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  1. I have finished translating and proofreading now it's time to play for fun Thank you Maybe if there is a sequel...
  2. You need to edit the video itself in the video editor, superimpose subtitles over the picture, there is no other way to make subtitles for the stalker
  3. gibe Do you know what a set of different tasks is? The modification has a huge number of different-new tasks. Changed the plot of the original Shadow of Chernobyl
  4. Вадидельс в резерве есть, щас гляну Дополнено 11 минуты спустя Do you mean this project?
  5. gibe about the medicines in the box is said in the video. I think you need to add subtitles to the video. This video is in the folder gamedata/textures/dim/shram_priz.ogm . I can post the translation of phrases, but I do not know how to add subtitles to the video) Translation in the spoiler, click on it Дополнено 35 минуты спустя You can edit your message. Изменить - edit, to change After the change, you press "Сохранить (save)"
  6. gibe In general, there should be a dialogue with the surf, after the video in the bunker Дополнено 1 минуту спустя Everything is in your hands. Maybe you will be a moderator or the right hand of the site manager. God help you
  7. gibe Look, friend. After being beaten by the mercenaries, you must leave the dead city through the basement of your grandmother's house. Then you will go to the army warehouses. Then break the flasks in the basement. This is the house in which you appeared. And the passage to the radar will be available. Run along the fences, you will see a helicopter, then it will fall, and you need to go into the bunker. Something like that Дополнено 2 минуты спустя gibe How do you like the scene with the red-haired beauty, by the way? Дополнено 6 минуты спустя The group "Voenstalkers" Дополнено 9 минуты спустя "Arrow" is such a grouping in the modification. Consisting of military personnel. They're all reptiles. Дополнено 10 минуты спустя "Arrow" bad military
  8. gibe On what mission did you fly to the radar? What is the name of the mission with the mercenaries? Something did not understand at all what kind of task ?
  9. Thank you Дополнено 59 минуты спустя On the radar after the helicopter crash and the cinematics the dialogue does not start. I made the journey from the dead city several times without success Дополнено 0 минут спустя On the radar after the helicopter crash and the cinematics the dialogue does not start. I made the journey from the dead city several times without success No the dialogue doesn't start, I came back to the dead city in the scene with the mercenaries, I talked to the grandmother, then I heard the sentence that the wounded man in the tree says and the cinematic. It is obvious that the voice-over is incomprehensible to me Or did I make a mistake? Дополнено 10 минуты спустя Дополнено 11 минуты спустя
  10. The UE5 engine gives a cool picture. I have screenshots of one mod, there are graphics like in Stalker 2 if you are interested, write to me
  11. yes, there is a dialogue interruption in this phrase. It is displayed, but the dialog box immediately closes. <action>dialogs.break_dialog</action> You can see this phrase in the journal. There are a lot of such abrupt interruptions in dialogue when you do not have time to read a phrase in this fashion. The developer refused to change such interrupts
  12. Ok for "arrow" I confirm that the 5 broken bottles change the following dialogues. For the grenade launcher I'll see later, I'll redo the passage after the shooting. there is a problem, minor, in this series: <string id="shmotki_dialog_0"> <text>Что за видок у тебя, как на пионерском походе?</text> </string> <string id="shmotki_dialog_1"> <text>У меня пока брони нет, и лишь научник....</text> </string> <string id="shmotki_dialog_2"> <text>Бегом переодеваться!!!!</text> </string> <string id="shmotki_dialog_3"> <text>Хорошо, хорошо! Только не подглядывайте..</text> the last sentence is not displayed. But it doesn't seem important, I'll continue to check the dialogue with the redhead. I have to check everything because I will be answering questions from French players, thank you for your help and patience.
  13. vader_33 все мишени поразил с первой попытки, получил амулет, который в применение бесполезен. По сюжету получаем еще один такой же экземпляр. Дополнено 6 минуты спустя gibe My friend! To avoid writing the user name manually, click on @ and enter the text. According to your question: you need to hit all the bottles in the dash it is necessary for an alternative dialogue with the " red" vader_33 namomnil me about it. Have a good game! Дополнено 12 минуты спустя gibe You can contact me orvader_33 for help. I have been modified for several endings and I can share my helping hand with you if you need my help. Thanks!
  14. gibe I checked, there the choice depends on how you passed the shooting test on bottles. Load me your gamedata with the edited scripts, I'll see where they edited it incorrectly Дополнено 4 минуты спустя Messer. Stalker оказывается, зависит от того, как бутылки пострелял)
  15. gibe You don't often meet foreigners here. The "redhead" will give the PDA only after sex. Yes, there is such a moment in fashion that there is nothing to hide. The alternative dialog is signed in orange/green.
  16. Hello At the beginning of the mission in sector 23, Nimble (Russian: Шустрый / Shustryi) directs us to 2 "mercenaries" ; in this sentence "Не важно! Я знаю, что вы инструкторы и у вас проблема с обходом защиты сектора" I don't understand the meaning of the word "инструкторы" -trainers or instructors ? stable_dialogs_dimak.xml : <string id="did_kill_problem_dialog_2"> Thank you
  17. gibe It can be bought from some stalkers. When a green message comes that a stalker with useful information is nearby, there may be a stalker nearby, from whom you can buy it (or take from the corpse). Look for such stalkers in the bar: Oleg Gusarov, Prapor (not in the garbage, in the bar, there are two of them), Vorobey, Umnik, but they can leave the bar in Pripyat Дополнено 1 минуту спустя gibe "sim_stalker_veteran_gusarov", "sim_stalker_veteran_vorobey", "sim_dolg_veteran_prapor", "sim_stalker_veteran_umnik"
  18. Hello. How to find the number -5- in the semetsky code? I think I have done all the possible pnj's Thank you