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  1. ! Fallback to default bump map: item\item_diolator_dosimeter_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: act\act_specmask_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: act\act_specmask_head_bump# ! Can't find sound 'weapons\explosions\modular_model\shared\core_wave\core_wave_close_8' ! Can't find sound 'weapons\explosions\modular_model\shared\disruptor\disruptor_1_5' ! Can't find sound 'weapons\explosions\modular_model\shared\disruptor\disruptor_2_5' ! Can't find sound 'weapons\explosions\modular_model\shared\disruptor\disruptor_3_5' ! Can't find sound 'weapons\explosions\modular_model\shared\disruptor\disruptor_4_5' ! Fallback to default bump map: item\item_diolator_flashlight_bump# ! Can't find sound 'weapons\groza\groza_misfire' !![ERROR] CInifile::r_string: S = [(null)], L = [k_dist] Взял квест у Петренка на убийство на кладбище техники, при переходе тудой вылетает на моменте загрузки локации, отменить квест не могу, диалога нет, двигать инфопоршни не умею, в принципе локация то и не особо нужна, но портит всю эстетику((9(
  2. Доброго вечера форуму!Помогите с данным вылетом, появился после взятия квеста на убийство на кладбище техники. ! Fallback to default bump map: item\item_diolator_dosimeter_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: act\act_specmask_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: act\act_specmask_head_bump# ! Can't find sound 'weapons\explosions\modular_model\shared\core_wave\core_wave_close_8' ! Can't find sound 'weapons\explosions\modular_model\shared\disruptor\disruptor_1_5' ! Can't find sound 'weapons\explosions\modular_model\shared\disruptor\disruptor_2_5' ! Can't find sound 'weapons\explosions\modular_model\shared\disruptor\disruptor_3_5' ! Can't find sound 'weapons\explosions\modular_model\shared\disruptor\disruptor_4_5' ! Fallback to default bump map: item\item_diolator_flashlight_bump# ! Can't find sound 'weapons\groza\groza_misfire' !![ERROR] CInifile::r_string: S = [(null)], L = [k_dist]
  3. Доброго дня форуму!Ищу решение данного вылета. Anomaly Expedition: Fallback to default bump map: item\item_diolator_dosimeter_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: act\act_specmask_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: act\act_specmask_head_bump# ! Can't find sound 'weapons\explosions\modular_model\shared\core_wave\core_wave_close_8' ! Can't find sound 'weapons\explosions\modular_model\shared\disruptor\disruptor_1_5' ! Can't find sound 'weapons\explosions\modular_model\shared\disruptor\disruptor_2_5' ! Can't find sound 'weapons\explosions\modular_model\shared\disruptor\disruptor_3_5' ! Can't find sound 'weapons\explosions\modular_model\shared\disruptor\disruptor_4_5' ! Fallback to default bump map: item\item_diolator_flashlight_bump# ! Can't find sound 'weapons\groza\groza_misfire' !![ERROR] CInifile::r_string: S = [(null)], L = [k_dist] FATAL ERROR [error]Expression : S && strlen(S) [error]Function : CInifile::r_section [error]File : D:\a\xray-monolith\xray-monolith\src\xrCore\Xr_ini.cpp [error]Line : 1193 [error]Description : assertion failed История такая, взял у Петренка квест на убийство на кладбище техники, до квеста локация была в порядке, вылетов не было по самой игре ни разу, висит квест, при переходе вылетает с таким текстом. искал всю ночь решение. Это лечится? Чисто в теории, не хватает какого-то звука грозы?Если я возьму любой другой звук и пропишу его так как в логе,поможет?
  4. Semen13

    True Stalker

    При передоде на свалку ловлю вылет версия мода 1.5 FATAL ERROR [error] Expression : W == 1 [error] Function : CFileWriter::w [error] File : D:\TrueStalkerEngine\src\xrCore\FS_internal.h [error] Line : 81 [error] Description : Can't write mem block to file. Disk maybe full. [error] Arguments : No space left on devic Разобрался. Закончилось место на диске. Все ок.
