor][9027] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_space_restrictor_to_zaton][space_restrictor][9028] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_space_restrictor_to_aes2][space_restrictor][9029] [LSS] Spawning object [exit_to_sarcofag_01][level_changer][9030] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_space_restrictor_to_sarcofag][space_restrictor][9031] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_surge_hide][space_restrictor][9032] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_smart_terrain_monolit_blockpost4][smart_terrain][9033] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_smart_terrain_monolit_blockpost][smart_terrain][9034] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_smart_terrain_monolit_blockpost2][smart_terrain][9035] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_smart_terran_soldier][smart_terrain][9036] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_smart_terran_soldier2][smart_terrain][9037] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_btr][m_car][9038] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_smart_terrain_monsters1][smart_terrain][9039] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_smart_terrain_monsters2][smart_terrain][9040] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_smart_terrain_monsters3][smart_terrain][9041] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_smart_terrain_monsters4][smart_terrain][9042] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_zone_emi][zone_emi][9043] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_zone_emi_0002][zone_emi][9044] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_zone_gravi_zone_0014][zone_gravi_zone][9045] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_zone_gravi_zone_0005][zone_gravi_zone][9046] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_zone_gravi_zone_0006][zone_gravi_zone][9047] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_zone_gravi_zone_0007][zone_gravi_zone][9048] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_zone_gravi_zone_0009][zone_gravi_zone][9049] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_zone_gravi_zone_0010][zone_gravi_zone][9050] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_zone_gravi_zone_0011][zone_gravi_zone][9051] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_zone_gravi_zone_0016][zone_gravi_zone][9052] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_zone_gravi_zone_0017][zone_gravi_zone][9053] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_zone_mine_gravitational_strong][zone_mine_gravitational_strong][9054] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_zone_mine_gravitational_strong_0000][zone_mine_gravitational_strong][9055] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_zone_mine_gravitational_strong_0001][zone_mine_gravitational_strong][9056] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_zone_mine_gravitational_strong_0002][zone_mine_gravitational_strong][9057] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_zone_mine_gravitational_strong_0003][zone_mine_gravitational_strong][9058] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_zone_mine_gravitational_strong_0004][zone_mine_gravitational_strong][9059] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_zone_mine_gravitational_strong_0005][zone_mine_gravitational_strong][9060] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_zone_mine_gravitational_strong_0006][zone_mine_gravitational_strong][9061] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_zone_mine_gravitational_strong_0007][zone_mine_gravitational_strong][9062] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_zone_mine_gravitational_strong_0008][zone_mine_gravitational_strong][9063] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_zone_mine_gravitational_strong_0009][zone_mine_gravitational_strong][9064] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_zone_mine_gravitational_strong_0010][zone_mine_gravitational_strong][9065] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_zone_mine_gravitational_strong_0011][zone_mine_gravitational_strong][9066] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_zone_mine_gravitational_strong_0012][zone_mine_gravitational_strong][9067] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_zone_mine_gravitational_strong_0013][zone_mine_gravitational_strong][9068] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_zone_mine_gravitational_strong_0014][zone_mine_gravitational_strong][9069] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_zone_mine_gravitational_strong_0015][zone_mine_gravitational_strong][9070] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_zone_mine_gravitational_strong_0016][zone_mine_gravitational_strong][9071] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_zone_mine_gravitational_strong_0017][zone_mine_gravitational_strong][9072] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_zone_mine_gravitational_strong_0018][zone_mine_gravitational_strong][9073] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_zone_mosquito_bald_strong][zone_mosquito_bald_strong][9074] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_zone_mosquito_bald_strong_0001][zone_mosquito_bald_strong][9075] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_zone_mosquito_bald_strong_0003][zone_mosquito_bald_strong][9076] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_zone_mosquito_bald_strong_0004][zone_mosquito_bald_strong][9077] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_zone_mosquito_bald_strong_0006][zone_mosquito_bald_strong][9078] [LSS] Spawning object [aes1_psy_zone_1][space_restrictor][9079] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_crow_spawner][space_restrictor][9080] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_2c_01_ce_anomaly_spot][space_restrictor][9081] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_2c_01_ce_anomal_zone][anomal_zone][9082] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_2c_02_p_anomaly_spot][space_restrictor][9083] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_zone_witches_galantine_strong][zone_witches_galantine_strong][9084] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_zone_witches_galantine_average][zone_witches_galantine_average][9085] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_zone_witches_galantine_average_0000][zone_witches_galantine_average][9086] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_zone_witches_galantine_average_0001][zone_witches_galantine_average][9087] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_zone_witches_galantine_average_0002][zone_witches_galantine_average][9088] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_zone_mine_electric_weak][zone_mine_electric_weak][9089] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_zone_mine_electric_strong][zone_mine_electric_strong][9090] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_2c_02_p_anomal_zone][anomal_zone][9091] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_zone_mine_electric_strong_0000][zone_mine_electric_strong][9092] [LSS] Spawning object [aes_torrid_zone][fireball_electric_zone][9093] [LSS] Spawning object [chimera_strong319248][chimera_strong3][19248] * phase time: 7 ms * phase cmem: 404111 K * phase time: 13 ms * phase cmem: 404111 K * WARNING: player not logged in * client : connection accepted - <All Ok> * phase time: 7 ms * phase cmem: 404143 K * phase time: 6 ms * phase cmem: 404143 K * phase time: 1084 ms * phase cmem: 459016 K * phase time: 58 ms * phase cmem: 474530 K * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65496 verts, 2046 Kb * [Loading VB] 63380 verts, 1980 Kb * [Loading VB] 34344 verts, 1073 Kb * [Loading VB] 65525 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65527 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65532 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65530 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 23427 verts, 732 Kb * [Loading VB] 65531 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 42253 verts, 1320 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048572 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 405414 indices, 791 Kb * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65530 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 53744 verts, 629 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 457824 indices, 894 Kb * phase time: 665 ms * phase cmem: 474731 K * phase time: 29 ms * phase cmem: 476296 K * [DETAILS] VertexConsts(256), Batch(61) * [DETAILS] 40687 v(20), 26352 p * [DETAILS] Batch(61), VB(794K), IB(154K) * phase time: 51 ms * phase cmem: 476438 K * Loading HOM: c:\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. - call of chernobyl\gamedata\levels\l12_stancia\level.hom * phase time: 7 ms * phase cmem: 476489 K * phase time: 8 ms * phase cmem: 476489 K * phase time: 6 ms * phase cmem: 476489 K CResourceManager::DeferredUpload -> START, size = 1195 TextureLoading -> thread 1 started! TextureLoading -> thread 2 started! TextureLoading -> thread 3 started! TextureLoading -> thread 4 started! TextureLoading -> thread 5 started! TextureLoading -> thread 3 finished! TextureLoading -> thread 2 finished! TextureLoading -> thread 5 finished! TextureLoading -> thread 4 finished! TextureLoading -> thread 1 finished! texture loading time: 6054 * t-report - base: 1191, 393547 K * t-report - lmap: 4, 4096 K * WARNING: player not logged in * phase time: 7373 ms * phase cmem: 482389 K * phase time: 17 ms * phase cmem: 482389 K * [win32]: free[137432684396 K], reserved[4403060 K], committed[1865952 K] * [ D3D ]: textures[462156 K] * [x-ray]: process heap[482389 K], game lua[0 K], render[113 K] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[27000 K], smem[13841 K] collectgarbage before=27466971Kb collectgarbage after=20976852Kb * loading script pda_utils_FonSwong.script helm_respirator23864 [LSS] Spawning object [sim_default_monolith_324880][sim_default_monolith_3][24880] [LSS] Spawning object [sim_default_monolith_224889][sim_default_monolith_2][24889] [LSS] Spawning object [m_crow25091][m_crow][25091] intro_start game_loaded * MEMORY USAGE: 549722 K * End of synchronization A[1] R[1] intro_delete ::update_game_loaded [LSS] Spawning object [m_crow25344][m_crow][25344] [LSS] Spawning object [m_crow25600][m_crow][25600] [LSS] Spawning object [psy_dog_normal24784][psy_dog_normal][24784] [LSS] Spawning object [m_crow25856][m_crow][25856] [LSS] Spawning object [m_crow26112][m_crow][26112] [LSS] Spawning object [m_crow26368][m_crow][26368] ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: c:\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. - call of chernobyl\gamedata\sounds\music\menu_3.ogg * [win32]: free[137432653284 K], reserved[4385192 K], committed[1914932 K] * [ D3D ]: textures[492442 K] * [x-ray]: process heap[570378 K], game lua[0 K], render[2695 K] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[27879 K], smem[26716 K] - Disconnect - Destroying level * 0.0 : [ 3] $null * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$NVHHGGTex * 0.0 : [ 5] $user$NVjitterTex * 0.0 : [ 8] $user$Texture_color * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$Texture_color_out * 0.0 : [ 7] $user$Texture_obstacles * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$Texture_obstvelocity * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$Texture_pressure * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$Texture_tempscalar * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$Texture_tempvector * 0.0 : [ 5] $user$Texture_velocity0 * 0.0 : [ 4] $user$Texture_velocity1 * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$accum * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$accum_temp * 0.0 : [ 7] $user$albedo * 0.0 : [ 4] $user$bloom1 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$bloom2 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$cmap0 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$cmap1 * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$edgeTex * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$env_s0 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$env_s1 * 0.0 : [ 5] $user$generic0 * 0.0 : [ 4] $user$generic1 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$generic2 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$jitter_0 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$jitter_1 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$jitter_2 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$jitter_3 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$jitter_4 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$jitter_mipped * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$lum_t64 * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$lum_t8 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$luminance_0 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$luminance_1 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$luminance_2 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$luminance_3 * 0.0 : [ 8] $user$material * 0.0 : [ 13] $user$position * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$rayCastTex * 0.0 : [ 6] $user$rayDataTex * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$rayDataTexSmall * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$sky0 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$sky1 * 0.0 : [ 6] $user$smap_depth * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$smap_surf * 0.0 : [ 10] $user$tonemap * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$tonemap_src * 0.0 : [ 1] prop\prop_lampa_g_red2 * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_beretta_sk1_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_binokl_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_grenade_40mm_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_grenade_f1_bump# * 0.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_9mm_bump# * 0.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_acog_bump# * 0.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_cz75_bump# * 0.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_m249_bump# * 0.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_m79_bump# * 0.4 : [ 1] map\map_nomap * 0.7 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_step_blood * 1.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_spark_01 * 1.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_bubble * 1.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_leaves_01 * 1.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_leaves_02 * 1.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_splash3 * 1.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_splash_02 * 1.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_synus * 1.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_vehmetaldebris_01 * 1.4 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_harpoon_knife_bump# * 1.4 : [ 1] prop\prop_provod_02 * 1.5 : [ 1] glow\glow_rays * 2.7 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_concretedebris_01 * 3.1 : [ 1] grad\grad_radiation * 3.1 : [ 5] sky\sky_12_vibros_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 26] sky\sky_13_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 16] sky\sky_13_cube_night#small * 3.1 : [ 12] sky\sky_13_vibros_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 10] sky\sky_14_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_17_clouds_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_17_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 8] sky\sky_18_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 11] sky\sky_19_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_1_clouds_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_20_clouds_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_20_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_2_clouds_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_2_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 12] sky\sky_3_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 3] sky\sky_4_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 30] sky\sky_5_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 7] sky\sky_6_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 11] sky\sky_7_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 8] sky\sky_8_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 49] sky\sky_9_cube#small * 4.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_flare1 * 4.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_flamefx_01 * 4.1 : [ 1] ui\cursor * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_asfalt_1 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_asfalt_2 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_asfalt_3 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_brick_1 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_brick_2 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_1 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_2 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_4 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_5 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_6 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_7 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_ground * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_ground_1 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_ground_2 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik_1 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik_2 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik_3 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_1 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_2 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_3 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_4 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_1 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_2 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_3 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_4 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_5 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_6 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_7 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_8 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_9 * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_bloodsplash1 * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_spark_02 * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_21 * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_bubble_1 * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_bubble_water * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist2 * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist2inv * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist_teleport * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_flash_05 * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_flash_07 * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_specks_poison * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_spikey_star * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_splash_01 * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_stonedebris1 * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_stonedebris2 * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_vehglassdebris_01 * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_water_wave * 5.5 : [ 1] glow\glow_orange2 * 5.5 : [ 1] fx\fx_flare2 * 5.5 : [ 1] fx\fx_flare3 * 5.5 : [ 1] fx\fx_rain * 6.1 : [ 14] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_1#small * 6.1 : [ 40] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_2#small * 6.1 : [ 18] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_3#small * 6.1 : [ 14] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_5#small * 6.1 : [ 6] sky\af3_blowout\blowout1#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout1_1#small * 6.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout2#small * 6.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout2_night#small * 6.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_1#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_1_night#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_2#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_2_night#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_3#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_3_night#small * 6.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_night#small * 6.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4#small * 6.1 : [ 3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_1#small * 6.1 : [ 3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_1_night#small * 6.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_night#small * 6.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5#small * 6.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5_night#small * 6.1 : [ 7] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5psi#small * 6.1 : [ 7] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5psi_night#small * 6.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout6#small * 6.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout6_night#small * 6.1 : [ 3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout7#small * 6.1 : [ 4] sky\af3_blowout\blowout7_night#small * 6.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\00-00-fm#small * 6.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\00-00-hm#small * 6.1 : [ 25] sky\af3_clear\00-00-nm#small * 6.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\01-00-fm#small * 6.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\01-00-hm#small * 6.1 : [ 37] sky\af3_clear\01-00-nm#small * 6.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\02-00-fm#small * 6.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\02-00-hm#small * 6.1 : [ 25] sky\af3_clear\02-00-nm#small * 6.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\03-00-fm#small * 6.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\03-00-hm#small * 6.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\04-00-fm#small * 6.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\04-00-hm#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\04-30#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\05-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\05-30#small * 6.1 : [ 66] sky\af3_clear\06-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\07-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\08-00#small * 6.1 : [ 34] sky\af3_clear\09-00#small * 6.1 : [ 34] sky\af3_clear\10-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\11-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\12-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\13-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\14-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\15-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\16-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\17-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\18-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\19-00#small * 6.1 : [ 66] sky\af3_clear\20-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\20-30#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\21-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\21-30#small * 6.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\22-00-fm#small * 6.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\22-00-hm#small * 6.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\23-00-fm#small * 6.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\23-00-hm#small * 6.1 : [ 5] sky\af3_cloudy\05-00#small * 6.1 : [ 10] sky\af3_cloudy\06-00#small * 6.1 : [ 10] sky\af3_cloudy\07-00#small * 6.1 : [ 18] sky\af3_cloudy\08-00#small * 6.1 : [ 23] sky\af3_cloudy\09-00#small * 6.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_cloudy\10-00#small * 6.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_cloudy\11-00#small * 6.1 : [ 18] sky\af3_cloudy\12-00#small * 6.1 : [ 10] sky\af3_cloudy\13-00#small * 6.1 : [ 36] sky\af3_cloudy\14-00#small * 6.1 : [ 28] sky\af3_cloudy\15-00#small * 6.1 : [ 10] sky\af3_cloudy\16-00#small * 6.1 : [ 18] sky\af3_cloudy\17-00#small * 6.1 : [ 20] sky\af3_cloudy\18-00#small * 6.1 : [ 5] sky\af3_cloudy\19-00#small * 6.1 : [ 10] sky\af3_cloudy\20-00#small * 6.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_foggy\06-00#small * 6.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_foggy\07-00#small * 6.1 : [ 19] sky\af3_foggy\09-00#small * 6.1 : [ 40] sky\af3_foggy\10-00#small * 6.1 : [ 10] sky\af3_foggy\11-00#small * 6.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_foggy\12-00#small * 6.1 : [ 27] sky\af3_foggy\13-00#small * 6.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_foggy\14-00#small * 6.1 : [ 19] sky\af3_foggy\15-00#small * 6.1 : [ 19] sky\af3_foggy\16-00#small * 6.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_foggy\17-00#small * 6.1 : [ 19] sky\af3_foggy\18-00#small * 6.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_foggy\19-00#small * 6.1 : [ 22] sky\af3_foggy\20-00#small * 6.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\00-00-fm#small * 6.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\00-00-hm#small * 6.1 : [ 25] sky\af3_partly\00-00-nm#small * 6.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\01-00-fm#small * 6.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\01-00-hm#small * 6.1 : [ 38] sky\af3_partly\01-00-nm#small * 6.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\02-00-fm#small * 6.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\02-00-hm#small * 6.1 : [ 24] sky\af3_partly\02-00-nm#small * 6.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\03-00-fm#small * 6.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\03-00-hm#small * 6.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\04-00-fm#small * 6.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\04-00-hm#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\04-30#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\05-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\05-30#small * 6.1 : [ 66] sky\af3_partly\06-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\07-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\08-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\09-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\10-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\11-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\12-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\13-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\14-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\15-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\16-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\17-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\18-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\19-00#small * 6.1 : [ 66] sky\af3_partly\20-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\20-30#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\21-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\21-30#small * 6.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\22-00-fm#small * 6.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\22-00-hm#small * 6.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\23-00-fm#small * 6.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\23-00-hm#small * 6.1 : [ 26] sky\af3_rainy\07-00#small * 6.1 : [ 30] sky\af3_rainy\09-00_19-00#small * 6.1 : [ 58] sky\af3_rainy\13-00#small * 6.1 : [ 24] sky\af3_rainy\15-00#small * 6.1 : [ 31] sky\af3_rainy\15-00-2#small * 6.1 : [ 44] sky\af3_rainy\16-00#small * 6.1 : [ 32] sky\af3_rainy\20-00#small * 8.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_gologramma * 8.1 : [ 1] pfx\r_pop\shells\fake_shells * 10.7 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_electrostatic * 10.7 : [ 1] prop\prop_fake_bed_fireplace * 10.7 : [ 1] act\act_pseudodog_fur1 * 10.7 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_smokepuffs2 * 10.7 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_sparks * 10.7 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_woodchips1 * 10.7 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_woodchips3 * 10.8 : [ 1] amik\weapons\trace_01 * 16.1 : [ 2] internal\internal_fireTransferFunction * 16.1 : [ 1] amik\weapons\flame\trace * 16.1 : [ 1] amik\weapons\trace * 16.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_volumefog1 * 16.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_flash_01 * 16.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_arial_14_1024 * 16.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_grid * 16.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_drop_1 * 16.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_drop_2 * 16.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_grenade * 16.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_dead * 16.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_horiz * 16.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_blood * 16.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_wood * 16.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_wood1 * 16.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_wood2 * 21.3 : [ 2] detail\detail_beton_det4_bump * 21.3 : [ 2] detail\detail_beton_det4_bump# * 21.3 : [ 1] detail\detail_metall_det1_bump * 21.3 : [ 1] detail\detail_metall_det1_bump# * 21.3 : [ 1] detail\detail_metall_det3_bump * 21.3 : [ 1] detail\detail_metall_det3_bump# * 21.3 : [ 2] detail\detail_skin_1_bump * 21.3 : [ 2] detail\detail_skin_1_bump# * 21.3 : [ 1] detail\detail_wood_det2_bump * 21.3 : [ 1] detail\detail_wood_det2_bump# * 21.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_bloodsplash2 * 21.4 : [ 1] act\act_controller_hit1 * 21.4 : [ 1] act\variation mod\act_neutral\gas_mask_glass * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_1 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_16 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_17 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_19 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_3 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_4 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_5 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_8 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_88 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_brick * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_gradient1 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_light * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_light1 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_light3 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_light4 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_lightning_01 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_lightning_02 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_plasma * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_smoke_a * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_test_textures * 21.4 : [ 1] prop\prop_voda1 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_flame * 21.5 : [ 1] glow\glow_04 * 21.5 : [ 1] glow\glow_fire1 * 21.5 : [ 1] glow\glow_fire1_soc * 21.5 : [ 1] item\item_hammer * 21.5 : [ 1] fx\fx_rainsplash1 * 21.5 : [ 1] shoker_mod\explosions\firesmokeparticle * 21.5 : [ 1] amik\weapons\flame\trail * 32.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_ani-smoke-01 * 32.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_cc_lighting_grad2 * 32.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_letter_16_1024 * 32.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_letter_18_1024 * 32.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_blood1 * 32.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_metal * 32.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_ston * 33.0 : [ 1] ui\ui_ani_cursor * 42.7 : [ 2] ston\ston_beton_pod_01 * 42.7 : [ 2] ston\ston_zabor_02 * 42.7 : [ 2] wood\wood_plank6 * 42.7 : [ 1] act\act_crow * 42.7 : [ 1] act\act_ryukzak * 42.7 : [ 2] prop\prop_dangerbox_2 * 42.7 : [ 1] prop\prop_item3 * 42.7 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_concretepuffs_01 * 42.7 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_lighting_stancia_01 * 42.7 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_lighting_stancia_02 * 42.7 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_smokepuffs1 * 42.7 : [ 1] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_shells1 * 42.7 : [ 1] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_shells2 * 42.8 : [ 1] fx\fx_noise * 42.8 : [ 1] item\item_medkit * 42.8 : [ 1] item\item_medkit_3 * 42.8 : [ 1] lights\lights_cone_handing_lamp * 42.9 : [ 1] fx\fx_lightning * 48.1 : [ 1] sky\sky_cube_weapons * 64.1 : [ 1] amik\weapons\flash_02 * 64.1 : [ 1] amik\weapons\flash_04 * 64.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_sun * 64.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_sun_fog * 64.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_sun_gradient * 64.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_sun_halo * 64.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_sun_morning * 64.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_thunderbolts_gradient * 64.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_thunderbolts_gradient_surge * 64.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_18 * 64.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_flame_01 * 64.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_skinsplash1 * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_console_02 * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_graff_19_1024 * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_graff_22_1024 * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_hud_01 * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_hud_02 * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_hud_grenade_mark * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_hud_hit_mark * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_1 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_10 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_11 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_1_1 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_1_2 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_1_3 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_2 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_3 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_4 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_5 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_6 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_7 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_8 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_9 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_drop_3 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_drop_4 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_glass01 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_glass02 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_glass03 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_glass04 * 64.1 : [ 1] wpn\shell_545 * 85.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_12 * 85.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_13 * 85.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_14 * 85.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_15 * 85.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_16 * 85.3 : [ 2] crete\crete_debris_01_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] crete\crete_debris_01_bump# * 85.3 : [ 2] crete\crete_zabor_02_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] crete\crete_zabor_02_bump# * 85.3 : [ 2] detail\detail_beton_det4 * 85.3 : [ 1] detail\detail_metall_det1 * 85.3 : [ 1] detail\detail_metall_det3 * 85.3 : [ 2] detail\detail_skin_1 * 85.3 : [ 1] detail\detail_wood_det2 * 85.3 : [ 2] wood\wood_plank6_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] wood\wood_plank6_bump# * 85.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_6 * 85.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_9 * 85.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_blurry_cloud * 85.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_smoke_b * 85.3 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_03 * 85.3 : [ 2] act\act_pseudodog_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] act\act_pseudodog_bump# * 85.3 : [ 1] act\act_ryukzak_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] act\act_ryukzak_bump# * 85.3 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_dolg3b_bump# * 85.3 : [ 1] act\act_trup_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] act\act_trup_bump# * 85.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist3 * 85.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist4 * 85.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist8 * 85.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist9 * 85.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_distort_anomaly * 85.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_distortion * 85.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_ligth_6 * 85.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_specks * 85.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_teleport * 85.3 : [ 2] prop\prop_dangerbox_2_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] prop\prop_dangerbox_2_bump# * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_upgrade_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_upgrade_bump# * 85.4 : [ 1] glow\glow_orange * 85.4 : [ 1] glow\glow_orange_bright * 85.4 : [ 1] glow\glow_white * 85.4 : [ 1] glow\glow_yellow * 85.5 : [ 1] fx\fx_sun_rise * 85.5 : [ 1] item\item_vouda1 * 85.5 : [ 1] item\item_vouda2 * 85.5 : [ 1] item\item_vouda3 * 85.5 : [ 3] lights\lights_spot01 * 85.5 : [ 1] wpn\shell_545_bump * 85.5 : [ 1] wpn\shell_545_bump# * 128.1 : [ 1] act\variation mod\act_neutral\gp5a * 128.1 : [ 2] cooking\cooking_wood_stove * 128.1 : [ 2] fx\fx_noise2 * 128.1 : [ 1] map\map_l08u_brainlab * 128.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_shells1 * 128.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_shells2 * 128.1 : [ 1] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_ak_shells_1 * 128.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_graff_32_1024 * 170.5 : [ 3] veh\veh_btr * 170.6 : [ 2] act\act_himer3 * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_hero * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_monolith2 * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_monolith_2 * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_monolith_3 * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_monoliths * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_neutral_2 * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_soldier_4 * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_trup * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ammo * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_beretta_sk1 * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_grenade_40mm * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_03_bump * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_03_bump# * 170.6 : [ 1] act\variation mod\act_neutral\pockets_1a * 170.6 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_2 * 170.6 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_23 * 170.6 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_2_green * 170.6 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_7 * 170.8 : [ 1] map\map_hospital * 170.8 : [ 1] item\item_ustroystva * 170.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_fn2000_lens * 256.1 : [ 1] cooking\cooking_wood_stove_bump * 256.1 : [ 1] cooking\cooking_wood_stove_bump# * 256.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_gradient1 * 256.1 : [ 1] map\map_labx8 * 256.1 : [ 1] prop\prop_voda1_bump * 256.1 : [ 1] prop\prop_voda1_bump# * 256.1 : [3082] sky\sky_oblaka * 256.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_graff_50_1024 * 256.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_harpoon_knife_bump * 341.0 : [ 2] veh\veh_btr_bump * 341.0 : [ 2] veh\veh_btr_bump# * 341.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_gradient * 341.1 : [ 2] act\act_himera_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] act\act_himera_bump# * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_dolg3b_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_dolg_4_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_dolg_4_bump# * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_hero_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_hero_bump# * 341.1 : [ 2] act\act_stalker_monolith_2_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] act\act_stalker_monolith_2_bump# * 341.1 : [ 2] act\act_stalker_neutral_2_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] act\act_stalker_neutral_2_bump# * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_beretta_sk1_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_grenade_40mm_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_upgrade * 341.4 : [ 1] map\map_fake_start * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_9mm * 341.5 : [ 1] drink\drink_match0 * 341.5 : [ 1] fx\fx_glare_clear_day * 341.5 : [ 1] fx\fx_glare_cloudy * 341.5 : [ 1] fx\fx_gradient * 341.5 : [ 1] item\item_food * 341.5 : [ 1] shoker_mod\explosions\explosion_smoke01 * 341.5 : [ 1] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_smoke_1 * 512.1 : [ 1] amk\items\500 * 512.1 : [ 1] map\map_l04_darkvalley * 512.1 : [ 1] map\map_limansk * 512.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_explotions_3 * 512.1 : [ 1] pfx\r_pop\shells\12ga * 512.1 : [ 1] pfx\r_pop\shells\45acp * 512.1 : [ 1] pfx\r_pop\shells\545x39 * 512.1 : [ 1] pfx\r_pop\shells\556x45 * 512.1 : [ 1] pfx\r_pop\shells\762x39 * 512.1 : [ 1] pfx\r_pop\shells\762x51 * 512.1 : [ 1] pfx\r_pop\shells\762x54 * 512.1 : [ 1] pfx\r_pop\shells\9x18 * 512.1 : [ 1] pfx\r_pop\shells\9x19 * 512.1 : [ 1] pfx\r_pop\shells\9x39 * 512.1 : [ 1] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_shells3 * 512.1 : [ 1] ui\logo_stason174 * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_binokl * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_grenade_f1 * 682.6 : [ 1] map\map_l05_bar * 682.6 : [ 1] map\map_l06_rostok * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_arm_mono_glove * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_acog * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_face_mask_0x * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_9mm_bump * 768.1 : [ 14] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_1 * 768.1 : [ 40] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_2 * 768.1 : [ 18] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_3 * 768.1 : [ 14] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_5 * 768.1 : [ 6] sky\af3_blowout\blowout1 * 768.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout1_1 * 768.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout2 * 768.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout2_night * 768.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3 * 768.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_1 * 768.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_1_night * 768.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_2 * 768.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_2_night * 768.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_3 * 768.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_3_night * 768.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_night * 768.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4 * 768.1 : [ 3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_1 * 768.1 : [ 3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_1_night * 768.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_night * 768.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5 * 768.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5_night * 768.1 : [ 7] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5psi * 768.1 : [ 7] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5psi_night * 768.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout6 * 768.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout6_night * 768.1 : [ 3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout7 * 768.1 : [ 4] sky\af3_blowout\blowout7_night * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\00-00-fm * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\00-00-hm * 768.1 : [ 25] sky\af3_clear\00-00-nm * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\01-00-fm * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\01-00-hm * 768.1 : [ 37] sky\af3_clear\01-00-nm * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\02-00-fm * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\02-00-hm * 768.1 : [ 25] sky\af3_clear\02-00-nm * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\03-00-fm * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\03-00-hm * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\04-00-fm * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\04-00-hm * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\04-30 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\05-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\05-30 * 768.1 : [ 66] sky\af3_clear\06-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\07-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\08-00 * 768.1 : [ 34] sky\af3_clear\09-00 * 768.1 : [ 34] sky\af3_clear\10-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\11-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\12-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\13-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\14-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\15-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\16-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\17-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\18-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\19-00 * 768.1 : [ 66] sky\af3_clear\20-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\20-30 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\21-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\21-30 * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\22-00-fm * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\22-00-hm * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\23-00-fm * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\23-00-hm * 768.1 : [ 5] sky\af3_cloudy\05-00 * 768.1 : [ 10] sky\af3_cloudy\06-00 * 768.1 : [ 10] sky\af3_cloudy\07-00 * 768.1 : [ 18] sky\af3_cloudy\08-00 * 768.1 : [ 23] sky\af3_cloudy\09-00 * 768.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_cloudy\10-00 * 768.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_cloudy\11-00 * 768.1 : [ 18] sky\af3_cloudy\12-00 * 768.1 : [ 10] sky\af3_cloudy\13-00 * 768.1 : [ 36] sky\af3_cloudy\14-00 * 768.1 : [ 28] sky\af3_cloudy\15-00 * 768.1 : [ 10] sky\af3_cloudy\16-00 * 768.1 : [ 18] sky\af3_cloudy\17-00 * 768.1 : [ 20] sky\af3_cloudy\18-00 * 768.1 : [ 5] sky\af3_cloudy\19-00 * 768.1 : [ 10] sky\af3_cloudy\20-00 * 768.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_foggy\06-00 * 768.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_foggy\07-00 * 768.1 : [ 19] sky\af3_foggy\09-00 * 768.1 : [ 40] sky\af3_foggy\10-00 * 768.1 : [ 10] sky\af3_foggy\11-00 * 768.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_foggy\12-00 * 768.1 : [ 27] sky\af3_foggy\13-00 * 768.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_foggy\14-00 * 768.1 : [ 19] sky\af3_foggy\15-00 * 768.1 : [ 19] sky\af3_foggy\16-00 * 768.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_foggy\17-00 * 768.1 : [ 19] sky\af3_foggy\18-00 * 768.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_foggy\19-00 * 768.1 : [ 22] sky\af3_foggy\20-00 * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\00-00-fm * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\00-00-hm * 768.1 : [ 25] sky\af3_partly\00-00-nm * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\01-00-fm * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\01-00-hm * 768.1 : [ 38] sky\af3_partly\01-00-nm * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\02-00-fm * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\02-00-hm * 768.1 : [ 24] sky\af3_partly\02-00-nm * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\03-00-fm * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\03-00-hm * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\04-00-fm * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\04-00-hm * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\04-30 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\05-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\05-30 * 768.1 : [ 66] sky\af3_partly\06-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\07-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\08-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\09-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\10-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\11-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\12-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\13-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\14-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\15-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\16-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\17-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\18-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\19-00 * 768.1 : [ 66] sky\af3_partly\20-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\20-30 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\21-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\21-30 * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\22-00-fm * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\22-00-hm * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\23-00-fm * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\23-00-hm * 768.1 : [ 26] sky\af3_rainy\07-00 * 768.1 : [ 30] sky\af3_rainy\09-00_19-00 * 768.1 : [ 58] sky\af3_rainy\13-00 * 768.1 : [ 24] sky\af3_rainy\15-00 * 768.1 : [ 31] sky\af3_rainy\15-00-2 * 768.1 : [ 44] sky\af3_rainy\16-00 * 768.1 : [ 32] sky\af3_rainy\20-00 * 768.1 : [ 5] sky\sky_12_vibros_cube * 768.1 : [ 26] sky\sky_13_cube * 768.1 : [ 16] sky\sky_13_cube_night * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\sky_13_vibros_cube * 768.1 : [ 10] sky\sky_14_cube * 768.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_17_clouds_cube * 768.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_17_cube * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\sky_18_cube * 768.1 : [ 11] sky\sky_19_cube * 768.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_1_clouds_cube * 768.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_20_clouds_cube * 768.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_20_cube * 768.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_2_clouds_cube * 768.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_2_cube * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\sky_3_cube * 768.1 : [ 3] sky\sky_4_cube * 768.1 : [ 30] sky\sky_5_cube * 768.1 : [ 7] sky\sky_6_cube * 768.1 : [ 11] sky\sky_7_cube * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\sky_8_cube * 768.1 : [ 49] sky\sky_9_cube * 1024.1 : [ 3] act\act_pseudodog1 * 1024.1 : [ 1] dinamic_hud\hud_gas1 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_1 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_2 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_3 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_4 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_5 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_6 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_7 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_phase_1 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_phase_2 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_phase_3 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_phase_4 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_phase_5 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_phase_6 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_phase_7 * 1024.1 : [ 1] map\map_jupiter_underground * 1024.1 : [ 1] map\map_l01_escape * 1024.1 : [ 1] map\map_l04u_labx18 * 1024.1 : [ 1] map\map_l07_military * 1024.1 : [ 1] map\map_l10u_bunker * 1024.1 : [ 1] map\map_l11_pripyat * 1024.1 : [ 1] map\map_l12u_control_monolith * 1024.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_ani-explosion-02 * 1024.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_ani-explosion-02-b-a * 1024.