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Найдено: 655 результатов

  1. Alexus

    True Stalker

    Hey you should write a review for this mod. There are not so many reviews in English. It could be helpful for others if you did.
  2. To my great regret, a huge part of the brilliance of this modification lies precisely in the text. And not even in the words that are spoken, but in what is meant by it. The characters speak in very short chopped phrases, because the interlocutor always understands the subtext, understands more than what is said. For example: at the very beginning of the modification, two people are talking. The Greek and the DeadMan. -- Hi, man! Have a seat, let's have a smoke. Where did you come from? What side of the world did you come from? I missed it. -- The south. -- The Greek answers. -- М... interesting. What's it like down south? -- Probably the same as everywhere else. -- The Greek answers. That's not what they actually said to each other, not what their words sounded like. The DeadMan asked: -- Where did you come from in this cursed place? No one walks around here. That chimney you just came out of doesn't lead anywhere. The Greek answered him: -- None of your fucking business. ------------------------- I'm not talking about special words. In the following phrases there will be the word "prosohatil" (просохатил), which no translator will be able to translate for you. In English it would be something like "fucked up".
  3. heftoid

    True Stalker

    @wshwash, well, if you killed them all before getting this quest, you are screwed... @Coloner, кажется, пока не фиксили. -- @Overf1rst, FYI ^
  4. heftoid

    True Stalker

    Is it a softlock, though? Technician should finish the repairs and reward you after you kill poltergeists (at night). So go have a nap at Sidorovich's or at stalker camp and hunt the mutants down afterwards to check if there is actually a problem :)
  5. Okay folks have True Stalker now and unlimited google so I will let it seed. Also the updated Solyanka and Echo of the monolith. Seed till you bleed and then keep going. And if you get on Mod DB and look for 21thx12 that's my short Stalker story. Now get out of here Stalker.

  6. Comfort and Protection Combined: FR Jackets for Demanding Jobs

    Discover the perfect blend of comfort and protection with our Flame-Resistant (FR) jackets. These jackets are engineered to withstand heat and flames while keeping you comfortable during demanding tasks. Whether you work in construction, oil and gas, or any high-risk industry, our FR jackets have you covered. Stay safe without sacrificing comfort.

  7. As you want, you can do it or share me your stuff and tell me how do. It's always time to learn something new. About the mod itself, don't worry. I have a lot of files in eng, for SA, RMA... I already play on it.. I translated the first RMA version in french a decade ago. It was not easy. Google translator was not as translators are today.
  8. Borovos I am the creator of the installer and I can add English, if necessary, or send you what you need to translate and eventually rebuild the repack with the addition of the language, but there is no translation of the modification itself.
  9. lapa1969

    True Stalker

    Трудно на русский перевести? Здание из красного кирпича (будка трансформаторная), по лестнице вверх, в комнате есть рубильник. Отключаешь- арт достаёшь. По ангельски через переводчик The building is made of red brick (transformer booth), up the stairs, there is a switch in the room. If you turn it off, you get the art.
  10. Warlord40000

    True Stalker

    Аналогичная проблема вот логи ! [LUA][ERROR] You are trying to spawn two or more objects with the same story_id:[esc_village_fanat] --> [esc_village_fanat15642] try to add:[esc_village_fanat4916] stack traceback: c:\games\true stalker\gamedata\scripts\_g.script:509: in function 'abort' c:\games\true stalker\gamedata\scripts\story_objects.script:17: in function 'register' c:\games\true stalker\gamedata\scripts\story_objects.script:106: in function 'check_spawn_ini_for_story_id' ...\true stalker\gamedata\scripts\sim_squad_scripted.script:757: in function <...\true stalker\gamedata\scripts\sim_squad_scripted.script:753> [C]: in function 'create' c:\games\true stalker\gamedata\scripts\sim_board.script:214: in function 'create_squad' c:\games\true stalker\gamedata\scripts\xr_effects.script:982: in function <c:\games\true stalker\gamedata\scripts\xr_effects.script:953> c:\games\true stalker\gamedata\scripts\xr_logic.script:460: in function 'pick_section_from_condlist' c:\games\true stalker\gamedata\scripts\xr_logic.script:568: in function 'try_switch_to_another_section' c:\games\true stalker\gamedata\scripts\sr_idle.script:15: in function <c:\games\true stalker\gamedata\scripts\sr_idle.script:12> c:\games\true stalker\gamedata\scripts\xr_logic.script:364: in function 'issue_event' ...mes\true stalker\gamedata\scripts\bind_restrictor.script:94: in function <...mes\true stalker\gamedata\scripts\bind_restrictor.script:80> FATAL ERROR [error] Expression : 0 [error] Function : ErrorLog [error] File : D:\TrueStalkerEngine\src\xrScriptEngine\ScriptEngineScript.cpp [error] Line : 40 [error] Description : You are trying to spawn two or more objects with the same story_id:[esc_village_fanat] --> [esc_village_fanat15642] try to add:[esc_village_fanat4916]
  11. yurv3 НЕТ! НЕТ! гррррррррррррр Вы уверены, что новая игра не является обязательной? No ! No ! grrrrrrrrrrr Are you sure a new game isn't compulsory?
  12. error Дополнено 8 минуты спустя basil Нет, это не работает. Нужно ли нам начать все сначала? Я никогда не решал подобные проблемы. Спасибо. (No, it's not working. Do I need to start again? I have never corrected this type of problem. Thank you)
  13. gibe