  5. I have never played a mod that has perfect combat AI. Some mods have issues where they are dumb and less responsive. Some see through bushes with superman laser eyes. I have experienced other mods that have the same issue where enemies can hit you through walls. This mod is not the first with that problem. It just an Xray issue I would think. I noticed the suits in this are more balanced and sensitive to their environment and in combat. I already got a Nosorg and a Spartan Helmet and I am now kicking ass and receiving minimal damage. Acquired some good weapons and i'm taking down enemies quickly. No mods are ever perfect and there has to be some compromise. We need to consider that these mods are so filled with so many items that its tough to find a perfect balance on everything. I am quite pleased with the balancing in the new Anomaly Custom.
  6. У меня также вылеты при попытке диалога с телохранителем [error]Arguments : Can't open section 'wpn_fn2000_hurricane'. Please attach [*.ini_log] file to your bug report . Это скорее всего связано с тем что этого ствола нет в аддоне, но он прописан во многих файлах как у торговцев так и в диалогах, например dialogs_jupiter.script и sgm_dialogs.script. Кроме того нужно исправить наполнение тайника Варга, при попытке использовать флешку, вылет из-за прицела wpn_addon_scope_usp1_night , его в аддоне нет. Я удалил прицел из содержимого тайника по пути gamedata/configs/misc/items/sgm_deserves.ltx. Просто убрал секцию wpn_addon_scope_usp1_night и вылет пропал.
  7. Всем привет. К сожалению (а м.б. и к счастью) знакомство с модом прекратилось при первой же загрузке, вот таким образом: Expression : fatal error Function : CRender::texture_load File : E:\stalker\patch_1_0004\xr_3da\xrRender\Texture.cpp Line : 295 Description : <no expression> Arguments : Can't find texture 'ui\apt_mod_menu' Так что теперь весь в раздумьях...
  8. Expression : <no expression> Function : inventory::upgrade::Group::can_install File : inventory_upgrade_group.cpp Line : 105 Description : fatal error Arguments : Loading item: Upgrade <up_fourtc_svd_nimble> of inventory item [wpn_svu_pmc_gauss_sight] (id = 65535) can`t be installed! Error = result_e_parents stack trace: вылетает при переходе на свалку
  9. При начале новой игры вылет. Вот, что написано в текстовом файле log: FATAL ERROR [error]Expression : fatal error [error]Function : CInifile::r_section [error]File : C:\xray\stcop_engine\src\xrCore\Xr_ini.cpp [error]Line : 521 [error]Description : <no expression> [error]Arguments : Can't open section 'wpn_p90'. Please attach [*.ini_log] file to your bug report Что не так?
  10. --------------------------- Fatal Error --------------------------- Expression : file_handle_internal(file_name, *buffer_size, file_handle) Function : FileDownload File : D:\a\xray-monolith\xray-monolith\src\xrCore\FS.cpp Line : 172 Description : can't open file : Arguments : c:/users/user/desktop/stalker mystic\gamedata\textures\artifact\artifact_angel_?.thm stack trace: Press OK to abort execution --------------------------- OK --------------------------- я два раза перекачивал мод и ничего, я правильно скачивал и патч, как ето решить?
  11. If there is Reshade, you can try this. It works for me. Turn on SMAA and FXAA. There is no performance hit too.
  12. So far I have put over 15 hours of play with no crashes. It has performed quite well considering how great it looks. This newer Anomaly Custom plays more harder than the previous version. The AI is very difficult in this. I like it. I like the new UI as it adds so much 'quality of life' features that makes it very convenient to use. Personally I am very happy that we had stayed with the original models of all NPCs and Mutants. The addons was reduced down to the best ones for stability and less crashing. Good choices here. My one main complaint is the Medical usages. They seem to offer very little benefit while hitting you mostly of its side effects. I guess this was to add a more 'hardcore' level of play until you acquire better suits later? There is a problem still that the Bar has 2 Snitch characters like in the previous Anomaly Custom . I need some help here if anyone can, please. What is the addon that affects you removing your helmet, backpack and those faction patches animations? I want to disable those. Also, if anyone knows, where are the textures for the 'dark side bars' when viewing through your weapon scope? I would appreciate any help on this one too. Thanks!!