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_ani-explosion-02a * 1024.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_explotions_2 * 1024.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_explotions_4 * 1024.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_explotions_smoke * 1024.1 : [ 1] shoker_mod\explosions\final_expl * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_achivments * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_menu * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_mp_screen * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_newsmanager_icons * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_pda * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_sleep_screen * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_global_map * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_hud * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_ingame2_common * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_minimap * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_mlr_achivments * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_pda2 * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_pda2_noice * 1024.1 : [ 1] water\water_SBumpVolume * 1024.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_harpoon_knife * 1139.2 : [ 1] map\map_k02_trucks_cemetery * 1364.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_ani-fire01 * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_binokl_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_grenade_f1_bump * 1365.1 : [ 1] map\map_agroprom * 1365.1 : [ 1] map\map_l03u_agr_underground * 1365.1 : [ 1] map\map_l08_yantar * 1365.1 : [ 1] map\map_l10_radar * 1365.5 : [ 1] water\water_flowing_nmap * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_arm_mono_1 * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_arm_mono_glove_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_arm_mono_glove_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] fx\fx_glare * 1365.5 : [ 1] map\map_red_forest * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_acog_bump * 2048.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_cc_lightings * 2048.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_buy_menu * 2730.1 : [ 1] map\map_aes_1 * 2730.1 : [ 1] map\map_aes_2 * 2730.8 : [ 1] act\act_arm_sviter_1 * 2730.8 : [ 1] act\act_sviterok * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_cz75 * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_m249 * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_m79 * 2730.8 : [ 1] act\act_arm_bandit * 2730.8 : [ 1] act\act_arm_bandit_bump * 2730.8 : [ 1] act\act_arm_bandit_bump# * 2730.8 : [ 1] act\act_arm_mono_1_bump * 2730.8 : [ 1] act\act_arm_mono_1_bump# * 4096.1 : [ 1] map\map_jupiter * 4096.1 : [ 1] map\map_pripyat * 4096.1 : [ 1] map\map_zaton * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\new_game\ui_new_game_popup * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_dialog_screen * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_hint_wnd * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_hint_wnd2 * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_multiplayer_game_menu * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_common * 5460.1 : [ 1] map\map_l09_deadcity * 5460.1 : [ 1] map\map_l13_generators * 5460.1 : [ 1] map\map_marsh * 5461.5 : [ 1] act\act_arm_sviter_1_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] act\act_arm_sviter_1_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] map\map_l02_garbage * 5461.5 : [ 1] map\map_y04_pole * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_cz75_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_m249_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_m79_bump * 8100.0 : [ 1] ui\ui_background_new * 8192.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_static_mm_back_01 * 9902.3 : [ 1] water\water_normal * 16384.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_icon_equipment * [ D3D ]: textures[402024 K] ! Missing ogg-comment, file: c:\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. - call of chernobyl\gamedata\sounds\music\menu_9.ogg * [win32]: free[137432841776 K], reserved[4441020 K], committed[1670612 K] * [ D3D ]: textures[402024 K] * [x-ray]: process heap[429803 K], game lua[0 K], render[2695 K] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[23910 K], smem[16674 K] ! Can't find texture 'logo_stason174' ! Can't find texture 'ui\new_game\ui_new_game_factions' ! Can't find texture 'ui\new_game\ui_new_game_map_1' ! Can't find texture 'ui\new_game\ui_new_game_map_3' * 0.0 : [ 3] $null * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$NVHHGGTex * 0.0 : [ 5] $user$NVjitterTex * 0.0 : [ 8] $user$Texture_color * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$Texture_color_out * 0.0 : [ 7] $user$Texture_obstacles * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$Texture_obstvelocity * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$Texture_pressure * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$Texture_tempscalar * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$Texture_tempvector * 0.0 : [ 5] $user$Texture_velocity0 * 0.0 : [ 4] $user$Texture_velocity1 * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$accum * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$accum_temp * 0.0 : [ 7] $user$albedo * 0.0 : [ 4] $user$bloom1 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$bloom2 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$cmap0 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$cmap1 * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$edgeTex * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$env_s0 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$env_s1 * 0.0 : [ 5] $user$generic0 * 0.0 : [ 4] $user$generic1 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$generic2 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$jitter_0 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$jitter_1 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$jitter_2 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$jitter_3 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$jitter_4 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$jitter_mipped * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$lum_t64 * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$lum_t8 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$luminance_0 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$luminance_1 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$luminance_2 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$luminance_3 * 0.0 : [ 8] $user$material * 0.0 : [ 13] $user$position * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$rayCastTex * 0.0 : [ 6] $user$rayDataTex * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$rayDataTexSmall * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$sky0 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$sky1 * 0.0 : [ 6] $user$smap_depth * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$smap_surf * 0.0 : [ 10] $user$tonemap * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$tonemap_src * 0.0 : [ 1] prop\prop_lampa_g_red2 * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_beretta_sk1_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_binokl_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_grenade_40mm_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_grenade_f1_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] logo_stason174 * 0.1 : [ 1] ui\new_game\ui_new_game_factions * 0.1 : [ 1] ui\new_game\ui_new_game_map_3 * 0.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_9mm_bump# * 0.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_acog_bump# * 0.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_cz75_bump# * 0.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_m249_bump# * 0.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_m79_bump# * 0.7 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_step_blood * 1.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_spark_01 * 1.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_bubble * 1.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_leaves_01 * 1.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_leaves_02 * 1.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_splash3 * 1.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_splash_02 * 1.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_synus * 1.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_vehmetaldebris_01 * 1.4 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_harpoon_knife_bump# * 1.4 : [ 1] prop\prop_provod_02 * 1.5 : [ 1] glow\glow_rays * 1.5 : [ 1] ui\ui_console * 2.7 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_concretedebris_01 * 3.1 : [ 1] grad\grad_radiation * 3.1 : [ 5] sky\sky_12_vibros_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 26] sky\sky_13_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 16] sky\sky_13_cube_night#small * 3.1 : [ 12] sky\sky_13_vibros_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 10] sky\sky_14_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_17_clouds_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_17_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 8] sky\sky_18_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 11] sky\sky_19_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_1_clouds_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_20_clouds_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_20_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_2_clouds_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_2_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 12] sky\sky_3_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 3] sky\sky_4_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 30] sky\sky_5_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 7] sky\sky_6_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 11] sky\sky_7_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 8] sky\sky_8_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 49] sky\sky_9_cube#small * 4.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_flare1 * 4.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_flamefx_01 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_asfalt_1 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_asfalt_2 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_asfalt_3 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_brick_1 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_brick_2 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_1 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_2 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_4 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_5 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_6 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_7 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_ground * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_ground_1 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_ground_2 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik_1 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik_2 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik_3 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_1 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_2 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_3 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_4 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_1 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_2 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_3 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_4 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_5 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_6 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_7 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_8 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_9 * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_bloodsplash1 * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_spark_02 * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_21 * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_bubble_1 * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_bubble_water * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist2 * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist2inv * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist_teleport * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_flash_05 * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_flash_07 * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_specks_poison * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_spikey_star * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_splash_01 * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_stonedebris1 * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_stonedebris2 * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_vehglassdebris_01 * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_water_wave * 5.5 : [ 1] glow\glow_orange2 * 5.5 : [ 1] fx\fx_flare2 * 5.5 : [ 1] fx\fx_flare3 * 5.5 : [ 1] fx\fx_rain * 6.1 : [ 14] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_1#small * 6.1 : [ 40] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_2#small * 6.1 : [ 18] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_3#small * 6.1 : [ 14] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_5#small * 6.1 : [ 6] sky\af3_blowout\blowout1#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout1_1#small * 6.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout2#small * 6.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout2_night#small * 6.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_1#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_1_night#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_2#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_2_night#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_3#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_3_night#small * 6.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_night#small * 6.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4#small * 6.1 : [ 3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_1#small * 6.1 : [ 3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_1_night#small * 6.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_night#small * 6.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5#small * 6.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5_night#small * 6.1 : [ 7] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5psi#small * 6.1 : [ 7] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5psi_night#small * 6.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout6#small * 6.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout6_night#small * 6.1 : [ 3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout7#small * 6.1 : [ 4] sky\af3_blowout\blowout7_night#small * 6.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\00-00-fm#small * 6.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\00-00-hm#small * 6.1 : [ 25] sky\af3_clear\00-00-nm#small * 6.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\01-00-fm#small * 6.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\01-00-hm#small * 6.1 : [ 37] sky\af3_clear\01-00-nm#small * 6.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\02-00-fm#small * 6.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\02-00-hm#small * 6.1 : [ 25] sky\af3_clear\02-00-nm#small * 6.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\03-00-fm#small * 6.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\03-00-hm#small * 6.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\04-00-fm#small * 6.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\04-00-hm#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\04-30#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\05-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\05-30#small * 6.1 : [ 66] sky\af3_clear\06-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\07-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\08-00#small * 6.1 : [ 34] sky\af3_clear\09-00#small * 6.1 : [ 34] sky\af3_clear\10-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\11-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\12-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\13-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\14-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\15-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\16-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\17-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\18-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\19-00#small * 6.1 : [ 66] sky\af3_clear\20-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\20-30#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\21-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\21-30#small * 6.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\22-00-fm#small * 6.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\22-00-hm#small * 6.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\23-00-fm#small * 6.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\23-00-hm#small * 6.1 : [ 5] sky\af3_cloudy\05-00#small * 6.1 : [ 10] sky\af3_cloudy\06-00#small * 6.1 : [ 10] sky\af3_cloudy\07-00#small * 6.1 : [ 18] sky\af3_cloudy\08-00#small * 6.1 : [ 23] sky\af3_cloudy\09-00#small * 6.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_cloudy\10-00#small * 6.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_cloudy\11-00#small * 6.1 : [ 18] sky\af3_cloudy\12-00#small * 6.1 : [ 10] sky\af3_cloudy\13-00#small * 6.1 : [ 36] sky\af3_cloudy\14-00#small * 6.1 : [ 28] sky\af3_cloudy\15-00#small * 6.1 : [ 10] sky\af3_cloudy\16-00#small * 6.1 : [ 18] sky\af3_cloudy\17-00#small * 6.1 : [ 20] sky\af3_cloudy\18-00#small * 6.1 : [ 5] sky\af3_cloudy\19-00#small * 6.1 : [ 10] sky\af3_cloudy\20-00#small * 6.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_foggy\06-00#small * 6.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_foggy\07-00#small * 6.1 : [ 19] sky\af3_foggy\09-00#small * 6.1 : [ 40] sky\af3_foggy\10-00#small * 6.1 : [ 10] sky\af3_foggy\11-00#small * 6.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_foggy\12-00#small * 6.1 : [ 27] sky\af3_foggy\13-00#small * 6.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_foggy\14-00#small * 6.1 : [ 19] sky\af3_foggy\15-00#small * 6.1 : [ 19] sky\af3_foggy\16-00#small * 6.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_foggy\17-00#small * 6.1 : [ 19] sky\af3_foggy\18-00#small * 6.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_foggy\19-00#small * 6.1 : [ 22] sky\af3_foggy\20-00#small * 6.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\00-00-fm#small * 6.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\00-00-hm#small * 6.1 : [ 25] sky\af3_partly\00-00-nm#small * 6.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\01-00-fm#small * 6.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\01-00-hm#small * 6.1 : [ 38] sky\af3_partly\01-00-nm#small * 6.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\02-00-fm#small * 6.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\02-00-hm#small * 6.1 : [ 24] sky\af3_partly\02-00-nm#small * 6.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\03-00-fm#small * 6.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\03-00-hm#small * 6.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\04-00-fm#small * 6.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\04-00-hm#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\04-30#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\05-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\05-30#small * 6.1 : [ 66] sky\af3_partly\06-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\07-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\08-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\09-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\10-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\11-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\12-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\13-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\14-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\15-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\16-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\17-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\18-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\19-00#small * 6.1 : [ 66] sky\af3_partly\20-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\20-30#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\21-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\21-30#small * 6.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\22-00-fm#small * 6.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\22-00-hm#small * 6.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\23-00-fm#small * 6.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\23-00-hm#small * 6.1 : [ 26] sky\af3_rainy\07-00#small * 6.1 : [ 30] sky\af3_rainy\09-00_19-00#small * 6.1 : [ 58] sky\af3_rainy\13-00#small * 6.1 : [ 24] sky\af3_rainy\15-00#small * 6.1 : [ 31] sky\af3_rainy\15-00-2#small * 6.1 : [ 44] sky\af3_rainy\16-00#small * 6.1 : [ 32] sky\af3_rainy\20-00#small * 8.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_gologramma * 8.1 : [ 1] pfx\r_pop\shells\fake_shells * 10.7 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_electrostatic * 10.7 : [ 1] prop\prop_fake_bed_fireplace * 10.7 : [ 1] act\act_pseudodog_fur1 * 10.7 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_smokepuffs2 * 10.7 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_sparks * 10.7 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_woodchips1 * 10.7 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_woodchips3 * 10.8 : [ 1] amik\weapons\trace_01 * 16.1 : [ 2] internal\internal_fireTransferFunction * 16.1 : [ 1] amik\weapons\flame\trace * 16.1 : [ 1] amik\weapons\trace * 16.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_volumefog1 * 16.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_flash_01 * 16.1 : [ 1] ui\teamepic_logo * 16.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_arial_14_1024 * 16.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_drop_1 * 16.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_drop_2 * 16.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_grenade * 16.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_dead * 16.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_horiz * 16.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_blood * 16.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_wood * 16.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_wood1 * 16.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_wood2 * 21.3 : [ 2] detail\detail_beton_det4_bump * 21.3 : [ 2] detail\detail_beton_det4_bump# * 21.3 : [ 1] detail\detail_metall_det1_bump * 21.3 : [ 1] detail\detail_metall_det1_bump# * 21.3 : [ 1] detail\detail_metall_det3_bump * 21.3 : [ 1] detail\detail_metall_det3_bump# * 21.3 : [ 2] detail\detail_skin_1_bump * 21.3 : [ 2] detail\detail_skin_1_bump# * 21.3 : [ 1] detail\detail_wood_det2_bump * 21.3 : [ 1] detail\detail_wood_det2_bump# * 21.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_bloodsplash2 * 21.4 : [ 1] act\act_controller_hit1 * 21.4 : [ 1] act\variation mod\act_neutral\gas_mask_glass * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_1 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_16 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_17 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_19 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_3 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_4 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_5 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_8 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_88 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_brick * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_gradient1 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_light * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_light1 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_light3 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_light4 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_lightning_01 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_lightning_02 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_plasma * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_smoke_a * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_test_textures * 21.4 : [ 1] prop\prop_voda1 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_flame * 21.5 : [ 1] glow\glow_04 * 21.5 : [ 1] glow\glow_fire1 * 21.5 : [ 1] glow\glow_fire1_soc * 21.5 : [ 1] item\item_hammer * 21.5 : [ 1] fx\fx_rainsplash1 * 21.5 : [ 1] shoker_mod\explosions\firesmokeparticle * 21.5 : [ 1] amik\weapons\flame\trail * 32.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_ani-smoke-01 * 32.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_cc_lighting_grad2 * 32.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_letter_16_1024 * 32.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_letter_18_1024 * 32.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_blood1 * 32.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_metal * 32.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_ston * 33.0 : [ 1] ui\ui_ani_cursor * 42.7 : [ 2] ston\ston_beton_pod_01 * 42.7 : [ 2] ston\ston_zabor_02 * 42.7 : [ 2] wood\wood_plank6 * 42.7 : [ 1] act\act_crow * 42.7 : [ 1] act\act_ryukzak * 42.7 : [ 2] prop\prop_dangerbox_2 * 42.7 : [ 1] prop\prop_item3 * 42.7 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_concretepuffs_01 * 42.7 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_lighting_stancia_01 * 42.7 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_lighting_stancia_02 * 42.7 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_smokepuffs1 * 42.7 : [ 1] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_shells1 * 42.7 : [ 1] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_shells2 * 42.8 : [ 1] fx\fx_noise * 42.8 : [ 1] item\item_medkit * 42.8 : [ 1] item\item_medkit_3 * 42.8 : [ 1] lights\lights_cone_handing_lamp * 42.9 : [ 1] fx\fx_lightning * 48.1 : [ 1] sky\sky_cube_weapons * 64.1 : [ 1] amik\weapons\flash_02 * 64.1 : [ 1] amik\weapons\flash_04 * 64.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_sun * 64.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_sun_fog * 64.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_sun_gradient * 64.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_sun_halo * 64.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_sun_morning * 64.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_thunderbolts_gradient * 64.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_thunderbolts_gradient_surge * 64.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_18 * 64.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_flame_01 * 64.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_skinsplash1 * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_console_02 * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_graff_19_1024 * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_graff_22_1024 * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_hud_01 * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_hud_02 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_1 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_10 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_11 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_1_1 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_1_2 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_1_3 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_2 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_3 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_4 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_5 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_6 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_7 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_8 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_9 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_drop_3 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_drop_4 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_glass01 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_glass02 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_glass03 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_glass04 * 64.1 : [ 1] wpn\shell_545 * 85.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_12 * 85.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_13 * 85.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_14 * 85.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_15 * 85.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_16 * 85.3 : [ 2] crete\crete_debris_01_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] crete\crete_debris_01_bump# * 85.3 : [ 2] crete\crete_zabor_02_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] crete\crete_zabor_02_bump# * 85.3 : [ 2] detail\detail_beton_det4 * 85.3 : [ 1] detail\detail_metall_det1 * 85.3 : [ 1] detail\detail_metall_det3 * 85.3 : [ 2] detail\detail_skin_1 * 85.3 : [ 1] detail\detail_wood_det2 * 85.3 : [ 2] wood\wood_plank6_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] wood\wood_plank6_bump# * 85.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_6 * 85.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_9 * 85.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_blurry_cloud * 85.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_smoke_b * 85.3 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_03 * 85.3 : [ 2] act\act_pseudodog_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] act\act_pseudodog_bump# * 85.3 : [ 1] act\act_ryukzak_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] act\act_ryukzak_bump# * 85.3 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_dolg3b_bump# * 85.3 : [ 1] act\act_trup_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] act\act_trup_bump# * 85.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist3 * 85.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist4 * 85.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist8 * 85.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist9 * 85.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_distort_anomaly * 85.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_distortion * 85.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_ligth_6 * 85.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_specks * 85.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_teleport * 85.3 : [ 2] prop\prop_dangerbox_2_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] prop\prop_dangerbox_2_bump# * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_upgrade_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_upgrade_bump# * 85.4 : [ 1] glow\glow_orange * 85.4 : [ 1] glow\glow_orange_bright * 85.4 : [ 1] glow\glow_white * 85.4 : [ 1] glow\glow_yellow * 85.5 : [ 1] fx\fx_sun_rise * 85.5 : [ 1] item\item_vouda1 * 85.5 : [ 1] item\item_vouda2 * 85.5 : [ 1] item\item_vouda3 * 85.5 : [ 3] lights\lights_spot01 * 85.5 : [ 1] wpn\shell_545_bump * 85.5 : [ 1] wpn\shell_545_bump# * 128.1 : [ 1] act\variation mod\act_neutral\gp5a * 128.1 : [ 2] cooking\cooking_wood_stove * 128.1 : [ 2] fx\fx_noise2 * 128.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_shells1 * 128.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_shells2 * 128.1 : [ 1] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_ak_shells_1 * 128.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_graff_32_1024 * 170.5 : [ 3] veh\veh_btr * 170.6 : [ 2] act\act_himer3 * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_hero * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_monolith2 * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_monolith_2 * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_monolith_3 * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_monoliths * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_neutral_2 * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_soldier_4 * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_trup * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ammo * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_beretta_sk1 * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_grenade_40mm * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_03_bump * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_03_bump# * 170.6 : [ 1] act\variation mod\act_neutral\pockets_1a * 170.6 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_2 * 170.6 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_23 * 170.6 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_2_green * 170.6 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_7 * 170.8 : [ 1] item\item_ustroystva * 170.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_fn2000_lens * 256.1 : [ 1] cooking\cooking_wood_stove_bump * 256.1 : [ 1] cooking\cooking_wood_stove_bump# * 256.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_gradient1 * 256.1 : [ 1] prop\prop_voda1_bump * 256.1 : [ 1] prop\prop_voda1_bump# * 256.1 : [3082] sky\sky_oblaka * 256.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_portrets_special * 256.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_graff_50_1024 * 256.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_harpoon_knife_bump * 341.0 : [ 2] veh\veh_btr_bump * 341.0 : [ 2] veh\veh_btr_bump# * 341.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_gradient * 341.1 : [ 2] act\act_himera_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] act\act_himera_bump# * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_dolg3b_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_dolg_4_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_dolg_4_bump# * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_hero_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_hero_bump# * 341.1 : [ 2] act\act_stalker_monolith_2_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] act\act_stalker_monolith_2_bump# * 341.1 : [ 2] act\act_stalker_neutral_2_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] act\act_stalker_neutral_2_bump# * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_beretta_sk1_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_grenade_40mm_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_upgrade * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_9mm * 341.5 : [ 1] drink\drink_match0 * 341.5 : [ 1] fx\fx_glare_clear_day * 341.5 : [ 1] fx\fx_glare_cloudy * 341.5 : [ 1] fx\fx_gradient * 341.5 : [ 1] item\item_food * 341.5 : [ 1] shoker_mod\explosions\explosion_smoke01 * 341.5 : [ 1] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_smoke_1 * 512.1 : [ 1] amk\items\500 * 512.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_explotions_3 * 512.1 : [ 1] pfx\r_pop\shells\12ga * 512.1 : [ 1] pfx\r_pop\shells\45acp * 512.1 : [ 1] pfx\r_pop\shells\545x39 * 512.1 : [ 1] pfx\r_pop\shells\556x45 * 512.1 : [ 1] pfx\r_pop\shells\762x39 * 512.1 : [ 1] pfx\r_pop\shells\762x51 * 512.1 : [ 1] pfx\r_pop\shells\762x54 * 512.1 : [ 1] pfx\r_pop\shells\9x18 * 512.1 : [ 1] pfx\r_pop\shells\9x19 * 512.1 : [ 1] pfx\r_pop\shells\9x39 * 512.1 : [ 1] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_shells3 * 512.1 : [ 1] ui\logo_stason174 * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_binokl * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_grenade_f1 * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_arm_mono_glove * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_acog * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_face_mask_0x * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_9mm_bump * 768.1 : [ 14] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_1 * 768.1 : [ 40] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_2 * 768.1 : [ 18] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_3 * 768.1 : [ 14] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_5 * 768.1 : [ 6] sky\af3_blowout\blowout1 * 768.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout1_1 * 768.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout2 * 768.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout2_night * 768.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3 * 768.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_1 * 768.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_1_night * 768.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_2 * 768.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_2_night * 768.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_3 * 768.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_3_night * 768.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_night * 768.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4 * 768.1 : [ 3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_1 * 768.1 : [ 3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_1_night * 768.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_night * 768.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5 * 768.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5_night * 768.1 : [ 7] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5psi * 768.1 : [ 7] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5psi_night * 768.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout6 * 768.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout6_night * 768.1 : [ 3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout7 * 768.1 : [ 4] sky\af3_blowout\blowout7_night * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\00-00-fm * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\00-00-hm * 768.1 : [ 25] sky\af3_clear\00-00-nm * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\01-00-fm * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\01-00-hm * 768.1 : [ 37] sky\af3_clear\01-00-nm * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\02-00-fm * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\02-00-hm * 768.1 : [ 25] sky\af3_clear\02-00-nm * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\03-00-fm * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\03-00-hm * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\04-00-fm * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\04-00-hm * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\04-30 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\05-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\05-30 * 768.1 : [ 66] sky\af3_clear\06-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\07-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\08-00 * 768.1 : [ 34] sky\af3_clear\09-00 * 768.1 : [ 34] sky\af3_clear\10-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\11-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\12-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\13-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\14-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\15-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\16-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\17-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\18-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\19-00 * 768.1 : [ 66] sky\af3_clear\20-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\20-30 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\21-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\21-30 * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\22-00-fm * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\22-00-hm * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\23-00-fm * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\23-00-hm * 768.1 : [ 5] sky\af3_cloudy\05-00 * 768.1 : [ 10] sky\af3_cloudy\06-00 * 768.1 : [ 10] sky\af3_cloudy\07-00 * 768.1 : [ 18] sky\af3_cloudy\08-00 * 768.1 : [ 23] sky\af3_cloudy\09-00 * 768.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_cloudy\10-00 * 768.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_cloudy\11-00 * 768.1 : [ 18] sky\af3_cloudy\12-00 * 768.1 : [ 10] sky\af3_cloudy\13-00 * 768.1 : [ 36] sky\af3_cloudy\14-00 * 768.1 : [ 28] sky\af3_cloudy\15-00 * 768.1 : [ 10] sky\af3_cloudy\16-00 * 768.1 : [ 18] sky\af3_cloudy\17-00 * 768.1 : [ 20] sky\af3_cloudy\18-00 * 768.1 : [ 5] sky\af3_cloudy\19-00 * 768.1 : [ 10] sky\af3_cloudy\20-00 * 768.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_foggy\06-00 * 768.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_foggy\07-00 * 768.1 : [ 19] sky\af3_foggy\09-00 * 768.1 : [ 40] sky\af3_foggy\10-00 * 768.1 : [ 10] sky\af3_foggy\11-00 * 768.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_foggy\12-00 * 768.1 : [ 27] sky\af3_foggy\13-00 * 768.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_foggy\14-00 * 768.1 : [ 19] sky\af3_foggy\15-00 * 768.1 : [ 19] sky\af3_foggy\16-00 * 768.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_foggy\17-00 * 768.1 : [ 19] sky\af3_foggy\18-00 * 768.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_foggy\19-00 * 768.1 : [ 22] sky\af3_foggy\20-00 * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\00-00-fm * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\00-00-hm * 768.1 : [ 25] sky\af3_partly\00-00-nm * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\01-00-fm * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\01-00-hm * 768.1 : [ 38] sky\af3_partly\01-00-nm * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\02-00-fm * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\02-00-hm * 768.1 : [ 24] sky\af3_partly\02-00-nm * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\03-00-fm * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\03-00-hm * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\04-00-fm * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\04-00-hm * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\04-30 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\05-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\05-30 * 768.1 : [ 66] sky\af3_partly\06-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\07-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\08-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\09-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\10-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\11-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\12-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\13-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\14-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\15-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\16-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\17-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\18-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\19-00 * 768.1 : [ 66] sky\af3_partly\20-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\20-30 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\21-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\21-30 * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\22-00-fm * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\22-00-hm * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\23-00-fm * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\23-00-hm * 768.1 : [ 26] sky\af3_rainy\07-00 * 768.1 : [ 30] sky\af3_rainy\09-00_19-00 * 768.1 : [ 58] sky\af3_rainy\13-00 * 768.1 : [ 24] sky\af3_rainy\15-00 * 768.1 : [ 31] sky\af3_rainy\15-00-2 * 768.1 : [ 44] sky\af3_rainy\16-00 * 768.1 : [ 32] sky\af3_rainy\20-00 * 768.1 : [ 5] sky\sky_12_vibros_cube * 768.1 : [ 26] sky\sky_13_cube * 768.1 : [ 16] sky\sky_13_cube_night * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\sky_13_vibros_cube * 768.1 : [ 10] sky\sky_14_cube * 768.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_17_clouds_cube * 768.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_17_cube * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\sky_18_cube * 768.1 : [ 11] sky\sky_19_cube * 768.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_1_clouds_cube * 768.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_20_clouds_cube * 768.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_20_cube * 768.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_2_clouds_cube * 768.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_2_cube * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\sky_3_cube * 768.1 : [ 3] sky\sky_4_cube * 768.1 : [ 30] sky\sky_5_cube * 768.1 : [ 7] sky\sky_6_cube * 768.1 : [ 11] sky\sky_7_cube * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\sky_8_cube * 768.1 : [ 49] sky\sky_9_cube * 1024.1 : [ 3] act\act_pseudodog1 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_1 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_2 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_3 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_4 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_5 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_6 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_7 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_phase_1 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_phase_2 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_phase_3 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_phase_4 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_phase_5 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_phase_6 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_phase_7 * 1024.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_ani-explosion-02 * 1024.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_ani-explosion-02-b-a * 1024.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_ani-explosion-02a * 1024.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_explotions_2 * 1024.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_explotions_4 * 1024.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_explotions_smoke * 1024.1 : [ 1] shoker_mod\explosions\final_expl * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_mp_screen * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_sleep_screen * 1024.1 : [ 1] water\water_SBumpVolume * 1024.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_harpoon_knife * 1364.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_ani-fire01 * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_binokl_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_grenade_f1_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] water\water_flowing_nmap * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_arm_mono_1 * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_arm_mono_glove_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_arm_mono_glove_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] fx\fx_glare * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_acog_bump * 2048.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_cc_lightings * 2048.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_buy_menu * 2730.8 : [ 1] act\act_arm_sviter_1 * 2730.8 : [ 1] act\act_sviterok * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_cz75 * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_m249 * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_m79 * 2730.8 : [ 1] act\act_arm_bandit * 2730.8 : [ 1] act\act_arm_bandit_bump * 2730.8 : [ 1] act\act_arm_bandit_bump# * 2730.8 : [ 1] act\act_arm_mono_1_bump * 2730.8 : [ 1] act\act_arm_mono_1_bump# * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\new_game\ui_new_game_popup * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_multiplayer_game_menu * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_common * 5461.5 : [ 1] act\act_arm_sviter_1_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] act\act_arm_sviter_1_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_cz75_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_m249_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_m79_bump * 8100.0 : [ 1] ui\ui_background_new * 8192.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_static_mm_back_01 * 8192.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_static_mm_back_04 * 9902.3 : [ 1] water\water_normal * 16384.