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Найдено: 1 489 результатов

  1. There is tons to show. We all know the lore and environment to this game. So there is no reason not to show us more. Diablo IV, before release had hours of gameplay footage all over.....and this is Blizzard. The only reason I can imagine them not showing us more is that they may miss the deadline again, pushing back the release date further due to complications. They have doubts on their product.
  2. Ребята помогите с вылетом! ! Fallback to default bump map: item\item_diolator_dosimeter_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: act\act_specmask_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: act\act_specmask_head_bump# ! Can't find sound 'weapons\explosions\modular_model\shared\core_wave\core_wave_close_8' ! Can't find sound 'weapons\explosions\modular_model\shared\disruptor\disruptor_1_5' ! Can't find sound 'weapons\explosions\modular_model\shared\disruptor\disruptor_2_5' ! Can't find sound 'weapons\explosions\modular_model\shared\disruptor\disruptor_3_5' ! Can't find sound 'weapons\explosions\modular_model\shared\disruptor\disruptor_4_5' ! Fallback to default bump map: item\item_diolator_flashlight_bump# ! Can't find sound 'weapons\groza\groza_misfire' !![ERROR] CInifile::r_string: S = [(null)], L = [k_dist] FATAL ERROR [error]Expression : S && strlen(S) [error]Function : CInifile::r_section [error]File : D:\a\xray-monolith\xray-monolith\src\xrCore\Xr_ini.cpp [error]Line : 1193 [error]Description : assertion failed Взял квест у Петренка на убийство на кладбище техники, при переходе туда вылетает. Лог пишет что не хватает звуков?Где их взять то тогда, скачивал всё отсюда со всеми патчами.
  3. ! Fallback to default bump map: item\item_diolator_dosimeter_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: act\act_specmask_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: act\act_specmask_head_bump# ! Can't find sound 'weapons\explosions\modular_model\shared\core_wave\core_wave_close_8' ! Can't find sound 'weapons\explosions\modular_model\shared\disruptor\disruptor_1_5' ! Can't find sound 'weapons\explosions\modular_model\shared\disruptor\disruptor_2_5' ! Can't find sound 'weapons\explosions\modular_model\shared\disruptor\disruptor_3_5' ! Can't find sound 'weapons\explosions\modular_model\shared\disruptor\disruptor_4_5' ! Fallback to default bump map: item\item_diolator_flashlight_bump# ! Can't find sound 'weapons\groza\groza_misfire' !![ERROR] CInifile::r_string: S = [(null)], L = [k_dist] Взял квест у Петренка на убийство на кладбище техники, при переходе тудой вылетает на моменте загрузки локации, отменить квест не могу, диалога нет, двигать инфопоршни не умею, в принципе локация то и не особо нужна, но портит всю эстетику((9(
  4. Доброго вечера форуму!Помогите с данным вылетом, появился после взятия квеста на убийство на кладбище техники. ! Fallback to default bump map: item\item_diolator_dosimeter_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: act\act_specmask_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: act\act_specmask_head_bump# ! Can't find sound 'weapons\explosions\modular_model\shared\core_wave\core_wave_close_8' ! Can't find sound 'weapons\explosions\modular_model\shared\disruptor\disruptor_1_5' ! Can't find sound 'weapons\explosions\modular_model\shared\disruptor\disruptor_2_5' ! Can't find sound 'weapons\explosions\modular_model\shared\disruptor\disruptor_3_5' ! Can't find sound 'weapons\explosions\modular_model\shared\disruptor\disruptor_4_5' ! Fallback to default bump map: item\item_diolator_flashlight_bump# ! Can't find sound 'weapons\groza\groza_misfire' !![ERROR] CInifile::r_string: S = [(null)], L = [k_dist]
  5. Доброго дня форуму!Ищу решение данного вылета. Anomaly Expedition: Fallback to default bump map: item\item_diolator_dosimeter_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: act\act_specmask_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: act\act_specmask_head_bump# ! Can't find sound 'weapons\explosions\modular_model\shared\core_wave\core_wave_close_8' ! Can't find sound 'weapons\explosions\modular_model\shared\disruptor\disruptor_1_5' ! Can't find sound 'weapons\explosions\modular_model\shared\disruptor\disruptor_2_5' ! Can't find sound 'weapons\explosions\modular_model\shared\disruptor\disruptor_3_5' ! Can't find sound 'weapons\explosions\modular_model\shared\disruptor\disruptor_4_5' ! Fallback to default bump map: item\item_diolator_flashlight_bump# ! Can't find sound 'weapons\groza\groza_misfire' !![ERROR] CInifile::r_string: S = [(null)], L = [k_dist] FATAL ERROR [error]Expression : S && strlen(S) [error]Function : CInifile::r_section [error]File : D:\a\xray-monolith\xray-monolith\src\xrCore\Xr_ini.cpp [error]Line : 1193 [error]Description : assertion failed История такая, взял у Петренка квест на убийство на кладбище техники, до квеста локация была в порядке, вылетов не было по самой игре ни разу, висит квест, при переходе вылетает с таким текстом. искал всю ночь решение. Это лечится? Чисто в теории, не хватает какого-то звука грозы?Если я возьму любой другой звук и пропишу его так как в логе,поможет?
  6. Стабильный вылет в Лиманске Can't open section 'anm_hand_mod_b800 cutscene [error]Expression : fatal error [error]Function : CInifile::r_section [error]File : D:\XRAYENGINE\GitProjects\ixray-vivient\src\xrCore\Xr_ini.cpp [error]Line : 491 [error]Description : <no expression> [error]Arguments : Can't open section 'anm_hand_mod_b800_cutscene'. Please attach [*.ini_log] file to your bug report stack trace:
  7. Ошибка при запуске, по ветке ничего толком не нашел. Может кто знает в чем дело? Предлагали удалить user.ltx, но у меня в папке userdata этого файла нет FATAL ERROR [error] Expression : setupSelectedRenderer [error] Function : CEngineAPI::InitializeRenderers [error] File : D:\TrueStalkerEngine\src\xrEngine\EngineAPI.cpp [error] Line : 112 [error] Description : Can't setup renderer
  8. * Detected CPU: 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-12100F [GenuineIntel], F6/M7/S5, 3299.00 mhz, 21-clk 'rdtsc' * CPU features: RDTSC, MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, MONITOR/MWAIT, SSSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2 * CPU threads: 8 Initializing File System... using fs-ltx fsgame.ltx FS: 53644 files cached 53 archives, 8928Kb memory used. Init FileSystem 0.604123 sec 'xrCore' build 3967, Dec 14 2009 EH: 3CAABCFCFF6F3A810019C6A72180F166 -----loading c:\live\artifact fragment\gamedata\configs\system.ltx -----loading c:\live\artifact fragment\gamedata\configs\system.ltx Initializing Engine... Starting INPUT device... Loading DLL: xrRender_R2.dll Loading DLL: xrRender_R3.dll refCount:m_pAdapter 1 Loading DLL: xrRender_R4.dll command line -no_staging Executing config-script "user.ltx"... [c:\live\artifact fragment\userdata\user.ltx] successfully loaded. Loading DLL: 4676256 Loading DLL: xrGame.dll ~ GNSLWP: Build env: Delphi ~ GNSLWP: Base addresses of important modules: ~ GNSLWP: gunslinger_wpnpatch.dll - 0ACD0000 ~ GNSLWP: xrCore.dll - 01B40000 ~ GNSLWP: xrGame.dll - 0EFF0000 ~ GNSLWP: xrPhysics.dll - 0ABF0000 ~ GNSLWP: xrApi.dll - 001F0000 ~ GNSLWP: pD3DXLoadSurfaceFromSurface = 6A36CC2D ~ GNSLWP: RayPick initialized, rqres.vec_start = 0694EC00 ~ GNSLWP: Dll Injected! ! Unable to find Software\GSC Game World\STALKER-COP\ in registry ! Player name registry key (InstallUserName) not found ! * [win32]: free[3882748 K], reserved[199228 K], committed[112264 K] * [ D3D ]: textures[0 K] * [x-ray]: crt heap[21485 K], process heap[7104 K], game lua[0 K], render[0 K] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[30561 K], smem[0 K] SOUND: OpenAL: enumerate devices... SOUND: OpenAL: EnumerationExtension Present dir[0]=C:\Live\Artifact fragment\bin\ dir[1]=C:\Live\Artifact fragment\ dir[2]=C:\Live\Artifact fragment\bin\ dir[3]=C:\Windows\system32\ CleanDeviceSpecifierList CleanDeviceSpecifierList Generic Hardware devices Generic Hardware SOUND: OpenAL: system default SndDevice name is Generic Hardware SOUND: OpenAL: default SndDevice name set to Generic Software SOUND: OpenAL: All available devices: 1. Generic Software, Spec Version 1.1 (default) eax[0] efx[no] xram[no] 2. Generic Software, Spec Version 1.1 (default) eax[0] efx[no] xram[no] Executing config-script "c:\live\artifact fragment\gamedata\configs\default_controls.ltx"... [c:\live\artifact fragment\gamedata\configs\default_controls.ltx] successfully loaded. Executing config-script "user.ltx"... Executing config-script "c:\live\artifact fragment\gamedata\configs\rspec_extreme.ltx"... [c:\live\artifact fragment\gamedata\configs\rspec_extreme.ltx] successfully loaded. Executing config-script "c:\live\artifact fragment\gamedata\configs\default_controls.ltx"... [c:\live\artifact fragment\gamedata\configs\default_controls.ltx] successfully loaded. ~ Invalid syntax in call to 'r2_aa_break' ~ Valid arguments: vector3 in range [0.000000e+000,0.000000e+000,0.000000e+000]-[1.000000e+000,1.000000e+000,1.000000e+000] ~ Invalid syntax in call to 'r2_aa_weight' ~ Valid arguments: vector3 in range [0.000000e+000,0.000000e+000,0.000000e+000]-[1.000000e+000,1.000000e+000,1.000000e+000] ~ Invalid syntax in call to 'sv_adm_menu_ban_time' ~ Valid arguments: ui_mp_am_10_minutes/ui_mp_am_30_minutes/ui_mp_am_1_hour/ui_mp_am_6_hours/ui_mp_am_1_day/ui_mp_am_1_week/ui_mp_am_1_month/ui_mp_am_3_monthes/ui_mp_am_forever [c:\live\artifact fragment\userdata\user.ltx] successfully loaded. SOUND: Selected device is Generic Software * sound: EAX 2.0 extension: absent * sound: EAX 2.0 deferred: absent * sound : cache: 65537 kb, 4856 lines, 13820 bpl Starting RENDER device... * GPU [vendor:10DE]-[device:2489]: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Ti * GPU driver: * CREATE: DeviceREF: 1 * Vertex Processor: PURE HARDWARE * Texture memory: 4072 M * DDI-level: 9.0 * GPU shading: vs(fffe0300/3.0/30), ps(ffff0300/3.0/30) * GPU vertex cache: unrecognized, 16 * NVidia MGPU: Logical(1), Physical(1) * Starting rendering as 2-GPU. * DVB created: 1536K * DIB created: 512K ! Renderer doesn't support blender 'effects\shadow_world' * NULLRT supported * ...and used * HWDST/PCF supported and used * NV-DBT supported and used compiling shader dumb compiling shader dumb compiling shader accum_mask compiling shader accum_sun_mask compiling shader copy_p compiling shader accum_volume compiling shader copy compiling shader accum_sun_near compiling shader accum_sun compiling shader accum_sun_cascade compiling shader accum_sun_cascade_far compiling shader accum_omni_unshadowed compiling shader accum_omni_normal compiling shader accum_omni_transluent compiling shader accum_spot_unshadowed compiling shader accum_spot_normal compiling shader accum_spot_fullsize compiling shader accum_volumetric compiling shader accum_volumetric compiling shader accum_indirect compiling shader bloom_build compiling shader bloom_filter compiling shader bloom_filter_f compiling shader ssao_calc compiling shader combine_1 compiling shader depth_downs compiling shader bloom_luminance_1 compiling shader bloom_luminance_2 compiling shader bloom_luminance_3 compiling shader combine_1 compiling shader combine_2_AA compiling shader combine_2_NAA compiling shader combine_2_AA_D compiling shader combine_2_NAA_D compiling shader combine_volumetric compiling shader postprocess compiling shader postprocess_CM compiling shader distort compiling shader particle_distort compiling shader particle compiling shader particle compiling shader particle_s-blend compiling shader particle-clip compiling shader particle_s-add compiling shader particle_s-aadd compiling shader deffer_particle compiling shader deffer_particle - r__tf_aniso 13 - r2_tf_mipbias 0. compiling shader portal compiling shader portal compiling shader simple_color compiling shader editor compiling shader sky2 compiling shader sky2 compiling shader clouds compiling shader clouds Starting engine... compiling shader stub_default compiling shader effects_sun compiling shader hud_font ! Unable to find Software\GSC Game World\STALKER-COP\ in registry ! Player name registry key (InstallUserName) not found ! ! Unable to find Software\GSC Game World\STALKER-COP\ in registry Loading DLL: xrGameSpy.dll intro_start intro_logo intro_delete ::update_logo_intro compiling shader yuv2rgb - r__tf_aniso 13 - r1_tf_mipbias 0. - r2_tf_mipbias 0. * [win32]: free[3557276 K], reserved[311480 K], committed[325484 K] * [ D3D ]: textures[16 K] * [x-ray]: crt heap[113230 K], process heap[29591 K], game lua[2162 K], render[276 K] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[31101 K], smem[0 K] No new patches are available. ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: c:\live\artifact fragment\gamedata\sounds\mod\button_main.ogg * 0.0 : [ 56] $null * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$accum * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$accum_temp * 0.0 : [ 6] $user$albedo * 0.0 : [ 4] $user$bloom1 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$bloom2 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$cmap0 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$cmap1 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$env_s0 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$env_s1 * 0.0 : [ 5] $user$generic0 * 0.0 : [ 4] $user$generic1 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$generic2 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$half_depth * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$jitter_0 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$jitter_1 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$jitter_2 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$jitter_3 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$jitter_4 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$lum_t64 * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$lum_t8 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$luminance_0 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$luminance_1 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$luminance_2 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$luminance_3 * 0.0 : [ 8] $user$material * 0.0 : [ 10] $user$normal * 0.0 : [ 10] $user$position * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$scope * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$scopeui * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$sky0 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$sky1 * 0.0 : [ 4] $user$smap_depth * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$smap_surf * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$ssao_temp * 0.0 : [ 7] $user$tonemap * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$tonemap_src * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$ui * 0.0 : [ 1] act\act_controller_hit * 0.0 : [ 1] act\act_controller_hit1 * 0.0 : [ 1] amik\anomaly\electric_radial * 0.0 : [ 1] amik\explosions\anim_dirtexp_3 * 0.0 : [ 1] amik\explosions\boom_0 * 0.0 : [ 1] amik\explosions\boom_1 * 0.0 : [ 1] amik\explosions\boom_2 * 0.0 : [ 1] amik\explosions\decal_concrete * 0.0 : [ 1] amik\explosions\explo_end * 0.0 : [ 1] amik\explosions\explosion_dynamite\explosion_din * 0.0 : [ 1] amik\explosions\explosion_dynamite\flashlight * 0.0 : [ 1] amik\explosions\explosion_dynamite\smoke * 0.0 : [ 1] amik\explosions\explosion_flash_atlas * 0.0 : [ 1] amik\explosions\explosion_fuelcan\boom_1 * 0.0 : [ 1] amik\explosions\explosion_fuelcan\boom_3 * 0.0 : [ 1] amik\explosions\explosion_fuelcan\grey_xpl * 0.0 : [ 1] amik\explosions\explosion_smoke03 * 0.0 : [ 1] amik\explosions\final_expl * 0.0 : [ 1] amik\explosions\ring_grey * 0.0 : [ 1] amik\explosions\smoke128_3w * 0.0 : [ 1] amik\explosions\smoke2 * 0.0 : [ 1] amik\explosions\smoke_cannon * 0.0 : [ 1] amik\explosions\smoke_white_tiled3 * 0.0 : [ 1] amik\fly\fly * 0.0 : [ 1] amik\hit_fx\blood\962e6155 * 0.0 : [ 1] amik\hit_fx\blood\blood * 0.0 : [ 1] amik\hit_fx\blood\m * 0.0 : [ 1] amik\hit_fx\water_splash\water_splash_anim * 0.0 : [ 1] amik\hit_fx\water_splash\water_spurt * 0.0 : [ 1] amik\mine\mine * 0.0 : [ 1] amik\nature\list * 0.0 : [ 1] amik\nature\stonedebris1 * 0.0 : [ 1] amik\nature\wood_part * 0.0 : [ 1] amik\static\gas_light\flame_zippo * 0.0 : [ 1] amik\weapons\00 * 0.0 : [ 1] amik\weapons\12x70 * 0.0 : [ 1] amik\weapons\6ways1 * 0.0 : [ 1] amik\weapons\6ways2 * 0.0 : [ 1] amik\weapons\9x39 * 0.0 : [ 1] amik\weapons\btr\muzzle 6ways1 * 0.0 : [ 1] amik\weapons\btr\muzzle 6ways2 * 0.0 : [ 1] amik\weapons\dtk_2 * 0.0 : [ 1] amik\weapons\dtk_3 * 0.0 : [ 1] amik\weapons\dtk_4 * 0.0 : [ 1] amik\weapons\dtk_4_1 * 0.0 : [ 1] amik\weapons\dtk_5 * 0.0 : [ 1] amik\weapons\dtk_6 * 0.0 : [ 1] amik\weapons\dtk_8 * 0.0 : [ 1] amik\weapons\flame\flameshoot_1 * 0.0 : [ 1] amik\weapons\flame\flameshoot_2 * 0.0 : [ 1] amik\weapons\flame\flameshoot_3 * 0.0 : [ 1] amik\weapons\flame\flameshoot_4 * 0.0 : [ 1] amik\weapons\flame\flameshoot_5 * 0.0 : [ 1] amik\weapons\flame\mg42out * 0.0 : [ 1] amik\weapons\flame\trace * 0.0 : [ 1] amik\weapons\flame\trace_01 * 0.0 : [ 1] amik\weapons\flame\trail * 0.0 : [ 1] amik\weapons\flash_01 * 0.0 : [ 1] amik\weapons\flash_02 * 0.0 : [ 1] amik\weapons\flash_04 * 0.0 : [ 1] amik\weapons\flash_05 * 0.0 : [ 1] amik\weapons\grishik\357mag * 0.0 : [ 1] amik\weapons\grishik\45 * 0.0 : [ 1] amik\weapons\grishik\50_ae * 0.0 : [ 1] amik\weapons\grishik\5x45x39 * 0.0 : [ 1] amik\weapons\grishik\5x45x39_00 * 0.0 : [ 1] amik\weapons\grishik\5x45x39_01 * 0.0 : [ 1] amik\weapons\grishik\5x56x45 * 0.0 : [ 1] amik\weapons\grishik\5x56x45_00 * 0.0 : [ 1] amik\weapons\grishik\5x7x28 * 0.0 : [ 1] amik\weapons\grishik\6x5x50 * 0.0 : [ 1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x25_0 * 0.0 : [ 1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x25_1 * 0.0 : [ 1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x25_2 * 0.0 : [ 1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x25_3 * 0.0 : [ 1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x25_4 * 0.0 : [ 1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x39_00 * 0.0 : [ 1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x39_01 * 0.0 : [ 1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x39_02 * 0.0 : [ 1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x39_03 * 0.0 : [ 1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x51_1 * 0.0 : [ 1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x51_2 * 0.0 : [ 1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x54 * 0.0 : [ 1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x7x57 * 0.0 : [ 1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x92x57 * 0.0 : [ 1] amik\weapons\grishik\9x18_1 * 0.0 : [ 1] amik\weapons\grishik\9x18_2 * 0.0 : [ 1] amik\weapons\grishik\9x18_3 * 0.0 : [ 1] amik\weapons\grishik\9x39 * 0.0 : [ 1] amik\weapons\mg42out * 0.0 : [ 1] amik\weapons\shells_12x70 * 0.0 : [ 1] amik\weapons\shells_ak * 0.0 : [ 1] amik\weapons\shells_ak_01 * 0.0 : [ 1] amik\weapons\smokeshoot_0 * 0.0 : [ 1] amik\weapons\smokeshoot_1 * 0.0 : [ 1] amik\weapons\trace * 0.0 : [ 1] amik\weapons\trace_01 * 0.0 : [ 1] ayykyu_fx\pfx_bloodsplash1 * 0.0 : [ 1] ayykyu_fx\pfx_bloodsplash2 * 0.0 : [ 1] ayykyu_fx\pfx_bloodsplash3 * 0.0 : [ 1] ayykyu_fx\pfx_smoke_b * 0.0 : [ 1] cloud\cotcirrus_l0_01 * 0.0 : [ 1] cloud\cotcirrus_l0_010 * 0.0 : [ 1] cloud\cotcirrus_l0_011 * 0.0 : [ 1] cloud\cotcirrus_l0_012 * 0.0 : [ 1] cloud\cotcirrus_l0_016 * 0.0 : [ 1] cloud\cotcirrus_l0_017 * 0.0 : [ 1] cloud\cotcirrus_l0_019 * 0.0 : [ 1] cloud\cotcirrus_l0_020 * 0.0 : [ 1] cloud\cotcirrus_l0_03 * 0.0 : [ 1] cloud\cotlower09 * 0.0 : [ 1] cloud\cotlower10 * 0.0 : [ 1] cloud\cotlower11 * 0.0 : [ 1] cloud\cotlowerxia * 0.0 : [ 1] cloud\cotlowerxib * 0.0 : [ 1] cloud\cotlowerxic * 0.0 : [ 1] cloud\cotlowerxid * 0.0 : [ 1] cloud\cotlowerxie * 0.0 : [ 1] cloud\cotlowerxif * 0.0 : [ 1] cloud\cotlowerxig * 0.0 : [ 1] cloud\cotlowerxij * 0.0 : [ 1] decal\decal_dirt_01 * 0.0 : [ 1] det\det_list * 0.0 : [ 1] flare\flare_04 * 0.0 : [ 1] fozest\fire_spark_04 * 0.0 : [ 1] fozest\small_fire_looped10x4 * 0.0 : [ 1] fozest\small_fire_looped10x4_dist * 0.0 : [ 1] fozest\smoke02 * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_fire1_06 * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_fire1_13 * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_flare1 * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_flare2 * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_flare3 * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_gradient * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_gradient1 * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_lightning * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_1 * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_2 * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_3 * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_4 * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_5 * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_6 * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_7 * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_phase_1 * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_phase_2 * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_phase_3 * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_phase_4 * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_phase_5 * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_phase_6 * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_phase_7 * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_noise * 0.0 : [ 2] fx\fx_noise2 * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_rain * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_rainsplash1 * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_sun * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_sun_fog * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_sun_gradient * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_sun_halo * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_sun_morning * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_sun_rise * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_sun_spiky_artistpavel * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_thunderbolts_gradient * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_thunderbolts_gradient_surge * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_tracer * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_volumefog1 * 0.0 : [ 1] ghost_particles\dist\distortion_default * 0.0 : [ 1] ghost_particles\eft_style\eft_flame * 0.0 : [ 1] ghost_particles\eft_style\empty * 0.0 : [ 1] ghost_particles\eft_style\f4_sparks * 0.0 : [ 1] ghost_particles\eft_style\smoke01 * 0.0 : [ 1] ghost_particles\eft_style\smoke02 * 0.0 : [ 1] ghost_particles\glow\glow01 * 0.0 : [ 1] ghost_particles\shells\r_pop\12ga * 0.0 : [ 1] ghost_particles\shells\r_pop\545x39 * 0.0 : [ 1] ghost_particles\shells\r_pop\9x19 * 0.0 : [ 1] ghost_particles\shells\r_pop\9x39 * 0.0 : [ 1] ghost_particles\shells\shell_762x39 * 0.0 : [ 1] ghost_particles\shells\shell_9x18 * 0.0 : [ 1] ghost_particles\smoke\generic_smoke_white_00 * 0.0 : [ 1] ghost_particles\smoke\smoke_loop_5x5 * 0.0 : [ 1] glow\glow_04 * 0.0 : [ 1] glow\glow_anamorphic * 0.0 : [ 1] glow\glow_blue * 0.0 : [ 1] glow\glow_fire1 * 0.0 : [ 1] glow\glow_fire1_soc * 0.0 : [ 1] glow\glow_laser_sight * 0.0 : [ 1] glow\glow_laser_sight_green * 0.0 : [ 1] glow\glow_orange * 0.0 : [ 1] glow\glow_orange2 * 0.0 : [ 1] glow\glow_orange_bright * 0.0 : [ 1] glow\glow_rays * 0.0 : [ 1] glow\glow_reddish1 * 0.0 : [ 1] glow\glow_white * 0.0 : [ 1] lights\lights_flashlight2 * 0.0 : [ 4] lights\lights_spot01 * 0.0 : [ 1] new_pfx\explosions\big_fire01_dxt5 * 0.0 : [ 1] new_pfx\explosions\eplosion04_dxt5 * 0.0 : [ 1] new_pfx\explosions\explode03_dxt5 * 0.0 : [ 1] new_pfx\explosions\fireball_animated33_dxt5 * 0.0 : [ 1] new_pfx\leaf_tiled2 * 0.0 : [ 1] new_pfx\pfx_smoke_02.2048 * 0.0 : [ 1] new_pfx\smoke_animated_2 * 0.0 : [ 1] new_pfx_fx_2\fx\fx\hits\foam * 0.0 : [ 1] new_pfx_fx_2\fx\fx\hits\sprigs_v2 * 0.0 : [ 1] new_pfx_fx_2\fx\fx\level_02_anomaly\plasma1 * 0.0 : [ 1] new_pfx_fx_2\fx\fx\level_03_anomaly\fractal * 0.0 : [ 1] new_pfx_fx_2\fx\fx\level_03_anomaly\smoke4 * 0.0 : [ 1] new_pfx_fx_2\fx\fx\lighted_smoke\smoke1 * 0.0 : [ 1] new_pfx_fx_2\fx\fx\lighted_smoke\smoke10 * 0.0 : [ 1] new_pfx_fx_2\fx\fx\lighted_smoke\smoke9 * 0.0 : [ 1] new_pfx_fx_2\fx\fx\lights\bonfire_flame_top * 0.0 : [ 1] new_pfx_fx_2\fx\fx\pfx\dust_scroll_add * 0.0 : [ 1] part\part_fitil.1024 * 0.0 : [ 1] part\part_smoke_white.1024 * 0.0 : [ 1] part\part_stone.1024 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\electro_exl1 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\electroexpl2 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_ani-explosion-01 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_ani-explosion-02 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_ani-explosion-02-b-a * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_ani-explosion-02a * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_ani-fire01 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_ani-smoke-01 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_1 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_11 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_16 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_17 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_18 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_19 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_2 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_21 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_23 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_2_green * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_3 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_4 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_5 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_6 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_7 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_8 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_88 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_9 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_bloodsplash1 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_bloodsplash2 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_blurry_cloud * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_brick * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_bubble * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_bubble_1 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_bubble_water * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_cc_lighting_grad2 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_cc_lightings * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_concretedebris_01 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_concretepuffs_01 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist2 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist2a * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist2inv * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist3 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist4 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist7 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist8 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist9 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist_lens_base * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist_lightning_02 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist_teleport * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_distort_anomaly * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_distortion * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_electrostatic * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_expl_01 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_expl_benzin * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_explotions_2 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_explotions_3 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_explotions_4 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_explotions_smoke * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_explotions_smoke_benzine * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_flame * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_flame_01 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_flamefx_01 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_flash_01 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_flash_02 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_flash_04 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_flash_05 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_flash_07 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_flash_08 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_g-smoke-01 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_gologramma * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_gradient * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_gradient1 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_intense2_a * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_laser * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_leaves_01 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_leaves_02 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_light * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_light1 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_light3 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_light4 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_lighting_stancia_01 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_lighting_stancia_02 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_lightning_01 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_lightning_02 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_ligth_6 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_plasma * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_shells1 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_shells2 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_shells_green * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_shells_pisto1 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_shells_pistol * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_skinsplash1 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_smoke_a * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_smoke_b * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_smoke_c * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_smokepuffs1 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_smokepuffs2 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_snow_10 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_snow_100 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_snow_20 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_snow_30 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_snow_40 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_snow_50 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_snow_60 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_snow_70 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_snow_80 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_snow_90 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_spark_01 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_spark_02 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_sparks * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_sparks1 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_sparks2 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_specks * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_specks_poison * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_spikey_star * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_splash3 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_splash_01 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_splash_02 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_step_blood * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_stonedebris1 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_stonedebris2 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_synus * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_teleport * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_test_textures * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_vehglassdebris_01 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_vehmetaldebris_01 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_water_wave * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_woodchips1 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_woodchips3 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\r_pop\shells\12ga * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\r_pop\shells\45acp * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\r_pop\shells\545x39 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\r_pop\shells\556x45 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\r_pop\shells\762x39 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\r_pop\shells\762x51 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\r_pop\shells\762x54 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\r_pop\shells\9x18 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\r_pop\shells\9x19 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\r_pop\shells\9x39 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\r_pop\shells\fake_shells * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\smoke\pfx_smoke_a * 0.0 : [ 1] prop\prop_fake_bed_fireplace * 0.0 : [ 1] prop\prop_provod_02 * 0.0 : [ 14] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_1 * 0.0 : [ 14] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_1#small * 0.0 : [ 40] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_2 * 0.0 : [ 40] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_2#small * 0.0 : [ 18] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_3 * 0.0 : [ 18] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_3#small * 0.0 : [ 14] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_5 * 0.0 : [ 14] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_5#small * 0.0 : [ 56] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_1 * 0.0 : [ 56] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_1#small * 0.0 : [ 30] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_2 * 0.0 : [ 30] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_2#small * 0.0 : [ 48] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_3 * 0.0 : [ 48] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_3#small * 0.0 : [ 46] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_4 * 0.0 : [ 46] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_4#small * 0.0 : [ 46] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_5 * 0.0 : [ 46] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_5#small * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\af3_blowout\blowout1 * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\af3_blowout\blowout1#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout1_1 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout1_1#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout2 * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout2#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout2_night * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout2_night#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3 * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_1 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_1#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_1_night * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_1_night#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_2 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_2#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_2_night * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_2_night#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_3 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_3#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_3_night * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_3_night#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_night * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_night#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4 * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4#small * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_1 * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_1#small * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_1_night * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_1_night#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_night * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_night#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5 * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5_night * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5_night#small * 0.0 : [ 7] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5psi * 0.0 : [ 7] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5psi#small * 0.0 : [ 7] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5psi_night * 0.0 : [ 7] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5psi_night#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout6 * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout6#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout6_night * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout6_night#small * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout7 * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout7#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\af3_blowout\blowout7_night * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\af3_blowout\blowout7_night#small * 0.0 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\00-00-fm * 0.0 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\00-00-fm#small * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\00-00-hm * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\00-00-hm#small * 0.0 : [ 25] sky\af3_clear\00-00-nm * 0.0 : [ 25] sky\af3_clear\00-00-nm#small * 0.0 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\01-00-fm * 0.0 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\01-00-fm#small * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\01-00-hm * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\01-00-hm#small * 0.0 : [ 37] sky\af3_clear\01-00-nm * 0.0 : [ 37] sky\af3_clear\01-00-nm#small * 0.0 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\02-00-fm * 0.0 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\02-00-fm#small * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\02-00-hm * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\02-00-hm#small * 0.0 : [ 25] sky\af3_clear\02-00-nm * 0.0 : [ 25] sky\af3_clear\02-00-nm#small * 0.0 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\03-00-fm * 0.0 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\03-00-fm#small * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\03-00-hm * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\03-00-hm#small * 0.0 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\04-00-fm * 0.0 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\04-00-fm#small * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\04-00-hm * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\04-00-hm#small * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\04-30 * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\04-30#small * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\05-00 * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\05-00#small * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\05-30 * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\05-30#small * 0.0 : [ 66] sky\af3_clear\06-00 * 0.0 : [ 66] sky\af3_clear\06-00#small * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\07-00 * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\07-00#small * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\08-00 * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\08-00#small * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\09-00 * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\09-00#small * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\10-00 * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\10-00#small * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\11-00 * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\11-00#small * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\12-00 * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\12-00#small * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\13-00 * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\13-00#small * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\14-00 * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\14-00#small * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\15-00 * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\15-00#small * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\16-00 * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\16-00#small * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\17-00 * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\17-00#small * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\18-00 * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\18-00#small * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\19-00 * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\19-00#small * 0.0 : [ 66] sky\af3_clear\20-00 * 0.0 : [ 66] sky\af3_clear\20-00#small * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\20-30 * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\20-30#small * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\21-00 * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\21-00#small * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\21-30 * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_clear\21-30#small * 0.0 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\22-00-fm * 0.0 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\22-00-fm#small * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\22-00-hm * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\22-00-hm#small * 0.0 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\23-00-fm * 0.0 : [ 12] sky\af3_clear\23-00-fm#small * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\23-00-hm * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\af3_clear\23-00-hm#small * 0.0 : [ 5] sky\af3_cloudy\05-00 * 0.0 : [ 5] sky\af3_cloudy\05-00#small * 0.0 : [ 10] sky\af3_cloudy\06-00 * 0.0 : [ 10] sky\af3_cloudy\06-00#small * 0.0 : [ 10] sky\af3_cloudy\07-00 * 0.0 : [ 10] sky\af3_cloudy\07-00#small * 0.0 : [ 18] sky\af3_cloudy\08-00 * 0.0 : [ 18] sky\af3_cloudy\08-00#small * 0.0 : [ 23] sky\af3_cloudy\09-00 * 0.0 : [ 23] sky\af3_cloudy\09-00#small * 0.0 : [ 11] sky\af3_cloudy\10-00 * 0.0 : [ 11] sky\af3_cloudy\10-00#small * 0.0 : [ 11] sky\af3_cloudy\11-00 * 0.0 : [ 11] sky\af3_cloudy\11-00#small * 0.0 : [ 18] sky\af3_cloudy\12-00 * 0.0 : [ 18] sky\af3_cloudy\12-00#small * 0.0 : [ 10] sky\af3_cloudy\13-00 * 0.0 : [ 10] sky\af3_cloudy\13-00#small * 0.0 : [ 36] sky\af3_cloudy\14-00 * 0.0 : [ 36] sky\af3_cloudy\14-00#small * 0.0 : [ 28] sky\af3_cloudy\15-00 * 0.0 : [ 28] sky\af3_cloudy\15-00#small * 0.0 : [ 10] sky\af3_cloudy\16-00 * 0.0 : [ 10] sky\af3_cloudy\16-00#small * 0.0 : [ 18] sky\af3_cloudy\17-00 * 0.0 : [ 18] sky\af3_cloudy\17-00#small * 0.0 : [ 20] sky\af3_cloudy\18-00 * 0.0 : [ 20] sky\af3_cloudy\18-00#small * 0.0 : [ 5] sky\af3_cloudy\19-00 * 0.0 : [ 5] sky\af3_cloudy\19-00#small * 0.0 : [ 10] sky\af3_cloudy\20-00 * 0.0 : [ 10] sky\af3_cloudy\20-00#small * 0.0 : [ 11] sky\af3_foggy\06-00 * 0.0 : [ 11] sky\af3_foggy\06-00#small * 0.0 : [ 11] sky\af3_foggy\07-00 * 0.0 : [ 11] sky\af3_foggy\07-00#small * 0.0 : [ 19] sky\af3_foggy\09-00 * 0.0 : [ 19] sky\af3_foggy\09-00#small * 0.0 : [ 40] sky\af3_foggy\10-00 * 0.0 : [ 40] sky\af3_foggy\10-00#small * 0.0 : [ 10] sky\af3_foggy\11-00 * 0.0 : [ 10] sky\af3_foggy\11-00#small * 0.0 : [ 11] sky\af3_foggy\12-00 * 0.0 : [ 11] sky\af3_foggy\12-00#small * 0.0 : [ 27] sky\af3_foggy\13-00 * 0.0 : [ 27] sky\af3_foggy\13-00#small * 0.0 : [ 11] sky\af3_foggy\14-00 * 0.0 : [ 11] sky\af3_foggy\14-00#small * 0.0 : [ 19] sky\af3_foggy\15-00 * 0.0 : [ 19] sky\af3_foggy\15-00#small * 0.0 : [ 19] sky\af3_foggy\16-00 * 0.0 : [ 19] sky\af3_foggy\16-00#small * 0.0 : [ 11] sky\af3_foggy\17-00 * 0.0 : [ 11] sky\af3_foggy\17-00#small * 0.0 : [ 19] sky\af3_foggy\18-00 * 0.0 : [ 19] sky\af3_foggy\18-00#small * 0.0 : [ 11] sky\af3_foggy\19-00 * 0.0 : [ 11] sky\af3_foggy\19-00#small * 0.0 : [ 22] sky\af3_foggy\20-00 * 0.0 : [ 22] sky\af3_foggy\20-00#small * 0.0 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\00-00-fm * 0.0 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\00-00-fm#small * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\00-00-hm * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\00-00-hm#small * 0.0 : [ 25] sky\af3_partly\00-00-nm * 0.0 : [ 25] sky\af3_partly\00-00-nm#small * 0.0 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\01-00-fm * 0.0 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\01-00-fm#small * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\01-00-hm * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\01-00-hm#small * 0.0 : [ 38] sky\af3_partly\01-00-nm * 0.0 : [ 38] sky\af3_partly\01-00-nm#small * 0.0 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\02-00-fm * 0.0 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\02-00-fm#small * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\02-00-hm * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\02-00-hm#small * 0.0 : [ 24] sky\af3_partly\02-00-nm * 0.0 : [ 24] sky\af3_partly\02-00-nm#small * 0.0 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\03-00-fm * 0.0 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\03-00-fm#small * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\03-00-hm * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\03-00-hm#small * 0.0 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\04-00-fm * 0.0 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\04-00-fm#small * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\04-00-hm * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\04-00-hm#small * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\04-30 * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\04-30#small * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\05-00 * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\05-00#small * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\05-30 * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\05-30#small * 0.0 : [ 66] sky\af3_partly\06-00 * 0.0 : [ 66] sky\af3_partly\06-00#small * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\07-00 * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\07-00#small * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\08-00 * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\08-00#small * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\09-00 * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\09-00#small * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\10-00 * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\10-00#small * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\11-00 * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\11-00#small * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\12-00 * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\12-00#small * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\13-00 * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\13-00#small * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\14-00 * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\14-00#small * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\15-00 * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\15-00#small * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\16-00 * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\16-00#small * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\17-00 * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\17-00#small * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\18-00 * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\18-00#small * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\19-00 * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\19-00#small * 0.0 : [ 66] sky\af3_partly\20-00 * 0.0 : [ 66] sky\af3_partly\20-00#small * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\20-30 * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\20-30#small * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\21-00 * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\21-00#small * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\21-30 * 0.0 : [ 33] sky\af3_partly\21-30#small * 0.0 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\22-00-fm * 0.0 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\22-00-fm#small * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\22-00-hm * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\22-00-hm#small * 0.0 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\23-00-fm * 0.0 : [ 12] sky\af3_partly\23-00-fm#small * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\23-00-hm * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\af3_partly\23-00-hm#small * 0.0 : [ 26] sky\af3_rainy\07-00 * 0.0 : [ 26] sky\af3_rainy\07-00#small * 0.0 : [ 30] sky\af3_rainy\09-00_19-00 * 0.0 : [ 30] sky\af3_rainy\09-00_19-00#small * 0.0 : [ 58] sky\af3_rainy\13-00 * 0.0 : [ 58] sky\af3_rainy\13-00#small * 0.0 : [ 24] sky\af3_rainy\15-00 * 0.0 : [ 24] sky\af3_rainy\15-00#small * 0.0 : [ 31] sky\af3_rainy\15-00-2 * 0.0 : [ 31] sky\af3_rainy\15-00-2#small * 0.0 : [ 44] sky\af3_rainy\16-00 * 0.0 : [ 44] sky\af3_rainy\16-00#small * 0.0 : [ 32] sky\af3_rainy\20-00 * 0.0 : [ 32] sky\af3_rainy\20-00#small * 0.0 : [ 5] sky\sky_12_vibros_cube * 0.0 : [ 5] sky\sky_12_vibros_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 26] sky\sky_13_cube * 0.0 : [ 26] sky\sky_13_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 16] sky\sky_13_cube_night * 0.0 : [ 16] sky\sky_13_cube_night#small * 0.0 : [ 12] sky\sky_13_vibros_cube * 0.0 : [ 12] sky\sky_13_vibros_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 10] sky\sky_14_cube * 0.0 : [ 10] sky\sky_14_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\sky_17_clouds_cube * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\sky_17_clouds_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\sky_17_cube * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\sky_17_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\sky_18_cube * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\sky_18_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 11] sky\sky_19_cube * 0.0 : [ 11] sky\sky_19_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\sky_1_clouds_cube * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\sky_1_clouds_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\sky_20_clouds_cube * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\sky_20_clouds_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\sky_20_cube * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\sky_20_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\sky_2_clouds_cube * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\sky_2_clouds_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\sky_2_cube * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\sky_2_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 12] sky\sky_3_cube * 0.0 : [ 12] sky\sky_3_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\sky_4_cube * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\sky_4_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 30] sky\sky_5_cube * 0.0 : [ 30] sky\sky_5_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 7] sky\sky_6_cube * 0.0 : [ 7] sky\sky_6_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 11] sky\sky_7_cube * 0.0 : [ 11] sky\sky_7_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\sky_8_cube * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\sky_8_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 49] sky\sky_9_cube * 0.0 : [ 49] sky\sky_9_cube#small * 0.0 : [3306] sky\sky_oblaka * 0.0 : [ 1] survarium\fx\fx\lights\big_bonfire_flame * 0.0 : [ 1] survarium\fx\fx\lights\bonfire_flame_2 * 0.0 : [ 1] survarium\fx\fx\lights\bonfire_flame_3 * 0.0 : [ 1] survarium\fx\fx\lights\bonfire_flame_top * 0.0 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_multiplayer_game_menu * 0.0 : [ 1] ui\ui_common * 0.0 : [ 1] ui\ui_fog_of_war * 0.0 : [ 1] ui\ui_gunsl_dl_back * 0.0 : [ 1] ui\ui_hud * 0.0 : [ 1] water\water_dudv * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_1 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_1_1 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_1_2 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_1_3 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_drop_4 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_asfalt_1 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_asfalt_2 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_asfalt_3 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_brick_1 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_brick_2 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_1 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_2 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_4 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_5 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_6 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_7 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_glass01 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_glass02 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_glass03 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_glass04 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_ground * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_ground_1 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_ground_2 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik_1 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik_2 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik_3 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_1 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_2 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_3 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_4 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_1 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_2 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_3 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_4 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_5 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_6 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_7 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_8 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_9 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_grenade * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_dead * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_horiz * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_blood * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_blood1 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_metal * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_ston * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_wood * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_wood1 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_wood2 * 4.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_ani_cursor * 16.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_hud_01 * 32.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_arial_14_1600 * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_console_02 * 256.1 : [ 1] ui\a_font\ui_font_letter_21 * 256.1 : [ 1] ui\a_font\ui_font_letter_24 * 256.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_hud_02 * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\a_font\ovs_20 * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\a_font\ovs_22 * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\a_font\ovs_32 * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\a_font\ui_font_letter_38 * 2048.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_buy_menu * 2048.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_static_mm_back_01 * 8100.0 : [ 1] ui\ui_static_mm_back_00 compiling shader deffer_base_bump-hq compiling shader deffer_model_bump-hq_3 compiling shader deffer_base_bump compiling shader deffer_model_bump_3 compiling shader shadow_direct_model_3 xrengine.exe -no_staging * phase time: 0 ms * phase cmem: 150096 K Loading objects... compiling shader deffer_base_flat compiling shader deffer_model_flat_0 compiling shader shadow_direct_model_0 compiling shader deffer_model_bump-hq_0 compiling shader deffer_model_bump_0 compiling shader deffer_base_aref_bump-hq compiling shader deffer_base_aref_bump compiling shader shadow_direct_base_aref compiling shader shadow_direct_model_aref_0 compiling shader deffer_model_bump-hq_1 compiling shader deffer_model_bump_1 compiling shader shadow_direct_model_1 compiling shader deffer_model_bump-hq_2 compiling shader deffer_model_bump_2 compiling shader shadow_direct_model_2 compiling shader deffer_model_bump-hq_4 compiling shader deffer_model_bump_4 compiling shader shadow_direct_model_4 compiling shader model_def_lq compiling shader model_def_lq_3 compiling shader deffer_model_flat_4 compiling shader accum_emissivel ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: c:\live\artifact fragment\gamedata\sounds\weapons\ak74\ak74_revival.ogg compiling shader deffer_model_flat_3 compiling shader base_lplanes compiling shader model_def_lplanes_4 compiling shader model_def_lq_0 compiling shader model_def_lq_2 compiling shader deffer_model_flat_1 compiling shader model_def_lplanes_0 compiling shader accum_emissive compiling shader model_def_lplanes_3 compiling shader model_def_lq_4 compiling shader model_env_lq compiling shader model_env_lq_0 ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: c:\live\artifact fragment\gamedata\sounds\weapons\n_pb_shot.ogg ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: c:\live\artifact fragment\gamedata\sounds\weapons\rpg7\rpg7_shoot.ogg ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: c:\live\artifact fragment\gamedata\sounds\weapons\usp\usp_shoot_sil.ogg Loading models... compiling shader shadow_direct_model_aref_2 compiling shader deffer_model_flat_2 compiling shader model_pda_screen compiling shader deffer_base_bump_d-hq compiling shader deffer_model_bump_d-hq_4 compiling shader deffer_base_aref_flat compiling shader deffer_model_bump_d-hq_3 compiling shader model_distort4glass_3 compiling shader shadow_direct_model_aref_3 compiling shader shadow_direct_model_aref_4 ! Can't find texture 'act\3vtiger\himera\himera_socr\himera_socr' ! Can't find texture 'act\3vtiger\himera\himera_socr\himera_teeth' ! Can't find texture 'act\act_ghoulferal' ! Can't find texture 'act\act_glass_universal' ! auto-generated bump map: act\cod_bo2_sviter_hands_bump# ! auto-generated bump map: act\exoskelet_stalker\assault_headgear_d_green_bump ! auto-generated bump map: act\exoskelet_stalker\assault_headgear_d_green_bump# ! auto-generated bump map: act\exoskelet_stalker\tex_0305_bump ! auto-generated bump map: act\exoskelet_stalker\tex_0305_bump# ! auto-generated bump map: act\newbandit\do_equip_bump ! auto-generated bump map: act\newbandit\do_equip_bump# ! auto-generated bump map: act\newbandit\helmet_bump ! auto-generated bump map: act\newbandit\helmet_bump# ! auto-generated bump map: act\newbandit\tacticalvest2_bump ! auto-generated bump map: act\newbandit\tacticalvest2_bump# ! auto-generated bump map: act\newecolog\hazmat_loadout_a_bump ! auto-generated bump map: act\newecolog\hazmat_loadout_a_bump# ! auto-generated bump map: act\newfreedom\armor_iba_bump ! auto-generated bump map: act\newfreedom\armor_iba_bump# ! auto-generated bump map: act\newfreedom\freedom_hood_bump ! auto-generated bump map: act\newfreedom\freedom_hood_bump# ! auto-generated bump map: act\newloner\beaniehat_black_co_bump ! auto-generated bump map: act\newloner\beaniehat_black_co_bump# ! auto-generated bump map: act\newloner\cargopants_grey_co_bump ! auto-generated bump map: act\newloner\cargopants_grey_co_bump# ! auto-generated bump map: act\newloner\hhl_m_latino01_004_light_co_bump ! auto-generated bump map: act\newloner\hhl_m_latino01_004_light_co_bump# ! auto-generated bump map: act\newloner\m65_jacket_tan_co_bump ! auto-generated bump map: act\newloner\m65_jacket_tan_co_bump# ! auto-generated bump map: act\newloner\smersh_bump ! auto-generated bump map: act\newloner\smersh_bump# ! auto-generated bump map: act\newmilitary\chr_spetsnaz_headgear_d_bump ! auto-generated bump map: act\newmilitary\chr_spetsnaz_headgear_d_bump# ! auto-generated bump map: act\newmonolith\cfa_gear_bump ! auto-generated bump map: act\newmonolith\cfa_gear_bump# ! Can't find texture 'cloud\cotcirrus_l0_01' ! Can't find texture 'cloud\cotcirrus_l0_010' ! Can't find texture 'cloud\cotcirrus_l0_011' ! Can't find texture 'cloud\cotcirrus_l0_012' ! Can't find texture 'cloud\cotcirrus_l0_016' ! Can't find texture 'cloud\cotcirrus_l0_017' ! Can't find texture 'cloud\cotcirrus_l0_019' ! Can't find texture 'cloud\cotcirrus_l0_020' ! Can't find texture 'cloud\cotcirrus_l0_03' ! Can't find texture 'cloud\cotlower09' ! Can't find texture 'cloud\cotlower10' ! Can't find texture 'cloud\cotlower11' ! Can't find texture 'cloud\cotlowerxia' ! Can't find texture 'cloud\cotlowerxib' ! Can't find texture 'cloud\cotlowerxic' ! Can't find texture 'cloud\cotlowerxid' ! Can't find texture 'cloud\cotlowerxie' ! Can't find texture 'cloud\cotlowerxif' ! Can't find texture 'cloud\cotlowerxig' ! Can't find texture 'cloud\cotlowerxij' ! Can't find texture 'fx\fx_sun_spiky_artistpavel' ! auto-generated bump map: gunslinger_nra\new duty\duty_eye_bump ! auto-generated bump map: gunslinger_nra\new duty\duty_eye_bump# ! auto-generated bump map: gunslinger_nra\new duty\duty_tacticaljacket_bump ! auto-generated bump map: gunslinger_nra\new duty\duty_tacticaljacket_bump# ! auto-generated bump map: gunslinger_nra\newbandit\bandit_foot_bump# ! auto-generated bump map: gunslinger_nra\newbandit\bandit_hood_bump# ! auto-generated bump map: gunslinger_nra\newbandit\bandits_pants _bump# ! auto-generated bump map: gunslinger_nra\newbandit\gloves_rico_bump# ! auto-generated bump map: gunslinger_nra\newbandit\rico_hands_bump# ! auto-generated bump map: gunslinger_nra\newbandit\rus_sniper_torso_d_bump# ! auto-generated bump map: gunslinger_nra\newbandit\ruskygear2_bump# ! auto-generated bump map: gunslinger_nra\newbandit\thug_maker_black_new_skin_bump# ! auto-generated bump map: gunslinger_nra\newgeneral\bomberjacket_bump ! auto-generated bump map: gunslinger_nra\newgeneral\bomberjacket_bump# ! auto-generated bump map: gunslinger_nra\newgeneral\cargopants_bump ! auto-generated bump map: gunslinger_nra\newgeneral\cargopants_bump# ! auto-generated bump map: gunslinger_nra\newgeneral\poyas_kobura_bump ! auto-generated bump map: gunslinger_nra\newgeneral\poyas_kobura_bump# ! auto-generated bump map: gunslinger_nra\newgeneral\vest_tactical_bump ! auto-generated bump map: gunslinger_nra\newgeneral\vest_tactical_bump# ! auto-generated bump map: gunslinger_nra\newneutral\boots_bump# ! auto-generated bump map: gunslinger_nra\newneutral\gas_shlang_bump# ! auto-generated bump map: gunslinger_nra\newneutral\gasmask_gp7_bump ! auto-generated bump map: gunslinger_nra\newneutral\gasmask_gp7_bump# ! auto-generated bump map: gunslinger_nra\newneutral\gloves_bump ! auto-generated bump map: gunslinger_nra\newneutral\gloves_bump# ! auto-generated bump map: gunslinger_nra\newneutral\gp5_so_bump ! auto-generated bump map: gunslinger_nra\newneutral\gp5_so_bump# ! auto-generated bump map: gunslinger_nra\newneutral\hhl_m_latino01_006_light_co_bump# ! auto-generated bump map: gunslinger_nra\newneutral\karabin_bump# ! auto-generated bump map: gunslinger_nra\newneutral\kobur_pm_bump# ! auto-generated bump map: gunslinger_nra\newneutral\m65_jacket_bump# ! auto-generated bump map: gunslinger_nra\newneutral\sov_remen_bump# ! auto-generated bump map: gunslinger_nra\newneutral\sunrise_hood_bump# ! auto-generated bump map: gunslinger_nra\newzombie\tshirt_bump# ! Can't find texture 'item\item_medkit_a' ! Can't find texture 'item\item_medkit_b' ! Can't find texture 'item\item_medkit_c' ! Can't find texture 'item\item_tushonka' ! Can't find texture 'item\kielbasa' ! Can't find texture 'pfx\electro_exl1' ! Can't find texture 'pfx\electroexpl2' ! Can't find texture 'pfx\pfx_ani-explosion-01' ! Can't find texture 'pfx\pfx_light' ! Can't find texture 'pfx\pfx_shells_green' ! Can't find texture 'pfx\pfx_shells_pisto1' ! Can't find texture 'pfx\pfx_shells_pistol' ! Can't find texture 'pfx\pfx_smoke_c' ! Can't find texture 'pfx\pfx_snow_10' ! Can't find texture 'pfx\pfx_snow_100' ! Can't find texture 'pfx\pfx_snow_20' ! Can't find texture 'pfx\pfx_snow_30' ! Can't find texture 'pfx\pfx_snow_40' ! Can't find texture 'pfx\pfx_snow_50' ! Can't find texture 'pfx\pfx_snow_60' ! Can't find texture 'pfx\pfx_snow_70' ! Can't find texture 'pfx\pfx_snow_80' ! Can't find texture 'pfx\pfx_snow_90' ! Can't find texture 'pfx\smoke\pfx_smoke_a' ! Can't find texture 'survarium\fx\fx\lights\big_bonfire_flame' ! Can't find texture 'survarium\fx\fx\lights\bonfire_flame_2' ! Can't find texture 'survarium\fx\fx\lights\bonfire_flame_3' ! Can't find texture 'survarium\fx\fx\lights\bonfire_flame_top' * [prefetch] time: 7104 ms * [prefetch] memory: 133478Kb ! Unable to find Software\GSC Game World\STALKER-COP\ in registry ! Player name registry key (InstallUserName) not found ! * phase time: 7158 ms * phase cmem: 271640 K * phase time: 3 ms * phase cmem: 271640 K * Creating new game... * Loading spawn registry... * 817 spawn points are successfully loaded * New game is successfully created! * phase time: 111 ms * phase cmem: 293909 K * phase time: 8 ms * phase cmem: 293928 K * phase time: 47 ms * phase cmem: 293928 K * WARNING: player not logged in * client : connection accepted - <All Ok> * phase time: 720 ms * phase cmem: 293992 K * phase time: 5 ms * phase cmem: 293992 K * phase time: 1719 ms * phase cmem: 403659 K compiling shader deffer_base_flat compiling shader shadow_direct_base compiling shader deffer_base_flat_d compiling shader deffer_base_flat_d compiling shader model_env_lq compiling shader shadow_direct_base_aref compiling shader base_lplanes compiling shader deffer_base_bump_d-hq compiling shader deffer_base_bump compiling shader deffer_base_bump-hq compiling shader vert compiling shader vert compiling shader deffer_base_steep_d-hq compiling shader water_soft compiling shader water_soft compiling shader waterd_soft compiling shader waterd_soft compiling shader deffer_base_aref_flat_d compiling shader simple compiling shader wmark compiling shader deffer_base_lmh_bump_d-hq compiling shader deffer_base_lmh_bump_d-hq compiling shader deffer_base_lmh_bump compiling shader deffer_base_lmh_bump compiling shader deffer_base_lmh_flat compiling shader deffer_base_lmh_flat compiling shader deffer_base_lmh_steep_d-hq compiling shader deffer_base_lmh_flat_d compiling shader deffer_base_lmh_flat_d compiling shader lmapE compiling shader lmapE compiling shader deffer_base_lmh_bump-hq compiling shader deffer_base_lmh_bump-hq compiling shader deffer_base_lmh_steep-hq compiling shader deffer_base_lmh_aref_bump_d-hq compiling shader deffer_base_lmh_aref_bump compiling shader deffer_base_lmh_aref_bump-hq compiling shader deffer_base_lmh_aref_flat compiling shader deffer_base_steep-hq compiling shader deffer_base_aref_bump_d-hq compiling shader deffer_impl_flat_d compiling shader deffer_impl_flat_d compiling shader deffer_impl_flat compiling shader deffer_tree_bump-hq compiling shader deffer_tree_bump compiling shader shadow_direct_tree compiling shader lod compiling shader lod compiling shader deffer_tree_flat compiling shader deffer_tree_bump_d-hq compiling shader shadow_direct_base compiling shader deffer_tree_s_bump_d-hq compiling shader deffer_tree_s_bump compiling shader shadow_direct_tree_s compiling shader deffer_tree_s_bump-hq * phase time: 177 ms * phase cmem: 411388 K * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65515 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65498 verts, 2046 Kb * [Loading VB] 59384 verts, 1855 Kb * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65532 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65532 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 52248 verts, 1632 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65532 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65532 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 51651 verts, 1614 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048572 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048572 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048572 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048572 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048572 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048572 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 199764 indices, 390 Kb * [Loading VB] 65532 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65532 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65532 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 43691 verts, 512 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048572 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048572 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 339213 indices, 662 Kb * phase time: 43 ms * phase cmem: 411657 K * phase time: 32 ms * phase cmem: 419819 K compiling shader deffer_detail_w_flat compiling shader deffer_detail_s_flat * [DETAILS] VertexConsts(256), Batch(61) * [DETAILS] 1281 v(20), 732 p * [DETAILS] Batch(61), VB(25K), IB(4K) * phase time: 12 ms * phase cmem: 419851 K * Loading HOM: c:\live\artifact fragment\gamedata\levels\l03_glubokaya\level.hom * phase time: 4 ms * phase cmem: 419876 K * phase time: 4 ms * phase cmem: 419876 K * phase time: 60 ms * phase cmem: 419876 K ! auto-generated bump map: crete\crete_walls_old_03_bump ! auto-generated bump map: crete\crete_walls_old_03_bump# ! auto-generated bump map: furniture\furniture_cup_bump ! auto-generated bump map: furniture\furniture_cup_bump# ! auto-generated bump map: fx\fx_wood_fire_bump ! auto-generated bump map: fx\fx_wood_fire_bump# ! auto-generated bump map: grnd\grnd_concrete_2_bump ! auto-generated bump map: grnd\grnd_concrete_2_bump# ! auto-generated bump map: ston\ston_beton_potolok2_iov_bump# ! Can't load texture 'c:\live\artifact fragment\gamedata\textures\terrain\terrain_glubokaya_mask.dds' FATAL ERROR [error]Expression : data [error]Function : CVirtualFileReader::CVirtualFileReader [error]File : D:\prog_repository\sources\trunk\xrCore\FS.cpp [error]Line : 545 [error]Description : c:\live\artifact fragment\gamedata\textures\tile\tile_plitka_qllab_bump.dds [error]Arguments : Not enough storage is available to process this command. stack trace: Это было в файле xray в папке logs
  9. вылет при попытке взять какое-нибудь задание у Сидоровича, при этом имея квест на доставку продуктов от сидоровича, версия от 25.02.2024 Клиент: Синхронизация... * phase time: 50 ms * phase cmem: 598072 K * [win32]: free[2027200 K], reserved[241348 K], committed[1925692 K] * [ D3D ]: textures[1107400 K] * [x-ray]: crt heap[598070 K], process heap[63010 K], game lua[84380 K], render[11487 K] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[19580 K], smem[55933 K] * MEMORY USAGE: 614708 K * End of synchronization A[1] R[1] ! ERROR: SV: can't find children [41218] of parent [2001569104] ! ERROR: SV: can't find children [42497] of parent [508300880] ! ERROR: SV: can't find children [42757] of parent [2001578528] ! ERROR: SV: can't find children [43270] of parent [512194224] ! ERROR: SV: can't find children [44288] of parent [470803872] ! ERROR: SV: can't find children [46087] of parent [513456768] ! ERROR: SV: can't find children [46338] of parent [514570464] ! ERROR: SV: can't find children [46848] of parent [512390720] FATAL ERROR [error]Expression : fatal error [error]Function : CScriptEngine::lua_error [error]File : E:\priquel\sources\engine\xrServerEntities\script_engine.cpp [error]Line : 180 [error]Description : <no expression> [error]Arguments : LUA error: ... - clear sky\gamedata\scripts\ogsm_rt_manager.script:879: attempt to index local 'task_desc' (a nil value) stack trace:
  10. Очень хотел продолжить тест. Более 100 попыток запуска, результат: 1. В случае запуска в dx10, в любом множестве комбинации параметров: появляется стандартная заставка Аномальки, а потом пропадает. Всё. Игра так и не запустилась. В логах: FATAL ERROR [error]Expression : <no expression> [error]Function : CInifile::r_section [error]File : Xr_ini.cpp [error]Line : 544 [error]Description : fatal error [error]Arguments : Can't open section 'wpn_knife10'. Please attach [*.ini_log] file to your bug report stack trace: Данный патч установлен, но, видимо, не работает... 2. При попытках запуска через dx 11 - процесс просто зависает. Приходится отключать в Диспетчере задач... Лог при этом создается размера 0 байт, т.е. пустой.