  13. [error]Expression : FATAL ERROR [error]Function : CInifile::r_section [error]File : D:\a\OGSR-Engine\OGSR-Engine\ogsr_engine\xrCore\Xr_ini.cpp [error]Line : 387 [error]Description : Can't open section 'environment' ОГСР 2.1.407 Release x64, киньте фикс пожалуйста, я сам знаю что не так, нужен фикс просто. Если кому нибудь не лень, то прошу, помогите
  14. При переходе из МГ ловлю вылет: [error]Expression : FATAL ERROR [error]Function : CKinematicsAnimated::Load [error]File : D:\a\OGSR-Engine\OGSR-Engine\ogsr_engine\Layers\xrRender\SkeletonAnimated.cpp [error]Line : 710 [error]Description : Can't find motion file 'monsters\snork_animation.omf'. Как от него избавиться?
  15. This is not how ballisticks works. You need to shoot their legs from shotgun, like you do in Tarkov. Do what it says. Mutant parts are rotting. Parkour system, allows you to climb walls 1.3-2 meteres high , can be configured in MCM. https://www.moddb.com/mods/stalker-anomaly/addons/advanced-stamina-system-40link-in-description41 And you still didn`t try my modpack, I remember.
  16. Где сидит этот гребаный полковник в МГ? Всё перешарил биноклем - НЕ ВИЖУ! Почему нельзя днём этот квест делать, хоть всё видно будет??? Дополнено 7 минуты спустя При переходе из МГ ловлю вылет: [error]Expression : FATAL ERROR [error]Function : CKinematicsAnimated::Load [error]File : D:\a\OGSR-Engine\OGSR-Engine\ogsr_engine\Layers\xrRender\SkeletonAnimated.cpp [error]Line : 710 [error]Description : Can't find motion file 'monsters\snork_animation.omf'. Как от него избавиться?
  17. Ok, I'm feeling pretty stupid here. I'm not having any luck. 1st I picked the Global 2nd I pick this below 3rd I leave everything alone here 4th then I get it Creating instance..... Access denied. (0.5) I'm at a loss here.... I had no problem installing the original Anomaly Custom Дополнено 14 минуты спустя I can get access into the games menu. If I try to launch the game, I get this same error. I truly wished this mod had a more simpler, manual way to install.
  18. Nah, can't be the operating system. I have all Stalker mods playing on my Win7 system flawless and better performing than WIn10. I will try to download the Anomaly Custom OBT installer 07/13/24 again. I remember having issues before with the older Anomaly Custom at first download which gave issues. The second download installed fine. Today the Google Drive download is not working =(
  19. After they give us the editing tools, I hope they will also provide us all the unused content and older build maps that did not make the final cut of the game so that we can have access to all these sources. I also wonder, being that this will be an open world with no area transitions.....how will new maps be applied? PDA Ver 2.0 =)
  20. как исправить ошибки в сдк 0.4: Can't find texture 'trees\trees_tina' , Can't find shader 'levels\pripyat_earth' и Can't find texture 'terrain\terrain_pripyat'(этот файл есть в геймдате остальных нету даже в оригинале,не совсем ошибки а лог) локацию припяти брал из зова припяти это происходит после Преобразование игровых карт в формат SDK с Лодами так и без
  21. The most effective method to guidelines for taking my web-based class. Presenting yourself in a web-based class can be surprising, particularly since you will not have the decision to see your colleagues. In any case, establishing Take my online class a decent first connection with your educator and different students is significant. In your show, make a point to solidify some foundation data about yourself, like your occupation and instructive history. Additionally, you should consider the reasons you chose this course and what you hope to gain from it. Online classes can be pursuing for understudies who are not used to this sort of learning climate. They demand a ton of adventure and concentration, and getting diverted by virtual redirection or different endeavors can be fundamental. In any case, understudies can conquer these difficulties by rehearsing compelling using time productively and focusing on the essential errand. Something else that understudies need to remember while taking an internet based class is that there will be less eye to eye cooperation with their teachers and accomplices. In this manner, molding associations and a sensation of local area could challenge. Regardless, this can be overwhelmed by looking at as habitually as possible with your teacher through email or talk and visiting your instructor's open time expecting they offer them. At last, online classes are generally more reasonable than standard ones in light of the fact that your enlightening cost doesn't need to manage above costs like audit hall space and materials. In like manner, you can routinely apply your cash related guide grant to these courses. Students regularly need to finish a ton of work in web-based classes. They might have to watch a conversation, pay attention to a sound recording, and write a paper about it. Once in a