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_icon_equipment bin64\xrengine.exe -dbg -skip_reg -noprefetch ! Unable to find Software\GSC Game World\STALKER-COP\ in registry ! Player name registry key (InstallUserName) not found ! * loading script _G.script * loading script class_registrator.script * loading script ui_main_menu.script * loading script smart_terrain.script * loading script se_level_changer.script * loading script se_actor.script * loading script se_stalker.script * loading script se_heli.script * loading script se_zones.script * loading script se_item.script * loading script se_smart_cover.script * loading script se_car.script * loading script se_artefact.script * loading script se_monster.script * loading script sim_squad_scripted.script * loading script game_registrator.script Call of Chernobyl version 1.4.22 using marshal library * loading script sound_theme.script * loading script alun_utils.script * loading script axr_main.script * loading script _g.script * loading script actor_effects_data.script * loading script actor_menu.script * loading script actor_menu_inventory.script * loading script actor_proxy.script * loading script ai_stalker.script * loading script alife_storage_manager.script * loading script ammo_aggregation.script * loading script artefact_degradation.script * loading script atmosfear_options.script * loading script axr_beh.script * loading script axr_companions.script * loading script axr_dynamic_spawn.script * loading script axr_fight_from_cover.script * loading script axr_keybind.script * loading script axr_logic.script * loading script axr_main_options.script * loading script axr_npc_vs_box.script * loading script axr_npc_vs_heli.script * loading script axr_radio_in_heli.script * loading script axr_stalker_panic.script * loading script axr_task_manager.script * loading script axr_trade_manager.script * loading script axr_turn_on_campfire.script * loading script azazel_mode.script * loading script bind_anomaly_field.script * loading script bind_anomaly_zone.script * loading script bind_artefact.script * loading script bind_camp.script * loading script bind_campfire.script * loading script bind_car.script * loading script bind_container.script * loading script bind_crow.script * loading script bind_door_labx8.script * loading script bind_faction.script * loading script bind_heli.script * loading script bind_item.script * loading script bind_level_changer.script * loading script bind_monster.script * loading script bind_physic_object.script * loading script bind_red_forest_bridge.script * loading script bind_restrictor.script * loading script bind_signal_light.script * loading script bind_smart_cover.script * loading script bind_smart_terrain.script * loading script bind_stalker.script * loading script bind_stalker_ext.script * loading script bind_trader.script * loading script cam_effector_sets.script * loading script campfire_manager.script * loading script check_logic_path.script * loading script closecaption.script * loading script coc_treasure_manager.script * loading script combat_restrictor.script * loading script cover_manager.script * loading script db.script * loading script death_manager.script * loading script debug_cmd_list.script * loading script dfz_hide_wpn.script * loading script dialog_manager.script * loading script dialogs.script * loading script dialogs_axr_companion.script * loading script dialogs_bar.script * loading script dialogs_darkvalley.script * loading script dialogs_escape.script * loading script dialogs_faction.script * loading script dialogs_jupiter.script * loading script dialogs_marsh.script * loading script dialogs_mlr.script * loading script dialogs_pripyat.script * loading script dialogs_warlab.script * loading script dialogs_yantar.script * loading script dialogs_zaton.script * loading script dinamic_hud.script * loading script rx_utils.script * loading script dragdrop_disassemble.script * loading script dxr_achievements.script * loading script dxr_encyclopedia.script * loading script dxr_scopes.script * loading script dynamic_news_helper.script * loading script dynamic_news_manager.script * loading script enhanced_animations.script * loading script faction_functions.script * loading script faction_money.script * loading script faction_snaraga.script * loading script fast_travel.script * loading script flashlight.script ! [LUA] File not found "c:\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. - call of chernobyl\gamedata\sounds\makdm\bandit_outfit_take.ogg"! ! [LUA] File not found "c:\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. - call of chernobyl\gamedata\sounds\makdm\bad_box.ogg"! * loading script game_relations.script * loading script gulag_general.script * loading script heli_alife.script * loading script heli_combat.script * loading script heli_fire.script * loading script heli_fly.script * loading script heli_look.script * loading script heli_move.script * loading script heli_snd.script * loading script xr_sound.script * loading script info_portions.script * loading script inventory_radiation.script * loading script inventory_upgrades.script * loading script ironman_manager.script * loading script item_animations.script * loading script itms_manager.script * loading script jg_gps.script * loading script jg_guider.script * loading script jg_timers.script * loading script jg_utils.script * loading script lanforse_extra.script * loading script level_input.script * loading script level_weathers.script * loading script loadscreen.script * loading script lootmoney.script * loading script lua_extensions.script * loading script m_mines.script * loading script mask_hud.script * loading script memusage.script * loading script mlr_utils.script * loading script mob_camp.script * loading script mob_combat.script * loading script mob_death.script * loading script mob_home.script * loading script mob_jump.script * loading script mob_remark.script * loading script mob_sound.script * loading script mob_state_mgr.script * loading script mob_trade.script * loading script mob_trader.script * loading script mob_walker.script * loading script mod_flags.script * loading script modules.script * loading script xr_meet.script * loading script xr_actions_id.script * loading script xr_wounded.script * loading script xr_danger.script * loading script xr_abuse.script * loading script xr_gather_items.script * loading script xr_help_wounded.script * loading script xr_corpse_detection.script * loading script rx_ff.script * loading script xrs_facer.script * loading script xrs_kill_wounded.script * loading script xr_walker.script * loading script xr_remark.script * loading script xr_cover.script * loading script xr_sleeper.script * loading script xr_camper.script * loading script xr_combat.script * loading script xr_death.script * loading script xr_hit.script * loading script xr_combat_ignore.script * loading script xr_combat_zombied.script * loading script xr_patrol.script * loading script xr_smartcover.script * loading script xr_animpoint.script * loading script xr_reach_task.script * loading script ph_car.script * loading script ph_door.script * loading script ph_idle.script * loading script ph_hit.script * loading script ph_on_hit.script * loading script ph_button.script * loading script ph_code.script * loading script ph_death.script * loading script ph_minigun.script * loading script ph_oscillate.script * loading script ph_sound.script * loading script sr_no_weapon.script * loading script sr_teleport.script * loading script sr_idle.script * loading script sr_light.script * loading script sr_timer.script * loading script sr_psy_antenna.script * loading script sr_postprocess.script * loading script sr_particle.script * loading script sr_cutscene.script * loading script sr_monster.script * loading script sr_crow_spawner.script * loading script sr_silence.script * loading script sr_deimos.script * loading script xr_campfire_point.script * loading script money.script * loading script move_mgr.script * loading script news_manager.script * loading script npc_death_sound.script * loading script ogse_wpn_explode_fx.script * loading script outfit_marauder.script * loading script pda.script * loading script pda_backpack_travel.script * loading script pda_chat_names_lists_fonswong.script * loading script pda_chat_processor_fonswong.script * loading script pda_fonswong.script * loading script pda_level_change.script * loading script pda_utils_fonswong.script * loading script ph_appforce.script * loading script phantom_manager.script * loading script post_combat_idle.script * loading script profiler.script * loading script psi_storm_manager.script * loading script ranks.script * loading script release_body_manager.script * loading script release_item_manager.script * loading script restrictor_manager.script * loading script safe_release_manager.script * loading script savegame_conditions.script * loading script savegame_timer.script * loading script se_new_attachable_item.script * loading script se_squad_group.script * loading script sim_board.script * loading script sim_objects.script * loading script sim_squad_actions.script * loading script sim_squad_generic.script * loading script simulation_objects.script * loading script sleep_dep.script * loading script slot_hud.script * loading script smart_covers.script * loading script smart_covers_combat_front.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_crouch_front_left.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_crouch_front.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_crouch_front_right.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_stand_front_left.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_stand_front_right.script * loading script smart_covers_combat_prone.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_prone.script * loading script smart_covers_animpoint_stay_wall.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_animpoint_stay_wall.script * loading script smart_covers_animpoint_stay_table.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_animpoint_stay_table.script * loading script smart_covers_animpoint_sit_high.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_animpoint_sit_high.script * loading script smart_covers_animpoint_sit_normal.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_animpoint_sit_normal.script * loading script smart_covers_animpoint_sit_low.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_animpoint_sit_low.script * loading script smart_covers_animpoint_sit_ass.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_animpoint_sit_ass.script * loading script smart_covers_animpoint_sit_knee.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_animpoint_sit_knee.script * loading script smart_covers_animpoint_stay_ohrana.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_animpoint_stay_ohrana.script * loading script smart_covers_animpoint_stay_bar.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_animpoint_stay_bar.script * loading script smart_covers_animpoint_sit_wait.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_animpoint_sit_wait.script * loading script smart_covers_animpoint_stay_wait.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_animpoint_stay_wait.script * loading script smart_covers_animpoint_pri_a15.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_animpoint_pri_a15.script * loading script smart_covers_anim_pri_a22.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_anim_pri_a22.script * loading script smart_covers_combat.script * loading script smart_covers_cover_lesnik.script * loading script smart_covers_cover_loophole_lead_forester_idle_talk.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_crouch_back.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_crouch_left.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_crouch_right.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_lead_forester_idle.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_lead_forester_talk.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_lesnik.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_stand_back.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_stand_left.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_stand_right.script * loading script smart_names.script * loading script sound_manager.script * loading script spawn_nimble_items.script * loading script spawner.script * loading script sr_camp.script * loading script stalker_generic.script * loading script stason.script * loading script stason_alife.script * loading script state_lib.script * loading script utils.script * loading script state_lib_animpoint.script * loading script state_mgr_scenario.script * loading script state_mgr_pri_a15.script * loading script state_mgr.script * loading script state_mgr_animation.script * loading script state_mgr_animation_list.script * loading script xr_effects.script * loading script state_mgr_animation_list_animpoint.script * loading script state_mgr_animstate.script * loading script state_mgr_animstate_list.script * loading script state_mgr_animstate_list_animpoint.script * loading script state_mgr_bodystate.script * loading script state_mgr_direction.script * loading script state_mgr_goap.script * loading script state_mgr_mental.script * loading script state_mgr_movement.script * loading script state_mgr_smartcover.script * loading script state_mgr_weapon.script * loading script story_objects.script * loading script stpk_utils.script * loading script surge_manager.script * loading script survival_mode.script * loading script task_functor.script * loading script task_manager.script * loading script task_objects.script * loading script task_status_functor.script * loading script trade_manager.script * loading script trans_outfit.script * loading script transitions.script * loading script transitions_list.script * loading script ui_addon_azazel_faction_chooser.script * loading script ui_addon_companion_quick_menu.script * loading script ui_ami_position.script * loading script ui_debug_main.script * loading script ui_dyn_msg_box.script * loading script ui_enemy_health.script * loading script ui_freeplay_dialog.script * loading script ui_itm_backpack.script * loading script ui_itm_camp_cooking.script * loading script ui_itm_cooking.script * loading script ui_itm_repair.script * loading script ui_load_dialog.script * loading script ui_mm_faction_select.script * loading script ui_mm_opt_con_cmd.script * loading script ui_mm_opt_controls.script * loading script ui_mm_opt_gameplay.script * loading script ui_mm_opt_main.script * loading script ui_mm_opt_sound.script * loading script ui_mm_opt_video.script * loading script ui_mm_opt_video_adv.script * loading script ui_mod_elements.script * loading script ui_mutant_loot.script * loading script ui_numpad.script * loading script ui_pda_contacts_tab.script * loading script ui_pda_encyclopedia_tab.script * loading script ui_pda_relations_tab.script * loading script ui_save_dialog.script * loading script ui_scenes.script * loading script ui_sleep_dialog.script * loading script ui_sr_teleport.script * loading script ui_wpn_params.script * loading script unload_all_weapons.script * loading script version.script * loading script visual_memory_manager.script * loading script wpn_effects.script * loading script xr_animpoint_predicates.script * loading script xr_box.script * loading script xr_combat_camper.script * loading script xr_evaluators_id.script * loading script xr_combat_monolith.script * loading script xr_conditions.script * loading script xr_detector.script * loading script xr_dialogs.script * loading script xr_eat_medkit.script * loading script xr_gulag.script * loading script xr_hear.script * loading script xr_info.script * loading script xr_logic.script * loading script xr_motivator.script * loading script xr_state.script * loading script xr_statistic.script * loading script xr_zones.script * loading script xr_zones_sound.script * loading script xrs_debug_tools.script * loading script xrs_dyn_music.script * loading script xrs_dynamic_music_themes.script * loading script xrs_stereo.script * loading script zone_new.script * loading script zone_news_main.script * loading script zone_no_weapon.script * loading script zone_surge_news.script alife_storage_manager.on_game_start() ammo_aggregation.on_game_start() artefact_degradation.on_game_start() axr_companions.on_game_start() axr_keybind.on_game_start() axr_task_manager.on_game_start() axr_trade_manager.on_game_start() axr_turn_on_campfire.on_game_start() azazel_mode.on_game_start() bind_campfire.on_game_start() campfire_manager.on_game_start() coc_treasure_manager.on_game_start() dfz_hide_wpn.on_game_start() dialogs_mlr.on_game_start() dinamic_hud.on_game_start() dragdrop_disassemble.on_game_start() dxr_encyclopedia.on_game_start() dxr_scopes.on_game_start() ~ Invalid syntax in call to 'snd_targets' ~ Valid arguments: integer value in range [16,256] * sound : cache: 131074 kb, 9712 lines, 13820 bpl dynamic_news_manager.on_game_start() enhanced_animations.on_game_start() flashlight.on_game_start() info_portions.on_game_start() inventory_radiation.on_game_start() ironman_manager.on_game_start() item_animations.on_game_start() itms_manager.on_game_start() jg_guider.on_game_start() jg_timers.on_game_start() lanforse_extra.on_game_start() m_mines.on_game_start() mask_hud.on_game_start() mob_trade.on_game_start() modules.on_game_start() npc_death_sound.on_game_start() outfit_marauder.on_game_start() pda.on_game_start() pda_backpack_travel.on_game_start() pda_fonswong.on_game_start() pda_level_change.on_game_start() phantom_manager.on_game_start() release_item_manager.on_game_start() safe_release_manager.on_game_start() savegame_timer.on_game_start() sleep_dep.on_game_start() slot_hud.on_game_start() stason.on_game_start() surge_manager.on_game_start() survival_mode.on_game_start() ui_addon_companion_quick_menu.on_game_start() ui_enemy_health.on_game_start() ui_mm_faction_select.on_game_start() unload_all_weapons.on_game_start() wpn_effects.on_game_start() xr_combat_ignore.on_game_start() xr_corpse_detection.on_game_start() xr_danger.on_game_start() xr_eat_medkit.on_game_start() xr_gather_items.on_game_start() xr_statistic.on_game_start() xrs_debug_tools.on_game_start() xrs_dyn_music.on_game_start() xrs_facer.on_game_start() xrs_kill_wounded.on_game_start() zone_new.on_game_start() * phase time: 466 ms * phase cmem: 415343 K * phase time: 5 ms * phase cmem: 415334 K * Creating new game... * Loading spawn registry... * 18942 spawn points are successfully loaded * New game is successfully created! * phase time: 1570 ms * phase cmem: 424959 K [LSS] Spawning object [fake_actor][actor][0] [LSS] Spawning object [fake_level_changer][level_changer][18388] * phase time: 6 ms * phase cmem: 424960 K * phase time: 7 ms * phase cmem: 424960 K * WARNING: player not logged in * client : connection accepted - <All Ok> * phase time: 7 ms * phase cmem: 424992 K * phase time: 5 ms * phase cmem: 424992 K * phase time: 13 ms * phase cmem: 424999 K * phase time: 15 ms * phase cmem: 439925 K * [Loading VB] 116 verts, 3 Kb * [Loading IB] 246 indices, 0 Kb * phase time: 6 ms * phase cmem: 439927 K * phase time: 5 ms * phase cmem: 439927 K * phase time: 5 ms * phase cmem: 439927 K WARNING: Occlusion map 'c:\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. - call of chernobyl\gamedata\levels\fake_start\level.hom' not found. * phase time: 5 ms * phase cmem: 439927 K * phase time: 6 ms * phase cmem: 439927 K * phase time: 6 ms * phase cmem: 439927 K CResourceManager::DeferredUpload -> START, size = 808 TextureLoading -> thread 1 started! TextureLoading -> thread 2 started! TextureLoading -> thread 2 finished! TextureLoading -> thread 3 started! TextureLoading -> thread 4 started! TextureLoading -> thread 4 finished! TextureLoading -> thread 1 finished! TextureLoading -> thread 3 finished! texture loading time: 422 * t-report - base: 807, 324681 K * t-report - lmap: 1, 1024 K * WARNING: player not logged in * phase time: 2157 ms * phase cmem: 440075 K * phase time: 7 ms * phase cmem: 440075 K * [win32]: free[137432780112 K], reserved[4453024 K], committed[1720272 K] * [ D3D ]: textures[411723 K] * [x-ray]: process heap[440075 K], game lua[0 K], render[2695 K] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[27539 K], smem[16674 K] ! Invalid weather name: dynamic_default DRX SL current storyline task: drx_sl_pri_monolith_monolith_trader_stalker_start_game_1 * Saving spawns... * Saving objects... * 23772 objects are successfully saved * Game ян - autosave.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\ян - autosave.scop' collectgarbage before=33424972Kb collectgarbage after=25551937Kb * loading script pda_utils_FonSwong.script * loading script pda_FonSwong.script - Disconnect - Destroying level * 0.0 : [ 3] $null * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$NVHHGGTex * 0.0 : [ 5] $user$NVjitterTex * 0.0 : [ 8] $user$Texture_color * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$Texture_color_out * 0.0 : [ 7] $user$Texture_obstacles * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$Texture_obstvelocity * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$Texture_pressure * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$Texture_tempscalar * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$Texture_tempvector * 0.0 : [ 5] $user$Texture_velocity0 * 0.0 : [ 4] $user$Texture_velocity1 * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$accum * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$accum_temp * 0.0 : [ 7] $user$albedo * 0.0 : [ 4] $user$bloom1 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$bloom2 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$cmap0 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$cmap1 * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$edgeTex * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$env_s0 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$env_s1 * 0.0 : [ 5] $user$generic0 * 0.0 : [ 4] $user$generic1 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$generic2 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$jitter_0 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$jitter_1 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$jitter_2 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$jitter_3 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$jitter_4 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$jitter_mipped * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$lum_t64 * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$lum_t8 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$luminance_0 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$luminance_1 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$luminance_2 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$luminance_3 * 0.0 : [ 8] $user$material * 0.0 : [ 13] $user$position * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$rayCastTex * 0.0 : [ 6] $user$rayDataTex * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$rayDataTexSmall * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$sky0 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$sky1 * 0.0 : [ 6] $user$smap_depth * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$smap_surf * 0.0 : [ 10] $user$tonemap * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$tonemap_src * 0.0 : [ 1] prop\prop_lampa_g_red2 * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_beretta_sk1_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_binokl_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_grenade_40mm_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_grenade_f1_bump# * 0.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_9mm_bump# * 0.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_acog_bump# * 0.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_cz75_bump# * 0.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_m249_bump# * 0.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_m79_bump# * 0.4 : [ 1] map\map_nomap * 0.7 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_step_blood * 1.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_spark_01 * 1.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_bubble * 1.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_leaves_01 * 1.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_leaves_02 * 1.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_splash3 * 1.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_splash_02 * 1.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_synus * 1.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_vehmetaldebris_01 * 1.4 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_harpoon_knife_bump# * 1.4 : [ 1] prop\prop_provod_02 * 1.5 : [ 1] glow\glow_rays * 1.5 : [ 1] ui\ui_console * 2.7 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_concretedebris_01 * 3.1 : [ 1] grad\grad_radiation * 3.1 : [ 5] sky\sky_12_vibros_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 26] sky\sky_13_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 16] sky\sky_13_cube_night#small * 3.1 : [ 12] sky\sky_13_vibros_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 10] sky\sky_14_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_17_clouds_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_17_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 8] sky\sky_18_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 11] sky\sky_19_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_1_clouds_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_20_clouds_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_20_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_2_clouds_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_2_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 12] sky\sky_3_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 3] sky\sky_4_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 30] sky\sky_5_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 7] sky\sky_6_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 11] sky\sky_7_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 8] sky\sky_8_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 49] sky\sky_9_cube#small * 4.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_flare1 * 4.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_flamefx_01 * 4.1 : [ 1] ui\cursor * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_asfalt_1 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_asfalt_2 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_asfalt_3 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_brick_1 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_brick_2 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_1 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_2 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_4 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_5 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_6 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_7 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_ground * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_ground_1 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_ground_2 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik_1 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik_2 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik_3 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_1 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_2 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_3 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_4 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_1 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_2 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_3 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_4 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_5 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_6 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_7 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_8 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_9 * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_bloodsplash1 * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_spark_02 * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_21 * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_bubble_1 * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_bubble_water * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist2 * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist2inv * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist_teleport * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_flash_05 * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_flash_07 * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_specks_poison * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_spikey_star * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_splash_01 * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_stonedebris1 * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_stonedebris2 * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_vehglassdebris_01 * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_water_wave * 5.5 : [ 1] glow\glow_orange2 * 5.5 : [ 1] fx\fx_flare2 * 5.5 : [ 1] fx\fx_flare3 * 5.5 : [ 1] fx\fx_rain * 6.1 : [ 14] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_1#small * 6.1 : [ 40] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_2#small * 6.1 : [ 18] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_3#small * 6.1 : [ 14] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_5#small * 6.1 : [ 6] sky\af3_blowout\blowout1#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout1_1#small * 6.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout2#small * 6.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout2_night#small * 6.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_1#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_1_night#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_2#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_2_night#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_3#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_3_night#small * 6.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_night#small * 6.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4#small * 6.1 : [ 3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_1#small * 6.1 : [ 3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_1_night#small * 6.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_night#small * 6.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5#small * 6.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5_night#small * 6.1 : [ 7] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5psi#small * 6.1 : [ 7] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5psi_night#small * 6.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout6#small * 6.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout6_night#small * 6.1 : [ 3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout7#small * 6.1 : [ 4] sky\af3_blowout\blowout7_night#small * 6.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\00-00-fm#small * 6.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\00-00-hm#small * 6.1 : [ 25] sky\af3_clear\00-00-nm#small * 6.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\01-00-fm#small * 6.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\01-00-hm#small * 6.1 : [ 37] sky\af3_clear\01-00-nm#small * 6.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\02-00-fm#small * 6.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\02-00-hm#small * 6.1 : [ 25] sky\af3_clear\02-00-nm#small * 6.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\03-00-fm#small * 6.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\03-00-hm#small * 6.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\04-00-fm#small * 6.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\04-00-hm#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\04-30#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\05-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\05-30#small * 6.1 : [ 66] sky\af3_clear\06-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\07-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\08-00#small * 6.1 : [ 34] sky\af3_clear\09-00#small * 6.1 : [ 34] sky\af3_clear\10-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\11-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\12-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\13-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\14-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\15-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\16-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\17-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\18-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\19-00#small * 6.1 : [ 66] sky\af3_clear\20-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\20-30#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\21-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\21-30#small * 6.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\22-00-fm#small * 6.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\22-00-hm#small * 6.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\23-00-fm#small * 6.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\23-00-hm#small * 6.1 : [ 5] sky\af3_cloudy\05-00#small * 6.1 : [ 10] sky\af3_cloudy\06-00#small * 6.1 : [ 10] sky\af3_cloudy\07-00#small * 6.1 : [ 18] sky\af3_cloudy\08-00#small * 6.1 : [ 23] sky\af3_cloudy\09-00#small * 6.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_cloudy\10-00#small * 6.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_cloudy\11-00#small * 6.1 : [ 18] sky\af3_cloudy\12-00#small * 6.1 : [ 10] sky\af3_cloudy\13-00#small * 6.1 : [ 36] sky\af3_cloudy\14-00#small * 6.1 : [ 28] sky\af3_cloudy\15-00#small * 6.1 : [ 10] sky\af3_cloudy\16-00#small * 6.1 : [ 18] sky\af3_cloudy\17-00#small * 6.1 : [ 20] sky\af3_cloudy\18-00#small * 6.1 : [ 5] sky\af3_cloudy\19-00#small * 6.1 : [ 10] sky\af3_cloudy\20-00#small * 6.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_foggy\06-00#small * 6.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_foggy\07-00#small * 6.1 : [ 19] sky\af3_foggy\09-00#small * 6.1 : [ 40] sky\af3_foggy\10-00#small * 6.1 : [ 10] sky\af3_foggy\11-00#small * 6.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_foggy\12-00#small * 6.1 : [ 27] sky\af3_foggy\13-00#small * 6.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_foggy\14-00#small * 6.1 : [ 19] sky\af3_foggy\15-00#small * 6.1 : [ 19] sky\af3_foggy\16-00#small * 6.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_foggy\17-00#small * 6.1 : [ 19] sky\af3_foggy\18-00#small * 6.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_foggy\19-00#small * 6.1 : [ 22] sky\af3_foggy\20-00#small * 6.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\00-00-fm#small * 6.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\00-00-hm#small * 6.1 : [ 25] sky\af3_partly\00-00-nm#small * 6.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\01-00-fm#small * 6.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\01-00-hm#small * 6.1 : [ 38] sky\af3_partly\01-00-nm#small * 6.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\02-00-fm#small * 6.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\02-00-hm#small * 6.1 : [ 24] sky\af3_partly\02-00-nm#small * 6.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\03-00-fm#small * 6.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\03-00-hm#small * 6.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\04-00-fm#small * 6.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\04-00-hm#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\04-30#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\05-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\05-30#small * 6.1 : [ 66] sky\af3_partly\06-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\07-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\08-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\09-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\10-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\11-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\12-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\13-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\14-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\15-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\16-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\17-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\18-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\19-00#small * 6.1 : [ 66] sky\af3_partly\20-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\20-30#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\21-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\21-30#small * 6.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\22-00-fm#small * 6.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\22-00-hm#small * 6.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\23-00-fm#small * 6.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\23-00-hm#small * 6.1 : [ 26] sky\af3_rainy\07-00#small * 6.1 : [ 30] sky\af3_rainy\09-00_19-00#small * 6.1 : [ 58] sky\af3_rainy\13-00#small * 6.1 : [ 24] sky\af3_rainy\15-00#small * 6.1 : [ 31] sky\af3_rainy\15-00-2#small * 6.1 : [ 44] sky\af3_rainy\16-00#small * 6.1 : [ 32] sky\af3_rainy\20-00#small * 8.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_gologramma * 8.1 : [ 1] pfx\r_pop\shells\fake_shells * 10.7 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_electrostatic * 10.7 : [ 1] prop\prop_fake_bed_fireplace * 10.7 : [ 1] act\act_pseudodog_fur1 * 10.7 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_smokepuffs2 * 10.7 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_sparks * 10.7 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_woodchips1 * 10.7 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_woodchips3 * 10.8 : [ 1] amik\weapons\trace_01 * 16.1 : [ 2] internal\internal_fireTransferFunction * 16.1 : [ 1] amik\weapons\flame\trace * 16.1 : [ 1] amik\weapons\trace * 16.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_volumefog1 * 16.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_flash_01 * 16.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_arial_14_1024 * 16.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_grid * 16.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_drop_1 * 16.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_drop_2 * 16.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_grenade * 16.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_dead * 16.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_horiz * 16.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_blood * 16.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_wood * 16.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_wood1 * 16.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_wood2 * 21.3 : [ 2] detail\detail_beton_det4_bump * 21.3 : [ 2] detail\detail_beton_det4_bump# * 21.3 : [ 1] detail\detail_metall_det1_bump * 21.3 : [ 1] detail\detail_metall_det1_bump# * 21.3 : [ 1] detail\detail_metall_det3_bump * 21.3 : [ 1] detail\detail_metall_det3_bump# * 21.3 : [ 2] detail\detail_skin_1_bump * 21.3 : [ 2] detail\detail_skin_1_bump# * 21.3 : [ 1] detail\detail_wood_det2_bump * 21.3 : [ 1] detail\detail_wood_det2_bump# * 21.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_bloodsplash2 * 21.4 : [ 1] act\act_controller_hit1 * 21.4 : [ 1] act\variation mod\act_neutral\gas_mask_glass * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_1 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_16 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_17 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_19 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_3 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_4 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_5 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_8 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_88 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_brick * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_gradient1 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_light * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_light1 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_light3 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_light4 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_lightning_01 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_lightning_02 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_plasma * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_smoke_a * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_test_textures * 21.4 : [ 1] prop\prop_voda1 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_flame * 21.5 : [ 1] glow\glow_04 * 21.5 : [ 1] glow\glow_fire1 * 21.5 : [ 1] glow\glow_fire1_soc * 21.5 : [ 1] item\item_hammer * 21.5 : [ 1] fx\fx_rainsplash1 * 21.5 : [ 1] shoker_mod\explosions\firesmokeparticle * 21.5 : [ 1] amik\weapons\flame\trail * 32.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_ani-smoke-01 * 32.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_cc_lighting_grad2 * 32.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_letter_16_1024 * 32.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_letter_18_1024 * 32.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_blood1 * 32.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_metal * 32.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_ston * 33.0 : [ 1] ui\ui_ani_cursor * 42.7 : [ 2] ston\ston_beton_pod_01 * 42.7 : [ 2] ston\ston_zabor_02 * 42.7 : [ 2] wood\wood_plank6 * 42.7 : [ 1] act\act_crow * 42.7 : [ 1] act\act_ryukzak * 42.7 : [ 2] prop\prop_dangerbox_2 * 42.7 : [ 1] prop\prop_item3 * 42.7 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_concretepuffs_01 * 42.7 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_lighting_stancia_01 * 42.7 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_lighting_stancia_02 * 42.7 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_smokepuffs1 * 42.7 : [ 1] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_shells1 * 42.7 : [ 1] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_shells2 * 42.8 : [ 1] fx\fx_noise * 42.8 : [ 1] item\item_medkit * 42.8 : [ 1] item\item_medkit_3 * 42.8 : [ 1] lights\lights_cone_handing_lamp * 42.9 : [ 1] fx\fx_lightning * 48.1 : [ 1] sky\sky_cube_weapons * 64.1 : [ 1] amik\weapons\flash_02 * 64.1 : [ 1] amik\weapons\flash_04 * 64.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_sun * 64.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_sun_fog * 64.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_sun_gradient * 64.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_sun_halo * 64.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_sun_morning * 64.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_thunderbolts_gradient * 64.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_thunderbolts_gradient_surge * 64.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_18 * 64.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_flame_01 * 64.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_skinsplash1 * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_console_02 * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_graff_19_1024 * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_graff_22_1024 * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_hud_01 * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_hud_02 * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_hud_grenade_mark * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_hud_hit_mark * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_1 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_10 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_11 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_1_1 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_1_2 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_1_3 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_2 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_3 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_4 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_5 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_6 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_7 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_8 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_9 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_drop_3 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_drop_4 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_glass01 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_glass02 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_glass03 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_glass04 * 64.1 : [ 1] wpn\shell_545 * 85.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_12 * 85.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_13 * 85.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_14 * 85.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_15 * 85.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_16 * 85.3 : [ 2] crete\crete_debris_01_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] crete\crete_debris_01_bump# * 85.3 : [ 2] crete\crete_zabor_02_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] crete\crete_zabor_02_bump# * 85.3 : [ 2] detail\detail_beton_det4 * 85.3 : [ 1] detail\detail_metall_det1 * 85.3 : [ 1] detail\detail_metall_det3 * 85.3 : [ 2] detail\detail_skin_1 * 85.3 : [ 1] detail\detail_wood_det2 * 85.3 : [ 2] wood\wood_plank6_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] wood\wood_plank6_bump# * 85.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_6 * 85.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_9 * 85.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_blurry_cloud * 85.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_smoke_b * 85.3 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_03 * 85.3 : [ 2] act\act_pseudodog_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] act\act_pseudodog_bump# * 85.3 : [ 1] act\act_ryukzak_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] act\act_ryukzak_bump# * 85.3 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_dolg3b_bump# * 85.3 : [ 1] act\act_trup_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] act\act_trup_bump# * 85.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist3 * 85.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist4 * 85.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist8 * 85.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist9 * 85.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_distort_anomaly * 85.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_distortion * 85.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_ligth_6 * 85.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_specks * 85.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_teleport * 85.3 : [ 2] prop\prop_dangerbox_2_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] prop\prop_dangerbox_2_bump# * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_upgrade_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_upgrade_bump# * 85.4 : [ 1] glow\glow_orange * 85.4 : [ 1] glow\glow_orange_bright * 85.4 : [ 1] glow\glow_white * 85.4 : [ 1] glow\glow_yellow * 85.5 : [ 1] fx\fx_sun_rise * 85.5 : [ 1] item\item_vouda1 * 85.5 : [ 1] item\item_vouda2 * 85.5 : [ 1] item\item_vouda3 * 85.5 : [ 3] lights\lights_spot01 * 85.5 : [ 1] wpn\shell_545_bump * 85.5 : [ 1] wpn\shell_545_bump# * 128.1 : [ 1] act\variation mod\act_neutral\gp5a * 128.1 : [ 2] cooking\cooking_wood_stove * 128.1 : [ 2] fx\fx_noise2 * 128.1 : [ 1] map\map_l08u_brainlab * 128.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_shells1 * 128.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_shells2 * 128.1 : [ 1] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_ak_shells_1 * 128.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_graff_32_1024 * 170.5 : [ 3] veh\veh_btr * 170.6 : [ 2] act\act_himer3 * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_hero * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_monolith2 * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_monolith_2 * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_monolith_3 * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_monoliths * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_neutral_2 * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_soldier_4 * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_trup * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ammo * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_beretta_sk1 * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_grenade_40mm * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_03_bump * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_03_bump# * 170.6 : [ 1] act\variation mod\act_neutral\pockets_1a * 170.6 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_2 * 170.6 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_23 * 170.6 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_2_green * 170.6 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_7 * 170.8 : [ 1] map\map_hospital * 170.8 : [ 1] item\item_ustroystva * 170.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_fn2000_lens * 256.1 : [ 1] cooking\cooking_wood_stove_bump * 256.1 : [ 1] cooking\cooking_wood_stove_bump# * 256.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_gradient1 * 256.1 : [ 1] map\map_labx8 * 256.1 : [ 1] prop\prop_voda1_bump * 256.1 : [ 1] prop\prop_voda1_bump# * 256.1 : [3082] sky\sky_oblaka * 256.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_graff_50_1024 * 256.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_harpoon_knife_bump * 341.0 : [ 2] veh\veh_btr_bump * 341.0 : [ 2] veh\veh_btr_bump# * 341.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_gradient * 341.1 : [ 2] act\act_himera_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] act\act_himera_bump# * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_dolg3b_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_dolg_4_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_dolg_4_bump# * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_hero_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_hero_bump# * 341.1 : [ 2] act\act_stalker_monolith_2_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] act\act_stalker_monolith_2_bump# * 341.1 : [ 2] act\act_stalker_neutral_2_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] act\act_stalker_neutral_2_bump# * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_beretta_sk1_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_grenade_40mm_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_upgrade * 341.4 : [ 1] map\map_fake_start * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_9mm * 341.5 : [ 1] drink\drink_match0 * 341.5 : [ 1] fx\fx_glare_clear_day * 341.5 : [ 1] fx\fx_glare_cloudy * 341.5 : [ 1] fx\fx_gradient * 341.5 : [ 1] item\item_food * 341.5 : [ 1] shoker_mod\explosions\explosion_smoke01 * 341.5 : [ 1] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_smoke_1 * 512.1 : [ 1] amk\items\500 * 512.1 : [ 1] intro\intro_fake_start_1 * 512.1 : [ 1] map\map_l04_darkvalley * 512.1 : [ 1] map\map_limansk * 512.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_explotions_3 * 512.1 : [ 1] pfx\r_pop\shells\12ga * 512.1 : [ 1] pfx\r_pop\shells\45acp * 512.1 : [ 1] pfx\r_pop\shells\545x39 * 512.1 : [ 1] pfx\r_pop\shells\556x45 * 512.1 : [ 1] pfx\r_pop\shells\762x39 * 512.1 : [ 1] pfx\r_pop\shells\762x51 * 512.1 : [ 1] pfx\r_pop\shells\762x54 * 512.1 : [ 1] pfx\r_pop\shells\9x18 * 512.1 : [ 1] pfx\r_pop\shells\9x19 * 512.1 : [ 1] pfx\r_pop\shells\9x39 * 512.1 : [ 1] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_shells3 * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_binokl * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_grenade_f1 * 682.6 : [ 1] map\map_l05_bar * 682.6 : [ 1] map\map_l06_rostok * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_arm_mono_glove * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_acog * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_face_mask_0x * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_9mm_bump * 768.1 : [ 14] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_1 * 768.1 : [ 40] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_2 * 768.1 : [ 18] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_3 * 768.1 : [ 14] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_5 * 768.1 : [ 6] sky\af3_blowout\blowout1 * 768.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout1_1 * 768.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout2 * 768.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout2_night * 768.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3 * 768.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_1 * 768.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_1_night * 768.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_2 * 768.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_2_night * 768.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_3 * 768.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_3_night * 768.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_night * 768.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4 * 768.1 : [ 3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_1 * 768.1 : [ 3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_1_night * 768.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_night * 768.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5 * 768.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5_night * 768.1 : [ 7] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5psi * 768.1 : [ 7] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5psi_night * 768.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout6 * 768.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout6_night * 768.1 : [ 3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout7 * 768.1 : [ 4] sky\af3_blowout\blowout7_night * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\00-00-fm * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\00-00-hm * 768.1 : [ 25] sky\af3_clear\00-00-nm * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\01-00-fm * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\01-00-hm * 768.1 : [ 37] sky\af3_clear\01-00-nm * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\02-00-fm * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\02-00-hm * 768.1 : [ 25] sky\af3_clear\02-00-nm * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\03-00-fm * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\03-00-hm * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\04-00-fm * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\04-00-hm * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\04-30 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\05-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\05-30 * 768.1 : [ 66] sky\af3_clear\06-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\07-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\08-00 * 768.1 : [ 34] sky\af3_clear\09-00 * 768.1 : [ 34] sky\af3_clear\10-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\11-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\12-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\13-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\14-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\15-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\16-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\17-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\18-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\19-00 * 768.1 : [ 66] sky\af3_clear\20-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\20-30 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\21-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\21-30 * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\22-00-fm * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\22-00-hm * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\23-00-fm * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\23-00-hm * 768.1 : [ 5] sky\af3_cloudy\05-00 * 768.1 : [ 10] sky\af3_cloudy\06-00 * 768.1 : [ 10] sky\af3_cloudy\07-00 * 768.1 : [ 18] sky\af3_cloudy\08-00 * 768.1 : [ 23] sky\af3_cloudy\09-00 * 768.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_cloudy\10-00 * 768.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_cloudy\11-00 * 768.1 : [ 18] sky\af3_cloudy\12-00 * 768.1 : [ 10] sky\af3_cloudy\13-00 * 768.1 : [ 36] sky\af3_cloudy\14-00 * 768.1 : [ 28] sky\af3_cloudy\15-00 * 768.1 : [ 10] sky\af3_cloudy\16-00 * 768.1 : [ 18] sky\af3_cloudy\17-00 * 768.1 : [ 20] sky\af3_cloudy\18-00 * 768.1 : [ 5] sky\af3_cloudy\19-00 * 768.1 : [ 10] sky\af3_cloudy\20-00 * 768.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_foggy\06-00 * 768.