  11. я копировал из папки с фиксами внутрь папки с игрой, где exe файл для запуска органайзера. сейчас переименовал папку с игрой на название без кирилицы, теперь вообще ничего не запускается. Мрак. Такая игра интересная) Дополнено 26 минуты спустя [Dynavision] load settings ----------------------DYNAVISION INITIALIZED ----------------------- enable true frequency 5 debug false notifications enabled false preset anomaly use_program true use_weather true use_es false camera_boundary 15 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Bosspack total id: 34935 {@} --- Invalid position for CLevelGraph::vertex_id specified: [1000.206909][-0.099900][95.069504] {@} --- Invalid position for CLevelGraph::vertex_id specified: [476.712708][35.067200][51.022400] {@} --- Invalid position for CLevelGraph::vertex_id specified: [1062.135376][-0.098500][-0.038100] {@} --- Invalid position for CLevelGraph::vertex_id specified: [520.169983][-1.350000][-429.540009] {@} --- Invalid position for CLevelGraph::vertex_id specified: [-455.799988][0.000000][-345.899994] {@} --- Invalid position for CLevelGraph::vertex_id specified: [-449.489288][-28.823200][73.110001] {@} --- Invalid position for CLevelGraph::vertex_id specified: [-298.750214][7.287300][47.174900] {@} --- Invalid position for CLevelGraph::vertex_id specified: [-340.584686][3.574100][415.019501] SWMtrue collectgarbage before=110057032Kb collectgarbage after=56654594Kb last_slot_was_lowered false despawning nocturnal mutants ! Can't find texture 'wpn\wpn_scope_mark_aimpoint_dot' ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\93r\Tex_0008_1_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\carcano\tex_carcano_1_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\carcano\tex_carcano_scope_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\sam_edge\tex_sam_edge_parts_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\sam_edge\tex_sam_edge_slide_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\sam_edge\tex_sam_edge_grips_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\sam_edge\tex_sam_edge_frontend_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\sam_edge\tex_sam_edge_frame_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\sam_edge\tex_sam_edge_barrel_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\sam_edge\tex_sam_edge_mag_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\scorpion_evo\tex_scorpion_evo_stock_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\scorpion_evo\tex_scorpion_evo_main_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\scorpion_evo\tex_scorpion_evo_front_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\scorpion_evo\tex_scorpion_evo_mag_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\shared_lewd\Paint_Spray_Gun_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\tt_anomaly\1b79ef32_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\_anomaly_scopes_\aps_sil_bump# ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\grach_Anomaly\Tex_0040_0_bump# ! Can't find sound 'wpn_ak103_snd_shoot' ! Failed to render dynamic wallmark [7] intro_start game_loaded * [x-ray]: Handled Necessary Textures Destruction * MEMORY USAGE: 2522162 K * End of synchronization A[1] R[1] intro_delete ::update_game_loaded ! Failed to render dynamic wallmark [11] * [x-ray]: Full Memory Stats * [win32]: free[137422495044 K], reserved[4522448 K], committed[11935916 K] * [ D3D ]: textures[2473911 K] * [x-ray]: process heap[2527035 K] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[939496 K], smem[658810 K] * Saving spawns... * Saving objects... * 34935 objects are successfully saved * Game varyag1982 - quicksave_6.scop is successfully saved to file 'd:/boss pak/anomaly 1.5.2 + bosspack v1.5/anomaly 1.5.2 + bosspack v1.5/bin/..\appdata\savedgames\varyag1982 - quicksave_6.scop' ! Failed to render dynamic wallmark [89] Time continual is:131403 ~ Warfare is not loaded, unregistered warfare callbacks * [x-ray]: Full Memory Stats * [win32]: free[137422496780 K], reserved[4563740 K], committed[11892888 K] * [ D3D ]: textures[2480572 K] * [x-ray]: process heap[2518469 K] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[939476 K], smem[658948 K] * Saving spawns... * Saving objects... * 34932 objects are successfully saved * Game varyag1982 - quicksave_7.scop is successfully saved to file 'd:/boss pak/anomaly 1.5.2 + bosspack v1.5/anomaly 1.5.2 + bosspack v1.5/bin/..\appdata\savedgames\varyag1982 - quicksave_7.scop' Time continual is:145207 item take update_gps_habar item take update_gps_habar item take update_gps_habar item take update_gps_habar item take update_gps_habar item take update_gps_habar * [x-ray]: Full Memory Stats * [win32]: free[137422502484 K], reserved[4565460 K], committed[11885464 K] * [ D3D ]: textures[2477137 K] * [x-ray]: process heap[2508401 K] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[938902 K], smem[659067 K] * Saving spawns... * Saving objects... * 34938 objects are successfully saved * Game varyag1982 - quicksave_8.scop is successfully saved to file 'd:/boss pak/anomaly 1.5.2 + bosspack v1.5/anomaly 1.5.2 + bosspack v1.5/bin/..\appdata\savedgames\varyag1982 - quicksave_8.scop' ! Failed to render dynamic wallmark [105] * [x-ray]: Full Memory Stats * [win32]: free[137422492244 K], reserved[4520976 K], committed[11940188 K] * [ D3D ]: textures[2477073 K] * [x-ray]: process heap[2512211 K] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[938903 K], smem[659067 K] * Saving spawns... * Saving objects... * 34938 objects are successfully saved * Game varyag1982 - quicksave_9.scop is successfully saved to file 'd:/boss pak/anomaly 1.5.2 + bosspack v1.5/anomaly 1.5.2 + bosspack v1.5/bin/..\appdata\savedgames\varyag1982 - quicksave_9.scop' ! Failed to render dynamic wallmark [99] * [x-ray]: Full Memory Stats * [win32]: free[137422459476 K], reserved[4546044 K], committed[11947888 K] * [ D3D ]: textures[2530578 K] * [x-ray]: process heap[2512458 K] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[938905 K], smem[659067 K] * Saving spawns... * Saving objects... * 34938 objects are successfully saved * Game varyag1982 - quicksave_10.scop is successfully saved to file 'd:/boss pak/anomaly 1.5.2 + bosspack v1.5/anomaly 1.5.2 + bosspack v1.5/bin/..\appdata\savedgames\varyag1982 - quicksave_10.scop' Time continual is:195949 last_slot_was_lowered false Time continual is:206619 last_slot_was_lowered false Time continual is:212938 [RPG - Hit Effects] Weapon registered: wpn_pm_bas * [x-ray]: Full Memory Stats * [win32]: free[137422457336 K], reserved[4536800 K], committed[11959272 K] * [ D3D ]: textures[2530578 K] * [x-ray]: process heap[2503970 K] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[938888 K], smem[659312 K] * Saving spawns... * Saving objects... * 34938 objects are successfully saved * Game varyag1982 - quicksave_1.scop is successfully saved to file 'd:/boss pak/anomaly 1.5.2 + bosspack v1.5/anomaly 1.5.2 + bosspack v1.5/bin/..\appdata\savedgames\varyag1982 - quicksave_1.scop' ! Failed to render dynamic wallmark [439] Time continual is:254951 [RPG - Hit Effects] Weapon registered: wpn_pm_bas ! Failed to render dynamic wallmark [186] Time continual is:281912 [RPG - Hit Effects] Weapon registered: wpn_pm_bas [2] Time continual is:288151 [RPG - Hit Effects] Weapon registered: wpn_pm_bas ! Failed to render dynamic wallmark [45] * [x-ray]: Full Memory Stats * [win32]: free[137422468364 K], reserved[4500556 K], committed[11984488 K] * [ D3D ]: textures[2544377 K] * [x-ray]: process heap[2494039 K] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[938939 K], smem[665796 K] * Saving spawns... * Saving objects... * 34908 objects are successfully saved * Game varyag1982 - quicksave_2.scop is successfully saved to file 'd:/boss pak/anomaly 1.5.2 + bosspack v1.5/anomaly 1.5.2 + bosspack v1.5/bin/..\appdata\savedgames\varyag1982 - quicksave_2.scop' Time continual is:299663 [RPG - Hit Effects] Weapon registered: wpn_pm_bas Time continual is:304143 [RPG - Hit Effects] Weapon registered: wpn_pm_bas ! Failed to render dynamic wallmark [3] Time continual is:325122 last_slot_was_lowered false Time continual is:328491 last_slot_was_lowered false ! Failed to render dynamic wallmark [1259] Time continual is:380934 [RPG - Hit Effects] Weapon registered: wpn_pm_bas ! Failed to render dynamic wallmark [15] [RPG - Hit Effects] Weapon registered: wpn_pm_bas ! Failed to render dynamic wallmark [114] * [x-ray]: Full Memory Stats * Saving spawns... * Saving objects... * 34901 objects are successfully saved * Game fatal_ctd_save_1.scop is successfully saved to file 'd:/boss pak/anomaly 1.5.2 + bosspack v1.5/anomaly 1.5.2 + bosspack v1.5/bin/..\appdata\savedgames\fatal_ctd_save_1.scop' FATAL ERROR [error]Expression : <no expression> [error]Function : xrMemory::mem_usage [error]File : D:\a\xray-monolith\xray-monolith\src\xrCore\memory_usage.cpp [error]Line : 63 [error]Description : fatal error [error]Arguments : bad node in heap stack trace:
  12. я не разбираюсь в этом. Вот, что смог скопировал. Это из нижнего окна в органайзере. играл спокойно на Кордоне. И резко стали появляться вылеты. теперь даже из органайзера модов в игру не заходит. Нажимаю на кнопку, идет загрузка темного экрана и обратно возврат в окно органайзера. Печалька. Помогите. [2024-05-06 15:31:00.045 D] timing: MOApplication() 0 ms [2024-05-06 15:31:00.045 D] timing: main() multiprocess 161 ms [2024-05-06 15:31:00.045 D] command line: '"D:\босспак репак\Anomaly 1.5.2 + BOSSPACK v1.5\Anomaly 1.5.2 + BOSSPACK v1.5\ModOrganizer.exe" ' [2024-05-06 15:31:00.045 I] starting Mod Organizer version 2.4.4 revision 1df1ea5e in D:/босспак репак/Anomaly 1.5.2 + BOSSPACK v1.5/Anomaly 1.5.2 + BOSSPACK v1.5, usvfs: [2024-05-06 15:31:00.045 I] data path: C:/Users/User/AppData/Local/ModOrganizer/STALKER Anomaly [2024-05-06 15:31:00.045 I] working directory: D:/босспак репак/Anomaly 1.5.2 + BOSSPACK v1.5/Anomaly 1.5.2 + BOSSPACK v1.5 [2024-05-06 15:31:00.045 D] timing: MOApplication setup() 0 ms [2024-05-06 15:31:00.360 E] Failed to import plugin from D:/босспак репак/Anomaly 1.5.2 + BOSSPACK v1.5/Anomaly 1.5.2 + BOSSPACK v1.5/plugins/DDSPreview.py. [2024-05-06 15:31:00.360 E] [error.cpp:24] File "D:/босспак репак/Anomaly 1.5.2 + BOSSPACK v1.5/Anomaly 1.5.2 + BOSSPACK v1.5/plugins/DDSPreview.py", line 1 [2024-05-06 15:31:00.360 E] [error.cpp:24] 0惙a [2024-05-06 15:31:00.360 E] [error.cpp:24] ^ [2024-05-06 15:31:00.360 E] [error.cpp:24] SyntaxError: invalid syntax [2024-05-06 15:31:00.360 E] failed to initialize plugin D:/босспак репак/Anomaly 1.5.2 + BOSSPACK v1.5/Anomaly 1.5.2 + BOSSPACK v1.5/plugins/DDSPreview.py: File "D:/босспак репак/Anomaly 1.5.2 + BOSSPACK v1.5/Anomaly 1.5.2 + BOSSPACK v1.5/plugins/DDSPreview.py", line 1 [2024-05-06 15:31:00.360 E] 0惙a [2024-05-06 15:31:00.360 E] ^ [2024-05-06 15:31:00.360 E] SyntaxError: invalid syntax [2024-05-06 15:31:00.360 E] [2024-05-06 15:31:04.007 E] Failed to import plugin from D:/босспак репак/Anomaly 1.5.2 + BOSSPACK v1.5/Anomaly 1.5.2 + BOSSPACK v1.5/plugins/FNISPatches.py. [2024-05-06 15:31:04.007 E] [error.cpp:24] File "D:/босспак репак/Anomaly 1.5.2 + BOSSPACK v1.5/Anomaly 1.5.2 + BOSSPACK v1.5/plugins/FNISPatches.py", line 1 [2024-05-06 15:31:04.007 E] [error.cpp:24] 0ꃙa [2024-05-06 15:31:04.007 E] [error.cpp:24] ^ [2024-05-06 15:31:04.007 E] [error.cpp:24] SyntaxError: invalid syntax [2024-05-06 15:31:04.007 E] failed to initialize plugin D:/босспак репак/Anomaly 1.5.2 + BOSSPACK v1.5/Anomaly 1.5.2 + BOSSPACK v1.5/plugins/FNISPatches.py: File "D:/босспак репак/Anomaly 1.5.2 + BOSSPACK v1.5/Anomaly 1.5.2 + BOSSPACK v1.5/plugins/FNISPatches.py", line 1 [2024-05-06 15:31:04.007 E] 0ꃙa [2024-05-06 15:31:04.007 E] ^ [2024-05-06 15:31:04.007 E] SyntaxError: invalid syntax [2024-05-06 15:31:04.007 E] [2024-05-06 15:31:04.373 E] Plugin D:/босспак репак/Anomaly 1.5.2 + BOSSPACK v1.5/Anomaly 1.5.2 + BOSSPACK v1.5/plugins/FNISTool.py: missing a createPlugin(s) function. [2024-05-06 15:31:04.373 E] Plugin D:/босспак репак/Anomaly 1.5.2 + BOSSPACK v1.5/Anomaly 1.5.2 + BOSSPACK v1.5/plugins/FNISToolReset.py: missing a createPlugin(s) function. [2024-05-06 15:31:04.373 E] Failed to import plugin from D:/босспак репак/Anomaly 1.5.2 + BOSSPACK v1.5/Anomaly 1.5.2 + BOSSPACK v1.5/plugins/Form43Checker.py. [2024-05-06 15:31:04.373 E] [error.cpp:24] File "D:/босспак репак/Anomaly 1.5.2 + BOSSPACK v1.5/Anomaly 1.5.2 + BOSSPACK v1.5/plugins/Form43Checker.py", line 1 [2024-05-06 15:31:04.373 E] [error.cpp:24] 0�a [2024-05-06 15:31:04.373 E] [error.cpp:24] ^ [2024-05-06 15:31:04.373 E] [error.cpp:24] SyntaxError: invalid character in identifier [2024-05-06 15:31:04.374 E] failed to initialize plugin D:/босспак репак/Anomaly 1.5.2 + BOSSPACK v1.5/Anomaly 1.5.2 + BOSSPACK v1.5/plugins/Form43Checker.py: File "D:/босспак репак/Anomaly 1.5.2 + BOSSPACK v1.5/Anomaly 1.5.2 + BOSSPACK v1.5/plugins/Form43Checker.py", line 1 [2024-05-06 15:31:04.374 E] 0�a [2024-05-06 15:31:04.374 E] ^ [2024-05-06 15:31:04.374 E] SyntaxError: invalid character in identifier [2024-05-06 15:31:04.374 E] [2024-05-06 15:31:04.624 E] Plugin D:/босспак репак/Anomaly 1.5.2 + BOSSPACK v1.5/Anomaly 1.5.2 + BOSSPACK v1.5/plugins/pyCfg.py: missing a createPlugin(s) function. [2024-05-06 15:31:04.624 E] Plugin D:/босспак репак/Anomaly 1.5.2 + BOSSPACK v1.5/Anomaly 1.5.2 + BOSSPACK v1.5/plugins/ScriptExtenderPluginChecker.py: missing a createPlugin(s) function. [2024-05-06 15:31:04.640 I] using game plugin 'STALKER Anomaly' ('stalkeranomaly', variant (none), steam id '') at D:/босспак репак/Anomaly 1.5.2 + BOSSPACK v1.5/Anomaly 1.5.2 + BOSSPACK v1.5 [2024-05-06 15:31:05.429 I] update available: 2.4.4 -> 2.5.0 [2024-05-06 15:32:27.752 E] [error.cpp:24] Traceback (most recent call last): [2024-05-06 15:32:27.752 E] [error.cpp:24] File "D:/босспак репак/Anomaly 1.5.2 + BOSSPACK v1.5/Anomaly 1.5.2 + BOSSPACK v1.5/plugins\basic_games\games\game_stalkeranomaly.py", line 279, in listSaves [2024-05-06 15:32:27.777 E] [error.cpp:24] return [ [2024-05-06 15:32:27.777 E] [error.cpp:24] File "D:/босспак репак/Anomaly 1.5.2 + BOSSPACK v1.5/Anomaly 1.5.2 + BOSSPACK v1.5/plugins\basic_games\games\game_stalkeranomaly.py", line 280, in <listcomp> [2024-05-06 15:32:27.777 E] [error.cpp:24] StalkerAnomalySaveGame(path) [2024-05-06 15:32:27.777 E] [error.cpp:24] File "D:/босспак репак/Anomaly 1.5.2 + BOSSPACK v1.5/Anomaly 1.5.2 + BOSSPACK v1.5/plugins\basic_games\games\game_stalkeranomaly.py", line 143, in __init__ [2024-05-06 15:32:27.778 E] [error.cpp:24] self.xr_save = XRSave(self._filepath) [2024-05-06 15:32:27.778 E] [error.cpp:24] File "D:/босспак репак/Anomaly 1.5.2 + BOSSPACK v1.5/Anomaly 1.5.2 + BOSSPACK v1.5/plugins\basic_games\games\stalkeranomaly\XRSave.py", line 82, in __init__ [2024-05-06 15:32:27.782 E] [error.cpp:24] self.readObject(stream) [2024-05-06 15:32:27.782 E] [error.cpp:24] File "D:/босспак репак/Anomaly 1.5.2 + BOSSPACK v1.5/Anomaly 1.5.2 + BOSSPACK v1.5/plugins\basic_games\games\stalkeranomaly\XRSave.py", line 123, in readObject [2024-05-06 15:32:27.783 E] [error.cpp:24] actor.read_spawn(spawn) [2024-05-06 15:32:27.783 E] [error.cpp:24] File "D:/босспак репак/Anomaly 1.5.2 + BOSSPACK v1.5/Anomaly 1.5.2 + BOSSPACK v1.5/plugins\basic_games\games\stalkeranomaly\XRObject.py", line 257, in read_spawn [2024-05-06 15:32:27.784 E] [error.cpp:24] XRCreatureAbstract.read_spawn(self, reader) [2024-05-06 15:32:27.785 E] [error.cpp:24] File "D:/босспак репак/Anomaly 1.5.2 + BOSSPACK v1.5/Anomaly 1.5.2 + BOSSPACK v1.5/plugins\basic_games\games\stalkeranomaly\XRObject.py", line 150, in read_spawn [2024-05-06 15:32:27.785 E] [error.cpp:24] self.read_state(reader) [2024-05-06 15:32:27.785 E] [error.cpp:24] File "D:/босспак репак/Anomaly 1.5.2 + BOSSPACK v1.5/Anomaly 1.5.2 + BOSSPACK v1.5/plugins\basic_games\games\stalkeranomaly\XRObject.py", line 261, in read_state [2024-05-06 15:32:27.786 E] [error.cpp:24] XRTraderAbstract.read_state(self, reader) [2024-05-06 15:32:27.786 E] [error.cpp:24] File "D:/босспак репак/Anomaly 1.5.2 + BOSSPACK v1.5/Anomaly 1.5.2 + BOSSPACK v1.5/plugins\basic_games\games\stalkeranomaly\XRObject.py", line 238, in read_state [2024-05-06 15:32:27.786 E] [error.cpp:24] self.character_name_str = reader.str() [2024-05-06 15:32:27.786 E] [error.cpp:24] File "D:/босспак репак/Anomaly 1.5.2 + BOSSPACK v1.5/Anomaly 1.5.2 + BOSSPACK v1.5/plugins\basic_games\games\stalkeranomaly\XRIO.py", line 95, in str [2024-05-06 15:32:27.787 E] [error.cpp:24] return str(chars, "utf-8") [2024-05-06 15:32:27.787 E] [error.cpp:24] UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xc0 in position 0: invalid start byte [2024-05-06 15:32:27.788 E] Traceback (most recent call last): [2024-05-06 15:32:27.788 E] File "D:/босспак репак/Anomaly 1.5.2 + BOSSPACK v1.5/Anomaly 1.5.2 + BOSSPACK v1.5/plugins\basic_games\games\game_stalkeranomaly.py", line 279, in listSaves [2024-05-06 15:32:27.788 E] return [ [2024-05-06 15:32:27.788 E] File "D:/босспак репак/Anomaly 1.5.2 + BOSSPACK v1.5/Anomaly 1.5.2 + BOSSPACK v1.5/plugins\basic_games\games\game_stalkeranomaly.py", line 280, in <listcomp> [2024-05-06 15:32:27.788 E] StalkerAnomalySaveGame(path) [2024-05-06 15:32:27.788 E] File "D:/босспак репак/Anomaly 1.5.2 + BOSSPACK v1.5/Anomaly 1.5.2 + BOSSPACK v1.5/plugins\basic_games\games\game_stalkeranomaly.py", line 143, in __init__ [2024-05-06 15:32:27.788 E] self.xr_save = XRSave(self._filepath) [2024-05-06 15:32:27.788 E] File "D:/босспак репак/Anomaly 1.5.2 + BOSSPACK v1.5/Anomaly 1.5.2 + BOSSPACK v1.5/plugins\basic_games\games\stalkeranomaly\XRSave.py", line 82, in __init__ [2024-05-06 15:32:27.788 E] self.readObject(stream) [2024-05-06 15:32:27.788 E] File "D:/босспак репак/Anomaly 1.5.2 + BOSSPACK v1.5/Anomaly 1.5.2 + BOSSPACK v1.5/plugins\basic_games\games\stalkeranomaly\XRSave.py", line 123, in readObject [2024-05-06 15:32:27.788 E] actor.read_spawn(spawn) [2024-05-06 15:32:27.788 E] File "D:/босспак репак/Anomaly 1.5.2 + BOSSPACK v1.5/Anomaly 1.5.2 + BOSSPACK v1.5/plugins\basic_games\games\stalkeranomaly\XRObject.py", line 257, in read_spawn [2024-05-06 15:32:27.788 E] XRCreatureAbstract.read_spawn(self, reader) [2024-05-06 15:32:27.788 E] File "D:/босспак репак/Anomaly 1.5.2 + BOSSPACK v1.5/Anomaly 1.5.2 + BOSSPACK v1.5/plugins\basic_games\games\stalkeranomaly\XRObject.py", line 150, in read_spawn [2024-05-06 15:32:27.788 E] self.read_state(reader) [2024-05-06 15:32:27.788 E] File "D:/босспак репак/Anomaly 1.5.2 + BOSSPACK v1.5/Anomaly 1.5.2 + BOSSPACK v1.5/plugins\basic_games\games\stalkeranomaly\XRObject.py", line 261, in read_state [2024-05-06 15:32:27.788 E] XRTraderAbstract.read_state(self, reader) [2024-05-06 15:32:27.788 E] File "D:/босспак репак/Anomaly 1.5.2 + BOSSPACK v1.5/Anomaly 1.5.2 + BOSSPACK v1.5/plugins\basic_games\games\stalkeranomaly\XRObject.py", line 238, in read_state [2024-05-06 15:32:27.788 E] self.character_name_str = reader.str() [2024-05-06 15:32:27.788 E] File "D:/босспак репак/Anomaly 1.5.2 + BOSSPACK v1.5/Anomaly 1.5.2 + BOSSPACK v1.5/plugins\basic_games\games\stalkeranomaly\XRIO.py", line 95, in str [2024-05-06 15:32:27.788 E] return str(chars, "utf-8") [2024-05-06 15:32:27.788 E] UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xc0 in position 0: invalid start byte [2024-05-06 15:32:27.788 E]
  13. Приветствую снова, Босс. Да, в тот раз я не доглядел, что надо было через внутренний лаунчер Аномали сидеть, а не через Mod Organizer (хотя, скорее всего, это я дуболом, что не знает как игру нормально запускать). Я всё же смог дальше пройти, аж до Армейских Складов, но тут такая фигня вылетела, когда решил пойти к метке от Анны на штурм лагеря монохромных: Expression : <no expression> Function : CInifile::r_section File : D:\a\xray-monolith\xray-monolith\src\xrCore\Xr_ini.cpp Line : 1214 Description : fatal error Arguments : Can't open section 'wpn_groza_po4x34_hud'. Please attach [*.ini_log] file to your bug report stack trace: На всякий случай скину файл с логами. xray_veter.log


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     Andheri escorts girls are perfect companions who can make you forget your loneliness. They are talented, experienced, and offer great escort services in the Andheri area. Andheri escorts are very attractive and can make you forget all your tensions. They are very creative and can make you feel great when you talk to them. They can meet you at any time of the day or night in Andheri. &nbsp;Independent call girls in Andheri are the perfect solution to your lonely situation. These call girls know the city like the back of their hands. They are highly skilled and know how to satisfy your desires in the best way possible. You can hire any of the Andheri escorts for your outcall needs. Andheri escorts girls are also available to provide outcall escorts.   Andheri escorts are the best choice to eliminate your loneliness. Whether you’re lonely and need a female companion or want to overcome your isolation, Andheri escorts can meet your requirements and make you feel good. They’ll provide you with the most romantic, sensual and elegant escorts for any occasion. All you have to do is to find out how to contact Andheri escorts and start enjoying the freedom and fun that comes with being a sexy man.   The sexy Andheri escorts are extremely talented and will provide you with a sensual female companion at an affordable rate. These stunning girls are highly trained and educated, and are dedicated to satisfying the needs of their clients. They can be hired anytime in Andheri and make your loneliness disappear. You can enjoy your loneliness by hiring a beautiful Andheri escort to meet your needs.   If you are lonely and would love to have an enchanting escort, Andheri escorts can be a wonderful solution to your problem. Unlike high-class escorts, the Andheri escorts are high-class escorts and renowned as beautiful babes. With a little bit of research, you’ll be able to hire a gorgeous Andheri escort at a very reasonable price.   Andheri escorts are beautiful, sexy and very talented. You’ll find that your Andheri escorts girls have an amazing talent for pleasing their clients. Andheri escorts are high-class escorts who are willing to help you feel less lonely and get back to your feet. A beautiful Andheri escort will be able to make you feel comfortable and at ease Andheri Call Girls.   Andheri escorts are your best option for a one-on-one escort in Mumbai. These sexy ladies will provide you with sensuality and entertainment, and will not charge much for their services. Moreover, the best thing about Andheri escorts is that they are affordable and easy to contact. You can hire one at any time you want, and they’ll be ready to do so with minimal fuss and effort. The cost of hiring an escort in Andheri varies. A good escort will have high-class and experienced escorts. Andheri escorts are not cheap, but they are worth their money. If you want to get a beautiful escort in Andheri, you can contact a reputable agency to book an escort.   There are many reasons to hire an escort in Andheri. First and foremost, these girls are trained to be escorts. They have the necessary training and experience to understand and deal with men’s emotions. They are also very affordable. You can easily afford them if you’re a single person with little or no social life. You can even get one who works with a company that provides a service for lonely people in sexy hot call girl in Andheri.   




     Get Escorts Services in Andheri 

    If you want to make the most out of your day out, you should consider getting Escorts Services in Andheri. These services provide you with a gorgeous escort. Andheri consists of a large number of attractive, upscale hotels, and many other popular destinations. Andheri’s escorts are very appealing and will make you feel like a king or queen, whether for a night out on the town or a romantic dinner for two independent andheri escorts.   Escorts can be hired for special events and even for outings in Andheri. This means that you can have a beautiful escort accompanied you to a nightclub or restaurant at any time of the day. Andheri’s call girls know every nook and cranny of the city, and you can have them with you whenever you need them. These highly-experienced escorts will keep you entertained throughout your night, and they can even serve you at a dinner party.   Andheri is a highly important locality in West Mumbai. It is a booming commercial area, with several major offices located here. As a result, Andheri’s escorts are highly-trained to cater to the desires of their clients. They will know how to mix your emotions and make sex extra erotic. The best escort services are well-connected with the rest of India and the world, making them a great option for a romantic escort in Andheri.   The Escorts in Andheri are similar to the female friends of your spouse. They know how to satisfy your desires and are trained to make you feel amazing. Andheri’s escorts also know how to mix up your emotions and make your sex even more erotic. Andheri’s escapologists love the attention that it brings them.   The Andheri call girls are incredibly tempting and stimulating. Andheri’s escorts are skilled in creating great memories. They know every physical move to satisfy your lust and give you an unforgettable experience. As a result, more clients visit Andheri’s escortors. Andheri’s escapists are not only trusted, but also vetted.   College call girls Andheri are college-going girls. They are mostly looking for money and sometimes work in call centers. However, they are still highly attractive and capable of making you feel sexy. But they are not all just there for sex. These are mature girls who are fascinated by sexual pleasure. Some of them have been married for a while, and they need to make love.   There are several independent escorts in Andheri. They vary in price, but they are a wonderful option for a romantic evening. You can even get a sexy escort to meet your needs and make you feel pampered. These escorts are sexy and can help you meet your dark fantasies. These independent call girls in Andheri are highly intelligent and graceful, and they’ll make a good impression on you.   While you’re in Andheri, take a look at the various options for romantic and escort services. The choice is yours. If you want to be pampered with an escort in Andheri, you can enjoy your night out with confidence. Andheri escorts are highly trained and will make sure you have a romantic time.   Escorts in Andheri are like the best of your female friends or spouses. They are trained to satisfy your needs and desires. Moreover, you’ll love their sexy skills. These professionals are trained to make you feel more than satisfied. They are a perfect match for you, and you can easily get the services of an escort at an affordable price.   Escorts in Andheri are available in all budgets and are an excellent choice for romantic evenings. Andheri escorts can be hired for a variety of occasions, from parties to escorting. They are impartial, fun, and will make you feel like a king or queen. If you want to feel pampered, hire a professional

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  15. Help me! I can't start the game, it freezes dead in the start of the game!My PC:Nvidia 650 Ti Intel Core i3, 8GB RAM!
  16. FATAL ERROR [error]Expression : <no expression> [error]Function : CInifile::r_section [error]File : D:\a\xray-monolith\xray-monolith\src\xrCore\Xr_ini.cpp [error]Line : 1214 [error]Description : fatal error [error]Arguments : Can't open section 'lewd_ammo_7.92x33_sp_verybad'. Please attach [*.ini_log] file to your bug report Помогите! Как избавиться от этой напасти?