while, they may besides have to go to a virtual office hour. Students who ought to keep a harmony among fun and serious exercises and schoolwork can see this as inconceivably testing. While explicit educators could feel that electronic courses are more direct than customary homeroom courses, most understudies report the regressive. Truly, a large portion of them felt that they learned more in an electronic class and accepted that it is mentally problematic. During the Coronavirus pandemic, a few students guarantee that they are being relegated more liabilities, which has left them with less energy for rest and different exercises. This has made it harder for them to perform well in their classes. Some have even stopped taking their electronic courses thinking about the critical commitment. Understudies who take online classes once in a while battle with saving the significant opportunity to deal with their endeavors. This may be directly attributable to a number of factors, including responsibilities at work, in the family, and elsewhere. Not an extremely clear explanation, it will overall be obviously moving for understudies to finish their electronic classes without assistance from subject matter experts. Online understudies really ought to fan out a customary that they can follow dependably. This could include reducing the amount of time required to complete their homework, ensuring that they approach a computer equipped with the internet, and eliminating interruptions. Understudies who battle to stay aware of their courses ought to converse with their instructors at the earliest entryway and sales help. You could moreover utilize someone to take your web based class for the wellbeing of you. At any rate, this can be unsafe considering the way that you have no certification that they will remain consistent with their guarantee to accomplish the work. Also, you can't have certainty that they won't swindle through your course or on a very basic level dispense with your cash and run. The expense of taking an electronic class can be high for understudies, particularly tolerating that they should buy new gear. This is because of the way that numerous web-based courses are advanced, requiring a PC with a solid web association. Various nhs fpx 4000 assessment 3 applying ethical principles resources, such as making devices and course readings, may in like manner be required from specific students. Getting signed up for a lesser school is one method for reducing expenses while taking a course on the web. Junior universities offer a large number of courses to address the issues of many understudies and are much of the time more affordable than conventional advanced education organizations. Likewise, they can furnish students with monetary aide groups, which can help you in getting a reasonable plan on instructive expenses. Web learning can be testing, particularly while shuffling work and school. Web learning can be trying, especially while rearranging work and school. Interdisciplinary Arrangement Proposal for


  22. One of the many highly anticipated mods for me. Can't wait to play this one. I wish the team the best of luck on this project.
  23. Не экспортируется динамические объект Maya 2022.2 Гайс, всем приветы! Пишу видимо в забытую тему, но надеюсь на ответ Работал всегда со статикой т.к. занимался в основном уровнями и статику экспортирует нормально (на этой версии майи и на пред тоже). Точно помню, что экспортировал двери (динамические) в 2018 версии Майи и актуальным для той версии плагином и было все ок. Решил обновить майю до 22 версии год с лишним назад и поставил плагин xrayMayaTools_2022-10-28 Спокойно работал иногда со статикой для уровней - все ок. А вот динамические объекты не экспортируются вообще. Для теста импортировал модели ванильных nps с папки gamedata в ogf. Там привязка уже есть, я ровно никаких манипуляций не делаю - выбираю меш > File > Export Selection и вылезает : // Error: line 0: Could not save file "D:/dsdd.object". В логе суть: Error: xray_re: can't find skin cluster for mesh Я не могу разобраться, что я делаю не так)0 Привязка к мешу есть по дефолту в импортированной модели. Что пробовал: Пробовал дописывать object. Пробовал фризить Создавал новый чистый проект (примитив и новые кости), скинил их, ошибка не меняется Пробовал экспортировать ванильные динамические двери Пробовал импортировать модели object. Уверен что решается супер просто, но я не выкупаю суть. Ну вот: https://disk.yandex.ru/d/g1X2QR_KK-5yVA
  24. Дополнено 1 минуту спустя Cворачивается игра при загрузке игры с ошибкой: Expression : wave&&wave->length() Function : CSoundRender_Source::LoadWave File : SoundRender_Source_loader.cpp Line : 65 Description : Can't open wave file: Arguments : gamedata\sounds\weapons\whine_5.ogg Подскажите что делать
  25. Пишет, что у АИ-сетки не соответствующая версия для экспорта. Вообще, при ошибках вида Can't find any graphs! Check log лучше сразу прикладывать полный лог