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_foggy\07-00 * 768.1 : [ 19] sky\af3_foggy\09-00 * 768.1 : [ 40] sky\af3_foggy\10-00 * 768.1 : [ 10] sky\af3_foggy\11-00 * 768.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_foggy\12-00 * 768.1 : [ 27] sky\af3_foggy\13-00 * 768.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_foggy\14-00 * 768.1 : [ 19] sky\af3_foggy\15-00 * 768.1 : [ 19] sky\af3_foggy\16-00 * 768.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_foggy\17-00 * 768.1 : [ 19] sky\af3_foggy\18-00 * 768.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_foggy\19-00 * 768.1 : [ 22] sky\af3_foggy\20-00 * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\00-00-fm * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\00-00-hm * 768.1 : [ 25] sky\af3_partly\00-00-nm * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\01-00-fm * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\01-00-hm * 768.1 : [ 38] sky\af3_partly\01-00-nm * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\02-00-fm * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\02-00-hm * 768.1 : [ 24] sky\af3_partly\02-00-nm * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\03-00-fm * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\03-00-hm * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\04-00-fm * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\04-00-hm * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\04-30 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\05-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\05-30 * 768.1 : [ 66] sky\af3_partly\06-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\07-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\08-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\09-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\10-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\11-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\12-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\13-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\14-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\15-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\16-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\17-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\18-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\19-00 * 768.1 : [ 66] sky\af3_partly\20-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\20-30 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\21-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\21-30 * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\22-00-fm * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\22-00-hm * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\23-00-fm * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\23-00-hm * 768.1 : [ 26] sky\af3_rainy\07-00 * 768.1 : [ 30] sky\af3_rainy\09-00_19-00 * 768.1 : [ 58] sky\af3_rainy\13-00 * 768.1 : [ 24] sky\af3_rainy\15-00 * 768.1 : [ 31] sky\af3_rainy\15-00-2 * 768.1 : [ 44] sky\af3_rainy\16-00 * 768.1 : [ 32] sky\af3_rainy\20-00 * 768.1 : [ 5] sky\sky_12_vibros_cube * 768.1 : [ 26] sky\sky_13_cube * 768.1 : [ 16] sky\sky_13_cube_night * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\sky_13_vibros_cube * 768.1 : [ 10] sky\sky_14_cube * 768.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_17_clouds_cube * 768.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_17_cube * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\sky_18_cube * 768.1 : [ 11] sky\sky_19_cube * 768.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_1_clouds_cube * 768.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_20_clouds_cube * 768.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_20_cube * 768.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_2_clouds_cube * 768.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_2_cube * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\sky_3_cube * 768.1 : [ 3] sky\sky_4_cube * 768.1 : [ 30] sky\sky_5_cube * 768.1 : [ 7] sky\sky_6_cube * 768.1 : [ 11] sky\sky_7_cube * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\sky_8_cube * 768.1 : [ 49] sky\sky_9_cube * 1024.1 : [ 3] act\act_pseudodog1 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_1 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_2 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_3 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_4 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_5 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_6 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_7 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_phase_1 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_phase_2 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_phase_3 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_phase_4 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_phase_5 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_phase_6 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_phase_7 * 1024.1 : [ 1] map\map_jupiter_underground * 1024.1 : [ 1] map\map_l01_escape * 1024.1 : [ 1] map\map_l04u_labx18 * 1024.1 : [ 1] map\map_l07_military * 1024.1 : [ 1] map\map_l10u_bunker * 1024.1 : [ 1] map\map_l11_pripyat * 1024.1 : [ 1] map\map_l12u_control_monolith * 1024.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_ani-explosion-02 * 1024.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_ani-explosion-02-b-a * 1024.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_ani-explosion-02a * 1024.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_explotions_2 * 1024.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_explotions_4 * 1024.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_explotions_smoke * 1024.1 : [ 1] shoker_mod\explosions\final_expl * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_achivments * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_menu * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_mp_screen * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_newsmanager_icons * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_pda * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_sleep_screen * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_widescreen_sidepanels * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_global_map * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_hud * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_ingame2_common * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_minimap * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_mlr_achivments * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_pda2 * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_pda2_noice * 1024.1 : [ 1] water\water_SBumpVolume * 1024.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_crosshair_bino * 1024.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_harpoon_knife * 1139.2 : [ 1] map\map_k02_trucks_cemetery * 1364.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_ani-fire01 * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_binokl_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_grenade_f1_bump * 1365.1 : [ 1] map\map_agroprom * 1365.1 : [ 1] map\map_l03u_agr_underground * 1365.1 : [ 1] map\map_l08_yantar * 1365.1 : [ 1] map\map_l10_radar * 1365.5 : [ 1] water\water_flowing_nmap * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_arm_mono_1 * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_arm_mono_glove_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_arm_mono_glove_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] fx\fx_glare * 1365.5 : [ 1] map\map_red_forest * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_acog_bump * 2048.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_cc_lightings * 2730.1 : [ 1] map\map_aes_1 * 2730.1 : [ 1] map\map_aes_2 * 2730.8 : [ 1] act\act_arm_sviter_1 * 2730.8 : [ 1] act\act_sviterok * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_cz75 * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_m249 * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_m79 * 2730.8 : [ 1] act\act_arm_bandit * 2730.8 : [ 1] act\act_arm_bandit_bump * 2730.8 : [ 1] act\act_arm_bandit_bump# * 2730.8 : [ 1] act\act_arm_mono_1_bump * 2730.8 : [ 1] act\act_arm_mono_1_bump# * 4096.1 : [ 1] map\map_jupiter * 4096.1 : [ 1] map\map_pripyat * 4096.1 : [ 1] map\map_zaton * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\new_game\ui_new_game_popup * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_dialog_screen * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_hint_wnd * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_hint_wnd2 * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_multiplayer_game_menu * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_common * 5460.1 : [ 1] map\map_l09_deadcity * 5460.1 : [ 1] map\map_l13_generators * 5460.1 : [ 1] map\map_marsh * 5461.5 : [ 1] act\act_arm_sviter_1_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] act\act_arm_sviter_1_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] map\map_l02_garbage * 5461.5 : [ 1] map\map_y04_pole * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_cz75_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_m249_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_m79_bump * 9902.3 : [ 1] water\water_normal * 16384.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_icon_equipment * 24823.6 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_loadgame_screen * [ D3D ]: textures[409533 K] * 0.0 : [ 3] $null * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$NVHHGGTex * 0.0 : [ 5] $user$NVjitterTex * 0.0 : [ 8] $user$Texture_color * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$Texture_color_out * 0.0 : [ 7] $user$Texture_obstacles * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$Texture_obstvelocity * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$Texture_pressure * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$Texture_tempscalar * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$Texture_tempvector * 0.0 : [ 5] $user$Texture_velocity0 * 0.0 : [ 4] $user$Texture_velocity1 * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$accum * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$accum_temp * 0.0 : [ 7] $user$albedo * 0.0 : [ 4] $user$bloom1 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$bloom2 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$cmap0 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$cmap1 * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$edgeTex * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$env_s0 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$env_s1 * 0.0 : [ 5] $user$generic0 * 0.0 : [ 4] $user$generic1 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$generic2 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$jitter_0 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$jitter_1 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$jitter_2 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$jitter_3 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$jitter_4 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$jitter_mipped * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$lum_t64 * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$lum_t8 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$luminance_0 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$luminance_1 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$luminance_2 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$luminance_3 * 0.0 : [ 8] $user$material * 0.0 : [ 13] $user$position * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$rayCastTex * 0.0 : [ 6] $user$rayDataTex * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$rayDataTexSmall * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$sky0 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$sky1 * 0.0 : [ 6] $user$smap_depth * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$smap_surf * 0.0 : [ 10] $user$tonemap * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$tonemap_src * 0.0 : [ 1] prop\prop_lampa_g_red2 * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_beretta_sk1_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_binokl_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_grenade_40mm_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_grenade_f1_bump# * 0.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_9mm_bump# * 0.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_acog_bump# * 0.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_cz75_bump# * 0.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_m249_bump# * 0.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_m79_bump# * 0.7 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_step_blood * 1.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_spark_01 * 1.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_bubble * 1.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_leaves_01 * 1.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_leaves_02 * 1.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_splash3 * 1.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_splash_02 * 1.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_synus * 1.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_vehmetaldebris_01 * 1.4 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_harpoon_knife_bump# * 1.4 : [ 1] prop\prop_provod_02 * 1.5 : [ 1] glow\glow_rays * 1.5 : [ 1] ui\ui_console * 2.7 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_concretedebris_01 * 3.1 : [ 1] grad\grad_radiation * 3.1 : [ 5] sky\sky_12_vibros_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 26] sky\sky_13_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 16] sky\sky_13_cube_night#small * 3.1 : [ 12] sky\sky_13_vibros_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 10] sky\sky_14_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_17_clouds_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_17_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 8] sky\sky_18_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 11] sky\sky_19_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_1_clouds_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_20_clouds_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_20_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_2_clouds_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_2_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 12] sky\sky_3_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 3] sky\sky_4_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 30] sky\sky_5_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 7] sky\sky_6_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 11] sky\sky_7_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 8] sky\sky_8_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 49] sky\sky_9_cube#small * 4.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_flare1 * 4.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_flamefx_01 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_asfalt_1 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_asfalt_2 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_asfalt_3 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_brick_1 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_brick_2 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_1 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_2 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_4 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_5 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_6 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_7 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_ground * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_ground_1 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_ground_2 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik_1 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik_2 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik_3 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_1 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_2 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_3 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_4 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_1 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_2 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_3 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_4 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_5 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_6 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_7 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_8 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_9 * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_bloodsplash1 * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_spark_02 * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_21 * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_bubble_1 * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_bubble_water * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist2 * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist2inv * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist_teleport * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_flash_05 * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_flash_07 * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_specks_poison * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_spikey_star * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_splash_01 * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_stonedebris1 * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_stonedebris2 * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_vehglassdebris_01 * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_water_wave * 5.5 : [ 1] glow\glow_orange2 * 5.5 : [ 1] fx\fx_flare2 * 5.5 : [ 1] fx\fx_flare3 * 5.5 : [ 1] fx\fx_rain * 6.1 : [ 14] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_1#small * 6.1 : [ 40] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_2#small * 6.1 : [ 18] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_3#small * 6.1 : [ 14] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_5#small * 6.1 : [ 6] sky\af3_blowout\blowout1#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout1_1#small * 6.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout2#small * 6.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout2_night#small * 6.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_1#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_1_night#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_2#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_2_night#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_3#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_3_night#small * 6.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_night#small * 6.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4#small * 6.1 : [ 3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_1#small * 6.1 : [ 3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_1_night#small * 6.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_night#small * 6.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5#small * 6.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5_night#small * 6.1 : [ 7] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5psi#small * 6.1 : [ 7] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5psi_night#small * 6.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout6#small * 6.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout6_night#small * 6.1 : [ 3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout7#small * 6.1 : [ 4] sky\af3_blowout\blowout7_night#small * 6.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\00-00-fm#small * 6.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\00-00-hm#small * 6.1 : [ 25] sky\af3_clear\00-00-nm#small * 6.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\01-00-fm#small * 6.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\01-00-hm#small * 6.1 : [ 37] sky\af3_clear\01-00-nm#small * 6.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\02-00-fm#small * 6.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\02-00-hm#small * 6.1 : [ 25] sky\af3_clear\02-00-nm#small * 6.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\03-00-fm#small * 6.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\03-00-hm#small * 6.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\04-00-fm#small * 6.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\04-00-hm#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\04-30#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\05-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\05-30#small * 6.1 : [ 66] sky\af3_clear\06-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\07-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\08-00#small * 6.1 : [ 34] sky\af3_clear\09-00#small * 6.1 : [ 34] sky\af3_clear\10-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\11-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\12-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\13-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\14-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\15-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\16-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\17-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\18-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\19-00#small * 6.1 : [ 66] sky\af3_clear\20-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\20-30#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\21-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\21-30#small * 6.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\22-00-fm#small * 6.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\22-00-hm#small * 6.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\23-00-fm#small * 6.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\23-00-hm#small * 6.1 : [ 5] sky\af3_cloudy\05-00#small * 6.1 : [ 10] sky\af3_cloudy\06-00#small * 6.1 : [ 10] sky\af3_cloudy\07-00#small * 6.1 : [ 18] sky\af3_cloudy\08-00#small * 6.1 : [ 23] sky\af3_cloudy\09-00#small * 6.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_cloudy\10-00#small * 6.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_cloudy\11-00#small * 6.1 : [ 18] sky\af3_cloudy\12-00#small * 6.1 : [ 10] sky\af3_cloudy\13-00#small * 6.1 : [ 36] sky\af3_cloudy\14-00#small * 6.1 : [ 28] sky\af3_cloudy\15-00#small * 6.1 : [ 10] sky\af3_cloudy\16-00#small * 6.1 : [ 18] sky\af3_cloudy\17-00#small * 6.1 : [ 20] sky\af3_cloudy\18-00#small * 6.1 : [ 5] sky\af3_cloudy\19-00#small * 6.1 : [ 10] sky\af3_cloudy\20-00#small * 6.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_foggy\06-00#small * 6.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_foggy\07-00#small * 6.1 : [ 19] sky\af3_foggy\09-00#small * 6.1 : [ 40] sky\af3_foggy\10-00#small * 6.1 : [ 10] sky\af3_foggy\11-00#small * 6.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_foggy\12-00#small * 6.1 : [ 27] sky\af3_foggy\13-00#small * 6.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_foggy\14-00#small * 6.1 : [ 19] sky\af3_foggy\15-00#small * 6.1 : [ 19] sky\af3_foggy\16-00#small * 6.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_foggy\17-00#small * 6.1 : [ 19] sky\af3_foggy\18-00#small * 6.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_foggy\19-00#small * 6.1 : [ 22] sky\af3_foggy\20-00#small * 6.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\00-00-fm#small * 6.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\00-00-hm#small * 6.1 : [ 25] sky\af3_partly\00-00-nm#small * 6.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\01-00-fm#small * 6.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\01-00-hm#small * 6.1 : [ 38] sky\af3_partly\01-00-nm#small * 6.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\02-00-fm#small * 6.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\02-00-hm#small * 6.1 : [ 24] sky\af3_partly\02-00-nm#small * 6.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\03-00-fm#small * 6.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\03-00-hm#small * 6.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\04-00-fm#small * 6.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\04-00-hm#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\04-30#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\05-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\05-30#small * 6.1 : [ 66] sky\af3_partly\06-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\07-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\08-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\09-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\10-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\11-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\12-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\13-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\14-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\15-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\16-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\17-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\18-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\19-00#small * 6.1 : [ 66] sky\af3_partly\20-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\20-30#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\21-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\21-30#small * 6.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\22-00-fm#small * 6.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\22-00-hm#small * 6.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\23-00-fm#small * 6.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\23-00-hm#small * 6.1 : [ 26] sky\af3_rainy\07-00#small * 6.1 : [ 30] sky\af3_rainy\09-00_19-00#small * 6.1 : [ 58] sky\af3_rainy\13-00#small * 6.1 : [ 24] sky\af3_rainy\15-00#small * 6.1 : [ 31] sky\af3_rainy\15-00-2#small * 6.1 : [ 44] sky\af3_rainy\16-00#small * 6.1 : [ 32] sky\af3_rainy\20-00#small * 8.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_gologramma * 8.1 : [ 1] pfx\r_pop\shells\fake_shells * 10.7 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_electrostatic * 10.7 : [ 1] prop\prop_fake_bed_fireplace * 10.7 : [ 1] act\act_pseudodog_fur1 * 10.7 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_smokepuffs2 * 10.7 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_sparks * 10.7 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_woodchips1 * 10.7 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_woodchips3 * 10.8 : [ 1] amik\weapons\trace_01 * 16.1 : [ 2] internal\internal_fireTransferFunction * 16.1 : [ 1] amik\weapons\flame\trace * 16.1 : [ 1] amik\weapons\trace * 16.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_volumefog1 * 16.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_flash_01 * 16.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_arial_14_1024 * 16.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_drop_1 * 16.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_drop_2 * 16.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_grenade * 16.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_dead * 16.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_horiz * 16.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_blood * 16.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_wood * 16.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_wood1 * 16.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_wood2 * 21.3 : [ 2] detail\detail_beton_det4_bump * 21.3 : [ 2] detail\detail_beton_det4_bump# * 21.3 : [ 1] detail\detail_metall_det1_bump * 21.3 : [ 1] detail\detail_metall_det1_bump# * 21.3 : [ 1] detail\detail_metall_det3_bump * 21.3 : [ 1] detail\detail_metall_det3_bump# * 21.3 : [ 2] detail\detail_skin_1_bump * 21.3 : [ 2] detail\detail_skin_1_bump# * 21.3 : [ 1] detail\detail_wood_det2_bump * 21.3 : [ 1] detail\detail_wood_det2_bump# * 21.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_bloodsplash2 * 21.4 : [ 1] act\act_controller_hit1 * 21.4 : [ 1] act\variation mod\act_neutral\gas_mask_glass * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_1 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_16 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_17 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_19 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_3 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_4 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_5 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_8 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_88 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_brick * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_gradient1 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_light * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_light1 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_light3 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_light4 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_lightning_01 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_lightning_02 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_plasma * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_smoke_a * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_test_textures * 21.4 : [ 1] prop\prop_voda1 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_flame * 21.5 : [ 1] glow\glow_04 * 21.5 : [ 1] glow\glow_fire1 * 21.5 : [ 1] glow\glow_fire1_soc * 21.5 : [ 1] item\item_hammer * 21.5 : [ 1] fx\fx_rainsplash1 * 21.5 : [ 1] shoker_mod\explosions\firesmokeparticle * 21.5 : [ 1] amik\weapons\flame\trail * 32.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_ani-smoke-01 * 32.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_cc_lighting_grad2 * 32.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_letter_16_1024 * 32.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_letter_18_1024 * 32.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_blood1 * 32.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_metal * 32.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_ston * 33.0 : [ 1] ui\ui_ani_cursor * 42.7 : [ 2] ston\ston_beton_pod_01 * 42.7 : [ 2] ston\ston_zabor_02 * 42.7 : [ 2] wood\wood_plank6 * 42.7 : [ 1] act\act_crow * 42.7 : [ 1] act\act_ryukzak * 42.7 : [ 2] prop\prop_dangerbox_2 * 42.7 : [ 1] prop\prop_item3 * 42.7 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_concretepuffs_01 * 42.7 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_lighting_stancia_01 * 42.7 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_lighting_stancia_02 * 42.7 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_smokepuffs1 * 42.7 : [ 1] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_shells1 * 42.7 : [ 1] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_shells2 * 42.8 : [ 1] fx\fx_noise * 42.8 : [ 1] item\item_medkit * 42.8 : [ 1] item\item_medkit_3 * 42.8 : [ 1] lights\lights_cone_handing_lamp * 42.9 : [ 1] fx\fx_lightning * 48.1 : [ 1] sky\sky_cube_weapons * 64.1 : [ 1] amik\weapons\flash_02 * 64.1 : [ 1] amik\weapons\flash_04 * 64.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_sun * 64.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_sun_fog * 64.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_sun_gradient * 64.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_sun_halo * 64.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_sun_morning * 64.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_thunderbolts_gradient * 64.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_thunderbolts_gradient_surge * 64.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_18 * 64.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_flame_01 * 64.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_skinsplash1 * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_console_02 * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_graff_19_1024 * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_graff_22_1024 * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_hud_01 * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_hud_02 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_1 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_10 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_11 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_1_1 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_1_2 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_1_3 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_2 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_3 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_4 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_5 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_6 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_7 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_8 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_9 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_drop_3 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_drop_4 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_glass01 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_glass02 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_glass03 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_glass04 * 64.1 : [ 1] wpn\shell_545 * 85.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_12 * 85.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_13 * 85.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_14 * 85.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_15 * 85.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_16 * 85.3 : [ 2] crete\crete_debris_01_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] crete\crete_debris_01_bump# * 85.3 : [ 2] crete\crete_zabor_02_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] crete\crete_zabor_02_bump# * 85.3 : [ 2] detail\detail_beton_det4 * 85.3 : [ 1] detail\detail_metall_det1 * 85.3 : [ 1] detail\detail_metall_det3 * 85.3 : [ 2] detail\detail_skin_1 * 85.3 : [ 1] detail\detail_wood_det2 * 85.3 : [ 2] wood\wood_plank6_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] wood\wood_plank6_bump# * 85.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_6 * 85.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_9 * 85.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_blurry_cloud * 85.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_smoke_b * 85.3 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_03 * 85.3 : [ 2] act\act_pseudodog_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] act\act_pseudodog_bump# * 85.3 : [ 1] act\act_ryukzak_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] act\act_ryukzak_bump# * 85.3 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_dolg3b_bump# * 85.3 : [ 1] act\act_trup_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] act\act_trup_bump# * 85.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist3 * 85.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist4 * 85.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist8 * 85.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist9 * 85.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_distort_anomaly * 85.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_distortion * 85.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_ligth_6 * 85.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_specks * 85.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_teleport * 85.3 : [ 2] prop\prop_dangerbox_2_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] prop\prop_dangerbox_2_bump# * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_upgrade_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_upgrade_bump# * 85.4 : [ 1] glow\glow_orange * 85.4 : [ 1] glow\glow_orange_bright * 85.4 : [ 1] glow\glow_white * 85.4 : [ 1] glow\glow_yellow * 85.5 : [ 1] fx\fx_sun_rise * 85.5 : [ 1] item\item_vouda1 * 85.5 : [ 1] item\item_vouda2 * 85.5 : [ 1] item\item_vouda3 * 85.5 : [ 3] lights\lights_spot01 * 85.5 : [ 1] wpn\shell_545_bump * 85.5 : [ 1] wpn\shell_545_bump# * 128.1 : [ 1] act\variation mod\act_neutral\gp5a * 128.1 : [ 2] cooking\cooking_wood_stove * 128.1 : [ 2] fx\fx_noise2 * 128.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_shells1 * 128.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_shells2 * 128.1 : [ 1] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_ak_shells_1 * 128.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_graff_32_1024 * 170.5 : [ 3] veh\veh_btr * 170.6 : [ 2] act\act_himer3 * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_hero * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_monolith2 * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_monolith_2 * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_monolith_3 * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_monoliths * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_neutral_2 * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_soldier_4 * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_trup * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ammo * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_beretta_sk1 * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_grenade_40mm * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_03_bump * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_03_bump# * 170.6 : [ 1] act\variation mod\act_neutral\pockets_1a * 170.6 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_2 * 170.6 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_23 * 170.6 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_2_green * 170.6 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_7 * 170.8 : [ 1] item\item_ustroystva * 170.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_fn2000_lens * 256.1 : [ 1] cooking\cooking_wood_stove_bump * 256.1 : [ 1] cooking\cooking_wood_stove_bump# * 256.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_gradient1 * 256.1 : [ 1] prop\prop_voda1_bump * 256.1 : [ 1] prop\prop_voda1_bump# * 256.1 : [3082] sky\sky_oblaka * 256.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_graff_50_1024 * 256.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_harpoon_knife_bump * 341.0 : [ 2] veh\veh_btr_bump * 341.0 : [ 2] veh\veh_btr_bump# * 341.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_gradient * 341.1 : [ 2] act\act_himera_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] act\act_himera_bump# * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_dolg3b_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_dolg_4_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_dolg_4_bump# * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_hero_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_hero_bump# * 341.1 : [ 2] act\act_stalker_monolith_2_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] act\act_stalker_monolith_2_bump# * 341.1 : [ 2] act\act_stalker_neutral_2_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] act\act_stalker_neutral_2_bump# * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_beretta_sk1_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_grenade_40mm_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_upgrade * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_9mm * 341.5 : [ 1] drink\drink_match0 * 341.5 : [ 1] fx\fx_glare_clear_day * 341.5 : [ 1] fx\fx_glare_cloudy * 341.5 : [ 1] fx\fx_gradient * 341.5 : [ 1] item\item_food * 341.5 : [ 1] shoker_mod\explosions\explosion_smoke01 * 341.5 : [ 1] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_smoke_1 * 512.1 : [ 1] amk\items\500 * 512.1 : [ 1] intro\intro_fake_start_1 * 512.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_explotions_3 * 512.1 : [ 1] pfx\r_pop\shells\12ga * 512.1 : [ 1] pfx\r_pop\shells\45acp * 512.1 : [ 1] pfx\r_pop\shells\545x39 * 512.1 : [ 1] pfx\r_pop\shells\556x45 * 512.1 : [ 1] pfx\r_pop\shells\762x39 * 512.1 : [ 1] pfx\r_pop\shells\762x51 * 512.1 : [ 1] pfx\r_pop\shells\762x54 * 512.1 : [ 1] pfx\r_pop\shells\9x18 * 512.1 : [ 1] pfx\r_pop\shells\9x19 * 512.1 : [ 1] pfx\r_pop\shells\9x39 * 512.1 : [ 1] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_shells3 * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_binokl * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_grenade_f1 * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_arm_mono_glove * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_acog * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_face_mask_0x * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_9mm_bump * 768.1 : [ 14] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_1 * 768.1 : [ 40] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_2 * 768.1 : [ 18] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_3 * 768.1 : [ 14] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_5 * 768.1 : [ 6] sky\af3_blowout\blowout1 * 768.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout1_1 * 768.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout2 * 768.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout2_night * 768.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3 * 768.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_1 * 768.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_1_night * 768.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_2 * 768.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_2_night * 768.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_3 * 768.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_3_night * 768.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_night * 768.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4 * 768.1 : [ 3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_1 * 768.1 : [ 3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_1_night * 768.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_night * 768.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5 * 768.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5_night * 768.1 : [ 7] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5psi * 768.1 : [ 7] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5psi_night * 768.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout6 * 768.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout6_night * 768.1 : [ 3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout7 * 768.1 : [ 4] sky\af3_blowout\blowout7_night * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\00-00-fm * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\00-00-hm * 768.1 : [ 25] sky\af3_clear\00-00-nm * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\01-00-fm * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\01-00-hm * 768.1 : [ 37] sky\af3_clear\01-00-nm * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\02-00-fm * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\02-00-hm * 768.1 : [ 25] sky\af3_clear\02-00-nm * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\03-00-fm * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\03-00-hm * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\04-00-fm * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\04-00-hm * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\04-30 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\05-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\05-30 * 768.1 : [ 66] sky\af3_clear\06-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\07-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\08-00 * 768.1 : [ 34] sky\af3_clear\09-00 * 768.1 : [ 34] sky\af3_clear\10-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\11-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\12-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\13-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\14-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\15-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\16-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\17-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\18-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\19-00 * 768.1 : [ 66] sky\af3_clear\20-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\20-30 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\21-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\21-30 * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\22-00-fm * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\22-00-hm * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\23-00-fm * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\23-00-hm * 768.1 : [ 5] sky\af3_cloudy\05-00 * 768.1 : [ 10] sky\af3_cloudy\06-00 * 768.1 : [ 10] sky\af3_cloudy\07-00 * 768.1 : [ 18] sky\af3_cloudy\08-00 * 768.1 : [ 23] sky\af3_cloudy\09-00 * 768.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_cloudy\10-00 * 768.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_cloudy\11-00 * 768.1 : [ 18] sky\af3_cloudy\12-00 * 768.1 : [ 10] sky\af3_cloudy\13-00 * 768.1 : [ 36] sky\af3_cloudy\14-00 * 768.1 : [ 28] sky\af3_cloudy\15-00 * 768.1 : [ 10] sky\af3_cloudy\16-00 * 768.1 : [ 18] sky\af3_cloudy\17-00 * 768.1 : [ 20] sky\af3_cloudy\18-00 * 768.1 : [ 5] sky\af3_cloudy\19-00 * 768.1 : [ 10] sky\af3_cloudy\20-00 * 768.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_foggy\06-00 * 768.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_foggy\07-00 * 768.1 : [ 19] sky\af3_foggy\09-00 * 768.1 : [ 40] sky\af3_foggy\10-00 * 768.1 : [ 10] sky\af3_foggy\11-00 * 768.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_foggy\12-00 * 768.1 : [ 27] sky\af3_foggy\13-00 * 768.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_foggy\14-00 * 768.1 : [ 19] sky\af3_foggy\15-00 * 768.1 : [ 19] sky\af3_foggy\16-00 * 768.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_foggy\17-00 * 768.1 : [ 19] sky\af3_foggy\18-00 * 768.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_foggy\19-00 * 768.1 : [ 22] sky\af3_foggy\20-00 * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\00-00-fm * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\00-00-hm * 768.1 : [ 25] sky\af3_partly\00-00-nm * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\01-00-fm * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\01-00-hm * 768.1 : [ 38] sky\af3_partly\01-00-nm * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\02-00-fm * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\02-00-hm * 768.1 : [ 24] sky\af3_partly\02-00-nm * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\03-00-fm * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\03-00-hm * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\04-00-fm * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\04-00-hm * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\04-30 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\05-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\05-30 * 768.1 : [ 66] sky\af3_partly\06-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\07-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\08-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\09-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\10-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\11-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\12-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\13-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\14-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\15-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\16-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\17-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\18-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\19-00 * 768.1 : [ 66] sky\af3_partly\20-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\20-30 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\21-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\21-30 * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\22-00-fm * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\22-00-hm * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\23-00-fm * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\23-00-hm * 768.1 : [ 26] sky\af3_rainy\07-00 * 768.1 : [ 30] sky\af3_rainy\09-00_19-00 * 768.1 : [ 58] sky\af3_rainy\13-00 * 768.1 : [ 24] sky\af3_rainy\15-00 * 768.1 : [ 31] sky\af3_rainy\15-00-2 * 768.1 : [ 44] sky\af3_rainy\16-00 * 768.1 : [ 32] sky\af3_rainy\20-00 * 768.1 : [ 5] sky\sky_12_vibros_cube * 768.1 : [ 26] sky\sky_13_cube * 768.1 : [ 16] sky\sky_13_cube_night * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\sky_13_vibros_cube * 768.1 : [ 10] sky\sky_14_cube * 768.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_17_clouds_cube * 768.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_17_cube * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\sky_18_cube * 768.1 : [ 11] sky\sky_19_cube * 768.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_1_clouds_cube * 768.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_20_clouds_cube * 768.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_20_cube * 768.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_2_clouds_cube * 768.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_2_cube * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\sky_3_cube * 768.1 : [ 3] sky\sky_4_cube * 768.1 : [ 30] sky\sky_5_cube * 768.1 : [ 7] sky\sky_6_cube * 768.1 : [ 11] sky\sky_7_cube * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\sky_8_cube * 768.1 : [ 49] sky\sky_9_cube * 1024.1 : [ 3] act\act_pseudodog1 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_1 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_2 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_3 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_4 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_5 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_6 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_7 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_phase_1 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_phase_2 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_phase_3 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_phase_4 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_phase_5 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_phase_6 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_phase_7 * 1024.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_ani-explosion-02 * 1024.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_ani-explosion-02-b-a * 1024.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_ani-explosion-02a * 1024.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_explotions_2 * 1024.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_explotions_4 * 1024.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_explotions_smoke * 1024.1 : [ 1] shoker_mod\explosions\final_expl * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_achivments * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_menu * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_mp_screen * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_newsmanager_icons * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_pda * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_sleep_screen * 1024.1 : [ 1] 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* 2730.8 : [ 1] act\act_arm_mono_1_bump * 2730.8 : [ 1] act\act_arm_mono_1_bump# * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\new_game\ui_new_game_popup * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_dialog_screen * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_hint_wnd * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_hint_wnd2 * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_multiplayer_game_menu * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_common * 5461.5 : [ 1] act\act_arm_sviter_1_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] act\act_arm_sviter_1_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_cz75_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_m249_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_m79_bump * 9902.3 : [ 1] water\water_normal * 16384.