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  1. Little Frenchman Of course ! I wanted to give it a try to see if I could get both for the same price. lol
  2. Hello I need some help: In the mission ""exgar_forestcamp_art_task_name0"> <text>Аномальная душа: догнать сталкера</text> before I can continue with the NPC I get this error log "FATAL ERROR [error]Expression: npos != comma3_pos [error]Function : CUILines::GetColorFromText [error]File : C:\Repositories\abramcumner-16-jekan\xray\xrGame\ui\UILines.cpp [error]Line : 493 [error]Description : CUISubLine::GetColorFromText -- can't find third comma" Localization : https://disk.yandex.com/i/9fkE49sFw_ew7Q Thanks
  3. Little Frenchman Thank you, but that doesn't solve my problem: I can't get out of the room. No matter where I go, I come back to this room.
  4. When I launch the "survival" game, whatever destination I choose, I get this message "До выброса осталось не так много, как кажется. Советую поторопиться" and I come back to the room where I started. Is this a bug? Am I wasting time reading the computer? Thanks for yor help.
  5. gibe "ПК Remaster" is the remastered version of the previous mod called Bad Company. The series has three mods in total (name translations may not be fully accurate): Messenger (Prologue to the whole story released after Bad Company, shows the origins of the main character) Bad Company (First mod in the series) Bad Company 2: Mason (Current mod, the biggest one) In order to know the full story you need to play all three mods. Messenger and Bad Company are relatively short, but they contain crucial plot information. While you can play Bad Company 2 without experiencing those mods (there is a plot summary in the mod which explains the events for those who skipped those older mods), you will miss out on many story details. "ПК Remaster" folder contains improved version of Bad Company mod, it has changes in quests and dialogue and removes alternative endings (so you will always get the ending that leads to Bad Company 2). If you choose to translate Bad Company, this is probably the best version to go with, as it is most canon to Bad Company 2.
  6. I figured it out. I just had to wait much longer for the event to start. But, it seems the Mercs never get killed by the helicopter whatsoever. I'm beginning to think that I should probably enable g_god just so I can get outta there quickly, since I get zapped by mercs and bandits from all directions. haha
  7. got it,i also can get some help from the walkthrough video at youtube, so kind of you
  8. gibe I can confirm that both demo_record command and the dialogue work in the save you provided: Are you sure you were not trying to talk to the NPC while still being in demo_record mode? Because that won't work, you need to press Enter to exit it and the game will spawn you at the camera's location as shown in the video. The reason the door was closed is because it's just a physics object without any kind of logic attached. It should be open at the start but if you or an NPC push it, it can get closed on accident. As you can see, it can be easily pushed open from the other side. Here is the save file I made for you with the door opened: https://disk.yandex.ru/d/M_dn6eo8NPIrPw
  9. gibe I'll get home and check how to noclip in this mod but Im 99% sure "demo_record 1" should work Дополнено 1 минуту спустя dont write "noclip" just use demo_record
  10. Mawrak I turned off the psi unit in the forest I speak with the barman who tells me that the mercenaries have attacked the bar. He talks about Ridge being dead, Baldi, Rayboy going to Radar (Scorcher). He advises me to talk to Rayboy who knows a way to get to the "Village" without going through the Radar. I have to turn off the Village psi unit and go to the Cement Works. I hope I'm making sense. Thanks
  11. That's what happens when I get over 50 years old. My sight and mind is losing it 😃
  12. Try to get far enough away from the eagle owl so that its assortment is updated (this is how it works now, and not by reloading saves)
  13. Hi, stalker! You need to get some sleep before 6pm, which is when this quest starts. At precisely 18:00 you need to talk to the head of the guard at the roadblock/checkpoint .
  14. Get stucked in "Outskirts" while trying to talk with Falcon in Village, then suddenly a "Fatal Error". How to avoid this???? I just download the Englisch-Translated Version from Moddb... Restard and Save and then load is not useful...
  15. I am dead Hello I get an error log when I want to access the parameters in the game FATAL ERROR [error]Expression : xml_doc.NavigateToNode(path, index) [error]Function : CUIXmlInit::InitStatic [error]File : C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\xrGame\ui\UIXmlInit.cpp [error]Line : 175 [error]Description : XML node not found [error]Arguments : video_adv:cap_r2_mask log : https://disk.yandex.com/d/YJDDoFL9twfdOw Thanks
  16. !ERROR Can't get item game object! ! [SCRIPT ERROR]: ...-1.5.2\gamedata\scripts\dynamic_npc_armor_visuals.script:161: attempt to index local 'item' (a nil value) FATAL ERROR [error]Expression : <no expression> [error]Function : CScriptEngine::lua_pcall_failed [error]File : ..\xrServerEntities\script_engine.cpp [error]Line : 204 [error]Description : fatal error [error]Arguments : LUA error: ...-1.5.2\gamedata\scripts\dynamic_npc_armor_visuals.script:161: attempt to index local 'item' (a nil value) stack trace: вылет на свалке при обыске трупа
  17. This is an amazing mod. However, I was never able to complete this due to the memory issues that develops, the farther you get into the mod.
