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  1. I played the moment in the original and saw a 'message' which I then searched for and bingo! The colour tags were badly defined! Thanks
  2. Little Frenchman where are these lines : turn off the changed lines (descriptions) I understand action, which I use a lot, but I don't understand where to look. There are no colour tags in the text file.
  3. Little Frenchman they are the same Otherwise in gamedata/configs/ui? but how do I find it?
  4. 4udik Of course, but my lack of education (I left school at 15 ) means I can't understand everything. That doesn't solve my crash problem.
  5. I read you, I didn't understand everything -of course- so please Мне нужен парацетамол... ... and just play "STALKER"
  6. Hello I need some help: In the mission ""exgar_forestcamp_art_task_name0"> <text>Аномальная душа: догнать сталкера</text> before I can continue with the NPC I get this error log "FATAL ERROR [error]Expression: npos != comma3_pos [error]Function : CUILines::GetColorFromText [error]File : C:\Repositories\abramcumner-16-jekan\xray\xrGame\ui\UILines.cpp [error]Line : 493 [error]Description : CUISubLine::GetColorFromText -- can't find third comma" Localization : https://disk.yandex.com/i/9fkE49sFw_ew7Q Thanks
  7. WILD_USEC Hello I've translated the original mod. Are the changes significant in the : gamedata/config/gameplay gamedata/config/ui gamedata/config/text (weapons certainly I think) ? Or do we need to translate everything again? Thanks
  8. vsevet Little Frenchman As we say in my part of the world, "desperate times call for desperate measures! I erased and cleaned everything, then installed a new system and a journey fix. everything works fine with the French translation. Thank you both for your help. I will continue to correct the errors and omissions.
  9. Little Frenchman I've tested the Russian version and I'm having the same problem. - did I forget to do something -after reading the 2 messages and 3 pieces of information? -took the food - played with the rat :) - Do I have to do the missions in a specific order? Thank you
  10. Little Frenchman Thank you, but that doesn't solve my problem: I can't get out of the room. No matter where I go, I come back to this room.
  11. When I launch the "survival" game, whatever destination I choose, I get this message "До выброса осталось не так много, как кажется. Советую поторопиться" and I come back to the room where I started. Is this a bug? Am I wasting time reading the computer? Thanks for yor help.
  12. Hello At the beginning of the "journey" game, I open the "cache" and I hear "off" words. What does it say? Stealing is bad or something... It's not good for my karma? Thanks
  13. Test with russian : Bad compagny remaster FATAL ERROR [erreur]Expression : !m_error_code [erreur]Fonction : raii_guard::~raii_guard [erreur]Fichier : D:\prog_repository\sources\trunk\xrServerEntities\script_storage.cpp [ erreur]Ligne : 748 [erreur]Description : . ..f pripyat\gamedata\scripts\bind_anomaly_field.script:64 : tentative d'appel global 'find_in_string' (une valeur nulle) trace de la pile: 0023:69737365 aticfx32.dll Quoi? merci
  14. Neptun Hello This folder => ПК Remaster Useful or trash? If I have to translate this remaster it's easier to know what's good. Thanks
  15. Opritchnik Hello. I'm in the process of adapting the French translation for this OGSR version. I'll let you know when it's finished.
  16. Little Frenchman French gamedata ===> https://disk.yandex.com/d/FXXD4eWaKbR_DQ Thanks
  17. StariyStalkKRG French => Russian translation refused by the administrators. https://www.deepl.com/translator
  18. ASSASIN64 ?? Why do you have a problem with my questions? In my country it's blondes. They say a brunette is an "A.I."
  19. Little Frenchman Hello! Question : I don't understand the years for the DLC : "Journey" is dated 2020 when it's the last one? - Adventure (2019) - Memory (2021) - Survival (2023) A mistake? I just finished the translation... OUF!!
  20. Oui j'ai vu ça; Je n'ai pas compris les messages audio. Donc après le labyrinthe des générateurs, il ne reste plus rien. Le jeu est-il terminé ? Je vous remercie pour votre aide. I will be able to finish translating Возвращение в Зону (все дополнения)
  21. https://disk.yandex.com/d/I3PN5uuxZHi4fQ Mis à jour 13 minutes plus tard Mawrak https://disk.yandex.com/i/Zbiv0A2ftLKusQ Here too I went, (red circle) after a series of recordings, return windows