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Весь контент gibe

  1. MayLay French translation => https://disk.yandex.com/d/w4OhIx1pfDUrqw
  2. tara-n-tool Thanks, I'm already familiar with this formula, I'm looking for the single module edition. There's a repack by SL but I don't know if it's relevant.
  3. Matrix Hello I'd like to translate this game. The link is closed, is it possible to get the modification? Thanks
  4. Hardtmuth Hello. I'm translating "Last Stalker"; For the "als_string_dialogs" file, I'm having trouble understanding this part : "Здорово. Что смурной? Надоело здесь торчать. Домой хочу. А эти козлы - GRC - две недели нас здесь парят. Шпалеры поотбирали. Сталкерня под боком, и не пощипать: больше их. Думаешь - есть жирок? А то. Здесь где-то ныкают, суки. А как через Периметр потащат? GRC помоют же все. Так ведь добазарятся, братан. А мы голыми жопами на Сортировке сверкать будем. Не грусти: пройдет и по нашей улице инкассатор." The English translation is not any easier to understand I need a Russian/English or French speaker to help me understand these sentences. Thank you A lot of slang, it's difficult but I'll get there.
  5. Wolfstalker Hello In the case of a French adaptation, will the dialogues, quests etc. be modified? Thank you
  6. Hello, it's not a question of translation but of the 'world' of weapons, which is foreign to me.
  7. ScR1pt Hello Is this modification stable enough, with the patch, for me to take a long time translating it? The comments are not very good. Thanks PS: I've translated "fallen star" "return to the zone, retrieval" "secrets trial" and many other subjects, I want to avoid too many follow-up problems. Thanks
  8. Zloi BadwinHello ! I don't like translating weapon, ammunition or armour files. I don't understand a word of it! Unfortunately I can't punish you for that!
  9. Prostomod Hello Is it possible to improve the way caches are searched? It's often very difficult, if not impossible, to obtain all or part of their contents. Thank you
  10. serzhant options/parameter => video => advanced параметр => видео => расширенный (?)
  11. Prostomod Hello. My error was due to the fact that I was working on the old version with the fix. With the online version, no more problems The French version is finished but I still need to check everything in-game. Thanks to all the team
  12. MayLay Hi there! I need some help. I've translated the game's "gamedata/config/text" files but I can't unpack the "resources/config" file. "Data_Unpacker" and "AXRToolset-master" don't help. I will need the files to translate everything that is not in the gamedata. Thanks
  13. Hello French translation => https://disk.yandex.com/d/xgHuzIPmb-SCJA There may still be some flaws.
  14. Little Frenchman Hello Thanks, I've been able to correct the translation error A French gamer has a problem with the "100 points" training, as I'm not currently playing I can't help him. Is there a tutorial? Thanks
  15. Hello ! I have a translation problem, I would like a "save" containing Noah's "talisman" (Оберег) Thanks
  16. What a difference with these 3 episodes? It's not always easy to keep up with these developments...
  17. Hello Is this a "standalone" mod like "Dark Path" => https://ap-pro.ru/forums/topic/1934-dark-path-obt/ or an extension of Lost Alpha DC extended. I'm having trouble integrating the French translation into this mod, so if I have to translate The Eternal Suffering this clarification is important. Thanks
  18. gibe

    Lost Alpha DC Extended

    DefaultArs Ok I've downloaded the file Thanks for your help. I'm going to test this as soon as possible (I'm currently managing OGSR 1.0.7 and Return to the zone) as well as all the mods that have already been translated (about ten).
  19. gibe

    Lost Alpha DC Extended

    DefaultArs No ! I was never able to register Yandex or Mega
  20. gibe

    Lost Alpha DC Extended

    DefaultArs Hello I have created a file gamedata/config/ containing localization "fra" and text/eng how do you compress this file into "xdb"? Thanks
  21. gibe

    Lost Alpha DC Extended

    yidrisov Hello My problem is that some translated files are not being read by the game. I can't resolve this conflict between "localization" and "string_table_includes". I've tried to harmonise the lists of the 2 files but without success. I've translated a lot of mods including "dark path" on Lost Alpha and I've never had this problem. I need to re-read and correct the old translation, which is bad, and I won't do that unless I solve this mystery. Could you help? You say you're going to release "The Eternal Suffering", is this the same addon as "dark path" or an extension on Lost Alpha? Thank you for your attention.