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_icon_equipment * 24823.6 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_loadgame_screen bin64\xrengine.exe -dbg -skip_reg -noprefetch ! Unable to find Software\GSC Game World\STALKER-COP\ in registry ! Player name registry key (InstallUserName) not found ! * loading script _G.script * loading script class_registrator.script * loading script ui_main_menu.script * loading script smart_terrain.script * loading script se_level_changer.script * loading script se_actor.script * loading script se_stalker.script * loading script se_heli.script * loading script se_zones.script * loading script se_item.script * loading script se_smart_cover.script * loading script se_car.script * loading script se_artefact.script * loading script se_monster.script * loading script sim_squad_scripted.script * loading script game_registrator.script Call of Chernobyl version 1.4.22 using marshal library * loading script sound_theme.script * loading script alun_utils.script * loading script axr_main.script * loading script _g.script * loading script actor_effects_data.script * loading script actor_menu.script * loading script actor_menu_inventory.script * loading script actor_proxy.script * loading script ai_stalker.script * loading script alife_storage_manager.script * loading script ammo_aggregation.script * loading script artefact_degradation.script * loading script atmosfear_options.script * loading script axr_beh.script * loading script axr_companions.script * loading script axr_dynamic_spawn.script * loading script axr_fight_from_cover.script * loading script axr_keybind.script * loading script axr_logic.script * loading script axr_main_options.script * loading script axr_npc_vs_box.script * loading script axr_npc_vs_heli.script * loading script axr_radio_in_heli.script * loading script axr_stalker_panic.script * loading script axr_task_manager.script * loading script axr_trade_manager.script * loading script axr_turn_on_campfire.script * loading script azazel_mode.script * loading script bind_anomaly_field.script * loading script bind_anomaly_zone.script * loading script bind_artefact.script * loading script bind_camp.script * loading script bind_campfire.script * loading script bind_car.script * loading script bind_container.script * loading script bind_crow.script * loading script bind_door_labx8.script * loading script bind_faction.script * loading script bind_heli.script * loading script bind_item.script * loading script bind_level_changer.script * loading script bind_monster.script * loading script bind_physic_object.script * loading script bind_red_forest_bridge.script * loading script bind_restrictor.script * loading script bind_signal_light.script * loading script bind_smart_cover.script * loading script bind_smart_terrain.script * loading script bind_stalker.script * loading script bind_stalker_ext.script * loading script bind_trader.script * loading script cam_effector_sets.script * loading script campfire_manager.script * loading script check_logic_path.script * loading script closecaption.script * loading script coc_treasure_manager.script * loading script combat_restrictor.script * loading script cover_manager.script * loading script db.script * loading script death_manager.script * loading script debug_cmd_list.script * loading script dfz_hide_wpn.script * loading script dialog_manager.script * loading script dialogs.script * loading script dialogs_axr_companion.script * loading script dialogs_bar.script * loading script dialogs_darkvalley.script * loading script dialogs_escape.script * loading script dialogs_faction.script * loading script dialogs_jupiter.script * loading script dialogs_marsh.script * loading script dialogs_mlr.script * loading script dialogs_pripyat.script * loading script dialogs_warlab.script * loading script dialogs_yantar.script * loading script dialogs_zaton.script * loading script dinamic_hud.script * loading script rx_utils.script * loading script dragdrop_disassemble.script * loading script dxr_achievements.script * loading script dxr_encyclopedia.script * loading script dxr_scopes.script * loading script dynamic_news_helper.script * loading script dynamic_news_manager.script * loading script enhanced_animations.script * loading script faction_functions.script * loading script faction_money.script * loading script faction_snaraga.script * loading script fast_travel.script * loading script flashlight.script ! [LUA] File not found "c:\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. - call of chernobyl\gamedata\sounds\makdm\bandit_outfit_take.ogg"! ! [LUA] File not found "c:\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. - call of chernobyl\gamedata\sounds\makdm\bad_box.ogg"! * loading script game_relations.script * loading script gulag_general.script * loading script heli_alife.script * loading script heli_combat.script * loading script heli_fire.script * loading script heli_fly.script * loading script heli_look.script * loading script heli_move.script * loading script heli_snd.script * loading script xr_sound.script * loading script info_portions.script * loading script inventory_radiation.script * loading script inventory_upgrades.script * loading script ironman_manager.script * loading script item_animations.script * loading script itms_manager.script * loading script jg_gps.script * loading script jg_guider.script * loading script jg_timers.script * loading script jg_utils.script * loading script lanforse_extra.script * loading script level_input.script * loading script level_weathers.script * loading script loadscreen.script * loading script lootmoney.script * loading script lua_extensions.script * loading script m_mines.script * loading script mask_hud.script * loading script memusage.script * loading script mlr_utils.script * loading script mob_camp.script * loading script mob_combat.script * loading script mob_death.script * loading script mob_home.script * loading script mob_jump.script * loading script mob_remark.script * loading script mob_sound.script * loading script mob_state_mgr.script * loading script mob_trade.script * loading script mob_trader.script * loading script mob_walker.script * loading script mod_flags.script * loading script modules.script * loading script xr_meet.script * loading script xr_actions_id.script * loading script xr_wounded.script * loading script xr_danger.script * loading script xr_abuse.script * loading script xr_gather_items.script * loading script xr_help_wounded.script * loading script xr_corpse_detection.script * loading script rx_ff.script * loading script xrs_facer.script * loading script xrs_kill_wounded.script * loading script xr_walker.script * loading script xr_remark.script * loading script xr_cover.script * loading script xr_sleeper.script * loading script xr_camper.script * loading script xr_combat.script * loading script xr_death.script * loading script xr_hit.script * loading script xr_combat_ignore.script * loading script xr_combat_zombied.script * loading script xr_patrol.script * loading script xr_smartcover.script * loading script xr_animpoint.script * loading script xr_reach_task.script * loading script ph_car.script * loading script ph_door.script * loading script ph_idle.script * loading script ph_hit.script * loading script ph_on_hit.script * loading script ph_button.script * loading script ph_code.script * loading script ph_death.script * loading script ph_minigun.script * loading script ph_oscillate.script * loading script ph_sound.script * loading script sr_no_weapon.script * loading script sr_teleport.script * loading script sr_idle.script * loading script sr_light.script * loading script sr_timer.script * loading script sr_psy_antenna.script * loading script sr_postprocess.script * loading script sr_particle.script * loading script sr_cutscene.script * loading script sr_monster.script * loading script sr_crow_spawner.script * loading script sr_silence.script * loading script sr_deimos.script * loading script xr_campfire_point.script * loading script money.script * loading script move_mgr.script * loading script news_manager.script * loading script npc_death_sound.script * loading script ogse_wpn_explode_fx.script * loading script outfit_marauder.script * loading script pda.script * loading script pda_backpack_travel.script * loading script pda_chat_names_lists_fonswong.script * loading script pda_chat_processor_fonswong.script * loading script pda_fonswong.script * loading script pda_level_change.script * loading script pda_utils_fonswong.script * loading script ph_appforce.script * loading script phantom_manager.script * loading script post_combat_idle.script * loading script profiler.script * loading script psi_storm_manager.script * loading script ranks.script * loading script release_body_manager.script * loading script release_item_manager.script * loading script restrictor_manager.script * loading script safe_release_manager.script * loading script savegame_conditions.script * loading script savegame_timer.script * loading script se_new_attachable_item.script * loading script se_squad_group.script * loading script sim_board.script * loading script sim_objects.script * loading script sim_squad_actions.script * loading script sim_squad_generic.script * loading script simulation_objects.script * loading script sleep_dep.script * loading script slot_hud.script * loading script smart_covers.script * loading script smart_covers_combat_front.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_crouch_front_left.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_crouch_front.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_crouch_front_right.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_stand_front_left.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_stand_front_right.script * loading script smart_covers_combat_prone.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_prone.script * loading script smart_covers_animpoint_stay_wall.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_animpoint_stay_wall.script * loading script smart_covers_animpoint_stay_table.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_animpoint_stay_table.script * loading script smart_covers_animpoint_sit_high.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_animpoint_sit_high.script * loading script smart_covers_animpoint_sit_normal.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_animpoint_sit_normal.script * loading script smart_covers_animpoint_sit_low.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_animpoint_sit_low.script * loading script smart_covers_animpoint_sit_ass.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_animpoint_sit_ass.script * loading script smart_covers_animpoint_sit_knee.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_animpoint_sit_knee.script * loading script smart_covers_animpoint_stay_ohrana.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_animpoint_stay_ohrana.script * loading script smart_covers_animpoint_stay_bar.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_animpoint_stay_bar.script * loading script smart_covers_animpoint_sit_wait.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_animpoint_sit_wait.script * loading script smart_covers_animpoint_stay_wait.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_animpoint_stay_wait.script * loading script smart_covers_animpoint_pri_a15.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_animpoint_pri_a15.script * loading script smart_covers_anim_pri_a22.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_anim_pri_a22.script * loading script smart_covers_combat.script * loading script smart_covers_cover_lesnik.script * loading script smart_covers_cover_loophole_lead_forester_idle_talk.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_crouch_back.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_crouch_left.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_crouch_right.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_lead_forester_idle.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_lead_forester_talk.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_lesnik.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_stand_back.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_stand_left.script * loading script smart_covers_loophole_stand_right.script * loading script smart_names.script * loading script sound_manager.script * loading script spawn_nimble_items.script * loading script spawner.script * loading script sr_camp.script * loading script stalker_generic.script * loading script stason.script * loading script stason_alife.script * loading script state_lib.script * loading script utils.script * loading script state_lib_animpoint.script * loading script state_mgr_scenario.script * loading script state_mgr_pri_a15.script * loading script state_mgr.script * loading script state_mgr_animation.script * loading script state_mgr_animation_list.script * loading script xr_effects.script * loading script state_mgr_animation_list_animpoint.script * loading script state_mgr_animstate.script * loading script state_mgr_animstate_list.script * loading script state_mgr_animstate_list_animpoint.script * loading script state_mgr_bodystate.script * loading script state_mgr_direction.script * loading script state_mgr_goap.script * loading script state_mgr_mental.script * loading script state_mgr_movement.script * loading script state_mgr_smartcover.script * loading script state_mgr_weapon.script * loading script story_objects.script * loading script stpk_utils.script * loading script surge_manager.script * loading script survival_mode.script * loading script task_functor.script * loading script task_manager.script * loading script task_objects.script * loading script task_status_functor.script * loading script trade_manager.script * loading script trans_outfit.script * loading script transitions.script * loading script transitions_list.script * loading script ui_addon_azazel_faction_chooser.script * loading script ui_addon_companion_quick_menu.script * loading script ui_ami_position.script * loading script ui_debug_main.script * loading script ui_dyn_msg_box.script * loading script ui_enemy_health.script * loading script ui_freeplay_dialog.script * loading script ui_itm_backpack.script * loading script ui_itm_camp_cooking.script * loading script ui_itm_cooking.script * loading script ui_itm_repair.script * loading script ui_load_dialog.script * loading script ui_mm_faction_select.script * loading script ui_mm_opt_con_cmd.script * loading script ui_mm_opt_controls.script * loading script ui_mm_opt_gameplay.script * loading script ui_mm_opt_main.script * loading script ui_mm_opt_sound.script * loading script ui_mm_opt_video.script * loading script ui_mm_opt_video_adv.script * loading script ui_mod_elements.script * loading script ui_mutant_loot.script * loading script ui_numpad.script * loading script ui_pda_contacts_tab.script * loading script ui_pda_encyclopedia_tab.script * loading script ui_pda_relations_tab.script * loading script ui_save_dialog.script * loading script ui_scenes.script * loading script ui_sleep_dialog.script * loading script ui_sr_teleport.script * loading script ui_wpn_params.script * loading script unload_all_weapons.script * loading script version.script * loading script visual_memory_manager.script * loading script wpn_effects.script * loading script xr_animpoint_predicates.script * loading script xr_box.script * loading script xr_combat_camper.script * loading script xr_evaluators_id.script * loading script xr_combat_monolith.script * loading script xr_conditions.script * loading script xr_detector.script * loading script xr_dialogs.script * loading script xr_eat_medkit.script * loading script xr_gulag.script * loading script xr_hear.script * loading script xr_info.script * loading script xr_logic.script * loading script xr_motivator.script * loading script xr_state.script * loading script xr_statistic.script * loading script xr_zones.script * loading script xr_zones_sound.script * loading script xrs_debug_tools.script * loading script xrs_dyn_music.script * loading script xrs_dynamic_music_themes.script * loading script xrs_stereo.script * loading script zone_new.script * loading script zone_news_main.script * loading script zone_no_weapon.script * loading script zone_surge_news.script alife_storage_manager.on_game_start() ammo_aggregation.on_game_start() artefact_degradation.on_game_start() axr_companions.on_game_start() axr_keybind.on_game_start() axr_task_manager.on_game_start() axr_trade_manager.on_game_start() axr_turn_on_campfire.on_game_start() azazel_mode.on_game_start() bind_campfire.on_game_start() campfire_manager.on_game_start() coc_treasure_manager.on_game_start() dfz_hide_wpn.on_game_start() dialogs_mlr.on_game_start() dinamic_hud.on_game_start() dragdrop_disassemble.on_game_start() dxr_encyclopedia.on_game_start() dxr_scopes.on_game_start() ~ Invalid syntax in call to 'snd_targets' ~ Valid arguments: integer value in range [16,256] * sound : cache: 131074 kb, 9712 lines, 13820 bpl dynamic_news_manager.on_game_start() enhanced_animations.on_game_start() flashlight.on_game_start() info_portions.on_game_start() inventory_radiation.on_game_start() ironman_manager.on_game_start() item_animations.on_game_start() itms_manager.on_game_start() jg_guider.on_game_start() jg_timers.on_game_start() lanforse_extra.on_game_start() m_mines.on_game_start() mask_hud.on_game_start() mob_trade.on_game_start() modules.on_game_start() npc_death_sound.on_game_start() outfit_marauder.on_game_start() pda.on_game_start() pda_backpack_travel.on_game_start() pda_fonswong.on_game_start() pda_level_change.on_game_start() phantom_manager.on_game_start() release_item_manager.on_game_start() safe_release_manager.on_game_start() savegame_timer.on_game_start() sleep_dep.on_game_start() slot_hud.on_game_start() stason.on_game_start() surge_manager.on_game_start() survival_mode.on_game_start() ui_addon_companion_quick_menu.on_game_start() ui_enemy_health.on_game_start() ui_mm_faction_select.on_game_start() unload_all_weapons.on_game_start() wpn_effects.on_game_start() xr_combat_ignore.on_game_start() xr_corpse_detection.on_game_start() xr_danger.on_game_start() xr_eat_medkit.on_game_start() xr_gather_items.on_game_start() xr_statistic.on_game_start() xrs_debug_tools.on_game_start() xrs_dyn_music.on_game_start() xrs_facer.on_game_start() xrs_kill_wounded.on_game_start() zone_new.on_game_start() * phase time: 505 ms * phase cmem: 415502 K * phase time: 6 ms * phase cmem: 415502 K * Loading spawn registry... * 18942 spawn points are successfully loaded * Loading objects... * 23772 objects are successfully loaded * Game ян - autosave is successfully loaded from file 'appdata\savedgames\ян - autosave.scop' (1.295s) * phase time: 1294 ms * phase cmem: 431011 K [LSS] Spawning object [][actor][0] [LSS] Spawning object [meshes\brkbl#0.ogf][breakable_object][16367] [LSS] Spawning object [meshes\brkbl#1.ogf][breakable_object][16368] [LSS] Spawning object [meshes\brkbl#2.ogf][breakable_object][16369] [LSS] Spawning object [meshes\brkbl#3.ogf][breakable_object][16370] [LSS] Spawning object [meshes\brkbl#4.ogf][breakable_object][16371] [LSS] Spawning object [meshes\brkbl#5.ogf][breakable_object][16372] [LSS] Spawning object [meshes\brkbl#6.ogf][breakable_object][16373] [LSS] Spawning object [meshes\brkbl#7.ogf][breakable_object][16374] [LSS] Spawning object [clmbl#0][climable_object][16375] [LSS] Spawning object [clmbl#1][climable_object][16376] [LSS] Spawning object [clmbl#2][climable_object][16377] [LSS] Spawning object [clmbl#3][climable_object][16378] [LSS] Spawning object [clmbl#4][climable_object][16379] [LSS] Spawning object [clmbl#5][climable_object][16380] [LSS] Spawning object [clmbl#6][climable_object][16381] [LSS] Spawning object [clmbl#7][climable_object][16382] [LSS] Spawning object [clmbl#8][climable_object][16383] [LSS] Spawning object [clmbl#9][climable_object][16384] [LSS] Spawning object [clmbl#10][climable_object][16385] [LSS] Spawning object [clmbl#11][climable_object][16386] [LSS] Spawning object [clmbl#12][climable_object][16387] [LSS] Spawning object [clmbl#13][climable_object][16388] [LSS] Spawning object [clmbl#14][climable_object][16389] [LSS] Spawning object [clmbl#15][climable_object][16390] [LSS] Spawning object [clmbl#16][climable_object][16391] [LSS] Spawning object [clmbl#17][climable_object][16392] [LSS] Spawning object [clmbl#18][climable_object][16393] [LSS] Spawning object [shop_fridge_2_door_0000][physic_object][16395] [LSS] Spawning object [shop_fridge_2_door_0001][physic_object][16396] [LSS] Spawning object [shop_fridge_1_door_l_0000][physic_object][16397] [LSS] Spawning object [shop_fridge_1_door_r_0000][physic_object][16398] [LSS] Spawning object [cabinet_child_350x200_01_door_0002][physic_destroyable_object][16399] [LSS] Spawning object [cabinet_child_350x200_01_door_0004][physic_destroyable_object][16400] [LSS] Spawning object [cabinet_child_350x200_01_door_0005][physic_destroyable_object][16401] [LSS] Spawning object [cabinet_child_350x200_01_door_0000][physic_destroyable_object][16402] [LSS] Spawning object [cabinet_child_350x200_01_door_0003][physic_destroyable_object][16403] [LSS] Spawning object [cabinet_child_350x200_01_door_0001][physic_destroyable_object][16404] [LSS] Spawning object [cabinet_child_45x80_01_door][physic_destroyable_object][16405] [LSS] Spawning object [zone_burning_fuzz_strong][zone_burning_fuzz_strong][16406] [LSS] Spawning object [zone_burning_fuzz_average][zone_burning_fuzz_average][16407] [LSS] Spawning object [zone_burning_fuzz_average_0000][zone_burning_fuzz_average][16408] [LSS] Spawning object [zone_burning_fuzz_weak][zone_burning_fuzz_weak][16409] [LSS] Spawning object [light_alarm_glass][lights_hanging_lamp][16410] [LSS] Spawning object [light_alarm_green_glass][lights_hanging_lamp][16411] [LSS] Spawning object [light_alarm_flash_glass][lights_hanging_lamp][16412] [LSS] Spawning object [light_alarm_glass_0000][lights_hanging_lamp][16413] [LSS] Spawning object [light_alarm_green_glass_0000][lights_hanging_lamp][16414] [LSS] Spawning object [light_alarm_flash_glass_0000][lights_hanging_lamp][16415] [LSS] Spawning object [light_galogen_1_glass_0009][lights_hanging_lamp][16416] [LSS] Spawning object [light_alarm_glass_0004][lights_hanging_lamp][16417] [LSS] Spawning object [light_galogen_1_glass_0007][lights_hanging_lamp][16418] [LSS] Spawning object [light_galogen_1_glass_0000][lights_hanging_lamp][16419] [LSS] Spawning object [light_galogen_1_glass_0001][lights_hanging_lamp][16420] [LSS] Spawning object [light_galogen_1_glass_0004][lights_hanging_lamp][16421] [LSS] Spawning object [light_galogen_1_glass_0003][lights_hanging_lamp][16422] [LSS] Spawning object [light_gas_4m_0000][lights_hanging_lamp][16423] [LSS] Spawning object [campfire_dinamic][campfire][16424] [LSS] Spawning object [light_galogen_1_glass_0002][lights_hanging_lamp][16425] [LSS] Spawning object [light_alarm_glass_0008][lights_hanging_lamp][16426] [LSS] Spawning object [light_alarm_green_glass_0001][lights_hanging_lamp][16427] [LSS] Spawning object [light_alarm_flash_glass_0001][lights_hanging_lamp][16428] [LSS] Spawning object [light_alarm_glass_0009][lights_hanging_lamp][16429] [LSS] Spawning object [light_alarm_glass_0010][lights_hanging_lamp][16430] [LSS] Spawning object [lights_wire_12m_glass][lights_hanging_lamp][16431] [LSS] Spawning object [lights_wire_12m_glass_0000][lights_hanging_lamp][16432] [LSS] Spawning object [lights_wire_12m_glass_0001][lights_hanging_lamp][16433] [LSS] Spawning object [lights_white_12m_glass][lights_hanging_lamp][16434] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b36_smart_terrain_campfire_1][campfire][16435] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_sim_1_campfire_1][campfire][16436] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a28_evacuation_point][space_restrictor][16437] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b301_field][space_restrictor][16438] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b306_field][space_restrictor][16439] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_level_changer][level_changer][16440] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_level_changer_0000][level_changer][16441] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_level_changer_0001][level_changer][16442] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_crow_spawner][space_restrictor][16443] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b35_military][smart_terrain][16444] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b35_sr_control][space_restrictor][16445] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b35_sr_sound_control][space_restrictor][16446] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b35_mercs][smart_terrain][16447] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b35_sr_mercs][space_restrictor][16448] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b35_sr_mercs_escape][space_restrictor][16449] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b35_sr_envoy_escape][space_restrictor][16450] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b35_sr_actor_position][space_restrictor][16451] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a20_recon_squad_comm][space_restrictor][16452] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a20_garick_and_sokolov_spawn][space_restrictor][16453] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a22_give_task_kam][space_restrictor][16454] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a22_smart_terrain][smart_terrain][16455] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a22_space_restrictor][space_restrictor][16456] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a22_squad_cam][space_restrictor][16457] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b302_zone_mine_acidic_strong][zone_mine_acidic_strong][16458] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b302_zone_mine_acidic_strong_0000][zone_mine_acidic_strong][16459] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b302_zone_mine_acidic_strong_0001][zone_mine_acidic_strong][16460] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b302_zone_mine_acidic_strong_0005][zone_mine_acidic_strong][16461] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b302_zone_mine_acidic_strong_0007][zone_mine_acidic_strong][16462] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b302_zone_mine_acidic_strong_0008][zone_mine_acidic_strong][16463] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b302_zone_mine_acidic_strong_0009][zone_mine_acidic_strong][16464] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b302_zone_mine_acidic_strong_0010][zone_mine_acidic_strong][16465] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b302_zone_mine_acidic_strong_0011][zone_mine_acidic_strong][16466] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b302_zone_mine_acidic_strong_0012][zone_mine_acidic_strong][16467] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b302_zone_mine_acidic_strong_0013][zone_mine_acidic_strong][16468] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b302_zone_mine_acidic_strong_0016][zone_mine_acidic_strong][16469] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b302_zone_mine_acidic_strong_0017][zone_mine_acidic_strong][16470] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b302_anomal_zone][anomal_zone][16471] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b302_fireball_acidic_zone][fireball_acidic_zone][16472] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b305_signal_first_sight][space_restrictor][16473] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b305_dogs][smart_terrain][16474] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b305_mooving_signal_end][space_restrictor][16475] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b305_sr_army_aim][space_restrictor][16476] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b305_zone_mine_acidic_weak][zone_mine_acidic_weak][16477] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b305_zone_mine_acidic_weak_0000][zone_mine_acidic_weak][16478] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b305_signal_border_restr][space_restrictor][16479] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b305_aimap_connection][space_restrictor][16480] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b305_dogs_out_restr][space_restrictor][16481] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b303_one_side_door_rest][space_restrictor][16482] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b303_one_side_door][physic_door][16483] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b303_physic_destroyable_object_0003][physic_destroyable_object][16484] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b303_physic_destroyable_object_0004][physic_destroyable_object][16485] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b303_physic_destroyable_object_0000][physic_destroyable_object][16486] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b303_physic_destroyable_object_0005][physic_destroyable_object][16487] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b303_zone_mine_electric_strong][zone_mine_electric_strong][16488] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b303_zone_mine_electric_strong_0000][zone_mine_electric_strong][16489] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b303_zone_mine_electric_strong_0001][zone_mine_electric_strong][16490] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b303_zone_mine_electric_strong_0006][zone_mine_electric_strong][16491] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b303_zone_mine_electric_strong_0008][zone_mine_electric_strong][16492] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b303_zone_mine_electric_strong_0010][zone_mine_electric_strong][16493] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b303_zone_mine_electric_strong_0012][zone_mine_electric_strong][16494] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b303_zone_mine_electric_strong_0013][zone_mine_electric_strong][16495] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b303_zone_mine_electric_strong_0016][zone_mine_electric_strong][16496] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b303_zone_mine_electric_strong_0017][zone_mine_electric_strong][16497] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b303_zone_mine_electric_strong_0022][zone_mine_electric_strong][16498] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b303_zone_mine_electric_average][zone_mine_electric_average][16499] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b303_zone_mine_electric_average_0002][zone_mine_electric_average][16500] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b303_physic_destroyable_object_0030][physic_destroyable_object][16501] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b303_physic_destroyable_object_0065][physic_destroyable_object][16502] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b303_physic_destroyable_object_0073][physic_destroyable_object][16503] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b303_burer_out_rest][space_restrictor][16504] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b303][smart_terrain][16505] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b303_kill_dog_rest][space_restrictor][16506] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b303_physic_object_0010][physic_object][16507] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b303_physic_object_0012][physic_object][16508] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b303_physic_object_0014][physic_object][16509] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b303_physic_object_0021][physic_object][16510] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b303_physic_object_0023][physic_object][16511] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b303_physic_object_0028][physic_object][16512] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b303_anomal_zone][anomal_zone][16513] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b303_zone_field_radioactive_average][zone_field_radioactive_weak][16514] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b303_actor_come][space_restrictor][16515] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b303_door_01][physic_door][16516] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b304_store_hall][space_restrictor][16517] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b304_actor_run_away][space_restrictor][16518] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b304_monsters_smart_terrain][smart_terrain][16519] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b304_logic][space_restrictor][16520] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b304_tushkano_corridor_attack][space_restrictor][16521] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_fireball_zone][fireball_zone][16522] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b304_physic_door][physic_door][16523] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b304_physic_door_0000][physic_door][16524] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b304_physic_door_0001][physic_door][16525] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b304_physic_door_0002][physic_door][16526] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b304_physic_door_0003][physic_door][16527] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b304_physic_door_0004][physic_door][16528] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b304_physic_door_0005][physic_door][16529] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b304_physic_door_0006][physic_door][16530] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b304_physic_door_0007][physic_door][16531] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b304_physic_door_0008][physic_door][16532] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b304_physic_door_0009][physic_door][16533] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b304_physic_door_0010][physic_door][16534] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b304_physic_door_0011][physic_door][16535] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b304_physic_door_0012][physic_door][16536] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b304_physic_door_0013][physic_door][16537] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b304_physic_door_0014][physic_door][16538] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b304_anomal_zone][anomal_zone][16539] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b301_spawner][space_restrictor][16540] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b301_zulus_def_restr][space_restrictor][16541] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b301_fade][space_restrictor][16542] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b301_monsters_spawner][space_restrictor][16543] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b301_counter][space_restrictor][16544] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b301_monster_out_restr][space_restrictor][16545] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b301][smart_terrain][16546] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b301_zone_mine_gravitational_weak][zone_mine_gravitational_weak][16547] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b301_zone_mine_gravitational_strong][zone_mine_gravitational_strong][16548] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b301_anomal_zone][anomal_zone][16549] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b306_sr_control][space_restrictor][16550] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b306][smart_terrain][16551] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b306_sr_4_floor][space_restrictor][16552] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b306_sr_4_floor_2][space_restrictor][16553] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b306_sr_3_floor][space_restrictor][16554] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b306_sr_2_floor][space_restrictor][16555] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b306_sr_2_floor_2][space_restrictor][16556] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b306_sr_wc_zombie][space_restrictor][16557] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b306_anomal_zone][anomal_zone][16558] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b306_zone_mine_electric_strong][zone_mine_electric_strong][16559] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b306_zone_mine_electric_strong_0000][zone_mine_electric_strong][16560] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b306_zone_mine_electric_strong_0001][zone_mine_electric_strong][16561] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b306_zone_mine_electric_strong_0002][zone_mine_electric_strong][16562] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b306_zone_mine_electric_strong_0003][zone_mine_electric_strong][16563] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b306_zone_mine_electric_strong_0004][zone_mine_electric_strong][16564] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b306_zone_mine_electric_strong_0005][zone_mine_electric_strong][16565] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b306_zone_mine_electric_strong_0006][zone_mine_electric_strong][16566] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b306_zone_mine_electric_average][zone_mine_electric_average][16567] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b306_zone_mine_electric_average_0000][zone_mine_electric_average][16568] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b306_zone_mine_electric_average_0001][zone_mine_electric_average][16569] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b306_zone_mine_electric_average_0002][zone_mine_electric_average][16570] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b306_zone_mine_electric_average_0003][zone_mine_electric_average][16571] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b306_zone_mine_electric_average_0004][zone_mine_electric_average][16572] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b306_zone_mine_electric_average_0005][zone_mine_electric_average][16573] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b306_zone_mine_electric_average_0006][zone_mine_electric_average][16574] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b306_zone_mine_electric_average_0007][zone_mine_electric_average][16575] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b306_zone_mine_electric_average_0008][zone_mine_electric_average][16576] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b306_zone_mine_electric_average_0009][zone_mine_electric_average][16577] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b306_zone_mine_electric_average_0010][zone_mine_electric_average][16578] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a16][smart_terrain][16579] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a16_sr_light][space_restrictor][16580] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a16_ph_rupor][physic_object][16581] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a16_ph_rupor_0000][physic_object][16582] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a17_taras_hide_cover_zone][space_restrictor][16583] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a17_hosp_build_1][space_restrictor][16584] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a17_pod_cover_2_zone][space_restrictor][16585] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a17_cover][smart_cover][16586] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a17_taras_ready_to_attack][smart_cover][16587] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a17_pod_cover_1][smart_cover][16588] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a17_ice_snipe_pos][smart_cover][16589] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a17_pod_cover_start][smart_cover][16590] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a17_pod_cover_2][smart_cover][16591] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a17_val_cover_2][smart_cover][16592] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a17_mon_pat_1][space_restrictor][16593] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a17_mon_pat_2][space_restrictor][16594] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a17_mon_pat_4][space_restrictor][16595] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a17_mon_pat_3][space_restrictor][16596] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a17_monolith_spawn][space_restrictor][16597] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a17_mon_pat_walk_control][space_restrictor][16598] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a17_no_way_1][space_restrictor][16599] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a17_val_cover_2_zone][space_restrictor][16600] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a17_mon_preacher_stay_zone][space_restrictor][16601] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a17_actor_ignore_mil][space_restrictor][16602] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a17_val_chek_fight_zone][space_restrictor][16603] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a17_pod_chek_fight_zone][space_restrictor][16604] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a17_taras_chek_fight_zone][space_restrictor][16605] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a17_task][space_restrictor][16606] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a17_taras_cover_2_zone][space_restrictor][16607] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a17_taras_attack_fight_zone][space_restrictor][16608] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a17_taras_check_zone][space_restrictor][16609] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a17_squad_follow][space_restrictor][16610] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a17_second_floor][space_restrictor][16611] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a17_roof][space_restrictor][16612] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a17_first_floor][space_restrictor][16613] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a17][smart_terrain][16614] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a17_hosp_square][space_restrictor][16615] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a17_mon_pat_5][space_restrictor][16616] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a17_backoff][space_restrictor][16617] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a17_val_cover_1][smart_cover][16618] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a17_val_cover_start][smart_cover][16619] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a17_teleport][space_restrictor][16620] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a15_door][door_lab_x8][16621] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a15][smart_terrain][16622] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a15_animpoint_actor][smart_cover][16623] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a15_animpoint_military_1][smart_cover][16624] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a15_animpoint_military_2][smart_cover][16625] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a15_animpoint_military_3][smart_cover][16626] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a15_animpoint_military_4][smart_cover][16627] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a15_animpoint_sokolov][smart_cover][16628] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a15_animpoint_wanderer][smart_cover][16629] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a15_animpoint_vano][smart_cover][16630] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a15_animpoint_zulus][smart_cover][16631] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a15_sr_exit][space_restrictor][16632] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_surge_hide_a15][space_restrictor][16633] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_surge_hide_a16][space_restrictor][16634] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_surge_hide_b304][space_restrictor][16635] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_surge_hide_b35][space_restrictor][16636] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_surge_hide_a18][space_restrictor][16637] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_surge_hide_a21][space_restrictor][16638] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_surge_hide_b306][space_restrictor][16639] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_surge_hide_b301][space_restrictor][16640] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_surge_hide_b303][space_restrictor][16641] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_surge_hide_a28][space_restrictor][16642] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_surge_hide_a17][space_restrictor][16643] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_surge_hide_b36][space_restrictor][16644] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b36_smart_terrain][smart_terrain][16645] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b36_master_out_restr][space_restrictor][16646] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b36_sr_half_out_restr][space_restrictor][16647] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b36_sr_ahi_place_pda][space_restrictor][16648] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_wa_anomal_zone][anomal_zone][16649] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b307_anomal_zone][anomal_zone][16650] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b307_zone_mine_thermal_average][zone_mine_thermal_average][16651] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b307_zone_mine_thermal_average_0001][zone_mine_thermal_average][16652] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b307_zone_mine_thermal_average_0002][zone_mine_thermal_average][16653] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b307_zone_mine_thermal_average_0004][zone_mine_thermal_average][16654] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b307_zone_mine_thermal_average_0005][zone_mine_thermal_average][16655] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b307_zone_mine_thermal_average_0006][zone_mine_thermal_average][16656] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b307_zone_mine_thermal_average_0007][zone_mine_thermal_average][16657] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b307_zone_mine_thermal_average_0008][zone_mine_thermal_average][16658] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b307_zone_mine_thermal_average_0009][zone_mine_thermal_average][16659] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b307_zone_mine_thermal_average_0010][zone_mine_thermal_average][16660] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b307_zone_mine_thermal_average_0011][zone_mine_thermal_average][16661] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b307_zone_mine_thermal_average_0012][zone_mine_thermal_average][16662] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b307_zone_mine_thermal_average_0013][zone_mine_thermal_average][16663] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b307_zone_mine_thermal_average_0014][zone_mine_thermal_average][16664] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b307][smart_terrain][16665] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b307_fireball_zone][fireball_zone][16666] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b307_fireball_zone_0000][fireball_zone][16667] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b307_fireball_zone_0001][fireball_zone][16668] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a21_smart_terrain][smart_terrain][16669] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a21_spawn_restrictor][space_restrictor][16670] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a21_meet_kovalski_restrictor][space_restrictor][16671] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a21_dead_kontroler_camera_restrictor][space_restrictor][16672] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b302][smart_terrain][16673] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_sim_1][smart_terrain][16674] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_sim_2][smart_terrain][16675] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_sim_3][smart_terrain][16676] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_sim_4][smart_terrain][16677] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_sim_5][smart_terrain][16678] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_garic_provodnik_talk_teleport_actor][space_restrictor][16679] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a25_psy_effect_restrictor][space_restrictor][16680] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a25_poltergeist_2_spawn_restrictor][space_restrictor][16681] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a25_poltergeist_1_spawn_restrictor][space_restrictor][16682] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a25_antenna_particle_play_restrictor][space_restrictor][16683] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a25_smart_terrain][smart_terrain][16684] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a25_door_find_restrictor][space_restrictor][16685] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a25_find_antenna_restrictor][space_restrictor][16686] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_med_stolik_01][med_stolik_01][16687] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_wheel_litter_01][wheel_litter_01][16688] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a17_sc_ice_climb][smart_cover][16689] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b306_door][door_lab_x8][16690] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b306_door_0000][door_lab_x8][16691] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b306_door_0001][door_lab_x8][16692] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b306_door_0002][door_lab_x8][16693] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a25_banka_kraski_1][banka_kraski_1][16694] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a25_vedro_01][vedro_01][16695] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a25_vedro_01_0000][vedro_01][16696] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a25_kastrula][kastrula][16697] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a25_kastrula_0000][kastrula][16698] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a25_miska][miska][16699] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a25_teapot_1][teapot_1][16700] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a25_kastrula_0001][kastrula][16701] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a25_bottle_3l][bottle_3l][16702] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a25_miska_0000][miska][16703] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_child_bench][child_bench][16704] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_stul_child_01][stul_child_01][16705] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a25_teapot_1_0002][teapot_1][16706] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_stul_child_01_0000][stul_child_01][16707] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_stul_child_01_0003][stul_child_01][16708] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_stul_child_01_0004][stul_child_01][16709] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_stul_child_01_0005][stul_child_01][16710] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_child_bench_0001][child_bench][16711] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_taburet_wood_01][taburet_wood_01][16712] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_stul_child_01_0006][stul_child_01][16713] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_stul_child_01_0007][stul_child_01][16714] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_child_bench_0002][child_bench][16715] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_child_bench_0003][child_bench][16716] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_stul_child_01_0008][stul_child_01][16717] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a16_animp_1][smart_cover][16718] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a16_animp_2][smart_cover][16719] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a16_animp_3][smart_cover][16720] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a16_animp_wounded][smart_cover][16721] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a16_animp_8][smart_cover][16722] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a16_animp_medic][smart_cover][16723] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a16_animp_4][smart_cover][16724] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a25_vedro_01_0001][vedro_01][16725] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_stul_child_01_0001][stul_child_01][16726] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_stul_child_01_0002][stul_child_01][16727] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_bidon][bidon][16728] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_balon_02][balon_02][16729] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_box_bottle_1][box_bottle_1][16730] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_box_bottle_1_0000][box_bottle_1][16731] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_child_bench_0000][child_bench][16732] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a25_teapot_1_0000][teapot_1][16733] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a16_animp_vano][smart_cover][16734] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a16_animp_wanderer][smart_cover][16735] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a16_animp_sokolov][smart_cover][16736] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_stul_wood_01][stul_wood_01][16737] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_stul_school_01][stul_school_01][16738] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_stul_school_01_0000][stul_school_01][16739] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_stul_school_01_br][stul_school_01_br][16740] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_stul_school_01_0001][stul_school_01][16741] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_box_bottle_1_0001][box_bottle_1][16742] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_box_bottle_1_0002][box_bottle_1][16743] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_sr_anomalies_count][space_restrictor][16744] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_med_stolik_01_0000][med_stolik_01][16745] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_bottle_3l][bottle_3l][16746] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_krujka][krujka][16747] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_bludo][bludo][16748] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_teapot_1][teapot_1][16749] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_miska][miska][16750] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_lojka][lojka][16751] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_tarelka2][tarelka2][16752] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_krujka_0000][krujka][16753] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_box_bottle_1_0003][box_bottle_1][16754] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_stul_wood_01_0000][stul_wood_01][16756] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_bottle_3l_0000][bottle_3l][16757] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_bochka_close_1][bochka_close_1][16758] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_box_paper][box_paper][16759] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_box_paper_0000][box_paper][16760] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_box_paper_0001][box_paper][16761] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_teapot_1_0000][teapot_1][16762] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_krujka_0001][krujka][16763] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a16_animp_zulus][smart_cover][16764] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a16_animp_5][smart_cover][16765] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a16_animp_6][smart_cover][16766] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a16_sr_sleep][space_restrictor][16767] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a16_ph_door_0004][physic_door][16768] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a16_ph_door_0005][physic_door][16769] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a20_sc_kovalski_radio_anim][smart_cover][16770] [LSS] Spawning