    [error]Expression    : <no expression>
    [error]Function      : CInifile::r_section
    [error]File          : D:\a\xray-monolith\xray-monolith\src\xrCore\Xr_ini.cpp
    [error]Line          : 1214
    [error]Description   : fatal error
    [error]Arguments     : Can't open section 'lewd_ammo_7.92x33_sp_verybad'. Please attach [*.ini_log] file to your bug report

  18. при использований медикаментов вылетает такая ошибка.Есть ли способ решить неполадок? Expression : <no expression> Function : CObjectAnimator::LoadMotions File : ObjectAnimator.cpp Line : 47 Description : fatal error Arguments : Can't find motion file 'itemuse_anm_effects\apteka.anm'. stack trace:
  19. [24.03.23 04:44:43.408] * Detected CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 2600 Six-Core Processor [AuthenticAMD], F143/M8/S2 [24.03.23 04:44:43.409] * CPU features: RDTSC, MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, MONITOR/MWAIT, SSSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, SSE4a, AVX, AVX2 [24.03.23 04:44:43.409] * CPU cores: [6], threads: [12] [24.03.23 04:44:43.409] * CPU0 current freq: 3400 MHz, max freq: 3400 MHz [24.03.23 04:44:43.409] * CPU1 current freq: 3400 MHz, max freq: 3400 MHz [24.03.23 04:44:43.409] * CPU2 current freq: 3400 MHz, max freq: 3400 MHz [24.03.23 04:44:43.409] * CPU3 current freq: 3400 MHz, max freq: 3400 MHz [24.03.23 04:44:43.409] * CPU4 current freq: 3400 MHz, max freq: 3400 MHz [24.03.23 04:44:43.409] * CPU5 current freq: 3400 MHz, max freq: 3400 MHz [24.03.23 04:44:43.409] * CPU6 current freq: 3400 MHz, max freq: 3400 MHz [24.03.23 04:44:43.409] * CPU7 current freq: 3400 MHz, max freq: 3400 MHz [24.03.23 04:44:43.409] * CPU8 current freq: 3400 MHz, max freq: 3400 MHz [24.03.23 04:44:43.409] * CPU9 current freq: 3400 MHz, max freq: 3400 MHz [24.03.23 04:44:43.409] * CPU10 current freq: 3400 MHz, max freq: 3400 MHz [24.03.23 04:44:43.409] * CPU11 current freq: 3400 MHz, max freq: 3400 MHz [24.03.23 04:44:43.409] Initializing File System... [24.03.23 04:44:43.410] --Found base arch: [c:\games\secret trails\gamedata.db_base_levels_1], size: [1999628137] [24.03.23 04:44:43.418] --Found base arch: [c:\games\secret trails\gamedata.db_base_levels_2], size: [479488706] [24.03.23 04:44:43.420] --Found base arch: [c:\games\secret trails\gamedata.db_base_meshes_1], size: [1993032889] [24.03.23 04:44:43.445] --Found base arch: [c:\games\secret trails\gamedata.db_base_meshes_2], size: [1992805005] [24.03.23 04:44:43.461] --Found base arch: [c:\games\secret trails\gamedata.db_base_meshes_3], size: [716737471] [24.03.23 04:44:43.481] --Found base arch: [c:\games\secret trails\gamedata.db_base_sounds], size: [1178525260] [24.03.23 04:44:43.878] --Found base arch: [c:\games\secret trails\gamedata.db_base_textures_1], size: [1993026780] [24.03.23 04:44:43.914] --Found base arch: [c:\games\secret trails\gamedata.db_base_textures_2], size: [1992962743] [24.03.23 04:44:43.952] --Found base arch: [c:\games\secret trails\gamedata.db_base_textures_3], size: [1992930599] [24.03.23 04:44:44.003] --Found base arch: [c:\games\secret trails\gamedata.db_base_textures_4], size: [1992405187] [24.03.23 04:44:44.051] --Found base arch: [c:\games\secret trails\gamedata.db_base_textures_5], size: [1992711842] [24.03.23 04:44:44.077] --Found base arch: [c:\games\secret trails\gamedata.db_base_textures_6], size: [1997140099] [24.03.23 04:44:44.099] --Found base arch: [c:\games\secret trails\gamedata.db_patch], size: [448162972] [24.03.23 04:44:44.102] using fs-ltx: [fsgame.ltx] [24.03.23 04:44:44.102] --Found FS dir: [c:\games\secret trails\_appdata_\] [24.03.23 04:44:44.102] files: [5] [24.03.23 04:44:44.105] --Found FS dir: [c:\games\secret trails\gamedata\] [24.03.23 04:44:44.105] files: [19] [24.03.23 04:44:44.105] --Found FS dir: [c:\games\secret trails\gamedata\ai\] [24.03.23 04:44:44.105] files: [4] [24.03.23 04:44:44.106] --Found FS dir: [c:\games\secret trails\gamedata\spawns\] [24.03.23 04:44:44.106] files: [3] [24.03.23 04:44:44.106] --Found FS dir: [c:\games\secret trails\gamedata\anims\] [24.03.23 04:44:44.107] files: [166] [24.03.23 04:44:44.117] --Found FS dir: [c:\games\secret trails\gamedata\meshes\] [24.03.23 04:44:44.117] files: [9] [24.03.23 04:44:44.119] --Found FS dir: [c:\games\secret trails\gamedata\meshes\] [24.03.23 04:44:44.119] files: [9] [24.03.23 04:44:44.121] --Found FS dir: [c:\games\secret trails\gamedata\shaders\] [24.03.23 04:44:44.121] files: [7] [24.03.23 04:44:44.127] --Found FS dir: [c:\games\secret trails\gamedata\sounds\] [24.03.23 04:44:44.127] files: [4] [24.03.23 04:44:44.127] --Found FS dir: [c:\games\secret trails\gamedata\textures\] [24.03.23 04:44:44.127] files: [6] [24.03.23 04:44:44.131] --Found FS dir: [c:\games\secret trails\gamedata\scripts\] [24.03.23 04:44:44.131] files: [110] [24.03.23 04:44:44.136] --Found FS dir: [c:\games\secret trails\gamedata\config\] [24.03.23 04:44:44.137] files: [39] [24.03.23 04:44:44.173] --Found FS dir: [c:\games\secret trails\gamedata\config\environment\weathers\] [24.03.23 04:44:44.174] files: [24] [24.03.23 04:44:44.174] --Found FS dir: [c:\games\secret trails\gamedata\config\environment\weather_effects\] [24.03.23 04:44:44.174] files: [4] [24.03.23 04:44:44.174] --Found FS dir: [c:\games\secret trails\_appdata_\savedgames\] [24.03.23 04:44:44.175] files: [73] [24.03.23 04:44:44.175] --Found FS dir: [c:\games\secret trails\_appdata_\logs\] [24.03.23 04:44:44.176] files: [60] [24.03.23 04:44:44.176] FS: 67938 files cached, 0Kb memory used. [24.03.23 04:44:44.176] Init FileSystem 0.766618 sec [24.03.23 04:44:44.177] [OGSR Engine (x64)] build date: [Mar 4 2023 05:04:35] [24.03.23 04:44:44.177] [_MSC_FULL_VER]: [193431937], [_MSVC_LANG]: [202002L] [24.03.23 04:44:44.177] Working Directory: [C:\Games\Secret Trails\bin_x64] [24.03.23 04:44:44.177] CommandLine: ["C:\Games\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe" ] [24.03.23 04:44:44.355] ~~[CVirtualFileReader::CVirtualFileReader] Found empty file: [c:\games\secret trails\gamedata\config\weapons\other\w_gravigun.ltx] [24.03.23 04:44:44.430] Initializing Engine... [24.03.23 04:44:44.432] Starting INPUT device... [24.03.23 04:44:44.445] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [24.03.23 04:44:44.445] [24527MB] physical memory installed, [19358MB] available, [21] percent of memory in use [24.03.23 04:44:44.445] PageFile usage: [101MB], Peak PageFile usage: [101MB] [24.03.23 04:44:44.445] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [24.03.23 04:44:44.445] * [ D3D ]: textures[0 K] [24.03.23 04:44:44.445] * [x-ray]: process heap[0 K], render[0 K] [24.03.23 04:44:44.445] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[39261 K], smem[0 K] [24.03.23 04:44:44.445] SOUND: OpenAL: enumerate devices... [24.03.23 04:44:44.445] SOUND: OpenAL: EnumerationExtension Present [24.03.23 04:44:44.510] devices Generic Software [24.03.23 04:44:44.510] SOUND: OpenAL: system default SndDevice name is Generic Software [24.03.23 04:44:44.774] SOUND: OpenAL: All available devices: [24.03.23 04:44:44.774] 1. Generic Software, Spec Version 1.1 (default) eax[2] efx[no] xram[no] [24.03.23 04:44:44.774] 2. OpenAL Soft, Spec Version 1.1 eax[0] efx[yes] xram[no] [24.03.23 04:44:44.774] Executing config-script "c:\games\secret trails\gamedata\config\default_controls.ltx"... [24.03.23 04:44:44.776] [c:\games\secret trails\gamedata\config\default_controls.ltx] successfully loaded. [24.03.23 04:44:44.776] Executing config-script "user.ltx"... [24.03.23 04:44:44.776] Executing config-script "c:\games\secret trails\gamedata\config\rspec_high.ltx"... [24.03.23 04:44:44.776] [c:\games\secret trails\gamedata\config\rspec_high.ltx] successfully loaded. [24.03.23 04:44:44.776] Executing config-script "c:\games\secret trails\gamedata\config\default_controls.ltx"... [24.03.23 04:44:44.776] [c:\games\secret trails\gamedata\config\default_controls.ltx] successfully loaded. [24.03.23 04:44:44.777] ~ Invalid syntax in call to 'r3_dynamic_wet_surfaces_far' [24.03.23 04:44:44.777] ~ Valid arguments: float value in range [30.00000,100.00000] [24.03.23 04:44:44.777] [c:\games\secret trails\_appdata_\user.ltx] successfully loaded. [24.03.23 04:44:44.778] SOUND: Selected device is OpenAL Soft [24.03.23 04:44:44.794] [OpenAL] EFX: present [24.03.23 04:44:44.794] Loading of [sEnvironment.xr] [24.03.23 04:44:44.794] ~ env id=[0] name=[identity] [24.03.23 04:44:44.794] ~ env id=[1] name=[default] [24.03.23 04:44:44.794] ~ env id=[2] name=[bathroom] [24.03.23 04:44:44.794] ~ env id=[3] name=[mountains] [24.03.23 04:44:44.794] ~ env id=[4] name=[yard] [24.03.23 04:44:44.794] ~ env id=[5] name=[room] [24.03.23 04:44:44.794] ~ env id=[6] name=[plant] [24.03.23 04:44:44.794] ~ env id=[7] name=[long_corridor] [24.03.23 04:44:44.794] ~ env id=[8] name=[open_space] [24.03.23 04:44:44.794] ~ env id=[9] name=[house] [24.03.23 04:44:44.794] ~ env id=[10] name=[forest] [24.03.23 04:44:44.794] ~ env id=[11] name=[underground] [24.03.23 04:44:44.794] ~ env id=[12] name=[hangar] [24.03.23 04:44:44.794] ~ env id=[13] name=[city] [24.03.23 04:44:44.794] ~ env id=[14] name=[underground_small] [24.03.23 04:44:44.794] * sound : cache: 65537 kb, 4856 lines, 13820 bpl [24.03.23 04:44:44.798] Starting RENDER device... [24.03.23 04:44:44.803] * GPU [vendor:1002]-[device:67DF]: Radeon RX 570 Series [24.03.23 04:44:44.841] [CHW::CreateDevice] refCount of [HW.pDevice]: [3] [24.03.23 04:44:44.841] * Texture memory: 8170 M [24.03.23 04:44:44.843] * GPU shading: vs(0/4.0/40), ps(0/4.0/40) [24.03.23 04:44:44.843] * GPU vertex cache: unrecognized, 24 [24.03.23 04:44:44.844] * DVB created: 4096K [24.03.23 04:44:44.845] * DIB created: 512K [24.03.23 04:44:44.862] [CResourceManager::OnDeviceCreate] count of *shaders*.xr files: [2] [24.03.23 04:44:44.863] ! Version conflict in shader 'models\lightplanes_00' [24.03.23 04:44:44.863] ! Version conflict in shader 'models\lightplanesself' [24.03.23 04:44:44.863] ! Version conflict in shader 'models\model_puh' [24.03.23 04:44:44.863] ! Version conflict in shader 'models\model_refl' [24.03.23 04:44:44.863] ! Version conflict in shader 'models\xbrainglass' [24.03.23 04:44:44.863] ! Version conflict in shader 'models\xdistortcolorlinv' [24.03.23 04:44:44.863] ! Version conflict in shader 'models\xglass' [24.03.23 04:44:44.863] ! Version conflict in shader 'models\xglass2' [24.03.23 04:44:44.863] ! Version conflict in shader 'models\xlens' [24.03.23 04:44:44.863] ! Version conflict in shader 'selflight_static' [24.03.23 04:44:44.866] [CTextureDescrMngr::LoadLTX] count of *textures*.ltx files: [1] [24.03.23 04:44:45.026] * HWDST/PCF supported and used [24.03.23 04:44:54.390] [CPSLibrary::LoadAll] count of *particles*.xr files: [2] [24.03.23 04:44:54.390] Load [c:\games\secret trails\gamedata\particles_cop.xr] [24.03.23 04:44:54.390] cop format used for file [c:\games\secret trails\gamedata\particles_cop.xr] [24.03.23 04:44:54.432] Load [c:\games\secret trails\gamedata\particles.xr] [24.03.23 04:44:54.591] ! ParticleEffect [alexmx\ps_00] with empty texture or shader. Cannot create shader for Visual! [24.03.23 04:44:54.591] ! ParticleEffect [alexmx\test1] with empty texture or shader. Cannot create shader for Visual! [24.03.23 04:44:54.591] ! ParticleEffect [alexmx\test1_00] with empty texture or shader. Cannot create shader for Visual! [24.03.23 04:44:54.591] ! ParticleEffect [alexmx\test1_00_old00] with empty texture or shader. Cannot create shader for Visual! [24.03.23 04:44:54.591] ! ParticleEffect [alexmx\test1_old00] with empty texture or shader. Cannot create shader for Visual! [24.03.23 04:44:54.794] ! ParticleEffect [none] with empty texture or shader. Cannot create shader for Visual! [24.03.23 04:44:54.941] --LUA version: [LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta3] [24.03.23 04:44:54.946] !![CObjectFactory::add] Clsid [1095517216] already exists! Script clsid: [zone_mosquito_bald] [24.03.23 04:44:54.946] !![CObjectFactory::add] Script clsid [zone_mosquito_bald] already exists! Clsid: [1095517216] [24.03.23 04:44:54.995] Starting engine... [24.03.23 04:44:55.085] ! Can't find sound [weapons\shell\shell_s_1.ogg] [24.03.23 04:44:55.085] ! Can't find sound [weapons\shell\shell_s_2.ogg] [24.03.23 04:44:55.085] ! Can't find sound [weapons\shell\shell_s_3.ogg] [24.03.23 04:44:55.085] ! Can't find sound [weapons\shell\shell_s_4.ogg] [24.03.23 04:44:55.086] ! Can't find sound [weapons\shell\shell_m_1.ogg] [24.03.23 04:44:55.086] ! Can't find sound [weapons\shell\shell_m_2.ogg] [24.03.23 04:44:55.086] ! Can't find sound [weapons\shell\shell_m_3.ogg] [24.03.23 04:44:55.086] ! Can't find sound [weapons\shell\shell_m_4.ogg] [24.03.23 04:44:55.088] ! Can't find sound [weapons\shell\shell_pl_s_1.ogg] [24.03.23 04:44:55.088] ! Can't find sound [weapons\shell\shell_pl_s_2.ogg] [24.03.23 04:44:55.089] ! Can't find sound [weapons\shell\shell_pl_s_3.ogg] [24.03.23 04:44:55.090] ! Can't find sound [weapons\shell\shell_pl_m_1.ogg] [24.03.23 04:44:55.091] ! Can't find sound [weapons\shell\shell_pl_m_2.ogg] [24.03.23 04:44:55.091] ! Can't find sound [weapons\shell\shell_pl_m_3.ogg] [24.03.23 04:44:56.800] ! Invalid ogg-comment, file: [c:\games\secret trails\gamedata\sounds\ambient\blowout\blowout_boom_01.ogg] [24.03.23 04:44:56.800] ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: [c:\games\secret trails\gamedata\sounds\ambient\blowout\blowout_boom_01.ogg] [24.03.23 04:44:56.800] ! Invalid ogg-comment, file: [c:\games\secret trails\gamedata\sounds\ambient\blowout\blowout_boom_02.ogg] [24.03.23 04:44:56.800] ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: [c:\games\secret trails\gamedata\sounds\ambient\blowout\blowout_boom_02.ogg] [24.03.23 04:44:56.811] ! Invalid ogg-comment, file: [c:\games\secret trails\gamedata\sounds\ambient\blowout\blowout_lightning_01.ogg] [24.03.23 04:44:56.811] ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: [c:\games\secret trails\gamedata\sounds\ambient\blowout\blowout_lightning_01.ogg] [24.03.23 04:44:56.814] ! Invalid ogg-comment, file: [c:\games\secret trails\gamedata\sounds\ambient\blowout\blowout_lightning_02.ogg] [24.03.23 04:44:56.814] ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: [c:\games\secret trails\gamedata\sounds\ambient\blowout\blowout_lightning_02.ogg] [24.03.23 04:44:56.818] ! Invalid ogg-comment, file: [c:\games\secret trails\gamedata\sounds\ambient\blowout\blowout_lightning_03.ogg] [24.03.23 04:44:56.818] ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: [c:\games\secret trails\gamedata\sounds\ambient\blowout\blowout_lightning_03.ogg] [24.03.23 04:44:56.826] ! Invalid ogg-comment, file: [c:\games\secret trails\gamedata\sounds\ambient\blowout\blowout_lightning_04.ogg] [24.03.23 04:44:56.826] ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: [c:\games\secret trails\gamedata\sounds\ambient\blowout\blowout_lightning_04.ogg] [24.03.23 04:44:56.834] ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: [c:\games\secret trails\gamedata\sounds\ambient\blowout\blowout_lightning_05.ogg] [24.03.23 04:51:26.983] [rescan_physical_path] files count before: [67938] [24.03.23 04:51:26.983] [rescan_physical_path] files count before2: [67866] [24.03.23 04:51:26.988] [rescan_physical_path] files count after: [67938] [24.03.23 04:51:26.989] ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: [c:\games\secret trails\gamedata\sounds\mod\mainmenu_button_sound.ogg] [24.03.23 04:51:27.929] ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: [c:\games\secret trails\gamedata\sounds\mod\mainmenu_button_cancel_sound.ogg] [24.03.23 04:51:29.074] !![IReaderBase<class IReader>::find_chunk] chunk [15] has invalid size [1283], return elapsed size [1151] [24.03.23 04:51:29.311] * phase time: 0 ms [24.03.23 04:51:29.311] * phase cmem: 0 K [24.03.23 04:51:29.377] --LUA version: [LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta3] [24.03.23 04:51:29.382] !![CObjectFactory::add] Clsid [1095517216] already exists! Script clsid: [zone_mosquito_bald] [24.03.23 04:51:29.382] !![CObjectFactory::add] Script clsid [zone_mosquito_bald] already exists! Clsid: [1095517216] [24.03.23 04:51:29.401] * phase time: 89 ms [24.03.23 04:51:29.401] * phase cmem: 0 K [24.03.23 04:51:29.406] * Loading spawn registry... [24.03.23 04:51:29.766] * 7741 spawn points are successfully loaded [24.03.23 04:51:29.766] * Loading objects... [24.03.23 04:51:29.996] * 12989 objects are successfully loaded [24.03.23 04:51:30.042] ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: [c:\games\secret trails\gamedata\sounds\interface\item_usage\gasmask_swipe.ogg] [24.03.23 04:51:30.046] ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: [c:\games\secret trails\gamedata\sounds\interface\nv_start.ogg] [24.03.23 04:51:30.046] ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: [c:\games\secret trails\gamedata\sounds\interface\nv_off.ogg] [24.03.23 04:51:30.051] [ogse_unist]: new game detected, clear all [24.03.23 04:51:30.055] ! Missing ogg-comment, file: [c:\games\secret trails\gamedata\sounds\detectors\geiger_1.ogg] [24.03.23 04:51:30.055] ! Missing ogg-comment, file: [c:\games\secret trails\gamedata\sounds\detectors\geiger_2.ogg] [24.03.23 04:51:30.055] ! Missing ogg-comment, file: [c:\games\secret trails\gamedata\sounds\detectors\geiger_4.ogg] [24.03.23 04:51:30.055] ! Missing ogg-comment, file: [c:\games\secret trails\gamedata\sounds\detectors\geiger_5.ogg] [24.03.23 04:51:30.055] ! Missing ogg-comment, file: [c:\games\secret trails\gamedata\sounds\detectors\geiger_6.ogg] [24.03.23 04:51:30.192] * 3616 script vars are successfully loaded [24.03.23 04:51:30.575] * Game Андрей_quicksave_7 is successfully loaded from file 'c:\games\secret