  18. Thank you so much! I still can't get notepad++ or Beyond Compare to work properly to find the errors. the "scripts" and "UI" files are the most difficult to translate because of the tags
  19. Call of chernobyl is an amazing effects game that I also really enjoy playing and since I'm new here I also want to know how to make it meaningful and I hope we both get an answer on this informative forum.
  20. Игры надо делать не на Унреале , а на Юниджайне https://unigine.com/ru/get-unigine/
  21. In stalker How do i turn off pda beeping when friendlies get nearby?? Tnx in advance 🙂
  22. НОВОСТИ И СПИСОК ИЗМЕНЕНИЙ В МОДЕ ЗА ПРОШЕДШИЙ МЕСЯЦ! В этом месяце очень насыщенный список изменений, так как именно в октябре у меня было много свободного времени. 1. Добавлены аддоны: 2. Реализована фича выпадения оружия из рук для НПС и для ГГ. 3. Добавлены непригодные и испорченные патроны для оружейного пака Boomsticks and Sharpsticks. 4. Расширены настройки в меню. Добавлено множество опций: 5. Адаптированы иконки от CR3PIS. 6. Теперь можно смотреть плэй-бой журналы, делать коллекции журналов. 7. Немного переделан набор для заточки: - Теперь его можно использовать до 8 раз - Увеличена стоимость и вес - При каждом использовании состояние предмета улучшается на 10% 8. Теперь, если кликать два раза по пачке патронов в инвентаре, то из неё извлечётся гильза (для аддона GET CASING FROM AMMO). 9. Теперь после прыжка игрок на очень короткое время замедляется. https://youtu.be/JGgKBzZ6nko 10. Реализована система "31 патрон" или "патрон в патроннике" для оружия. 11. Усложнена борьба с бюрером: теперь, если у игрока в руках оружие и оно заряжено, то оружие будет автоматически стрелять, но при условии что игрок не смотрит на бюрера. 12. Теперь, когда у игрока критический уровень здоровья (ниже 6%), то все виды передвижения становятся замедленными. 13. Адаптирован патч Boomsticks and Sharpsticks от 25.10.2022 14. Добавлены клавиши в меню: задержать дыхание (при прицеливании); включить/выключить ЛЦУ; осмотреть оружие; (переключиться на) дополнительный прицел; 15. Добавлена собственная фича под названием "приглядеться". https://youtu.be/hrJSoYxGqYY 16. Теперь параметр "переносимый вес" у всех костюмов без исключения зависит от состояние костюма, то есть чем меньше состояние костюма, тем меньше переносимый вес. 17. Мелочь: если у оружия нету анимация устранения осечки и в данный момент оружие заклинило, то оружие просто полностью перезаряжается. Иначе, если есть анимация устранения осечки, то по её окончанию из магазина убирается 1 патрон. 18. Полностью вырезана поддержка квадратных мониторов. Но мод всё ещё можно будет запустить на квадратных мониторах, но будет всё криво. По поводу разработки мода: сейчас свободного времени катастрофически мало, разработка мода очень сильно замедлилась (так как я, liner, один занимаюсь всей реализацией в игре). Но сейчас проходит закрытый этап тестирования, на котором пока не было выявлено критических багов. Мод постепенно что называется "растёт", и вероятно релиз не состоится в феврале, так как у нас очень много идей, которые требуют реализации и времени. Но уверяю вас, релиз мода состоится в любом случае. Всем удачи и терпения! СКРИНШОТЫ
  23. Hello. I need help: On the "periphery" how to get the passage to the cellar in the bandit village. https://disk.yandex.com/i/KZI9mm94ZfP4Dg How to get the teleporter to enter the basement before this village? https://disk.yandex.com/i/5Q0cF-vrS5oQ-A NOTE: I searched the barracks, opened the chests, searched the base, fixed the transmitter, searched the helicopter wreckage, rescued the soldier in the abandoned village, I took the bus to the checkpoint The captain's mission is not valid. The prisoner does not speak. Thank you In the barracks you have to make the following circuit: - find the key behind the bust - open the observer's box on the roof - search the flat on the second floor - search the basement - search the helicopter - go back to the captain, I used the bus to go back. Talk to the captain, everything unblocks.
  24. @Konstantin.PostalTo the right of the green trailer (as you see in the screenshot attached) is a small opening in which you can squeeze if low-crouching. That way you can get in the camp 😉
  25. Damn! They just updated their Moddb site. They better get this out before Stalker2 gets released if they want to get some decent downloads. Welp.....gotta be patient ?