object [transiver_01][physic_object][16771] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a20_squad_restrictor][space_restrictor][16772] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a20_squad_task_complete_restrictor][space_restrictor][16773] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_taburet_wood_01_0001][taburet_wood_01][16774] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_kastrula][kastrula][16775] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_krujka_0002][krujka][16776] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_box_paper_0002][box_paper][16777] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_fire_vedro][fire_vedro][16778] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_box_paper_0003][box_paper][16779] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_box_wood_02][box_wood_02][16780] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_box_wood_02_0000][box_wood_02][16781] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_box_paper_0004][box_paper][16782] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_box_paper_0005][box_paper][16783] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_box_wood_02_0001][box_wood_02][16784] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_bochka_close_3][bochka_close_3][16785] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_balon_02link][balon_02link][16786] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_box_bottle_1_0004][box_bottle_1][16787] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_box_wood_02_0002][box_wood_02][16788] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_box_bottle_1_0005][box_bottle_1][16789] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_box_bottle_1_0006][box_bottle_1][16790] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_box_paper_0006][box_paper][16791] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_box_bottle_1_0007][box_bottle_1][16792] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_bidon_0000][bidon][16793] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_bottle_3l_0001][bottle_3l][16794] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_box_wood_02_0003][box_wood_02][16795] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_box_paper_0007][box_paper][16796] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_hammer][hammer][16797] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_lopata][lopata][16798] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_box_bottle_1_0008][box_bottle_1][16799] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_box_paper_0008][box_paper][16800] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_ognetushitel][ognetushitel][16801] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_box_wood_02_0004][box_wood_02][16802] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_box_paper_0009][box_paper][16803] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_miska_0000][miska][16804] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_ognetushitel_0000][ognetushitel][16805] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_box_wood_02_0005][box_wood_02][16806] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_stul_school_01_0002][stul_school_01][16807] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_stul_school_01_br_0000][stul_school_01_br][16808] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_stul_wood_01_0001][stul_wood_01][16809] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_taburet_wood_01_0002][taburet_wood_01][16810] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_stul_school_01_br_0001][stul_school_01_br][16811] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_stul_school_01_0003][stul_school_01][16812] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_box_paper_0010][box_paper][16813] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_box_wood_02_0006][box_wood_02][16814] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_box_wood_02_0007][box_wood_02][16815] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_ognetushitel_0001][ognetushitel][16816] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_box_paper_0011][box_paper][16817] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_taburet_wood_01_0003][taburet_wood_01][16818] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_miska_0001][miska][16819] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_balon_01][balon_01][16820] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_box_wood_01][box_wood_01][16821] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_box_wood_01_0000][box_wood_01][16822] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_box_wood_02_0008][box_wood_02][16823] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_box_1c][box_1c][16824] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_box_paper_0012][box_paper][16825] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_kolyaska_01][kolyaska_01][16826] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_gaz_plita][gaz_plita][16827] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_balon_02a][balon_02a][16828] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a17_roofwalkers_stop][space_restrictor][16829] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a15_sr_start][space_restrictor][16831] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b306_sr_lift_exit][space_restrictor][16832] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b303_zone_field_radioactive_average_0000][zone_field_radioactive_weak][16833] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b303_zone_field_radioactive_average_0001][zone_field_radioactive_weak][16834] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b303_zone_field_radioactive_average_0002][zone_field_radioactive_weak][16835] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b303_zone_field_radioactive_average_0003][zone_field_radioactive_weak][16836] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b303_zone_field_radioactive_average_0004][zone_field_radioactive_weak][16837] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b303_zone_field_radioactive_average_0005][zone_field_radioactive_weak][16838] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b303_zone_field_radioactive_average_0006][zone_field_radioactive_weak][16839] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b303_zone_field_radioactive_average_0007][zone_field_radioactive_weak][16840] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b303_zone_field_radioactive_average_0008][zone_field_radioactive_weak][16841] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b303_zone_field_radioactive_average_0009][zone_field_radioactive_weak][16842] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b303_zone_field_radioactive_average_0010][zone_field_radioactive_weak][16843] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b303_zone_field_radioactive_average_0011][zone_field_radioactive_weak][16844] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b303_zone_field_radioactive_average_0012][zone_field_radioactive_weak][16845] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b303_zone_field_radioactive_average_0013][zone_field_radioactive_weak][16846] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b303_zone_field_radioactive_average_0014][zone_field_radioactive_weak][16847] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b303_zone_field_radioactive_average_0015][zone_field_radioactive_weak][16848] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b303_zone_field_radioactive_average_0016][zone_field_radioactive_weak][16849] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b303_zone_field_radioactive_average_0017][zone_field_radioactive_weak][16850] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b303_zone_field_radioactive_average_0018][zone_field_radioactive_weak][16851] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b303_zone_field_radioactive_average_0019][zone_field_radioactive_weak][16852] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b303_zone_field_radioactive_average_0023][zone_field_radioactive_weak][16853] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b303_zone_field_radioactive_average_0024][zone_field_radioactive_weak][16854] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b303_zone_field_radioactive_average_0025][zone_field_radioactive_weak][16855] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b303_zone_field_radioactive_average_0026][zone_field_radioactive_weak][16856] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b303_zone_field_radioactive_average_0027][zone_field_radioactive_weak][16857] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b303_zone_field_radioactive_average_0028][zone_field_radioactive_weak][16858] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b303_zone_field_radioactive_average_0029][zone_field_radioactive_weak][16859] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b303_zone_field_radioactive_average_0030][zone_field_radioactive_weak][16860] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b303_zone_field_radioactive_average_0031][zone_field_radioactive_weak][16861] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b303_zone_field_radioactive_average_0032][zone_field_radioactive_weak][16862] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b303_zone_field_radioactive_average_0033][zone_field_radioactive_weak][16863] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b303_zone_field_radioactive_average_0034][zone_field_radioactive_weak][16864] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b303_zone_field_radioactive_average_0035][zone_field_radioactive_weak][16865] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b303_zone_field_radioactive_average_0036][zone_field_radioactive_weak][16866] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b303_zone_field_radioactive_average_0037][zone_field_radioactive_weak][16867] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b303_zone_field_radioactive_average_0038][zone_field_radioactive_weak][16868] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b303_zone_field_radioactive_average_0039][zone_field_radioactive_weak][16869] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_zone_field_radioactive][zone_field_radioactive_weak][16870] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_zone_field_radioactive_0000][zone_field_radioactive_weak][16871] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_zone_field_radioactive_0001][zone_field_radioactive_weak][16872] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_zone_field_radioactive_0002][zone_field_radioactive_weak][16873] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b305_logic][space_restrictor][16874] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_physic_destroyable_object_0000][physic_destroyable_object][16875] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b304_zone_mine_chemical_strong][zone_mine_chemical_strong][16876] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b304_zone_field_acidic_strong][zone_field_acidic_strong][16877] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b304_zone_mine_chemical_strong_0000][zone_mine_chemical_strong][16878] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b304_zone_field_acidic_strong_0000][zone_field_acidic_strong][16879] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b304_zone_mine_chemical_strong_0001][zone_mine_chemical_strong][16880] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b304_zone_field_acidic_strong_0001][zone_field_acidic_strong][16881] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b304_zone_mine_chemical_strong_0002][zone_mine_chemical_strong][16882] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b304_zone_field_acidic_strong_0002][zone_field_acidic_strong][16883] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b304_zone_mine_chemical_strong_0003][zone_mine_chemical_strong][16884] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b304_zone_field_acidic_strong_0003][zone_field_acidic_strong][16885] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b304_zone_mine_chemical_strong_0004][zone_mine_chemical_strong][16886] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b304_zone_field_acidic_strong_0004][zone_field_acidic_strong][16887] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b304_zone_mine_chemical_strong_0005][zone_mine_chemical_strong][16888] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b304_zone_field_acidic_strong_0005][zone_field_acidic_strong][16889] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b304_zone_mine_chemical_strong_0006][zone_mine_chemical_strong][16890] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b304_zone_field_acidic_strong_0006][zone_field_acidic_strong][16891] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b304_zone_mine_chemical_strong_0007][zone_mine_chemical_strong][16892] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b304_zone_field_acidic_strong_0007][zone_field_acidic_strong][16893] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b304_zone_mine_chemical_strong_0008][zone_mine_chemical_strong][16894] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b304_zone_field_acidic_strong_0008][zone_field_acidic_strong][16895] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b304_zone_field_acidic_strong_0009][zone_field_acidic_strong][16896] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b304_zone_field_acidic_strong_0010][zone_field_acidic_strong][16897] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b304_zone_field_acidic_strong_0011][zone_field_acidic_strong][16898] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b304_zone_field_acidic_strong_0012][zone_field_acidic_strong][16899] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b304_zone_field_acidic_strong_0013][zone_field_acidic_strong][16900] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_zone_field_radioactive_average_0000][zone_field_radioactive_average][16901] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_zone_field_radioactive_average][zone_field_radioactive_average][16902] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_zone_field_radioactive_average_0001][zone_field_radioactive_average][16903] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_zone_field_radioactive_average_0002][zone_field_radioactive_average][16904] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_zone_field_radioactive_average_0003][zone_field_radioactive_average][16905] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_zone_field_radioactive_average_0004][zone_field_radioactive_average][16906] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_zone_field_radioactive_average_0005][zone_field_radioactive_average][16907] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_zone_field_radioactive_average_0006][zone_field_radioactive_average][16908] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_zone_field_radioactive_average_0007][zone_field_radioactive_average][16909] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_zone_field_radioactive_average_0008][zone_field_radioactive_average][16910] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_zone_field_radioactive_average_0009][zone_field_radioactive_average][16911] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_zone_field_radioactive_average_0010][zone_field_radioactive_average][16912] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_zone_field_radioactive_average_0011][zone_field_radioactive_average][16913] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_zone_field_radioactive_average_0012][zone_field_radioactive_average][16914] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_zone_field_radioactive_average_0013][zone_field_radioactive_average][16915] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_zone_field_radioactive_average_0014][zone_field_radioactive_average][16916] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_zone_field_radioactive_average_0015][zone_field_radioactive_average][16917] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a18_start_task_restrictor][space_restrictor][16918] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a18_smart_terrain][smart_terrain][16919] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a18_cam_restrictor][space_restrictor][16920] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a18_post_quard_out_restrictor][space_restrictor][16921] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a18_enter_restrictor][space_restrictor][16922] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a18_use_idol_restrictor][space_restrictor][16923] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a18_physic_door_idol_room_r][physic_door][16924] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a18_physic_door_idol_room_l][physic_door][16925] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b301_zatichka_spawn_snork][space_restrictor][16926] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a17_roofwalkers_stop_2][space_restrictor][16927] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a17_monolith_attack_zone][space_restrictor][16928] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a17_sc_mon_preacher][smart_cover][16929] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a18_reinf_near_shop_sneak_run][space_restrictor][16930] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b36_zombied_restrictor][space_restrictor][16931] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b303_screaming_dog][physic_object][16932] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a28_heli_1][helicopter][16933] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a28_heli_2][helicopter][16934] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a21_base_restrictor][space_restrictor][16935] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a28_sr_shop_1_small][space_restrictor][16936] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a28_heli_landing_zone][space_restrictor][16937] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a28_sr_arch_2][space_restrictor][16938] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a28_school_in_restrictor][space_restrictor][16939] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a28_sr_horror][space_restrictor][16940] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a28_heli][smart_terrain][16941] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a28_scene_end_zone][space_restrictor][16942] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a28_helli_start_away_zone][space_restrictor][16943] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a28_scene_end_hellis_destroy_zone][space_restrictor][16944] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a28_sr_evac][space_restrictor][16945] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a28_base_movie][space_restrictor][16946] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a16_animp_7][smart_cover][16947] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a16_animp_tech][smart_cover][16948] [LSS] Spawning object [transiver_01_0000][physic_object][16949] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a16_kovalski_1st_floor][smart_cover][16950] [LSS] Spawning object [table_lamp_0000][physic_object][16951] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a16_animp_tarasov][smart_cover][16952] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a16_animp_radio_talk][smart_cover][16953] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a20_sc_kovalski_radio_anim_0000][smart_cover][16954] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a18_wait_reinf][space_restrictor][16955] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a18_task_end_zone][space_restrictor][16956] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a22_space_restrictor_0000][space_restrictor][16957] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a16_animp_garick][smart_cover][16958] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a25_antenna_1_st_floor][space_restrictor][16959] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a21_sc_mad_chasovoi][smart_cover][16960] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a18_monolith_trance_restrictor][space_restrictor][16961] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_physic_object][physic_object][16968] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_physic_object_0000][physic_object][16969] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_vodka_0003][vodka][16970] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_medkit_0001][medkit][16971] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_kolbasa][kolbasa][16972] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_bread][bread][16973] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_vodka_0004][vodka][16974] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_conserva][conserva][16975] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b36_tower_treasure][space_restrictor][16976] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b36_ground_treasure][space_restrictor][16977] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_physic_destroyable_object_0006][physic_destroyable_object][16978] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_physic_destroyable_object_0007][physic_destroyable_object][16979] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_physic_destroyable_object_0008][physic_destroyable_object][16980] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a16_animp_valentyr][smart_cover][16986] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_surge_hide_a28_2][space_restrictor][16987] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_surge_hide_b304_2][space_restrictor][16988] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a15_sr_light_mil][space_restrictor][16989] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a17_preacher_outrestr][space_restrictor][16990] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a28_base][smart_terrain][16991] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a28_sr_control][space_restrictor][16992] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b36_smart_terrain_camp][camp_zone][16993] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a15_camp][camp_zone][16994] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a17_camp][camp_zone][16995] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a18_smart_terrain_camp][camp_zone][16996] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a25_smart_terrain_camp][camp_zone][16997] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b301_camp][camp_zone][16998] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b303_camp][camp_zone][16999] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b304_monsters_smart_terrain_camp][camp_zone][17000] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b306_camp][camp_zone][17001] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b35_mercs_camp][camp_zone][17002] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_sim_1_camp][camp_zone][17003] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_sim_4_camp][camp_zone][17004] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_sim_5_camp][camp_zone][17005] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a28_sr_squad_neutral][space_restrictor][17006] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a28_shop][smart_terrain][17007] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a28_arch][smart_terrain][17008] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a28_school][smart_terrain][17009] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a28_evac][smart_terrain][17010] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a28_sr_shop_1][space_restrictor][17011] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a28_sr_base_2][space_restrictor][17012] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a28_sr_shop_2][space_restrictor][17013] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a28_sr_shop_2_small][space_restrictor][17014] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a28_sr_shop_3_small][space_restrictor][17015] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a28_sr_arch_1][space_restrictor][17016] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a28_spot][space_restrictor][17017] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b36_spot][space_restrictor][17018] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b303_spot][space_restrictor][17019] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b301_spot][space_restrictor][17020] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a17_spot][space_restrictor][17021] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b306_spot][space_restrictor][17022] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a16_spot][space_restrictor][17023] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a25_spot][space_restrictor][17024] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b35_spot][space_restrictor][17025] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a21_spot][space_restrictor][17026] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b304_spot][space_restrictor][17027] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a18_spot][space_restrictor][17028] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a18_in_anom_in_restr][space_restrictor][17029] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a28_sr_shop_in][space_restrictor][17030] [LSS] Spawning object [light_alarm_glass_0001][lights_hanging_lamp][17031] [LSS] Spawning object [light_alarm_glass_0002][lights_hanging_lamp][17032] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a28_sr_school_1][space_restrictor][17033] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a28_sr_school_2][space_restrictor][17034] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a28_sr_school_3][space_restrictor][17035] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a28_sr_evac_1][space_restrictor][17036] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a28_sr_evac_radio_talk][space_restrictor][17037] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a28_sr_big][space_restrictor][17038] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a28_sr_small][space_restrictor][17039] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a28_sr_evac_2][space_restrictor][17040] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a28_sr_heli_1][space_restrictor][17041] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a28_sr_heli_2][space_restrictor][17042] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_physic_destroyable_object_0001][physic_destroyable_object][17043] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a25_hospital_fense_blocker_2][physic_destroyable_object][17044] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a25_hospital_fense_blocker_1][physic_destroyable_object][17045] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a25_antenna_destroyable_barrier][physic_destroyable_object][17046] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a16_camp_upper][camp_zone][17047] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a16_camp_lower][camp_zone][17048] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b306_sr_generator][space_restrictor][17049] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a25_poltergeist_out_restr][space_restrictor][17050] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_physic_destroyable_object_0002][physic_destroyable_object][17051] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_physic_destroyable_object_0003][physic_destroyable_object][17052] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_physic_destroyable_object_0004][physic_destroyable_object][17053] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_physic_destroyable_object_0005][physic_destroyable_object][17054] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_physic_destroyable_object_0009][physic_destroyable_object][17055] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_physic_destroyable_object_0010][physic_destroyable_object][17056] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_physic_destroyable_object_0011][physic_destroyable_object][17057] [LSS] Spawning object [shop_fridge_2_door][physic_object][17058] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_zone_field_radioactive_weak][zone_field_radioactive_weak][17059] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_zone_field_radioactive_weak_0000][zone_field_radioactive_weak][17060] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_zone_field_radioactive_average_0029][zone_field_radioactive_average][17061] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_zone_field_radioactive_average_0028][zone_field_radioactive_average][17062] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_zone_field_radioactive_average_0027][zone_field_radioactive_average][17063] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_zone_field_radioactive_average_0026][zone_field_radioactive_average][17064] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_zone_field_radioactive_average_0016][zone_field_radioactive_average][17065] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_zone_field_radioactive_average_0017][zone_field_radioactive_average][17066] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_zone_field_radioactive_weak_0001][zone_field_radioactive_weak][17067] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_zone_field_radioactive_average_0018][zone_field_radioactive_average][17068] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_zone_field_radioactive_average_0019][zone_field_radioactive_average][17069] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_zone_field_radioactive_strong][zone_field_radioactive_strong][17070] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_zone_field_radioactive_strong_0000][zone_field_radioactive_strong][17071] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_zone_field_radioactive_average_0020][zone_field_radioactive_average][17072] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover][smart_cover][17073] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0000][smart_cover][17074] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0001][smart_cover][17075] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0002][smart_cover][17076] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0003][smart_cover][17077] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0004][smart_cover][17078] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0005][smart_cover][17079] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0006][smart_cover][17080] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0007][smart_cover][17081] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0008][smart_cover][17082] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0009][smart_cover][17083] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0010][smart_cover][17084] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0011][smart_cover][17085] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0012][smart_cover][17086] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0013][smart_cover][17087] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0014][smart_cover][17088] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0015][smart_cover][17089] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0016][smart_cover][17090] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0018][smart_cover][17091] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0019][smart_cover][17092] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0020][smart_cover][17093] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0021][smart_cover][17094] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0022][smart_cover][17095] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0023][smart_cover][17096] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0024][smart_cover][17097] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0025][smart_cover][17098] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0026][smart_cover][17099] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0027][smart_cover][17100] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0028][smart_cover][17101] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0029][smart_cover][17102] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0030][smart_cover][17103] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0031][smart_cover][17104] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0032][smart_cover][17105] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0033][smart_cover][17106] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0034][smart_cover][17107] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0035][smart_cover][17108] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0036][smart_cover][17109] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0037][smart_cover][17110] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0038][smart_cover][17111] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0039][smart_cover][17112] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0040][smart_cover][17113] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0041][smart_cover][17114] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0042][smart_cover][17115] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0043][smart_cover][17116] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0044][smart_cover][17117] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0045][smart_cover][17118] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0046][smart_cover][17119] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0047][smart_cover][17120] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0048][smart_cover][17121] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0049][smart_cover][17122] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0050][smart_cover][17123] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0051][smart_cover][17124] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0052][smart_cover][17125] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0053][smart_cover][17126] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0054][smart_cover][17127] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0055][smart_cover][17128] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0056][smart_cover][17129] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0057][smart_cover][17130] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0058][smart_cover][17131] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0059][smart_cover][17132] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b35_mercs_surge_hide_1][space_restrictor][17133] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b35_mercs_surge_hide_2][space_restrictor][17134] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0060][smart_cover][17135] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0061][smart_cover][17136] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0062][smart_cover][17137] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0063][smart_cover][17138] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0064][smart_cover][17139] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0065][smart_cover][17140] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b35_mercs_surge_hide_3][space_restrictor][17141] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b35_mercs_surge_hide_4][space_restrictor][17142] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0066][smart_cover][17143] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0067][smart_cover][17144] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0068][smart_cover][17145] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0069][smart_cover][17146] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0070][smart_cover][17147] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0071][smart_cover][17148] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0072][smart_cover][17149] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0073][smart_cover][17150] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0074][smart_cover][17151] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_zone_field_radioactive_weak_0002][zone_field_radioactive_weak][17152] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b35_military_surge_hide_1][space_restrictor][17153] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b35_military_animpoint_1][smart_cover][17154] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b35_military_animpoint_2][smart_cover][17155] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b35_military_camp][camp_zone][17156] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_zone_field_radioactive_average_0021][zone_field_radioactive_average][17157] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0075][smart_cover][17158] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0076][smart_cover][17159] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0077][smart_cover][17160] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0078][smart_cover][17161] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0079][smart_cover][17162] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_zone_field_radioactive_average_0022][zone_field_radioactive_average][17163] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0080][smart_cover][17164] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0081][smart_cover][17165] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0082][smart_cover][17166] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0083][smart_cover][17167] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0084][smart_cover][17168] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0085][smart_cover][17169] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0086][smart_cover][17170] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0087][smart_cover][17171] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0088][smart_cover][17172] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0089][smart_cover][17173] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0090][smart_cover][17174] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0091][smart_cover][17175] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_zone_field_radioactive_average_0023][zone_field_radioactive_average][17176] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0092][smart_cover][17177] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0093][smart_cover][17178] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0094][smart_cover][17179] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0095][smart_cover][17180] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0096][smart_cover][17181] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_zone_field_radioactive_average_0024][zone_field_radioactive_average][17182] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_zone_field_radioactive_weak_0003][zone_field_radioactive_weak][17183] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0097][smart_cover][17184] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0098][smart_cover][17185] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0099][smart_cover][17186] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0100][smart_cover][17187] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0101][smart_cover][17188] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0102][smart_cover][17189] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0103][smart_cover][17190] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0104][smart_cover][17191] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0105][smart_cover][17192] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0106][smart_cover][17193] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0107][smart_cover][17194] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0108][smart_cover][17195] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0109][smart_cover][17196] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0110][smart_cover][17197] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0111][smart_cover][17198] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0112][smart_cover][17199] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0113][smart_cover][17200] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0114][smart_cover][17201] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0115][smart_cover][17202] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0116][smart_cover][17203] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0117][smart_cover][17204] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0118][smart_cover][17205] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0119][smart_cover][17206] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0120][smart_cover][17207] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0121][smart_cover][17208] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0122][smart_cover][17209] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0123][smart_cover][17210] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0124][smart_cover][17211] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0125][smart_cover][17212] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0126][smart_cover][17213] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0127][smart_cover][17214] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0128][smart_cover][17215] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0129][smart_cover][17216] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0130][smart_cover][17217] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0131][smart_cover][17218] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0132][smart_cover][17219] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0133][smart_cover][17220] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0134][smart_cover][17221] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0135][smart_cover][17222] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0136][smart_cover][17223] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0137][smart_cover][17224] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0138][smart_cover][17225] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0139][smart_cover][17226] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0140][smart_cover][17227] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0141][smart_cover][17228] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0142][smart_cover][17229] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0143][smart_cover][17230] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0144][smart_cover][17231] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0145][smart_cover][17232] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0146][smart_cover][17233] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0147][smart_cover][17234] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0148][smart_cover][17235] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0149][smart_cover][17236] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0150][smart_cover][17237] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0151][smart_cover][17238] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0152][smart_cover][17239] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0153][smart_cover][17240] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0154][smart_cover][17241] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0155][smart_cover][17242] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0156][smart_cover][17243] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0157][smart_cover][17244] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0158][smart_cover][17245] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0159][smart_cover][17246] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0160][smart_cover][17247] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0161][smart_cover][17248] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0162][smart_cover][17249] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b305_sc_cam_3][smart_cover][17250] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b305_undergroung_restr][space_restrictor][17251] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a18_sc_cutscene_actor][smart_cover][17252] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a18_near_shop_enter_smart_cover_1_1][smart_cover][17253] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a18_near_shop_enter_smart_cover_2_1][smart_cover][17254] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a18_near_shop_enter_smart_cover_1_2][smart_cover][17255] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a18_near_idol_room_cover][smart_cover][17256] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a28_shop_cover_2][smart_cover][17257] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a28_shop_cover_8][smart_cover][17258] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a28_shop_cover_9][smart_cover][17259] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a28_shop_cover_11][smart_cover][17260] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a28_shop_cover_10][smart_cover][17261] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a28_shop_cover_6][smart_cover][17262] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a28_shop_cover_5][smart_cover][17263] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a28_shop_cover_7][smart_cover][17264] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a28_heli_cover_26][smart_cover][17265] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a28_heli_cover_23][smart_cover][17266] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a28_heli_cover_25][smart_cover][17267] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a28_arch_cover_2][smart_cover][17268] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a28_arch_cover_1][smart_cover][17269] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a28_arch_cover_4][smart_cover][17270] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a28_arch_cover_3][smart_cover][17271] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a28_base_cover_3][smart_cover][17272] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a28_base_cover_4][smart_cover][17273] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a28_base_cover_1][smart_cover][17274] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a28_heli_cover_22][smart_cover][17275] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a28_base_cover_8][smart_cover][17276] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a28_base_cover_9][smart_cover][17277] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a28_heli_cover_17][smart_cover][17278] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a28_heli_cover_16][smart_cover][17279] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a28_heli_cover_9][smart_cover][17280] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a28_heli_cover_10][smart_cover][17281] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a28_heli_cover_7][smart_cover][17282] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a28_heli_cover_19][smart_cover][17283] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a28_heli_cover_18][smart_cover][17284] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a28_heli_cover_11][smart_cover][17285] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a28_heli_cover_8][smart_cover][17286] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a28_heli_cover_6][smart_cover][17287] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a28_heli_cover_5][smart_cover][17288] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a28_heli_cover_4][smart_cover][17289] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a28_heli_cover_3][smart_cover][17290] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a28_heli_cover_1][smart_cover][17291] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a28_heli_cover_2][smart_cover][17292] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a28_heli_cover_24][smart_cover][17293] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a28_heli_cover_32][smart_cover][17294] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a28_heli_cover_33][smart_cover][17295] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a28_heli_cover_21][smart_cover][17296] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a28_heli_cover_20][smart_cover][17297] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a28_heli_cover_12][smart_cover][17298] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a28_heli_cover_14][smart_cover][17299] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a28_heli_cover_15][smart_cover][17300] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a28_heli_cover_13][smart_cover][17301] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a18_idolroom_door_smartcover_2][smart_cover][17302] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a18_idolroom_door_smartcover_1][smart_cover][17303] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a18_corridor_smartcov][smart_cover][17304] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a28_cutscene_actor_cover][smart_cover][17305] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a18_near_shop_enter_smart_cover_2_2][smart_cover][17306] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a28_base_cover_5][smart_cover][17307] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a28_base_cover_6][smart_cover][17308] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a28_heli_cover_27][smart_cover][17309] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a28_heli_cover_28][smart_cover][17310] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a28_heli_cover_29][smart_cover