trails\_appdata_\savedgames\Андрей_quicksave_7.sav' (1.174s) [24.03.23 04:51:30.575] * phase time: 1174 ms [24.03.23 04:51:30.575] * phase cmem: 0 K [24.03.23 04:51:30.679] # Player not found. New player created. [24.03.23 04:51:30.679] * client : connection accepted - <> [24.03.23 04:51:30.696] * phase time: 120 ms [24.03.23 04:51:30.696] * phase cmem: 0 K [24.03.23 04:51:30.717] * phase time: 21 ms [24.03.23 04:51:30.717] * phase cmem: 0 K [24.03.23 04:51:32.862] --[ISpatial_DB::initialize] bbc is [289.1, -6.7, -73.7], bbd is [425.3, 65.0, 427.2] [24.03.23 04:51:32.862] --[ISpatial_DB::initialize] bbc is [289.1, -6.7, -73.7], bbd is [425.3, 65.0, 427.2] [24.03.23 04:51:32.874] * phase time: 2156 ms [24.03.23 04:51:32.874] * phase cmem: 0 K [24.03.23 04:51:36.149] * phase time: 3275 ms [24.03.23 04:51:36.149] * phase cmem: 0 K [24.03.23 04:51:36.149] * [Loading VB] 65531 verts, 2047 Kb [24.03.23 04:51:36.151] * [Loading VB] 65532 verts, 2047 Kb [24.03.23 04:51:36.153] * [Loading VB] 65528 verts, 2047 Kb [24.03.23 04:51:36.154] * [Loading VB] 65531 verts, 2047 Kb [24.03.23 04:51:36.155] * [Loading VB] 63192 verts, 1974 Kb [24.03.23 04:51:36.156] * [Loading VB] 65529 verts, 2047 Kb [24.03.23 04:51:36.157] * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb [24.03.23 04:51:36.158] * [Loading VB] 65513 verts, 2047 Kb [24.03.23 04:51:36.159] * [Loading VB] 65532 verts, 2047 Kb [24.03.23 04:51:36.160] * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb [24.03.23 04:51:36.161] * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb [24.03.23 04:51:36.162] * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb [24.03.23 04:51:36.163] * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb [24.03.23 04:51:36.164] * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb [24.03.23 04:51:36.165] * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb [24.03.23 04:51:36.166] * [Loading VB] 59020 verts, 1844 Kb [24.03.23 04:51:36.167] * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb [24.03.23 04:51:36.168] * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb [24.03.23 04:51:36.169] * [Loading VB] 55313 verts, 1728 Kb [24.03.23 04:51:36.170] * [Loading VB] 95 verts, 2 Kb [24.03.23 04:51:36.170] * [Loading VB] 65489 verts, 2046 Kb [24.03.23 04:51:36.171] * [Loading VB] 7324 verts, 228 Kb [24.03.23 04:51:36.171] * [Loading VB] 50 verts, 1 Kb [24.03.23 04:51:36.171] * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb [24.03.23 04:51:36.172] * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb [24.03.23 04:51:36.173] * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb [24.03.23 04:51:36.174] * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb [24.03.23 04:51:36.175] * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb [24.03.23 04:51:36.176] * [Loading IB] 1048572 indices, 2047 Kb [24.03.23 04:51:36.177] * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb [24.03.23 04:51:36.178] * [Loading IB] 1048572 indices, 2047 Kb [24.03.23 04:51:36.179] * [Loading IB] 1048572 indices, 2047 Kb [24.03.23 04:51:36.180] * [Loading IB] 1048572 indices, 2047 Kb [24.03.23 04:51:36.181] * [Loading IB] 471765 indices, 921 Kb [24.03.23 04:51:36.182] * [Loading IB] 1048554 indices, 2047 Kb [24.03.23 04:51:36.183] * [Loading IB] 324144 indices, 633 Kb [24.03.23 04:51:36.184] * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb [24.03.23 04:51:36.184] * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 767 Kb [24.03.23 04:51:36.185] * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 767 Kb [24.03.23 04:51:36.185] * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb [24.03.23 04:51:36.186] * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb [24.03.23 04:51:36.186] * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb [24.03.23 04:51:36.187] * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 767 Kb [24.03.23 04:51:36.187] * [Loading VB] 22357 verts, 261 Kb [24.03.23 04:51:36.187] * [Loading VB] 65498 verts, 767 Kb [24.03.23 04:51:36.188] * [Loading VB] 2917 verts, 34 Kb [24.03.23 04:51:36.188] * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb [24.03.23 04:51:36.189] * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb [24.03.23 04:51:36.190] * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb [24.03.23 04:51:36.191] * [Loading IB] 561030 indices, 1095 Kb [24.03.23 04:51:36.191] * [Loading IB] 1048524 indices, 2047 Kb [24.03.23 04:51:36.192] * [Loading IB] 1048515 indices, 2047 Kb [24.03.23 04:51:36.193] * [Loading IB] 1046187 indices, 2043 Kb [24.03.23 04:51:36.194] * [Loading IB] 349224 indices, 682 Kb [24.03.23 04:51:36.195] * phase time: 45 ms [24.03.23 04:51:36.195] * phase cmem: 0 K [24.03.23 04:51:36.211] * phase time: 16 ms [24.03.23 04:51:36.211] * phase cmem: 0 K [24.03.23 04:51:36.282] * [DETAILS] VertexConsts(256), Batch(61) [24.03.23 04:51:36.282] * [DETAILS] 40687 v(20), 26352 p [24.03.23 04:51:36.282] * [DETAILS] Batch(61), VB(794K), IB(154K) [24.03.23 04:51:36.334] * phase time: 123 ms [24.03.23 04:51:36.334] * phase cmem: 0 K [24.03.23 04:51:36.335] * Loading HOM: c:\games\secret trails\gamedata\levels\l10_radar\level.hom [24.03.23 04:51:36.376] * phase time: 42 ms [24.03.23 04:51:36.376] * phase cmem: 0 K [24.03.23 04:51:36.396] * phase time: 19 ms [24.03.23 04:51:36.396] * phase cmem: 0 K [24.03.23 04:51:36.422] - Game configuring : Started [24.03.23 04:51:36.422] - Loading music tracks from 'l10_radar_musics'... [24.03.23 04:51:36.429] - Game configuring : Finished [24.03.23 04:51:36.576] * phase time: 179 ms [24.03.23 04:51:36.576] * phase cmem: 0 K [24.03.23 04:51:36.576] CResourceManager::DeferredUpload [NO MT] -> START, size = [2257] [24.03.23 04:51:36.753] ! Fallback to default bump map: build_details_bump [24.03.23 04:51:36.753] ! Fallback to default bump map: build_details_bump# [24.03.23 04:51:37.394] ! Can't find texture 'fozest\fire_spark_04' [24.03.23 04:51:37.394] ! Can't find texture 'fozest\small_fire_looped10x4' [24.03.23 04:51:37.394] ! Can't find texture 'fozest\small_fire_looped10x4_dist' [24.03.23 04:51:37.394] ! Can't find texture 'fozest\smoke02' [24.03.23 04:51:38.256] ! Can't find texture 'pfx\pfx_yawm_flake_grid' [24.03.23 04:51:38.256] ! Can't find texture 'pfx\pfx_yawm_snowflakes_light' [24.03.23 04:51:38.256] ! Can't find texture 'pfx\pfx_yawm_snowflakes_light_02' [24.03.23 04:52:08.668] ! Can't find texture 'terrain\terrain_radar_2_puddles_mask' [24.03.23 04:52:09.042] ! Can't find texture 'unrealengine\explosions_new\expl_air_01_var1' [24.03.23 04:52:09.043] ! Can't find texture 'unrealengine\explosions_new\expl_air_02_var1' [24.03.23 04:52:09.043] ! Can't find texture 'unrealengine\explosions_new\expl_air_03_var1' [24.03.23 04:52:09.426] CResourceManager::DeferredUpload -> END [24.03.23 04:52:09.427] * t-report - base: 2247, 2934506 K [24.03.23 04:52:09.427] * t-report - lmap: 10, 10241 K [24.03.23 04:52:09.427] * phase time: 32851 ms [24.03.23 04:52:09.427] * phase cmem: 0 K [24.03.23 04:52:09.464] * phase time: 36 ms [24.03.23 04:52:09.464] * phase cmem: 0 K [24.03.23 04:52:09.479] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [24.03.23 04:52:09.479] [24527MB] physical memory installed, [18194MB] available, [25] percent of memory in use [24.03.23 04:52:09.479] PageFile usage: [10155MB], Peak PageFile usage: [10155MB] [24.03.23 04:52:09.479] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [24.03.23 04:52:09.479] * [ D3D ]: textures[2944747 K] [24.03.23 04:52:09.479] * [x-ray]: process heap[0 K], render[0 K] [24.03.23 04:52:09.479] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[40927 K], smem[19677 K] [24.03.23 04:52:10.529] [ogse_signals]: signal 'on_init' is too slow: 36808 [24.03.23 04:52:10.529] [ogse_signals]: 31471, @c:\games\secret trails\gamedata\scripts\dsh\dsh_cop_weather.script [24.03.23 04:52:10.540] [treasure_manager]: 55 treasures loaded (active/done): 52/55 [24.03.23 04:52:10.542] [task_manager]: 39 tasks loaded: 0 active [24.03.23 04:52:10.542] [ogse_st_mgr]: ogse_st_mgr.delayed_fun_start: 1 timers loaded [24.03.23 04:52:10.542] [ogse_st_mgr]: 1 all timers loaded [24.03.23 04:52:10.542] [dsh_cop_weather]: DynamicForecast: default loaded: 16 items [24.03.23 04:52:10.543] [dsh_cop_weather]: StaticForecast: default loaded: 42 items [24.03.23 04:52:10.669] [ogse_signals]: signal 'on_before_spawn' is too slow: 125676 [24.03.23 04:52:10.669] [ogse_signals]: 125660, @c:\games\secret trails\gamedata\scripts\sak_off_corpses.script [24.03.23 04:52:10.706] [dsh_alife]: 12989/1006 items collected: 18158 [24.03.23 04:52:10.706] [dsh_alife]: 0: 145 items [24.03.23 04:52:10.706] [dsh_alife]: 65535: 8588 items [24.03.23 04:52:10.733] [amk_anoms]: artefacts randomized, time spent = 8912 [24.03.23 04:52:10.733] [amk_anoms]: randomize_anoms() paused: 23423.576171875 [24.03.23 04:52:11.177] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_light_time' in 'amk_zone_gravi_zone_strong' [24.03.23 04:52:11.177] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_explosion_time' in 'amk_zone_gravi_zone_strong' [24.03.23 04:52:11.181] ! Can't find sound [anomaly\fireball_hit.ogg] [24.03.23 04:52:11.183] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_light_time' in 'amk_zone_gravi_zone_average' [24.03.23 04:52:11.183] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_explosion_time' in 'amk_zone_gravi_zone_average' [24.03.23 04:52:11.184] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_light_time' in 'amk_zone_gravi_zone_average' [24.03.23 04:52:11.184] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_explosion_time' in 'amk_zone_gravi_zone_average' [24.03.23 04:52:11.187] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_light_time' in 'amk_zone_gravi_zone_average' [24.03.23 04:52:11.187] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_explosion_time' in 'amk_zone_gravi_zone_average' [24.03.23 04:52:11.189] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_light_time' in 'amk_zone_gravi_zone_average' [24.03.23 04:52:11.189] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_explosion_time' in 'amk_zone_gravi_zone_average' [24.03.23 04:52:11.268] ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: [c:\games\secret trails\gamedata\sounds\characters_voice\human_01\dolg\fight\backup\backup_4.ogg] [24.03.23 04:52:11.432] ! Can't find texture 'wpn\groza\pbs' [24.03.23 04:52:11.493] ! Can't find sound [weapons\firemode_switch.ogg] [24.03.23 04:52:11.493] ! Can't find sound [weapons\zoom_change.ogg] [24.03.23 04:52:11.493] ! Can't find sound [weapons\vss\vss_firemode.ogg] [24.03.23 04:52:11.496] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_light_time' in 'amk_zone_gravi_zone_average' [24.03.23 04:52:11.496] ! ERROR: invalid 'blowout_explosion_time' in 'amk_zone_gravi_zone_average' [24.03.23 04:52:11.791] ! [CGameObject::net_Spawn]: visual_name[food\conserv1] not found in bar_conserva, keep original huds\world\conserva.ogf instead [24.03.23 04:52:11.797] ! [CGameObject::net_Spawn]: visual_name[dynamics\weapons\bred\bred] not found in bar_bread_0000, keep original huds\world\bread.ogf instead [24.03.23 04:52:11.816] ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\wpn_knifm_bump# [24.03.23 04:52:11.854] ! Missing ogg-comment, file: [c:\games\secret trails\gamedata\sounds\detectors\geiger_3.ogg] [24.03.23 04:52:12.249] ! Can't find sound [weapons\_sd\mono\939\tail_sd_1.ogg] [24.03.23 04:52:12.250] ! Can't find sound [weapons\_sd\mono\tail\939\tail_sd_2.ogg] [24.03.23 04:52:12.250] ! Can't find sound [weapons\_sd\mono\939\tail_sd_3.ogg] [24.03.23 04:52:12.250] ! Can't find sound [weapons\_sd\mono\939\tail_sd_4.ogg] [24.03.23 04:52:12.425] ! Can't find texture 'hud\hud_keydoor' [24.03.23 04:52:12.635] ! Invalid ogg-comment, file: [c:\games\secret trails\gamedata\sounds\anomaly\bfuzz_blowout.ogg] [24.03.23 04:52:12.635] ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: [c:\games\secret trails\gamedata\sounds\anomaly\bfuzz_blowout.ogg] [24.03.23 04:52:13.239] ! [CSpaceRestrictor::net_Spawn]: respawn has no shapes [24.03.23 04:52:13.239] ! [CSpaceRestrictor::net_Spawn]: respawn has no shapes [24.03.23 04:52:13.239] ! [CSpaceRestrictor::net_Spawn]: respawn has no shapes [24.03.23 04:52:13.240] ! [CSpaceRestrictor::net_Spawn]: respawn has no shapes [24.03.23 04:52:13.240] ! [CSpaceRestrictor::net_Spawn]: respawn has no shapes [24.03.23 04:52:13.240] ! [CSpaceRestrictor::net_Spawn]: respawn has no shapes [24.03.23 04:52:13.240] ! [CSpaceRestrictor::net_Spawn]: respawn has no shapes [24.03.23 04:52:13.240] ! [CSpaceRestrictor::net_Spawn]: respawn has no shapes [24.03.23 04:52:13.241] ! [CSpaceRestrictor::net_Spawn]: respawn has no shapes [24.03.23 04:52:13.241] ! [CSpaceRestrictor::net_Spawn]: respawn has no shapes [24.03.23 04:52:13.241] ! [CSpaceRestrictor::net_Spawn]: respawn has no shapes [24.03.23 04:52:13.241] ! [CSpaceRestrictor::net_Spawn]: respawn has no shapes [24.03.23 04:52:13.242] ! [CSpaceRestrictor::net_Spawn]: respawn has no shapes [24.03.23 04:52:14.441] !![IReaderBase<class IReader>::find_chunk] chunk [19] has invalid size [85], return elapsed size [81] [24.03.23 04:52:14.526] ! Fallback to default bump map: act\arm_exo\act_arm_exo_bump# [24.03.23 04:52:14.526] ! Fallback to default bump map: act\arm_exo\act_arm_exo_bump [24.03.23 04:52:14.597] ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\wpn_scope_pso_1m2-1_lens_bump# [24.03.23 04:52:15.168] ! Invalid ogg-comment, file: [c:\games\secret trails\gamedata\sounds\weapons\_sd\mono\545\sd_close_3.ogg] [24.03.23 04:52:15.168] ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: [c:\games\secret trails\gamedata\sounds\weapons\_sd\mono\545\sd_close_3.ogg] [24.03.23 04:52:15.271] ! Can't find texture 'prop\prop_lock_1' [24.03.23 04:52:15.505] ! Can't find sound [wpn_k98_snd_shoot.ogg] [24.03.23 04:52:15.600] ! Can't find texture 'wpn\wpn_addon_scope_1pn93-4' [24.03.23 04:52:15.601] ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\wpn_addon_scope_1pn93-4_bump# [24.03.23 04:52:15.601] ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\wpn_addon_scope_1pn93-4_bump [24.03.23 04:52:15.947] [dsh_cop_weather]: restore time_factor: 0 -> 5 [24.03.23 04:52:15.947] [dsh_cop_weather]: time diff on first update is -0 [24.03.23 04:52:15.949] [dsh_alife]: invalidate all items [24.03.23 04:52:15.983] ! Can't find texture 'wpn\wpn_addon_scope_po4x34' [24.03.23 04:52:15.983] ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\wpn_addon_scope_po4x34_bump# [24.03.23 04:52:15.983] ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\wpn_addon_scope_po4x34_bump [24.03.23 04:52:16.070] ! Can't find texture 'silencer\silencer_tgpa' [24.03.23 04:52:16.180] ! Can't find texture 'ammo\ammo_9x39' [24.03.23 04:52:16.181] ! Can't find texture 'ammo\ammo_5x45' [24.03.23 04:52:17.010] ! Can't find texture 'wpn\wpn_bullet1_545' [24.03.23 04:52:17.010] ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\wpn_bullet1_545_bump# [24.03.23 04:52:17.010] ! Fallback to default bump map: wpn\wpn_bullet1_545_bump [24.03.23 04:52:17.292] ! [CGameObject::net_Spawn]: changed visual_name[monsters\krovosos\krovosos_strong] found in super_krovosos, keep original monsters\krovosos\krovosos instead [24.03.23 04:52:18.116] ! Cannot find saved game ~#i#:wm:!weapon_manager: not registered weapon type '12' in [wpn_rpg7]!!! [24.03.23 04:52:18.116] ! Cannot find saved game ~#i#:wm:!weapon_manager: not registered weapon type '11' in [wpn_svd_m1]!!! [24.03.23 04:52:18.422] * MEMORY USAGE: 0 K [24.03.23 04:52:18.422] * End of synchronization A[1] R[1] [24.03.23 04:52:18.422] * phase time: 8995 ms [24.03.23 04:52:18.422] * phase cmem: 0 K [24.03.23 04:52:25.530] treasure use start [24.03.23 04:52:25.536] treasure number: [3] [24.03.23 04:52:25.537] stack traceback: c:\games\secret trails\gamedata\scripts\_g.script:2299: in function 'abort' c:\games\secret trails\gamedata\scripts\_g.script:2546: in function 'ASSERT' c:\games\secret trails\gamedata\scripts\_g.script:2579: in function 'get_string' ...s\secret trails\gamedata\scripts\treasure_manager.script:628: in function 'give_item_list' ...s\secret trails\gamedata\scripts\treasure_manager.script:473: in function 'give_treasure' ...s\secret trails\gamedata\scripts\treasure_manager.script:429: in function 'use' ...es\secret trails\gamedata\scripts\xr\xr_motivator.script:293: in function <...es\secret trails\gamedata\scripts\xr\xr_motivator.script:284> [24.03.23 04:52:25.537] get_string: section ''nil'' doesn't exist, param = 'class' [24.03.23 04:52:25.537] ! Unknown command: flush [24.03.23 04:52:25.537] ***************************[ScriptCrashHandler]********************************** [24.03.23 04:52:25.537] stack traceback: [C]: in function 'fail' c:\games\secret trails\gamedata\scripts\_g.script:2302: in function 'abort' c:\games\secret trails\gamedata\scripts\_g.script:2546: in function 'ASSERT' c:\games\secret trails\gamedata\scripts\_g.script:2579: in function 'get_string' ...s\secret trails\gamedata\scripts\treasure_manager.script:628: in function 'give_item_list' ...s\secret trails\gamedata\scripts\treasure_manager.script:473: in function 'give_treasure' ...s\secret trails\gamedata\scripts\treasure_manager.script:429: in function 'use' ...es\secret trails\gamedata\scripts\xr\xr_motivator.script:293: in function <...es\secret trails\gamedata\scripts\xr\xr_motivator.script:284> [24.03.23 04:52:25.537] ********************************************************************************* [24.03.23 04:52:25.537] ******************************************************************************** [24.03.23 04:52:25.537] !![LogStackTrace] Thread: [X-RAY Primary thread], ExceptionCode: [c0000005] [24.03.23 04:52:25.724] [luabind::detail::free_functions::function_dispatcher] stack