    True Stalker

    Overf1rst Hello I have downloaded "True Stalker". I have access to the "text" files, no problem I can't decompile some files I need to check whether things need to be translated in the : script gameplay ui Can you help me? Thank you
  14. gibe I can think of the following possibilities: 1) perhaps the NPC logic bugged out, you can try to do save-load near him to reset it 2) maybe there are some quests you need to finish first before the dialogue unlocks? If none of this is the case, then it is possible the game broke, if you can send me your save files, I can look into it and try to see whats wrong. Send me the current save file you have after talking to Barman, and also the save from before you disabled the psi-emitter in the Forest.
  15. yurv3 Спасибо Я искал живого человека, но Гибсон был мертв... Он охотится на мутантов и сражается с бандитами, поэтому я переделал миссию, уничтожив нападавших. Он был в районе, о котором говорилось. Спасибо (I was looking for a living man but Gibson was dead... He hunts mutants and fights bandits, so I redid the mission by eliminating his attackers. He was in the area described Thank you)
  16. If you can not open it in 7zip you may need to download Anomaly Custom again. I was able to extract it with 7zip no problem.
  17. gibe Been a while since I played the mod, but the codes seem to refer to an an input you have to put in when opening a safe with items. The UI for the safe opening can be a bit glitchy, you kinda need to guess where to click on the screen to select the number you want. But you want to do input these numbers one after another on the safe. The second line refers to the location at which the safe is located. If it doesn't specify exactly where, then I guess you have to just find it yourself. Again, I have played this game a long time ago so I don't remember all the details, but as far as I remember if the safe is important and story-related, there should be some indication on how to find it, it can be in the dialogue or quest description I think.
  18. gibe

    Lost Alpha DC Extended

    yidrisov Hello My problem is that some translated files are not being read by the game. I can't resolve this conflict between "localization" and "string_table_includes". I've tried to harmonise the lists of the 2 files but without success. I've translated a lot of mods including "dark path" on Lost Alpha and I've never had this problem. I need to re-read and correct the old translation, which is bad, and I won't do that unless I solve this mystery. Could you help? You say you're going to release "The Eternal Suffering", is this the same addon as "dark path" or an extension on Lost Alpha? Thank you for your attention.
  19. The only thing you're really asking for is novelty and surprise.
  20. What exactly are you interested in? It’s just that all the information regarding the changes was duplicated from Discord to this site.
  21. Hello First dialogue with Borman the Barman at the start of the game back to the office The file mentioned has not been modified (original) Вариант "Омега 2" Холодное лето 2014-го, 2.04 on Yandex Thank you for advising me. https://disk.yandex.com/d/vkeIwHCgIghrPg There's a mistake in the "gameplay" I have to compare everything.
  22. You should judge for yourself and try it. I think it is a fantastic mod. But understand, you need a powerful PC. Added 2 minutes later I have completed Anomaly Custom like 4 times. Each time I was never able to complete the "Concrete Tomb" task. I never experienced the 10 enemies to come out. @Skilldex, unfortunately for me Discord does not translate =(
  23. basil Hello Hello Thanks to your help I've finally discovered what I've been looking for for a long time. I've been able to translate other image-texts. It's a real "jungle" these "textures/ui". Thank you
  24. Hello French translation => https://mega.nz/file/Zg1WHIhI#AS8HmAc4wOS9YirarcimCmGAGEmwkHNM4wMgdKFlL-E basil Can you help me with particular points in => Вариант "Омега 2" Холодное лето 2014-го ? Thanks