][17311] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a28_heli_cover_30][smart_cover][17312] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a28_heli_cover_31][smart_cover][17313] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0163][smart_cover][17314] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0164][smart_cover][17315] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0165][smart_cover][17316] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0166][smart_cover][17317] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0167][smart_cover][17318] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0168][smart_cover][17319] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0169][smart_cover][17320] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0170][smart_cover][17321] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0171][smart_cover][17322] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0172][smart_cover][17323] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0173][smart_cover][17324] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_zone_field_radioactive_average_0025][zone_field_radioactive_average][17325] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_zone_field_radioactive_weak_0004][zone_field_radioactive_weak][17326] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0174][smart_cover][17327] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0175][smart_cover][17328] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0176][smart_cover][17329] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0177][smart_cover][17330] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0178][smart_cover][17331] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0179][smart_cover][17332] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0180][smart_cover][17333] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_zone_field_radioactive_weak_0005][zone_field_radioactive_weak][17334] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_zone_field_radioactive_weak_0006][zone_field_radioactive_weak][17335] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0181][smart_cover][17336] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0182][smart_cover][17337] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0183][smart_cover][17338] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0184][smart_cover][17339] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0185][smart_cover][17340] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0186][smart_cover][17341] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0187][smart_cover][17342] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0188][smart_cover][17343] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0189][smart_cover][17344] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0190][smart_cover][17345] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0191][smart_cover][17346] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b36_sniper_out_restr][space_restrictor][17347] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0192][smart_cover][17348] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0193][smart_cover][17349] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0194][smart_cover][17350] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0195][smart_cover][17351] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0196][smart_cover][17352] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0197][smart_cover][17353] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_zone_field_radioactive_weak_0007][zone_field_radioactive_weak][17354] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0198][smart_cover][17355] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0199][smart_cover][17356] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0200][smart_cover][17357] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0201][smart_cover][17358] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0202][smart_cover][17359] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0203][smart_cover][17360] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a17_val_cover_2_0000][smart_cover][17361] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a17_val_cover_2_0001][smart_cover][17362] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a17_val_cover_2_0002][smart_cover][17363] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a17_val_cover_2_0003][smart_cover][17364] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a17_val_cover_2_0004][smart_cover][17365] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a17_val_cover_2_0005][smart_cover][17366] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a17_val_cover_2_0006][smart_cover][17367] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a17_val_cover_2_0007][smart_cover][17368] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a17_val_cover_2_0008][smart_cover][17369] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a17_val_cover_2_0009][smart_cover][17370] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a17_val_cover_2_0010][smart_cover][17371] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a17_val_cover_2_0011][smart_cover][17372] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a17_animpoint_1][smart_cover][17373] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a28_shop_cover_3][smart_cover][17374] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a28_shop_cover_4][smart_cover][17375] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a28_shop_cover_1][smart_cover][17376] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a28_base_cover_2][smart_cover][17377] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a28_base_cover_7][smart_cover][17378] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0205][smart_cover][17379] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0206][smart_cover][17380] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0207][smart_cover][17381] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0208][smart_cover][17382] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0209][smart_cover][17383] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0210][smart_cover][17384] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0211][smart_cover][17385] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0212][smart_cover][17386] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0213][smart_cover][17387] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0214][smart_cover][17388] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0215][smart_cover][17389] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0216][smart_cover][17390] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0217][smart_cover][17391] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0218][smart_cover][17392] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0219][smart_cover][17393] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0220][smart_cover][17394] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0221][smart_cover][17395] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0222][smart_cover][17396] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0223][smart_cover][17397] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0204][smart_cover][17398] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0224][smart_cover][17399] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0225][smart_cover][17400] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0226][smart_cover][17401] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0227][smart_cover][17402] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0228][smart_cover][17403] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0229][smart_cover][17404] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0230][smart_cover][17405] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0231][smart_cover][17406] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0232][smart_cover][17407] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0233][smart_cover][17408] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0234][smart_cover][17409] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0235][smart_cover][17410] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0236][smart_cover][17411] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0237][smart_cover][17412] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0238][smart_cover][17413] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0239][smart_cover][17414] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0240][smart_cover][17415] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0241][smart_cover][17416] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0242][smart_cover][17417] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0243][smart_cover][17418] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0244][smart_cover][17419] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0245][smart_cover][17420] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0246][smart_cover][17421] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0247][smart_cover][17422] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0248][smart_cover][17423] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0249][smart_cover][17424] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0250][smart_cover][17425] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0251][smart_cover][17426] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0252][smart_cover][17427] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0253][smart_cover][17428] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0254][smart_cover][17429] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0255][smart_cover][17430] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0256][smart_cover][17431] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0257][smart_cover][17432] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0258][smart_cover][17433] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0259][smart_cover][17434] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0260][smart_cover][17435] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0261][smart_cover][17436] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0262][smart_cover][17437] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0263][smart_cover][17438] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0264][smart_cover][17439] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0265][smart_cover][17440] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0266][smart_cover][17441] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0267][smart_cover][17442] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0268][smart_cover][17443] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0269][smart_cover][17444] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0270][smart_cover][17445] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0271][smart_cover][17446] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0272][smart_cover][17447] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0273][smart_cover][17448] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0274][smart_cover][17449] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0275][smart_cover][17450] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_zone_field_radioactive_weak_0008][zone_field_radioactive_weak][17451] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0276][smart_cover][17452] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0277][smart_cover][17453] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0278][smart_cover][17454] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b304_monsters_smart_terrain_animpoint_1][smart_cover][17455] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b304_monsters_smart_terrain_animpoint_2][smart_cover][17456] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0279][smart_cover][17457] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0280][smart_cover][17458] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0281][smart_cover][17459] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0282][smart_cover][17460] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0283][smart_cover][17461] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0284][smart_cover][17462] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0285][smart_cover][17463] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0286][smart_cover][17464] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0287][smart_cover][17465] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0288][smart_cover][17466] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0289][smart_cover][17467] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0290][smart_cover][17468] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0291][smart_cover][17469] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0292][smart_cover][17470] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0293][smart_cover][17471] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0294][smart_cover][17472] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0295][smart_cover][17473] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0296][smart_cover][17474] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0297][smart_cover][17475] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0298][smart_cover][17476] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0299][smart_cover][17477] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0300][smart_cover][17478] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a21_smart_terrain_animpoint_1][smart_cover][17479] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a21_smart_terrain_animpoint_2][smart_cover][17480] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b301_avtosave_restr][space_restrictor][17481] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a21_smart_terrain_camp][camp_zone][17482] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0301][smart_cover][17483] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0302][smart_cover][17484] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0303][smart_cover][17485] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0304][smart_cover][17486] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0305][smart_cover][17487] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0306][smart_cover][17488] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0307][smart_cover][17489] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0308][smart_cover][17490] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0309][smart_cover][17491] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0310][smart_cover][17492] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0311][smart_cover][17493] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0312][smart_cover][17494] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0313][smart_cover][17495] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0314][smart_cover][17496] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0315][smart_cover][17497] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0316][smart_cover][17498] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0317][smart_cover][17499] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0318][smart_cover][17500] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0319][smart_cover][17501] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0320][smart_cover][17502] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0321][smart_cover][17503] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0322][smart_cover][17504] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0323][smart_cover][17505] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0324][smart_cover][17506] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0017][smart_cover][17507] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0325][smart_cover][17508] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0326][smart_cover][17509] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a18_bofore_idol_room_checkpoint_zone][space_restrictor][17510] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_surge_hide_a18_2][space_restrictor][17511] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a18_corridor_man_fire_zone][space_restrictor][17512] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a28_actor_hide][pri_a28_actor_hideout][17513] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0327][smart_cover][17514] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a25_smart_terrain_animpoint_1][smart_cover][17515] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_physic_destroyable_object_0012][physic_destroyable_object][17516] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_physic_destroyable_object_0013][physic_destroyable_object][17517] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_physic_destroyable_object_0014][physic_destroyable_object][17518] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_physic_destroyable_object_0015][physic_destroyable_object][17519] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_physic_destroyable_object_0016][physic_destroyable_object][17520] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_physic_destroyable_object_0017][physic_destroyable_object][17521] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b303_physic_destroyable_object_0001][physic_destroyable_object][17522] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b303_physic_destroyable_object_0002][physic_destroyable_object][17523] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b303_physic_destroyable_object_0006][physic_destroyable_object][17524] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b303_physic_destroyable_object_0007][physic_destroyable_object][17525] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_physic_destroyable_object_0018][physic_destroyable_object][17526] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_physic_destroyable_object_0019][physic_destroyable_object][17527] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_physic_destroyable_object_0020][physic_destroyable_object][17528] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_physic_destroyable_object_0021][physic_destroyable_object][17529] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_ammo_5.45x39_ap_0000][ammo_5.45x39_ap][17532] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_ammo_5.45x39_ap_0001][ammo_5.45x39_ap][17538] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_ammo_7.62x54_7h1][ammo_7.62x54_7h1][17539] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_grenade_f1][grenade_f1][17540] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_grenade_f1_0000][grenade_f1][17541] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_grenade_f1_0001][grenade_f1][17542] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b303_animpoint_1][smart_cover][17543] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0328][smart_cover][17544] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0329][smart_cover][17545] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0330][smart_cover][17546] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0331][smart_cover][17547] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0332][smart_cover][17548] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0333][smart_cover][17549] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0334][smart_cover][17550] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0335][smart_cover][17551] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_smart_cover_0336][smart_cover][17552] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_zone_field_radioactive_weak_0009][zone_field_radioactive_weak][17553] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_zone_field_radioactive_weak_0010][zone_field_radioactive_weak][17554] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_zone_field_radioactive_weak_0011][zone_field_radioactive_weak][17555] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_zone_field_radioactive_weak_0012][zone_field_radioactive_weak][17556] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_zone_field_radioactive_weak_0013][zone_field_radioactive_weak][17557] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a22_find_squad][space_restrictor][17558] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a28_sniper_1_in][space_restrictor][17559] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a28_sniper_2_in][space_restrictor][17560] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a28_sniper_3_in][space_restrictor][17561] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a28_sr_mono_add_1][space_restrictor][17562] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a28_sr_mono_add_2][space_restrictor][17563] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a28_sr_mono_add_3][space_restrictor][17564] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_sim_6][smart_terrain][17565] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_sim_7][smart_terrain][17566] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_sim_8][smart_terrain][17567] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_sim_9][smart_terrain][17568] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_sim_10][smart_terrain][17569] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_sim_11][smart_terrain][17570] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_sim_12][smart_terrain][17571] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b303_logic][space_restrictor][17572] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b307_animpoint_1][smart_cover][17573] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b307_camp][camp_zone][17574] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a17_gauss_fall_zone][space_restrictor][17575] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a17_gauss_fall_controller][space_restrictor][17576] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b304_dogs_inrestr][space_restrictor][17577] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b304_und_tushkano_restr][space_restrictor][17578] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a17_tunnel_top][space_restrictor][17579] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a17_tunnel_buttom][space_restrictor][17580] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b302_zone_mine_acidic_strong_0002][zone_mine_acidic_strong][17581] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_b302_zone_mine_acidic_strong_0003][zone_mine_acidic_strong][17582] [LSS] Spawning object [cop_pripyat_level_changer_to_soc_pripyat][level_changer][17583] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a16_medic_yar][smart_cover][17584] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_anomal_vulkan_spot][space_restrictor][17585] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_anomal_loza_spot][space_restrictor][17586] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_to_jup_und][level_changer][17587] [LSS] Spawning object [cop_pripyat_space_restrictor_to_soc_pripyat][space_restrictor][17588] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_space_restrictor_to_jup_ug][space_restrictor][17589] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_space_restrictor_to_labx8][space_restrictor][17590] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_physic_object_0010][physic_object][17591] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_physic_object_0011][physic_object][17592] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a18_smart_terrain_animpoint_kamp1][smart_cover][17593] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a18_smart_terrain_animpoint_kamp2][smart_cover][17594] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a18_smart_terrain_animpoint_kamp3][smart_cover][17595] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a18_smart_terrain_animpoint_kamp4][smart_cover][17596] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a18_smart_terrain_animpoint_kamp5][smart_cover][17597] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a18_smart_terrain_camp_1][camp_zone][17598] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a18_smart_terrain_camp_2][camp_zone][17599] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_a18_smart_terrain_camp_3][camp_zone][17600] [LSS] Spawning object [pri_special_trader_mlr_place][smart_cover][17601] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_physic_object_0003][physic_object][17602] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_physic_object_0008][physic_object][17603] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_physic_object_0012][physic_object][17604] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_physic_object_0013][physic_object][17605] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_physic_object_0014][physic_object][17606] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_physic_object_0015][physic_object][17607] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_physic_object_0016][physic_object][17608] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_physic_object_0017][physic_object][17609] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_physic_object_0018][physic_object][17610] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_physic_object_0019][physic_object][17611] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_physic_object_0020][physic_object][17612] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_physic_object_0021][physic_object][17613] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_physic_object_0022][physic_object][17614] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_physic_object_0023][physic_object][17615] [LSS] Spawning object [mechanic_monolith_kbo_plase][smart_cover][17616] [LSS] Spawning object [monolith_trader_kbo_plase][smart_cover][17617] [LSS] Spawning object [mon_inquisitor_wait_restrictor][space_restrictor][17618] [LSS] Spawning object [main_monolith_mlr_task_5_attack_squad_leader_purpose][space_restrictor][17619] [LSS] Spawning object [burer_normal22129][burer_normal][22129] [LSS] Spawning object [mechanic_monolith_kbo22142][mechanic_monolith_kbo][22142] [LSS] Spawning object [trader_monolith_kbo22148][trader_monolith_kbo][22148] [LSS] Spawning object [sim_default_monolith_222153][sim_default_monolith_2][22153] [LSS] Spawning object [sim_default_monolith_322159][sim_default_monolith_3][22159] [LSS] Spawning object [sim_default_monolith_322167][sim_default_monolith_3][22167] [LSS] Spawning object [sim_default_monolith_222174][sim_default_monolith_2][22174] [LSS] Spawning object [sim_default_monolith_122181][sim_default_monolith_1][22181] [LSS] Spawning object [sim_default_zombied_322502][sim_default_zombied_3][22502] [LSS] Spawning object [sim_default_zombied_322508][sim_default_zombied_3][22508] [LSS] Spawning object [sim_default_zombied_322514][sim_default_zombied_3][22514] [LSS] Spawning object [sim_default_zombied_322519][sim_default_zombied_3][22519] * phase time: 18 ms * phase cmem: 431042 K * phase time: 7 ms * phase cmem: 431042 K * WARNING: player not logged in * client : connection accepted - <All Ok> * phase time: 8 ms * phase cmem: 431080 K * phase time: 5 ms * phase cmem: 431080 K * phase time: 2118 ms * phase cmem: 547974 K * phase time: 138 ms * phase cmem: 563375 K * [Loading VB] 65464 verts, 2045 Kb * [Loading VB] 52403 verts, 1637 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65519 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65531 verts, 2047 Kb * 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TextureLoading -> thread 2 started! TextureLoading -> thread 3 started! TextureLoading -> thread 4 started! TextureLoading -> thread 5 started! TextureLoading -> thread 6 started! TextureLoading -> thread 7 started! TextureLoading -> thread 7 finished! TextureLoading -> thread 4 finished! TextureLoading -> thread 3 finished! ! Fallback to default bump map: wind\wind_03_ch_bump ! Fallback to default bump map: wind\wind_03_ch_bump# TextureLoading -> thread 5 finished! TextureLoading -> thread 2 finished! TextureLoading -> thread 6 finished! TextureLoading -> thread 1 finished! texture loading time: 7297 * t-report - base: 1542, 471455 K * t-report - lmap: 17, 17410 K * WARNING: player not logged in * phase time: 8630 ms * phase cmem: 591886 K * phase time: 10 ms * phase cmem: 591886 K * [win32]: free[137432190504 K], reserved[4529976 K], committed[2232928 K] * [ D3D ]: textures[553377 K] * [x-ray]: process heap[591886 K], game lua[0 K], render[2695 K] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[32967 K], smem[14352 K] collectgarbage before=34692120Kb collectgarbage after=24256292Kb * loading script pda_utils_FonSwong.script helm_respirator23772 [LSS] Spawning object [sim_default_stalker_224552][sim_default_stalker_2][24552] [LSS] Spawning object [sim_default_stalker_124558][sim_default_stalker_1][24558] [LSS] Spawning object [sim_default_stalker_124563][sim_default_stalker_1][24563] [LSS] Spawning object [sim_default_stalker_224568][sim_default_stalker_2][24568] [LSS] Spawning object [af_dummy_dummy24610][af_dummy_dummy][24610] [LSS] Spawning object [sim_default_stalker_224695][sim_default_stalker_2][24695] [LSS] Spawning object [sim_default_stalker_124699][sim_default_stalker_1][24699] [LSS] Spawning object [sim_default_stalker_124704][sim_default_stalker_1][24704] [LSS] Spawning object [sim_default_stalker_224708][sim_default_stalker_2][24708] [LSS] Spawning object [af_fire24712][af_fire][24712] [LSS] Spawning object [af_serofim24714][af_serofim][24714] [LSS] Spawning object [af_ice24784][af_ice][24784] [LSS] Spawning object [sim_default_monolith_224786][sim_default_monolith_2][24786] [LSS] Spawning object [sim_default_monolith_324793][sim_default_monolith_3][24793] [LSS] Spawning object [sim_default_monolith_224801][sim_default_monolith_2][24801] [LSS] Spawning object [sim_default_monolith_324807][sim_default_monolith_3][24807] [LSS] Spawning object [af_gold_fish24816][af_gold_fish][24816] [LSS] Spawning object [m_crow24844][m_crow][24844] [LSS] Spawning object [m_crow25088][m_crow][25088] intro_start game_loaded * MEMORY USAGE: 733116 K * End of synchronization A[1] R[1] intro_delete ::update_game_loaded [LSS] Spawning object [m_crow25344][m_crow][25344] [LSS] Spawning object [m_crow25600][m_crow][25600] [LSS] Spawning object [pripyat_ammo_5.45x39_ap][ammo_5.45x39_ap][17531] ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: c:\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. - call of chernobyl\gamedata\sounds\music\menu_10.ogg * [win32]: free[137431984244 K], reserved[4421028 K], committed[2548136 K] * [ D3D ]: textures[742367 K] * [x-ray]: process heap[752544 K], game lua[0 K], render[3129 K] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[37836 K], smem[95002 K] - Disconnect - Destroying level * 0.0 : [ 3] $null * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$NVHHGGTex * 0.0 : [ 5] $user$NVjitterTex * 0.0 : [ 8] $user$Texture_color * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$Texture_color_out * 0.0 : [ 7] $user$Texture_obstacles * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$Texture_obstvelocity * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$Texture_pressure * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$Texture_tempscalar * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$Texture_tempvector * 0.0 : [ 5] $user$Texture_velocity0 * 0.0 : [ 4] $user$Texture_velocity1 * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$accum * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$accum_temp * 0.0 : [ 7] $user$albedo * 0.0 : [ 4] $user$bloom1 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$bloom2 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$cmap0 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$cmap1 * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$edgeTex * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$env_s0 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$env_s1 * 0.0 : [ 5] $user$generic0 * 0.0 : [ 4] $user$generic1 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$generic2 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$jitter_0 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$jitter_1 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$jitter_2 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$jitter_3 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$jitter_4 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$jitter_mipped * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$lum_t64 * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$lum_t8 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$luminance_0 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$luminance_1 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$luminance_2 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$luminance_3 * 0.0 : [ 8] $user$material * 0.0 : [ 13] $user$position * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$rayCastTex * 0.0 : [ 6] $user$rayDataTex * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$rayDataTexSmall * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$sky0 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$sky1 * 0.0 : [ 6] $user$smap_depth * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$smap_surf * 0.0 : [ 10] $user$tonemap * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$tonemap_src * 0.0 : [ 1] prop\prop_lampa_g * 0.0 : [ 1] prop\prop_lampa_g_red2 * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_abakan_bump# * 0.1 : [ 4] wpn\wpn_ak74_bump# * 0.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_aksu_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_beretta_sk1_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_binokl_bump# * 0.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_colt1911_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_fort17_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_g36k_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_grenade_40mm_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_grenade_f1_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_lr300_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mp5_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mp5sd_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_rpg-7_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_toz-34_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_vog_bump# * 0.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_vss_bump# * 0.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_9mm_bump# * 0.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addon_grenade_launcher_m203_bump# * 0.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addon_grenade_launcher_bump# * 0.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addon_lastochka_bump# * 0.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addon_mp5_mount_bump# * 0.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addon_rail_bump# * 0.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_acog_bump# * 0.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_pso-1m2-1_bump# * 0.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_pso1_bump# * 0.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_45_bump# * 0.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_57_bump# * 0.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_nato_bump# * 0.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_pbs1_bump# * 0.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_pbs4_bump# * 0.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_tgp-a_bump# * 0.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ak_body_bump# * 0.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ak_grips_bump# * 0.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ak_priklad_bump# * 0.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_akm_bump# * 0.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_akm_gadget_bump# * 0.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_akm_mag_bump# * 0.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_akms_gadget_bump# * 0.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ar15_bump# * 0.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_bullet1_545_bump# * 0.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_bullet1_556_bump# * 0.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_bullet1_bump# * 0.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_cz75_bump# * 0.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_fn2000_bump# * 0.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_fn57_bump# * 0.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_m249_bump# * 0.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_m79_bump# * 0.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mp153_bump# * 0.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ppsh41_bump# * 0.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_toz194_bump# * 0.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_toz66_bump# * 0.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_bullet1_939_bump# * 0.4 : [ 1] map\map_nomap * 0.7 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_step_blood * 1.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_spark_01 * 1.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_red_lense * 1.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_bubble * 1.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_leaves_01 * 1.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_leaves_02 * 1.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_splash3 * 1.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_splash_02 * 1.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_synus * 1.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_vehmetaldebris_01 * 1.4 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_harpoon_knife_bump# * 1.4 : [ 1] prop\prop_provod_02 * 1.5 : [ 1] glow\glow_rays * 1.5 : [ 1] ui\ui_console * 2.7 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_head_glass_02 * 2.7 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_bochka_02 * 2.7 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_concretedebris_01 * 2.7 : [ 2] prop\prop_shlang_01_bump * 2.7 : [ 2] prop\prop_shlang_01_bump# * 3.1 : [ 1] grad\grad_radiation * 3.1 : [ 5] sky\sky_12_vibros_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 26] sky\sky_13_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 16] sky\sky_13_cube_night#small * 3.1 : [ 12] sky\sky_13_vibros_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 10] sky\sky_14_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_17_clouds_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_17_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 8] sky\sky_18_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 11] sky\sky_19_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_1_clouds_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_20_clouds_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_20_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_2_clouds_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_2_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 12] sky\sky_3_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 3] sky\sky_4_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 30] sky\sky_5_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 7] sky\sky_6_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 11] sky\sky_7_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 8] sky\sky_8_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 49] sky\sky_9_cube#small * 4.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_flare1 * 4.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_flamefx_01 * 4.1 : [ 1] ui\cursor * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_asfalt_1 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_asfalt_2 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_asfalt_3 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_brick_1 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_brick_2 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_1 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_2 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_4 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_5 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_6 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_7 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_ground * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_ground_1 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_ground_2 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik_1 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik_2 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik_3 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_1 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_2 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_3 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_4 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_1 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_2 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_3 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_4 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_5 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_6 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_7 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_8 * 4.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_9 * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_bloodsplash1 * 5.4 : [ 1] veh\veh_mi24_vint * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_spark_02 * 5.4 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_head_glass * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_21 * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_bubble_1 * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_bubble_water * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist2 * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist2inv * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist_glass * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist_teleport * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_flash_05 * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_flash_07 * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_specks_poison * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_spikey_star * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_splash_01 * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_stonedebris1 * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_stonedebris2 * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_vehglassdebris_01 * 5.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_water_wave * 5.4 : [ 2] prop\prop_shlang_01 * 5.5 : [ 1] glow\glow_orange2 * 5.5 : [ 1] fx\fx_flare2 * 5.5 : [ 1] fx\fx_flare3 * 5.5 : [ 1] fx\fx_rain * 6.1 : [ 14] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_1#small * 6.1 : [ 40] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_2#small * 6.1 : [ 18] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_3#small * 6.1 : [ 14] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_5#small * 6.1 : [ 6] sky\af3_blowout\blowout1#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout1_1#small * 6.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout2#small * 6.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout2_night#small * 6.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_1#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_1_night#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_2#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_2_night#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_3#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_3_night#small * 6.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_night#small * 6.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4#small * 6.1 : [ 3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_1#small * 6.1 : [ 3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_1_night#small * 6.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_night#small * 6.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5#small * 6.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5_night#small * 6.1 : [ 7] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5psi#small * 6.1 : [ 7] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5psi_night#small * 6.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout6#small * 6.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout6_night#small * 6.1 : [ 3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout7#small * 6.1 : [ 4] sky\af3_blowout\blowout7_night#small * 6.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\00-00-fm#small * 6.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\00-00-hm#small * 6.1 : [ 25] sky\af3_clear\00-00-nm#small * 6.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\01-00-fm#small * 6.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\01-00-hm#small * 6.1 : [ 37] sky\af3_clear\01-00-nm#small * 6.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\02-00-fm#small * 6.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\02-00-hm#small * 6.1 : [ 25] sky\af3_clear\02-00-nm#small * 6.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\03-00-fm#small * 6.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\03-00-hm#small * 6.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\04-00-fm#small * 6.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\04-00-hm#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\04-30#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\05-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\05-30#small * 6.1 : [ 66] sky\af3_clear\06-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\07-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\08-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\09-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\10-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\11-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\12-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\13-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\14-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\15-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\16-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\17-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\18-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\19-00#small * 6.1 : [ 66] sky\af3_clear\20-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\20-30#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\21-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\21-30#small * 6.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\22-00-fm#small * 6.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\22-00-hm#small * 6.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\23-00-fm#small * 6.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\23-00-hm#small * 6.1 : [ 5] sky\af3_cloudy\05-00#small * 6.1 : [ 10] sky\af3_cloudy\06-00#small * 6.1 : [ 10] sky\af3_cloudy\07-00#small * 6.1 : [ 18] sky\af3_cloudy\08-00#small * 6.1 : [ 23] sky\af3_cloudy\09-00#small * 6.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_cloudy\10-00#small * 6.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_cloudy\11-00#small * 6.1 : [ 18] sky\af3_cloudy\12-00#small * 6.1 : [ 10] sky\af3_cloudy\13-00#small * 6.1 : [ 36] sky\af3_cloudy\14-00#small * 6.1 : [ 28] sky\af3_cloudy\15-00#small * 6.1 : [ 10] sky\af3_cloudy\16-00#small * 6.1 : [ 18] sky\af3_cloudy\17-00#small * 6.1 : [ 20] sky\af3_cloudy\18-00#small * 6.1 : [ 5] sky\af3_cloudy\19-00#small * 6.1 : [ 10] sky\af3_cloudy\20-00#small * 6.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_foggy\06-00#small * 6.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_foggy\07-00#small * 6.1 : [ 20] sky\af3_foggy\09-00#small * 6.1 : [ 41] sky\af3_foggy\10-00#small * 6.1 : [ 10] sky\af3_foggy\11-00#small * 6.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_foggy\12-00#small * 6.1 : [ 27] sky\af3_foggy\13-00#small * 6.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_foggy\14-00#small * 6.1 : [ 19] sky\af3_foggy\15-00#small * 6.1 : [ 19] sky\af3_foggy\16-00#small * 6.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_foggy\17-00#small * 6.1 : [ 19] sky\af3_foggy\18-00#small * 6.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_foggy\19-00#small * 6.1 : [ 22] sky\af3_foggy\20-00#small * 6.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\00-00-fm#small * 6.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\00-00-hm#small * 6.1 : [ 25] sky\af3_partly\00-00-nm#small * 6.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\01-00-fm#small * 6.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\01-00-hm#small * 6.1 : [ 38] sky\af3_partly\01-00-nm#small * 6.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\02-00-fm#small * 6.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\02-00-hm#small * 6.1 : [ 24] sky\af3_partly\02-00-nm#small * 6.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\03-00-fm#small * 6.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\03-00-hm#small * 6.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\04-00-fm#small * 6.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\04-00-hm#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\04-30#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\05-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\05-30#small * 6.1 : [ 66] sky\af3_partly\06-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\07-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\08-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\09-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\10-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\11-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\12-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\13-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\14-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\15-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\16-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\17-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\18-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\19-00#small * 6.1 : [ 66] sky\af3_partly\20-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\20-30#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\21-00#small * 6.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\21-30#small * 6.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\22-00-fm#small * 6.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\22-00-hm#small * 6.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\23-00-fm#small * 6.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\23-00-hm#small * 6.1 : [ 26] sky\af3_rainy\07-00#small * 6.1 : [ 30] sky\af3_rainy\09-00_19-00#small * 6.1 : [ 58] sky\af3_rainy\13-00#small * 6.1 : [ 24] sky\af3_rainy\15-00#small * 6.1 : [ 31] sky\af3_rainy\15-00-2#small * 6.1 : [ 44] sky\af3_rainy\16-00#small * 6.1 : [ 32] sky\af3_rainy\20-00#small * 8.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_gologramma * 8.1 : [ 1] pfx\r_pop\shells\fake_shells * 10.7 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_electrostatic * 10.7 : [ 2] prop\prop_box_3 * 10.7 : [ 2] prop\prop_elec_kran * 10.7 : [ 1] prop\prop_fake_bed_fireplace * 10.7 : [ 2] prop\prop_kanistra * 10.7 : [ 1] prop\prop_speakerphone * 10.7 : [ 2] prop\prop_teapot_1 * 10.7 : [ 1] prop\prop_lampa_galogen * 10.7 : [ 1] act\act_pseudodog_fur * 10.7 : [ 1] act\act_pseudodog_fur1 * 10.7 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_smokepuffs2 * 10.7 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_sparks * 10.7 : [ 1] mtl\mtl_kreplen_pod_01 * 10.7 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_woodchips1 * 10.7 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_woodchips3 * 10.8 : [ 1] amik\weapons\trace_01 * 16.1 : [ 2] internal\internal_fireTransferFunction * 16.1 : [ 1] amik\weapons\flame\trace * 16.1 : [ 1] amik\weapons\trace * 16.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_volumefog1 * 16.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_flash_01 * 16.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_arial_14_1024 * 16.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_grid * 16.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_drop_1 * 16.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_drop_2 * 16.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_grenade * 16.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_dead * 16.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_horiz * 16.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_blood * 16.