trace: Module: [C:\WINDOWS\System32\ucrtbase.dll], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FFE70716CBC], Fun: [strnlen()] + [60 byte(s)] Module: [C:\WINDOWS\System32\ucrtbase.dll], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FFE70702437], Fun: [strtol()] + [167 byte(s)] Module: [C:\WINDOWS\System32\ucrtbase.dll], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FFE7070114A], Fun: [wcstol()] + [1658 byte(s)] Module: [C:\WINDOWS\System32\ucrtbase.dll], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FFE70700D9E], Fun: [wcstol()] + [718 byte(s)] Module: [C:\WINDOWS\System32\ucrtbase.dll], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FFE70700BFB], Fun: [wcstol()] + [299 byte(s)] Module: [C:\Games\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF6D1136EF0], Fun: [Msg()] + [88 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\xrCore\log.cpp-->128] + [43 byte(s)] Module: [C:\Games\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF6D16FE48D], Fun: [msg_and_fail()] + [9 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\COMMON_AI\script_engine_script.cpp-->74] Module: [C:\Games\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF6D1361281], Fun: [luabind::detail::free_functions::call<void,char const *>()] + [53 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\Luabind\luabind\function.hpp-->215] + [32 byte(s)] Module: [C:\Games\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF6D18A038B], Fun: [luabind::detail::free_functions::function_dispatcher()] + [231 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\Luabind\src\function.cpp-->138] + [13 byte(s)] Module: [C:\Games\Secret Trails\bin_x64\LuaJIT.dll], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FFE533854D0], Fun: [lj_BC_FUNCC()] + [66 byte(s)] Module: [C:\Games\Secret Trails\bin_x64\LuaJIT.dll], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FFE5338F24A], Fun: [lua_pcall()] + [170 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\LuaJIT\src\lj_api.c-->1144] Module: [C:\Games\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF6D189F7C8], Fun: [luabind::detail::pcall()] + [100 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\Luabind\src\pcall.cpp-->40] + [17 byte(s)] Module: [C:\Games\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF6D140590B], Fun: [luabind::detail::proxy_functor_void_caller<luabind::object const *,CScriptGameObject * const *,CScriptGameObject * const *>::~proxy_functor_void_caller<luabind::object const *,CScriptGameObject * const *,CScriptGameObject * const *>()] + [135 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\Luabind\luabind\functor.hpp-->292] + [15 byte(s)] Module: [C:\Games\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF6D14057AB], Fun: [CUsableScriptObject::use()] + [291 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\xrGame\UsableScriptObject.cpp-->24] + [97 byte(s)] Module: [C:\Games\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF6D1558F9A], Fun: [CActor::ActorUse()] + [386 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\xrGame\ActorInput.cpp-->431] Module: [C:\Games\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF6D155859D], Fun: [CActor::IR_OnKeyboardPress()] + [1877 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\xrGame\ActorInput.cpp-->134] + [12 byte(s)] Module: [C:\Games\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF6D14E3198], Fun: [CLevel::IR_OnKeyboardPress()] + [944 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\xrGame\Level_input.cpp-->373] + [16 byte(s)] Module: [C:\Games\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF6D10E204D], Fun: [CInput::KeyUpdate()] + [273 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\xr_3da\Xr_input.cpp-->181] Module: [C:\Games\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF6D10E29C8], Fun: [CInput::OnFrame()] + [120 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\xr_3da\Xr_input.cpp-->506] Module: [C:\Games\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF6D11174A3], Fun: [CRegistrator<pureFrame>::Process()] + [87 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\xr_3da\pure.h-->109] Module: [C:\Games\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF6D1116F2F], Fun: [CRenderDevice::FrameMove()] + [387 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\xr_3da\device.cpp-->413] Module: [C:\Games\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF6D11160D1], Fun: [CRenderDevice::on_idle()] + [233 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\xr_3da\device.cpp-->185] Module: [C:\Games\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF6D1116C1B], Fun: [CRenderDevice::Run()] + [575 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\xr_3da\device.cpp-->351] + [85 byte(s)] Module: [C:\Games\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF6D10DFF8A], Fun: [Startup()] + [1366 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\xr_3da\x_ray.cpp-->205] Module: [C:\Games\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF6D10E05ED], Fun: [WinMain_impl()] + [509 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\xr_3da\x_ray.cpp-->409] Module: [C:\Games\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF6D10E077F], Fun: [WinMain()] + [335 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\xr_3da\x_ray.cpp-->430] Module: [C:\Games\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF6D18DA68E], Fun: [__scrt_common_main_seh()] + [262 byte(s)], File-->Line: [D:\a\_work\1\s\src\vctools\crt\vcstartup\src\startup\exe_common.inl-->288] + [33 byte(s)] Module: [C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNEL32.DLL], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FFE726E7614], Fun: [BaseThreadInitThunk()] + [20 byte(s)] Module: [C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FFE72B826A1], Fun: [RtlUserThreadStart()] + [33 byte(s)] [24.03.23 04:52:25.724] ******************************************************************************** [24.03.23 04:52:25.724] ********************************************************************************* [24.03.23 04:52:25.724] [print_output([CScriptEngine::lua_pcall_failed])] SCRIPT RUNTIME ERROR: [luabind::detail::free_functions::function_dispatcher] Caught unhandled exception! stack traceback: [C]: at 0x7ff6d14b9158 [C]: in function 'fail' c:\games\secret trails\gamedata\scripts\_g.script:2302: in function 'abort' c:\games\secret trails\gamedata\scripts\_g.script:2546: in function 'ASSERT' c:\games\secret trails\gamedata\scripts\_g.script:2579: in function 'get_string' ...s\secret trails\gamedata\scripts\treasure_manager.script:628: in function 'give_item_list' ...s\secret trails\gamedata\scripts\treasure_manager.script:473: in function 'give_treasure' ...s\secret trails\gamedata\scripts\treasure_manager.script:429: in function 'use' ...es\secret trails\gamedata\scripts\xr\xr_motivator.script:293: in function <...es\secret trails\gamedata\scripts\xr\xr_motivator.script:284> [24.03.23 04:52:25.724] ********************************************************************************* [24.03.23 04:52:25.724] FATAL ERROR [error]Expression : FATAL ERROR [error]Function : CScriptEngine::lua_pcall_failed [error]File : C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\COMMON_AI\script_engine.cpp [error]Line : 46 [error]Description : [CScriptEngine::lua_pcall_failed]: [luabind::detail::free_functions::function_dispatcher] Caught unhandled exception! [24.03.23 04:52:25.724] ***************************[ScriptCrashHandler]********************************** [24.03.23 04:52:25.724] stack traceback: [C]: at 0x7ff6d14b9158 [C]: in function 'fail' c:\games\secret trails\gamedata\scripts\_g.script:2302: in function 'abort' c:\games\secret trails\gamedata\scripts\_g.script:2546: in function 'ASSERT' c:\games\secret trails\gamedata\scripts\_g.script:2579: in function 'get_string' ...s\secret trails\gamedata\scripts\treasure_manager.script:628: in function 'give_item_list' ...s\secret trails\gamedata\scripts\treasure_manager.script:473: in function 'give_treasure' ...s\secret trails\gamedata\scripts\treasure_manager.script:429: in function 'use' ...es\secret trails\gamedata\scripts\xr\xr_motivator.script:293: in function <...es\secret trails\gamedata\scripts\xr\xr_motivator.script:284> [24.03.23 04:52:25.724] Locals: [24.03.23 04:52:25.724] string (*temporary) : [luabind::detail::free_functions::function_dispatcher] Caught unhandled exception! [24.03.23 04:52:25.724] End [24.03.23 04:52:25.724] Locals: [24.03.23 04:52:25.724] string (*temporary) : get_string: section '%s' doesn't exist, param = %s [24.03.23 04:52:25.724] End [24.03.23 04:52:25.725] Locals: [24.03.23 04:52:25.725] string fmt : get_string: section '%s' doesn't exist, param = %s [24.03.23 04:52:25.725] End [24.03.23 04:52:25.725] Locals: [24.03.23 04:52:25.725] boolean cond : false [24.03.23 04:52:25.725] End [24.03.23 04:52:25.725] Locals: [24.03.23 04:52:25.725] string section : nil [24.03.23 04:52:25.725] string param : class [24.03.23 04:52:25.725] nil def_val : [not available] [24.03.23 04:52:25.725] nil ini_file : [not available] [24.03.23 04:52:25.725] userdata ini : (ini_file): 00000496FABB54C0 [24.03.23 04:52:25.725] End [24.03.23 04:52:25.725] Locals: [24.03.23 04:52:25.725] Userdata: self [24.03.23 04:52:25.725] Table: self.treasure_by_target [24.03.23 04:52:25.725] string self.treasure_by_target.5049 : gar_secret_rucksack_ruins [24.03.23 04:52:25.725] Can't dump script call stack - Engine corrupted [24.03.23 04:52:25.725] ******************************************************************************** [24.03.23 04:52:25.725] !![LogStackTrace] Thread: [X-RAY Primary thread] [24.03.23 04:52:25.904] !!stack trace: ! Module: [C:\Games\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF6D114E165], Fun: [BuildStackTrace()] + [41 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\xrCore\stacktrace_collector.cpp-->154] ! Module: [C:\Games\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF6D11392C6], Fun: [LogStackTrace()] + [62 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\xrCore\xrDebugNew.cpp-->74] + [10 byte(s)] ! Module: [C:\Games\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF6D113975A], Fun: [xrDebug::backend()] + [670 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\xrCore\xrDebugNew.cpp-->182] + [498 byte(s)] ! Module: [C:\Games\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF6D11399DB], Fun: [xrDebug::fatal()] + [123 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\xrCore\xrDebugNew.cpp-->247] ! Module: [C:\Games\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF6D14B91D1], Fun: [CScriptEngine::lua_pcall_failed()] + [121 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\COMMON_AI\script_engine.cpp-->47] ! Module: [C:\Games\Secret Trails\bin_x64\LuaJIT.dll], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FFE533854D0], Fun: [lj_BC_FUNCC()] + [66 byte(s)] ! Module: [C:\Games\Secret Trails\bin_x64\LuaJIT.dll], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FFE533C357C], Fun: [lj_err_run()] + [380 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\LuaJIT\src\lj_err.c-->849] + [33 byte(s)] ! Module: [C:\Games\Secret Trails\bin_x64\LuaJIT.dll], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FFE533C3A19], Fun: [lua_error()] + [9 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\LuaJIT\src\lj_err.c-->1061] + [5 byte(s)] ! Module: [C:\Games\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF6D18A03B1], Fun: [luabind::detail::free_functions::function_dispatcher()] + [269 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\Luabind\src\function.cpp-->147] ! Module: [C:\Games\Secret Trails\bin_x64\LuaJIT.dll], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FFE533854D0], Fun: [lj_BC_FUNCC()] + [66 byte(s)] ! Module: [C:\Games\Secret Trails\bin_x64\LuaJIT.dll], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FFE5338F24A], Fun: [lua_pcall()] + [170 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\LuaJIT\src\lj_api.c-->1144] ! Module: [C:\Games\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF6D189F7C8], Fun: [luabind::detail::pcall()] + [100 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\Luabind\src\pcall.cpp-->40] + [17 byte(s)] ! Module: [C:\Games\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF6D140590B], Fun: [luabind::detail::proxy_functor_void_caller<luabind::object const *,CScriptGameObject * const *,CScriptGameObject * const *>::~proxy_functor_void_caller<luabind::object const *,CScriptGameObject * const *,CScriptGameObject * const *>()] + [135 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\Luabind\luabind\functor.hpp-->292] + [15 byte(s)] ! Module: [C:\Games\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF6D14057AB], Fun: [CUsableScriptObject::use()] + [291 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\xrGame\UsableScriptObject.cpp-->24] + [97 byte(s)] ! Module: [C:\Games\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF6D1558F9A], Fun: [CActor::ActorUse()] + [386 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\xrGame\ActorInput.cpp-->431] ! Module: [C:\Games\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF6D155859D], Fun: [CActor::IR_OnKeyboardPress()] + [1877 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\xrGame\ActorInput.cpp-->134] + [12 byte(s)] ! Module: [C:\Games\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF6D14E3198], Fun: [CLevel::IR_OnKeyboardPress()] + [944 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\xrGame\Level_input.cpp-->373] + [16 byte(s)] ! Module: [C:\Games\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF6D10E204D], Fun: [CInput::KeyUpdate()] + [273 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\xr_3da\Xr_input.cpp-->181] ! Module: [C:\Games\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF6D10E29C8], Fun: [CInput::OnFrame()] + [120 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\xr_3da\Xr_input.cpp-->506] ! Module: [C:\Games\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF6D11174A3], Fun: [CRegistrator<pureFrame>::Process()] + [87 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\xr_3da\pure.h-->109] ! Module: [C:\Games\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF6D1116F2F], Fun: [CRenderDevice::FrameMove()] + [387 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\xr_3da\device.cpp-->413] ! Module: [C:\Games\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF6D11160D1], Fun: [CRenderDevice::on_idle()] + [233 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\xr_3da\device.cpp-->185] ! Module: [C:\Games\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF6D1116C1B], Fun: [CRenderDevice::Run()] + [575 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\xr_3da\device.cpp-->351] + [85 byte(s)] ! Module: [C:\Games\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF6D10DFF8A], Fun: [Startup()] + [1366 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\xr_3da\x_ray.cpp-->205] ! Module: [C:\Games\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF6D10E05ED], Fun: [WinMain_impl()] + [509 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\xr_3da\x_ray.cpp-->409] ! Module: [C:\Games\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF6D10E077F], Fun: [WinMain()] + [335 byte(s)], File-->Line: [C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\OGSR_Engine_private\ogsr_engine\xr_3da\x_ray.cpp-->430] ! Module: [C:\Games\Secret Trails\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF6D18DA68E], Fun: [__scrt_common_main_seh()] + [262 byte(s)], File-->Line: [D:\a\_work\1\s\src\vctools\crt\vcstartup\src\startup\exe_common.inl-->288] + [33 byte(s)] ! Module: [C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNEL32.DLL], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FFE726E7614], Fun: [BaseThreadInitThunk()] + [20 byte(s)] ! Module: [C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FFE72B826A1], Fun: [RtlUserThreadStart()] + [33 byte(s)] ! [24.03.23 04:52:25.905] ******************************************************************************** Дополнено 1 минуту спустя пробывал и на ультах и на минималках , искал решения в гугле нашёл только играйте без обысков ((
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  21. I am dead Hello I downloaded the latest version of the game from the reference links. After accepting the mission to hunt wild boar, I can't get out of the village: FATAL ERROR [error]Expression : false [error]Function : CControlAnimationBase::UpdateAnimCount [error]File : D:\a\OGSR-Engine\OGSR-Engine\ogsr_engine\xrGame\ai\Monsters\control_animation_base.cpp [error]Line : 528 [error]Description : Error! No animation: stand_attack_run_left_ for monster esc_food_boar Thanks for your help. https://disk.yandex.com/d/fFYKDA5CM8JWmQ
  22. FATAL ERROR [error]Expression : <no expression> [error]Function : CInifile::r_section [error]File : Xr_ini.cpp [error]Line : 544 [error]Description : fatal error [error]Arguments : Can't open section 'string_table'. Please attach [*.ini_log] file to your bug report Когда я играл в аномали, у меня пропал свет, и после того как мне врубили я пытался его запустить, но он ни в какую
  23. Can we please have a Google drive link for the ADDITIONAL MODS? I cannot use Yandesk in my country :(
  24. Подскажите, как скомпилировать только спавн ТЧ уровня? Смотрел тутор данного товарища, но при компиляции оригинального кордона выдает ошибку: FATAL ERROR [error]Expression : fs [error]Function : xrLoad [error]File : .\compiler_load.cpp [error]Line : 68 [error]Description : can't load build.cform Что я упускаю? 1. Make game 2. Make AI-Map 3. Батник @start bins\xrAI.exe -f l01_escape