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_wood * 16.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_wood1 * 16.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_wood2 * 21.3 : [ 3] detail\detail_beton_det4_bump * 21.3 : [ 3] detail\detail_beton_det4_bump# * 21.3 : [ 1] detail\detail_beton_det4_u2_bump * 21.3 : [ 1] detail\detail_beton_det4_u2_bump# * 21.3 : [ 1] detail\detail_fabric_det2_bump * 21.3 : [ 1] detail\detail_fabric_det2_bump# * 21.3 : [ 6] detail\detail_metall_det1_bump * 21.3 : [ 6] detail\detail_metall_det1_bump# * 21.3 : [ 5] detail\detail_metall_det2_bump * 21.3 : [ 5] detail\detail_metall_det2_bump# * 21.3 : [ 1] detail\detail_metall_det2_v2_bump * 21.3 : [ 1] detail\detail_metall_det2_v2_bump# * 21.3 : [ 5] detail\detail_metall_det3_bump * 21.3 : [ 5] detail\detail_metall_det3_bump# * 21.3 : [ 3] detail\detail_skin_1_bump * 21.3 : [ 3] detail\detail_skin_1_bump# * 21.3 : [ 1] detail\detail_stucco_det1_bump * 21.3 : [ 1] detail\detail_stucco_det1_bump# * 21.3 : [ 1] detail\detail_tile_det4_bump * 21.3 : [ 1] detail\detail_tile_det4_bump# * 21.3 : [ 8] detail\detail_wood_det2_bump * 21.3 : [ 8] detail\detail_wood_det2_bump# * 21.3 : [ 2] door\door_kotelna * 21.3 : [ 2] door\door_lift_01 * 21.3 : [ 2] door\door_metal_02 * 21.3 : [ 2] door\door_white_04 * 21.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_bloodsplash2 * 21.4 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_barrel_01 * 21.4 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_barrel_02 * 21.4 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_barrel_02_bump * 21.4 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_barrel_02_bump# * 21.4 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_barrel_03 * 21.4 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_barrel_04 * 21.4 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_barrel_05 * 21.4 : [ 2] prop\prop_ballon1 * 21.4 : [ 2] prop\prop_ballon2 * 21.4 : [ 2] prop\prop_ballon3 * 21.4 : [ 1] act\act_controller_hit1 * 21.4 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_head_glass_bump * 21.4 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_head_glass_bump# * 21.4 : [ 1] act\variation mod\act_neutral\gas_mask_glass * 21.4 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_bochka_01_bump * 21.4 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_bochka_01_bump# * 21.4 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_bochka_02_bump * 21.4 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_bochka_02_bump# * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_1 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_16 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_17 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_19 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_3 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_4 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_5 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_8 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_88 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_brick * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_gradient1 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_light * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_light1 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_light3 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_light4 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_lightning_01 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_lightning_02 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_plasma * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_smoke_a * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_test_textures * 21.4 : [ 1] prop\prop_bike_wheel * 21.4 : [ 1] prop\prop_bottle_box * 21.4 : [ 2] prop\prop_box_3_bump * 21.4 : [ 2] prop\prop_box_3_bump# * 21.4 : [ 2] prop\prop_teapot_1_bump * 21.4 : [ 2] prop\prop_teapot_1_bump# * 21.4 : [ 1] prop\prop_voda1 * 21.4 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_flame * 21.4 : [ 2] prop\prop_girder_02_bump * 21.4 : [ 2] prop\prop_girder_02_bump# * 21.4 : [ 1] mtl\mtl_kreplen_pod_01_bump * 21.4 : [ 1] mtl\mtl_kreplen_pod_01_bump# * 21.5 : [ 1] glow\glow_04 * 21.5 : [ 1] glow\glow_fire1 * 21.5 : [ 1] glow\glow_fire1_soc * 21.5 : [ 1] glow\glow_galogen * 21.5 : [ 1] item\item_hammer * 21.5 : [ 1] fx\fx_rainsplash1 * 21.5 : [ 1] shoker_mod\explosions\firesmokeparticle * 21.5 : [ 1] amik\weapons\flame\trail * 28.3 : [ 1] artifact\artifact_anim_lightning * 28.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_g36_scope * 32.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_ani-smoke-01 * 32.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_cc_lighting_grad2 * 32.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_letter_16_1024 * 32.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_letter_18_1024 * 32.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_blood1 * 32.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_metal * 32.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_ston * 33.0 : [ 1] ui\ui_ani_cursor * 42.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_vog * 42.7 : [ 2] crete\crete_beton_plita_3 * 42.7 : [ 1] detail\detail_metall_det2_u_bump * 42.7 : [ 1] detail\detail_metall_det2_u_bump# * 42.7 : [ 10] detail\detail_metall_det2_v_bump * 42.7 : [ 10] detail\detail_metall_det2_v_bump# * 42.7 : [ 2] detail\detail_wood_det2_v_bump * 42.7 : [ 2] detail\detail_wood_det2_v_bump# * 42.7 : [ 2] door\door_j03 * 42.7 : [ 2] door\door_kotelna_bump * 42.7 : [ 2] door\door_kotelna_bump# * 42.7 : [ 2] door\door_metal_02_bump * 42.7 : [ 2] door\door_metal_02_bump# * 42.7 : [ 2] door\door_white_02 * 42.7 : [ 2] door\door_white_04_bump * 42.7 : [ 2] door\door_white_04_bump# * 42.7 : [ 1] glas\glas_dirt * 42.7 : [ 2] ston\ston_beton_pod_01 * 42.7 : [ 2] ston\ston_zabor_02 * 42.7 : [ 2] wood\wood_fence_01 * 42.7 : [ 2] wood\wood_jasik2 * 42.7 : [ 2] wood\wood_plank6 * 42.7 : [ 2] wood\wood_table_02 * 42.7 : [ 1] act\act_crow * 42.7 : [ 1] act\act_ryukzac * 42.7 : [ 1] act\act_ryukzak * 42.7 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_headmask2 * 42.7 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_bochka_01 * 42.7 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_gilder * 42.7 : [ 1] mtl\mtl_lampa_pod_01 * 42.7 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_pod_01 * 42.7 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_railroad_items * 42.7 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_rja_01 * 42.7 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_tubes3b * 42.7 : [ 2] prop\prop_bidon * 42.7 : [ 2] prop\prop_blind01 * 42.7 : [ 2] prop\prop_dangerbox_2 * 42.7 : [ 1] prop\prop_item2 * 42.7 : [ 1] prop\prop_item3 * 42.7 : [ 2] prop\prop_iten4 * 42.7 : [ 1] prop\prop_kitchen_stuff * 42.7 : [ 2] prop\prop_komp * 42.7 : [ 2] prop\prop_mebel * 42.7 : [ 2] prop\prop_ognetushit * 42.7 : [ 2] prop\prop_plita * 42.7 : [ 2] prop\prop_spade * 42.7 : [ 2] prop\prop_vagon_gr * 42.7 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_truba_pod_02 * 42.7 : [ 8] mtl\mtl_barrel_bump * 42.7 : [ 8] mtl\mtl_barrel_bump# * 42.7 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_concretepuffs_01 * 42.7 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_lighting_stancia_01 * 42.7 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_lighting_stancia_02 * 42.7 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_smokepuffs1 * 42.7 : [ 2] prop\prop_ballon1_bump * 42.7 : [ 2] prop\prop_ballon1_bump# * 42.7 : [ 2] prop\prop_ballon2_bump * 42.7 : [ 2] prop\prop_ballon2_bump# * 42.7 : [ 2] prop\prop_ballon3_bump * 42.7 : [ 2] prop\prop_ballon3_bump# * 42.7 : [ 1] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_shells1 * 42.7 : [ 1] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_shells2 * 42.8 : [ 1] fx\fx_noise * 42.8 : [ 1] item\item_medkit * 42.8 : [ 1] item\item_medkit_3 * 42.8 : [ 1] wpn\ammo\762x25_p * 42.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_bullet1_556 * 42.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_bullet1_939 * 42.8 : [ 1] lights\lights_cone_handing_lamp * 42.9 : [ 1] fx\fx_lightning * 48.1 : [ 2] sky\sky_cube_weapons * 64.1 : [ 1] amik\weapons\flash_02 * 64.1 : [ 1] amik\weapons\flash_04 * 64.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_sun * 64.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_sun_fog * 64.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_sun_gradient * 64.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_sun_halo * 64.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_sun_morning * 64.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_thunderbolts_gradient * 64.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_thunderbolts_gradient_surge * 64.1 : [ 1] item\item_medkit_4 * 64.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_18 * 64.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_flame_01 * 64.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_skinsplash1 * 64.1 : [ 1] sap\sap_serafim_low * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_console_02 * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_graff_19_1024 * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_graff_22_1024 * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_hud_01 * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_hud_02 * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_hud_grenade_mark * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_hud_hit_mark * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_1 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_10 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_11 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_1_1 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_1_2 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_1_3 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_2 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_3 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_4 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_5 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_6 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_7 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_8 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_9 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_drop_3 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_drop_4 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_glass01 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_glass02 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_glass03 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_glass04 * 64.1 : [ 1] wpn\shell_545 * 85.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_12 * 85.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_13 * 85.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_14 * 85.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_15 * 85.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_16 * 85.3 : [ 2] crete\crete_beton_plita_3_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] crete\crete_beton_plita_3_bump# * 85.3 : [ 2] crete\crete_debris_01_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] crete\crete_debris_01_bump# * 85.3 : [ 2] crete\crete_zabor_02_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] crete\crete_zabor_02_bump# * 85.3 : [ 3] detail\detail_beton_det4 * 85.3 : [ 1] detail\detail_beton_det4_u2 * 85.3 : [ 1] detail\detail_fabric_det2 * 85.3 : [ 6] detail\detail_metall_det1 * 85.3 : [ 7] detail\detail_metall_det2 * 85.3 : [ 1] detail\detail_metall_det2_v2 * 85.3 : [ 5] detail\detail_metall_det3 * 85.3 : [ 3] detail\detail_skin_1 * 85.3 : [ 1] detail\detail_stucco_det1 * 85.3 : [ 1] detail\detail_tile_det4 * 85.3 : [ 9] detail\detail_wood_det2 * 85.3 : [ 2] door\door_white_02_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] door\door_white_02_bump# * 85.3 : [ 2] wood\wood_fence_01_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] wood\wood_fence_01_bump# * 85.3 : [ 2] wood\wood_jasik_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] wood\wood_jasik_bump# * 85.3 : [ 2] wood\wood_plank6_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] wood\wood_plank6_bump# * 85.3 : [ 2] wood\wood_table_01_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] wood\wood_table_01_bump# * 85.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_6 * 85.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_9 * 85.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_blurry_cloud * 85.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_smoke_b * 85.3 : [ 2] prop\prop_kanistra_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] prop\prop_kanistra_bump# * 85.3 : [ 1] act\act_face_mask_02 * 85.3 : [ 1] act\act_face_mask_03 * 85.3 : [ 1] act\act_face_mask_07 * 85.3 : [ 1] act\act_face_zombie_01 * 85.3 : [ 1] act\act_face_zombie_03 * 85.3 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_03 * 85.3 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_freedom3a * 85.3 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_soldier_2 * 85.3 : [ 4] act\act_pseudodog_bump * 85.3 : [ 4] act\act_pseudodog_bump# * 85.3 : [ 1] act\act_ryukzag * 85.3 : [ 3] act\act_ryukzak_bump * 85.3 : [ 3] act\act_ryukzak_bump# * 85.3 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_dolg3b_bump# * 85.3 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_head_mask_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_head_mask_bump# * 85.3 : [ 1] act\act_trup_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] act\act_trup_bump# * 85.3 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_gilder_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_gilder_bump# * 85.3 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_pod_01_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_pod_01_bump# * 85.3 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_railroad_items_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_railroad_items_bump# * 85.3 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_reshetka_pot_01 * 85.3 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_reshetka_pot_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_reshetka_pot_bump# * 85.3 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_tubes3b_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_tubes3b_bump# * 85.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist3 * 85.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist4 * 85.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist8 * 85.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist9 * 85.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_distort_anomaly * 85.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_distortion * 85.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_ligth_6 * 85.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_specks * 85.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_teleport * 85.3 : [ 2] prop\prop_bidon_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] prop\prop_bidon_bump# * 85.3 : [ 2] prop\prop_blind01_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] prop\prop_blind01_bump# * 85.3 : [ 2] prop\prop_dangerbox_2_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] prop\prop_dangerbox_2_bump# * 85.3 : [ 1] prop\prop_instrument_1 * 85.3 : [ 1] prop\prop_instrument_1_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] prop\prop_instrument_1_bump# * 85.3 : [ 1] prop\prop_iten4_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] prop\prop_iten4_bump# * 85.3 : [ 1] prop\prop_kitchen_stuff_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] prop\prop_kitchen_stuff_bump# * 85.3 : [ 2] prop\prop_komp_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] prop\prop_komp_bump# * 85.3 : [ 2] prop\prop_plita_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] prop\prop_plita_bump# * 85.3 : [ 2] prop\prop_spade_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] prop\prop_spade_bump# * 85.3 : [ 2] prop\prop_vagon_iov_d_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] prop\prop_vagon_iov_d_bump# * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_upgrade_bump * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_upgrade_bump# * 85.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_vog_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_truba_pod_02_bump * 85.3 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_truba_pod_02_bump# * 85.4 : [ 1] glow\glow_orange * 85.4 : [ 1] glow\glow_orange_bright * 85.4 : [ 1] glow\glow_white * 85.4 : [ 1] glow\glow_yellow * 85.5 : [ 1] wpn\ammo\762x39_fmj * 85.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addon_rail * 85.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_bullet1_545 * 85.5 : [ 1] fx\fx_sun_rise * 85.5 : [ 1] item\item_medkit_4_bump * 85.5 : [ 1] item\item_medkit_4_bump# * 85.5 : [ 1] item\item_vouda1 * 85.5 : [ 1] item\item_vouda2 * 85.5 : [ 1] item\item_vouda3 * 85.5 : [ 3] lights\lights_spot01 * 85.5 : [ 1] wpn\shell_545_bump * 85.5 : [ 1] wpn\shell_545_bump# * 85.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_bullet1_556_bump * 85.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_bullet1_939_bump * 128.1 : [ 1] act\variation mod\act_neutral\gp5a * 128.1 : [ 2] cooking\cooking_wood_stove * 128.1 : [ 2] fx\fx_noise2 * 128.1 : [ 1] map\map_l08u_brainlab * 128.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_shells1 * 128.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_shells2 * 128.1 : [ 1] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_ak_shells_1 * 128.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_graff_32_1024 * 170.5 : [ 1] crete\crete_beton_lom * 170.5 : [ 1] detail\detail_metall_det2_u * 170.5 : [ 10] detail\detail_metall_det2_v * 170.5 : [ 2] detail\detail_wood_det2_v * 170.5 : [ 2] door\door_lift_01_bump * 170.5 : [ 2] door\door_lift_01_bump# * 170.5 : [ 3] veh\veh_btr * 170.5 : [ 1] veh\veh_mi24_army * 170.5 : [ 1] veh\veh_mi24_bire * 170.5 : [ 2] wood\wood_board_01 * 170.5 : [ 2] wood\wood_collect * 170.5 : [ 2] wood\wood_walls8 * 170.6 : [ 2] act\act_himer3 * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_monoold1 * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_monoold3 * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_hero * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_monolith1 * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_monolith2 * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_monolith_1 * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_monolith_2 * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_monolith_3 * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_monoliths * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_neutral2a * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_neutral2c * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_neutral2d * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_neutral2e * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_neutral2g * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_neutral_2 * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_soldier_4 * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_trup * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ammo * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_beretta_sk1 * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_fort17 * 170.6 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_grenade_40mm * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_face_mask_02_bump * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_face_mask_02_bump# * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_face_mask_03_bump * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_face_mask_03_bump# * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_face_mask_04_bump * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_face_mask_04_bump# * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_face_zombie_01_bump * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_face_zombie_01_bump# * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_03_bump * 170.6 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_03_bump# * 170.6 : [ 2] act\act_stalker_soldier_2_bump * 170.6 : [ 1] act\variation mod\act_neutral\pockets_1a * 170.6 : [ 1] act\variation mod\act_neutral\pockets_1b * 170.6 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_2 * 170.6 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_23 * 170.6 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_2_green * 170.6 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_7 * 170.8 : [ 1] map\map_hospital * 170.8 : [ 1] item\item_ustroystva * 170.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_fn2000_lens * 170.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_57 * 170.8 : [ 1] kdm_ammo\ammo_57x28\ammo_5.7x28_ap * 170.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addon_rail_bump * 170.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_bullet1_545_bump * 256.1 : [ 3] act\act_pseudodog * 256.1 : [ 1] artifact\artifact_loner_dirt * 256.1 : [ 1] artifact\artifact_loner_gold * 256.1 : [ 1] artifact\artifact_loner_hell * 256.1 : [ 1] artifact\artifact_loner_lavahell * 256.1 : [ 1] artifact\artifact_loner_magnit * 256.1 : [ 1] artifact\artifact_loner_sopli2 * 256.1 : [ 1] cooking\cooking_wood_stove_bump * 256.1 : [ 1] cooking\cooking_wood_stove_bump# * 256.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_gradient1 * 256.1 : [ 1] map\map_labx8 * 256.1 : [ 1] prop\prop_voda1_bump * 256.1 : [ 1] prop\prop_voda1_bump# * 256.1 : [ 1] sap\sap_serafim_high * 256.1 : [ 1] sap\sap_serafim_medium * 256.1 : [3082] sky\sky_oblaka * 256.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_graff_50_1024 * 256.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_harpoon_knife_bump * 341.0 : [ 1] crete\crete_beton_lom_bump * 341.0 : [ 1] crete\crete_beton_lom_bump# * 341.0 : [ 2] veh\veh_btr_bump * 341.0 : [ 2] veh\veh_btr_bump# * 341.0 : [ 2] wood\wood_board_01_bump * 341.0 : [ 2] wood\wood_board_01_bump# * 341.0 : [ 2] wood\wood_collect_bump * 341.0 : [ 2] wood\wood_collect_bump# * 341.0 : [ 2] wood\wood_walls8_bump * 341.0 : [ 2] wood\wood_walls8_bump# * 341.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_gradient * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_burer_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_burer_bump# * 341.1 : [ 2] act\act_himera_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] act\act_himera_bump# * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_bandit_2_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_bandit_2_bump# * 341.1 : [ 2] act\act_stalker_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] act\act_stalker_bump# * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_dolg3b_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_dolg_4_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_dolg_4_bump# * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_freedom_1_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_freedom_1_bump# * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_hero_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_hero_bump# * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_monolith_1_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_monolith_1_bump# * 341.1 : [ 2] act\act_stalker_monolith_2_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] act\act_stalker_monolith_2_bump# * 341.1 : [ 7] act\act_stalker_neutral_2_bump * 341.1 : [ 7] act\act_stalker_neutral_2_bump# * 341.1 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_rja_01_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_rja_01_bump# * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_beretta_sk1_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_fort17_bump * 341.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_grenade_40mm_bump * 341.1 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_upgrade * 341.4 : [ 1] map\map_fake_start * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addon_lastochka * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_9mm * 341.5 : [ 1] drink\drink_match0 * 341.5 : [ 1] fx\fx_glare_clear_day * 341.5 : [ 1] fx\fx_glare_cloudy * 341.5 : [ 1] fx\fx_gradient * 341.5 : [ 1] item\item_altar_device * 341.5 : [ 1] item\item_altar_device_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] item\item_altar_device_bump# * 341.5 : [ 2] item\item_detector_2 * 341.5 : [ 1] item\item_detector_2_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] item\item_detector_2_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] item\item_food * 341.5 : [ 1] shoker_mod\explosions\explosion_smoke01 * 341.5 : [ 1] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_smoke_1 * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_57_bump * 512.1 : [ 1] amk\items\500 * 512.1 : [ 1] map\map_l04_darkvalley * 512.1 : [ 1] map\map_limansk * 512.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_explotions_3 * 512.1 : [ 1] pfx\r_pop\shells\12ga * 512.1 : [ 1] pfx\r_pop\shells\45acp * 512.1 : [ 1] pfx\r_pop\shells\545x39 * 512.1 : [ 1] pfx\r_pop\shells\556x45 * 512.1 : [ 1] pfx\r_pop\shells\762x39 * 512.1 : [ 1] pfx\r_pop\shells\762x51 * 512.1 : [ 1] pfx\r_pop\shells\762x54 * 512.1 : [ 1] pfx\r_pop\shells\9x18 * 512.1 : [ 1] pfx\r_pop\shells\9x19 * 512.1 : [ 1] pfx\r_pop\shells\9x39 * 512.1 : [ 1] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_shells3 * 512.1 : [ 1] ui\logo_stason174 * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_abakan * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ak74 * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ak74_sk1 * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ak74_sk2 * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ak74_sk3 * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_aksu * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_aksu_sk3 * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_binokl * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_colt1911_sk1 * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_colt1911_sk3 * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_g36 * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_grenade_f1 * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mp5 * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mp5sd * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_rpg-7 * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_toz-34 * 682.2 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_vss * 682.2 : [ 1] act\act_puh * 682.2 : [ 2] act\act_stalker_soldier_2_bump# * 682.6 : [ 1] map\map_l05_bar * 682.6 : [ 1] map\map_l06_rostok * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_arm_mono_glove * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addon_mp5_mount * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_acog * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_45 * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_nato * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_pbs1 * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_pbs4 * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_tgp-a * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ak_grips * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ak_priklad * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_akm_mag * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_bullet1 * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_face_mask_0x * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addon_lastochka_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_9mm_bump * 768.1 : [ 14] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_1 * 768.1 : [ 40] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_2 * 768.1 : [ 18] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_3 * 768.1 : [ 14] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_5 * 768.1 : [ 6] sky\af3_blowout\blowout1 * 768.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout1_1 * 768.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout2 * 768.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout2_night * 768.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3 * 768.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_1 * 768.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_1_night * 768.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_2 * 768.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_2_night * 768.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_3 * 768.1 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_3_night * 768.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_night * 768.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4 * 768.1 : [ 3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_1 * 768.1 : [ 3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_1_night * 768.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_night * 768.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5 * 768.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5_night * 768.1 : [ 7] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5psi * 768.1 : [ 7] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5psi_night * 768.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout6 * 768.1 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout6_night * 768.1 : [ 3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout7 * 768.1 : [ 4] sky\af3_blowout\blowout7_night * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\00-00-fm * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\00-00-hm * 768.1 : [ 25] sky\af3_clear\00-00-nm * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\01-00-fm * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\01-00-hm * 768.1 : [ 37] sky\af3_clear\01-00-nm * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\02-00-fm * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\02-00-hm * 768.1 : [ 25] sky\af3_clear\02-00-nm * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\03-00-fm * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\03-00-hm * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\04-00-fm * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\04-00-hm * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\04-30 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\05-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\05-30 * 768.1 : [ 66] sky\af3_clear\06-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\07-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\08-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\09-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\10-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\11-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\12-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\13-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\14-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\15-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\16-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\17-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\18-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\19-00 * 768.1 : [ 66] sky\af3_clear\20-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\20-30 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\21-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\21-30 * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\22-00-fm * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\22-00-hm * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\23-00-fm * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\23-00-hm * 768.1 : [ 5] sky\af3_cloudy\05-00 * 768.1 : [ 10] sky\af3_cloudy\06-00 * 768.1 : [ 10] sky\af3_cloudy\07-00 * 768.1 : [ 18] sky\af3_cloudy\08-00 * 768.1 : [ 23] sky\af3_cloudy\09-00 * 768.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_cloudy\10-00 * 768.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_cloudy\11-00 * 768.1 : [ 18] sky\af3_cloudy\12-00 * 768.1 : [ 10] sky\af3_cloudy\13-00 * 768.1 : [ 36] sky\af3_cloudy\14-00 * 768.1 : [ 28] sky\af3_cloudy\15-00 * 768.1 : [ 10] sky\af3_cloudy\16-00 * 768.1 : [ 18] sky\af3_cloudy\17-00 * 768.1 : [ 20] sky\af3_cloudy\18-00 * 768.1 : [ 5] sky\af3_cloudy\19-00 * 768.1 : [ 10] sky\af3_cloudy\20-00 * 768.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_foggy\06-00 * 768.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_foggy\07-00 * 768.1 : [ 20] sky\af3_foggy\09-00 * 768.1 : [ 41] sky\af3_foggy\10-00 * 768.1 : [ 10] sky\af3_foggy\11-00 * 768.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_foggy\12-00 * 768.1 : [ 27] sky\af3_foggy\13-00 * 768.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_foggy\14-00 * 768.1 : [ 19] sky\af3_foggy\15-00 * 768.1 : [ 19] sky\af3_foggy\16-00 * 768.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_foggy\17-00 * 768.1 : [ 19] sky\af3_foggy\18-00 * 768.1 : [ 11] sky\af3_foggy\19-00 * 768.1 : [ 22] sky\af3_foggy\20-00 * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\00-00-fm * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\00-00-hm * 768.1 : [ 25] sky\af3_partly\00-00-nm * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\01-00-fm * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\01-00-hm * 768.1 : [ 38] sky\af3_partly\01-00-nm * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\02-00-fm * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\02-00-hm * 768.1 : [ 24] sky\af3_partly\02-00-nm * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\03-00-fm * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\03-00-hm * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\04-00-fm * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\04-00-hm * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\04-30 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\05-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\05-30 * 768.1 : [ 66] sky\af3_partly\06-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\07-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\08-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\09-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\10-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\11-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\12-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\13-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\14-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\15-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\16-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\17-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\18-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\19-00 * 768.1 : [ 66] sky\af3_partly\20-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\20-30 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\21-00 * 768.1 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\21-30 * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\22-00-fm * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\22-00-hm * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\23-00-fm * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\23-00-hm * 768.1 : [ 26] sky\af3_rainy\07-00 * 768.1 : [ 30] sky\af3_rainy\09-00_19-00 * 768.1 : [ 58] sky\af3_rainy\13-00 * 768.1 : [ 24] sky\af3_rainy\15-00 * 768.1 : [ 31] sky\af3_rainy\15-00-2 * 768.1 : [ 44] sky\af3_rainy\16-00 * 768.1 : [ 32] sky\af3_rainy\20-00 * 768.1 : [ 5] sky\sky_12_vibros_cube * 768.1 : [ 26] sky\sky_13_cube * 768.1 : [ 16] sky\sky_13_cube_night * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\sky_13_vibros_cube * 768.1 : [ 10] sky\sky_14_cube * 768.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_17_clouds_cube * 768.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_17_cube * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\sky_18_cube * 768.1 : [ 11] sky\sky_19_cube * 768.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_1_clouds_cube * 768.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_20_clouds_cube * 768.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_20_cube * 768.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_2_clouds_cube * 768.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_2_cube * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\sky_3_cube * 768.1 : [ 3] sky\sky_4_cube * 768.1 : [ 30] sky\sky_5_cube * 768.1 : [ 7] sky\sky_6_cube * 768.1 : [ 11] sky\sky_7_cube * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\sky_8_cube * 768.1 : [ 49] sky\sky_9_cube * 1024.1 : [ 1] act\act_burer * 1024.1 : [ 3] act\act_pseudodog1 * 1024.1 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_bandit_2 * 1024.1 : [ 1] dinamic_hud\hud_gas1 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_1 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_2 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_3 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_4 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_5 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_6 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_7 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_phase_1 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_phase_2 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_phase_3 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_phase_4 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_phase_5 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_phase_6 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_phase_7 * 1024.1 : [ 1] map\map_jupiter_underground * 1024.1 : [ 1] map\map_l01_escape * 1024.1 : [ 1] map\map_l04u_labx18 * 1024.1 : [ 1] map\map_l07_military * 1024.1 : [ 1] map\map_l10u_bunker * 1024.1 : [ 1] map\map_l11_pripyat * 1024.1 : [ 1] map\map_l12u_control_monolith * 1024.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_ani-explosion-02 * 1024.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_ani-explosion-02-b-a * 1024.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_ani-explosion-02a * 1024.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_explotions_2 * 1024.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_explotions_4 * 1024.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_explotions_smoke * 1024.1 : [ 1] shoker_mod\explosions\final_expl * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_achivments * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_menu * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_mp_screen * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_newsmanager_icons * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_pda * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_sleep_screen * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_global_map * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_hud * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_ingame2_common * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_minimap * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_mlr_achivments * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_pda2 * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_pda2_noice * 1024.1 : [ 1] water\water_SBumpVolume * 1024.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_harpoon_knife * 1139.2 : [ 1] map\map_k02_trucks_cemetery * 1364.3 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_ani-fire01 * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_abakan_bump * 1364.3 : [ 4] wpn\wpn_ak74_bump * 1364.3 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_aksu_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_binokl_bump * 1364.3 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_colt1911_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_g36k_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_grenade_f1_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_lr300_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mp5_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mp5sd_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_rpg-7_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_toz-34_bump * 1364.3 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_vss_bump * 1365.1 : [ 1] map\map_agroprom * 1365.1 : [ 1] map\map_l03u_agr_underground * 1365.1 : [ 1] map\map_l08_yantar * 1365.1 : [ 1] map\map_l10_radar * 1365.5 : [ 1] water\water_flowing_nmap * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_arm_mono_1 * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_arm_mono_glove_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_arm_mono_glove_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] fx\fx_glare * 1365.5 : [ 1] map\map_red_forest * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addon_mp5_mount_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_acog_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_45_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_nato_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_pbs1_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_pbs4_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_tgp-a_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ak_grips_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ak_priklad_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_akm_mag_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_bullet1_bump * 2048.1 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_cc_lightings * 2048.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_buy_menu * 2730.1 : [ 1] map\map_aes_1 * 2730.1 : [ 1] map\map_aes_2 * 2730.8 : [ 1] act\act_arm_sviter_1 * 2730.8 : [ 1] act\act_sviterok * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addon_grenade_launcher * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addon_grenade_launcher_m203 * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_pso-1m2-1 * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_pso1 * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ak_body * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_akm * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_akm_gadget * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_akms_gadget * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ar15 * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_cz75 * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_fn2000 * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_fn57 * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_lr300 * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_m249 * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_m79 * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mp153 * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ppsh41 * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_toz194 * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_toz66 * 2730.8 : [ 1] act\act_arm_bandit * 2730.8 : [ 1] act\act_arm_bandit_bump * 2730.8 : [ 1] act\act_arm_bandit_bump# * 2730.8 : [ 1] act\act_arm_mono_1_bump * 2730.8 : [ 1] act\act_arm_mono_1_bump# * 4096.1 : [ 1] map\map_jupiter * 4096.1 : [ 1] map\map_pripyat * 4096.1 : [ 1] map\map_zaton * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\new_game\ui_new_game_popup * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_dialog_screen * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_hint_wnd * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_hint_wnd2 * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_multiplayer_game_menu * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_common * 5460.1 : [ 1] map\map_l09_deadcity * 5460.1 : [ 1] map\map_l13_generators * 5460.1 : [ 1] map\map_marsh * 5461.5 : [ 1] act\act_arm_sviter_1_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] act\act_arm_sviter_1_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] map\map_l02_garbage * 5461.5 : [ 1] map\map_y04_pole * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addon_grenade_launcher_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addon_grenade_launcher_m203_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_pso-1m2-1_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_pso1_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ak_body_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_akm_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_akm_gadget_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_akms_gadget_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ar15_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_cz75_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_fn2000_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_fn57_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_m249_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_m79_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mp153_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ppsh41_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_toz194_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_toz66_bump * 8100.0 : [ 1] ui\ui_background_new * 8192.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_static_mm_back_01 * 9902.3 : [ 1] water\water_normal * 16384.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_icon_equipment * [ D3D ]: textures[604881 K] DestroySingleton::RefCounter: 0 DestroySingleton::RefCounter: 0 Input: 1 Config-file [appdata\user.ltx] saved successfully Destroying Direct3D... * RM_Dump: textures : 4 * : 1: ui\new_game\ui_new_game_popup * : 1: ui\ui_actor_multiplayer_game_menu * : 1: ui\ui_actor_sleep_screen * : 1: ui\ui_common * RM_Dump: rtargets : 0 * RM_Dump: vs : 1 * : 4: stub_notransform_t * RM_Dump: ps : 1 * : 4: stub_default * RM_Dump: dcl : 0 * RM_Dump: states : 1 * RM_Dump: tex_list : 4 * RM_Dump: matrices : 0 * RM_Dump: lst_constants: 0 * RM_Dump: v_passes : 4 * RM_Dump: v_elements: 4 * RM_Dump: v_shaders : 4 refCount:pBaseZB 1 refCount:pBaseRT 1 refCount:m_pSwapChain 1 DeviceREF: 19 refCount:m_pAdapter 1 stack trace: at address 0x00007FF92A7D0996 Спойлер Строка 26: ! Unable to find Software\GSC Game World\STALKER-COP\ in registry Строка 27: ! Player name registry key (InstallUserName) not found ! Строка 224: ! Unable to find Software\GSC Game World\STALKER-COP\ in registry Строка 225: ! Player name registry key (InstallUserName) not found ! Строка 226: ! Unable to find Software\GSC Game World\STALKER-COP\ in registry Строка 230: ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: c:\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. - call of chernobyl\gamedata\sounds\music\menu_2.ogg Строка 244: ! Can't find texture 'logo_stason174' Строка 874: ! Unable to find Software\GSC Game World\STALKER-COP\ in registry Строка 875: ! Player name registry key (InstallUserName) not found ! Строка 984: ! [LUA] File not found "c:\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. - call of chernobyl\gamedata\sounds\makdm\bandit_outfit_take.ogg"! Строка 985: ! [LUA] File not found "c:\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. - call of chernobyl\gamedata\sounds\makdm\bad_box.ogg"! Строка 1335: * New game is successfully created! Строка 1370: TextureLoading -> thread 1 started! Строка 1371: TextureLoading -> thread 2 started! Строка 1372: TextureLoading -> thread 3 started! Строка 1373: TextureLoading -> thread 3 finished! Строка 1374: TextureLoading -> thread 1 finished! Строка 1375: TextureLoading -> thread 2 finished! Строка 1388: ! Missing ogg-comment, file: c:\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. - call of chernobyl\gamedata\sounds\interface\inv_nosound.ogg Строка 1389: ! Invalid weather name: dynamic_default Строка 1398: ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\wpn_harpoon_knife_bump# Строка 2861: ! Unable to find Software\GSC Game World\STALKER-COP\ in registry Строка 2862: ! Player name registry key (InstallUserName) not found ! Строка 2971: ! [LUA] File not found "c:\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. - call of chernobyl\gamedata\sounds\makdm\bandit_outfit_take.ogg"! Строка 2972: ! [LUA] File not found "c:\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. - call of chernobyl\gamedata\sounds\makdm\bad_box.ogg"! Строка 3641: TextureLoading -> thread 1 started! Строка 3642: TextureLoading -> thread 2 started! Строка 3643: TextureLoading -> thread 3 started! Строка 3644: TextureLoading -> thread 4 started! Строка 3645: TextureLoading -> thread 5 started! Строка 3646: TextureLoading -> thread 3 finished! Строка 3647: TextureLoading -> thread 2 finished! Строка 3648: TextureLoading -> thread 5 finished! Строка 3649: TextureLoading -> thread 4 finished! Строка 3650: TextureLoading -> thread 1 finished! Строка 3680: ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: c:\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. - call of chernobyl\gamedata\sounds\music\menu_3.ogg Строка 4517: ! Missing ogg-comment, file: c:\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. - call of chernobyl\gamedata\sounds\music\menu_9.ogg Строка 4522: ! Can't find texture 'logo_stason174' Строка 4523: ! Can't find texture 'ui\new_game\ui_new_game_factions' Строка 4524: ! Can't find texture 'ui\new_game\ui_new_game_map_1' Строка 4525: ! Can't find texture 'ui\new_game\ui_new_game_map_3' Строка 5312: ! Unable to find Software\GSC Game World\STALKER-COP\ in registry Строка 5313: ! Player name registry key (InstallUserName) not found ! Строка 5422: ! [LUA] File not found "c:\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. - call of chernobyl\gamedata\sounds\makdm\bandit_outfit_take.ogg"! Строка 5423: ! [LUA] File not found "c:\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. - call of chernobyl\gamedata\sounds\makdm\bad_box.ogg"! Строка 5773: * New game is successfully created! Строка 5808: TextureLoading -> thread 1 started! Строка 5809: TextureLoading -> thread 2 started! Строка 5810: TextureLoading -> thread 2 finished! Строка 5811: TextureLoading -> thread 3 started! Строка 5812: TextureLoading -> thread 4 started! Строка 5813: TextureLoading -> thread 4 finished! Строка 5814: TextureLoading -> thread 1 finished! Строка 5815: TextureLoading -> thread 3 finished! Строка 5828: ! Invalid weather name: dynamic_default Строка 7463: ! Unable to find Software\GSC Game World\STALKER-COP\ in registry Строка 7464: ! Player name registry key (InstallUserName) not found ! Строка 7573: ! [LUA] File not found "c:\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. - call of chernobyl\gamedata\sounds\makdm\bandit_outfit_take.ogg"! Строка 7574: ! [LUA] File not found "c:\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. - call of chernobyl\gamedata\sounds\makdm\bad_box.ogg"! Строка 9289: TextureLoading -> thread 1 started! Строка 9290: TextureLoading -> thread 2 started! Строка 9291: TextureLoading -> thread 3 started! Строка 9292: TextureLoading -> thread 4 started! Строка 9293: TextureLoading -> thread 5 started! Строка 9294: TextureLoading -> thread 6 started! Строка 9295: TextureLoading -> thread 7 started! Строка 9296: TextureLoading -> thread 7 finished! Строка 9297: TextureLoading -> thread 4 finished! Строка 9298: TextureLoading -> thread 3 finished! Строка 9299: ! Fallback to default bump map: wind\wind_03_ch_bump Строка 9300: ! Fallback to default bump map: wind\wind_03_ch_bump# Строка 9301: TextureLoading -> thread 5 finished! Строка 9302: TextureLoading -> thread 2 finished! Строка 9303: TextureLoading -> thread 6 finished! Строка 9304: TextureLoading -> thread 1 finished! Строка 9347: ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: c:\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. - call of chernobyl\gamedata\sounds\music\menu_10.ogg Музыку пробовал вырезать - без нее не пашет. А что делать с уже отсутствующими soundами на бандитов - не представляю вообще( Как найти эти текстуры и что с ними делать - тоже не понятно. По поводу регистрации - поможет ли смена имени на английском? Ну про остальное я вообще молчу - там, для меня, лес дремучий( Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
AfterGlow 576 Опубликовано 31 марта, 2024 Януш дело не в музыке, не в текстурах и не в регистрации, которые указаны в логе. Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
DeadGuy_ST 8 Опубликовано 1 апреля, 2024 Expression : ini->section_exist(imm_sect) Function : CHitImmunity::LoadImmunities File : C:\Users\Степан\source\repos\xray\trunk\xr_3da\xrGame\hit_immunity.cpp Line : 22 Description : mon_resist При переходе на радар вот это чудо-юдо. Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Stalkervernite 349 Опубликовано 1 апреля, 2024 14 минут назад, DeadGuy_ST сказал: Expression : ini->section_exist(imm_sect) Function : CHitImmunity::LoadImmunities File : C:\Users\Степан\source\repos\xray\trunk\xr_3da\xrGame\hit_immunity.cpp Line : 22 Description : mon_resist При переходе на радар вот это чудо-юдо. Ошибка в какой либо секции 1 Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты